Editorial - -PORTLAND,-OREGON. V THURSDAY, JULY 2a 1904. THE OTRfEOON DAI LY ' ! " AN C. C JACKSON Publlshed vry averting" (except Sunday) ul every Sunday morning .at The . ;.. : i .-Si: I'THE EUROPEAN CRISIS. THE CONTROVERSY' which has suddenly arisen be ; tween Russia and Great Britain and to exciting the gravest fear 4 Ue diplomats tt both coun- tries, turns not upon ths general question of the. right .of search, as has been frequently assumed cusslon of the situation, but upon the Russia did not exercise the right in The right of a war vessel of a belligerent nation to stop and search a neutral versel upon the high seas for ths purpose of ascertaining whether' or not- is violating the laws of neutrality by carrying contraband or war to ths enemy, is recognised by all nations. Except where modiled by treaty., this right Is undisputed. No question therefore could, bo raised as to the right of a Russian war vessel to stop an English merchantman bound for a Japanese port, and to make search to discover whether she was carry Ing contraband goods. ! ". England haa always insisted, upon the right of search. and it was. her attitude upon this question, coupled with her insistence that aha had not only tha right of search but also tha right to seise British seamen found on' board American vessels, which led to the war of ISM. Half a century later, when Mason and Slldell had been seised and taken from a British merchantman by an American war vessel, this country was obliged to acknowledge that the act of seizure had been made contrary to tha law of nations., but even in this case nothing occurred t6 shake the doctrine of right of search.' '.,';.. v ' It Is, however, thoroughly established that the 'right of search eanbe exercised only by vessels of- war.' A merchantman flying the flag of a belligerent has no right to stop or search neutrai vessels, and be regarded aaa "direct act of piracy. In tha dispute Which has arisen between Great Britain and Russia, the former contends that the Russian "vessels Smolensk and St. Petersburg were not war vessels, but merely merchant men, and therefore committed an. act of. piracy when they searched and seised the Malacca. In order to pass out of ths Black Sea through tha- Dardanelles, the two Russian Vessels had displayed the mercantile ensign, but upon en tering tha Red Sea they hoisted .the military ensign, took aboard their armaments and assumed th character of ships of war. As war vessels they could not 'have 'passed the Dardanelles, and tha ruse adopted was for" the pur pose of smuggling themselves through without an open defiance of treaty obligations. .. Great Britain -contends that if they were merchantmen when they passed ths Dar danelles they were still merchantmen when they searched and seised the Malacca, and that they therefore committed an overt act of piracy ' " , ; '' The -right of search, when properly exercised, la not dis puted by the British government' and Is not Involved in the controversy. , S ' : . GERMANY LEADS IN BICYCLE EXPORTS. WE ARte'WfiNt TO THINK of the bicycle as an C invention which ' baa :;, been" brought to its , r highest perfection in the United States, and to complacently assume that in this, as in so many other lines, American manufacturers have excelled all others. It la a somewhat unwelcome surprise therefor to dis cover, that although' this country was for several years easily th leader In this" particular line of manufacture. it has lost its supremacy and is now in -the race. Germany . now exports AT THE THEATRES ' ' AT SHIUr PABK, "Each week it crows better." That is ths verdict of those wbo havs fol lowed ths work of the Shields Musical Stock company. Next week "La Mas cott" will be presented. bwovbtkb run. . To a thin leather thong William Schon trusts his Ufa while hanging head downward. He's at the Bijou. This acrobat does stunts on a trapes never seen her before. The California Clip per Comedy Co. has a song and a mlmto ketch that take the house by storm. Traak 4k Murray, a ragtlm pianist and a soubrette, are the funniest ever. Bene A Allen have the newest dance on tba coast Bijou vaudeville Is the good kind. And the Bijou's cooL ' COOt BATS AT TXB STAB. Cool with the fresh - coolness of a cavern is the Star theatre. Numerous electric fans whisk gentle breeses through the hous while pumps foroo the warmer air out through specially constructed shafts. V'p and down the aisle a hoy carales Ice water continu ally, in the ladles' waiting-room a capa bl maid attends to the wants of the patron. As for the program, tb ludi crous dancing of Robinson, the senior partner of Robinson & Robinson, Is without a doubt a most ridiculous, most laughable , and most original effort Watch for the ooupon in tmorrow's pa per. . -J - AicATxiraa a abcadb. Tomorrow night Is '"amateur night" at the Arcade theatre, and a number of embryo entertainers will make their de but -upon tb vaudeville stage "Ama teur night" is on of the most amusing features yet introduced at this play house. ' Little Baby Owens is making the hit of the week with her childish coon songs, while the rapid-Ore comedy work of Brandt and Liorano Is like the continuous crackle of a bunch of fire crackers. The hot weather docs not In commode the patrons of the Arcade theatre. owing1 to the perfect arrange ments for ventilating and cooling the hous.- - V ; X.TKIC BXLB. An hour's enjoyment, can be had for 10 cent at the Lyric, the home of re fined vaudeville, whor nothing but the heat Is given. J This .week bill Is a great on. Graham P. Tabor com-, neny la The Llttl Girls;" Busch, the greatest gymnast; Athon, Clark A Wll on, in "The Furniture Man;" the Vita scope, and Raymond G. Baldwin in II- uatrated songs. , Best music in the city. .. BaTT AT Tata BAXXB. ... Fvary one who attended the Baker kheatr this week fell in love with 'Betsy." The comedy never falls to bring forth laughter. Th popular com- rany all appear at their best, and though this is th first time ''Betsys has ver iieen seen in fort land. It is safe to as- urn that tt will always b reraera- Mred. . ... ..-.-', .'-.". "X.OBO YAVBTUBOY." Cvery child In th land who has not seen "little lord Kaustleroy" Will ll ta attar years that he bag ba deprived INDEPENDENT NEW8PAPBR . " PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. Streeia, X uruaiiu, ungn, , . OFFICIAL, PAPEtt OF .TUB CITY OF great as those of Step by step the American rival out find little sale in the empire was in newspaper dls prpposttlun that a proper manner. S2.094.400 In 1903. German bicycles is consequent cheaper manufacture At grateful to American Ho that it is no part of the duty of members of the con sular service to provide money or transportation for in has led him to respond too readily to appeals from pan' nlleas countrymen and the drain has proved too heavy. . "An idea which in the United States,' attempt it "would to relieve indigent Viewed from thr Intended as a charitable aid society. ' PORTLAND'S A LTHOUGH police to .from the able results have hesitate to interfere where the city engineer has granted to a contractor permission to dump his building materials upon the street.' But these permits can be granted only "under certain restrictions, and these restrictions are con stantly Ignored.' .Under no circumstances can a contractor or any other individual be allowed to occupy more than half the width of a street, nor can1 he occupy the street beyond tha sidelines building. If tha police keep their eyes open they will find scores of instances ignored. There are mortar beds. Traffic li greatly impeded. and if a fire should occur the cident. It is a difficult thing to convince the trespassers upon .the streets rights there, and only a bad second mors bicycles -than venience of the genera! public. ' . of on of th real pleasure of child hood. Th Baker theatre company, with Dot Bernard aa the young lord, will give a splendid production of this piece next weeic it begin. Sunday afternoon and runs all next week. BZAYOXiO tTl TO DATS. "Dlavolo Up to Date" continues to at tract big audiences to Shields' Park, and this clever adaptation of Ura xlavolo' has again proved tb merit of th stock company that this summer has ' been handling burlesque for th njoymnt of the park s patrons. It is cool at Shields' Park, no matter how hot th night is. "DXT BABBY AT TXS OOT.V1IBXA. On" of th finest theatrical produc tions ever brought to Portland la "Du Barry," in which Mrs. Leslie Carter is filling an engagement of a week at the new Columbia theatre. It is .the same production as Mr. David Belasco pre sented in New York and which has been before th American publte for the past three years. The company . I skilled and the star, Mrs. Leslie Carter, la de clared by many critics, to b th great est actress in this country. The performance at th .Columbia theatre last evening wa witnessed by another large and fashionable audience which was free with its praise. The plsy has a peculiar charm whloh makes It a favorite from ths rise of tire curtain on the first act. Beats are now selling at Row Mar tin's drug store for t he remaining per formances. Tber will b a' matin Saturday. . LOCAL ZIONISTS EULOGIZE IIERZL The life and work of th noted Jewish Zionist, Theodore Herat, were auloglsed at meetings held by Portland Jews laat evening. -At Talmud Torah synagogue addresses were given by Dr. David Le vlne, D. Soils Cohen and Isaac Swett. Dr. Adolph Abbey Was chairman of th meeting' and spoke of th singular prog ress of th Jewish rare, which h char acterised as "a peculiar people going through the world an interrogation point without any answer) existing in spit of circumstances, while all other nations exist because of circumstances." The sneaker stated that th Jew has not cultivated brain or brawn, but ha has realised that th real environment In which we live Is not th mere sir w breathe, nor the ground on which we stand, hut human thoughts Eloquent resolutions of regret upon the death of Hersl were adopted at a meeting of the Portland Zionist society, the Junior Zionist society and. th Lovers of Zlon at a meeting held last night- At a meeting of the Congregation Ahavt Bholom. on Third street near Harrison, an address was made by 'Isaao Swett, who took-for his subject "Dr. Theodore Hersl and Zionism." . IT Botha. from the Mew Orlesns Times-Democrat. , "you know Jones, who was reputed so rich?' Well, h died the other dsy, and the only thing h left was an old Dutch clock." ,i ! "Well, there's on good thing ahmil tV, It won't be much -trouble to wind up his estate,- JOURNAL J NO. P. CARROLL Journal Building. Fifth and Yamhill . ,. 1 PORTLAND any oer nation and during tha year 1901 her shipments of Mrvilca ta other countries were mora than twlc as the United Btates. " German bicycle baa been crowding its of the running. American wheelsnow Germany although only a few years ago flooded with them, and the demand In other foreign markets has steadily diminished. Germany's exports of bicycles have grown from S2.927.400 ia-MOl-to ft.S17.200 Jn 190S; during the same period the exports from the United States have dropped from $2,(94.200 in 1901. to Presumably the increased demand for due to a less cost of manufacture and priced rather"hanlo any superiority of all events this supposition is WTe mora pride. ' CONSULS CAN'T HELP THE INDIGENT. FROM a United Btates vice-consul in Mexico comes , a plaintive request that tha press of this country will endeavor. to impress' upon the traveling pub dlgent Americans ' who. become stranded in foreign ports. It is plain that tha complainant speaks from a trying and perhaps expensive experience.- Hie patriotic -disposition seems to' have obtained general credence says tha victim. Is that if an Araer lean abroad finds himself stranded,' ha can always get horn by applying ta his consul. Where or how this idea originated Is unknown, but it appears to b possessed -by at least tS per cenj of all Americana who travel abroad. The widest possible publicity should be given to the fact that American consuls abroad have no funds with which Americans or to send them home. standpoint et the-consul and with .i proper regard for his private bank account, his. protest seems eminently reasonable. The consular service is not CLUTTERED UP STREETS. instructions have been issued to the see that all obstructions are removed public streets and sidewalks, no notice yet followed. Apparently the police of Yh property upon which he is where thesa restrictions are absolutely several blocks nesr the heart of the business district where fully two thirds of the , width of the street Is occupied by plies of lumber or sand or by engines could scarcely pass without ac ihat they re absolutely without any that they must give way to the con EJECTED TENANTS MAY BRING SUIT ' By the decision of Judge Sears in tb stat clrouit court, saying that legal notice had not been given to tha leasee. W. EL McPherson, to vacat the Tremont hous, th door Is thrown open for 40 or mor-damage suits that may be brought against th owner of the build ing, J. H. MoClung, by th tenants of the notel, whose effects were thrown into th street by order of McClung, when on April tl deputy sheriffs sum marily ejected the lessee and his patrons from the hotel. The lessee, McPherson. proved that he was not given legal no tice by MoClung to vacate, and that the only notlc he received was a sharp raise' in th rent of $10 par day mor than he had been paying. The court held that this was not a reasonable In crease nor a valid notice under the lease snd ordered that McPherson's rights on th premise be restored. ALLEGE HE FIRED HOTEL FOR MONEY Th suit of VT. O. Btltt and Mtchsel Fresh sgalnst ths Thurlngla Insurance Company of Germany to recover 13,400 on a policy covering a hotel burned at Westport last March, la answered by the Insurance company with a defense in which are sensational charges against Btltt. Th insurance company alleges that Stltt intentionally set fire to the hotel, with the intention of getting the insurance money, for th reason that th lumber mill at Westport. employing a large number of-men, - was -closed down and the buslneas of the hotel de stroyed. It is alleged by the company that Stltt had entered into sn agree ment to buy the hotel for $2,800. which was its ruit value, ana that after the closing down of the mills the value of the hotel - property shrunk to -about $1,000. It la alleged that the hotel man heard of the proposed, closing of th. mill, snd at th time the insurance was procured h wss aware of the im pending conditions and did not Inform th agents of th company.- FEAR MISSING MAN HAS BEEN MURDERED Th police are today, bending ,thelr energies In an effort to unravel the mystery of the sudden disappearance of William Roberta of Rainier. Oregon, who came tq Portland to sell a piece of property of his at North Yakima, Wash. If was to receive 11,000, snd tt is the belief of his wife that he has been murdered and robbed. Airs. Roberts called at the police station JAst night, and to Captain Grits- macher declared that ah and her hus band never had any troubles, snd that she believes that he has met with foul play. . ..... .,.. Alice Herbert says he is a self-made man. ' . Kitty How he must suffer from re man, . Small Change Keep cool; you can if you try. ' Let's ; isn't Esopus "Dutchyt Don't bother about politics much Just yet. . . v.-v ' Parker- Irish T . Parker --isn't that partly Mrs, Carol In Chapman Catt is to be heard from yet Did you miss asking anybody: 'Is it h t n gh fr your . - , Th vole of war. la not th vote of tru civilisation' or progress. 7 Secretary Morton Is studying how to attach palac cars to steamers. -, HrfH ' ' ' ' With fruit growing Sd big in Oregon it Is dlfflouit to keep the big ones ail on top. . , ' After awhile it will be discovered, and decided, whether a gamblers' trust runs this town. ... While th preacher are away at play, Th newspaper men will try to hold th devil at bay. Why wouldn't Schwab have mad .a model secretary of the navyT Ha is ex ceedingly familiar with water. Is Jim Hill HIT If not, why this stupendous alienee, sine that decision in Harriman's favorT ' , Mr. Cleveland la up in th hills of New Hampshire, but h will get back to New -.Jersey in tlm to . vot for Parker. - . - There are multitudes of fine, fat cat tle in th country to be had cheaply, yet those who can afford to buy meat will hav to pay still mor for It, and many who want it will go without it At last Mr. John Barrett has arrived in Panama, where he will remain sev eral days, arranging for another trip. His salary never stops, however. -BUTYT AJTP TBJ TTYB THsBS, ' From th Corvallls Gasett. Jamas Duffy, who lives at th head of Beaver creek, had an experience a few days sgo that he will not soon forget It seems impossible to be true, yet such Is the' veracity of th narrator that no possible doubt can be attached to the circumstances. ' Duffy wsjs out hunting and had lust two cartridges loaded with bird shot when he cam upon five "fat and sassy" brown bears. Th mountains are full of bear this year owing to th big crop of wild berries and ' they are uncommon independent and sassy sava Duff v. There was a mother and her four cubs and they were eating berries and didn't propose to be disturbed. Duffy knew he could not kill all five with only two loads snd resolved to keep those for emergency. Two of the bear took after htm and they were very much disposed to fight, when Duffy stopped their progress by two well-directed shots. ' There wss a howl of pain and savage anger that called tha other bears to the scene. Duffy, taking advantage of thla little lull in th contest, mad good bis escape. It sounded to him like there were 40 Instead of five. He want home as quickly as possible and secur ing the assistance of several neighbors iook tneir dogs and went back to where he had first seen them! They, struck the track, but night cam on and they were compelled to give up th chase. W1Y KB WA ACQUTTTO. From' th Alanv Herald. Sheriff J. H, Ross of Toledo. Lincoln county, was in Albany- yesterday after noon on mi way to Salem, whither ha took two young men of Newport who wers convloted of robbing summer col. tages during th early spring, and sen tenced to on year each in the penlten tlary, Th two young men. Irvine De Boles and Tareld Tellefson. war part of an organised band, th object of whloh was th despoiling of summer cottages at toe Nye creek beach, and they had robbed eight of these before they wer arrested. DeBolse pleaded guilty to th chars or larceny In a dwelling and Tellefson stood trial, was found guilty by a jury, and each was sent up for on year, th lowest sentence the court could Impose. Georg H. Dc Bolae, father of th young prisoner of that nam, a former minister, was also arrested and tried on th sam charge. but was acquitted. Sheriff Ross stated that the elder DeBolse had his entire family. In court daring th trial, and on of his llttl children was about his neck nearly through th ntlr term of th court This seem o hav mad an Impression on th jury, for th verdict was for acquittal, ft is stated that when th jury first retired they stood eight for conviction snd four for ac quittal, and later changed to ten for conviction, but Anally a verdict of ac quittal was reached, probably owing to th helnleas condition of th family. whose main support ths father la. jrtrooa vabkbb niu a stoby. From th New York MalL Mr. Sheehan la reciting with gusto a story he hsd from Judge Parker at Eso pus "th only tlm," aa th jurist put tt "when the sincerity or my judicial utterances was ever impugned.". Years ago, when Parker was a trial judge and Counselor Nolan waa living, a case rams be for him tn which th plaintiff sued to recover money lost at cards, alleging that he had been cheated. Nolan appeared for th plaintiff, and proceeded to explain th mysteries of poker, going through th whole liturgy of "ehlps," "blinds" and "antes." "Really, counselor,- mterrupted mar ker, with the utmost gravity, "your ex planation nf th methods and hbmencla- ture of this so-caned -poner gam must be as perplexing to the jury as It. Is to the court- Can't you make it a llttlo clearer!" . 'Sure I can, your honor," answered Nolan, In a rich brogue. "Sure I can, If your honor will kindly lend me tha pack of cards your honor has In your honor's coat pocket" Character Analysis. , From tha Washington Star. "He Is a great deal of an optimist" said one bright girl. Tea, answered tha other, "and an egotist as well." .,. Can on be botnT" . Certainly. He is cheerftil because he firmly believes that the world cannot go wrong so long aa h lives in it and looka out for If Baa Plenty of Company. " From th Kansas City Star.' Still. If Henry Glassawsy Davis, sged 11, Is elected vice-president he will make a nice playmate Indeed for Sena tor Pettus, who Is It; Senator Morgan, $0; Senator Hoar, 7$; Senator Piatt Tl; Senator Oullom, Tt; Senator Pepew, 70; Senator JIawley, 71; Senator Fry. 73; Senator Allison, It, and Senator Proc ter, ta, . - --' . - -'. . July tl. We had a breesa from the southeast by th aid of ; which w passed, at about 10 miles, a willow Island on the south, near highlands covered with timber at th bank, and formed Of llmeston with cemented sheila. , On the opposite side Is a bad sandbar, and the land near it la. cut through at high water by small chan nels forming a number of islands. - The wind lulled at T o clock, and we reached. In the rain, the mouth of tha great river Platte, at a distance of 14 miles. The highlands which had accompanied us on the south for ths last eight or ten mile stopped at about thre quarters of a mile from the entrance of the Platte. Captains Lwls and Clark aacended the river In a pirogu for about on mil; they found the current very rapid, roll ing over sand and divided into a num ber of channels, ' none of which ar deeper thsn five or six feet One of our Frenchmen, who spent two winters on it ays that it spreads at some dis tance from tb mouth: that its depth is T H E H O MES K E R 7 (By CHARLES K. BURNSIDE) y A man went out to Kansas from a certain astrn state, - Intent on making money at a very rapid rata - . H had heard- about, ths country,whertht gen breeiegblow And the fruMs of agrlcultur in untold abundance grows -'Where the yields of wheat per acr ar phenomenally great, - When compared to what la harvested In any eastern state, ... : Where the golden corn-lsgrowlng ss it, never elsewher grows. And -th crop is never injured by the army: worms or -crowa. Ha had .heard about ih pralriea juat Where tha view ia unobstructed by a Where, in short, th happy farmer, if he haa a frugal wife, Can accumulate a competence and not wear out hla Ufa . All these things and mors h gathered from the pamphlets h rcivd,, And he read and pondered dally, read and pondered and be Moved. Vanished then tha old contentment came a spirit of unrest;. And he longed to e th country vaguely called "the golden weat" So at last he sold the homestead, sold th house where he was born, ' And the rough and stony hillsides where for years he'd hoed th corn; Where his father tolled before him and his father's fatherr too. A V Leaving but th farm behind them, poor, but fre from debt 'tis true. , . Then he gathered all tha proceeds from the things he hsd to sell. And with but a sigh at parting bad tb east a long farewell. .-' And with bright antlcipatlona of th wealth for him in tor,j' v Journeyed out to sunny Kansas, as has been remarked before. He arrived one summer morning, when all nature seemed to smile,' ' , And he straightway fell a victim to a real estate man' gull, . And without tb slightest knowledge of the way these agents He,. He obtained a quarter section at a figure rather high. . - Then he settled down to farming and contentment was his guest, . While he waited for ths harvest gathered only In th west That first year waa an exception and his toll was not in vain, - For his crops grew In abundance, aided by an early rain; And the harvest that he gathered filled his hesrt with vast delight " . And the smiling face of fortune seemed no longer out of sight ' But ths next year cam misfortune, when tha rain refused to fall. And In consequence the harvest was dlseouragtngly small. But the next year seemed propitious and th farmer's heart grew light, For another goodly harvest was apparently tn sight ' - ' .i- Then there cam th sprightly "hoppers" and they gav a social hop, And according to their custom they devoured every crop. y Then the farmer was dtscoursged at th hardness of his Tate, And he wished he hadn't ventured from his far-off native state.. Where he'd tolled, it may be, harder, but had never tolled in vain. For he'd never known a failure of a crop of hay or grain. - . ; And he longed to climb the hillsides, through the fields once more to roam. As he used to do in boyhood in th dear old eastern horn. And th old farm seemed a treasure h had lightly cast away, For a luring western mirage that had vanished in a day. '" And th next year's scanty harvest had' but Just been stored away. I WhH m. playf"! Knn cyclone chanced to pasa hla place one day; . . ... . ... ..... And tn Darn wnicn neia tne proceeas oi a season s ton ana care, a Waa caught in that gigantic whirl and wrecked beyond repair. ' Then the farmer rose in snger and he said, "It la enough, "If I could find thet sgent now I'd treat him mighty Tough. And with adjectives emphatlo that th printer won't repeat ' He declared he'd shake th Kansas dust forever from his feet ' So he gathered up the remnant of the things hs'd once possessed. And he straightway bought a ticket that would take him farther west " ' e . " ' e ' " e .' ' e ; 1 '''.:'' - In th grand Willamette valley he has found a horn at last, - - V That he thinks will prove a recompense for all the hardships past; , Where no fear of drought or cyclone can disturb th farmer's sleep, And th man is sure of plenty who will plow and sow and reap. . . And though still he has a feeling for the old home far away, -,, , ' He has found a place that's better, and is satisfied to stay, . ,.'( ' - - ..." ; OBSERVANCE OF THE SABBATH (By Lady Henry Somerset) There has been much comment lately on the encroachment gradually, but sura, mad on th observance of Sun day aa a day of rest, both in England and Ameiioa, Fashionable .- London leavea the'eity cn mass on Saturday to spend th day in country houses. That mean extra work for eervaht, extra labor for gardeners, and for th people themselves th Idle day Is varied only by th diversion of different sorts of games from lawn tennis to ' bridg whist Th practice of golftng on Sun day Is also growing with much rapidity, and is psrtlcipated in both by men and women of representative positions in society. With regard to this latter gams mere haa been much heated debate as to whether or not it amounts to Sunday desecration. Ths Archdeacon of London, Dr. Sin clair, regards Sunday golf as an en croachment upon the religious observ ance of th day; but other eminent men look upon -it a a healthful prep aration for a week's toll. There seems to b great difficulty in adjusting the stern Puritan view of Sunday , as a Sabbath to be observed literally as set out In the commandment and tha con tinental Sunday, which is looked upon purely ss a day of ploasur and recrea tion. It Is curious that the latter view is not at all confined to the Roman Cath olio countries, for Luther shared it strongly, and in hla "Table Talk" w find him saving: "If anywhere the day Is mad holy for th mere day's sake. If any on Sets up Its obaervsnc on th Jewish foundation, than I order you to work on it rid on it dano on It feast on It and do anything that thall remove this , encroachment on Christian liberty," and,' strangely enough. Calvin and Melancthon and most of th great continental reform ers., shared this opinion; but whatever view w may take as to th intention of Sunday from the religious aspect it is impossible to lose sight of Its Immense value a a day of 'rest from a national poitit of view, and thla aspect has been strongly supported by such men Vew Job Beady. From th Boston Herald.. -.' If these Imported Guatemalan ant a re still hungry when they hav finished eating the cotton-boll .weevils of Texas, let them- he promptly forwarded to New England, where a dainty feast of gipsy and brown-tail moth will be theirs for th asking. i - . . -: ' f , generally not mor thaii flv or six feet: that there ar many small Islands scattered through it; and that from its rapidity and the quantity of us sana, It cannot be navigated by boat Or pi rogues, though th Indians pass it in small flat canoes mad of hides. That ths Saline or Salt river, which in some seasons is too brackish to be drunk, falls into it from-th -south ahout $0 miles ud. and a llttl above it Klk-horn river, falls into the Platte from the norUu.jrunnlng nearly parallel, with Jt he. 1 Missouri for some little distance. The river Is, in faet, muoh mor rapid than the Missouri, the bed of which it fills with moving sands, and drives ths cur rent en the northern shore, on which it Is constantly encroaching. . At ita junc tion th Piatt is about (00 yards wide, and tha-sam number of miles from the Mississippi.. With much, difficulty ws worked around ths sand-bars near- ths mouth, and oame te above this -point havlnr mad l.i mile. A number of wolves wer seen and around us in the evening. . ? . aa level aa tne sea.. mountain or a tree; . . .. . .. as President Lincoln and. Mr. Glad stone, Lord Beaconsfleld and President Harrison, and almost every on of th prominent member of the - different English trades unlona . But after all it Is to th- religious world that w must look to preserve th sanctity of Sunday, for if they do not jealously guard it, th rest which tt brings to thousands of toilers will inevitably be taken from tHem. Th result of the discussion has been that a lay movement on behalf of a wor ship and rest day haa been set on foot In England. It haa been joined by many distinguished men, and mor thsn 70 of th bishops and clergy preached in various churches on a recent Sunday in support of th movement The Archbishop of Canterbury makes a striking pronouncement - "Tha Eng lish people," says th primate, "hav been entrusted with a pricelesa herit age in tha English Sunday, that gift above all others which will meet our moral needs and keep almpl and faith ful our dally Uvea," "Among th upper classes," said th Bishop of Stpny in another church, "there is a growing tendency to dedicate Sunday to frollo and amusement" and th head of ths Church Army, whoss language la never conventional, said: "W ar trying to be too comfortable. Some people think they can float to heaven on. a sofa, wearing a pair of car pet slippers. If ws hav not th spirit of Christ wb ar pagan." . Th popular feeling has had its re sult in th fact that th king has been specially guarding th Sunday which he spent with th German emperor at Kiel and declined to accept th kaiser's Invitation to accompany him on board th Hohensollern to witness th race tn whleh the Meteor was to hav taken part laat Sunday afternoon. The king . attended dtvln - eervice held tn th pavilion on th deck of the Hohensollern, whsn th kaiser read th bible, offered prayer and preached a short sermon. There is something curious in ' this "picture afforded of the two monarch, th nephew preaching to th uncle, but then th German em peror is ubiquitous, and fills every role. arrowing. From tha New York Sun. , Nebuchadneiaar Cropped th grass. . "It's hard." h mused, "that I should hav to chew lnatead nf smoke just St th time the candidates give their friends perfectos, too!" , Hereupon for th first tlm h felt th !ull weight of bis punishment, I Oregon Sidelights Astoria is also becoming a Sn tos' elty.; . .:. , '. '.Lebanon has survived -a negro min strel troupe. f Rogue river salmon 'ar. if possible liner than ever. ' , ' Sheridan' Sun: Miss Lena Brynjolf son is a coast visitor. - Prospectors are inoreaslng tn number ia th hills around Glendal. '' W knew all th tlm tt would rain, ' and said so. -Salem Statesman. , . The salmon ar beginning ta. think batter of It or rhpe worse, for them, 'A big eastern Oregon harvester cuts, ' threshss snd-sacks iO acres of wheat a day,; .. ' '. . , .. v Ths second 'crop of alfalfa tn eastern Oregon will be the greatest ever. . Stock all happy.' , ; . , Oregon produce th beet e&errle In - the "world aTiff th"besr of several other things, too. . A Cold Springs, Umatilla county, man will harvest to bushsls of wheat an acr . from t.OOO acres. .-. Th' Glendal News says tber ta million dollars' worth of or in' Sight In th Benton mln. " . . ., - Having been praised by a eotempor ary, th Brownavllle .. Times remarks! "Listen to. us blush," Th Forest Grov milk condenser pro prietors hav created a lawn and flower bed that ia a beauty spot '.'. ' A Bend men-wants to bet that th Columbia Southern will be extended into Crook county, by August l408. A Brownsvtll youth went to Morrow county a few years ago looking for a job.. This summer he will harvest J0, 000 bushels Of wheat . . . ' ArlIngtoh"'Ap"pear:7Itls a""iwrft"ag(l. Aa Indian squaw walked down our street ths other day, while her husband followed .meekly, carrying tb baby. , , Salem is -beginning to Imagine, and not vainly, that it can be something bet ter, and greater than the seat of the state capital, ths asylum, and the pent- " tentlsry,.. ; ., Albany Democrat: With a fall of 000 feet In It miles ths Ssntlani river from Idanah to Lyons is. certainly a water" power to be proud of. Som day it will b utilised. Leland correspondence tf Grants Pass ' Courier: The blackberry crop will be ' large. Everybody is happy, no Sickness . to report, so with plenty to eat snd a clean conscience snd good clothes to wear, w are a contented people, also prosperous. ,.'., Newberg Enterprise: Th railroad people have material on the ground for a steel bridge over the Tualatin river. The bridge waa brought hare from New Mexico, where it had been- used over t on of th rivers but hsd to be replaced -' by a larger one. ; ,; , Wallowa County Democrat: Th out look for a large crop of grain, hay. fruit and vegetables in this county. Is very bright Ths nrst cutting or alfalfa, now In process, is very heavy, and, while it has been damaged by being knocked down by . th heavy gales, will exceed that of previous years. . v. John F. Miller and his mother, Mary Miller, own a tract of land on Jackson oreek from- which placer gold has been taken in years, past, ar now likely to hav a quarts property that, will yield as much or mors gold than ever their placer claim yielded. Tha land ia in the famous Jackson - creek gold - district where, gold-bearing ledgea are found In very hill, but Mrs. Miller had never had her land prospected and did not know of this ledge. , Advice to the Lovelorn BY BXATBIOK raiir AX. Dear Miss Fairfax I am a young girl ' 10 years of age and I am going with a young man four years my senior. He has asked me to beoom engaged, but aa th difference in our ages and ray youth, my mother will not consent I ' love him dearly and would not like to give him up. A CONSTANT READER. You ar very young to be engaged. and, your mother is your best adviser. '. The young man ia not too much older than you. and as you a re both younar . you can afford to Walt a few years. Dear Miss Fairfax I am a vouna man of 17 and desperately In love with a young lady of my own age. I love her dearly, although eh will barely answer me when I speak to her. She la very odd. She allow me to escort her " home, but never invites me In. Now, what I should Ilk to know Is, do you think she loves me? . Or hsd I better give her upt As my parents are. very wealthy and independent I hav many " girls, but love this on bast Pleas ' advls a poor, lovelorn DICK. " Show this young lady that you can' hav other friends If you wish to; then, u sn reaiiy oares tor you, I think you will soon And out. Some girls pretend . to b indifferent when they really care. and you must find out for yourself. I', cannot tall you how. Dear Mis Fairfax I am a young girl ' IT year old and I am going with a young man about th sam art. One night, he called at my house snd while . ther h got hold of my pictur snd kept It Is It right for. me to let him wear It or not 7 My parent do not car ' for him,' but I do and h think a areat . deal of ma He always acta Ilk a gen- " ueman wnen witn me. Kindly advise me if I should give him up, ss he ssked ma to become his wif. ANXIOUS. I do not see any harm in th vouna ,' man having your pictur. But be care ful If your parenta do not like him per.' hap they ar mor right than you. Do not be blinded by lov. j;Try and sea him In his tru light before you promise to ' marry him. m i ' When Old Ar Com, ' - From the New York Tribune. -A physician f high repute in Parial who holds singularly advanced views, says that senility Is Infectious. He has ' failed up to ths present tlm, however, to discover sn effective antitoxin against old age, and It is feared that people or fouracor and mor will con tinue t glv up living In th eld-fash- v' loned way when their bodily owra ar exhausted. v 1 - - - i - -X-