THE OREGON DAII.Y JOURNAL' PORTLAND, . WEDNESDAY 'EVENING. JULY. 20. 1901 lOrfQon for tramMrutlim thruuxh Um wtU m momm- clo wtTitf Post.-, lor lnrl eopte: Per am 8. 10 12 P paper. 1 nut; HUM M, I eeBtei ea ts 4 pages, cents. TZLKTHOirXB. 1 Basinee Offlc Mala 600. Editorial Booms Ms hp, 200. iniirai ADYttTISrBO) BEPBESEBYAirY ?;!4-fmta Sperl.l "' JSl 1 W TaSSS K.W SOTS, - HTBgCHtf TI0 KITH. 1 lers T oarner. rrj Dally inrui. win sueday. I ' "THe Thill T 1 ..... ova Terms by Oarrlsr. .wily The Dally Th Dallr Tn run. f 1 1.11 - 7 I Knnrfaw 1 mOOtll The Dell, per tt. fcllwml Bunds : , ,. eeptea ........ : hni hr Malt ..' . '" 'Th tony Joarnl. wlik doday. t T'-V!S il. wiib anuwji a "i wi il. llb Bniular. Bxwith j TJ 1. mnntha...;.. f i! I. wltk PnnJa. t "tb J TV I. moBtha...........v;- J jins nally Jonrn!, 1 iiiy .oarnai, 1Tb felly Jrarn.l, The rafly journal, with 8und.y. t menth. .J ! fllr JemrnaL 1 Bjonth..,,..,...------' JTh Snnday Journal, t rear. ;.... f The Sunday Jonrnal. inoptbe. ." I The Benl-Weekly JoaraaL Th Senil-Weekle Jonrnal. 8 to -2 pages, . ear lean. Illustrated, fall market rs- ports, 1 aar Tba Weekly Journal. , ,-' :Tba 'Warktr JovpaL UK) coluaioa of ta I aaek laaiw, lUuatratod. (nil awrkak ' I J porta. 1 ar...i i-" iUailtBiaraa atuoM K. wtmAm ttr drafta. aaatal mmtmm A II .mnllllt BIW Bowptania la 1 ana Kant noatac ""'i. THE JOCRMAJL 9. O. 9nt til. PortTand. Or. , .- ' ! VEXBB THS JOVKVAI. JUT BX TOWH. Tba Jonrnal eaa hm ftmnil m aaai at tba fol- imwinr plana: ..- CHICAGO. Poatoffloa Mawa compaar. 1T8 Daaf. born atreet. bihk, ioaho Plonaer boob atora. . DENVER, cot. Kmitrirt B)k A StaflooarT Totnrany, r Bl J Teentefir atraat ; - .- utacm. flliteeoth and Curtla atroeta. IK A NBAS C!TV-To Nor Mewa tomnaar. 'LOS ANGELES. B. F. Oardner. "ontb I Bprtnc afreet; OUrar A Balnea. SOB booth i Rprtna; afreet. MINNKAPOLI M. 2. KaTanaofb, 60. Boot I xnira. INK w YORK CITT BrentsBo'a, Cnioa aooara. lOGOHS. Orn-en New. company. OMAHA.-rMlllard botal news standi Meaatk I Htstlonery conuany. IKfl rarnnia atraat. ALT LARBJ CITY Keaeoa hotel aewa etaa Barrow Broa.. 4 Weal Second atreet Bnatb. (frr rniTtft Phllln PimiIm aia ImuI atraat. - 'AW rEANCISCO W. B.'Ardlnc. Palae botal ' ttfMtl VrmA XC lues inm kf.rket atreet. ' mPOKAKH WsstiJhe W flrshasa A Oo. IACOMA, WASH Cantral Wawa company. 1121 I Paetnc arena. f - , AtrOZIOX tALEB TOXOUUW. Br Geo. Baker A Co., Park and AMe atreeta, ly Geo. Baker A Co., Park and Aldew atreeta, i0 a. m. Bale of kouaebold affecta. Geo. ir A Co., auctioneer. , y Sllrerneld. t-3 MorrUoa atreet. at 1:80 a. m. Bale of high-grade cloaks, an It a. at Baker By and I SO p. Jrl ale A. I.. Lanrenateln. aaetionper. At ) Morriaon atreet, at 10 a. m., t:M p. m., T 30 p. aa. Bale of clothing: ahoea. rents' fnntlablnc roods, trunk a and T sitae. Charlea Fertlg. auctioneer. Br Andrew Kan A Co.. Fourth and Morrlaoai atreeta. at 10:Ao a. m.. 1:80 and 7:30 p. m. ,Bah of Janaaeee and Chtneae gooda. I VZATKZB kZPORT. ' Weather condition and general forecast for I Oregon, waablitgtoB and In. bo: I i'lear and Dlraaant weather f Clear and plraaant weather nrerall la th I tjriA. mtmlMM .Hie immiIh, ..nt . Inn. Ik. ; j Parlfle eta tee thla morning, eicept along tha 'California meat, arbere It la fogry. Hbowera .'and thnnderatornM bare occurred In Kebraafca, , 'Kaneae, w cetera New Vork. wektera PennayU jraala and Weat Virginia, and "now era are also 'reported along the western Gulf coast. . Normal temperature are generally reported I thla BMralng. except Is eastern Washington. i Montana, - in !a solas ana taw nprier lake Ki..a "JSHL2- ta W,U"" Montana, - th INikotaa and tin upper lake i Taller and aouthera Oreren. The Indication are for fair and con tinned iwarm .weather In thla district Thursday. It will ! pmiHihly" b warmer tonlgbt east of tha Cae ca due. Maximum temperature la teat 24 hour. 84; minimum temperature, 68; preclpitatloa, .0. ' ' SEATHB. . -',.. July IS, Mathla Kahlo, ared 82 year, at I n-uniu, area s. year, at I heart disease. Burial at I Eaiem. or. ; caoaa, erematorlum. . July 14, Grace A. Prideanr tlawklna, aged 80 year, at Haa Franclacn; cause, (aeumoula. "xnirial ax ntremew cemetery. July 16. Dr. Fraota Hunt Oae, ared 4T rears. at Seattle; caoaa, chronic tirpbrltla. Crema torium. . July 18, Auloa Jewett, aged 24 rear, at t White Balmon, n ash. ; caaee, tubercukala. . 'CrtmatorluJB. -. - . creBMtorrnm aa orerna ciry ear line, near Bell wood; modern, adentlflc. complete. Chargae auuns. SHi; rniinrea), o. rieixora V a. m, to 1 p. m. Portland Crematloa aasocUtloa, .Portland, Or. Th Edward Holms a Cndertaklng company, faaeral direct oca and ambalmera, 220 Third atretL Paon 807. I. P. Plnley A Bob, funeral director aad ambalmera, he re remored to their new eetab llrbment, corner Third and aiadlaoa atreeta, Both phoara No. A Eeller-Byrnea Co., ftmeral director and env balBMra, 278 UaU. Lady assL Pbon Eaat lOsa. t " . BPILPIMO PEBltTTfl. ,' July IB, to Bartman. Tbernpaon A Power. It-attry dwelling on Johnson, between Twentieth and Twenty -first atreeta; coat, M.600. July 1ft, to Hartman. Thompson A Power, f 2-story dwelling on Thurman. between Tblrty- eecnnd and Rugby atreeta; tmt, (5,6110. July 10. to I. Bwett, repairs to bona oa rrom. netwaea voiamDia ana Clay atreeta; anat fM. July 10, to J.. B. Morrison, eott en Idaho, between Macadam and Wisconsin streets; coat, fl.oon. . July 18, ta J. M. Oleay. enttare -on Eaat Elerenth. between Eaat laele and Ua.t Ererett atreeta; coat, fl.050. . Jnlar 18. to E. B. !earn. 2-storr dwelling on Eaat Darla, between Eaat fifteenth end . " a -.He 1. TB Journal, wltn reaasy, j it osrnal. month , f Journal, with Sunday, axontn J , East Sixteenth afreets; cost, 12. Mm. ' July 18, to Addle M. Hunt, cottage en East i Blxteentb, between Stark and Washington , atreeta; coat. fl.S70. I July 10, to M. Moran. 2 a tore dwelling nn 1 Height, between Sharer and Mason street: (coat, f. BEA1 ESTATE TBABBrEBt. ' Jan -Q. Buck ma a to John Manning and II. B. Adama. luta 1 and 2, block TT; Eaat Portland fS,400 . . Emily J. Chapman to John A. Ver , ateeg. eaat 2-2 kt 11, block SOi, Couch addition 1,880 Shirley Bnck to Ellnbeth 8. Bock, lota I- a and o. block VJX, t'nlreralty I'ark.. Adrian McCalman and wife to Edna P. K. Bender, lot 8. block 11, Alhln llome --atead ... r. ;. ... . xAaoc1td Banking A Trust eompanr to Jame P. Smith, lot 18, block UK, rVll- . WOOd ..... ' Arleta lAnd company to Agda Malm, lot , 1, Arleta Park' W. O. Warner end wife to Mary J. Ker- 100 250 180 115 wlck, weat H hit 1, block E, North Irrlngton , , 1.T50 Mattl K. Palmer and husband to Bcnla- mm P. l oumana. lote 18 to 18, block 1"H, Hellwood , ,.J. K. Rett apd wife to Huldab Wark, j lot 21, block 2. TalMiaco Harrison B. Tlnrla to Sarah C. Tlnrle, 1 lota 18 aad 20, block. 1U8, Norwood . addlMi , B. M Heard, trustee, to A. Edgar Beard. I north of aouthweat and fraction ' aouth H of northweat aectlon 10. ' end fractloa aouth H of northeast Vi ' ' ' section D, all la township , 1 aouth, range S east Llewelyn Wllllama and wife te Iron Will. . laraa. lota 41 to 44, block 37, i'ealnso lar addition No. 1 niberula Has-Iocs liank to Lnrtna Moni , eon. lot 1.1. Mork 2U Sooth Portland. Aremlnta Pelhl,e to I.. B. Chinman. lota TOO 1 2R0 1 to 4. 8 to 14. block f, Cblpmau'a ad- dltloo to St. Jnhna Jacob J. Haha and wife to Nancy A. Wilson, lot a, block 80. Sellwood.. -The Inraatoea' Mortgage Secnrlty com v tiany te J. ft Jonea and wife, aonth V, of 8"IK-f't tract berlnnlng ' .aith Una Kllasbeth tmrt block llu, tirorer a addlllna . , lipoid Thstihiier to Plrat : National . Jbauk ,a( l-u. ii.u4. lot a. bloc II. I 31 FRESH S FRESH MEATS ARE WEAKER AND LOIR UBBTVAXB AM BAJUVT ITnOTID T WASH WXATXXB TXAX. Alr- TOOSTKZB TOO UTXIT XV, COX nra -ovxt hit moos inir WATZiucsxioars x.owsjk rroat Strwt. Jlllr iO-Th. nrinrlnal whn ronianq wnohwale mark.ta tuday arc i.-u iwu) cDiua la oaa aaapar Poultry niarkat mr-k at dcrllDa. Halibut cuMlnuea oat of market. H.Ium.b waa ararra todar, . . Heral oara nrlooa arrlro. I'p.fh. .M nnnt-A k... ..V. l. Tsmatoca an cheaper with larjrf rwelpta. tream ootatoao auDulrlnv trmAm. . Two cara baoaoai rvUera market. - - ' ' ' " ' rraah Maata Coma la Bai thana. Th -chania of tha Wfathrr aals baa eauard lar amount of tba rwelpu la freah meat w ruiaa is rr taa ahapa aud fur thla roaaoa potbluc but tba brat la briok-lnr tba quotrd "ttrr aal thrra la bow an onmupply of orr-frada rooda, but atavka that coma In eirrllrnt londltloo will bring tba Itxurn. la toa thura wera al4 anaw arrlrala of off-traoa nu iowr prieaa ruiad. ror food block bora thai la atlll aa exmnaot damaud at th top flrurpai but parkrra and larra ataea w ma io anoTB. I demand .for' ball bear, hnt mmiA miilt..a iA I lamha WnnM . 1. - I Foultry Xarkat Waak at Paeltaa, JH DOUftrr marfter la WA.k . drrllua la prleaa. , kan old hrna ara aftpot.d -" "irat, out in tola Una thar baa beva no "real troubla to rlti nn k nn,H I ." "i roerlpta wrra not uulta ao : " oaairra ouuint rery baafllr at L ,, " ina market la nut ao j heawlly orerloaded prlcea had been kept to tba limit. Aa matter now atand. how- arer. ma dealers are at tha merer of the ro-t.thr-nd aboilldr 1 bernor" wanttobuJ at prveeni nzares a drellne won d he th. ontroma. One of tba principal cauaee fur tha decllna raatardar waa tba fact tbat tba com BilaaloB man had boosted tba prleea beyond actual Tallica and thla caused ona of tba larger retailer to buy. several hiuii.a '"fa alde market at a price pracUcally th aame aa Quoted here. , At tbat time tba retallera aald that their torn would I coma, ana ao it baa, and it would Dot be ; euoum want to aeek a tZ.U"'. ThOT' f,g f,lr ' turkera. but Bone for old reeee or ducka. Vcuimj duck, ara fair. rr.: ' - firm at Maaa. -i The em market la holding nrm at the ad vanced prlcea, moat of tha aale bow helna made at 21e. Hecelpta Bow ara Bt quite so Urge and quality la Improrlng. Tba future o the- market looka good!, wasaraeieaa Are caaapar. .. , .t-i. , . , f, om C u for?la a rTd 7Za today JV?" . lT't ??aJa"'? 0and at itJn S The ."'. ? .T"" aupplled. and lower figure I . . . - - -i v.r. oi oananaa arrlred "r o goow snap and helped to rellere " i d.dt ,r? " Lambert, wonld aud a good call. Logaa berrlea are hardly coming at aU on tba atreet, the demand being quite nrm. . Good, freah. wild black- ". ' '' " oorain.- oregoa greea an ?'M ,r ' larger enpply, but demand la fair, ksspberrie. r. not arrlrlnf In good ahape Pearhea ara In bearr ..j .iTl .r- A.. T-"" " swore Oregon Tomato lupplying True. Oregon tomatoea are mmln. n u ,.. . . and are now practically aupplylng thla market PvLm. jt .. . , ,- j ... um, swin. - wwBHMoa it will not be looe be toreCallfornU Aock It .drlr. out of th, Oregoa Petatoaa Drire CalifosBlaa. --OregoB pohftnea ar alao comlag la mora nA .he M nnu ... ' - - wiirrT .TtarSVpr'orr. SXZ nuona out. n i now ex. WWW H. ' , Marohanta' Oplnlona am Today' Karkata. ' W. B. Clarke Company Peacbea much lower; no chance la butter. W. T. Turner A Co. Egg market bold nrm; too many suing chicken, coming and prlcea will be lower; real weaker; Urge ducka ailing -nicely; geeae not wanted. Toft. Ulna A Co WonM ..wi .hi ,i . . . , , i-, , w fld.11b'k Dm,'" ood of all partlea concerned. Bell A Co. Car. watermelona, - ..i plenty peacbea. ' Chatterton A Co. Teal la oreranpply and hard to aell; block boga In demand; anrlng chlckan alow, although hen la demand; egga firm. . Ijry A Splegl Car baaaaaa la good ahapa; " vmtm mi uwr i,i. . O. 8. Smith Company Egg Arm; chicken weaker. ... - ,, , , I'esrsoo-Par Company Car watermelona. Malarkey -A Co. No halibut la market; aal mon Bcarca today. ' . Da renport -Tbom paoa Company 1'aosl urg aopply peacbea aarlrlng. Erardlng A Parrell Chicken bualneaa Dot en tirely eatlafactory from a aeller'a atand point; hena weaker -and aprlnga not only wesker but lower; real dumpish and can't hardly place beat stocks ; medium hog mly are good; re ceipt butter decreasing; err steady to arm. - Ih-yer, O'Malley A Co. Chtrkena are weaker with aprlnga down; egg atiff; peaehea lower; tematoee down; meat la bd ah ape. Page i A Son Tomatoes mora plentiful and lower. Smith Bros. Block boga aeem to be big de mand; chicken coming more freely today) good real la holding Ita own; beat lamb Bad a aale at prlcea. Wolf A Bob 8 till 8 good demand for old notatoea. Today' wboleaal quotationa, aa rerlaed. are aa lolmwa: raiB. near aaa rC WHEAT Walla Valla, 80e; blueatem, TDc; rainy, inc. BARLBXtVed. 128.601 relied. Utio; brew- lag. f2nl.D0J24.0e. OATS Producer' price No. I whMa, 124.00 (;.. mi; gray, x..uvi(t Ao.mi. rLOI'E Eastern Oregon; Patent. 84. JO: ...... - mr . 1 1. .1 ... 1 r.m w airaigo, .. "i. v' , . , , fii.ov, ara. bm, Ws. f.l; 10. " MILLSTt.'FKS Braa. 820.00 per ton: mM. dllngs, f2S.0O; aborta, country, $22.00; chop, fix oo. y till Prodncers' pr1c Timothy. Wills meft miiey, ait.tajraio.iej; eastern iiregnn, aifl.trfovi II. ou; miseo. eio.ipotnyi.w, csiTir. (rain, f ll.sott 12.00; cheat, f 11 ROQU.00. Hope, Wael and Hides. HOPS 2t2oe for choice; 2d02BHs for an toe; poor quality, isuavej cor tract, P04, lfetZnc. . k W'imiL Nominal. Valley, coarse to medium. ITilHr; flue. 19c: eaatern Oregon, 12loa. MOHAIR New, 80. 8HKEPHKINB Shearing. 1f)l20c; abort wool. t"t.Kic; medium wooL 80(i5uc; long woeL ftocyll 00 each. TALLOW Prima, par lb, 4Q8c Ma. t aad gresae. 2U2He. CIHTTIM BARK BOo per lh. buying price. 1HDK8 nry bides. No. 1. 'IS Iba and an, 14 He per lb: dry kip. No. 1, 8 to IB Iba, rSVic; dry calf. No. 1. node- 8 In. lBUe; dry aalted. bulla and ataga. 1-t 'leaa tbaa dry flint; aalted hldea, ateer. aoaod. 80 Iba or orer. SUTe; oo to 80 th. c: auder 80 lh and row. Urtnc: .tags and bull, aoaad, 4Hc; kin. 18 to 80 lb. 8Xe: sound. 1 :i U Ria. 8He; ralf.waoond. ander 10 Iba. 8He; greea (an raited lc ater lb lea; cull, lc per lb less; horse hide, aslted, each f 1 2Rfll.7S: dry, each ft 00Q1.B0: celts' hide, each. gAQAUe; goat eklne, common, each. 1O0lhcs Angora, with wool on. each. 2ocJt1.00. . Portland Homestead ,',, i Edward B. Elliott and wife to Martin rrterenn and wife, lots 18 and IT, block . Termfnna addition to Allans 400 A. G. Robinson and wife to S. M. Beard, trustee. B2.82 acre berlnnlng X4 aec tlon corner between eectlona 8 and 10, township 1 south, rang 2 eaat, and in ternet In lota S to 21, Multnomah Berry ranch C. H. Warrenta to S. M. Beard, 100.15 acres north 4 of southwest 14 aeetloa - -' 10 and fractloa aonth u of northweat U aectlon 1). and fraction aouth k of northeast section B. all la towa- this 1 aouth. noire 2 eaat 1 S M. Beard to Edgar Beard, aame, nale . nd 1 Maud C. Chamber and husband te J. Q. Ainawortn. mta in and 10, block 15, Eaat Portland Heights j Oat, rear Inenranc and ahtreta ta rest 1t from tha Title Gueraate A Trust com- paay, 1 vnamoag vi vomuaroa aajtoias, , MEATS COMING iN BAD ButUr. gga and Taaltrr. 1 " v BrTTKB KAT wt 21c: aour. IB. . RUTTb'K City creamery, 2(i(22Me; outside, friicr. auc;. ordinary, I7&c; atora, 12Mc. KrtC.8 No. 1 freah 'Oregon. 2o210 an candled. 1c; baker. IWc. CHKEHhV New full cream, twin. lOHQtlei loung America. PObLTHY Chlckeua. mixed, , 120124 per lb; heua, lac per lb; roosters, old. Hie per lh: young, lie per lb; broiler, 1vh20c tier lb; fryera, 1H p,.r lb; dncka, old. lie per lb; yonng, 12c per lb; geeae, tl'it 7c per lh; turksy. 17 lt per lb; dreaaed, 18k2ue per lb. . ' Tralta aad Vevetahlae. P0TAT0r"H Old, f 1.2Ul.fM; buyer' price for fancy, f 1.0tl.ii; new Oregon, 2c per lb; buyer' nrlcu. gi.notjl.Au. ONIONS t'elir.nle red' tl.Tfi! VelloW Piirer. fi.; garlic, 10c per lb, - rnroir Fbi'iTu . . .. 1 . . ti KAMI M per boa: oranre. alntlterrahean sweets. t.Oual 179 per Don; late Valencia. f3.Ouiua.2o per borr bami.-tille Dr il:" lemon, choice, i.75 er hex: fancy, 3.006j3.75 per. Iwx Innet, Mexican. ASa per 10U; pineapple. fS.ouaj S.60; atrawlierriea. Oreron, per lb; char- rles, BHoc per -lb . "Blnga"' and Lamberta, si 1'V; apricots. Oregon, per bek; plum. Ilurbauks. l.tmtl III pe' box; peacbea. Call- ficola. title per box: Orvmn. d'KaiWlo per box; Crawford. 75c er box; pear, tl.ttAlia) box gtapca.. Callfurnl. fl.SA per box; black ri burg, fl .50; black firs, f2.ut) per box; curranta, 6c per Hi; Logan Imrrlee, Tc jier lb; red rasp berries. t)r7c tier .lb; wild blgckherrlea. Be per lh; watermelons, mttltac ler lb; cantakHipea, uuuz.xa per. rate; ueciann, ai.wi per box.- VEGETABLES Turnip. fl.SS per aack cay- rot, fl.VS iM-r arkLMla. tA-W per ackj Oregon radlsbea.. 14c pi'r doi; cabbage. Ore gun, Hittic; Walla Walla. lc per Ui; lettuce, head, loe- per dox; green pepper, 2ta per lb; celery. fl.Od per dot: tomatoe. California, f 1.001 l.SB per crate: .Oregon, -fl.25 per box; paratuV. T.Vtilfl.W; caulldower, -per-crate; paranlpa, 7&cl.n: ull flower, dox; green praa, 2Hu Jc per lb: green onion. lAc per doe; local green corn,' WU40C per dox; tile plant, 3ii2,o per lb; atrlug beana, 6c; hothouse cucumbers, &tiOUc per doa; Cattrurnla, 7liHii SAe lee hoi.' IlKIKD KRI ITS Annlea. eraporated. Tan pel lb; aprlcote, BHtiille per lb; aacka, l,e per io lesa; pea one. 7ttrcve per in; pear. ei loc per lb; prune. Italian. BWitiaHe per in; French. H14". ner lb: tur. California. black. 8l8e per lb; do wbltea. 8H07 ner lb: rjlume. nltted BVeTnc oar' lb: date. golden, 8t4e per lb: tarda. fl.BO per lVlb box. . HA1BIN8 Seeded, fancy, 1-Ib eartona, 60 packagea to eaae, Se pkg; aeeded, 12-oa car- noa, ao: - lova uuscstels. oo-in noses, o UC IW th- IahLm Imwmmm St M' elliatera. 2. 00U3.75: -U. SBci v.'. MM adtaaoa eret pound eartona , . HUH Ten I-Tb cartons, cbotc brand, i.oot 10 lib eartona. fence hrsnd. 10 lib bricks." 2-crown, 80c; 10 1-lb brick, a-erowa, oe; AO H-lh brick, per box. $2.2i; 4-row Uy era, per 10-lb box. BOc; loose. BO-lb boxaa. Del lb. OWdHe. Csllamyrnaa Btx-crowa. lo-io car too, per eox. t2.00; B-crown, lO-lh carton, per box. 21. TS: thrown an l.ih eartona. per box. 81.75. Orooerie. aTnta. Eta, SCO AH "Sack hssls" l-nbe 88.20! BOW- dered, M.1B; dry granulated, fS.BB; beet granu lated, fi.SS; extra C, f5.5; golden 0, f3.35f bbla, lue: bbla, 2oc; boxee, nco adranca oa aack baaia. leaa 2&c ewt tor cash, 14. day a; maple. -HQloc per lb. . llo.N'EV 14HtlB. : COKtKK Green ntocha. te: lara. fancy. MifJ3c; Jar, good, Q2!x-; J ara. ordinary, IS. 2uc: Cou It lea. fner. lB12oe: Coeta Kica. good. leic: -Costa Itlca. orrilnair. llaslSc par lb; package coffee, f l2.7A(dle,2B. TEAS Ookine. different eradea. SaBnci funpowder, 2H(.1i'ia3oc: English breakfast, dif ferent graac. izujejane; apiaerieg. ancoioreo Japan, aukiuoe: men Japan it err scares). 80 tidoc. SALT Fine Bale. 2a. 8. 4. 8. 10a, 81.90 tl i ttj . ,.i,i. r. tameii kv. inne f.s.lBta ; imported ' Lirerpool, 60! f'l5.0Ol is.ou; luua, aJ4.7Dcaia.uu; zzaa. ai.cjio.ou; extra fin, bbla. 2. 8. 8. 10. 84.00; bulk. 820 lb. f.iSO; aek. 80. 06c. ' SALT Coarse, half grormd. 10Os, per foa, fS.20O0.50; Bus. per ton. to 05 637.00: Llmpjot lump rock. 818.60018 AO per ton: BO-lb rock. ttl.2Aa8.7B: 100a. 1.1 75(fl.2S. (Abote prlcea apply to sale of leaa tbaa ear torn. Car lota at special price aobjeet to fluctuation). GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 8S.T5t28.O0 per 100. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. 6; No. t. New Orleans head, TtRTtte. BEANS Small white Hc; largo white, .7Mi8.ut); pink, $4.00; bayou. 8i4ci Abu, $4 2S. NUTS Pesnnts. Ttie: Jnmboa, Bt4 t raw, 8ll0c per lb for masted : rocoanuta, 8SOM per doa: walnuts. l4Xl4e per lbs piaa nuta, 10J12Hc per lb; hletory nuta. 10c per lb: chestnut, eastern. lBQICe per lh; Braxll nnta. 16c per lb; filbert. , mt18c per lb; fancy pecans, HQlSo per lb: almonda. ISOlae par lh. ataato. Flak aad Pro-ruilona. FRE8H MEATS Inapected Beef, ateera, S'See per lb; cow. B5Hc per lb; mutton, dreaaed, 4S5e per lb;, dreaaed, Bloe per lb. FRESH MEATS Front alreet Beef, ateera, 4 H 'a .IWc per lb; pork, block, TH7We per ll; parkera. Te per lb; bulls, H4Vje per lb; cows, 4QBc per lb; mutton, dressed . 43Be per lb; real, extra. 8c per lb; ordinary, . Bc per lb; lambs, MgOc per lb. HAM8, BACON, ETC. Portland pack Coral) ham. 10 to 14 lb. 13 He per lb; 14 to 18 Iba, 18V.C per lb; 18 to 20 Iba. 18c per lb; cottage. BVic per lb; brehkfsat bacon, 18l7e per lb; plcnlca, ' 10c per lb; regular abort clear, nnamoked, e per lb: ambked. 10e per lb; clear backa, nnamoked. Be per lh; amokrd. 10c per lh; I'nlon butta, 10 to 18 Iba, nn amoked, 84e per lb; amoked, Be per lb; clear bellies, unamokad, lie per lb; amoked, 12c per lb. LOCAL LABD Kettle leaf. 10a. lOMe per lbl tic, lOc per lb; BO-lb tin, 8c per lh; steam rendered, 10c, 8e per lb; bs, 9e per lb; 60s, DM per lb; compound tierce. ene per lb: tube, 64 per lb; 80. 84e ner lb. CANNED SALMON Colombia rlrer. 1-lb UHa $1.88; 2 lb tall. 82.4K; fancy, 1-lb Osta, fl.KB; H-lb fncy flt. tl-2: '"J'fv, ' J1- : 1 Alaaka ulls,Jluk, tiweSoc; red, tlO; nominal, a. tslls. 62.00. FISH Rock cod, 80 per lb; Sonndera, Be per lb; bailout, 6e .per lb; eraba.fl.26 yer doa; atrlped base, 1012c per lb; catfish. 8c per lb; ealmoo,, Chinook. 8c per lb; ateelheada. He per lb; blneback. be pal lb; hmeetne h TJeT lb: SOleS. 8c OCC lbl jibrlmpa. 10c per lb: bd, driaaed. 8He per Hi; perch, 8a per lb; shad roe, - 12Me per Tot rue ansa, nc per i; di, w iu. OTSTERS Shoalwater 3ay, per gal. 82X1; per sack. 1S.7B act; iilympia. per sack. .-. in. rx.Atl wara enrii, per wx, e.ov, elama, fl.TS per box. raiata. Coal Oils. Zta. B0PB Pare Manila. 13 Uc; gmndard. I2a; Blaal. 10 Vie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Case. 21H per gal; water wbltr. Iron hhla, loe per gal; wooden, ; headlight, 170-deg. cases 23e per gal; peanngnt. iron now, 110 per rai. i TVUL-lll fill r-i tar I. KK1- KB. I ..IS c per g.l; .:nuln.k.t). bolfed : . caeca, ooc per am; oois, o-ic per gai; grouna ri cake, car lota. 26.00 per ton; leaj tbaa ears. f2S00 per ton. GASOLINE 88-deg esse. 82e per gal. Iron bbla, 2ne per gal: atora, caaea, 2414a par raL Iron bbla, 18c per gaL BENZINE 83-deg cases, 22e, Iron bbla, lBUe. PAINT OIL Raw. bbla. 83c per gaL caaea 8b per gl; boiled, cases 40e per gaL TURPENTINE In caaea, 86c per gat: wooden bbla. Ale per gal; Iron bbla, TBe per gal; 10-lb cae lota. 84e per gal. WHITS LEAD Ton bit. 7t4c; .BOO-Ih lota, ta per lb: leaa. lot. SVie per lh. WIRE NAlf-t Present haa. at t2.88. . Bttail Lumbar Prloaa. Com. Select far par Per hi Ft. M Ft, At Ft. Boogh, dimension regular alaea 2x8 to 12x12, 82 f 1 1 8.50 818.00 fZ3.00 Bough, dlmenalon regular alaea to 12x18. 84-40 ft... 8.50 1T.00 14.00 Bougb. dimension regnlar alaea to 12x12. 42-48 ft... ILt 18.00 28.00 Bough, dimension regnlaf . alaea to 12x12. 50-58 ft... 11.50 23.00 80.00 For each additional 2 lucaea la width add,... 1.00 1.00 BOO For odd aad fractional alaea an wed add not less - tbaa 2.00 AM AM For aawlng eertleal grala to 4x12 add t.M .00 AM Common rough boar, reg nlar alaea to 12 In. wide . to 24 ft Inc., aaaorted lengtbe t.M 11 M Srm-lflfd length of boards f 1.00 per U feet Board ta co-wist of lamber lesa tbaa I laeasa la thick B0BT0B COPPER MARKET, : Boston, July 20.--Copper close : Bid. 1-4 ST 114 90 Aak. Phoenix Qutnry ...V,.,.,i Santa Fe Tamarack . Trl Mountain . . . 02 8 -.4 .. 81 ' 78 5S14 ' 144 10714 Victoria Winona ., WrandVit ,.,,,,. Wolrcrlne . .75 . 75 . 68 . 14 .107 Amalgamated ... Old llomlnlon.,.. United Fruit..... Haw York Grain Market. New York. Julr 30. Close: Wheat Julr. 11.01 St. . It. Louis Grala Market -St. Loale. Julr .20.1-L'luss: Wheat.. Hentefll. to ONLY IMPROVEMENT WAS IN WAIL STREET (f urnished by Orerheck. Starr A Cooke Co. New York, July 2(. It la romored Mlaaourl Paclna will issue T.ti00tuii0 mora atock. - Th Iron Agee will coma out with a eery bearish statement. It aaya 'the only Improre ment In the Iron and ateel trade baa been 1b nan acreei, , iiHiay g atoci market T oescbiption: I Anaconda Minine r. Amat Copper Co. ... Atcblaon, .um...... do tare f erred. .. .. Am. Car found., Am. Bugar. coin. .. Am. Muelt., com. do ore erred irrw ?82 12 LBa Itlmore A Ohio, com.. do preferred Biouklya Itnpld Transit. anauian I'aciur, com t'hl. A Alton, com...,, do preferred.. , Chi. ) Gt. Weat.. com. Chi., Mil. A St. Paul., Chcaapeake A Ohio..., Colo. Vuel A Iron, com. Colo. Route., roia..,, do 2d preferred... ,., Aa 1st nn,fuptJ Delaware A liudaoa,.., 1). A K. a., com....,., do preferred.'. . Erie, com......,.,..., - do 2d preferred -,,, do lat iref erred...,; 2TT 80 Ik 20 80 Bit 63 1 no luinoia central. lHSUj 1MT1V 'Loularllle A Naahrllla. ill HlJio ik Metro. Traction Co HTllHinHltiaa Manhattan Elerated... Mexican Central Ry. . Minn.. St. P. A Ste, M. oo preferred.,.,,.,,., Missouri Pacific M., K. A T., com , do preferred. ... New York Central, Norfolk A Western, com. do preferred. North A merles n N. V., Ont. A West I'ennaylranla Rr.. Pressed fi toel Car, coin, . do preferred.......... Pad Be Mall Steam. Co. B4H 4UH BV 64 41 40 U 1101120 lit) 815 62.f Ml Reading, com.......... do lat pre f hi red....... Rep. Iron A Steel, com. . do preferred... ,;v..,. Bock Island, com T4 4SU 2;i. or 43 2:1 do preferred .. Southern Ry., com,,.. do preferred. ., ...... Southura Pacific St, L. A 8. '.. 2d pfd. St. L. A S. W.. com. do preferred. .,.. Teraa A Pacific....... Tenn. Coal A I rod - T.. St. L. A W., com. - do preferred . ; . . .... t Union Pacific, com : dop referred....-..,,. 6. S. Leather, con. drpreferred. ...... M TJ. S. Rubber, com,.., do preferred.. TJ. S. Steel Co., com... do preferred. ..,..., Wheel. A L. K., com., do 2d preferred.,..,. do 1st preferred , Wisconsin Central, com, do preferred Western Union Tele..., Wabash, com 00 51-4 6-14 13 savb Bl 1S14 s;ii 201, 40 2 88 "siiiai 83 12 loi 4H 18 IT 87 do preferred Total sale for day, 884,630 all area. , Money, 1 per cent. BAST FRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. San Frandaco, July 20.---Cloaal 10;S0 a. Local atock: ,.- ' .- '' ' ' '' !. ' . '', Bid. Contra Costa Water.. 35 Spring Valley Water . 86 San r'ranelsco Gas A Electric ...... 00 Giant Powder M . Hnnokea Sugar 114 Illltcblnaon Sugar Kllaneaa Sugar .................. .. MakaweU Hugar 23 ' Aak. 40 m 6014 ;Ji 24 UTi l: 8. Paanhau Bnrar -..,-,....-,,.-,. 1 Alaska Parker.' Association.. 132 Cgllfornl Frnlteannera' Association. .. tallfornla Wine Aeaociatloo , Paclfio Coaat Borax ..1ST AXEaUCAlT STOCKS XV LOMDOaT. ' London. July 10. 2 p. m. Atchlaon declined 74, pminmi u.i in,,,. , AwavvuuB -.--. , , Canadian Pacific declined ; Chicago, Milwau kee A St. Paul adranced : Erie adranced H; LoulBTtlle A Naahrllle declined.- ; Mexican Central declined Hi Mlaaourl, Kanaaa A Texaa declined H: New York Central declined Ontario A Weatera adranced Hi Pennaylranla adranced I4; Reading declined Mii Southern Railway declined preferred declined 4; 1'uk.n Pacltlc declined . preferred declined Ski I'nlted HUte Steel declined . preferred de clined A; Wahaah declined Vai conaola aSV4, do cllued hi; rest unchanged. jteV tore bpmmabt. i New York, July 20. Dow, Jonea A Co. anra mary: The reopening of tba Northern Beeur Itiea books la takea aa Indicating that a large Interest In stock sunt to make transfer. No date 1 fixed for Erie meeting to act oa the first preferred dlrldend. Brooklyn made utppll cstlon to list fi.OOO.Oia d per cent bond re- ceutly old. Twenty-four roada for the second Wp,k0f jui, .how an arerige' groaa decrease of -28 per cent; 20 retire rail adranced 68 per cent; 12 Industrial adranced 48 per cent. TODAY'S CLKABIX0B. Th Portland claarlng bona "report today: , Clearing f624.4423 Balancea 77,230.14 SMALL RECEIPTS AND GOOD HOG DEMAND Portland Union Storkutla, lal 20. Thr wer do rit In bog! today, bat th d- Dlfiad CinUnUl 000. fJAttW ftflQ n(NB Sf " M''-i, rlrala consisted of 80 cattla and 200 aheep. Official ruling prlcea are: - ' Cattla Beat eaatern Oregon -ateera, f 8.0013 8.26; beat ralley ateera, f3.0: medium ateera, f2.76; cows. 82.25; bull, fl.75; stars, f2.00. HogsBrat heary, ftt.oo; block, f&.75; China fate, ffi.TB; atock er and feedere, 86.00. Sheep Price nominal. Best grain-fed wwth-' era and' lamb, fZ25U250; mixed aheep, fl&O la.uu. -EA8TEBV B0GI Tit CEHT1 L0WXB. Chicago, July 20. Ll restock receipt! Hog Cattle . . Sheep ...i2.ono o.tioo Chic go Kiyiaa City.. ... 4.BO0 " . 8,000 . 1,000 Omaha ... .O.aj IKW Hog opened Be lower. Receipts a year ago were Xl.unnv Ruling hog prices: Mixed and butchers, 8.-.40(i58o; rough, f4.e0iflB.16; light. fa.rrf(.46. ;. Cattle Steady. , . - - ' Sheep Steady. - i f .-. r m . " . "' tlTorpoor- Grain Xarkst, r '. I-lrerpool, July 20. Close: Wheat.1 Sep- f em her. anchanged; July. 0-7 T, H Dlgner; Ileoeinber, anchanred. . Corn Jnly, 4-4, 14 higher; September, 4- 2. 14 higher. Milwaukee Or la Xarket. Milwaukee, ' July 20. Close: Wheat. July, old, 8414c;, aew, wae: neptemDer, Bui4e. , . Berlia 'Oraia Xarket. ' Berlin, July 20. Close: Wheat,' September, H lower- Buda Paath Or la Market. Bnda Pesth. July 20. Close: Wheat Octo- I tier, ancnangea. . , Farts Grain Market, f - -Psrla, Jnly 20 Opening: Wheat tcdy, ancnangea to H centime sower. Baa Fiaaelaoa Grata Market. San Franrlaco, Julr 20. Close, 11:80 a. m. ri neat, oeceronert .fi.s. Barley December, fl.OfVi. , "I Buffered frrr mnnUia wltn aor throat. Kolectrlc Oil cured mo In twen ty-four hours. " M. a Gist, Haweavllle, Preferred Stock Canned Crooda. Allan A Lawla' boat Urand. ArtiflcUl Xya Tlttod. Ldrc stock At V. Chambers, lit 7jh. JJ SHAPE SHARP' SWIM ' - CHICAGO WHEAT raxcxa ofzv xaax, rxsAcmcAxxY TO' 0-r AY BUT BB0UITM zs UWTTT4KTTEUXn COXBT BOWBT, WtU SBOXCBEB. IB TJsTOBLAMCV ZD OATH KABKBT AI.SO J.0WHM. (Furnished by Orerbeck. Btarr A Cook Co.) Chlcaeo. Julr -Ml l.iv.n A Krven id.1, la wheat the principal decline was In Julr and tha less t In Deceuibe-'. l-erlr eehlea were suarpiy mgnrr ana consols signer. TOese wii soaie anowery wostner 10 ins weat msus a a.ronr oneulur at nirner ortcea. l-stee. however, the reoort of a nrobabllltr of as amicable adjuatnieut of European political con. dlthnoa turned the attention to the condltlona Bearer home. T.lre1"e-rliTs of whe.t in the southwest market was tha moat apparent and moai important reaiure. The arrlrala ara teung with a good demand, a. bur era seem to hold off. -This la Disking a declining market for -cash, wheat end for ths July, lbs seaboard repurta foreign bfda for future ship Dienta at nearer current quotationa, but wltb nothing dona. With political Influence out of the eltuatlon we aeem to bare reached tha time wnen tn moreuient of new wheat la likely to place the market In a leas artificial conrll. tlon. Pending the effect of this increment snd the adjustment of relatione of supply and uruianu cinisiaeraoie uncertainty must result. The September aud December waa tha strongest Bnd'ahollld bs houaht on the heeelta llesh m,nA July options are getting nearer together, but there may be manipulation. . Wa ara likely to bare thee good markets for eoma time to come. Little AotlTity to Cora. In'eorn there I nothing new and rerr little sciirny. ine weatner continues ta ror a hie tor the crop. The receipt are fair and tba demand fair a tea. - There la nothing In tha trading or action of the market to indicate anything different from the scstplns; setlon of ome time paat There derelop rery little aoMtng pressure, and on- th other band' there does not seem much In condltloais or nruanects to uiiui, ine njsrsei. ' ' 1 Oali . Syuiuathisiag With Wheat. " The oat market sympathised with the weak ms In wbest. but the selling wss cheeked Somewhat br the anaettled weather In Inw, and Nebraska; It la n little easier. Th msraex 1 . WSltinr the nroa-reas or harvestlne and the jnorenient of new oata. , 1 rrerlaioas Suffer rrom Sulla. In prcTl.lon there I nothing new In tha trise aituation either way.' The market snf i era irom auuness ana poor support. Tb ten. dency aeem to be a dragging on. , , Today's markets; open. . High. . Low. , Clos. Wheat NewHept.f 88 l'."H f .8TV .WI1A '.H714 M .40 5 .88 v- . .93iZ ' 87 .8814 .86A ,88 .88 .8814 ; .48 .49 . .4014 .40 ; .45 M- .83 M. .8314 n STt, "l2.87V4 " 12. TOB -12.85 . 1270 12. TOB 8.00 8 85 8 85A 8.05 , 8.00 8.90B T.57" . T.45 "t.45 7.55 T.4714 7.4714 Iec...... May " Cora , Sept..,., , ucc oats j Dec ' Pork- Sept. 11871 Oct...... 12.8214 Lard Sept.... 8 00 Oct...... 8.85 Ribs , Sept.... T.67 Oct.,... T.B214 CHICAGO CASH WHEAT. Chicago. Jnly 20.-ah wheat: No. swd down 2c No. 8 down Be; No. 41 bard winter, down 2c: No. 8. down 8c; No. 1 northern aprlug, up 2c. Tha market: - Bid. .i,.fl.00 ..... .05 B8 ..... .87 .....1.03 ..,. ..OH Aak. No. S red. aew......;. No, 8 red, new........ No. 2 bard winter...,. No. 8 bard winter 1.00 .98 .93 o. 1 nortbera anting.. No.2 nortbera anrlng.. o. a npring.... .83 PBJXAKT BECETPTt ABB SHIPMENT!. Chicago, Jnly 20. Primary receipts Today Year Ago nuan. .879,000 .SbA.OOO . .211.000 .122,000 Wheat t 47.000 404,000 582.000 899,000 Corn nbinmeata Wheat Cora ....... CHICAGO OBATJi CAB LOTA Chicago, Jnly 20. Grala car lot: Car Grade 9 1 Eat 9 111 Wheat ............ Corn Oat '. 8 ays AtHF 9 .t... TO 60 Wheat cars today: Mlnneanolls. 128: Imluth. i. Vear sro: MlnnesDoUs. 120: Iniluth. 9: Chicago, 45. Mmaoapolis Brala Xarkst ' Mlnneatv.lla. July 20. Close: Wbest Men. tember, 87c. t- '., - , Dulntk Grain Xarkst Dnlota. Jnly 20. Close: Wheat Sebtexhee 87c ; . , , . Betr York Grain Xarkst; ". - t New York. Julr 20. Close: .Wheat Sen. tember, 9114 Baked. -. Kanaaa City Grala Xarkst i Kanaaa City. Julr 20. Cloaa: Wheat Ben. tember. TTc. PORT-UAISD'S GREATEST rHiis Is the Season! ', Of the year to be careful what you eat and drink. Avoid eating or drinking anything that is ' not pure and fresh. If your place your order here you will get trie purest, freshest and best the market affords. Try us with an order. Quick delivery anywhere in the city. V Good Coffee all the time by using Harvey Ricker's Half Minute Coffee 'Pot Tested for years it has become a permanent success. We are sole agents here. Sizes: 1 quart, 2 quarts and 3 quarts. A delicious cup of Coffee in HALF A MINUTE. We pulverize your Coffee properly. We operate the only genuine French Sur mill in the city. Does not take the life out of your Coffee. Powders it as fine as flour. ' , Try our most popular seller : IMPERIAL MOCHA AND JAVA 35c lb'. 3 lbs. for $1.00. It has built up our enormous trade. Always busy. vWhy? Proper business methods.; 4F v F. DRESSER ' .TELEPHONE MAIN 227. AN EXHIBITION OF STRENGTH IN COTTON t. (Furnished by Orerbeck," Btarr k Onoke Co.) New Vork, July 20. A. Mclatyre A (Vh sy: Tb cot tun market gare another exhibi tion of strength which It bad been displaying lue paat week, which waa niuca or a puaxia to general operators. The failure of the market to break In ths face of so much. bear aewa to day eaa only be rasrsxded ss a further demon. strstton of the extent to which the market had been bearlly orersold by operators during the paat month from being too eager to antlclpst tb street of a reeurd-breaklug crop which Bad been la prospect alnce flrat girsa In the crop report. Thl ha been our Idea of the aiarket condltlona alaea that time and It la now appar ent that ao Important decline In tha market la to be expected until something . develops calculated tn bring out a aew cropi of sellers, ss ths cotton already sold for September, Oc tober snd December by aouthera operators haa been absorbed by the snot dealers and experts. snd the - nnloosenlng of these hedges ' Is not uaeiy to commence nntu ine crop oegina more with aome freedom. Today's market: Onen. Blah. Low." Close. Jsnusry f 9.58 f 8.T8 t 9.63 t 9.B7tA8 February. V.niriinv March.. 9.08 10.45 10.60 9.78 9.6T 9.03 9.68 9.65 10.81 10.08 10.0-1 9.78 Bod 9.78 , 9.85 10.45 10.47 9.78 9.BT 9.88 . All 9.Tlt72 '10. rant H4 July.... August. 10. 8 1 el 04 Keotember fob 9.9Briili8 9tW'utH 9.0o,f2 October .' I.OWIIIDCTO , ,. December..... . 9.63UU5 . . - v Llrarpool Oottoa Xarkst . Urerpool, July 20. Cotton closed 1 point np on near ana i point max -en- lata mon l xne auaraet waa rery aieaay. .. , - xonoa to sCajuxxb.& OluutrBa Bta4 is Bltniala, Bnoys, Bpaia - and Boaoona. . Tha following chances In. aid to navl cation ara reported by the hydrographlc Of tJce; Eow war California Eaat Coaat San Lorenso Channel Corrected Poaltl.on of Buora. LJeut (JJ O.) Z. K. Brlgga. U, 8. navy, navlgatlna; officer of the U. 8. 8. Wyoming;, furntahea the following ln formation under date of June 14. 104 regardlns the position of buoys In Ban Ljorenxo channel. Lower California scout shoal .buoy, a ' black can, la placed a little to the northward of the ahoal and on the five-fathom line 8an Lorenio reef buoy; a red apar. Is placed a little to the eaatward , of the 1 eaat water In about two fathoms. fiuwanre rocks buoy, a red nun, is placed to the northward of the rocks In Vi fathoms. Bottom can be-dlatlnctly seen in paaa Idb over depths of 4 and 4 H fathoms. Washington Juan de Fuca Strait- Minor Island Beacon jSetabllshed. On or about June J. 1901, a beacon will be established on Minor Island. Juan de Fuca strait, about otie mile northeast ward ef Smith Island lighthouse. The beacon will constat of. a white concrete truncated - pyramid, 10 feet square at the base, 4 feet square at the top, and 12 feet high, surmounted b a black iron spindle 11 feet ln height, carrying a black spherical cage three feet In diameter. Bearings and distances of prominent objects, as taken from chart No. 8,300 of the United States coast and geodetic survey, will be: Left tangent to Burrows lalandi Ro- sario strait, N. J5 degrees B. true (N..14 E. mar.). 10 miles.. British . Colurnbla-MJuean Charlotte Bound Sun Bock Non-Exlatence. In formation dated March 20, 1S04, has been received from Commander J. F. Parry, H. B. M. surveying vessel Egerla. that a careful and exhaustive search has been made for Sun rock. North channel, withe out success. The soundings taken give no Indica tion of shoal water, and no kelp was visible; the position was observed in all kinds of weather, and at different times Of tide, but no break of sea or any sign Of danger was seen. . Sun rock has In consequence been expunged from the B, , charts. - -, Alaska Clarence Strait Key Reef Beacon Established. About May II, 904, there was completed on Key reef, about 7V4 miles N. 86 degrees W. true (NW. by W. 4 W. mag.) from Lincoln rock lighthouse, Clarence strait, a white ooncrete pyramid 29 feet high, 12 feet aquare at the base and ,4 feet square at the top, surmounted, by a black Iron spindle 12 feet high, carrying A black spherical -cage three feet in dlaineter. Bearlnga and distances of prominent objects, as taken from chart No. 8,200 of the United States coast and- geodetic survey, are: - . Point Harrington, Observation Island, N. 72 degrees K. true (NE. E. mag.), t miles. Right tangent to Shrubby Island, N. 37 degrees 30 minutes W. true (WNW. msg.), IV4 mllea . .. WOBK OX BtTBTBT BTZAKXB. The Portland Shipbuilding company will soon begin the work of building the hull for the new survey steamer for the United States engineers' department It was sublet the bull part of the contract by the Willamette Iron Works, which firm secured the entire contract. DEPARTMENT . '", . ' . GREEN RIVER -The Whisky- Without a Headache ' ,:'' . . ' v Full Quarts; regular $1.50. . . .81.30 Fives; regular $1.35. ................ .$1.10 Full Pints ; regular 75c G5 Full Half Pints; regular 40c. ......... . .35 CREAM PURE RYE Quarts ; regular . $1.25 ......... . ... .... ............. Iff 1.10 CORDEN S DRY U1N Quarts; regu lar $1.25. I. DeTURK'S Quarts ; regular $1.50. .81.30 I. DeTURK'S COGNAC BRANDY : Pints ; regular 75c. .... . ... . .Got Good . Goods YOU WANT THE BEST BUY f' . COR. 1th AND rniAVCIAt. .,.- yi---e , --;-. -y LABD ti TTLTOBf, BAaTBTVKB. , (Katabllshed in ItMtt ' ' Transacts a General Banking Business, lutaresl Allowed oo Time Deposits. ' fx)llotloii mad st' si) poluta on farerable term. -Letter of credit Issued srsluihls la Europe aud all, points In th United States. Sight Kichsngs and Tel. graphic Trauafers Bold on' N.w Vork, Waahlugtoa. Chloago, Bb Louis, Denver- Om.ha. Eaa n aclare su4 Mon tana and British Columbia. Exrhangs sold on. London. Parta, Berlin, Fraak fort-Bong Boos, iokokama, Maalls aad Honolulu. , FXBBT XATTOSTAI. BAXX '. of Vortiand. Or. Oa-ugnatrd Dsposltory snd Fluanclal Agent at tb Uoltad BUtes. President A. U MILT Csahler ..,....J. W. NBWKIBK Asalatant Cashier W. a ALVOUD Second AssUtaut Casblar.. B. F. BTKVENS Letters of credit Issued ara liable In Europe and the. blaatera Gtates. ' Bight Exchange and Tslegrsphle Transfers sold oa New Tors, Boston. Chicago. Bt Loula, St. Paul,. Omaha, Has Frsadsoo sad . the principal points In the Northwest , Sight and time bills draws In sanis to salt oa London, Pari. Berlin, Frank fort-oa-tne Main, Hong Kong, Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlattsns. Stockholm. St I'stwrsburg, Mas cow. Enrich. Honolulu. . , Colleetlon md oa fsrorsbW terms. MXBCXAlfTB XATTOSf AT, BAXAV PORTLAND. OAAGOsT. J. FBANK WATSON..:...,... President ft L. DURHAM. ., .........Vice-President R. W. HOYT ...,. Caahler x Trsaaaots a General Banalng Bualneaa. Drafta and letters of credit leaned sraluahls ' , to all parta of the woriq. -.w-.lTecHon i specialty. Gold dust bought UVIZTBB STATUS JVATTOWAI. BAXX, OP PORTLAND. OREGON. B0RTHWE8T COB. THIRD AMD OAK STB. inuuscu a urnera xtanaing sruamas. : DRAFTS ISSUED; . t ' AraHLof la all cities of th United States aad t Kurops rioug avong sna sisniui. VJlOn&Ullvna axauss, va sexvewoua s.a,a.saai President. ...i........ ..J. . AIN8 WORTH Vice-President..... ....... W. B. AT Ell R. W. SCHMEEH ...A. M. WRIGHT Caahler.... Aaalatant Caahler I OXBOX A SAX rXAWCTSOO BAXX. L .i:',- XMJTHD. ... Chaaiker ef Commerce Bunding, TB-ra ana Stars street. This hank transact a seneral banking buel nee, make loans, discount bills and lessee letters- ef credit arsllabre for trareldra and for the porch. ae of merchandise In sny dty of the i world. Deals in roreirn snn notneauc sxenangs. interest pew on - iiiih .i..iia. ,-t r W.-A.- MACRAA -Maatr,--.i- SCTJXITT SATXXOS Si TB.TJST CO, : 968 Kortiaoa St.. PoHland. Or. Traaaaeta a Oaneral Banktne Boainaali . " SAWTVaS TimiTlflRT. Intereei aiiowm on Tim sna nannss ue posies. Acts aa Trnstee for Estates. VWaea ,,ri uObh ittf eMflshLa In STt mils of tb trorld. A r. 'ATAMS. President , T. A. I KHin.. First vine-lTeeloent , A. L. MILLS..... ...... .Second Vice-President aw is. .upusio, i t.,wuiir ' xfOmmiB bbos. m obxzstbxsxx. , Offer gflt-tdg Pireatrosnts ta Xunlelpal aad . aaurosa ami, wnts r sou,. lttv. First St.. Portland. Or so. . MORTOAGG LOANS On Potltnd RmI. Kutatt it howmi lUtM, . SM.I aA..Au.ea aaut TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST C0. Boom 1, Chamber of Commerce. OHUTM I W(0 l Members' Chicago Board of Trade. ' CRAJM, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON 0 Ttlrl St, new Stir. . Phone, Mati S1I W ar connected bp print wire with Messrs. Logaa A Bryan, Chicago and Near' iork; Walker Bros.. J. 8. Bache - Cs. New York Stock Bxchang: Hubbard Bros. Oa New York Cot to Exehange kslrrhlld A Hob son: New Orleans Cotton Excbanre: . Brat Berth A Co., New York Coffee Bxcbaoget Palo. Webber A Co. t Boatoa Copper and Stock Eg . cbsage; Mck Broa. A Co.; Nsw York asd Phlla- dslphls Stock Exchanges. . 90WXTXO, XOPXTX8 A CO. (Establlahed 18S. . . , aaBaassaaaawsssy fi .(,. WXXAT AXB STOCX BBOXXBB, , Boom 4, around Floor. . CBAA4BXX OY COMaXEBCB. Gutter! Butter! Beat creamery ,toq , . 40o . ...30o and Soo 3 ajoxen for 430 ......... ...m Good creamery . ....... Iairy butter Ranch eggs ., Best sugar-cured hams Breakfast bacon . .... .140 , ,. .31.00 1 . . . 60o , ....10c and 12 "-jo ...,........ .2oo ..'0o 10 nounda Dure lard a pounas pure lara Full cream cheese-, , Swiss cheese ...... Java-Mocha coffee . 60c tea for . t .SOo Remember Saturday ia chicken day. AU goods retailed at wholesale prlcea. XjA Oramde Crsamsry, 864 Yamhill. Fref erred Stock Canned Ooods, Allen A Lewis' Beat Brand, v GROCERY ; . . . .?1.10 COGNAC BRANDY Reasonable Prices OF 8 S & GO. WASHINGTON STS. v- .y.