"""A OOD EVENING. Ur . VMM WliTEIB Tonight snd Wednesdsy, showers;' cooler tonight; south to wast wind. VOL. III. NO. 122. ISTRIOHillE PACKING-HOUSE Kegro StiCr BFcakcrs Met by Anned Men, Fighting arid Firing Follows--Police Arrest , the v Leaders- ' Cattle Delivered to the -f m Silk Hats and Dress Coats Brokers and ( x Commission Men Act as Drovers..-.':.' . (Journal Special Servlre.) Chlcsi-o July 3. Tot ths first tlms . since Its Inclptenoy ths strike of packing-house employee became riotous. -The feeling; this morning was strained to ths breaklng-polnt and a noley connict in which no one was seriously InJuYed ter minated in ths arrest of 'eight men and ths disarming of two score mors. At dawn this morning there sartved at ths ' yards a considerable party of negro Workmen. - As they entered ths avenus leading to the yards they wer Jeered by a small crowd of sympathis ers,, which, notwithstanding ths early hour, had assembled to watch thr course of events. " . - V From ths ysrds there emerged a dozen men srmed with ' pistols.' The negroes Started to run. toward the yards, evad ing the -armed 'men, and ths entire as semblage of strikers and strike-breakers became mixed In a scramble for the gate. Firing right and left created' a panic and the strike sympathisers fled precipitately.. . . The police reserve, which had been collected a short distance away, charged! tne meD. ana arxer a aesperaie iignt sight of the alleged 'leaders of ths riot Ing were arrested. A charge was made In the yards straightway and from 40 meniplstols and knives were taken, after which they were driven from th vlcln ltV. ' - ---V r Severs! hundred police remained on guard a ad are still watching all streets snd alleys leading -to the yards. Day opened with bo apparent relief In the situation. . :,;..? Three hundred strike-breakers arrived and were distributed about the rasas. V .A ' backers Beoslvs Cattle. ' ..,' ' The independent packers received a supply of cattle this morning, and that. too, without Interruption from the out side. They were driven to ths yards by ths most startling set of drovers that has so far appeared, many being men In silk hats snd cut-a-way coats and with patent' leather gaiters. Ths drovsrs in this Instance were brokers and com mission men who had bought ths cat tle on an agreement to deliver, and in order to fulfil their contract had been compelled to summon their offlos forces and deliver ths cattle themselves. It is doubtful If msjiy of ths broker-drovers will again offer cattle to the packers under such agreements. It is now estimated that there are nesrly MO non-unionists scattered throughout ths different plants, and while the operations are-small the pack ers are getting out considerable of their product. . Despite ths fallurs cf his efforts to bring ths strike to a close and the at tempts of Golden, of ths teamsters' union to mediate, Donnelly appears con fident - - -TT- Donnelly Bemalaa OoafUeat After, Golden's last effort had failed, when he announced that he would not rail a strike except on ths authorisation of ths national committee,. Donnelly seemed in no wise depressed, j He said that he had at no' tlms expected r de sired other action, but was confident that the teamsters committee would sanction such a strlks and assist in all ways possible to make the packing ' plants complete union establishments. "It 4s utterly useless," he ssld.' "to try to convince ths packers that they havo discriminated against our men. as they would not see It that way, regardless of any evidence we might show them, con sequently I havs given up any hops I may hare had up to tonight of securing peace. I cannot ssy whsn a settlement of the difficulty will be reached, but sn far as I am concerned, I shall dd noth ing until such, time as ths packers are prepared to accept our -.terms uncon ditionally. - , s. "This I know will he th final result as ths ntlr packing Industry has been ordered out ' In' sympathy with us, and it is absolutely Impossible for the pack era to secure sufficient skilled labor to carry onthelr business." : 1 : I THEIR PRECAUTION . PROVES DEATH TRAP ' anpednl Dttpelrh to the Jnornal.) Seattle. Wash., July 24. Tied In th rigging of their upturned fishing, sloop, the bodies of two men were found by th steamer Arrow in extreme south eastern Alaskan waters last Thursday. In ths hops of Saving themselves In, a . frightful storm 'and bellcvljig the winds would carry them In safety to the shore, the two, J. Malone and Charles Thum burg, laahsd themselves to ths spars of ths little ' craft It capatsed in the heavy seas. , Their precsutlorf proved a death trsp. Thumburg's mother lives in Med ford. Or. .... . ... Ths fishermen had been Cruising all sunmer on the flablng- banks A week ago they left Lowe Inlet for 'a short trip. Then ths weather gave promise of being good, but a herd blow that night carried them far out of their course, and it was probably at ths height of the storm thst they, aa a last resort, lashed themselves to their boat ".The captain Of ths Arrow cut them free, -snd the two corpses were taken to ths near est port and given to th justic of th peace. ," t -;-' Packing . Houses; by Men Oolden at noon today had received no reply from the telegram a which lis had addressed the various members of the national committee and to ths teamsters' headquarters at Indianapolis asking. for sanction to strike. . , . Orea,t Mass Meeting. '-' .: This forenoon there was a great masi meeting of strikers In a hall near the yards. -Eight thoussnd men attended it and ths crowd wss augmented. ty syra pathlsers ' until it overflowed into the vacant lots adjoining.- Finally regular overflow ' meetings. were - organised and speeches ana de bates were taking place in half a. down places simultaneously. Ths . meetings were unaccompanied by threats of vio lence, but In fear that anarchists' might seek to address the crowd, plain clothes policemen . circulated through -. th throngs at ths different meeting feeling,- aa It were, ths pulse of th crowd's temper. . , . - In almost all cases th meetings wer sddressed by union leaders who asserted that they had no complaint to make as to th situation snd buoyed the hopes of their- hearers by declaring that whlls the strike might last a few weeks It was certain that victory would mark ths end. . Pack are forestall Engineers. The packers, it' developed this morn ing. : have -.forestalled ths engineers' strike by making arrangements to use electrical pbwer. Bo far this reooiirse has not become necessary, aa they have had sufficient steam in their boilers to carry out ths limited amount of packing that Is being done. '. Almost at ths very; time th strikers were -holding their meetings ths packers wer In conference, and their action has dons much to sdd to ths gravity of the situation. Troubled as affairs were' be fore and constantly promising lawless ness, ths strsln was put almost to th breaking point through the' packers themselves, who choss a poor tlms to maks any statement of other than a conciliatory nature. ..... . Regardless of diplomacy and . appar ently with no deslr except to show their defiance, the packers Issued a statsment to ths publlo in which they declare that-all negotiations with ths striking butchers, and' craftsmen who are out on a sympathetic strike, are closed and thst under no circumstances will they be reopened. - v ' Unions Betaliate, Following ths packars' definite ulti matum, ths striking butchers threw out their picket lines and covered svsry im portant point about ths district and be gan to use tactics, hitherto not em ployed. ' s . . . . , The' packers' announcement had th effect of further Irritating the" strikers, who at once abandoned all hope of a peaceable settlement and practically de clared war. . At the Laurel street entrance to thal stockyards the pickets, stopped throe wagons destined for - Armour's and turned them back. The teamsters drove to their headquarters but mads no complaint,- President Oolden Immediately protested to the butchers' officials. At 1 o'clock ths prospect for disorder and possibly bloodshed was Increasing. The packers hsvs used up nearly all the surplus csttle in ths yards belonging to the commission men and In ths future will order all cattle assigned direct, using their Awn men to handle the cattle from ths cars to the killing nouses, r " v i . - Will ganctlon strike. President Oolden of th teamsters this afternoon received a telegram from In ternational President Shea, instructing mm to hold meetings tonight at th close of which to advise him of th feel ing of the men. This is taken to rrieaa that Shea wilt sanction ths teamsters' strike and thus ! (Continued on Pag Two.) REVELATIONS ASSUME STARTLING NATURE ' (".pedal. Dispatch to The Journal.) Seattle. July . Still other start ling revelations have been made In the scandal unearthed in th county com missioners' office of King county. Ths sum of tl.m.10 has entirely, disap peared. It was given Into- ths hands Of Prosecuting ' Attorney WV-T. Scott and H. II. Eaton, . ths special attorney appointed by the commissioners to care for the escheating of estatee 'to the county, for which work he- was to re ceive half of all the property he handled. ,r This latest disclosure hss resulted In a search, of ths county treasury and the treasury of th state of Wsshlngton, but without result .. The money has vanished completely. Eaton received 1 7,000 for the escheat of the Lawton es tats, occupying half an hour of his time, The administrator refused to turn the rash of the estate over to -Haton with out th signature of th prosecuting at' torney. Thla waa . obtained, and th money transferred months ago. None of those Into whose hands it passed vol unteer aa explanation. PORTLAND. OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING. The Public: "Take Willi NOT Tru to ths solemn covenant he made when, he .found the body of his mur dered - daughter, ' Freda, lying on the floor of his little home, Jo Oaracla is fulfilling a pecullsr vow with grim fidelity. V'..- . '..- ' . : It was Jun 14 that Frank Gugllelmo, In i pasfilon of jealous rage, shot snd killed Freda, th 14-yesr-old daughter of Oaracla, the bootblack at' Seventh and Washington streets. -Since that time the father 'of ths murdered. gMrl has re fused to shave. . ' His beard Is long and thick and by ths terms of 'ths queer covenant must not be removed till, the MERCURY TRIED TO BREAK RECORD Portland Yesterday Was' Fifth Hottest City In the, Country Only Had; I. One Day Hotter In History. " In but four cities of the United states did the thermometer reach a higher mark yesterday than In Portland. In this city it registered 100 degrees; In Fresno. Cat. 108; in San Diego, Cel., 194; in Red Bluff, Cal., 102. and in Yuma, Arls.. 101. - j with on exception yesterday was tne hottest : day Portland - has experienced since the establishment - of the local weather bureau. On July 1. 1001. the thermometer went as high as 101. - So far as learned there was only one prostration . caused from the heat When the weather was at Its sultriest about 4 p. m.. John Joyce, driver of a city water wagon, was overcome and fell from his seat to the pavement - He struck tbs pavement bead first and sus tained a severe gash on the left temple. For a time It looked as thoagh naviga tion of ths Willamette river was going to be blocked. . Th rail In th steel bridge began to expand, and some little tune elapsed before the draw could be opened to permit the paasags of boats. Finally blocks of wood were driven be tween the ends of the rails separating ths draw from the other sections of th bridge snd by turning on more power the tenders succeeded in opening a pas sage way . for the! craft going up and down the river. "Ihe blocks of wood were kept wedged in between the ends of ths rails all afternoon and had. not this precaution been taken it Is said that tbs expenston would have been so great that, ths draw could not have been opened ' without - something about the structure giving wsy. District , Forecaster Beala attributes the high temperature yesterday to a freak of nature. He says it is one of those unaccountable conditions which occur here once in about every 10 yearc Another feature about It Is ths fact that th hot area was confined entirely to the Willamette valley. Beyond the Cas cades fins and breexy summer weather was being experienced. At 10 o clock this morning th tem perature stood t (0 degrees, a .-most welcome change from yesterday. The indications are that the- hot spell is ended for a few day at least . - :. test i manama. . Joersal Special Serrlrs.) , - Sweet Springs, Mo., July 24. Former Senstor Vest passed a rsstlsse night. He Is still conscious, but his mind wanders snd thsre Is no hope for his recovery. He la gradually sinking toward the end. 7 oas tutors MVM ' Jimrnsl pert I gerrlre.) Two- Harbors, Minn., July 14. The Duluth and . Iron . Itnnga ..railway . cat shops burned' thla morning. The- loss wss 1100,000. . , w . . , INSTRUCTING THE JOCKEY: :,"... , . . . .TV : .. . ... ' the lead at the start and never SHAVE UNTIL GUGLIE LMO I girl's death is avenged by the death of the assassin. f ' '' ... Not until Gugllelmo dies will the crime be atoned for and the -vow ful-' filled. Oaracla will personally attend the execution, he says, and when Gug llelmo has been pronounced dead he will shave his beard. "Not-a nntll he dl 41 I shave. , When I see my girl bleeding and dead I ssy no shavs Until bad-a man die. Then the heard it .will com off." . "Will I see-a him hang? You bet-a I wttl. I will stand near him, where he cannot fall to see. My beard Is long. I will, look rough.. I will look -straight at his sye until he see me. Then I will N1UCIIWANG IS IN JAPANESE HANDS "retch Flag Floats Over Russian Build ings Sinking of Knight Com mander Is Confirmed. " ... . (joantl gp gerric.) London, July t.Lloyds' Nluchwsng correspondent announces this morning that 10 Japanese have entered the town and that the French flag waves from all the Russian buildings. The Japanese advance guard Is expected to arrive this morning. ... , - , .- . The report state .further that every thing is quiet In the town. The action of the French In hoisting their flag over the Russian building is , In . line with their former policy dealing with thla question and ths representatives of the French government are now transact ing such unfinished business of ths Russian government aa may be found necessary since the departure from Nluchwang of the czar's army. Advices from St' Petersburg state that a deadlock exists In Russian of ficial circles as to ths status of ths vol unteer fleet - The ministers are desiring to- maintain ths right of the fleet to search a vessel even If the Russian ships do psss ths Dardanelles before de claring their status, , and on the other band some of them fear .that If the csar's wishes ara carried on, grave con sequences may result ' Balfour Stands Mute. " Premier Balfour refused to discuss all questions s to the status of ths Rus sian volunteer fleet which were put to him In the bouse of commons today. Both governments, he said, were Inquir ing Into the full facts in connection with ths sinking of ths Knight Com mander. Official confirmation of ths sinking of the Knight Commander by Russians has been received and also the state ment that ths crsw was saved Anxiety for the British steamer' Hur- bert bound for Japaness ports via Hono lulu Is Increasing. It Is feared she has been captured by Russians. - The Central News'. Mukden corre spondent wires that a report la cir culated that two Russian generals and ISO .orricars and men-were killed- in the Russian reverse at Ta Tche Klao. . OXV. mOMTZZI szroaTsV Admits That the Basslaaa War tasked and Defeated, . Out- . (Journal gperlal Service.)" St. Petersburg, July 1 General Ku- ropstkln, reporting the 'Russian reverse t Ta Tche Kino, says that ths fight lasted from July 21 to July !5, when the Japanese outflanked the Russians' right and left A third flanking movement was pr vented by the arrival of reinforcements, when the Russians retired snd the Jav anese oneupled Phanby pass, r- j(Contlnued on Page Two.) JULY 28. .'1904. '- let 'end head you." S HANGED laugh. If he no die August II, then I no shave tlU he la dead.". The date of Gugllelmo' s execution hss been set for August 14. An. appeal to 'the supreme court has been- taken, however, and a stay of execution may be granted pending . the decision. o,t the hlgbsr. aosirt ' ? -. '. .',; : Oaracla lives st Sixth and Karrlson streets, where the crime was committed. The girl wss alone with her little brother when Gugllelmo called. The child was sent from the room and the man fired two shots at the girl, both taking effect He escaped but was soon captured. . - THOMAS TAGGART " IS THE CHAIRMAN National Committee Chooses Him to Lead Campaign Woodson of Kentucky Is Secretary. ' . (Josrsal Special RxttIp - - New Tork. July S Thomas Taggart was today made chairman of the Demo cratic national committee and Urey Woodson of Ksntucky.-was-given the post oi secretary. The outcome waa not unexpected-anl before the national committee met at tne Honrman house this mornlrur to ner feet Its organisation ths prediction had been made that these two- men' would be given the pieces named. Many old wheel-horses not seen in recent Demo cratic campaigns arrived in the city last night to .be In readiness for ths meeting and when It was called to order there wss a large representation. John I. Martin of St 'Louis was made ssrgeant-av-arma and Col. Sam Ionol son of Tsnnessee waa named as his ea sts tan t j On the suggestion of Bheehan. - who represented Mr, Parker, the question of naming the, treasurer was referred with power to art to the executive committee when be will be appointed. But two names are mentioned- for the place, Belmont and Ouftoy. Chairman Jonea called the meeting to order and M.' V, Tarpey of California was mads temporary chairman. - Invitations - to attend a reception to the committee at the Democratic club tonight and to visit Parker at Kaopua tomorrow were accepted. Bailey nominated Taggart,. and there being no opposition the Indianlan was chosen by a rising vote. - Tsggart In a speech said that with such a ticket and platform Democracy surely would win. Txnros Booamro at bsopvs. ' (Journal gperlil Herrtre.) Esopus, N. T., July 2. It 1 evident thst the little town of Esopus will have a great' deal for which to thank Its dis tinguished cltlsen. Judge Alton It Parker. : Scarcely wss ths news flashed from St Lrfuls telling of Judge Parker's nomination than the 'West Shore rail road went about making extraordinary preparations In the way of .terminal fa. cllltiea st Eaopus station, constructing a new waiting-room, sidetracks and other improvements for ths accommoda tion of a large number of people. Acting on its belief thst the home town of the presidential candidate will be the mecca for Democrats and other visitors from sll parts of ths country during th summer, ths West Shore an nnuncea thst It will maks special rates for partlss and that all regular trains will hereafter stop at Esopus station with a view to accommodating visitors to th place. satis ssBTxcs iiaAontm, (Journal BpeHsl Berrlrs. ) Bedford Springs, Ps.. July I. Knm- FACTIONS CLASH IN -THE VANCOUVER RUSH Wordy War ,Be Homesteads Is Women Head the ftush Before Serious Troubl Big" Crush at Opening Hour This Horn- i ; ing Rich Sections Thrown Open. I ' Vancouver Is the scene of a land rush today. . Scores of homeseekers ' . are thronging the land office for the pur pose of flling'on claims in the new ter ritory opened this morning for settle ment In Paclflo county, Washington. By noon today between 60 and 69 had made their filings and. a great line of people extended down th stairs leading to the land office, and far. out Into the street were waiting patiently for their turns For a time this morning trouble seemed Imminent but through the tact of Register W. 8. Phillips of the land office Marshal Batsman and C B. Rey nolds, the. chairman of the organisation of claim-seekers, which organised last Friday, -alt difficulty was averted. East night a large party came Into Vancouver" from Paclflo county. It was composed of people who have' been located In this district for- some time waiting until the day came for flHng on the- land. They took their places In line In front of the door of the land office, organised with John Laughlln and John Keltey as their leaders, and when noses were counted it waa found that there were I0 of them. They agreed to stand by each othor and not recognise the clalma of the other organisation, the members of which they said forfeited their place In line when they left , ' ' ' A .Wordy JDlapttte. '.'A wordy altercation tenfc place be tween different members of the rival or ganisations and soon a great crowd gathered, and as the , dispute grew warmer the crowd Increased, slthougb It wss near midnight Night wstchmau Martin cam upon the scene. He ordered the men all in line., He then gave each of them a ticket, on which waa a num ber corresponding to the holder's place In the line, and told them that he"wvrtd see that they had their rights as cltl sen s this morning, and that they would go Into the land office according td the numbers hs hsd glvsn them, regardless of the claims of the rival organisation. The members of the new organisa tion remained at their posts all night while the members of the other were all aaleep In bed, with the exception of Ave or alx. who-were detailed on watch dur ing the night and to give out numbers to any who desired to Join their organ isation. When the faction headed by Mr. Reynolds heard of the opposition this morning and the attempt the new comers were going to make to retain their places in the line, there was a lit tle excitement - ' Marshal to tka Besone. Marshal Bateman waa summoned, and the register waa Interviewed and the homeseekers wer given to understsnd that the first organisation- would be ree ognlsed, and that thoee who held num bers Issued by it would be first to get Into the office. This satisfied them and they said nothing, but lined up and waited. Ae the time drew near for the open ing of the office the crowd grew larger, until the- eldewalk for nearly a block was Jammed and people were crowded far out into the street Little groups were gathered here and there talking excitedly, the one subject of the con versation being what the opposing or ganisation was going to do. . They as serted that they were going to hold their placea, as they did not consider it Just for the register or any one else to say who was to bs the first In line, and they were preparing to rush Into the office, regardless of numbers, as soon as the doors wers thrown open. , All Bare Equal Cnaae. Promptly at o'clock Register Phil lips made his appearance, accompanied by the marshal and a constable. The: register opened ths door leading to the ATTORNEY BURROWS ENDS HIS OWN LIFE . (Journal Special fWrrles. ) -San' Francisco, July 21. Alexander Burrows, the well known attorney, was found dead In his apartments this morn ing, hsvlng committed suicide. At tendants attracted by th smell of gas escaping from the room burst In the door but were too late to save the law- yer's llf. - - - - - - Despondency over the death of his wife was the cause for' the suicide. Burrows wss one of the best known at torneys on the coast and was engaged at times in prominent mining litigation. KURDS MASSACRE THE ARMENIANS AT MUSH (Journal Rperlsl BVr.lr.) Berlin, July te.Dla Tagaeblatt re ports that. the town of Mush, In Ar menia, la in flames and that Kurds mae sacred large number of Armenians. In addition td this Information, news conflrmstory Cf Wiat received yesterday was include.!, showing that tnre is a wholesale unrllrig srlnt Christian Armenliin n. th it Ynufier. outrage and pillage n i tlio couiso of the trlbws-meo, THE QRGJLATIO.H OF THE JOURNAL YESTERDAY WAS 15120 PRICE FlVE CENTS. for Ended by ; Police e Occurs and JViniFirst J3aims. r stairs of the office and then made aft' announcement: "I will recognise those of ths organi sation who have been given numbers." said Mr. Phillips. "All ethers who de- slre to file will plesss get Into line. On the other hand, we will recognize all filings as being simultaneous.' This last announcement that the fil ings would all be considered simulta neous was received with much appre ciation by the members of the organlsa tlon who had oorae in last night. It means that if two or more Individuals tile on the same piece of property that the - second or third individual stands Just as good a chance of securing per manent possession of the land aa the drat the' final settlement taking place at a hearing 10 days after the filings are made. The first filing la given no more preference then ths last . After the announcement- the door were thrown open and one by one the land seekers took thslr plsces on ths stairs and along-the sidewalk,' according to their numbers, and one-y one passed Into the office, and made their filings. . 1 ' Women Xead "th Bosh. T. Mrs. C. B. Reynolds and Mrs. Rose. Fowler of Centralis were the first ta make their entries, They have been In line seversl days since 4 o'clock last Tuesday, morning.: and have been at their places moat of that time. Four other women were members of the or ganisation. They were Mrs. 8. Suther land and Miss Rhode -Hudson of Me Mlnnvllle, Mrs. L. M. Wlndus of Orays River, and Mrs. Frances Beard of Van couver. Two women were among the settlers who cams In from Orays river district last night All of these women rtvtflled on timber land In the Orsys river' district and, some of it is' very valuable. , , ' Many Bcmesteada Taken. - One thing in particular waa noticea ble, and that waa ths large number who made filings for homesteads. At Rnt very few had planned to take Up homestead- claims but owing to the fact that the atate of Washington holds a prior right to any portion Of the land, except that taken up as homesteads, led many to change their minds at the last mo ment i At the.explratlon of 10 days, the state will 'have selected all the land that it desires and 4 hen the rest will be open to the public If any of this land chosen by the claim seekers Is Included In the portion retained by the state they lose ail right to It and will have to make other filings on other land or do without Homesteaders' rights are recognized, however, especially when 'they have taken possession of the land. -' After It " months by paying $2.60 sn acre a home steader may prove up on his property. It was ststed by C. B. Reynolds, an at torney from Centralis, that In all prob ability the stste will not make any choice from this land. At the end of the (0 davs allow! for. the state to make its choice or the land, the filer will be called to the IBn'l office and If two or more have entered upon the same property, a hearing will be had to decide which la to have pos session, i From ' Inquiry among the settlers It: wss learned that several will enter on the same claim and as all the parties have built squatters' cabins, and have resided on the premises for different periods during the past two years, the right f possession will have to-be de cided In ths courts. When the doors were . opened today there were about 17ft clalmeeekers at the office and many others srrlved dur ing the day and took their places lit line. -v .-...''.. w , ., REPORTS ARREST OF MEXICAN MURDERERS ' (Joaroal Special Servln.) ' ' - Washington, July If. United Stat Conaul Kaiser st Mszatlan, Mexico, re port to the state department that the assassins of . the two Americana, Way ' and Lattlmer, have been arrested. No statement haa hewn made as to whether Torres, the official who Is sail to be responsible for the murders, aivl Who In a nephew of general Torres, Is included among those arrested- The presumption Is that he has been de tained, together with the soldiers who were sent to make the arrests of the' Americana, but wko Instead of follow ing such Instructions, . assassinated them. . - SALT LAKE SELLS A NUMBER OF PLAYERS (Jonnul Seerlel erlf. ) Salt I-ske. Vtah, July it. The nouncemfnt of the sale of v't, M" and I'ltcher Toaler hy the k.ii I cluh to the Khrevport lul t. i 1 to be the commencement i luttnn. of the I'm-iflc . the r(utte.-ilt I here. Ir l h ' a. the s?-t"i -l v, u (Continued on Page Two.) -.,-. - '. , '. .