J THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 21, 1904. .1 - V COURT BUSINESS AT OREGON CITY . IcoTnrrr ciimK ui bust bat si rraxo ooxruUvra Ant otbxb sunns xv bockxt jlotxob AOAXSTST OBEOOB WATBB rOWXB OOUTABT JDXTOBaa STXT 1TLEB, (Special Dtesetch ttjni JoursaL) Oregon City. Or.. July SI. Yesterday 'was a-busy day In the county clerk's wftic and Mr. Sleight was busy all day entering complaint and other court business in the circuit court docket. A. B. Manley, trustee -of the estate of 8. Finger, a bankrupt, la the plaintiff In an action that Is brought against the Ore gon Water Power company, F. J. Finger and J. Bturchler. : 8. Finger waa de clared a bankrupt by the dlstrlot court November 18. 104, but prior to the (filing of hi petition he transferred his property, amounting to 41 acre to hla eon, F. 1. Finger through -which prop erty' the railroad company1 holds a right of way. B. Finger was In bankruptcy to the amount of 1700 and the action Is brought to get the property to satisfy the creditors. ''".' . Suit for dlvorc was filed by . Anna blrard against Frank M, Qtrard. the telatntlff alleging aa the cause for action that she was deserted tor Olrard May It, 101. They ' were married at, Albany 'September 88, 1800. and there la i minor ,ehd for -which the plaintiff sks cus tody. Charles Stern haa commenced action against David Will for, money that Is alleged due the plaintiff on a promissory inote) Judgment Is asked on 1224.05 Vlth interest Tat -It per-eent -from -April 10, 1898, and for $84.18 with lntereet !at 10 per cent from February 1, ItOO. tiesides attorneys" fees and coats. . The Ini boles Lumber company ha filed a mechanic's lien against the prop erty of R. Cassedy of Estacada for the amount of 1 81.41. which the lumber com pany alleges Is a balance due them for (lumber sold to the defendant. . Council Meeting uuri BTig-nt. Ata"speclsrmeetlng'-Br-tfts-winncU last night In the city hall an ordinance was passed providing for the Issuance tf bonds, bearing per cent intereat, to jbe dated August 1 and payable In 10 years, to the amount of 88,480.88. Aa ordinance waa also passed empowering the finance committee to advertlae bida for the sale of the said bonds. The 5onds will be optional after one year, rrrtey will be Issued according to the Bancroft bonding act, and Interest will be paid semi-annually. Bide will be re ceived" up to August Thla Af hnnl im ift the X- Ipense of the Improvement of Center Street - The council Instructed the city attor ney to issue warrants agalnet all parties Aa sewer district No. 8 who fall to con nect with the sewer after one week. The city Is going to press this matter, and those falling to make the connection will be prosecuted by the city. : A motion waa made and carried where by the city recorder. Bruce C Curry, is Instructed to notify the Southern Pacific company to remove the tool houses and Chinese shacks that are located on Rail road avenue below Eighth street Two weeks will be given the company in which to make the removal.. These houses are on city property, and aa the city e-eta ncthlna- for a-round rent, the council decided that the city should have the unsightly .buildings, removed. Death of Mrs. Dloklemaa. Mrs. Susan Dlckleman died at the state hospital for the Insane yesterday and her body was brought home to Ore gon -city this morning for burial. She waa 44 years old. and had long been a resident of Oregon City. . The funeral will be held at the realdence at t o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and Interment will be In New Era cemetery. She leaves a husband and two sons, William and John Dlckleman. - " ' H. I Vaughn, a prominent farmer of Mollala - and son of "Uncle" Billy Vaughn, was in Oregon City yesterday on bualneas and while here he aald that the hot weather had done, considerable damage In his preoinct and that there would be about half a crop of spring sown grain. . Some of the winter wheat, he said, waa In fair condition but was more or less injured by the hot weather. The rain of laat week no doubt saved the farmers from a complete failure in that section. . Orafoa City Bews Botes. J. H. Kltchlng. who was a oandldate for commissioner on the Democratic county ticket, was in Oregon City yes terday on business. , R. 3. Moore and wife of Mollala are visiting their daughter, Mrs. O. D. Eby, and attending the Chautauqua assembly. The Enterprise Printing company Is Installing a folder in Us printing de partment. . ; Charles Spencer,- who-has been to SI Vincent' hospital far -four weeks with a broken leg, -was--brought home yester day snd is gaining health, rapidly. Misses Dorothy - and Lena Mtchelson of .Phoenix. Aria, will spend, the sum mer in Oregon City with their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Wood.. -'Marriage llpens-w -yesterday Issued to Miss -Nanna Paddock of Gladstone and Elmer Wright of Union. Two drunks. William Holman 'and August Dill man, were arrested lsst night and will be given a heating be fore Recorder Bruce C Curry today. . Thomas Meyers has a-eturned from Tillamook, where he took a herd of horses, of which all were sold but sue. There was a small brash fire above Canemah last -night that "burned one of the Postal Telegraph company's 'poles and did aome other damage -of a small nature. A tramp is supposed to have started the lire. ,hmI,v UOUOR-MORfHINE-TOBACCO ,YVrfr Hants permanently curt ie.iilc rot FULL saATKULARS 1 1 hi ai ym ifmrrscrmrft.- s-owrta mp.owi BURGLARS ROB AND TIE WOMAN TO CHAIR ' (Special mapatch to The loarsal) - Seattle, July 11. Burglars early Oils morning entered the house of Mrs. J. D. Fletcher . in the suburbs, robbed; bound and gagged her, then tied: her to a stool on the second floor, so that she could not move, call -for aid or care. Tor-her Infant child. - Almoat exhausted, from the strain and fainting from terror her husband found-her several hours after ward when ' he returned from hla all night's' work. The burglars had taken all the money In the house, 814. The woman waa alone in the house with her baby when the burglars en tered and waa so frightened that she told them where to find her -money. They declared they . would tie her to a chair dowa stairs, and threatened her with death should there be any outcry, but she begged ptteously to be taken to the second floor. MI INTEREST IH PRATUM FIELDS bxscotxbt or orb BBoras svabob VTKBEB Or VBOFU TO SCBBB Bar sbctbb unrui ruicr BXOOSb' FOB , YABXBw WATXB TBOK WIU-WIU BTXX.OJ (special Dbpetcfc to The Joeraal.) Salem. Or.. July 1L The dlaoovery of oil at Pratum. in thla county, has led to a great deal of Interest therein, and since the publication of the matter there have been, a large number of persona there to examine the well and to secure samples of the oil. ' A pump was rigged up there today and put to work taking the water from the well in -which the oil discovery- had been made and the developments were at least satlafylng and almoat surprising. Mr. D. M. Wataon of Portland, a well known expert in the discovery of oil wells and a man well acquainted with ttfc buslnesa of locating oil fields, ar rived at Pratum yesterday, Mr. Wat son said: . There is oil here,, and lots of It I have never encountered a - better pros pect nor a more hopeful one. This oil Is not 'confined to the present locality, but is in what is called blanket sands and probably extends over a considera ble part of this district." - - . OnteIng aaked bow deep the oil would probably lay, Mr. Watson said he could not tell - Just at that time, but could probably do: so- before, hla return to Salem. Salooa Cases. . ' The- second'-o tha series Of 41 aaloon cases which are to be tried out before Justice of the Peace Turner, upon the charge of keeping open saloon on Sun day, that of the. state va. John Cooper, after two hours Of deliberate considera tion on the part of the Jury, resulted in another victory for the prosecution, the verdict, which was turned In at 11:10 o'clock this morning, being guilty. fcegal rein lavolved. A ease at law to' establish title' to a certain piece of property In this county, and in which is Involved an exceedingly Interesting question waa argued before Judge Burnett of the first department of the circuit court yesterday afternoon and submitted by O. Q. Bingham, for the plaintiff, and W. M. Kaiser, for the defendant The case Is that of M. K. Pogue, plaintiff, vs. N. Btmon, defend ant, and the Important legal point in volved is: Whether a purchaser at ex ecution aler befora-receiving--araherlrr deed, has an attachable interest in the property. rotter Beslg&s. . The report waa received, at this office from what seems to be a perfectly re liable source that Mr Thorns W. Pot ter, superintendent at the United States Indian Training school at Chemawa, had sent his 'resignation aa superintendent of that institution to. the commissioner of Indian affairs, and that he would re turn to Oklahoma, where he has large personal interests. v It is said that .Mr. rotter's resigna tion was offered because of the serious sickness of a man with whom he has business Interests in Oklahoma making It absolutely necessary that Mr. Potter go - and give - these interests his .. own personal attention. . i Mr. Potter came here from North Car olina, where he was superintendent and agent of the eastern Cherokee? and assumed charge of the school here on November 20. 1895. ' Since that time the school hss grown and expanded In a wonderful manner and - Mr. Potter has had a great deal to do with that growth and expansion, Mr.. Potter has had over 20 years 'experience in the Indian serv ice, and has alwaya been counted one of the moat, capable of all Indian educa tors. . - PAINTING VANCOUVER SCHOOL BUILDINGS (Special Dispatch to The Joeroal.) Vancouver,. Waah.v July II. The painting: of the Columbia and Harney school buildings is neaiing completion and presents a pleasing appearance to the structures that. were badly in need of this improvement, not having been treated . to a coat of paint since 1883. The new high school building Is being plastered throughout and another room will be finished for occupancy up stairs making In all five rooms in the new building. T. E.- Daniels Is Jhe guest.Pf his par enta. Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Daniels, at the Columbia hotel. Ollle McKee of Portland is visiting his parents on Kaufman avenue.- H. J. Scholdermen, manager of the Merchants' Express company, was look ing sfter business in thla city yesterday afternoon.' .'. Mr. and Mrs., W. -8. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. C 'Graham. Mr, and Mrs. 3. N. Huston are visitors at the Chautauqua at Gladstone park today. . - BAKER COUNTY LOCAL OPTION CAMPAIGN (Special Dispatch to 'The loaraal ) - Baker City. - July -IlPetltloas . are being prepared and will be circulated In a few days by the advocates of local op tion under the direction of Campaigner Tufts,' who is now resident here, in a supreme effort to force the application of the new law throughout Baker coun ty except In the principal bualneas por tion of Baker -City and Sumpter. The petitions, if signed by the requisite number of registered voters, will com pel the eounty clerk t place the ques tion upon the ballots bext November and If tha voter carry it at the polls local option will become a reality In Baker county with the two exceptions, noted. Very little Interest is taken in the matter amongst the saloon -.men In Ba ker City and In fact business men gen erally do not seam to be Interested one way or .another. So far aa the expres sion of opinion of those Interested can be learned It is not believed that the law .-will carry at this election la--this aunty. 7.." "" """" DBADX.T TOT rXBTOXk (Special Dtapetcfe te The JoaraaL) Seattle, July 21. Casualties from the Fourth- of July are still coming . in. Alden Lawrence J ones, aged. 8 years, died last night of lockjaw resulting from the uss of a toy pistol. - The lad accidentally discharged a blank cart ridge and the ' powdef burned the flesh of his abdomen. Ia four days after the Fourth he developed tetanua His. suf fering waa intense, and it was neces sary - to pry - his mouth -' open -to- give him nourishment. The 0. W. P. Trolley Trips ' To Estacada' in the foothills of the Cascades. A modern up-to-date hotel on the Clackamas river. 8even trips dally from First and Alder streets. HEAT LITTLE FELT AT CIIAUTAUOUA BACK XBCOMXBO TBAXsT " BBXBOS BBW ABBXTAM WOOD rBO TXOT ATBXBXBO MOV IVIl OOBCBIBO . BA' XJECTTSBXS. .V (Special rHapaJcb to The Joeraal.) Gladstone Park. July 11. The oppres sive heat that has succeeded the ralna of last week Is being little felt on the grounds, and great crowds came yester day and are again arriving on every train this morning, as the dense woods, which protected from the downpour of rain,- la giving equal protection from the Scorching rays of the sun., and many are taking advantage of the Cnautauqua to-escape from the heat and dust of toe city. , .- ----'-.'. -:.." ; Moral ralaU&a. ; Mrs. White's lecture on "Patriotic Painters of the West" yesterday after noon was thrilling and bristled with the most Intense patriotism. ' She distinctly made bar audience feel that they were careless of the budding efforts of Amer ican artists; and even in Portland that there wsrt.niany.'who ought tq have better- eoelal and, financial ; recognition.' - "There' has yet no great mural painter arisen in America,", said Mrs. White, "and I look for one to come from this coast, Yea, right here from Oregon, for, you have just the country to pro duce a great mural painter." . . sttartllac Statistics. . A new star arose when 'Hon. Lou 3. Beauchamp was Introduced by President Hswiey- last - n1ght.-an - spoke. -on : the "Sunshine In Life." Whether the star la "of nrat magnitude or not Is a mat ter of dispute on the grounds thla morn ing. '-.'.!. The general opinion seems to he that there has been lust a dash too much of the "sunshine" this week. Mr. Beau champ Is not in general appearance unlike the humorist preacher. McClary.4 who has lust left, but he speaks with such rapid ltyone"musne bravely on the alert or the point of his .Joke is lost and he Is half way. Into another before one gets his breath A .deep strain of religious philosophy governs all hs has to say and he uses all-his stories to illustrate some 'prin ciple of good and uptight living. Ever and again Beauchamp lets the preacher predominate, and last night he gave , soma startling statistics, among other things, saying: "That last year 70,000 divorces were granted n; America agalnet 20.000 to the rest of the Whole world combined." The American home life he held re sponsible for the great percentage of crime lit-this country. Some stories of excruciating horrors the speaker related, which certainly did not show up the sunnyside of life. . Classes Overflowing. The classes this morning are all full and many of them overflowing, the pu pils being qultewll!1ng to stand on the outside as attentive listeners. Whlttler Is the subject this morning at-the- Kngllfth" literature and - a large crowd Is In attendance, -About 100 boys under It years of age assemble every morning at 10 o'clock to get physical training from Prof. Rub belt on the platform of the old audito rium. From the shouts and noise it is certainly a highly popular feature and a glance convinces one that the teacher Is a boy among the boys, which ac counts for the full attendance and pop ularity of the oleas. - . ' 1 Xiataroa Speaks. At 4 o'clock this afternoon John Ia thmp of Portland will speak from the main platform, under the auspices of the W..C. T. U. on "Conscience of Ore gon." Miss Johnitnn sang beautifully at each of yesterday's sesalons, .and the ap plause which greeted her when she again appeared today shows an in creased appreciation of her. work. Cooking School. ' - Today's lesson wss on soups and a larger crowd than usual waa in attend ance. The following served to demon strate the leaann: Potato soup, onion soup, spinach cream, tomato soup. At 1 o'clock this afternoon Hon. I.OU J. Beauchamp sga.m took the platform for his last lecture. The auditorium is pscked to Its utmost capacity. - Tonight's program Is aa follows: t;S0 Band concert. 8:00 Special program given by Mra. Harriet Colbun Saunderson and her as sembly pupils, assisted by Mies Jennie F. W. Johnson, contralto, and Miss Veda M. Williams, accompanlat. Piano solo Miss Veda M. Williams of Oregon City. Physical culture Exercises Members of assembly class. ' "Behind a Curtain," (a monologue). Mrs. Burton Harrison. Mrs. Harriet Col burn Saunderson " 1 k i .. . . Vocal a Xrfve Is a Bubble" Al-Hten-Ljb The River snd the. Sea" johrmon; Mine Jennie F. W. Johnson. Reading ar "Dot Little Boy of Mine" Riley; (b) "An ""Old" Sweetheart of Mine" (with musical accompaniment) Riley i Mrs. Saunderson. Pantomime Selected, members o( the Chautauqua clans. , , Vocal (a) ."Sleepy Song." O. 'X, Orant-Schaefer; (by ;Tha Moon Man" G. A. Orant-Schaefer. Readings (a) Selected; (b) Group of dialect poems: Mrs.. Saunderson. . Tomorrow .- will - be pioneer - day.-' I o'clock, addresses, by President Hawley and Hon. John F. Caples. :80 baseball, Vancouver vs.' Willamette. 8:00 o'clock, lecture. Dr. Newell Dwlght Hlllls. -V . Bsseban. .- '. '.: . Yesterday's game between Vancouver and Oregon City waa considered by everybody the best played and most in teresting of tha season. - Vancouver had some new players and won by a score of nt"tor ' - The league percentage now stands: Chemawa............... ......... .887 Willamette ; .887 Y. M. C. A. .400 Vancouver ........ .888 Oregon City .................... .lis -Today's game la being played between Chemawa and Oregon City. - The program for pioneer day. tomor row, follows; ''' MORNING. 8-11 Classes. - : -------:-:;7 AFTERNOON. " " 1:80 Band concert. 1:00 Piano solo. Miss Veda M. Wil liams, of Oregon City. ", , , - . Vocal, solo, "Greeting." C. B. Hawley, Miss Imogen Harding, of Oregon City. - Address, President Willie Chatman Ha.wley. - i Reading, "Beautiful Willamette," Bam LTSImpson. Miss Dorothy Cross. Solo, "Ben Bolt." Thomas Dunn Eng lish. Miss Imogen- Harding Address. Hon. John F. - Caples, ' of Portland, Or. 8 :SO-Baaeball, .---LL. . 7:80 Band concert. . . 8:00 Solo, . Miss Jennie 1. Wv John son, , Lecture, "The Tragedy of the Ten Talent Man," Dr." Newell pwlght Hlllia, pastor Plymouth church, Brooklyn. In a letter to Mrs. M. L. Woodcock of Your grocer's trads in Schilling's Best is the nicest trade here is. There are no complaints ; if there are, ha answers with money; this city. Secretary Loeb says: "The president requests .me to exprese Ms beat wishes for the success of the Chau tauqua." -' SAYS FLOUR TARIFF -WOULD RUIN JAPAN - - (SpecU PU patch te The Jnaraal.) Pendleton. Or July 11 Byers. tha miller, takes so little stock In tha re port that the Japanese government - Is about to Impose a heavy tariff upon, foreign flour that he openly expresses!' his disbelief and attributes the origin' of the reportto speculators or -ether, Interested parties. He bellevea such a; step before the end of the war woul-1 be ruinous to Japan, and such a policy! could hardy be put Into operation, op If It was, would block the wheels and stall the whole machine. , During the past two weeks Mr. Byers has sold and shipped from this point 10,000- barrels of flour, and within a few weeks will have the entire stock of 40.000 barrels, which he had on hand three weeks ago, sold out. in addition., to the dally output of 804 barrels which, the mill is now yielding. The output of tha mill wUl decrease) steadily from now on for a couple of months or perhaps longer, on account of the diminishing volume of tha water supply. . This . Is a condition which every year repeats and. cannot . be avoided. Mr. Byers pronounces tha trials of Turkey Red wheat In tMs county to be an unqualified success. Hla daughter,, Mrs. McComas, has 80 acres of Turkey! Red In this year, and Mr. Brers' candid opinion Is that it will yield from 88 to) 40 bushels per acre. j -. Mr. Byers himself Imported the first of this variety ' Into this ' county, and! many farmers were Induced to-sow It, upon his personal solicitations and rep-, reaentaf lone. trOKABB KOTBS BTOXTTXB8. t . (Special IXapatck to The losrnal) . ; ' Spokane, Wash., July XI. The wan dering fruit sellers, who have caused no end of trouble during the last few months, have at last been ordered by the city to keep outside tha fire limits. Some time ago they - were ordered to move every 10 minutes while Inside the. fire limits, but this order' has been changed and they will not be tolerated Inside the limits under any considera-j tlon. The ultimatum la no peddling within the fire limits. Schedule of Steamer T. J. Potter. ' Tha sesslde steamer T. 3. Potter will leave Portland. Ash . street dock, forj Astoria and Ilwaco as follows: , ; July 12, Friday, t a. m. - July 21, Saturday, 1 p. m. V ... - Get transportation and berth ticket at O. R. ft N. ticket oiflce. Third and Washington streets. Artificial Byes Xitted. Large stock at D. Chambers, 118 7th. They Came! They Saw! We Sold Them! The Store That Saves You Money!" Great Crowd Was That Here Yesterday ! ""tPSS ": $35.00 Solid Oak Mantel roldinr Bed. . . with French bevel plate mirror on ton, this bed contains a Slmmonds guaran- . teed spring. , Compulsory sale price . , ,.$25.80 , 8S Steel Rang . $38vOO $48 Wagner . Steal Range, ....... $3&M' 847 Standard Steel Rang. 3400 $50 Stewart Steel Range, 836.00 Thes Range have high warming clos- -ta. . OUR. COMPULSORY SALE A SUCCESS! We were more than pleased with the great crowd that -came here yesterday. It was the biggest day's business in the history of this store. - Not only were we pleased but so were those who 'came. How do we know? By their buying liberally. In some cases they bought and had us store the goods. Take our word for it Come and see for yourself the quality in ever item of household goods that we are offering during this Compulsory Sale at prices never before quoted on this Pacific coast. - We're Compelled to Remove Goods for Improvements $55.00 Oak rrinees Boyal Sreaaer, just . like cut, made of select quarter-sawed oak stock, hand polished, golden ouk finish. 18x40 French bevel pier mirror, one of the lateet Grand Rapid pat . terns. ' Compulsory sale . price . . .848-60 $50 MISSION PARLOR SET "-'Comprised ot three pieces a Settee, a large Arm Chair anl a vnrymmny -Itocker., This set Is built of oak, has a beautiful wax weather nntsh. The seats are covered with the beet grade of Spanish leather, and the con struction of this set Is flrst-clas In every particular. Our compulsory -sal price on It will be ., $34.7S $17.80 Morrl Chair, a polished onk frame, spring seat, hair cushions, covered in a heavy grade of Verona. An artistic pattern, with claw feet, Just ss shown In th cut. Com pulsory sal price $18.00 $18.00 Oo-Cart. with newest sleeper sd Juatments,' rubber tire wheels, enam- eled steel gearing, pretty pnrnsol. Compulsory ssle price ........ .$11.00 You Can Have Credit $18.00 Weathered Oak Klssios Booker, upholetered In genuine Spanish leather. A lsrge, roomy rocker Compulsory sale price $18.00 $35.00 Oo-Cart, on of th finest pattern -vr offered In Portland, rubber tire . automobile wheels, elliptical springs, '-steel work, triple enameled fin- - Ih. Compulsory sale price. . .804.00 You Can Have Credit . 1: twowh.ssAT 1 1 , A 8BA80BABX.BB ABTICXBt Th famous Victor Refrigerators at th fol lowing cost prices: 880.00 Victor Bsfrigerator ....... 814.80 818.00 Victor Befrlgerator ..$13.00 881 JO Tioto Befrlgratorr.. $18.50 01T3O Victor Befrlgerator. ,,.f 18.50 $18.50 Tioto Befrlgerator '..$ 8.T8 $45.00 Ball Back, quarter-sawed oak, hand polished golden finish, 4 feet wide, one of th advanced Grand Rapids patterna. Compulsory sale price $33. T8 $8.00 -' aprlng-edged Valour Covered Ooaoh, extra large else, Indestructlbl steel construction. Compulsory sale price . ......$1840 $4.00 tVarga, Booray Booker, subsUntl ally built and nnlshed In the dark golden oek. This la an extraordinary value. Compulsory sale price ,v. .................8838 jSili $35 THREE-PIECE PARLOR SET The frame Is well proportioned and suitably constructed. The carving are neat and artlatto, and th flnleh Is of the rich, dark mahogany. This suit , is covered In a fine grade of Verona and Is an especially good value at $3 a. 00. Our compulsory sal price will be ....$8888. Stored at Our Expense If you cannot use the goods now and will - iwant them later and want to avail your self of the opportunity to buy at the prices we are making now, we will sell you, pack ' and storei the goods at our expense and de liver to you when wanted. POWiR 190 FIRST STREET The Store That aves You Money" If you get It here, it V right If not we make it right" We Furnish Homes Complete and make the terms reasonable, so you can-mee them with ease, comfort and pleasure, on even a very small income. -Now ia your opportunity to buy cheaper thanever before la: household, goods. r ia im a ti i Hn i a i " - '. " b - " . ' ' ' . ) - '