.;t. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. JULY 18. 1904. MISCELLANEOUS Found -Tender "Wanted Mlar.ellne- itMia" an ad tor 114 Sherman atreet, call linn for eomerhliiE out of tba ordinary. 'Read It carefully. ". ; -. ' "For Bala" aa advertised under 'Tor .Sale Real Filiate," "bargains In houses land Iota." You'll ha a to gat the ad .that txlna with thoaa word a, to set the address of the advertiser. Wanted All . - thoaa denlrinr house ' keeping rooma o read the classification . '."For Bent Housekeeping Rooma." - Pereonal 8f there'e an ad under "Rooma and Board." telling about ' iilo place to apend the Bummer." Bet " ter look. If up, hadn't youTv ' Notice Well, notice the, "Situations ' Wanted Female, and read the ad ad dressed to "general delivery,' for . housekeeper. , " ' "Bualneaa Chanoea" la a daaalflcatlon Yhat'e alwaya full of rood opportunltlea e If you don't read It taref ully 4 every ' osy, you're a, loaer; that a rlgut , Wanted All men' and women looking tot work, to read the "Help Wanted' tuda every .day,. ...... -; , ; '.. v, ;- 1 For Rent New modern I -room flat. ' aa advertised under "For Rent Flat.1 Read the ad, you may Want It ' Whaeve you want, pouaalt Journal Waa Columns 11 rat, and aare loaa of time and money. : . NOTICE. t'OTICB Or STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING toe annua! faceting of the stockholders of the Coear d Alee leveiopnent 1 Oimpany, Mr the election of a Board of Director for tba . ensuing rear, and for 1 the transaction of 1 urh other buxlncoa aa may reguUrly enme V before tbaai. will be bald at the office of the y company, rooma K)l to 604 Chamber of Com '. merce building, Portland, Oregon, on August - 1, ivu. ai JU rciwi a m. OKOHUE r. HOLM AM. Secretary Coeor d' Atone Development Com- ; Portland, Oregon, July 8. 1D04. -JVOTIOB OP STOCKHOLDERS' MKICTt.NO No , tlce la hereby given that tba annoal meeting ' ef the stockholders of the Midway Oil eom-4-psrry will be-hoM-at the-efnee -Ladd A V Tllton, beokera, ' at Portland. Oregon, at I K o'clock p. m. oa Wednesday, the Soth Jar of July, 1804, for the purpose ot alerting a -'-'.' board of directors end for the transaction of ' eueh ether bnelaaea be may come before the ' meeting. ;".. - ' IXfUI WANTED. ' " ' i Notice te hereby glrenthst sealed bids will J 'be mlfnl by Crook County, Washington, fur , the exporting of the of liars' bonks of said tetunty f(1r the all jeera ending July 1, 1004. . Bids to be In end opened end contract awarded after Beptember T. W04, at It o'clock , e- m, i The Co art 1 seen as the right te reject any and :-: all bids. ; '' j Done br erder of the County Court of Crook -'Countr. Oreaun. July S. 1904. ; .. Witness my band and tba seal of -said eowt j.. . wia htn ear ei uiy, iwri. . i BASKStrrror votiox. :" Notice. Is berebr glma that on the 14th any of July, 190, W. H. Hopfer, of Portland. . t, Oregon, waa duly adjudicated bankrupt; sad that the first meeting of bla .creditors will i he held at mom auo Chamber ef Commerce bnlUllng, Portland, . Oregon, oa the 3d day ,of August, lis, at 11 o'clock a. m., at which time the aald creditors siay attend, prove ' their ltms. appoint a trustee, examine the eancnipt ana transect soon etner oosiaees a . . may properly come before said meetlnc. Bated Portland. Oregon. July 1fl. 190. . j. . ,,. ALEX 8WEKK, ., .- c .. , bferee la Bsnkrnpsry; TocxKotSEBi' Kxznira.- The tnneerieettn etfr MneknoMers of The Title Guarantee Trust Company will be bald et the office .of the company In the Cbaav tier of Commerce bnlldlng, I'ortl.nd, Oregon, ea wesson, juiy so, ivos, sr b:i p. m. T. T. BUBKHAliT, BecreUry. KZI WAIRCIO MALa. ,f. BIO SAWMILL COMPANX. .. ' '.. JTAUlfi PAID. ' I 1 SOO m-IK. A ..... Jt . Iff UmnAm IU . . .U BUW L 1 111. .1 ' 1 1 ,iaiw, , tao sad board; shingle mill U borers, $30 and board: two bona teamsters. 130 and board; fenera lnhorera for sawmill, yard and box aetory, f JO to $30 and board. Large beys will o Tor nog raciory worn. Bt'MMKR AND WINTKft JOB BTKADT. --'i HANHKN'S EMl'l)YMKNT OFFICII. ' SB North Beeond street. Bear Burnslde. : AOLr5 TCMPLOYMEWT BUR'rATJ 204 Oood nongh block. We register competent belp fw good positions. If you want a good position ' cell owns. We always bare them. We ' bare regiatered Persian aaleeman direct from .' India) educated la Rngllah. Will work for moderate ealary. Want farm hands, team sters for city, dishwashers, waiters, coots, . la and out ef town. . KAQLB EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. WANTED Per V. m Army Able-bodied as married men, between sgaa of tl and 89, eltlsens of t'nlted Btatea. of good character and temperate hablta. wba can speak, read . and write Engllah. fur Information, apply ' to Recruiting Ofoeer. Third and Oak sta Port las d. Or. . BARBRB trade tanrht by ear mnr method, whlcb eneblee student to earn wages while learning. Call nr address for free catalogue, AMERICAN BABBEB COLLBGB CO., No. 64 North Sixth st. t ' SKILLFID. AND TTNBKILLED LA BOB ef , descrlptlona, promptly supplied. rree 1 ' casrae to emplo.era. HANKR.N'g EMPLOTMNNT OmCB 3d North Second street, near Burnslde, WANTED Bright young men to learn fa dress winnows and write show earde for merchants' displays. B SI. care Journal. - HELP WANTED MALE 0B IXKAXJC WANTED Experienced men eed ladles in all - clerical llnee are most earnestly requested te call and see what we bare to o'fer; ao charge " for reetatertna-. CLERKS' BErjTHTRATION CUR It AO. SfB Morrison it., rooms S-804. IP TOU are out of work, send 2fte to tbe St. Johns Supply House. St. Johne, Or., and they will send full outfit end start you right. HSXP WANTED rEstALX, WANT .chambermaids, honae glrla, walrreanea, laundress) seaahore and city. Basle Km ' ' ployment Bureau, But Ooodoough block,, phone Mala oO. MULTNOMAHBCRRAO wsnte all kinds of fa. ma Is help) good places waiting. SO Washing- y toa bldg. WANTED Oood ladlee clotbee lronera at Dslos Laundry Co., Seoood and Columbia. 'WANTED A honaekeeper P T, rare Journal. S men. Address SITUATIONS WANTED MALX. A SOBER, reliable man of ST wsnts work aa teameter or driver with wholesale bouse or delivery wagon; references and security If desired. ' A o Irene J 3. Journal. WANTED Position as stationary engineer or engineer witn threantng crew, or a flrar ela.a au-around machinist. Address Box ','nRn, Oregon t:ity. Or. COACHMAN and naefnl maa wants sttuatlon; . Is a eooer, careful driver; willing snd ebllg . lng; No. 1 references given. Address J 4, ' JournsL JAPANEHB voting hoy wants, eitnatlon te do , any kind of light work for small wage. Ad dress .T 9, eare Joarnal. . ' WANTED-Pneltlen es bookkeeper; now ' em- . ployed; want to make change; beat refer ' enceat- I a, eare Journal. WANTEIV-Op'nortunlty to learn cement walk and basement abuslnees. Address N. 4, cere Journal. WANTED General binecleanlng end all kinds of Janitor work. J 12. care Journal. WANTED AOENTa. WANTED Several good agents, ladles nr rents; largs Com mine Ion; good seller, 414 Everett, betweea and 11 a. Bx., er after T P- m. . TABLE BOARD. iTAl'l.K hoard, borne eonktng. aaO ear Week. . Ui Kleventh at, eor Alder. SITUATIONS WANTED rEMALB, SITUATION wanted by a girl 1A years eld In a family where ana ran aeslet In general , housework; good refereucrs. Address 11. I'etrrsoa, l'ennlnaular svs.. city. NEAT wlilow ef 40 wishes position s bouae- aneper ror gentleman or email ramny; no otJi-ullona to country town. Mrs. Barnes, geueral delivery, city. WANTED Posltloa In Srst-class rooming bouse, , o.lng chamber work. Address N 2, careJ Journal, or phone Main B&&4 WANTED By woman and S children, poettlon aa rxiuaeaeeper la the country, address J In, eare JournaL JAPANEHR nest girl wants position la city at nouaewora. Aoorcss 1. 1. rare journal. ExTPtOl STENT A0ENCTES. WILLAMETTB Employment A Real EsUte Osl 1MI Morrison and- It North Sixth: largest snd beet Hat of reel estate aud labor aa Paclne coast; Biall orders solicited. - . BELP -of sll descrlptlona furelsbed aswarllle. jlogglng camps, factories, free to employers. 'Alpine Employment Agency, near Morrlaua. joa first st. rnoae Msla J17. WE furnish all kinds .of mala help oa short nouce. WILLIAMS A ROCSH. , Phone Bed 1S1. 20 H North Beeond st LA ! K8 Positions secured end female belp rurnianea. xae reon woman a nlnrpioy Bieut Axency, SQ AUsky building. 1'boue - oisy eu4. AMERICAN Employment A gene v. Help ef all klnda furnished on short notice; mall orders promptly attended to. 2 N. Sd at. Main 9113. LADIES desiring help snd girls seek Ins 'altos tkins. call at St. Louis Ladles' agency, roots 4 "ft ismaiu er. vrsoai Blacx gSBL. . roR LADIES ONLT. PORTLAND Women's Employment Company SIS Allaey, eor. M and Morrison. Bed 8U8T. JAPANESE Employment Agency faralshes de- , meetics. rarmnaaua, ate. ew Horte ft II ta at. ' raene t:uy owa. . PIONEER BM PLOYMENT OO., Labor contra e- tors; help rrse to essployera. , 81a kCorrlsea. WORK for men, men for work. HANHKN'S Or-riCB. M North Second as. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED A child to board by month. 18. Cell bet. 10 and tlx. m.. 184 Sherman St., WANTED TO BENT. IT TOU have a good room to rent for aalocs. uiiaras or bowling in this city or elsewhere writs asi ws will mass no chsree roe nod. lng yea g good tenant; bar' numerous appli cations on Ale. - TUB BBUNHWTCK-BALKE-COLLENDEB CO. . Third St.. -Porttsnd. - YOUNG maa want room and board In quiet J renneajamnjr; , permanent; give- mil . can ticuisra. Address t 9t eare Journal. WANTED Houses for rent. Koom S. Cbsmber of Commerce bldg. JOB BENTT-HOUKXKXEPnfO BOOKS. 1. TS PEB WEEK Large, cleaa, fnraisbed aoueekseping rouss, wita ass er laundry, beta, phone ; also eta ear furnished aottsgsa. J. Landlgsa, 1S4 Sharmaa.". Pboaa Clay SOS. 127 THIRD BT. Nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, ea suite ana single;' water; private couae. . -. .. . LADY leaving the dty will rent lower Soar cneae to earerul tenants, ear ai. Morrison, POUR modern, clean, convenient housekeeping uasurmsnea.. see i in at. CLtBTON, eor, 1st snd Columbia mg suites; resseosnie prices. P0B BINT-aoUSZB. KKNTAb AO KNOT ef I. L. -WetM Oo 4 Urand avs. We make a specialty of renting bouses sud collecting on esat aids; charges pnswseis. rww. uiuoa sou. 4 NEW, modern, - e-room btmeeg on the east aide, in a good location, 2ft, (21, $25. In quire or nartmsn. 'jaompsoa - e twwers, s, vnsmoer ec uommeros. . FOR BENT Lars S-renm bouse , Vt block from iwa xair grounae. inquire. 65 Esst Sixth st.. North. ' POR RENT 10-ROOM bones, newly fnrnlsbed. furniture ror saw-reeeoneoie; everything la Orat-clasa condition. Hood DOT. ' VS FOURTH, 00m for table 6-room, hard finished house; . good condition: f 10 to permanent tenant, call P0B rent or sale. 1011 Williams arenoe, g-ronts house, all mouera coavenlencea. Apply Jeha Main. S24 Stark at. NEW, modern,' T and g-rooni bouses. No. 551 and ors jonnsoa it. , inquire oer Johnson. Pboaa Bast 624. - . LADT going away . will teat nice lower- Seer cheap to earerul tenants. 4HT a. Morrison. NEAT cottage, S rooms; bath, res, etc yard. tsl Ualaey St., Bear lath; gao. ... S-ROOM boose, almost new. SIB month. I4T E. Stark. Phone Union 1019. rOR RENT Furnished ' 8 -room bouee. IX North Twenty-third et. ' FOB BENT TUBVISHZD BOOMS. BOOMS BOOMS BOOMS. 1 ALL PARTS OP TH1 CITY. Beet people la city list with as. Phone Red soXS. I.N VERTK.ATR. TBI LEWIS CLARK K00MIN0 BUREAU. ; " . (Orlgiasl.) . S3l-s3a Mohswk bldg. TV NEWLAND, SOtM Plrat at., phone Clay 271 Why go te some cheap lodging hosee when yos can go to tbe NEWLAND and get sll the comforts of borne; nice hair mattresses, electric lights, gss sad bath, at the asms price; ana call mesne another. , THE NEWLAND, t06tt First st. Phone Clay 171. THB LINCOLN," 40 Morrison, eor. 11th New brick, elegant, fnrnlahed. sunny room; sll modern conveniences; tourists snd travel ing men eoUclted. Mrs. T. D. Hughes, Prog. FOR RENT Nicely fnrnlahed rooms la strictly , modern house, new mmiinre, very reasons me rent, one location, sua vtster sc. on. sxiu and Montgomery, ' . WANTED Oentlemen to room and board for the summer; private home; modern conven iences; easy walking distance. Phone Mala 4124, 427 Srd St. ' f BITBRKIDB HOTEL, 84B East Osk Tarnished and unfurnished rooms, single ana ea suite) K dglngs St gar week and no. I booe Scott SS4. : NICELY furnished moms, private family; conveniences; rent reasonable; board efter t August 30. SB North Eighteenth, ear. Conch. THE RITBY. 2MH Alder. Beer Third New brick building, new well furnished rooms $2.00 ta 4 per wsrk) transients BOe to 1. THE CORMOS aootheaat eor. r north and Mot- risoai anlet, clean and eomrortsBU rooms f.an per Week end apwsrd. f . FI'RNIsnED, large front rooms, single or ea suite; gas and bstn; with privileges, none Red MS. 42A ALDEB. nicely fnrnlahed moms on first floor. Urge end pleaasnt; gne home cooking. THB TEMPLE Large, nicely fnrnlahed ronmei reasonable, aefte, xamniu at., ear ee renin. LABOR front room; private family ; good Orsnt at. neighbor hood; nee eare. yej THE CASTLB STt Waabtngton et.l geatlemea; transient. Tel. Mala lore. FOR RENT S newly fnrnlahed moms; ass ef bath and telephone. SAO Couch at. FOR -RBNT One or two rooma: board next door; ressonsuie. u riamiera St. - . FI'RNISHKn room, private family; bath) f per monta. txjiumnia at,. . 114 CLAY Small, neatly Mrnlehed aleeplng mom; gas; phone; central; an. Ft'RNISnBD with or without board, at S4H Para st Main K"8. BOOMS WTTlt BOARD. ANY one -wishing a nice place to spend the summer al.lrees sira. T. J. rnppin, flats, kanle; billiard snd pool table la the house; beme-eeoked meals. BOARD with rooma, well fnrnl.tied conveniences) table board. 221 Talrteesth st. El. ".OA NT furnished moms sad (heap beard yoa will Bud at Sol Hoot at. aea,af se iMftMiiee awwSw e-a aaS) a agss itete(Mte,isl uatitttMikn tltll(Ht msatfsae-eaeftvVwwBvayw.M - H ,; ; V : . (This docs not include business announcements.) v. ?U 7 ! BRINO IN YOUR ADSr ! NEW rood era three-room flat and bath, com N ptereiy riirnivueui rnnir w m,nrin, reliable tenant. Inquire at 4tM West Park. FOB RENT A S-rooA. gronnd-Soor Sat., No. 4n4 Burnslde, cor. cieventa at. -. FOB BINT-OmCB BOOM. NEWLY furnished lodge halls; also office tor rent. Aiiaky blag., mirq ana momson. FOB BJENT-ST0BES. HALF storeroom la Sne locatua aa bast street la tne -city, 1 CROSS SHAW. '- ' , Beal EsUte and Investments. Saa Washlngtoa st. . lei THIRD ST. Large store for rent. Inquire 88B Third St. SEASIDE BES0BTS. . WHITEROU8B BE8TAUBANT AND BAKERY Lens Beach, Wash., opsa Jnly 1, Mrs. O. F. White bouse, nran.t borne eeoklngi meele at all hours; rooms new end clean; reasonable rates; i black south of depot. Inquire aU Burnslde. rnone Main awa. FOB -SALX BXAX- ISTATB. DON'T MISS THIS BARGAIN ' Lsrge T -room- bouse snd bara on aoirter block fronting - oa East Taylor, corner of 4ard at.) Sne fruit trees snd shrubbery. In quire of owner 00 premise. FOB SALE B room cottars, large lot. cherries. peers, plums, blackberries, raapoerrtee, cur rants, strawberries, garden, rmckenyard, etc.. 11.600; B3SO down, baunee gw awnta, 1, 145 Third eC - BARGAINS la aoasea aad lots and bow to Snd them Is wbst we can show and explain If yon Investigate. Call KW0 Bast Taylor, re write to McKee 4t Brabaker, Boa 107S, City, A F1NB PLACE T-mom houae and acres, a moras ma car Una. f !,). Inquire st 880 East Wau lngton at. Phone Esat 1118. FOR BALE Cheap, lot S. block 8. Mount Tabor villa annex; aian tot a. aiora a. uen ter addltloo, , Phone Mala 444. Address MI Second st. NEW. modern. S-stnry. 6-room boose at Mohta- vllU, 1.17b, apply or ewaer oa premises. Spencer at, . H block from Monuvllle car, Portland. (-ROOM cottage snd S-room house, both new end modern, in wuuame avenue tract, cnesp If Ukea thia wee. I cash a easy tsrma, Ivy st. . -1 FOR fsrvns, acres re, dty property. Choice tim ber aad ttomeeteea sorntiona, aee Maxweij 4V Co.. SIS Ablngtoa bldg.. Portia sd. Ore. T-BOOM cottage. No. 844 Oorbett et.. with Sne orchard; lot doiksi reet; rent a 10 per monta. Inquire Frank Hschsaey, S40 Corbett at FOR SALE. II eoo U roors cottare, S lota long ina feet, 1 block east or woodlawa ear. In quire at bonss. SB4 Shaver et. MARSHALL ST., full lot, best location, S1XVX Buy from owner. CKOCKERB, 418 Ablngtoa bldg. t MODERN, new honeee, 4 snd S rooms, til Bkldmere St. nr pnone owner, Bcott eeoS. FOB SALE JCSCELLANBOtrs. BBWIN0 auchlsee; ino Sne mach'tnea altgbtly damaged st very low priors; Singer, U. S., - uemestic. wnite, iaw Home, uids at King. Willamette, Wheeler Wilson and others; some new drop-head machines at tSU.00. S. S. SlgeL SSS MorrlaoB at, ae. fie. Marquess bldg., Portland. Ore, 0ENCINS HALL'S SAFES Only office in the northwest, to Sixta et. Herrtng-Hsll-Msrvla Ha fa company. Lew prices ea geceud-aana aafea. FOR SALE screen. 150 llnee te Inch, for half-tone work; coat x.-ra; snii sen cbesa. Augustus Hesley, Woodlawa, Or, . FOB SALE One yearling Jersey bulL Inquire of At. a. worgmea, a milee soata el Beaver. ton. Or. FOR BALE New t2S pi a no for (2201 part cash, balance 17.60 monthly. Phone Hood 27. BICYCLE closing out sales Wolff-Amert. cans new t-to. aerentn ana nornsoa sta. FOR BALE OB TRADE $d5 suit for f20; sise X7. 4 a, journal. FOB SALE FARMS. FARM WITH STfM'K POR SALE- A beantirul home nicely located; good ermnty read on two side,' 1H mile from aoetofAce, t miles from cresmcry, on rmita of milk waa-on takes milk dally te errsmevy) 120 scree excellent land, 20 scree under colli vstloa, 40 acres good paatnre, 78 hearing fruit tree. 45 bearing grspe vines, good bones, f barns, chicken bona, farming Implements, I borseo, head of cattle, , S milch sows, 8S chickens. . - 4 Price. $1.M0. Terms easy, ' Call 00. or address. ' ' - VAN BRElTIUAlf, La Centea. Wssb. . FOR SALE FARMS . improved rarnia rnr ssio ra an parrs or tree, (on ssd Washing real payments made ta aelt purchasers. For full pertlcalara ee to vaii one propertlee appl te Wax, biaeMestar, 811 Worcester bids.' - B0-ACRB Improved fsrm for as Is; stock, ate. particulars sanrees v. w. atspaeaa, viarxa, Oregon, Clackamae county. lost and rornta. LOST A light-weight Pointer bltcb, white and lemon color. Betara ta w. r. Barren, No. t 1st st. FOB SALE TTJfSEB LANDS. MA0INNIS SON, ttt falling bnlldlng, bead qnartera for Santa Fe approved lures t resorv and etbeg eleeeea el Isad eanp. Advertisements for Situations Wanted If written on this blank will be pub ; -; lished in THE JOURNAL FREE OF CHARGE - -SrS 4 ) ay e t4e) "WtOTEBf"CK$X0tmV . "ROOMTNQ-HOCSB HEADQCABTEBS." .'" '.' ' 3rAF CO. . .' 12S4 ABIN0TON BLDO. ' PnONR MAIN 16d. Buy your BtiOMI.N'Q-HOrSES NOW snd get ready for faU trade. Below Is a PARTIAL LIST of what we think OOOD BUYS. - 45 ROOMS Elegsnt furniture, seer Portland Motel: steam beet, leaae; clearing auvr ..over 1200 per month. Price, W.000. tl ROOMfit Furniture No. 1. Beer Portland ; Hotel, furnace beet, hot and cold water In - .- moat or rooms; rent -right, with lease; bow . clearing; good profit and the price ta only $2,700. IS BOOMS High-class housekeeping, swell lo- eaeron, furnished very floe snd complete; maxing money, tnnce eniy 9 i.wai. t BOOMS Very flnelr furnished, beat location. . slwaya full ef blgh-clasa roomen, making big money. Price, 42.500. ., 2S ROOMS On Washington at., brick bnlldlng, f - doing aa A No. 1 bualneae. long lease, rent only f.V) per 'month; NKT Income ever 2u0 per month. PRICE Sa.rino. SS BOOMS Mostly housekeeping, doing excel. - lent business, nicely furnished, sood leaae. ..... rent only foil per month. Price, $2,200. THIS IS SURELY A SNAP. 10 BOOMS Nesr Pocilsnd Hotel, elegant noose snd a swell location tor renting rooms, Price right, B-year lease. S BOOMS Fist, ea Per, st. SSOO. '- S BOOMS House close In en YsmbtU St.) fur niture very one. trice, e"si. S-ROOM house, North Fifteenth St. I furniture elegant; rent $40. Price $MO0. We can make reasonable terms oa any ef tbe BOOTS. . . . ' ; '- bu8INesbchAncbs. ' CANDY STORE One of the best bargained In tne city, oa Washington St., very central; this has never been 00 the market before; very Sue Bxtiires; lew rent and good lease. rnes w rignu .. 1 RESTAnttAWT One of I the beet In the rtrv doing oa an averagei of $-V per day; very , central oa good business street; good lease, rent rlarht snd price "wir dwn."- W wl'ARANTKB ALL TITLKS AND PROTECT BUxEB AS WELL AS SELLER. TAPT A CO. . 12S-S Ablngtoa bldg. 1WH4- Third at BUSINESS . CHANCES Bargains la rooming houses, timber lend, rest eetats snd geaersl bualneaa chances can be bad by visiting oar faces and having ear new plea explained to yea. We keep in tones wlttt eaatern capi tal, and If voo want oulck sales, ain.ll.. com missions and good work call at ths offlcee of tne Lewis and Clark Accommodation Bureau. Claude M. Nash, secretary, rooma T, S, S. 0. Lewis bldg. Phone Mala 4W8. BROKEN lota of geosrsl merchandise wsnted for auction purposes; will boy or handle 00 . percentage; prepared to nxovs lsrge stocks quickly ssd obtain beet available prices. Address t 18, JournaL ' . . FOR BENT At The Dalles. Or., saloon. Includ ing gxtures, safe, etc.; Bre-proof bricg ouuu Ing In good business lorstloa: rent reasonable to right party., J 1. cere Journal. WHAT have yoa to exchange aa tell payment or pert payment ror a lira insurance policy In one of tbe Isrgeet eld line egmnanlee? Address M. 72. Journal. FOR BALE Tbe furniture and lease of a 13- room hotel at St. Johns. Inquire of V. C. Rogers, with the Title Onarsatse Trust Company. St. Johns, Or, , $300 CIO A R and confectionery, with Ice cream and living moms. n.t rint st, noatn i-ori-land. Bent $H. Addreea N S, cere Journal. WILL 'pay $25 for Information of good Iocs. tlna for steam woodaaw. W. 11. Mc&eea, 1711 East Fifteenth st., Portlsnd, Or. THB right party with a eepltsl of $diy can secure a pmntaDie inveeiment. veu at B, Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED For bnlldlng purpose. $S.nnn to $7.noo for g to a years; Orst-clsss security. Addrsss 1 $, Journal. CIOAR and confectionery for sale cheap; candy kltcaea. u ring. rooms, tease, jtm norta nixta. CIOAR STORE A big bargain for $250) One, cleaa stock. 7H3 Tburmaa St. 1EBS0NAX. J, J. Hlrshhelmer. pension attorney, coansellor- at-law. prnsinna: war or the Henelllon. In dian wars. Act 'of Jane IT, 1H00, order No. TS, widows, chlldrwa snd dependent relstlves, bounties, arrears, commutations And claims agalnat the tl. 8. Boom S, Cham, ef Com. YOUB praeenntlona are mere seevjratsle end reaeonahly glled st Eysell's Pharmacy, 221 ' Morrlsoa St., bet. First sad Beeond sta, CATER only to the beet people, specialist eei . dleeasee et the hair snd scalp.- MrawBV 4)s Vsre, 500 Dekam. Pbooe Hoed 8VT. ON a Slew Train Through Arkansew,' by 1 Jaekeoa: fall of fnn and Jokes: SS seate. Jooee' Bookstore, tl Aider at, , HAfB year hair mattresses re nova ted and re turned as me day.. Phone Main 474. Portland Curled Heir Uetory. 1M Front st. . . MME. ft. R. Ely. dermatolneiat. sea by treatment, sbsmpes, electrle maeaage. Ill Ooodnoagh. ABT METAL W0BBB. 0HN A MENTAL work for residences, hnstneee , kenees, banks and office railings, grill, Bre - piece Sttlegs, ehendellere, signs, fences, art work la say etyle metal and finish t hammered leaf work and metal spinning a spevlelty) bnlldlng eoeetrortonil work. L. K. Teaeek, 4ot-44 Davie, ror Ninth. FOB BALE HORSES ABT 0ABBIA0EB. FOR SALE Fine team, good wood eevr and enaine, sll complete snd la working orders III eell reasons hie. Call at North Alblna. Take V or-St. Johns LARORST stock vehtclee aad hsrnees, new and - aeotwA kaad; wood saw aesrse. 811 Wasa. 4 0xTj?IOiv6Air FBKO , H. BTBONO, FINANCIAL AGENT. aaonsy to Ken. no aummiasioa. . I am In a poaltloa to make Immediate soane on improved reel eetate or ror bctld ,l"g purpose i sny- amount: moJerate Inter oat. We approve loans from pirns and ad- vasco snoney aa Dunning progreeses. uptii ' la repsyment after one year. . FRED a. BTKONa, Vinsnclal Agent. ' v . . log kVjeoad SC. Bear Stark. THB STAR LOAN CO. , . - Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get ww um hum, wiuMMJK mortgage Month. H-montb. Week. itw.oo Repsy to aa $is.sa or $o ns or $3.3. 2n .00 Hepsy to as i g s sr is.M or jl.Wi 416.00 Re psr to OB $4.00 or $2.00 nr $1.00 tvunnnenusi. gio McKay bld(.r 102 14 84. SALARY LOANS Any salaried person having a steady position with reepnnalhle Srm ran ""'a money on tne -jasy payment plan, vntn oot publicity or dclsy; sll bualnesa tree ted strictly confidential. NORTHWEST LOAN Cn en, . ,.. . . . . . . ' u.t mi j.tiiiia urn Diog., eiry, LOANS ON THB EASY-PAYMENT PLAN To Salaried People. Strictly Confidential. ' ,' Office hotlrs. 0 a. m. to 8 p.. aw,--' - EMPLOYEES' IIAN CO. C Phone 124. Room Tld. The Delrum bldg. ' B. W. enr. Third and Washlngtoa sts. MONEY TO LOAN on vesL neeanest and enl. leteral eecorltyi special attentloa to chattel , mortgagee; notox bought. O. W. PalleL BIS vommerciai bib. rnone stain laaa. MORTGAGE LOANS oa Improrsd dty and farm. enjiwi at lowest current rstes; ouiiaiug loans, lneraiimeni Mans, . wm. aXSCJASSler, en worceerer niog. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture and ether chattel securities; sll business strictly prl- veis. nvaiHHUI MJA.l SX1 AOlBg - toa bldg.. dty. MONEI to LOAN la large or small smoonts oa good security; lowest rates. William O. smcx. tin r ailing aidg. MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, teamsters. vtv.( witnoot eacnnty; eesv payments; isrg eat boalneas la 4. arlaelpst cities. Talmea, 828 Ablngtoa bldg. CHATTEL loans in amounts raneine from $9 n ao.uw; momlng-houses a specialty hew avra un at Trust Co., 80S Ablngtoa bldg. CHATTEL loans: rooming bnnais a specialty. loans to salaried people. New' Era Loaa A Trust Co.. 2 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY TO LOAN FROM fjm IT; I'HIVATE PARTY. ADDRESS 8.13 MOHAWK BLIMl. MONEY TO LOAN oa Improved or unimproved city property, in snma to salt. rsrrUB, Wsl klns A Co., 850 Alder st LOANS et lowest rave on vnenlrnee. nlane any aerurlty notes nnrrhssed. Eastern Loaa ornre, 41 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Oar a ma a county tends. k. w m a , B, Blley, SOS Chamber or com merce. ASCHITECTa. H0DOSON A CO.e Architects aad fnperln- tendents. Rails 818 Maclesy bidg.. ear. Feertb end Washington sta - ASPHALT PATINO. THE Trinidad Asphalt Paring Co. et Portland. urnce aoo Worcester blk. ATTCBVETB. S. B. BIOOEN, attorney snd cnaasalhxc-at-lawi notary. $oo-$08 Ablngtoa tldg. BEEPHERD, ANDERSON A CELLARS. A turners, gl-20-eul Marqnam bldg. BT, CYCLES. STAB NOVELTY WORKS Dealers la aecond- hand bicycles 1 geueral repairing. ST Lnius avs. BABonra ajto liohtebdia. OBEOON BOUND Lt'MBEB CO.. lal Boraslds st. rnone urant 1I7L 1 BRASS W0BBS. PRISE BROS. BRASS CQ.. 810 North Eleventh. Mr ass, oroaae eastings, modsi snaking, gen eral work. CAFES. THE OFFICE, SU Washlngtoa sL. .bone S. msib Til. ricaet m rigneeax. CAFB KRATZ, 128 Sixth at. A Sao tunes, served st all hours. CB0CBEBT AstO OLASSWABE. WHOLESALE crocs cry and glassware. PraeL Hegxeee A uo,- too to toe Fifth. eor Stark sw COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDINO A PARR ELL, produce snd commie. sioa mertnsnta, 140 rront sw. rortiaao. ur. Phone Main 178. ' COAL AND WOOD. STEEL BBIDOB WOOD YARD Is ths place te ouy jour wwa a no cosu uince am lloiiaoay are. Phone East 424. . C. Umeriae, Mgr. ALR1NA FUEL CO.. Railroad st. and Alblna ave nesr ferry: elsb and block wood, dry aud green. Phone East 674. WESTERN FEED A Ft'EL C0.4 Phone 1018. - C as tie uste coal ana all other coal .oa too market. 1B North Fifth aw HOOTER A CONWAY. SIS Water et.. the place for good 4-foot, live Sr Bra wood. . Paeae Msla 404)6. PIONBEB Poet Co., removed from foot rleoa to root Mela at. Phone Main 1NW. a M. VELIN. wood and coal; efflee 88 Alblna a vs.. Boar ferry. Phone Eaat 1X32. OREGON FTFL CO t sll kinds ef coal aad wood. see aianiaogk raoae Mala ae. CI0AA8 ABB TOBACCO. -r- BriKKHO-OUNST CIUAB CO. vieuibulors . er 1 FINB CI GABS. ' , Portland. Oregoa. CARPENTERS AND rwiLDEBB. L J. AI'TUOkS A II. 8L WOOD, carpeeters ssd' builders; repairing snd Jobbing: store ssd sides Bxtures bullU Shop SuS Colambla Phone CUy lust. . FANNING A ARMoTHONO Carpenters sad bulldera: repairing and Jobbing; reeaenable rates, gbog cat. Fsxwth and CoUunbl. Prant 12no. 0. W. OOHDON, enanters, shelving, hneiie built snd repaired. Sua Fourth. Clay 17A CLAIRVOYANT ABO PALMIST. MADAME JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. palmist. , card readiir; I glee facte reliable and lm. Vortant on all affairs of real lite. Headings Soe. 106 Fourth aw . EDWABO EABI.B. Independent alite-writer and medium of San Francisco, "las Unoona.' corner of Morriaea and ElsTsntk streets. Pbouo Mala 251. . ,1 jntsxexanaaBKagaaaai-uw 1 " 't CHIROPODY AND MAVICTTRINa. WM. DE YEN Y A ESTELLB DEVENY. the only - scientific ehlropodlsia, oarlora room ' Drew bldg., 103 Second aw Phone Mala 101. This la the long-haired gentleman . He la - the man you sre looking for. CEMENT CONTRA OTOSa. HAWKINS A CO Residence, SOS Fourth St., pbooe Front 1288; cement work of ail de scriptions; step' work specialty i work gear, aateed.-. - CHAS. H. CARTER, general eo tractor; cemsot - aidewslka; cement work a a peel ally; aU work gnaranteed. 107 Orsod eve., N. Best 14S4i CHAS. H. CARTER CO. fformsrly Carter A Ell), cement contractors, 8T4 TaggsrW , Pbooe Eaet Isle. All work gnsrsntssd. , BOG AND B0B8B HOSPITAL, OK. S. J. CARNEY Veterinary eurgeea. 108 , North With at. Phone Main 1484; res. phone. Mala SrtST. - BBESSxtAZZBO. MRS. McKlKBEN, artlstlsr dress aad aleak- making. 551 Morrlaua st. DECORATORS. HENRY BEROBR 180 Pint St. 1 waBpaper, Ingcalna, tanostrlea. spiiUqoa tries, later tor decorating. - EYEING ABB CLEANING. Berlin Steam )l)7elng Cleenlng Works Best eauippea aye worse in tne city; ary cieening of Isnlee ine garments s specialty; reasonsbls prices; prompt service; flrst-clsss work rnarsay teed. 411 Alder sw Pbooe Msla 46M8. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND DYEING werka: practical batter la coaneetion; reetaee boas and plnmee cleaned and earled by as sa perw 811 Fourth. Pbcno CUy 704. J. HUNTER, 850 Jefferson at., steem esrpet g: fe Pboas sll work gnsrsnteed. Msla S1A CLOTHES -CLEANED AND PRESSED $1 per month. L'ulque Tailoring Co.. 84T Wash log toe st. H. W. THBNBB. professional flyer and cleaner. 508 Jeffereoa at. Phone Mala 8818, ELECTRICAL WORKS. KOBTHWE8T ELECTBICAL ENGINEEBING Company. 80S Stark St., Portland; O. K. foe everything ta the electrical line. Phase, Main 1888. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frater nal society of northwest; protects the Br ing. ' J. L. Mitchell, supreme secretary. 818 and SIS Maronam bldg.. Part Una, Or. Tele phone Main 842. 7L0VB ABB TTXD. BLOUB, feed, potetoes, 'CeaL ete, - Herman nanus, ia Eaat asventn aw rnone Bcott eon FURNITUBE FACTORIES. FURNITURE manufacturing and special L. Knvensky's Farnltaeo factory, 8T0 rronl OREGON Psrnlturs Msnufactnrlnc Compaay , Manufacturers of rural turn for the Uau. aua First st OBOCXBS. WADHAMS CO.,- wholesale grocers, msna. facturere and eommlanloa mercsauts. Foarta and Osk sta. ALLEN A LEWIS, commission and produce mer chants. Front and Dsvte sts., PortUnd. Or. LANG- A CO.. first and Ankeny sti. HOTELS. Hotel portlsad, A mar loaa pUn; $3, $S par day. Belvedere: European pUa: 4th snd Alder sts. HATS CLEANED. BASTBBN Hat Manufacturing Company, 828 Flrsw aeer CUy; bsts dyed, eusnsd, blocked; made over la latest stlss ear specialty; Pensms bara. XBBUBABCX. ISAAC L. WBITB. Ore Insanaee, BOO Dekam JAS. Mel. WOOD, employers' liability and Is. ainauai accioent eorety aoaaa ox au gaads, Phone 4T. 808 Mcksy bldg. B. F. B A RTELS COMPANY. Bre tneorance. t AaX BH L.-. hl,l rimn. ,K. ntmm SM w FIRB INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A Co., 221 Bneraoea ouig. raooo Maia lsoa. ARTHUR WILSON, firs Insurance. Sherlock bldg. Phone Mala 1098, XB0V W0BES. PHORNIX IRON WORKS Engineers. mass rsctarero or manna, mining, mgring ana sas mill machinery: prompt attention to repair work Phone, Eaat 80. Hawthorne are. 8. sd. locBunrrrRS. ' . O. SMITH Locksmith snd general rrpatrrng. 448 Washington at, PortUnd. Phons CUy auk. LAUNDRIES. LACE cnrtalna laundered, work gnaranteed. SOc a pair and np; ahlrtwawts slso. Npeer a Isv - loafin, i entrai iannnry.- Vlty oincw, waiuns ronm, 8d snd Tsmhlll sts. Phone Scott 8048. MAOHETIU HEALER. SUCCESSFULLY treat all forma of disease, whether chronic or scats: also teach iilhma Mrs. L. H. Hart. 81 L Allaky bldg. MUSICAL. VIOLIN, mandolin, cornet, clarinet end aU airing asi wind instruments, prof. Law la A. Smith. Mala 4703. 864 Twelfth st MR. AND MRS. P. A. WEBBER. Ii sf banjo, mandolin, galtar. 178 wast Pare. T. B. LAWSON. 840 Park, eor. Main, rdase baa. sons; terms reesnnsnis. 'Bone rront all. MA88A0E AND BATTB. VAPOR baths and massage be lady with young mar assist a nr. - t'o r out in. rooea a. - - - MU8I0 DEALERS. FISHER MI'SIO CO. 1M Thrrd st.- talking machines; repairing. Bed 808. OVERALLS. BOSS OP TTIB BOAD OVRBALI ssd mecbee Ire' clothlsgi antoo msde. Neostsdtor Bnaw, mannraetnrern. rortmno. tar, FLUxtBEBB. FOX A CO.. renltary plumbers. 881 Beenad. bew Maia aad aaimoa, uregoa) pneno. Mala SuuL DONNRRBfBG BADRMACHER. nln renaoved to 84 Fourth st Both phonea. LOW-PRTCFD ra Sttureo, 418 Washlngtoa. H. iiiAinnhftii a m poi, 1 inmoera. PAINTING AND PAPER XAN0INO. , E. SriTTON. paiiet. and ranerbanger. 178 Medieon at., west end of brldve. I PATFVT8. B. 0. WBIOflT. Isw.. nte a t"-'"1v; s e e. protect Jour lav FBE8S CLIPPINGS. MAKN MONEY! LBB PKKSS UI'FI Ring ap Black II ssd order a s.,ia'a servlcs covering every -town In say e s i coast states; dally tlMnarf serrt.-.: alvai-a reperta oa sll eoo tract work. Portia ad eloe lie) Second at FAMTS. otx, ABB 6LASB. MICH CO. Pioneer Paint Co, eelllna .Jf""' Hlln,r . a nelnu snd general building maurlato; window-gl.ae a 4 gl.n,.g B specialty, lag First sWt phone Msla 14 tAi7t,WAJVt,Ha CO.-Pbeeelx P.mt and Oil Works; via an 'act ore ra aad Imml.M elnta, olla and epraye, ete. phone t7. orOce ,od factory. Sbsrlork sea. snd Kliu -.it WvjTi rE,I".l, r - mannfsctorera Pioneer load. Phoenix Paint, Bnpallne: a gaera.tso - slven With every galloa ef pelat ssenuUetutsd by as. . Tl!7 JBJAPP Ar HART CO.,. agente for the Elnlocb bonee peUts, , U Haw thane ae. Phono Bast 187. i - 1 BARMU8EN A CO.. Vhbcvo. nalnta. alia, glees.' sash snd doors. ISO First at. ' latib. THB OBBOON PLATING WORKS, sot Wtsk Ington etreeW phone 86T5. Pellahlng, slal lng snd hteqnerlng. TBIXTTJfB. 1- lDERSON A.DITN1WAY COMPAN Y, prtntlng, ,ho?.pt,,'lf- talm kooka. Pnose Mala Is. Sod Alder st. " FEKHBLL'S Samaon Mad-ss-Lsld road! aS kinds of roof pslntlng ssd repairing. V. a FerreU. First sw , Pboao Scott S4B "iLE00"?0. rnterl". repairing and general jobbing. J. Lostt. 813 Jertersea stroeW BOPB. PORTLAND rn mini co eor. Poarteeath snd Northrap sts., PortUn'd. Or, RUBBER STAB PA ' ; STAMP WORKS. Be Alder et.. pbeoe Msla T10; rubber stamps, sea 1. steodla. bag. gage, trade checks; tend for eatatognc. BPBAYIBG ABB - WHITE WASHTNO, SPRAYING aad K((.n.ht.. """. bams, docks, etc., M. 0. Morgan 8) Co. Call ap Scott 864. we win call and give yoa Scoreo 00 your work. The largest gasoline spraying and whitewashing eaiflt iLu'JJ1"" county. 870 Mllwaakle sw, LARGEST stock ta dtyi Dlshnld work; lockouts opened; repairs. Jail work, atsel calling, treat ment and. goods meriting your nstroaaga. J, B. Da via. SS Third st -SJOBAQB ANP IBANSFIBv- BAFES, pUnoa snd furniture mo-red. pocked . reedy fotahljlng snd shlpiair; all work guaranteed; Urge 8-story brick fireproof ss rehouse for atorage. Office 128 First sw 0. M. OLSEN. Phone Mala B4T. C O. PICK, office as First at., betweea Start and Osk sts. 1 phone 6se; pUnoe ssd furni ture moved and packed for shipping; eoot. modlone fireproof brick Ware 00 use. Frost - and CUy eta. . BPIBITUALI8M. MRS. ADDIB R. SMITH, lag Sixth sW SHOWCASES AJTO FIZTUBEB. SHOWCASES of every deeertottoa; beak, beg ana store nxtareo xasae to order. The Latke Manufacturing Co., Portland and Seattle. - TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES ef typewriters for rent at Under. wood Typewriter Agency, en Front St. TRANSFER ABO XAULINS. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth, telephone Mala ew. . steavy Beallagt aad storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No, 800n Wash. Ingtoa at Phono Or. Msla MX i tbuhb: factobt. PORTLAND TRUNK MFG. CO. Whole la and retail. Phone CUy 80S. Cor. Sd A Pine. Portland. Bend for catalogue. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, sons, $1 per month. Lawrence Broe Towel 8uptiy company, 4th and Coach. Phone 420. , WHERE TO BIBB. BTR0U8E'S BESTAUBANT, first-class beet service. - ..g W aahlngtoa - et ' WALLPAPER, MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 1S4-I8 et. bet Yamhill aad Taylor. Portland. FINANCIAL, ASS A TTLTOxr, BU.BTXBB8, iuuouaneei m inuw Traaseota a Oeaersl Benking B Interest Allowed ea Time Ds posits. Collectioae ma tie at sll points oa favorable terms. Letters ef credit leaved available la Europe and all points In the United 'State. Hlxbt Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold oa Now York, Washlngtoa. Chicago, Sw Louis, Denver, Omaha. Eaa sruiclsce and Mon tane and British Colombia. Exchange sold oa London,' Parts, ' BerHa, Frankfort Bong Bong, Xohohaama, Manila aad Hoaoiaia. FLBST STATION AE, BAJTK oC Worllsnd. O. ' rsalgBated DeiMMltory and Financial Agent ad too L'alted BUlaa. President..; ....A. L Ml LIB Cu.hler J. W. NBWKISK Assiataat Cashier W. C. ALVouu Second Asslatant Cashier B, F. SiKVENS Letters of credit huned svallabl ta Kuropo ana the Best sra Utsteo. Sleht xehaneo and Telearanhlo Transfer sold on New York, xhietoa. Cblcago. Bw Lou la. it. Paul, Omaha, San Francisco, and the srindpsi points la the NorthweeW ht end time aula cries is, earns re son Andoa. . Paris, Berlin. Frank fort-oa-tse Main. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. ( hrtatlaaa. Btockbolm. . SW 1 stasraburg. Mue- ow, Eurlob. MomAula. - lx;ctloas made oa raeorsow xersx. M' SRCBAHTS' STATIOlf AY. BAJTB3, PORTLAHD, Vxxuug, J. FRANK WATSON.... President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HO YT Cashier GEOROB W. H0YT Aaalstant Cashier Transect a Bsaorat Banning xtininaaa DrafU and letters of credit leased avslUble to all parts of tne world. Collect Ions a specialty. : Mold dust bee gat u snTXS BT ATTN jr ATT" WAT. BASE, OP POBTtAVn OSIOON. B0BTTTWE8T COR. THIRD ABD OAK STS. Traaaaeta a Oeaeral Banning Business, . rRAi-Tfl 1SKI.'1. AvaHUir ta all. dtlea of the United Stats ead axiroBa, Hong Bong ana atsnisi. COLLECTIONS stABX 0 TATOBABLB YE BBS FP1rtpl1. e a xPTM.dtMt as. VY B I W. I ...... ..t W. BCHVfKH A. M. WRIGHT OUahlffT , .eee. Aw. at at C-hif..o OBTSOoT A BAST PTIAWCTSCO BAJfBT. . , . - lOntlTslS. '.', Chamber ef Dommaroe frafldlsg, Thrrd Stark Streets. . TeaA Office, 8S Old Breed Street, fedn TbU bank transaeta a general d,"'i m n,ae Imm dtsenunts hills snd I' letters of credit evallable for travebw and f. tbe purcbaee of meeehendtae rn anv dtv ef the world. lies I la forelm snd domestic exebsngs, - - - ... .v, am mnoniTS. . wi f aCHAB. Maa SECTTBITT SATIWOB Jk TBUBJ CO, f,. Momaen 8t.,P"rtlaadu Or. inaaai ' a i"ei 1 - - aimiiii nrPAgTMFNT. tirterset Allowed oe Time end Pa.inrs Denosfta, . Act ee Trustee for r.tst. . DrsfM and setters of e-wdtt svallablo la all aaerg of the world. ' ft W APtV ;..T"eeiee.t l a. Fwm.::..:-,... Ftr-j r,c.pe-i. A L M'lt ....Secoed Vice .peet.i , r! a JUB1TB ; Secv-tsry iiOBBUBJto& V eKxiisTisisr n. Affsg gf)t-ed(s rnvtmn'a tn Mmt-lpsl a 1 aVal,oe4 Suites. Writ ar tm.l, Hf' Flret B.. Pirttsed. ,. AlOlJTOAt.:: l' : On fv-t!-r4, Ril F-1" I A 1, t ' f , .1