I COMMENCING mmmmma bbjbs sannnnwanfl mmm mmttm''mm'mmm RMsnwasmnwannnm MHMMHMHaMMHMMMHmMMMMMMaMMnHMnMMMMMBMHH . Jhc "Different Store" Portland's Quality Shop Fifth and Washington Sb.; fe rtow fmo SicEa a As Yoi Ffevw 'Tu no wonder these great saving events tir Portland to its very center. SncK prices bn snch reasonable, worthy, quality merchandise as goes to make up these Midsnmmer Sales, were never before heard of in our city. Of coarse QUALITY and CLASS play the important roles in the Great Bargain Carnival. It is impossible to scan any one of our advertisements withont learning of Scores and hundreds of exceptional economies. We've no time for idle talk or cataloguing goods as mere space fillers. Antiquated stores do that 'tis not the modern method. What yon want to know and what yon read Advertisements for is the bargain news. That's why our printed announcement are always of interest, always profitable. That's why this store stays so busy. Yon rely absolutely upon what we tell yon. We never misrepresent or get yon down town on a "wild goose chase" we want your permanent patronage and will merit it so thoroughly that you'll decide after, trading here a few times that you'll make this store your permanent buying home. In addition to the aggregation of special values for Friday only we beg you to remember that EVERY ADVERTISED BARGAIN OF THE WEEK IS ON TOMORROW and over all, mightier than all, is the fact that ABSOLUTELY EVERY ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE (contract goods alone excepted) IS RADICALLY REDUCED ! DON'T MISS AN ITEM OF THIS FRIDAY BARGAIN NEWS &r yon may regret it when yon see the bargains your wiser neighbor got at OLDS. WORTMAN & KING'S 64th ' FRIDAY ECONOMY, SALE TOMORROW ! Following specials are for all-day selling; PHDERWEAR. ..,. men s jsw 1 Summer V Underwear 29 c BABE VALTTEB IX 1CEXTI BTIB- , subckxb vniBWii-nwn rxroom. A lars line of men's splendid new : Balbrlggan Undershirts , or Draw r in plain Balbrlggan or fancy mesh. Not ovary slse, but you . can probably And your here. , To close Friday only.. . Summer Household Needs At Bargain Prices! txxbb pxoob. i, : . wnmow sobbee.. ..,.- .Hard wood f rames, painted wire to prevent mating- " ltxll-ln. Screens. Special.... 164 ' 14xlT-ln. Screens. Special.'... 22 ' lOxir-ln. Screens.' Special. .. .254 SOxO-ln. Screens. Special. ..324) LAW KOWXM. l$-ln. "high-wheel, extra, quality. . Value 18.75. Special .93.05 paxct aun ozisbt tbat. - Value 150. Special..... 94 OLIU OIVASS . TAKES. ll-ln. high. S6o value. Special. .9) ouu oun uni. H-ln. high, value t5c Special.. 15 ra.TLan CLASS OAKS STAXD, footed, value 16& - Special for Friday ..........10 Friday's Economies in Domestic Aisle . ran pxoob. French " Drapery 1 Cretonne , 10-tn. ' wide, "rich colorings In floral, inoaalo and oriental designs. ' Our . lto quality. Special for Friday. a yard ...... lOf ..Navy blue Oregon made Flannel, - especially adapted , for .making Bathing Suits and garments for . . outing wear. Regular 40o value at, yard 254 WOMEN'S SHOES; At Slaughter Prices SPECIAX XXBTCXMXXTS TOM TXXDAT A OIOAVTXO OXBAB akcb iiu or txb xxnas TOOK IS AT ITS XXIOXT . nut PXOOB. . . 2 Extra Friday Specials f Women's S3 Shoes $1.68 Handsome new - styles In very" "latest last.sr ; fresh, plumpvlcl kid stock, with patent tips, mili tary or Cuban . . heels and soles light or heavy, . for . street or dress wear, full , round, "toe shapes. Our own worthy It values. Special for Friday at pair .... S1.68 $3.03 instead of $5 for Women's Shoes Tomorrow! ; Very latest, new est styles In fine Dress Shoes for - women. - Best French kid stock, with pat ent tips, fash- lonabls Louis heels, hand 'turned soles, essy . and ' flex ible but solid. Fine, swell styles In the choosing, of best workmanahlp and In dress styles. Best ft values. . Friday ... 93.08 THE AUGUST 6th THIS STORE WILL $2.00 WHITE .. t . r. ssoojtd nooi-Avnz. ; . . . ' A siore fun of hot air a the top, and x junk and sweatshop trash of anolent origin bulglns; out at the bottom, la liable to generate spon taaeons combustion, espeolally If engineered and orewed by a band of excitable. Such stores sometimes "go off la the air," thro' the papers, emitting a vaporous effusion that disseminates among the o Ion da to the harm of no one. It's a good thing for snob, stores to have an es cape valve, also they might "blow np and bast," and hurt somebody. Buea a store exists, and their "escape valve" lets off his sultry wind regularly against the good, thick, substantial walla of this UIUIU "Old Homestead Store." The hot vapor strikes our walla and la blocked, rises) Into thin air and passes off. Marts no one, and relieves the barny, overstocked "Sot Air Establishment." Pardon the digres sion, but It leads up to thla. OUATEST PETTICOAT IIU IBT roiTLAVO roa rIDAT. Our elevators have brought up to the Beoond riooc dally, thro' the Summer Clearance Sales, from S.S00 to fBOO people. . .We've rettlooats for all who eoao tomorrow, ' See vem in Washington Street Windows ' AH from our own Immense stocks bought for a sale, But aupern. elegant nnaermnaiina, maae pjr BUiaoiurera, anoer saawary oonoinons. AlTTJsTT Tn nTTXOOATSi tadiee flno Oambrte rettlooats, ex tra wide, It lnohes deep, fine lawn umbrella flounce, S dusters of - One tucks eaohi also 3-lnoh hem at bottom, or pettlooata of fine oambrlo, U-lnon lawn aounoe, era H Inon vaienoiennea aee eaguigi valnt special at dontrarv to the slllv. wUly-nflly ompare," we say pleas BO OOaTTSAST these with elsewhere "stuff" offered in competition, , . GREAT NEWS FROM PORTLAND'S WRAP STORE CHOOSE FRIDAY LSS-LENGTH SIHRTS AT HALF PRICE ' Description la needless. Every Brass Skirl la lnolud . ed, tn every wanted material and late trimming eifsot. Every Skirt new thla sea son, - and In very latest modes. . Blacks and bo lore. , The color line lnclndee blue, white, champagnes and light . grays. The materials am braoa eternises, voiles, shark . skins, . ehsvlota, Panama cloths and a few velvets. This Is the grandest, most comprehensive Una of thee Skirts over Included In a sale In Portland. To knew thsy are from our own magnlfl sent stocks la to know they are from the ' world's host makers exclusive, high- . class style that are in a lass beyond the reach of th "Cheap ohn" stores that, parrot-Ilk, cackle and drib bla from their glided of everything1 they hear from passers-by who excite their admiration. OXOIOE OP AWT BBBSS SXIB XsT TOBJI MS AT. A HALF PRICE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. JULY 21. 1904. Saw l of dainty, fresh lingerie, no trash star ox raon ana ngiuar . ea.uw "Ad-wrlter." who saya, "l out LAR.CEST LEADING SUIT AND FROM OUR, ENTIRE STOCK Or CLOSE EVERY PAY TEACHERS' EDUCA TIONAL CONTEST 1 All aboard for the big St. Louts Expo. A vote with every tio pur .chase.' All July votes must be In our ballot-boxes by.s p. m. of Mon day, August 1. Ko July votes will . be counted after-that day and hour. - The contest closes at 1 p. m. of Sat urday. August t. IMPORTANT Patrons must In every case get their votes at time of purchase, aa we will positively not Issue them later upon duplicate 'Checks. - We safeguard this contest with every protection for fairness and the "best man wine." TABTBXBTO OP TXE TEW LEAS EES AT 10 A. at. TOD AT Winifred Moaher. Harrison. .120.170 Mrs: N. Hlltabldel.- Alblna. .117.104 Busa Jones, Highland ....... 11.71 Kate Padden, Atkinson .....116,000 Mrs. Esther Kane, Williams avenue . . .101,146 - 'Matilda Welds. Thompson... 14,(41 'Hln C. F. Allen. Falling.... I0.00 MIks L. K. Strout, Chapman. 11,181 Klla Lavenson, Atkinson .,..17.025 'Ruth Rounds, High School.. J4.S54 - Total number votes cast ....100,141 Total number teachers voted for,. ttS Friday Hosiery and Un - - derweor Spedals ABB SPICE TO TM 1t 0BBAT OX.BAXAEOB UU OP TKESB STOCKS. . Plrst Ploo. '. Women's Black All-Lace Lisle Hoe and black lace Hale with embroid ered boots, also plain black lisle with embroidered boots, our best ' 1.00 quality hose; special, pair 65 Women's Whit Lisle Lace-Striped "; Vests, sleeveless, fine laoe trimmed, 16a quality; special, each $ 1. 2d Bays $2.25 Smyrna - Rugs on Friday - POVBTxT. PBOOB. Just an even too of th choloest All-Wool Double-Faced Smyrna Rugs, for th Friday "Economy Sals" patrons, sis 10x0 Inches, fully fringed, regular IMS val ues r.. .....f 1.28 -St Children's Dresses Reduced A BIO STTkOCEm OXEAE-TXP AT P BICES BZBIOTJXOBSX.T UW FOB PBXDAT BVTBBS A KOTXBB'B OXU.B-OB AJTEEX. seooed nooa CHILDREN'S SL1QHTLT SOILED . DRESSES Children's Dresses of white linen, lawn and organdies, , high or low neck, full length and . elbow sleeves, daintily trimmed in lace, embroidery rucks and ribbon. Ages from 4 to 11 years..' Lot 1, ages 1 to 4 years.' Regular price 11.10. Special at 73 Lot 1. agea 4 to 11 years. - Regular price $1.16. . Special at..,.f 2.T8 Two lVIillinery Specials tcAivnra wet abb btbaw BBAZDS AT BABOAIB PBICBS. Seoond Floor. 35cMalines 10c Malln Nets in all th new desired shades pink, orange, violet, brown, navy, champagne, rose, red, light , blue, green and magenta; 16 val ues; full and free cholc for, yard ...10. ; 50c Straw Braids 2c Yd. A sweeping cleanup of all th Straw , Bralda' in the. Millinery Salona; ' every wanted 'shade and newest "r effects. Values up to too a yard, t th give-away prlc of. yd. .2 Art Cushion Tops at Rare Bargain Price $1.35 Tap a estry Tops A9c 'Fine Austrian ' Tapestry Cushion Tops, woven designs after th great masterpieces, 10 Inches square. Regular . prloe $1.16. Special .80 '-ewW! SATURDAY DURING THAT MONTH AT I P. LI The SMh f FANCY Cff lAMUfCnt OWXTsUTAAfV Come Down $3 Ol ft Now A CLBABaWOB I An tmmsnae Msortmsnt of this season's daintiest faacl in Fashion's is isai puwu iiyiH is uu swivNiif, jb z wdhuh a least two parasol on for areas and on for th street or i era's a chance to own two at lees than the price of on lass than the materials alone eoet the makers. Oolng t latest parasol atylea la tats oaooslng. Every woman ehouia own at that's th story la a ndl's eye. Th paraaola are la dainty wait . or smart, band some and attractive fancy colorings in too great va riety of silks for description sumo to say, all the swelled, most fashionable and wanted color deelgas favored by smart dreeeers among "Bummer women.' In pretty laoe and chiffon applique trimming ex- facta, with ruffles to match. Io the lng p from tS.OO to $17.60. Ton greatest argatn sal ox paraeoia In Portland at price absurdly In fact, we Aont axpeot to have a rugni. , xue you pnaa. High Class Wash Waists $6.50. S 7.50, $8.50 Frwa; iday at MATCHLESSLY LOW! $3.98 In whites and colors, beautiful, dainty Summer Waists, the very cream of th Waist stocks. Tresh and new-from their makers, a lnle and delayed ship ment on which we're allowed amconcea slon, enabling ue to hand them over to you at a bargain prlc unrivaled In tit annals of Waist selling In our city. Materials embrace Ijwn, Linen plain ' or In Mexican drawnwork effects Mer cerised Etamtnes, Dolly Vardena, etc.. In lace, embroidery and Mexican drawn work trimming effects. The smartest' lot of Walnta offered at any sale this or wainia onerea ai snr Mia ima isnn: values to $$.60- tt AO Friday at n choice pJr,VO season on for PAR AAH-Q tt A esA4J VUnU I With a Snap! for the Aristo- cratic $ 1 750 Parasol PIBST PXOOB. cuiing wear. on-or on at clean np now great lot are regular value rana may ohoos tomorrow making th arrow making th $3.98, ever conuuoxeu low so low, parasol toft by Values Touch Shoulders One Price C Series o Q New -Effects ' in . Udies , ' Ping-Pong Collars rvMT nr abb oa special uu PBZBAT BEOKWBAB fTWT.B - pzbst rxxwn. . Just received from - our neckwear . buyer, now in the eaat, the latest midsummer novelties much sought ' after -now for wearing with the shirtwaist suits or summer coats, : In whit or prettily assorted col ors, blues and greens trimmed with white, all whites and white trimmed in colore.' Small and - large shapes In plain, circular and . fancy designs. A big assortment. ' all new and the handsomest lot of collars that have come to Port- . land In many A day. . Theae swell new collara , range in price from 60 to $1.(0, an - Immense line. Choose tomorrow only at, each..'. - v3w Patrician Silks v AtPlebian Prices nr tke wax. stobb aebzx . .. - PIEET PI.OOB. v Friday finds great buying oppor tunities in this best Portland Silk Store. Among other splendid, values are . .., .... . , . . . BICB ECABBSOBTB OOX.OBBB TAP. PBTAS TEE BOUAB EXEB POB 69. ABBwCOlOBEB Will STXXS TEAT BEBOEO TO TXB BOO PAMIXT AT 24. BE4P 1,100 yards- 11-inch - all pur silk colored Taffeta, the best value and wearing silk ever offered Portland . . public Colors are black, white, cream. Ivory, cadet navies, pink, light blue, pearl gray, cardinal, garnets, Havana and seal brown. Reseda and. myrtle green and royal. Our regular $1.00 quality. Special for Friday only, yard 69 . 1.TS0 yards of colored corded waah -Bilks. Our entire stock to select from, all colors and atylea. Regu lar (Oo quality. Special for Fri day only, yard ...-24) Little Needfuls at Tiny Prices "Forth. -Friday Economy Sal" PXBBT-raOOB BEPABTETEXTS. Mercury Thermometers, all teated, in walnut, maple or cherry wood ' back, value 16c; special, each 1&4 Bon Ton Sho Past Polish, for nil fin black leathers, easily applied, does not -soil fingers, value lOo Jar; epeclal, Jar 7 Wire Ralr Brushes, black ebonold back, act with very fin wire, value 15c; special, each. .. .1 .19 Gold and Sliver Initials for Purees, Hand Bags. tc, value lOo each: special, each S) Great special sal Ladles' Leather' .Belts, new style crush leather, in patent and plain stitched belts and carved leather and white kid belt, all colore and alxea, valu ' 0o to $1.60; special, each. ...29 Hooks and ayes, all elses. In black and whit, 1 doa on card, plain, valu lo; special, card. ....... 1 Kid Hair Curlers, 4-Inch, all colore. 1 doa. In package; special, pack- age. . . . . , 4 FavorMe Needle Books, valua tc; special, eaoh-r-iTT-rjTitVTWi ,S XBWSXBY BEPABTEOBET. Solid Oold. Baby Blags, assorted set ting, valu 76c; apeclul, ea., 49 Starling Silver Hearts, In plain or fancy designs, valu 160 to 6 Do; special each .9 Ladles' Black Silk Watch Guards, . with silver slides, value 16c; ape-, clal, each . . . IB 4 Real Tortolae Shell Hair Pins, me dium else, in plain or crimped, 4 hair plna to box. valu $1.26; are "clal. box T6 Appliques end Risers Li the Parssia Da.-tt PIBST PXOOB. Chiffon Applliuea In black sn'I white which sell regularly at 40o. lOo and 40c Kpectal, the yard .21 Beautiful Fancy Rlhhrtra, 4Hlnrhe wide, all colors. Value up ti r. Special for FtWsy, yard X I