The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 20, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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The Baker ......
, febl.,l.'.fer i
Biar ,
Mr,. Leslie farter
. ."IMavulo L'p to Dau
., ,VudTlll,
w... vauuevuie
' Th Whlto Corner, Third, Yamhill and
Becona streets, baa gon Into a mid
summer prlc butchering business that
means much for dry good and grocery
purchaser of Portland. This store says
that "we are going to keep the people
, shopping throughout the dull . season.
. any way, v uttla prleea will be an en
... ttcment.YV are slashing vakiea down
to coat, to keep the wheels a moving-,
and this shall be kept up till the Au
gust vacatlona are at an end. We are
. . doing things now that we will not do
. lor many a daav to come." Prices are
v awfully small at that place jiow.
,' ' Judge Anton of the eaat side justice
court decided yesterday that Mary Leon-
' - ard was not entitled to the 1225. tot
which she sued Mrs. Rose K. Woodard,
'- for securing the pardon of Fred Cope-
land, who was confined In the penitent
ary. It was proven that although Mrs.
. ' Leonard did do some work toward the
.'. pardon of Copeland. she was so. ignorant
of the law that her services were prao-
tlcally worthless, and that J. F. Logan.
who ' was afterward secured by Mrs.
Woodard, secured the pardon of Copeland
and was paid 0 for bis services.
Gorman A Brewater of this city hare
, completed the contract of furnishing
1.160 piles for the government Jetty at
the mouth of the Columbia. 1 The polea
. were tt feet in length and averaged 11
to II Inches' In diameter at the butts,
and are good-slsed trees shorn off the
limbs and bark. - The piles were cut on
coal creek, near Bteua, wasn., ana were
contracted for June, July and Augus
delivery,' but the entire lot has already
' been delivered at the Jetty. . .
W keep constantly advcrtrsmg-be-
cause we do not want our friend to
"forget that we have the only steam'
"heated, polishers In Oregon, and that
"these poIUhetw-do -nor- burn.-J'yeIlow'
or weaken the fibre of the linen. And
any laundry without one or more of
these machines Is not complete. They
ought to be In every such institution
in the country. Union Laundry, the
, up-to-date "wash house" of the North
: raoina coasv . .oecona ana woiumoia.
telephone Main . I
' Memorial Services Wednesday. Senr
ices in memory of the late Theodore
Hersl wilt be held at the Talmud Torah
synagogue, corner Sixth and ' Hall
streets, Wedneeday evening. July 10; at
o'clock, under the auspices of the
Lovers of Zlon society, the Portland
Zlon society and the Junior Zionist so
ciety, Adqresaes will be delivered by
Dr. David Levin. D. Soils Cohen. Isaac
Swett and others. All Zionists and the
public generally cordially Invited. .
Railroad men and others will 'hear a
-special lecture -this- erenlng-bjr-th- hu--J
mortst. Dr. Thomas McClary, at the T.
- M.- C A.' auditorium.- Dr. McClary la
sometimes known ss "the railroad chap
Iain, owing to the deep interest he
takes in the welfare of railroad men,
His subject tonlglrt will be "The Chris,
tlan Mission of the Railway." Solos
will ba given by Mrs. May Dearborn
Schwab and Prof. W. M. . Wilder.
'. Financial matters are causing a deal
of. hard thinking on the part of the
directors of Arleta school district No.
7 A.' W. Powers has secured the eon
tract for a new school building for
St.tal. As the district has Just been
organised the treasury la empty and
the money must be borrowed. A publlo
meeting will be called and the question
submitted to the - votera - of - the, die
. trict ; : t-
J. L. Blair, general agent of the Atch
ison. Topeka A Santa Fe. is in the city
from San Francisco. Me will remain
hero for several days on .business mat
ters connected with his road. Mr.- Blair
declares that the eufnta Fe may event'
ually extend Its lines Into northern
California, and says that portions of
Oregon would be benefited by the con'
traction of other roads. ,
t Several Indian land cases were heard
in the federal court this morning by
Judge Bellinger, involving the Jurisdic
tion of the United States court to de
termine, the heirship to lands Upon the
Umatilla reservation, the right of
courtesy of huebanda to lands upon that
reservation and the right of widows to
dower la reservation lands. ' ,
' Free rural mall delivery Is fast rele-
gaMng country postofflces to the pages
of history. The last to go Is the pout-
office at Ruasell vllle. - which was die
contlnuedJuly II by ordet .of the de-
pertment 'at.Waahlngton. Free rural
delivery was "extended from Montavllla
to Include the Ruasellvllle district on
July 1. - "
At I o'clock yesterday afternoon fire
broke out In the paint store of Ras
museen ie Co., 14 Union 'avenue. A
match accidentally thrown o the floor
was Ignited and started to blase. The
firemen responded and -extinguished it
before much damage was sustained.
Articles of incorporation of the Land
Company of Oregon have been riled with
. the county -clerk by W. H. Htirlburt,
W. P. Keady aad W. T. Mulr, The pur
pose la to conduct a general real estate
business. .The capital siocg is J.'
00. ,
Bay Stat white paint is the whitest
: whit paint made. Other whites ap
pear murky beside the clear, pur whit
of Bay State. FthrThorn Ca.sllO-1(1-1(4
Front street, corner Front and
.' Court Srandla will conduct 1 an Ice
cream social at their hall. Second and
Yamhill streets, tomorrow evening for
the benefit of the widow of Rev. John
W, Skene, who died last. week.
If building, and need any marble or
granite work oa the place, to insar
cohtplet satisfaction that you give
Otto Schtfmann the order. Next door to
Taylor -street chureh- --
A warrant for the arrest of Charles
Dougherty, proprietor of a saloon at
Third and Columbia streets, was Issued
Drs. Adix & Northrup
416 Dekurn Building
by Deputy District Attorney Haney this"
morning at the f equest of C. A. Harrlng
ton, an employe of the Columbia le
Works.; ' Threatening to . kill. Is the
charge. It la alleged by Harrington that
Dougherty ' menaced hint, with a re
volver last night . v. - ,
Attention Democrats. Every ' Demo
crat who indorse the nominee of the
Br. Louis convention Is v earnestly re
quested to b present -at a meeting of
the - Multnomah Democratic club at Its
nan, sixth and Washington streets,
Foresters' hall, on Thursday night, Jul
11. ' Executive Committee of Club.
' X glance at any of our . work will
convince you we are artists In our Una.
Metropolitan Printing Co., 141 Front
r r
Royal Italian band, Portland Height
park every evening, illustrated songs,
moving pictures, etc., eiu. .
- Ask th Oregon druggist about the
Breakers' hotel. Write Long Beach,
wasn., tor rates, r
trf an ' Underwood Typewriter and
learn the advantage of visible writing
e Toni street. ..,,
Don t write in' the dark. Oet an Under
wood Visible Typewriter. . (I Front St
'A popular place of amusement! Port
land Heights park. ,, ' " .
' Wise Bros,, dentists, th Falling bids,
Dr. I M. Thornton, dentist, Marquam.
Dr. Morris, dentist. The .Heller. .
Portland Heights Park.-V
. This popular place of amusement eon.
tlnues to draw the crowd. The muslo
rendered, by the Royal Italian band Is
the beet ever heard In Portland. The
following 1 th program for this even'
March, "Portland Heights"..,......
- Big. D-Urbano
Overture, "Morning, Noon and Night'
- ...Supp
Prince of Pllsen Leudera
Ul us t rated song, "The Little Rustic
Cottage by the Stream". .B. K Keith
Chorus; ;-TannhausT"T7rrnT. r, Wagner
Cornet solo, "The Sweetest Story Ever.
Told." Sid DiFulvo ..T....Btutts
Selection, Meflstofel Bolto
Illustrated song, "On the Pillows of
Despair" E. R. Keith
Trombone .solo, ."Violets,". (Big. La
monte) ........... v Wricht
Barber of Lavllle ............ ..Rnslnl
American Republlo Tbule
Concert every evening.
nom un mszatox.o.?
Everybody . seems pleased with he
lateet Shields' show, "Diavolo Up to
Date," in which th musical stock com
pany is scoring th hit of it existence.
Fun, music, lavish costumes and beau
tiful scenery make It s, thoroughly met
ropolitan attraction. Few attractions
so good have been offered thla seaaon at
popular prices, and many are taking ad?
vantage of this bargain in the open air
enjoyment. ; . ; ;
Four of th funniest and cleverest
men in American vaudeville are at the
BIJou thla week. They are the members
of th California-Clipper comedy com
panyr and they have everything that's
new and attractive in dances, songs and
tn general make-up of. a good time.
Traak at Murray, a dainty soubrette and
the oddest pianist who ever performed
a local theatre, gain much applause.
Helen Stewart th Irish lady, ha caD-
tlvated every one by her unique perform
ance. Bene ft Allen ar two clever fun
makers. .
nnnt. i arw ma
where shall " w go to " keen cool?
The combination of comfort entertain
ment and accessibility, that th Star
theatre offers - is ever papular. The
present warm weather demonstrate th
perfection of the ventilating and cool'
ing apparatus wnicn tn management in
tailed. Among the more prominent
of th many feature which the present
program offer Is ' the ridiculously
runny dancing of Robinson and Robin'
son, and th novel and amaxlng drum
solos of George and Pauline Kldd. Either
one of these acts alone Is worth going
-see, and th brilliant fencing of
Charles Edward Insley and his support
th society sketchlet -entitled "Luna
tics" is really refreehlhg.
ABOASxfj orrzmura.
The Arcade maintains Its reputation
with Its bill this week. Baby and Harry
Owens, the Juventh; merry melodists.
have already won for themselves a small
corner tn th heart of all who have
heard them. Th Bel fords lost no time
making laughter with their snappy
skit an Bailey's wonderful dog circus
prove that It 1 possible to teach a
dog many things. - Next Friday a new
or amateurs will perform for the
edification . of th audience.
Th Lyrlo with It good show at
tract such bfg crowds that th people
can t all secure admission, big as the
house is. Last night th houne wss
packed and a performance of high char
cter was given. The only Busch Is a
wonder and is certainly entitled to be
called America's most artistic gymnast
Dav Barton, th king of black face
song and dance men, - was popular a
ever, ana uranam f. .Tabor company,
Athon, Wilson and Clark. Raymond O.
Baldwin and .th vltaacop war all
Thla week th Baker Theatre company
presenting to delighted audiences
Burnand'a original and laughable com-
r, "Betsy." Nearly all the member
th company have excellent parts
best suited to their different lines of
work. Th usual ma tine will be given
Saturday. ; .
Both theatre goers and those who only
go to th theatre when something un.
uaual la offered will be Interested to
know that th Baker Theatre company
hi give a . strong presentation of
France Hodgson Burnett's "Little Lord-
Fauntleroy." Thla drama for year
after Its- first production -was familiar
In every household in th land. It open
Sunday afternoon and will doubtless
play eU week. '
Dayid Harum
By Edward Noy Wmntcott
New Edition Just Out
i ........ . . ............
177 Fourth St T. M. C A. Boildlag.
, nrrzBxsT xa bzzv aboviwo
- n txb fbofoizq vbtbiowmbbt
' Increasing Interest 1n th organlsa
tion of th proposed Oregon Develop
ment league Is shown dally by the ar
rival of letters naming dulegates front
the various town of tn state to the
meeting that I to be held In Portland,
August -1 and I, -under the-auspices of
the Portland Commercial club. City
and county officials and Industrial or
ganisations throughout the state are
quick to so th benefit that may be
secured to every locality by the work
of such a league.- The concise and com
prehensive circular - ent out by thu
Portland Commercial club stating the
Objects of th proposed league has this
to say in advance to th delegates:
"In order to secure the best results
every element of boom snould be elim
inated. Exact reports as to what ( in
dividual grower have accomplished are
what 1 desired. Plain and dlreot state
ments ere wanted, giving actual result
as to cultivation, growth, and market
ing of -alt agricultural products, fruit
and livestock, accompanied by the name
of the grower And location of the land
generalities, no matter how delight
fully put are of little value. The great
railroad systems traversing Oregon
have several thousand men actively en
gaged in ' securing Immigration, and
these same' railroads have Industrial de
partments, ' which will co-operate with
cities and town On their -lines In th
location of manufacturing enterprises.
and they want to know Just what has
been accomplished, and. report will be
asked lor from all the Interests repre
sented through delegation. No feature
of ' the program . will be more advan
tageous and Interesting than this. ,
"T"wnujmttJyXwat. -
This is th first time In th history
of Oregon that the railways have ex
tended a wide-open half-far rat for
everybody, without certificate plan, and
the Importance of th event cannot be
overestimated, Th visiting delegates
and their wives will be well taken care
of. Besides the business program, there
are plans to entertain tne guests by the
Portland women s ciud ana tne worn
merclal club. The Women' club Will
give an exouralon ove th O. W.' P.
Una to Canemah Park, beyond Oregon
City, on Tuesday afternoon. On Tues
day evening there will be a reception to
th visiting delegate at th room of
th Commercial club.
' Bew Delegates Appelated. ,
Tn aiMltlnn to thai namea already Dub
lin lied by The Journal, delegations have
been appointed- gc follows:
Oregon state board or horticulture
(Named by K L. Smith, prealdent)
Hon. W. K. Newell. Dilley; Col. Harry
Haynes, Forest Grove; Charles A. Park,
Salem; Lloyd T." Reynolds, Salem; A. H.
Carson, Grants Pass; W. H. -Norcross,
Central Point; -Ar- Brownell, Albany;
Judd Oeer. Cove; R, H. Weber. The
Dalle ; G. K. Caatner, Hood River.
Oregon City (Named by Mayor U. B.
Dlmlck) Hon. II. E. Cross, John J.
Cooke. Hon. C. D. Latourett. John
Adams, Charles H. Dye.
Marshfleld, Or. (Named by Mayor
Henry Sengstacker Hon. J. 8. Coke,
Albert Mattaoi J. H. Flanagan,' I. 8.
Kaufman. P. Hennesy. W. T. Merchant
EL O. Flanagan. John T. Merchant, F. 8.
Dow, E. L. C. Farrln. ,
Portland chamber of commerce W.
J. Burns, president; Samuel Connell, sec
retary; M. Mosessohn, assistant, secra
tary; E. T. Williams, R. L. Darrow, J.
U Hartman, 11. K. Blossom, 8. M. Mears,
Henry Fleckensteln, Samuel Reed, A.
Avery, Gustavo Rosenblatt, Fred Stan
leyFHRansonui -
City of Portland Charlea F. Beeb,
William P. Olda, Thomas Honeyman,
George Taylor, William H. Corbett Wil
liam D. Fenton, E. M. Brannlck, Theo
dore B. Wilcox, .Tom Richardson, H. M.
Cake. - -
City of Salem Mayor F. W. Waters.
N. J. Judah, H. B. Thielson, John H.
Albert w. C, Tlilson, T. B. Kay. Dr.
Epley, Frank Davey, E. T. Barnes, Ed'
ward Hall.
Greater Salem Commercial club EL
Hofer, J. O. Graham. R. J. Hendricks,
J. M. Kyle, F. A. Wiggins. J. H. Mo-
Nary. F. N. Derby, Tilmon Ford. A.
Huckenselen. M. Bredlmelr. -.
Marlon county J. H. Scott A. M.
La Follett, L. M. Gilbert D. W. Smith,
David Craig, M. L. Jone, Jacob Voor-
hee.; Robert 8. Shaw, J. JX Barber,
Frank Feller.
czxsrivr fbbbovaxj.
Archbishop Christie of th Catholic
diocese of Oregon,-has so far recovered
from hi recent serious illness that be
has been able to take several walks in
the open" air. but thua far ha confined
hi exercises to th premise of th
Felix Bloch of the Portland Loan
company returned . yesterday from a
three months trip Co European cltle.
Several week were spent in renewing
old acquaintance in New Torjt City, kla
former home. . 1 .
W. C Mile of Globe, Wash., vice-
president of the lumber manufacturers'
agency at Centralla, Is. at th Hotel
Portland, -having com to th city for
medical treatment He report that the
lumber business la better in that sec
tion. . . ..
L. Jaggnr and Ralph Wolf, two botato
men, leave for San Franciaoo this even'
Ing. Th latter 1 connected with the
firm of Wolf At Bona, with a branch
house In Ban Francisco.
Carl Rlttenspacker of Page at Son
returned thla morning with th Oregon
militia from th annual encampment
W. E. Baker of Baker City I at th
Hotel Portland. v . . , . .
A German tourist party, registered at
the Hotel Portland, is seeing the sights
that ar reached by trolley and automo
bile In and about Portland, interpreted
from th hotel register the names ar
Messrs, Kurrsehe, Hernadorf, Malmea,
Parsing. Haake. Miss Doelter and Mr.
F. W. Powers, a prominent Eagle Cliff
canneryman, I at th Imperial. H re
port that anlmon are on th move.
T. F. Sturtevant Of Honolulu 1 at th
Imperial. '
Mrs.' Arthur Miller and daughter
Beatrice of Ashland ar guest' at th
Perkins hotel.
William Smith and Dr. W. J. May of
Baker City, 8. S. Ivanho and P. A. Mc
Donald of I -a Orand ar at th Perkln.
Samuel White, a well known Baker
City attorney, I In th city en route
from the O. N. U. encampment
Mr. Louis O. CThrke of Woodard.
Clarke Co.. wholesale druggtat of this
city, ha been, touring Europe for. th
past two month, accompanied by ' hi
wife. He l at. present In Paris and
writes his business partner. Mr. W. K.
Woodard, that he will probably remain
there Jot a month, spending several
weeks after that time in England and
Scotland, returning early In October.
Mar Baalllon of the surgical Instru
ment department of Woodard. Clarke A
Co. is spending two weeks on buslnea
nd pleasure oomblned In Alaska. ' ,
Entrances on Third, Yamhill and Second Mreets
Shoe Bargains
too pair assorted Women's Shoes.
$1.75 and 11.00 values; pr., 91.35
Infants4' Moccasins, beat quality vlcl
kid,- assorted colors. 15o values;
. special, per pair 19d
Infants' Soft-Soled Shoes, (5a qunl-
' ty; special, per pair -S5
Infants' Solid Shoes, 7 So and SBo
quality;-special, per pair,,. .60
Baby Shoes, vlcl kid, lac or button,
11.00 quality; special, per pr. 634s
Ladles' Toe Slippers, with fancy
' bow, ll.TS quality; special, per
; pair . . . . ............. ,.12S
Men's Solid Sol Leather Counter .
Calf Bhoea, regular price - 12.25;
. special . . . ....... ,91.50 ,
; Mason's Fruit Jars'
Quart sis .. .... ..... .65e
. Pint ! . n .. . ... . i ... i .'. .4B
BOTXOB Fruit' Jar delivered. .. .
.65 nd 65
Jelly Glassea, each..,'....t.....2e
I pound beat Dry Granulated Sugar,
IS pound to a customer ... 49
9c Wash Summer Dress Goods
Il-lnch wide Wash Summer "Dres
Good, regular value tie and Ho,
whll it lasts, per yard ......94
v furklsh Towels
For seaaide; each . ...51 TO 2Bd
V25c Corsets ' C
A lot of Summer . Net Corset, medi
um long waist, well boned, lac
trimmed top, all slsea; clean, freah
goods, regular 'value C0o. . "
Odd lot and broken lse tn several
,. of th standard make, regular
value 11.00. $L16 and M 50, .
, closed out at .......-H04 .
50c M en's Dress Shirts
Soft or stiff, bosom, with or wlth
' out collars attached, regular value
. SSo and tl.00. " " ,
v Beans
Small white, pound . . . .
:. The Largest Qeneral Merchandise Stere In Oregon
Base Ball Base Ball
JULY 31, 33. 33 and 34
Twenty-third aad Taughm Street.
Gam called $:10 p. m. Sunday, 2:10 p.m.
Admission 26 -cents; Children II cent.
. Ladies' Days Thursday and Friday,
COMING The Creat
On day only, July 2. 1 nd S p. tn.
Show ground, Savler and Twenty-flret
streets. Admission: Adults, 60c; Chil
dren, 26o.
mmmmm A . . V. V . VM
intoAiuiK inrjiiKc rn:
Oeerge U Baker, Sole Lssese aad kUiiagat
Toalsht, All Week. Matinee Saturday,
the Baker Theatre Comeaay la ,
A ekver enmedy In three sets, by f. B.
Bvralrf nrtees. lne. We, Me, (Oe.
Matinee, lOe, 16c. SSe.
13th and Washington. Phone Mala 4TVT.
Broadway Elna'a Big Kitravaa-aoaa ,
Aa eld overs with new trimmings,
tor. w anal SOe.
Boaday aaatloee sad eveslns aad rainy sights
a voraraj s.
Oo whee the (rowd gossaaad see the beet
TsadevUle show ever c ivea 4a Portias.
. at the
General admlaslna lOe. reserve bra seats. SBe,
Performance X, 1 m, s:), lu au p. m.
The bnme ef eollte vaederllle.
OoatlBna sertnraMseco from I te 4 SO B.
Bualara. eon un soon a t ia:an . sa.
gveaing aerfonnanees tvom T to 10. SO a. m
Any seat la the theatre,
Vtuis cunts
M-MS BTggllOX.
rgso rsiTi, rro. w. u. aaowii. mv.
Two shows sally at aa g a. av' .
cokcaaT liiie
- , $- bubbbidbV
96c Boys' Heavy Cheviot Suits
Age I to II years; regular value
Muslin Underwear
Ladles' Muslin Gowns Embroidery
end lace-trlmmed, high neck, era-,
. plre or allovar stylN T5o quality
Special ,,. 47d
Ladles' Nainsook Gown . Beauti
fully trimmed with fine lac and
embroidery; regular valu f 1.50
: Special 03t
Ladle' Muslin Drawer Tucked;
, 10c qualiVT Special ..19
Ladle Muslin ' Drawer.- m--1
broidery and lace-trimmed; val
ue f 60 and 760 ....28'
Ladles' Muslin Chemise lace
trlmmed; ' 40o-quality Om Sre'
' clal ...........23
; Ladle' Fancy Whit Apron Lao
1 and embroidery-trimmed; regular
60c Special ; ......29)
' Ladles' Summer Underskirts Wash
- material, with eep flounce; 75a
.' , value, to clos at J, . 30
79c Wrappers
Fin percale, handsomely braid
. trimmed, all slse. value up to
1160. . . .
Lace Curtains-
Lac Curtains, value to $1.16; per
pair ..... ...,..65
Lac Curtains, value to lt.50; per
pair . . . . . ....sfl.25
'Lac Curtain, value to $1.60; per
pair... ...,..x1.75
Lace Curtains, value to $5.00; per
pair.,.,..-. 92.50
Th length ar I, m and 4 yds.
There are t to pair of a pattern,
mostly In and I pair lot.
10 Cents
Per pound Fresh Roasted Peanuts.
Sc lb. Fancy French Mixed Candies
Regular prlc tOe per pound.
I9c and 25c Men's Neckwear
-Great variety of the latest style
to select from, regular value I60
and too. -
COLUMBIA Uta ui fthltii
;: R. O. WELCH, Lrwee and Manager
Fortlaad' leading FlayhonM. Safest Theatre In Amerloa. B4 Bait.
xm bus wtnr tulx
Beat on
first act.
sal at Row St Martin' Drug Store, corner Slith and
No person will b seated after rla of curtain until after
Lower Floor .., $ 100
Balcony, flrat four rowe 2.00
Balcony, next thre row.... 1.60
Not mora than 10 seat sold to eae
University of Oregon
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Science and Engineering
School of Mines and Mining
School of Muaic School of Law School of Medicine :
The session of 19045 opens Wednesday, September 14. For cata-
logue, . address x
Registrar University of Oregon
- Eugene, Oregon
yenrth and gtark Streets.
Tve tool of Portland ensreraatloa.
A Tasawvui TBeatre aeuaj mi
" Every evening at s:v o cam.
Moe ever? undT. f n ah
V tOsrsss Alder asd Beveata.)
M te'4'M; I SO le 10:O; Boa., t to 10 . at.
Tkl s sa loe win sannt iws penpis imf
BjoSN eacvpv Buwii ,n nvuqifa
t 18 tn 4 M. T'lS to lo w.
I anK f lTI"fOT)l rkltkf 1 Ti, in a
' Entrances on Third, Yamhill arrd 5econd Street .
Seaside Hats A great variety of
hap and colors, fancy straw,
trimmed in flowers and ribbons,
-'just th thing for th coast;
regular values $1.15, $1.60 and
$1.76-Ahls week....... 24
Ladle' Ready-to-Wear Hats This
Season's very newest styles, fancy -braid
straw, very styllah, regular
price $2.60 this week. . ... .08
Ladles' . Black or Whit Rough
Sailors. 76o values special . . 39
Ladles 'Black or White Sailors
. 15o and t5o values special. .19
: Fancy Straw, untrlmmed, tn three
leading shapes, regular $1.60. and
i $2.00 value special : ; Q5
Special 23c
$-yar length Chambray Waist Pat -:
, terns,'. a variety of patterns and,'
coloring to 'select from, , regular
valu tOo-mpeclal ..........25.
Men's Sweaters 45c
Fin Jersey-ribbed, In a great vari
ety of coloring, regular valu
Summer Underwear
10 Ladle llsle-flnlshed etra
Is full-taped-Vests, regular 20o
valu; special, each ...10
14 Women' fin llsle-flnlshed
Vesta, with deep lac yok oack
- and front $Bo value; special, 14"
25 Women' lisle-thread Vesta,
lac trimmed, silk taped, ISo
. value; special ...25 -
Immense lotr of women' sampl .
Underwear, jersey-ribbed, regular
and extra sised garments, sleeve-
; lea and short sleeves, low neck.
' lace yoke and high neck, straight
and shaped panta,ln regular slsea,
values 26a, 60a, 76o each; special
' per garment . . . 15, 25, 35
Rice ,
Jap No. 1; per pound. .44 .
Women's Sample Underwear
Immense lot- of Women' Sampl
Underwear, )ery-rlbbed, regular
and extra-slsed garments, sleeve
less .and short sleeves, low neck'
. lac yoke and high neck, straight
. and shaped pants. In regular alses,
- values $60, 60o, 7 So each; special
per garment.... 15, 25, 35
The Largest Qeneral Merchandise Store In Oregon
Balcony, last seven row.,.. 1.00
Oallery 60
Hoxee . . 12.60
purchaser. .
XsUbUslied IMS. Oregon raoaa, m4 fT
Marble Works
Manufacturer of and
dealer In ail kind ef
Marble, Granite and
Estimates Olvea on
268 F125T STBEET
Bet . Madison and
Jefferson Street a ,
In the rkheat train fVnit ini sock tKtioa I
world, Thouuaeiet'stnser'lanJ at actual
coat of lr.-; -tion. per direct from Star of
Ow i. . j I TO-DAY. BOOKLET and
MAf ! " r l" t Irr-ionand PowetCem-
far, -,Portl;.r-,,Orr;-n.
Ladles' Undervests
Broken lines, sleeveless, full length,
in I Slsea. 20a and lio quality, to
close. .5
Ladles' Belts
Ladle' Belts. In silk.' velvet and
leather. In great variety, all new
est shape and stylo, value to
- $1.26; special ,
35. 25, 20, 15 AJTB
' o.
LadIeFaat BJack Seamleee Hm.
lio and iOo value; per pair.. 10
Ladles1 Fast Black Double Sole"
LHps,i JOou. and 25o"value;- per
pair . , . . ...........viaH.
Ladle' Fast Black Drop Stitch
Hose, 260 and lOo value; per pair -
. a is,
Children's Extra : . Heavy ' Double
, Knee Hoee. 2 So and 2 So value;
per pair... . ............ ,12W
Ladles' Lisle Thread Hose, lac
ankl effects nd all-over lac de
:' signs, Richelieu and fin rib,'
. - double .soles, heal and toe a, in
attractive designs, ail alaea. regu
lar valu to $1.00 Talr; specuU
per pair . . . 35, 25 An 15
Men' Heavy Seamless Ribbed Top
Bocks, I l-lo values; per pair.. 5
Men's Double Heel and To Heavy
. Ribbed Top 8ock 1$H and lio
, values; par pair 1.......8 1-3
-Men s Merino Half, Wool Bocks. 20o
values; per pair ., 12U
Hundred of pattern of chok-e
Cambrlo and Nainsook Embroideries
in fin and openwork pattern a, on
good quality of cloth.
Lot 1 Well-worked edges up to I
Inohea wide, .excellent pattern a,
regular price $o and lOe; spaclal
pr yard.,.. ....j.. ...... ...5
Lot 2 Kent edge in embroidered .
up to 4 inche wide; regular
prices 12 Me and 15c: special per
. . yard.;.. ...... ...... .....7H
Lot 1 Choice pattern In - Em
broidery up to lnchea wide,
, regular price 16 to 18c; spe
cial per yard r"-81-3
Lot 4 Finely worked pattern la
cloee'and open-work effect regu
lar price 18o and 26c; special per
rard...., 12H
All-Over Embroideries and Yoking
In great variety AU AT MTM- '
Boston Painless Dentists
Will make special low school rate In
order that all school children may coma
nd hav their teeth cared for during
These ar th only dentlat in Port
land having the late botanical dlscovery
to apply to the gums for Painless E'
trading, Filling and Crowning Teeth,
and guaranteed for tea years.
ExtrictlM ........ FfEC
Slim fifllnji Sic
FsU $t(Ttflsp.0
Eumlaati mi.
Ua fiiliitl 7Sc'
Ui Crevu. $XN
Orcwas and Brldr Wot a -nw4
Frloe a specialty. Oar Faeeat 9tmMm'
Bactloa will hold your seeta a p.
Com In at once and take advantage of
low rates. All work done by specialists
without pain and guaranteed for ll
year ' j
Boston Painless Dentists
Fifth and Morrison streets, entrance)
211 to Morrison.
Rstabllshed la 18. Open all the year.
Private or claa Instruction. Thousands,
of graduates In positions! opportunities
constantly occurring. It pays to attend
our school. . Catalogue, specimens, eta
Fits boys snit girls tnr Weeter sad Kasrem
college. . Primary sad graatmar gred.- Inela-led. ,
Portland Jtcadmy Hall forClrh
Receive a limited Bomber and alvee th;
tilt eomfocts and esre of a reened anei.
Office kiurs durln Jnlv and Aatiat tmm
a. m. to 12 at. .r eanlue address-lrl--land
Aeademr. Portland. lr.
Chinese Restaurant
133 Beeoad taree. Cornar Aide.
Pellclou t'hlne noodla soup. Brt
perb chop suey. I-ullcately nvort
viands of all description, fleaneet aixl
rhen(ent place In C'Mnntown. I'rlvste
boxea for rartloa.. TabUa Inlaid wlHi
shelle and flowers. JUmlaomely sarveil.
chairs nil lmporte1
4 vJ
CMl'li'-ll l. ! I'-' '' f '
It " C 1
!l i. 4 t