21, ". 1904. 11 CITY notices. tlTY IfOTICEX. CITT NOTICES. CITT NOTICE. CITT BOTI CTTT NOTICES. XAJXROAD TTMXT AXLES. SMieese ea,e THE OREGON, DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 'THURSDAY EVENING, JULY; completion un acceptance or IM PROVEMENT Of I I AIT ' TOTZZMTX ' STREET. ' I . Notice u bmW iItw that . WlMUm 0, lllott. Cltr Eusineer. liu eletl In tbe offl or the undereUued. notice that Miller Bsurr, contractors fvr the. linproveuieut ox East Flf tnniili imi, under the provisions of ordinance No. 18,U, hsve completed uld street, from tfa north II of Multnomah (tract ta tbs WDtw Hue of Schuyler street and from tba center Una of Uauovck attest to tea south Una ' of Thompson street. Bald aocaplanes wilt bA. considered by the 'Executive Hoard at 4 dVlock, on tha t-lA day of July, 1U04. and objections ta tbo ac ceptance ot esie street, or euy pari mereoi, msy bo Sled In tbo office of tbo undersigned at any time prior tnereto. the EXEfTTiVH board., ,.' i ' Br TH03. 0, DEVLIN, ' Auditor of tba City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 18. 1904. . - COMPLETION , AJTD ACCEPTANCE Of M- - PEOVEMIBT . 0E "EAST UTTIEMTH . ITKEIT. , - . Notice la hereby alven that William 0. El- Hot. City Engineer, has Sled la the office of tba nnderslened notice that Smyth j Howard Company, contracture for tbe improve ment of Beat Fifteenth street under tba pro visions of ordinance. No. 13.023. bare oonipietea said street from tbe center line of Bcbuyler ' Street- to the Mnhr 11 nA nf 'Hancock Street. , - Beld seeeptsnc will be considered by the , Eaecutlve Board st 4 o'clock, on tbe S.d day of July, 1U04. end objections to tbe ee '5'ceptanesr of said atreet, or any pert thereof, I say be filed In tbe office at tba njidarslgned at a ay tine prior thereto. . tub ryvrimu BOARD. By THOr tt DETM.-;-: A am tor of toe mty 01 renwua. v PortUnd. Oregon. July 18. 1804.'- - ; coif?irnoAJiaaVCCi:rrATC ot m- " PX0VEXEXT OF EAST ' XWEJfl"T-XIOSTB, STREET. ' V ' Knlli. I. K -h. else,, that William C lllolt. City Bneineerv baa Bled la tbe office nf- the nnrtmitf. MtiM that Glebleeh Joplln, enntracturs for tbe Improvement of Beat i 'Twruty-etgbth street, under tbe provisions of ordinance No. 13,838, bare' completed said SUeet, from tha north line ef Stark-atreet to ' tne renter line ef Pine street. . ... -r- acceptance, wlu.be considered. by the Tixccutlve Board at 4 o'clock, oa tbe . 2-d day of Jul, 1004, and abjections to- tba ee ceptance of said atrert. or any part thenf Biay be filed In the offloa of tba andereigoed at any time prior thereto. ; , , tux EXEounyx boabp. , .i By THOd. C. IIKVLI!. 1 Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregoa. July Id. 1004. . , CO-fPLETIO AJTO ACCEPT AJfCX 0T tX ' rmoviMEHT ' or xam kixxtbextk XTXXXT. - ' .'. Notice la 'hereby glrea that Wllllani C. . RUIutt, City Kniineer, has . BVT la the office of tba OBrieniliioed. - notice that Gleblecb: A Joplln. eoatractors for tbe Improvement of Rast Mneteentn atreet. - ander the proriaione or or dinaoca No. IS. 600. bare completed aald atreet, from tbe reefer line of Broadway ta the. center line of Hchuyler atrert. Bald acceptance will be considered by tbe Fx-cutlre Board at 4 o'clork, .on the 124 . dy of July. 1004. and objections to the ac ceptance ef Bald erreer. or anr Dart thereof. nay be filed In tbe office of the anderabjaed e; any uma annr thereto. - TUX EXKCTTTITX BOAftn, .. , . Br-rTHOa. C. DEVL1H. , Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland. Portland, Oregoa. Juli Id,. 1904.. 1 PXOPOBALi T0X STXXXT V0XX. rValrd propoaahi will be recclrcd at tba office of tbe Auditor of tba City of Portland until Friday, July 23. 104. st 8 o'clock . ta., for tbe Improvement of Uiwnedale etreat from the Booth line of Waablngton atreet to tba eouth Una of Alder street. In tbe manner pro vided by erdlnauca No. U.0fl, suMect to tbe frovlaloos ef tbe Cbarter sad erdlnaacas of be City of Portland sad tba ee time to of tbe Cltr Roglneer, oa file. v. Hide muat be atrlctly la aceordanca- with printed blanka, which will be fnrniabed oa application at the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald Improvement muat ' be completed on or before 00 dare from the date of the slgntag of tba contract by tba psrltss thereto No pronoaala or bids will he eoneldered rm lees acenmpsnted by a certified check parable to tba order of tbe Mayor ef tha City ef Pert land, certified by a reaponalble bank for aa . amount equal to 10 per cent of tbe aggregfU proposal. : The right fa refect any sad an bids, la hereby reserved. . By order of tba Eserutlve Board. ..j ... .., r.. .. THOfl. C-KBVI.nf. ' Audi tar of (he dry of Portland. Portland. Oregoa. July Id, 10O4. . pxopoiAH rox rrxEXT woxjc 8eled propueala will be received at tba of fice of the Auditor ef tha City of PwtUnd Until rrtoay, 4uiy xz. inoa, at a o cioca a. m. na I m Mw. . m n n I Tl anl Willi . street from tbe north line of Putin's addition to . the- north Una of East . Bnrnalde atreet, la the manner provided by ordinance .No. 14. 0AT, auhject to tbe pmvletone of the' Charter ' and ordinances or tne t iiy oc roruana ana tne . eat I mate of the Cltr Enalneer, on file. Blila aat be etrlrtly In aeenrdance with ' printed blanks, which will be furnished oa application at tha office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald Improvement muat be completed en or before 00 days fmra the date of tbe al going of tha contract ' by tba .' pari tee thereto No propoaalB or bide Win be considered an ' lees accompanied by a certified check payable . to. tha ardor of tbe Mayor or tne city ar fort land, certified bv a reeDonalble bank for ai amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate ntonosai. Tba right to reject any and all bids la hereby lean veil. By order ef tha Executive Board. ' ' THOU. C. IEtMW. ' " Auditor of the City ot Portland. Portland. Oregoa,- July id, 1004. '" ' ' 11 t PX0P06AXI VOX BTKEZT WORK. Sealed Drososala will be received at the - afflce of tba Auditor of tba City ef Portland until Friday. July tU, 1904, at I o'clock p. m fnr the Improvement af hlsta atreet from the weet line or Front street to tne -west line or Fourteenth street. In : tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 14.063, subject to the provisions of the Charter sad ordinances of tbe City of fort land end mo estimate ot tne ntr- Kngl user, en file. Bids must be strictly In aoenrdanea with ' nrtnted blanks, which will be fnrnlebed -oa application at tha office of the Auditor ef the City ef Portland. And said improvement Bust bo completed on ar before M days from ths . oats ot tne -signing -os in contract ay us parltes thereto No proposals ar bids win be considered en lees accompanied by a certified check payable to ths order ot taa-Mayor or tne rity ar Port' land, certified . by a reaponalble bank for aa amount equal to 10 .per cent af the aggregate proposal. - - Tbe right to reject any and all bids la hereby . By order ef tha Executive Board. ... THOS. C DEVT.nf, 1 Auditor af the City ot Portland. Portland. Oregoa, July Is. 1D04. ' 4 . v. rxoposAH rox xtxxet woxx. ' Healed proposals will be received at ths office of the Auditor of tha City of Portland until Friday July 22. 104, at I o'clock p. a., for the Improvement of Beat ' Taylor street from the east curb line of Vnl'in avenue to the weat curb Una of East Eighth street, la tbe tenner provided by ordinance No. 14,0fle, auh ject to tba provisions of the Charter and erdl ' Maces ef the City of Portland aad the eetl Biste ot the City Enalneer, on file. Bide - must fee etrlotly - la- -aeeordence - with printed blanks, which will be fnrniabed on application at the office ef the Aodltor of the City of Portland. And aald Improvement must be completed on" or before 10 days from ttif date of the signing1 of the contract by tbe pari tea thereto Ne propose la or bide will be considered nn lees accompanied by a certified check parable to tha order of the Mayor of the City ef Port ' lend, certified . by a responsible bsnk for sa . sit mint equal to 10 per cent ot tha aggregats proposal. The right to reject any and sit blda ta hereby fesserved. By order ef the Executive Board. THOfl. C. DEvTf. Auditor of the City of Portland, i Portland, Oregon, July Id, 1B04. rxopoiALi rox txext woxx. . Reeled propose la will be received at the of fice ef the Auditor ef the City of Portland antll Friday, July 23, inrvt at I o'clock p. m., - for the ImproveoMut ot feast Tsmhill street from the eaat curb line of In Ion avenue to th weet curb line of East Eighth street, la the ,Bianner provided by ordinance No. 14.070, . eoMect 'to ths provisions of the Barter and ordinances of the City of Portland aud tba est, pate of the City Engineer, on file. Blda must be strictly In accordance with printed blanks. Which will be fnrniabed oe application at the. office of the Aodltor of the City of Portland. And aald Improvement mnst be earnpleted oa or before 10 days from tha date ef the algnlcg of ths contract by the ' perl tee thereto No erorl or blda will he ennatdered an ises iceompsnled by a certified check parable to the order of ths Mayor of the City ef Pert- ' lend, certified by a respnnelble bank for sa amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate right to reject any and 111 bide le Keren pesrrved. Br order ef th EiectiHva Board. IHiiS I.KfT.iy,' ' 1 ' Aedltor hf the citv ot I'erUand. Portland, breguo, Jul; 10, lirUd. i OOWirTIOf AMD ACCEPTAVCX OT ICWIX I EAST TWELFTH BTKZET. ' Notice Is hereby alven ' that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, baa filed In tbe office of the nnderataiMd. notice that vranav A Keat ing, contractors fur the oeustroctlon of a sewer In Bast Twelfth street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,ttu0, haie cixupluted eeld sewer, from irancock street to lbu feet aurth of Heoeock street. ' Cm id seueptance -will be considered by ths Enecutfre Board ht 4 o'clock, en the 22d day of Jnly, 1M04. end objections to ths ao ceptanoe of aald enm. or any Dart thereof. nuty be filed In tbe office ef tbe undersigned at any nue prior thereto. . TUB EXECl'TTTX BOARD, By THOU. C. DKVU. Auditor of the City of Portland. PortUnd. Oregon, July 16, 1004. OOXTLXTlOeT AXD ACCEPTANCE OF JTvFEX IX EAST ZXTIXa ETBEXT. Kotles Is bereb elves that William a Elliott. City Engineer, bee filed In tiie offke of tne undersigned, notice that Bechlll tiros., contractors for ths construction ef e sewer In Kaat Irving street, under tbe provtalous of ordinance No. 13.660. have completed ssld sewer, from Bast Twenty-ninth streei- to -Itast swentyigntn srreei. Bald aoceptance will be esnsldeved by the Executive Board at d e'elock. on the t2i any of July, 1H04. and objections to the so ceptauce of aald sewer, or any part thereof, may be filed In the office of tbe anderslgaed at say WH prior tnereio. TUB KXKcnTlTB BOARD, k . Bp Tlll)8. C. UKVUff, ; .- - Aadttof of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, July 18. ISO. - . 00MFMTI0V ABD ACCEPTANCE Or XEWXX a eoxiwick mm1 Tr MMlee- ta. berebr: alven that William C Elliott, - City Engineer, naa filed In the office or tne anaersigDeo. Douce that r, au wiiliama. contract for tha construct too of a sewer in Uortbwlck street, ouder . tbe provtslone of ordinance No. 13,163, has completed aalq..sswer, from Humboldt street to Present! street. Bald acceptance will be considered by the Eaecutlve Board at 4 e'elock, on . the 22d day ef July. 1004. and ohlectlooa to the ac- oeptauoe of aald sewer, or any Dart thereof. may be filed In tbe office, ef toe undersigned at any ume prior uirreto. , t TBE KXKt'tTTI'B BOARD, , By THOS. 0. DEVLIlf. . Auditor-of toe City of Pertlaad.- Portland, Oregon. July 18, 1004. OOXriXTIOV AXO ACCEPTANCE 0T UWEX in rrr bteeet. Motlea la hereby riven that . William 0. Elliott, City Engineer, haa filed In the office of tbe undersigned, notice that Bechlll Bros., contractors for tbe construction of a aewer la Ivy street, under tbe peon alone of ordinance No. Ig.feM, have completed eeld sewer, from Union arenSe to Vancouver avenue. - Bald aoscftanee will be considered by the Executive Board aX-A-i'f lora on the. id day of July, IH04. and objectlooe to the so- s,ay be filed In the office ef the undersigned at any iiaue prior tnereto. TUB EXECl'TITB BOARD," ' . -. By THoa. c. devlim; - - Auditor of the Cltr ef Pertlaad. PortUnd. Oregoa, July 18, 1904. OOMTLTTIOM AXD A00XPTAX0E OF 8EWXX IE XA8T TAJUC ITKXET. Notion la herehv siven that William O. Elliott, City Engineer, has filed In ths office of the undersigned, notice that Jaroheea-Bade Co., contractors ror the construction or n sewer In kaat fltark atreet. under the provis ions of ordinance No. 18,044. bare completed slttT-wW ffOltt Tfr TWf sWavv! jl,e,)mr' teenth BUreet to the sewer la Beat Stark street. Bald acceptance will be considered by the Ex ecu tire Board st 4 o'clock, en xhe-t2d aar of Jnlv. -1004. and eh lections to ths ac vmyimvKW hii ewwT, ip rr, luiw., aray be filed In the office of tha undersigned at any time prior tnereto. .111 E1M l.lltl JJUKI, By THOS. O. DEVLllf, -1 ' Auditor of the City of Portland. PortUnd. Oregon. July 18. 1904. 00MTLETI0V AMD ACCEPTANCE OF M PX0TEMEKT OF TWEJTTT-TH1XD it. Nntleai ta herehv elven that William (I. Elliott, City Engineer, has filed In the office of the ttnderalsiied. notice that flmrth A How ard Co., contractors for the Improvement of Twenty-third street, unoer we provisions or ordinance No. 1S.8H0- have completed Said street, from the north line or Timrtnaa street to tbe north Una of Kherloca's addition. - Executive Board at 4 e'elock, on the' 82d day of July, 1004. end objections to the ac ceptance of said street, or sny part thereof, may be filed ta the office of tba undersigned at aay time prior thereto. - 4 M H ejiki ij l ira eoani', By THOfl. O. DE VMM, " ' - Auditor of tbe Cltr ot Portland. Portland, Oregoa. Jnly 18. 1004. . 00MPT.ITI0N AND ACCEPTANCE .OF IK rXOTEKXKT Or EAST TWENTT F0UETH TXrET. . . , ., Notice te hereby riven that William ' 0. Elliott, City Engineer, haa filed In the office of the nnderalitned, notice thst Oleblseh A Joplln, contractors for tbe Improvement of East Twenty-fourth street, under the provis ions ef ordinance No. 1H.80T. hsve completed said street, from the north line of Baas Line road to the center line ot Anaeny street. Bald acceptance will be eoneldered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day ot Julv. 1104. and abjections to the Be et ptance of said street, or sny pert thereof, maybe filed In the office ot ths undersigned st any time prior tnereto. THB r.a.r.ci'1 its rmamj. By TU08. 0. DEVLIN. ' Aodltor of the Cltr ot Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 18. 1904. , COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF 1st rxovEMEBT or WATEX AND - HOOD 8TXEITB. "Notice Is hereby given that William 0. Elliott. City Engineer, has filed lb ths office of the undersigned, notice thst flmyth A How ard Co., contractors for the improvement of Water and Hood streets, under ths provisions cf ordinance No. 12.777, have completed said streets, from 100 fret eonth of the eouth line of Caruthers street W ui center una CI Bhermaa street. Bald acceptance will be considered ny tne Executive ' Board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day of July, 1004. and objections to ths ac ceptance or eeld atreet. or any pert thereof, may be filed In the office at the undersigned at any time prior tnereto. nsi kic rnvB ni'Arii, .... on' By THOS. O. DEVI.lrJ, Auditor of the Cltr ot Portland. PortUnd. Oregon, July IS. lfioi. C0MP1ETI0 AND ACCEPTANCE OF XB . PXOTEMEXT Or XAXL BTEEET. Notice Is hereby' given that Wllllani Elliott. City Engineer, baa filed In the office of the anderslgned, notice that - Btevene a) White, contractors for the Improvement of Karl street, under the provisions of ordinance -No, 13, net, nave enmpirtei sain street, rrotn tne eaat line of Mllwaukle atreet to the weat Una of Bast Twentieth street. Ralt .mnfann. will fas, eawietdsesd he Vhs Executive Board at 4 e'elock. on the 2d dej of July, 10O4, and ohjectlone to the se ceptaoce of eald street, or any pert thereof. Key be tiled in tbe office ef the undemurned at say uma prior tnereto. - XH1 S.&E1 1.1X1 TH BUJIKIJ. ' . By 7M10S. C. DEVI.f. Auditor of tne City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Jnly 18. 1804. COMPLETION AND AOCEPTANCE Or TM- PXOTEMENT OE FXEBCOTT BTEEET. Notice Is hereby alven - that William fl Elliott. Cltr Engineer, has filed la tbe office or tne uoarrsignra,-notice tnat B. J. rebnhr. eontraernr ror toe improvement ot Freer, fit street, amder the provision nf ordinance' Ns. 18.N73, has completed said street, from the center line ef Keat Thirteenth street to tbe center line of East Fourteenth street. Bald acceptance will be considered by th Executive Board at 4 o'clork. on the KM dsy of July, 1004. and objections te the se ceptance of said street, or sny part thereof, man be filed In tbe office af tbe nndarais-nui at any time prior thereto. THI KXEf'ITIYB BOARD, .By TH08. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ef the Citv nf Portland. Portland, Oregon, Jul 18. 1004. PB0P0SAL8 FOX FELT. Prmwals will ho received he tne w Board of the CM of Portland. Oreaon. nntll ( p. v., Thursday July 81. 1004, for furnishing three thensand squares nf "llydrex" felt msnn faetnred at Beet wtlpole. Maes., or felt eqnally satisfactory to the Engineer, delivered f.eb. Portland on or before Auguet 20, 1104.- The right le reserved by the Water Board to reject any or all hide. jf ereer. or tne warer pceru. " FRANK T. no no ft, Rnperlntendent Water Department, Portland. Oregon. Jnly 111, 1004. , PX0P0BAL8 rOB FIXE R0BX. Healed pvopnaals win be received at- .the -office ef the Auditor of the City ef Portland antll -1:88 p. m. Wednesday, Jnly 80, wu for fnrelshlng the Bteeet-( leaning aad Bprtnk ling Department with ! feet of 1'4. Inch are hoee. sample to be snhmlttcd with bid. Ne proposal will ne cnnainered anlraa srcnmnsnWd by a certified check payable to foe order ot the Mayor nf the City of Portland far as hundred dollars. The right to reject any tad nil bide la hereby reserved. - . . . By seder ef the Executive Board. ' ' F.rt. II. linwm II. W. GOUIIAHI. " . rnmmlltss lot tiaoo Oregon. J. leut, V- rxopoazs xmpxotemxnt or east ntnth . ,, xtxext. - - Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of tha City of PortUnd. Ore gon, held on tbe 8th day el July, ltfod, the following resolution waa adopted; Iteeolved. That the Council of the City ef Portland, Oregon, deeme-M expedient and pro. posse to Improve East Ninth atreet from tha north line of Beacon street to tbe eouth line el Kllswertb Street In the following meaner, to-wlt: First By trading the atreet full width with full Intcreectlona to the proper sub-grade as. given by the City Engineer. Second By bringing the surface ef the street full width with full Intersect lone to proper grade with grsreL - Third By constructing weedee sidewalks, eroeewatka and curbs In accordance wjta tbe City Engineer s plans, apecitlcatloas and estt- enaree. , - . . s-mirth Bir eons tree ttne bog 'rut tare. - Bald Improvement to be made la accordance with the' charter and ordinances of the City ef Portland and ibe plana, aueclficatlona. and estimates ot the City Engineer Hied In the rftlce ef the Auditor ef the City of. Portland on the Btb day bf July. 1W4. Indorsed: "City Engineer's plans and specifications for the Im provement of East Ninth street from the north line of Beacon street to the south line nf Ellsworth atreet, and the estimate of the wcrk to be done aud tbe probable total oust thereof. The enat ef aald imnruvement to be a aa eased as provided by ths city charter upon the prop erty apeclally benefited thereby end which Is hereby declared to be all the Iota, parts of lot and parcels of-land lying between a line loo feet east -of aad parallel with tha east Una ot Eaat riintn street enq n line net wear or anal earellel with the weet line of Kaat Ninth street end between the north Hne at Beacon street and the Bouts line 01 Kite, worth street. The Euglnecrs estimate ef the probable total cost for the Improvement of aald Eaat . Ninth street 1 88.684 00, - The shove Improvement Is to he classed S gravel improvement' and shall tie maintained by lbs City for a period nf five years, provided thst th owner of a majority ef the property affected by ssld Improvement or sny portion thereof, ahatl sot petition for a new or differ ent Improvement before the. expiration ef seek period. -, .... . --t-. The plane., specifications and eetlmatea of the City , Engineer for the Improvement ot ssld East Ninth street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor nf the City of Poetises be aad he te hereby directed to. give notice nf ths proposed Improvement ef aald street a provided by the city charter. Remonetrsnces against the shove Improve ment mav be filed In writing with the under. signed within SO dnve from the date of the first pehtlcattou of thte notice. - By order of tbe Council. THOfl. a DETLTN. . . Auditor of the City of PortUnd. PortUnd. Oregon,. July 8. 1904. PX0P08ID IMPROVEMENT "' STREET. . or rouxTH Notice le' hereby v given that fit the meeting ef the Council of tne City ot Portland, Ore- on. held en the 8th dsy ef Jaly, UK4, the oilowlug resolution waa adopted:' Keeolved, That th Council of ths City ef Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes to Improve Fourth street from the south line ef liooker street to th north line of Woods atreet la the following meaner, . to- evlt - - - -- - r - First By grading tbe atreet to the proper lD-graoe. -. HmnA Rv eenstructtng wooden sidewalks. Third By bringing the surface ef the street to tbe proper graoe wim macsoam. Bald Improvement to be made la aceordanca with th charter and ordlnsncee of the Cltr of PortUnd andthe -plans, spcctficatlona and estimates o( tbe city. sngiueer men in in of fice ef the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 21st day of June. 1004. Indorsed: "City Engineer's pUns and specifications for th Itn- rirovemeat or roortn streei iron we sow is Ins of Hooker street to the north line of Woods street end ths estimates of the work to be done and the probable total east thereof." The cost of said Improvement to be assessed aa provided by ths city charter upon tbe prop erty apeclally benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all tha lots, psrta of lots and parcels of land lying between a line loo feet eaat of and parallel with the east Hne of Fourth street snd a Una 100 feet west t and parallel with the weat line ef Fourth street and between the eouth line ot Hooker street and the north line of Woods street. The Knglneer'e estimate ef tbe probable total coat fur the Improvement ef eald Fourth Street le 81.07.00. . Tha above . Improvement la to be cleaned as a macadam Improvement and ahall he main tained nr tbe Cltr for a period ot five years. provided, thst ths owners of n majority of the property benefited by said Improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different Improvement before the explraUoa of luch period. The pUne. sneclflcarlons and eat! ma tee of the City Engineer for the Improvement ef aald Fourth atreet are hereby sdopted. Keeolved. That tbe Auditor nf the City .of Portland be And he Is hereby directed to five notice of the proposed Improvement of said street aa provided by the city charter. Kcmona trances against the shove Improve ment may be filed In writing wita me under signed within 20 days from tha data of the urst puniication er tnis notice. - By order of tbe Council. THOfl. O. DEVLIN. Auditor ef -the Citv of Portland. PortUnd. Orsgon, July 8, 1004. PX0P01ED ASSESSMENT FOX SEWER IN EAST TWENTY-SEVENTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given thst the Council of the City er rortisnd proposes te aaseea the following dcwcrlbed property and owner owner aa being specially and peculiarly bene fited In the amounts set apposite the anmee Sud descriptions thereof by the cons tenet Ion of a eswer in feast twenty -eeventn atreet, rmm the north line of Rest Stark street to a con nection with tba sewer In East Pine atreet. aa provloefi ny ordinance no. is. how. Any objections to the apportionment of eoat for ssld sewer roust be made la - writing to the Council and filed with tbe Auditor within laydays from tbe date of the first publication ct- this - notice, end aald objection will be heard snd determined by tha Council before tha paeeags of the erdlnaaca s as easing ths cost for said sewer. PLEASANT HOME ADDITION BLOCK 8, eaet H K't 1, at. A. tieurge. gio.06; esat H lot K, A. tjewee, 116.00: weet - 14-lot 1. Adelaide Ponpletoa Harding, 17. M; weat H lot a, Adelaide roppietnn Harding. IT. Co: lot S. Lorlnda Forbes, $22. AO; lot 4, Lnclnds Fnehes. f22.o; lot .0, Anthony NswrstlL 822.80. BLOCK T. lot 1, Msraie H. Clark. 822.80; lot 2. W. E. Stranball, 22.80, BLOCK 1. west H lot 10, William M. Ladd. 110 Aft; west H kit 8, William M. Ledd. SlO.Sfl; east H lot 10. J. R. Poaeon. 82.88; east Vk lot 0, J. B. Poaeon, 83.88; sot 8. John B. Burnett, 8 14. ao; Wit T, John B. Bnmett, B14.; lot 8. Caleb M.vers, 814 30. BLOCK t. fit n. Margaret 1 srvant, nixi: lot I, Charles DavU, 14 o. total, 828T i . . - THOfl. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of th City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. Jaly 18, 1004. proposal rtx IXWZB WOXX. :. Sealed pronnsals will be received st the office of the Auditor of the City nf Port Is nd until maar. 'niy la, iwna, at g o'clock p. m., for the oonstructlon ot a sewer In Best Tsm hill street from T8 feet esat of the east line nf East Thirteenth street to n connect loa with the sewer in East Twelfth street. In the meaner provided by ordinance No. 14.001. sub ject to ths pro rta Ions cf the Charter snd ordl nsncee 01 fie t uy or foctiand snd the est! mate of the City Engineer, en file. Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished od sp rit est Ion at the office ot the Auditor of ths City of Portland. Asd eald sewer must he et.mnleted en or be for 410 days from tbe dafe of the signing sf the contract by -the pent thereto. No proposal er bid will be eoneldered an lee accompanied by a certified check par a Ma to the order of tba Mayor nf the City of Portland, certified by a responsible bsnk for an nmoent equal to jo per rent or in appregste CTnpnael, Th right to reject aay and all blda k hereby reserved. By order ei tna nxecenv Board. ' THOfl. O. D EVM It, ' Auditor of the 01 tv of PortUnd. Portland. Oregon, Jaly 18. 1804. - PROPOSALS FOB DOw TAOS. Sealed proposal will be received st the eifice of the A editor ef the City ef Portland Mil e cioca p. m. 'jueaaay, July m, 1004, for fnrnlshlng f.800 metal dog tags, sample to be submitted with bid. No nmnnssl will be ennsld-red unices accompanied by a certified rheek payable to the order of the Mayor of the ity or rortiano ror twenty pre dollars. The right to reject any aad all blda la herein reserved By order at tne Exeennva Board. . OEO. H, HOWBT.n," - - - - . '- H, W, 0OD0ARD, Committee. Portland, Oregoa, Jaly 18. 1804. COMPtETTOW AND ACCEPTANCE Or IM- rxovxMEET or EAST twentt-nintk STREET. Notloa ' 1 berebF given that William fl. Elliott,. City Enalneer, ha Sled Id the office ef the anderalgned. notice thst M. J, Con ley, contractor for the Improvement ef East Twenty. pints frreex, unoer ine previsions er or nine ace So. 11.114, has completed said street, from the center line of East Everett street to the center line of Esst FUnders street. Bald snceptasce will be eoneldered by the Executive Boerd at 4 o'clock, on the tad day ef jnly, 1P04. aad objection to th so reptence ef said street, or sny pari thereof, may be Sled In the office of the undersigns at aay time prior thereto.' ills r.s.r.1 t tivsj B"ARP, By THOB C. DEVLIN. Auditor of th Uty nf Portland, JrtUad, Ursgon, eoAjl P , rxoroBZD improvement or rowxuv - - JXREZT. . - Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of th city of Portland, Oregon, held on the 8th day of July, 1U04, the following resolution waa adopted'. aUeuived, That the -Council ef the City ef Portland, Oregou, deem it expedient snd pro poses to Improve Powell street from tbe seat Hue of Mllweukle street to the west line of Eaat Twenty-am street la tbe following man ear. to-wlt: First By grading the street full width with full Intersections to the proper sub grade as given by tbe City Engineer. Beoonit By bringing tbe surface of the street full width with full Intersection to thp estab lished grade with gravel. ThirdBy ootis trading ta elevated roadway J5 feet wtde In accuruanceV with the plana, ldncatton gud estimate ef th City Engi neer. Fourth By eonetructlng wooden sidewalks. Fifth By eonetructlng wooden curb. Btxth By constructing Wooden 'Crosswalks. Seventh By constructing wx and stun gut. tors. - Bald imnrovemsnt te be made In accordance with the Charter and ordinances of the City ot Portland and ths plana, Bioclficationa and esti mates of the Cltr Engineer filed in th attics of ths Auditor of th City of Portland en ths 1st day of July, 1004. Indorsed: "tlty Engi neer's plane and specifications fur tha Improve ment of Powell street from the east Hue of Mllwaukls street , to the weet line of East Twenty-first street And the estimate of - th work to be done and the probable total eoat thsrsof." The cost of said' Improvement to be assessed aa provided by the City Charter upon the prop erty apeclally benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be as follows: On ths northerly side of said street sll ths htn, parts of lots and parcels of lead lying between a line 100 fret northerly from and fare lie I with, the north Hue of Powsll street snd tbe north line ot Powell street, snd between the east line of - Mllwaukle atreet and a line loo feet east of and parallel with the east line nf Bast Nineteenth street", alee the southerly, one-half of a triangular tract ot Und lying between the eouth line of Cole street, the neat llns of Eat Twentieth street end ths northerly line of ""owell street; also' th southerly one-halt of block M. Tlbbetts addition to East PortUnd. On th southerly aid of said street all the lota, parts of lota and parcels of land lying between the eoutherty line of Powell street and a tine loo feet eourherly therefrom and parallel there with and between tha west line of Kaat Twentv firat atreet snd the esat llns of East Fourteenth street; lo tbe northerly one-half of blocka T and 8. Cole's addition te Eaat Portland, and all that portion of block 1, Coir's sddltlon to East Portland, lying north of a line pa) feet south erly from and parallel with the southerly Una of Powell street. ' . Engineer's estimate of the probable total cost for the Improvement of said Powell atreet la 87,004 00. The atyive Improvement Is to be cUaaed aa a gravel Improvement snd shall be maintained by the city fnr'e period of five years; provided, eel t ttl8) 'RJPneYPQ- "ujrnj-- unwTBrrexjw' 14 $ J " 'Of ttjr- -PCbBjJnNaBtt beneBted by said Improvement oe sny portion thereof shall not petition for. a new or different Improvement bafnre .the expiration ef such period. - Th plane, epedficattntia snd estimates of the City Engineer for the Improvement ofssld Powell street are hereby sdopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of tha City of Portland be and he la hereby directed to give eotlee of ths proposed Improvement of said street ss provided by the City Charter. - Remonatrancea agalnet ths abovs Improve ment may be filed In writing with the under signed within 20 days from tha date of the first publication nf this notice. . By order ef tbe Council. THOS. C. D!VLTW. ' Auditor of the fltv nf Portland. 1 Porrtand-Oregnur July 0, 1 904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT . STREET. or MORRIS Notice la hereby given that at the 'meeting of the Council of tha City nf PortUnd. Ore gon, held on the 8th dsy of July, 1904, the following resolution wss adopted: Resolved. That -ths Council of the City of PortUnd, Oregon, deems 1t expedient snd pro- to improve stoma . street from tne esst line of Union svenue tn the eaat line af Alhlne in tne following manner, to-wlt; Ptrat By grading the street to ttie proper sub. grade aa given ny the City Engineer. Second Br bringing th surface nf ths street to tbe established gratis with gravel. Bald Improvement to be made tn neoordance with the charter and ordinances nf the City of PortUnd and the plans, specifications snd eatlmstes nf the City Engineer filed In the office of th Auditor of the Citv of Portland on the 21st day of June, lff4, Indorsed; "City Englneer'a plana and specification for the Im provement of Morrle street, from the eaat line ef I'nlon avenue to tba cast Hue of Altdna snd the estimates of ths work to be done Snd the probable total cost thereof." . Th cost of .said Improvement tn be assessed ss provided by the , City Charter upon the fironerty specially benefited thereby sndy which herehy declared to be sll the lots, parts of lots snd parcels nf land lvlng between a line 100 feet north of snd parallel with the north Una of Morris street and a line too feet eonth of and parallel with tha south tins of Morris street and between th mat Una ef Union avenue and the eaat Una of Alhlne. The Engineer's estimate of the. probable total met lor tne lmnrovemenx ox saia morrifl Street U 11.808.00 " " Ine shove improvement Is to be classed as a gravel Improvement and shall be maintained by the city for a period of fonr years; provided, thst tbe owners of a majority of the property nenentc-o ny saiq improvement or any por tion thereof shall not petition for a new or dif ferent Improvement before th expiration ol such nerlod. Th plans, specifications ann estimates nr the City Engineer for the Improvement of aald Morris street sre hereby adopted. Keeolved. That the Auditor of tha City of Portland be snd ha is herehy directed to give notice of ths proposed Improvement ef said street SB orovlded br ths City Charter. Remonstrances against the above improve ment mav be filed In writing with the under signed within 20 days from the dsts. of the nrst puniiesriou or tnis notice. - Bf order 01 tne wunon. TITOS, fl. DEVLIN, Auditor of the Citv of PortUnd. Portland, Oregon, Jnly 8, 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF MAGNOLIA STREET, -1 Notice U hereby given that at the meetlnx ef the Council of tbe Olty of PurtUnd, Ore con, held en the 8th day ef July, 1HU4, the tul lowing resolution was awviei: Heeulved, That the Council of the City ef PortUnd." Oregon, deems It expedient snd proposes to Improve Magnolia street from the esat line ef hast sigatn street to ut west line of Durham avsnus, la the following man ner, to-wlt: k'lrat Br arsdlna the street full : width with full intersections to ths grade sa glvea by tna mty engineer. Second Hy constructing wooden sidewalks. Third By constructing wooden cnsnwaUs, Fourth lir constructing box gutters. - flsld Improvement to be mBds In accordance wtth ths charter and ordinance of the City ef PortUnd and the plans, specifications and estimates of the City Engineer filed In the office ef the Auditor of the Cltr ef PortUnd n the 20th day or June, lwot, indoraed: Clur Ensineer's plan and apaclflcatloua for the imnruvement of Magnolia atreet from the esst Hue of East Eighth atreet to the weet Una of Durham avenue, and the estimates ef ths work to be done snd the prvbaUls total Cost thereof." The coat of ssld Improvement te be aaseaaed aa provided by the city charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby snd which M hereby declared to be sll tn lot, parte of bta ana parcels ex xano tying; neiween a una 00 feet north of and parallel with tne north line ef Magnolia street snd line 100 fset south ot snd parallel with the south Una of Magnolia street, sod between the seat tins of Best Eighth-street and the weat Una ef Derhaa, eveuue , The Engineer's estimate or . tne nrooani total cost for the Improvement ef said Magnolia atreet is fHzn.mi. The uUns. sneciAcstloae and estimates of ths City Engineer for the Improvement ot said avagnoiis Birect ere nvrvuj Butipiet. Resolved, That the Auditor of the Olty of PortUnd be snd be to hereby directed to fl' sot Ice . of ths proposed Improvement of said street ss provided by - the rity charter. Remonatrauces sgalnat the above Improve toent mar be filed In writing with the under elgned within days from the date ot tbe rat publication of this notice. By oroer 01 tne cooncn. f THOfl. 0. DEVLIN. Aodltor ef tne City of PortUnd. -Portland, Oregon, July 0. 1004 PROPOSALS rOX STREET WOXX. Reeled nrotneala will be recelred st ths office nf the Auditor ef the City of Portlsnd, antll Friday, July 22, 1004, st 8 o'clock p. m., for tha Improvement ef Borthwlrk street, from the aortb line of Russell atreet to the north line nf Stanton street, In the manner provided hy ordinance No. 1.1,0-, subject to (be pro vlsloa of th Charter and ordinances of the City of PortUnd snd the estimate ef tha City Enalneer. on 81a. Bids mnst be strictly In accordance with awtnted. blanks, which will be furnished on inpUcatlcn st the office of th Asdltor of ths City of PortUnd. And said Improvement must be completed on er before 80 day from th date of the (tgufng ef the Contract by tha pari tea thereto . Ne proposals of bids wilt be considered un less accompanied by a certified check parable to tha order of the Mayor of the City of Port land, certified by a reaponalble bank for an smonnt equal to 10 per cent of the aggregats '"Xs right to reject Sny sad gfl bids hi hereby sserven. By order ef the Erecntlve Board. THOfl. C. DEVLIN. . Auditor of Uie Cl'f of PofUand. fyCwdOregog. 11. lff PBOPOBED JFR0TEMENT OE EAST THIRD ejxKJEZT. " -'- - Notice to hereby given that at the meeting ef the Uouocli of the City ot Portland, uregou, held oa the otb day of July, lev, the follow lug resolution was sdopted: . iteaulrwl. That tbe -Council of ths City ef PurilauU. Orxgou, ueeoia ll expedient aud pru poava to Improve Bast iblrd streei from a point Mi feet aurtn of the nurth Hue vf East ImvU atreet to the north Hue ot Alast Couch street, Ut the '.Mluwlug uianuer, to-wu; First By gradlug ths street full width With full Intersections to tbe proper sub-grade aa given by th City Knglurer. . neuoud By bringing the surface ef the street full width with full Intersections to the eaiab lished grade -with upUud bsnk graveL . Third B eouatruvliug artificial stone eurbe. . Fourth By ounstrucllug crosswalks. Fifth By eoualrucllug atuue gullvrs. fald Imiirovemeut to be made la accordance with the charter and ordinances ot ths City of PortUud snd ths plans, specifics lions snd eetl uiste ef the City Engineer filed In tba office of Ui Auditor of th Wty of Purtund. on tha 6th day of July, 1U04, Indoraed: "Olty Iflu giueer a plena sud specification for tha lui- Kmveueut of lat Third street, from a lut 1- feet uorth of the norU line of Kaat DavU streei to the north 11 u. uf Eaat Couch atreet, aad th estlmatra of tbe work to be done aud the probable tula I eoat thereof." ' The cwt of eeld Improvement to be asseeeed ss provided by the city charter upon the prop erty, special:) brie Bud thereby snd which U hereby declared tn lie all the low, parts of lota sud parcels of land lying between a 'line loo frot east of, and parallel with, tba east line of Eaat 'iblrd street snd a line 100 feet weet of and parallel with the weat Una of East Ihlrd street and betwtea the north line of Eaat touch street asd a Hue 8u feet nurth pf and parallel with the north line of Kaat DavU SUeet. , Tbe Engineer's astlaute ef the probabU total coat for the Improvement f said Esst Third street U II.OSu. Ths shove Improvement la to be' classed M l Karvl IwproveuM-nt and shall be maintained by e city for a perlud -of five yeexa, provided that the owner of a majority ef the property benefited by aald Improvement, er any portion thereof, stall dot petition for a aeW or dif ferent Improvement before the expiration ot such period. ' -M Tbo - ptsns, succlflcatlotBi snd - eetlmatea ef tbe City Eugtaeef fur the Impruvemsnt of Kt '.third street are hereby sdopted. . ' . U'olrcd. That tha Auditor of the City of Portland be aud he U hereby directed to-five notice ef-the- peufewed lmeeveMent-.sf ...aald street ss provided ht ths Lily Charter.. Remonstrances against the above Improvement may be filed In riling with the undersigned within 20 days from the data ef tbe first pub lics (ton of this notice. By order ef the Council, - THOfl. a DEVLIN, Auditor et the City ef PortUnd, Portland, Oregon, July 8, 1004. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Of ' TSXiOV Notice Is hereby glvea that at tba meeting ot the Council of ths City of Portland, Oregon, teld oa the btb dag ot July, 1004, the following resolution was adopted: Keeolved, That tbs Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro Poaea to Improve Union avenue, from, the south Una of East Everett afreet to- a line 4T0 feet northerly from the south) Una et East Everett treet, by constructing a ateel bridge with ap proaches. -v ' ' " Bald Improvement to be made In accordance rlth the charter and ordlnancea of tha City ol Portland and tbe plana, specifications and esti mates of the City Engineer, filed in ths of flea uf tbs Auditor of tbe City ef PortUnd, oa tha 27th day of June. 1004, Indorsed: "City En gineers plane and specifications for the im provement of Union avenue, from the Booth tins of Eaat Everett street to 470 feet northerly from tha south line of Eaat Everett street, sud tbe estlmatra of Jhs work to be done and th probable total coat tbereof." The coat of said Improvement tn be assessed ss provided by ths City Charter upon ths prop erty specially benefited thereby, snd which Is hereby declared "to be all the hits, parts of lots snd parcels of land lying within tha district bonnded and described ss follows: Beginning st ths Intersection of tha center line of Eaat Ankeny street with ths center Uns or Esst Third street; thence east along tha center Une of Eaat Ankeny atreet to Its inter section with the renter line of East Seventh street; thence north along tba center line ot Eaat Seventh street te Its Intersection with the center line of Ksst Irving street; thence esat along ths center Una of Kaat Irving street to Its Intersection with the center Hue of Eaat Ninth street; thence, north slong the center Hne ot Eaat Ninth atreet to Its Intersection with the center line of Oregon street; thence cast along the center llns of Oregoa street to ua inicrsecrion nun xne center line ot Eaat Tenth street: thence north slnna the center line of Esst Tenth Street tn lu Intersection with the center line ef Pacific street; thence ssst along the center line of Pacific atreet to Its Intersection with the center line of Eaat Twelfth atreet; thence north slong ths center llns or eaat 1 weir is atreet to Its Intersection with the center line of llolladav svenua: thence asst along tbs center line ef Hollsdsy avenue to Its intersection wim tna center una of Eaat Fif teenth street: thence north slong the center line ef Eaat Fifteenth street to Its Intersection with the center Une of Uaaaalo street: thence east along ths center llns of ilaaaalo street te Its Intersection with the center line ot East Seventeenth street; thence - north - along - tha vomer line of East Seventeenth street snd Its extension northerly In lis present amirs to the in,, iu uue ui su nnsxu uonation la no claim: thence west slong ths north line nf A. A Hard dns t km Und elsim to Its Intersection with tbs west Une of Pat. HolUnd donation Und claim: thence north slong tbs west Une ef Pat. Hul ls no nonation land claim to Its Intersection with the north line of section fct. township 1, north, range 1 esst, Willamette meridian; thence weat along tha north Una of section 23, township 1. north rsngs 1 east, Willamette meridian, to Its Intersection with the center line nf Ksst Ninth street: thence north skins the center line of East Ninth atreet and Its ex tension northerly In Its preaent course to IU Intersection with th easterly extension ef the south line of tbe Lewis I-ove donation land claim: thence west along the aforesaid exten sion of the south line of the LewU Love dona tion land claim and ths Smith line of tha Lewta Love donation Unit claim tn Its Inter section with the renter Una of Wllllama ave nue ; thence southerly slong the center line nf Williams svenue to Its Intersection with tbs renter line of Esst First atreet; thence south along ths center line of East First street snd Its extension southerly In its present course to Its Intersection with ths center line of Eaat llllsan street; thence esst along the renter line or mast uiiaan street to Its Intersection with the center Una of Esst Third street: thence south along the center llns of Eaat Third street to Irs Intersection with tbs center line ot East anieny street, tne place or beginning. Tne Engineer's eetlinate of tbe probable total cost for the Improvement ef Union arenas Is fiod.OOO. The above Improvement te to be classed sa a atrei twines improvement snd shall be main tained by the city for a period of no yeera. provided that the owners of majority of ths nrcjperty benefited bv said imomvement ee anv portlnd thereof, shall not petition for a new or nirrerent improvement be ror e the iplratioa ef luch period. Th plana, eped fleet Ions snd eetlmatea of ths City Engineer for the Improvement of aald I'nlon avenue ars herehy adopted. . Resolved. That the Auditor of ths City of Portlsnd be snd he Is hereby directed to give B"ora ei ine propnsea improvement Ox Ssld svenue es prnvinen ny rn inry f hsrfer Remonstrance sgalnat the shove Improve ment mar be Med In writing with the under signed within 30 daya from tlet date ef the first puMuceiom ox tnia notice. By order of tbe Council - THOfl.. d. DEVLIN, Auditor nf ths f'O n IWt1..a Portlsnd, Oregon, July 12, 1004. PROPOSED IMPROVEMINT Or BRTANT 1 ' . - ITXEXT. Notice Is hereby given that fit the meerin- Of ths Council of ths City ef Portland, Oregon, held on the 8lh day of July, 14, the following resolntlon wss adopted: Resolved, That ths Conncf? ef the City et Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro pose to Improve Bryant at.-eet from the cast (In of Wabash svenue t the west llns of Delawsrs svenue by grading the atreet tn the grade ss shown by. ths takea est by tbs City Engineer. Bald improvement" to be mads in- accordance With the Charter aad ordlnancea of th Cltr nf Portland and the plane, specifics ttoea and estimates ot the City Enalneer filed ta th of. flee of ths Andttor ot ths City of Portlsnd on the fifth day of June, 1004. Indorsed: "rity Engineer's plana snd specifications for tbe lm. provement of Bryant street from tbs eaat llns of Wabash avenue to the veeat Une ef Dela ware avenue and the est I ms tee of the emrk to be done and the probable total cost thereof." The coat of Bald Improvement to be assessed ss provide! by ths City Charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby geciarca to oe an tne kits, parts st lots snd pe reels of land Irlng between a Una loo feet north of snd parallel with ths north Una nf Bryant street and a Una 100 feet sonth of snd pnrallel with the sonth llns sf Bryant street and between the eaat Una of Wabash avenue and th weat line ef Delaware avenue. Tbe Engineer's estimate of the probable total cost foe the Improvement ef Mid Bryant street u 8i.02fi.oo. - - 'The plane, epecincarione ann estimates or tha City Engineer for the Improvement of eald Brvent atreet sre hereby sdopted. Keeolved. That the Audi Per ef the City et Port la sd be snd be la herehy directed to giv atlce of the proposed Improvement af aald street ss provided or th City Charter. Remonstrances sgalnat the above Improve ment mar he filed In writing with the under. eiirned wuhls 20 dav fretn the dsts ef the first pnhMcatrei ot this notice. By order 01 in louie-n THOfl. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe Clfy et for Uaad. . rraTflaaAcflraarnk. JhlartW Mung I COMPLETION AND AOCEPTANCE OE IM PROVEMENT OF SEVENTH STREET. Notice m hereby- given thst WUllam O. El liott, City Engineer, has filed ta ths office of the undersigned aoUce that Smyth A Howard Ctmpany. ooutractors for the Improve eient of Reveath street under the provisions of ordinance No. la.Mi, have- completed said atreet , from the ceuter Une of UlUea atreet to the center Un of Everett atreet snd from ths eeuter Una of Aukeny street to the center Une of Btark street sud from ths center line of Boroalds street to ths renter llns of Couch street. Bald acceptance will be eoneldered by ths Executive Board at 4 o'clock, en the 22d day ot July, UIQ4, aad ehjactleae te the sc eeptancs of ssld street, or spy part thereof, may be filed In ths office ef th uaderslgoad st any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. ' . By THOB. C. DEVLIN, ' ' Auditor of ths City ot Portland. - PortUnd, Oregon. July Ifi. 1004. '- COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT Or IKVIXQ STRXXT. Notice la herehy given that William C. Et Uott. City Engineer, haa filed lu tbs office of ths undrralgned notice that J. W. Bwaeney, contractor tor ths impnerement ef Irvine street under the provisions uf ordinance No. 18.AM, hss completed Bald stsest from tbe center Uue of Tenth street . to ths center Una ef Fourteenth street. Bald acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at d o'clock, oa tbe lid day of July, 1004, snd objections ta the ac ceptance of said atreet or sny psrt thereof, may be filed In tbe office of the anderslgned at any time prior thereto. TUB EXEC1TIVB BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of PortUnd. Portland, Oregon! July. 18. 1804. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IK . PROVEMEBB OF FIRST STREET. : ' Notice is hereby given thst Wtntsas C. El liott, City Engineer, has filed la the office of the undersigned notice that J.- W. Bweeney-. sontrsotur for the Improvement of First sweet, under ths previsions of ordinance No. 18. I'M, has computed -ssld street from ths north line of Oalnra SUeet to the ceuter Une ef Curry street. ' . ' - Bold- eeeeetenea- -erlil- he considered by . tea iwutln Hoard at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day of July, 1004. And abjection te the ee- Mnliiue At Bald street . or. Bnr Bert thereof. may be filed In tbe office et the nndarslgnad at. any tuue pr or ineretn. . " . Sub EXErrnvE board.- By THOB. C DEVLIN, . Auditor of ths City of PortUnd. Portland. Oregon. July 18. 1004. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPXOVE- - EXT OE PXE8C0TT STREET, Notice U herehy given thst the Council of ths Cltr nf PortUnd proposes to eeaese the following described property and owuer nwnera aa belli soeclallv and peculiarly I tilted la the amounts set opposite the names and descriptions Ibv-f fug. the improvement of Preacott street, from the weet line of Eaat Tenth street to the esst Une ef Bset ronr teenth street, aa provided by ordinance Be. Any object Inns to the' spnnrtlooment nf cost for said Improvement must be made tn writing to the Council and- filed with the Auditor within in dsva from tba dsts nf ths first publication of this notice, snd aald objections will be heard and determined by the Council before the passage of the ordinance assessing ths cost of ssld Improvement. ' uinm , V n Uf orb' ia In, AV Tteerv S Don ne 11, I120 : lot 6. Henry 8. Dnnnrfl, 818.41; -Tot 8. WlllUm C. Btrshan. - Sao 22r lot T. William O. Btrahan. tlIB 21. BLOCK 18. lot 8, Marlon BnUth. 8104.17) lot 8, Marlon - Smith, 810 08; kit 8, Marlon Smith. $18.06; - lot T. Marlon Smith. r'!'.T4. - BIX)OK 14. lot 8. Edith B. Tufford, 842.5.1; lot 8, Edith B. ' Tiiffid, 81118; hit 8, Walter J. Cheney, . nenrr, g, SM.ftO. nf. 801.78; 3: lot 8. 8 18.80: V.t T, Andrew B. Oueberg, - BLOCK 18, lot 8, Wary J. Bagad-jiuV 1, K Vm J. II a esdona. 818.23! t.mu HI. ITiillllnvBi. f 1.1.28: lot T. Maggie C Stevens, $80.80. BLOCK 12. let Jobs Morsn, $11.84; sot 8. J'a Moran, to.ot. LINCOLN PARK ANNEX BLOCKiT. lot 1, r. Kotold, $ 108.681 lot 8, F. Jt- Kofold, sin st KOIITH 1BVIN0T0N BLOCK 86T lot IJ, Ths Tltls Ooarsntee Trust Co., $140.14: lot 11, Ths Tltl Guarantee A Trust Co., $24.77. BLOCK 20. lot 1. Th Title Ooarsntee A Trust Co., $T8 W: kit t John Brhlag. $1A86 , . , , tn. qrii, fln.HnlM a. Trmt I'rt . $.91s Vt 12, Tha Tltls Guarantee A Trust Co., $T".0T. BLOCK 24, Vit 1, Tha TltU finarantee A Trust Co.. $81.10; lot S. The Title Onarsntee A Trust Co.. $10.42: Vt 11. The Tltl Onarantee A Tnut Co., $10.70; lot 12. The TltU Ouarsntee A Trust Co., $Rl.fiO. BIICK XS, lot 1. The Title Guarantee A Trust Co., $89.81 : lot 1 The Title flnsrsntes A Trust Co., 818.08: Tot 11. Wtlllsm Roy - Ptoses, 81408; kt 12. WUllam Boy Btnkea, ana in efirr M si set 100 feet lot 1. Marr A. Bolce. 818.84; west 100 feet lot 8. Msrjr A. Bolce, 810.41; north Ta feet of west 100 feet lot 8, Mary A. Boies, gl.ou. xoiai, ' ; . TrTOfl. O. DEVMN. ' - Auditor of the. Citv of Portland, Portland, Oregon. July 18. 1004. PR0P08ID ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT Or. MASON STREET. Notice I hereby given that tbe Council of the City ef PortUnd proposes to assess ths following described property and ewner or owners aa being epeeUUy aad pecoUarly bene- ntea in tne amounts set opposits ms names and descriptions thereof for the Improvement of Masr-n street, from the center Une of Wll llama avenue te the center Une ef Union avenue, ' aa provided by ordinance Mew ls 878. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for ssld Improvement must be roads la writing to ths Council and filed with the Auditor within 18 days from tba date ef tbe first publication of this notice, and aald objections will be heard snd determined by th Council before ths passage of the ordinance sss casing the coat of said Improvement. ALP1N8 . HOMESTEAD BLOCK tt. lot 8. Marls Baracco, $01.12; lot 10, Marls Baraeco, $4.00; lot T, Ester C. Boggs $1.19; lot S, !. Olnvsnnl, $si.2R. BLOCK 18. tot 8. F. W. Andrns. $08.18; lot 10, F. W. Andrea, 10.74; weet H lot T, W, W, Wood worth, 7.82: west U bit 8. W. W. Wood worth. $0.O8; eaat V, lot T, Alice and J. C. Wood worth, $0.14; east U lot 8, Alice and J. C. Wnodworth, $T1.T. BLOCK 11, lot 8, Adrian M coalman. 8122.04; lot 10. Adrian McOalman, $23.14; lot 7. Adrian McCalmsn. $21.38: lot A, Adrian McCalman, $118.28. BLOCK fl, Vt 8. W. H. Williams and David A. Morris, 8.10.81; lot 10, Florence E. Cutts, $8.84: lot 7. Oenrge W. Cummlnra. $18 OO: lot 8, Oeorgs W. t:unimlnga. $70 NA. BLOCK 1. tot 0, Henry Krlrger, $107.50; lot 10, Stephen A horn, 8:17.80; lot T, Charles c. Btaniey, $2.1.87: lot 8. P. H. Msrlav, $1P8.0. BI-OCK . lot 1 Michael a. rnnn, rns.oo; w in. Michael A. Fllnn, $8.08: lot 8. Ada ana A. n. Fsnno, $008: lot 1. Ada sad A. B. Fanno, tdl.i i. ' Johl ll.Kt,- HlOt K IT, lot m n. it. nonoins, n.76: lot 18. E. R. Bobbins. $IIW: lot 2, 'oha R. Oeors. 8181: lot 1. John K. Oeorge, $l"7 fw BUICK 11 lot 18, Genrgs Mneller. 810102: lot 18, oenrge Mueller. $18.14; lot 1 Charles F. Perrault. $12.80; lot 1. U A. Broah. $88 88. BtXlCK T. lot 18. Corn M. Klernsn. $M.8T lot 18. Cera M. Rleman, 88 17; lot 8. orne c. nmitn, 179 10- In, 1 Othn P Smith sua OB. BI'K 2. lot 18. Annie Brack. $177.28; lot 15, Annie Brack, fnt ai; lot 2, Mandsnna Mnoonongn, $21,881 lot 1. Mandsnna Goodnough, $106 .66. ToUl. $2,430.80. THOfl. 0. DEVLIN, . Auditor of th City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 18. 1004. rXOPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF ANXXXY STREET. . Notice ta hereby given that the Council et the (Ity of Portland propones to assess the following described property snd owner or owners ss being specially snd peculiarly bene. a I ..I in the amounrs see opposite tna namea and descriptions thereof for ths Improvement f Ankenv street from ths weat lias of RUth street to the eaat line of Seventh street, aa provide py eminence no. xa.ii. . Any objections to the Apportionment of cost for said Improvement must be made la writing tn tha Council and filed with the Auditor within 18 daya from the date of the first publication ot tnis notice, ana ssia objections will he heard and determined by the Council before the passes of th ordinance assessing the met of said Improvement. COCf'H'8 ADDITION to ths City of Portland- RMM K d, soutn t or west i' feet tit block 48, Msry Devst.ey, $807.63. Tbe north erly H of i trianguUr parcel of lead lying between the southerly line of Ankeny street, the westerly Uns of Sixth, street snd the northerly line et Pine etreet. City, et Port Und, $158 68. total. $751 It. THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Andlto of tha Citv of Portland. Portland. Oreron. Julv 18. 10O4. XAILROAD TIMETABLES. Ttckd Offlcs ta Thlrt Strttf rbsnc U - Trn.Beont1nntnl eee. eataV 'I ralntB Dally PAST TIME . TO BPOKANH. BT. PATJI DUttTTn. MIMNKAPOLJa CHICAGO AND . ALX, POIJtTB EAST. Daylight tflD. through tbe CaaeaAs Bad Rooky mountain. r fall pnrtlo ularrn, ratee, foldsre. eteu Mil en or nd. dress . XL DlCxrxOW. Citv loke A -A 9X X2UJ4 Cts rerCaad. 51 roijECori .SlIOlXrlilTiDi AND Union Pacific 3 TRAINS to the CAST DAILY Through Pellmsa stsndsrd snd tourist slue tag cars dally to Oms ha. Cbtoajro, Spokane tourist sleeping ears dally to Kb esse Cljrl through Pullman tourist sleeping ears (persoei. ally conducted) weehly to Chlcagw, Reellataa ehalr cars (seats free) to tbs Esat daily. CNIliN lBPOt. - Leaves. Arrives. , CHICATVI-ORTLAND 8:18 a. St. 8:20 p. ss, ' , BPBtTAU Dally. Dally. For tbe Rast vie HuaS- . .. , , tngtoat m' ' ; BPORANR FLtBR. 8:18 p. to, 8 -Oo a. Bv" tat Eastern W ash lee- Dally. Dallys I ton. Walla Walla. Lew. . J . - . J letop. Cover d'Aleae ' . snd Great Mortbara ' -. points. , - . :. 1 ATLANTIC RXPRRHS. 8:18 p. as, T:18 a. as. Far the East via Bene- Dally. . Dally. t - ; ' j -u OCEAN AND RrVEX SCHEDuTE. ' ' ' Fo'R SA.H FRAMClftCO: Iprta " 18.-08 n, muV S. . Ooo. W. Elder A Ins worth July 6, 18. 28. Doe,, 4 X. B. CntambU - 8M0a.aa. Jnly 10, 0, 80. . , , slum bin Xleer Drvtetssk - FOR ASTORIA and way points, eonnertlng with etmr.- foe - llwsce sad North besHt, str. Baa sale, Ash-st- dock. Dafl?" ea, Sneday Saturday 18:00 p. ns. About . 8:00 p. aa. Taiikni Xreer FOR DATTON. 7:00 a. I Dally, ex erpfi 8:80 p. an, I Daily, except Baiday. City and Tsmhill River points, atr. Xnth and Modoc, Ash-st. dock. (Water permitting.! nahe River Rsota, FOB LEWISTOtt, Ida f:40 a. to. lAbont and way points from Dally. Von a. aa. Rlparls. Wash., stesss- sa. Sat, Dally, era Spokane and . Leer- ex. Irlday. rston. ' ' " TICKET OFFICE.' Third aad WejaUngton. Tto - - -; - Rhone Main TH. . . j PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY Fnr Totnhams aret rrong Konr. earjlng st, Kobe, Nagasaki aud Shanghai, taking freight via connecting rtaaaaera fur Manila. Port Artkar and VUdivostok. - For rates and red rn format! on earl ea ar aAVi evsss efniclsle er stents ef the O. R. A N. Co. EAST... SOUTH Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrtvea, OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for Re leas. Rose-I ourg. AahUad. Baeeaj. mento. Ocdea. San Frss 8 .. SJ8a.to. Hffi8B, T:S9 8. to. 114 0 p. as. tdBkav! Cisco. Stock toe. Lea Aa getos. El Paso, Beer Or leans and tha Esat. At Wood burn , dallyf texcspi nunuayt. Ing train for Mt An gel, Bllvertoo, Browns ville, Bpnnrfieid. Ung snd llstroa. I Albany passeuger, set. lOrMs. M neeta at weodhurn with Mt. Anaal ana bu ton loeaL Corvalll paa irSrBfl BR fihertdas 8:28 A. as. Dally. IIDally, sxeept Sunday. fertUam-Oawece ulrarbaa Ssrvioe and lamnVJl Srrsstoa, ... - Depot Eeet et Jefferson Street. . . ' .Jf Pertlaad dally tor Oeweee Tnw a. a. II 60, 8:06. 8 2fl. 8:80, 818. 8:80. 10.10 p. . Dally (except Sunday), 60, 8:80. C:SS. TO to a. m. 4:04, no p. m. Banday eoly. 8:08 a. m. Returnlna? troea Oaeaee. arrive Pnrtlsnd dstlr 8:80 a. m. 1:88 8:08. 4.89. 8:18. T 8", 8-68. 11 10 p. m. Dally (sxeept Bnnda1 8 x8, :, 8:80. fo to. 11:48 a. m. Except htoadsy. UM R. "a. Soedsy snlr, 10HW a. aa. Leaves from same depot for DaTUs aed tats eieniare points aallv (excepl nonoay) e.uu gw b. Arrive Portland 10:80 n. at. Tha IndeTieedenee-Monmcaittfl Motor Nsel eperates dally to Monmouth end Alrlle. eoe-l nertlng with Southern Pact Ac company's Brush at Dallas and Independence. Flrst-clsee fare from Portland to Baeranieetol and Ban Pre nd see $m. berth gsi saeena aiase fsre $18. secoed-clasB berth $3 88. - Tickers to Re stem points and P'leope. tba Janes. Cblns, Fonolslu snd Aostrslln. Cltr Ticket Office eoroee "Third und Waubresp Snn ereeeVe. - Itslai Tie a W. BTTNOER. . W. SJL COMAE. . ' City Ticket Agent, fjesk Psse. Agent, j I TIME CARD ! TRAINSl PORTLANDi UNION DEPOT. Paget Souad Limited, for Tscoma. Seattle. Olrmpla.' South Bead and Oray's Harbor polota. North Coast Limited, for Tscoaxa, Seattle, Butte. Bt Paul, M la nes nolle. Chlcsao. Nsw Arrives 8:80 a. m. JOB. I S.-OSp-to. fiosteta. Fork. Bostnn and potato Eaat and Rowtbeaat. Twla-Clty Express, fa Tscoma. Beet tie, Spo kane, Helena. St. Paul. Minneapolis, Chicago, New York. Boston sad all points Eaat aad Southeast. Pnget Sound Ease as Clty-flt. Levis Special, for Tserwis - Hearths. 11 :48 . a. TlOStVsR. Spokane, Batte, Billings. :80 8.8a. ftfJ 8.88,1 Ienvee, Omaha, kbbbs City. St. Louie and ail points Eaat aad Boete eaat. All truing dally except ea Booth Beed branch. A. D. CHARLTON. Aealstaat Oeaeral Passenger Age, tU Morrison at., ear. Third. PaxtUnd. Os. Astoria & Columbia - River Railroad Co.r Lea we. ONION OBPO For Maygera. Rf.lsler. Clatsktale, WaaUMrt, Clifton, Astoria. War renins, FlavsL Itaav neexdi Fort Stevese. Oearhart Park, Beaalde, Astorls asd Bssshete, . E i press daily, t Aalurss Bx arass, Dsllr. Deny. 4M a aa Hilda, as, , Daily. , i -' , - ! t V OA as. Daily et. Baiuraay. Bat. ealr. rortlasd Seselde Flyer. 8 BOP, at. I . a MA TO. ft. P. asd P. A.. Astoria. 0. 0. A. STEWART. CoraiaercWl Ageat, $48 Alder rheo Male sun. Sch.vcbCrc5.PrLr.':'' EJset Work. R-ea t r ftaBVZl-- .... mm 12? 8unir. 11 I W lOCOtN. trUtUl "e I lafll souTta IOI