The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1904, Image 1

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    i ' . . .1 (
Tonight and Tuesday,
warmer Tuesday northwesterly
7 wlnde. ' ,Z' I
VOL. III. NO. 118. "
Hundreds of Police Guard
the Packing District
. . in Chicago. , ...
Packers Claim to Be Adding to Working
" Force without'Any Difflcolty '
Another Clash Takes Place ..: . V
v--- - --at St. Panl--
(Joornsl Spactiil Serrlce. ) '
'. Chicago, July 18. The second weeSfof
the great packing-house atrlka opened
thla morning, with all the conditions un
. favorable to a peaceful aettlcment of the
differences between the employers- and
their employes, and with an added grim
ness of determination openly expressed
Cn both aides. The Importation of non
nlon, help continues today, ISO men ar
' riving on an early train. They were es
corted by a heavy guard of police to the
Armour plant. ' - -
The strikers gathered about the vi
cinity of the stockyards early this morn
ing, despite the terrific hen t. but beyond
subdued growling exhibited no outward
sign of displeasure. The situation is
'such,-however, that trouble Is expected
at any moment.- The packers claim thus
.-: far to have 1,000 non-union men within
the yards. ' ,
, The union men say that two-thirds of
the new arrivals will quit as soon as
they learn of the strike conditions. In
anticipation of trouble 120 extra police
. went on duty this morning in the stock
. yards district, making a total of about
-coo now on' duty In that portion of the
' city..- : .
Ponnelly, the president "f the Tnfh-
nmrnlrig and said there would be no
further .conferences with the parkera
unless asked- for by the leaders of the
beef trust- He reported that- all the
St Louis trust plants are completely
tied up and that the Independent plants
, sre workuur double -time and will soon
be la a position to put on three ahifts.
-. All reports . front the east show that
the anions have control of the situation.
Tonight the union will send a train load
of expert cattle butchers to the Phils
delphla Independent plants and other
eaatern " packing houses . that have
ranted the demands of the union.
v Donnelly, and the heads of ether1 or-
ganlaatlons continued to hold confer
. euces this morning. Up to noon no dis
turbances had been reported with the
possible exception of the finding of the
- body of a Pole lying across the street
par tracks early this morning, the man
.having evidently been beaten to an in
sensible state. -.- . . -.
roKaicsjsT xa bxatxs;.
t rami anriksM Agala Olask With Wsa
i ' Working.' , . . ,
(Joeraal 8 peels I Br fries.)
8t Paul, July IS. The second clash in
. the strike came this morning, when a
foreman of Swift's plank got into an ar
gument with a union picket at the gate
. end struck hlro. T -The ploket- returned
the blow.-: 'A big crowd gathered and the
foreman was badly beaten.
The clerical employes of the plant
were allowed to enter this morning on
condition that they would en sage in no
wttrk other than clerical. The general
situation today In not considered om
inous and no call for. the militia la likely.
Temporary union headquarters were
. established near Armour's today to ac
commodate the applications, for mem
hershlp being made by men leaving the
plants. ' .. -.
. Additional police have been asked for
and the packers have Increased their
private- guards. They (rave no figures
' today a to the number of head of stock
they Intended to slaughter. .
Omaha Strike Kay Be Increased sjr
,',' ;-h Thousand.', . " - '
. (Jnarssi gpeetsl Servlee.V
Omaha, July 18,--There la no change
In the strike' situation this morning, snd
the beat of order still prevails. The
union leaders say that unless arbitration
Is again resumed at Chicago they will
call out all craftsmen. This means that
(Continued on Paa-e Two.)
'l - y 7
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v U
- - :1
Y eVAN eAJ Vfc
. . - , . e
The engagement of Mrs. Leslie
. e Carter for a week to open' the
e Columbia theatre with "1U ;
Barry," has naturally aroused a
' great deal of local Interest, as it .
e undoubtedly will attract large .
audiences. -
- The Joul-nol has arranged with
e Mr." Jules - Eckert aoodman of
New Tork, 'dramatic editor of e
Current Literature who Ja tro--
'" porarily adjourning here visiting
friends, to write a criticism of
the play. Mr. Goodman, who Is
w of Oregon-birth, a Harvard and
Columbia man, lias ' made his
4 home In ' recent years In New
4 York,. where he has justly earned
, ' a fine reputation In critical lines. . e
, Hla criticism of "Du Barry1' e
.will appear In Tuesday evening's
e lasuo. A . . I .
. .' -.
t 1
Jack Matthews Awaits
Senator Mitchell's Com
ing With Uneasiness, ;
Slipped i few Cogs la the June EIcd
Hon and a Smasbup Is Threat
ened In the City Election ' ;
Republican politicians are jtwaltlng
with interest the homecoming or Senator
Mitchell, who Is expected to arrive this
week from Washington. There Is much
curiosity as to the view he takes of the
crushing defeat administered to the local
Republican maohlne In the June elec
tlon, when the party candidates for the
two- most important offices - in : the
county were overwhelmingly , defeated,
as well as one of the most conspicuous
of the machine candidates for the state
legislature. ,
It Is an open secret that the relations
between Senator Mitchell- and Jack
Matthews, the local boss, have been far
from cordial for a long time past The
senator probably appreciates the : fact
that the defeat of the Republican can
didates for sheriff and district attorney
waa largely, If not chiefly, due to their
known affiliation with the .Matthews
machine, and that the machine -has been
badly crippled by the loss of these Im
portant offices and the patronage which
they control. This,' coupled with- the
circumstance that future elections, will
be conducted under- the dltect primary
law, so that 'the power of the maohlne
Ut manipulate nominations will be tiU
most rttrovd, will mturftlly erreatly
TrrT'l,.,?t5Tr3r?Tnr? Tmyalred in
fluence with Senator MucheU. ,
' aYottinfl'liam'B "Prlnmnk.
' The election of C. tv. Nottingham to
the state senate over A A. , Courteney,
the regular nominee, waa another body
rblow to the machine. ' Nottingham made
his campaign as a Roosevelt-Mitchell
Republican, and an ppponent of the
Matthews machine. He had no organ
isation behndbtm and hla reliance was
upon his past record and the Independ
ent vote. . His election was such a blow
to the machine as it has seldom received.
- Much importance- 1s attached- to Mac-
thews failure to- name the new post
master. The opinion Is freely ex
pressed that he will be unable to keep
Charles Burcknardt In the office as as
slstant postmaster- mora than a few
months at most. ; ''
kTew City Oovernment Wanted.
Another Important element In the sit
uation Is the strong; prospect of another
defeat for the Matthews machine In the
city election next spring. There Is good
reason to expect that the Independent
voters of both parties will, nnlte In the
demand for a city government which
shall be free from . all alliance with
either the gamblers or the - machine!
Such a demand can be made effective
through the direct primary law.
The scheme devised before the elec
tion to amend the city charter at the
next session of the legislature, a to
oontlnue the present municipal admin
istration until lua. has been effectively
scotched. A majority of the-Multnomah
delegation to the legislature are pledged
to oppose any such tinkering with th
charter, so that there is but little dan
ger that the Job will be attempted.-
Several - prominent - Republicans have
declared that tbey propose to make It
quite plain to Mitchell that Matthews
and his - lieutenants were - directly re
sponsible for the defeat suffered by the
party In, June. . , '
(Jonrnnl Rnerlal flervlee.)
Honolulu, July 18. Great Britain will
have to rush another warship to the
western shores of the Island of Hawaii.
The presence of the vessel Is not needed
to enforce the rights of any British sub
ject, but to clean, repair and renovate
the famous monument to Captain Cook
at Kalakaua bay.
The monument to Captain Cook la one
of the most Interesting slghts-pn Hawaii.
Tourists always visit- that - place and
take photos of the monument. - L.
: (Journsl Sperlsl BttIi.I ".,."
Des Moines, la., July IS. R. K. Mor-
ley, president of a bank at Lake City
and long prominent In financial circles
In this state, has been adjudged Insane
by the board of commissioners at Fort
Dodge, snd committed to the asylum.
His derangement is said to be due-to
excitement attendant upon the nomina
tion of Judge -Parker for prealdent at St.
Lout. Mr. Mortey wss present st the
convention- -when - the - nomination was
made, ami his Joy over the victory of
his. friend was so great that his mind
gave way.
(Special fifenafh to The JmirnaM
Rnsebiirg. Or July 1. Mrs. Todd, a
veteran nurse of this rlty. died esrly
Htinday morning of apoplexy. She had
been unconscious since Tuesdsy of lat
week. She waa burled this- morning at
-'cloik. . , '. . '. , .
'; ' . . 5 '
A frequent scene in the streets of St. Petersburg. The man on the right Js holding. up for sale one of the'
multitudinous colored prints which are now being sold-to the Russian populace. , The print represents a Russian
knouting a Japanese soldier across his knee. ' ., '...
Roseburg Sheriff Arrests J. R. WIN
... Hams Charged With ;, Murder; oh
Woman at Grants Pass.
Sheriff Harry T. .McClelland of Rose
berg Is In the city, today and reports the
capture yeaterday at-Roseburg- of J. -R.
Williams, who Is the supposed murderer
of a woman at Grants Pass' last week.
The woman was found In he home, -with
her head beaten to a Jelly. The inscrip
tion of. Williams was sent out and when
Sheriff McClelland yesterday met. Wil
liams on the street at Roseburg he
noted a flaw In the man's right eye that
answered to One of the two main points
In the description. The other point was
two front teeth filled with gold. - Mc
Clelland stepped up to the stranger and
took hold ,orhhr chln-wlth-the remark
1 mae : your - teeth." Williams
reached for his revolver,' but the sheriff
had the. "drop'' on him. and with the as
sistance of two bystanders arrested him.
The sheriff of Josephine county wss
notified by wire and came on the first
train to Roseburg. He- Identified Wil
liams as the suspect. A little girt who
was carrying milk to the house of the
murdered woman at the time the crime
waa committed is the most Important
witness In the -case, , ;
. . ' ' ' '''..."
OranA Mastar of Odd reUows Aids In
. V '; r '., Capture. . L J ;, , ; ; ;
(Sneelsl Dlspatdi to The Journal.) '
- Roseburg, Or., July It. Grand Mas
ter Mercelll of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows in Oregon was the means
of catching the man who undoubtedly
murdered Florence Wells, alias Mrs.
Florence Chapln, In Orshts Pass. "
Saturday night a, man came from the
south, walking over tbe Southern Pact He
track, and stopped at tbe home of Mer
celll, begging for a supper. .-The grand
master, knowing the description of tha
supposed murderer, at once suspected
that the tramp was the man wanted.
While supper was being prepared Mer
celll took hla guest down to a brick
kila which was being burned, and Inter
ested him in tbat. jvb.ile he returned to
the house and telephoned for Sheriff Mo
Allen. Mercelll then kept the man eat
ing and .talking till the sheriff arrived,
which was V hard task, as the distance
between the sheriff s home and the
brickyard la a mile- or more, which
forced him to conceal his true purpose
(Continued on Page Two.) -
-ssxsx- emwasasssj ' ' . ' " (
.''.-. ;.. .. v
7 !, -
b ' '' ; 7-' '. -.. '.j- I
e , Ottawa;. Canada, July IS. There' Is' at present incarcerated ' in one of. ontariors;' best-Known ; prisons,
doin a six-months' sentence on a charge of fraud. .perpetrated" It matters not where,' the half-brother-of
Nicholas II, the present cxaf" of Russia. '.," ' ' 4 V i v ' ' '' - " ' 1 ' ' 7- ' -,'
l"- Some time about the year 1847 or. 1888 there was introduced Into the' royal household of Alexander.
- ni. ' the then cxar, an Englishwoman named Madelalde Am6t, ' member of the English aristocracy. She J
e ' a persdnal attendant on the rWlna, who was formerly the Princess Dagmar of Denmark. The' car
e and Miss Arnot became friendly. The-' Intimacy,, resulted in a great, deal of talk In the palace. 77, .
e - ; There was at this time In St.. Petersburg wealrtiy. English , pontractor .named Richard Easmln.' The
' court officials saw a way out or the-Impending scandal through . bimTA marriage of convenience was
arranged Jjet ween Easmln Snd" Miss Arnot.-. -'. ',' '. ' , 4 ' . ' '), '7"
e - Mrs. Easmln, as she now became known, 'was sent back to England, where she was given a fine estate
4 snd An income of 2,000 a year until her death. . While on her estate her child was born the man who Is
e- now convict In 'an Ontario prison..' ' ' ' ; '' " '" f.':"-' ' ' 5 7" '
e After his college counte the boy held a commission In her majesty service. VHe soon tired of this and
was sent to Russia, where he. was appointed a member of; the consular service. His promotion was no
v rapid that it caused much jealousy amongst the younger members of the service. Enquiries were made,
and there; was danger of the old scandal being revived, ' . ; ". ; 7 7'. 1
4, .. He wa retired from the consular service and sent to Paris as an unofficial member of the dlplomatlo
corps, 'wlth a salary of $10,000 a year. His indiscretions In diplomatic matters ' In the French capital
;" aroused sd much Indignation in St. Petersburg that ha was summarily dismissed from the service. - His in-'.
, come was cut off. and fie was told there .wu nothing mors for him, I rv.
e " From that time until his mother died, two years, ago. It is supposed that he received sn allowance
-from hes. When- she -died -t hut-was the en of it? ' : '! --'
, -A Toronto man, along with a number of others representing English firms anxious to do business
With'the Russian governments discovered that rival agents.1 who were friendly with Enerriln, -managrtT tr
place large orders.. He had a greater Influence than the heads of the departments. The British embassy ,
was applied to. , Inquiries and-protista were made whirh' resulted In Easmln being reprimanded and re-
celvlng Instructions to refrain from
-. - For the past twa- years, flnoe his mother's death, Easmln has lived and not lived. He received some
money from the sale of bis mother's effects, which he used up. He landed In Philadelphia, ran some sort
of s. broker's office, left under cover, came to Toronto, Snd finished up In Jail. I .. - , . ' .
Parker Has Conference With Sheehan
and Kern-Will Have Direct Wire to
New York for Tonight's Session;
" - (Journal 8 peels 1 Service.)
Esopus, July 18. W. F. Sheehan and
John W. Kern of Indiana left this morn
ing for New York to attend a confer
ence, of Democrats which will be held
there ' tonight. Judge .Parker , walked
with the Indianan . to the steamboat
dock, and the two were engaged In such
earnest - conversation that the - Mary
Howell's -captain had to hold the boat
several minutes until the talk was fin
laded. . '-, '.' , - ".
: While he declared he had not urged
his candidate on Parker personally, it
is understood tha Kern came , east In
behalf of 7'om Tagart foC-lhe national
committee chairmanship, .; 'V
Judge Parker's 'telephone will he
hooked up with Sheehan's in New Tork
tonight, and he, will be In av position to
become an active participant if the occa
sion demands his advice. A terrific
thupder storm which struck the village
last night continued this morning, mak
ing the roads impassable and Interfer
ing with telegraph and telephone com
munication. . Mrs. Parker drove to Kingston today
to get nwijr . from the ubiquitous pho
tographers, -'" , ,
. , V J ..- - 3- - v : . -1;
ays 111 Trip Has Bo VoUtioal Slgmlfi-
v eanee. ' ' ; .. ,
. (Journal Special Berrke.) '
Oyster Bay, July IS. Senator Knox
arrived here thla morning. - "There Is
no particular significance In my visit."
he said. 1 "I Juat happened to be In New
York. on. business, and - stopped . overto
make a call. The political situation is
all that the most - ardent friends of
Roosevelt could desire."
The senator will leave this evening,
and In the Interval will listen to the
president's acceptance speech.
Knox said he would saH for Europe
on Saturday, to be gone five weeks, snd
on his retuKO will deliver two speeches.
(Joornsl Special flarTk.) '.
-New Tork, July 1. VIce-prealdentlal
nominee Davis is holding an Important
political conference today-with Sheehan,
Hill- Murphy, Belmont, National Com
mitteeman Head of Tennessee and sev
eral other .prominent politicians. Davis
propone to visit Esopus -tomorrow, - ,
- . ' ' ' , ' . - ;.'''.. - Jsr"-- . .'"' ' ' k
'I i i ':' ' t .: M"'l ,"','" ' ' i'
'"'7'' (Journal Special Service.) '.
''(Journal Special Service.) ; ,
interfering In commercial business.;
JULY 18. 1904...
..5 1
.. ir : .'.','- .v -.' . ; '. ,
, .i ", .;.. -. . '. r. ' . '.
Refuses to Grant Divorce to Wife Who
Says She Is Abused and Intimates ;
It Takes Two To Make a Quarrel
Circuit Judge Sears - laid down the
rule this morning that even If the alle
gations made In a suit for divorce are
proved, and It. la shown that t3Kniaklng
reasonable concessions or avoiding an
antagonistic attitude the person com
plaining could have prevented acts of
cruelty, a legal separation will be de
nied. His decision waa given in the
suit of Maggie Hull agalnat Phillip Hull.
Married June to. 1897. Mrs. Hull as
serted that soon afterward her husband
became morose and surly and harassed
her In every conceivable way,- - The al
legations included needless scolding,
the use of profane language, refusing to
permit her ta attend church and accus
ing her of unfaithfulness, '. ,. -
"Taking It for granted that the alle
gations ware! proved, -sale) the -court,
"I hardly - think .a divorce should - be
granted. It Is probable no- cause of
complaint would havs developed had the
plaintiff shown that spirit pf reasonsble
concession or exercised the good Judg
ment which should - be found In all
households."., . . .
' (Sneelsl DIsnatrB ta Tha Jonrnal.1
Helena, Mont. July It. All railroads
operated in Montana were represented
at the meetings of the . state board of
equalisation' tooay in oraer to induce
that body not to act In a manner the!
current rumor lias It is their intention
that is. to grearty increase their
As the members of ' the board of
equalisation alao constitute the board
of examiners, and the latter body must
under the present lawmeet today, no
business- of Importance wss transacted
by the former today. - The matter : of
railroad assessments will be considered
at (Tuesday's meeting.-
rOVBB DBAS AT n-ataMa.
(Special Dispatch, ta The Journal.) -
' Kalama,, Wash.. July II The body of
Uomenloo uintato,, an . Italian v section
laborer,, was found In a bunk oar. here
yesterday. ' He had been employed here
for several months. Coroner Wents
pronounced death-, from, heart disease. .
. '.' C- '
Sailor Nelson Says Care
lessnessrCaused'theT : rJfreck of Zarapa.
Left, High on Sands at :Leadbctter
r Point Survivor Says Rudder Did r
:i Not Break Until the Ship :
i Struck,-Rocks.- : - - -
According ' to Oeorge Nelson,-one of
the-sailors who . wss on boardthe
American schooner Zampa. Which went
aahore at Leadbettar point yeaterday
morning at o'clock, the accident was
caused wholly .. through -.. carelessness.
Mr. Nelson arrived 'In I the city from the
scene of the wreck this, mortlng. ' In an
endeavor to save the ship he sprained
his back while lifting, and will spend
the next few days In a hospital. -,
Mr. Nelson said this morning;' "The
rudder was not broken while the vessel
waa out at sea. Ths rudder was all
right untty it struck the rocks on the
beach. So far as I am able to judge
there 'Is no reason that the vessel should
have gone ashore. I. think that in his
snxlety to reach the mouth of the Co
lumbia river , -Captain- Kallenburg ' was
careless. Long before we got Into the
.breakers' we could ' see the lights from
ths beach, and. at that , time the schooner
was 'eaally icontrolled. - -But we kept
working toward the shore and were , In
the. breakers, before, anyone was aware
of It.' Then it Was Impossible for us to
put to sea. and tbe vessel rapidly drifted
to destruction. ' "7."''
V,A strong gale was blowing at. the
time, but there was, no .necessity for us
to get Into such a predicament had a
little judgment been used at the start
All was well at midnight.- We could see
lights burning brightly, and It was iual
1J o'clock when I went to bed, , An hour
later s ; ands were - ordered on decs.
i rustiea out ana saw at a glance that
we were In the breakers. We did all
In bur power, to get back to sea again,
but In the face of the strong gale It was
Impossible it that time. At every little
Interval heavy sees washed over the
mala 'deck, and at all such times we had
to ollmb up- tn- the- rlgslag Whsa .the
swells rolled on overboard we would
again, get down from our high perches
and endeavor to guide the Schooner to
safety. . In a few minutes more other
waves would sweep over thovdeok.end
chase us back Into the rigging. Our re
turn ta the deck, and retreat to the rig.
glng were ' continued until Anally we
drifted on , the tteach with the. flood
tide. , K waa I o'clock Sunday- nvornlng
when we struck the .shore. . Daylight
soon began to break.. By o'clock the
High tide had gone down and we were
left high and dry on the beach. - '
"No one waa hurt, aside from myself.
snd during the time we were la tbe
breakers there wss no . excitement on
boards The oaptaln'a wife and baby
were with us. .The woman, appeared to
be the coolest one in the (mtnt Yes
terday afternoon the second mate and
myself left' the ship and started--for
Portland. The captain and other mem
bers of the crew remained on hoard the
vessel, which wss fully 100 feet from
the 'water. There Is no doubt that she
will bo a total loss.
"It WSS. 14 dsvs aco that we' Ballad
'from San Pedro for Portland, -We had a
fine voyage until about, five daya ago,
when strong head winds were encoun
tered. On the second day 'the wind be
gan to shift freely. We could not put
any dependence In it; at times It wss
on 'one side of us and a few minutes
later It would switch around In the op
posite direction. Finally we reached th
latitude or tne Columbia river and' we
began to work toward the shore."
I The Zampa Is a three-masted schooner
snd was bound for Portland to load
lumber at the Inman-Poulsen mill for
San Pedro.1 Bhe Is well known at. this
port, having loaded lumber here as lste
as last .month. . She ta xnrned by O. II
Collins of Ban Francisco, but' wss -built
St Port Madison. Wss., In 1887. Her
dltaenslons are . ss follows: - Iength,
lit. 7 feet; beam, ! feet: depth of hold.
10,4 . feet ' She la of 121 net register
tons.- "' . . ' , .. ' ,
. At the point she went ashore Is near
the entrance to'Wiflapa bay, which has
been' the scene of a number of wrecks
during the past few yeara Among the
vessels wrecked there previously were
the British rark Immerlaw. Brttlati
bark Q. Broughtonr British bark "Abbey
Cowper and British bark Dewa Qungad-
nar. no nra were tost p any or tnetn.
boyoeating way, B
. ...... .- .
' (Jotm) Special Vrrtce ) ... i
Fort Worth. Texas, July 18. Tn a col
lision between a'Pwtno pasaenger train
and a freight train near t,ufkin Isat
night. Olen Goanenell and John . Marr
were killed and seven- othsrs were ln-
urd. ' ' f ' ' .. ;
Tlie two killed were- hoys "Who' sre
supposed to , have been' beating- their
way. The. -colllatou waa due-to-slow
time1 being made by the freight and an
attempt of the passenger train to make
up for loet time. None of those In
jured will die. .
(Jnnrasl Speelal Serrlr.)
" St.. Petfrsburg. July 1 At Ada
kant. a small place does to the Teralan
frontier, yesterday evening, the governor
of Ellsabethpol was assassinated. i
Two Divisions Make Des-
issault at Mo-
tienling Sunday; .
Japanese : Destroyer . Captures Junk!
- Bearing Valuable Letters Deal
Ing on the Port-Arthur ; -
Situation. u -
.. (Joornsl Special Service.) '. .
St Petersburg.. July IS. It is stated,
from a reliable source that a German,
vessel and a Russian torpedo boat have
come In contact with Russian, mines at,
Vladivostok and been sunk, Their crews
went down." .
- , (Journal Special- Serrlce.) '- 7
Tokio. July II. General Kurokl re
ports that two divisions of Russians
made, a desperate assaulton the Jap
aneae position St Motlenllng Sunday at
dawn and were repulsed. While the cas
ualties sre' not given,' owing to the
fact that the Japanese are reported to
have pursued the fleeing Russlans'for
some distance. - It la thought that the
Russian losses were considerable as -compared
to that - suffered by the Jap-',
aneae. which Is said to be very smalL .
. The. Japanese-destroyer- Hsvatori has
captured a Port. Arthur Junk bearing
valuable letters-' dealing with the naval
and military situation at Port ArtuJiir. ,
'- . i ,i i - , . .-
(Jourasf Special Service.) - : -
SL Petersburg. July,, IS. It Is" re
ported that the Japanese right flank is
marching southward . so quickly thttt ...
part of Kurokl's force Is unable to take
food stores with them, and are accord- '
Ingly .selling . themv to . the "natives
cheaply... .'-:.. :
It Is not clear as yet as to what point
the Japanese are concentrating... Pon-.
toons for' crossing the river have -been
brought from the Talu.
, Peaplte the Japanese dental, well-informed
circles assert that a confirm,
tton has been received of a great Jap-
rsnese loss-at Port Arthur on the' nHtht "
of July 10. This assertion, confined? as
it Is chiefly to official circles, has aa yet'
had no effect on - the spirits of the
rayises, who continue to regard tbe re
port with less, credence each day. ,,
; ,' ' (Jmuraal Special Service.) '
London.- Jury The " Japanese Trm "
bassy here says that the Russian re
pulse at Montlenling Sunday resulted in
a pursuit -by. the Jspaneee as far as
Punteapaotsu.' Tha attack was under the,
direction of General Keller and was
made In a thick fog. '
(Joornsl Special Berries.) , ' -r.
Berlin, July 1 8. The- kaiser todsy Of
dered Count Buelow to enter a protest
sgalnst the stoppage of the German liner
Prlns Helnrlch in the Red sea by the
Russian cruiser Smolensk and to de
mand the return of the malls taken. .
(Journal Sperlsl Service.) " i " '
Aden, July 18. The British steamer
Persia,, from Calcutta to London, wss
forcibly detained In the Red sea tdYtay,
by the Russian, stesmer Smolensk,
whose officers confiscated two bags of
mall. . . I t .' . i .,
, (Jooroal Sperlsl Servtre.) ' i I
Rome.. July IS. The minister of ma
rine has. a. Tien Tain dispatch stathi
that the Japanese fleet has been sbsent
from Port Arthur the last. 10 daya
' f
. . i , . (Joorael Sperlsl Service.)
' Birmingham.. July 18. Th Post re
ports that negotiations of sn Important
character are . proceeding favorable to
the Japanese. j; ''
' Mwifsal Rpcctsl Srrvlct.)
' "Houston. Tex., July 18 aVeted
fn a buggy. Tin Wooten. using
a shotgun and Winchester rifle,
fought a duil at Corslmna yes
terday with Constable Grantham.
Who Used two IVlis lx-s.MWter.
Both bf Grantham's hands were
torn off by the discharge of
buckshot, snd Waoteu waa mor-
- tally- woundeit . " - --
The fight took place at a tlmrt
when thrre were many persnne
Ofl the street ftnrt" Ivn speriatm
who attempted to atop me on-'i
were shot and Si-rlo'inly InjMrcd.
The duel was the outcome of a.
feud of long atandiiig l-twern
the two men. who had sworn t
kill esrh other on slant.
Wootn did nt use tha sh,t
gun until (JrantdKin w I-im-
to him. The nvn ar.irrh-n
each other , aa the du- l
gresaed. "
...... y