The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 20, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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- -. - 51
ij POft TL AND
I3t FUtb Street, Bet
I g AH Leading Brands of Cigars.
7S ACBES SO acres ' cultivated, bal
, 4. (ikw pen pasture end brush ;-aomi
- . iimh.r' evrellent water: line spring
''.' ' v house, barn; sice orchard; fine out
aiack-rejige: ' eltuateu in silicon
- : county, en tidewater; t mile to rail
aosvd etatlon ana town; mitii. r.j
-V foe. Portland property.
1M 1C1II Oood eolL fenced and
.crows-fenced ; house, barn, orchard
.'. mil water: front,-,, awed eoaa: (
", acres cultivated, -In crop; 12 miles
southeast or roruana;- poaaossion
", ' flvenrar ttariraln $5,600.
'160 ACatBS Choice land:. lies fine; all
and cross-fenced; -85 -acrts eultl-
.' Valted, In crop; house, barn, orcnara
miles southeast of Portland $8,000.
S3 ACEE8V -Nice land, beautifully Bit
' uated on car line at Oregon City
nlrsa house! lawn, fruits and shrub'
benr: wight exchange for , city
nronerty i 3.000.
HA icut-U mile from Rosebura-,
i Or.: fine house; 10 acres choice
fruits; a lovely home; trade into
Portland property 1.000.
' 00 ACBXS of land near Cottage Grove
in -re,a cultivated: t aores in orch
ardr house, barn, etc.: trade for
property In or near Portland $2,
. 67 ACBZS A11 fine land; fenced; fine
house, barn, all outbuildings; food
fruits; 4 0 acres cultivated; . boat
' lands at place; a snap If taken quick
0 ACKES Qood land; fenced; run
. nin. water: stood barn: nice orch
ard; 18 acres "cultivated; some good
timoer; ironu ou m i
miles southeaat of Portland. Price
only SO per acre. -
TOT S-EOOat BOTJSB, 1 stories, porce
lain bath, toilet, basement; In Mont
avllla 21.200.
BjVW (-BOOH BOTJEB. concrete baae
, mens, at Woodlawn $1,000.
. B-BOOnf COTTAGE at Portsmouth
( . 11.000.
auiniiMna hum, 'In South Portland
will trade for and pay difference for
tipokane property.
BEAT COTTAGE and lot No. 8, block
18, Willamette, on 8t , Johns ear
! . line ll.iov. ... .
' ' SUKOOat COTTAGE. 408 Fremont St.
. house plastered; hall, closets; lot
50x8$ $1,260. ' - .
S-BOOBf. HOUSE, hard - finished; lot
. - asxiou; stone wuu ironi.or jot; ai-
i bins, ave. $i,3be. . .;.
Henkle & Baker
IT Ablatrtom Bid:, 108H Third tree,
Portlaad, Or.
(iikiw counn
'Aside from Its Joining on to the city
limits of Portland, baa more natural ad
. vantages than any other county In the
state, ii grows potter rruit, grain ana
vegetables, and more and better pota
toes than is produced anywhere else In
Oregon, besides, with the market of
.tne nortnwesi rignv at ner ooor. ner
lands are from 80 to 60 per cent 'lower
in price than can be naa elsewhere.
jsote the louowing: .
$3Q Per Acre
44 -acres at Bprlngwater; ISO In cult!
ration; 14 acres orchard; new buildings
(near school, postofhea and store; 80
acres in bay: 1H miles from Caaadero.
present terminus of O. W. P A Rv. Into
Portland; flrst-claas gravel road into.
jr-ortiana aaa uregon .;iiy; can. do aa-
vantageousiy aiviaea into I farms.
-. .. . i -
$5 Per Acre
ISO acres, unimproved land; 3 acres
fleered and in fruit trees; small dwel
ling and barn; 2.000,000 leet of yellow
nr ana ceoar umoer.
$7 Per Acre
80 acres: C acres slashed, balance llrht
I growth; about 10 acres untlllable; only
a roues zrom juouaja corners.
$30 Per Acre
1SI acres; 80 In cultivation; 14 acres
.orchard; large spring; 1,000,000 feet of
gooa saw timDer.
$50 Per Acre
acres, 1 miles from Oregon Clt
.level: timber cut off: balance brus
surrounded by fine farms; no improve
Cross. Shaw
' t : 833 Washiatrtoa Street. .
$1900 Lot f
80x100 on lth sU
near Marshall, east
frontage, all street
, mailt; very cnoice and cheap; easy
! terma
; , C. H. KORELL, 261 Washington st
1 1 -Room House
ter block, cor. East 20th. and Salmon;
price $5,600. Part cash.
C. H. KORELU 161 Washington St.
$3700 Bargain p
or nve
T ti A rm
and bath and beautiful lot SOxlOO. chnl.n
locality, near Ullsan and 2 2d sts.
C. 1C. KORELL, 261 Washington st.
$5250 House HvrH
near 23d and Kearney. Part cash.
C. II. KORKIX. 2R1 Wsshlngton t
L - - . L 1
rniE POE 15,000 damage.
- laperial DUpsteh to The Joernal.) "
BeatUe, July 20. Fire in the Bailey
building at the corner of Second avenue
and Cherry street yesterday caused a
'.loss of $18,000. The flames were dla
, covered issuing from a top story, and
. before they could be checked had spread
through the hallways of the sixth and
j fifth floors and even to the fourth.
.... Peveral offices were badly damaged,
and the water and fire together, did
munh harm to law libraries and hand
some furniture. The fire is believed to
have originated in the bottom of the
if shaft from the electric light, wires
t spontaneous 1 combustion. . -
Artificial Eyes rittod.
Large stock at U Cbamber, IH JUL
wee a Wutilattoa and Alder
Lunch at 9 p. m.
5-Room Modern
For Sale at Woodmere
Terms" to suit. Choice lots In,
jiureiwooa, ii per monin. ioa
ern 7-room house to rent, $16.
Take MU Scott car. First end Al
der. CEO. W. BROWN
03 railing Bldg. rhone. Mala
8129. .
St. Johns Park
Fine, new cottages near Woolen Mills
and car Una, for sale cheap, on Install
aaent plan.
One wtth '1 lota ......... tl.ono
One with 1 2-S lots il,oaa
Three with 1 full lot each........ 900
The Woolen Kills will be in orteratlon
soon and 60 to 100 new houses will be
neeaea in bl jonne. ,
General Agents, St. Johns.
V O. Xolbrook, Owner, Tas Chamber of
- (wmmerea.
$1150 Corner :
H, Vr
JSTWashlngton street.
If you want to sell or buv e-ood farms
or city .property, come -ami aa us. w
nave wnai win auit any buyer, and twe
can satisfy those who want to sell, by
maaing quica sales, we nave Wlia and
Improved farms to trade for city nroo
We have a few fine timber claims, and
some excellent pieces of school land
lor tocavon. - ,
Maxwell 2 Burg
1. Abington Building.
Only $12,000
23d st; extra fine location.
For cholcs
diock and 3
noueea, o n
C H. KORELL, 261 Washington St.
Mineral Springs-
To Whom It May Concern -
I came to the above springs on April
8 to take treatment for my eyea. - I had
very sever attack of catarrh of .the
eyea. was almost blind, after treating
with the beat specialists that could be
found, and suffering for nine yeera. I
have at last found a cure here at the
f AJUUUB l UBtAM DrnlAUH. I Can.
not praise them too highly. I hope that
others that are afflioted will give them
a iruu. nespecuu uy.
Room 808, Commercial Blag, Portland,
Mr. I. C Palmer, of Palmer. Or wn
cured of rheumatism. If you are sick
write to us; we will give you the name
ana saaress or some one cured of
similar complaint ,
Tuscan Mineral Springs Corp.
ass vATAUa BAI.T.
The famous doctor has saved m,m
Uvea from operational He cures all dls-
women, such. ai
rheumatism. nau-
ralgla, kidney dls-
mmmm, siomacn OlS
ease, etc, by the
uae of roots and
herbs, especially
prepated for each
case. AH diseasea
successfully treat
ed with powerful
j n l n a a a . itartia
roots and haras that are entirely un-
nown to medical science In this coun
Patients out of the city can be cured
at home. Write your symptoms fully.
D. Singleton Chinese Medicine Co.
4 V. Tourta. St Bet. Couch and Bum-
side Streets. Portland. Oregon.
, Proprietor of the
City Brewery
X.argMt and Most Complete
Brewsry la tke Bertfewest
Bottled Beer a Specialty
OSce lath and Burnatde Stresta,
netted mwoMl, will b reeelTed at the ntArm
of the Auditor of the City of Portland antll
Friday. July 22. 1MU4. at 8 orlock p. m.,
for the IniprovemeDt of Raat Twelfth street
from the south Una of Unltnomah atrw, ,a .k-
ooth line of Tillamook atrert. In the manner
proviaea or orainanc no. i,iih2, auoleet to
the proTlalons of th Charter and ordinance
of the Cltr of Portland and th aattmat ot
the City F.ngtneer, en Die.
Bill, must b trtotly 1n aeeoVdane with
printed blanks, which will b furniabed oa
appllratloa at th offlea of the Andlbir of th.
City ef Portland. And said Improvement muat
ne eompletee on r before SO dart from th
data of th signing of th contract Of th
No emimaala or bids will be eonaldarA .
lea arenmpnled by a eertlflrd cheek paahl
to th orrtr of th Mayor of tb Cltr of Port
land. certlflMl by reaponalhl bank for an
mount equal to 10 per cent ef th aggregate
Tb right to reject soy and (11 bids la hereh
By order ef the EiKimre Board.
1 nun. u. kevi jif ,
Andltne nf the t'Jte ef P,.ti.A
f ortlaad: Orcgoa, Julx 14, .OOi. 7
vioroazD asbessmewt rom imhote-
notle B. tarebr aires that th Conndl of
th titT nf Piw-tland nronuaes to saa-a th
follom-ibs deaerlbed ' nrouortr and owner or
"" a oei lis apeeiaur ann iecuiiarir um -
wini m in. aujounw ae, vvymiim uw plan
and deertut!ona thereof for th lmurorement
of Maaoa street, fnm th eester llu of WU -
Uama avenu to th center tin of Union
Any objeettona to th fportlooment of enat
for aald lniproTment muat b made In writing
to tb Council and filed with th Avdltor
" ' I.U . . BnTIDH U, IRUIU.K1 M.
wnnin io oays rrom to oat or in iirai
eablleatloa nf tbla notice, and said object lona
will b heard and determined br-tb Council
b for th paaaag of th ordinance aaaslng
the met of aald Ininrorenient.
Maria BaraceoVill lI: lot 10. Maria Baraceo.
. r4.t: bit T. tr C. Hnarra. gitLlB: hit 8.
I. Uloeannl, 8l. 23. BLOCK 16. lot a. V.
W. Androa. Siw.Jrt; lot 10, P. W. Andre.
8'0 74; weet V lot T, W. W. Woodworth.
87.83: west H kt 8, W. W. Woodworth.
8M.i: eaat U lot T. Alice and I. C. Wood
worth. 14: east H kt 8. AUce and 1. C.
Woodworth. 871. AT. BLOCK 11. lot 0. Adrian
Mi-t'alman. I12ZK4: lot 10. Adrian Mccaiman.
S 28.14: lot T. AilrUn McCalman. $X ax; kit
..Adrian McCalman. 8HO-2-1- BLOCK . kit
B W. H. Wl lame and DavM A. Morris.
8A0.81: kit 10. Mnrenc E. Cutta. 80.34; lot
t. George W Cummlim, t.t0: lot 8. tleorg I
w. t umminga, , gmw. bmich. 1, kit u,
Henry- Krlerer, 8107.60: bit 10, Stephen I
Ahern. 8-S7.00: lot T Char lea c. Btanler.
823.67: kit 8. P. H. Warlny. 8IM 0 BLOCK
32. lot 10. Michael A. Kllnn. 8M B8: lot 18.
Michael A. Fllnn. 8.1. Bfl; kit S. Ada and A. K.
Fanno, 80 08: lot 1, Ada and A-K- Fan no. I
1.8:i. BICK 17.-lot 18. B. H. Rotiblna,
mii.7o: lot IB. E. II. m.nblne. mt 3.
John B. Oenrs. 818H1: kit 1. John R.
Ooree. IIOT.OM. BLOCK 12. lot 14. Oeorg
Muellee. 10l B2- bit 1.1 Heorre Mueller.
8)8.14; lot 8. Iliarlea -K. Perrault. 812.801
M l. U A. Brush. 88AM. BLOCK T. kit
18. Cor M. Klernan. Sns.8T: kit 18. Coral
m Hiernan. lot a. ntno u. nmitn.
822. IB: lot 1. Otho C. 8m th. 81 BS. BLOCK
. kit .18. Annie Breek. 177 2H; lot 15. Annie I
Breck. S34.B1: bit X. Mandanna aooenonsn.
82U8; kit 1. Mandanna Ooodoongh, 8105.&S.
Auditor of th City of Portland.
mrtiand. Oregon. July is, IBO.
Notice I hereby glrea tbat th Council
ef the City ef Portland proposes to aaseaa tbe
following deacrlbed property and owner or
owner a being apeelaliy and peculiarly ben
efited In the amounts set opposite the name I
and description thereof for tbe Improvement of
Present t atreet, from the weat Un of Kast I
Tenth street to the east Un ef Eaat Four
teenth street, as provided by ordinance bo.
13.878. . .
Any otijet'tldiBj ttt tbe spuriillimiuiiter"eost 1
for aald improvement must D made tu writing
to tb Council and filed with th Auditor
within 16 -days from tba data of th first
publication of this notlc. and said objections I
wui d neara sua aeterminea. ny tn council
before the paaaage of tb ordinance saa casing
tne coat or ss in improvement.
HIGHLAND HUM K Id, bit 0, Henry 8. Don-
Ben, f lztm; pit o,Ttenry n. imtitieii,- ais.ei
lot 8. WllUam C. -Htrahan. 8:10 22: lot T,
William IX Strabaa. 81tn.21. B1XICK 18.
lot 6. Marlon Bmltb, 8104.17; lot 5, Marlon
Kinltb. 818 86: lot 8. Marlon Rmlth. 816.00
lot T. Marlon Smith, 806.74. BLOCK 14. kit
e. Fllth B. Tufford. 842.63; lot 6. Edith B.
Tuffi-rd. 812.13: kit 8. Walter J. Cheney,
. 813.30: lot 7, Andrew B. Oueberg, 8M.60.
OCK 13. lot 0, Mary J. Hacadnm, 801.70; I
'lot 6. Mary J. Hsgadom, 81523: lot 8.
James N. FulllkiT. 815.2:1; lot T. Maggie C.
: Stevens, 850.30. BLOCK 13. lot 6. John
Moran. Ill 84: lot 6. John Moran. 88.07.
P. N. Kofold. 1108.63; lot 2, F. N. Kofotd.
NORTH 1RVINOT0N BIXK"K 38, lot 11 The
Title Guarantee A Trust Co., 810.14: lot
11. Tb Title Guarantee Trnat Co.. 824.77.
BLOCK 25, lot 1. Th Title Guarantee A
Trust CO.. 878.32: lot 2. John Bcblag. SIS.BOt
kit 11. The Title Guarantee A Trust Co..
88.81; lot 12, The Title Gnarantee A Trust
Co., 87O.0T. BLOCK 24, kit 1, Tn Title
Gnarantee tt Trust Co., 881.10; lot S. Tbe
Title Guarantee A Trust Co., 310.42; lot 11.
The Title Guarantee A Trust Co., 810.70; lot
12. Th Title Guarantee A Trust Co., 81.00.
BlICK 23. lot 1, The Title Guarantee A
Trust Co., S"0-ft1: kit 2. Tb Title Gnarantee
. A Truat Co. 813 0": ' kit 11, William Roy
rroiea, i i: lot t. William noy ntosea,
- rm.15. BLOCK 22. weat 100 feet lot 1.
Mare A. Hoice. 818.84: weat 100 feet lot 3.
Mary A. Bolce, 810.41; north TH'feet of weat
100 feet lot 8, Mary A Bolce.-81.60. . Total,
Auditor of tbe Cltr nf Portland.
- Portland, Oregon,. July 18, 1804. -
Notice Is hereby given tbat the Council of
the City of Portland proposes to assess the
following deacrlbed property and owner or
.,... ... .1 1 1 - - -i - 1. ......
Dted In tbe amount set opposite the i names 1
and descriptions thereof by tbe construction I
of a sewer In Missouri avenu. from tbe north I
line of Fremont street to a connect loa with th I
sewer In Beach street, as nrovlded bv ordinance I
No. 13,064.
Any objections to th apportionment of cost
for said sewer muat be mad in writing to
tbe Council and filed with tbe Auditor within
IS day from th date of th flrat publication
of this notlc. and aald objections win be I
heard snd determined by tbe Council - before
th nasaae of tb ordinance assessing the
coat for aald sewer.
Ml'LTNOMAH BLOCK 88, lot II, Olat P.
Hanaon, 321.10; kit ' IB, Mary J. Nelson,
. 818.10; lot 17. Bolnhard W. Hynng,
kit 16, Helnhard W. gyring, 313.10; lot 13.
Arthur L. Dow. 318.10;- lot 11 Alexander I
ciner. Heist, neirs ec, sia.iu; hit v, w. rt. i
naly. iia ui: lot 7. Alexander Biner Kstate, I
belrs of. 318.10; kit 5. Gust Anderson, 313.10;
tot K Emll Roaln. 318.10. BLOCK 84, lot
22. J. R. Nelson, 334.26; lot 30, J. R. Nelson,
'-1.5): lot 11. Erik snd Chris tin Wlk.
321.60; tot 10. N. Sbolenberg, 321.60; lot
14, William Warkmw, 321.60; anuth tt lot
12. Alexander McAllister. 810.76; north tt
lot 12, Kate Norgard, 810.76; lot 10, Albert
I.lnke, 321.60; lot 8. John Mackln. 321.60;
lot a. . Kmma A. melon Estate, neirs or,
321.60; lot 4, Jsmea P. Klrby, 821.80. TotsL
Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
Portland, Oregoa, July 18, 1004.
Notlc Is hereby riven that tb Council of
the city of Portland proposes to assess th
following described property and owner
owners aa being apeelaliy and peculiarly bene
fited In the amounts set oppnait tb name
nd deacrlotlon thereof for th Improvement
of Ankeny atreet from tbe weet Hue of Sixth
street to the eaat line of Seventh street, ss
nrovlded by ordinance No. 13,774.
Any objertlone to tne apportionment ef mat
for eald Improvement Dinat D made In writing
m tne uouneii- sno riiea - wun tn auditor
within 16 day from th date nf th flrat
publication of tftim notice, snd ssld objections
will be beard snd determined by the Council
before tbe paaaage of the ordinance assessing
the enat of aald ,1 mprovement.
COPCH'H ADDITION to the City ef Portland
Hl.ttt'K 4.1. sonth tt of weat ion feet of
block 4B, Msry lievat.ey, sriW7.riO. Tbe north
erly tt of a trlanrular parcel of land lying
netween in soiitnerty line or Anxeny street.
the weaterly Un of With street snd th
northerly line ol Pin street. City of Port
land, 8168.60.. Total,- 3751 11.'
, Auditor of tbe Cltr ot Portland.
Portland, ' Oregon, July 18, 1004.
Sealed nrotioaals will be received at the of.
flee of tbe Auditor of th City of Portland
until Saturday, July 23, 1004, at 8 o'clock p. m.
for laying and repairing a aewer In Tanner
creek rrom a point in iwnaflal street to a
point in Taylor street in tb manner pro
vided by ordinance No. 14.071. subject to the
provisions of tbe Charter snd ordlnsnces of the
City of Portland, snd tb estimate of tb City
cneinecr, ou nie. s
Blila must be strictly In accordance wtth
printed blanka, which will be furnished on ap
plication at the offlce of th Auditor of th
City of Portland. And eaM. aewer muat ne
comnleted on or befor 00 oh v from the date
of th signing of th contract by th parties
Uirt.iw. ...
No pronoaa la or Did, will ne .considered
leas accompanied by a certified check payable
TO Tile wit i,k , ne e,- jot m . ine city or
I'ortiana. certinea nr a reanonsioie nana r.e
amount equal to 10 per rent of lb aggregate
Tbe right te reject any or all bids Is hereby
By order of the Execntlve Board.
Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon, July 18, 1004.
Nrrtle U hrvhT mvwn that 'William rt
Klllott, Cltr Knirlwr, hits flit In tb offlrtj
t'H I -! rr SIPS- ihp IIIlTUT-Tlan Of JLsltlI TWent'
treet, tinder the prnvlalmai of ordinance I
18.114, baa completed aald street, from'
the center Un of East Krerett stree, tn ,h
center line of Eaat Flanders street.
Said acceptance will be eonaldered by tb
Elecutire Board t 4 a'clnek. tk. ii.
day of July, 1904, and objection to th ac
ceptance nf Said atreet. or any part thereof,
ray be' tiled la tbe office jif tb undersigned
, eaj. urn, po'ir inereTii.
Audi lor of tbe atr at Portland,
rortlxnd. Oregoa, Jul 19, 104,
I boposco ' -assessment ro iMrmoTX.
I Notie la dmh. -i- iy
I Cltr ui Portland n....JJi
1 Ins deaeribtMl mmMi. -,i ,,wtM- n-n.
1 oeiug apeelaliy sua pwullarljr beneBtrd In
in. vinuunta Set oppualt th new Sua aeecrlp.
I tlous tner.if t ih li i,r.-., rLMi.-i
1 an-nu from th. south tin of Alberts street
to til north- UnS. of Preaeott straet, aa pru-
I T maw nn. I M.HL
I Any objvctluua to to auuurtlonmnt of coat
I for aald linurorvaient muat b aiad In writing
1 to th Cuurlk and filed with tb Auditor
I wlthla 18 daj,' rium Um data of th flrat
puuucaiioa or thia not lea. and said objection
I will b heard and determined by th Council
I before lb uau.. nf rh- ,.r.lli..n- umimI.,
I tb coat of aald ImproTotuent.
I MAKiil.KV iiiihi.amiii V K it an
I feet lot , George B. CUrk. 8I8.1S: eaet eo
ei ,t o, oom H. Clark. 8le.8Ti
t 40 feet o weat 48 tet
bit. 8, ids M. Araeaoa. 80.04; cast u
i'eet of weat 46 feet lot A, Ida M. Arneeon.
'.M; cast 100 feet lot 4, Rudolph Klnallnc,
M.7; aat JuO feet lot 8, BudoliOl Kinsllng,
' figf-fO: eaat 100 feet lot 1, W. 8. Cuttor!
,ia nlJH H 111 anaisi "Ifafl raaaa lot 81
Jtobert and ,Jaa, Hasgard. :.; eaat 100
( i, nooert ana Jan iiaxgara, zi ll;
. east 100 feet In, a II aml.ul
iT.2S; aat 100 feet lot 6, Fran H. Btrlrk-
liiiu, w w; eaat iuo reet lot 4,' Joseph K.
and Amelia Scbena :S.IW; eaat 100 fnet kit
8. Mamma M. Walker, 8:41.20; eaat 1"0 fet
. u, t-aiites,'; aaat iiw reet
fc,,.,:,),"' fstgea, - 84W.M. . flUII'K 1.
eaat 100 feet lot 10, a' M. Bryant,
eaat 100 feet lot , C. U. Bryant, 8.4l, eaat
joy reet lot . Q. 11. Buawell, 8&7.04: eat
Jim BtjHr m. M. Ahernetby. SnO bT;
;tl0 feet lot 6. Ralmund
i eaai imi reet lot 0. James Ahernetby,
Mil: "t 100 feet fit. 4. Edward M.
t.entr.T. WW; mat 100 feet lot 8. Edward
M. Orntry. 8:t2.H3; east Iflo feet lot a..iamea
Aberru-thy, 8.TH; mt 'imi feet lot ljamee
Abemethy, 827 bAf BLOCK 12, lot 7, Cbrla.
tin Jorg, 812.1IS: lot S, H. A. Chrlaty, 817.2TF
kit B. Andrew gwanaon, 831.74; lot 10, Klla
nw.iio, iM.m;Kit ii. jona H; A. nnk,
8-I0.4H; lot 12, John H. A. link. 148.41.
BLOCK . lot , 'Elisabeth Eckerana. 8JO.T8; :
lot. 10, Elisabeth Kckmon. 822 01; bit 11,
jnorj a. Mirnon,; ' l it la. Matiel J.
..Wllaoa, 827.30; kit IS, N. C. Oraltt, 8M.JS;
1 14. N.. C. Oraltt. 8-1S.80: lot 18, Lulu K.
Ikmner. ttl.RS: tnt lfL fjlln ' R IVmn...
l7lia. BUX'K 1 kit 11. Rmmor X llnUht,
84K.t; kit 12, Rmmor i. Height. 8414(1; lot
IX Emmor J. Haleht. lr2 ST: bit 14 Kmmnr
e. iiaignt,; lot 10, Kmmor j, tinignt.
, 8-M.M; lot , Emmor J. Height, 840.87; lot
' 17, Kmmor J. Halght, 830-14; lot IN, Kmmor
j. iiaignt. lot in, Bmmor J. iiatcnt.
8j.l; lot 20. Emmor J. Halght, 830.00.
aoui, fi,
tdoi. c. nicvT.iJf:
Auditor of th City of Portland.
roriiana. Oregon, July 18, 1904.,
ME1TT or EAST twzntt-fisst street,
Notice is hereby given that th Oootidl of th
City of Portland prupoae to si
tb folkiw-
log described nrooerty and owner oe nwneea
aa being specially and peculiarly benefited In
tn a mounts set opposite tb names and de
scriptions thereof fur tbe Improvement of Eaat
Twenty-Hrst -street,-from-the centre- llnef
Hancock street to th south Un of Weldler
treet. aa provided by ordinance No. 13.800.
any rejections to tb apportionment of cost
for said improvement must be made In writing
to tb Council and filed with the Auditor
within 15 days from th data of th flrat I
puoiiratioa or this notice, and said objections
will be heard and determined he th rvinnell I
before the passage of tb ordinance asm suing I
the cost of aald lmnmvement
Portland BUX'K 8. lot 1. Charles H. Pree
cott. itruatee. 8&O.O0: lot 2. Charles H. Pres.
eott, trustee, 818.00. BLOCK 8, lot
1, Annie O. lluithes, 10.4; kit
2. Annie G. Jlnghes. 830.82; lot
16. Annie G. Hurbca. (2H.78: lot 18. Annie
G. Hugbes, 825.eO. BIXICK n, lot -1,
Charles H. Preacott. trustee. 81H (W: kit 3.
Charles H. Preacott. trustee. 8.11. TB: lot 15.
Charles H. Prescott. trustee. t2tt OA: loS is
Charles H. Preacott, trustee. 8111.48. BLOCK
J. Kit 1. t narles H. preacott. trustee,
82.11.15; lot 3, Charle .. Prescott, trustee,
8 27.BB: lot 16. Charles . Preacott. trustee.
in.en; jot 10. t carles n. Prescott. trustee.
8257.40. BLOCK 2. lot 8. Charle H. Pre.
coir, trustee, 400 74: lot T. - Charle H. Pres
cott. trustee. 818.08. - BLOCK T.-.lot 8.
Charle H. Preacott. trustee. S R2- In, T
Charles H. Preacott, trustee,; lot 10.
uarH-s n. r-renooit, vrustee, S.Hi; lot ,
'-.:. ... '-.. A....
. 825.1.1.. ni.OTkT I
1 nariea 11, t-reacotr. trnate.
io. lot s. Mm. 8. unto - imiT: w i
Charles H. Prescott, trustee, 83.12: lot 10,
Charles H. Preacott. trustee, t in 45: - kit a
Charle H. preacott. trustee. 82MA.38. BLOCK
15. kit a. Charles H. Martin and Henry C.
Cabell, 8258,36; kit T. Charles H. Martin and
Henry Cabell. 829.10; lot 10. Charle H.
Martin and Henry C Cabell. 8.10.70: lot u.
Charles II. Martin and Henry C. Cabell.
8201.41. Total, 81.470.67.
Andltoe of , the fit. f PnetlsnA .
Portland, Oregon. July 18, 1B04.
-ouLo,.-t. a av wa.wa,n ajb
Notice is hereby given Viet tb Council ot
tbe City of Portland Droooaea to aaaeaa the Vol.
lowing deacrlbed property and owner or owners
sa being apeelaliy and peculiarly benefited In
th amounts aet opposite tbe names and de-
script tone thereof by tbe construction of s sewer
in East Twenty-aUth street from 60 feet soath
ot tne souts une ol Kaat, mark atreet to
connection with the sewer tin Belmont (treet,
sa provineu oy oruinanc no. js.woo. . -
Any objection to the apportionment nf enat
for ald aewer muat be made in writing So
th Council and filed, with tbe Auditor within
15 days from the date of the flrat oubllcation
of tbla notice, snd ssld objections win be beard
snd determined by tb Council before tbe paa-
esge or u, oruiuance saacsaing tne cost lor
said sewer.
TILTON'S ADDITION to the City of PortUni
riiAMe. i, norm m teet or lot 1, Title
Guarantee A Trust Company, 87.60; north 88
feet of lot lv Title Guarantee A Trnat Com
pany, 34.80; north 81 feet of tbe exit 20
feet of lot 8, Title Guarantee A Trust Com
feet ot block 80. Portland Lone Fir Ceroo
tery Company, 830.66: eaat 100 feet of block
88. Portland Lon Fir Cemetery Company,
3.'18.5S: eaat 100 feet of tot 37. Portland
Lone Fir Cemetery Company, 338.58; eaat 100
feet of block 8A. Portland Lone Fir Ceme
tery Company, 830,66: east 100 feet ot block
85. Portland Lone Fir Cemetery Company.
870.00: east .100 feet of block B, Portland
Lone Fir Cemetery Company. 816.40.
HANSON'S ADD. to Eaat Portland
PhOCK T. north 86.3 feet of lot 1. Cltr A
Suburb Railway Company, 318.70; sooth
14.8 feet of kit 1, Hannah L. , Raaterbronk,
3125; lot 3. Hannah L. Eaaterbrook. 327.06.
BLOCK 8. tot 4. Edward N. Wheeler. 827.06:
sonth 40 feet of tot 8, Edward N, Wheeler,
322 35; north 10 feet of lot 8, Helen M.
Williamson. 38.00; sooth 37 teet of lot 2.
Helen M. Williamson. 315.10; north 33 feet
of lot 2, Henry M. Williamson, 312.15: lot
1, Henry M. Williamson, IZ7.BS. BLOCK 8.
lot 4, John Gantenbeln, 327.06: lot . John
Gantenheln. 327.B5; esst tt of tot 3. Fred J.
McMonlea. 317.70; east tt ef lot 1, Fred
J. McMonlea, 81T.T0; west tt of lot J. Henry
Oaear Smith. I10.3S; west tt of lot 1 Henry
Oscar Smith, 810.25. BLOCK 2. eaat tt of
lot 4. naie . itucxwaiTer. sw.tii: esst 44
of tot 8, Kate B. Bnckwalter. 317.70; weat
r lot 4. A. L. Tybr. 310.25; weat tt of
UA. L. Tyler, 310.25; tot 3. Mary E.
McBrlde. 327.00; lot 1. Mary K. . McBrld.
827.06. Total, 068 SO.
1 nuo. j., -Auditor
of tb City of PortlsnA
Portland, Oregon, July 18. 1004.
Notice" Is bereh given that tb Council I
of the City of Portland nmposee to aaaess th I
following aescrinea property snd owner I
. owners sa being
neei.n . ....
peculiarly benefited la
tn. .mounts
set opposite tbe names and descriptions
thereof by the construction of a sewer in
Madlsoo street, from 110 feet esst of tb esst
line of East Thirty-third street to tbe sewer
In Eaat Thrrty-tl lrd street, as provided by
ordinance No. 18.B5A .
Anr oblections to th. snoortlonment of cost I
for said sewer muat be mad In writing to tb
Council snd- filed with tb Auditor within 18
kit n, punnyaine biinn at improvemeni uw.,
818.85; tot 0, John Gnatafaon, 813 30; tot 12.
Sttnnyalde Land A Imnrnvement Co.. 818.35.
BIM'K 68, tot 8. S fcnnysld iJind it Improve
ment Co 318.05; mt 11. Snnnyslde Land A
Improvement Co.. 318.03; lot 12. -Sunnyald
lnd A Improvement. Co., 118.06. Total,
ftftl.00.- ' , ' '
Auditor of tbe Cltv nf Portland.
Portland. Oregon. July 18, 1004. .
Notle 1 herehr etven that e mioia. j I
Ing fi the vscstloa of tbat portioa ot Knot. I
which Ilea between tb east line of Twentieth
atreet North and the weat llu of Sherlock are.
noe, is pending snd will be presented to th I
Conncll of eald City nf PortUnd, at a regular
meeting of aald Council, to be held en Wedne. I
oar. io on uay Ol August, IB1H, at 3 O'clock
p. m In th council chamber In tbs City Usil
ssld city.
Rslph W. Hoyt. Louise Hoyt Cook. David M.
Dnnne, Estate of T. A. Davl (Inc.). gad
Avima sua vimpany, peTlTinner.
, . t THOS. O. DEVLIN,
Auditor of tbs City ot Portland.
.Portland, Oregon, Jan 28, 104,
day from tb date of the flrat publication of P"".". of erdlaaace- assessing tbe cost I
I this notice, and aald oblections will he heard I for aald aewer. . I
land determined by the Conncll before the I i; v 1 7n'" iirV-I IS.Boo.,
1 tiaaanre or in oruinanca assessing in enat 1 ........ ..u.,,h v..-, o. 1 u , 1 ny
I .. ..M swe v I north tt tot 3, Sunnystd Land A improve-1 to
Notlc Is hereby glrvu that tb Couuc-11 of
tb city of 1'urtlaiid uropuaee to aaseaa the
lollowlug deactlbed property aud uwiwr or
bnriHirm aa bulug apei-uUy aud peculiarly bene
fit 4 in tb amount set optioalit tb names
aud dt-acrlotliiiia UiHreaf for the lniuroveuieut
tit llawtnoru Tarrao, froia tb weat Hue- of
MittHtnui street to ui eaat tine ot Terrace
Any objectloua to tb spportloaiuent of oust
for aald improvement muat be made la writing
to tb Couucll . and filed with tb Auditor
urir. aa pro, tiled by ordinance Mo. la.btu.
Within 1ft fp..m ih. iki. f the flra
BHibllc-atlua of this uoth-e. and aald obleetloaa
Will be haaxd and determiued br th Couucll
befur th paaeag of tb ordinance, assessing
tana bIMK 118, undlrlded H lot 1. Jsmes
ti. Maseltlne. a:M.ail: uiidlelded U hit ' 3.
Jsmes K. Uaaelltue, sm.uo: audlTlded k lot
1. Ueorg II. b tack pule Eatate, belra of,
8-i 5B: uudlrlded kit 2. Ueorg 1). Htaek-
i pub, Hatat. helra of, 82.eO; lot 8. Portland
Trust t-o. of Urt-gon, 1114.41: kit 4. Portland
1-ruat Co. of Oregon, 1Z3.17. BLOCK 111,
' south V, of lot 1, Portland Trust Co. of Ore
gon, MI.34) south to of kit 2, Tb Alllano
. 'I rust Co. of IXintlea, acotland, 84&1.04.
BIAICK 110. aootb tt of east tt ol block
llu, Canadian. V American Mortgage and
Trust Co., Limited,; south tt of east
ou teet ot west tt or Diooa 1 to. J. a in
yes tors' Becurltr Co.. Ltd.. of Edtnbara. 8ost-
Isnd. 8om; south tt of west 60 feet of
.eaat SO feet -of west tt of block' 110, Wash
lngton Natlonslwajuiidliig, Loan, aud Inyeat-
Hunt AaaociatW. tVI.Ub; aouU tt of weat
on feet .of bkM-k 110. Laura A. Flanders,
8103.72. HUKK 108, eaat feet, of block
lts, Uiura A. -FlanUcra. 8BO.07. A tract of
Uud bounded and described as follows! Com -
uieuclng at point in the sou
ta line of
Kllanbeth atri-et MO feet weat of -where tbe
souia.lln of raid atreet is Intersected by
tbe eaat Un ot block lot); Univer a addition
to tbe City of Portland; thenc south along
a line 80 feet west of aud parallel with
th west line 'of said block K10 to tb north
llnenof Hawthorn Terrace; tnenc weat 64 .
feet along tbe northerly line of Hawthorn
t , (ueuc ourui oe (frees 1 1 minute
east 124.1 "feet to th south Uns of Ellaa
beth treet; thence eeaterly to place ot be-
tinning, J. C. Alnaworth, A tract ot
ind bounded and described as follows: Be-
finning where the northerly Hue of block
lo. Urover a Addition to tb City ot Portland,
extended weaterly litteraecta tbe aootb easterly
line. of block lott, Urovera Addition to the
City of hyrtland; running thence north 40
degree 88 minute weat 00 feet; these north
2 degrees SB minutes eaat 44 feet; thence
south bu degrees 81 minutes eaat 60.28 feet;
thenc south 4 degree 11 minutes weat 00
feet to a point in th northerly boundary
line of Hawtborne Terrace aforesaid; thence
weaterly along northeasterly boundary line
of 'Hawthorn Terrace north 82 degrees 61
'minutes weat 84 feet; thence along north-
aateriy noonaary line or said Hawthorn Ter-
0 ROVER'S ADDITION to th City ef Portland
-BLOCK lis), easterly tt lot 4. J. C. Alna
worth, 8ri.43; easterly tt lot 8, J. 0. Alna
worth.. 8H.1.17; easterly iZ lot 3, J. C. -Aliat-wortb,
870.42; easterly W kit 1, I. C. Alna-
, worth. 8164.40. BLOt'K lis,, lot 6, J. C
A lis worth. 8158.82; kit. A J. C. Alnaworth,
Sl.'W.aor- tot - 8, - J.-, Aloewortb. .. 8134.23.
- BLOCK 114. north 100 feet lot 1, The. Oregoa
Mortgage Co., btd.. 8348.22: north TOO feet
.kit 3, Holt C. Wilson, 8208.16. BLOCK
115. north 100 feet lot 1." Scottish American
, Investment Co.. Ltd.
8178.62; north 100 feet
kit X. Scottish Amerlcsn Investment Co..
Ltd., 84.14.71. BLOCK 11. tbe northerly tt
' of a tract ot land lying between tbe southerly
. Un of Hawtborne Terrace and tb northerly
llii of. Kearney rtreet, ' and between th
' westerly line of block 115. Graver' Addition
- to th City of Portland, and tb easterly line
ot mi a, block lie. U rover a Addition to
tn uty or Portland, and a northerly eiten
alon of aald eeeterly line of lot 2, Tb Oregoa
Mortgage Company. Ltd., 3205.88. Ail nf
block 110, Grover's - Addition to . tb
City e of Portland, - lying weat of
. the weaterly boundary line of lot 1. Mock
lie, Grover's Addition to tb City of Pert-
t-nil .,,, - awt-.hA-lv ...n-l..- 1
westerly boundary line of said kit 1, Walter
Mactay, aoua.HT. Total, S6. 102. ot.
- - Auditor of tb City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon, July 18. 1004. '
nones ia nereoy given wai in uouncil
,.e .i. r-i. L.-.I - suira.T:
owners ss being specially snd peculiarly bene
fited In the s mount set opposite tb namea
ana aeacriiituin tnereoc ror tn lmuroTement
of Arthur etreef, from th weat Un ot Hood
atreet to th east Un of First street, as
provided bv ordinance No. 13.81 A . '
Any objections to th apportionment of cost
for said Improvemeat must be made in writing
tn the Council and filed with th Asilttor
within 15 days from tn date of tb first
publication of this notice, snd said objections
will be heard snd determined by th Council
befor tb psesage of the ordinance assessing
tne cost, or aaia improvement.
AUD1TIOS to th. City or. Portlnna BLOCK
62. lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co.;
9-iw. io; .jot o, uregon Haiiroaa at riavigatioa
t.. soi.eo: kit a. iiresoa Kaiirosa a Nav-
hratlon Co., 8H5.0T; lot 4, Oregon Railroad A
7 Navigation Co., 3200.78. BLtX'K 40, lot 8,
Richard Martin, Jr., 8172.41; kit 8. Hannah
Martin, is.2; mt n. r.awarn Mannenhail,
854.011: tot 4. Edward MendenhalL 3212:46.
BLOCK 40, eaat 4.3 feet of lot 8. Jame
linmnnrev. sk.zd: eaat .a reet or lot a
James Humphrey. 82.88: west 25.8 feet of
kit 8. D.- W. Campbell, 350.10; west 25.8
; feet of sooth J7 feet of tot 6, D. W. Camp
bell, sn.zu; weat zs reel or eaat Z0.3 feet
of lot d. J. It. and r. I. Mann. SA4.D2:
west 33 feet of eaat 29.8 feet of south M
of kit 6, J. R. and P. I. Mann, 37.641 eaat
28 feet of west 61.8 feet of lot 6, George
Nothnagle, 855 07; eaat 38 feet of west 61.8,
feet of sonth 17 feet ef tot A. George Noth-
nagie, ao..w; east zo reet or weat 70 w reet
ot lot 5. P. W. DeHnff, 383.30; esst 20 feet
or west 7i feet or eootn tt or lot e. p. w.
Do Huff. 37.64; weat 101.8 feet of north tt
ot lot n. ..ermsa saviiur at Loin nociety.
- 3.10.70; north 1 feet of west tt of sooth tt
or mt a, tiermsn esvings m ixtan nocletr.
. 85.00; tot A James Humphrey. 8,11.01; lot
-I, James Humphrey. 8214.34. ' BLOCK 63, lot
8. LouU Arnold. 3257.10; lot T, Louis Arnold.
3Z4.13-, mt x. Julius H. liarr. So.ZD: lot 1.
tt. of lot 3. Jobn Dudley, 25.0; eaat 100
feet of north tt of lot A H. C. Englenart.
325,80; weat feet nf tot 1 P. M. Llchten-
tha er. 83.07: west 8 feet nf lot 1. F. M.
IJrhtenthiler. 9.48; eaat 100 feet ef tot 1.
L. F. and Sarah M. Guthrie. 8158.TS. BLOCK
41. lot a. , U. P. Heno. X171.1A: lot T. L. P.
Bene. 358.05: tot A J. E. Scott. 810.81: eaat
73 feet of lot 1. Laura E and Jobn I. Lants,
l :.!: weat jts reet of lot I, w. aaa M
BCOtt, Si.t)7. Total,
' -.' Anoitor of the City of Portland..
Portland, Oregon, July 18. 1004.
Notlc It hereby given tbst th Council .of
th City of Portlsnd proposes to assess the
following oeacribed property ana owner or own
ers aa being apeelaliy and peculiarly benefited
In tbe amounts aet opposite tbe names sad
description thereof by tbs eonatructlon of a
aewer In Eaat Tblrty-seeond street from IS
feet south or tbs south line of Esst Salmon
atreet to a connection with tb sewer In East
Tblrtyreccoud atreet at Kaat Taylor street:
a sewer In East -Salmon street from 180 feet
wet of th west Hue of East Thlrty-second
"treet to a connection with tb proposed sewer
', '"Z , r-w ""7. ; sewer m
sise, duiiiw. eiivrr. imn .ou in-i . . L o. ui
!" ",.f"'.."""T" u"'' a
coillieciem villi .u urvifuser. aewer lu a,aai
4'blrty-second street, as provided by ordinance
No. 18,067. ,i
Any objections to tbe apportionment of cost
esia sewer mnst bj emae in wriung to the
fow - il snd filed I wit th 1 Audlbw within 15
"" " uei .1. ioe umi puoiicaiion
' this notice, and. aald objections will be
eeard and oetermlned hy the Dounctl before the 1
8, Sunnyald Land
ImprOVenient CO.. 317.60; kit 4. Charles W. I
Iiusn. Slt.ou: Hri o. Anion ncnartera. BIT. not I
kit 8. Anton Schaffem, 322.40; lot 0. Hunny-1
Id Land A Improvement Co., 322 40; lot 12, I"ln'i" V , w- u,rwTiii ,,
.ii.r. u, 101 n. aunnyaioe uina at improve-1
ment Co., 122 0: west tt tot 0, Sunnysld
iado er jmuroremeni i.. bii.hj; esat tt kit
. John D. Mick I. 31130: tot 13. John D.
Mlckle, 323.40: tot 13, H. P. W. and Alvlda
M. Anderson, 3X3.20; tot 14, Bunnyalde Land
A Iniprnveincnt Co., 821.20; tot, 16, Mathew
Steele, 321.20. BLOCK 43, kit 4, Bunnyalde
Land A Improvement Co., 3I8.80; lot 6. Snn
nyslde l-and A Improvement Co., 318.80; tot
ti. nunnnysiue uinq at improvemeni ffjo.,
1b.. i y.. i , . , . .
i, i, DunuiNUT iss er imii m.iufui
o.-, 318.80; tot 8, Sunnyslde Land A Improve
ment Co., 81A.80; t 0, Sunnyald Land A
Improvement Co., $18.80. BLOCK 44, kit 1,
Snnnislile Land A Improvement Co., 810.80;
kit 2. Hnnnyeld Ijind A Improvement Co.,
J 18.80: lot a. Sunnyslde land A Improvement
., $18.80; lot 4. Snnnyalde Land A Improve
ment Co., 818.10;. tot 6, Snnnyalde Land A
improvemeni i gin so; wfn, nunnyaide
iAnd A Improvement Co., $18.80; lot lettered I
N. Sunnysld lend A Improvement Co.,
. AVVat, e: m IV. V
'' Andltos of tb City of Portland,
Fortune, Oregon, July 18, 1004,
A inert wngnt. zoti bWt;il 4S, west rxurUDJ.ll aasoasaias a iva saeaa Am -. - - in--,meai anrf -..rm-t '
ZSWX of W 1 W JffiS8 S BWJI0MT ,Ta,EXT i'mprovVuT," T accordance '
31378: east 81 ft of tot S. F Llchl Notlc It hereby gtv.a that tbe Council ef SortUilri' .h niA6' .," W,J! ' '
tenthaler. 887.01; east 81 feet of tot T. F. M. th City of Portlsnd proposae to ease th ..if nd- rePi? ,.;d
Llcbtenthaler, 35.28: eaat 100 feet of south following deacrlbed property snd. owner or ,Z .B..iL?fA",. "'r-1" .,n?
to., kit n. eunnrsld Land A
Mint or BissisBirri ateeve.
Notlc Is hereby 1 1 yes tbat th Council of
the cite of Portland uroooaea to aaseaa tba
following deacrlbed property aud owuar or
nwiiMra Ha liMtiitf neclally and uecullarlr ben -
flted In the amount set oliuoslttt tbe Bamea
anil ri-srli,ffl.Mia thHiMt fiir Ike tmtiluTement
of Mlaalaalppl ayauua from -the south Una of
.1 1 . . ' . .... . I. II., ...
atrert, a, provldud by ordinance No. 13,o75.
i - .um-i w pi. rm v. -
I Auy objections to th apportionment ol coat
I for aald Impruremant muat be made la writ -
ling to the Council aud ttled with . tb Auditor
I within . IK , th Aula nf the Aral
I nulillcatbin or thla nntli-e. and aald obiectlulia
Will be heard aiut determined by tb CoUtSJIl
I befor th passag of tba ordlnano assessing
to Alblna UURIt
. 4. lot 14, B. Crabb, 828 80; kit 13, AUdor aud
Louisa IX Kranq, 1.IU. - .
. lot 10, James W. Cook. M0.62; lot 11, Oscar
Anderson. 80.68; lot 0, Aiiea W1. Cook. 87.o;
lot 8, Jamea"W. Cook, 807.02; lot 2. Jame
W. Cook, 877.78; lot 1, Jame W. Cook,
5H8.70, BLOCK 18, kit 8, Jame W, iC.
14.42; lot 8, James W. Cook, 8101; lot T.
a mas W. dook. 875.17: lot- , Jmea W.
t)ook, 8,16.43; bit 8, James W. Cook, 806.17;
lot 4, James W. Cot, 80.26; lot 2, James
1T A sm ,ul . ..a, ' . Xf t '.w.le
tlM.tV. P.jOt'iv lit lot 1, AddU B. Kl-
" W. rUl 1. efSIAeVSJ TT. .viaa
Hott. 24.TH: tot X Addl a., .lfl.o.
HI sva-ysv as I a a w . as - a 1BJflli
BLOCK A lot B John. Henry and William
F. Weat, 8140,M; kit 10, Jobs. Henry and
William P. Weat, 822.80; b't 8, Mnrtln L.
llulnian. 8M67; lot 8, 8. W. and Mary A.
Darls. 80U.6T: north A of lot 4. Andrew
Plnlasa. I.ttl t- annlk Ic.lot- a H.--W. nd I
Wwy A, Uarls, 83U.78; lot I. Andrew Paulaeu,
I Ml I.TNOMAH BLOCK 85. lot 21a Flrat Congre-
I gatlonal Church. 807.82; bit IB.'Flrst Congi.
rational t niu-rb, .-ti4ti; kit 17, xacnariao u.
Bean, S47.7S; lot In, m. V. aud Lilt K, Bee
BuHfa HA lai IB -VaHlB I liklltl Bat fraaslKlliH.
tt H?" i,'s Vr"UU,?f .TJU2'
11. P. J. Anderson. 881.01; hit 0,
. ., j.u.,e,m,u, .ii.i;, .
Andeieon, 7.78; aSt 8. Edwin A, Rayworth, 878.86;, k.t i; Jobs Uabnr8.74.
BLOXK 2d, kit 18, Jsme Ryan. 80; kit
la. Jsmea Kyan, 7D.U.; lot it, annor i
Frascq. Soe. 16; . lot 8. Wed W Hchraeler.
806.16; kit 7. Emms 1. Belloh Eatste. belea
of. 864-07
7; kit 6. Anna achieve, sou. 10; lot
Schleve, 87.o3( lot 1, Title Uuaian -
tee A Trust Company. 8B0.4.1 llLOCK 2-1.
; kit 18, Emll Chrlatenaen, 888.70; lot 13,
Nor H. Casey, 71.M; kit 11, Msry heenan,
84T.T7: lot B. Thoma s Keens u. 817.77: lot 1.
Jacob Trueb, 817 77: lot 6.
847.77; south tt of kit 8. Gen
f 10.25; north tt of lot 8. Ma
0, J aeon -jrueo,
George O. 8ml th.
: north u of mt a, alary uoneannou,
J):tO.S; kit 1, J. B. Elegler, 8tl8.t0. HU)t;a
14. kit 16. The Mlealaainpl Avenue Hall As -
sodatlon, . 803.TO; bit IB. city ot Portland,
800 51; lot 11. LlllUa Kurta. 8.T7; kit
0. William Tj. Banum, 8t7.77; lot 7. William
n. . , . ... 1... . umiii-m t..... lhj.1.
ki 8? Tlium rk-hJla. .61: tot r George
K. J. Kohlnann. Sn8.B4: lot 13. 8. K. J.
1 Itnhlraum. A12 n&: lot 11. Emma C. Herehu.
,77; lot 8. Andrew jj. vtooas, uo. 1 1 1
lot T. William Christie Estate, hlr of,
808.77; .lot 6, Ague Montgomery, 850.70; lot
0. Kilea uevun, eia-w; lot 1. ijirsinuonnson,
8B3.04. BLOCK 3. kit 11. Fred W. Latham.
liiot 1
A Stark
! tot ill
810Z.T8; let 0, Henry Beck, pnu
Henry Berk. 370. BM: kit A Conrad
7A7ft;-lot a.A. C. lson.81; 1
A. C. Kelson. 320.40. T-'
8. lot 1, James SaraOeld. fZtl.Xi; lot a,
Jsmea SaraAeM 818.61.
I COOK S ADDITION to AlblnsBLOCK 14. tot
a, school uiatncx. do. x. ai3.oi. a tract oe
land Ivlna between tbe eaat Una of lot 8.
block 14, Cook's Addition, and a line 100
of Mississippi avenue, and between the north
ii.- ... '.-.i- . mA . it.,- inn fee,
reet eaat or ana -pursuer wiin to ease nne
north thereof and parallel therewith. School
' lll.triet No.' 1. 827.08. -
COOK'S ADDITION "to AlWna BTXiCK 14, lot
- A, James W. Cook, 07.Ki; lot B. at. K.
Tbommon. 877.78: lot A Nela and "Jean la
- Nelsen. 888 TO. BLOCK IS. lot 17. James
W. Cook. 813.18; lot lfl. James W. Cook.
373.84;. lot 11. Jame W. Cook. 85.35; kit
15. Ellen Ekstrand, 80S.43:' lot 13. Jame W.
8.B.43; lot 01 Bohman. S1.4,1; lot T. Ol
Bohmsn. 883.45; kit , Jonss Bohman. 30 74;
lot S. Jonaa Bohman. 82.01: bit 4. Ola Boh
man. 811.44: kit 8. Ola Bohman. 83.15.
" BLOCK 1, lot 11. James O. Spencer. 8163.33;
tot 10, James O. Spencer, 3Xl; lot T, J. K
tl .. ,,u A.. V. d Un n A n un SAA AT .
kit 8.' Ruby M Shsler, 370,66; lot A Franaea
K. BCUrr, 4U4.SB.
Ml I.TNOMAH BLOCK 88. west tt lot 22.
Kate V. Jamleson. 8112.11; eaat tt tot 22.
Karl Srhwarts, 320.71; tot 20, Annie O. Ban
croft. 850.31: tot 18. .Charle W. Hnrlund.
'353.65; hit 18. William McRae, 3A6.02; lot
- 14, Anton J. Helper, a.-i.l.ori: lot ia. t nariea
Dnbl. I,r.8 55: lot 10. John Charlatrom, 347.77;
lot 8. Jsme Borthwlck. 353.66: lot A Vlr-
. glnta at. Root. 853.55; tot 4, Emma snd Hans
Lndwlg, 1..t: lot X, Kmma i.ndwig, xrvmj.
BLOt'K 25. tot 18. Saninel Osborne, 372.51;
tot 14. Amelia Syrlng, 370.10; lot 13, Amelia
tyring, iMl. 15; tot 10. Amelia Ryrlng. 808.IS;
lot 8, ArjcUa and Albert Syrinx, 3AA.16; kit
8. Bertha Iee. 3A0.15; tot 4, James B.
Mooney, 870.03; tot 3. Jsmea B. , Mooney.
son 4.1 ntirnr 94. lot IS. John Hahn.
810.78:nJtorth tt tot 14. Michael J. and Katie
Murranr. 8:10.30: south tt tot 14. Ids C.
Kobh. S30.2A; lot 13. Mlcbsel J. snd Katie
, Murnane. 7.T7: tot 10. Msry Rtcbet. 3A5.A3:
north tt kit A Hannah M. ' Kane. 823.88:
. south tt tot A Hannah Mcintosh. 328.88: lot
8. Edith Ann Norton. 37.77; lot 4. Alice
Msrv Golden. 878.38; tot 2, M. E. Thompeon.
303.70. BIXK'K 18. lot 10 Una Griffin.
310.74; lot 14. James B. Mooney, 378.8A; tot
12. Hlrsm W. Price. 358.66; kit 10. Turvtl
. Snresdhorough. 853.65; lot 8, Charle II. Mc
Morrow. 3ASA3; lot A William F. Tabheaing,
SH6.A21 kit 4. William C. Bheaffer. 871.88:
lot 3. Anna R. and Clair A. Fischer. 310.74.
'BLOCK 13. lot 18. Margarette Makiue, 303.04:
lot 14. Marsarctte Ma kin. 882 85: tot IS.
William Bcbnls, 85A.70: tot 10. Elisabeth and
William L. Bantam, 88.7T; tot 8. Maurice
Cavanaagb Estate, heirs or. fm.TT, lot A
Maurice Cav-insngh Estate, heir of. 3A8.T7;
tot 4, Edwatd P. Murphy, 812.88: tot 3. Ed
ward P. Mnrrhy. 8B.1 04. BI)CK 1, lot 12,
May E. Blrdaell. 3101. TT: lot 10, May E.
Blrdsell. 814.80; tot A Id M. Job neon. 303.70:
lot:-A Caroline snd A. Johnson. 87AS3; lot
4. ' Snrab laahella BosartH. 877.20; kit 3.
r.mmn a. nieion ssiibor, arir, wi.
Totel, 8.73e.82, -
THOS. TJ.-DEVLIN. -Andttnr
nf the .City nf Portland.
Portland. Oregon. July 18. 1004. r
Z. being speclallyand peculiarly bene-
th amounts set opposite the snic
crlptlons thereof by tbe construction
filed Jn
of a sewer In Belmont street, from 100 feet
we. of the west line of Eaat Thlrty-v.nU
treet to a sewer In Belmont street at the aat
Une of Suunyslds, a provided by ordinance
No. 103- - ., . . . I
for said swr must be msde la writing to the
Council snd filed wlU tbe Auditor wlthl !
All Wl jwv tevrnsa m iin my'n-m irvtuiiv- a vi ,, 1
IB (lays from tb date of tb first publication
of this notlc, and aald objection, wlfi be beard
snd determined ny tn uouneu oeror in psas- 1
ag. of tb. .ordlnroe-e ln, tb. coat for said
tireeon hijiuk on. mt jx. aowara le rtausn-
man, 811.45; lot 18, H. J. Warden, 818.65;
eaat 13 feet lot 14, H. J. Warden, 84.46;
meat 20 1-3 feet tot 14, Jacob Warage, 87.00;
eatt tt tot 15, Jacob Warags, 35.25: weat
tt tot 15, Clara A. Holttinger, 86.25; tot 10,
Clars A. Holttinger, ii.o. biak n. taj.
lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co..
81T.00: lot 4, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust
. - mrpr a . t a in,- IIH.U C1-h JL I
t'iVi' 1.. i.n- S e- H e-T I
jrris, VA. , 1 1 , in, 1 1 it vru n , it
, A Trnat Co.. 817.05; lot 1, The Title Gusxaa-
' te A Trust !.. 317.10. 'Total. 8160.30.
... -ii, fiu
1 " ' Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon, July 18, 1804.
.. A s at - A AS. J jpt a .a I
the City of Portland prop,--, to tt.
folkiwlDg MeecrlDea property ana owner
vwnera aa being apeelaliy and peculiarly ben,
fited In tbe amounts set opposite the name
snd descriptions thereof for tbe construction of
8 sewer In Kerby street, from tbe south 11 n
of Prescott street to tb sewer In Kerby street I
st Maaoa street, a. provided by ordinance No.
otijecttons to th apportionment of cost I
aald sewer muat be mads In writlns tol
ine i.iniini -.1111 .lieu vim w aiiuiuit wiiniu I
lit A.ea Cenm the date of the flra, nuhltoatlo I
.t hls iwitlc. and aald nhleetlnna will h he.rrf I
and determined by the Council before th
passage of tbe ordinsnce saaeaalng the eoat I
for BSlQ SCWeT,
lsvl. $20.80; tot 3. N. M. Davie. 826.80:
tot A N. M. Davis, $28 80; lot 4, Clans Han
sen, $28.80; lot 8, B. Wilkinson. 328.80: tot A,
J. W. snd I.lssl E. Borthe, $28.80. BLOCK
8, tot 1, Ambrose F). Gantenbeln. $28.80; M
2. Ambrose K. Gantenbeln, $2.8u; tot 3,
Ambrose R. Gsntenlieln. $28.80; lot 4, Emms
, , so an. i a si u mi 1 . . u, . .
fifiiiiii , ' , . w , , . .i, Diiuin-i, e ,
list A. Wllllnm M. Kllllngswortb, $2A8o; tot
T. Clara K. Fester. $2A.8ot tot V ciara B.
aM.-. an nticir a in, te w n I
Poster. 828 80. . BLOCK .4. tot IX W. R.
Wallace, $.10 20; lot '11, W. R. Wallace,
$.18 00; lot 10. William M. Kllllngaworih,
$HA.0O; kit t, Ambrose B. Gantenbeln. $1.0O;
lot 8. Amhrna. R. Gantenbeln, $38.00; lot
T, Ambrose E. Oantcnheln, $.18 00. BLOCK
0 -Vt 18.' Daniel II. Harnett. $38.00; tot 18,
Daniel H. Harnett, $.W.ft": lot 14, Ixithe M.
Vinton, IIAtH); lot 18, William M. Kllllnga
worth, 3:8.0O; tot 13, N. M. Davia, $:18.0O
'tot II. N. M. Davie. $1A 00; tot 10 Charle
Swanson. 318 00: lot 3. Frank Nor berg. $.'18.00.
ToUL $870.10.
THtns. c HKVi.irt,
Auditor ef the City of rorUand.
Portland, Oregon, July. 18. 1004, .
I ......e.M w,Mm Mewm ra I WBlkB In accordance With the (Ire kurlu.,'.
I ih eeemokt simEST. - -
I Notice la hereby aly.a that William r?
I Klllott Clt Kuvlnr h. ei.. n ih.
of th undersigned, notice tbat U. A. Anderson,
I contractor fie- tne n.i, i.u. e - wu t.
I FrelniMlt atreut. und.-f !,- ,.n,,. .1 ....It
I Hani- No. l.'l IMI h.m ,. ..M .
I from Colon ayenu to Clereiasd ayenua. '
I Hull, -a ,,, . , . . , .. ..
i . ,,, win ue conaioerea or in, .
d at 4 o'rltM-k. a tb ' 2d
I day of Jaly, lixx, and objections to th ac
1 eeptaaic of aald sewer, or any part thereof
I a-ay be filed In -the offlce of tb underlgnl
I tt any tltua Drlne .h
I TUB KXKt l'Ttvn nnipn
I Br THI1M ' riKVI.fV
I ' ' ' Auditor of tbe City of Portland,
' - - -. . .mia.
V t. w
' T' EEEET 8TKIET. . ,
Notice 1 .nereby . glye that William O
Elliott, City Engineer" baa filed in thi flS
ol tb uojerslgni-d, mule, (h,t j. 3 giinnn,
cootrct. for tb eonatructlon of a"-aewr In
hrby .treet. under the prorlalona of ordlnano
No. ''22. ha. miilet.d aald sewer, rrom
-Humboldt street to Irescott street.
Held acceptance will be cuisldered by tb
Executive Board at 4 olclock, oa the 82d
rial of Inlay lCUxA . - Jl a. . . " ...
s e- "-"-, 88 CHI Oil JMCllOIlal M ttlse mi
wptiw of told wwer. or any n.rt theifol
ray ni4 In th otfi of Ui uodenlffned
I sf- as. Mma alnH sj. sa
I at any time prior thereto.
. ' jnon. o. DKVLiif.
L' . ' Auditor ot tbe City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. July 18, 1804.
I ' 5 J"ffT . F TWIETT-riESX
I hmii, '
notice at berebr- rtyrn that Willi. r. rl wi.
1 Hott, City Knglueef. has Sled In the of.
8 nW tha ea..sBl 1 a . . .
P the onderalgued notlc that Becbill ,
contractors for tb Improvement of Eaat Twenty:
eirre, enaer'tne tieoeiaiona ef erdlnanes
No. 13,808. hay completed said atreet f mm
that fenfltr llrtsa aa Uk.i.L. -4.--a. a. .L . . ...
u. i,( WeWler tri "
I Ha Id aceeptanc will be conaldered by tba 1
I Executive Board at 4 o'clock, oa the 1 fcirf '
I day of July, .1B04. and objections to tb a?!'
cptenc of Mld atreet. or sny nart ihleJS
I aiay be filed In tbe of Ac of tit anler.lnl
1 at any time prior thereto? andemlgned
' . , ..' By THOU. & DEVLIN.
' . Asdlto of th Uty of Portland.
Pwrtland. Oregon. July 10, 1004.
1 T
. a-uviatxa r vr AAST TWENTT-FOCRTH
1 STREET. , -
I jj0ti la h h- .i .... ,
He, VT. a? "21 '"T?. ,.t,",lta"
I if the Unets1mul
I ei n" unQeraignca notice that Brook A Reel. n
I TveentT-Sourtn,!wrr J
street from tb north line of Tillamook, street
to the north Una of Knott atreet.
oam acceptance win be eonaldered byth
rii-cutlve Board at 4 e'ebiek e- h- v,a
day of July, . 1004, and objections to the ac-1
centaace of aald ate, u i . r
b led la the office ef the andwlgnei-'
tlm P"or thereto. -
Auditor ol the City "of Portland.
Portland. Oregoa. July 18. 1004.
Notice la hereby riven that William r vi.
I "!" tJtJr ,B"8loer, haa filed In the office ot
I th Undersigned notice that Llud A Mannfn
I eontrsctor for the Improvement of Eaat Nlne-
teenth street, ander the provisions of ordinance
No. 13,6AM, hare completed said street from
th center line ef Weldler street to the center
Une of Proadway.
Bald aeceptasce will be eonaldered by the
Executive Board st 4 o'clock, an the via
day of July, 11104, and objections to th ac
ceptance of said street, or any pert thereof,
miy be filed- In th otara ef tee undersigned
t any tlm prior thereto.
' Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. --
Portland. Oregon, July 18, 1004. .
Notice Is hereby glrea that th Council nf
the City of Portland proposes to aaseaa tb foi
lowing described property and owner or owners
as being specially and peculiarly Benefited la'
tbe amounts set otmoslt the namea and de
scriptions thereof for the Improvement of Phi
street, from the west Un of Sixth street to
the esat Uno ef Seventh street, aa provided he
ordinance No. 18,776.
Any objections to the snoortlonment of coat
for said Improvement must be made In writing
tn tbe Council and filed wtth tb Auditor wlthla
IS days from th date of tb first eubllestbia
of this notice, and said objectloua will h
heard snd determined by tb Council before
tbe Dsaaarfe of tbe ordinance assessing tba
coat of anld Improvement.
t,'iiitfi.An hijk s 14, mt 1. Henry w. Cor
nell xeutte, neirs 01, xo.iz.wi; lot X, Henry
W. Onrliett Estate, heirs of. 817.88. Th
southerly Slof 1 triangular tract of land
lying between the southerly tin of Ankenv
street. 'the weaterly Un of Blatb street, ssd
tne ncrtneriy line or nne. street, city ot.
Portland. 3404.07. Total. 8t.145.T8. .. . . .
THOS. 0. DEVLIN. '.-:--.
Auditor or the Cltr nf Portland-
Portland, Oregon. July 18, 1804. ... -
i - . r .
.. - STREET. -Notice
Is hereby given tbat at the meetlnx .
ef tbe Council ot tb City of Portlsnd, Ore -gon,
held on th th day of July, 1U04, the
loitowing reaniiution was sonptea: -
Resolved, lbnt tb Council of th City ef
Pertland. Oregoa. deem it exnedlent snd
proposes to Improve Weat Park' street from tbe
north llu ol Taylor street to tb Booth im
of Washington street la th following maa-
rr, ue-wit; ,
Urat By grading the street to th Drones
grade full wldtk wtth full Intersections ex
cept at th Intersection of Abler street and 1
of Morrison street. .
Second By paving tb street full width
with full Intersections with asphalt on s nm. .
Crete foundation alx Inches la deptlr - trith
tw o-root erica guiiers. , .
mire By constructing, artificial stone slde-
d..urt,,t" "'A.VitTot Fort and
?" 7.tb ?,'J J"- ,"'! -''
"TIL , 'J speclncsttons f. th
Improvement or West Park street from the
'wsshTn.on Vi-1."' ""
?' W,"'nto? tbe eetlmstes of
if". TiTiLe ' ud P"""1" el
The cost of ssld lmDrorenent to be a-. ..a
. , . , .. .
" ZJ?Z!HU' c"r,'r POB the pron..
KjetTi'iiLi!''' ,,h"rAh' .n0 WD,'-e l
J""' . 71 , . ',' P"r eti
M"' "" ISf1!,' 'f nl ,T!? -'" e Un
, -. ., t.'.l.rV'"' ""e west
- ,W ' M faet
west rail street snd between tbe nor Or Un.
01 jsior eireet ana ins Bout a line of Waah
Ingtoa street.
ine engineer', estimate of th probable,
wwi coei jot rne improvement 01 said Wo
Park street I 37.868.00.
The above Improvement la to -be eUased -
an asphalt improvement and shall be main
tained by tb City for the period ot four
ream, provided that tb owners of a major- ,
provement or any portion thereof
j- v tu. inwi-j-rijr eenenteq or said In
- .... - . - . 7 -
Pi ,n.fc! , different Improvement .
t" ' "P1"?" , CB.P"rt'. ' .
Shall d
ine viiy engineer ror tne improvement of said
vve, rare street are nerenv anmitan
Resolved, That th Auditor of tb City of
. vi iirin v. .in ue h nentfir airncreti m mm
notlc of tb Pro nosed Improvement or M
tree 1 aa provinea oy tn city charter.
Bemonstrsnce against tb above- Improve
tent may be filed In writing with tb under-
A i,l,i rar. j . - . V L"w.
,;rhl c-'t' o J" r"7h,. 'ZK m of t
flrat publication ot tbls notice.
y sroer of tn council. . 1 .
' Auditor f the rttr of PM..J
Portland, Oregoa, July 3. 1004. T
sinrnHFn aaaranwrir-e -n
Notice Is hereby, given that the ru..i .a
the-Cltr of Portland nronne - ....
ewnee aa hlne nelll .-A n "T .
liillowiiig ueeriwii pro party snd OWBCf
Atet In th inwinnli Annn.i.- .l.' "
and descriptions thereof by tb constructing Tr
a sewer In Locust avenu. from 100 feet weat
1 eC ,h Weet II - nf IK. - .
v . v.:....u .e."-. : .. "-wr 10
C ,i iio " evioeu oy orttlnance
,, . ,,, t. - r,
Any objections to tbe sonortlonmetit .
for aaltt aewer muat he made In writing to
.i.t.-,. -"- tne AUOltor within
16 day. from tbe date of the firs, nni.ii--.i
of this notlc. and said objections will b .heard
ard determined by th Council before tli
passag of tb ordlnauc assess Ing tn. cost
BUNNYSIOE BLbCK 14, all of lot 11 lying
k Ae lie- too e . . .k . "'.'"s;
"ZJ Jlrj 'T', "",h efr " Psfsllei
with the sooth line of I,otuat avenue, Sunny,
eld Land A Improvement Co., $,00; kit
1. s?J,nCVe?,a1naie lBJ"e"t Co.,
f,2" ..inin .'""''d nd A Imnrovement
Co.. $45.30: lot 8, SunnyaldeT Land Im
nrovernest CO.. $05.20 BItM'K 8. aoutberly
tt of kit 4. Helens M. Wllll.m.. aiv 8.
southerly tt. kit 8.. Sarah Jewell, $1105;
southerly H tot 8. Marian C. Jnhnaton, $20 25i
southerly U tot T, W V. Hnhb.rd.' $18.45;
e'herlv tt tot 8, Homer Humphrey, $0.36.
TotsL $210.60. vc.
. ... T" C. DEVLIN,
Andltne ef the rH, e t.
fortland, Oregoa, Jaly jg, 1004. :
I." v : ::; ; 'f.-