The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 21, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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for Summer
Outings'. .r
WE have a
vv host of pret
ty things and all
practical for the
r season. All are
heavy in weight,
well nude and of.
newest designs in
the French gray
finish.- Here are a -few"
to "consider : .'
Waist Sets, Belt
Pin a, Brooches,'
Hat Pins, Cuff
Buttons, Fobs,
-Lockets. : Lor
gnette Chains and
Bracelets, 7 -
Expert Watch and
Jewelry Repairing
; I " 3d & Washington
Consumers of Timber Are Leaving1 the Old
. Wasteful Methods, Save -the Young Trees
; and Plant New Groves.
captaix or sxxxxa niu or
qtjxxb rxoDUOTS n caxxrro
postsC-oats cm xu xxxx
ssmms it axtxbxca.-
The cargo of th German ship Emlll.
will be discharged tomorrow and Cap
tain Wilms, her commander, says that
the Tassel will probably bf tied up to
iwalt' for a grain charter. He states
'that she will undoubtedly be forced to
remain here until fall. - , ' '
' Captain Wilms has been commander
- of the ' Emilia for about a year. Prior
to that ''time he was matter of the
German ship Copella, ' which plied be
tween Trinidad. British West Indies
and Bremen. Germany. Prom the lsl
ands to the "fatherland" he carried
cargoes of bitters.
When there '.was not a sufficient quan
tity of the bitters to make oat a full
cargo ' the vacant space In the ship'
holds waa filled up with asphalt.
'There was needed no machinery
with, which, to manufacture the as
phalt.",, said tbav captain yesterday.
-There la a growing tendency among
consumers of timber to take steps for
Its preservation, and this is more par"
ticularly noticeable among the holders
of large tracts. . The bureau of forestry
has begum sn active campaign for the
protection of the forests. Adolph
Aschoff. supervisor of the north divi
sion of the Cascade forest reserve.
s recently In the city, and stated
that an Important part ' of his :. work
s to look after and promote, the
growth of the young timber. A re
cent bulletin issued, by; the bureau of
forestry Says;
"The Northern Pacific Railroad com
pany and the Weyerhauser Timber com
pany, the two largest landholders in the
state' of Washington, have requeeted
working plana for their lands in that
stata, The government has agreed to
have- them examined by experts this
It. is admitted that there has been.
waste of timber In the logging campa,
not only along the Columbia river, but
tir the Willamette alley as well. The
larger timber is cut off for sawloa-s,
and In many Instances the young growth
is recklessly destroyed, or no attempt
is made to preserve it so that It can be
Used In the future. In the south, at
present the most active competitor of
Oregon for the eastern lumber trane,
great care la taken to preserve the
young- timber for use in the 'future.
The report comes from Oregon City
that the Willamette PuId and Paper
company has set out ft.OOO young cot-4
tonwood trees during the past year.
This company is one of-the largest con
sumers of timber In the state, manufac
turing; over 100 tone of white paper
dally, to say nothing of the wood pulp
shipped to California points. Cotton
wood, white fir, hemlock and spruce are
the varieties of timber used in th man
ufacture of paper.1 The . cottonwood, 4 nln.hl. fn, nin..iA.1r.
-Is gradually becoming a- scarcity
on account of th demands mads on it
for this purpose. It is of rapid growth,
and for a number of years-the-Willamette
Pulp and Paper company has been
making active efforts to replace the de
pleted groves. Thousands of the young
trees have been set out In Various parts
of the Willamette valley, and placed un
der the management of competent men.
A young tree in from nine to 11 years
after it has been transplanted, will have
attained sufficient slse to be out and
manufactured Into paper.
Portland was th hottest city in the
northwest yesterday, and very likely en
joyed that distinction again today. .To
day, however, waa several degrees cooler
than yesterday, the thermometer at the
weather office registering !.(': at - 3
o'clock' this, afternoon. It reached SB
"While working st the mill of the East
ern Western Lumber company yes
terday Anton Larr. a laborer, was over
come by the excessive heat and became
temporarily Insane. He ran wildly about
the place until other laborers captured
and overpowered him. He was bound
with ropes and Ice mi applied to his
head In the hope of relieving his suffer
ing He was removed to the Good
Samaritan hospital and 1s considered
better today. It Is believed that he will
recoves In the course of a -few days.
Cooler weather is expected tomorrow
by the local weather office though ne
prediction to that effect has been made.
The excessively hot weather extends
generally throughout the middle and
western states, while the extreme east
ern states are enjoying a period of com
paratively cool weather. '
At Fresno, Cel., it was 108 yesterday,
If that's any relief to Portland people.
At , Hed .Bluff, - Cel. the thermometer
registered' 105. - At Seattle it was only
82, 'while Boise, Idaho, showed a tem
perature of tf degrees.
boiled up from hot springs already for
using, and all one had to do was to
shovel It up and cart It away. Luckily
there were several springs throwing
Up the finest asphalt that one could
wish to see not far from the harbor.
and it waa an easy matter to load It.
To prevent the ship f rqjn . becoming
paved with rock It was neceesary to
t place-the-product In barrels, and this
work usually required some time.
"I was nine years engaged In this
trade and got so that I was pretty
wen acquainted with .Ute islands. Oo
' caslonally I stopped 'off at Cuba. " I
have been there both before and after
the Spanish-American war, and I must
say that I never saw such a change
wrought in any country as there has
been la Cuba on account of that war.
' The last time I was there Waa about
II months ago. I remained at Santa
Crus and other neighboring towns al
' most half a year. I met a great many
of the natives, ' and they said that
Cuba Is like a new country since she
has been, freed of Spanish rule. When
""Spain ' had full control of affairs the
school teachers told me that It waa Im
possible for them to get their salaries.
Now all that trouble Is passed and
they eald - that everything - Is - running
"The same improvements have been
mad' In- other Ilneav but I think the
United States made a mistake by giving
the Cubans boms rule. Like their
South American cousins they are likely
Jto begin almost any day with revolu
tions, and then the daya of their pros
perity win do enaea. .- 4
- ' (Journal Special Service.)
rew Tork, July Si. The Cunarder
Aurlanla arrived in port this morning
- and reports passing a craft afire last
night about 1 .mlles eaatof .Fire
Island. A steamer was closely by and
the Aurlanla officers think the burning
vessel is proDaoiy a coal or on carrier.
" Inquiry In shipping circles throws no
light on the Identity of the craft, either
, as to name or from what port she Is
pound. . , .
The vessel afire Is tne British ship
i-rwnmore. me crew or z landed at
Wood s Hon this afternoon. The loss
to the Standard Oil company Is $80,000.
Sour Stomach
"t aied Curat ee ! Ilk a aiaa. ! kave
fM a i9rr from drppl. aod eonr itomvk
frr ke Ut two retre. 1 ka.e ka taking mM
etna and other eru. but eould end ao MM onlr
for a ,bort tin, fwlll rromm.nJ Car,rt to
sir friends aa th oair &Uln( tnt ladleeatloa and
oar (loBittk and to kop th, fa food eoa
diUoa. 1 her sn wry nl to ea." m'
Harry Stuealor, atawk Ckaak, r
ff7r Best for
Vs. CAMcrrcrnurnc -
PlMMnt. Palatable, Pyrton. Teat Ooed, n Oosd,
Fr., Mick., r ttrip. He, Me. Havre
t-ld la kaii. Tk (naln tablet (tamped C t 0.
araaiMd oars or roar aony keek.
tartlng Remedy Co., Chicago er M.Y. sot
::msALE,TEi i::luoi torn
BxrrrouoAXi bt pius a
1 cannot . tell just when a change
from the present form of muslo will be
made at the cathedral." said Rev. Hugh
H. JifeJDevitt. when asked concerning the
encyclical by Pope Plus X commanding
that the Gregorian or plain chant in
Its Integrity and purity be restored In the
Catholio churches; "but you may say,
he added, "that the : archbishop's in
tention Is to carry the Instruction Into
effect as soon as possible.- :
Fsther MoDevltt intimated that
might be but a few weeks when the
only muslo that may be heard in the
Catholio service will be rendered by
choirs of men and boys, stationed In
side the chancel. The change may. how
ever, be slow and gradual, if more time
la required for training and putting into
actual church service the male cnoirs.
The plain chant, while simple In mu
sical composition, is extremely difficult
to render effectively.
"We have a musical commission, the
duty of which Is to work out the-ques
tion or muslo in our churcnes," said
Father McDevItt, "but we may not nec
essarily await Its action before Intro
ducing the Gregorian chant in the ca
' Women Still Veeessary.
When the Pope's first decree reached
this country the women choir singers
had a bad half hour. Would Gregorian
chant debar them from church servlcet
Literal enforcement of the encyclicals
Is comparatively easy on the continent.
where women in church choirs, so com
mon here, are practically unknown.
There are no women in the choirs of
Italy Outside of one or more Paris
churches they are unheard of in France.
In the provinces congregational singing
prevails. .
With the exclusion of ail women from
the choirs of upper Canada, followed
by Bishop McDonnell's dismissal of wo
men from the choirs of three Brooklyn
churches, excitement among the women
choir singers of New Tork' reached
white heat, until May 1 wttneesed the
renewal of contracts with the soloists
of Bt Patrick's cathedral, Bt Francis
Xavlera and other leading metropolitan
churches -that -support -blgh,- salaried
singers. .,
I csnnot see in our present condl
tion how the churches can dispense with
women voice," said Secretary Kaan of
the New Tork diocese. "The church Is
snd will continue to be dependent upon
them until ' better trained boys' and
men's voices are obtainable, which will
be some time."
Father McDevItt when shown the
foregoing statement In a New Tork pa
per, said that Secretary Keen had
voiced his Idea of the subject At the
pmem time music in me .roruana ca
thedral la furnished by a mixed choir
In which are many women, and the
Sunday musical program regularly In
eludes solos by the best obtainable tal-
L-ent Mrs. Walter Reed, acknowledged
one of Oregon's beet contraltos, and
Miss Catharine : Lawler, hardly lees
prominent as a soprano, are the prin
cipal soloists. The eubetltutlon of the
plain chant here will be a very marked
change from j, the accustomed musical
program. .....
The enforcement of the pope's decrees
neceseltatee in each diocese of the
American church the appointment of a
music commission, whose duty It shall
be not only to restore. Gregorian chant
n its purity, but to determine what
figured music, ancient or modern, shall
be admitted to divine service.
The muslo commission has alwava
been a feature of church administration
In the old world. In this countrr Cln.
rlnnatl has the distinction of maintain-
ng ror the last five years a muslo com.
miimlon. It wss appointed by Arch
bishop Elder, and Its Index Rxpurga-
tortus is well known to church mni.
clans. 1
Arrangements are now completed for
the opening in July of a summer' school
for Instruction In - plain chant In the
Benedictine monastery at -Conception,
Mo. Henceforth that will be the center
of the- movement west of the Missouri
river. In September six Benedictine
monks will accompany M. Cateaux to
this country to .continue Instruction
throughout the west.
SJ. . .. Women Are Xxoluded. '. '-
"As to - the woman question." said
the priest, "if the decree of Pope Plus
Is Interpreted to mean that? the choir
shall be stationed inside the chancel
rail that settles It Women always have
and always . will W debexred frjun the
sanctuary of the Catholic-church. The
Creator haa divinely planned, in h
wisdom, a place for all, and woman' in
her place Is. indispensable. Since time
Immemorial chancel singing has been
by men, usually Invested with the order
or canon." -. .
The pontifical commission appointed
by, the pope to carry out the letter of
his encyclicals on church muslo is now
preparing an edition of plain chant to
be Known as the Vatican edition. This
commission is under the obligation of
sworn secrecy In all that regards the
compilation or the texts and the proa--
ress of the publication, and the same ob
ligation extenda to all other persons
outside the commission- who are called
to give their services to this end.
. The following delegates have been ap
pointed to attend the meeting of the
Oregon Development league In this city
August 1-Z:
Front the Oregon Good Roads asso
ciation Judge J. H. Scott president. H.
tf. inieisen, secretary, or Salem; Jamas
wiinycomoo, vorvauis; is. 1 Bmlth.
nooa mver; y. w. spencer. Balem
Brenham Van Dusen, Astoria; Kills
Wright. McMlnnvllle; 8chiller B. Her
mann. Myrtle point; 11. O. Sonneraan.
Glendale; W. H. Hobson. Btayton: J. H.
Settlemeier, Wood bum; p. 8, knight.
Named bv Mayor Surnrenan .of . A a.
torU J. A. Eakln, Mrs. Samuel Elmore,
Dr. H. L, Henderson, Mrs. C. A. Gear
hart, Mrs. 'Brenham Van Dusen. Judge
P. J. Goodman. Mrs. Herman F. Prael.
Frank Spittle. Mrs. George C. Flavel.
E. W. Tallant. Herman Wise, Mrs. David
A constable from Justice Reld's court
attached a horse belonging to Richard
Hobln this afternoon and In the trial
that followed Hobln declared that It
was done through Spite, because he re
fused to marry Miss Belle Blghton. It
Is said that he borrowed til from the
Woman June 17 and aa-read to nav
monthly installments. He failed to do
so, it Is said, and the horse, which he
purchased with the money, was at
tached In court be said the woman
started the proceedings against him sim
ply because he would not marry her,
- '
obboox raiB ytsitobs.
(Special Dkpetck to The Journal.)
Worlds Fair, St Louis, Mo.. July tl.
trora uregon tnere are today the fol
lowing visitors to. ths . fair: H. B.
Nicholas. Walter Glyod. Mrs. Walter
Glyod. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Rlsser. Pearl
Melding. Mrs. IL M. Vandeurs, George
vandeurs, miss, flat tie Gottleib. Miss
Rose Gottleib snd Miss Hattle Brian.
Portland; H. Fol kes of, Salem, and Miss
Amy Strong and Miss Jane Simon of
Eugene. ,
- (Josrna! ftperUl Service.) -Brussels.
July tl. In the onen races
'for "heavy cars held here ; today. M.
Barns, In James O. Bennett's big dsr-
racq, covered a mile from a atandlnr
start In 48 1-18 seconds, clipping eight
seconds from the best previous world's
record. ,
Preferred Stock Oaaned (roods.
Allen 4 Lewis' Best Brand.
Word comes from the southland that
Pete Lohman. ' the -veteran catcher and
manager, tuts probably caught bis last
game - of baseball. ;
It waa - laet-frlday that - Lohmaa
pulled ' off his mask and tossed ealdo
his protector after working an inning.
lila arm, which has checked the courses
of thousands of base runners, failed
him again, and Lohman could hardly
get the ball back to the pitcher. let
alone second base. When, be wss In
his prime Lohman ' could throw on
line to the center fielder, and no catcher
In any of ' the major leagues had it on
him. For the past few yeara his trusty
wing has been gradually falling, though
at times -he has shown phases of his
old form behind the plate. About two
months agorwhtte -walking along the
streets of Oakland, his arm waa seised
with -a sort of cramp and doubled up
like a jack-knife. For a time he thought
It was -paralysed and he would never be
able to use It again In any capacity.
but after an electrical treatment be got
It back to its normal condition. After
a ' period of rest Lohman began light
work, but at no time did his arm feel as
strong as before that "cramp.
To a friend Saturday Pete eon (Med
that he doubted If he ever worked again.
At any rate, he" Is now looking for an
other catcher to help Byrnes out, -but
he-will-search yeara, and many ef them.
before he will find one . who . will fill
his ', shoes. For a long time Lohman
hag enjoyed the enviable reputation of
being one of the very ablest catchers
In the country ,"vnd nowhere -wss be
more appreciated than right here on the'
coast ; In addition to having a wonder
ful arm and an eagle eye, Lohman had
bralna. which he was continually using.
and whan. ha. waa playing the fans al
ways had more confidence In his team.
Many of the local fans will read this
with regret, for Lohman was a favorite
here and endeared himself to ' a host
of fans by bis able generalship, of which
there Is no . question of the fact that
he was the ablest catcher, as far as
brains are- -concerned, that ever played
on this coast Lohman will contlnueJn
the management of the Oakland club..
(Journal Special Berries.) ...
Marvsville. CaL. July !, TIaud
Hawkins, a- 14-year-old boy, accused of
murdering and robbing George Mosse,
near here Monday night; was arrested
while asleep In. a hotel here yesterday.
Hs gave up the money taken from the
murdered man, but claims two strangers
committed -the crtme, The boy's home
Is in Alameda. He is a cigarette fiend.
Mosse was an exile from Guatemala.
Willamette Valley Chautauqua
-li Association.- -
The Willamette Valley Chautauqua la
now In session at Gladstone park near
Oregon City. The Southern Paclno com
pany haa provided special service from
East Waahlngton street and has placed
tickets-on sale at greatly reduced rates.
First train leaves East Waahlngton
street at 7:46 a, m. and at Intervale of
about one hour until 8:88 p. m. - Last
train leaves Gladstone for Portland at
10:St p. m.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Davenport, Wash.. July II. A. Schock,
pitcher for the Davenport ball team,
was struck on the head during, a game
with the Sorague team. Conousslon and
hemorrhage of the brum resulted and he
cannot live. -
" mbvo ox xnrxsxm oxabob.
(Journal Special Service.) --
Marysvllle, CaL, July tl. The Inquest
over the body of George Moses, who
was killed by 14-year-old Claude Han
kins near here Tuesday, haa resulted in
the boy being held on a charge of mur
der this afternoon. : tr -- -
Golden Gate
High grade high price
t tad S .lb. yosta-iight lie
. - l higb-frtda grocer
A Company .
We do the kind of work
that brings business to you
First and Oak Streets
Telephone Main 165
Katabllahed la J8. ' Open all the year.
Private or class Instruction. Thousands
of graduates in positions; opportunities
constantly occurring. It paya to attend
our school. Catalogue, specimens, eta.
tree. r : ;
For the balance of the "week ,
or until they are closed out,
. e we are offering about 20 dozen
' Golf Shirts all desirable pat
terns. The lot includes Wfl- ,
! son Bros,, Cluett and Monarch
r and the values range up to .
' ; " $2.50. . While they last the ;
- '.price will be 'y. :.
You'll mUi It If you don't tale
mdvamtago of (Ala opportunity.'
An of Our STRAW HATS are Narked at Half Price
& Pendleton
- Clothlm- Hattonr-futHUhon '
311 Morrison Street ; Opposite Post Office
River Trip Sunday. -' v.
Up the Columbia, to Cascade Locks
and return. Steamer Bailey Gatsert
leaves Alder street dock at :0 a. m.,
arrives back :S0 p. m. - Round, trip
11,00. Phone Main 14. 1 -
St. Helen's Hall
A Olrls' Bohool of th Xlg-hest Class.
Corns of teachers, location, building.
equipment the best. Bend for catalogue.
OPXXS SXPTXalXXX 15, 1S04. -
Business College
Mean Block.
Makes a specialty of equipping young
men and women for life's work and se
curing that work for them when com
petent. t ''-.,: '..''
Our graduates are all employed.
More than 100 placed in position since
the first of last August,
Phone Main 190. W can hela yeu.
Write. I -
Hill MillUry Academy I
A pdrate beardtag aad day
hooL Maaoal tralalaa. BU11. 1
tary dteelpUiM, eaUete srepara-i
tlos. Bora ot any age adailttad
at any one. reu emi epea
aptambar 14, 104.
An sun to Sr. J. W. But, BUI I
- auwi? mmmmr, reraaaa. Ue.
I have .... soya, wbast I wsst to seed to a I
ttntary seaeoL Tkebr apes are
PImm end BM prleM and terasi alM Uloatntad
iikiiyuro rnufw es yoav scoool.
nt bora and clrla for Weetsra aad Ea.t.ra
eoUegM. Primary and grammar gradM Included.
Portland Jtcadomy Hall for Clrla
Receives e limited number aad gives them
the eomforte and eare ef a refloed homo.
Ofnce hoars during July sad Ausuat from I
a to II a Par eatabvua addraM Port. I
una Aoaoemy, rortiana, or.
lt" i -m,--v 1 , ... IieaadsetoUn
Os yr alaky hirrtn traral - J..
Or kargaia nle aaranloBi ee kffcet
Bet Iko Haw h)IAl7 SMrtn' - . .. "
WWmTU m lost HanMrin, ' - .
i aad sa ee tba Pike.
A BanMoTtbe PHn,"ky Wattaca Irwla. 1 1 l.awg
ey Colbar'e Weakly. Pakiiakod by farmUaiCeTT
To St Loub ciid rtctum
JatT Asgejtt, Met lislisHsf
Reeara Ualt, slaaty daya. ' ' .' .
Ium irV, 17, r
71 Octokw 1,
The Rock Itknd Syrtem ofTert two poote -to
the World's Fair City via St. Piul-'
K Y.. .i v o i- I '
' No change of can, Ogdcn to St. Louis tcA
St. Paul to St. Louis.
uS bifbrmaooa oo icenest.
CkQ or write. .
L H. McDovAU. General AgX
leD 3rd Street, ear. Alder Street,
Portland, Ore.
For Infants and Children. -
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
fir v i i
m j
AV'cgclabk IVeparalionfor As
similating AeFoodandBegufc
bng theStomocbs andBovyels of
I rromotesDigcatiortChcer i " d.l tP ' ("
ncss and Rest.Contelns neither : , n . l.l .
OpiumIofphine norfincraL 01 1 f f r "
I Not Narcotic. i , EiXi I"
jvmroujstMimmaiai ; N'
fl-mrJUSmJ- , 1 If I
I - jKx..tmum . 1 ' ' 1 i
i rApeneci Kemedy rorConsllpa- t 1 1 "II IK ------- w U r I
I non , aour s tomacn.Ularrtwca I 14f L
Wormsnvulsion3,Fcverish- II , lr P-M n..MM sssssxxsx
nesi and Loss or SLEEP. j J rUr UVBl I
Facsimile St Snnture of I I i '.
Thirty Years
j "v-r-r . J McS M 111 O '
) ' ' .,1
.;.' '
:(,. - ;
We carry In stock a full line of hotel and restaurant goods, Including '
large Portable Hotel Ranges. French -Ranges to set in brick. Steam
Tables, Vegetable Steam Boilers. Our prices are low. We solicit your
patronage... : '. - .
LfOexyenberg & Going Co.,
Second and Taylor. 3trwet T'TT"
Vhafs The Cost?
Should never be figured when you are going to paint your house. Th
question though of what kind of paint to us Should be considered. If
you are thinking of painting w would Ilk to tell you about th quali
ties of the "Bay Stat Paint' It has qualities w can give our posi
tive guarantee to. , . , , .,,.-,-....'
' Everythlnn" In Palnta ." V v
160. 163. AOA, . , - .. FRONT STREET
Are thev-washed quite to your satlsfactlnnT If not we would like a
trial. We believe that we ere in a position to do a little better work
than our competitors, at least we would like to show you what ws can do.
We do family waahlng. Call for and deliver same promptly- and never
fall to' please you. ,,..,:.,. ;
. Laundry, Water St., East Side ;