The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 21, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Mr. Inllt Carter
The Bakf.
( c'luinbU. .
Mi Wld' Park . .u......."l)U.ola L'ii ta Iwte'
Art-sue v.unrTwi.
yrlu ,. ......... .VauueTill
str .....v.iKWiu.
liljua VeadevlUe
Patrolman pan Connors and Special
Policeman R. 1 Hettinger hava been
complained strains! tx Chief Hunt, and
an investigation haa been ordered. Con
nor a is aoouaed of extortlnc money from
Henri Bayard, a Frenonman, whose villa
dea Rosa, on ths White House road, was
reoenvr raided by Sheriff Word, and
Hettinger is charged by J. tt. Ktonara-
Hon. a bicycle raplrman, with using
threatening language over the telephone.
Connors denies the charge, and Hen in'
ner declares he was at Bremerton,
Wash., at the time of the alleged con-
Because they were too near to an ex
plosion. John Kiernan. C F. Adams and
liwo boys, whose names -are- ot Jtnown.
were knocked - down and : left uncon
nclous. Ths accident happened at
Fisher! Landing auarry. Tuesday at
ternoon a blast of 0 kegs of powder
was set in position and mad 'ready for
nrina. The enrinstty of-rx-ow-
Uons mentioned led them too near the
f-cene. The injured men recovered snort'
y after ths explosion.
The reunion and'encampment of M. A.
Ross post. a. X. R.? will bs held this
ear at Jinaorson, oayona uroniu,
he Oreson Water Power Railway 11ns.
Members of the post are making prep
arations, for the ( event by clearing
.lace ror campers ana ereoiins a
r'S stand. J. O. Stephens has secured
educed rates on ths railway and ths
Members there hope to interest other
3. A. R. posts In ths encampment.
Frank TJnheart. "who was accident!!
hot In ths right arm several days ago.
. recovering at the . -Good Samaritan
loan tal and It Is said that tne injured
oemberwJJl- not be
kjeart, who lives , Bear Bandy, was eut
erryplcklng several days ago and while
rawllng over a log nis snotgun was ac
'dentally discharged, ths contents shat
erlng his arm. Dr, J. M. . Short of
irssbam attended the. wounded man.
Chinook tribe No.' I. Improved Order
f Red Men. has installed ths following
fiewi elected officers: Sachem, P.; senior sagamore. .
Kern: Junior sagamore. A. C Schraeder;
hlef of records, Robert Bolman; Keeper
f wamoum. M, N. Mayo: guard of wtg.
Usra. 8. L. Kins: guard of forest. F. C.
hard; representatives ts treat council,
ll & Lang-worthy tna A. u. turn.
Thirty-flvs mils river rids for SS
etits. ' Where to go on Sunday: Take
taemer Republic foot of Washington
treet at I a. m., for all Willamette
lough points and 8t Helena. Rcturn-
n leaves St. Helens at 1:30 t. m.
kound trip SO cents.- Or take steamer
merloa at 1:10 p. m.. returning on
tenubhc. arrive in Portland at :S0
i. m. Round trip 21 cents.
Portlsnd will not ret ths state land
hfflca, which is now. located at Oregon
"Itv. The proposition for the removal
f the office to this city was abandoned
esterdev when it waa made , known by
he department of ths Interior to the
lecretary of ths treasury In Wsshlng-
on that ths Federal building In this -Uy
kts so crowded thst tue land offlcs could
ot bs accommodated. . ,
Mrs. M. H. Roberts, Rational ergan-
zer for the Woman's Horns Missionary
ociety of ths United States will speak
his evening at T:4S at Grace M. E.
hurch .on the work of the society in
his country. Mrs. Roberts will remain
ths Portland conference until ths
ist of August, spending part of bar
Attention Democrats. Every Demo
rat who indorses ths nominees of the
t. Louts convention is earnestly re
uested to bs present at a meeting of
lie Multnomah Democratic club at its
all. Sixth and - Washington streets.
'oresters' hall, on Thursday night July
1. Executive Committee of Club.
In ths divorce suit of Ralph C Smith
a. Ada -Smith, ths wife has filed a
ross-bill In. ths stats circuit court, al
sin that Smith repeatedly struck and
hoked her and pulled her by ths hair.
he also aavs hs never supported her.
hs asks that aha be given ths divorce.
The funeral services of Caddis View,
on of Mr. and Mrs. Peter View,, will he
onducted from the family residence, 471
tee. con street, tomorrow afternoon at S
clock. Rev. Jerome R. -McQlads will
rriclate. Burial will bs. mads In Ions
fir cemetery.
Members sf ths Oregon Yscht club
111 receive at their headquarters just
outh of ths Inmsn-Poulsen mill on
nturdsy evening. Brown's concert band
111 give a concert. Ths yachts, club
ouee and floats will bs dressed In gala
ttlre, .. . .,
Prof. Bauer wants his friends to re-
ember that he is making the finest
rayon, water color pastel and sepia
ortralU in ths city. Work guaranteed
be perfectly correct. Studio, 43
econd street, corner Ash, room 11.
Ths ' union brewers of this city and
hair employers hsvs failed to reach sn
sresment concerning the seals of wages
r next year. Ths question Is nothing
i ths nature, of a strike, and no trouble
i adjusting ths wages is anticipated,
. . , , ,
District Attorney John Manning and
l. H. Adams havs puronased a quarter
lock of property at the corner of East
hlrd and East Bumelrte streets rrom
nne fl, Buckman, ths consideration toe-
)g 18,400. ' , .
Former students of Portland University
re to hold a picnic at the Chautauqua
rounds tomorrow. ' isach member- win
ring edlhjes for an Informal lunch. In
lie evening they , will enjoy a fagot
Plans for the- new Baby horns have
en completed by Architect C Brown
nd the contract will be let as soon as
ids ars received and opened.
Miss Harriet B. Vance, who succeeds
His Abbls McElroy-aa, -secretary of
is T. W. C A., haa arrived to aesome
ie secretaryship of ths organisation.
Me Washee Too
ut not
all ths same like a Chinaman.
. We only employ whits help
nd pay Union wages. ' Io
ths best work possible for
ths latest Improved i ma
chinery to So. Bosldes wa
darn ths socks -and maud
ths clothes sent here, to be
.- laundered, free.
horns. Bast 13. O. T. XTAXS,,
Miss Vance Is a graduate of ths I Jilts
Forest university and the Chicago train
ing school. Miss McKlroy will leave
next week fr Iowa, where she has ac
cepted the position of general superin
tendent '.of state work. ' -
1. Jolschnar, .-of ths firm of
FUisohner Mayer A Co,- will leave for
Seaside next Saturday. Mr. Flelachner
sxneots to spend a furtnight by the sea,
end saya that ha will cry to forgot that
there ever was such a thing as a busi
ness worry..- v . v . ...
Ths disappearance of Mrs. Louise Sun
derland, reported to the police yester
day afternoon by her husband, has been
cleared up. She went to tte&ttJe, It Is
said. Upon ascertaining that -aha had
gone there, Sunderland followed her.
Chief of Police Hunt has Issued an or
der to his patrqlmen to keep the Plasa
blocks clear of tramps. His Instruc
tions are that ths blocks, shall bs used
only by people who havs1 a right to bs
there. . ' , .
Ths only Gooayear Shoe Repair Ce.
Is located next to ths Gas Ca'i offloe,
Yamhill street Repairing while you
wait, Work called for, and delivered
any reasonable distance. Phono Mala
SOIL -v . - - . .
River- trip' Sunday. Up the Columbia
to Cascade Locks 'and return. Steamer
Bailey Gataert . ' Leaves Alder , street
dock at-S:0 a. m., arivea back 4:S0 p.
m. Round trip tl.00.-Phsw Main ster
iTTfliirfMIS tEsell-pTOWIfigT-JlicI
Fltsgsrald's home on ths Columbia river,
above Vancouver, was destroyed by firs
late yesterday. Nothing was saved. Ths
loss Is 11.100, with 6ilnsurano.
River trip .Sunday. . Up the Columbia
to Cascade Locks and -return. Stesmar
Bafley Gatssrt ' Leaves AldW Street
dock at S:0 v axlvea back 4:30 p.
m. Round trip 11.00. Phone Main 914.
' "Ths Christian Influence And the Rail
way was ths subject of a lecture by
Dr. .Thomas 'McClary given .before a
gathering of railroad men in the audi
torium of ths T. M, C A. last night
Merit roes a great ways in this world
of ours, doesn't it? Maybe that's why
we havs so much work 'to da. Peaslee
Bros. Co.. Sherlock Imllfllng ,
Wa-Hoo Tonic Ths greai Tlood pur
ifier, nerve tonic and liver regulator.
Just what you need thess days. . For
sale by . all druggists. ..
.Portland Wire Iron Works are now
located at Trenkman Co,'s on Fourth
near . Flanders. . . Work . turned out
promptly.-;... .."-..
'Ask ths Oregon druggists about ths
Breakers' hotel. Writs Long Beach.
Wash, for rates.
. Try an Underwood Typewriter and
learn the advantags of vlalbls writing.
It Front street .
' Chew Dem-Tal-Gum, havs pearly teeth
and prevent decay. ; For sals every
where. - J .
Don't wrlts ln the dark. Oet sn Under
wood Visible Typewriter. 16 Front St
Wise Broa, dsntlsta, ths Falling bldg.
Dr. L M. Thornton, dentist Itarquam,
Dr. Morris, dentist. The Heller. .
txiokzst towv to nvnsm
rv BFionao raons
- Flvs hundred dollars was sent to ths
clttxtns' committee of Mitchell, Or this
morning try ths Portland permanent re
lief committee to bs used in clearing
away the debris that was left about the
Wheeler oeunty city ' by thai recent
cloudburst near that town. Ths money
was . sent to "Mitchell by I. 'N. Flelsch
ner, who, ' with R. K. Sabin, was ap
pointed yestsrday to investigate the re
ported damage dona by ths storm at
Mitchell, and find out how much money
was needed, ''
Mr. Flelachner this morning had .a
long-distance conversation with H. A,
Watermen at Mitchell.- Mr. Waterman
stated that he was Of ths -opinion, that
!6u0 -should hs nlaced at the disposal ot
TTiCTelUiahs" of Mitchell for "relief pur-
QSfii After consulting. wltaMr. Babln
Mr. Flelachner decided ; to , send the
money at once, : - . ' 1
"When ths csll waa received from ths
Mitchell' committee yesterday asking for
aid, a hurried meeting of ths local per
manent relief committee, wss held snd
ws decided to give them what help they
should ask for," said Mr. Flelschner
this morning. - "Having . known -Mr.
Waterman for a long time," and-knowing
him to bs a cool-headed business man.
I thought that It would bs best to learn
his views as to what was needed. As
be asked for $600, it was sent Should
more be - needed, it will also bs for
warded.! -
The town of Mitchell was visited by
a death-dealing flood on July 1L Mrs.
Bethuno and Mr. Smith, two 'aged cltl
sens, were drowned and a large number
of houses were swept away. Tons of
debris were left about the streets of ths
city and in order that this msy be re
moved before It has caused an epidemlo
of fever, it waa decided to ask for out
side aid.
Mr. Flelachner stated this- morning
that in a letter received from lltmr
Gilliam -of Heppner- It waa learned that
that city would send relief, to fhe cltl
sens of Mitchell. ' ,
' L A. . Johnson, a prominent business
man of Fossil. Or- is at ths Portland.
Alexander Nlbley of Perry is attend
ing to business matters in ths city.
F. A. Mangold of Oervala is re fl stared
at ths Imperial.
Frank E. Alley IS lit Portland today,
Hs says that Business in Rnssburg, his
horns city, is in moat prosperous eon
dlt ion-
Owen Mathews Is down from Ths
Dalles. Ha la registered at ths Im
H. H. Brooks or Koseburg is regis
tered at the Perkins.
R. L. Bartlett a well known Grants
Pass man, is visiting in ths city.
T. C - De Witt Is down from Hood
River to attend to business matters.
R. C Maya of Lostlno Is in tbo city.
Mr. and Mrs. , J. W. French of The
Dalles stopped . in Portland today on
their way to the coast
Mrs. W. H. Hampton of Grants Pass
Is spending the . day with Portland
Mrs. N. J. F. Bolton. Miss N. Bolton,
MtsB Carmel Bolton, snd Miss N. M.
Burke, all of Ths Dalles, are In . the
city today. '
W. A. Johnston, one of ths most
prominent merchants of Oregon, la
down from Ths Dalles today.
Mr. snd Mrs. John Hynd of Heppnsr
are visiting In Portlsnd.
w. 8. Byers, Pendleton's well known
mill men. la st ths Perkins.
Rev. O. A. White of Blackfoot Idaho,
la apendlng a few days In Portland. Hs
Is chaplain of ths Idaho National Guard,
and haa been out with the soldiers for
ths past two weeks.
Cot Sam Whits ot Baker City was in
ths city yesterdsy on his wsy boms
from Camp Murray, where hs had been
with the militia in hia official capacity,
Mrs. T. M. Word and children ars
spending ths 'summer at Long Beach,
Wash., in company with Mr. snd Mrs.
A. H. Wlllett Mrs. Word will bo In
ths city for a few days nsxt week.
County Clerk Frank 8. Fields snd Mrs.
Fields returned to ths city yesterday
from SeaUls. where they spent .ssveral
days visiting friends.
Mr. C Wortley. manager of ths Co
lumbia Phonograph company's Portlsnd
office, has been transferred to Aus
tralia, where hs will havs charge of ths
sffalrs in Nsw Zealand and Australia,
The employes presented Mr. Worley with
a Mssonio emblem watch charm to show
their appreciation of his kindness, Mr.
O. A. Smith of ths San Francisco offlcs
will succeed hlm.
A carefully planned raid by Sheriff
Tom Word and hla deputies last night
upon ths opium dsns resulted In ths cap
ture of about IS men and nearly 1 1,000
worth of pipes and equipment.
In a den on Fourth ' street between
Pino and Ash Tttrests Shsrlff Word and
Chief Deputy Mordcn found flvs white
men, and they brought them In with the
rest of ths Inmate. Ths entire list of
arrests Is as follows: . Z. D. Brown, John
Shaw, James Mayo. J. D. Hatfield, Frank
Allen. Wat Gee, Lai Taeo, Lai Shlng, Lee
Sing, Chink, Fal Fu, Wong Jim. Jim Lee,
Wong Kay, Chin Gee, Tong Kim, Tong
Fook, Hop Chong, Pong Toy, Yo Fook.
Hlng Chuno. Long Gun, Lee Chong.
Ths ehsrgs of smoking, snd having
opium In their possession and frequent-
Ins an opium den was lodged against sll
of them today before Justlcs of the
Peace Beton. and they will bs arraigned
In his court tomorrow morning at
o'clock. Shsrlff Word refuwed to release
me priHcinvre tn utui. - in. vninamen
have enraged Judgs Woodard to handle
thslr caaa. .
- L ArUfloial Byes Fitted.
Largeatock at L Chembers, 121 7th.
Preferred Stock Canned woods.
Allen Lewis' Bsst Brand, ' . .
Ths pollcs believe that ths mill of
Inman-Poulsen A Co., on ths esst aids
and south of Hawthorns avenue, waa
saved from destruotloa Monday night
when ths night watchman found Neil
McEachern ' prowling about the prem
ises. It ts believed ha designed to burn
ths property. Hs was slightly demented
and not responsible.
McEachern was searched and found
to have flvs boxes of matches In one
coat pocket and a bundle of newspapers
In -ths other.
Testerday McEachern was taken be
fore County. Judge Webster and exam
tnsd ss to his sanity. His brother was
present and offered to cars for him, so
ths court let him go, ,
A Portland Prate real Organisation That
- Started Bight and Ooatlsuea Bight
. A. Contented Peoplev -
Ths Order of Washington la a western
fraternal benefit aaaoclatloa that waa
ths first to adopt rates that were ample
to carry out ths contracts. For yesrs
ths Order of Washington waa pointed
to as an "old line" advocate, because Its
rates were so much higher than the
othsr ' fraternal orders. Today, while
ths other orders who hava been talking
cheap rates all along, ars wondering
what to do to bs saved, the Order of
Washington officials ars going tight
along with thslr present membership In
a very contented way. Ths writer called
at ths supreme offlcs of ths Order of
Washington today and requested an In
terview as to ths present discussion ss
to change of rates proposed by ths
United Workmen and ths Knights of ths
Maccabees. Mr. Mitohell, the supreme
secretary, said: -
"We do not wish to bo quoted In this
matter, for fear that r may be mis-
Judged. Ths United Workmen is the
parent order of benefit orders In ths
United States, .and ss a child ws do not
wish to criticise. We do not , agree.
however, with some of the laws of this
grand organisation. For instance, they
hold a supremo meeting each year, that
costs almoat 111,000. They hold a state
grand lodge each year, that ooats ths
separate Jurisdictions about f 1,000. This
money must all com from ths tolling
member and provides a Junketing trip
for a selected few. Then, again, they
Changs officers every yesr. A supreme
officer just gets startsd and acquainted
with his duties when ho Is ousted for
another beginner. Ths systsm is all
wrong, and they ars fast finding It out
"Yea. ths Order of Washington only
sleets Its officers every four yesrs, snd
then ws save In other directions. We
wish to bo quoted ss In no manner op
posing' the chances proposed by the
leaders, but ws think that othsr methods
might be inaugurated that would relieve
the old man's' burdens." . -
Ths Order of wasmngton invites all
fraternal repsesentattvea at any snd all
times to call at ita rooms, 410 to IIS
Marquam building, and Inspect its plana
and the office equipment and system
moi FOB
Two hundred and seventy-nine largs
American flags srf .be.Int removed to
day from the city hall by ths ' Lewis
and Clark exposition committee, which
purchased them from ths city. Thess
flags were bought for decorations at ths
time of President Roosevelt's reception.
Summer Sale of " " ' ".
Oriental Rugs
Our fsU ' Importstlons of Oriental
Rugs snd Csrpets, Turkish Embroid
eries, Cluny Laces and Antique Braaa
Ware are en route from ( onstantl
nple, snd to prepare for their recep
tion ws ars bow having our . ,
Summer' Sale
Of ths finest- stock sver seen in
Portland. Buyers srs thsrefors In
vited to make Immediate inspection
before lines become greatly broken.
As ws muss our own importations
direct from Constantinople,' we ars
always prepared to offer greater In
ducements than can bs afforded by
any other dealers In Oregon. We
savs buyers 30' to (0 par cent
A. Atiyeh & Bro.
411 Wash. BW. Vboao, Mala lOSa
The name "Glacier" suggests chilliness, doesn't It? Makes you think of all sorts of ld
things. .It's an appropriate name for. our refrigerators. ' Each one is a miniature glacier
that will keep perishable foodstuffs sweet and fresh this hot weather. You can't have a
real 'glacier" in your house better have one of. ours, that is, if you want table comfort
this warm weather. , Today, Friday and Saturday they are on Special Sale prices deep
71y cut. Better buy in the needful season; Nine patterns In our window to choose from,:
No. 704 48 inches high. 22 inches
deep, - 38 - inchetIong. porcelain
: lined. ; Ke-julair price J38.50--.1. - j
Special $30.80
No. 69560 inches high, 21 inches
deep, 30 inches long, zinc lined.
Regular price $23.00 ,
Special $18.00
No. 693 49 Inches high, 13 inches
deep, 27 inches long, zinc-lined, 65
pounds of' ice. . Regular price
Special $13.60
No. 60045 inches high, 19 inches
deep, 30 inches long, zinc lined. 85
pounds ice. Regular price $17.50
Special $14.00
The Qcanabjc. Cool and
yr, 'Comfortable Kind
Have the Two Essential Fac- ;
tors for Perfect Refrigeration.
There is total exclusion of outside
heat and thorough circulation of ;
inside air. ; '
Glacier Refrigerators are In
sulated from outside heat by an
eight-section wall, three Inches
thick, which is an absolute non- ,
: conductor . of heat and moisture.
All doors when closed are air
tight This effects a great saving "
in ice. , ; ' '
A Thorough Circulation is
maintained in the ice-chamber by
a false bottom and system of t
flues. As long as there is ice in
the chamber there is a constant
current of pure, cold, dry air
passing, around the food and pre
serving it
We have these refrigerators at
all prices, and just to induce you
to see them all we put a few
patterns on sale this week. It's
prettywarm--rbetter have one,
v- -
No. 603-47 inches high. 20 inches
deep, 34 inches long, zinc lined, 100
pounds ice.. Regular price $21,35
Special $17.15
111. w':
No. 70245 inches high, 19 inches
deep, 31 inches long, porcelain
lined, 85 pounds ice. Regular
pries $27.00
Special $21.60
No. 53545 inches high, 21 inches
deep, 34 inches long, zinc lined, 80
pounds ice. Regular price $20.00
Special $16.00
K ft
No. 20.
- ' in i -ii
No. 21.
rS ft
No. 22.
No. 23.
No. 24.
V Orders
j Filled
. ... ;