The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 17, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    JULY tr.
" The Baker
C. rdrar a
A read Vaueerllle
0o ........ .......... Vaudeville
Lyrto ...v....,
ftui 4 Vaudeville
ror battering down a door leading to
a Toora of the Eagle house, 83 north
Second street, last night. P. Pearson
wu arrested by Policemen Baty and
Burke on complaint of the proprietor.
Jesse Bolton. Pearson was taken to the
city tail, where he was- booked on
charge, of disorderly conduot, .H will
have a hearing- in the municipal eourt
tomorrow. Pearson claimed to have
some articles belonging; to him In the
room, it Is said, and started to take
them. He had been refused : permis
sion to enter, and Is said to have taken
matters Into his own hands and began
battering down the door when the offl
ears put g stop to It by arresting him.
" ' Probably some of the finest cherries
'. ever brought into the olty wece left at
r The Journal office yesterday afternoon
y T. V. Bluman. The cherries were
'" grown at Mr. Bluman's nursery at HL
-' V Tabor, virtually within the city of Port
: land, and specimens of them measured
" as much as itt inones in circumference.
They were of the variety, known as the
,' lamwrt cherry and were, or a ncn
dark red color and delicious flavor. It
would seem that Mt. Tabor, not being
, content with putting . out the finest
strawberries In the world, must needs
. ' " grow the best cherries In the world
' The same rain that did the farmers
, so much good spoiled all the hopes of
J the local newsboys for an excursion on
" the river. The' boys have been looking
.' forward to the. excursion ever since
' Captain Bpencer donated his craft for
' the day. Once before their hopes were
rudely shaken, when the steamer Charles
K. Bpenoer went aground up the Colum
bia a few days ago: but the captain soon
. set them right again when ho promised
to charter a steamer at his own ex
pens and take them on the proposed
trip. The excursion has now been hi'
definitely postponed. : r
- 'Martin M. Reynolds, a subject for the
, V Insanity commission, wss brought to
the county Jail yesterday afternoon by
1 , : K. u. jjove, a farmer, wno reported
. that Reynolds had been living with his
' sons in a cabin boat on the river and
' that thsy had driven him away In a
destitute condition. - Reynolds . Is
possessed of ths Idea that Indians are
pursuing him, and on the1 way to the
city he insisted that .the buggy was
-1 full of Indians. . . '
-il... The I) all as promises to become as-eel-.
brated for tomatoes as Is Jaokson county
for apples and Hood River for strawber
ries . The Dalles tomato is already on
the local market, and is competing with
ths Caluornla tomato. It Is said that
the Dalles tomato 'excels all others for
slse and flavor, and the industry is only
now gaining a start In that locality. A
canning, factory has been started. ,-
v Judge Bears of ths stats circuit court
will render a decision Monday morning
''' .In ths contested dlvoree suit of Msggle
. Hull vs. Phillip Hull, which occupied
" -several days In this court and has been
' ' the only contested ease of the dosen
. divorce suits that have been heard dur
"lng the. last week.. . .
" Oregon City rlvef trips. .
." ' Bunds y boats from Taylor-Bt. dock
. : At 1:10, 10, 11:10 a. m. 1, I, :o.. :1
p. m. ' v ' - ' - "'
J . . Take the river tide. Oood way
To spend three hours. It's restful.
Round trip only ti cents. ...
: Fourteen, trains will leave ' the East
, Washington street depot today for
Chautauqua. ' -, They will leave at the
. following- hours: Morning, 7:15, 1:40,
.Jt. 11:10, 11:10; afternoon.. 1:10, 1:10,
1:10, a:0, 4:40; 5:10, 1:10, 7:15, 1:18.
. D. Cully was arrested last night-by
. . poueemen Bsty and Jourke on a charge
of obtaining It under falss pretenses. He
.a said to have eashed a bogus check
with X Wells, a baker, at 511 Bavler
. t street, early yesterday morning..
' T Hotel - Estacada on ths 'Clackamas
rlvsr, new and up-to-date, now open
for transients, on trolley line of O. W.
P., 11 miles from Portland. . 11.00 per
' day. Special rates by ths week. Ap
ply to-1 C.Marttnes. manager.. s. ...
' Grand river trip by moonlight A. O.
U. W. band excursion Tuesday night,
, July 1. steamer Bailey Oatsert and
, barge Klickitat. Dancing: good music.
Leave foot of Alder street 1:15. Tickets
. 61 cents. . r ..-
.Jessie Turner, It years of age, daugh
ter of 3. M. and Carrie Turner, died Sat
urday afternoon at the .home of Iter
parents, 101 Kerby street. , The funeral
announcement will be mads later. .
Judge- Webster yesterday appointed
. .. Thomas Oarnef . administrator of - ths
estate of Mary Ann Oarner and James
Fmrrlngton, J. H. Flnnlgan and William
y , Nevldeck appraisers. ,'..
' Ask the Oregon druggists about ths
Breakers' hotel. Writs Long Beach.
: Wash, for rates. '
. ' Try An Underwood Typewriter and
. learn the advantage of visible writing.
. ; 15 Front street ' ' '
! Miss Winifred Reese and Roland.Her
rick were wedded at lit North Tenth
street Isst night tna ceremony being per
formed by Rev. F. Burgette Short pes
tor of the First Methodist church. A
When You
Have Time
Some day, we want you
to drop in our Btore
y just so we can make your
i - .acquaintance and show
4: you our fine stock . of
.'. goods. '
Your inspection in : no
' way implies an obliga
. . tion to purchase. .. ' .. t.
ssssssssssasss in
,' ' ' -John
E. Lathrop, editor of ths Pa
cific Northwest; -R. L. Darrow, manager
for the John Deere Plow Ca for the
northwest and John W. Cook, connected
with ths Title Guarantee Trust Co..
havsjncorporated the Paclflo Northwest
Publishing company', ths capital stock
Of which Is 5,000 Thsffieers of the
company are John E. . Lathrop, ' presi
dent: John W. ' Cook,, vice-president;
R. I. Darrow, secretary; J. Thoburn
Ross, treasurer. Ths first three are the
directors. - ' .
Ths incorporation papers, filed in Sa
lem and with the county clerk here,
state that ths objects of the corporation
are to do a general publishing business.
Mr. "Lathrop said:
The Paclflo Northwest Publishing
company Is designed to take over the
property of the Paclflo - Northwest a
monthly magaslns which wss estab
lished a year ago by Philip 8. Bates,
and of which I acquired a half owner
ship last January. Mr. Bates owns and
published . a semi-monthly, . the Paclflo
Mlner.whlch now requires all hts time.
The Pscino Northwest, besides its
extensive, circulation throughout this
region, is to be given wide circulation
In states east ' of - here whence come
Oregon's Immigrants. . Arrangements
number of the' relatives and friends of
ths contracting parties were present
Allan Davis was best man and ths bride
was attended by Miss Elsie Herrick.
Little Louella Herrick was flower girl.
A banquet followed ths ceremony.
Don't write tn the dark. Oet an Under
wood Vlslbls Typewriter. 45 Front Bt
Wlse Broa, dentists, ths Falling bldg.
. Dr. Morris, dentist Ths Heller. '
in i ' i i :
omny rxra,sowAA. -r
Miss Evelyn Hurley, who has been
spending the Isst two yea re In New
Tork studying music, is In ths olty for
a fortnight's vacation with her mother,
Mrs.' M. L. Hurley.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mors, 551 Everett
street have returned .from a, trip to ths
Bt. iouis rair.
Capt Pierce A. Murphy of -West
Point Instructor of history and law, is
visiting his parents. Col. and Mrs. John
Murphy, at 65.Hoyt street
Dr. Nathalie Selling of Ban Fran
cisco is visiting relatives at 447 Weet
Park street f .
Prof A. B. Coroiey or the Oregon state
Agricultural college and experiment
station, was a guest st ths Imperial yes
terday and departed for the south Isst
evening. - i , . ... : , .
for Thrifty Buyers. ,
Portland housewives may well hall
with delight the midsummer sals of
McAllen McDonnell's, which opens to
morrow (Mondsy) . morning at 1:10
o'clock. ' A perusal of the firm's adver
tisement on pegs 10 of today s issus
makes ths reader acquainted with bar
gains. . A veritable carnival of money-
saving purchases - are advertiser, ana
that ths store will back Its advertise
ment with the goods there Is no doubt
The store noted for the best goods and
lowest prices." . 'The nndermuslln de
partment proves ths chief attraction,
putting forth sound ' argument in the
way of astonishingly big reductions in
goods. Ladies' "Defender" undermusllns
are the head liners. Ths quality Is un
deniably ths best and all ths goods
richly finished; trimmed in laces, inser
tions, fins embroideries, hemstitched,
tucked and ruffled.
Not only are there unheard-of bar
gains in this ons department but In all.
Special values ars offered in table
linens. toweHngs, sheets, pillow cases,
feather pillows, blankets, quilts, cur
towels and napklna. Buying now in
sures a saving that cannot be .realised
when theee goods ars probably needed
and a household necessity. . ,
Extra specials sre offered In the fol
lowing: 15 Inch curtains, Swiss. 10 cents,
reduced to 1 cents; 15 Inch extra fine
curtain, Swiss, richly designed 'In floral
effects, 15 cent values for 11 cente. . The
special prices want, too. Into ths men's
goods when the firm offers $1 Mount
Hood soft golf shirts for lust one-half
pries 50 cents, the 11.50 grades for 05
cents and ths II grade for 11.
Commences tomorrow morning and
continues throughout ths week. .
Every Day Trolley Trips. ;
Ef fecttvs Monday and , until ' f brthsr
notlcs ths O. W. P. will pises on sals
tickets for svenlng trolley trips to Es
tacada and return at 11.50, Including
dinner at its hotel, Tou can leave at
4 or 5:10 and leave EsUcada at 1:20
p. m. . -. ' ,
Ths b nderwood Typewriter Is equipped
with a tabulator at no extra cost j
I) v
have been mads to buy space in eastern
publications aggregating 5,000.000 cir
culation, in which will be inserted sa
vsrtlssmsnts telling ot the Paclflo
Ths plan proposed, which is assured
6y advertising tests already mads. Is
endorsed by many of the moat expert
leaders - In ths ' work of exploiting Ore
gon. '- - -
. Mr. Lathrop, who will' be editor of
the Pacific Northwest la ons - of ths
most widelx. known of ths younger
newspaper men ef Oregon. Ha was with
ths Dally East Oregonlan at Pendleton
for 10 years, and was with Ths Oregon
Dally Journal - for nearly two yeare,
going with he Paclflo. Northweet on
leaving The Journal He has been
known during 11 years of residence In
the state, as a cltlsen always Interested
In exploitation work. . ..
Regarding the policy of ths magaslne.
Mr. Lathrop said:
"Ths Paclflo Northwest as In ths
past will endeavor to carry to eastern
people the message of ths great oppor
tunities to be found here by the. home-
seeker. - Accurate Information will be
given and substantial assistances
dared to ths-vaiious plans now In prog
ress for the needed advertising of Ore
gon In the trans-montane region." -
BJlOOmO OF 103. .
"Hops ars looking particularly well
this year," said Albert T. Ray, a prom
inent dealer this morning. "My ad
vices ssy ths prospects in Nsw Tork ars
for 10.000. bales of hops more then last
year, making a total for this season of
76.000 bales. . Washington will produos
about 15,000, California 66,000 and Ore
gon 15,000. This will msks ths yield
sbout ths sams on this coast as It was
last year, or an increass- in the United
States of 10,000 bales and a total crop
of 100,000 bales.
"The -crop in Germany.' Bohemia and
other portions of ths continental bureau
Is much better than last season, and the
outlook for a crop in England is said to
be good for 560,000 cwt. This, if real
ised, would be an Increase of 125,000
cwt. equal to about 160,000 American
bales. They have, however, a severe at
tack of lice which may cut down this
estimate. And If the dry weather con
tinues In Orsgon It is likely that the
crop in this ststs will also be materially
reduced. At the present time there are
about 4,000 bales of hops on hand on
this coast, owned mostly by deslers snd
eastern brewers who are holding them
either In ths expectation of -a ralss in
the market or for ths convenience of
storage. Bales of the 1004 crop are
being made m the sast at It and 10
cents. There is contract
ing being dons In this state at the pres
ent time, the farmers preferring to await
the outcome of the crop.
- "Nearly ths entire wool clip of the
ststs of Oregon, both In the valleys and
esst of ths mountains, has been elesned
up at prices ranging several cents above
Isst sesson. There Is still a consider
able quantity at Bhanlko which will
probably be sold at auction during the
month.", , -
To Oregon City and Canemah Park
by Trolley. '
Sunday round-trip rate 21 cents Cars
with open trailers svery 10 minutes.
Muslo snd dancing at the pavilion.
Plenty of seats, swings and tables free
for uee of picnickers. Tickets at First
snd Alder snd . Hawthorns and Grand
Midsummer Sale
cf all this season's styles
all the new leathers in
Our priest art ths lowest .
Vtmduyi. d Walton
nut - rxTTZM,
170 Wasataftea St, bet S4 and 4th.
Don't Wait Until It Is Too Late
--: ' TO BUY THAT.'..
XV . Til mir niOl a Diamond Is ths only luxury that does
not deteriorate: Being the hsrdest known mineral it . will look as
wstl 15 yesrs hence as today. Therefore you need not feel that it
is throwing money away to buy one as Its beauty and quality are last-
; lng. . . . . . . ,
XJT m tlOOID VXAOa Diamonds hsv been steadily 'advancing
- In price for the past two years. Another rise is scheduled . before
fall. This mskns them a splendid Investment No -other precious
tons offers trtseme. inducement for the. buyer that ths diamond,
does. We have tlfem as low as 1.50 and as high as yoa cars to go.
V Those 20th Century Cut Diamonds---
That we hsvs been showing are the talk of the town. We have sold
.a number of them to perttoularpeople who wanted-
Than ths ordinary-cut, stones.- Don't neglect to sea them before you
buy. , .,' : '
390 Morrlgon Street .; Near Fifth Stroest
rtwo vomnm inaui rrrpiz.1
nr tn mx boxook tottms
. TAJCI bttddxbxt aJto Urn-
""Flaring "posters "and black headlines
call them ths "famous Mart ells." .but
hers In Portland they are known as
Warren and Emma Blaney. For It was
here that they . 'were born and raised,
went to school together,- were childish
sweethearts," learned to ride a bicycle
snd were afterwards married, becoming
two of the world's greatest trick blcycls
In a few years to rise from a "nswsy."
earning a few dollars a week by scream'
lng In people's ears ori ths streets, to sn
almost princely income for performing
daring feats on a wheel, is no small ac
complishment This lsi wrhst Warren
Blaney has dons. Hs is only 16 years
of age.
Both, hs and his wife were born in
Portland and lived hers until they be
came professional characters. As a girl
Mrs. Blsney was Emma Croutch and at
tended the Park school in this city.
Toung Blaney also attsnded the school
when he hsd tlms to spsrs .' from his
duties ss newsboy snd meesenger. Then
: j 1
MONDAY we'll start the third week of our Great
, should not delay their purchases
85 RoHs
Brussels Carpets
Zvery .yard ef which earn to as lass
than 60 days ago.
ROOM SIZE RtlOS, made from very fine quality
BrusselaSh-iklng Oriental snd florqj,
AXMINSTKR BUOS, deep, soft, silky pile; bright.
ncn, nawmi oesigns, in notn singis
colors, fit for ssy parlor; slsa
10-0, Sa sis xll
Qualities up to the StandardPrices the
Lowest yetTerms tho Easiest Possible
they attended . Fred . Merrill's bicycle
sea demy, where the youth of Portland
were taught to ride a. wheel. The quon
dam bicycle . Instructor Is a councilman
now. .'". ', ... '-' -V--;...'. .'
Blaney soon learned a few tricks that
caused a ripple of astonishment among
those who saw ths acta - Emboldened by
his success, hs eesaysd mors daring and
difficult feats snd did them successfully.
The girl followed the lesd of her youth'
ful sweetheart and also learnt 'to ride.
Soon she bees me ss proficient "S hs in
the manipulation of a wheel and the
combined acts of both took ths breath
swsy from -relatives -and frlneds who
witnessed them, ' ,
' Eight years sgo thsy' became profes
sionals and sines that tlms havr traveled
throughout the world, amuelng and
thrilling people of every nation by their
performances. They were In Portland In
1S97 whan the atata fair wss In progress
at Salem and were at that time mar
ried. -. .1 -
They reached Portland 10 months ago
snd now there sre "Three Famous Mar
tells." . Ths little one that was born
sines their arrival lias not learned to
ride a wheel, yet but is expected to be
able to take a mount in the courss of a
few weeks. The Matells havs appeared
at a local theater during thelr engage
ment in this city and havs slwsys been
smong the chief sttrsctlons at thSLplace,
They leave this city Mondsy .for Seattle.
Bistsr Mary of ths Assumption died
at the Bt Mary's academy at 6:0
o'clock Friday evening. She was ons of
ths most widely known sisters of her
order In this seotlon of the country,
having been engaged in Christian edu
cation throughout this stats and Wash
ington for. mors than 40 years. Through
her untiring efforts many of ths insti
tutions under ths supervision of ths
Bisters of the Holy Names have been
erected, her last work having been lbs
establishment qf ths Holy Names acad
emy at Spokane, Wash. ,
Deceased, was. a natlvs .of Canada.
ana cams 10 uregon in April, 1804, and
has spsnt her time sines then in this
stats snd in Washington. Shs was 70
years of ago and for 64 years sngaged
In religious 1 work. -It wss only Isst
August thst shs celebrated the golden
Jubilee of her advent into . the slater
hood. '
Funersl services will. take place to
morrow morning, at Bt. Mary's chapel
and on Tuesday ths body will be taken
to 8t-FauL-Or., where they will be
placed In the mortuary- vault of ths
community of Holy Names.
A Pioneer Drug Store. '
Ths drug wtors with 40' years of busi
ness experience to Its credit Is some
thing of a rarety these days. -Woodard,
Clarks V Co, of this city are now round
ing out two generations of successful
drug selling.
Their store, originally located at
Front and Alder streets In ths esrly
10 s, was ths center of retell .drug
trada In those days snd their third
change, ths last to Fourth and Wash
ington streets, has maintained Its su
premacy. They hsvs seen their work
ing fore grow from Ave men to 140
people and their stors todsy is a busy
htvs of industry.
Their prescription department Is a
model for the largest eastern storss,
thslr dispensing fores being composed
of men whoss sxperlence and skill In
this very exacting and responsible call
ing ars' unquestioned.
Physicians, not only of Portland, but I
combinations, newest
servlceabl weaves,
TAPESTRT BRUSSELS, high-grade special weave,'
nine - wire, faet color, beautiful patterns and de
cldedly stylish floor coverings, per . $1,00
TEN - WITtH TAPESTRT, best Carpet on th mar
ket, will wear about 15 years, fast colorings snd
elegant, effective designs, guaranteed. C 1 1 1
. per yard. ...,SeJ
VBLVET RUGS, Melton weave, high-ton colors,
deep pile, examples of loom cunning, soft to th
tread and pleasing to th eye; sis . Ofi
- xia only very special. , pJaVU
ana mum
t 40
It Pleases Us to
Please the Ladies
. Ws are 1 also pleased - when we
please ths gentlemen. But .
We Can't
Please People
Unless "given sn . opportunity.'
Just bring your linen to us this
week and see how, nicely we can
launder, starch and polish it for
you. We know yoi will .'praise
our work.
Union Laundry
7el Mala to. . .
Eyes Examlned-Glasses Fitted
"X, know X oaa pleas you."
- xn lAirr orncxAir.
Faxiors SOT Allsky Building.
77t Mo? Durable
"' ' For Sals
I, A. ICaXABKXT It CO, 111 First St
J. 3. XA9DSBX.T ....141 First Et
111 Grand Ava
The Calumet
- 14 Seventh street , . -
...Meals a la Carte...
From T a. m. to S p. m.
Delicious Dinner ,
From 430 to p. m. for .
50 cents '
those within communication of the city
have learned to rely upon them for
their requirements, both In medicines,
surgical instruments snd supplies.
- S. Chambers. Optician.
Wholessls and retail. 119 Seventh Bt
lit T7T V - - -Mtm. Sa tm.Jm.M J.
Carpet Sale, and people with an eye to economy
longer. We offer for next week ' , .
CARPETS, strlklhg-oolor
patterns snd most A
per yard
W Down on J!00 Worth. W Down oa W Worth. $1 Down on $19 Worth.
"The Store Where Your Cr: :l ! f
Blue Mountain
fob . na mirain abb
. cuma of
:.. Sanatorium treatment is i tha
ideal and ' only successful treat
ment for tuberculosis. It con
sists principally-of life li the
open air. rest forced feeding, hydro-therapy
snd massage. The
baths at this Institution sre sup-'
plied from natural hot mineral
springs, ths waters of which ex
ert a marked curative influence.
Patients from ths west side of the
mountains sre especially benefited
by the change of climate. '" The dry
air of.eaetern Oregon and 1,(00
feet of altitude stimulate the ap
petite and improve nutrition.
, Xunrslow re tea aa ths O. Bt ft
W. Co. Buy .. tickets to Ing
ham Springs. . - Address by mail.
; oxBaoav obboosv :
Boston Painless Dentists.
Will 'make special low school rates in!
order that all school children may come
and havs thslr teeth cared for during
vacation, L
These aretTie only dentists In Port
lsnd having the late botanical discovery
to spply to the gums for Palnlees Ex
tracting. Filling and Crowning Teeth,;
"and guaranteed for ten years. ,
Extractin( .......FREE
Silver Flilini......J5e
Gold Filling 75c
Cold Crowu.....43.M!
Foil Jet sfh
IIwmi and -Brldjra Work at bnr.
toiiees a specialty. . Our Patent Double
Bnotlom will hold your teeth ap.
o STtrDS-rrs.
Come in at once and take advantage of
low rates. All work done by epeolallsts '
without pain and guaranteed . for It
yeara -. '.- .
Boston Painless Dentists
Fifth and Morrison streets, sntrancs
mtt Uorrison.
Estsblishsd In lit. Open all ths year.
Private or class instruction. Thousands
of graduates in positions; opportunities.
constsntly occurring. It pays to attend
our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc..
frea. ... 1 , ' , ' .
A. f. AK-rsTmoxra. UUM FmnczFAX.
The neet tpumttmr ranrt on tb. North Papilla
Coa.t. - It eonaUta of MOO im with satural
grove, pure .pring w.trr, .Iriant golf srouixl.. '
teoala court and croquet sround. boating, S.h
lng, banting and On. wrf bathing. The hotel
but beB .n tl rely naorated and Dc alrtewalk.
throaaboQt th. perk. Telegraph and telephone I
In hotel. For rate, and accnmsKXtatlon. a.i'lr ,'
to P. II. SCHCLUEBMAN, Mgr., Oearhart. Or. 1
scoTr.!::a syru?
has town seed by Mnilonaof Mother, for tbetr
fblldrtin while Teething tor over Fifty Tears,
t aootoee the ehlld, wrtens the guma, all.ya
all paia. eurea wind euiid, sad Is ths beat
SSBieiy ror atarrnva
All new, rich and deslrabla patterns,
suitable for parlors, dining -rooms, halls
15c to 25c
a yard less
. forma figure for Ilk sa'alitlea.