The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 16, 1904, Image 1

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Tonight and Sunday, cloudy to
partly oloudy, with showers; south'
rly wind.
VOL. III. NO. 114.
Portland. Oregon. Saturday, evening, july ; is. im.
and Co-Workers
Deliberate on : Latest
Phase of Strike, b
strikers May Ask for Another Coo
fcrencc Armour Imports 300 .
. NegroesOther Hon-Union
. ii Men ArrlveL - 1
" (Jooraal Special Service.) '
Chicago, July 1 1.- Pessimistic, quia
itude characterised tfi atrlka tbla morn-
lnf. Tha departure of Oompcra for New
York, where be- wa called to assist In
the garment worker' strike' Is taken as
n Indication of the hopelessness of the
situation as It at present exists. " ,
Donnelly and his co-wokers met this
morning ta deliberate .on the latest
phase, and. If possible to -ask for, an
other eonference with the packers. At
' the yards .there were no disturbances
during- tha night or early morning hours.
Armour has imported. 10 negroes and
other nonunion help, to come in during
the night. - . ,
' All Indications at tha stockyards to
; day.polnt to a continuance of the strike
' until at Jeaat the latter part of next
- week.. Shlppere throughout the coun
' try generallxiave been advised to dls-
continue makTTig shipments . and espe
cially the usual Monday shipment, which
; to always extremely heavy.
A string vein' of sympathy has been
' created among the various trades unions
at the yards and by many it Is feared
" they may loin tha- men already out and
thus complicate matters ' before aa
' agreement has been reached.
It to estimated that at least 11.000
'. men at the Chicago stockyards are mem
bers ef unions, and from the fact that
- a mass meeting of these men has been
. called for today, the strike situation Is
apparently assuming a more serious
phase, as it is understood that this meet
. ing has been called Jor: the purpose of
deciding what action shall be taken rel
atlvs to continuing work or Joining the
ranks of those who have already left
" their poets.
v Just-.befor noon It was announced
that Donnelly. hod replied to the pack
era' ultimatum, and that tha prospects
were fair for another conference. At 1
o'clock this afternoon the packers again
met In their down-town offloea, and Don
nelly said, sfter a consultation with the
offloers of the firemen's union, that be
had not requested allied labor to go
out. aa ha did not want to embarrass the
pending negotiations, which he consid
ered were still to be finally gone over.
Up to 1 o'clock there had been no vio
i lenee of moment anywhere in the stock
- yards district. The weather Is extreme
ly hot and- to acting as a deterrent upon
' the active movements of -the men. -
BbertS Attempts to Taks Btrlxe-Break-v
ers Into Swift's. .
: (Joeraal Bpedal serrtee.)
St Paul. Minn . July it The first
actual violence since trie packers'
strike bea-an came this morning, when
the sheriff attempted the taking In of
It office employes and several strike
breakers st Swifts.' rickets reatstrd
and a fist fight followed, in which many
were roughly handled, but none seri
ously hurt. "
The governor and the sheriff had a
eonference tbla morning before the
clash, and the former viewed the situa
tion seriously. No mtlitta will te or
dered out unless life is endangered.
t. Z.OTIS orxmATiomi cmaxu
Tlaats Claim They
Are sTot
. ; Hampered. .
(Joaraal SperUI Bi'ilee. '
St. i Txtils, July - lf.The St Louis
Xreaaed Beef company' secured a suffi
cient number of operatives to resume
limited operations of their plant today.
Three larger plants assert they are
not seriously hampered by tha strike.
(Continued on page Two.)
i (RpeeUl Diaeatrk te Tbe Journal.
' ; Vt Holly, N. .'J., July II. Jost ten
days after their crime was committed
Akron Timbers, aged (0; Jonas Slmms,
II, and William Austin 1 all negroes
were sentenced yesterday to serve i
years each In state's prison fo.r an e
'sault upon Mrs. -Charles Blddle, near
Burlington,- N. J. .
, George Jones, aired It. a half-witted
negre, accused i with them, wee ' not
The jail In which the frlaoners are
' kept Is under heavy guard for fear Of
mob violence. , '-.
For two days after tha. crime was
committed the whole countryside was
under arms, searching for the criminal.
During the chaae, July T, Albert Whit
lock -was fstally wounded, by Harry
Brown, who fired, at Timbers just aa
Whltlork. stepped Into rsneV It waa
as much aa a man's life waa worth to
be out on tL country roads la this vi
... I -
I . , ,
I t 4 '
I V V y. ;. y . ;.. .- , . v .
, , L-f
Gain Commanding Positions -in Preparation for
Battle With Kuropatkm Show Usual
Caution in Choice 'of Location I
. (Jearsal Special Sortie. ,
Toklo. July 16. The war office-, today
denies the report that has been current
for several days paat that 10,000 Japan
ese were killed and wounded in aq at
tack en Fort Arthur. i .
(Jooraal Spade! settles.)
St Petersburg, July If. General Sa-
kahroff, with General Kuropatkln'a force
reports that the Japanese during Thure
day and Friday kept up their brisk troop
movement and occupied many positions
as though disposing of forces preparar
tory to a battle.
Cannon are being placed on the
heighls near tha railway north of Gal-
plngeutss, about eight miles south of
Ta - Tche Klao, end commanding-- the
plain which at this point broadens out
for a considerable distance. By this
move It Is shown that the Japanese pro
pose to fortify themselves against an
attack or protect themselves In case a
retreat becomes necessary. -
Kuropatkln'a , main force lies in the
plain between . Galplngeutss and Ta
Tche Klao and outposts constantly re
port Japanese movements. Then have
been but - few skirmishes thus far be
tween reoonnolterlng parties and In
none have there been casualties worthy
of note. i .
It is believed here that the Japaneae
may have withdrawn a portion of their
army to Port Arthur because of the re
pulse at that point July 10. There is
still no additional official news regard
ing tha Japanese losses In that battle
and it Is the accepted belief here In the
Russian capital that the first reports
giving the Jspanese losses at 10,000
were not greatly exaggerated. ' -
usx Tn lATAjrxra.
; '. (Journal Special SVrrlr )
Llao Tang. July K. Anticipating the
movements of the Japanese altng the
coast In the direction of Tlnkow, the
Russian Cossacks under General Sam
sonof f, ambushed the Japanese forces
and compelled them to retreat While
the loss suffered by the Russians Is re
ported to have been only alx hilled and
about the aama number wounded, the
cinity, for everybody was armed and
everybody waa halting all atrangara, In
bis purault of the guilty . negroes.
The four negroes called at the farm
house , In which the Slddles lived and
saked for something to eat Wrs.Bid
dlo, who was alone at home with her
two-year-old child, aatd aha would bring
them something.-...
"No you won t" cried Timbers. "We'll
not eat out here. We'll coma In and
you'll wait on ua" .:
Mrs. Blddle ran back Into the house
and tried to faaten an Inner door. The
negroes, who Instantly pursued, eaught
her and carried her to en upatalrs room.
One of 'them leveled a pistol st ber end
forced her to submit to .them. : Tying
her securely, they ranaacked tha house,
then fled. , Mrs. Blddle has been hys
terical more or lees ever alnoe the at
tack, and fears for her life are enter
tained - She la under the hallucination
that tbe criminals murdered her two
year-old child. ... . ..'. .-
ait- mJZJli 'i-?it'- AJ!IfcIii
Japaneae easualtlea are estimated at
nearly-1.000. 7 -
. The Japanese were virtually caught In
a trap and while thsy msde a most stub
born resistance, they were unable to re
sist the-splendid attack of the Russian
artillery, , which supported tha Cossack
charge. 1 Owing to difficulties en
countered, which ' were - caused by the
marshy ground the Japanese occupied
during the clash, many of their dead
and wounded were left on the battlefield.
(Joaatl Cpeeial Service.)
Seoul, July 1. While the Korean en
sign still floats from ita staff on the
fortifications of Roes Island. In
Chemulpo harbor. It Is overshadowed by
the national emblem of Japan.
The Japanese. have hoisted their flag
on the Island, Taking the ground that
the Koreans ' have neither money nor
ability,-the-Japanese minister ls press
ing the Korean government In an effort
to secure a concession covering stream
end vacant land rights, with a view "of
hastening the development of these re
sources by the aid of Japanese capital
and labor. - ,
nm iimii stbamxs.
- . (Joaraal Special Serrtee.)
London, July It. A - dispatch this
afternoon reports thst the British
steamer Malacca has been seised by the
Russians In the Red Sea and taken to
Sues. No reasons are given.
SSABOS a ' ion,
Berlin, July It The North' German
Lloyd liner Prlns Helnrlch has been-
stopped by the Russian volunteer
cruiser SmnlenskI In the Red sea and
compelled to surrender tl sacks of let
ters. ' .
Btwi tn world
hot from Tht Journal
Special Leased Wirs ...
; Articles yy
A chronicls ef the day's
Local Happening's in en
tertaining' form ,
Wliat You Wilt Find in The Sunday Journal
I 1 I
ii i . ' i
caa employ, sad Walt McDoutfalT story af tha Matfie Suit ef Armor .......
l. 1 . - . . a.---.-.
Concord, N. II. , Christian
Scientists to Dedicate"
.. " It Tomorrow. :
Mrs. Eddy Dona!es $125,000 and the
. Rest Is M )de I? From Various
Sources The MagDlflced
Structure Seats 1,000, . ' ,
' ( Juaraal Siierlal Service. 1
Concord. N. H.t July" IS. The news
paper men were today shown, through
the beautiful Hew church edifice, a gift
from the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, the
discoverer and founder of Christian Sci
ence, to the First Church of" Christ Sci
entist, of Concord. N. IL The members
of this denomination. In large num
bers, are expected here for the church
dedication on Sunday, July 17. The coot
of the handsome granite building Is
about t!00,000, and ' will be dedicated
free from debt which Is the usual prac
tice with the numerous Christian Science
churches which have been built In "this
and foreign lands.
The dedicatory services on Sunday will
be of a simple nature, in accord with the
deaire of Mr a. Eddy. They will be held
at 10:20 a. m., S p. m. and 7:30 p. m.
The Important feature of these religious
servlcee -will be the dedicatory message
from.. tha generous donor of this mag
nificent church edifice, the Revr Mary
Baker O. Eddy.
The architecture of the church Is the
Italian or southern Gothic, to which the
famous Concord granite - Is admirably
adapted.' Over the main entrance, carved
In Tennessee marble. Is the significant
Inscription: "A Gift from Mary Baker
G. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of
Christian Science, to First Church, of
Christ, Scientist Concord, New Hamp
shire." A striking feature or tne cnurcn
exterior Is the stone tower snd lantern,
which rise Into the air 16S feet, being
visible from all parts of the neighbor
ing country and forming a . handsome
- : Mrs. BftdyvOave $135,000.
The erection of this magnificent
church was made possible by Mrs. Ed
dy's generous gift of $115,000. The
loyalty of Christian Scientists to their
beloved leader has been well illustrated
In spontaneous and unsolicited dona
tions toward the furnishings of the home
church of Mrs. Eddy. - A few contribu
tions from scores of churches and hun
dreds of individuals are as follows:
The - local members of the mother
church, the First Church of Christ Sci
entlst 1 Boston. Mass'., presented to
their leader the sum of $10,000 for the
orcan. a
The six churches of Chicago united In
a sift of 1 10.000 for the pews.
First Church of Christ Scientist of
New York City, gave $10,000 for tbe two
lara-a transept windows. -
Second Church of Christ Scientist of
Los Angeles. CaL, sent $2,000 for fur
nishing ths chancel.
The Students' Association of James
town. N. Y.. forwarded $2,000 for the
tubular chimes.
The Kansas Christian Science Stu
dents' association of Kansas City, $1,000
for the reading room.
Second Church of Christ Scientist
Kansas City, about $1,000 for the in
terior furnishings.
A husband and wife of New Tork City
presented to Mrs. Eddy the tiling for tha
entire church, at a coat of nearly
$10,000. v
Friends In Boston gave for the
purchase of additional land on which to
erect the church.
From the children In many of the
Christian. Science Sunday, schools came
contributions for furnishing Mrs. Eddy's
room In the new church. The local
church haa given liberally, and. Indeed,
(Continued on Page Threa)
' Lady Henry Somerset and Mrs. John A., Logan, president of the Red
Cross society. '
Frederlo 3. Haskln with soma singular mystery stories from the West
Indies. ,''"''''. ..:
. Pknnsen's Varfest, described by Olof 7.. Cervln 1 the first of a series
of arttclea covering his Journeys through Sweden.
' Dr. Esther Poht who la an entertaining letter tell of the f rsuds and
.the horrors of modern Jerusalem. , . . . ..
Captain Oarrloch of the British ship. Rajora, who describes Galway,
the town of quaint characters and lovely , women, where lynch law bad ita
lie. '
S. S., Jones, champion high Jumper. with the.latest artkleln'The Jotir
nafs 'course In athletics, telling young men how to train to .excel In that
field of track sports. ' - .--.-w .. ... i .... . . . .
" Mrs. Robert Osbora. tha famous New Tbrk modiste, who describes tha
smartest things In a fashionable way for women. , ...
, , ' Tint new a of the women's clubs, edited by Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, '
tkeW sr.' Colored Funsy Picture by
IP 1
I lmK if, - i. :- i-m
...... ............ .........
Will Form Permanent.
Government Appropriation for, Big Irrigation
Project Harper Reservoir Site Favored.
' (Special DU'patch to Tbe' Joaraat)
Vale. Or., July -18. At 2 o'clock thlk
afternoqn .a man meeting, was held at
the courthouse in Vale for the puapoe
of providing a permanent , organlzatlph
to do bualneaa . with '.tha. government's
agents In the expenditure oi $2,000,000
appropriated for. the construction or
mammoth reservoir In Malheur county.
About two weeks ago L. E. Newell,
chief engineer of the geological survey.
snd R, Vean, attorney for the govern
ment explained to the people of Vale
and vicinity, the object of the appropria
tion and tha manner In which the peo
ple should proceed to co-operate with
the Diana of the government
For two weeks a corps ' of ' United
States engineers hss been making sur
veys of the land and finds the. project
feasible. The Harper ranch, about 26
miles west of Vala has been- selected
for the proposed reservoir site.- The
land it embraces lies on . the Malheur
river. Lower Willow creek and the
Snake river valley and consists of sbout
100.000 acres. -
The system proposed by the govern
ment Is to put In a substantial cement
reservoIr.wtth a system of canals and
laterals running therefrom and cover
ing ail the land within the propoaed
district Tbe present settlers and the
bomesteadera who will hereafter enter
upon the land will be required to pay
the aame amount per acre for their per
petual water right All water rights
now owned by corporations or Individ
uals within the proposed district must
be surrendered- to the government
Costs S30 aa Acre.
The cost of a perpetual water light
haa been placed at $10 per acre, to be
paid for In 10 years, at the rate of $1
per acre per year. The government will
manage and maintain the system dur
ing this period of 10 years, at the ex
plratlon of which time it will be turned
over -to the settlers' sssoclatlon. It Is
estimated that the coet after the first
10 years will be very light.
To prevent land-jfrabbers fcora kpeo-
tilatlng at the government'a expense, and
to Insure a dense population for the dis
trict, a law has been enacted which pro
vides thst no Individual or corporation
tk Best Artist tkat money
1 j2k
Organization to Secure
who owns'land within the boundaries of
the district can procure water for mora
than- lit acres and a settler can enter
only'gft acres from the government , The
Individual or , corporation, who owns
mors than", 10 acres csn divide their
land Into small tracts and list them with
the government, but in order to secure a
water right with, the land, at he expira
tion of three yea re they muat agree to
sell the lend In 1C0 sere lots or less to
persons who will become bona fide
residents and cultivators of the same, to
-whom the land will be deeded.
.' Must Sell Zaas.
. If the large land owners fall to 'dis
pose of their lands within the period of
three years, tbe same will be divided
Into small tracs, within the limit and
aold at auction to- the highest bidder,
who must become an actual aettler upon
tha same, and to him will be-deeded the
perpetual water-right
The soil In this proposed district la
very productive, snd with a sufficient
water sdpply alfalfa, hay, cereals, fruits,
and In fact nearly anything that can be
produced In the temperate aone would
flourish abundantly. '
When this reservoir Is an assured fact
all the land which will be watered by
It will be quickly taken up by settlers
and furnish homes for the hundreds of
emigrants constantly coming to the
state. ' ' '
(Journal Special Service.)
Esopus, July 1. The prospects of a
double notification at Rosemont- were
brightened this morning when a letter
was received from vice-president taJ
Nominee Davis scceptlng tbe Invitation
to visit Judge Parker, but fixing no
date. .
. In view of this letter the presidential
nominee -has suggested the advisability
of a doubls event There is opposition
to this, however, from West Virginia
Democrats who want to pay direct
honor to Davis. ' -.
The opinion prevails that Parker's
resignation as chief justice of the court
of appeals will be tendered simultane
ously with the laeuance of hla letter of
acceptance, about August .-
There were no, visitors st Rosemont
this morning.- The candidate took his
usual morning plunge in the Hudson,
attended . his correspondence and thn
want horseback riding with hla daughter.
Mrs. Hall. . t7" ,. .- . , ... ;
hi imtm-
(Rpeelal Dlamtcft te The Jonrm.l
New York. July Fifty thousand
dollars' worth of Jewelry belonging to
Mrs. Potter, wife ef Bishop Henry li
Potter of New Tork. was stolen Inst
week from a safe in tha office- of tbe
Clark estate at Cooperstown, N. Y.
The" boxes rn -which the Jewels had
been kept were rarer found In Hie cellar
of the building.', empty and with blood
stains on them.
The thief overlooked a number of
valuable papera that were In the aafa,
but carried away several insurance pol
icies. ' - .
It la believed thai he entered the office
In the morning and remained eex-retf-d
tt'pre until the office force went o.ut fur
F-'ttor a wife was Mrs. Albert
What the ReraoYaLoL
Columbia River Bar
Will Meari. .
"Most Important Question Af reeling
Oregon .Today," Says T. B.WH
: cox of the Movement to Sc;
cure an Open River.
Business men -pt Portland are keen!
alive to the vast importance of the new
that one more seaaon's work upon the
Columbia river Jetty will virtually solve
the problem of an open river from Port
land to the sea. They are quick to
grasp the of the' rapid
progress that is being mad In the ex
tension of the Jetty and to appreciate
the vaat benefits that will result not
only to Portland. But to all of eastern
Oregon end eaatern Waahlngton aa well.
With the removal of the bar at tha
mouth' of the Columbia the chief Sto
stacle to ocean trafllo will have disap
peared. The task of maintaining an
adequate channel between Portland and
the-sea la a matter of less difficulty; and
its accomplishment admits of no doubt
The next great problem will bethe con
struction of the Celllo canal. but thifc,
too, gives promise of early achievement
for the scqutHltton of the right of way
Is not far distant.
In discussing the news published In
The Journal as to the progress of the
Jetty work, T. B. Wilcox, president of
the Portland flouring mills." said this
morning; 1 .
"I am very glad to see The Journal
taking up what I Consider the moat Im
portant question affecting the Interest
of the Oregon,, country today.. There la
nothing the accomplishment of whlclt
will so greatly; facilitate the develop
ment not only of Oregon, but of the
whole Columbia river . valley and tha
contiguous territory as the opening of
the river from Portland to the sea for
that class of tonnage which the increas
ing volume of business demands. - The
tendency of the shipping business 1 to-,
ward steamers of Increasing slie ar4
the abrogation of small sailing vessels.
If Portland 1 to hold rts present pres
tige In the shipping world, the river snd
bar must be . Improved. Aa plans for
the wofk have been adopted, there' la
now no oecasion for delay except to ae
cure the necessary . funda t -it ,
A mtloaal Work. . -,
.The .work. is. of such vast Impor
tance to- the -three northwestern states
that It haa become a governmental
projecfand wtth our growing popula
tion and Importance- as members of tha
Union it should receive tha prompt at
tention of the government It Is too
great n undertaking and involves tto
great an expenditure for Portia rid or
even the three northwestern states,
were they willing ta eo-operate, to at
tempt It I understand that there are
sufficient funds to pro acute the jetty
work during this season, and no doubt
a sufficient additional appropriation can
be obtained In the next river and harbor
bill to complete the Wrath Jetty at least '
and the necessity of the north Jetty la
not yet apparent In connectioa' with
the appropriation for tne Jetty. Port
land and all Oregon and eastern Waah
lngton should make a united effort to
obtain an appropriation sufficient for
two years', steady work In putting in
permanent and controlling works on tha
river between Portland and the bar.
"I know of no project that hss been
broached that 1 ao worthy of the ef
forts of the Portlsnd Commercial club
and kindred local bodies, or of the Ore
gon Development "league. If that shall
be accomplished, asMhls work. The rea
sons for the Importsnce of the work are
many, but the principal reaeon for ex
pedition I that with the tendency to
ward lower ratea from the Inland coun
try to tha sesboard, there will be-. sa
Increasing proportion of business down
the Columbia river. The facllltlee fbr
transportation from the Inland territory
to Portland ar ample at the present
time, but as the volume of business In
creases, unless the liver la made ade
quate for the -vessels thst; will he em
ployed, tha tonnage must overflow by .
rail either to Astoria- or to Puget
Sound. - If It should overflow to Astoria
there would still be the problem of the
Jetty snd Its operation, besides tna ques-
(Continued on Page Three.)
$50,000 IN GEMS
Corning Clark before her marriage t
him. The estate left by her Hret hus
band was 'estimated at mra than
000.000, and was ipjrfeed I" trust for the
widow -and four yis.. The C lark for
tune waa made luKhe aealng machlna
buelnese. - -
Mshop Potter and Mr. Clark were
married at her country Home In ('""!
eratown on October1 , 1". The
dlng waa marked tiy.elmplMiy 1" ever
Mrs. Potter f "tin of w Ymk
richest women. Mm . I inM eiv
oiiletly Much 'I --''l of nr i ,.uK In
i.or. Mi
1 hi I-hi v r r
.Ml l,,
i r 1 1 1 1.l.i
hv hU-n. II
(ii-O in !-!
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