The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 20, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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rsoTEMEXX or . nn rirrEJtBiH
STXEtT. ' s "
. Notice la hereby given that William ,'C.
hlott, Ctty F.iutineeri baa flb-d In the office
M Ui nndaralaurd. notice tbat MUler a: Bauer,
contractors lor the Improvement of Esst 1f
tnenlb street, under the provlelona of ordinance
(.o. la.olia, have eompletedsaald atreet, from
aorta Una of Multu-'Uinh .street to tha
renter Una of Schuyler street and from- tba
center line of Hancock street to the south line
sf Thompson street. .
, ".aid scceptaoc will be leonsldered by tha
Executive Board at 4 o'clock, on tha Zli
far of Jul, lUOa. and objections to tba ne
epUnce of said afreet, or any part thereof,
biay ba died in tba of flea of tba. undersigned
at any time prior thereto.
' - Auditor ef tba Clt of Portland.
" Portland, Oregon, July la, 190.
' STREET. ... . . .
Notice ta hereby -given tbat William O. El
Hot, City Engineer, baa bird lit tha ofnea
sf tba unilerslxiied notice that Bmyth A
" Howard Company, contractors for tba linprove
inant of Kaat Fifteenth atreet under tlia pro
rleiona of orilluanca Mo. 18.BXJ, bata eoninlxtrd
aid atraat from tba rantxr Una of bvbuylof
atrrat to tha avntar Una of Hancock atraat.
. Bald aoepptanea will be eonaldarad by tha
EiacutlT Board at 4 o'clock, on tha ai
day of Jul, 1H04, and object loo to tha ac
raptanca of aald atraat, or any part tbaroof.
nay ba died In tha office of tba andecalnoed
t.AA tliua prior thereto. 1
i y Tin. C. DKVMH,.
Aadltot of tbe ateof IMrtUnd.
- Portland. Oreaoa, July la. 104. .
"-' (TREET, ' '
. NoUca la ' bareby flTan that, William O.
Illott, City Enclneer, baa filed la tha office
Sf tha undvraiejned. notlca that Gleblacb
oplln. enntraetora f tba Improiamaut of Beat
Twenty-elcbth atceet. under tba prolela of
ordinance Ko. ia,0.tS, hare completed aald
atteet. from " north Una of Stark atraat to
tne center Hue of Pine atraet.
Bald acceptance will be coneldered by the
Kaecutlre Board at 4 o'clock, on the 2ad
day of Joly, NXIe. and objactlona to tha ac
eeptanca of aald. atraat. or any xpart thereof,
nay be died InUba offlca ( tba undarabrnad
at any Uua prior thereto.
Stub jcxwrmTB board.
. . : - By THOat. 0. IKVU!. ..
I' -, Auditor of tba City of Portland.
' Portland, Oregon. . July Id. 1904.
: TREET. W. v ' ", ' '
Notlca la hereby glTea that Wllllani 0.
Elliott, -City Knglneer, baa died In the office
of the anderalgned. notlca tbat Oleblacb A
Jnplln, eontraetura fo tba Improeement of Eaat
Nineteenth atreet. under tba proTlalona of or
dinance No. IS.bita, hare completed aald atreet,
from tha eei.ter Una of Broadway to tba center
line of Schuyler atreet.
Raid acceptance will ba considered by the
Xxrautlre Board at 4 o'clock, on the22d
day of July. 104. an objectlona to tha ao.
aeptanca of aald atraet. or any part thereof,
may ba Bled In -the efdee at tba undersigned
at any time prior thereto. 1 i .
t , By T1108. 0. DKVLIM.
,' ' Aadltot of the Ctty of Portland.
1 Partland, Oregon, July M. 1904.
Sealed rirooosale will be recelred at
. bfflca of tba Anditnr of tba City of Portland
. antll Friday, July in. ltwa.- ai a o sioca p. m.,
. tn t imnMwmcnt of Lownadala atraat from
tha aonth Una of Waablngton atreet to tha
' aonth Una of Alder atreet. In tba manner pro
Tided by ordinance No. 14,06, eublect to tbe
proTlalona of. tbe Charter and ordlnaacea of
fhe City of PortUnd and tba . aatimata. of tba
City Engineer, oa Ilia. . . .
Blda muat ba 'atrlctly in accordance with
printed bUnka, which will ba fnrnlahed on
application at tha oftlca of tbe Auditor of tha
' City of PortUnd. . And aald Improeement muat
. ba completed on or before 60 daya from tha
data of tba Ignlnf of tha eontract by tba
No propoaals or blda will ba conaldared on
. leaa accompanied by a certified check payable
-: to tba order of tba Mayor of tba City of Port
land, oartllled by a reepooalblo bank for an
. amount equal lo IV par cent oa mo acaegaia
The rlrbt to reject any and all blda la hereby
. roaerraa. . ,
By order of tba EteCOtlTa oara- V
. ..... . TH08. O. DCTtltt.
j.r-f - Auditor of tba Otty ot PorUaod.
Portland, Oregon, July la. 1904.
eu.i.4 muili will ba racelTod at tba of-
' Are of tha Auditor of tha City of Portland
t" aotll rrlday, July XX X04. at S o'clock a. a
for tba improeementi ot rjeei -j-waniy-eeonu
atraat from tha aortb lino af Iwnn'a addltloa ta
the- aortb Una of East Bnrnalde atreat, la
the manner prorlded by ordinance Mo. 14.
OflT. auhject to the proTtalona of tbe .Char bet
and ordinances of tba City of Portland and tba
estimate of tba City Engineer, oa Ale. '
Blda must ba atrlctly In accordance With
printed blanks, which will ba furulehed oa
application at tha cfilce of tha Auditor of tba
City of Portland. And aald Improeement must
ba completed oa m before SO days from tba
data of tba signing; of tha contract by tbe
part tea Thereto - ' ., .
K'n nronoaala Mr bids will ba considered nn
iMmMnl,)! br a certified check nayahlc
to tha order of tba Mayor of tha City of Port
land, certified by a reaponslbla hank for an
amount equal ta 10 per, eaat ot tba aggregate
The right to reject any and all blda la hereby
.. By order of tha ExecntWe Board.
. , TnOS. 0. DEVLI.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
: Portland. Oregon. July Id. 1904. -i
a i i ------
Sealed propoaala will - ba receleed at tba
efflca of tbe Auditor of tba City ot Portland
nntll Prlday, July it. 1904, it S o'clock -p. m.,
Sn K lannroeemant of Main atreet from tba
. west Una of Front street to tba weat Una ot
Toorteentu atreei, in ine saanner proTiaeo oy
rrfinnM Na. 14.0AS. anbtect to tba nrorlalona
ef tba Charter and ordinances ot tba City t
Portland and tba estimate ei in uv awgv
1 aeer, oa file.
Bids must be tricar la accordance with
RHntMt hlanka. wtlch will be furnlahed na
application at the office of tha Auditor of tha
City of Portland. And aald Improeement mnat
bo completed en er before So daya from tha
date of the signing ot tba eontract by tba
parltaa thereto '
v nmnnaala or blda wlu be considered tra
leaa accompanied by certified check payable
to tba order of tbe Mayor of the City of Port
. land, certified by fc responsible bank for an
an-cuBt equal to 10 per cant of tha aggregate
iPrTheMr1gbt to reject any and all blda la hereby
referred- . '
By order St tha Xieentlea Board.
. . . r THOS. a DBVT.fl. -
' ' Auditor of the City ot Portland.
'' Portland. Ore roe, Jnly 14. 1904. (
Reeled ' propose Is will be reeelTed at ' tbe
office of the Auditor of the city of Portland
nntll Prlday July S3, 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m..
nc the lnmravement of East Taylor atreet
from tha east curb Una of Union avenue to tha
weat curb line of East Eighth atreet. la the
manae prorlded by ordinance No. 14,0fln, sub
ject to fhe prerlelons of the Charter and ordl.
nancae of tbe City of Portland and tbe esti
mate of tbe City Enclnoer, oa file.
. Blda mnat be atrlctly In accord. are with
printed blanks, which will be furnished on
application at tha office of tbe Auditor of tba
City of Portland, And aald lmpmranient mnet
be completed on or before B0 days from tha
data of the signing ef tha contract by tba
pari tea thereto
Na nronna.l. or blda win be considered an
leaa accompanied by a eertlBed check payable
to tha order of tbe Mayor of the City of Port
land, certified by a responsible bsnk for an
anonnt equal ta 10 par cent ot tbe aggregate
PrVhe"rl'gbt 'to reject an and all blda la hereby
raserreo. .
By order of tha Kxecntlr. Board. .
' THOS. O. DEVT,I!. ,
Andlror of tba City ot Portland.
Portland. Oregon, July 16, 1904.
I Sealed nronoaala will ba re eel red at the of-
I Sea of the Anditnr of the City of Portland
nntll rrlday, Jnly 83, 10O4, at S o'clock p. m.,
for tha Improvement of East Tsmhlll street
from tba eaat curb Una of !nlov avenue to tha
weat eura . una of Eaat Kignta atreet, in the
manner provided by ordinance No. 14.070,
abject to the provisions of the Charter and
ordinances ef the City ot Portland and tba eott-
Biate ot me uty Knanneer, oa nie.
Bid must be atrlctly la accordance With
printed blanks, 1 which will ba fnrnlahed oa
application at tbe office of the Anditnr of the
City of Portland. And aald Improvement must
be completed on or before So daya from tha
eat of tba signing of the eontract br tba
. earltaa thereto .
- No "propoaala or blda will be considered Bn-
ees accompanied by a certified check payable
to the order of the Mayor of tha Cltr of Port
and. certified by a responsible bank for an
amonnt equal to 10 per eaat ef the aggregate
The right to reject any and alt blda la hereby
feserven. -
By order af tha Eaecntlre Board.
' . THOS. !. DCTt.IM.
A editor nf the City ot Vortlaad.
Portland. Oregoa, July la, 1904.
Notion la hmlif ilm . that William C.
Illlott. CHv bnelueer, baa Iliad In tba offlua
of tha andernlKucJ, aotloa tbat "rauey A Keat
ing, contractors (ur tba euiiairucllon or a sewer
In Kant Twelfth street. uutlrr tne BrovUtons
of ordinance No. Kl.Uub, have completed aald
sower, trooi Hancock street to 100 feat our La
of Hancock street.
Raid acceptance will ba eonaldarad -by tba
ElMilll Hoard at 4 o'clock, on tba 2Jd
day of Jul, JMO. and objectlona te the ac
ceptance of aald aewer, or any part theroof,
ma ba Bled In tha offlce of tba undersigned
at any time prior thereto.
lilts .aw liTiyai ikuiii,
. ' " Br T1IUH..V. DKVLIN.
Audit.' of tba fky of PortUnd.
Portland, Oiegoa, July Id. 10U4.
Notice ta berebr a I ran that William 6.
Elliott. Cltr Knalneer. baa bled In the office
of tbe undrralgntid, notice that Becblll Broa.,
contractira fur the oonatructloa of a aewer tn
lr rlug atrewt. uuocr ina proaiaioua oi
ordinance No. la.BoO. have completed aald
ewer, from k'aat Iwenty-uuitb atraat to Kaat
Twentyilgbth atroet.
' Hald aocejiiawa will be coneldered by tba
Eaeoutlea Hoard it 4 o'clock, on the S2d
day of July, 1D04. and ebjrctlooa to the ae
ecptanca of aald newer, or any part thereof,
may ba died In the office of tba anderalgued
t any time prior thereto."
, , ... By THoa. C, WKVMlf.
' Andltur of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, July 19. 1804. -
-7 i" XM BOXTHWI0K STREET. -Notice
Is hereby glvea. that William 0.
Elliott. City Kiutlncer. baa Sled In the office
ot the undersigned, notlca that V. A. Williams,
contractor tor the, construction of a eewc In
Uorthwlcfc atreet, under tba ' provlalona ot
nrOinanca No, 13.wtl3. has completed said sewer,
from Humboldt street to Preaoott atreet.
' Bald acceptance will be considered by tbe
Eaccutlve Board at 4 o'clock, an the 22d
day of July, 1904, and objectlona to tlie ac
ceptanee of aald aewar, or apy part thereof,
aiay be filed In tbe office of tbe underalgued
at any time prior thereto, v .
mi ixn i'Tivn ijiiabii,
' ' By THOU. C. UKVI.IM. .
- Auditor of tba City of Portland.
PortUnd. Oregon, July 18." 1904.
Notice -Is herebv airen tbat William 6.
Elliott. Cltr Enalneec. haa Sled In the office
of tbe undcralgnvd. notice that BecUlli Bros.,
enntraetora for the eooatrocttoo ef a aewer In
Ivy atreet, under the provtelnne of oral nance
No. 13.W61. bava completed aald aewar, .from
Cnlon avenne toTaneoaverlveTrae. t-t
Bsld aceeutsnce will be conaldarea oy tne
Bxecutlve Board t 4 o'clock, on the 22d
day ot July. 1904. and. objectlona to the ac
ceptance of aald aewer, or any part thereof,
n.ay be Sled In tba office of tba andemlgowd
at aay time prior thereto,
lug Ran tJTivra in fa ou, t
Auditor of tba City ot PortUnd.
PortUnd, Oregon, Jnly 19, 1904.
Ketloe ) herehv riven that William C.
Elliott, City Engineer-, haa Sled In the office
of - thevmnderslgued, settee that Jaonbaan-Bade
Co., contractors lot. tne aonsiruction . ot a
aewar la .Kaat BUrk atreet under the provla
lona ot ordinance No. 18,964, have completed
aald aewer. from 75 feet east of East Seven
teenth atreet to the aewer lo Kaat Stark
atreet. ...
Bald acceptance will be ennaidered by tne
Executive. Board at 4 o'clock, on tba Z2d
day of July, 1904. and objectlona to tha sc.
eentanca .of said sewer, or any Dart thereof.
may be. Sled .In tbe office of the underalgued
at any time prior thereto.
; ' i v rt irtfAQ n lk V I I RA "y
Myj 1 nUOi Vs aVAb AJ(
A'odltnr ot tbe Cltr ot PortUnd.
PortUnd.. Oregon, July 1, 1904. -
pxovExzjrr or twirtt-third bt.
KaHm Is berahv alven that William C.
tplltntr rMf -nlneer. haa filed In the office
,f th. Mniteeatirned. notlca that Bmvth at How
ard Co., con tractors for the Improvement of
Twentr-thlrd atreet. ander the provUlona of
emtinane No. lfl.AAO. - have completed aald
atreet, from the norm line or i nnrman atreei
to tbe north line of Hhsrlock's addltloa. '
Bald acceptance will, be coneldered by. tha
Executive Board at 4 o'clock, . oa the 2d
nay oa ,uy, ien, . we" -
CTIIUUIC. Hill ewOT., w j.. . ......
aiay be Sled In tbe bfflce ot the undersigned
at gay time prior -tnereto. -
. XttBl KXM IMlts,
- : x By THOS. 0. DBVLfrT.
Auditor of tbe Cite ot Portland.
' Portland, Oregon. July IS. 1004.
BTXXKI. . - '
Mntioa la berebv' aivea that WllUam 0.
Elliott. City Engineer, haa filed In the office
nf tht r '"-'ff""'. antlce that fllrhlsch A
Joplln. contrsctors for the Improvement of
Ksst Twenty-loorui sir eat. nnw-r uie i'nr,i.
L,na of ordinance No. 13.60T. have enmpleted
aald street, from the north line of Baaa Line
road to tha center Una ot Ankeny atreet. ' -Said
acceptance will be conaldared by tba
Executive Board at 4 o'clock, oa tha 22d
day of July. 1904, and objectlona to tbe ac
CCptSDOe t ..IU WWl. V, muf yi. -' I
may ba Sled In the office of the andenlgaed
at aay time prior thereto.
-ittBJ r.Ar.t uiive D" ftnu,
. A editor of tbe City nf PertUad.
PortUnd, Oregon, July 18. 1904.
STREETS. , . , 1 : - ;' '.
Notion U haeebv alvea that William 0,
Fuiott. flltv Enalnacr. haa Sled In tbe office
of the nderalgoed, notice that Smyth A How
ard Co., contractors ritr roe improvemenc oi
VL'mtAr and Hood streets, under tbe nrovUtons
ct ordinance. No. 1S,TTT, have completed said
atreata. from 100 feet aouth of the aouth
Una of CDruthere street to uw center una ei
Sbermaa atreet . '
Bald acceptance will be ennaidered by tba
Bxecutlva Board at 4 o'clock, oa the 22d
day of Jnly, 1904. and -objectlona to the ac
ceptance of aald atreet, or any part thereof,
may be Sled In the office af the undersigned
at any tune prior thereto.
- . . -jitxm r.Aa. v 1 1 v w di.wi
Auditor of the City ot Portlaad.
Portland. Oregoa, July 10. 1904.
' Nnrtoe U hereby glvsn that WllUam C
Elliott, City Engineer, baa Sled ta the office
of the undersigned, notice thst Stevens A
White, Contractora for the Improvement of Karl
en-act. nnder tbe nrovlsloas of ordinance No.
ia.hol, have completed aald atreet, from the
east line or Miiwsnsie street to ue wesi
Une of Eaat Twentieth atreet.,
Bald acceptance will ba considered by tha
Executive Board at 4 o'clock, on . tbe T2d
dav of Julv. 1904. and objections to tha ac
ceptance of said atreet, er aay part thereof.
Kay be filed la tbe office et the anderalgned
at any time prior thereto.
By THOS. C. riRVLlN.
"V Anditnr of tha Cltr ot Portland.
Portland, Oregon, July 10, 1904.
Notice U hereby given that WllUam C.
ElUott, City Engineer, haa tiled In tbe office
of tha underalgued, notice tbat B, J. Debuhr.
C"tractnr f the Improvement of Present!
street, ander tbe provisions of ordinance No,
1S.S73, -bss completed said street, from the
center line of East Thirteenth street to the
center Une of Eaat .Fourteenth atreet.
Bald acceptance will be considered bf tha
Executive Board at 4 o'clock, en tha EM
day ot July,' 1904, and objectlona to the ac
ceptance ot nsia street, or sny part tnerenr,
may be filed In tha office af tha undersigned
at any ume prior mcrern,
. " By THOS. 0. KKVI.IN,
' . Aaditor of tha City of PortUnd.
Portland, Oregon, Jnly If). 1904.
PmposaU will be received by the Water
Board of the City ot Portland, Oregon, nntll
I p. m., Thursday. July 21, 14, for ttirntahlng
three thonaand aqtisres ot "llrdrex" felt manu
factured at East Walpole. Msaa., or felt equally
satiaractory so ine engineer, nrtiveraa too
Tha right Is reserved by tbe Water' Board to
reject sny on an nioe, - . , ,
By ordar ot tbe Water Board.
Pitprrlntennent Water Department.
-' PortUnd, Oregon, July Id, 1904.
Sealed proposals will be received St the
office of tne Auditor or me city of Portland
until !:! P. m. weoneenay, jtny an, jn.
for rnrnianing ine ntreet i.teaning and HnrlnK-
ling Department with IKHt feet of I', Inch fire
hoae. aamplea to be anhmltted with bid. No
nrntioaal will be coneldered (Tnleaa sccnmnenled
by a certified check psysbla t (he order of
tha Mayor ot Ue City, ot Portland tor awa
hundred dollars.
Tha right to reject any and all blda la hereby
, y order at tha Executive Board.
nun. h. iiowrr.r
. 1 - 11. W. OOIIKAHIV. '
PortUnd, Oregwi, July 15. 1S04. , .
STREJtT. , ; ,
Notice la 'herebv clven that at tha meeting
ef tbe Council of the. City of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 6tb aay or juiy, ileus, ua
following raantutlon waa adopted:
Ueaolred. Tbat tha Council ot tha City af
PortUnd, Oregon, deeaia It expedient and pro.
poer to improve East Ninth atreet front tba
north Una of Beacon street to tba aouth Una
ot KlUwurtb auaet la tba follow log autaner,
tu-wlti -
Ftrsb By grading tha atreet full width with
full intersections to the proper sub-grade aa
glrea by the City Knglneer.
tSBCoud Bv bringing the ' surface ot the
street full wl.lib with full iuteraecthiua to
prr.per grade with gravel.
Third By constructing wooden aldewalka,
croaswalks and ' eurbe In accordance with tha
City Kugloeer'e plana, speclUcatlone and aatl
bis tea. , - ' : . K- '.
fourth By constructing bob gutters. . -Hald
improvement ta be made, la accordance
with the charter and ordlnancee ot tbe City
of Portland and the' plana. epeclDratbjoe and
aatlmatea of tbe :ity Engineer Bled In tbe
efflca of tba Auditor of tba City of PortUnd
en tbe Rth day of July, H4. Indorsedl "City
IDiHClneer a plana and aiierincations tor ine tin
provameot of Kaat Ninth atreet from tbe north
Una of Beacon atreet to the aouth Una of
Ellsworth street, and., the aatlmatea of the
work tn he done and tberprobabU total coat
thereof." , . .
Tbe coat of aald Improvement an be aaaeaaed
aa provided by tba city charter upon the prop
erty apectally- heusflted thereby and which, U
hereby oeclureq . to oe an me .. pru. m
lota and pareeU of Und lying between a line
100 feet east nf and parallel with tbe east
tin, nf Fast Ninth street and a Una 100 feet
weet of and parallel with tire want line of
East Ninth atreet ana neiween ine ootid nue
of Beacon atreei and tha south Una or lls
worth etraet, " ' ' .
- The Englneer'e eatlmate of the probable tntal
coat for the Improvement of aald Kaat Mhith
aueet U SH.664.0O. . .... -'
The above improvemenv is to no eineseo as
a gravel Improvement end shall be maintained
he. the Ofly for a period of five years, provided
that the owners of a majority ot the property
affected by aald . Improvement or any portion
thereof, ahall not petition for a new or differ
ent Improvement before tba expiration of such
na plans, ifenimogin sui r-nniir .
tbe Cltr . Engineer for the Improvement ef
aald Eaat Ninth atreet are hereby adopted.
. ..... .
Heeolved. That the Auditor or tne t uy or
Portland ha and he U hereby directed to give
notice of tbe proposed Improvement ot aald
street aa provided by the city charter;
Hemonetrancea agatuai tne soove iranw
Inent may be filed In writing with the under
signed within dare from the data at the
ftrtt publication of this notice, . .
uy oraer oi tne xuncii. . ,
' A editor of the City ef PortUnd,
Portland. Oregon. July S. 1904. '
v.tiM i heeehv aivan that at the meeting
of the Council of the- CHty yt PorUand, Ore
gon, held oa tne m oar o eiu, java, aue
Lllowliig reaoluUoD waa adoptedi
Hesolvsd. That tbe Council of the City of
Portland, OrVgou, deems It expedient and
proiMjeee to Improve Fourth street from -the
Booth Une of Hooker atreet to the north Une
of V owls street In the following manner, to-
rirat By grading the atreet ta the proper
tob-graae. .......
k-i.hui rty eonerrncitiia wwroa wuvwbwm.
Third By bringing the surface of the atraat
h. l neniMW arade with BiacaOam.
Bald tmiM-ovemenx TO oe luaue aa ncctaraancv
,1th th. charte and ordlnancee of the City
f KM.,lend end tha DllUt. SOeclflcatlonS Bnd
aatlmatea -of tba Clvy Euglneer Iliad la tbe of-
of the AUOltor 'PX ue ot ruruina
on the Slst nay oi une, iwua, immnmi. --viiy
Kno-luaer a ntana ana apecincauous tor law iiu-
rovement of rourto atreet trum - uie mil
I., nl Mookar atreet to the north Une of
Woods street and tha estimates of tbe work
t Ka jm,. end tha nmhabla xotal'coat thereof."
Tha coat of aald Jmorovement to be assessed
aa provided by the city charter upon tba prop
arty eoecially benefited thereby and which Is
hereby aeciarea to oe an tn parta ot
aute ana parceia ox tana lyma enwwn niw
100 feet eaat of a ad parallel with the east
Una nf Fourth atreet and a Une 100 feat weat
ei. and namiiel with tba weet Una of Fourth
street and between the Booth Une of Hooker
street and tha north line ot Woods' atreet
Tba Engineer's aatimata ot - ue orooeoia
total coat for tbe Improvement af aald ri
,ee. le At OAT.OO.
Tbe above improvement la to oa cutanea as
a macadam improvement, ana snnu oe snaine
ined hi the i'ltv for a aerlod of five rears.
provirtea, mat tne owners ot a majoritr vt uw
property benefited by aald Improvement or any
nortioa thereof shall hot- petition for a new
or different Improvement before tha expire Uoa
et such period. " - ' .
Tba puns, tpeciacarioae ana eetimatea or
the .City Engineer for the lnrprovement et
aald Fourfh street are hereby adopted.
Heeolved. Tbat tbe Auditor of the City of
Portland be and he la bereDy oirectea to give
antics of tbe oroDoeed im prove men t of aald
street aa provided by the city charter.
jtemonatrsnces against ue auova miavne
ment may be filed la writing with tbe nnder
signed within SO days from the data of the
first publication ot tbU notlca. - .
By oraer eg ua council. . .
' Auditor of the City ot Portland.
-Portland,' Oregon,- JoTy"- n90l. 7
'jriuo. v. univtjir.,
la hereby- given that tba Council of
the Cltr of Portland proposes to assess tbe
following described property and owner or
ownera as being specially and pecuUsrly bene
atad in the amounts set opposite the nsmes
and descriptions thereof by tbe construction of
a aewer in aaac xwenty-eeventD street, trum
the north line of East BUrk atreet' to a con
nection wltb tbe aewer In East Pine street,
aa provided by ordinance .No. lt.UoU.
Any objectlona to tbe apportionment of cost
for said newer must be made in writing to
tha Council and filed with tba Auditor within
15 daya from tha date of tbe first publication
of thU notice, and aald objectlona will be
heard and determined by tbe Council before
the paasage of tbe ordinance aaasaamg tne coat
for aald aewer.
4 lot 1, B. A. George, f 1S.06; eaat H ht
S. It. A. George, f 1S.0K: weat H lot 1,
Adelaide Poimleton Hardlna. 17.55: weat
, . ... n , i . i dm.i... n...itn. a ka.
bit S. Lodnda Forbes. 123,60': lot 4, Locinda
' Forbee, 123.00; lot 6, Anthony Nawrstll,
23.I0. BLOCK 7, lot I, Maggie 1L Clark,
I23.00J tot 2, W. B. Strauball, S23.6fl. BLOCK.
1. west H lot 10. William M. Ladd, S10.8S;
west H " 9, WlllUm M. Ladd, tlO.NS; cast
H lot 10, J. R, Posson, 3.So; east H
Vit . J. X. Posson; 43. HI: lot 8. Joha
- E. ' Burnett, f 14.30; lot 1, John K. Burnett,
$14.30: lot , Caleb Myers, tUJd. BU!K 3.
.lot S. Msrgaret J. Bryant, 114.20; let 7,
Charles Davie, 14 20. Total. S7 .60.
Andltor of tbe City of Portland.
PortUnd, Oregon, July IS, 1904,
Be. led nronoaala will be received at tba
office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland
nntll Friday, July Ei, 9oa, at o'clock p. m
for tha construction of a aewer la Eaat Yam
hill street from 15 feet east of the esst line of
Eaat Thirteenth atreet to a connection with
the aewer In East Twelfth street, la the
manner provided by ordinance No. 14,091, sub
ject to tha provisions of the Chsrter and ordl
nancee of the Ctty of PortUnd and the esti
mate of tbe City Engineer, oa file.
Bids muat be strictly In. accordance with
printed bUnks, which will be furnlahed oa sn
pllcatlnn at the office nf the Auditor of the
City of PortUnd. And said aewer mnst be
etmnleted on or before SO daya from the daft
of the signing of the contract by tba parties
WNrbtoaa1s b bid will be considered a sices
accompanied by a certified check payable to the
order of tba Mayor of the City of PortUnd,
certified by a responsible bank for an amonnt
aonsl to 10 per cent of tbe appregate propose L
The right to reject any and all blda la hereby
reserved. . ' .-
By order at tba Executive Board. ' '
. , f . THOS. 0. DRVMW,
" Anditnr of the City of PertUad.
PortUnd, Orcg,. July la. 1904. -
Seated propoaala will he received bp tha
Water Board of the City of Portland. Oregoa,
antll S a. at., Wednesday, July to, oo4, foe the
grading of a roadway at the City Park, rcmlr
Ing tbe removal ef approximately SO.0OO cubic
yards of earth, excavation wo.-k to be com
menced ea or before August 1 aad computed
oat later then October Si, 1904.
Spec) flea Hons and forms of proposal can be
obtained at tbe office of the Engineer of the
Water Board. City Hall. Portland. Oregon.
With each bid most be deposited a certified
check foe feAO.OO, psysble to the order of the
atiHitce nf tha t'ltv of Pnrtlsnd. and bnnda ac
ceptable to the Water Board will be required .of
the snceeaarui mnoer. . ,
Tba right U reserved by the Water. Board
to reject any or all blda. . '
Pmnoaale must be enclosed in aa envelope
endorsed no the ontslde. "Proposals fot Grad
ing." snd addressed to ma annersignea.
By order f the Water Board. ' '
. FRANK T. IHiDtlB, Buperlateadent.
Portland, Oregoa. 'July 14, 4904.
Sealed propoaala will be received at tha
oince of the Auditor of tbe City -nf Portland
m ill t o'clock . m. Tuesday, July tn, 11)04,
for fornlahlng IJoo metal dog tag, aamplea
to be submitted with bid. Na proposal will
be ennaldred unices acenmpseled by a eerltm-d
check psysble to the order of the Mayor f
tbe City ot roriisna tor twrnty-nre noitare.
The right to reject any and all blda U hereby
By order af tha Executive Board.
. . ... . GEO. II. HOWEIX,
jjt H. W. GODHAIIK. .
- Committee.
Portlaad, Orsgoa, July It, 1904. , ,
e , STREXT. v, ,
Notice la herebv alven tbat at tha meeting of
tbe Council of the City of Portland. Oregon,
held on the Sth day of July, 1904, the follow lug
resolution waa adopted; ,
Keeuivea, last tne council or tne t;ny oi
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro.
poaee to Improve Powell atreet from tbe eaat
Una of Mliwaukle street to tba west Une of
East Twruty-aret street la tbe following man
ner, to- It: '
first By grading tha atreei full width with
full Intersections To tha urouet sub-grade aa
given by the City Knglneer.
oecona xty Drimting tne surrsce et m .inn
fnll width with full Intaraactians to the eatso-
U.hcd grade with gravel.
Third Hr" eon.Uuctlng aa elevated roadway
IS feet wide In accordance with the plana,
aperlocatlona and esUuiaUM et the City ttftgi
Koorth By constructing wooden aldewalka.
Fifth By constructing wooden curbs.
Blxth By conatructlng wooden eroaawalke.
Beraath -Br eunatructina boa and stone gut
ters, f
Bald Improvement to be made la accordance
with the Charter and ordlnancee et tha City of
Portlaad and the plans, apeclrjcstlons and eetl
aiatee of tha Cltr Kiurlnner Sled In ths oftlca
of the Auditor of the Ctty ot IVwtland on tha
ist aay of July, 1W, Indorsed : "Uity a. nut
Beer's plana and sped fleet tuna for the Improve
ment of Powell atraat from tha east. Une of
llllwaakle street to the weat Una of Eaat
Tweoty-flrst atreet and the aatlmatea of the
work to be done and the probable total coat
The coat of said Improvements to. ha gssesseO.1
aa .provided oy tbe t. Hy Charter upon tne prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which U
hereby declared to be aa follows:. On tha
northerly elds of aald street all the lota, parte
ot lots end parceia of land lying between a
Una loo feet northerly from and parallel-with
the aortb line of Powell street and the north
Una of Powell atreet. and between the cast
line ef Wllwauklr atreet and a Una 1 feet
eaat of and parallel wltb the rest . Una of Eaat
Nineteenth street) also the southerly oae-half
of a triangular tract of Und lying between
tha aouth line bf dole atreet, the west Una of
Esst Twentieth atreet - and the northerly Hue
of Powell street; alao rhe eoiitberly one-half ot
block 66, Tlhltta addition to East PortUnd.
On the southerly slds of aald street all tha lota.
parte of lots and parceia or land lying neiween
the aoutherly Una of Powell atreet and a Una
liKl fee. aoutherlr therefrom and parallel there
with and between tbe weat Una of East Twenty-
first street and tha eaat Una of East Fourteeutn
street; alao the northerly one-half of blocks 7
Bnd. a. Unla'a addition to Kaat r-orfiano. anu ail
that portion of block 1, Cole's addltloa to Eaat
PortUnd. urine north of a Una lixl feet aonth'
erly from and parallel with the southerly Une
f Powell street.
Engineer's estimate of the probable tntal
coat for the improvement ef aald Powell atreet
is Bf.ooz.uo.
The above Improvement Is to be c la seed as a
(Travel Improvement end ebaH-be maintained .'.by
the city for a period of live years; provided.
mat tne ownera or a majority or tne property
benefited br aald Imnrovemeiit or any portion
thereof shall not petition for a new or different
Improvement before the expiration of each
period. V i
Tbe plant, specifics Hons i and aatlmatea cf
the City Engineer for the Improvement of said
Powell atreet are berebv adopted.
Heeolved. -That tbe Auditor of the Ctty ef
pertlaaol be and Be-la bereny-aireetea to, give
notice of the nronoeed improvement of aald
street aa provided by the City Charter.
Hemonetrancea . againat tne enove improve
ment mar he filed In wrltlna- with the nndea.
slgned within 20 days from- the data of the
Brat publication of this notice.
. By ordar ot the Council.
, TH0B. C. DEVLIN. '
- Auditor of the Cltr of Portlaad.
PortUnd, Oregon, July S, 1004.
Notice ht hereby given thst at tha meeting
ef tbe Council of the City ot Portland. Ore
gon, held-on the Sth day of July, 1904, tbe
following resointioa wss soopten: ,
Reaolved.. That tbe Council of the Cltr
PortUnd, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to improve Morris street from the eaat
line of 1'nlon avenue to the east Une et Alblna
In tbe followlne manner, to-wlt I
First By grading the Street to the proper
aoh-gfkde aa given by the City Engineer.
Second By bringing tbe surface of tbe street
to the established grade with gravel.
Bald improvement ta be made In accordance
with the charter snd ordlnancee of tba Ctty
of PortUnd and the plana, specifications snd
eetlmatea of tha -City Engineer filed in tha
office of the Aaditor of the City of Portland
on tbe Slat day of June. 1004, Indorsed: "City
Engineer's Diana and SDeetftcstlons for the Im
provement of MorrhT street from the east It no
of Union avenue , to the eaat line ef Alblna
and the estimates of the work to be done and
the probable total coat thereof.
The cost ot said Improvement to ba aaaeeaed
as provided by tba City "barter apoa the
r party apeclally benefited thereby and which
bereny declared to be all the lota, part a
of Iota and parceia ef land lying between a Una
I'aj feet nortn or ana parallel witn tne nortn
Una nf Morrla atreet snd a Una 100 feet aonth
of and parallel with, the aonth Una of Morris
atreet and between the eaat Una of Union
avenne and the eaat line of Alblna.
Tha Enalneer'a aatimata of tha probable total
ana. Cne tha Imnmv.mMit nf ' aelit Morrla I
Street IS 91,0410.11.
The above Improvement is to be classed as a
gravel Improvement and shall be maintained by
the elty for a period or roir yeare; provtoen,
that the owners of a majority of tbe property
benefited by aald improvement er any por
tion thereof ahall not net It Ion for a new or dif
ferent Improvement before the expiration of
such period. -
The plans, speclflcatfona and estimates nf
the City Engineer for tbe Imiirovement ot aald
Marrla street are hereby sdopted.
Keaotved. Thst tbe Auditor or tne tuy or
Portland ba and he Is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed improvement et aald
atreet aa nmvlded by tha City Charter.
KemonaTrencee (gainst tne anova lmjwve-
aianf mav ha filed In wrttltMT With the nnder-
signed within 20 tiara from ue data at ua
Bret publication ot this notice.
ny oraer ox ue vooncu.
' Anditnr of the Cltr nf Portland,
Portland, Oregon. July 9. 1904.
' STREET, ..
Notice la hereby given that at the meeting
. . il .i , ,-ia nf hatUnil Or-.
gaa, held on the 6th day afT July, 1904, the
fuTiowlnc reeolutlon waa adopted:
Heeolved, Tbat the Council of tbe City of
PortUnd, Oregon, dee ma It expedient and'
proposes to Improve MagnoUa atreet from the
east Una of East Eighth street to the west
line ef Durham avenue, la the following maa-
"'a'tFat Hr rradlna tba atreet full width
wltb full Intersections to the grade aa glvea
by tbe City Bngineer. ...
Second By constructing wooden aldewalka.
Third Bv conatructlng wooden eroe.welks.
' C-nurih Hi cnoatruetlna box sat tare.
Bald Improvement to be made la accordance
with the charter and ordinance of the City
of Portland and the plana, apedflcattona and
aatlmatea of tbe tiltr Engineer filed lo the
office ot the Auditor ot the City ef PortUnd
on the 30th day of June, 19o4, Indorsed:
"City Engineer's plana and apeclncatlooe for
the Improvement of Magnolia street from the
esst Hue of Eaat Eighth atreet to the west
Une of Durham avenue, and the- eatlmstes
ef tbe work to he dona and tha probable total
coat thereof."
The cost of said Improeement to be asseseed
aa provided by tba city charter upon the prop
eete aneeiaiiv hetiaflted thereby snd which U
hereby declared to be all the Wita, parU et
lota and parceia of land lying Between e une
too eat north -of snd tiers lie! with tbe atortb
line of Magnolia atrcot and a line 100 feet
aouth of and parallel wltb the south line of
Maennlia atreet. end between the eaat Una
ef Kaat Eighth atreet and. tha west Una et
Durham avenue. . i 1. .
The Engineer' eetlmato of tha probable
total cost for the improvement or eaio
U.enolla afreet ta X1I2S.0O.
The pUpa, specifications and aatlmatea ot
the Clip Engineer for the Improvement of aald
Magnolia treet are hereby sdopted. .
Heeolved. " Tbat the Auditor of the City of
PortUnd be and he Is hereby directed tn give
notice Of tBS propoeea improvement vt asju
street aa Dravlded by the city charter.
Reaonetraiicea agalaat the above Improve
ment may ba filed In writing with the under
signed within 90 data from the data of. the
Brat publication er tnia notice. .
By order of tha Council.
. . , THOS 0. DEVI.I.
Andltor at the City of Portland.
PortUnd, Oregon. .July S, 1904.
Bested proposals will ba received at the
Office or the AUUiror ot tne viiy ot rortisna,
mil Vrlri. Julv 23. 1904. st H o'clock B. m..
for tba. Improvement of Borfhwlck atreet, from
the north line ef Hnsaell street to the north
line of Btsntoo atreet. lo the manner provided
by ordinance No. lS.fsM. euhjeet tn tbe pro
vlalona ef the Charter and ordinances of the
City of Portlsnd and tha eatlmate of the City
Engineer, on file.- ...
Bide mnet be atrlctly In accordance with
printed hlanka, which will be fumlahed on
application at the office of the Auditor of the
ilt, t-nriland. And aald Improvement meat
be completed on or before 00 days from tbe
date of tha signing ef the contract by tbe
narltea thereto
v neennaeia or blda win be considered aa
Irs accoinpsnled by a certified cheek payable
to the order nf the Mayor ef the Cltr et Port
land, certified by a responsible bsnk for sn
mount eo,ual to 10 per cent of tha aggregate
P"Vbe "right to reject any' gad all bids la hereby
BP order at tha Exeenttve Bosrd.
., THOS. ft PKVLl.'
Aaditor ef the Cltv of PvtUaod.
' Portland, Otagoa. July 14, 1904.
STRUT. ,, .
Wotlea la herahv alven that Bt the BMietlBg
Of the Coaucll et the Uiy ot Pia-tUud. Oregon,
held oa tbe Sth day ot jaiy, .we, ue ivuuw
lug resolution waa adopted: .
heeolved. Tbat tha Council of the City of
Portland, Oregon, dee ma tl expedient and pro
poses to Improve Eaat Third street from a point
5o feet north of tba north Una ot East bavU
aueet to the north Una of East Couch aueet
In tba following- manner, to-wlt:
tret hr grading Ihe atreet full width with
full liitereectloiie to tbe .proper sub-grade aa
given by tha eUy Engineer.
Bocouu y uriuglUH ua euriac v jlmw -
full width with f uU Intersection to the selab-
Uebcd grade with- upland bank graves,
ABiru Of eouetruciuiB a,oJi a -
Fourth By .constructing crosswalks. r
I HUi Hr euuatruutliig stone gutters. -
U .. t .( i .... ... ha marie In aeoOrdaOCC
with the charter and ordinances of the City et
Portland and the uuina. suecirications ana
matee of tha City Kugluee filed In tbe ottice
of the Auditor of the City at PortUnd, ea the
6th day ot Jdly. 1904. Indorsed: "City En
glnewr'e plana and specifications tot the m
proveuieBt of East Third atreet, from a point
So feet north of tha north Una of hiaat Oavla
atreet to tbe north Une of fcssc coucn "'j
aud the Lima tea ot the work to Ike dona aad
the probable total coat thereof." .
The coat of auld Improvement to be aeeeeaea
aa provided by tbe city charter upon the prop
erty specially beoeflud thereby aad which la
hereby deeUred to ba all tba loU, parts of lpta
and parceU of Und lying between a Una 100
feet east or, ana parallel witn, -tne eaat una
Eaat Third atreet and a lino loo feet weat of
and nkrsller wTtB' tb" weat Una of East Third
street and between the north Une ox mast
Couch atreet and a line BO feet norta
parallel with the Buxth 'Una ot Kaat DafU
street. . :
Tbe Engtneer-a estimate er the prooanie nrtaj
cast tor tba liuproveiueut af aald Kaat Third
treet U 1.05O. . ' ' . ' .
The above Improvement ta to be etaaaed aa a
t,n.,erwe.,.ee. mnA akell ha maintained bV
the city foe a period of five yeara, provided
tbat tha owners ot a majority of tha property
kuanreri ha aald linnrnviHueiit. aa anV Portion
Iticreci, null not psuiion xor a new w w.t
tareut improveuaBt .aexore ue a
such peslod.
- i t.n niuna anaei neariona ami aacimatea v
the City Engineer fur thd Improvement of SUat
iuira street are nereoy anopteo.
Uaaulead Th.f tha Audllfir af the City Of
Portland be and he la hereby, directed to give
aotloa of . tbe aeouoaed imiirovement Of aald
ateaeft aa nrowlded f.e tha t It a tTharter..
Hemonetrancea against na above impreyrawi
may be filed In writing with tbe uuderalgned
witnin aU aays rrora tna oale ot ue turn a-
ucatioa ox tnia notice.
By order ef the Council, '
. TllOB. O. DEVLIN, '
Auditor of the Ctty ot Portlaad.
PortUnd, Oregon, July tt, 1904. . ,
. ... avenue.
Notice U hereby glvea that' at tbe meeting
of the Council ot the City of Portland. Oregon-,
tsld on. Ihe Mb day ot July, 1004, ua following
paanlntlon Waa ariontcid:
Hesolved. That tne uonacii or ue city ot
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poeea to Improve Union avenue, from the aouth
Uue of Eaat Everett atreet u a Uue 470 teat
northerly from ths south Une of Kaat Everett
street, by coustrucUng a steel bridge with ap-
uroacnee. .
Hald luinmvemant to he. made In accordance
with tba charter and ordlnancee of tbe City of
Pu-tlaud and the puna, Biieciriratuma ana eeu-
nita at the l!ttv Cn.laM... filed In tbe office
bf the Auditor oi tbe City of Portland, on the
371 h day of June. 1904, Indorsed: "City En
gineer's plans ana apeelftcatlons for tba Im
provement of Union aveaue, from tbe aouth Una
nf Kaat Evaeatr. atreet to -T0 feet northerly
from the smith line of East Everett atreet, ana
the eetlmatea of the work to -be done aud the
prcbabU total cost thereof." e --The
cost of said Improvement to be aaaeaaed
aa orovldHd br tha Cltv Charter Boon the' prop
erty apectally benefited thereby, and which la
nereDy aeciarea to be all tne hub, pana ot ooj
and parceia of land lying within the dUtrlct
bounded and described aa followa;
. Beginning at tba Intersection of the center
line of Eaat Ankeny atreet wltb the renter line
of East Third street; thence esst along the
center Une of Eaat Ankenv atreet to Its Inter
seetloa wltb the center line of East Seventh
street: thence north along ths center Una of
Esst Seventh street to its Intersection with the
renter Une bf East Irving street ; thence eaat
along tne center une ot bss Irving atreet to
IU Intersection with the center line of Esst
Mnth atreot; thence north along. tne center
line of Esst Ninth street to 1U Intersection
with tbe center line of Oregoa atreet; thence
eaat along the center line of Oregon, treat te
Its Intersection with tbe center Une of East
Tenth atreet; thence north along the cener
line of Kaat Tenth street to It. Intersection
with the center Une of Pacific atreet; thence
east along the center line of PBcine treet to
Ita Intersection with the center Une of Eaat
Twelfth atreet; thence north along the center line
ef East Twelfth street to Its Intersection wltb
the center line of Holladav avenne; thence east
long tbe center line ot Hollad.y avenue to Ita
Intersection with tha center line of Kaat Fif
teenth atreet: thence north along the center
Una of Eaat Fifteenth atreet to IU Intersection
Blth tha center line ot llassslo street; thence
eaat along tbe center Une of Haaaalo atreet to
Ita Intersection with tbe center line of East
center line of hlaat Seventeenth atreet and Its
extension northerly In Its present course to the
north Une of A. A I lard dotuitloa Und claim:
thence weat along tha north Una ot A. AlUrd
aonation lana claim to ita intereectbnerub the
weat Une of Pat. Holland donation lanfk claim;
thence north along the west Une of Pst. Hol
land donation land claim to Ita ' Intersection
with the north Une of section Kl. townahlp 1,
north range) 1 eaat, Willamette meridian!
thence west along the north line ot section 33.
townahlp 1, north range 1 eaat, Willamette
meridian, to Ita Intersection with tbe center
line of East Ninth atreet; thence north along
tbe center line of Eaat Ninth atraat and Ita ex-
tenrlon northerly In Ita preaent course to Ibj
Intersection with the easterly extension of the
south line of the Lewie Love donation Und
claim; thence west along the aforesaid exten
sion of the south Une of tbe Lewis Love dona
tion land cUlm and the aouth line of the
Lewis Love donation Und claim to Ita Inter
section with the center Une of Wllllsma ave
nue; thence southerly along tbe renter line of
Williams avenue la irs intersection wita na
center Una nf Raatelrat street- thence aonth
atong the center line 'of Eaat First street and
Its extension southerly la Ita preaent eourae te
Ita Intersection with the center line of Eaat
GUaan street; thence east along tha center line
ef Kaat GUeaa street to Ita Intersection With
tbe center line of East Third street; thence
south along the center line of Eaat Third atreet
to Ita Intersection with tbe center line ot East
Ankeny street, tbe piece of beginning.
- The Engineer's eatlmate of the probable total
coat for the Improvement ef union avenue
U X.VS.000.
The shove Improvement is to be el a seed a
a strel bridge Improvement snd shall be main
tained by the cltr for a Period of SO veara.
provided that the owners of a majority of the
property benefited bv asld Improvement, or any
portion thereof, shall not petition for a new or
different Improvement before tbe sx pi rat ion of
such period.
The plans, specifications and estimates of the
City Engineer for the Improvement of aald
Union avenne are hereby adopted.
Reaolved. That tha Auditor et tba City of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give
notice or tne proposeo: improvement Of aald
avenne aa provided by the City Charter!
Hemotistrancea saslnet tha shove lmnmve-
ment mar he filed In wiltlnr with the nnder-
signed wttbin m nays from the date ef the first
publication er tnia notice.
.By order ef the Council,
TllOB. C. DEVLIN, -Auditor
of tbe Cltv of PortUnd.
.Portland, Oregon, July 12, 1904,
. .. STREET, '
' Notice la berahv given that Ct the meeting
ot tne voancn ot tne uiy ox ririinnii, oregoa,
held oa the th day of July. 14, the following
raaolntlon waa adonted:
Resolved, Tbat tha Conner? of the City af
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Bryant afeet from tha eaat
line of Wahash avenue te the west line of
tielaware avenue by grading tbe atreet to the
grade as shown by the stakes set by tba City
Engineer. -
Bald improvement to be made In accordance
with the Charter and ordinances of the City
of Portland and the plans, specifications and
estlmstes ot the City Engineer filed tn the ef
flca of the Auditor nf the City of PortUnd
on tha 30tb day of Jnne, 1904, Indorsed: "City
Engineer's plana and epeelflcatlnne for tbe Im
provement of Bryant street from the esst line
of Wahaah avenue to. the west line of Data.
ware avenne and tbe estimates of tha work to
be done and tbe probsble total coat thereof.'
'The coat of said Improvement to be aasessf
a provided by the City Charter apon the prop
erty apeclally benefited thereby snd which Is
hereby declared to be all the Iota, parte of lots
snd parcels of land lying between a Una 100
fret north of and parall.-l avlth the north line
of Bryant street and a Une 100 feet snath of
snd parallel with the sooth line of Bryant
street and between the eaat Una af Wahaah
avenue and the weet Una of Delaware avenue.
The Engineer's eatlmate of the probable, total
cost for the improvement ef aald Bryant atreet
la 41.03 mi.
-The plena, enedrlcetloBe ind eetlmatea of
the City Knglneer for tha Improvement ef aald
ti-en. atreet are herebr adonted.
Hesotved, That the Audit. of tha City ot
Portland be and ha ta herebv. directed to give
notice of the proposed lmprovemene of - aald
street as provided by the City Charter.-
Bemonstranees against the above Improve
ment mav he filed In writing with the under
signed within 30 daya from tha data of tba
Bret- mritcaroB oxinis no Lies... . . . .
,hV""V:U c. DEvV.y.
- ' Aaditor of tha City at Fortbtnd.
, PortUnd, Oregoa, Jul , 1904. ,
w, i. k-.-k. that William C El
liott, City Engineer, haa filed lo the fhee of
tne auaeraignea nouoe uat .am - -r,
nn.n. a,nm,tie. for the Imurovement of
Bcventh street under the provtaloue of ordlnanoe
ao, la.Ma, nave joonipt.tao aeiu sirea. ..
the renter Uue et Ullaan street to the center
Une of Everett atreet and from' tha center line
of -Ankeny strset to the Center Une Ct Stark
street ,and from tbe center Une of Bumalde
street to the center line ef Coach atreet. -
Bald acceptance wtll be cooaiaeren r u t
C,e,.utle A,u,rd a a ' o'clock. OB the ' R2d
day ot July, 1904, and objectlona to, the ae-
wptaace ot eaio sureei, ov ear ie. - ;-
may be filed In the office at tha anderalgned
tc any ttma"TrtoT thereto.
aUBlj siABt;i'lVBl cuj. -
. ..... ,j By TUOS. 0. DKVLIM, -
" Auditor of the City ot Portland.
Portland. Oregon, July la. 1904.
ltoUce U hereby glvea that WllUam C El
liott. Cltr Englueer. haa Sled. In the office
of the undersigned notice thst J. W. Bweeney,
contractor for tha Improvement of Irving street
under tbe provUlona ct eminence no.
haa eemuleted said atreet from the. .center
line of Tenth street to the center Una ef
rcurteanth street. . . . ... , . .
UKia - anil na Mnauann trr viia
Executive heard at 4 o'clock, ca tbe
day of July, 1B04. and objections to the a.-
cepUnce of said street, or sny part tneraoi,
n-ay be filed la tbe office ot the undersigned
at aay time prior thereto . ,
. slUeV I lAVse) jurr-.B- a-
. By THOS. 0. DEVLIN,- r
. Auditor of the City ot PortUnd.
PortUad. Oregon, July 1. 1904
PROVEXEMT Of flRSI STREXT. - ! haeeha alaaa that William C El
liott, City Eaglneer, haa filed 1u the office of
tne anoersignea notice tuat . '
eontracb for the Improvement of Mrat street,
He ..ha nenetalnna of ordinance No. 18. TOU,
has completed said atreet from the aortb line
et 'Galnag atreet to the aaater Uue of Carry
-" M . ..... . , . ,
Bald accejitance win oe ."J " "
Executive Board at 4 o'clock, oo the 33d
dav of Julv. 1904. and objectlona te the ac-
Wutance of said street, or any part thereof,
may be Sled ta the office ot tba undersigned
at any time pr or inere," , n.n ,
ina r.a.a.v.i-1 1 , at ' ' " " ' ' -
Auditor of tha City of .Portland.
Portland. Oregon, July 16, 1904. .
ai..iu a k.e.ha alaaa, tbat WlllUm C. El
Uot, City Engineer, has filed to the office of
the Bodersigned notice that Oleblseb A Joplln,
-.......... r.,e tha im m-ore ment of Union ave
nue under' the"provlsione Of ordinance--? ler-j
470, have completer, aaia atre ui evv
line or Aioeria street w a
Mechanic street.
sid acceptance will be considered by the
xrctitlve Board at 4 o'clock, oa the 33d
day of Jaly, 1904, and objectlona to tne ae-
-. . ..!,! ateeet AP anV Intrt thereof.
may ba filed In tbe office, of tba anderslgned
at aay u V.'Sr.,v- ytnann -
T By TifOS. & , DE vUr.
Aadltor of the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregoa, July 18, 1904.
ae.ii will be received by the Water
Board of the City of PortUnd, Oregoa, unlil
S p. m. Thursday, July 21. 1904, for furnish.
Ing the water department of tbe city, at tbe
...T w.-... ,.n Vntirth aad Market a tract a. one
hundred fire hydrants, according to pUna and
aneciflcatlona which msy be obtained at the
office of the Engineer of the water department.
vane, nennoaal imiet Da .(tvumhw. vi . a
certified check for faoo and lncloeed In a sealed
envelope addressed to the anderslgned snd
marked on the outside, "PropoaaU tor fUc
HThellWater Board- reeervea tha right to re
ject aay or all propose ia.
jjy oraer ox too cater u.
Superintendent Water Department..
Portlsnd. Oret-on. July lb. 1004.
Ticket oma 02 Third Stmt ftna (M
d Trainm Dtally .
ZhAVllKht trip through tha Caacade
and Rocky tnountalna. For full partlo-
ulara, ratee, foldara, ato. tail on or tvd-
XL SIOXSOXT, City Tlozat Art.
IM Thlxd Btraet. ortla4. ,
The Only
; Railway between tbe ,.
Missouri River
The Qikae;o-Portlsnd Special; the
most luxurious train in the world.
Ia wing-room sleeping cars, dining
car, burnt smoking and library car
(barber and bath). Less than three
days Portland to Chicago,
to Cblcaro ara operiicd dally via the
Oregon R. R. Nav. Co., JJ. P.R, R. and
Chicaco ft Notlh-Western Ry. to Chlcsso
dally vl;
Ry. lo th
In Orccbi
irom rornana ana pouta
AVaihiera wasninfton.
. Daily excursions In Pullman tourist
aleetilnf cars Irom Portland thfoufh .
to Qikairo without chanf e.
X. B.aiTCHia. ... aaaitta.
Gaa'l Aa-t. Par. Coast, . . Geaeral Aaeat,
CA-Tt.-W r. Cam.-w.Tt-,
s a Ma.kat atteee, tnTsird Street,
Sab Fbamcisco, Cal. 1 ruaxaAaia, vaa.
:. .jsStasv
aho union Pacific
3 Wins to the east daily
Through Pullman standard and aaarlst teeea
big care dally to Omaha. Chleage, fipoaeset
toartat aleeplng cere dally to Kansas Cltrt
through Pnllmaa tourist aleeetng ears Is arm a,
ny aoadoctea. weesiy as in lea re. it ecu stag1
CKION DEPOT. Leaves. Arvtvaa.
CBICAOO-lORTLARD s at a. as.
SPECIAL. Dally. - Daily. .
Far the Eaat via Bant- . . , , ,
tngtew; . ' - ;- - - - ' 1 '
BPOKANB FLtgft, 6:1 a. A S flr) s. sa.
For Eaatera W sab Ine- Dailf. , ' Dally. .
tea, WalU Walla. Lew- .
lau.n. Coeor d'AleaC . r
and ' Great Bortbers v
nolnra. , "
A TL ANTIC BXPRKfW. S:ll f. av T:1S a. as.
For the East rU Baas- Dally. Dally.
Ingtoa. .- ,. --,',' ... ' '
FOR BAN FRANCIHCOilrrcm ' isiOS a.
X S. Geo. W. Eldae A I oa worth ,
Jul B, IB. S. , Dock. ., ,
B. S. Oolumbla-i ,
July o, to. So, . ' .... , ' '
ColnmbU River Dr-lsloa. - -
FOR ASTORIA aad wsy Si a. at, - A beat
potnta, connecting with Dally. ' (.00 a. as.
atmr. for Ilwaca and as. Buaday ea, Basdap,
North beach, err.-Baa- Saturday
ale, Aah-et, deck. - 10:00 p. Bv
i i.
TafahUI River Xento.
FOR DATTON, Ore coal 7:00 a. as. ItlrBs a. at, 1
Ctty aad Tamblll Blver Dally. Dally,
points, stra. ttuth sad except ' except
Hodoe. Aah-et. dock. Sunday. Saaday.
(Water permitting.! . '
Basks Xlvae Xeass. . .
FOB LBWIBTON, Ida.. 1 9:40 a. a, ' I About "
ad way polats rraai Dally. - -- n:oo a, av
Rlparla. Waah.. steaa .g. Sat, Dally,
are Spokane aad Lew. . ax. Prlday,
laton. ' ' .
TICKET OFFICB. Third m! Waahlaataa. Xaba.
tk... be- a an. aa
icWemf maim its,
Cm' VflMi.a. ' -a a a- ufii -a
" .M.a au,a a . eauiiuj a.
Rntaa. Narcsaakl and Bbaachal. tsklnr frslaht
via eonaectlnf rteaaMrs for Uanlha, Pert Artker
aad VUdlvostek. ,
For rates aad fan Inrorniarlon call ea or aa
dreea etflldaU er aaeats of the O. B. M. Ca.
EAST yia.
train, tor Salem. Rose-1
onra. Asniand. aera-
S 40v.aa.
"i-'i f
4:00 a. a.
manto. Oadea. tea Fran.
-TJB a. av
teles. El Paso, New Oa-
, i ' -
T:M p. av
lean and the neat.
At Woodbora deny
(except Sunday), awra
fna train for aft. Aa
fel, Sllvertoa, Browne
nil, SnrlnrOeld, Wcad-
11 na and .tatroa.
Albany paeeeaaar. eea.
n0:10 a. at
necta at Woodbora with
Mt. Ansel
ton local.
T:80 a. as.
OorvsllU passetsrer.
1100 f. :
S a. i
114 0 p. m
Dally, IIDaliy, exekpt Sanday.
rortUad-Oswsae Butmrbea Beniea aad Taahffl
- awetaiaa. ... .-.
Depot Foot ef Jerferaea Btraet,
Laaaa, VW.Iand daltv ffnv a..... V .SO a. aa.
I9:b0, t:05, t:an. HfO, ta. S:0, 10:10 a. at.
inuiy (except annday), S40, S:S0. C:So. 10:2
a. m. 4:00. UJQ p. aa. SnmUy aaly, S:0S
Return! a frees Osesae. arrive Frarrtand dally
8:S0 a. m.; I M, 1:06. 4 8S. 0:1b. 1 Nl,
11:10 n. m. Dary lexeept Sondsyt . T tm
SiSO. 10 ). 11:48 a m. Rxeeot Monday, U:St
a- . mganir eniv, jwtvw a. .
Leavea from same depot for Datlaa aad tadasa
mediate potnre dalle (exeeot Sunday! 4.00 a. aa.
Arrive Portland 10:J0 p. m.
Tbe IrneneBrietM-e-Vn month . Voror rhsa
SBerstaa dally ta Mob month aad Air lis. cow.
aeenna wttb soatnern racina company s xraeaa
at Dalian and tndenendence. -
F1 ret -eta as fsre from Portland ta Seers meats
sad Sea Franclace $VK berth SS, Baiood-cleea
far tin. eeeend-rlaea berth
Ticket to Eaatera point and Wreoea. else
Isoan. Ctifna. Fonobtra aad Anetretla.
. Cltv Ticket Office eovwee Third aad Waatilna"
tna streets TT.00, Mala HS.
ft W. IITTWOBB. W. al COet.
City Ticket A rent. Pea. Pee. Area.
. o "
Paget Boaad Limited,
for Taeoasa, - Seattle,
Olympic, Boat) Bend
and Oray'a Harbor
North Coast Limited,
for Thenma, Seattle,
Butte. St. PaaL Wla
nea polls. CblcafO, New
Tork, Boatoa end BOtata
Bast aad Soatbeaat.
Twla-Clty fx; rua, far
Taeoma, Seattl. Spo
kane, Helena. St. Paul,
MInBaspolls, Chlcaao,
New Tork. Boatoa and
D points . Beat aad
Pueet Koaad a sr. ease
1:00 a, bk
T0S sb.
Clty-St. LouU fbaf
for Tacoma. Seattle. I
Spokane, Ratte, Bllllnas.
TiOOa. at,
uenver, umsna, aaasa
City, St. Louis and all
polnta Baat aad aoatn
eaet. , An trains dally sxcept ea Boath Bead
branch. A. D. CBABLTON,
Asaiatanf Oeneral Paaeangar A feat,
S9B atorrUoa St.. aar. ThlrA PortUsd. Or.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
faaTf auNatr. l"vl
I O I0CCCM. SnASXal "-" I
Itii aouTis. IOI
Lsavea. - ONION DSFOX "-
For Ms years, BMater.
Clstskanla, Waatrort.
Clirtoe, Astoria, Vie
S-bO a.' ax. rentoa, FlaveL Rasa
Dally, moad. Fort Steve,
t. Oearhart Park, Keaelae.
Astoria and Saaahsro
(MS ax. Bxpres dlly.
Dally ex. AstorM Baorea. -Saturday.
Sat. oaly. Portia sd-Sesslde Flyer.
lvo a. ax. , . . :
Dally, '
UltS a. av
:40 a, as,
'V .
i. a. ma to.
TO. f. d B. A., Aatarta 0.
0. A STBWA IT. CotnojersUI Aaet, 84 Aide
at. Pbeae tala bus),
Schwab Bros. Prir.tirCo.
i Beet Work. X1 aaortaabla Brloea
HTyb SMrt BUeee.
1 1.
- I