a : THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. JULY. 26. . 1904., :': U. CITT SJ0TICE8. i fropobed sever n tmi start, ars HIT THIRTIETH STREETS. Bailee U hers given that at th aaeerlng f the Council- ef the ( It of Portland, ore foe, held en the- Stub day of Jul, 1W4, (h t Jullowlng resolution was adopted; ' Reeolred, Tat the Comic if of th City of rortiano, urco. aeem u cxneaieni ana pru pne to eonstruct a eewer In Uic btark Street and Eaat Thirtieth Btreet from the eaat Uua "of East Twenty ninth Direct In tha aewer la East Thirtieth Blroet near Eaat Htark Street, a. Id Ht-r to ha at vltrliled sewer pip of len Inch clear tnsld dleinrter with all neeee ' eary catultbaslaa. imnlwih-a. lauiphole aud fciaiichaa. Bald aawr t 'ba constructed la acoordahe with tba Charter Bad Ordluanrw of tha City ...... f Portlaad and tha plan, scarifications and MtimitM ot too i ity Engineer Bird in tba of flea of tba Auditor of tlx City of Portland e-i tha IStb day af July, luoa, Indorsed: "City Eulneer' a Uua and eoecinratlona for a arwr la teat Htark Street and Kaat Thirtieth Street - from lb aaat Una of beat Twenty-ninth a tree t to tha aaer la ' Eaat Thirtieth Btreet near East Htark Street and the estimate of- tha ork to ba Oom and la a brvbbl total aoat thereof." The cost of (aid hewer to ba aaaraaia aa , : provided by the city Charter upon the prop esly specially benefited thereby aad which la . Hereof nectars to Da aa lollowe: ta I, K, 10 aad tba araat IT feet of lot . block 14. Hanson's Second Addition; lota t and S. In birch 4, Cameron' Addition: lota 1 and 2. In block 1. and loU t and 2. la block 3, alaor Gates' Addition. Tha Engineer' aatlmata of tha probable total , cost for tha construction of . Mid Mwer . la ('1 00. . . . ..'..' Tha plana, peetilcntlon and eatlmatea of tha City Engineer fur tba construction af aald aawer are hereby adoted. - kesolted, Ths lee Audi toe of the - CM ty f s fWilaad ba and ba la hereof directed to fire ' notice of ffaa propoaed construction af aald , aawer aa provided by tha (Clty (.'barter. Remonstrances sgslnst tba above sewer mT - Be uird in writing with tba antleraignea with - in U dara fronv the date af the Brat pobUcar - uon or inia aotira. , .- - . B order of tba CoonHt. ' ' ' , Aadltor of tha dtr af rortland. Pnrttand. - Oregiuv July J3. iftOd. - ABiEiaiczjiT rom mriOTKjtEMi or xait " TSIKJ, BTXEXT. , . KoHea la barebf glran that tba Ooandl af tha ('Itr of .Portland, Oregon, at a marling held ea tba BOtb day of Jnly, 19trt. declared tha aaaeaament by ordinance - No. 14. w. for tba Imnrorentent of Kaat Third atreet. from tba north Una of Eaat Dane atreet to a Use 100 feet north or tba north una or Eaat iwru atreet. la tha manner provided by ordlnanca Nu. 13. W2, ap.ni each lot, part of lot and parcel af land, wblch ara aperlallr and peculiar 1 benefited, to be aa fnllowa. via: v KABT POUTLAND BLOCK T lot I. LoofaM 11. Moore Katata, heira or. anaii ; . ki , 1-ool.a H. Moora KaUta. balra of, (07.8a. Toi.l. liAl.aa. A atatement of afnreeald aaaraamant baa bran entered la the Itarket of City I.lene. and la now Ana and payahla at tha orriee or ta t'lty Tieaaurer. In lawful mosey of tha Tatted Btatea. ' and If aot paid within 80 dara from tba daM ot toia Mm, anca procaeoinga win n tun for tha collection of the earae aa ara. oaovlded br the charter of thM!ltT of Portland. Tba abora (aaaaament will bear liitereet 10 aaya after tba ftrat publication of thla Bonce. THt)S. C. DEVLIN, - Aadltsr af tba City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 23. ISO. AMEB8ME1TT TO IMPBOTIMEaTT 0T HAW TH01KI ATIMUE, , Notice la bereby given that tba Council at tba - ftty of T'nrtlmd. Oragoa, at a meeting bold ea tba )th day of July, 1H04. declared tha - aaaaaemeot by ordinance Ko. 14.096, tor tba Im provement of Hawthorn avenwe. from the weat . una or Eaal Eleventh atreet ta tna eaat UM of Btepben'a donation land claim, ta tha man ner arovtded br ordlnanca No. 11.501. noon each " lot, part af lot and parcel of land, which are epeeiaur aad peculiarly Deaented, aa ba aa fol' Iowa, via: . ' UaWTHOB"! PARK BLOTKH, boatb 100 J reet af eaat 100 feet of block B, Tha Haw thorne Eotate. $43 M. It LUCK SB2. lot 4, Ixlnlaa II. Botea aad Calherlna H. Berk. : 1 1M.4S; lot . Leu lee H. Bolt and Catherine H. Beck, 124.40; kit , Loolae H. Bold and - Catherine It. Berk, 10.00;. lot 6, Lou lea H. txaa ana latnertae a. Heck, (201.B4. hUXh ' wl. lot 4. Loaiaa U. Bola aad Catberlaa H. . Beck. 202.ST: lot S. Loulaa H. Bolae aad , Catherine 11. Beck, fM.iio; lot . Loulaa B. - Bolae aad Catherine H. Beck, HT.M lot 6, " Ixoia II. Bole and Catharine H. Beck. 1 0. BUK'K 102, lot 4. The Hawthorne eatata, 11U7.24: lot , The llawthorn Eatate, ' ,'J. in. i. m ev. - ... i wo. ' lot I, Tba Hawthorn Eatata. 1)3. To. BI.OCK . . UM, lot 4, Tba Hawthorne Eatata, fcil4.MI 1.. a ek. u.b... r i . m j'i a i . i... a I Tha Hawthorn Ketat. 1JT.M; lot 6, Tba Hawthorne Batata. n i KENWOKTHT'B AUDITION to Eaat Portland BLOCK IS. lot 4, D. T. Browa. f2l.7B; lot . - I. V. T. Browa, 3S no; jot , Joalah U. Tllton. lot i, Joalab , E. Tlltne. lao.W. LOCK IV lot 4. Amanda W. Bead. (71.43; t I. Amanda W. Heed. 128.(11 lot a, . Amanda W. Itaed. (24.43: lot ft. Amanda W. Read. (TOM. BLOCK 11. lot 4, William C. Noon. (104.10: lot S, William 0. Noon, ,-. (W IS; lot , William C. Koon, ('.: bit . - Wllllaa 0. Noon, (ml 10. BLOCK 12. )ot 4. ' HaraMa H. Joaea, (n.00; lot (, Herman H. Joore, (25.4 lot . atlania B. Locke, (31.07; lot B, Minnie B. toek. (M.M. BLOCK 11. lot 4. WUUam 0. Kooa. (188.al lot a, William C Moon. ITS SI. rTRPHE.NB' ADDlTtON to Beat Portland BLOCK 130, weat 44 lot 8, Tbomaa A. and ' Barak Edward. (1 Ta; weat H lot T, Tbomaa A. and Sarah Edward. -(l.Ta; aaat U lot 1. - - William Denbohn. (3.4S eaat 54 lot I,. Wll- Ilaia Denbolm. (S 44. BLOCK 121, lot L W. I. Lead Petate. belra of. (lOS.M; lot W. B. Ladd Eatata, belra af. (V).; lot f, W. 8. Ladd Batata. balra of, (18 14; tot , ' W. 8. Ladd Eatata, belra of, (182.40. LAUD'S ADDITION to tho City of Portland BLOCK I, let 1. Charle E. Ladd. (3T1.4S-, lot t, W. ft. Land K.tate, belra of, (26U; lot 8, W. I. Ladd Katete. belra of. ii2.ni lot 4. W. 8. Ladd Eatata, belra of, (S So; lot 10. Charle. E. Idd. (11.11 1 lot . Charier B. . Ladd, 1-13.S3; lot a. Cbarlea E. Ladd. (1U.27: lot (, Charle I. Ladd. (WT.lf. BLOCK 14, lot L Charle R. Ladd. (106.20: lot X, Cbarlea E. Y.add. f:9.14: lot S, Charlea B. Ladd. fri.22; lot 4. Charle X. Ladd, (67.08: tot T, harlaa E. Ladd, (6T.M: lot 8, Charlea K. . Ladd. (M.3 lot 11. Charle . Ladd. (72. M; lot 12, Charlea E. Ladd. (tlT.Sl; lot IK, Cbarlea , E. Idd. (6T.M; kit 10, Charlea K. Ladd, rlT.Bl; lot 10, Charlea B. Ladd, (79.13; lot I, Cbarlea E. Ladd. (DI M; lot 21, Cbarlea . E. Ladd, (fV T2. BLOC K 10. kt 23, Cbarlea E. Udd, (WT.8T: lot to, Charlea B. Ladd, (H2.Tn; lot IB. . Charlea E. Ladd. (tO.M; lot , id, Cbarlea E. Ladd. (Att.T7l lot 1ft, Charle E. Ladd. (75.26; lot 12. Cbarlea B. Ladd, (-I0.nl; lot II, Charle H. Idd, (nfl.an; lot ' ft, Charlea E. Ladd, (67.81 ; t T, Cbarlea T" E. Idd. (oT.fW; lot 4. Cbarie It. Ldd, . (As (17; lot 8. Charle . Lartd, (MJ.lo; lot 2, Cbarie E. I-add. 1100.12; kit 1, Cbarlea E. ; Ladd. (187 M. BLOCK BO, lot 8. Cbarie E. Ladd. (2U0 M; lot . Charle F. I(d, (45 44: Irtt . Charle, E. Ladd, (3TK2; lot 3, . '-Charle B. Ladd. (1T.M: kit 2, Charle E. Mdd, (20.28; kit 1, Cbarlea K. Ladd. t.'M3 0 . Itlarbt of way Oregon Water Power A Railway company, (iai.24. Total. (.24a.2T. A atatement of afbreaald aaaeaament ba been entered la the Docket of City Lien, and la now due and payable at tba office ef the City Treaaurer. In lawful money of tb TTnlbrd R la tea. and If not paid within 10 dare from tha data bt thla notice, aueh proceeding will be taken for the on lert Ion of the a me a are provided br b charter of tha City ot Portland. Tba ahov aaaeaameot will bear Interest 10 ' day after tba flrat publication of thla nolle. TIIOB. O. DEVLIN, ' Auditor of the City of Portlaad. Portland, Oregon. Inly 22. 1004 - yioroaEO arwim in vkekcrxb aed WXXLIT BTRrtTB. . ..... Kotlc r bereby given tbat at the meeting ' of tb Council of tho City of Portland. Ore. goo, held on the 20th day of July, 1W04, tb following revolution waa adopted: Reeolved. That the Connrll of tba City of r Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro 1 poae In cona tract a newer In laVKereher and - Wl I ley Btreeta from 100 feet north tf tb north ' ln of Hawthorne Avenue to the aewer la Kaat Thirty -third Street at Wilier atreet, aald aewer to n of vitrified rawer pip of eight Idrhea clear Invlder diameter with all Becee aary eatebbaalu. lampbolea, ' maabolea aad branchea. Bald rawer te be ennatrnated ta accordance - with the Charter and Ordtnancea ef the City af Portland and the plana, epeclncatlon and eatlmatea of - tb City Engineer tied In tb . office ot tb Aadltnr of th City of Portland . n tha ldtb day of July, 1W.4, Indoraed: ''City Eaglneer'a plan and epclncatlone for a aawer In McKercber and Wllley Btreeta from 100 - feet north of th north line of Hawthorn Avenue to aewer In Eaat Thh-tj third H treat ' at Wllley Street, and tba cellmate of tb work ta b done aad tba probabl lota aoat tbereof." . - Th Onet af aald newer to be aeaeeeed a provided by tb city Charter noon tb prop ' rty epceHHy nenrnied thereby aad whtcb M bareriy declared to ba a follow: Lota 1, 2, f, a. la block B: lota 1, 2, 8, and weet 24 , feet of lot T. In block C: lot 1 and tha weat 2C feet of M 2. In block D; and kta 1, 8. a. 4, . " 8. , T, (, ft, 10, Jl, 12. to block A, Cherry dale. Tha Englneer-a aatlmata of tba pmbabl total .,. coat fo tb toaatrucUoa of aald aeWer ' ta (do.n.on. To plana, aperlRcatloaa and eatlmatea of th ftty Engineer for the cowat ruction of aald aewer are bereby adotited. Reeolved. That the A editor of th City of Portland be and be M hereby directed to glra . antic of th proooeed eonatrurtlnn of aald - aewer a provided by th city Charter. Remnnatraece aajalnat th ahov aewer may ba Bled In writing with tb ndertcned wrth V ' In 20 dart from th data of th drat public- Uon ef thla notice. t , " . By arder af th Canned. , Tho. C. TTEVl.t. Auditor of the CHr of portlaad.' , Parflaad. Oregon, Jul) S3. 1B04. CITT B0TICEB. P10P08EB 1MPE0TEMEET 0T TH ; STEZir. . Ifotlca la hereby gives that at tba meeting of the Council of th City of Portland, Oregon, held aa the KOth day of July, 1V04. the follow tu 'resolution waa adVAteil: Iteeolved, That the Council of tha City of Portland, Oregon; deema It aapedlent and pro- p.nve V I 111 (MTJT . HI IB Bim lle wirth Una ef uiiaaa street to" the seutb Uu ef I tort atreet by aonatructltal artificial atua aldewalka. Bald luintvmnt ta be made la accordance with the charier aad ordinance of tb Cllr f Portland and the plane, opadflcatlona and et-Hmate of the ctty Euirlarer.' filed In the office of tb Auditor ot tb City of Portland on ina J inn day or July, i:kh. indoraea: -city fcngtneer'a plana and apeclncarkaie fur tb lin proremefit of Nlutb atreet from tba aorth line of Kllaan atreet to the aontb Una ef lioyt atreet and the eatlmatea of the work to be) duaa and tba probable total coat thereof." Th coat of aald Improvement to bo aaeeasrd a provided by tho Hty charter upon the prop erty epe-lally benefited thereby and whlcb la bereby declared so be aa follow: Lota a and a, block 78: lot 1 and 4. 5 and B. block T4. all In Conch's addition to tb Cltr ot Portland. Tha Engineer1 eat I mate of the probable total rrt for tb ImproveiBeat of aald Ninth atreet I (ftti.oo. Th plana, apeclflcattona and estimate af tb City fugl peer tr the Improvement t aald Mntb street ars bereby adopted. Reaulved. Teat the Auditor of tb City of Portland be and b I bereby directed to glv notice of the proposed Improvement of aald atrtet aa proviaea or tna city charter. - RemoBatranoee agalnat th abov Improvement may be fi!ed In writing with tb ti.i.lereUued wiinm zu aara irom tba Oat of tba first puu- watKm ei inia notice. Jhf ardor ot tbe Council. -r -THOM. C rtETLlrt. ' - Andttor uf tbe City ot Portlaad. Portland, Oregon, July 28, 1004, . ABUBSMZITT TOE rifPEOVEalZEI OP ZA8T . DATIB STREET. - Notlc I bereby given tbat tb Oooncll hf th Pile A. Wvtl.nrf ,1, . .... -. . I tb Both day of July, llrfa. declared tb assess ment by ordinance If a. 14.004. for tb Improve ment of East Ixvls atreet, from the, eeater line of Kaat Second street to th weat Una of I nloa avau. fn the - manner' firovhled be ordlnanca fin. 18.MS, ano cb lot, pert of Kit -era parcel or nao, wnica r specially BOB pecuuariv oenenreq. to D aa rol Low, via: EAST PORTLAMD BLOCK 60, lot 4. Oregoa aV California Railroad (aimnany, (02.04; lot 8. - Oregon A California Railroad Company. 81 88. : BLOCK Ta, kit 4, Louisa M. Moors Eatsts, heir of, (M.aUt- lot 8. Louisa H. btoor - Ksutd. belra of. (2S 13) lot B. Lonlaa H. , lluur Eatata. belra of, (4.MI; lot (. . Lootaa . H. Uoer Eetale, belra of. (31.07. B1XKK s. tot 1, Caroline. Ana and Marietta Mntaadorffar, (S1.8S; lot a. Carolina, Ann and Marietta Meuaadorrrer, . 14 87: bit T. Csrolln. Ana and Marietta Jdeuaadorffer. (7-Bu; bit 8, Caroline. Ana' and Marietta Meosadortfer. (15.06. BLOCK T5. kK 1. Michael A. 1'llnn. (14.18; lot 2. Michael '., A. FUnn, (3.8T; lot 7, Rftert H. and Prank . Ixilln and Mary L. Pratt, 84.23; lot 8, Robert , fi. and rrank Loner ana Mary L. watt, (29s. ToUI. (3838. A statement of aforesaid aaaeaament baa bee entered la tb Docket ef City Uesa, and la now due and papabm t tb erne or tho city leearer. In lawful money of th TJnlted Statea. and It not paid within 80 daya from tba data or uia notice, anca proceeding will be taken for tb eollertloa of tbe'eame aa are provided br tha charter af tha Cltr of Portland. ' Tb a boV aaeeeement will bear Interest 10 day after tba first publics uoo of this notlc. rutin, o.- liEVLii, ' Auditor of tb City of .Portlaad. Portland. Oregon, July '22. lntH. PROPOBED XHPR0TEMEVT Of DATIB . ' STREET. - . Notlc la hereby clven that at the meeting of tho Council ot tho City of Portland. Oregon, beta en toe suta any or juiy, lava, ta follow lnar reeolntlen waa adooted: Resolved, That the Council bt tb City ot Portland, Oregon, dee me It expedient and pro- iposs to 1 tup rev a uavia atreet rrom la reet eeat of tb west Una of Twinty-flrst street t 13 feet weet of the at 11 n of Twenty aaeond atreet, la th roiiowing manner, to-wit: v i lrat By grsding tb atreet ruu width wira Tull Intereectlona to tba rabgrade aa glvea by the l it, janelneer. rlecond uy on aging trie anriec ox ino sxreev roil widtb with ruu laterseeuona aa proper grade wlta macaaam. , ' inironr amairscunr sroasrwsjan. ' rourth By conatructlag artificial atoo Ma walka. . Bald Improvement to ba mad la accordance with the charter and ordinance of tba City f Portland and th plana, a pectfi cation and estimate of th Ctty Bnrtneer, tiled la tb office of tb Auditor of the. City of Portland oa tb lnta day af Jaly, 1004. Indoraed: "City Engineer's plan and epeclncatlon- tor tn im nmMmsnt of I la via atreet from 12 feet t f tba wait Una Of Twenty-nrst atreet te 12 feet weet of ths east line of Twentr-aecoad atreet and tba aatlmata of th work (a b dun and tba probable total cost tnereol." . Tb met of ld improvement to b aaeed provided by th city chartrr upon tbe prop erty apertally benefited thereby and which H hereby declared to be all tb lota, part of lot and- na reels of land lvlng between a Una 100 feet north of aad parallel with tha north ltn ot Dcvta tret and a Una 100 feet aoatb of and parallel with tha aoatb Una or Dart atreet and between tb weet line t Twenty-Brat atrt and tb eeat Ha of Twenty -second etreet. Th Engineer' estimate of tb probahl total coat tor tba Improvement at aald Davis atreet I (1,4H.0. ' The ahov lmnrovmBt la to b classed aa a . ace dam Improvement and shall be maintained by tbe city for a period or av year, provided that th owner of a malorlty of tba property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof ahall not petition for a aew or differ ent Improvement anra u expiration ox euca in plana, apeciucstiosH. sua veriirmseo ei saw City Engineer ror. in improvement ot. nam riavla atreet ar berebv adonted. Resolved, Tbat tb Auditor of tb City of Portlaad be and ha ta bereny directed to give notice of tbe Broncard Improvement at aald arrest aa provided br th city charter. HemoDatraoce agalnat to a Dove im prove msnt may be filed In writing with th undersigned within 20 daya from tb data- of tba first pub lics tlos or this none. By order e tna council. - TIlOS. C PETMTf. ' " Auditor ot the City ot Portland. Portland. Oregon, Jury 23, 1004. PROPOSED SEWER IE THIRD STREET. Notlc la bereby given tbat at tb meeting of tb Council of the City o Portland. Ora goa, held oa the xutn aey or juiy, awu, dm fnliowln reeolntlon was adooted: Resolved, Thst tb Council of tb City of Portland, Oregon, deema It axpeaient aad pro poeca te eonatrurt. a sewer la Thard Street from 10 feet south of th aorth line of Mead Street to tb aewer In Marquam tialrb, aald aewer to be of vitrified ewr pip of eight Irchea clear Inside diameter With all nce ary ratchbaalna, lamp ho lea, manhole and Hald aewer ta ba cowat rnc ted la aneiajdanc with th Charter and ordinance or tn Cltr uf Portlaad and tb plana, epeclncatlon and eatlmatea of th City Englaecr Bled In the office of tho A editor of tbe City of Portland oa tb Hth day of July, It. Indoraed: "City Engineer a plan ana epeclncatlon. ror tn con struction of a sewer In Third Htreet from IS feet south of tbe, north Una ef Mead Htreet to aewer la Marqiitm Gulch, and th estimate of the work to a dob aad tba probabl total coat tbaraot." Tbe coat ef aald aewer to ba assessed, a provided br th City Charter apoa tb prop erty specially benefited thereby and which m bereby declared to be all the1 lota, part of lot and parcel of land lying bet ween a line 100 feet weat of and parallel with th Weet line of Third Street and a Una 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tb eaat line ot Third street, ana between tn sou in iin ni armor Htreet and a ltn 00 feet aontb of and parallel With the south line ot Mead Street. . Th Engineer's eetlmat ef tba probabl total crat for tb construction of aald sewer Is 150 00. . v Th nlsn. aneclAcattona and rati mate of the City Engineer tor th ro na traction of aald aawef are bereby adopted. 1 evolved. Tbat the Auditor of tb City of PocsJand be end be I berehr directed to aive ttntleW of th proposed censtrnction of saVi swerV aa provided bv thy Cltr Charter. Remrmetrances sgslnst th shove sewer may bo Bird In writing wltb tb anderslrned with in 20 nays rrom tn oat ot ui oral puouca tin of tbt notice. By order el tn unnneii. TIH. C lRTf.tK. Auditor ef tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 23, I004. PR0P0BALS P0R D0O TAOS. Sealed nruooeala will he received at tb inc of th Auditor of th City of Portland antll 8 o'clock p. m. Tuesday. July SB. 1004,- for furnishing I. at hi metal dog tags, ssmplr to be submitted wltb bid. No Dniooaal will be conaldered an leva ceomponted by a cert 1 fled check psyahle to tb order of th Mayor f the City of rortland for twenty-five dollar. Tb right ta reject any and au blda la harb reerrved By order of tb Etecntlr Board . GEO. H. HnWFLL, - ,. H. W. 00DDARD. Commlttea. Portland. Oregon. July IB. 1004. CALL FOR rAPROTEMEMT B0ED8. ta arenrdanc wltb th pmvlatan t evdlaanc No. 14.104. paased by tbs Co net I af the Cltr ef Portland oa Julv 20, ife4, nolle la hereby given that th Improvement bonda, anmhered conaecnllvely T40 ta TBT, both bnmher Inclaelv, ar hereby called for redemption, Tbe far vain with accrued Interest thereon will be paid anon present llpb of asld bonds at th office of th undersigned en th 1st day af August, lfrH, tb -aid data being a anl-annnl ennnoa Berlod. Prom and after said data tha tntsreat .on aald bo da ahall cms. s u. wfiu.sji!;, city Treaaurar, portlaad. Oregoav J!y 22, 1004, CITT K0TI0XS. PR0P0BED ntPROTEatERT OP OLADST0EE ATEEUEV . Kotlc 1 harsby glvea that at tb meeting of tb Council of tb Cltr tit Portland. Oregon, neld o the 20th dar of July. lwu. to follow log resolution waa adopted: Reaulved. Tbat th Council of th City at Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro poses teMmprovs ti la da tone aveun from tb east line of Bryant atreet to the weat 11 n ef rr iineais tract, in tne Iwuowin manner, sa-vni: llrat Br aradlnar ths street full width Wltb full Intersection to tb proper grd a give by tbe City Engineer. Second By . eunatrnctlng wooden aldewalka ua ecouraanc with the city a-ag inter a pseaa. sitcinrauoaa ana esnmares. Third By eouen-urtlng crosswalk. Fourth Br aiastrarllua bog a utter. Bald Improvement to be mad la accordance with tbe charter and ordinance of th Cltr f Portland and th plan, apdciflcatlon and sriiaaates or tna city a.ngineer. tiie in toe office of tb Auditor f the city ef Portland on th IRtk dar of Julv. ltt4. Indorsed: "Cltr Engineer's plan and epeelnca tloaa fur tha Im- i-rorement or uiaaaun vu rrom xn asx line ef Brrnnt afreet to tho weet Una of Will Ism tract and tba eatlmatea ef the work ja b don aad th probabl Utal seat tbereof." Th cost of aad Improvement to be assessed as provided by the riiy charter apoa tb prop erty apecUlly benefited thereby and which I aerebr declared to be all tb lota, oarta af lot and parcela of land lying between a Una luO reer nortn ot ana parallel with tn aerta una of Gladatone avenue aud a Una lot) feet eostb of and parallel wltb th aoatb Una of Ulad atoB avanu and between tb aaat lln of Brrant atreet sad a lln aaO feet east at and ptrsllel with tba eaat lln of Kenllwarib. .Tb Engineer' estimate of th probable total coat Bur th improve exeat ef aald (iladatou airnue I (U,Z2S.oi. Th plana, specifications d aatlmata ef th City Engineer for tb Improvement of aald Cladstona avenue ar berettr adooted. Renolvad. Tbat tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland a aad as la bereby lrected to air nullc of tbe propod Improvement at aald avenua aa provided by tbe city charter. . Remonstrance agalnat the abov Improvement nay ba filed lu writing with tb naderalgned within SO days from tba data of tba first b- iicauoa or tnia no lire. , . . . By arder of tb CoondL '. TH8. a BBFLtJI. ' ' AadHur af tb City of portlaad. Portland. Orag.m, July 23, liot. PROPOSED ZXPROTEMEIt OF MAPLE STREET. Ifotlc la bereby given tbat at tba meeting or th Council of the City or rortland. tiregoa, held aa th 20th day of July, 1804. tbe follow lnar resolution was adooted: V Iteeolved. Tbat tb Coaacl! ef the' City ef roru&ae, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro pose to lm or ire Maple etreet from tb westerly line of Mllwauklo atreet to th eaaterlr Uu of First avnao, .la tba following manner, W- rirst. By gradlnt tb street fall width wltb full Intersection to tba sab-grade a give by th City Engineer, Second. By bringing the snrfac of tb atreet full width with full Intersection to grade wltb gravet. xnira. try oonarrumng weoaea ainawaixa. Fourth. By cbnatructlng wooden Crsaawaika. s"lflh. By aoaatrwctlog box and atoae gut tsrs. ' Bstd fmomvement to he mad la accordance wltb tha charter and ordinance of th. City f Portland and tbe plana, specification and extlmatee.ot tba City Engineer, filed In tb ffteo of tb Auditor ot tho City of Portland on tb Jflth day f July, 1B04, Indorsed: "City Engineer' ' plana and epeolfleatlona for tba lmorovement of Man Is atreet from tba weeterlr lln ef Mllwaakle street to tb eeererly Un of r lrat avenua aad tb eatlmatea or tna work te be dona and tha probabl total aoat tbsraef." . Tbs coat of aald Improvement to bo aseeeeed a provided by tb city charter pon tb prop erty pcllly baneBted thereby and wblch la hereby declared to b all tb lots,- porta -of Kit ana parcel ox la no tying otwn a un loo feet north of and parallel with tha north lln of Mania atreet and a. lln 100 feet aontb f and parallel with tha aontb Una of Mapl atreet. ana Between tn westerly una or mi wausie .atreet aad tbe aaatarly Baa ef First avenua. Tha BnxlBra aatlmata ef the brobabl total cost for tb lot prove meat of aald Maple' trt IS 2,XOO.UV Th above tmorovewterit la to ba elaaasd aa a gravel lirjproveuieet aad ahall b maintained by tn city tor a penoa ox xivo year; provioea, that th mm ef a malorlty of tbe property hssefited by sa Id Imnrovement or any portion thereof ahall not petition tor a new or different lmprovejmsat bafere tha expire Uoa at each period. . Tbe plan, peciflcatlooa and -atlmare or tb CMy Engineer for tb Improvement ef aald alanl atreet ar nrenr nonntea. Reeolved. That tb Auditor of tb City ef Portland be aad ba la hereby directed to glv notice af tb propoeed Improvement ef said street a provided br tba cltr charter. at monstrance agalnat tna anovo improvsmenr mar be filed In wrltlnr with th anderaurned within SO dava from the data af the first pab ucatwa or in is notice. By order of tb Council. , , TH08. C. nTU, ' ' ' Auditor ot tb City of Porflan. Portland. Oregon, July 23. I904, ABdESSMEirr FOR SEWER Uf HAhULTOE AvERTTE. RotJaa U berehr siren tbat tha Oooncll of tba City ot Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held ea the JMtb day ot July, 1904, declared the a as seamen t by ordlaane No. 14, Odd, for tba construction of a aewr In Hamilton avenue, from 2B west of tb weat line of Illinois atreet to a aoonectloa with the aewer la Hamilton avs- nu at Flrat street. In tb manner nrovlded bv ordinance N. 1S.9&B, apon each lot. part of lot end parcel of land, which ar epaclally and peculiarly nnentea, to pa aa rot tows, vis: PORTLAND HOMESTEAD BLOCK 17. aohdt vialon A of kit 2. Jaauella B. Lewie. (11.4.1: aiindlvlxlon R of j or lot a, ded H ef Isabella B. Lewla. ((UK); undivided ef snbdl vlaloo C of M 1 D. Jacob. (1.00; undivided U ef eubdl vision C of lot 1. Mary O. HI ma Eatata. heir of. (I.eA BLOCK 14. aoatb 100 feet et lot 8. Jennla Porter. (74.70; aontb 100 feet ef lot 2. Alonso W. Wltbsrell. 174 70. BLOCK If. south 100 feet of south weet of lot 8, Joseph M. Nlrkom, (88.U; oatb 100 feet ot oatbsast 14 of lot B. Blown Sterner. 138 38 1 aoatb 100 test of kit 2, Joseph BUewbrldg Estate, belra of, (79.7(1. BLOCK 18, north 100 feet ot th east 50 feet of lot 1. Felix Flndley, 36.. BLOCK 10, weat 42U feet ot eeat 85 feet ot north 100 feet of lot 4. Or Ells Sanford, (30.46; Met 424 feet of north liJ feet of lot 4. Otl .. Sanford , Est its, heir of, (IM.sC; weet 424 feet at north wo reet or mi , ureen, asaw: aat 42Va feet f weet 85 feet of north 100 reet or jo I , jonni xx. nicsnni, au.d; nocth 108 ft ef lot 1. Tbomaa fieri neldev. ?121.0. BLOCK 10. weat 42t fee of north 00 feet ef lot 4, Arnold Riuterhole, (30.45: aat 42M feet of west 85 feet f aorth 109 feet of lot 4, II. Ulldebrand. .(30.4ft; et 85 feet et aorth 100 feet of lot 4, William ,A. Lwtav (tM.00) north 100 feet of lot 1. Oregon California Railroad Goenpaay, (121.B0. Total, (8ri2.80. A statement of aforesaid assess meet hss been entered la the Docket of Ctty I .tens, aad 1 Dow dna and narahle at tba office ef tha City Treaaurer, In lawful money ef tba t'nlted Statea. and If not paid within bo daya from tba date ot tbla notice, each proceeding will be taken for tb oollectlen of tb Mm are. provided by the charter of th City of Portlaad. Tb abov aeeement will bear tntereot 10 day after tb flrat publication of this notlc. , imi. u. iixTun, , Auditor of tba City at Portlaad. Portland;" Oregon, July 22. 104. PROPOSED SEWER In RAST BE00BTD STREET. ' , Nnrtea la beretir riven that at the mearln of tb Council of the City of Portland. Or. rnn, held on the SOth day of July, 1804. tb Following resolution was adopted: - Keanlved. Tbat ths Council ot tb City of Portlaad, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro poses to construct a aewer In East Second Street from tba renter Un of Oregon Street tn connection with tba aewer tn Kt Ollss Htreet, Mid sewer to bo of vitrified aewer pip with all neeeaeary ratchbaalna. manholea. lamnhole and brancbea, and to be of the fol lowing dlmenalona; of eight Inch clear In eld diameter from th center Un of Oregon Street to a point tn Eaat Irving Street at East Second Street; tbeoe of tea lnche clear In side diameter to a connection with the aewer la East OUsaa Street. X Paid aewer ro o eormrrsjevea in accordance with tbe Charter and Ordinance of th Cltr of Portland and th plans, speciacatlona aad estimate of th city Engineer Bled In tbe rrteo of. the Auditor of tho iltv of Pwrtlan on th ldth day of Jo. 1004. Indorsed: "City Final near a plan ana peciaationa ror a sewer la Eaat Second Street from tb enter line of Oregon Street to th sewer In Kaat OMaan Street aa tb eatimate of tb work to a don and tb probe bis total coot tbereof." The cost of Mid aewer to be aaaeeeed a provided by the city Charter upon th prop erty epeclsllr bencflted thereby snd which Is hereby declared to be all th rote, parts of lota and parcel fit land Lvlng between ttM 100 feet Mt of and parallel wltb tbe eaat lln of East Second Street sad a Us loo feet weet of and parallel with th west lias 'vf Eaat Bemud Street, and between a tine 100 north of and parallel with th north line of East tillaan Street and a line HI feet north ef and parsllel .wtta ua nortn una of Oregon Street. Tbe Engineer' estlmata of tb probabl total coat for th construction ef a sew In Mid (Mat Second Street I (r.no. Tb plans, eoecineaimn ana esvimatas ef tb City Earineer for the Mntrwcttoa ef Mid wee are nereny aoopreo. . Resolved. That th Auditor ef tha City of Portland be and I hereby directed to giv notlc of tb proposed annerrnetlon of Mid aewer m provided by th City charter. Remonstrance against tb ahr-ve aewer may b Bled in writing with tbe Bnderslgned with in 2 days rrom tn data er tae Brat pukUcs- tlnn ef th!4 notlc. By arder ei in ueancti. ' THOS. fl. PEvl.t". Aadltnr of tb Cltr of partisan. PariUaoV Oregecv Jaly. 23, 1004. CITT HOTlCfcS. PROPOSED CHAR0E DF 41RASK OF EAST UBAjr STREET. Notlc la berehr given that at tha meeting f tb Council of th City of Portland, Ore. Jon, held o th toth day of July, luu. tbs ullowlng rswilution waa adopted: Reeolved. 1'hat th Oounrll of the City of Portland. - Oregon, Seen II expedient and pro Poaee to chsnaa th grade of Eaat Ullaaa Street at Eaat Second Htreet from o.nii feet to SJ HO feet, and at Eaat Third Street from Tl.M feat to T4.SO feet, above th base f city grade. Resolved. That tb Aadltnr et tb City of Portland be and he I hereby directed t gig otic of ta propueeo; change or grso ox Miu street es provided by ths City Chsrter. Remonstrance agalnat the abeve Chang of grade mar be flled Is writing with the under lgned within SO day from tba data af tb Brat ptihllcatio of tbl notlc. . By order of tb Council. . , - . - THOS. C PEVLIN. Auditor et the City at Portland. July SS. Iti4. PROPOSED ntPROTEaTERT OF FLARDERS STREET. '.'' - . ' Notlc I herety given tbst st tb meeting ef tb Council of tb City of Portland. Oregon, held en tb Kith day of July, lvo. tba follow ing resolution waa adopted: Resolved. That tb Council of tb City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro pose tntmprur Flanders street from th weat Un of Third atreet to the Mat Un ot Fourth treat by coos trading artlnctal atoa aldewalka without car. Said tmivemnt to be made In accordance with tha chartrr aad ordinance ot th Cltr t Portland sad ths plans, speeaflrsttooe and estimates of th City Engineer, filed In the office of th Auditor of tb City ot Portland on tb 2"tbr day of Jury.-14. tndorsrd:- "City t ur 1 neer ' a plan and apecincatkme fur the Im- ircvemcnt of rlar-ders street from tbs weet In of Third street to the east line ef Fourth street end th eatlmatta ef the work to b ooue and tha probabl total coat thereof." Tbe coat of Mid Improvement to b aaeessed ss provided by th city chsrter noon tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby and which ra berehr declared to be as follows s. Let 8 and T. block S. Conch'- addition t th City of Portland. Ilia BntinMr's-Mtlmat of tb probable total rat for th improvement of Mid F lander atreet la (200.00. Tb plan, aperinratlno and eatlmatea of th City Engineer for tb Improvement . ef - aald f lander atroet ar hereby adopted. , H solved. Thst tb Auditor of th Ctty of Portlaad be snd be I hereby directed to glv Botle ef tb propoeed Improvement of Mid atreet aa provided by tb city charter. Remonatrancea agalnat the ahov Improvement mar he tiled la writing with tba aaderalgned within 20 dava from tb data of the flrat pub lication ef tbla notice. By order of the Council. . riios. a TtBTLirt. 1 . . Auditor of tbe City of Portland, i Portland, Oregon, Jaly 88, iat4. PROPOSED XatPROTEMERI 01 RH0RE STREET. Ifotlca to hereby given thst at tba meeting of th Council of tb City of Portland. Oregon, held on tbe 20th day of July, 104, tbe follow ing resolution was adopted Kasni' red. Thst -tbs Council of the City et Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro. pose ,to Improve Rhon atreet from the out Um af Mllwaukl atreet to the west line et block 18. Smith's Addltloa. la tha following manner, to-wit: First. Br grading tn street ruu wintn wira fun Intersections te the Sub-grade aa given by tb City' Engineer. - Second. By bringing th etreet " fell "Width with full IntsrsMtlena to th proper Brad with travel. - - Third. By conatrnctlng woodea sidewalk ta accordance with th Cltr Engineer' nlana. specifics Uon and estimate. - roortn. tij oonatrncting woooen earn. Fifth. By oonatructing croaewalka. Sixths By aonatrnctlns atone and bos gut ters. Hald Improvement t be mad Id accordance with the charter and ordinance of. tb City ef Portlaad and tha plana, apeciflcatlon and estimate of tha Cltr Enrineer. filed In tb fflc f tb Auditor of th Cltr of Portland on tba 18th day of Jnly, VMM, Indorsed: "City Engineer's plan ana epeciricauon xer tne Imnrovement ef Rhone atreet from tha Mat line ef Mllwaukle atreet to th weat Un ef block 18, smith a Addition, -ana tne Mtimaic x tn work to be dona aad tb probable total eoet thereof." Tb met ef Mid imnrovement ta be assessed as provided ny tn city enarier noon tna pr arts aneclallr benefited thereby aad wblch hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parte of lota and parcels of land lvfaig between n Hn 100 feet north ot and parallel wltb th aorta Un of Rhone atreet and a ltn 100 feet aontb of and parsllel with ths sonth 11ns of Rhone etreet, and between tb last lln ot Mllwauke atreet and tb wast Un ol block Is, ami us avom Tba Engineer's estimate of the probable total cost for ths ImprevsBMnt of asld Rhone street la gr.OH2.uo. The Mid Imnrovement to to be classed aa a gravel Improvement and aball a maintained by in City EOT penoo OI aire ru , pnintmi, that tba wnera of a majority ot tbe property he nefi ted by asld Imnrovement or any portloa tbereof (ball not petition for a aew ar different lmnrovanMnt before the expiration at anca period. ' Tb plana, peeifl cation xnd estimates of Tns XJlty KSgineey xor coe improeeiuvus ai eaio Khnaa erreer are nereor enouieo. Resolved. That the Auditor of tbe Cltr ef Portlaad be and be is Bereny airecrea so give notlc of th proposed Imnrovement et Mid street aa provided by th city charter. Remonstrance agalnat tbe above Improvement ray be filed In writing with Tb nnderalgned within 20 dara from tbe date of tha flrat nub. Ilea Uon of. this notice. ... By order ef tb council. .... . THOS. 0, DCVLIIf. Audi tor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 23, 1004. PROPOSED ntPROTEaTERT OF THE S0TJTH KaXF OF TAILOa 11X1.11, , KnHea Is berehr riven that at tbe meeting of tbe Council of tbe City of Portland. Orecon. bold on tbe SOth day of July, 104, tb follow- In, MenlntloB Ml adonted 1 Iteeolved, Tbat the Council of tbe City of Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and pro- poaM to improv tn eouin nau or isjhw tract from tb cut curb Ha of sixteenth street ta s lln loo feet east of tbe esst Un of Sixteenth atreet by oonatrncting an arti ficial stone al dews lk In ceordence with th City Engineer a plan, psclbcstloM aad Mil- tes. b.i4 iwiiestiwisnt to be mde la accordance ertth the charter and ordinance of tb City ef Portland aad the plane, specification and estimate of th City Engineer, filed In tb offlf of tb Auditor ef the City ef Portland on the lth day of July. 14. radorsedr "Ctty Engineer a nun and specincsiions for tne im- eeeeement of th OStbablf of Tartar Street from th eaat curb Hn ef Rtstaenth street to a Um 100 feet Met of the eaat lln ef Sixteenth etreet. and th eatimate f th work to be don and the probsbl total cost thereof." Tb cost of Mid Improvement to be aeeeeaed aa provided by th cllr charter anon tb prop erty epeclsllr benefited thereby and which 1 hereby declared to h lot 8. In block SIB. Port- UThe Enylnewr'a estimate of the probable total eeat for th Imnrovement et Mid south half et Taylor street Is 8HW.00. Tne pisns, epecinveiewe o. -, , ... H,e na.w r-neleeee foe th Imnrovement ef aald aoatb half of Taylor atreet ar hereby adopted. Reeolved. last tne jaunnor 01 in xnr or Portland be and be hi hereby directed to give notice of th nrnnoerd Improvement of Mid treet M provided by th city charter. Remoneti sness Sgainai ine an. hdpott.ibwh may be fPed In writing with tb undersigned within SO day from tb data of tha flrat pb U cation et thl notlc. B order ox tn t onm-ii. 7 7 THOS. 0. rEv-LIN. " Auditor of the city of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 23, 1904. PROPOSED ntPRfFEatERT OF THR RAST RAXF OF SIXTEENTH STREET. Wntte ta berehr siren that at tbe wieerln of thb Conncll of tb City of Portland. Oregon, bald on th BOtb day of Jnly, 1B04, th follow ing reeolutlon was adopted: . RMolved, laat tn iotincii at xn vity x oi.n TrWeeon. deem It xnedlent and ore- poaM to Improv th Met half of Sixteenth treat from th south curb line ef Tar lor ,in.t n Un 100 feet Booth of tb aontb Un of Tartar street by ronstrnctlng artificial stone sidewalk tn accordance with tbe City Engr aver' plan. peiaraiion ana esumeies. Said Improvement to be made In accord a nes with the charter and ordinance of the Cltr of Portland and tbe plena, apedflcatkma sud ettlmaee of th City Enrineer. filed In the efflr f tb Auditor of the City ef Portland on th lath dsy f July, land. Indorsed: "city Engineer plan sno specincsiions ror in lo- ivement or tne eeex nsii or mzwavia Bireex n. the eoath curb line of Tsrlor street to a I,., im eneth of th Boo t h Una of Tatlns atreet and th estimates of ths work te be done od lb probabl totl cost thereof." Tb met ef aid Improvement to be seaeaai d aa provided by tb city charter upon tb prop erty pclslly benefited thereby and which I berehr declared to be follow: Let S and T. block BIB, Portland. . Th Sng1nr' est! met f tb probabl total cost for th Improvement of th eaat half ef Mid Sixteenth street Is (124 00. Ths plan. neelBcatlnn snd estimate of tb City Engineer for tb Improvement of th Mat half of Mid Sixteenth atreet are bereby adopted. aLeerdvel. inal ui aaaiw or tns illy r RmiUmI he end ba la hereby directed tn efve antic of tb propoeed Improvement of Mid Street provided br th city charter. rUmonstrance agalnat the nor Impmvemeet may be filed In writing with th undersigned within 20 dara from th date ef aba I ret pub lication of this notice. By order ( ta counru. THOS. a PBVT.t. ' Auditor of the City f pertUad. PsrtlaBd. Oregon, Jaly J. leOo. CITT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOX RED. Sealed proposal will be received at tb ofbc of tb Auditor f tb City of Portland until Wednesday. July FT, 1W4, st 2 o'clock p. tn., for furnishing to tb fir Jepartmest of asld cltr ths following item ef feed, which wUI be required for ens neioth uf August: Two ton country brsa. Seventeen too best ajaallty timothy hay. Eight too brat quality white MM. bVvea tons slrsw. fine hundred snd Bfty ponnds ell meal. The Br committee resect tb rlgr-t t order for three anoutha at Mm price- Delivery to b made required and btlbj to b rendered only few auch - fuaatlUee as are delivered and accepted. Hamplea of bran aad Mat mnet h rebmltted with ch propneaL Hay and air aw aehlMt to approval oa delivery. No proposals will b considered anlbs access). Knlrd by a cortlBed nbesk prbl to Ooorg Williams, Marer, foe a s mount anal te lOper cent ef tbe aggregate bid. The right to reject any and all blda I hereby reserved. By order ef th Exeerrttv Beard. ' ' THOS. C, DETLllt. t Aaditor f th City ef Portland. Perttand. Oregon. July 21. HHi4- . rOVsTDXAJTZX-S aTOTiaE. . ! .; Notice la bereby given that en th 11th day of July, 1IM.4, I took up and nipounded at the City Hound, at No. 241 Bltteeath atreet, la tbe City of Portlaad, Oregon, tb following Or scribed animals: Out dark toy mar, left bind foot white. Sad dle marka en aide, branded on rtght hip and elod tn front: and unlesa th awuer, or other person or person -having aa Intereet tbeeeln, aball claim puaaraeton of th mom, aad pay all coat and rbargea of tbe keeping and advertising tlem, together wltb tbe pound fees on ssld animal, aa provided by ordinance N. B.B25. a amended, of Mid City of Portland. I will on th 2vth day of July. 1B04, at tb boar -of 10 a. m.. at the City Pound, at No. Ml Six teenth, la said city, sell tha above described aulaiala at public a actio to tb bight at bid der, t pay the coat and charges for taxing an, keeping and advertlalng auch animate. . lated tbla (t't day of Jnlv. 11HH. F. W. REED, ' Poundmastst. TACATI0K OF STREETS. ' netiow i perenv given xnax n nerjrjon stsv. Ing lor tha va ratio of that portloa at Rooaa- veii etreet um uxiy ot rortiaua, Oregon, whlcb lie between tb Mat, Un of Twentieth street North xnd tb west lln ef Sherlock a Te ase, la pending and will b presented to tbs Council ef Mid City of Portlaad. at a regale meeting of ssld Council, to be held en Wsduee day, tbe (d dsy ef Augsst, 1804, at 2 o'clock p. m., la the coaneU slia saber la the lUty stall Mid city. Ralph W; Tfoyt. Lonue Bort Cook, DrM M, Dann, Estate of T. A. OS vis (In.), aad To pa Load Com pa ay, petitlonera. TIIOS. 0. DEVLIN. . Aaditor of the City of PortUnd. Portlaad. Oregoav JnM SB, 1004- PR0P0BED EWER IK PETTT0R0TE STREET. Notice la bereby given that at tbe meeting ef tb Council oi tb City of Portland. Ore gon, held n tb Suth day of July, Mud, th tillowLng reeolntlon was adopted: Heeolved, Tbst tb Council of tb Ctty ef Portland, Oregon, dee me it expedient and pre poor to oonstrect a aewer la Pettjafrav Htreet from 150 feet weet of Twenty-fourth 8tret to th eewor in Pettyarovo Street, aald sewef t be of yltrlned aewer pip of eight loo he clear lnald diameter with all neceeasrr catch baslns, lampbolea, manholea and breaches. Said Mwer is be cocaJructed In asoordsne with th Charter aad Ordinance of tb City ef Portland and the plana, peclBcatlona and eerlmatee of tb City Engineer Bled In tb office of th Auditor of th City ef Portland on th 16th day. of July. 10t4, Indorsed i "city Engineer' plan and peciflcatlooa for a Mwer In Pettygrove Street from 150 feat weet of Twenty-four tb Street to tt In Pettygrevs Street, and tbe eettmstes of the work to be don and tb probabl total cost thereof." i ne ot or Mia aewer vr o aaeeeeea m provided py th City Chart apoa tbs prop erty specially Deaented thereby and which Is hereby declared to b all the lots, pacta ot Iota nd parcel of bind lying between a lln 100 feet north ef and- parallel with tha north Um of Pettygrov Street and a Un 100 feet south ef and parallel with th oth Una of Petty grov Street aad between two line res pre tlvely 100 feet and 200 feet wet ef and par. allel with the weat Una ef Twenty-fourth StTMt .....-. Th Erurln' Mtlmat of tb probabl total et for th eone tract! on nf said as wse la (H2.0O. Ths pisns, epeclncatlon aad Mtlmata ( tb City Engineer for tb eutructlon ef Mid aewer ar hereby adopted. Reeolved. Tbat the Auditor nf th City ot Portland be and hi la hereby directed to give notice of tbe proooeed construction of Mid sewer ss provided by tb City t Barter. Reraonstrsnce4jjgginat th a hove aewer dsy ne nied is writing wtta tn anarigna wita In 20 dar from tb data ef the first publica tion ox mis notiea. By ardor ef tba Council, THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Aaditor of tb City of Portlaad. Portland, Oregon. July 28. 1804. . FB0P08ED SEWER IN EAST HADISOST STREET. Notlc la hereby given that at th meeting of the Council of the Cltr of Portland. Ore gon, held ea tba Suth dsy of July, 11)04, the xoiKiwmg reeolutlon was aonia: Reolrd- That th xwnacll of th Cltr of Portlaad. Oregon, deem It expedient and pre pofcee to cons tract a eewer la Ket Madison Btreet rrom tun reet wast or ta weat une of Kaat Tblrty-eixth Street to tbe aewer la Esst Iblrtr-slxth Htreet. ssld Mwer to be of vit- rilled Mwer pipe of sight Ine bee clear Inside au meter with nil necessary cstchbailn, lamp Botes, mannoie sna arsncnM. Ssld Mwer to be sonstructed tn accordanc with tb Charter and OrdlnancM of the City of Portlaad and the plana, epcctoeatlou and Mtlmatea nf th City Engineer Bled In tb offic of the Aaditor of tb Cltr of Portland oa th ldth day ef July, 104, Indorsed: "city jkngioesr s plan ana specincsiions ror a Mwer In East Madison street from 106 feet west of tbe weet line of Esst Tblrty-eiath Street to sewer in nat Tnirty-aixra Hire, ana tb estl mete af the work to be dob aid to probabl total coat tberaof." Tb cost of ssld aswnr to be seaeeeed ss provided by tb City Charter apoa tb prop erty specially benefited thereby and which te hereby declared to be all tb lota, parts uf lots nd parcels ot land lying between a Un Ha) feet north of aad aaraUel wltb tba north Una af East Madison street snd a Une 100 feet aouth f and parallel with th aouth Um of Eaat Madison Btreet aoa net ween two lines re snectlvelr HO feet ead St test west of and parallel wltb tb treat Un of Kaat Tblrty- aixtn atreet Tb Enrineer' Mtimste ef the nrobshls total cost for th construction at Mid aewer (UN OA Tb prim, peel flection asd Mtlmatea af th City Engineer for th Co na traction of Mid sewer srs hereby adopted. Keeoiven. inai to Auditor or tne n ir or Portlaad be and be I hereby directed to glv notlc r tb proposed eonatruetion of Mid aewer provided by th Cltr Charter. Hemonstraneee sgslnst tbs ahov aewar may be Bled In writing with the andaralgned with in au aays rrom tn oats ot tne ant puonca tlon of thla notice. By or aer ef tbe Cxwm-Il. , THOa. C. PETMN. Aaditor of tbe Ctty ot Portlsad. ' Portland. Oregon, Jaly 28, 1804. - PROPOSED 8 EWER IN PINE STRET. Notlc Is berehr given tbat at th meeting ef tb Council of th City et Portland. Ore C. held oa tbe SOth day or Jnly, 1DM4, tb nwlsf rraolntlon was. adopted: Reeolved. That the Council of tb City et Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro- pce to en nat met a sewer la Pin Btreet from (he east line ef Sixth Street to tb Willamette River at knr watermark, ssld sewer to be of vitrified aewer pips with' all nsceeaary es teh ee a Ins, manhole. Ismpboles and brancbea. and to be Of tae roiiowing aimensions; t tweiv r.chee clear lnald diameter rrom tne seat In ef Sixth Street to a point la Pine Street at Fourth atreet; thence ef fourteen Inches clesr lnald diameter to a - point In Pin Strt st Second Street; thane of sixteen lnche riser Inside diameter to th Wlllaawtte River at rr we termers, aid aawer to be constructed In accord we with tb Charter and ordinance of th cltr' of Portland and th plan. peel oca t Ion and eetimatee of th City. Engineer Bled In the office of the Aaditor of the City of Portland on th SOth day of July, loot. Indorsed: "City Engineer's prans sna speeineanone ror a fewer la Pin Street from tbs eaat lln of Sixth Btreet to th Willamette River, and th esti mate of tb work to b don and the rob- Me total aoat thereof." The Coal o Min eewer to ow bbsibsi u a provided br tb Cltv Charter upon, the prop er tr specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared t b all th Vita. par,ta f lot and parcela ef land lying be twee a lln Ino feet north of sad parallel with rb north line nf Pine Street earl a llnMoo feet aontb of and parallel with tb sooth line nf Pine Btreet, and between th Met Une of Fifth Btreet and the west line of the Willamette River at Vnr watermark; 'aha th otbrly one half nf block eM. and th northerly noo ks if of block ea. pnrtlsnd. The Engineer's estimate of the probabl total coat for the cnnatreciloa ef Mid eewer bt (2 4 on, . Tb plans, specifies tWis and estimates ef the Cltr Engineer for the roast radios ef Mid Mwrre hereby adopted. Reeolved. Thar tn aanirnr or tn nry or Portland be and he Is berehr directed to give notice f th proposed construction of aald eewer ss nrovlded bv tb Cltr Charter. Renionevrancea eglnt th above mvw may be filed I writing wltb U anderslrned with in SO dsr from tba aat i lb erst publica tion of thla aotlc. By eroer f ins tvmecii. thos. c. prrFiit. ' Annltor of the Cltv of I'ertlaad, Portland, Oregon, Jury 23. ISO. CITT ROTICIUb.' BsslaWSBajeraasasjsaBBSaBeaasBS ABBEaSXEVT FOR DtPROTEKxtRT OF EAST TWINTT-FOtJRTK BTEIET. : - Notlc hi hereby given tbst th Council ef tb City of Portlssd. Oregon, at a meeting held aa the Smb day of July. 104. declared th asaeeament by ordlunc N. 14.112, for tb lo Twovefnent of Eaat Twanty-ftairth atreet, from tbe aorta line -of base Line raad to the outh line ef Bandy road. In tba manner provided br ordinance No. H.tHiT, apoa sarh lot. part of it and parcel of land, which ars sneclslly and secull liar r benefited, to be sa folluwa. rlx: DALTON'S ADD. AUD. to th Cltr ef Portland BLOCK 1, lot a, Jsmes Via. ken. li:U 73; lot ' I. Jarsse Marken, (14.14: undivided 4 lot 8. An B . A. K. - aa R. u. Parrott (10 40; undivided H tot 10. Asa R.. A. R. aud R. M. ' ' Psrrott, 4.48; undivided kit 8, A. O. Psrrott, lb 40; andlvlded to lot 10. A. O. Parrott, IM. 47 BLOCK J, nndlvlded hit 1. Ann Z A. R.. R. M. Psrrott, (M8.&A; andlvlded ! bit 2. Ann E.. A. R., K. hL Psrrott, 50.51; nndlvlded U tot 1. A. (1. Psrrott. "8 58; andlvlded U lot 2. A. O. Parrott. ' Oi.ftli kit l. Jss.ee Macken. (T.44; lot 10. James Mack as, 1 201. IT. BLOCK . an. dlvtded .14 lot 1, An B A.' R., R. M. Psrrott, (101.18: undivided H lot 2. Ana R., ' A. R-, R. M. Psrrott, I2H.14; andlvlded V lot 1. A. O. Parrott. (KH.I8; nndlvlded 14 Mild. Parrott. (8.85; nndlvlded U lot B. A. O. Parrott. 2ft 45: undivided H lot 10. A. 0. Parrott. (101.54: undl tided I kit . B. Ann R A. R., R. M. Psrrott. (20.44; undt- video: ( lot in, Ann . A. a., n. u. rarrotr, (101.54. SIOCK 4. lot I, Samuel Parrott, (443 M; undiridi d u let 1 Ana B . A. R., -. M. M. Psrrott, (4d.a4i nndlvlded Va lot 2, A. O. Parrotx. 148 24. KEYSTONE'S ADDITION to the ' City of Portland BLOCK B. lot 7 Crescent Land Co.i 1244.02: lot .: S ' Crescent 'Land Co.. (4125. BLOCK 4. kit 10 Heater A. Galloway. (12( 71; lot B, Crescent Land to., f.ni.iii n 1, i. a. tiaamuaaen. sio.bo; M 1. Frederick L. Srhants. 1153 00. BLOCK 8. lot 10. Wilbur and Carrie R. , Csmnhel! 111(185: lot B. Crescent land Co.. 115.8i: lot 2. Cora I. SMmoon. (57.A; M 1. Corn ' E. Stlmaoa. (181.18. . BUX K 2. south lot 10, Creece. t Lead Co.. (lOO.fiT. soqth i lot 8. Crescent Land Co..' (l 87; north lot liJ. Chrletlna IVirulst, j7.2fl; north U - lot B, Christina Borqulet. (at.1T; eouth ti lot 2, Ellsab M. Whsrtoa, til. 84; ,,nth t, t kit 1. Ellseh M. Whartos. Jud H2l north V, - kH 2. Emma CTeveleud. (M 11; north H lot . Emma Cleveland. 8102.28. BLOCK 1. lot 10, B. F. M or den. ( .04; lot , Rahert Itmoke, 1M.03; kit 3. crewent Land ex., 12T.ftl: kit 1. Crescent Land Co.. (114.20, BRONAL'OH'S ADD., City . of , Portland. Ore. BLOC It . lot l. Earl - 4J. Rmnaneh. 1U 82. RIXrCK S. lot 4. Karl c Bm-iaogh, (101 .2: kit 8, Earl C Bronaugh. (9k.b4: kit 2. Earl C. Bmnangb, 1B4.1T: kit 1. Earl C. Pronatirh. 1102 84. ' BLOCK (. lot 4, Earl C Bronaugh. (110.27; kit 8. Earl V. rJrenaum. biz.hj; tut X, h . r. . -. . - . t . . a, I s. r,ari ti. nmninpn, ei'i.iu: nil a. r.sri t,, Brunsjigb. (108.00. HUCK 1, lot 5, Earl C BroMiigb-, (US 82; hit 4, Earl Q. Bronaugh, 888.ZT: kit 8. Esrl C. Bronsngh. 100X3: lot 1. Rsrl C. Bronaugh, (dl.18; lot 1. Karl J . C. Bronaugh, (124.14. A tract of -lsnd lying between the ut Un of Esst Twenty-fourth treef and a Um 100 feet Mat tbereof and parallel therewith and between th north lln of East Stark atreet and the aouth Un of block T. Dalton a addition to th. City ef Portland, Bt. Mary'a Cemetery, (H8S.6T. DALTON'S ADD. t tb tity f Portland BLOCK T, j andlvlded 14 : lot T. Ann R., A. ' B., R. M. Parrott. 185.81; , andlvlded "H lot T, A. O. Parrott, 85.81; kit 6. Samuel H. Parrott.- (.44.ML BLOCK S. lot S. C. E. Oleen, (2UB 27: kit T, C. B. Olsen. (58.10; lot 10. John H. Hall, rS.lS; lot , John H. Hall. ( 92. BIfH K kit 8. Oeorg A. Toe, (471.18; tot T, Ooorg A. Psaua, (95.82. KEYSTONB'S ADDITION to tba City et Portlaad RI1CK ' - lot 2. Creecest Land Co., (211.22: lot 1. Crescent Land Co., (K) 81. BLOCK T, lot 4, Crescent land Co., (108,30; hit S, Urseoent Land Co., t 1848; lot 2. Crescent Land Co., (8T.00: it 1. Asnle and E. Horxaes, (88 T S. BLOCK . 8.' lot 4. Creeeent Land C., (81. 50; lot 8, Crescent Land Co.. 11 00: lot 2. Security Saving V Trust C., (119 1); lot 1. Crescent Lend CO., lix 7. hlaicb. a. lot . r. B, snd Ksls T. WoodmsnsM, (06.02; lot 8, U. M. Rtngler, (4.24 lot 1. Margaret C. Mc Oaw, flOl.BT; lot 1, Crescent Land Co., -(Isv.TT. BLOCK 10, lot 4. Crescent Land Co.. (1S8.46; lot 8, Crescent Land Co., 112T M; lot 1. Crescent Lsnd Co., (81.4ll it 1. Creeeent laud C.. (2a23. - RBONACQU ADD., City . of Portland BLOCK B. lot L. Earl , C. Bra. aaagh, S49.0B; lot tottered 0, Esrl C. Bronsugh. (141 J4. BLOCK 8. tot 4. Earl 0. Bronsugh. (00.41 ; lot i. Earl C. Itronaugh. (00.74: lot X Earl C Bronaugh, a.- (11: lot 1. Esrl 0, Bronsuxh. (50 52: lot ' Vrtured B, Earl C. Bronaugh. (188.20. BLOCK T, let 4, Earl C. Bronaugh, (06.T1; lot 8, ' Earl C. Bronsngh. (94 51 ; lot 3, Esrl C. Itronaugh, (06.70; lot 1, Esrl C. Bronsugh. (.41: lot lettered A, Earl C BroMugb, (121.81. BLOCK 8, lot T, Earl a Brans ugh, SM ll: lot . Karl C Bronaugh, (55.54; Ui S, Earl 0. Branaugh, (Ao.66; lot 4, Esrl C. Bronaugh, (5T.80; lot 8. Earl .0. Bronaugh, (57.50; tot 2. Earl 0. Bronaugh. (0a).T8; lot I, Karl 0. Bransugh. (18.40. A tract of land lying between the onth tin of Eaat Aufceny atreet aad between the aorth Un ef block 8, Dlton'a aJdltlo to tha City of Portland and between tbe Mat line ef block 8. Keystone's addltloa te tbe City ot Port land ana a una )ia reet eaei oi sua parallel with tb esst Un ef Esst Twenty fourth street, Isaiah Burkman, (4.20. A tract of hind lying between the north Um ef Kaat Ankeny street and . tbe aouth Une of East Burnalde street and between tbe esst Une of ' block T, Keystone's addltloa to ths City of Portland, and a Um luO reet Mst tberaof snd parallel therewith, Isaiah Burkman. (8.08. A reset of land lying between th north line of East Burnalde treet and tba aouth Une of the u rlorrmxn esrate tract, ' section 3d. township 1 north, range 1 seat. WUlsmette meridian, and betweea th Mat Un vt Keystone's addition to tbe City ot Portland and Um 100 feet Mat of and Derails! witn tne Mat nn or East Twenty- fourth atreet. laalah Borkman. (64.28, A tract of land lying between tb Met boundary ' lln of Pronauxh addition. Cltr of Portlaad. Oregon, and a 11m list feet eaat of and parallel with th eest Un of Eaat Twenty foortb. treet and between tbe outh Um of Sandy read and th eoath line of Bronaugh adiHtlon. City of Portland. Oregon, extended eaaterly In It present course, Lee Hoffman Elate, belra of. (lu3.9S. Right of way Cfty A Suburban Railway Co.. (dO.SO. Total, (10.671.34. A atatement ef aforesaid asaeeament ha been enlcre 4n tb Docket of City Liens, aad ta now dne and narahle at th office or the Cltr Treasurer. In lswfnl nvmer ef the United StstM. and If not paid within 80 days from ths dsts of this notice, snch proceeding will tie taken for tb collection of tbe esma ss ar provided by th charter of tb Ctty of Portland. The abov assessment wtll bear Intereet 10 days after th first publication nf tbla notion. . j nun. j, I'nvi'irt, Aaditor of the Cltr of Portlaad. Portlaad. Oregon, Jaly 23. 1804. - PROPOSED ntPROYIKEKT OP 0LISAR STREET. ' Notice la hereby given tbat at tb meeting f th Connrll at th City of Portland. Oregon. held ea th SOth day of Jnly, 1B04. tb follow log reeolntlon waa adopted: i Reeolved. Tbst ths Council of th City f Portland'. Oreeon. deem It expedient and Pro- proposes to Improv Cllsan street from 11 feet Mat of tb weat lln of Psrk street to 12 feet west of ths esst Um of Ninth stract by con structing ertlnrtnl stone sldewalka. - Said Improvement t be msds la accord ape with lb charter and ordlnancee of th Cltv of Portland and tba plane, eped float tone and eatimate nf . th Ctty - Enrineer, filed In tb fflc of the Auditor of th City of Portland on tb Iflth day of July. 1!4. Indorsed: "Ctty Engineer's pisns and specification for th Im provement ot Giles street from 12 feet eaat of th wast lln of Park etreet to 12 feet west of the Mst line ef Ninth street, snd tb estimate ot th work to ba don and tha probabl total coat thereof . The cost or Mid improvement ta e asaaasa a provided by tb city charter apoa tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby snd wblch Is hereby declared to be lot 1 snd 2, block T8, Coach' addition to th City of Portland, Tb Xnslneer' Mtlmat of tb probable total dst for th improvement of said tillaan treat li (248 00. Tbe slana. soeelflcstloM aad Mtlmatea sf tha Cltr Engineer for the Improvement ef Mid GU- San street are hereof adopted. Reeolved, Tbat the Auditor or tbe .city of Portland be and he I hereby directed to rite sot Ice of tbe proposed Improvement ef Mid treet provided by this city chartrr. RamonatrancM agalnat tbe abov Improvement nay be filed In writing with th anderslgntd within SO dar from the date ef tb first pub lication of thla notlc. By order ef the ConndL TIIOS. C. TiBVT.tX. A editor of tb Cltv of Portland. ' rortland, Oregon. July IX 1004. - mm Tkkd Oka 03 TUri Stmt V Psim n h Transcontinental Traln Daijy FAST TIME' TO BFOKANnl. BT. TATTIe, DULtTTIL eaJKNEAPOt'Ift. miCACIO AMU Lis POIIfTS EAST. Daylight trip through tba Cascade and Rocky mountain. FV.r full part In. nlsrx, r f.-;3ern, to call - or ad- drc i . r:p Tlkt ArL IZ1 '. , . . RAILROAD TIMET AbLfi. OREGON SllOlLlflE AND Ur.ioM Pacific 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Tbraark Poll men evandnrd and toorla na tag ears dally to Omsha. Chios so. Saavhanat nurUt ileeplng Mr dairy to Rsnasa Cltri th rough Pullman toortat aleewin aara tuaiaia ally eowdwctedl weekly to rhtrag. Recualas rkatr car (aeara free! to tb Beat Billy. UNION USPtrT. Leaves, Arrlrse CfUCAin-liORTIeAMD SPBC1AU Per tb Eaat via Bt tngtea. . ! a. as. Dally. 128 p. i Dslly. 8PUKANE FLIER. For Eaatent 7aahla ton, lls Walla. Lew rtoav Coear d'AleM nd Great . Mortber eolnts. 8:18 p. to. 8 08 a. I Lleliy. Dally. ATLAMTTO BEPTtKSS. re tho Eaat via Baas- lagtoa. .. ... . 8:18 p. ss. Dslly. . T-lle. i Dolly. OCEAX A RD RIVER SCrrEDtrLE. FOB SAN FRANC1HCO: S. S. Cleo. W. Eldaes. July 8, 15.. 25. S. S. Onlnmbl-' July 10, SO, Prcm Alnsweath Dock. BUM a. m. . BKW p. an,. CtlmMt Rtvev Drvtalen. FOR ASTORiA and war 1 1", m la boot points, eoBnrctlrig wltk Dkily. S:O0 p. aa. atmr. for Uwere and et, Sunday ss- Sunday North beach, sir. Has- Saturday Mto. Ash-et, dock. 10:00 p. aa - - TaiAhUl Rtvor Ronte. FOB DATTON T no . i Daily. except (KlB. Daily, exeept amnds-. City ad Tamhltl Elver Cilnt. tn. Ruth aad odoe, Aab-et. dock, f Water permitting.) Snake Rlswr Inn, FOR LBWlSTOrf, Id., and way potato tram Rlpnria. Weak., etram era Spokaa aad Low- tston. 3:tn a. to. Dsllv. . (boat 1 00p.B Dally" - - ex. Friday. sx. Sat, - TIC SET OFFICE. Third' aad Waahlactoo, Teas. . Pbon Mala Tit . . i PORTLANn & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY ; - - For Tokobama and Heeig Rang, caTIItsf at Kobe, Nagasaki aad Shaagbal, taking freight vis connecting rtnaai for six nils. Port Arras ad Vladivostok. - .. , -For rates aad fan Information nn ar -drees effiletala or agent ot th O. R. N. Co. EASTv SOUTH Leav CNION DEPOT. otrrland azparaa tralaa, for Salem, Re esrg. Aabland. Sacra mento, Ogden. San Fran- 8:8f) p. av ' a -'. 8:88 a. to. 4:00 p. m. T:S8a.B. TJB a. sa. i f :1 (i. m ciacov Btocatfm. ism as isle. psao, nw tar Imm aad tb Reel. At Woodbora datlr (eept nunaayi. aaar tne train f XTt , a gvi. oil IB. una. at rllla. Snrtnefle! Wasi. nng a au .laxeon. Albany passenger, con nects st Woodbarn with Wt, Angel and , Silver. H:I0 a. m local. Camilla msmm ..... '118:69 R. 8:29 a. I 114 nd p. ta Bberlda psssenger. ... Dally. IIDally. except Sonday. Perttaad-Oswsg SaVrrbea Bssaass ami TaanhUl , Drratasa. Depot Foot of Jefferson itjMt. . . . ' . . rav Portland dally tor Uewsg T:So a. m l 12 50. 2:00. 8:24, B Su. S IB. Xt, 10 10 n. m. Tin lis ' - - - Si . awi at.! ah.aal A . aha exrweaaw aybi7arv grutltrm Jt W iW, W t-RJ1, 0 OrR, 1 1 . 4 a., m.t 4:Nk H SS f. sv Sunday ealy. : Retnrntraj frova Ovwvgo, arrive Portlsnd dstl I SO s. m - I M a-oii am in 1 M 8 -its. 11-10 a. m. Dslly (eveept Swndayl 8 C, t to. S:SO. lO'SO. 11:48 a. ss Ricerd Monday. 18:28 P- m. nusdsy saly, 10 on a. ax. Leeves from as me depot for Dellss and rater media re noinv dalle fexcept Sunday I 4:(s) p. m. Arrlvs Portlsnd 16:20 p. aa. Th Indenesoesee-Misrecnfk hfotiw Mm Opera te dally to Monmouth aad Air 11. one. Beefing with Southern Pacta ipany'a track t Da 11a and Independence. PI ret -class far from Poetlaod te Saeramento nd Sen PranHae Bp, berth rn; aasnad-ctoM fare Riiv eecoed-cl.ss berth (2 BA. - Ticket to Keetem nolnts snd P'llulsK eto Jsraru Chins, rioooral snd AsstrsU. Cltr Ticket Offic corner Third eaa wiwir ton streets Peon, Main Til- & W. STTrTflBR. W. SI COsf AW. City Ticket Are- flea. Pas. Aa. TIME CARD . or ' TRAINS . PORTLAND: UNION DEPOT. Pngst Sound Limited, or Tsosms. SMttla. Departs 8:80 a. as. IM p. an. 11:48 p. to. 8:88. ax. Olvmpla, Bosjth Bend and Cray's Barber point. North Os a Llmireo. for Ta coosa. sWsttls. Butte. St PaaU , M1b neanolla. CblMgo. New TKMB.SB. Tork. Boston snd point Eaat asd ItoOtbeeeV. Twln-Cltr Exoreas. for Tacoma, Heettl. Sp kaoe. rtrleaa. St. PauL t:SSS SV H I nneapn lie, CblMgo, New Tork. IVieto and II aolnta East aad BontbMSt. Puses Boasel e nranasa City-St. tool SnerlaL ror Tsoma. neat tie. Spokane, Rett, Bllllnsa. tSa.i i leaver, omana nanaas City. St. Loela od ail points Eaat aad Seaia esst. An - train 'dslly except ea SVuifh Seed hrsoch. A. D. CT1ARLTUN. AeslstaBt Oeasrsl Psssenger AgMt. 238 Morrison ex.. er. Third. Part las. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. .leeves. union vtroT. Arrtv For Matgars, Rrinier, ristaksnJ, WaMtport. Clilton, Astoria. War renton, Mril Wsax ovon.l. Fort SteveM. Oesrhart Parh. rVsel.ta. Aatorla aad Seaahar. K i press dally. AetMM Kauree. Pallr. Oslly. - .' 1118 a. aa. cx a, m. Dally. T OO n as. Dally ex. Sal order. Sat. onlv. 1 .10 p. m. 1 to p. as. Portia sd-Seasl'to Flyer. J. C MM 0. P. and P A , Aaron. C. A. PTWART C-mawrulsl Aa-t. i. et. I'duee Hal " -n. ft.' Be 4,4 4 . 4 ' : i f2ff funatr. l"5l lOloCtlta lrUSWa-s lall PouTtt OI 0, TO