The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 22, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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We carry only the best quality ; in every line," this
our method
for pleasing our customers. ;:.;;v "; -,:'.
.1 ' , . II
the Mnmm()th Drug, Store
" Ik .J 'I
t.v.-' !
v r
Boatterlnf Ear Euabaiid't JUh in Bronx Park. Nnr Tork,
: i'
. '' (taul McUl BTtca.7
. 1 Knr Tork, July ta. Obarinc, attar a
. lapaa of two year, tha atranca raquaat
(of har dylna; husband. Mrs. Quatav Rtx
- jlaat. waek aourbt ta Bronx park tha
t ppot moat chartshad by tna oalabratad
naturallat and thara scatterad to Ua
(four winds ona-half of his asbas. Whan
kha tun eontalnlna; tha othar bait- of
kha aabsa Is takan to Oarmany in a faw
jwaaka, and Its ramalnlns; contents ara
Ucattarad la tha botanical cardans . of
tCologns, tha walrd raqaest of tha natu
kallat will bara bcaa fulfilled. -
i It la now over two years slnoa Gustar
mix died at his home la Bedford park.
His wife aceptad tha strangs trust a
. Biad mads before . his death, concerning
tha disposal of his remains, as tha last
laxpreasion Of that absorblnf lova 6f
jnatara aha had never fully understood
In her husband, and taarfully eonaantad
to carry out his wishes.
- liar heart failed har and for two years
aha did not carry out her husband's re
quest. Recently sba moved and looked
la tha vroat chert for the urn.' It was
one. Bha found it oa a rafter in the
ettio of har old home. How it tot out
of tha box which had been unopened for
two years no ona knows.
Firmly ballerins; that tha stranva dls
appearanoe of tha urn waa a sign of her
husband's displeasure, she determined
to delay no. longer In carrying out his
.OustaT Blx was born in Germany and
It was in the great botanical gardens
of Cologne that his Inherent lore of
plant and animal Ufa waa .manifested,
.and his early Studies bean. In 1180 the
young; scientist oame to America, and
six years later ha married Miss Mary
Sproealg. Although it was necessary to
support his family by working; as ' a
olgarmaker, tha young? -eiontlst never
lost his enthusiasm, and all of his spare
time was devoted to study of insect
life on tha Bronx.
As a result of his careful experiments
In cross breeding, the Rlx butterfly was
evolved from an English variety which
feeds upon the leaves of the willow
tree and an American spec4es that gained
Its substance from shoots of green
corn. He made on of tha largest col
lection of butterflies In the country,
which, at his death, .was given to tha
Bronx Botanical gardens.
Believing that tha happiest moments
of his life had been spent in the botanical
gardens of Cologne and the Bronx, the
scientist longed to know that all of him
which was mortal might forever .rest
In those two earthly paradises he had
'Determined Effort to Be Hade to Oose the Town
and Compel Sheriff to Seize All Parapher-
nalia Municipal ' League to Act
Unless Sheriff Word arrests every
.person found tit a gambling house and
'seises all tha paraphernalia the next
tljne complaints are laid and warrants
jlesued. It Is announoed as tha Intention
of certain attorneys, backed by the Mu
Inlclpal Reform association, to Institute
.proceedings against him and District
(Attorney Manning on tha ground of
malfeasance In office. This la given as
the program of the persons who ara now
endeavoring to close the towa because
.J ara McUevltt waa refused prmla
lon to open a gambling house ever the
In fact, it was decided on at the
courthouse this morning that Manning
should be asked to Instruct the sheriff
to raid all gambling houses this after
noon. A raid was planned, but. It la
claimed, was postponed when the later
Xlan was adopted.
"I have heard that charges of mal
'.faaeanoe In office were to be brought
la gainst, Mr. Manning and the sheriff
said Deputy District Attorney Moser.
"We have dona all wa could and Issued
Informations every time a complaint was
made. We cannot pay all our attention
to gambling to the exclusion of all other
public business coming to our attention."
In tha municipal court this morning
the gamblers who were arrested yester
day on warrants Issued by City Attor
ney McNary were .arraigned. They
were represented by Attorney S. C
Spenoer, who waived the reading of the
complaints and asked until Wednesday
for pleading. Judge Hogue set Monday
as the day for pleading; and a Jury will
probably be demanded by the defend
ants. On Instruction of Police Captain
Bailey, Officer. Lee last night arrested
Frank and William Blmons, proprietors
of the Orpheum saloon. They are
charged with keeping open their place
until :10 o'clock this morning, over
two hours beyond the time prescribed
by tha, city ordlnanoaa.
i . R-"W. Baxter, who Is .widely known In
; Jlhls city, hS been appointed superln-
jtendent of tha New Tork and Pennsyl-
Ivanla division of the Lehigh Valley rail
; 'road. The appointment was made July
j jll and ha assumed, his new duties at
Tha position 1s one of tha most Im
portant in tha service of the Lehigh
Valley. Tha division is tha largest In
the system. - -- -
Mr. Baxter was for years with the
6. R. Jk N. and Union Pacific In this city
and Omaha. He is well known in the
railroad world ' and , haa ' numbers of
friends here. His present headquarters
Is at Sayre, Pa.
L - J. . !
(Satnrtay, July 214)
; 29 N. SIXTH ST., Bet. Burnsid and Couch
This branch will have nothing but high grade wines and
Jiquors. Our 'motto is always the. same : "High Grade,
- Pull Measure and Lowest Prices." Every visitor at the open
ing tomorrow will receive a full sample bottle of fine old
. .. r Whiskey. '. , ,
The Branch Store b at 29 N. Sixth Street
The Main Store is at 1 03 Sixth Street
Manager Tom Richardson of tha Port'
land Commercial club haa received re
porta from Clatsop county, Clackamas
oonnty, McMinnvllle, Bllverton, the As
torla Push club, and the department of
fisheries, that delegates have been
named to attend the Portland meeting
to organise an Oregon Development
league. That delegations are:
. Clatsop county. (Named by Judge
Trenchant.) Dan J. Moore, Seaside; C.
V. Lester, Warren ton; Charles MoDer
mott, Hammond; W. E. Chad well; Wil
liam Hart II. Melville; R. M. Brayne,
young's Rlvsr; Elmer Warnstaff, Olney;
B. P. Wlggin, Weatport; Edward Banks,
Knappa; H. F. Fisher, Bvensen.
Astoria Push club C. W. Carnahan,
president; J. A. Eakln, secretary; Rich
ard C Lee, Frank L. Parker, A. S.
Bkyles. P. A. Strokes, Charles V.
Brown, G. - C- Fulton, H. 8. Lyman,
August Hlldebrand, John Frye and Wil
liam Larson.
- Department of Fisheries. (H. O. Van
Dusen, master flsh warden.) 8. 8. Gor
don, Astoria; Samuel Elmore, Astoria;
Thomas ' Nelson, Astoria; , Frank R.
Stokes, Astoria; Herman Wise, Astoria;
Frank M. Warren, Portland; Charles R.
Oatchet, Portland; F. C. Barnes, Port
land; George Xing, Taqutna; George G.
Mayger, Maygere; R. X. Hume, Wedder-
Clackamas county. Judge Thomas
F. Ryan.) Hon. George W. Proaaer,
Oswego; Hon. Charles T. Toose, Wilson
vllle; Hon. William J. Lewellen, Spring
water; Hon Charles T. Howard, Multno;
Hon. F, A. Rosenkrans, Canby; Hon.
T. B. Kllltn, Needy; Hon. Aj Mather,
Clackamas; Jfon. J. W. Roots. Borlnr!
Hon. J. T. Apperson, rargpiace; Hon.
J, B. Huntington,. Estarada.
McMinnvllle, Ore. (Named by Mayor
Emanuel Northup.) C C. Morton, J. C
Cooper, H. Gee, H. S. Maloney, J. G.
Eckman, R. Jacohson, R. F. Miller,
Jacob Wortman,. E. C, Apperson, Elsla
Wright. . , ' "
Bllverton, Ore. (Named by Mayor
George Cuslter.) Tr. F. M. Brooks, I
J. Adams, J., it. WoTfarn. Sam Ames,
B. R. Bentaon. J. C. Wolf, La Roy
Brown, J.; P. Hunter, J. E. Hosmer,
I Flrher. ,,'.'
There was a clash of arms between
CaiTt Breedkrve and Carlotta Wlngler
at-Flrst-and MorrlaoTi-streets Monday.
One fancied the other used influence
with the proprietor of a- restaurant
there and that' she thereby lost- her
position. -Miss Wlngler attacked ' Miss
Breedlove and the result was she landed
In the municipal court this morning,
being charged with threatening to kill.
The case was continued until tomorrow.
Jealousy Is said to be at the bottom
of tha trouble. Both women ara wait
resses. Miss Wlngler now holds tha
position formerly held by Miss Breed
love, a ' C '
ClUfll S18.000 X.OSS,
' (Special te The Josraal.)
Troy. Ida,' July 21. The Big Bear
Lumber company's . sawmill, together
with tOO.AOO feet of lumber, was burned
today. iXoss, f 11,000. No insurance.
Tha fire started in a pile of shavings In
tha angina room, , ,
"REX" Fountain Syringe, 2-quart. .50
"Tyrian' Success' Fountain Syringe, ,
3-quart, rapid flow. . . . ... .$1.05
.Royal Fountain Syringe, 3-quart, red
- rubbercloth insertion, - very dura
ble .......................... ..08V
Our "No. 238" Fountain Syringe, 2-quart,
handsome red rubber bag. ....,$1.39
"Tyrian Ten Fountain Syringe 3-quart,
our best grade, .with Globe spray,
. ' vaginal tube. . . ............ .$1.59
"Rex" Combination Fountain Syringe and
. Hot Water Bottle, 2-quart. . . . , , . .80
Boston Combination Hot Water Bottle
, and Fountain Syringe,. 3-quart.. $1.10
"Tyrian" Combination Hot Water Bottle
and Fountain Syringe, with Globe '
spray attachment, 2-quart.... ...$1.83
35 Swimming Wings. .
10e) dozen Pure Gum Fruit Jar Rings.
23 dozen Nipples for nursing bottle.
10 yard -Best grade and extra large
fountain syringe tubing.
98 "Mottel" Hot Water Bottles, 2-
quart, extra quality. .
83 Seamless Rubber ' Gloves, Good -
-L year's. 4 -
19a-Complete Nursers In. box.
63 Goodyear's all-rubber Ladies' Syr
' inge.
We offer our iwo best brands of Garden
Hose at special prices to close.
Tullar's .. Vaginal Whirling '
, Spray Ladies' Syringe......... $2.33
The Marvel Whirling Spray Ladies' '
. Syringe j. , , ,.. . , . . . ,$2.98
"REX" Family Bulh Syringe, hard. .
, . rubber pipes... .......27
; "Alpha E" Bulb Syringe,' complete, .
with' pipes . 98
Tyrian No. 18 Bulb Syringe.1... ...89
Aseptic, Atomizer, No. 23, suited for ' '
. medicinal or toilet use, 3 tips. . , . .69
"Kleanwell" Rubber Sponges, No. 1.25
. '11 l ; : L ' -
Keep Cool and
Hose Your Lawn
"WOODLARK" 6-ply Hose, scinch, reg-
. ulair price $8.00. Special, to : '
' close . ................... ....$5.98
"OREGON," the best and heaviest Hose
ever made, regular $3.7& ; : '
Special . ; $6.85
On Hose la guaranteed against defects tot em ;
year aad la faralshad In SO - foot, lengths, fnU
measurs and ready to attaok to your faooet. sr
cnargs for delivery. ,
10 Bathing Caps.
- Mermen's Talcum Powder. ........11
Java Rice Powder.. ............ ...10
Saunder's Powder ..,..;... .....4.17
Gassomes' Face Powder.... ....... 13
La Blache Face Powder;.. .... . .27
Swandown Face Powder. .. ... . .. ' 7j
85c Hair Brush. ... . ..... ... .57
$1.00 Hair. Brush.. i..... ....... ...63a
28c Sponges. ...................... 14
"35c Sponges.'. .221 J
25c Wash aoths.... .........,,.. ,17
Lyon Tooth Powder..... ...13t
i Rubifoam ............. ...........13
Huid Honey Almond Cream..,.... 27
' Brown Windsor Soap, cake; ........ 1
4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap,
cake ;..11
Woodbury Facial Soap. . . . . , . ... . ,13a
iuvenile Soap, cake.. ............ ..11
. 'ears Scented Soap., .13
'Pears Unscented Soap.. .J... ...... lit
85c Bath Brushes. ........ ...59
75c Bath Brushes. . .. ............ . .49
15c Tooth Brushes. ........ , . . . ... 9
25c Tooth Brushes. ................ .131
10c Hand Brush.. .............. ..."3
20c Hand Brush lit
25c Hand Brush. ....... .13
50c Rubber Sponge. .......... .....33
85c Rubber Sponge. ......... , . . .53
80c Rubber Sponge.1... ;v, . 77i i7i. .19
85c Rubber Sponge................ 24
, Quarts.
HlrAra Walker Canadian Cttb. . SSo
(Wa seU tha Genuine only.)
DeUeniand'e Cream Rye. ... tea
Old Muskingum Valley.,. .... S1.1S
McBrayer's Cedar Brook. .91.18
Fisher's Rye- Ma
Fisher's Bourbon ............ Ma
Belmont -BoUroon ............ To
Ouckenhetmer Rye ............ Me
Fisher's Pure Malt Ma
Brlces Malt ..... ........... Ma
Hunter's Rye ..............Sl-ia
Old Cabinet Bland see
Fine Old Rye or Bourbon, per
gallon; special ..........
- - wms. - Qts.'pts.
Relsllng Souvenir ..43e toe
. Bauterne Souvenir ....... .Sao SM
Haute Sautesne Souvenir, ,83s STa
'Chateau Tquem ... Mo 43o
Sparkling Creata Blanca. ,S3a -Table
d'Hote Souvenir.... .43o SM
Bt. Jullen Souvenir ......Sflo S30
Maigauz Souvenir ....... Ma S7o
Sparkling Burgundy S3o
... . zaksHmzBs xmxvomm. "- . -.t ;
' : ' Quarts
John Bewar'a Special Lhjuor. ,LH '
John Dewar Special Whisky. Me
McGregor's Old Highland.... .SU0
Jamaa Watsons Famous Tua-
dee :..,iua
California Port Wine ........ SSa
California' Sherry ... .... .. ... SB
Very Fine Old Fort or Sherry, -
per gallon .MUM.M..,UI
" v ' - Quarts. Pints.
Mumm's Extra Dry. . . .$a.M $un
Poramery Sec
Orand Imperial Seo....S1.4a SBe
. Quarta
Martell'e One Btar... ........
MarteU's Two Star .....S1.4T
MarteU's Three Star Sl.M
tnolr Three Star ...fl3
Rollins Cognao 870
Fine Blackberry ........'... S3a .
Gordon Oln ................... tSo.
Schiedam Gin 1.0
Hollana sn ..... ... lie
REMEMBER We guarantee the purity and age of our Liquors. We deliver to' any part of the city free. Private Ex
change No. 11,' with four trunk lines ; no delays. , Telephone your orders. Canadian money taken at full value. ,
Placed on the alert by tha discovery
of weapons, tools, opium and other
contraband articles in the county Jail
recently. Sheriff Word has Inaugurated
a new system for visitors, which it is
believed will greatly aid in the work of
detecting; persons who may in future be
guilty of suoh acts.
A large visitors' book was supplied
Jailer Grafton this morning, and In this
each person permitted to sea a prisoner
will be required to Inscribe his name.
The name of tha visitor, tha data, tha
name of the prisoner seen and other
Items will be registered In' the volume.
Even lawyers calling to see clients wlU
ha oblls-ed to observe 'the new -rule.
This Drovislon was made on account of
alleged Information relative to a local
lawyer being Implicated in a piot to as
sist In a lall break, furnished by Inmates
of tha Jail who have since been, sent to
It is believed that If weapons, tools.
opium or other articles ara smuggled
into the prison In future reference to
tbJ book may furnish a clew to the
guilty person or persons.
Another rule, to be rigidly enforced
by tha Jailer, acting under Sheriff Word'a
orders. Is that no person win oe per
mitted to sea a prisoner unless accom
panied by a deputy sheriff. Except In
the case of a lawyer conferring with hla
ollent, a limit of five minutes will be
placed on conversations between Inmates
and outsiders.- , .
Bob Patterson, who formerly ran
dive In this otty ia persistent In ls ef-1
forts to secure a Jicenee-to .conoucr- a
ealoon at the corner of Fourth and
Couch streets. Ills application for - a
license has been turned down time and
again but it Is again presented.
At last he has resorted to otner means.
so It Is stated, to secure a permit to run
his house. J. B. Moore has applied for
a license to conduct a saloon at tha cor
ner and If auccessful. It is rumored, that
ha will turn the management of tha
place over to Patterson.
Recently the application oame before
the liquor license eommlttee with the re
sult that no permit was granted, now
an attempt Is being made to have the
matter acted upon at a special meeting
of the committee and It has been stated
that Moore's attorney Is confident ' of
scouring the permit to conduct a saloon.
A. I Wakefield of Mankato, Minn, is
In Portland en route home after a Visit
to Jackson county. Oregon, where he
Invested In fruit land. He will bring a
small colony of Mlnnesotana to setUe In
Jackson oounty,
"This Is a wonderful state In Several
respects." he said. 'The- climate of
southern Oregon Is remarkable, but the
fertility and resources of .those hills are
still more, unusual. I am sura there Is
a areat future In the fruit htiafn... for
southern Oregon, and particularly Jac
son county. The development of this
Industry is Just now fairly begun. It
has been demonstrated by a few enter
prising men, and tha older men wbt
have for many years owned the land and
failed to give It proper attention, are
beglnnlag to believe In Its value. Land
Is steialy advancing In price, and a
year from today will sea it selling at
nearly double the present figures. Land
that now goes at $ and $10 an acre
will be eagerly sought at til and $10.
The value Is there, for those who buy at
those prices will make their fortunes In
fruit growing. There is now llttls or
no government land remaining to be
taken tip In- Jackson county, but there
Is plenty of cheap land for the man
seeking a location. They are getting
good roads and automobiles down there.
The county authorities have a rook
crusher at work and are building a ma
cadam road out of Medford. They are
Just completing a survey for a new
steam railway from Medford to tha head
of Rogue river. Mr. Perklna. a. former
Portland man, met ma at Medford with
his automobile and took -ia for an in
spection trip over hla 100-aere .apple
farm four mllee from that town. I
pent a-week- looking over 'the fruit
proepert In Jackson county. In aU con
servatism, I' 'predict that within a' fe
years we-will see apple ranches -valued
at $100,000 In southern Oregon."
xdKTFtnsxi oar raoicAs PAnrs.r,
' A lecture will be riven by A. S.
Howe at Allsky hall Sunday evening
at 7:45 o'clock. His subject, will be
'The Life and Works of Thomas
Paine." .
STa BlsoonrafMnaa. '
"Ona thing I likes 'bout "Satan," said
tha old colored brother, "en dat Is, hs
ain't never discouraged. Des fun him
out er one towa en da fust news you
hear he Is done Invested In real estate
la tha next settlement blass OodC
John Mclntyra of this city, left this
wsek for eastern Oregon eountles to
purchase a lot of mules to be used In
freighting metal from the Takllma
Smelting company's mines from Waldo,
Josephine county, to tha railroad at
Grants Pass. Tha company has exten
sive copper mines at Waldo, and la now
putting In a large smelter to handle the
ore, several carloads of tha machinery
having already reached Grants Pasa
Aftsr the ore has been run through the
smelter at Waldo the smelted ore is
hauled In wagons to Grants Pass, a dis
tance of 40 miles, and shipped by rail
to Tacoma to the - smelting refinery
there. There la a certain percentage of
gold and other metals that can only be
saved by running tha product through
a. refinery. .- ,
Accused of endeavoring to smuggle a
package of yen shee, a form of opium,
Bok How was arrested today by Deputy
Sheriffs Moreland and Cordano. He
tried to . slip tha contraband article to
hla ' countryman on a street car, but
was detected by the deputlea
How was taken to. the county Jail and
an information oharglng him with hav
ing the opium -In hla possession laid
In the Justice court. He waa released
on bonds. .
AH the white man and Chinese eon
eerned Irt the raid made by Sheriff Word
Wednesday night were' taken before
Justice Seton this morning. They were
arralgaed and pleas of not guilty en
tered. The white prisoners and Wah
Gee, proprietor of the place, were placed
on trial this afternoon. . A number of
the other Chlneaa will be tried tomorrow
and the rest pn Monday morning.
(Journal Special Serrlee.)
St, Joseph. Mo., July II. Union em
ployes at the South St Joatph packing
plants obeyed the order to strike this
morning. There lock yards were almost
tha acena of a riot about 9 o'clock last
night and It was only by tha afforta of
a large force of police that - serious
trouble waa averted. "
This was tha result Of a notice served
on union employes by managers of tha
planta that not mora than (0 per cent
of tha atrlkers were to. be put to work
today. The strike order therefore' was
received with Joy.
rSpeHal XHspaUft te The JeoraaL)
Tacoma, Wash., July 11. Judge Han
ford of tha federal eourt this after
noon awarded Judgement' of $18,680
against tha owners of tha German bark
Robert Rlcknera in favor of the Stimson
Mill company. . I
The litigation haa lasted slnoa tha
collision, three years ago at Ballard, be-1
tween tha Robert Rlcknera and tha -schooner.
Stimson, during a storm.
At tha City park tomorrow afternoon,'
July IS, a matinee will be given by
Brown's Military band. Tha matinee
program wUl begin at t .o'clock. The
following is tha program to be rendered:.
March "Down the Pike". Aroneon
Walts "Ma Bells Adoree".... Roy'
Overture "Frans Schubert". .....Buppe
Two 8tep "Funny Folks", ...... Powell
Popular Potpourri. ............. Mackte
Danse Mexlcana "Palmetto":. .Whitney
Boenes from Babette' (new) ........
Victor Herbert
Valse Lente "Roae-Mouasa". .. .A. Boao '
Excerpta from "Tha Burgomaster",,.
Characteristic March "Tankee Girl"
Charles I Brown, conductor.
Knock the Flies
tee Child'! "Bo-Bo-, Kllflr" ea yner
etnek. It tneans raneey Is rear socket
fnr row sire eae-thlro atnre milk, ead
hnraee so btter and on leal teed when
protectee1 froea the lies. It reqtilree
only few eeeonrie te epply lt It eoete
leM Ho a day per heed, Ton ran
not kffnra tn ee without It. AOS' roar
dealer, er write today for Sv-page book
let. . r-
Portland Seed Co.
aoile Coast Areata, Ferttaad. Or.