The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 20, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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V -
cause 99 per cent of all deaths in hot
weather from prostration, stomach and
bowel complaints, rongentkrti, sunstroku.
eahaustlon.'paralysls, etc. Leading doc
tors say all danger can be avoided by
kxroxv oMAncATiov nm o-
ra nan . ' bitobi itoi
. rnuH luiAonmn nr mak
; a tmkt aoaxvit aiuxaa
rom im-Mmr . bmmmut
. act. .-..;...:.: .
nxrTBATao attempt.
v The Municipal . league,' .through lti
' icblef counsel. Miller Murdock, today bat-
fame a factor In the local - (ambling
. Tight when Attorney pan R, Murphy
,waa requested ta file complaints with
City Attorney U A. McNarjr against the
live big gambling- housea Th league
blathered evidence last night. It la said.
. that gambling waa being conducted .In
fine nousea, aa usual, although a r rest a
- mad been mart
. I I Jo not wlah to make any atatement
Wa to what I- will do If complaint a are
Jnade," said Mr. McNary. "i cannot in-
tlclpate, and prefer to await the action
. kf tha league." ...
. . Unless . . Mr. . McNary acta upon . the
' complaints I lay before him, I will Im
mediately begins mandamus proceedings
Against him In the circuit court," said
"Mr. Murpby. "I waa aaked last night to
vuavrae vx m, uwci iw U' jBunw-
. ppal league, and I have done so. Com'
plaints will be made against tba five
Jarge houses this afternoon, and I shall
- expect Mr. McNary to Issue warrants at
jcnce and to have the police raid the dene
. named. I shall expect then! to seise the
paraphernalia. In theae casea. as they did
' Jn the case of the Orpheum' gambling
Bouse, which they raided a week ago."
Complaints were again lodged with
. District Attorney Manning this morning
gainst the rive gambling houses whose
' (proprietors have beenv arrested. The
complaints were made this morning1 af
J o clock by Attorney Dan R. Murphy,
It ia likely that warrants will not be la-
sued on the complaints until tomorrow.
-t made the complaints with' the dlH
Tnct attorney this morning." said Mr.
Murphy, "and will continue to make
them, having different witnesses and an
entirely separate case in each Instance.
, Mr. Manning told me that he did not
think ha would be able to Issue the war
rant until tomorrow morning. At that
time he will turn them over to the
sheriff for eervice-and there -will be
nether' complaints on which other war
' Irants will be Issued." '
(Special Dtspatck to Hie Joarnal.)
".Eugene. Or., July tO.W. W. Korn,
realdlng near Mabel, 22 miles northeast
tof Eugene, on the Mohawk, was shot and
probably fatally wounded by his brother
In-law'a wife. Mrs. JamVe Klnman, about
1 o'clock laat night. Trouble has ex
is ted between the two for some time. ,
Yesterday the woman caught Horn's
cow on her place and tied the animal
up. After' taking the- cow home Korn
did not return the rope and the woman
told him that aba would shoot him if
)ie did not return it. Securing a shotgun
Che opened fire at a distance of to yards
rlth BS shot,' the charge taking effect
la his. abdomen, face ami limbs.
The Greatest of All
July Clearance
In order to make room for
our Fall . stock . we have
made another cut on
Outing Suits
MEN'S FINE $12.50 SUITS at
$8.85 uf. X
.... . ' - - . . ' :
V'W ':
4MT t ,
- - Third end Morrison Streets
-- That Frank Ougllelmo, the murderer
of Freda Oaraclo, is not now lying in
his grave Instead of a cell In "mur
derers' rowV at the Salem penitentiary
Is due solely to the watchfulness of
George Morden. the chief deputy sherilf.
The condemned - murderer - gave
"trusty" at the county Jail money with
which to purchase two bottles of mor
phlne the day before he wss sent to
Salem. The trusty waa detected taking
tne money or Morden. .
It seems that the day Ougllelmo waa
sentenced ne, waa depressed and con
flded to other Inmatea of the Jail the
belief that, he could not be saved from
the gallows. A close, watch was kept
on Dim. tsnortly alter he had been
taken downstairs from the circuit eoitt;t
Ell Smith, colored, a '.trusty." waa seen
talking to him, - Morden kept a close
eye on the pair and saw something pass
out 01 ins ceu to Hmitrw '
' He Informed Sheriff Word, who sent
ror emltn. Morden In the meantime In.
formed the aherlff he waa sure Smith
bad been given money. -
. "Where la that money Oucllelmo rave
your- demanded Sheriff Word of Smith
Smith looked dumfounded when the
question waa aaked and stammered out
tnet the money was In his other clothes.
The clothing was searched and a ti bill
found. Smith declared the money had
been given him with which to set
whisky. It was afterward learned that
he was to purchase two bottle of mor-
prune. - smith, finally admitted, that he
waa to buy morphine by agreement, but
asserted that he Intended .to pocket the
money ana et Ougllelmo nothing. .
The American merchant marina 00m
mission will meet in thla citv July 11
and August 1, and today Joint commit
teea from the Portland Commercial club
and chamber of commerce met at the
rooms of tha latter body to arrange for
the reception and entertainment of the
commission. It waa decided that the
sessions of the commission should be
held at tba commercial clubrooma. In
tha Chamber of Commerce building.
Representing the two bodies, a Joint
committee composed of A. I Craig, W.
K. Coman and W. A. Mears waa ap
pointed to - prepare entertainment for
tha visitors. The program will' Include
a boat ride on tha Columbia river on the
afternoon of July IL .
Messrs. Tom Richardson and E. W.
Wright were named to secure statistics
relating to Portland aa a shipping point
ana a seaport.
t-Keeley uquor-morphinc-tobacco
$i.oo, $1.50; $2! 00
. . and $2.50 ,
Men's Straw Hats ;
(See Morrison St Window)
m-vm .
- at
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
It destroys the disease, verms and
keepa the aystem cool and healthy.!
Duffy is an absolutely- pure tout
stimulant, free from ..fusel oil. In Ue
to years.
All druggists snd a rimers, or direct,-
tl a bottle. Medical booklet tree. Duffy
lnlt Whiskey Co.. Rochester, N. Y.
"Carry weapons and If moleated by
highwaymen, shoot Thla la tha advice
of Chief of Police Hunt to the streetcar
men of the city. In speaking this morn'
Ing regarding a robbery perpetrated at
11 o'clock laat night at the end of tba
Gllsan street line; when Conductor
B. Williams waa forced at the point of a
revolver to give over what change ha
possessed, amounting to about $11.
"If Conductor Williams had possessed
revolver, he could have at least taken
a few shots at that robber," aald Chief
Hunt thla mornlns-. "In ail nrobabilltv
he could have captured- him. I have ad
-prised tha men to arm themselves pre
viously, but thla did not meet with tha
approval of the managers of some of the
eompanlea. However, I give It my
opinion-that If the streetcar men would
carry weapons, ready for business, .It
would help the situation.
"I do not exactly anticipate an ep
Idemlo of crime," continued the chief.
"but It may come; It la likely to come
any time, and it Is a good thing to be
ready for It. if criminals know people
are prepared for them, they fear the
consequences, and generally give such a
place a wrae berth, it now appears that
there la bad man at large in Portland.
The detectives have' been and still are
working hard to capture him.. He may
be an ex-convlct and he may be a crude
cltlsen, tha police can never tell until
they effect a capture."
Detectives last night arrested three
men, who ' gave their names aa lave
Qermansky, T. J. Frye and John Mur
dock. In tha municipal court thla morn
ing It developed thaf the man giving
nia name aa Muraock is none other than
a fraud who had an aliened light with
Aurelio Herrera. pulled off less than a
ear ago at Salt Lake. It will be re
called that a man calling himself Jack
Downey, an Impoetor, attempted to put
up a fight with the Mexican. . The lat
ter delivered him Just one blow, knock'
Ing him out. It was a very laughable
affair at first, but later tha sport took
It up and made trouble over It Mur
dock la the man who was knocked out
Tha three men were arrested for work'
Ing slot machines for money. They had
wire contrivance, and made money.
Lent night they went into a saloon run
by Colonel Harvey snd worked the slot
machine for a royal flush. - They got
110, and were soon afterwards arrested.
In the municipal court this morning
they were severely lectured by Deputy
City Attorney - Fltse-erald and Judge
Hoa-ue and were told to quit the city
within 11 hours. They promised to
do so.
wnen Long roon, a Chinese born on
American soil, learned from the col
umns of tha Dally Astorlaa that he had
two wives, ons of whom was said to
have contemplated suicide, and that he
had formed a highbinder society with
X00 members, his oriental blood mounted
about IIS degrees Farenhelt bringing
It to the boning point He consulted
Attorney Charles F. Lord, the result
being that a libel suit for damages In
the amount of $10,000 waa filed this
afternoon In the federal court against
Samurl Ellmore and tha Astorlan Pub
lishing company.
The article complained of was pub
lished Sunday, July IT. In- It la al
leged that Poon Is a San Francisco high
binder leader and that he had two wives
lie ia accused of bringing one to As
toria and afterward aending her to Port
land on a visit- In the meantime, ac
cording to the story, the other wife
reached Astoria, and when she heard of
wife No. i tried to Induce Poon to dis
card her. ,
(Special Dispatch to The Journal. )
San Francisco, July 80. A well
dressed man who dropped dead In a sa
loon last night waa today Identified as
John Cederborg Tailor. Nothing la
known of the man's relatives, but pa
pers In his pockets Indicated that he
formerly lived at (1 Battery street,
Portland, Or. He also- had pawn tickets
for four watches snd five rings pawned
between June to and July. 16. , . ,
Local Inquiry failed to locate any such
a street number, and the man's name
does not appear In the city directory.
The council this afternoon adopted an
amendment to the ordinance passed lest
tall prohibiting pool .selling In this city.
The amendment provides that poola me y
ha aold on races at the Riverside track,
l" Is specifically stated that at no other
place In the city and at no other time
of the year wJU -pol-aelllng be . per
' Negotiatlona are under way by the
Russell aV Rogers con-pa ny of Ban Fran
clsco for the purcrTase of another
steamer to be run "In connection with
the Aurelfa between Portland and Cal
ifornia portal Tht information was
given out thla morning by officers of
the Aurelta, which arrived In port last
night from tha Bay City. It Is the In
tention of the company to -establish a
weekly service up and down the coast
If the deal now pending goes through
the addition to the line will be made
Just as quickly aa the necessary, ar
rangements can be completed.
According to Purser Abbott the new
steamer which the company Is endeav
oring to purchaae la considerably larger
than the Aurella and aside rrom .being
a good freight carrier Is well fitted up
for passenger accommodations. When
tha new Una gets well under way, ne
aaya. It la - the intention of the com
pany to have a steamer sailing rrom
San Francisco for Portland every Satur
day evening." Occasional trips may be
made as far south aa nan v earo. .
"There will be plenty of business for
both steamers." said Mr. Abbott this
morning. "Full cargoes are secured, for
the Aurella both waya without any par
tlcular effort being put forth. Particu
lar attention will be given to the pas
senger business, and there" Is no doubt
that the venture can be. made a profitable
one. soon tna ran iraae win open up,
and the coastwise trade will be material
lv increased." .
.Shipping men generally are expecting
to see the coastwise business pick up
considerably during the next lew
months. A short time ago there was
soma talk of the O. B. N. putting an
other ateamer on the line . In connection
with the Columbia and tha George w.
Rider. Should the steamers or tne ouier
lines begin to cutting Into their' business
to any great extent It ia believed that
the addition will be, mane.
Astoria. July 10. Left -up at 4 am.
Barkentlne Lahalna and schooner Ban
gor. '
-. San Francisco. July 1. Arrived at
p. m. Steamer vosta mca, irom -urv
Astoria, July 1. Arrived 'down at
t:l( and sailed st 4 p. m. Barkentlne
John Smith, for San Pedro.
Astoria, July 10. Condition of the bar
at I a m., smooth; wind norm; weainer,
15,000 ELKS FORM
(Journal Special SerTtce.) ,
Cincinnati July JO. The parade today
of the Elks who are in national reunion
here Droved to be one of the biggest
demonstrations of its kind ever seen In
Cincinnati. The weather waa Ideal and
when the parade etarted a cool breese
was blowing.
It Is estimated that fully 15.000 mem
bers of the order. Including "S lodges,
were In line, the ' various delegations
representing lodges In every, part of the
union. ,
The grand lodge reassembled at I
o'clock thla afternoon. A new grrfnd
secretary will be elected and other im
portant business transacted, '
Judge John McBrfde tiled today at
hteebome In Spokane. Wash.- Hewas
about 70 yeara of ageand was one of
Oregon's pioneer lawyera When a
young man he entered politics and was
elected on the Republican, ticket to the
stste legislature, end afterward to con
gress, being the first Republican con
gressman from Oregon, ne wss sner
ward appointed to a territorial Judg-
shlp In Utah. .
.He practiced - law several years In
Salt Lake, and lajer removed to Spo
kane, where he has since practiced law,
making a specialty of mining1 litigation.
He waa a eon of lr. ncunao, an Ore
gon pioneer, who - waa - appointed by
President Lincoln to be United Slat's
minister to the Sandwich Islands. He
leaves three brothers Senator Oeorge
W. McBride and Judge ThomaaA. Mc
Bride of Oregon, and Dr. James Mo-
11 ride of Illinois. He belonged to a very
old and leading family., and will be
mourned by many -warm friends
throughout tha state. His wife died in
Portland a few weeka ago.
Artlftalal Byea Fitted.
Largs; stock at l. Chambers, lit Tth.
Just arrived Monday from New York's most exclusive
makers. New patterns recently created and now in
our establishment on display and at the regular
Every model is
garment of its
Many members of the Arion Male
chorus of this city w(H eav for Ta
ooma tomorrow, where they will partici
pate In the annual ssengerfest of the
North Pacific Saengerbund which is. to
be held In that city, beginning with Fri
day and continuing over Sundajr? ' Sev
eral singing societies from the north
west will participate in the" festival.
They are the lederkrans society of
Seattle, the Concordia of Belllngham,
the Maennerchor society of Walla Walla,
the Harmonio club of Spokane, the Arion
society of Portland . and the Saenger
bund of Tacoma. .
The Portland society will aend 14
singers to participate In the chorus. The
program will consist of chorusep of the
masters and popular melodies, and each
society will sing at least one number
alone. . ... '
The members of the Arion society
who will participate In the featlval are:
Louts Pammasch, director; Paul Wee-
sinner, soloist; Charles Dlerke, accom
panist first tenors, John Oill. Mas
Eutlng, E. H. Wandel. ' Richard Max
Meyer, F. Jones, Herman Rohse, Carl
Haeber, William Velten. C W. Bauer;
second tenors. Emit Etssel, C. H. Pre
eemeder, Robert Lance, Mas neiach-
aucr; first bass. Ales Wagner. Peter
Wsgner, Eugene Froessner, 'William
Hanebut, Paul Weaslnger, Fred Fischer,
Gottlieb Hoehlen; second bass, Rlchsrd
Krumpf, Fred Tapken. Otto Roenlcke, E.
Hlppley. J. B. Pllklngton, A. Miller, Joe
lessen, August oenne.
' An Attractive Window. .
' Not exactly one that would attract
the gentler sex, but one that will give
the average smoker an Incentive te
top and take a peep. ' 'Tla the Window
of Slg. Slchel & Co.'s cigar store, at (2
Third street; in which in profusely and
tastefully displayed vacation smoking
perquisites. There are cigars in boxes
both large and small, varloua klnda
and flavors of tobacco and plpea to
suit all millionaire and Irishman. An
attractive aign representing v 4 chap
starting for his vacation enhancea the
window the more. A look Into the
window aissures one he need go no far
ther on a hunt for smoking articles to
rely on for -solac. during the dreamy
hours of a well earned and happy va-
Canadian National Park.
Tha Canadian Paclflo has annonunced
a special rate of lis to Banff and re
turn. Passengers have option of travel
ing via Victoria and Vancouver or by
the way of Sumas and Mission Juno
tinn. Tickets good for stopover privi
Thla ' famous summer resort Is situ
ated in the heart of the Rocky moun
tains, less than -4S hours' ride from
Portland. For descriptive matter and
full particulars call at 111. Third street
Schedule of Steamer T. J, Potter.
The sesslde steamer T. J. Potter will
leave- Portland,- Aah - street -dock; for
Astoria snd Ilwsco aa follows:
July II, Thursday, a m.
July 22, Friday, a. m.
July 23, Saturday, 1 p. m.
Get transportation and berth tickets
at O. R. at N. ticket emce. Third and
Waahington streets.
("pedal plipatrh to The Joarnal.)
Pendleton, Or., July 20. j. C. Loner-
gan will, about the end of thia week.
ship from Pendleton nine carloads of
beefjpa picked up along the south end of
thla county and In the John Pay country.
All will go to Fnce-Bruhn Co. They
are said to be extra good animals, as
are nearly all the beeves coming out of
that district this year.
' Artificial Zyes Fitted.
Large stock at D. Chambers, lit 7th.
Builds no the system: puts pure, rich
blood in the veins.; makes men and wo
men strong and healthy. Hurdock Blood
any drug store.
All of Sunny Jim's correspondence la
bandied on U Uaderwood Typewriters.
. qoMMivTLf ' to ArrxtrM.
fflperUl Plepatch to The Joarnal.) -Pendleton,
Or., July 20. Al F. Volroth.
formerly of PrlnevlUe. but fer some
time sn Inmate of the county poor farm.
was yesterday adjudged Insane and later
on will be taken tovthe asylum. He la
22 years of are.
For Infanta and Children.
rtia Kind You Haia Always Ec:;M
Bears the
entirely different and newer than any
kind shown Jn Portland this season.
- Southweet Cot.. Foarth aad Morrison.
(Rperlal Dispatch to The JoarBal.)
Salem, July "20.- An attempted Jail
break was frustrated here yesterday by
the discovery In time of the would-be
fugitives.., Deputy County Clerk Escha
glanced out Of the window of the re
corder's office on the north side Of the
court , house at 11.S0 a. m. and lmmedl
ately noticed a . alight unusual commo
tion inside the bare across the window
of the Jail.
Mr. Eache Informed Sheriff Culver,
who repaired with two deputies, Mlnto
and 8klpton, to the Jail beneath and
found the two occupants of that place.
Charles Kryson and Harry Dunn, with
looks of placid "what have we - done
now"- Innocence on their facea.
After a ahort search. Sheriff Culver
encountered a very neat tool, made
from a clock spring and filed like
saw, about 14 Inches In length. It
waa fitted Into a handle made from a
piece of pine box. This made a pretty
good saw with which to' work on the
steel bars that enclosed the windows
and the laborers by a careful attention
to business had cut one of tha window
bars nearly half In two.'
The prosecution, represented by Pro
fessor Drew, James A. French and B.
P. McCracken, aa private prosecutors In
the caae. won In the saloon casea yes
terday afternoon. The Jury aftej an
hour's deliberation, returned a verdict
of guilty In the case of the state
versus J. P. Rogers. In which the lat
ter was charged with having kept his
saloon open Sunday, July 10. .This is
the first of. the 11 cases to come to
trial. The other -10 casea hinged more
or less on the outcome of this ono. but
it Is quite certain that all of them will
be tried upon their merits separately.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Arkerman announcea that . the datea
upon which the examinations for stste
and county papers shall be held this
year are Auarust 10, 11 and 12. He also
gave the following dates fpr ' county
teachers' Institutes for this year, ao
far aa they have been arranged:
Coquille. August 15. 16, .17. 18; Tort
Orford, August 18. 19. 20; Union. Aug
ust 29. 20, 51; The Itellea, -August 11,
September 1, 2; Roseburg, August 21
September 1, 2; Oregon City, September
7, S. l-Rainier. September 13. 14. II;
Hlllsboro. September 2,..2. X0; . and
Salem, November 1. 1. I. The Inlard
Empire Teachers' association will be
held at Pendleton. October It. 20 and 21,
After three days spent In seeing the
various points of Interest in and around
Portland, President Howard Elliott of
the Northern Pacific left at S o'clock
this, morning for a trip through Waah
ington. ' .
Mr. Elliott took the electric car in
thla city and went to Vancouver, and
from this point proceeded to Beat tie.
Mr. Elliott snd the other Northern Pa
clflo officials were pleased with the
prospects of Portland and declared that
It had unlimited possibilities.
He waa much pleased with tha exposi
tion grounds and with the buildings.
The natural advantagea of the grounds
could not be surpassed,'' he said, and the
manner in which they. re laid out also
appealed to him.
"Portland should oe greauy benefited
by the Lewis snd Clark 'fair." ha aald.
Indeed, the entire northwest will be
benefited, for it will be' an exposition
of the development of. this entire coun
try rather than showing the growth and
advancement of any one, city or terri
(prial Dispatch to The Journal)
Pendleton, Or., July 20. Papera were
filed In the circuit court here yesterday
afternoon by Carter Raley and Jamea
A. Fee. attorneya for Zella May Cheney.
It will be remembered that Mrs, Cheney
and her husband, .L. W. Cheney, came to
an agreement under which Cheney was
to pay his wife for the remainder of her
natural life 110 per week for the main
tenance of herself and the two minor
children, Mrs. Cheney Incidentally re
Knqulahtng all rights to their mutual
belrniglnsav an t hie propertjl"
According to Mrs. Cheney, her hus
band repudiated aU Ma promise and has
disappeared. .
(Journal Speda! fWvlre.1
' rl, Waeh., July 2 R. Boren
I ". a rmtive-of Norway, who
I I it.i fnr I'D )ers, waa found
: ! ' ti cf heart trouble tlinj-
(Special I) ta patch to The JoaraaL)
Chehalia. Wash., July 20. At I O'clock
thla morning Samuel Clarke, hla wife
and two-children had a miraculous es
cape from being mown Into eternity by
a dynamite explosion at Pa Ell. 15 milea
west of Chehalia Clarke occupied the
Prlgmore hotel building with his family.'.
Unknown persona aet off a large quan
tity of dynamite under the ' atalrway,
blowing out the latter, tearing out the
door with Ha caalng and wrecking on
whole aide of the building.
Clarke and his family alept but eight
feet away and escaped unhurt
Sheriff Urquhart took the early morn
ing freight for Pe 11 and every effort
will be made .to apprehend the perpe
trators. The explosion was so great
that It woke the people at MoCoriuick.
two milea off.; It la thought the motive
for the crime waa revenge. .
Viaible writing means the Underwood
will cure:
any case of
or ' ';
that is :
not beyond
: the reach
of medicine.
: No
can do more, -
B. - 6peeel. 1204 N. Vlrtrfnta 8t.
Etrnvule, Ind., writes: "For over five
years I . wat troubled with kidney and
bladder affections which caused ma much
pain and worry. I loat flesh and waa all
run do wu, and a year a?o had. to
abandon work entirely. I bad three of
tha best phytiiciab who did tna no (rood
and I was practically given op to die.
Foley's Kidney Care wa recornmeririd
and the first bottle Rave me r-esf r-' -',
and ater taking the seer 1 . 1
entirely cured.' ,