The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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I mm topics
- M
tlumMa ,
Mrs. Leslie Carter
1h Bk-r i....,--uwjr -
aiM-1.4.' Park . "DlaVulO LD tfl Ilntf'
Jruule I..................... VudtTlll
z ur J. X"1"!1'!
..... . . , UWIIIIB
., VlUtteTllI
Property owners on Powell' street, be-
. . . . i . . . I. ( IT.. f Ir.l
are aissausnea aver me unu
7,oei ror unprciTtaiinu, maae y
city engine. The-eetlmat for plunk
road ws llttta lower than this f inure,
and yet waa Tejectad on the - score of
ready begun, but Jt la a question whether
- ins wora wm oe earriea w s jduiwiuiuu.
Til. trmihU I- autlt hi Vrlnll BlanCk.
aiu n r m nnwtnri in na n 11 w uiv
V 1 1 y as DUDuroaD ubtiiii m mi'" .
on on alda of thetreet and a franchise
, for a track on the ether. . He wants tho
.IIIL1 II HI. IV ibiu in tuw
strret or the second track laid.
In order to brine about tha Improve-
- ment of Belmont street "m Bunnystde
- to Tabor Heights, v tha Mount Tabor
: rnh oiiii win .air tha co-ODeratlon of
' . . ... T v. - nf n n K
111V BUUIIIf JVl V. AM ........-. - -
property owners haw bulit tenc out
toward th tretcar Una, making tha
aVkH....t.afa-. Iiwxb a as ' gffiftlr Ail at.
street' In Cairo. It is propoaea 10 ge
property owners, to set these fences
back. A committee na neen appoinieo
to lay tha matter peror me cuumy
' court and also before tha proper officials
of th City & Suburban Railway com
pany. ... - ' ;i ' " ,
. r rt ' u..iUnH 9MmvtmA Yn Police.
man Barter last mg&t mat na casnea a
: check for $39 for man by - in nam
e r J UnpKhiinii .t Oranda. and
that there wer no funds In th bank to
Xfurnhiann'a. erarflt- . Ha reauested
Murchlson's . arrest Murchison. Is a
wealthy rancher living 10 miles from La
land police to assist him In locating his
wife, who eloped with a negro, taking a
4-year-old daughter, rlhr child was
, later located In a bom for children at
Vancouver. Waah." Murchlson permitted
It to remain there. t
. . ' -.v.. L ..-j-
tMt ,AHa kawa Kaa MAf1au4
- that an officer la oil th way from
inarkui T T . tnr thai nurnoai of return
tng Q. A. Phillips to that town for trial
on a charge of grand larceny. He was
arrested her late Saturday - afternoon,
as previously published. He Is charged
with and admit stealing $500 worth of
bonds from the. school district in which
'be was teaching, and also admlta sev
eral local crimes. As told yesterday, he
started on th downward - career- by
W. A." MUler was fined ISO In th
municipal court this morning on a
' cnarge oi parrying concealed wrapuns.
T I M nmiA f h n n fin ohnrrea fit II.
MU( UU k.OI K .IU ,11. mvillliq , V.
kill ills wife, he was held to keep th
peace, bonds being fixed at $600. Miller
was arrested by Policeman Johnson
three days ago for destroying th house
hold furniture at til H Market street
He is a faro dealer at Erickaon's estab
llahroent r.' . '
It la not worth while for housewives
to fritter away their time cleaning win
dow curtains., when the work can be
don at our laundry for a trill. . Linen
fabrics entrusted to us' are- Ironed, by
our steam-heated polishers, - which . do
not Injur the texture of th fabrics as
fire-heated lroners do, thus greatly pro-
lnln, fh. Ilfah nf th, nrmMt TTnlnn
Laundry, Second and Columbia. Tele
phone, Main lit. ' -
T, . JLJb v,l l,M, f " J -
merclal club. Is the author of an article
In the current Issue of "For California,"
m.M,in, nuhiiahMl ttv the California
Promotion committee.. The article deals
witn me promotion wora now ueuia
by both Oregon and California and points
out the necessity of eo-operatlon be
tween the two states. ..
"Qet There Club" went for a sunrise
innn' veaterrlav mornlna over the
8ky-llne trait. Although cloudy and
cool, the morning proved a delightful
one for tramping. Far upon the heights
overlooking the city the members of the
party built a -bonfire and breakfast was
prepared. - The . club .. remained - out
' nearly all day.. . -y
Mounted Patrolman Hammersley. re
, cen,tly placed on the White House road
for th purpose of capturing- auto
mobllists who violate the elghtrmil
ordinance,' was Injured Saturday night
His horse became frightened '' snd
lurched .atralnst a telephone pole, bruis
ing the orncer s leg. tie was .unapi to
'.resume duty yesterday. .
Fire hydrants are being placed along
the 14-lnch main on Larrabee and Lorlng
streets. In Albina. that has almost
reached the Lower Albina pumping sta
tion. ' When the Albina end Ma completed
. the-work will start at Holladay avenue
and East First street' and follow First
street until' It connects with th pip
line at East Ankeny. street - - ,. , .
The Mount Tabor waterworks Is able
to furnish double the former supply of
water to customers by means of another
and more powerful pump.. -The Mount
Tabor Push club has been agitating the
water question for some time and has at
last secured what It desired. ,
. xnere im m Dig auction saie civiurni
on at 108 Morrison street, ' between
Front and First which Is attracting at-
- tentlon from purchasers of .men's wear
ing apparel. Garments are going at
- Mil . . I , M .l.iVI.
one's own price down there.
Hotel Estarada bn. tha Clackamas
eivatr. n w, a n r n tn tirtw nnen
for tranalenta. on trolley line of O. W.
P.. t( miles from Portland. 11.00 pr
day. Special ratea by th week. -. Ap
ply to L, E. Martlnes, manager. ,
' Alexander' Allen was fined 110 In the
municipal court this, morning for being
. i , a .1 ...
uiuim pmiu viBiiruvnr on in. immer
Costa Rica Saturday night He entered
a plea of. guilty,
" Th sewer committee of the council
has rejected the four bids which wer
opened hist Friday for the construction
t-1- i- J i
DrSe Adix & Northrup
416 Dekum Building
of the Tanner creek sewer. '. The lowest
of these bids, that of the Independent
MSnmtt ruction company of IJ8,00, was
113.050 in excess -of the city engineer's
estimate of 121.000. The reason given
for the high bids Is said ,to be the ex
cessive danger attached to the construc
tion of this drain. The sewer commit
tee thinks th bids excessive and has
ordered th auditor to advertise for
other bids to be opened next Saturday,
-The police today started a campaign
against second-hand establishments In
the -north end whose proprietors 'have
been in the habit of keeping open Sun
days. Warrants were Issued for the ar
rest of & Masarowakt and M.Welser.
and were placed In the hands of Police
man KUDerts ror service. The oroer for
the closing of those places wss Issued by
Chief Hunt several" months ago, but "has
never been enforced
' Warrants were' issued today for ths
arrest of John Capdeucq, proprietor of
the Surprise saloon, and F. Bouthelller,
proprietor of tha Queen Anne 'saloon, on
charges of operating money-paying slot
machines. The ' machines were seised
Saturday flight They are being held
for evidence. A machine was also
seised last night at a restaurant rtin by
ivon ivin, oecona and. Alder streets.
Fifty per cent Increase In wearing
quality mean that Bay State Paint will
last half again a long as white lead
paints . snd the ordinary ready-mixed
kinds. Fisher, Thorsen Co., corner Mor
rison and Front
Grand river trip by moonlight A.' 6.
V. W. band excursion Tuesday ' night
July 1. steamer Bailey . Oatsert and
barg Klickitat Dancing; good music
Leave foot of Alder street 1:1a. Tickets
60 cent, t - r .- '. fv
XV aft. sVtfl Iraft AlIP AIMHt(,s lsaa1aa
v s-bw whi viWHijwtikwt 4 1Aa UO
mUStV Kk f4 j . waiaaW Okas.
. aa w wisa is wuv aVla lIIV sjluni
'of our. Metropolitan Printing Co., 147
Ask the Oregon druggists kbout the
Breaker hotel. Write Long Beach,
Wash, for rates. .
. Try an TTnderwood Typewriter and
learn tha advantage of visible writing.
Front street
Don't write in the dark. Get an Under
wood Visible Typewriter. (( Front St
.Wis Broav, dentists, th railing bldg,
Ir. Za. M. Thornton, dentist MarqNiam,
"Dr." Morris, 'dentist, The Henetv ; -
crxzxrzaT ramsohatx.
VLti and Mrs. E. EL Whiting of Ban
Francisco, - who wer formerly residents
of Portland, are spending' a few weeks
in this city as guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J,' O. Bass of 40 First street - '
Ira Wimberly, a merchant of Drain.
is enjoying the sights of Portland for a
day or two. .
Theodore Wells and ' Henrr Bush.
deputy clerks of th circuit court, left
th city on their annual vacations this
morning. -,r
8. B. Cathcart Coo county's oldest
surveyor, is at th Imperial today.. He
says the efforts of mining men to wrest
the gold from th black sand in Coos
and Curry county beach a Is almost en
tirety . given up. ureat quantities of
gold are known to exist there, and every
known method of separating gold from
ssnd or or has been tried, but; th only
method that aucoeeds is the old-fashioned
sluicing with copper plates and
blankets. Large aums of money have
Deen wastes in erecting various plants
for extracting th gold. It assays from
1 to ISO per ton. It lies in an old beach
about 1E0 feet above sea level.
"It may not be generally known that
this beach has been extensively mined
since 1841," said Mr. Cathcart "I sur
veyed my first mineral claim there in
1(71. The first rich discovery was
made by a fugitive from Justice, A. H.
Hlnch. He sold the mine to a son of
the late Governor Jo Lan. Th man
who stumble on to th right method
will make a fortun." .
The residents' of Yamhill county will
probably seiid an exhibit to the 10C
fair, according to 'Jefferson Myers,
president of the Lewis and Clark state
commission, who, with Richard Scott of
the commission, addressed a mass meet
ing of eltlaena at McMinnvill on Friday
'The people in that section are very
discouraged," ssld Mr. Myers this morn
ing. "The crops are poor. ' . They bad
some rata last week, which may help
the hops. The people ar anxious to
have their resources shown, but they
ar of the opinion that the Lewis and
Clark fair concerns the people of Port
land only and will not aid them. . ,.
"The women of the county are doing
more to secure a fine exhibit than the
men. They will not b able to- collect
their exhibit before next year on ac
count of th failure of .the crops." ..
(; ... , ' " ' ;
: A Remarkable Sale. .
- Truly so, and in more than one re
spect I that In progress at Silver
field's, 181-1SS Morrison street This
well known Portland firm moves Into
Its new -quarters von August 1 and in
order to keep from carrying a garment
of the present stock In the new store
are sacrificing at auction their high
grade stock of cloaks, suits, - Jackets,
waists snd skirts. They ar advertising
(in another column) that the stock must
be disposed of and a quotation from
their advertisement saya, "Come, take
It away at your own price." The firm is
holding dally sales at 1:10 and 7:10 p.
in. This is an opportunity thrifty Port
land housewives may well take advan
tage of. That many ar Is quit evi
dent. Each of the dally auctions drew
crowd all last week. ...
. Canadian National Park. '
- Th Canadian Paolflo ha annonnnced
a special rat of ISi to Banff and re
turn. Passengers have option of travel
ing via Victoria and Vancouver or by
the way of Sums and Mission Junc
tion. Ticket good for stopover privi
leges. .'-
This famous summer resort Is situ
ated in the heart of th Rocky moun
tains, less than 41 hours' rid from
Portland. For descriptive matter and
full particular oall at 141 Third street
See Bunch, but you oaa only sea him
at the Lyrlo, Busch Is the greatest snd
most artlstlo gymnast In America; that
Is why he Is 'a the Lyric The Lyrlo
only ha the best Cut the ad. from th
paper.' Two admissions for the prloe
of on, to matinees only not holidays
and. Sundays. i.
One of nature's remedies; esnnot harm
the weakest constitution; never falls to
Cure summer complaints of young or
old. lr. wlr's Extract of Wild
Strawberry. - -)
inns xm AM ASSAVX nox A If
mmoTi rxvaMo to
O. Sand ford, employed by a local
latest peeking establishment. -waa -struck
a terrible blow oa the left Jaw at 1
o'clock this morning in ths rear of the
Fashion saloon by an unknown man,
and Is todsy confined to his room "at tha
Qulmby house. He declares hs knows
nothing of the object of th assailant,
but says It probably was robbery.
ueorge Kyan. proprietor or th saloon.
denies Sandf ord ' was - attacked in "hie
place, but says hs remembers that Sand-
ford, entered the saloon about 10 o clock
last night and said he could thrash any
one In sight; but that no one paid any
attention to him, . ' '
After tha assault Sandford made his
way to the polio station, where be re
lated bis story to" Captains Moore and
Bailey. They detailed Policemen Court
ney and Jones to Investigate., Th pa
trolmen ascertained but little additional
to the statements of th Injured man.
They took Mm to Dr. Samuel C Slooum,
who made an' examination and de
termined that th' jaw bone was not
broken, but that the injury was serloua.
I .went Into the Fashion saloon to
get a drink at 1 o'clock," said Sandford.
"When in the rear room, I waa struck
from behind, and was unable for a time
to walk. I am not positive, but think I
know who struck me. - I believe he
thought I had money, J hav been in
Portland six months..
Rev. JT. Whltcomb Brougher-' poke
at First Baptist church last avenlng on
th subject of his recent trip abroad.
Dr. Brougher took . for bis text "But
Now the Righteousness of God Without
the .Law la Manifested Even th Right..
eousness of Qod Which Is by Faith of
Jesus Christ Unto All and Upon All
Them That Believe,, for There Is No
Difference. For We Have All Sinned
apd Come Short of the Glory of God."
Dr. Brougher gave many illustrations
to show the conservatism of th Eng
lish ss opposed to th radicalism of tha
American. "They don't want anything
new over there," said the speaker, "that
Would be too American.:
"After all the English ar not so
slow to see a Joke, provided It is ex
pressed in their own peculiar language,
They do not consider that American
speak good English, and our voices are
considered simply impossible by. them."
In regard to the habit of tipping. Dr.
Brougher said, "I believe that men and
women should be paid enough in -every
walk of life to prevent their becoming
beggars..- Tipping 1 an abominable
habit and should be stopped th world
over." ;
Bee the "Littlest Girl" at th Lyrlo this
week, Harding Davis' one-aot playlet
as produced by the Graham P. Tabor
company.. It's greatest thing that's hap
pened in the city. Only at th Lyric,
where greatest things happen...-
208 Morrison Street,
7 Bet 1st and Front
Every Day
This Week
Three Sales Daily, 10 to
12 nx; 2:30 to 4:30 p.
m.; 7 to 9 p. m. .' '." r
Clothing, Shoes.
Hats, Gents' Fur
nishing Goods,
Trunks, Valises,
Will be sold to the
highest bidder.- Sale
will continue all next
week. . ; '
Chas. Fertig
V Auctioneer v: "
Store For Rent
Fixtures For Sale
.. Entrances on Third,; Yamhill and Second Street
GttEAf SPECIALS f Ml TilYillONli
1 V
Shoe Bargains
tOO pairs assorted Women' fihoes.
11.71 and 12.00 values; pr.; f 1.35
Infants' Moccasins, best quality vlcl
kid. assorted colors, ISO values;
' ' special, per pair ...... ...... 19 .
Infanta' Soft-Soled Shoes, 6o qual
ity; special, per pair ........ 3&4
Infants' Solid . Shoes, '?5e and S6o '
quality; special per pair... .50
Baby Shoes, vlci kid. lac or button,
- f 1.00 quality; special, per pr. 63
Ladles' Toe Slippers, with fancy"
. bow, $1.75 quality; special, per
pair .... f 1.25
Hen's 8o!!d 61 Leather Counter
Calf - Hhoes, regular prlc $1.15; .
special . . . .fl.CO
'Mason's Fruit Jars
Quart sis M.f ,,,,,,,,, ,j,. 55
Pint !s ,;...45y
VOTZOB Fruit Jars delivered.....
65 -nd 65
Jelly Glasses, each 2
t pound best Dry Granulated Suirar,
11 pounds to a customer . . . 49" .
9c Wash Summer Dress Goods
.St-lnch -wide Wash Summer Drees
Goods, rerular value So and. Ho,
-.'-while tt lasts, per-yard-.TTr. i '
, xAjruTAcmmxiur stock or
--Turkish Towels ;
Jog-fiintd: srh . . -5fr-TO- 85y -
25c Corsets -'
A lot of Summer Net Corsets, medl- ,
um long waist, well boned, lac
trimmed top, all sixes; clean, fresh
' foods, regular value BOo. ' '
Odd lots and broken slses In several
: i of the . standard makes, rerular
values $1.00, $1. IS and $1.50,
. closed out at' ..;..... .....SO ,
50c 'M en's Dress Shirts
Soft or stiff bosom, with or with
out collars attached, regular value
' 6o and $1.00.
' , . Beans :
Small white, pound .3K
i The Largest General Merchandise Store InOrajcoa
,. Proprietor f tha
City Brewery
""fcarg nsadTitosHreosaplst -.
krewery la th. jrortfewm
Bottled Beer a Specialty
k ' KMumrm.vmm ssat va
Ofao litk and aTruneld Streetss,
Base Ball Base Ball
rtTST it, so, 11, st Airo ss..
Twenty-third and Vaagha Street.
Oame called 1:10 p.m. Sunday, 1:10 p.m.
' Admission 26 cent. ,
Ladles Days Thursday and Friday.
Sesrr L. Baker. Bole L as Mauaam
Tonlltht, All W, Uatlnee Katnrday, .
the Baksr Tbsetre CotnpaD la
'a elerer esawdy la three sets, ky F..S,.
'r- Bealnr prls. inc. 8Be, Me. Me. ,
MstlMe, 10a, 15e, 35e.
13th sad WasbJngtoa. Phone afsla 4T0T.
Broadway Zlna's Big Kxtraragaaaa
As eld eosra with aew trimmlnga,
.. , . 10 F-KOPLB-ao
. loe. Me Bad SO. - '
Buaday sutln ad erenlnft sad ralay BlfbU
Oe waere the erewd goes sad see the best
vaadertlle anew ever sires is roniana.
at the -
Oetxnl aamleslna 10, reeerved hex seats, IBe.
. . . . . S.ftA 1A.M
Ta heme f eellte vsoeertita.
OesthMMM awfnnnsima fresi I tn 4:M p.
Bnixlsre, enntimMne s M 10 m p. m.
Bveeiaa Mrrorawncea from T t 10:10 s. SI
Aay SMit la U theatre,
96c Boys Heavy Cheviot Suits
Aires to II years; rerular valu
. $3.50.- - . -
Musi In Underwear
Ladle Muslin Gowns Embroidery
and lace-trlmmed, high neck, era-
pi re or allover style, 75o quality
Special 4TV
Ladles' Nainsook Gowns Beauti
- fully trimmed with fine lao and
mbr(dery; rerular valu fl.eO
' Special ,........,.93
Ladles' Muslin Drawers Tucked;
. I0o quality Special ........19
Ladles ; Muslin ' ; Drawers, m
' , broidery . and lace-trimmed; val
ues 5c and T5o . . . , . . . . .ji . .29
Ladles Mualln ', Cbemia lace
. trimmed; 40o quality Spo.
-clal . , . . , ., , . . . . . . . . . , , ,.. . .23()
Ladles' ranor Whit Apron Lac
and . embroidery-trimmed; rerular
10o Special 294-,
Ladles' Summer Undersktrts--Wash
. ' material, with eep flounpa; TBo
values, to close at.. .........394
79c Wrappers
Fin, percale, handsomely brajd
.. trimmed, all siseav value up to
VI1.60. , ....
ltAanTTAOTtrmxma uvmi
J: Lace Curtains
. Lac Curtains, values to $1.1$: per
- pair . .... 65
Lace Curtains, -value to $1.$0: per
Z. palx f 1.25-
Lc Curtains, values to $.K0; per
' pair ...... . . ... . . , . .firrs
Lac Curtains, values to $5.00: per
pair . ? . -."- .ajj.SO1
Ths length ar t, $H and 4 yds.
. There erel to pairs ot a pattern,
mostly in 1 and I pair lota
-O Cents - J
Per pound TYesh Roasted Peanuts. '
8c lb. Fancy French Mixed Candies
Rerular price 10o per pound.
I9c and 25c Men's Neckwear
Great variety of the latest styles'
to select from, regular value I So
.' and 60a, . - ...
R Qe WELCH, LeMee and Manasir )
Fortland's Ti ding Playhon. Safeev Theatra to Smerloa. S4 Jbdta,
Opens TONIGHT, July 18, 1904
; Ll V 'I . atx niwasoo rmsm
Seats now selling at Rowe A Martin's Drug Btore. corner Sixth and
'Washington. No person will be seated after rise of curtain until after
first act.
Lower Floor ..."..$ 100 I
Balcony, first four rows...,. 1.00 I
Balcony, next three row.... 1.10 I
Not more than 10 seat old to each
If vr-i 0''irirA- KaaaarSvAurarHrTA'a Trl 71VTvAT
L" v i aw. w.xl t WVUI II IT a SXV4 lSar4-Aa, i
1 (wrou.veim isiea
(Ooraa aUtar a4 gaveath.)
I S ta 4:10: T te IO:Sn; gas., I fa 10 p. si.
XUs 4 sad 10 will lml roe txwple say
aaiUaee eirent Sa1ars sad RollOajra,
. ' Feortk and Iters atreeta. ' '
Tte toete nf fortlae eoaTerasttnav
A TsadertUe Tsaiati ef Aotaal AelaesMat.
RTarr evening st 1:00 e'elock. ,
Ifatlnoe ewr Snniliy, Ira,
yas ABMispioa' raix, : .
Entrances on Third, Yamhill and Second Streets
Seaside Hats A great variety of
. shape and colors, fancy straw, ,
trimmed In flowers and ribbons,
: just th thing for th coast:
V regular values $1.15, , $1.10 and
$1.75 thle week ......... ...24y
Ladles' Ready-to-Wear Hats Thl
- season's very newest styles, fancy '
V ' braid straw, very stylish, regular .
price $1.50 this week 98?
Lsdles Black or White Rough
' Bailors, TSo values special ,.394
Ledle Black or "White Payors .
ISo and ISo yalue gpeclau.194
: Fancy Straw, untrlmmed. In three
leading shapes, rerular $1.50 and
- $1.00 valussepeclal 65.
r , Special 25c rxi
, l-ysrd length Chambray Waist "Pat-
tenia, a variety of patterns and
eolorlng to select from, regular
valu 400 special ..........25
.Men's-Sweaters 45c
Fine Jersey-ribbed. In a great Tart-:
. ety of colorings,- regular valu
1 $1.00. .A ... - . -.
) Summer Underwear
IO Ladles lisle-finished etra
Bls full-taped Vests, regular too
value; special, each ..10
-14 Women fin lisle-finished
Veats, with deep lace yoke back '
and front, ISO value; special, 14
-5H5 Women's lisle.'thread Veats,
lac - trimmed, silk - taped, " ISo .
value; PcleJ ,.t4Ju.MAJUJa5
Tmmense lot ' of . women's - sample
Underwear, jersey-ribbed, regular
and xtra slsed garments, sleevo-
- lee and abort sleeves, low neck,
lac yokes and high neck, straight
and shaped pants. In. regular slses.
values ISo, 60c, 75o each: special
par garment; . . 15, 25, 35
Jap No. It pet; pound...... .....4H
Women's Sample Underwear
Immense lot of Women's Sample
' ' .Underwear, jaraey-rlbbed. regular
and eztra-alsed garments, sleeve
less and short sleeves, low neck
lace yokes and high neck, straight
and shaped pants, in regular slses, .
-values 26a, 60c, 7 So each; special
per garment. .V.15, 25, 35
Tha Largest Qeneral Merchandise Store In Oregon C
Mtk ni WuMBtM
Balcony, last saven row...., l.W
Oallery ' (A
Boxes.. ................... 11.80
t il 4 80.1 T:15 to 10 SO.
SUXDAT CONTtltrorg FROM I Tu 10,
jktmiox itii tun in m tut
.. MO-Ml gtjBKBXDX,
raco rmrrs, rna w. u. aaows, ,
Twe skoe .-"y at I aa4 a. at.
coxesar nautili.-
i: 1
i :
v. n
nrKxssrsir fiat .
... 4-',
Broken lines, sleeveless, full length.
. In I slses. too and ZBo quality, to
z. close. . a . ......6w
: Ladles' Belts
-Ladles Belts, In silk. velvet and
. . leather. In great variety, all new
est shapes snd styles, values to.
' $ 1.1S ; special ..,... .........
354, 25, 20t 15 An
IO. -. .
Ladles' Fast Black Swunlas Hos.
16o and 100 values; per pair. .10)
Ladles' Fast Black ' Double Sole
How, 20a and ISo values; per
pair .12H
Ladles' Fast Black Drop SUtcttr
iiose, 26o and I0o values) per pair.
. . ... ....... 15
Children's - Extra . Heavy Double-'
, Knee Hose, too and 2 60 values;
per pair... 12
Ladles' Lisle Thread Hose, lace
ankle effect and all-over lace de
' . signs. Richelieu and fine ribs,
double soles, heels and toes. In
attract! v designs, all slses, regu
lar valu to $1.00 pair; special
per pair .. . 35, 25 15
Men' Heavy Seamless Ribbed Top
Bocks. I l-lo values;. per pair.. 5
Men's Doubl Heel and Toe Heavy
Ribbed Top Socks, HHo and ISo
values; -apar-palr ...8 1-3
Men's Merino Half Wool Bocka, lOo
values; per pair ...12H
. Hundreds of pattern of choice
Cam brio and. Nainsook Embroideries
in fine and openwork patterns, oa
good quality of cloth. 1 -Lot
1 Wall-worked edge up to I
Inches wide, excellent pattern.
, regular price So and lOo; special
per yard.... ....5
Lot t Neat dga In embroidered
up to 4 Inches wide; regular
" price 12Ho and 15c; special per
yard...... TH
Lot Cbolc patterns la Em-
broidery up to Inches wide.
' regular prices 15q to lie; spe
," : clal per yard ...........81-3
Lot 4 Finely -worked patterns In
, close and open-work affect, regu
lar price ISo and ISo; special per
yard. .... ....12H'
. All-Over Embroideries and Toktng -in
great variety AIO, AX BTM-
oxAi, nxoss. ... '. '. -'. '
Boston Painless Dentists
Will make special low school rates In
order that all school children may come
and hav their teeth eared for during
Thee ar th only dentist In Port-,
land having the late botanloal disoovery
to apply to the gums for Painless Ex
tracting. Filling and Crowning TeeUK -and
guaranteed for tan years. J.
Extncttntt FBEE
Silver FUllFifts SSc
faUSdof Ttttk3.M
Eximlns tin. . FIFE
Gold FilUigi .?Sc
UM Crawu. IX 0
fjrowaa aaa ;
Bridge Work a tow
Filue a speelal
lty. Oar Fanit Poakle.
Saotlom will hold you teeth ap.
Come In at onoe and take advantage of
low ratea. All work done by spefciaUsts
without pain and guaranteed for 10
year, .
Boston Painless Dentists
Fifth - and Morrison streets, entrance
111 Mb Morrison.
Chinese Restaurant
1SS Second Street, Cones Aider.
Delicious Chines noodle soup. Su
perb chop suey. Delicately flavored
viands of all descriptions. Cleanest and
cheapest place In Chinatown. Private
boxes for parties. Tables inlaid with
shells and flowers. Handsomely carved
chairs all Imported.
- roBTzajro, ouaoi ' .
Established In llll. Open all th year.
Private or class Instruction. Thousands
of graduates In positions; opportunities
constantly occurring. It pays to attend
our school. Catalogue, specimen. to.
fits bors and (It hi tnr Wiatrni and
eollegM. Priiaarr aad gramaiar fradM larluaH)
Portland Academy Halt for Glrln
ReeelTM a . llwlted snmbrr setf 1 sl tai
the eoaifnrta nl tr of a rd4 Vm.
OfBVe aonrs tfurlns Jolr til Autnat frm
I. u. tn 13 m 't mali gna a i lia I rt
land Inirr, FNrtl,n1 ir.
.-iroTZL c irs.::
baI crrstia r:'i t i r
T fl.'.t ai-.Tf r --i
fVuiat. It t"' ''
Sr...-, f " '
I .v. I"
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m av. . i. a