The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 20, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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1 -r;
Commencing Aug. 6th This Store Will Close Every Saturday During That Month at 1 P. 11.
v .The
Different Store"
Fifth end Washington
Streets !
-VrV i :!m.j:-.-
"V -. . . . . . .. ""v ,"r'."C"'1'T,
Portland's Quality
: Shop
. 1 . . (
Where the Walls Are
Coming Down ' r;
THINGS AT PRICES ABSURDLY, LOW. In two weeks 1 wet start dismantling, rebuilding, enlarging, bettering. We're sacrificing our own stocks mercilessly und our band of
buyers is in the eastern markets buying" summes goods for a song of makers whorerolmaking" forthe i seasonT GoodsTiave no setvalue with them now, but our season and yours
is at its height. You'll use these goods till October comes in some you'll use all year, for they're staples. Seems funny to Sell .these goods at a loss of profit or more, when you
want them "so badly but the importers and mill men have closed their lines and we're. having our own way with prices now. We're losing money yes but most of it is the maker's,
money, so. we're glad for you. Great selling is going on.. Are you sharing the good things? .We call' special attention tonight to . , ' ..'.'.!.-: -. ,.7-.' -'.'. J 1
THE FEAST IS SPREAD FROM 8 TO 12 A. M. But there's 'nough of many things to LAST ALL DAY. Read the items! -
"8 to 12 Ag M,
Dress Helps--
Among th Tlxmi ' rioo Bargains.
HudniM Oriental Laces of . th.
- awell and wanted sorts ,
Regular 10c, 35c 40c, 45o and Mo
: values; choice for, yard. ... .19
Regular He,- 18c, iOa 'and I So- val-
uea; yard .......... 4 . ...9
lSolOc and J5c Lace Banda... .9
Ladies 20c Kerchieft, 1 2c
Our famoaa 20o quality of the Rich
' ardaon make, pure sheer Belfast
Irish linen, in plain hemstitched
' atyles. H and 44 inch bema; ape-"
" clal from a. m. to 11 noon; 12
15c Jap Paper Fans, 6c
Hot,stIcky weather call for these
. little comfort fcrlngeoa. Have 'em
- handy round the hammocks, lawna ,
and porches. Jn all wanted colors
"and fancy bamboo sticks, regular
lto values, for the. morning.
hours, are ... i ........
Ladies 15c Turnover. 6c
A full line in all the latest, newest ,
...styles, regular lOo and Uovalues;.
. special from I a. m. to 11 noon for.
; each . i . . . .................6
50c Collar and Cuff SeU -
Special from I a. m. to 11, noon
a.t ...2T
8td 12 A.M.
. Women's
. Cool Pajamas
At Away Under Usual Prices
X sarins; is here for every one buy- "
lnK' pretty Flannelette Pajamas
1 here tomorrow between ( a. tn.
and It noon , 4 .
tadles Flannelette' Pajamas, In
dainty pink or blue and whit
v - striped, braid trimmed, rerular
price ll.iS; special .f 1.09
Ladles' Pajamaa of extra fine qual
' ity flannelette, in dainty color
ing trimmed with fin sateen ;
- braid and larre pearl buttons, rer- -ular
jrlce $2.60; special.. f 1.67
50c for Black Silk. $1.00
89c for AU Wool $1.30
Colored Suitings
These are the Morning
. Magnets in Busy Dress
- Goods Annex.
Half price for choice of If styles
' of the most staple fabric an tn-
demand fabric- Read: 4- -
45-inch All Bilk Black Grenadines,
suits bis for fancy waists and cool
' dressy costumes, X different
styles to . select from in neat
stripes, figures and floral designs,
' no better bargain opportunity has
"" ever been offered Portland's smart thla,.ForTbur-
. day, I to II i, in., at exactly
MXI4T niOl. Regular prlcea
' run from $1.00 to f 1.00. Special '
prtoea f rom ......50 to 91.50
Colored V
Dress Goods
- v . s - .'
M-lneh All Wool 8ulUnga in neat
. mixed effects.' Suitable for sea
side and mountain , wear. ' Our
rerular f 1.60' per yard values.
Special for Thursday s., m. only,
yard .........J' ...894
8 to 12 A. M
A Morning
, Sale
Millinery Gardens
. X 'il 5A.iA
, aeoo&d. Flooc. '
"Morning Olotiee" you'll call .'em when you sea the (lgantlo bouquet we're
picked to distribute among our forenoon patrons tomorrow. The grentent
. flower sale of the whole year, a (rand clearing out of the garden.- Wa ll
transplant them all to your possession at a price so absurdly low 'twill
V cause your pooketbookr to smile. Every kind - of flower that's used this
seaaon for trimming hats. All th 11.10 and 11.00 bunches at a choice
tor ..10
A few choice wreaths in the clearance, 11.00 values, at. 624
Don't thins we or the printer has made a mistake when you read these
prices., It's really so. - , ' 1'" ' '
8 to 12
AStirrinst Half
Price Sale of
Underwear Alsla
flrat Floor ,
There ought to be a rush of mothers her tomorrow forenoon arte
theae waists.' Our word for It, they're worth skurrylng for, for every on
' la worth full price, but for four hours I to II a. m. -they're half, - -
A larte lot of Boys'" Waists in "Mother's Friend" style also Blouse
Waists. An 'immense assortment In the choosing. Prices from 760 to ItlJ.
Thursday, I to 12 a. m., at SAX.r niCM. j
8 to 12 A. M.
41 3.50 AND $ J 5.00
Portland's Largest Leading Women's Wearing -
Apparel Store's Astounding Offer .Tomorrow !
A poor, silly, floundering "ad.-writerw told a day or two since of some "bombastic values'
he'd heard about somewhere. Well-let's see; "Bomtjastic' is "high sounding," according
-to- Wbsterrarkl-we've-ome-mbastic - values for- tomorrow- in-Women's -Walking-Skirts
Values that not only "sound high," but reach high in quality and style. Not
' the refuse of the junk pile and scum of the' sweat "shops, " for" which some ' stores are '
noted, but smart, new, jaunty styles in splendid high quality tramping skirts .from repu
table makers in eastern fashion centers. , The very cream of the skirt stocks. , Two
itemsk both important to the women who want dressy skirts in Walking lengths for va-
cation or touring. Just the skirts for downtown shopping wear, too. Every skirt is
from our own carefully selected stocks, every one new this season, in very latest cut and
latest make and trimming effects. ... . '
$13.50 and $15.(hT values' in Atf-Silk TaffeU of a splendid wearing quality that will not
crack or pulL" In blacks only, with panel fronts, with stitched bands and silk or-
namnt tnmmino effects. Some nlain. arountf bottom, others
' : have triple row of stitching. All specially priced tor forenoon sell
ing at choice for..
janua ana biix. or-
$6.50 to $8.50 Walldng Sldrts
Of mohair and sharkskin materials that are imperious to dust or rain, just the fabric for
garments intended for traveling wear, in blues, blacks and
browns, some plain, others in plaited effects; $6.50, $7.50 .and
,$8.50 values CHOICE FOR
CONTRAST these with the curios likely to be offered in competition by the mega
phone of the top-heavy store. , .. ' t
Lisi uic laonc lor
8 to 12 A. M.
Three Useful Household
. . Articles at Sensa
tional Prices v
Third moor.
Glass Fruit or Berry Bow'ls, footed. .
a most useful article for fruit and
berry season, -ln.. fancy pattern.
Value 6c Special ....15
Clear Glass ; Vases, fluted pattern.
Very neat, ,8-ln. tall. '.Value lc. ,
BAJCOtO ' OTPS German, tlre
proof, brown porcelain, white
' lined baking cups. . Value 90a dos.
. Bpeclal, r dos .........45
8 to 12 A. M.
Za xanaa Alsla rs Floor. v
10.000 Yards Linen
Crash Tcfweling
for 1 1c Yd. Instead of 18c
' First Tloor. '
The headlnf teUs the story. This
always needed staple household
fabric la bargalnetlaed for morn
ing selling nd , an exoeptlonal
, Talue It la, too. Tha retrular ISo
ralue. All llnen Crash Toweling
is cut between the hours of S and
11 a. m. to, tha yard.. ......11
8 to 12 A. M.
Values in
Lace Curtains
ronrtk loo.' - ,j
100 pair tn this splendid olTerlna.
Ton'd best buy 'em now;."- eren
though you won't need them until
; summer Is over and you're "tidy
e ing up" for falL They're in hand
aom. Brussels effects, IH yards
long and 10 Inches wide. Every-,
one 1s an extra good ft value.
We offer them for th. four morn-.
ing honrs only at the wonderfully
reduced price of, pair. . . .S1.T5
8 to 12 A. M.
Here's Six Big Values in
What woman doat need ene it
saov. or aU of the., good aargaiasf
Tlrs Floor.
Ladles' Leather Belts, in black pat
ent leather and plain black leather
Crush Belts, value (Oo and Sc;
special . . 35 BACK
' Lavender . Camphor.l. 'for' killing
moths, etc, large else ' boxes,
i, value ISo; special...... 8 BOX.
Black Wood Back Hand Mirrors,
ring handles, bevel .disss, value
15c; special . .,..... 19 BACK
Shell Color Btray vLock Mlalr Re
tainer Comba, value 15c; spectal
Plain Shell Back Combs, heavy qunl
, ity. smooth finish, value 15c; p-
clal... .,.15 BAC :
Fin. Cut Brilliant ' Rhinestone
' Brooch Plna, yalu. (So each: so
cial . . . , ............39 1A.
8 to 12 A.M.
A Half Day of
at Half Price
$1.00 .Values 50c
Wash woods Aisle Ttn Floor. - -
Rich findings are here. Among
.' them a lot. Just about big enough
to withstand a' four-hour on
slaught of quick-buying bargains,
of handsome, atlk finish Dolly
Varden Walatlnga. A charming
summer fabric and splendid ,
. choosing from a generous Un. of
smart, new and stylish patterns,
. They are worthy "Values at the
usualf dollar a yard price, but for
' the half day Thursday are, per
yard . . . I .50
8 to 12 A. M.
Bathitig Suits
in the Bargain Swim .
"The Kaberdasherle" First " Floor.
If we don't pick some seasonable
subjects for our bargain list, no
" body does. We don't offer aome
. : thing no one wanta at rldlcu-
-r- loualy-row-prlca.- but strtv. tor se- '
lect the. most-wan ted-at-the-tlme
tbinga in tha house. For Instance
.' here's Men's Navy Blue Jersey
Two Piece Bathing Suits, the best
. dollar ault in the surf, for Thurs
day forenoon only; we've marked '
em . , . . ....85 BACK
8 to 12 A. M.
19c for 65c
Cushion Tops
' r? r I
If you'll buy in
th. ' ' forenoon
Thursday, sec
ond floor,' In
Art Needlework
Shop, read:..
Broken line' of
. Cushion Tops. ,
stamped on
great variety
of art materi
als. Alsoallne
. of Lithograph
Cushion Cov
ers, p r I o e s
- from s5c to
15c. Special
at ......19
8 to 12 A. M.
Added Inducement Toward
Your Attendance Upon Our
Big Shoe Sale
Jn the Morning
2 Extra Good
: Good shoes at.
a fair. : price are
always a good In-'
vestment. Good "
shpes at reduced,
prices are bar
gain.- that sug
gest getting a '
pair or two nybre
than p r a s e n t .
needs call for. -Why
not t-In-many
case. her.
now you can
get two pair for '
th. price of one.
Next month we
move this depart
ment to 'the new
Annex and open
.with an entire
new- stock. Two -specials
added to
th. week's list
these for S a. m.
to XI noon sell
ingThursday. :T!
Boys' Sturdy
School Shoesilc
duced New styles, dressy, but built, for
hard wear, box calf uppers, dou
ble oak tan .leather .soles, . full
round toes
Regular L7S values, sixes 11 to II
Regular 11.00 values, slsea 1JH to
. , 1.38
Rerular 12.50 values, sixes J H to
Ii4 ............ . 91.68
Women's $3 end $3.50
. x Shoes at $1.89
Odds and and. of a busy sea
son's selling, high cut. t and 10
Inch tops, in popular tan leathers,
for vacation wear, splendid IS.OO
and SS.S0 values, for ,...fl.89
Educational Contest r
Are you watching this contest? , It's getting ' hotter than th.
weather, but there's only It days more to the finish. We predict a :
whirlwind finish, with 'some surprises. .Don't let your favorite teacher
get left. - Vote and get your friends to vote. ; Don't lose any votes.
t All the scholars are not out of town: there's a lot of faithful little
workers here every day, hot-foot after votes for their teachers.
Have patience with th. enthusiastic little workers remember we're
all children in a way and don't let's grow old till we have to. Good
nature is the Ponce 69 Leon fountain of perpetual youth let's drink.
A vote with every ISo purchase, All July votes must be in our bal
lot boxes by p. m. of Monday, Auguat 1.. No July votes will be
. counted after that day and hour. Th. contest closes at 1 p. m. of
Saturday, Auguat ft. .
IMPORTANT--Patrona must lojeyery cas. get their votes at time
of 'purchase,, aa we will positively not laaue them later upon duplicate
, checks. We safeguard this contest with every protection for fairness
and th. "best njan wlna" . r .
Total number of votes cast...........
Total number teaofier. voted for ...
Standing of the 10 Leaders 10 A. M. Today
Mrs. K. Hlltabldet, Albtna Central ,.
Susa Jones, Highland....,
Winifred Moshar, Harrison
... . . a . . ,
Mrs. Rather Kane. Williams Avenue
XlatlMa Welxs, Thompson.............. ....
Miss C. T. Allen. Falling........
7".es L. K. Strout, Chapman
I Itvenson, Atkinson.
I i I'ouruls, Hl)h. ..........
....... .m,37
c -