The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 21, 1904, Image 1

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. Tonight and Friday, partly cloudy;
cooler Friday; south to wsst win da.
VOL. III. NO. 118.
Pak Ling Reported; Seized in Red Sea
Later News Casts Doubt on Story
BritishWant Redress or War;
Russian Commander ; of Malacca ; Ignores Rc-
istraining Orders Sails for Cherbourg En
- ' - route to Libau Nearest Russian Port '
o ' v .::.. ;;v. " , v
- : : - ! (Journal Special Service.) , .
I - 1 London,' July 21. All Britain . wu stirred today over 1 the 7 re-
' .ported selsure of another Brltlah at earner in the Red Sea, "by Rue-
(- stan volunteer warships. Th victim this time was the Fait Ling,
prise of great value. '
:, Much relief was. later felt, however, when this afternoon "a cor.
. faction cams from Lloyd's agency statins that their correspondent at
jPerim had cabled that the steamer Pak Ling had passed that port
apparently all right. It is now believed she was merely stopped by
Russians to have her papers examined and , then ' proceeded on her
way, no contraband being found. , ,
Before pi excitement of this Incident was closed came the an-
nouncement that the British cruisers Leander and, Lancaster, two of
the most powerful cruisers In the British navy, accompanied by three
destroyers, suddenly ordered to hasten to Join the Mediterranean fleet
at Alexandria, sailed this afternoon from Malta. . -
Alexandria Is but a short distance this side of Fort Bald and the
captured Malacca, will thus be brought under British' guns if she at-
tempts to reach a Russian Baltlo port. Advices this' afternoon state'
that the Malacca's Russian commander has Ignored the British auth-4
orltles and Is now coming out to Libau. . '
Late this evening, a message from Paris was received reading as
follows: , "The St. Petersburg correspondent of th Matin wires his
paper that Great Britain has given Russia only 24 hours In which to
reply to Its protest against the selsure of the Malacca." 'J ..
jllLKsVirrTstit' ivir tlf A report circulated on " Iheexchangs
this afternoon that wheat on the curb at Liverpool advanced three
cents today on account Of the near approach Of war. Although not
; confirmed, the story created big excitement among local traders.
' (Journal Special Service.) '
London. July SI. The Russians are
'.'reported to have seised another valuable
steamer flying the British flag, the Pak
Ling, commanded by Captain Lewis,
' being the latest confiscation.
The news was disseminated here this
morning through a dispatch received by
Lloyd's, and created a great sensation.
' The Pak Ling sailed from Mlddlesboro
June It, bound for Tokohama, laden
with a general cargo and with several
passengers board.
E he was reported to have cleared from
Gibraltar , July 7, hence It is supposed
; that she was captured by the Russians
'in the Red sea at some point not far
. distant from where the . Malacca was
taken by the Russian volunteer cruiser.
The Pak Ling is an even more valuable
prise than the Malacca.
Coming Immediately after the news
and excitement created by the capture
of the Malacca, the holding up of the
,pak Ling has stirred London almost to
a fighting frensy. That conservative
estimators regard the situation as grave
was shows by the announcement imme
diately posted at Lloyd's advancing the
quotation on war rlaks to 10 guineas.
Prior to the receipt of Lloyd's dis
patch the stock exchange had been show
ing decided nervousness, and a period of
depression followed which could not
have been occasioned by the Malacca In
cident alone..
Consols showed ' a ' further decline,
ranging from a Quarter to five-six-
: teeYiths. Many of the members of the
exchange, freely predict that Great Brit
ain Is on the very verge of war with
Russia, but believe that a chance exists
' of Russia's backing down from her atti
tude and making concession It Is al
most certain that , unless she takes
prompt action grave results may follow
a quibbling over British demands.
, The cabinet also considers the sltua-
: lon decidedly strained and held a meet
ing this afternoon for the purpose of
Although cotton' has been declared
contraband of war by the Russian gov
ernment, the officials of the Portland
Asiatlo Steamship company are prepar
ing to defy the mandate ot the csar and
transport to the far east all the cotton
shipments offered them. The manage
ment of the line Is taxing the matter
tip with the department of commerce
and labor, and the declaration la msde
st the local office that tfe prospects are
very good that Russia wll soon have an
opportunity to sell one of the com
pany's steamers. -
The product of the Southland will not
be ready to market until next month.
Accord his- to present arrangements, - A.
N.- Campbell, traveling agent for the
Portland-Asiatic company, will leave on
August 1 to make a tour of the southern
states and .solicit business for the line.
He will visit Texas. Arkansas, Missis
sippi snd other cotton states and en
deavor to Indues the exporters to send
their products to the orient by way of
Portland. He makes a similar tour ev
ery year, and has usually succeeded In
seenring a liberal share of the bualness.
l"r. Campbell reports that the pros
peK are that there will be consider
ablS cotton sent, ts the far east this
yeir, as there was a big crop raised. He
explains that since It wlU .be consigned
the meeting had closed a messenger was
sent hurriedly to the cabinet chambers,
presumably with the news of the selsure
of the Pak Ling.
la the streets the excitement at times
was terrific, livery corner Is filled with
groups of men discussing the situation,
and curbstone orators have appeared at
different places, to be summarily or
dered by officers to "move on."
Jingoism Is rampant throughout Great
Britain today and the Balfour ministry
faces a - situation which - will require
the sxerclslng of the most ' careful di
plomacy if the nation Is not to be
plunged into a war Involving all Eu
rope. An enormous demand for imme
diate and drastic action In the Russian
selsure of British ships in the Red sea
is made by the press, as well ss the
The majority of the people Insist
that the steamer Malacca shall be taken
by force from the Russian piiss crew, if
she be not instantly and unconditionally
released. .- ''...''. .. v --
On the other hand, continental circles
appear to believe that Russia is entirely
within her rights In taking the Malacca
to a Russian port for trial by a prise
court. ' - -
A prominent French diplomat la au
thority for the statement that Russia
became possessed of Information that
the Malacca had aboard, besides ammuni
tion, an Immense steam crane intended
for the Japanese naval dock at MojL
' That Russia so fsr considers her ac
tions justified and does not Intend to
back down, is shown by a message from
Port Said received here this morning,
announcing that, notwithstanding the
order of the authorities that the Malacca
should not weigh anchor pending British
sdvlces, the Russian captain sailed to
day for Cherbourg en route for Ltbau.
(Continued on Page Two.)
only to Japanese merchants and not to
the government, there Is no reason thst
Russia should make any objections.
"It Is the raw product," says Mr.
Campbell, "and will be. uaed exclusively
for manufacturing purposes. It will be
made Into clothing and other useful ar
ticles and the probabilities are that not
a shred of It will find its way Into the
Japanese army -or navy. ' Under such
circumstances Russia has no grounds
fOr complaint- ' . .......
The supposition ts that Russia Is
ffraid that when It falls Into the hands
of the Japanese In big quantities
they will convert It Into guncotton,
which Is produced by simply steeping
the raw material In nltrlo and sulphuric
acids. As yet It has net been made clear
to the company whether or not the csar
will object to cotton pelng carried to
China. . , -
"The steamship Klcomedia la the next
freighter , of the line which will visit
Portland. She has sailed from Hong
kong on the return trip, and Is expected
to reach Tokohama on Saturday. The
vessel will arrive here about the middle
of next month, but she will sail on the
outward trip before the cotton Is ready
to move. Already freight space on her
for o,qo barrels of flour has been engaged.
discussing the Malacca Incident. - Befi
When the Danish steamship Norge went down off the eoaet of Scotland Junr2arand 700 lives were lost,
there perished slso trie- tope W yearnd .thednaJTi of John Damberg, of this city, and Msr-
tin Sidchorg, of Toledo, this stats. On beard the vessel was the wifVoF Damberg with her two children and
in the party was ths sweetheart of Sidchorg, nice of Damberg. . '
Damberg .learned Monday that his family had perished and at once reported his loss to Dr. W. T. Eisenvve
Danish vios-oonsul st this plsce. By eommunioatjng with the Danish minister at New York Damberg's
statements have been corroborated ,b the vIoe-ooneuL " ..' . .
. Damberg Is Russian laborer and lives at the'Burnslde lodging house, Burnside snd 8eoond ' streets.
Sidohorg has purchased a small farm near Toledo but came to ths city as soon as he learned of the dis-
astsr. Hs is stopping at the Grand
Sidohorg emigrated to Amerloa
4 Russian province on the Baltic sea,
prospered. He purohassd-a small farm and there built a home for Lizette, the 18year-old niece of Dam- .
berg, who promised to be his wife before' he left Libau. Finally he saved enough money for her sxpensss
to this country and. forwardsd It Shs took psssags en the Norge.
A year after he reached thie country he wrote to Damberg. his friend and prospective relative, telling
him of the opportunities of this new country and advising him to com. Leaving his wifs and two children
Damberg emigrated with the promise thst the others should come ss soon -as he made enough- money
for their expenses. ' ' ' : ' i--------'- Vv'- ' .:;;J' v .r-.'
7" H worked as a logger, cutting railroad ties and at any other work that could be found. For several
months he worked at Eataoada and has also lived at a number of other smsll towns nsar Portlsnd. He also
savsd enoogh for the expensss of his family In coming to him and forwarded the money at the same time -
that 8idohorg sent his. His wifs and her two children also took passsge on the Norge.
Thers were over 800 passengers
e New York-andrwBfc tfceel of
. - .-
Agreement fc Reached Whereby. All
'Differences Are to Be Submitted
to Arbitration,
... (JoornU Special Service.)
Chicago, July 11. The packing house
strike Is ended. At a meeting, held. in
this city last night at which -officials of
the Meat Cutters' union, representatives
ef the packers and all, the allied trades
connected at the stockyards-were pres
ent, an agreement was reached by which
all differences now existing are to be
submitted to arbitration.'
The decision reached by this board of
arbitration is to be final and the parties
to both sides of the controversy agree
to abide by Its findings. .
All tndloatlons today point to an early
resumption of work at ths different
plsnts throughout ths country that were
affected by the tie-up, and It Is now
thought that by Friday everything will
be In good condition, as all the' strikers
are being notified as rapidly as possible
of. ths peaceable adjustment of the dif
ficulties. i :-
To the allied craft of the stockyards
is dus ths credit for bringing about a
peaceable settlement " of the existing
trouble by arbitration. ( Numbering al
most 15,000 members, representatives
of these unions yesterday made an ap
peal to the packers for a conference
looking to some arrangement whereby
the atrike might be ended in a manner
satisfactory to both aides.
In their request for this meeting they
ssked that representatives from the
paokera, allied trades and the strikers
should meet, thus making the confer
ence a three-sided affair. This appeal
was looked upon favorably by the pack
ers and resulted as above stated.
Arrive at Agreement.
The reason for the allied trades rep
resentatives taking this step was to
avert - the threatened walk-out of - all
.members of the different unions that
they represented at the stockyards.
The agreement arrived at by the dif
ferent representatives at last night's
meeting provides, for a committee, as
"On representative of the packing
house companies; one representative of
the Amalgamated Meat cutters snd
Butcher Workmen of North America;
these two to select a third member. The
two first shall meet within 41 hours
sfter resumption of work, proceed to
elect ths third member and shall meet
dally for that purpose until this duty
has been completed.
, "When the third member hss been
selected, the three shall meet daily un
less adjournment be had by unanimous
consent until the final conclusion haa
been reached and ths award made. Any
former employe not .re-employed within
4i days after data that work is re
sumed to have - the privilege of sub
mitting his or her esse to the board of
arbitration. .
Tlctory for Donnelly.
The consensus of opinion - is that
President' Poimrtly has scored almost a
complete victory, as the sgreement ar
rived at is considered practically the
same as the offer made to the packers
by Mr. - Donnelly last Saturday. . The
same conditions sr to prevail when the
men return to work as before the strike,
with the exeeptlon thst the arbitration
committee shall havs the adjusting of
the wage scale. . ' . .
. There Is much, Joy today In the stock
yards district ever the settlement of
the-strtke. Many men applied for work
In advance of the time set for a gen
eral return, i Donnelly hsa received re
plies from a majority of the members
of the executive - board Indicating an
endorsement of his action. A special
meeting Of the Packing Trades council
has been called for tonight to ratify the
.' . Speelsl Bervtaa.) '
- Xanana City. , Mo... July !l.--Hundreds
of strikers returned to work this morn
ing apd are working aide by aide with
non-unionists without trouble.
LawzsTOS BAvena , inuo.
(RpeHa! IMapatrk to The Joaniei:) '
JLewlatoti Ida., July 11. Joseph Nor
tnsn, a , rancher -living near here, was
slugged by two' masked men while on
hla way horn last night and dragged
from his horse snd robbed of I J0. No
clus to his assailants.
Central hotel. .
three years ago.1. Hs previously livsd
He came direct to Oregon and by.
on the ship, 700 of whom wore lost.
Reokallr 290 mites ff th coast of Ssetland. 8 he sank almost immediately
. .;e
e e e e 9
e . . ,- " ' 1 ',
Municipal League Swears Complaints
"Against Proprietors of Six Cam-
lng Houses in the City. . ' :
City Attorney McNary today Issued
complaints sgainat six Portland gam
bling houses, and Dan R. Murphy, coun
sel for the Orpheum - establishment,
bore them to the municipal court, where
Judge Hogue Issued warrants. These
were placed la the hands of Chief of Fo
lic Hunt for service. ' "
To ' warrants Included Sol Shapiro,
proprietor - of the Mas cafe on Third
street. .This is the first time during ths
present aeries of. arrests, that .ghsplro
baa been .molested. All of the eorn
plalnts were made by- members of the
municipal association. The proprietors
of th Portland club, three In number,
were Informed against by W. I John
son, ss was also Bhaplro. J. W. Bla
ster and August Erickson war Informed
against by John Bain. Fred Frits snd
Eugene Blaster- were Informed, against
by David M. Pattulo, Ball In each
cas was fixed at $100.
City Attorney McNary did not hesitate
to issus ths complaints whyen witnesses
were brought before him this morning,
but declines to make any statement as
to his future policy.
"I believe In carrying out th policy
laid down by th administration.' said
Chief Hunt, "and will obey orders." If
told to seise fixtures, 4 shall, do so; If
not, none will be seised.
. In the stat circuit court District At
torney Manning filed two1 informations
against August Erickson and two
agalnat Pet Grant. Nat Solomon and
Harvey Dale, charging them with keep
ing gambling houses In the city of Port
land contrary to the state laws. The
dates of July IS and It are named on
which the offenses were oommltted. Two
Informations covering th same offense
and dates were also filed agalnat Eu
gene Blaster.
Attorney Wilson TV-Hum appeared
In defense of Erickson, and Attorney
B. C Spencer acted In Ilk capacity for
th othf r defendants. Attorney Hume
aaked until September 15 to answer the
indictments. . The district attorney . In
sisted that a very much shorter time be
granted. Judge George, who presided,
was st first Inclined to allow- the de
fendants 10 days in which to answer,
but the district attorney Instated on
quick action, and the court gavo the
gamblers 10 days In which to plead or
demur to th Information, saying that
In the event of a demurrer he would
take up the matter and hear It shortly
before the sitting of th September
term of the court.
(Jooreal Speetal Serrloi.)
Cincinnati, July 21. It haa juat been
discovered that a number of persons pot
entitled to admission participated In the
election of a grand exalted ruler of the
Elks. .
Fraudulently substituted credentials
numbering about 10 were - used. The
grand lodge met today and took appro
priate action on the death of Paat
Grand Master Detweller, - '
(Jnsrnal Special gerrlee.)
.Washington. July 11. Heavy expendi
tures at the beginning of th fiscal year
have resulted In cresting a deficit this
month of 11 . 000. 000 and in reducing the
treasury working balance from 160,000,
000 to J 4.000,000.
STmzxa raograor axauairo.
-Joarael-Special Service.)
. . Fall River. July 11. bor leaders
announce thst they will not seek a con
ference looking to the possible compro
mise or calling tbs strike off. - Trades
men sr alarmed at ths prospect of s
long stria-
(Journal Rperlal SttW. ) ' '
Havre, July 11. Mrs. Maybrlrk ar
rived her This morning and prooeedad
to R
at ths city of Libsu, Kurlsnd, a
hsrd work and frugal hsbits has
, Shs Isft Copsnhsgen bound for
After Nearly an All I Jight Session the
Missouri Democratic Convention ,
v Names Famous Attorney.
(Journal Special Service.
' Jefferson. City, Mo.. July SI. Last
night's session of ths Democrat lo state
convention - will " be e historical " mile
stone in politics. Mors than 1.000 peo
ple jammed the hall, and several women
fainted.. m: . :
At 11:10 o'clock this morning perma
nent organisation was effected snd at
1:40 o'clock ths first ballot was taken.
Th result was as follows: Flk, 640;
Hawes, 114; Reed. 4. Folk's nomina
tion waa mad unanimous and th ova
tion accorded him was extraordinary.
Adjournment was than taken until It)
O'clock this forenoon. ' .
Folk's nomination comes as a distinct
rebuff to th machine anilities of ths Re
publicans, and la also a tribute of com
mendation for the fight which he made
against boodllng In the city of St. Louis,
snd for which he gained a national
fame. It had been predicted that he
could not get the nomination for the
gubernatorial candidacy, and that atrong
efforta were being mad ' not only
within ths Democratic ranks, but
through certain Republican bosses as
well, to prevent his suecess.
At today's session Thomas Roby was
Somlnated for lieutenant governor,
udge James Cowglll for treasurer, El
liott W. Major for attorney general and
A. O. Allen for auditor. y
(Journal Special Service.)
East Molina, I1L, July 11. Two rob
bers -early - this morning placed a pint
of nltro-glycerln against the doors of
th new State bank at this place and the
explosion blew the building to pieces.
They got awsy from the posses with
out securing sny booty. The safe was
just installed about a week ago. -
Owing to their seeming unfamlllarlty
with explosives, ss judged from the
amount they evidently used. It Is
thought by- the authorities that the
burglars ars novices, and that their cap
ture will soon be effected.
(Journal Special Service.)
, Chicago. - July -1 1. In a- riot la the
Ghetto district this morning Policeman
LUlia was probably fatally wounded
and a number of others seriously In
jured. The trouble grew out of sn at
tempt on ths part of ths dog-cstchers
to capture a yellow cur, which attempt
was resisted by the mob. '
The police were called and charged
th mob with clubs and pistols, snd sf
ter a' terrlflo battle the rioters were
Anally dispersed. After the ground waa
cleared Llllls was found lying In an ap
parently unconscious condition from his
Injuries and hurriedly removed to th
hospltsL' .
" (Special Diapetrb to The Jrarnal.)
Eugene, Or., July 11. Mrs. James
Kinsman, who shot W. W. Korn st Ma
bel Wednesday night over th possession
of a rope. Is now in Eugene endeavor
ing to secure bonds.
Bhe was brought down early this
morning by a constable, she having been
bound over by a justice of the peace.
Korn la reported ss Improving' snd may
live.,-' : ,
raa at Bocxroxs.
-fSpeHaV Pta patch te The Journal.)
Rockford, Wssh.. July 11. Fire today
destroyed the block owned by E. C.
Rmlth and occupied as a restaurant and
the lodging house of C. Ooddards, The
walls snd plate glass of the Nae A Run
die' building were slso damaged. The
loss Is $2,000 with small insurance, .
James Cleason First of
Democratic Delegates!
to Return, v -
Famous Message From Esopus Strength'
. ened the Party in Doubtful East
ern States, Declares the Port
, lander Other Delegates.
The prospects of Judge Parker's slso-'
tlon aa president look very brlxht to
James Gleaaon, one of the Oregon dele
gation to the Democratic national con
vention at St Louis. Mr. Gleaaon
reached home this morning.
"The party managers purpose to maks
New York and a few other eastern
states the great battleground of the
campaign," said Mr, uieaeon. "I was
impressed with the strong enthusiasm
of the eastern delegates for Parker, and
with their confidence of bis election.
New York Democrats' are greatly elated
over-Parker's nomination and Tammany
men say they will take their eoats off
snd work for him to th utmost. I wss
assured by on of the Connecticut dele
gates that ths stat will surely go for
Parker. Th nomination of Davis for
vice-president Is said to assure Demo
cratic victory In Maryland and West
Virginia. I did .not have opportunity
to learn much of th,condltlons- tn-llll-nois
and Indiana. But I believe that
Parker will be elected and the plan of
concentrating: the efforts of the party
upon ths doubtful eastern states Is an
excellent one. Th national committee
will not waat its efforts or . Its money
upon states thst are hopelessly Repub
lican. -.-. . -J.'-'.!:-....
"What about . Parker's telegram?
well, i admit tbs convention wss In ths
sir for a little while after that tele
gram cams, but It waa ail right finally.
I look on It as really a master stroke
on Parker's part. He showed himself
a greater statesman tnan any on had
supposed, and after the first surprfs
th general sentiment was on of ad
miration and approval. Unquestionably
that telegram haa greatly strengthened
him before the voters in the doubtful
eastern states." '
Mr. Gleaaon was rather surprised to
learn that none of th otber members of
ths delegation to the ow Ipuls conven
tion had yet returned.
"W all scattered after th conven
tion." he explained. "Governor Cham
berlain went to Mlsnlaalppl and Mr. Ilol
man went on to New York to attend
the meeting of the national committee.
Matlock took a trip to Tennessee, Butch
er went to West Virginia and I think
Garland went to th Atlantic eeaat. I
came back by slow stages over - the
Northern Paclnc" - -
(Special Dbpatrb te The JoeraaL)
Coeur d'Alene. Ida. July 11. Miss
Phena, a telephone Operator, had just
removed her steel headgear yesterday,
when a wire of ths electric road crossed
the telephone wire causing a crash.
In a moment ths entire room waa in
flames, and the headgear, was writhing
on the floor emitting sparks. It was
mads redhot by ths powerful current.
- (Journal Special' Service. )'
Washington, July 11. Consul Kaiser
at .Masatlan, . Mexico, cables -ths. stats
department that two Americans were
shot down In their office In Aguas
Callempeade Vacs, this state, by Mexi
can officials. , . ,
The department has cabled th gov
ernor requesting a prompt investiga
tion. sisokakoks rmoM CUSTODY.
(Rperlal Dispatch to The Joaraal.)
Hood River, Or., July 21. Becnuss of
Insufficient evidence. Al Scott, who waa
arrested for, alleged Implication In the
Doljie Welds case, th 14-year-old girl
who waa sent to th Boys' and Glrla'
Aid society last month, waa discharged
from ruatody yesterday after an ex
amination before Recorder Nlckelsen.
(Journal Special Service.) . ...
." Madrid. July 11. A royal scandal Is
eaualng troubla In ths court of Spain.
Alfonso's father" had two sons by a
famous singer, Ellen Sans, and wrote
her several letters admitting their pa
ternity. ... ,
After ths king's death Queen Christina
bought the lMter and granted a small
annuity to the boy They sr now ssed
10 and 11 years, respectively, and have
made a demand on Alfonso for an In
creased allowance, claiming to have ad
ditional compromising letters, which they
r. '-
After 24 Hours Bonesteel,
S. D., Authorities
Capitulate, v '
Governor Refuses ThemRow Between
Grafters and Gamblers at Res
;. ervatlon Opening. Results -.
In Rioiing.--
-' " (Joornal Special Service.)
Bonesteel. 8. D.. July 11. This town
hss now been formally turned over to
the grafters and that, too, by .the. per
mission snd capitulation of Mayor Erb.
This condition has existed for ths past
-14 hours,
- When the ' government lands of the
Rosebud agency, were, thrown, open there
wss the most unprecedented rush of
gamblers and grafters to this place that
has sver taken place In American, his
tory. , Between these two factions thers
arose a War.-
Jt culminated In the gamblers getting
possession of the situation and securing
the backing of the city authorities. An"
attempt was made to stop all grafting
and confidence : games snd - run tiie
grafters from the city..
Police were detailed to protect th
gamblers who were running great games
snd being granted an exceptional pat
ronage from the thousands of .home
steaders who assembled hers to register
their names for entry upon government '
land." T,, t i
Assembling in numbers the grafters
assaulted the ' police, overpowered them
and took away their-clubs snd stars. In
the free fight which attended this move
many mcn-wer slightly but nor. se
riously' Injured.
Finding himself unable to control the
situation. Mayor Erb applied to the gov
ernor for troops. The governor declined
to interfere. Bloodshed threatened It
the, police attempted to quell the graft
ing element, and to avoid this the mayor
capitulated, making terms with all aides.
Although apparently In the minority
the law abiding cltisena are in reality a
majority and It Is thought that not
many hours will slapse before an ar
rangement Will be perfected having for
Ha purpose the driving from the town
of all of that element that seems deter
mined to defy ths laws.
Although to all appearances quiet now
reigns, there Is sn undercurrent of feel
ing that Is gradually coming to the sur
face and by many It la feared that
bloodshed may result before events as
sume their normal state.
(Joornal Special Service.)
San Francisco, . July 11. Ths first
case won against the Clttsen's alliance
employes organization came In. a de
cision yesterday by Judge Slosa. who
granted a temporary Injunction against
the alliance's use of 1 ax label patterned
after that of the Typographical union.
"The label of the union is its regis
tered trademark and Cannot be - In
fringed." says th judge In his decision.
v (Journal Special Berries.) ',,'
Pittsburg. July 11. Nicholas Olai
ner, aged 44. waa this morning executed
In th jail yard her for the murder of
Margaret Hall, a servant girl. Glasner
waa entirely Indifferent as to hla fate.
He had pleaded guilty and refused to
employ a totwyer.-He claimed that he
wss drunk when he killed the girl. '
(Special Dispatch to The JonrsaL) '
Chesaw, Wash.. July 11. Fred Grant,
aged 18 years, who waa arrested here
yesterday, charged with horae-stenlina.
haa escaped from the officers with
shackles on. He la being closely pur
sued and his early capture la expected.
(Special Dispatch te The' Joornal.)
: Moscow, Ida.. July 11. Senator W. A
Heyburn left today for New York, lis
ts a member of the committee to notify
President Roosevelt of his nomination.
King Alfonso Is In f-.vor of granting
their demands, but . the dowa-r que-ti
Is strongly opposed snd to fttls op
position on the psrt of ths young ruler's
mother Is due the fart that the Indis
cretion of the former monarch of Spain
has become heralded broadcast
Not In many a dsy hss so choice a
morssl of gossip presented Itself for
the edification of th court m-tnt.ei
and hangers-on of Spanish rnvaliy. sn.l
the prlnrlnsl tnj.1.; of rnnversatliti
among them Is the ajwciisMlun "f die
latest phasce of thrt skeleton In th
royal household ss 11 is gruluull lui.J
threaten te make public s
. ' ' '