A..- 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. . JULY 21. 1904. OODEff THEATRES UNDER THE BAN jwch. ruin omxxascsijk- innrani nu xjjctts ajtd cajoto xr xmpomhu to com TBUCT fUT lOVtll THAT ill oTrauMPBOor. embers 'of ths city council, on ad- f Chler CampDSU OI tne nre ment hYS decided to prevent the traction or any sguamii n f In the city, and especially la the n. ukiiail At the meeting of council held yesterday afternoon two nances'wers d and a third was duced which will eliminate the' con ation of anybut nre-proof buHd- ilef Campbell and Fire Marshal Rob- drew ud the most important or ordinances, which provides that heatre. ODera Louse or building ror 10 amusement shall be constructed i city. ,that Is Jiot thoroughly flre- f. it further provides , that, no atlona or repairs Shall be made in building ' for- theatrical purposes it shall be mads to conform to the irements of the ordinance," is ordinance will , prevent the con firm of any theatres except, those of. brick, stone, iron or concrete will in. time .tend to eliminate all ten structures now in the city. The isnoa contains provisions .- regulat he alas of the exits, the use of fire- r curtains and the placing of seats. 'e Intend. If possible to prevent the ion of .any ' mora--Uieatrea.-coated of wood. In the elty." said Chief bell .this morning. "If the ordln- pas'seg"wA are going to enforce ItJ me a. wiu -we win mwow i v wuu" ry to have at least two firemen hned . In theatres, especially the ones, during a performance to et to .the exits. These men will be the fire department .but will have paid by the theatres." 9""oratnancs -was referrefr tcr the l and polios committee. - - ere was no opposition to the build- rdlnanc. It provides for the con-J tlon of buildings all over the city makes It unlawful for any person nstruet or- enlarge -or- repair any lng within the city limit without obtaining a ' permit, after having ilana Inspected by the firs chief or tiding . inspector. Within the Are a buildings must all be fire-proof must, conform with the regulations -ding Are escape. The manufao- of chemicals or explosives of any is prohibited within the fir limits. also the storing of any large quan of either. During their construe- every building is to be Inspected. a Ore limits were extended by the ge of an ordinance which was 1 necesssry because of the rapid th of the- business portion of the beyond the old fire limits. The h were extended by the ordinance iamhlll and Washington to Four- h-street VEL PIT LAW : DECLARED VOID ordering th discharge of William from custody Circuit Judge Oeorge red the gravel-pit ordinance adopted e city council unconstitutional and He asserted that th council had bly exceeded Its authority, but had li partiality toward persons opera t- ta oeror the pasaage of ths ordi . and had encroached on ths Judl omaln. der this ordinance," said ths Judge, applicant has to do is to publish his proposed gravel pit will be. hen the city council becomes the ite and arbitrary Judge, according to Its own Idea, whether the owner so use his property under any ion whatsoever; and In event the -ouncll does not see fit to allow kner to open his pit, then If h ny ground, or opens up a pit sight roves any ground at all, he be-, a criminal and . punishable by td, Imprisonment, however Innocent y be of harm to others." court also called Into question the ion constituting ths elty council Ibunsi to hear and determine er one applicant shall be permitted hers denied th privilege of digging pita. - ,- -- VLTII BRINGS NO . LEASURE. TO BRIGGS Id Brlggs of Bucker creek. Joseph- unty, ths father of Harry Brlggs, had th rich dlaoovery of gold on mountain, with $40,000 already In la prematurely gray and is In k, nervous condition that he cannot This Information was received unty Treaaurer John M. Lewis In hr from his fsther, who has long la near neighbor of th Brlggs David Brlggs belongs to -ths h generation of th pioneer Brlggs '. and is still a comparatively man. Treaaurer Lewis and David i were boys together on Sucker and he states that Mr. Brlggs has een a sufferer from a disease that irobaoiy prove fatal. Medical isnt baa failed to afford any relief. h baa told some of his friends that ver expected to get wclL The hrs of the family are camped at In, and it is shld that they are but little work toward developing nstderlng th - gold already de ll In a safe bank. David Brlggs brked re many years en his little t Purchasers of Underwood Typewriters. Oregon Dally Journal. 1 Metals company, two. r of Washington. . . legle Steel company, three. lies F. Bee be Co. es manner Co. orton Conn. , , no Mutual Life Insurance coro- no Electric company. on Furniture Manufacturing com . lighthouse engineer. y other prominent .Portland peo- hcy at 01 Front street - dale of Steamer T. J- Potter. seaside steamer T . J. Potter will Portland. Ash street dock, for la and Ilwaco as follows: Zl, Friday, I a. m. , tl. Saturday, 1 p. m. transportation and berth tickets R. a N. ticket office. Third and ngton Streets. Artificial ays nttei - stack at D. Chambers, lit 7th. Lnderwood typewriter Is equipped , tabulator, at so extra coa , fn TO Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK We treat successfully : all . private. nervous and ehronlo dlseaaea. also blood. stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throel trouble. We euro STTrimg (without mercury) to stay cured forever. In 10 to f o dsva We remove OT1UCTUKK. wita out operation or pain, la fifteen days,.- WE CUBE GONORRHOEA IN A WEEK The doctors of this Institute 'are all recular eraduataa have had many years' experience, have been Known la Portland for 1$ years,-nave si reputation to maintain, and will undertake no case unless certain cure can be effected. We guarantee a curs In every ease ws undertake or charre no fee. Con sultation free. Letters confidential. In structlv BOOK FOll MEN mailed free in plain wrapper. If vou cannot call at office, write for guesuoa Diana ror noma treatment. OfBce hours t to . and T to t. Sundays and holidays, it to IX, . The leading specialists in ths Northwest Established 1 Sit. Dr.W. Norton Davis & Ca Vaa Mot Sotel sr. B. Oor. Third aad - naa treats. roBTuurs. omxao. 77m ffosf Durable fYoortoinrSTacie. Mon& Back jf nof . : - To Sal By . J. a. ygT.imrar oo, 23 1 First st KASDaaXfT 141 First St STBOwamiDoa tazxt m orx co, 111 Grand Ava O SPICES o BAKING POWDER, aron:;.OExmcTS rMuhPHrihr.- flncsrFlivor. CmSfmh.fteofallefTicei CL0SSET6DEYERS OITIXANO,OfC00r4iv C. GEE WO The Q rest Chlaese Doctor id called great be cause bla wonderful curs are ao well known throughout - the United Btatee. anf because so many people arethankful -to him for aavlng tbelr lives from OPERATIONS He treats any and all ' diseases with A powerful Chlaese 4 herbs, roots, bud a '1 barks and vegetables . l. ... .KtlMlvnn. known to raeSlcal science In this coun- . . w . i a. et Ihuahtrm. less remedies. T"hls famous doctor knows the action or over i ai"" 7 that he has successfully used In different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, aatlima. lung troubles, rheumatism, njr- vousness, stomacn. liver, male trouble and all priyat diseases. Hundreds of testimonials. , Charges moderate. Call and see Mm, nowsiTTT.sjiaTTOar nzl. K . . . . .W .1 W blank and circular, inclose stamp. Ad dress THE C GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. tSt Alder street Portland, Or. Men tion this paper. - Every Woman Is 1iSsnss.nl and shoeld know . sdoux us woaosmu MARVEL WhirUoo Spray The sew VmshI Srrt"f. Jxfrf st Most i onT.nt.n. aa tmr enntat far n. If be fmnnoc snpply the MtlllL. aowut no otber, bn t send Mans for lfin.tr umI bnofc ...liS. II tall mtrtleubirs and direction. In. Valaabletoluues. MARV ILi. COX Vtsses augw sjew seek. For Sale By WOOBABD. OLltKS OO aOWa ft MASTI AMrlok hasBaa A Boynton: Furnace In vour house soon ears for Itself in comfort and saving o: re with you on lb it ruei. Let us ng- ost f Instslllug BBS in your niniM i . O. Baysc Faraaos 0 III Beoa4 e S. Jaate 4iL s CAN Mineral Springs oraa araaT pat xx tmm xmam. To Whom It May Concern I cams to ths above, springs oa April t to take treatment for my eyes. I had a very sever attack -of catarrh of ths yes, was almoat blind after treating with the best specialists that could be found, and Buffering for nine yeara I have at last found a cure her at the FAMOUS TUSCAN SPRINGS. f can not praise them too highly. I hop thst others that are afflicted will give taeia a trial. Kespeetruuy. . 1 W. L PALMER. Room SOS. Commercial Blag, Portland, Oreeron. - Mr. I. C Palmer, of Palmer. Or was cured or rneumatiam. ir you are sick write to us; we will give you the name and address of some one cured of a similar complaint Tuscan Mineral Springs Corp. TTSOAJg. OAJt. BXaS BOO FOB BOTTXw or TOBT.Ca 1B OATABBK SAIiT. CITY VOXICXS. rsoBotALi ros nzo. DTODoaa! of nr of. the AuUltor of the t ef Portland ttutu Wednesday. July rt, 1B0, st 1 e'cluck p. m., tor furnl.hlnc to the Kirs Department of said city tht folluwing Items of feed, which will ue requireo lor toe mootB ol Augostr BeTenteea tons best quality timothy hay. Elsbt tone best quality white eata. HTa Vine straw. t tfie hundred ssd Iftv Bounds ell meal. i os ore resimittee reserves tue ngnt to eraer for three aiontiis st same nrleee. - DeHeery te be ensde as required sad bills to be Tendered enly for soch quantities sa are ueiiTereu ana seceptea. Samples of bran and eata most be snhmltted wits each proiwaal. Uajr and straw subject to spproTSl oe oellTerr. - Jo proposals will be eoosldered snleef seeom- F a oled hjr e certlfled rheck psysble to fieors 1. Williams, Major, for sa amount equal to 10 per, cent of tbe aggregate bid. Ths right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. By order ot the DxecntlTe Board. Till 18. O. DEVLIN. ' ' Auditor of "the "Cttyof orllaud,' ' rortisno, uresoa, July si, iikh. yOUMDMASTXA i XOTICX. Notlee Is feerebr steen thst oa tbe lsth day ef July. W4, I took up and empounded st tbe City Pound, at No. itrll Rliteenth street. In Uje .Olx joI PurtlajBdjafiniiq. the follawuig dracrtbed animals: . One yellow Jersey heifer,, dark oa bead, end ef tsil blaek and strap oa neck . One dark bay mare, left bind foot white, sad dle marks oa sides, branded oa right hip and slod In, front: snd Bnle.s lb owner,' or other Dersoa or Dersons haying sa Interest therein. shall claim possession of the same, snd pay all cost snd charges of tbe keeping snd sdvertlalng ttem. together with the pound fees on said animals, as provided by--erdtBenee-ltar-g,9;iftt as amended, of said City of Portland, I will oa the 8rlh day of July, 1904, at ths boor of 10 a. m.. st tbe City Pound, at No. 2H Rli teenth. In said elty. sell the above described animals at nubile auction to the highist bid der, to pay the coats snd charges for taking up, keeping and advertising such animals. .T jata tuis zist usy or Jiiiy. iw. . - ' F. W. RE Kit, Poundmaster. cogrrxxTiov avd 'acczptaxcx " or itt- PEOTIMENT Or OHIO ATXaTTX. Notice Is hereby siren that William C. El liot, City' Engineer, bss filed In the office of the nnuerslgned notice that Qleblach A JodIIb, ecntrnctors for ths Improvement of Union ave nue under the provtalons of ordinance No. 18, 470, have 'completed said street from the snath line of Alberta street to the center line of atechsnle street. 8ald acceptance will be considered by the Etamtlee Board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day of July, lvoi. snd objections to the ac ceptance pi said street, or sny psrt taereoc. may be filed In the office of the, a Darraigned at any tlms" prior thereto. . lm Klfil tlTIVBJ BOA nil. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of ths City of PortUad. Portland. Oregon, July 16, 1004. raoposAxg ros nsx htosastt. Wntwieals will he received nr the Watee Board of the City of Portland, Oregon, until t p. m. Thursday. July 21, 194, for tnrnlah Ins tbe water department of. tbe city, at the storehouse on Fourth and Market streets, one hundred firs hydrants, according to Diane and specific. tlona which may be obtained at ths oincs o. ins Engineer or me wnier aeparunenc Kach Dronoasl must be scoomDsnled nr s certlHed check for $6oO and Inclosed In a eesled envelope addressed to the undersigned snd marked oa the outside, "rroposals for , f Ira Hydrants." .The Water Board reserves the right to re ject any or ill pmoosaun ur oroer oi ine n ater noara. FRANK T. DODOS, gtiperlntehdent Water Department PortUad, Oregon, July IB. 1904. rxorogzo assessment rox giwxa rs MI880UHI ATEjrTJE. Notice Is hereby gtvea that the Council of the City of Portland proposes to assess ths following described property and owner or owners as being specially and peculiarly bene fited In' the amocnts set opposite tbe Barnes and deecrlutlons thereof by the construction of a sewer In Missouri s venae, from tbe north line of Fremont street to a connection with ths sewer In Beech street, as provided by ordinance Mo. la.uo. Any objections to toe apportionment or cost for said sewer 'must be . made tu writing to tbe Couacll and filed with tbe Auditor within 15 days from the date of the flrat pubttcatloa of this notlee, and ssld objections will be heard sad determined by the Couuctl before tbe passage or the, ordinance a. ....lng tns cost for saia sewer. Ml'LTNOM A II BLOCK M, lot 21, Olaf P. Hanson, 21.10; lot IS, Mary J. Nelson, ill 10: lot 17. Relnhard W. Hning. $13.10: lot in. Relnhard W. Hrrlnc. $13.10: lot IV Arthur L. Dowa. $18.10; lot 11. Alexander Elder Eatate. heirs of. $18.10; lot B, W. H. Daly, $13.10; lot T. Alexander Elder Eatate. heirs of. $13.10; lot a. Unat Anderson. B13.10 lot , Kmll Hosln. $13.10. BLOCK $4, lot 23. J. B. Nelson, $M.SB; lot 20. J. R. Nelson. $ll.ho; lot IS, Erik snd Christine Wlk, fcU.AO; lot Id. N. gbolrnberg. $21.50; lot 14. William Wackmw. $21. M; south H lot 12. Alexsnder McAllister. $10.TS; north H lot 12. Kate Norgsrd, $10.76; lot 10. Albert Llnke, sxi.no; lot s. Jobs atarkin, il.lHl; lot ' A. Emma A. Blelob Estate, heirs nf, 21.H0; lot 4, James P. Klrby, $21.50, Total, 368.75. t TH0. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of the Cltv of Portland. Portland. Oregon, July IS, 1004. rsorosALt ros sewxs wosx. Rested pronossls will be received at the of fice of the Auditor nf the City of Portland until Saturday, July 2.1. 10O4, at 8 o'clock p. m. for lsrlne snd reosirlne B sewer In Tanner creek from s point In Lownedale street to a point 1,n Taylor street in the manner pro vided by ordinance No. 14.071. subject to ths provision of the Charter and ordinances of ths city of Portland, "and the estlmste of tbe City ngineer. en nie. -Bids -most -be strictly la aenordaBee with printed blank., which will be furnl'hed on ap- ncatioB at ins oiucs ox tns auditor or the lltv of Portlsnd. And ssld sswer must Sm eumpleted on or before 00 days from tbe date of the signing of th contract by th parties inereio. No proposals or bids will be considered un ices accompanied hy a certified cheek psysble to th order of th Mayor of th City of Portlsnd. certified by a responsible bank ror an amount equal to 10 per cent of tbe aggregate nnoaal. The rl right to reject say or all bids Is hereby reserved. By order or th xiecntive Board. THOB. C. DEVLIN, Aodltor ef the City of Portland. PortUad. Oregon.., July IS, 1004. , PEOPOlALg yOE iTEEET W0EE. , gealed oronossls will he received at ths of.. of th Andltor of th City of Portland until rriaay; 4tny 22. iwoe, at a e clock p, m., for the Improvement of Fast Twelfth street from th south line of Multnomah street to the south line of Tillamook street, hi the manner frovlded ny ordinance ino. U4,0O2, subject to he orovlalons of ths Chsrter snd ordinance. of the City of Portland - and ths estlmste of ine rity r. ngineer, en nie, - - Bids must be strictly In seenrdsnce with printed blanks, wblcb will be fnrnlahed on ppilcanoa st toe oinc ox xne auditor or Tea 'Ur of Portlsnd. And said Improvement muat be completed on er before 80 days from th date of' the algntng of th contract by th parltes tnerero No proposals er bids win he eoneldesed en less seeompsnled by a certified check nevahls to the order of the Mayor of the City of Port land, -certified by responsible hank for sn amount equal to 10 per cent ef the aggregate propossl. The right to reject any snd (II bids Is hereby reserved. By order r tbe Executive Board. THOU, c DEVLIN, Audita nf the l ltv nr VartlmtUL Per Uaad. -Oregon, July it, 1904. s CITT NOTICES. Pxoroszo AsazsBifEVT ros UPSOTS- MEUT Or CLEVELAMD ATZSUX. Notice U hereby gives thst the Voanell of ths City of Portland oropusee to aeaeas lbs follow, lng drsorlbeu prupwty and vmmm am but mm uvmg aifeciaiiy alio peculiarly oe sen tea in the smounts set opposite tbe names and descrip tion) thereof fur the luipruveim-ut of Cleveland avenue from the south line of Alberta- street to the Bonn Hue of Preseott street, as pro vided by orillnauce No. ls.um Any objections to ths appurtlonawat of east iur eaiu luiprovemeut muat be made la writlug to tbe Couuoll and filed with tbe Auditor wlthla lft days (rum the date ef ths first putiuratloB of thla uotlce, and said objection. win oe oesra ana aeterrajnea by tne Council before the passage of the or 01 Bancs aaswlng the enst of 'said luiprovsmeuC al AKULRx HlciHLA.NU HUICK 11, east ' 00 feet lot , Ueurge K. Clark. iriH; eaet ttu ", ueorge.a. t,r,.ti.o; east . ert feet of west IS feet lot a Ida M. AroeaoB, 0.04; east 40 reei oi west 0 feet lot 6, Ida 11. Arneson, , fOM; east loo feet lot 4, Burtolpk Kin. ling, io; east itiu set lot s. Kuoulun Kln.llng, "; esat 10 feet kit i, Kmll Kyaer, ii!Ml; ee.t UK) fvot lot 1. W. 8. Cutter. H7.7. HI.Of'K 111. ino fmmt lot a Holiert and Jane llaggard. -t'tO.Af); eaat 100 er. H't i, Hooert sod Jsse uaggarfl. faj.il; 'eaat 100 fart lot a .'rank tl Htrlkl.nrf - JlT.a; east 10 feet lot ft, rtank H. Htrlck- - land. $24 y; east 1U0 feet lot . Joseph K. snd AmaUa genena, 33.(iM; east 100 feet lot e, ataaona M. walker, seat luo Test Jot 8. Ueorge Pstges.. .t ): east ll feet ei j, ueorge 1'atges, S4V.04. hiahk 1, east luo feet lot 10. C. M. Hrysnt. (48.XH: esse lis) feet Wit . C. U. Bryant, X4; ssat j" eei UK b, U. It. till. well, sof.tH: es.t jow reel lot 7, M. kt, Abernetbr. SAO.OT; . ri iui, reei Ki q, naimuna nmiminn, fol.OT; eaet 100 feet lot 5. James Abernetbr, .(icntry. 40.: esat 100 feet ot S. Jidward 7M.-Tentrrr'!Sl2: eaat 100 feet lot S. Jsmes Abernethy, f-M T.I; eaat ion f.-t lot 1, James Abernethy, $ZT IW, It LOCK 11. V.t T, Chris. - una eors, six. u: lot m, II, a. nn.ty, fiin; - lot S. Andrew gwsnson. 31.T; kit 10, IClla nwansoe. fM.Bli Kit 41. Jobs H. A. Fluk, . fW..H; lot 12. John II. A. Fink. $4141. MUM'JC B. lot O. EUaabeth Jtckeraoa. $.W.7H; ht 10. gllsaheth Rckersoa, $23.01: lot 11, Mary g. Hordon, $17 2W: lot U. Mabel 1. WlleoB, I27.S0: lot 14. N.,a Ovsltt, .'14.1; lot 14. V7c. Ovsltt. int. 30; lot It, I.uln B. Donner, $41. R2: lot 11. I.olu E. Donner, r47.0X RIXK'K 1. lot 11. Kmmor . Ualht. 48,o; lot 12, Emmot J. n.lght. $4X4.".; lot . 13. Kmrmc J. Halght, $T3.ft7; lot 14. Kmmor -J.'Ilalght, $47. i; lot 10, Kmmor J. Ralgbt. 4B.Sn; lot 16, Kmmor J. H.lxht, $4. (17; lot IT,. Kmmor J. Halgbt, $.19.14; tot IS, Kmmor J. Halgbt. $.14.10: lot 10, Emmor J. Balgbt. W.M; lot 20. Emmor t. Halgbt. $30.M. Total. $1,703.00. THOB, C. PEVUN. ' Auditor of the City of Portland. . Portland. Oregon, July 18. 1S04. . rsopogzo AsRESBMiirr ros mrBOTE- atEKX OT.IAST IWJjrTT JTIMI -IIJXZXX. Notice la herebe aivee that the Donnetl nf vhe City of PortUad proposee to assess the follow, log described property snd owner or owners ss being snedslly snd peculiarly benefited In the amounts set ooooslta ths 'names and de. scrlptlons thereof fur the Improvement of East Twenty-first street, from ths eenter line of Hancock street to ths south line, of n'eldler street, ss provided by ordinance No. IS.exio. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for ssld Improvement must be made la writing to the Council snd filed with ths Auditor within 16 dsys from the dsts, of the first publication of this notice, and said objections will be heard and determined by the Council lief ore the pssssg of the ordinance assessing -IflHV loviviiQ riuyr r ,niTMV .- I ii- imi oi aaio. improvement. Portland BLOCK It. lot 1. Charles H. Pres. p.-ti.,.rf uiu-v a i. i i'K..iu trDr cott, trustee, $60.BA: lot 2. Charles H. Pres. . cott. trustee. . 818.00. - BLOCK .' lot -S.T- Annie '0 Hughes. $20.4; lot 2. Annie . O. Hughes. $;W.82; lot 15, Annie O. Hughes, $20.74 lot 18, Annie G. Hughes, $200.00. BLOCK 11. lot 1, Charles H. Preseott, trnste. tlKO.m; let 2, Charles H. Preseott, truste, $:I1.70; lot 15, Chsries H. Preseott, trustee, $20.06: lot 18, Charles H. Preseott, tmste. $181 48. BLOCK 14. lot 1. Charles H. Preseott, tniatee, 251.15; lot 2, Charles . Preseott, trustee, 27.00; lot. 15, Charles .' Preseott, trustee, J lot 18. Charles H. Preseott. trustee. 25T.40. BLOCK 2. lot g. Charles H. Pres eott, .trustee, $50 74: lot 7. Charles H. Pres eott, truste. $18.00. BLOCK T. lot 8, Charles H. Preseott. trustee, $'88.62; lot T, Charles H. Preseott, trustee, $29.80; lot 10, Charles H. Preseott, trustee, $28.81; lot 0. Chsries H. Preseott. trustee. $258.18. BLOCK 10, lot 8. Mlna B. Little. $278.27; lot 7, Charles H. Preseott. trustee, $.18.12; lot 10, Chsries H. Preseott, trustee. $.W.45; lot . Charles H. Preseott. trustee, $206.38. BLOCK 15. lot 8. Chsries H. Martin and Henry a Cabell, 82S8.85: lot T. Charles H. Msrtln and Henry C. Cshen. $20.18; lot 10. Charles II. Msrtln and Henry C. Cabell, $30.70; lot w, 'paries it. Martin ana Henry v. I Dell, to.x. 'lotat. s;i.stu.o7. . THOS. O. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. July 18, 1004. rsoroszD assessment ros szwzs a EAST TWXVTT-SXXTK BTSEXT; - - Notlee Is hereby given that the Coonell of ths City of Portland proposes to assess the fol lowing described property and owner or owners ss being specially and peculiarly benefited In ins amounts set opposite tn names snd de scriptions thereof hy the construction of a sewer la Esst Twenty-sixth street from 50 feet sooth ef the Booth line ot Esst Btsrk street to a connection with the sewer In Belmont street, as provided hy ordinance No. 18,flo6. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for ssld sewer must be mad In writing to th Council and filed with the Auditor within 15 days from the date ot th first publication o this notice, and ssld objections will he heard snd determined hy the Council befor th pss ssg of the ordinance assessing th cost for ssld sewer. TILTON'S ADDITION to the City Of Portland BLOCK 1, north 38 feet of lot 1. Title . Guarantee A Trnat Company. $7.50; north 88 feet of lot 2, Title Guarantee A Trust Com pany, $4-80; north 88 feet of the east 20 feet of lot 8, Title Guarantee A Treat Oeav psny, 81.70. roil RTLAND LONE riR CEMETERY East 100 feet of block 80. Portland Loo Fir Ceme tery Company, $30.55; sast 100 feet of block 88, Portland Lone Fir Cemetery Company, 830,65; -east lOO fevtef - lot 87, - Portland Lone Fir Cemetery Company, $30.65; esst 100 feet or block ho. portlsnd Lone Fir Ceme . tery Company, $30.55; east 100 feat of block 85. Portlsnd I .one Fir Cemetery Company, $70.00; es.t 100 feet ef block B. Portland Lone Fir Cemetery Company. $10.40. HANHON'8 ADD. to Eaat Portlanl BLOCK T. north 85.2 feet ot kit 1, city A Suburban Railway company, ll.70; sooth 14.8 feet of lot 1. Hannah L. Essternrsok $8.25; lot 2. Hannah L. Easterbrook. $27.05. BLOCK 8. lot 4. Edward N. Wheeler. $27.05 south 40 feet of lot 8, Edward N. Wheeler. 122 bo; nor to in reet ot lot s. Helen kL tl 1111 ax AO. M u, -. 1 -. jr " IIIIMU1W.W, ..., wna.u I mw. 'I . IUI a, Helen M, Williamson, $15.10; north 28 feet ot lot 2. Henry M. Williamson, $12.85; lot 1. Henry M. Williamson, $27.05. BLOCK 8, - lot 4. John Oantenbeln, $27.05: lot 8. John Gantenbein. $27.00; esst 44 of lot 2. Fred J, McMonles. $17 70: sa.t H of lot 1, Fred J. McMonles, $17.70; west U of lot 2, Henry . Oscar Smith. $10.25: West H of lot 1. flenrv ' Oscar Smith, $10.25. BIHJK 2, east H of lot , r-ste u. Bucswsiter. ni.ro; east H of lot 8, Kate B. Burkwslter, $17.70; west H of lot 4, A. L. Tyler. $10.25; west V. nf lot B, A. ii. lyier. iu.ii mt a, Mary n. McRrid, $27.95; lot 1.. Msry E. McBrlds. $27.05. Total, 868.W1. - . THOg. 0. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City ot Portland. PortUad. Oregon. July 18, 1004. FE0P0SED ASSESSMENT TOE 8EWES II EAST MADISON 8TEEEX. ' Notlee Is hereby riven that the Council ef th City of Portland propose to asses the following oescrinea properly ana owner or owners as neing specially snd neenltarlr benefited in the imounts set opposite th names and descriptions thereof by toe construction of a sewer In Madison street, from 180 feet east ef the esst line of Eaet Thirty-third street to the sewer In Esst Thlrtr-tl ird street, as provided hi ordinance No. 18,fct8. Anv oh lections to tne apportionment nf enst for ssld sewer most be made In writing to the Council and filed with the Andltor within 15 dnv from the dsts of th first pnhllrstlon of this notice, snd ssld objection will be beard and determined he th Council before tbe paaasge of ths ordinance assessing the cost for aa id 'sewer. grNNYSlDE RKCONii ADDITION BLOCK 58, lot, e, nnnnvsine tjinn at improvement cv., 218.85: lot . John Onatafaon. $13.85; lot 12 Pilnnvalde lnd A Improvement Co., $18.35. BIXM'K 60. lot 8, Hnnnnyalde Ind A Improve ment Co., $18.05; lot 11, Snnnr.lde Isind A Improvement Co., $18.05: lot 12. gunnvslde lind A - Improvement Om.r $18.05. , Total, $08.00. THOB. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portlsnd, Oregon, July 18, 1004. VACATION Or 8TEET.T8, Notice 1 hereby glvea that a petition pray. lng for th vsrsttoa of thst portion ef Roose velt street la ths City of portlsnd, Oregon, which lies between the esst line of Twentieth street North and the west line of Sherlock ave. ana, Is pending and will he presented to ths Council of said City nf Portland, at a rerular meeting ox esia uouncii. to Be neie en Wednes day, the 3d dsy of August. 1004. st 2 o'clock p. m., In the council chamber la th City Usll ia nxy. Ralph W. Hoyt. Louts Hnvt Cook. David M. Dunne, Eatste of T. A. Davis (Inc.), gad Topas Land Company, petitioners. 4-Miia t nrvr.tw Auditor ef th city ot PoriiasA iMrtUad, Ortgoa, Jane Jg, 104, CITT NOTICEg. rsoroaxa asbebbiiejiz ros xxrsovx- MINT Or HAWTH0ENI TXJ.EA0E. Notice is hereby glvea that the Council of ths city of Vortlaud proposes to sa.eas ths luilowliis - ttwsor I bed pruMMrtjr .-and owner . or bWuers ss being specially and peculiarly bene fited la ths a mounts aet upuoeite ths nsurs ssd description Uwrsof for th Imia-oremeiit of Ilawtuorue Terrace, from the west line of blxteealh street to the eaat line of Terrace Urlve, as provided by ordinance No. 13,doX Any oil ii',' I Um. to the MtiiHil,iiiiii nt or n.l fur ssld liupruvenieut aiuat be mad is writing tu the Council and filed, with . tbe Auditor within 16 dure fruni ths Sate of ths first pbbUcatlua of thla notice, and said objectiuus eiu oe nsara sua oeieruuoea oy toe uouuci before th paseasa of th ordinance messing the cost of said improreuMUit. UKOVtB S AliDUioN to the City ef Port- utnu til,! n. iia. unatviaeu h lot I, jsmes . hi. . HaseiUns. $d.5W; undivided lot 8, Jamea K. llaaeltlne, ;12 Wy; undivided 14 lot v. 1 ,i . g m. dwwi, mimxm, u o v., $.18. &U: uudlvlded 44 lot 2. loree D. stsck pole rUte. heirs of, $32. 1)0; lot 8, Portland Trust Co. of Oregon, $114.48; lot 4, Portland Trust Co. of Oregon, $123.07. BLOCK 111. south H of lot 1. Portlend Trust Co. of Ore sou, f.24; south V. of kit 2. The Alllauce iruat Co, of Dundee, Hoetlaad, $bl.o4. BLOCK 110. south m of east of block 110,' Canadian A American Mortgage and Trust Co., Limited, $aut.8o; south t of eaat 80 feet of west H of block 110. The In- vssxers- oeeuniy 10., 1.10., ex aoioDura, ocox lsud, $68.18; south of west 60 feet of esst 80 feet of west H of block 110, Wash, lux ton National Building. Loan and Invest nient Association, $07, Jo: south Vk of west ou xeet 01 Ploca liu, Laura A. sianaera, 8103.72. HUHJK lltt. ssat Ml feet of block loo, Laura A. Flandera, IDO.07. A tract of land bounded and described aa follows: Com menclng at a point In ths south line of KUaabeth street 80 feet vy.t of wber th sou in une ut vsia street is -lllterseciea oy tbs esst line of block rov, tirover's sddtttoe to th City of Portland: throe south along a Hue 80 feet west of . nd parallel with the west Hne of ssld block too the north Hue of Hawthorne Terrace; thence west 54.8 feet sloug the northerly line of Hawthorn Terrace; . thence north 4 degrees 11 minute eaat jih.i feet to . Ine aoulB Uue 01 ansa' heth street: thenea euaterLv to Disc of be ginning, i. C. AlnawortU. $08.16. A tract of ana bounded and described aa follows: rte- f tuning where the northerly tins nf Mock 10. tirover's Addition to the City of Portlsnd. extended westerly intersects the southeasterly .llne jut block li, . tirover's Addition to th tity or PortUnd; running thence north o drgreee 85 minutes west 40 feet; thence north 82 di-irrees 20 minutes cast 44 feet,- thence south 80 degrees 31 minutes east 60.23 feet; thence sooth degrees 11 minutes west 00 feet to a point la the northerly boundary line of Hawthorne Terrace a foresaid; thence westerly along nortbeaeterly boundary line or Hawthorne Terrace .north 82 degrees 01 minutes west 24 feet; thence along north easterly boundary line of ssld Hawthorn Ter race south 88 degrees 48 minutes west 23.04 reet to place ef beginning, J. U. Aloawoath, o.ia. GUOVhlfS ADDITION to the City ef Portland oiAivft low, oaaieriy 1 lot e, e. u. avina worth, 8.16.48; easterly H lot 8, J. C. A Ins worth, $43.17; essterly lot 2. J. C A Ins- worth, $70.42; easterly U lot 1, J. C Alns wortb. $184.40. BLOCK 113, lot 5. J. C. A!ns worth. S11ML82: lot 4. J. C Alna worth - $138.80; -Jot a, J. 0. Alueworth. $14.23., bum ii ii. north luo reet lot 1. ins uregoa Mortgage Co., Ltd., $848.22; north 100 feet lot 2. Holt C. - Wilson, $288.86. BLOCK 115. north 100 feet lot 1, Scottlah American Investment Co., Ltd., $175.02; north 100 feet tot x. Bcotusn American Investment Co.. Ltd., $484.71. . BLOCK 118, ths northerly tt of a trsct of laad lying hetweea the southerly line of Hawthorn Terrace and the northerly '""- o. rvearoey .rireei, ana oexween ine Ty,tmM1t. llne'-er block Oioiei'e-AdditloB to the City of Portlsnd. snd the iaeterlr line ot lot 2, block 116. Orover's Addition to in iity or Portland, and a northerly exten sion ot said easterly line ef lot 2. The Oregon Mortgage Company, Ltd., $285.88. All of block 118. Orover's Addition to ths City of " Portland, lying i west " of tbe westerly boundary line of kit 1. block lie, G rover s Addition to th City of Port land, 1 and a northerly extension of ssld westerly boundnry line Of ssld lot 1, Walter Mackay, boU0.87. TntaL $0.1IZ."T. THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, July 18, 1004. rEOPOSED ASSESSMENT rOB UtTEOVI. KENT OF AATaTJA etxeet. Notice is hereby elven thst the Coencll of the City of Portland proposes to assess tne following oescriDea oroDerty ana owner or owners as being speclslly and peculiarly bene fited In the amounts set opposite the nemee ana aeecripnottB tnereor ror tne tmurovement ot Arthur street, from. the west Une of Hood street to the east Une of First street, as proviaeo oy ordinance no, la.nio. Any objections to the sonortionment ef coat for said Improvement muat he made la writing tn tbe Council and filed with the Auditor within 16 days from tbe date of the first publlcatioB of this notice, and said objection will be heard, and determined by the Council before tbe passsge of the ordinance sssns.lni tne cost nr said improvement. CARt'THKRS' ADDITION . TO CARUTHERR' ADDITION to tbe City of Portlsnd BLOCK 52. lot 5. Oregon Railroad A N eviration Co.. $.160.15; lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co.. $51.45; lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Nav igation Co., $.'iS.07c lot 4, Oregon Railroad A j-nTigaiKin . i. , DiAe.a sw, io. o, Richard Martin, Jr., $171.41; lot 8. Hannah Martin, $18.27; lot 8. Kdsrard Mendenball, -. .4.oo: ut .. cawsrd MenoennaiL 8212.-40. BIx;K 40, east 4.2 feet of lot 6. Jamea ' Hamtihrev. 88.25: east 4.2 feet of lot 8. Jamea Humphrey, $2.88; west 2S.S feet of lot 6. D. W. Campbell, $50.16; west 25.8 feet of south IT feet of lot 6, V. W. Camp- neiL o.zh; wen zn reet or east zv.a reet of lot '5. i. K. ana r. I. M.no. ant. 02 west 25 feet of esst 20.2 feet of outh H of lot 6, J. R. and F. I. Mann, $7.54: esst 26 feet of west 61.8 feet of lot S. George Nnthnsgls, $55.07; esst 26 feet of west 61.8 reet of snath it feet or lot s. lieorre Kotn nifle, $5.38; east 25 feet of west 76.8 feet of lot 6. P. W. DeHuff. $63.20; east 25 feet of west 78.8 reet of sooth U .t lot I, P. W, D Huff. $7.54: west 101.8 feet ef north V, of lot 8, Oer man Saving A Loan Society, $30.70; north 8 feet of west H of sotitb U nf lot 6. Germsa Savings A Loan Society. r.OO; lot 8. Jsmes Humphrey. $81.08; lot James Humphrey. $2X4.84. BLOCK 53, lot 8, Louis Arnold. 820T.1V; lot T, Louis Arnold. 824.18: Kit z. Joima h. hsit. S2n.zn: lot i. Albert Wright, $250.42. BLOCK 48, west 75 feet of lot 8. M. R. Llchtentbaler, $H8.46; west to reet ot lot T. M. K. i.icntentnsier, $12.78; eaat 81 feet of lot 8, F. M. Uch tenthaler. $37.01: east 81 feet of lot 7. F. M, Ucbtenthaler, $5.28; eaat 100 feet of sooth H of lot 2. John Dim lev, $25.80; eeat 100 feet ot north U of lot 2, H. 0. Englehsrt, - $25.80 west g feet ot lot 2, F. M. Llchten- thaler. $3 07; west 6 feet of lot 2. Ts M. Uchtenthttler. $0.48: esst 100 feet of kit 1, L. F. snd Sarah M. Guthrie. $158.78. BLOCK 41. lot 8. U P. Been, $171.16; lot T, L. P. Bean. $56.05; kt 2. J. E. Scott $10 81: esst 78 reet or lot l. Laura is and Joan 1. Lanra, 818H.18: west 88 feet of kit 1, W. and at. Scott, $02.87. Total. 83.205.14. THOS. O. DEVIJN, -. - - . Andltor of th City ef Portland. . Portlsnd, Oregon, July 18, 1004. FBOrOSED ASSESSMENT TOE SEWZB I IAST THIBTY-BEC0NO AND SAST SALMON STREETS. Notice Is hereby given that th Council of the City of 1 'or t land proposes to assess the following described property and owner or own ers ss being speclslly and peculiarly benefited In th amount set opposite ths names and descriptions thoreof by th construction of a sewer la Enst Thirty-second street from IS feet south of th south Hue of Esat Salmon strset to s connection with the sewer In Ksst Thirty-second street st East Taylor street: a sewer In Esst hslmoa street from 180 feet west of the west line ot East Thirty-second street to a connection with the Dro Dosed sswer In Knwt Thirty-second street, and a sewer In Esst Salmon street from 180 feet esst of ths esst line of Esst Thirty-second street to a connection with th proposed sewer In East Thirty -second street, as provided by ordinance No. 13,067. Any objections to the apportionment of enst for ssld sewer must be made In writing to ths Council and filed with the Auditor within 16 days from tne date of the first Publication of thla notice, snd a,ld objections will be nesra sna oexerminea oy tne uoaneu nerore tbe pssssge of the -ordinance Bssesslng the sunt for ssld sewer. i - - SI NSVSlliK BLOCK . lot 1. Jennla Gray, $32.20; south H lot 2, Jennla Gray, $8.76; north H lot 2. Sunnyatrle Land A Improve ment Co.. $8.75; lot 8, Siinny.lde Land A Improvement Co.. $17.60; kit 4, Charles W. Bush, $17.50; lot 6. Anton Sehsffers, $17.60; lot 8, Anton Rchnfrrrs. $22.40; kit 0, Bunny side Land A Improvement Co., $22.40; lot 12,' Sunnvslde land A Improvement Co., $22.40. BM1CK 40, lot 8, Runny. Id Land A Improve, ment Co.. $22.40; west ft lot 0, Sunny. Id 1 lAnd A Improvement Co., $11.20; eaat L lot ft. John !. Mlckle, $11 20: lot 12 John I). Mlckle. $2240: kit 13, II. P. W. and Alvlda M. Anderson, $32.20; kit 14, Sunnyslde Lend Improvement Co., $21.20; lot 16, Malhew Steele, $21.20. BLOCK 43, lot 4, Hunnysld ' land A Improvement Co.. $t6.S0; lot 6.-Sunnyslde Land A Improvement Co., $16 80; lot ' 6. Hnnnnyalde Ind A Improvement Co., 816.80; kit 7. Runnyslds Land A Improvement Co.. $16.80; lot 8, Sunnyelde Land A Improve-, ment Co., $16.80; lot , Rnnnralde Land A " improvement Co., $16.80. BLOCK 44, lot 1, Rnnntalde Land A Improvement Co.. $16 80; lot 2. Hunnyslde Lena A Improvement Co., $16.80; lot 8. Sunnyslde leind A Improvement Co., $16.80; lot 4, Sunnyslde lnd A Improve ment Co., $16.80; lot 6. Snnnyetde Land A Improvement Co., $1880; kit 8, Sunnyslde I,nd A Improvement Co., $16.80; lot lettered , N. Hunnyslde - land A Improvement Co., I $25.20. Total, !: 00. - ---- THOS. 0. nsVLTrt. ' Auditor of th City of 1'ortlaad. . rertland, Ortgoa, July 18. 1004, CITT X0TICES. rsorosso assessment ros improve- MENT Or MiSSISSiyPI AVENVS. ' Notice is hereby gives -thst lb Couscll of ths City ot Portlaud proi-oeos to aaaoas th fullowlug described property and owner or owners ss being speclslly and peculiarly bene fited In the amounts eet oouoslte tbs names nd descriptions thereof tug th Improvruieut of Mlselaelppt sveuus from th south Ho of Morris street to tbe south line of Preseott street, as provided by ordlnsnce No. 13,876. Any objections to th spportlonment oi ceei for ssld lmoruvement muat be Biad In writ ing to th Council and filsd with the Andltor wlthla 16 'day from tbe dste ot tbe llr.t publication, of this notice, and said objectleiut Ill-be heard and . determined by th CouucU be tors the pssssge of the -ordtnance aasesslfig ths cost of said Improvement. I'ROEUSThL'tt ADUUION to Alblna BLOCK 4, kit 14, B. Crabb, $28.20; hit- IS, Allduf sod Louise Pe Frsnq. $10.62, - j COOK'S ADDITION to Alblna BLOCK IT. lot 10, Jsmes W. Cook, $00.62: lot 11, Oscar Anderson. $0.56; lot 0. James W. Cook, $70. no; - hit 8, Jsues W. Cook, $01.02; lot 2. Jsmes W. Cook, $77.78; lot 1, Jsmes W. tiok. 5H6TO. BLOCK 15. lot 8, James W. Cook. 14.42; lot , James W. Cook. $1.01, lot 7. sines W. Cook, $75,071 lot 6. Jamea W. Cook. $86.43; k,, 3 James W. Cook, $03.17; W. Cook, 370.08; lot 1, James W. Cook, ot , j.mis w. cook-, wO.ze; lot a, 8165.68. BLOCK 12 lot 1. Addle B. El llott, $24.78: lot 2. Addis R. Elliott. ... BLOCK 8. lot 0, John, Henry and William F. West, $140.00; bit 10, John, Henry and VBJIllsa P. West, $22.80; lot 8, Msrtla L. Moluan. 8 87r lot , S. W. snd Msry A. Dsvls, $or7: Berth H of lot 4, Andrew ' Paulsea, $30.78; south U lot 4. 8. W. and ' Msry A, Davis. $30.78; hit 1. Andrew Paulsea, - - $wo 82' ' MILINOMAH BLOCK 85, lot 21, First CoBgrs- gs xmmssi taenin, bht.sx; lot lu, rirst t'Oogis ssUonal Churrh. 8A3.46: kit 17. Vachartah C Bean, $t7.78; kit 16, E. V. and Llla K. Ber wick, $65.64; lot 13. Vesaliou M. Preston; 806.64: lot ll. P. J. Anderson. $51.01: kit 0. A. B. Anderson, $47.78; lot 7, Andrew - Anderson. $47.78; tot 6, Edwin-A.- Rsyworth, . 885.64: lot 8. John. Hsnrr snd William F. West. $78.36; kit 1, Jobs Hahn, $4).74. BLOCK 28. lot 15. Jamea Ryan. 600.43: kit 13. Jsbms Ryan. $70.08; lot It, A II dor I) Francq. $66.16; lot 0, Fred W. Schraeder. $08. lft; lot 7, Emma A.' Belloh Eststs. heir of, $54.07; kit 6. Ann Schleve, $66.15 kit 8. Anna Bchleve, $70.08', lot 1, Title Onai an te A Trnat Company, $00.43. BLOt'K 23. 1... V II td. VII, In 14 Nora iL Casey, $78.56 hit it-.Mry Keenan. 847.77; kit o. Thorns Keenan, B47.TT ; lot l, J.coh Trues, 847.17! lot o, Jscoo lrueo, $47.77; south ti ef lot 8, George C. Smith, 8:10.25; north ft of lot 8, Msry Concannon, $30.25; lot 1, J. B.. Elegler, $d3.70. BLOCK 14. kit 15, Th Mlaalaslnpl Avsane Hall As sociation, $68.70; kit 13, City of Portlsnd, $6o.61: kit 11, LlllUa Kurta. $47.77; lot , William I- Bantam. $47.77; lot T, Willi. m Trneb, $06.62: bit 6, William Trueb, $66.62: lot 8, William Schois, $o0.61; lot 1. Oeorge G. Csrhsrt. $80.74. BLOCK 11, lot 15, F, K. J. Robinson. $83.84; kit IB, . r Robinson, 8eX 36; lot 11, toma C, -Heraho. $68.77; lot o. Andrew B. Woods. $08.77; - lot 7. William Christie Eststs. heirs of. $68.7T: lot 5. Agnes Montgomery. $56.70; lot 8. Klles Devlin, bhz.ho; kit l, Lariia jonnaoe. SO.1.04. BLOCK 2. kit 11. 'TSO W- lAtnim, iln2.78: kit 8, Henry Beck, $86.42; lot 7, tlenrv uecae.- Biu.we: mt o. trmraa exsra, U-$74-76; lot 8, A. C Nelson, $60.81;. lot 1, a. I), iseisnu. mzu.w. PnOEBSTKU'R ADDITION to Alblna BLOCK o. mt i, jsmes nsrsueia, eea.at, mn e. ..hIUM Sl SKI COOK'S ADDITIiiN to Alblna BLOCK 14, lot 8. School Dlatrlct No. 1, l4loi. a trsct ot land lvina between the east line of lot 8, block 14, -Cask's Additions and a Une 100 feet east ef and parallel with the east line nf Mlaalsalnol avsnu. and between th north tine of Morris street and a - tine 10feet north thereof snd parallel therewith, school lllatrlet No. 1. BCT.UB- ' COOK'S ADDITION to Alblna BLOCK 14. lot 8. Jsmes W. Cook. 8117.02: lot o. ef. E. Nelsen. $86.70. BLOCK 18. lot IT,. James W. Cook. XN3 IS: bit 16. Janes W. Cook. 87288: lot- 18. Jsmes W. Cook. 86.85: lot V 15. Ellen Ekstrsnd, $06.43: lot 12, James W, .l . II IL II. aruilir , 'M 1 $05.43; kit 8. Ole Bohman, $65.48; kit 7. Ole Bobman, $83.45; lot 6, Jons Bohman. fo.T4 lot 8. Jonaa Bohman. J2.01: lot 4. 01 Boh man. $81.44; lot 8. Ole Bohman, $8.15. BLOCK 1. lot 11. James 0. Spencer. $153.83; lot 10. James O. Spencer. $32.68; lot T. J. K. Scott. 808.67: lot 6. Hosan Anderson. $66.67 lot 8. Ruby M. Rhafer, $70.55; lot 2. Fransc MnLTNOMAH BLOCK Tel. wrest U tot 22, Kate V. Jamleson. $112.11: east i lot 24 Karl Srhwarta, $20.71; lot 20. Annie 0. Ban croft sna.28: lot 18. Chsries W. -Hoelund $53.55: lot 16. William McRse. $85.62; kit 14. Anton J. Seiner, $M.55: lot 12. Charles Ttshl. 8.VI.BK: In 10. jobs rbsrlstrora. S4T.TT : lot 8, Jsmes Borthwlck. $53.66; lot 6, Vir ginia ja. Konr, f.ia.Do; kit e. xsmms ana nnns i.ndwte. 863.88: lot a Emma l.nnwig. sti. RlM'K 2r. lot 18. Samuel Osborne. $72.68: lot 14. Amelia gyring. $70.10; lot 12, Amelia Rvrlne. SH6.16: k in. Amelia nyrinr. sHo-in lot 8. Aiaella sad Alhert Syrlng, $88.15; lot 8. Berths Lee. $86.15; lot 4, James B. Mooney, $70.08: lot 2 Jamea B. Mooney. ton ia mnrir S4 lot 16. John Hshn. $N0.73: north H lot 14. Mlehsel J. and Katt Mnrranr. ").2l: soutn Kit is. las v. Robb, $30.26; lot 12 Mlehsel J. snd Katie Mnrnane, 84T.TT; lot m, Mary mcnei, enn.nx north U lot 8. Hannah M. Kane. $23.88: sooth H lot 8, Hannah Mcintosh. $23.88: lot 8. Edith Ann Norton. $47.77; lot 4. Alice Msry Golden. $78.86; lot 2, M. FJ. Thompson, $63.70. BLOCK 18. lot 16, Una Ortffln. 8H0.74: lot 14. James B. Mooney. $78.86: lot 12, Hiram W. Tlrlce. 853.56; lot 10. Turvll Rneeedhoroneh. 868.66: kit H. Chsries 11. MC- Morrow, $65.62; kit 8, William F. Tubbeslng. sm.62: lot 4. William V. snearrer, sik.ot lot 2. Anns FX. and CUIr A. Fischer, $80.74. BIrCK 12. kit 16. Margarett Malone, 803.84: lot 14. M.rearctfe Malone. 882 35: lot IX William Scbols, $56.70: IntlO. Elisabeth and William L. Bantam, iwi.77; lot n. alatince Cavananeh Eatate. heirs of. 868,77: lot 6. Maurice Csvsnsngh Eatnte, heirs of. $68.77; kit 4, Kdwsrfl p. Mnrpny, "a.nn: lot . en ward P. Mnrphv. $03.04. BLOCK 1. lot 12. Mav E. Rlrdaell, $10177: lot 10, Mav R. Rlrdsall. 884.80: kit fL Ida M. Johnson. $08.70: lot 6. Caroline and A. Johnson. 878,23; lot 4. Sarah Isabella- Rosartn. tt.z; lot s. Emma A. Bleloh Estsu, heirs of, $35.43. .JT THOS. C DEVLIN. Andltor ot the City nf Portlsnd. Portland. Oregon. July 18, 1004. BOrOSEO ASSESSMENT FOB SZWZS IB BE1M0NT STREET. Notice la hereby given that th Council of th tity of Portland Dropoaes to assess toe follow lug described property and owner or owners as being speclslly and peculiarly bene fited la th amounts eet opposite the names end descrlDtlons thereof by the construction of a sewer in swimont street, xrom iuu teet west ef the west une oi Esst i hlrty -seventh street to sewer la Belmont street at the east liu of Suuayslds, as provided by ordinance No. 13.863. Any objections to the apportionment of coat for ssld sewer must be made la writing to the Council and filed with th Auditor wlthls ir. dav from the date of tbe first publication ef this notice, and ssld objections will be heard and determined by th Council before th paa g of the ordinance assessing the coat fur said BintfNVRtnR THIRD ADDITION to Portland. Oregon Biiocn. bn, Kit is, aawara i natign man, $11.45; lot IS, H. J. Warden, $18.65; east 18 reet lot it, u. J. nsraen, ft. so; west 20 1-3 feet lot 14, Jacob Warage, 87.00; seat lot 16, Jacob Warage, $6 25: west H kit 15, Clsra A. Holttlnger, $5.26; kit 16, Clara A. Holttlnger, $11.46. BLOCK 60, lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Trust Co., $17.06; lot 4, The Title Guarantee A Trust sue t s irh . I, ,:..Ht,iu s. -Trust Co., l7.05; lot 2, The Title Quaraatee A Trust Co., in. on; lot i, ine une un van tee A Trust Co., $17.10. Total. $158.20. THOS. a DEVLIN. Andltor of the City ot Portland. Portland, Oregon, July 18, 1004. ySOrOBED ASSESSMENT T0B SEWER OT . XZBBT STSXETi Notice la hereby given that th Coonell ef the City of Portland proposes to assess th following described property - and owner or owners aa being specially snd peculiarly bene gted In the smonnts set opposite tbe name and description thereof for the construction of a sewer la Kertiy street from the south Un ef ITeecott street te tbs sewer Is Kerby street at Maoa street ss provided by ordlnsnce No. 18.086, Any objection to the spportlonment of cost for ssld sewer must be made In writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within in dava from the date of th first publication of this notice, and said objections will be heard and determined by tbe Coonell before the passage of the ordinance assessing tbe cost tor said sewer. CENTRAL ALBINA BLOCK 8, lot 1. N.' Jf. Davl. 82o .bo: fit x. n. m. uavm. zn.Ho; lot 8. N. M. Davl. $26 80: lot 4. Clans Han sen. $26 80; lot 6, S. Wilkinson. $26.80: kit 6. I. W. and Lisa! E. Borth. $26.80. BIXM'K 8. lot 1. Ambrose B. Oantenbeln, $26.80; lot Jt, Ambrose E. 0ntenbeln. $26,801 lot 8. Ambrose K. Oantenbeln. $26.80; kit 4, Emma Brmm, $26 80; kit 6. ft. H. Srtmmrt. $26.80; lot 6. William M. Kllllngaworth, $26 SO; lot T. Clsr K. Foster, $26.80; lot g. tiers H. F oater. $26 80. BLOCK 4. lot 12. W. R. W. ll.es. $30.20; lot II, W. R. Wallace, $1600; lot 10. William M. Kllllngaworth, $36.00; lot 8. Ambrose E. Oantenbeln. $36.80; lot 8. Ambrose K. Oantenbeln. $36.00; lot 7. Ambrose E. Oantenbeln. $.16.00. BI1CK 0. lot 16, Daniel H. Harnett. $86.00; lot 15, Daniel It. Harnett, 8.16.00: lot 14. lot he M. Vinton, 436 00; lot 18, William M. Kllllnra worth, $16.00; lot 12, N. M. Davis, $36.00; lot ll.-N. M. Davis. $.16 00: lot 10. Chsries Rweneon. $16 00; lot 0, Frank Nor berg, $36.00. ToUL, $878.10. THOU, a PEVL1N, Andltor of th City et Portland, fort land, Orcgos. July. 18, 1004, CITT N0TICIS. COMPLETION AVD ACCEPTANCE OF SSWEB Notice Is hereby given thst William 0. Elliott. City Kiutinser, has filed. IB tbe office of the anderalgiuHj, notice tbat U. A. Anderson, e in tractor fur the eonstructlon of a sewer lu Fremont street, under ths pro v Hons ot ordl nsnce No, 18.061, haa-euespleted ssld sewer, trt'm. .Culoa avenu to Clevelsud avenue. Ssld scceptsnc will be soualdered by th Exvcutlv Board at 4 o'clock, on ths 224 " euiy, wh, ana; objections ts the su, eeptsnce of ssld sewer, or any part thereoP. msy be filed In tbe office of th uudstslgnsj at nay time nrio THS EEKt'CTIVw-SAARrr,-- By THOS. C. DEVLIN. A nHf I.m. .f ,1. '(. o . i 4 Portrsnd. Oregon, July 16, 1004. 00MPI,ETI0M AND AOOEPTANCI Or SIWEE ..-in XEBBT STREET. " Biiiollfnii; .,.h.v..w"0- of the nnderalgned, notice thst i. H. Blsmmons. contractor f. th. construction of a sewer la U iVh' i.. Pr?"ina er ordinance .,.',.'2 has completed said aow. fro. ttumnoidt street to .. . Said acceptance will be considered by th Executive .Board at 4 o'clock. oeV the 22d jday of July. H04. and objections to the ac- cepiam ox saia sewer, or sny part thereof. 7. - '? ,n; "er ' undersigned st any time prior thereto. THS EXECHTIVB BOARD, . By THOS. C. DKVLIN. . ' ' ' Andltor of tbe City of Portland.' ' rorxlaad. Oregoa. July 16. 1004.. . OOJgrLXTIOV - AND ACCEPTANCE -OF IM. x v( -ia- TWINTX-ITS8X gTEIET. . . , ii .ot,..ta fe."r glvea thst Wllllsm J. El. llott City hnglueer. bss filed In the office of the undersigned notice thst Beehlll Bros., crntr.ctor. for the Improvement of Esst Twenty, rat street under the provisions of ordinance is.", nsve completed ssld street from the eenter line nf a-hii.t.. at .i.. . Un of Weldler .treet. ' Bald scceptsnc will be cnneldered byVth Executive. Board at 4 o'clock, on the 224 day of Jul, 1004. and objections t th ac eeiitanee "'said street, or sny psrt thereof, may be filed In the eftlcs of tha uniWai.n.i at. any time prior thereto. TUB EEKCI TIVB BOARD, , By TH08. C. DEVLIN. irri-udU ef the titr e rhtrA Portland, Oregon, July 18. 1004. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PE0VEMENT Or ZA8T TWKVTT-rOVBTS ' STBXXT. i.J?oUT. " hTb ga thst Wllllsm 0. El liot, city Engineer, bss filed in th office ef the undersigned notice thst Brooks A Beglsn, contractor for th improve slant of Esst Twenty-fourth street under th provisions of ordlnsnce No. 13,875, have completed ssld treet from th north line of Tillamook street w tns nortn line of Knott street. ssld scceptsnc will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day ot July, 10U4, and objection te the ac ceptance of said street, er any part thereof. ' may be Bled In the office of the unduairn..! st say time prior thereto - ' - 1UB KAKCI'TIVB BOARD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN, v- Auditor of th City of Portland. rrs-xiana. uregoa, juiy. IS, 1004 COMPLETION AVD ACCEPTANCE 0V IM- vlnvf HrVT nf fill) ktffTvitfvajitf . STBZXZ. e -' , . . . i . Notice Is hereby elven thst William F r. llott. City Engineer, baa filsd la ths offioa of tha.anderslgnsd Botlce that 44od A Manning,-contracua-a for th Improvement of Eaat Nine teenth at reef, ander th provisions or ordlnsuce No. 18.508, have completed aald strnet from line of Presdwsy.- Ssld scceptsnc will be considered by th Executive Board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d dsy of July, 1001 sod objections te th ac ceptance of said street, or any part thereof, miy be filed In ths offlce ef th undersigned ' '1UK RAHI I IIVE rJOAKIl, - By THOS. C. DEVLIN.. auaitor ex tne city oi ruriwna. Portland. Oregon. July 16. 1004. wanpoRVTi iiciUHm toi nmon. MENT Or PINE STREET. Notice Is hereby given that th Coonell of the City of Portlsnd proposes to saatas the fol lowing described property and owner or owners " as being specially and .peculiarly benefited In the smonnts set opposite the nsmes and de scriptions thereof for tbe Improvement ef Pine street, from ths west line of Sixth street te' the east line of Seventh street, as Drovlded bsi ordinance No. 13,775. Any oDjections to tne apportion ment or cost for ssld improvement mnst oe msde In writing to th Council and filed with the Auditor wit bin 15 dsrs from the date of the first oubllrstlon of this notice, and said objections will be heard end determined hy tbs Coonell before the Dsssaae of th ordinance assessing the cost of said Improvement. rtniii.AP.lJ lilJH k x.4, lot 1. Henry w. or. nett Estate, neira of, sioz.Bn; lot x. Henry V. Cornet t EsUte, heirs of, $87.88. Th . southerly S ol l trlaHgnlar tract of land lying betwsea th southerly line of Ankenr street, the westerly line of Sixth street, and. ine nnrinrriy liu nf rine. aireer, viiy OS Portland, $404.07. Total, $1,145.73. . THOS. a DEVLIN. ' ' Auditor of the City of PortUad. Portland. Oregon, July lSrl&O. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WEST PARK STREET. , Notice Is hereby, given thst at th meeting et th Council of the city of Portland. Ore. gon, held on the 0th dsy of July, 10O4, th following resolution wss sduited: Kcsulrsd. ibst lbs council or th city of Portlsnd. Oregon, deems. It sxDedleat and proposes to Improve West Park street from the north Uue of Tsykjr street to tbe south Hue of Washington strset In the following Bian- r, to-wit: First Br grading tbe street to the Drone grade full width with full Intersections ex cept at th intersection of Alder strset and .. of Morrison street. Second By paving the street full width with full Intersections with asphalt oa a con crete foundation six Inches In depth with two-foot brick gutters. Third ny constructing artiocisl atone .1 de ws lka In sccordsnc with the City Kuglnser's ' plans, specifications' and estimates. Ssld Improvement to be mads la accordance with the charter and ordinance of the City of Portlsnd and th plsns, speclflcstlon and estimate ef the City Engineer filed in the office of the Andltor of tjie City of Portland on the 27th day of June, loot. Indorsed: "City Engineer's plan snd specifications for the Improvement of West Park street, from the notlh line of Taylor street to the south line ' of Washington strset snd the estlmste of the work to be done end tbe Drubs hi total cost thereof." b cost ef said Improvement to be assessed as provided by th city charter upon the prop erty speclslly benefited thereby and which Is Bereoy declsrea to be all the kits, psrts of lots snd parcels of Isnd lying between a line IOC feet west of and parallel with tbe weatr Une ef Weat Park etreet and a line 50 fast eaat of and parallel with th cast line of 1 Weat Park (treet snd between ths north line et Tsylor street and the south Une et Wash-' tngton treet. . Th Engineer's estttpsts ef the pmhshl total enst for th Iniprovsment of said Wsst Park street Is $7,658.00. . The shove Improvement Is to be classed ss; aa aspbslt Improvement and shall be nialn-j talned by the City for th period of tour fears, provided thst th owner of a major ty of th property benefited by aald lm- -prove nient or any portion thereof aha II not petition for 8 new or different Improvement - ertire tne expiration ot aucn period. Th plans, specifications snd estlmstea nf! th City Engineer for the Improvement et said' yv est rsrs street .re hereby, adopted. , Resolved.. Thst. the Auditor of the City of- Portland be and he Is hereby directed to sive notice ef the proposed Improvement ot ssld treet as provided by the city chsrter. Kemon.tr. ncm against the above Imnmve-i ment may be filed In writing with the unlcr-l signed within 20 days from tbe dste of tbe Brat publication of this notion. HI order of the oounrii. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Andltor of the Cltv et Portlsnd. Portland, Oregoa, July 8, 1804. rsorosED assessment for sewer in LOCUST AVENUE. Notice 1 hereby si sea that the flnancM f . the City of Portlsnd proposes to seees th following described ' property end owner or owners being specially and peculiarly bene fited la the amounts set opposite the names nd descriptions thereof by tbs construction ot sewer In Ixicust grenue, from 100 feet west of the west line of the Crescent to a sewwr In l ast inirtieta .treat, ss proviaea by ordinance No. 18,058. Any objection to the spportlonment nf east foe aaM aewee frmat he mad In mU. th Council and filed with th Andltor within 15 day from the date of the flrat nnh1tf.al.M, ef this notice, and ssld objections will be beard ana nexerminea oy tne tsermcll before the r. ee.se of th ordinance assessing tbe eost ir said sewer. SUNN YS1DE BLOCK 14, all ef lot 11 lying norm ox one 100 xeex sonra or snd parallel . with the'sosth line of Ixtenst vnue. Runny. aid Land A Improvement Co., $1.00; kit JO. Runnyald land A Improvement Co., fin. 80: lot ft, Sunnyslde Lend A Improvement 'o., $45 30-v lot 8. Runnyalde Land A Im provement CO.. $65.26. BIStCK 6. southerly of lot-4. Helena M. Williamson, $17.65; southerly H lot I, Rsrsh Jewell, $i8ftA southerly U lot 8, Marias C Jobnatnn, $20 25; soatherly U lot T. W. F. Iluhhard, $16 46;' southerly H kit 8, Homer Humphrey, $0.36. Tout $210.50. , THOS. O. DEVLIN, Andltor ,of ths Cite of rwttasA . .rarUsad. Oregoa, 'sly 18. 1004,