r--... L 11 THE? OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY- 17. 1004. 18 I Just a Moment, Please Is there anything you want Looking for a neat ooUsaeT Certainly! On on Halaey Btreat, near Nln.to.nfh; rent 110: bath. vard. ate. Slse? Wall, look at the advartlaement tinder 'For Rent Houaea." B tha way. If that doaen ault you, aak Journal Want Columns about others. Lars numbejr always on Oh! Tou want to buy a newspaper fit cniirae wou'll find ona advertised! u der "Business Chsncea." Bright futura prospects and will bear Investigation- Interested In raei estate,' are you? "Would a lot In AlMna ault you? There's a wood daal of property In many jocan tins advertised under "For Bale Real Estate," V -itt Alder" and "fine home cooking-" the beginning; and ending- of an ad. under Vnr Rent Furnished Rooms." Good ' combination, isn't ItT ' Head the "Furnished Rooms" an! "Rooms with Board" ads. very carefully they'll tntereat you. . "J. If has a rare offer to make under Wanted Mlscellaneoue,'' - Notice) what Want, to but "any puppies?' Soma ad vertised for sale under "jror aia ania eellansous." ',.,'.'. . T-'A-Tood hanca to et a $10 dress ault la offered under tha same neaaing. wm : take A trade, yV "'""-,:- Tha "Lost and Found" classification contains soma ' interesting; advertise- menta. . Have you .read them? If you want work, don't fall to read tha "Help Wanted" ads. Soma good po sitions offered among them. Remember. "Situations Wanted" ad ertlsements are published two days free of charge. Brine; In your ads. - Always he a are to advertise you "Waats" la Journal want columns tney reach the people who yoa are looking i to. nusTix'i salx ey Bajrziirm.?sov- - . . - MIT. Notice Is hereby riven that la eomntlance with . aa order of the United states District Ceort .for the Western District of Washlagtou, ta the mat tar of 8. O. Jones, bankrupt, mads and entered en the 13th day ef July, 1904. I will receive sealed-bids for the Stock el merehen dlae et the eald B. Q. Jonee" asttts, consisting ef mini mercbsndtst appraised at 87,600. 24 situated la WeshougsL In CUrks County, Stats et Washington, end alee for the store building and outbuildings adjacent th to. together with lease of ground apoa hlrh ald bulld- : loss stand belonging to tha Mid estate and annate. ie otoes is or tno mi as wasnougsi. Clark. County. Washington. ' Hidi should be mads apsa the stock and buildings separately and will be opened at Bay effloe la Vancouver. Clarke Oouuty. Washington, ea the 80th day of July, 1804, at 10 o'clock a. Invoice ef the said atock may be eaea at any office, or at the office of R. L. Babin. ear ner of rust and Ankewr atreeta. Portland. Or., sad the stork may be inspected by applica tion to Mr. WIU Berger or waanoogai at any tuna nrior to too said aula aar et loir. iwu. Right ta accept or reject aay ar all blda geservsd. Fall Dsrtleulars saoa appucetioB. Salsa for eaah or approved ecsiity. Blda Boat be accompanied by certified check far 20 per cent ei Did. . DONALD VrMASTER, Tmatco of the Bankrupt Batata of g. O. Jones IXPEBT WAHTED. Notice la hereby irtTea that ald Mds will be roreivrd by. Crook Oonnty, Washington, for in eiportlng of tne offtcra booka ef eald eLantT for tha six rears endlnc July 1. 1904. Blda to be In and opened and contract awarded after September 7, IDod, at 11 s clock a n. The ceort raaarraa the right ta reject any and an bios. Dona by order of the County Ceort et Greek Cfcnnty, Oncoa, July 8. 1B04. Witness my band and the seal ef aald court tela fuh day ef July. ISO. (8aL) J. J. gMITH. Clerk. " norosaiB. . ' Propoaala win be lnrlted for the fnrnlah. Ing or two Sno-galkiDa-per-nilnnte rotary rampe with pipes, apaclala and attlnra, lor tns Lewis sad Clark Oenteonlal Kiposltloa. . Plana and nM4ncatloaui for hb. m rm aai flla la taa at- Sm m lia,.a of arnrka who will eateelw hltSi sp to 12 o'clock noon. Monday, July-18, IBOi. .... aRocxHOLSzmr atrjTnio. The annua V .suiting of the stockholders ef laa Title wnaranu at 'iron uompany will ea held at the efnce of the company la the Cham ber ef Commerce building, Portland, Oregon, oa Taesday, July 2, 11KH. at S:30 p; m. . T. T. BDKKHAET, gecrstarr. OPEN TO DAT. Ship to Bufby Quarry tonlrtat,: laborer!, tntarrymaa. . gaaara hands. (2.2S. FBEB 4 quaxrynMn, plug Bad feather work. W WOOD! gAWMTXLS. " ' " -Donkey englnear. 2.Tft; bUckamlth, S3; backers, 12.00; rollway aiea, f2.A0; rlsrlng ruatiara, z.eu; ewanperr, Sa-au; aawmiu hands, 1 timber pliers, t: 4V B gome part free fare. U outalde laborers, large niaaafactBrlng BANRRN'B gMPLOTHBNT Omci, as norta Becend at-, near xurnalde. THN OLD, reliable Eagle Employment Bweaa, S04 Ooodnooch block, erer Journal ofBce. eoa- - sectloas In all eaaters dtlas, dose tmalaeaa wltb reliable Inatlfhtlona. We kelp yoa '. eecura eood aoaltlone and hcln onraelvM la do. tng ao. No one but reliable people reaiatsred. Want today: Bookkeeper and staooerapner, fno ta aUrt with; general ators aalesmaa. gdS: man and wife tor ebtnsle. mill; farm hands, $30; farm hands, H ear day..1 Lots of work at all klnda. apECIAU t planar feeders, gas and board; S gremea. . gM to $35 and board; d mill hands. $30 and : board: I ahlnsle mill laborera. $nn and board; . 10 mill and yard hand. $26 and board: d bos 1 factory hands. $20 to $26 and board. FARES ADVANCED. For Big Mill North. Open "Today. HANSKN g EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, i 2d North gecond at., sear Burnald. . BARBEB trade tauxbt by ear new met nod. which enables student to ears wagea whlla ' learning. (11 or addrasa for free cata)ogna, AMF.RIPAN BABBER COLLIOg CO., No. 4 North SUth at. i KILLF.D - AND UNSKI1XKO LABOR of an dVerrlptlens,- promptly auppued. free ef eharse to employers. , HANSEN'B EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 3d North Second street, near Burnalde. WANTED Biirht roans men to learn to drees windows and write show cards for SMrcsana)' displays g tl. ears JoamsL' " WANTEO A mas with M0 to Inreat to aaew Ing boalnaaa. Address J 11, Journal. HELP WAMTZD BLAXI OB FXXAI.X. WANTED Erperlenced awe and Udlee Is- all clerical linos are moat earnestly requested to call and see what wa hare to offer; ae chares lor Mistering. . CLfcltEH' REOIBTRATION BOBEATJf. - - gng Merrlaoa St., roome jog-god. . IF YOU are eat of work, end tSe ta the St. Jobne Supply House, St. Johna. Or., and they will aend full outfit and atari yoa right. TTVAriOBB WANTED MALX. A BOFIRR, reliable roan of tl wants work aa teamaier or driver with wholesale kouas or delirery wasa; references and security If desired. Address J 2, Journal. WANTED Position aa stationary snglnser or engineer with threshing crew, or a Srst . class, all-around machinist Addreaa Box -Siw, Oregon City. Or." COACHMAN and useful mas wante ettaattoa: Is a aooer, careful driver; willing nad obllg- , lnc; No.. 1 yvferearea glrea, Address i i. Journal. - WANTED pnaltloa as bookkeensc; ployed; want te make change; beat . refcr- i a. care journal. WANTT.D Opportunity ta and basement basbieea. JoaroaU s - " ; . leers erment Addreaa N. a. walk ears WANTfH Oetiersl snosecleantag snd B VdS . af jaaMot a ark. I iX. ears Jewaaiai ' BELT WANTED aTMitB, WANTED go Brlrkt school jrlrls. Apply Monday nwrnlng e clock at xe ata au WAITRKKS. conntrr, $S, board and room, tree fare; cook, family of t, city. $30; cook for country. $.V); waitress, aeaalde. $2B. AU klnda of work at top wagea. Want aura. Wfimeat eee-latered' fn-e Cor domestic ac elerl. ' cal positions. Eagle Kmiloyment Bursas, 204 Uoodnousk olona. t'oooe Mala eww. XAPIEB. I will teach yoa a good business; yoa will be Independent: yoa rsn make from $S to an per day. sena Hie surer tor run par ticulars, St. Johns Supply House, -Bt.. Joans, Or. WANTED Neat rlrl to . aaalat with house work and children In email ramity. '. u Hall at., phone Main' 0S1. Mt'LT.NOMAH Bt'RKAb wants aU klnda of fe male help; good places walling, to washing ton Mdg. - ' " t WANTED tvmonatrator (lady) In drug store. Address wits rererrnces i T, care journal. WANTED Ooog tadlas1 clothes rrooers at Cnloa Laiunary ua., accoea ana toianpu. WANTED A housekeeper for t Sea a, . Address r tx, care joornai. s i asaj i i, 'ii i:srsc glTPATIONg WANTID FEMALB. 81TCATION wanted- by a girl Id yeara old la a' ramlly Where ane ran aaam in general housework ; good references. Address U. Petersoa, 1M2 Psanluaular are,, city. WANTED PoaltloB to aratlaas rooming house. doing chamber work. Address N 1. care Journal, or pbeo Mala .8824 after Monday. WANTED By-wosisa and 1 children, vosltloa ss honaekeopar la tw country. AOOrese i Id. cars Joursal. 1 ZBTFLOYMXNT AOrNOIZB. WILLAMETTB BmpMyment Real Batata Co., isl Morrison and Tl North Bllth; kargssi and beat list of rasl estate and Mhar ea 183 Morrison and North Bllth; Isrgssl Paclfle coast; mall ocdera souclted. HELP et all descriptions furnished sawmills. lonrlng ramps, factories, free as employ A loins Kmnlorment AseSry 1U first at, Phoae Mala 11T. MALI help of all descriptions for sU Industries rmptir supniiea rree oi easrge is empwrsr. B, HANSEN, Jr 20 N. Second at. Phone Mala lo2. WE fnrnlah aU .kinds of mala help ea abort WILLIAMS B01TIH. Phone Bed 151. 28Va North Uwnad at LADIES Positions- secured and female help furnlanad. The Oregon Woman a sanpioy-H Sient .Agessy, V AUaky building. Phone Clay ei2. AMERICAN Empleymeat Agency. Help sf sll kinds rurnlahed oa short notice; mall oraers promptly attended to. 28 N. td St. Mala tllg. LADIES dean-Ira; help and.siria aeeklng sttsa- tlone, cau at St. Loula Ladles' asency. room e, Viuy, Yamhill st. Phone BUch tMSL FOR LADIES ONLY. ' . PORTLAND Women's Employment Company, SIS Allaky, ear. &d and Morrlaoa. Bed S08T. IAPANE8B Kmpkryinent Agency roralahea i mestles, raiwihanaa, ata, sv aani auta Phoae Clay tut. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO.. Labor contra. tors; help free to snjployara. XI o WORK for. men. sica HANSEN'S OFFICB. SS North Second at. WA1TTXDT0 BENT, IF 1 TOD hsre a good room to rent for eslmsk Dun area or newiing in this city or eiaewnere write as; ws will -make no charts for Ind ia yoa a good tenant; hare gamut ana appli cations oa file, TUB BRUN8WTCK-BALX1-C0LLENDBB 00. 48 Third St.. Portland. YOUNO mas wants room and board" la qalet. resncd family; permanent; girn ruu, par ticulars. Addreaa J B, care Jonnutl. ; WANTED Hoaaes for rent. Roam B, Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTEr-MBCELLABTOTTB. GOOD price peld for boot aad shoe "Be cocders rrom Marcs, ua to recroary, -oe, Addrasa J 10. Journal. WANTED Black cockerel mals dog; glre par- ucaiara lo a l. cars eoarnai. WANTED A m od bicycle ; state care Journal. make and price. J Id. WANTED AGENTS. CORMPBTENT agents to sell the new com- blnatloa lira, accident ana health poucies. Issued exclusively by the OonssriatlTe Life Insurance company. Holds the world's rec ord ; d years old; Insurance la fores, 'Jb. 000.000. Assets. $l.r00.000. Now writing $1,&00,000 of Insurance .per month In Califor nia. Liberal renewal agency contract, direct wltb ' horns office. RepreeeatatlTss making big monoy and building life Income. Call or addreaa the company, (eoodDOOgh bldg.. Port land. ' WANTED Bereral good - agents, ladlaa or rents; arse eommisaionj good seller. ei Brerett, between 8 sad 11 a. m., or after T p. m. ' FOB BENT HOtjgEKEXPINa BOOMS. $1.T PER WEEK Largs. - clean, rurnlahed sousesseping room, wito nss et tauaary, pain, nhone; ales cheap furalsbed eoltagaa. J. Landlgsa, 1S4 Shermaa. Phoae OUy St. - SUCH WASHINGTON Furnished and rurnianea Douseaeeping suitca loo roe; alee eleaplng-rooms, Tory rei FOR RENT Housekeeping rooma; cool brick building; reaeoaabie raiea; electric ug ana water Included. Soltt Water st. SUITES of rurnlahed housekeeping front rooma for rent. $10 per month at cor. SU teenth aad Pettygrore. ROOMS, gaa range, aew furniture; very de sirable; rent reasonable ; feferenoaa; pores la In bath. M Fifth au 114 CLAY AIcots nnd kitchen. fur- afned; aiae urae eestraL ea Drat CNFCBNI8HBD housekeeping rooms la pri vate family; good location. . Ml Washing ton at, LADY' leaving' the city will rent lower floor cheap tn carerui tenants, en a. Hornaoa. FOUR modern, clean, convenient housekeeping Toons, unfurnished. - ess 7th at. CLIKTON, eor, let and Columbia , Ing suites; reasesahle prices. ,n 1 1 1 " 1 BOUSES FOB RENT FURNITURE FOB SALE, NEAT high-elsssed furniture of a 4-roomed cottage: rent $11.00; hot and cold water, bath. etc. 19 Beat Ash. FOB BENT BOUSES. RENTAL AGENCY of J. L. Wells Co.. 04 wand eve. We make a specialty at rentlsg bouses and collecting oa eaat aide; charges reasonable. Phone Union IMS. NEW. modem, S-room h on see oa the eaat side, in a good location, $20, $2L $28. In quire of Hartmsu. Tnompaea . et Powers, s, vnamner ei ti FOR BENT Large t-ronm boose H block from ivue lair gronnoa. inquire. 4 East Sixth at., North. FOR BENT 10-ROOM bouse, newly furnished. furniture for aale reasonable: everything la t rat-class condition-. Hood SdT. tog FOURTH, comfortable S-room. hard-finished bouse; good condition; $10 to peraiaaeat tenant, call atteri FOR rest or sale, loll Wllllsma avenue, S-room . kooas, all mooera eoevenlencee. , Apply Jobs . Bala. 224 Stark st. ' NEW, tnndvrn, T and a-roow bouses. No. BAl and BftH johnana at. inqsira S4T Johi , t aone aast - LADY going away will rent nice lower Boer cheap te earefal tenants. 487 . Morrison. NEAT cottage, OHS htalaey i S rooma; hath, rsa, etc. yard, it., aaar lata; $20. S-ROOM noose almost new. tIS saoath, . K. Blark. Phone Union 161. - T4T FOR BENT Famished $ -reem boos a. UP North ZWaBtz-umg fa, i i - ' ..(' - - r' - '- -p -'' .- ' . , ' a . . ,' .. ' ''. . ' . 1 ' ' DOES IT PAY ; TO ADVERTISE IN THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL? .' IT DOES! , . " ' One young man, working ip the city, wanting to find private family where he might do chores for board and room, advertised in The Sunday Journal and found a nice, home and a new position. All through one little 25 cent advertisement - , . 7 . ; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, t-- City ' . .,; . ;.' ; r Gentlemen x ;Ar:.':::'' ' ' ( I wish to express my appreciation for what the , following little want . ad, when placed in the classified columns of your papert did for mex'v , As' a result of placing this advertisement in your ' paper I have a good home and have accepted a position with the Keystone View Company, . v .. Respectfully. ' . . ' -. ' ' :'::v':. ' ' , GEO. E. BINGHAM. ' , , . . ' (Formerly with Ballard & Lee.) FOB BEBT FTBBIBHED BOOMS. BOOMS ROOMS BOOMS. ALL PABTS0F TBB CITT. Beet people la city list with as. . Phone Red SnilS. . INVKHT1UATB. TBB LEWIS CLARK HOOMINO BUREAU. (Original.) UHak Muhawk bldg. TRB MBWIAND. S0n First at, phone day an - Why go ta aeme cheap lodrlnf boose when Sm can go, to the NgWLAND end get all e comforte et home; nice hair mattraaaea, slectrie lights, gas snd bath, at the aame price; one call mesne another. ' THE KEWLAND. BOdtt First at. Phone Clay 171. THB LINCOLN," dOB Morrison, oar. 11th New brick, elegant, famished, sunsy rooms ; all modern conveniences; tourists and travel ing maa solicited. Mrs, T. D. Hughes. Prop. FOR BENT Nicely fa ml abed rooms la strictly modern bense, new furniture, very reasonable rent, fine location. BOB Water St., bsC Mill and Montgomery. a . WANTED Gentlemen to room' and board tor the anmmeei nrlvate hema: modern eoaven ' lencce: eaar walking dlataace. Phoae Mala 4124, 437 8rd St. BITEB8IDB HOTEL, S4S Bast Oak Furnished and unfurnished roome, single and ea suite: lcdclnae SI Per week and up. Phoae Scott $84. . S NICELT fnrnlabed rooms, private family; ecnvenlcncea: rent reasonable; board after August 90. SS North Eighteenth, eor. Obach. THE BUBT. SSlVh Alder. Bear Third New . hrlelr Knlldtne. stew well furnished 3.60 to ft per week; tranelenta 60s te 11. LAHQB, wall farnlshcd room, suitable for one or tw.) all convenlencea. Be uamaoa at, $8 par BJoeth. Apply at eace.-- PLEASANT maa and ' tlon. 221 furnished with board for Ma; ssatral loca rife or S getitlel Thirteenth at. PLEASANT furnished room; good central lo cation : private family; soluble one or two gentle wen. Bug 18th at. TBB OOBMOS Soatheast cor. Fourth and Mor rison) quiet, clean and eomferUble rooma ta-Ot per week and ti,-ward. " FURNISHED, large front rooma, alngle or ea suits; gas and bath; with privileges. Phone Bed sea. a2S ALDER, nicely furnished rooma' oa Brat Boor, Urge and pleasant; Boa borne cooking. THB TEM PUP Large, nicely furnished rooma I reasons ble. S4SM TamhlU at., eor Bsvsnth. LA ROB front room; private family) neighborhood; near can. 2BB Oraat at. THB CASTLB gTS Waahtngtea st-t roome for geutleiuen; transient. leit-aaeiarssxe. FOB BENT S newly furalsbed rooma; sea ef bath and telephone, SAO Oooeh at. FOB BENT One or two roome; board next door; reasons ble. BSS Flanders st. FURNISHED room, private family) bath) B per month, 290 Columbia st. S14 CLAT Small, neatly fnrnlabed aleeplag room; gaa; phone; eentral; Id. FUBNI8HKD wltb or without hoard, at BD4H Park st. Msln tSOS. BOB BXBT BFTUBBISHID BOOMS. XOB BENT Two large unfurnished huuei . . e..n - - lu . Seeping roome. m ew eM eajp BOOMS WTm B0ABB. . NEW BPSSBLL-8TBEET BESTATJBANT will open today . with aa excellent dinner net ween B and T:80 p. m. ." .. k American or European plan. ResuUr meals Xe. COMB AND TBT IT, . 231 BoaeeU at. . NEWLY furnished front alcove: also side w,m. arith flral-rlasa borne conking able; modern eoavanlencee. 602 Clay! 19th at. BOARD with rooma, well fnmlhed: conveniences; taoie nonro. S21 Ihlrteentb St. ELEGANT fnrnlabed roome aad cheap hoard yoa will Snd at 869 Hood at TABL1 BOARS. TARLB board, home rocking, I3S Eleventh St.. eor Alder. I I I I I ' ' ' 1 r-TTTT BOB BEBT STORES, HALF storeroom la Sna location ea Beat street la tha rtty. CROSS SHAW. . Beal Estate and Investments. 3 Waablngtoa at, FINB. new store for groceries or general mer chandise; oc rare, uu ana see store n . Stewart Station, Monnt Scott care line. , LOST A llrht-welrht Pointer bitch, whits end lemon color. Return to W. F. Bnrrsll, No. T 1st st. 61 TT7T R ft ST. Large Store tor feht. laawlre en Third at. SZASISS BZS0BTB. BHITEHOHBE RESTAURANT AND BAKERT Long Reach, Week., open July 1, Mrs. O. F. Wbltehooas. prop.; hones eaoklng; meala at all kours rooma new and clean; reaeoaabie rates; 1 block south of depot, inquire 441 Bsxselde, irbeas Mala aeVa, v " . .. ' .. iv '' . Portland, Ore., July 15, 1904. TOt'NO maa et good ehsrsetrr, . working la elta, wishes ' to cere, fur horse or cow and so other chores tor privets family la ex change for bogrd and room; permanent; beat of references. Addreaa F 11. care Journal, BOB IITT BliT, ESTATB. FINB aew houseboat, 94x66, T good rooma, Crch all around, over 700 feet ef wire cable, t. I2B0 and gSOO of new' farnltore, good row host and yachts,-one Bne aew one, two - Urge pontoons, thla fine outfit can -be had for leas than tt Its real value. Boomlng-houee of 29 rooma; It sete aver 40 for owaer after paring another party for earing for It; price, 11.000. EQI ITTf BEAL ESTATB, 84 Bsst Moralsea st, FOB 8 A LB. : A MODEBN T-room hooea, corner lot I00 feet , square; alley in rear, at University Park; 9 blot-ka from new city park; 1 block from Dew street car line. T60 cash, balance on time te ault purchaser. Call en owner, SIS Chamber ef Commerce, for terms sad See photo ef premie ea. BEAUTIFUL horns, ' S seres fenced; good house; bora; city water; BOO bearing fruit trees; near school; ao Incombrance; very reasonable; f2.B00; easy terme. Apply owner, Mrs. Royal, mlU east garrison. Vancouver, rt Ban. .... ALBINA PROPERTY FOB RALE Lot centrally Iocs ted. 4 blocks from docks. near Russell st. ; sa estate to aettls; must be sold at once. Addreaa E. J. CoUlna, Dafur, Wasea county, Oregon, DON'T MIS8 THIS BABOAIN Ijirge t-room boose and bare ea Quarter . block fronting oa Best Taylor, corner of . 4.led at; Baa fruit trees snd shrubbery. In quire of owner oa premises. FOB SALE S-room cottage, large lot, cherries. pears, plums, blackberries, raspberries, cur rants, strawberries, tardea, cnickenyard, etc.. 1,600; gsoo down. Pa lance gai atonta. . 140tt Third at. A FINB PLACE I TtrTJBBl sBUUaaaw BJ,HU M'm CM WW, t'rtsxjKSf irrgamj ear Una. 1.8i0. Inquire at 880 Bast Wash ington at- Fhena Bast mo. FOR BALE Cheap, lot B, block S. Mount Tabor Villa annex; alao lot 9, block 8, Cen ter addition. Phone Mala 444. Address 2 Second at. NEW. modern, 9-story. S-room house at Mrmta- villa, gi, no. Apply or owner oa premises. Spencer st, block from Monunile car, portiaaa. -BOOM cottage and S-room house, both aew ana moaern, la wiiuame Avenne tract, cheap If taken this week; cash or easy terms. 804 - ivy at. FOR farms, seres re, city property, ehelee tim ber and homestead Iocs t lone, aes Marwelj j vs., miw avowgioa mag., rortuaa, sare. S ACRES and a 4 -room bouse. Urge hern, all iom, s iwt" irom car line; price, gl.400. aorai, room a, namiitoa bldg. 1-ACRB. large house. 1 block from cat-Hna. hi; price. l.O0; terms agreed. W. W. ESPET. room 1, Hamilton bldg. T-ROOM cottage. No, 04 Corbett at, with Una , , u.iu, r' muiuu lees; rem pio per month. Inquire Frank Hac honey, B40 Corbett st FOR SALE. tl.oOO 6-mc-m rnttare. L-.ee im. 10 feet, 1 block east of Wood lawn ear. In. outre at boose, SM Shaver at. MARSHALL ST., faU lot, beet location, 11,260. Buy from owner. ' CBOCKERS. 418 Abtngtoa bldg. ROOJ bouse with pantry and good basement; "'"' mmwom .wo UDIOO BVO., OTlO- 9 MODERN, "new houses, 4 sad rooms. Sll v poone owner, Dcort OVOS, BOB SAUte-MlBCXIXABlOTT. IEWIN0 machines) 100 Bne machine slightly damaged at very low prices; Blnger, , U. B Domestic, White. New Borne, Olds Etna! WllUmette. Wheeler A Wllaoa and etbera; ' acme sew drop-head maehlnee et taU.00. B. S. Slgel, 836 Morrlaoa st,, eor. its, Marquaai bldg., Portland, Ore. FOR SALE S-yesr-old Jersey boll from beet strains, uail i Haael rern herd, very gentle and handsome; alao 9 yearling heifers; all la fine condition; am looking for a good eow might exchange, or will aell cheap, aa I moat diapooe of them. J. M. RIEO, S54 Boas at, , LADY'S trunk, rocking chair, gaanllne lamp. piano stool, B-oay calendar clock, school charts, Uhlae, blackboards, etc. . Mornings B to 9 p. nr. ' SSS Second at. GENUINE HALL'S SAFES Only office in tha northwest, to Bllth at. Herriag-Hall-Marvla Safe company. Low ' prlcee on second-band aafea. V FOR SALE BHxSH screen. 160 lines to Inch, for half-tone work; cost 32; will sell cheap. Augustus Hesley. Woodlawa, Or. FOR SALE One yearling Jersey bull. Inquire of M. 8. Workmen, S miles south of Bearer- ton. Or. . FOR SALE New 2 piano for 220; part rash, balance (T-bO monthly. Phone Hood BICTCLR closing out sale; 10 Wolff-AmerV esse now $M. Seventh and Morrison sta. FOR SALS OB TRADE goo drew suit for 20; alae ST. I 8, Journal. COCKER spaniel popples for sale. M0 4th St. FOB BENT FLATS. FOB BENT A S-room, groaad-Soot Sat, , 484 Burnalde, eor. Eleventh et. Be. FOB BINT OFFICB BOOM, NEWLX furnished lodge halls; alao office for rent. Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrlaoa. DEf-K room, front office: telephone. Apply room 1, Ma mil tea bldg, 1U Third gt, - Busrxxsa chabcis. "BOOMINO-HOCSB HBADQUABTEBS.' ' TAFT CO. 125-d ABrNflTOl Br.rxr pnnwa Watw ins Buy your ROOMJNU-HOUSKS NOW and get ready for faU trade. Below Is s PARTIAL L1BT v. wui we uwa uwu SUll, 40 ROOMS Elegant furniture.; near Portland Hotel: steam heat, lease: clearing now over 9200 per month. Price. 88. 600. ST BOOMS Furniture No. 1. near A'ortland Hotel, furnace beat, hot and cold water In aiost ef rooms; rent right, with lease; now i. .. . a goea proat ana ua price as only IS BOOMS Hlgb-cla oi honsekeeplng, swell lo cation, furnished very Bne and complete; uiskmiik Buoney. r-nce only si, euu. 99 BOOMS Verr Snelr furnished, heat IneaMoet. atwaye full of hlgk-claea roomers, soaking " imvwt,. row, fa,ouu. 28 ROOMS On Washlncton at., brlrb balldlne doing aa A No. 1 bualneas. lona Uaae. rent only 960 per month; NET Income aver S200 per month. PBJCB 8.800. SS BOOMS Mostly housekeeping, doing excel- . erai ousincse. nicely rarniaaecL good lease, rent only MS per month. Price, S2,2U0. THIS 18 SliRELT A bnap. VW 10 BOOMS Near Portland Hotel, elegant bouse ana a sweu iocs t ion far renting rooms. , mm, e-yesr lease, 8 BOOMS 1st. on Park at. tnnA BOOMS House close In on Yamhill at.; for- oiiure very nne. rnce, fTtsj. S-ROOM house. North Fifteenth at.) farnltore elegant) rent 840. Price 8900. We caa make reasonable terms oa aay of tha SUVTVl , . business" chances. t CANDT STORE One of tha best bargains In - toe cicy, ea wasningmo at., very central; thla baa never been ea the market before; very Bne Hituree; low rent and good Uaae. rriov is.riguw RESTAURANT One of the heat la the etrr doing oa aa average of 860 per day; very central oa gooa o us i sees street ; good lease, rent rurht and nrlee -wsv down ' WB GUARANTEE ALL TITLES AND PROTECT JIU las AS WKL.L, AB BKLLKB, TAFT A CO. . 128-8 Abtngtoa bldg. 108H Third at sql' abb deal brokers. 120 tth st. phonb main 4080. c u hatha wat, manager. w"j ha vb all thb ' oooo buys in rooming houses. we can sate too money on ant h0usb wb sell tou. we can and do - protect ' both b titer and seller. . w'b submit a partial liht op snaps, wb have many OF THEM. No. a ii rooms, transient, oa 1st at, a snap tl.260. Nor 1020 rooms and bathr4th stf rent 180; - price 84T8. Ho. Pa IB roofna on corner, good furniture and - carpets; rent, l1. wlU lease of iV, yeara; a big snap for 81.860. No. BO A anap 'ls a 81-room boose, strictly sn Al location, aptown; elegant furniture; No. TT 89 rooms, corner oa 8th st, a money getter; part eaah; price. gOrOno. No. B722 rooma. all heusekeentne enltes - owner alck; orders te cat price from 2,000 to No. 7019 Booms and hath.......v...9 1,400 No. fee 21 Rooma and bath.... ,. 1 No. 66 8 Rooma and both. 600 No. 4710 Rooms snd bath. ....... .make offer No. 88 Rooms and nstb..... 226 No. 4014 Rooms and bath l.&no No. 176 Rooma and bath (elegant)., mono No. 468 Rooma and bath (elegant)., 30,000 No. M 46 Rooms and bath... 16,000 no. w a s-cnair barber a hop; rent. S8 per month: everything complete; building snd aU for 600. No. 100 8 -chair barber shop; rent S1T.S0: yon can pick thla op for I2r0. No, 001 A 4-ehelr barber shop; nptown. swell Mcatlon; big hualncea; cheap rent, (1.700. No. 101 A anap Is a cigar store) right Id towa: price. jjo. . No. 84 A email grocery snd . bakery: good trade; a pick-up. wo. No. 106 Bakery and dellcateeaeVi; rent 3; In. come .Tw.!. s"f per oay: ane atock and tares; good location; price far a quick - sale. 11,600. No. 108 A Bne as loon Mono No. 107 Swell bosrdlne hottee s'toa No. 108 An up-to-date boarding house... 2.260 no. itn ,o-more nouse ..,,,,,, g,6O0 No, 88 A snap, B rooms , goo FOR SALE BOA RDINa-rJOUSKS. Wa hare S Sna 1 IB-Roma hodrdtng-bonae on good eomer; rooms sn mil. ran can, pal. very assy; rent only 8100 ner month. 1 14 Room bnardlng-bnaae on eomer ; flne fnrnl- mrs, gnno mention, rent glBO per month. Yoa can bar thla rlsht. 18 large,, airy rooma, on corner; eaar walking distance; flne location; II rooms to be added, making a flne pen position, sad yoa Caa bnv thla bouse et a anao. SQUARE-DRAL BROKERS. ' . 129 Seventh at. 18STH REOULAR MONTHLT DITISIOIf OF PROFITS. Jnly 1. 1004, The Storey Cotton company (capital 100.000. surplus 9102. 180. 421. The Bourse. Philadelphia. Pa., thla day an nounced and neld to all customers ef record, a net profit of 2V4 per centum (21 per cent) en all fupda on deposit during June for In vestment so Meet to withdrawal on demand) end oa special time seoeanta s net profit of 24 per cent plus 9 per cent regular quarterly bonne. Cotton Investments ss thus operated present the beat, the aafest and moat profitable median now before the public. Booklets free. FOR BAt.K The fnrnltnre and lease of a Id. room hotel at St. Johna. Inquire ef n. C. I Rogers, with the Title Guarantee Trust I Company, St Jehaa, Org , v . - 4 TO BZOBAB08. MANUFACTUHINO BUS1NBH8, -. Partner wanted. This business will pay yoa 100 every month and amount required, 760, le muy secured. . SALOON. Corner la brick bulldlug. This Is a good lilacs and U always dolug business, pries l.ouO. T . - ' . PARTNER WANTED. Chance for tellable mau with ejUaVto buy business paying at every week. .Money secure. ATTENTION I We have the largest IUU of bualneas chances la the city, auiah ss groceries, lodg lug-bouses, feed stores, cigar stores, saloons, vfnee buslueaa la fsvt, any kind uf business yoa may want. and every ous open to your must thurougb Itt' vesugatlon before purchsae. . WEBTV KN LAND COMPANY. 24M) Stark at. BUSINESS CHANCES Bargains In rooa1ng hoasee, timber Uod, real eeute and general business chances csa be bed by visiting our ofncee and be ring our sew plan explained to yoa. Ws keep la touch with ousters cspl' ' tel. and If yoa want uuick' sales.' small oum m las Ions and good work cal at ths offices of toe i-cwis sna Clara AccuuiRKXiatios nureau, Claude M. Kasb, secretary, rooms 1, . a. iO, una niog. Phone Mala 4aVS, . 90 BOOM HOCBa ' For small hotel i new. mat completed. Sixteenth aad Ihurmaa, Apply J. K. UOORR Slxteaath and Tburmao. Apply J. B. Kogsrs, Wtf irst, near Stark. . A BUSINESS PROPOSITION . I have lO.ooo cords of good fir timber 10 miles, from city; bars good contracts and want parties to rurnisa money iur cutursj Address' ' 'lTa!!smSot h big returns. W SS, cars Journal. BROKEN lots of general merchandise wanted for auction purposes: wIlL buy-es hsndls -on 1 pereentage? prepared to move Urge stocks u .in , , ,uu uuiai, .ni evaMMie) eILf.i aaureaa w is, sour as l. . WEEKLY aewspsper la sou t hem Oregon .for . sale If sold by August, 1) 1.0 rash; doing good noeiuass snd rutnrs prospects srigat lnvestlgste. Address "Weekly. ' P 11, can journaL FOR RENT At The Dslles. Or., saloon. Includ lug Btturea. safe, etc.! flre-nroof brick build' 'Ing In goed bus loess location: vent reesoaabU to ngnt party. J 1. care Jour aai. WHAT have yoa to exchange aa full payment or pert payment for a Ufa Insurance policy in smpj ok uie largest oia una sumps nies ' Addreaa M..72, Journal. GENERAL mercbandlae store doing 2000 business per month, for sale; want to retire from business. Addreaa bog 114, Hocklneoo, Wash, 800 CIO A B and confectionery, with Ice cream ana living rooma. e.is irst st, Boatn rort Und. . Rent 88. Address N S, ears JoornsL 60 WILL boy a good real sstats boslneas If laaea soon: owner leaving eiry. inquire ln7Vk lit -St., room 14. Mamun e ersce, WILL nar 823' for Information ef good Iocs tion lor ateam wooasaw. vr. a. atc&sen. 1711 Eaat rirteentb at., fortuna, or. IF TOU have 8600 yoa can eecure half Inter. . est In a business that will pay yoa 160 to g?og month. Addreaa r 14, journal. WANTED Partner wltb 3,6O0 to lhvea$ Is gooa paying proposition noooiuieiy aaio. . ao dreee N 1. care Journal. .- r FOR SALES Established business paying good p routs, cnesp; gooa reasons xor sailing. Aa- ueo., care journal. WANTED For building 86.000 ' to 7.000 for 8 to B years Addreaa J S, Journal. - Srat-cUas security WANTED To buy an'aatabllahVd plumbing bawl. Bess or sn Interest la one. Adareea o so. care Journal. i CIOAR and confectionery for aale cheap; candy kitchen, uving-roome. iraaa. loa norta Bixtn, FOR S ALB Beal estate baslnesa with office Sxtnrea; good location, -J 17, care JoornsL CIOAR STORE A big bargain for 280; .fine. clean atock. Ton innrman at. BOB SALK FA&Ma. FARM WITH STOCK FOB SALE-. A beaatlful borne nicely located; good county rosd oa two sioes, i st mus rrom poatoiace, 9 mlloa from creamery, on mats of milk wagon takes milk dally to creamery; 120 arree excellent land. 2u aerea under enltl ratios, 40 seres good paatnre, 76 bearing fruit trees, n bearing grape vines, gooa nouse, barns, chicken house, fsrmlng Implements, horses, 8 hesd of cattle, 8 milch cows. 3d chickens. , . Price, gl, 880. Terms easy, Csll oa or addreaa. TAN BRE1T1UAM, La Center, Wash. 8-ACRS ehiekea ranch, a well-flnlahed S-room home, good bern. chlrkea snd smoksbonee. mllkkeaae, 100 bearing fruit trees, Mod garden in, grass for 2 cows. 208 ysrds from car Una, close to grist mill, oa good graded roan, ai.gou. W. W. ESPEY. room 1, Himlltoo bldg. FOR SALE FABM8 Improved famn for aale ta an porta ef Ore gon and Washington! paymenta mede te ealt parcbasers. For full particulars ss te rsri. ens properties apply te wm. MacMaato. sit Worcester niog. 80-ACRB Improved farm for sale; stock, eta. particulars aadreea u. w, Btepoeas, CUrks, uregon, t-iacaamaa coanxr. lost Airs roTnro. I HAVE takes op thla 14th day of July, 1004, at my oiaes on montaviiia car line, on west arenas, one heifer cslf. Owner caa have ths Sams by describing snd paying a reaaonabls cnargs tor we seeping ox ue aame, . n Robertson. LOST White spits bitch called MlU. Return te sis ousan St. Kewara. FOB SALE HORSES ABO CARRIAOIS. FOR SALE Finn team, good wood eaw and engine, all complete ana ia working order; will sell reasonable. Csll at North Alblna, Take U or Bt. Johns ear. LARGEST stork vehicles snd harness, sew and secoud-hsnd; wood saw: ftearee. Zll Wean, FOB SALE TTMBKB LAUDS. MAOINNIS A SON, 227 Falling bonding, bead- quarters for Santa rs approved forest reaorvs ana otner eissseo oi una scrip. rXBSOBAX. SPECIAL, . .' Will Udy or gentleman having small capi tal loin ms In magaalns work: hook slrssdv established In Portland; experience not neces sary; handaoms returns and abort hours: reference exchanged, , Addreaa H, Journal of Bee, t. J. Hlrabhelmer, pension attorney, counsellor- ei law, pensions: nar oi tna KeDelUon, In dian wars, Act of Jnne 97, 1880, order No. 78, widows, children snd dependent reUtlves, bounties, srresrs, com munlcat lona and claims against tbe V. 8. Boom B, Cham, of Com, CHAN01Q OF LOCATION I wish to Inform my penrnia ana rrienns mil I nave inniviaually opened a new- of nee et 818 Oregonhtn bldg. A. K. uevere, specialist on oiaeaaea of the hair and acalp. Phone Hood 1683. GENTLEMAN In bualnees, 87, would like to correerajnd with Utiles matrimonially In clined, that prefer country life; give par tlculare Ant letter. Address O 8, Journal. GENTLEMAN 98 years nld would llks to cor respond wits some lady matrimonially In clined who baa some means snd prefers country lite. Bos H B. care Journal. CONFIDENTIAL IN VKSTIQATIONS Reports made oa any INDIVIDUAL, bualneas or prop erty; booka exported; best city references. Lock Bos 274. Portland, Or. , YOUNO bnalnesa maa of good standing wants acquaintance oi young working woman of good appearance. V 10, care Journal. TOUB piscrlptlona are more accurately and reasonably ailed at Eyeeire Pharmacy, gsi Morrlaoa st, bet First and Second sta. CATER only to the best people., specialist on aiseaaea oc roe aanr ana ernip. mre, XL ir Vere, too Deknm. Phone Hood 8BT. "ON a Blow Train Through Arkaaasw." by Jackson: fun of fun and Josssj 28 eeote. Jones' Bookatnra, 21 Alder St. HAVE year hair t tree aes renovated and re turned same day. Phone Main 474. Portland Curled Hair ."acrory. 928 Front at MM ft. H. B. Ely, dermatolorlst, seal, treatment saampoo, eieexrie message, sn uooononga. WB PAY moo far Mouarch rasges. H, B, avawaxos, aso-ava sust at. MOBET TO LOAh. FRED " I - loani vaae U r H. STRONU, FINANCIAL A6BMT. Money to keta. No eommUslon, am la qpgnltlon te make Immediate i oa Improved real aeUte or for or I Id purposes: any amount; moJeraM Inter We approve loana from pisoe and ad a money ea bulldlug progresses. Opttea .payment after one year. FHEO H. BTUONO, Vl mi, nclal Agent log Sjcond St.. near Sura. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any as la r led employe, wage earner, aaa sat aa bU Bute, without mortgage ' Month. V, -month. Week.' 60.00 Bepsy to oa (18.88 or an fld or 88 88 88.00 llepsy to ue .i 8 66 or (8.88 or 81.86' 116.00 Kepsy to w I 4.00 or 82.00 or Il.OO OenndentuL 210 McKay bldg., 102S4 id. SALARY LOANS Any salaried neraoa having ateady position wltb responsible Brm csa obtain money oa tbe -ssy payment plan. with, out publicity or delay; all bualneas treated atrlctly confldentlal. NORTHWEST LOAN CO.. 821 Ahlngton bldg., city. LOANS ON THB EAST-PAYMENT PLAN X 5"Lrl leople. Strictly Confidential. , Of nee hours. S a. m. to B a. ax. EMPLOYEES LOAN CO. Phone 924. Room Tld. Tbe Drkam bldg. S. W. eor. Third end Washington ats. MONEY TO LOAN oa reel, persoasl sad eeU - lateral recnrltv; apodal attastlon to chattel . sjortgsges; notes bought a W. PalUt SIS Commercial blk. . Phone Main 1888. MORTGAGE LOANS oa improved Hty and farm Eoperty at lowest currant rates: bulldlug ana, Installment loans. Wm. MacMaater. 1 Worcester bldg. . MONEY loaned on pUnoa, fnrnltnrs snd ether enatts aecnrltlea: all business atrlctly prl vsts. NORTH WEST LOAN CO, 821 Ablng. ion oiugA tcity . , . ,.,. MONEY to LOAN in larva or em. 11 en nyul .Mt.lt,, . vt it , Beci. 807 ralllcg bldg. ' - , MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, teams tars. w-t wiioouc secunty: e. my payasenta; la.g, est baslnesa Is 48 principal cities. Tolmaa. 928 Abtngtoa bldg. . CHATTEL loana In amounts, ranetne feaas S-At Ip 6.000; mnmlng-housee a apecUlty New CHATTEL loana: rooming houses a speeUlty. evne s wsisnea people, 'riew sva a9aa ea Trust Co.. 2 Abtngtoa bldg. - MONEY TO LOAN FROM fZOO I P: PRIVATE PARTT. ADDRESS 832 MOHAWK BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved or unimproved jiir irroimny. in snms to suit, rsmao, wa. klna A Co., 960 Alder st LOANS st low-eet rates ea furniture, pianoaf any aeennty notes pnrrnased. AS Stem IMti office. 41B McKay bldg. . . MONEYTO LOAN oa Clack atnaa eountr bin da. F A F. B. Riley, BOB Chamber of Com. ABCHXTECTB. B0DOSON A CO. Archltecta sad taperln , tendrnts. Suits 819 MacUay bldg., eor. Foarth ' oa wnamngion sts. A8PHAT.T PAYIBO. THB Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. of Portland. neOM. sks. v . kik . - ATTORNEYS. S. B. RIG0EN, attorney and eeanasUor-at-Uwi snar. ewo-ouo Aoisaua biug. SHEPHERD, ANDERSON CELLARS, Aturneys, aisMUU-cai Msrqusm otag. ABT METAL WORKS. ORNAMENTAL worT for reelnencea. ' bnalnesa nouaea, ranks and nrnce railings, gnu. gre . piece Sttuigs, chandeliers, -lgna, fences, art work la say styU metal and BnUh; hammered leaf work and metal eptuning a apevialtyt building eoaetrnetural work. L. K, Teerck. euS-404 Dsvu, cor Ninth. BICYCLES. STAB NOVELTY WORKS Dealers ta second hand bicycles; general repairing. , 87 talus are. . . BAB0IBO AND UOHTIBXaTO. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO., 181 Burasldg ex, r-nooo want llTl, . ' BRASS WORKS. PRIER BROS; BRASS CO., 910 North Eleventh. Brsss, broaae castings, aaodel staking, gea. snu wora. OAIXB. THB OFFICE, 288 Washington at. ,boae S, main ill. ruin m vigneaos. CAFB KBATJi. 122 SUth at A So. leach eervea at all boars. - - 0B0CXXRT AsTO 0LAS8WABB. WHOLESALE crockery and glaeeware. Prsel. negets a cie., iuu to ius ruth. cor. Btsra sc. COMhTISSIOB MXBCHABTB. VERDING A FARRKLL. prodoca and eommU. on oiert.uanTs, aev s rout su, rurusao, .ur. Phone Mala 1TB. COAL AND WOOD. STEEL BRIDGE WOOD YARD ta the place to oay your sroua ana coal. u;nce sis Uoiiaday are. Phone Ksat 424. a Loloerlne. Aigr. ALBINA FUEL CO., Railroad st aad Alblna svs near rerryi slab and block wood, dry and green, t'hoee Eaat 874. . WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO.. Phone IQ18. vee.ie row mi eii oxner eoat oa tns market 164 North Fifth at HOOVER A CONWAY. 811 Water at. tbe place ;or aoou o-ivox, nr. or are weoa. Phoaa Mala 4688. PIONEER Fael Co., removed from foot Met - naoa to root Mala at Phone MsU 188. 0. B. VELIN, wood snd coal: office 88 Alblna eve., aeor ferry. Phone Beat 1839. ORROON fuel CO.) all klnda of coal and is Morrison, rhone Mala an. CIGARS ABO TOBACCO. ESRBKG-OUKST CIGAR CO. AiutriDsiora or FINB CIGARS.' Portland, Ore goo. -s 0ABPEBTERS AMD 7TILDER8. . J. AUTHORS A H. H. WOOD, carpenters and builders; repairing and Jobbing ; stors snd of dee fixtures built Shop 2o ColuabU. Phone Clsy 1861. . FANNING ARMSTRONG Carpenters snd builders: repairing and Jobbing; reasonable rates. If hop car, Foarth and Columbia. Front . 1286. 1 . Q. W. CORDON, counters, sbslvtng, houses ball! sna rensirea. via rourtn. cur its. CLAIRVOYANT ABIT PALMIST. MADAME JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, palmist. card rssder; I give fscU reliable snd Ini. porUst oa all affairs of real Ufa. Headings toe. 106 Fourth at . EDWARD BARLB, tndependeat state-writer and medium oc pan Francisco, l oe uncnu. corner ef Morrlaoa and Eleventh streets. Phone Msls. SSL CHIROPODY ABO MANICURING. prVM. DRVfNY A ESTELLR DBVBNY, tha only seienuuc rniropouisis, perinra mom TP 'a lirew bldg.. 162 Second at. Phone Mala 1801. Tbla la the longhaired gentlemaa. He la tha maa yoa are looking for. CXXXBT CONTRACTORS. HAWKINS A CO. Residence, 208 Foarth St., vwoae inmi iswi cvmenx worn or sn ae. serlptlona; step work specialty I work, guar. snieeo. CHAS. H. CARTER, general eontracauri cesoent sinewsise, evmeni wore a apectalty; ail wors gaaranteed. 187 Orand -are., N. Beat 1484. CHAS. H. CARTER A CO. (formerly Carte A Ell), cement eon tractors. 874 Tsggaft Pbooo Eaat 1H76. All work gaaranteed. DOG ABO HORSE, HOSPITAL. DR. 8. J. CARNEY Veterinary aargeos. log North Sixth st rhone Mala 1484 rae. phoae. Ma) let MtT .- - - - - - " ; DRE88MAXTBS, - MBS. McKIRREN, artlatla dreas aad eloohs maaing. oni aiomsos at. DECORATORS. HENRY BER0ER 180 First at. wallpaper, ingrains. lapestriea, SPPHqaS irlSSSg IsSe' kg decorating. '