, -I ' THIS' OREGON' bAIXY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, JULY 25. 1904. - carnal f s Good j PROVISION MARKET HA5 UPWARD TREND j ' btml at th poatoffle ' Portland. tor tranaportauua unait ue mu aa Class matter. Puotase tor si Dale oolai ro-se 8. 10 ( paper. 1 cast; 18 la au Beg, Bfa. cents. . Or. en mzraoim. Boetne Office Mel 0. - Kdltorlal Hooms hula 150. - 4- ,- - rOBIIO ADTZBTtiUBO EKTBISMrTATIYB. Veeeiand-B.ng.nitn Special Advertlalus Agency. ftsssa .trsot. View Ik TrtUina fcuUV y lug. Chicago. , '.! ' .v nr8cmTio batis. - ferae by Churl, . - The Plry Journal, with Suaday, 1 yr.. .8J JX Jba n.11, Joarn.l 1 rmr ........ f 0? Th Dslly Journal, with Sunday. sBentha J 2 Tb Dally Journal. months J-JS U J?"."' Jwnal. with Sunday, I month J J Tbs P.IIT loaraaL I month 1 Th flalla- 1 v. a.... 1 vaoutb. Th rllr. psr week, delivered. Buaday tu , , l.dcd -,.-,.,...,, Tba Dally, per wsck, delivered. Bunday mated ..................... 4$ M Tarma by stall. Th Jally Journal, with Sunday, I I"""-. ! Jba, Pally Jnaraa!. 1 yaar i"' ats The Dally Joumst, with Sunday.. 5 swathe st al. a moatha x"'lliii Tan al. with Sunday. $ sseath l.J ill montha. Va af, with Sunday. 1 moot. ." Jh Dally Journal, t moatha joa iisny Journal, Tna Daily journal Tna hidv x,....-, ..The Dally Journal. 1 n ennnsy Journal, 1 yaar. ....... , The tua4ar Jnarnal. " mnrtha . . . . . . .. . Tha Semi-Weekly Joaraai. . Tba am. wki, 7n a ta '-i forta. $ yaar ; .1 month. ...p4 m Mi 1.00 . Tha Waakly lawnail. T Waakly Jnarnal. 100 colanm f raa4- , raaortv I aar Koinlttanoaa ahnoM ba mad by drafta. aoatal Kotaa. ainrmM ardora. and amall amoaota ara Maautalila la I and t-aant no-taya tampj. . . o. Bo in. thi SouMix. ; fUrtfJO, Oaf . r-irmi tin oraiu ii M ravn. aawawaBw Tha Joaraal eao ba fooo e aala at tba to . lowlna plana: BOI8E. IDAHO rionawr book atora. ' . CHICAGO. Poatottlca Nawa evmpanr, ITS Dear born atraat. DENVER. COI.O. Kandrirk Bonk tarlonaTy company, tit Ikryanteanth atxaatl J. Black,. BlKttantk Bitd rnrtU mitmmtm 5a NBAS CITY. Vaa Noy Naw eonnnay. dm iHflrf ri ai a a.iMa ana Mm BpHn atraati Oliyar' Halaaa. ' ,aViaU Jprlny arrant. ? v ' .MlNNKiPoLIa-M. J. Kayanaarh. M faath ,i Thirt. - NKW YORK nTY. Bnnitanh'a. Cntok wjoara. OfiOKV. r1n Nawa company. OMAHA. Millard botal nawa atandt MiHraath Mtntigajkry company. lUnn Parnniaj atraat. iALT LAltB CITY. Kan yon botal nawa atan: Barrow Bma.. 4S Wcat onma atraat. Month. . T. LOrm Philip RnroVy, ia Lacnat atraat. ' SAN rBAMOISCO. W. W. AMInc Palaca hotal nara ataayi: Solitamtth Bma.. 0 Bnttaf 'atrrat: rrad W. Pitta. I OKI Markvt atraat a ftPOKANB. -Waah-Jaba, W .arahaai n lACOMA. WAKH. Ontral Maw company. 1111 AVCTIOaT IAXXI TOKOZSOV. . . By Gaok Bakar A Co., Park and Alor ttrarta. at in s. m. 8al of honaa turnialUiica. Geo. ' Bflkar A Co.. aurtlonaara. 4 Bf Sllwflcld, H-tH6 Morrlaon atraat. at t:M . - ana jinu p n. Bala ot Dlcn rad eloaka, anlts, jarkata. walata, aklrta, ate A L. Loaraaatalo, auetlonrar, - At Vorrlaon atraat. at 10 a. l.. :M p. m.. T:XO tl. Bate ot rlntblna. ahaaa. avara' rntahlnc (ooda. traak and Tallica. . Cbarlai f arflf, auottonaar. By An1raw Kaa A Co., Fourth and Morrlaoa atraata. at 10:80 a. B.. 1:90 and T:S0 p. ak. ,fala of Japanaaa and Cblnaaa yooala. mmno votick. , kNIOHTS AND LADIES OP TUB MACCABEES and tlwtr rrlraa'a ara cordially InTltad to at- . tand an lea craaai aaelal and daar rivaa by Vw!rtland tant. No. t. at thalr naw ball, aw Alder at., Monday Tnlr, July 2. lSoi. Moale by Braraat a arehaatra." AdaUaatsa, 10 i can IB. - . . . - ' -, '- WXATHt BEfOKT. ; ' Wvatbar coadltlomi and general foraraat for Oragnn, Wa.hliiatoa and Idaho iMirlnc tha ; la at 12 hoara tha bammatar baa fallen darldcrtly rar waatera Waahlnittoa. which Indlcataa tba - approach of anaattlad weather, probably fnl- h'wrd by abnwera la tba next 314 or 3d hoara la Oreaon. Waahlntttoa and northern Idaho. .. Moderately beayy ralna bare fallen la anath. aaatcrn Tataa and In tha Atlantic coaat atatea i from Mew England aonfh to Florida. Rain la alao reported In Arlaona,- Colorado, aorthara New Menlco,- weatern Nebraaka, Mia Dean ta and the aaatern nnrnoa 01 tha Hakotaa. It will be cooler In thla dl.trlrt Tnaaday. " Mtxlmnm tamprratnra la tha laat 14 hoara. B4: mlnlmnm temperatora, ; prrclpltaUon, ..Dona. .. ...... - . . BIBTHi, July IS. to Mr. and Mra. William J. Minnlny, at a Bilth atrect, aoa. - , , .. , . COKTAOIOUt DIBXAirS. ' " Piatt of Mt. Tabor, typhoid ' Inly 38, H. G, fcyar. ' 1. . . BfJalTXj. Inly Vt. J. B, UrBride, a red Tl yaar. at Blkan. Waati. ; 'ecrabral . krawrrhaia. Burial at erematorluai. . -, .. . , . n rramatorMmv pa vraana CTtj ear Baa. aaar ell wood t hindarn, acl.ntlflc. eoaiplata. Obarcaa Adulta. A 48 1 chllrtren. 28. Vialtara a. av 10 a p. m. roruaao uamaiaoa aaaoelaaoav ml oe. ' Portland. Or. Tha Bdward Bo 1 man- CadertaklBf an a. paw, fanaral director and asbalBMra.. BJU Third acreau raoac ovi. . t. P. Plnley A Boa, fanaral dlractnr and rmhalmera, br re ramoyed la their new eatab- nramanv earner Thira aa Madiaoa atraata. Both p hoara No. B. : r , . .1 ... 1 V' ' ' " . Eeller-B time) Co., mnaral dlractnra bad an balmara, ITS Raaaall. Lady aaat. Phaa Baat lObd. .;i UAX UTATX TBAJfETXKB. ' v- ' A. R. Kill and wife to PKeba P. Sharp, f weat U lot 8, block . Wllllama Areuae addition ....1P0 aaarr. a. t-arae ana oqaoana to Anna . A. Brown, 60x100 feet beejlnnlnf TO feet aonth of aorthwaat corner lot 1. blorkf - ; 1'ortland Ilotneatead y t-,iM 17 aou DH.iv tw - A.' , , Rwley. lota 4, a, block 4. Porta month ' ; Villa Anna Ne. 1. and lot . block a, , " Grabam'a Sth add - to Toledo, Llnonln connty. and lot 12, block t, Graham t 4th add to Toledo... , ' Alice R. Nunn and huaband to R. B. Ha- . worth, lot I M I, block d, Bmltheoa , " Land Co. 'a add t Baat Portlaad 1 t. C. Markwardt and wife to P. M. John- eon. 20 fact by 80 rod h.lnnln annth weat corner of aertloa SIS, toanablp l 1 aoath. ranite t aaat,,.. 1 P. M. Johnaoa to P. C. Markwardt, Jo feet ' by n rode bednnlniT'eoiithweat corner of ,, aonlkweat Sk aectlon JB, townahlp J aouth, range S aaat.. J. J - Carl Hpuha to Gnnneriua Hamnuke. Wit a ' block t. Arleta Park No. 4.4.. ..115 nimau at. i.reaory,. aominiarracor, to J. . Farmea Hill, lot B, . block lit, Bta- phena add. to Eaat Portland Mq Mary Keenaa and bnaband he D. B. Kelly, v .h'l.6,,'",',, Rlaaralde add to AIMna BOO T. D. Palmer and wife to J. C Mlckum, we- m, nninrniHi ... I ......,.,., , J .ciiwwoi Mi.raan ano auanana w JOAtt M. mo I'ltteaaer. lota 0, 10, block , Maaglry ' Hlffbland ' n. rinriny at unaranre va. to J. II. Rli-bardaon, lot 12. block T. CloTardaw Katenalon .,.,. , t P. It. Marlay and wife to C. J. Wlaioa. - V.t S3 to S4, block S, Arbor Lodge. .. 7. 1 . n i 1 iiiib rir x cmatery m. In K. P. Doty, north H lot B4, Portland Lone Plr . cemetery , j . Jamea Cfaddock and wife to J oh a H. . Iala. !hji7.1 feat beginning tnteraectloa ' (anitbera atraat ritrndenT weal anJ . county road and IO1S11 feat aaroe. ....... ai f aa . Oat year Inenranee ana ahatreete a real - aatat from the Title Oaaraatee Treat awe. paay, laamoer ct lorn mere building. . BUlLOIXaPXBKITB. .' Jnly W. rienraa Mghthoff, repair to dwell. In oa aorthraet corner at Flrat aad P lander treat. Coat Jnly SS. Mr. Plttengar,- dwelling 'hona na Raet TwJnty-flret hetwera Powell and Bmlth Ucete. Coat II.BOll. ; Jnly 25, B. Joaathaa. altaratlona to a two atorr honaa on north weat comer of Jeffareoa and Front etreeta. Coat tlo. Jnly 4. Jbn Beck, twotocy dwelling oa : run mriin oeiweaa iiinmooa bag tiaacark treat, toal 11,500, , STRONG FEELING PMADIaTCr OT '' TmXXS AHOlflg Til B1TTOII1I XJf m. KA.BT mn rwm Z.00AX. moDTOT taa com nr bajo bxajtii K-AkTT OAU BODLOMB aYBBXTB. , ' Front Street. July SB.-dTba principal tea tare of to Portland wbulMatle market today ara; PrurUloe aiarket on op grade. Egga coming la bed ah ape again, poultry market only dull. ' ' ' .', , California atoamer arrlrr. " . .JV ... Much cblttlm bark la eat. ' . ' , ' No change In talmoa altuetloo, ' " Mn ear maloae arrlra today. ' . Car erange from Calloral. Green cora aad tomato ebeapar. , bplrltrd demand for peechee. - j '- btueeed Diaau la amall arrlyab ' Prorlalba Market oa V Arad. The complet Ueap of the eastern, packing plant ha caaeed a much bettor ton la local manufactured geode, Kaetara etock la tlile city are practically notlilng, and a eontlno auo of Ue labor troublea In tba aaat will aoon' clean out arerythuug they bar. Loral prerlaloa men hay Borne large eOock aa hand, but with the withdrawing ot the eaatera etock from the market here there will Oodoubtedly be a iborug woa. Packer ay tbey ara an M to Mcur a aafflctent aavmnb at hog for their need, but It la thought that tha trouble la tba aaat -will cane a large- number of hoe to coma thla way which would other viae ba Bent lav tha . other direction. Xgga Obm la Bad Bkapa Again, ' Wbf the trad eajl "Bummer" ' egg are bow coming Into .market and there la much complaint a to quality. Tha receipt are bowing a lnereate, but tha demand continue good with moat of tba Bale ' at Sic. Borne dealer are atlll trying to obtain tm22e, but rary aeldom ucced, aa tha ret. Here would not bare eufflctent profit by celling at 22 Sec Bbonld a chang In tb natura of an adranc occnr It 1b rery likely that tba price will go ap to 2222e, aa thla would anabl tha dealer to Ball reUll at 3b rrlght,. Imma dut cbfng ara anticipated. - Ialtry la Only Doll. ; :' t - Receipt la poultry today wore not Urre, bat qtilt h Bomber ot ooopa ware carried arer from Bator day. Koto cleanups of Hiring were made late Saturday aa low a 13o a pound. The market today la rery dull and waak, tha dealer not being aazloua to purchase at any firora. Mo change la quotation. . " Vina Car af Melon, Arriek. . Ktoe ear of watrrmelone and eaaUloapea ar rlyad In today There la a vary (ood demand tot both train with price unchanged. eV ear f fancy erange aloe arrteed from the. aouth. Peactaea are la large call, with the aupply emalL Tomatoes and greea corn from local point are coming falter and tha latter la kiarr. Borne three-tier boae of teacy toma toes came In en tbe ateamer and were quoted low at 51.50. There waa a ebortage ef apri cot today. .Bualneaa- generally la the fruit line was heaey oa account of tha warm weather. A (.plea from California point are tn better bap with demand not large. A ear of fancy Jrmona eama lata Saturday. . Drasaad Keats la Bmall aVrriaal. Bloc the large receipts ef poor grade dieeed mtau laat rek ibar bare beea amall arrlyala lathto Una.. Tbe aemaad Is a little better and good goods will bring qootstlons. Small block pega ar not coming, but there la a fair de mand. N mutton or lamb arrtred today oa Front- street.- , Mora Cblttlm Bark b Out.. Thla eeaaoa the cutting' ef.. cblttlm bark kaae bem larger thaa arer, aad a dealer who returned today from a trip through Marlon. Polkf Washington aad Tamblll eountle report that at leaat 100- too bae baeei gathered.- Tbe demand for cblttlm at present la only fair and today Bathing era 5c pound la being of fered. Merchant Opinion a Today' Market. . - W. B. Qlafk Oo. California ateamer ar rived; snare erg coming; butter ancaanged. W. T. Turner Co. Egg market opening up firm! W expect lower price oa poultry thla week.- Bell Oa. Today there ware arrival af al moat everything In tbe way ef email frulta, but tha demand la good; plenty ef meloa and eanta loepee. Chattartoa Co. Chicken Bndlirg a (low sale: block boga In demand; aly fancy veal fled ree-ly ale; egg firm. . Levy Bplegl. California ateamer brought a big aaaortmeat ot small fruit la an shape. O. S. Smith Co. Orrt del of complaint bow about oaallty at egg; ao demand, tut cblckea.- - - - ' ' Toft. Hlne A fj. True market for veal ealy limited ; weather govern demand; moderate receipt., more profitable to Bblppere; soring chicken moving clow at quotation. Pearson -Pago Co. Peachea aad aprlrota very scarce today: car banana due thla aftarnooa. Malarkey Co. No chang la eelmou altua. Hon; recelpta geaerally ef flab email. Davenpm t-Thompeon Co. Bmall amount af fmlts arrived a California ateamer. Bvardlng . A Farrell. No change Is better eltuatioa; aotaa poultry carried ever from Bat aidey; ml and pork In amaU arrival. . but de mand la fair; egg firm. - Dryer, O'Malley Co. Tary good call for science, recelpta light; agga firmer; chicken dragging; Bieloae Balling well. Pag A Son. Retailer don't aeem to want chicken t any price; egg coming la bed ehape oa account ot the hot weather; bo dreaaed .rata arriving; car Irnoone late Saturday. Smith Bros. Hogs ar scare and high, but market ha got to have them; Oregna farmer ebonld wake ap and raa snore Uvaatock If tbey wla.i to encourage tbe parking - Industry and make Port la ad a packing bene center. Today's wholesale ueUtlont rcvaied. ar a follow: ...... Orala, TTour aad Teed. ' WHEAT Wklla Walla, ; bloeetam. Tc! "bAo LEY Feed. 523.50; rolled, $24.50; brew ing. 5-JV60I24.00. N OATS Prodncera1 price No. 1 Whit, 134.00 024.50; gray, g28.00ie28.50. PLOl'B Eatem Oregon 1 Patent. 54.10: atralghts, 58 fOt?S 0; valley, a.M12.95; gra. ham Ha. JS tW; 1. 58.55. . - MrLLbTI FFS Bran, 520.00 per toa; mid dling. 525.00; aborts, country, 123.00; chop, SIN 00 H A Y Prodccers rn-lre Timothy, Willamette valley, 5l2.0Oil5.00: eaatera Oregon, l.5njl IT. 501 mixed, 510.00(912 00; rlorer, 58 vX' 10 0-l; grain, IU.5OU12-0O; cheat, 511.60(3 12.00. . , . Hop,' Weal aad Hide. ROPB 25i'JOo tor choice; 5ft 28 He for prime; contract. 1004. IS (320c. . WOOI. NomlnaL Valley, roar to mediant, lTcf Vc; Bne. lwc; eaatera Orcgoa. 12Q10C , MOHAIR New. Hoc. ' BHKEPSKI! Shearing. loi?J0o; abort wool, 2)(fOc; medium wool, SOfc&oc; long waul, 60cW51.no each. a TALLOW Prima, per lb,. 405c ) Ro. t aad grraae. IHr. ' CHITTIM BABK 6 per lb: buying price. v HIDES Dry bides. No. J, Id IBs nd ap. TtUc per Ri; dry' kip. No, 1, to 15 lhs, ItHc: dry calf. No. 1, .under 5 lbs. 1BH'! dry nlted bulla, and stags, 1-5 lese thaa dry flint sal tad hldee, at ear. sound, SO I ha or ever. 6Q7V: no bo 00 Iba, 6c: under 50 the and owe, 5flo; at ere and bulls, ennnd, 44c; kip, 16 ta 80 In, 6Hc; sound. 10 to 14 Ilia. 514c; elf, sound, under 10 lb. Site; greea Inn sslted) l per lb less; culls, lc per lb lea.; horse hide, nlted, each. 51.2m31.Tn; dry, rh,' 51 Mi&l.M; colts' bides, rich. 3S1o0c; gnst skin, eemmoa, each. 10 16c: Angora, with wool on, asch. 2.V4H1.0O. Butter, Xert bad Poultry. . BITTFR PAT 8wct, Slc; sour. 1. ' . BUTTER City creamery. 30te23Hr; nutalde, fancy. Sue: ordinary. 1'SaH store. 12ia. BOOS No. 1 fresh Oregon, Sle anrandlrd. c: bakera, 1B120e. CHEKSkV-New Pull treaaa, twin, lOHQllc; Toung America. 12e.. POITLTRY Chicken, mixed. llHfMkc per h; bene. lDltllVyc par lb; rooatera, old, 5inc lh; foung. lie par lb: brellere. 16c per '"--Hi: ry eta, lbr per lb; dnckt, eld, lie per Tb; yean, 12c per lh; geese. 7c per lb; turkeys. 17f 15c per lb; draased, lHt?2oc par lh. Trait aad gstablea. ' POTATOFB old, 51.80: bayrre' price for fancy, 500 new Oregon, 51.T5Q2.00 par cwt; bnrera' price, 51 .Miqi.TB. ONMNB WaHa Walla. 51 T6; yellow. Daa vers, 52 out garlic. 10e bar lb. i REMH FRl'ITB Appfea, Oregoa, 5U60Q1 f rr hot; erangea, Mediterranean aweeta. 5100x1 25 bar bni; late Vslendaa, 5.12ftU5.50 per 1 . . ,- !. . e " , irviw, v ...... tilt per box; fancy. 5.00x..TA per hoi; lime. Mexlraa, doe per Inu; pineapple. 5' .ot 5. A; rherrlee. 6srn per lb; flings end Lain, rarta, 5W lOcf apricot a. Oregoa. 515 per box; cimi, T6 Plums, Burba nk a. 5l.a)eri.i6 par box; nearlMai, Oregon, eotifnuc per box; Crswferda, TAtt sec per poa paar. , 5L65.2.uo per ft; grapes. Cellfornla. $1. per boa; black llam kurg, 5l.5; blsck . 52.nO per box; eurrenls, 5e iH.r lb; logaa barrlc. Te per lb;, red raap berrlee, 6Me per lh; wild bUckherrlc, Be per lb; nwatermelous. lVjo per lb; rantslounea, ll.Triu2.ii per crate; nectarines. 51.50 par bo; berk lelierrtra, IRc ir lb. " VEUKTABLKS Turnlia, 51. P" aek car rota. 51.26 nv Back; heete, fl.SS Pr asck; Oregoa raillnues, lfto per do: cabbage. Ore gon, milc; Walla Valla, iHo per lb; let Ike,, bead, 16c per dot; greea peppere, tu per lb: celery, 5l.no per dun; tomitoe. Oregon, 5'M 123 box; pa rani pa, T6cl.i!: cauliflower. per crate; green pea. . Pf lb:' grtea onloua. .IRc per doe; Jncal rreen coin, 15H2e per do; pie Plant, tVie per lb' string bejus. 5c; cucumber, 5uqj51.00 per Us; hot house. 406u per box. - DRIKD KU CITS Apple. yportod. TBS par lb; prloot, ) P Vi 2f per lb leea; e-aes, T!Je per IM rrs. 51 Joe per lh: prune, lulUn. Htj4Vt per : Krench. u,h? per lb: !t JYwal bUrke, rWe per lb: do white. Wtt'l per lb; plums, pitted, 6Kll P' A""' golden. 0V p-r lb; fards, 1.0 per 16-lb boa. " RAISINS Beaded, fancy l ib ert..ns, 50 psikagrs to esse. THe pkgj seeded 12-olcir-fond, 6W,e; loose Muscat. 50-lb boxes. per lb; London Uyers. 51.06; - clustera. 1LI.0O1 V. Soc; V.s, 6oe advance over pound cartoEa. -'FIGS Ten lib cartona, choice fcfd. 10 l ib cartons, fancy brand. 5100 -' bricks. J-crown. T6c 10 l ib hf''-ft0""' BSc; 4 H-lb bricks, par bo. 52.0O; S.t to cm, 52.00; 6-row lyr, per 10-Tb hot, TOc: loose. 60-lb oxes, per lb, 6Hc Oallaymr. eas Blx-crowu. 10-lb carton, per bog 52 .001 6-crown, 10-lb carton, per boa, 51.T6; a-crowa, 20-lb cartons, per box,. 51.T5. . ersoari,. Vuta, Tta. Bt'GAR Back basla Cube. 50-20; pewdared, 56 IS; fruit granulated. 501x1; dry grsnulatsd, ob6 bset granulaud, 50.B6; axba C. 58.0; ioW.n C, 58.56; bbla. 10c; H bbla, 26c; boxea. Sue advance oa asck baala. leas 36g cwt (oa . 15 days; maple. HWloo pef lb. .: J.i , . HONEY 14"43lAf. .,. . . .-. COKKtB Green Mocha, SliBZSc: Jay, fancy, SrarA;; Java, food, . 2tM32f; JavsjOrdlnary. lcllaoc Coata Blca, fancy. l ""'fl; Md, J61hc; Costa Mica, ordinary,, 11 la per Ibl package ciffee, 511-T6JlS.i'i. 'TR Aft Oolong, different grades, 26(&6Bci gun powuiT, SHOiiBiKirBc; Eugllah breskfast. dif ferent grade. 12V56c; aplderleg. uncolored Japan, SofcOSe; greea Japan (vary aeareel, 50 AW-ina-ft1BrS.. -;.-lxfrT-fT. m.50: tablef dilry: 60. WW,,,! , ,. Imported Liverpool, Nis, 5. 1 .OO'o) IS 50; 100. 514T5515.OO1 ils. W15n6o; extrs Bne. bbls, 2a, s. Be. 10a, 5-00; bulk, 520 Iba. 53.6i aacks. Bus, Of. - 1 SALT Oosrss Half ground. 100s, P toB, 5C.2U!.50; 60s, per ton. 56.58.00: Liverpool Inmp rock. 518 6010 f per ton) 60-lb tech. 5d.26lilo.T5; KKXt. 58 T5l!d.25. . (Above price apply to ealoe of Use thin ear lot. Cr lota at apMUl price eubject to Bnctuatlons. . GRAIN BAGS Crrutta. 55.T5C5 00 per 100. RICK Imperlsl Japan, No. 1, 6e; A. 2, 4c: New Orleana bead. TflTH. h BANS amall white. lei : hrga Lw,w i.W0tiiW: pink. $4.00 bayoa, SVioj-Unum, UTS Peanut. TVic; Jumboa, 5He per lbs raw vrttoc per lb for roaeteri: cocoa nuts, 58 per do: walnute, lii16,c per lb; pin nuta, 10(ul2i4c per lb: hickory nuta, 10c per lb; chestnuts, aaatern. 15le per lb; Braall nuts. 15e per lb: Blberts, IS 0 loo per lb; fnncy Becaaa, 14J16o per lb; almond. 15CI80 per lb. Meat. Fish and PrevUlon. FBE8H MEATS Inspected Beef, vteer. tj 6Ue per lb; cow, 65Hc per lb; mutton, dreaaed, 48e par tb; lamb, draased. 5i PFRIE8T1 MEATS Pront street Feef, steera, 44 Pr lb; pork, block, 7(27 Kc per lb; pVckersT To per lbV hwll ll P lb; rcwe- 4ffl6e per lh; mutton, dressed, 4iB5e per lb; veal, extra, e per : ordinary, 6e per per lh; poor. 4c: lamo. 6e per lb. HAMrTBACoVf, HT0. Portia ad pack (meal) bama 10 to 14 lb. 18 He per lb; 14 to 15 lb. I.Se per lb; IB to SO-lb. 18ie per lb rottoge, bWe r lb; break f set -bacon, - 15I7 per lb; plcnlca, 10c per Tb; regular short clear, ansmoked.- aV4 per lh; MDoked. lota per lb; clear barks, unemoked, 5 per lb; toe ner lb: t'aloa butt. 10 to IS Iba. -unamoked. 8ie per !b; amoked. 4e per lb; rlear heme, Dnamoxeo, iitt par id; auoaeu, aae PLOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10. 10ie per lb; Ba, 10V1C per lb; 60-tb tin. B'4e per lb; steam rendered. 10s, t per lb; Ba, per lb; 60s, 8H per lb; compound tierces, OH per lb; tuba, eveper lh; 5la, B4 per lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia river. 1-lb txlle. Sl.rn: S-lb tall. z.4n; fancy nsta, ai.oo H-Ib fancy flat. 51 25; fancy S-lb evato, 52. A leak toll, pink, auavabc; rea. jjxi; 3. tall, 52 00. PISH Kock rod. 6c per Jb: nonnder. Be rr lb: halibut, 5H per lb; eraha, 51.26 per do; errlped beea. 1012e per lb; ntneh. Be per lb; eelmoB. Chinook, Be" per lh; etaelbeade. Be per lb; blurbarka. 8c per lb: herring. Be pc r lb; soles, Bs per lb: abrimpa. 10c per Tb; abad. draased. 5 He per lb; perch, Be per lb! abad roe, 12 He per lb; foe shsd, Be per lb; blsck cod, 5 per lh. ' . j. ' OYSTERS Bhoelwster bey,, per -gal, f2.S5; per rack. 5S.T5 let; Olyalpla. per sack, 5.V26. CLAM Hard rhell, per boa, 55.00; rasot cUma, 51.T5 per boa, . . Palata. Coal 0Ua Xta. BOrK Par Manila, lMe; auadard, 12c; -'AL0OIL Pearl or AatraV Caaea, SI He Per gal; tcr white. Iron bbls 10c per 51, mcn&v Z. 1 per gel: headlight, l?0-deg, came 23Vj per gal. Iron bbla 17e per gaL LINSEED OIL Pure raw, la bhl 68c per gal. rates 3c per gal; genuine kettle boiled, easee cae. per gal. bbla 60c per gal; ground rake, car lot 25.00 per ton, less thaa car 520.00 per ton. ' OABOUNB d-deg. cases 82e per gst troa bbl 20c per gal: stove, caeca.. 24 He per (al, bon bt.ls le per gaL - . B E N EI N B 65-Oeg, east 22c par gal, troa bbls 15H P ral. ' PAINT OIL Haw, bbl SSe per gat, esse (8c per gal; boiled, caaea 0c per gal. TURPENTINE In case gfic per gal, Wuedea bbla, 81c pec gal, iron bbla 70a per gaL, 10-lb ease V 84c per nl WHITE LEAD Tea lot. TKe per Tb, 500-lk lota 8c per lb, we lot SU per lb W1BE KAILS Praaont bad at 52. M. . . BaUU tember Prleaa. ' - Com. Belect Clear Per Per Per MFC M Ft. M Ft. Bcruth, dlmeualwi regnlar .lie; Sx.t to 12x12, 52 ft.. 5 5.60 $15.00 $25.00 Rough, dtrnenalns rerulsr slice to 12x12. 54-40 ft... 5.60 17.00 24.00 Benrh, dlmenalcns regnmr slice to 12x12. 42-18 ft... 1160 15.00 200 Koik. dimensions rrgclar eleee to 12.12. 50-BO ft. 16 50 M.05 50.05 For each additional X incase la width add............. For odd and fractional else sawed add not Ire than For aiwlng vertical ariln to 4x12 add Common rough board, regu lar alaea to 12 In. wide to 24 fW I"-, aaeorted l.n.lh. . Bpocllted lengths ot boards (1.00 per M feet dftttrdo consist ef lumber lea thaa I tscbe im tblcknea. -' ' : ' MARKET WAITS REPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT (Fnrniabed by Overbeck. Starr A Cook Co.! New York, July 28. T. A. Mclntyre A Cn. Bay: Tha Indications ar rather auggesttve for a continued comparatively narrow tradera' mar ket until after tha neat government report la announced. If thla abowa that tbe July condi tion of 88 per cent has beea even maintained tha Indlratlone of a record breaking crop Which It would aiurgeet Would undoubtedly have a farther bearish effect Bad precipitate a decline It prlcea to a lower level then It reached a month ago. Tbe weekly . government crop and weather balletln la expected to read moderately arfarorable and make further complaint of rank frowtb and tbe lack af proper cultivation owing recent to heavy ralna In soma aecttnna. Thla may be made the baala of some further attempt at manipulation, but an long pa tbe general sltnstion snd outlook remains favorable for a record breaking crop It would be bard to main tain any advance of Importance from the pres ent level, and unlea eomethlng happen to change thla altnatlon we think rallies ar aot likely to ge far and will preva only tempor ary, . ' ' . Today ' eettou market: Open. High. Low, Clns. January 5 0.87 6 T $ 0 51 1 B.M'ridB February ..... ...... BflitM March ' n.i7fl July 10 25 . 10 25 10.2B 10 2Tu Atiguat ... lo KX . 10 n ).2t lO.Sotia September.... 9.00 B un - i M'a October....... 0 71 5 72 5 "O 1 B 4f,iJI November....". M B.M ... B M ' IlliiU December... (.58 0.67 6.55 ' (. 51 i2 Liverpeel Cettea Xigker. Ltverpofll. July 25. Oat toa closed with apot ( te 4 points higher. CTtlCAM tUX WXIAT. . 1.00 100 2.00 tOO (.00 $.00 $.00 4.00 $.00 BO 1100 n. t red. hew ........... Nn. 8 red. new No. 2 bard winter ..... No. S hard winter No. I northern Boring. No, $ nortlvva sprtsg. ......... Ko, $ spring ................. Bid. $ .yd , 5 i2 .51. . 1 OS . . . . Ak. .M ,85 STOCK MARKET IS NOW A WAITING ONE (Fnrnlsbad by Overbeck. Starr- Cooke Ce.) New York, July 28. Logan A -Bryan Bay: The market a a wbol Is waiting one, la lha meantime tbe hireatmviit demand fur bond continue good and there Is. ws think, a big waiting list of would-be investor la stocks.' Wr atlll advise their purchase. .... T. A. Mclntyre 1 A Co. any: There I rumor oa the exchange that Erie baa paaaed It dlvbleud, whluh la probably tba cauee el the weakneaa. "S ' Vstklig to Warraat Beniag. T. A. Mclntyre A Co. aayi We a nothing to warrant any eipectatlua of any extenalrs selling or break developing. Tbe advance la the demand fur sterling exchange today to 4.KT.8U is aa exceptionally bisk rata for thla season ef the yaar end-auggceia the possibility r en id momenta on snjr further advsnce of one-quarter. It la due to a ayaipathetlc move- mi nt wito rne nee, in in sihwum mww, where- money haa kardeaed. Thr la no rea son for alarm over thle, however, aa bankere wttl be (lad to see a little dearer money market and the city bank now bare a surplus on all deposits evr legal requirement ef ever $80, two. 000 against (lT.UuO.uuO last yaai. Today' stock uaraati ,-,. . DtSCBIPTIOlt. Amal. Conner Atchison, eemmoa...... do preferred Am. Car A Found. Co., Am. Btursr. common...-. Am. Smelt., .common.. 00 prererrea ....,. Bsltlmors A Ohio, com do preferred Wrnok-lvn ' Ranld Tranatt Canadian Paclflc, com.. Cblcago.B Alton, eom,. do preferred. ...... ... O- tl. W.r rflnrmoB. J Chi., Mil. A St. Paul.. U. A N. W., common. . Cltcage Terminal By.. Chesapeska A Ohio.,.. Cilo, rue 1 at iron. coo. Cow. Southern, Sd pfd. U. K. W., GXfUiUUR An - neeferred. ......... Srle( commoa - OO aeconu prerrrTwi. . do first ore tarred. . . . Illinois Centre 1 Loularllle A Moniue.. U. .. Traction Cav....i. Msnhsttan Elevated...,. Mexican Central r.. -Mlnn.c St, P. A Bta. M- An neaferred. . Missouri Pacta. ....... . at. K. at T.. commoa... do preferred New York Centr!..., Norfolk A West,, com.. Hi T 4ut. WertiraJ Panylvnla By.... n , , t a. r r. Preaaed Steel Car,' eom do prererrea. ......... Psdflc Mali S. 8. Co... Beeding, common....... do aecoad preferred.. do first preferred.... Ben. Iroa A Steel, com do preferred Bock Island, common. . do preferred Souther Ry., commoa.. Southern Psclne,.....- St. I b. r.. m pm. - do flrat preferred.... St. U A 8. W., common do preferred..... T xs A Pclflc. rl A teen. . Toledo, 8t. L. A W., C do preferred Colon piclOc, oomroon do preferred........ D. 5. Leather. Common do nref-.irred U. B. nuooer. do pri-r.Trea . . V. B. Steel Oo., - d preferred..... ... Wheeling A Lake Erto. Ooaecond preferred mJ et . nMfteM.. W .lie. r Wlacon.lrl Central, com do prererrea . . . . W. V. Tilegraph Wabaah, commoa. do prefernpd B8 ST ta ,12UVi T 06 V. 62 1244 80 V 14 H 1TB . 54U XNlZ A3 1X714 11B 1 T lHa AOtZ aiyj 'in: 54 Tt4 10 i 1154 67 80 56 ik 124 H 40 144 14Ka 117 58 V 21 'Us, 68 62 V4 11X714 116H1H- 1118 iwia iia!n.s 64 a 9JO. 60 24 t 61 14 63. 88 4 43 'a 0754 1 124 a 55 S4 'it Vt 52 7 80 19 120 67- a f ivi. 124 BOH 14 U 147 W 178S '58 8014 2054 244 8rl 0 '1H4 62 Ta, ta 128 6T 60 84 84 Mta, v7 81 1ltl 147 ,17n (Hi, 87 i 22 V T2 24 1MV HI I IM TB . .1 . . 4 18 41 110 81 'so 12114 100 0 "e 48 la, 60 24 88 62 65 53 26 ' T 't is 12 1151 T4 12TV4 va ainiz 11V$11H Ml lAvl Ml .T..,l ST no I 120n20 1HV 40 li 100 88 T 44 22 88 2S B 60 62 20 43 'is" 00 ii 12 I ner cent. ToUl eslea for day. alT.war enarea, inula villa A Mhvlll. ex-dltldend 2 per cent. ' . - 14 22 56 80 'lT 5-iU 82 21 55 - 58 ..... 3t ha 2 T 27 5.1 0X4 63 7 48 22 08 21 bN 61 62 TO 13 83 26 4X1 36 8H 07 83 Is 2 18 T5 12 a-j. 21 88 18K 88 36j 41T.E00 akarea. CHICA00 LOCAL STOCKS. Chicago, July -local A.k pref.::::;::::::":::: J Amerleaa boa ..jj. ,-, 1 do preferred -JJ American Can C ?y 2 do preferred "' an "sr.:::::::u:::::::::i5w Msmond Match , 'it Chicago City By Lnloa Tractloa V?1 Aa preferred .......... ! w ,1. stta aiv .........7a - iiovi 180 Norta 110a ny - Weat Side By.... 2?2 South Side By. ' AJI rBAaTCIBCO LOOAt BTOCIS, ; fca Fiadeeo. July SB. Ckm. 10:80 a. Local (tocas; )(J Spring Valley Watof ............. i4 sr,F.-Ln A Electric v " . Glent Powder Kawsllaa Sugar a rlonokea Sugar eost ' MakaweU Sugar ........ . Poacupen kuigar i" Alask Faclrer' Ass'a .......125 - TODAY'S ClABTlrOB. T5 4T 82 Ask. 83 82 62 12 V4 24 13 The- Partlaad clearing Ckarinr .. BkUncea naa reports today! .V.. 5-V7. 84 1.28 84.4T1.88 CATTLE AND SHEEP ARE SLIGHTLY LOWER ......j..'. -f . :.. . Portlsnd Tnloa 'rtTV,loUSwbn,r? I verr strong demand for hog with re erlnt VmaA. Cattle are fair, about e lower. RreVn ar la the m conditio, 28c down. R?pt. tod.y enml.ted of 18 bog, aad 108 '..bSSS? -.Vera "Jlro. ateer. 500, tt.Wi. W$isr WHorSt beVvV. $ACo" block. BA.TBi Vblna f."87lSr.tIcT; .nl feeder. 56.00 Sb'il-Price nominal. Beat grain-fed wetti eri nmbe, $a.out2.C0; mixed sheep, $LT5 t.2.00, ; ' .' lASTIB g"w tLOW.i . . Chlcar.. J.1F a.-LWejtock reee.pt.r . $.000 6.500 5.000 Olcare . ooo B.000 ....... Ksneaa m;io"i"-i" - ; jj,, "J.'ned'mw't''t'dy with 8,000 'left Hi(s opened Blow w ' g.noo.- Ruling Soa'-rarSeJ- P Wl!5 64 ll.el.56; Vod. 8.VI04S r&.li. $4 T0O4.88; libt, $4.8O15.00. ,' Cattle Steady. Sheep Wsk. . ' ' - - ; XABTIXaT MOOS CLOUXO. . rkieaeo July 25. Hogk e1od aetlva, 18 t-.?6rh4 wMb snreeTeylng by tha p.ckjr. laeindlne Armmr. Price; Mixed, 58 0018.60; MvWI $4.76(44.50; light. Csttle-Steady to Jtnrng. . . . Sheep Steady to Hie lower. irrw tobx oorrzx mabxxt. . KevV Tork. laly 28. Coffee cleae) 10 blgbr. The market: ,. Bid." " A.k July $o-; Aunst J I 2Y2 Stptembet a.'aj a i o October " November J 1. . ' ........ . . a m . a u rroruary .-. -- March w. a JJ a jo April ... i.. 6 70 8 75 May ....... ... a wj aa June ...,.....,..- ...... 5-80 80 ' Berlia Orala Market. - Berlin. July 80- I aiee: W beet September, a higher. , . . Badapert aVrara SUrwat. ' Puis peat, July $$. CEihai Wheat-4)4 BjmE , . , A HIGHER POINT REACHED BY WHEAT nr oxzoACrO mbw BrixaCBrB xa x oejtv jnosxB, nw mx CliaTT, BBOSBtaSB T, OSaTX. BLAT I OXaTT BnOMIat BIJPTBlCBEBi C0M . h cxirr vr euro sijcexobxm . . ' (Furnished by Orcrbcl-k, Starr A Conk On.) Chlcairo, July . Logs A Brysu advlae: 1 In wheat the receipts lu thl market war fair and re. a prlcea were a . little higher. Cah price in Toledo and the southwest mar kets were, however, mainly sharply brner. There was atitne scattered ehowere through the weat and southwest, bdt nothing !nimrtnt. Tha atn.net. was est short covering and tha epeculalive buying on tbe cable. Tb Utter were Influenced both by their own en en uatloa and shade lower consols. The strength abroad and' bare today may be slgiilOcant. but our feeling haa beea and la.: with , a liberal movement of caeb wheat 1n tb domeatle mar kets, together wltb a probable UuliUtlon ot July euntracta Induced thereby, will likely prevent any material advacic this week and may poulbly bring about lower price- Scalping Cora Market. 'laveora'lt U a scalping market aad aaoatly scalping. ' Tba cash altuattoa la a bad one and evea Oats xerclee Ultl Influence. Th crop aewa la favorable.- .. "Wheat Hslpsd Oata. In oat the strength in wheat w prob ably something of a factor, but tbe move ment continues move n .derate and tha msr bet ta. -without much Belling nreeaure. - Pre diction of shower la om place waa slso n Influence. The new nets ar moving alowly and tbe movement will lncreeae. We ar Inclined to atlll tblnk 4twtUtke-a-pretty free movement to get cash oata down to tb September price. ' Previsions Dull and Sraggtog. ' PrevtatoB snowed a dull market with a dragging tendency pending anraetblog deonlt la regard to the ettiemeat ot tba etrlke: Today' market! ' - ' . ' '. Ope a. High, Low. Close. Wheat HewBept$ ,8T $ .88 - .88 $ .87 A NewnJly .8S .88 .08 ..4 Dec.... . . Msy..,.. ,88. .87 ...8-vS Sent.... .48 .40 Dec 45 '' .46 OaU '.'.. 1 Sept.... TM . .88 Dec 53 -28 Pork . " Sept.... 1185 13 8T Ocrl.... 11.8T 12.87 Lard Sept.... 8 02 8 90 Oct 6.06V : .. 7.00 Bibs Sept.... .B0 ,r,j Oct T.60 f .65 03 .84 B ." '.87 .88 .. .. . ' .SO :.58H - . 12. TO B ,12.70 . -S.8T T.42 t.4T . A - .45 : .'8214 J3 ' ISTd 1270 . 6.8T" . S.D2 . T.42 T.4T Liverpool Brala Market,. Uverpnnl, July 25. Cloaa: Wheat Septem ber, -8-814, higher; December, - aomlaal. Corp September, 4-1. higher. OEAIX 0V PA5SA0X. Chicago, July 28. Grain wi paavage: Today. Last Week. Lsst Ter. Wheat ...SO.8A4.oia) .40.2TXl.iaa 27.4.0X) Cora ....15,108,000 16.004,000 , 18,077,000 Milwaukee. Orala Market. Milwaukee, July 25. Close: Wheat July, new, 06c; eld, BTcj September, new, $7cj eld, Bfc . - ; - woixd's qxAnt bhitmxxtb. . Chicago, July 29. World' grain blpment: 1 nui eRX, tdmm niri, . tjmm iw. "!'-'; Rtishcbi. Buahela. - Ruahels. Wheat ...-8.0oa.IMa) 6.6o8.(Sl0 T.602.000 Cera ...... 4.474. OuO 6.024,000 , 6,160,000 CHICAdO OBAUf CAB LOTS. Chicago, Jly SB. Orln esr lot: ' . Cbr Ord Eat. Wbsat ...... 82 , 81 85 Cora .SO 28 - (oT Oata 102 6 118 Wheat care today: Minneapolis, 232; Onluth 116. Year ago: Mlaneapolla, 1T4; Chicago, 80; Duluth, 18. . WOHLD'i BBIADJTuTF SRIPMIXTS. Chicago, Jnly 25. Tbe world' breadstaff blpment: Lt week , s.ofitl.ooo nuaneia. Prevlotia week, 6,506,000 buahela. Laat year, T.662,000 bushel. TOTAL 0XAIX Chicago, . July 25. Total grata visible sup ply! v 1 ---- - - Today.- Tear Ago. Decree aa. - 1 Bnehela. Buahela. Buabela, Wheat 12.178.000 12.M,i.i00 T75.1O0 Cora .......... 6.T7H.OOO T.Bli.ooo ' 1.6:t3.0o0 Oata , $.000,000 B.22B.0U0 1220,000 Buahela, 5,ooe PBIMAXY. IEIIMEXTI AITS CLEAKAXCZS. Today. Year. Ago, , . - Bnehela. Wheat ............Kia.ooo Corn ....617,000 Wheat ...122.000 B08 One, Corn 72H.OOO . 6M8.00O Cleerancee were: Wheat and flour. 68.O0O buanela; eora, 132,000 bushels; oata, 12,000 bus he M. Baa Fraaelaoa Orala Marlwt, 1 San Franctoco. Jnly 28. Cbwe, 11,50 8, Wheat, December, $1.86 big. Barley December. $1.04. Mmaeapella Orala Market. kflnnespr Its. July 25. Close: Whe t Sep- imwt, . .... ... . - Duluth Orala Market. Duluth. July 25. Cknae: Wheat September, 88e bid. ' Bsw Tork Orala Market, New Tork, July 25. Chaw: W beet Septem ber, 82, - ' , - bostox coppzx KAiirrr, Beaton. July 28 I'alie. Wehher A C. aay: There wai better buying ot most of the coppers during tbe morning. I tab waa sold dowa early In th sfternooB and tha mat ot tba eopiiera fell allgbtly. It tonka like a aetaral reaction and w think tb next rally will carry price higher tbn tb last one. , Today' cop par market: - ., Bid. Ak. Adventar ........87 loo Atlantic , 8 8 Calumet 475 ' Copper Range.............. , 65 , ftd4 Daly West 10 1Mb Domlnlea Coal 42 44 Elm Mining 2 2 Mam liltung. ...................... 4 4 Michigan 4 4 kWbawk .43- 48U Old Colony Mining. ...... .....,... 87 i Osceola ,. 82 82 nnlx ..... c. 1 1 Pbde Islaad T5 (o Vic tor fa .8 2 Winona T 8 W.lt.rlne T6 - T8 Old Dooilnlon..... ., 1.1 . las Boyal ...... 11 11 TREASURER OF KING COUNTY EXONERATED , (Special Dispatch to The JnarnaL ) Seattle. July 25. That no ahorUg exlated In tha accounta rff Charlea F. Whlttley,. treoaurer ot King county, when ha completed his flrat term ot of fice In January. 1197, la tha opinion of Special Judge WUmoa Tucker, who was appointed to decide on of tha moat aenaatloruvl embexxiement caaag vr be fore th eourta of this atat. Whlttley waa charged with a Bhortaa; of $2S.00f.$4 aa a roault of tha ex part ing of hla books, but tha civil caaa 3uat decided did not get into -tha court un til laat year, aix ye re after his flrat terra ended. Tan thoueand dollars waa ml!ng at tha and -of hla second term, but thla waa recovered from tha bond ing; company and Whlttleay'e 1 bond a -men. - ' Sufficient error, tha Judge declare, were found to warrant tha belief that tb balance Is oven la th other dlrec- You may know that you can cat It at Fellowa' dhe groceryman who 4ta tha pane for low prices, quick delivery And (ood (oods. , l-lb. can Pork and Beans in Tomato - nauce. . . v:: S5 - . - - $ cans American Bardlnaa. : 25'- I cans Deviled Ham. , Bottl Hlra'a Root Boor Extract, -' 35 v 19 pounds good Whit Beans.-"" ' '-' . . 35';' '- . J9 pounds Choice Brokan Rice. ZL::-::. 25d) ,- 4 Boxes Acorn Matches. 20$' Can Baker's or OhlranJelH'8 Cocoa, 35 ' Box No. ! Macaroni. ' $5.70 ,;; -ri.., 100-lb'. sack Dry Qranulated Bugar. :' - 25'-. ' ':':: . r- tBJlon Beet Dili. Plckies. FELLOWS 374 Washington Street. TniAJIClAL. LAJJD tt TOTOB. BAniBB, (Ustsbllsbed la lttbai) ' Traaasets a Oeaerai Banklag Berts is, tntmal Allosre M Time Denaalta. - Collsadone maoe t all polst a, favorable term. Letter ef credit leaned avilUbl la Bnrope m all nolata lu tb United Sutaa. - Sight Rxehange and Telegrapblc Trnfra sold Maw Xork. W ashing tosv. Chleage, St. Loula, Denver, omaae, naa aiunmsna aaw jataa Una and Britlah Columbia, . - Exchange Bold oa Londou, Parts, ' Bern. Prsnkfort, Bon. Kaog. VubiAsma. sUalU sad Honolulu, . . , - I a ax; un ai, asavsijs, u . . - . T - - ef FortOausd. Oa. - Daatgeatad Depository sad Flaaadal Agent ad tb United Sutee. Prea1 dent... A. U VTUM Cashier W. MBWKIRK A eel. tant Cashier W. O. ALVORD Becond Assistant Cashier J.,. i.B. P. STBVSN8 Latter f credit issue avallshi la Baroa aad tbe Baatera Cuts. Sight Biehang and Telegraph! Transfer old oa Nw Turk. Uoetoa. Cblcsgo, St. Uulm. St. Paul, Omaha, Baa Fraactace aad the prlnclpaJ points la the Nortbwset. - Bight and tim bill draw la n ta ealt m Londoe, Paris, , BerUe, Frsnkfort-oa-tn Main. fJoog Kong. Xokobam. Oopeabagea, Christians. Stockholm, St. retarsburg. Mo. Bow, Burlob, Hoaolulu. Oollsetloae mad oa faverabi teem. MBBOMAWTfT WATTOWATiJsUtwx, J. FBArTK WATBOM . . . PrMtdast R. U DrKBAsl Tloe-rraMent a W novT Cashier 6K0R0B W. H0TT Aatnt Cauabkay ISuauu a tVaaatal abankisur Biaxlnsa Drafts aad totter of credit Issnsd aval bible te all part et tbe World. . CoDsctloaa a apeolalty. . OoM aVatt soaurnu 1 1 aTTTXS ITATT8 WATTOWATi BAVJTX, II vr ruiiuinu, va.wva. - M0BTHWX8T 00k. THIkD AMD OAK ITS, Xiaasaet a Orneral Bankbig Basis na. UBIIIS IWIUftW. AvaHLOF 1 aU ettlee of the United Stat aad gkirope, Buag Kong aad Manll. COIXICnOM MADB 0T TATOaVABXl TXXMB Praarlrtent... J. 0. AtKSWOKTTJ Vlce-Preeldeet..., W. A T K 8 Cashier ......B. W. Crmi!r5 Alalat.nl ! CuAUr..... A...A, Ml WBIGHt Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK xra , .innaaaeiiTT' all nrtwata. nervoua end chronlo dlaeaaea. also blood. . atomach. hearCllvr. kidney and throat troubles. We euro STrHIiJS (without mercury) to stay cured forvr, In $6 te 10 days. We remove STRICTUftK, wlUk. . out operation or pain, in ulibwu cuaya. - - WE CURE CON0BBS0EA C. A WEEK - The doctors of 'this tnetltute ar all regular . graduate, have bad many -year' experlenoa, have bean saowa la Portland for 15 year, nave a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no emae , unleaa certain cure can be effected. . w e guarantee a -cure in every eeee we undertake or chars no fee. . Coax Bultatlon free. Letter .confidential. lav. Btmctlv BOOK FOR MEN mailed free). tn plain wrapper. . - , If yon cannot call at ofTlce. Write (of Ojveetion blank for honne treatment. ..... , , mm OfJUee hotirw- f to $. and T to $. Sundays and Bolldaya. 15 to It. The leadlne speclalleta in the Nortbwest LOBTDOB? SAW rmAWCXSCO SAJTX, UMIT5P. Chsjasa ef Oammeree BufldiatT, Third aad Stark Street, .... Weed Office, SS Old Broad rrcree. Toodoa. ThU bank transect general banking boat neea. make loan, dlecounta Mil and xwuea letter ef credit available for travelers and for tbe porch a ee of asercbandbie In any city of the world, rieahi In forrlrn aod domeatle ezehaoge. Interest paid on time deposit. tuiavw k- w ,,Af BiAaV Msnaaer. SBOUStlTT BATtWCM a. TTSTJBT OO, 885 Mrrioa St., Portland. Or. Transects a General Banking BaalBeag, SATTVOS DEPAkTMEWT. Intel st Allowed en Time and Saving Dsposfka. Art a Tmatee for Katatee. Drart aad letteas ef credit va liable te aU pervJ ef the world. (I, T. ATtW Pre deaf, I. A. I.FiWIS rirat TW-Pre.1r)eot A. E. MH.T1 ..Second Tlee-Preloeot B, a JTJBITB ...S9try BfOXsUS BJ50B. t CXMIBTSaTSBsT. Off gflt-bdg te-eaarrments ta sTaalelsel aad Bailnad Bad. Writ a U. - 1H Trrst St.. Partlaad. Oragee, i MORTOAOB LOANS - On Portland Real Batata at tarweet Hate. Title I nee red Averse Fnenlabed. TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST CO. Boom 1. Chamber et Commerce. mm siM a wco , Member Cbleeg Board ef Trade. CHAIN. PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON OJUIrdSc. htafSurk Psobc, Mala ID I We ar eenaeeted kr private eke with Meear. Leg A Bryaa. Chicago aad Mew York Walker 3ro.. J. B. Back Cew. Sew Tork ' Stock I change Hubbard Bra. Oo New Tork Cot to x change; PsIrchUd A Bok aoai New Orleana Cottoa Bxebangei Heart II art A Co.. New York Coffee Cxcbanrei Pa lea, Webber A Co. : Boston Copper aad Stock B hssrel IHck Pro. A Oo. kew Srh aad Phil. .Hjk Stock Bxcbsngea. sowimra, hopxtbtb m oo, - - . iKatstbllabed 18$.- ; ' WXXAT AJTO BTOOX BBOaOmaV ' Boom 4, Oronad lnooe. Cat A MB Sal OP OOMHBBCa, tlB hi omiv ana sunn.. rnvi, n irm. Ttm tAiLOstl KM STJT1IE. M4 TAMKTLL - Cot, enttl set,. Oyy. HM1 Prrrtitrtel, $16 BIAWBOS $1. Thla Weak Only.. BVDAH BIBBltlTnt the veiled propks tea. l-idoB' moat fam J palmist and clairvoyant la ac knowledged by pree yaDiic iaret eet iivine 1 1 Trance Medial matter what troabl may be, call and aha . will e-ni.t. you with a certainty nigner man anmaa power, uoouix wax- tnairvoyant aad aeiia y good or sours. I n. m. Wsfg In. ST. Dead . N yooi il power. Oooult Wea 1 f 1 der. Clairvoyant aad , IPauBiat. Telia y 'l'ha truth (rd in 7 Had). OfSce hours, -"aaso a. m. to 5 n. in. tlon, so the natural conclusion la that the county owes Whittles money. - . , rriaavd U XTeed. ' " From Pack. ' . "Can yntj lend m a - twenty, . old chap? I'm going; on toy vat-atlon and nee, It baiHv." . ' "Wait till yriti get back, old fel; yci'll nisi It worse then;" . Katabllahad 118. Dr.W. Norton Davis & Co. Tea Moy Motel W. a. Oo. Third aad rtae Street, '.,'"- VOBTaVAVJTS. OMBOOXT. ' USCAftl : Mineral Springs OrZV XTEXT OAT IS TKB TBAJk. To Whom It May Concern I cam to the above springs oa April $ to take treatment for my eyes. 1 bad a very sever attack of catarrh of tbe yea, was arm oat blind after treating) -with th beat epeclaljats that could be found, and Buffering; for nine yeara. ( have at -laat found a cure here at tba ' FAMOUS TUSCAN SPRINGS. I can not pralae them too highly. 1 hope that other that are affllctad will glv tbeta a trial. Raarpectfjilly. W. I PALMER. Boom $0$. Commercial : Bias, i'orUand. . Oregon. Mr. I. C Palmer, of Palmer, Or, waa cured of rheumatism. If yon are sick write to ne; w will glv you the name and addreaa of aome one eared of a similar complaint . Tuscan Mirveral Springs Corp. TTJBOAW, CAJa. trwyrD Boo TOM BOTTT.M OF aTTOXU.0l ' AMD OATABkX 8AXT. THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR "A Vi D. SINGLETON 4 Tba famoua doctor has saved many . live from oneratlona., Be cure all ctls- .-..-,,..,,.., aaaea ox men and women, such aa rheumatism, neu ralgia, kidney die-, ease, atomach die ease, etc, by the. uae of roota and herbs, especially prepared for eacri raae. AU dlaeaaea aucceaafully treat ed with powerful ' U B 1 a e nroa. roots and banta that are entirely un known to medical science la thla ooun- Ur' CONSULTATION FREE Patients out of tha city can ba cured ; at home. Write your symptoms fully. Addreaa - - i D. Singleton Chinese Medldne Co. 1 4 BT. Fotrrtk Bt, Bet, Co-ack and Baxa- UXa awe saw rvrvmmm. wywmv. atabllaaad IMS. Oreg-oa Fboaa. Portland Marble Works BCHANEN ak NEU. Idanuf acturera af and Oeaiera la au auaas 01 Marble, Granite and . StoneWork Setlmates Given ' on Application. 268 F1S5T STREET Bet, Madlaon and Jaffereoa Streets. FORTUAND, Or. Bedrrr 'P'K 1 it if l seas a.tvv'a Quina (A VINOUS EUXUt.l i Myslcfctne highly recommend Dill apadftc .MALAUAL rtVTHU. OOLOM, imrivtMZA, MLOW oom VALCMcfmne. , ix t. rot'srit it co, 740 n. ohwa 8t, a, y . Best 7 House Coals L.f Full - I wiht v 4 y Prompt rrpN. , LieJivery. ('-! Fut C 1 if.