THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLANDS-WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY IS, 1904. ASIDE FROM DAMAGE OLD POTATOES SELLING AT $1.35 A HUNDRED POUNDS Prices Look down Bstered at th. poetoffloo ef Portland, dor traanonrtattoa through tb vail as M claee matter. Postage fur etngle copies: Foe ea A 10 as IB Peg paper, 4 it; MHH pagee, I cents) at a . h pages, a casta. , -. , i ' TZLZraOVZaV . Bosfneae Of flea Mala 000. aMilurta ttonnn Mnla 160. , ' romziair asyzbtzixb bkpkcixvtatits. Vreeland-Bengamln Bpsdal Advertleltig Agency, loO Naaesu street. New I orb I Tribune Build mnicnamox uia ". ' : rl i'-' ' Vara by Carrier. - ' !? Journal with Bandar, aoathe The bally Journal. month...' Ji! tJ".!7 i00""'. ! Sunday, t nontba 1.01 rj emrnsi, a nostns. .,..-. .,''"' - H) 'owual. with Ktmday, 1 month,'' j v 111!,17' D" dallversd. SuBdsy la- ' llrMMaai'infe7'' . . espied ., .,,.., W . . T a a.. W.fl - 25! r!."' "". . i year...rr oo Jhe Dally Journal 1 yssr B 00 J J"7 vita BnBdsy. months I TO The I.lly .Waal, g Bxmtba J J l"'r Journal, wit a Sundry. -Booths M ; . The Pally Waal. nontba ? ZS !'' erttb Sunday, 1 asaeth, Tb flaM. Inimi I , .a Tbs Booduy hnil, ywsr! . The Bandar Journal. .nortba. ' Tha teal-Weakly Journal. ! , "a Benrl-Waeklr Journal, to :S Paged.' aai n bn. 1 1 1 . lull M.k L WH. 1 raw ..........MM . . ,Tb Waakly fawaal, '-. - Tea Wak!y Jmraal. luo aohtaina f iwa- . ftM Mok I tlt.u ..1 ,.11 Mrhift IV'i P-t. 1 raar l.W Kaailttaaaaa ahonld b tnada br ra fta. aoaUl . , , jwwwh vapraaa oraara. .ana amaii anno--- maunui in a . . . - - af . m in. THE JOVBJIi au o. Hoc in. Port1aa. Or. mux tzi yovuin. hat s rom& ITia jfoarul aa ba tomai aa aala ttttiU Kwiur puma: KOItlg. IDAHO Pioaaaw atara. " '' XlilCAOO Huatoffloa Kawa aoaupaar, T1 Daar- . DKMVEit. cor-0 KandtrVk Book BteUnaary , vamiMuir, Maraataaatk atraatt J. Black. KANSAS CirV. Va N.i Kawa aairmaar. Lon ANOKLES. B. t. Oaranar. f Boatk lrlB atraot; OUrar A Bataaa. M SwaU 8urlna atf .at. KIN N KAPtiUS K. . Third - rw yORr CtTT. BnrntaaV. Veto . V I1KN. 4'ail.a tlnra aiiui. . . OMAHA. Miliar kotol owa ataadl Magaatb Utatiuaarr oniiaor. lKa) rarnaa atraat. ALT LA 15 CITY Kroroa butol aaara aUadt Barrow Bma., 4S Wat. aavoad atrawt. Bmta. T. Lorid Ftilllp Boadrr, ! lawnat atrawt. . SAN KllANCISCO W. C. Arlla. F.laoa aotal aawi atand: Ooldamlth Broa.. X0 tnittar "traat; Frad W. Pta. 100 Markat atrvat. KPOKANK.: Win. -J.iM W nrabaaa A Oa. : TAVOMA, WA8H. Caatral Kawa eompatir.' Utl nnw AVOnOV IALM TQMoamov. ' Br V. T. Wllaoa, aa armtaaa, tM Parataart airp, artwaaa rimt ana Bacons, a( lu a. ai. of fiurnlafeliica of larga dwalUaa. J. T. Wllaoa. aorlionaar. Br Gaiiraa Bakar A Co.. Park and Aldar alroata. at 10 a. m. Bala of turDlahlBga of rata raaid raaiorac. Ueorat Bakar Co., aoa- nafra. Waathcr eoodlrtona and (anarat foraeaat tat ur-fo, waaLUittua aud Idabo. avattartna . abowara a ad thuudar at or ma baro acrwrad dur t(-ka taat Si auara la tha noaatalaa aud . fooulll or aaatara Oracna and aoutaara Idaho, and llnht to atodaratalr baarr ralna ar alaa raiwrnad t tba Briiiaa poaarailima, waatrra Maataaa. tna aapor Mlaalaalpaa aailar. tba luwar iatka raalua and alucK tb Atlantla cuaat'ti-on' iw Knciaad. avwuiwatd t to Uiilf of alraloo. t It n) mark eaolar thla aornln( la tba aorth Parlfte , ataua aad Itrltlah Uoivaibla aad car. raapuHdloalr. warmar la tba laurlor, rail - w aortnara tauioraia. Tba taiUcatluaa ara for fair aad warnyar .. waataar In InU dlatrlrf Tbnradar. It will ba . aoorar ton l (tit la aoathaoatara Idaho. blailnxin tamparatura la tk laat M boar. Iti atlalasu. tamparatura, 44; provlpltatloa, J), KAXmiAOS UCEKIEA. frank WcEUaar, Mi XUatbatk . CUnatt, Waltar Mmianod. K! Rattto Jaaa Ptakar aa nusQ an iimh, ai; avoat l. I Hirer, ZH. ibarlaa Ii:rlbwa. Aa, aad Laxilaa OppVafar, do. C. 0. TooBtaa, tt, and rioraaoa A. 0,Cotuor, la. C0MTA8I0P1 tlHAltl, July 10, tillaa- Eraaa, aa aeow, soar foot of "Oik atroat, maaalaa. . luly lu, Vlnra Craua. aa aoow, aaar foot of avaat vmu atraoti roiraaa poi. , J air 1A klra. Loutaa CUrk'a UttU rri. rraarta aranua and Twaot'-alAbtb atroat. May urauauaa arwa. . i. ... SIATXB.' 1 July , , Wllllaai Jaava Patrick, aaad do raars, at Blitb aad Krrtt atroata. it. aaa Burial at ' lr aawnaratioa. l tba aaart. Lona I'lr eaaiatarr. ' Jul 10, I.rdta blalstar, aged ( yaara, at lntU Kortb Taitth atraat, aoaa dlubUwrta. ' Burial at Loao rtr ramotary. - I Jaly 11. Baby Dakna. at in Thtrtaaatk atrart. Burial at U Fir vamatary. V July 10, Ua. Johana Wtlhaiia Hkaaa, ac4 I raar. at 111 North Plftaantfe atroat. eaua .aopiaay... rial at Knaiaa aatnotarr. 'f Jalr IX Calla B. Tunn. aaat tu imm a .Baaalil. Or., causa fana-rau. Biarlal at Wood uwav .... .. T a Craaiarorlata oa Oraama 'art aaa . f Ballwaod; aHMtara, arlaatlflo, ooBoiato. . Char . atuBi.! .o-Mii nmuiwi, ai. viaiura a a. m. to t a. at. Partlaad CraaMtloa - if tt lira. ,rwuMat vr tb sirwara hoIbmb radartaklag aoanaay. faaaral dlrortor sad atraab Pbooa. iiOT. ibtfd J. f. Unlay A Boa, faaaral dlrartor sad ' saibalBMra, bra rarooaod to thalr saw aatab- - iwBHaaaiK, amr tava aoa ataoiaom auaata. aHia youwao a. Eallar-Brrna f., faaaral dtrartors tad ara. 1 aIBra. XII aaasaU. La Or asst. rbooa Kaat lUaa. ;:'',-"";: ' sUtAt MTAT1 TAaTa. Bllaa Daralaa to Bdward R. Twlsra. kit 4. block 4, Cook's addlttoa ll.StM . roriiaaa arnaa onnpaay. to l. w. uar , rla. lot 1. block . WUllaas Arc . aua jiddlttoa US Ooorre W. Brown to H. J. Praaary at aL. bt 10. blork . laioralwood 100 0. I. Biory aad wlfa to r. H. UrMoiloa . tad Wtfa, lot 1. klorb 00. Baiiwood,... tO . Loola Braadaa to Jobs Altatadt, part of (arm blork A, Carter' sddltlna ........ t,104) , n- at noon ana wirs to canaries ona , ana. lota 14 aad lb. bin aav train. toa v-.-V t . vrar w. notii a ana win n aanaa iiaaar ftotkla, aortb H tot d, Oyatal Bprtitf ' - trart .1 .Oorar r.-Botkla and wlfa ta Ida M. B. ttrahaat. south lot . Grysul Bprina rat .... Oarar T: Botkla bad wlfa ta Mahal But- ' kin, kit 1. Crystal Bnrnt Tract , . CkrM Uarnasaan to Tberavs Oaraiaaaaa. bta T sad , bkwk 4. Klaaal Park .... l.lOd -araoAia a. tniia to uana II. Maad,' lot . . blork 4. Itrofna'a addition 1,000 . Fran! Child ta David IL Raad. U 1st 10. Morw T'A Hrllwood ., 100 ""r""-J"it iio tk Ha no, mt H), bba-k fl. Baiiwood fta) . . Btrala sad wlfa ta Boy fc. Oiitr. . ! O.aad I, block X Moaat Tabor 1 - villa .......i. . in J. K. oott tnd wlfa to Kd T. Kaadart. V-t , . .block 1. Voodworth'a dIIUoa to Kaat j. rorlland ..... . 4 Joan iawm at si. to a. r. Uaoktaam. . blork 1. ubrtirUlaa lot a. Mlrar alda llonaatoad 600 Ann TWnay to Jnoanb I. Tlarna. lota l. ' I sad , blork II. I artar'a addition 1,000 Jnba V. Brawa to Chart- R. Oabora, lot t. hlork i. I Iowa 'a sddltlaaj ta Kaat Port- ' t bad ..... too Sot' yon tnenrsnro snd aharraata to rami attato front tba Till Oaaraata A Traat any, laauaar rt taaianai trallalaa. BTnitiira nxKiTS. Jul IS. J worth, aottay on rainns batwaaa Mllnry and Hcqdrl.-ka atroata, . Oat $. Jnlr 15. Xnfk K-rrlan. rap.tra on a. bosas St fi' ..liiff. a . r.'i-i. (v.rtt a-iH. -July M, ti. U I . ro . iy framo bulldlnf MARKET F02 OLD POTATOES HIGHER OOOB wTOCKS Ami BOAJtOa US . nxosm am BTxrr'xrxm at to- satv AitnjKMmymm boavajc. BUI TO rXTKCKABX WSW aTTOCXB axso raucBrn. ' Front traat. July 11. TU principal faaturaa vi to rorusua wsoiaasi aiarkaU today ara Old potatoes climb bl(br. Kaw poutoaa and anions ftrtnar. t'horry saaaoa at If bslbt Bprln cblckans trlfl waskst. ' CUluook salmoa Is Mt dowa. PruTlaloa Btarket aery ttrat. " All maats rentals la demand. Butter nisrket (Utile better. : ' "Markets sajiplled with yeacbea, - K(S sslUuc aurrlral. ' Old' Potatoes Beak BiW Lrral. Old potstosa eallloc . at SI. AS par AanSred poanda la the Portland wbaloaal aiarkat. Tbla araar aniinannement. aoulil it kin hoaa nana about twa uontba a so for this tlaoa. weald br (lsddnd lbs basrt of many s potato dsslsr and (rower wbo was kuldlug out hup scslnst hope that prices would not re t tba oar aaw. nay us ee vera, years af o. - old POtStoeS ara la demand am nmaa aa' thaa ths sew stocks. Bupplles, sltbokcb not cleaned OP altorteher. ara still Short af the AamaaA sod present prospects are that 11.60 or ores S higher Agar will bo rescues before' ths ss soa cornea to s clue. The 1803-d sessoa for poutoaa has been s rattier oosapllcsted. one, tnnemuch aa prices bare II art ua ted so much tbst ares tbs wisest of ths deslers oaald not foretell whst weald be to osteoma of tba season,. Tbs Sessoa epeo4 with prloa rang ing betweea do aad boc for good stork. Tbea tb Bkrk-t romslasd dull and onlet for aone time. Attar sovsrsl nsatbs there was a Bullosa Me Increase la tba demand aad art ore begaa to bsoas. Than f each alternate week prices wsat ap aad tbsa dowa tbu ooadltloa coBtiualag for aeeeral snoatbs, whoa tha market lumped. It afterward partially-reeneand aad then becaaw wssk sgaiu. Just bow tbsrs Is every oeldVscs tbst .It arm roach tha top figure of the season. la -sew potatoes there Is still scarcity of good mat tired stock aad price ar clinging ssry tight to tbs le Asrk. Tbs same thing Is apparent ta regard te saw oolong. Cherry leases at It Xsight. -Tbs cherry sessoa Is now at Its height aad receipts are beginning to show a decrease. There Is a serf heary deaiaad for Blag snd Lamberts. Prices are holding - at old l. Pasches came la larger supply from Aahlaod today as well aa from Ths iMIIes snd prices are lower. Sugar pear ar coming Is larger so op Has from lucsj potats and Sad a (sir ' demand. - ' Hogs Ars anetad Ylmsr. Thore I a dee) dad scarcity of both real and bogs la tbs market at present the former be ing nearly entirely ost af both the lire snd druse i) I markets. Prices ar a trifle higher. Fancy reel lo betas ssgsrly sooght after, all arrtrals belay slump ap ss seosi as smkugdsd. Blight Waakaass la luring Fowls. Altboogh K la bo so asarb apparent oa the sorfsos tbs 4ssad - for aprfng (owls Is not aa goad ss dor.- the past week sad dsslers ara aeeltatlng before paring tbs present high trsres. ' As ret there baa not bee say ac cumulation of soy kind of poultry bscsuss tbs dealers will tsks tba springs If allowed to pur ehsee eld storks. Osaso sad darks only And fair cell, bat snow turkeys will Still BM sals st sjaoUtlone. ' Ohhssok BalmoB One Half Oast Dowm. There wss a est of He la the quotation oa Chinook salmoa .today, msktng tbs quotation ea hots, thai grade and ateeUieaoa be per pound. There ta -s -not! oa hie Inereaas la bbe ran of chlnooks oa the eon ad. some of the tubermea aaaertlng that tha -alnga of dshdoTS hare glres the Oohimbls the go-by this aaa eon. Frsrlsioa Market Tory Finn. With tbs eastern provision market la Bra) condition oa ' aecovnt of .the strlks of - the tuuhrrs st sD ths larger plesta snd prices there oa ths Incrssse, tbsrs Is a better feeling la local stacks aad tba market looka higher. He changes today. There te atlll a good feeling la the egg market with quotatlona hanging 'eloss to th 9u auwk. BeealpU eonttnas liberal saongM to sap- ply the demand with a large part o( tb stock scaung graded aa seconds. . Butter Xarkat Trl&t Batter. . A slight improvement la tb tone of rreaai batter caa Bow be Bo t Iced. The receipts, sU thoagh still aults heavy, are not ss large ss they hsvs bees and the curing la Improving, The beat butter Bleu Front street Is bringing zuc per pou no. stsrohaata' Oaialoa ea TedAy's eUrkata. B. Olsfks Company Scarcity of water- melons la market today : several cars are In. traaatt but aoas are due; butter aurket an- cbanged. -r W. T. Taraer A Co. Good seal eery aearce; eggs steady; chick ess selling oa arrival fc quotatlona. . - Bell A (V. Iota of Oregon peach now arriv ing from The DaUrs sad southern Oregon i other small -fruits are cleaning up rapiaiyt miieg potatoes and . eebbsga doe from Walla Walls. . Chsttsrtoa A Co. FancF veal and block bogt asll readily: cage Brm; otd potatoes ecaree. O. B. Bmlth Company Tbs onions which came from Walls Walls tbs other day were gathered too early aad did not mature: car mixed email fruits doe from northern California: eggs holding their swat poultry good; demand for real Ine. ei alerter A Co. lUeerpta ' Chinook aala In salt waters Is Isrgar snd price lo dowa; aa ahsd la market; steelhesrls sro coming la larger supply from the Columbia; ether salt water lu Jaggar Old potato market Bachsaged. A te Market still psytng le ' Brand for good old potatoes; wa believe there will be a good demand for aeveral weeks. Daveaport-Tbompaoa Company final nee n vely; old potatoes very steady aad showing advance. -. -'" Kverdlag A rarreii uooo aemaaa tor an nonltrv with eicentkia of ducks sad got which are only fair: veal aad poor good; eggs steady; hotter unchanged. Dryer, O'Msiley a Co. small rraita are sell ing well; both old aad aew potatoes are Belling well; so ara onions: poultry aad eggs alae good! much larmlry for frssh meats; quite a lot of peaches Bow arriving from sooth era Ore gon. ' . . , :, ,J fare at bob uar mmona toner. fott. Ulae A Co. Market is atlll short a oli boss, ehlckeaa and egg: caa also tnd aala for young aocxs it wan leeioereo out; m aala. for seeoe. Bmlth it roe very ruing in tae Beat nne at bringing top prices; market dossa't seem to be able to get eaougb.stocfca; bare of hoge nearly altogether. : Today a wiotssaie quo la tton a, aa revises, ar a foiisw: Vratu, . msur aaa read. WH1AT Welle Walls. TOet Maaatsav T9 vullry, Te. BARLKY Feed. 121. 10; railed. MA0 krew. ase. 12a.BtXtM.0b. OAT Producers' pries No. 1 White, 134.00 ss.oo: gray, saa-waras-ou. . FLO(!B eastern Oresnai Patesta. ti an straights, 1 ooajl 0fi valley. l.ssAM gra- eean. we. , t . , ..aa, aaei. MIIXPTT 'FFB Brae. (30 00 per trial add. dllngs. I3S.00; shorts, eeustry, 02A0O) chap. 1H.IHI. HAT prortneers" pnes Tlmetnv. Wlnamette ealle. tlAOOaf.15.00: aa iters Ofesna. aiagoai 17 fx'; mixed. io lanjll mi: clover, to one? 10.00; grain, tu.wie i x.wo; vnesx, a o"xt u. '"A. oa Kaet Wsshtngtna betweea Best Plireeuth nd Eaar BeventeentB streats. Coat 03.VMI. Jalr 11. W. W. Bruckner, renal re no a house en sacra menvo street betweea Hodney sad Union avenues. - t'net OHIO. Jolr 11 J. A. Dick eon. rwo-aMev dtraTllne on Michigan avenue betweea Kllllagtworth and mereon aireets. vmt ai.staB. - July 11, !. A. Ollhert. enttage oa enuthweet cnrtH-r of Jewott aad Missouri Streets. , Cost Z. - -. 4 nir ti, loans lasa, twthetnry abop aa Madlana betweea Firth aaa nuta atraots. Coat not gtvea. Jury 11, Frana ltobetTana. twn-stnry stable nn aorthweat corner of Lowasdalo and Abler streets Coat 11. Boo. Jmv IX J. tvv. repstrs nu hnnes no Waah- Ins tew beiwsea Park and West Part streets. Oet 7oa July IB. Lias a Iauna, repairs aa shna. amthareet esrnst ef JThlrd and Jefferuoa streets. Coet 0TA . July Ik. T. H. ynaea. too aim ewwlllno no ftllann ' between Twevitv-aocoad aad Twauty- third sleeers. Cost t RN. July l.t O.-W. Mr Alpine, dwelling oa ninhs 'wcca Macadam aad Moody streets. -.Cost Hi. , Kop. Wool and Bldaa. H0PB JM for rhnlaet - gbaKV, tnt aa.HNei pww UUUhjr. OUUUaOt. IPOS. H utile Tails, cosrss ts atedlnm, tTQUei w isiim. aaaaass. bKIHAIR New, 8O0. 7 HliUlCi'liKIMI Bhearinw. loflnii -t a B'UikK; Biedlusj wuoL (Ugloucj anig wsul bocutlM eecb. aa saa., TALLOW I'rUas, par Bt, dQBe Bo. aad CHITT1M BARK sede per lb. baring nrios. MlliS Dry bides. No. 1. J ll J it "A" ra- m , urr nip, aio. , a sb m ins, 11 He I dry calf. Ns. i. seder lbs. 16 U dry sslted. balls and stags. 1 less thaa dry flint; sslted Aides, stoer, aueng OH lbs or svar. 4lTc; no te do lbs. ci Bade SO lbs ana cows. brj6c; stage aad bull, aouad, Ho; kin, 1 te 0 lbs. OVae; soand. 10 ta 14 Ike. m sslf. eound. andor 10 lbs. 0HI greea ten. salted) 1 per lb lass: culm, le par lb lees: horse bides, salted, each 1. 20 CI. T, dry, seen. I1.0001.ft0: colts' hides, sera. ISOftoci goat skins, sommou, each. lO01Oei Augors. with weoi aa. saca. gaewfi.uu. Butter, Eggs aad .-Poultry . ItrTTEM FAT Bwaet. lie: oour. 10a. BLTTEK City creaaMry. 20((tiic; outsld, lSSr-auS; ordliiarp.:.164tlTlkc; stars, lve. KGbntio. l frssh (IrsgoB. AOe; uncsndlad. IPo; baker. IBe. . C HttoK New Tun crssm, twin, WHlBHc; toons America, lllc .. T fOLLTBI Cblckens. mlzsd. lZUa nae nit hen, lac per lb; roosters, old. Pe per lb; uruiiera. auc par ad; fryers, lac per in; Glirkl, oiq, lie per id; young, ixc par id; geeae, TV c per lb: turkeys. 178 pug lb: draaaod. li 20 per lb. : . - A hufta aad TorstaUaa. - POTATO EH NominaL II. 35: buvars rtoaa or faoi-y,; sew, gc per in, ONlONI CaUfurnls red. (l.TS-T vallnw Denver, 2.00; sarUc, 10c per lb. FAK8H FKUIt Apples. Orsgoa. tl.0OQl.lS per box; srsngss. Haaiterrsnesa eweete. gz.poi s is jer doi; iste ysioncias, gx.T0itS.8S per boa; baa a aaa, dtffte per lb; " lemons, cholos. .aiig.i iai tier nos; rsury, fa.wmn no per bo; Hrnes, Mexlcaa. 86 per 100; pineapple. U.0O41 8.00: strawberries. Orseoa. oer ' lb! char. rlcs, duttfOoc bulk; dft&s per lb;. rBlngs' M7e " , aprinna, IWUfl.Wj vreguo. ei.xa per Box plums, ll.ko per W; peaches, 7bftoe par bos Oregon. T0r.ifl.00: Dears. t.&o ner hoi (rapes. California, par box; black fix a, 2.00 pe box; currsnts, 5s per lb: Logsa ber ries, To pe Ah i red raapbarrlea. gg7e per lb water maluiatAJe w lb; eaataaonoao, 2lM par crate. w 111 . VHfiETABLES Turnips. 1.00 per .sack! car. rots, per do bnncbes; beets, hoc par do bunches urea igoa rsdlshes. IT He per doss oab . SOiiDOe ner doa: Oallfornls. 1X00 bags, Oregon, 40iDOe Kr cwt. X25c nana nsiis. u.oo; tettucs. peso. ysprrtrtL As. lb; cslsry. tl.00 per. doe: tomatoes. Call fornia, 02.00 per crate; Oregon, rrnre; r infill. ss.UOals.Zft ner crate: parsnips. Tac&f 120; cauliflower. OOclBll.OO doa; greea peas, l3c per lb; ospsrsgus, eOe par otic bunches; greea onions, Ibc per tins; kx-sl green com, 40c per dos; pis plant. ItiIHe lb string sesns. Be: new celerr. T5c osr dos; Mexican peppers. IBe per dos; hot-bohse cucum bers. TS&poo per dus; Csllfdraia, OLOOei-BO per bog. DRIED . FBUITB Apples, eraporetod. te per lb; eprtcote. O&llc per lb) sseka, H per an hob; peernes, iuh per in; pssrn, era i"e per in; prunes, Italian. IHaiMt Per ui; Frsorku IHSSIss Per lb: Asa. Callfnrnls. hlscka, 0Qe per B: do whites. H Q7a er iv: niuna. Dirue. nwavap ner m: oaiee. golden, Ue per lb: tarda. 11.80 nor IB-lb box, BAlBlht taaded, -fancy, t-lb amrtoes, 00 Pecksges to esse. 8e pkg; seeded. 12-os ear- w ns, vc: Moss Muscstais. BO-in Boxes, THc per lb: London I a vara gl.KHal.00l clusters. 12.60411. 7ft; Ha, IBe; s. BO advsao ever paiei cau-ioas. HUB Ten 1-rb cartons, eholer bread, gl Ofll 10 l-w earvoos. raau-v kawad. gl.lot 10 l ib bricks,. 1 -crows. 00c; 10 1-ib bricks, B-erowa, OAeuCO U-lb bricks osr bog. 11 V: 4-eow Ur- ers, par 10-th boa. 00c; loose. OO-lh boxes, per m. iua4e. Oanamyrnss Btx-erowa, 10-10 ear- too, per sex. ax oo; -crown, 10-1 cartoa. box. LTA; 4-crown. 10 l ib cartons, per tl.TS. ... .-. . . 4ttMrtSs K"jttak' 8U0A R "back baala" Cone. M 10: derrd. (0.1B; dry granulated, 13.80; beet grsnu- a ieo, eu.eo; extra u, so wo; soiaea ao.oa hbla, 10c; H bbla. 13e: boxes. Blc advanoa si ssek basis, lea IBe wt lor ease, 1 dagai aa pi a. igioe per lav HONRV 14UUlfte. uOOFFBB Oreea aloefce. 11Hc! lavs, fancy. tea 42c i Java. good. IxXtKir: Java, ordinary. IhtiJUc: Coat Rica, ftner. laetluei Coots Blca. good. 1O01IK; Coats Klca. oeoinaiy. lit. is par lb; package coffee. 112.8Tftll.1T. TEA Oolonr. different era das. re guapowder. 2hkt:)iasftc: Inrllali breahfaat. dlf- fi-rent grade. UHftOfte: eotderleg. anoslored lapaa, touOftel greea J a pa a (vary acaresl. to U Otic. . 0ALT Fins Biles, la, 1. 4. S. !. f M -ti.oii; taoi. aairy. go, ions. 1" ISO 1, Imported Liverpool, Me, Old ooiffj s ow; ltnu, i.(bnjl uo; zzea. gi rucilB au; extra fins, bbls. la. ta. ts. 10a. $4.00; bulk. aw toe. sa.oo; sacks, oos. goe. . SALT Cosrss, half ground. 100s, per ton, tS 2060.00; bo, per ton, (ft 03417.00; IJvarpjo. ump rock, g 13.00016 so per too; ao-lb rock. to.sij; 100a. S5 7BC ZL. (A box iwiree apply to eales of Isoa tbea Bar. lota. Car lots st special prices sabjset ev iiaciosnoiiei. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. tX.T5T 00 ner M0. ' klCK Imperial Japes. No. 1, Cke; Mo. t, Tkc; new urieaas bead. TtaTtte. BEANS Bmall ara If a lUei teeee wklaL f-iya.00; pink. .04-00: bayea. tWc Umas. NliTB Pesssts. THet Kiaboa. OHe : raw. 04110c per lb for roeeted: cocoaauta. assoe per doe: walnuts. I4ilte par lb! pine ante, joe-rgwe peg n: hickory aata. toe per lb; chestnuts, eastern, IBeUAc per lb: Bra all sots. IBs per lb; Alberts 1S410C per tb; fancy pscaaa, iSQlfte per lb; slmoado. ItfllOe pa In. Masts aai Prulilaa. FRE8B MEATS lasnectad ft a slsawn. OCadVc per lb: cows, ftuftia, Bar lb: mutton. dressed. 4Qie par lb; laaiba, dr otd. tee FRR8R MIATS Front street Reef, stsera. 4HCt&He per lb; pork, block, Te per lb; peckere. Te Per lb: boll. 1V.A4V.C ner lb: cow, 4 U 5c per lb: rant ton. dressed. 4QB per lb; reel, extra. 0.7e; ordinary, Oe per lb; poor. per lb; lambs, tdMIe per lb. HAMS. BACOPI. ETC. Portland naek rteealt nama, tu m i ids, io.e per w: 1 to ! IPO. ina per id; is to av ma, ad vac DST ID: eotraeie. OHe per lb 'breakfast bscou. 13ilTe per lb plcnlce, 04 per lb: regular short clears, ansmokad, twi per lb; amok ad. l!4e per in; Clear oeraa, anauHca, ee per in; aawged, 10c per lot I'nlon bolta. 10 to IS Ihe. a- amosea, sv,c par to, emosea. -, per lb; clear bellies, aasmoked, lie per . U; smoked. 12c per in. LOCAL LARD Kettle lesf. 10s. lot, per " lac, .v-av lar w, i-v-hv HUB, Wf , team rendered, 10c, 9 per lb; Ss, t in; mm, lie per id; compouna tierces, lb; tubs, OVc per lb; nia. ga pr fb. CANNED tALMON Oolsmbls near I. IS ,.n- ai aa. a iw ,.ii. so AH. aw tw a - - - a. -- L..U, tane flata. 11 xft'; fa nee t.lK T i 'aa! Alasks tolls, pink. tsoatSe; red. tl.BO; aoxalaai ta. tall. C2.00. FlrlH Rock Od. te ner Ibl tounders. Be nae tb; halibut, te per lb; era he, f i tt, -ar ft,, striped be as, lntJllHe pas lb; cstfleh. He per lb; asimoa, cblsook. tc par lb; steelhesds. ae per in; oiaenaeas, e per lb; herring, t per lb: eole. 0e aaa ik. hrlmp. 10c per lb: ahsd, dreeeed. me pet lb; pares, oe per id; aaaa roe, IZHe per lb roe enao. ac per id, nievn eou, o pet In, : OYHTKRH Hbaalwater Bay. par gal. tl.KI; ir eack. M TO act: Olympls. ear aaek. (I ts. CLAMS Hara snsiL ner now. BXOOt r. clama, Jl.TB per box. IHlats, Oaal 00a. Xts. COAL OILPearl or Astral Caaeu. tIHe oar gsl; wits white. Iron bbla. IS per gal: . ....... . k. .11 . , .A . 2 ' -wwa - , .a.uniu,, lliraaa SSSBB al mfl DOT L'l.NStCKU OIL Pur raw 1 bbla. gal; csaes. A) per gal; genuine kettle boiled. as, aw per gal; bbls. OTe per sal: evened rake, ear lata, Mb. 00 par lea; lees thaa oars, taVl OO per too. OAgoLlNB-WMeg eaa-a. tie per gaL Iroa ane per gal, emvs, eaaal, X, )S paA Iroa bhls, 10c per gaL . nr..-. r.i sa-oeg raae. rze. iroa bbla. llUa, PAINT OIL Baw. able. I3e ner eaL awa. 12 per gal; boiled, osaea Sue per gaL TUHPBNT1NB la esaeo. 00c per gat; oodea bbls. 01 see esl: Iron bbls. Ta new e.l, in-u. saae mra, war war gni. WH1TB LEAD Too lots. BCkVlb bate r-per lb: h-s tots. OH par lb. - . Will AllJl t rtaai t bene at flM. BetaO Lamkaw Prtoaa. ' Opsb. Belaet Clear Per Per - Par Bough. lawns1o regular . alaea 1x1 to 12x11 u ft 0 Ala glean twa. Bosgb, dlmenalon regalar auwa to llxlAM-dO ft... t.M IT.Ot 1M.00 Bongh, dimension regular alaea ta 12x12. 4l-4a ft... 11.1a IB rat mm Bough, dimension reguuvl alaea tu llvll 00-00 ft... 1AM 'SAOO 10.00 Far each sddltleaal 1 lacwao la width odd 1.00 A 00 AOO For add sad fractional alee aawed add Bat aai anna, a. DO a.Bv AOO to sswlng erttcal grata Ck'Olnaon cgli' VVds,'rag-. niar sue so is ml wioo ta 1 ft lnr' ssonrttd leartbe sih 11 M nectfled Was tha of bnarda 01.00 Bar M tae addltlensL Beard to aiaalit ag lam has lass tbaa A tl thick a. . TIIEPACIFICS SHOWED SOME ADVANCES TODAY CFwnlshed. by Overbeck.- Ptaer A Oooke O.) New lurk. July. 18. Walker bros. say: Among ths Issues allowing good gains and strength wars Baltlmora A Ohio, Boutbera Pa cific, Unloa Psclbc, Pennsylvanls, Atchison sud tbe flisels. Amalgnmstsd sbowsd no toodeney lo do one thing or tbe other and waa cow pe rati vely dormant all day and closed about where It opened. Lor as A Brras sort Th whole trend of de velopments -are a we Have predicted snd we still fsel that tbs only thing tbs Purer of storks aeoda to watch is ths .crops. As long ss tbe prospects fur tbs eottsn snd corn eroiat ara au xigni toe gtscg marsst wui no right. . .. ; .oasyi stock market PB1CBIPTI0H. Anscoads Mining Co.... Arual. Copper Co. ...... Atchison, com. .......... . d preferred Am. Car A lsuad, aoat. aw prererrsa.i........ Am. Biigar. cum......... Am. Savelt., coia. do . preferred ,-- BaitiuMrs A Ohio, aom. . Brook lya Itapld Tranalt. Csnsdlsa Pacific, earn. , CfaL A Alton, wa,,..,., ChL A OL West., com.. 1S'4 ChL. Mil. A Bt. Paul... 1401b 1T4H viu. ex nuria., cuk . . ... 5i!i Cbeaspeske Ohio vauaua auoiuiu a..,..,,, Colo. Fuel A Iroa, com.. Colo. South., 2d pfd...,. 22 & Iteiswsrs 4k MBdaon.... Iiela., Lacks. A West.. D. A B. O.. com....... do preferred......... Erie, com... lSwIk 22H Tt tbii lVa ao go prof erred. do 1st preferred..... IlUuola Central.. Louisvills 4. KsahvlUS. 114 I Metro. Tract loo Co..... 116 101 Manhattan Elevated.... Mexican Central By.... M.. Bt. P. A Bte. M.... do Preferred. To2 12T tl2 Missouri i'sclfie.. ...... PHV 18 Vh m ex.. aw. w x.. wna. ...... 1 S84 o prerorrea. ....,. New York Central 110H Norfolk A Westora, aom sw CWTa 2V ao Orererred .., N. T.Ont. A West... Peensylvaulk By....,.., P. O.. L. AC. Co , ill. rraaaad Bteel Oar, aoa. BSH 18 02(4 tsj TH 42 k ao. preierrsa.. ....... Pacific Mail Bteem. Co, Beading, aoa....,...., do let preferred..... Bep. Iroa A Hteek, ova, do nreferred. ........ Bock lalaud. eoca. a...,. so Drslerrea. ......... Bouthoru By., ootn...... do nreferred. ......... Bouthsra I'sclfie ot-s 1 il k 1 r., n pro.. do 1st preferred.,..., It L. A 8. com.... do preferred. laiaa ax x-scuie. Tean. Coal A Iroa...., ., BL U A com... do nreferred. ...a.. rnloa Parine, oom..... C, 8. Leather, cum.....1 do preferred......... tj. A Rubber, osa..... OO preterreu. ........ , t. Bteel Co., Ooa... do nreferred......... Wlaoonaia Central, ooa.. do preferred......... W eaters Voiua Tela..., sulk 07 r abash, com.......... do preierrea Total sa lea for day. 017. 4a shares Mooey, 1H par seat. , . , AATEBICAV BTOCAt DT tOBSOV. Lnndna. July It. 1 p. m. Balttsaar A Ohio S-VIlnetl H ineespeue at tnio oerunea Atchloon advanced la . DrafefTeo; advanced 4a, Canadian Pad He advanced 4a. Chicago. Mllwau kee A BL Paul advanced . Denver A Rio Oraiut adeanred b.. Krlo advaMed M. flrStg advanced . ItHnoie Central advsacad , Louis ville A Nsahvllle advaacea H, Miaaourt, naneas A Texas advanced , New Tork Central ad vanced , Ontario el asters aeeiinea is. Norfolk A Westers advanced . Pennsylvania advanced , Southern PsdOe advsaeed , Southern Railway advanced , preferred sd- vancea . l-niteo atstes meet aovaacea as, nreferred advanced . Waneah advanced H. coasola 88, aacbangsd; rest aachanged. CSICAOO LOCAL STOCKS, Chicago, July 1A Lsesl stocks Bid. , Aak National Biscuit.. . t. ......... ........ 40 4d 107 1V7 Do 1 1 .....W.-.. loC. , 11 .1 Ao nreferred Americas Box Oo. do pre America i a Caa Co...... do preferred.................... 41 42 tHsmoad Mates.. .............. ...iait 1 TB M Swift A Co. 14 North Hide Hy.. T2 South Bide By 01 CAB rBABCIACO LOCAL BTOCIB. V Csu Francisco. Jsly 1A Cloee. 10:10 a. m. taval atocka: . " " Bid. Contra Costa Water OK Horlns Valley Water BH Saa Francisco Osa A Blectrie to OOti . 02"? 14 . 100 Hswstisa Sugar 02 Hoaokea Sugsr ... 11 Hutchinaoa Sugar ... aaa... ....... Mskswell Sugar 1S Aleak Parkers' Aasorlatloa 114 California Fraltcsnnera' AaeocUUos. W :. TODAT'B CLAAAOraA . The Portland alaa rtr g boaee reports today: riesrlags ....................... .0dld BSS SO Ba Usees 03,14.80 RUN OF LIVESTOCK SHOWING INCREASE Portlnnd TJuloa Bteckvarda. Jul 18. Tber ware larger rocelpte la Uvea took today, but tbe rna of hog I atlll ander the dravand. Demand for hoge connnaee very goxas. ixe receipxe rodsr eonslstsd of 00 bogs. Ifi6 cattle and 1,1 10 sheep. Official ruling nrlcaa show : Cattle Beet eastern Oregon steers, OS. 00; best valley steers, A1.tB4.3Bo; Btedtna steers, 1XT06AOO; cows, 13. 3012. 7.; balla, tAOOQ .00; sugs. 12-00. Hogs lisat hesvy. tS.TB; blocfc.'tS.0O: Chins tats, ft 00; sucker sad feeders, 84.78. Bbeep rncee nominal, xaeet grain-xeo wtb- and lambs. 126412.10; mixed Sheep, 01 AO XA8TZAX HOOt It CIBTB D0WB. Chicago, Jl7 1A Uvea fork recelpvsl Bogs Cattle Cheep Chicago ,...,....... ..12.000 0.' A0O0 Kansas Cltr !." 1.2"0 1,000 Omahs BOO ' 100 Hoge opened 10c lower tbsa yestorday. Baling prices:. Mlx-d. 14.SKU.tS.l0; good OB.toeAtO; rouga, .iiat.iu, ugn ss.sovs.aa. , ( attic Btesay. . t , Blwep Blow. . ; : '' , -nnr tobk comi mabxxt. Kew Tork. July it Coffee today closed aachaaged. IM saarxex: Bid. Aak. July 8 tbo Aagast ;................. ........ i si aim Seutetnber 4. HO 0.08 October Aid 0 IS rmbe 0 20 0 IB December a 0. AO A.1A anuary ........................... u V) a 40 FebrWT 0 40 O BS March ARB 0 SO a pel I a. ......... ,a. ,o no U. ft May .... 0.TS ' 00 June AOS 0.00 Heetx esyst Tne rraoe a mcnnea to take a fswa-abta view f tb outlook baaed en tbe mailer crop tha seaeoa and ataady diminution of the arorM a vial Die annpiy la contraal with last fail, bat are waiting aeveKipmenta. ' - Teralgs Oaffee Marhsta. New Terk. Jnlr IT Havrs aad Pawners coffee anobaaged. Bio receipts, 0,000" saga. Msrhst wssk. - - . Lirarpaal Cettoa Xigkdr.4 t.tverpool. July U. Cettoa closed S ta f ate Six her tbsa yssterdsy. Lliataaal Orata Market. IJverennl. Jnlr 11 Close: Wbest. Jnlr. AA hither; September, 0-T, higher; Deeember. 0f. Hi her. CoraJuly, f 4, aachaaged; teptember, Al. Ih higher. SPIRITED RISE IN i ALL WHEAT OPTIONS CKtCAOO WKKAT FIT HOW 9VLY LXATH.T OTIBIOU OABX WHAT BTTXIa AT 1VAMB rKAV BtriTM iJOatT orrzxnroa parra 00BJT IIOBm . : (FornUhed by Ovsrbsck, lUrr A Cook Co.) CllicaSO. JulV Ik ..a. a a. Xiae mAwimm. The wheat market la auU oversold la the July opUoa. Cssb wheat is still at a larga premium sod enough holders of July are evideutly willing to stand pst to give the shorts difficulty in ooverttig. Tha market wss seals active with. out feature. Iti sdvanoes of the day aaiy serre le confirm and to solus si taut enlsrge oa the previous ssUmata of tbs dsmag la tbs southwest. Bven Bapw's rsaort euiinrms this. Mo estimates lift to AO new sen la tha alia. sodri valley. , Adrioae frua Nebraska are mure or Isss eoauplslnlng of east snd ssbles are show ing Btore interest la Americas prtoea aad Aiuarlcsa grope aad ara showing a stronger tone. HO Still think that nrlcaa ara 1uatlMat ha condition sail wheat ahould be bought on tbe weak apota. rurtbur unsettled weatlug la prs dwtsd aad eeeue llkelr. - i ' Bharta Orivea la Oera. ' la aora there waa wothlne aw to awe aaum. dltloa to Seoounf for tbs strength. It seamed to he that the Bhorta war driven be th, Tiai.i offerings la the. pit. Probably tba predictions or rain varougnout the west waa an Incentive. Cora advices are la ths aula favorable. The country offering are fairly liberal sad there Is sux maca mora in the coaa altuaUoa ta eoa tribute to the atrangth. Kaaeaate Cwnring af Oata. It WBO a Caaa of SaOaWwatai MieertBe eaf aboete. There a till Quito a libers) short Intsnat la July oata aud ao far deliveries aa this eptloa have bees practically aoUiing. Tbe acttoa of the Biarket oa tha whole la strong.' With altogether tana-able weather cash oats Bight get dowa to ths September, but with any thing uufarorshls la wssihar conditions we hardly think tbs sheet Interest would wait for It, With favorable conditions th distsat fntorsp might decline a little. With unfavorable eondiUoo eailghtjdvsBot good desL OuU la riwrltisaa. la arovlaloaa It la sltosstber a dun Basrket. Condltiona cou earning ths strlks are ao wholly uucertala hoU ss to Its sffectlveBoaa aad ooa- tlnusUoa that all a peculation la at era at the moment. The market la. wlthoutnendeacy aad nearly every one, for the time a pronounced oplnleeu ' . looey's markets; ' oauia, a wtuisui pea. HlgB. Low. Close. '".eOHA , .0B .12 Mi lt.10 1A12 Wheat . KewJuly.t MH I .04 f .1 e0l4 . .07 .. J Mi .hi ,1 Mm Nswhsot. JtO Dee...... 8f? ebbH -07 H e0 Sept. . .40 .4S .4 fee a Oats r Sept...., .ti 1M , eKI iAim T.10 . T.10 T.TtH t.Tt Pork it. oo 1A11H . lt.llS Tit T.1 T.Tt ' Lard Sept..... T 00 T.OTH Oct .t.10 'i T.IK' r.12 Ktbe Sept..... . 1.T2H- T.T0A T.Tt nt T0BX STJJOf ABYa Mew Tork, July 1A Dow, Joaea A 0. aaa tnsry: Importsnt market lntarssts favor a reaction, it M believed Steel preferred will he sble to coottaae tbe T per cent dividend rate right along. J. J. Hill thinks the wbest crop will be under 000.000,000 bushels. Ths Kansas City Star ea time tae tha has of wheat la the flooded escttoa at bo par cent. President Cole of Nstlonsl Lead ssys a Bargee a being srrsnged. Juno, exports of dome, tic product re 13d.0dT.TM ass laat t4t.480.4Tt Isst ysar. Hrooklya a beglaning to feel baavy expenditures for bettermedta. About t per eent eoown atock for the year oa Brooklyn. Nine Lees read far the first week of July show an avenge grass Increase of 1.01 per eent. TTt irerage price of go raitroaa stocks aaevacea 1.1 per coat. crossing par for tne tvret nao oa tnis saovs, . CHICAGO CASH WHZAT. " ' Chicago, July I A Cash wheat; No. 1 red. ap H; No. t red, up 0c: No. 1 hard winter, dowa le: No, I. up le; No. 1 northern aprlng, up le'. 'Ko. A ap 4c; No. t aprlng, ap le. Tha aarketl Bid. .' Aak. Na. t red ...... .1101 t ... No. t red 1.08 No. I red. old 1 10 No. 1 hard winter ................ .00 . . .AT No. I hard winter , .08 .05 No. 1 aorthera spring 1.01 1.08 No, 1 aorthera aprlng ............ .W , 1.01 No. I spring M M . ' New Tork rsla Jfaukst, . . Hew Tork. July II. Close: Wheat, Septra ber, 00e.; .: . Berlia Orata Market, " Ber tie. Jaly-1A Close: Wheat options, higher. Xawaakee Arabx Market. Mllwankea. Jnlr 18. 1oee: Wheat. July. old. O0c;' hi, We; September, old. S8; aew, autke. . . ' Saa naasiasa Orsia Market Sen rraaclaco. Jolv 11. Closer 11:M A. a. Wbest, Deewaber. ILIA, Barley Oeeember, - POR T.JU ANDS OR BATE ST Tim h OF THE YEAR TO BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU EAT AND DRINK. AVOID EATING OR DRINKING ANY THING THAT IS NOT: PURE AND FRESH. IF YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER. HERE YOU WILL GET THE PUREST, FRESHEST AND BEST THE MARKET AF FORDS. TRY US WITH AN ORDER QUICK DELIV ERY ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. Good Coffot All tha tlmo by ttn Harvey Bicker's Half-Minute Coffee Pot Teated for yettra it has become a permanent success. - Wa ara sols agents here. Blsea; ' t quart, I quarts and t quarta. A delicious up of In BilJ A MXM VYM. Wo iralwarlso your Coffee prop. Wa operate tha only genuine Prone Bur mill la tha 'city. Does not take tha life out . of your F.BRESSER Telephone Main 2 IFm-alahed br Ovarbeck. Stsrr A Cooke CU 1 New York. July 18. T, A. Mclntyre A Co. ay:- Aside frees pussibls crop damage or a tsvoraba weather suedltkins there does not at tbe awaaofit appear to be anything trangible to bsso a further upwsrd anovsiuent oa snd tbe manner in which Liverpool osssd at tbe close would xppesr to inoicsts mat tne nuiuan ma ulpulatlua on that aids a pretty nearly ex. hsusted. . Barring unfavorable develop naea La overnight tbe eondltlon took lowar. ledsy a cotton aarket: Open. . High. January... .0.04 . 0.08 Lew. 0.61 t.02f 0t rahruary.. .... March, ... ATI 71 ' . 0.00 July....... 10.70 - 1081 1O.T0 ; Augat 10.T8 10 DO 10.71 BeptembsT. 0 0 - O.Wi . 0 H2 October.. 0.08 0 00 . 0 08. November.. 0 00 0.00 ' 0 88 u.oaioo 0 fttlUnO 10.81 (2 Hi 10.TTS70 , 0.82'dxl , B.6A'(lf t.WJ,60 B.04 . BJHI OAs PKIMAAT, SBglOPrTS ABB C1.IAIABCIA . Chios go, Jalr llc-laary rooelpta: ' Todsy ... xssr Age Boah. Boah UTbeat Oorn . BhlDi MaMeeae. .2H7.0O0 .. eUH.Oon 4X6,000 AOS.UUO Wheat .................a.... 141,008 .' 104,001) Cora ,.174.000 . ADT.OIW Clesrsacsa were: Wheat and floor, met Imahela; eon. tAOOO bsabala; oata, 4.300 buab ela. - . CHICAOO CBAJJf CAB LOTS. - Chicago, Jalr lA-r-Orala gar lot:, ,, . , tsrada Wbwsl 'ifOQ B I mt OABOOtOII III 1 9- ' a Corw 00, . t ' Oata 41 1 Wheat rsra today: Duluth. 18. Tear Mlnnespolls, . 120; Duluth, U; Chicsgo, If .... 4 11 M . St. Leaw wrala Karhst. Bt. Loola, July 1 A Close: ryheat,' July, roTaCi neptemsar, soa usaso. . . Xaaaas Ctty Sraia Maikwt. Kaaaas ctty, July 1A Close; Wheat, (ember, TTc MlaaeapelM Orsia Market. innBOxfnrdla, July 1A Closs: Wheat, tern her, bio. Dahrth rala Market, Da lath. July 1A Close: Wheat, July, 88. ' BOtTOB OOFTXB MABXXT. Bostoa, July 1A Ooppar eloss: " - ' Bid. Aak, Catted Stares - gl 11 i! United Fruit. ........... ...,....10vi Adventure.. 1 Areadtaa 10 Atlantle Copper Bange. ........... ........ 42 Daly West 21 Mae Mining 4 Michigan .......... m.... ....... 4 Mohswk ........... A1V i 0 areola - e....,...M......M. t3Vi Pboenlg ......... 1 I'tsh . .a,,.,, ............. .e.a. .a 10 i Victoria a....................... . 11k WtnOUS j, el , Wolverine ............ ...... ...... Tt 10. TI . 0 42 22 J 'ir" Tha allanoa and fun man. Frank lie. Nlah, la creatine furor At tha Lyrio this week. Tha old-time aslnatral man la thara with tha foods. Cut tha ad from tha city paper. It's worth 10a. - . aaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaMaaa. ' B. Okamkera, OpMeAua., Wholesale anrl retail, lit BevVntri Bt TOO IATB TO CLABtirr.- WANTED By womaa and two children, po sition as Housekeeper is tns country. Addrees J. 10, Jonrnal office. Butter! Butter! Best creamery ....................45c Good creamery . 40o liairy nutter ............. .oo ana sac Rs.noh egge ......I doaen for 41c Common egge ,.,,...,, Beat sugar-cured hama ........ ....lie rlreakfaat bscon ................. ,14c 10 ttounda Dure lard ...... .....a. .11. 00 I pounds pure lard , ........ .600 Pull cream cheese ........lOo Bad lte Bwlaa chewae . . ...................l&c Java-Mocha coffee . .......... ......10c toe tea for ...too Remember ftaturaay is chicken day, All sooda retailed st wholesale prlcea. - Zea Orsvxtde Cream sry, 884 TamhlU, , Maatare Chicago Board af Trada, CHAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, : . BONDS ah4 COTTON nTnifuSL. retar Stork . fkoat, KtltSUI W are ia aaart a I by privato wtrsa with Meeam Legaa A Brvaa, Cblesaa sad Bsw York: Walker 3ne., J. A Bacae " Cav. New Tork Stock Bxehsngoi Hubbard Brae. Oav, New Tork Cettoa Kxcheagoi Palrchlld A BoV soa: New Orleans Cettoa Bxehangei Beery Rerth A Co.. Nsw Tork Coffee Bgchsarsi Pslss. Webhsr A Oe. t Boston Copper sad Stock Kw ehaaewi Dick Brae. A Oa. Kew Serb had PhUw sowmtmo, xopaenra m oo, ; tKatabllahad 111A) .V AXTD STOCK Boom 4, CHwaad Ploov. w coaaisoa. Coffee. Powders it as Tina as flour. ' " .- Try our moat popular sailor Imperial Mocha E Java 35eU.-3Ibs.efor$I r It fcaa built up our enormous trade. Alwnya buay. WhyT Proper hualnees methods, . GOOD COODS REASONABLE PRICES ana wersi IF YOU WANT THE BEST BUY OF Ccr. 7th c-l i - - - - ? Dr. We Norton Davis. IN A IrVEEK Wo traat - sraceoasfuriy all prtwala.. borvoua and chronic diseases, also bload. stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. Wa cure STrUJLJa (without aiervury) to stay cured forever. In 10 ta 0 days. Wa remove BTRiCTURE. with out operation or pain, 1b Sit eon day ( ve ait coiaCssspEj. ci k vm Ttto doctors rf thla inatltuta are) all regular graduatsa, have bad many fears' experlenoa, have beam anewa la ortiand for It yea re, nave a reputation to maintain, and will aaAeMets.ka no aavaa- anlesa certain cure caa ba affeetadl guarantee a cure In every case wa undertake or,eharaw ao foe. Cosv aultatloa free. Ittera mnfldentlal. la ' atructlva BOOK FOR MEN mailed (rod ' in Plain wrapper. If tou cannot can at offloa. write fog Quesuon blank for home traalmsnt. Offloa hours I to I. and T to A Sunday a . ana nolldaya. It to 1A Tha leadlns apadAllaU ta th Korthwaal v , Established Ittt. ..' , Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. A Voir MotaL V. B , . riaa Btraata. aHlBnAMS. OABfAOK. USCARI Mineral Springs I omimT sat xa Txa tsab. To Whom It May Concenf-- I came to tha above springs oa Aprfl I to talte traatmant for my eras. I had a wary aavar attack of oatarrk of the ayaa, was almoat blind after traatln with tha beat epeclailota that could b4 found, and eufferlng; for nine yaara. J have at laat found a cure hara at the FAMOUS TCSCAJf SPRLNOS, f eauf not orata them too highly. I hooe thai - others that ara afflicted will give theta a trial. RaapactfuUy. W. la, FALHEH, Room 108. Commercial Blog A'ortland, Oregon. Mr. I. C Palmer, of Palmar. Or- wag ' eared of root) mat twm. If yrrur era wtch - write ta no; wo win mve yoti tbe neia and addreea of aoma one era red of a aim liar complaint. Tuscan Mineral Springs Corp. - TTJSCAW, CAXa, BsTAT Soa POM BOTTX.B OP BTOMAOM HENRYWEINHARD - Proprietor of tba,'-'-' , City Brewery ' Z-artTewt aad Btoat Coenpleva - Brewery in tha MortAwaot. Bottled Beer a Specialty , miraon , rt OOM Ut aad BmnalAa B ' PORTLAND. OBJEOON. old he wti Dewcatwra. Turns' GROCER Y Liquor Department GREEK " RIVER The Whisky without a feaadacha ' Pull Quarts; regtilar $l.S0..9t.3O rtvee; regular L ...f l.lO Pull Pints; regular Tte. ,.,. 4lr,' Pull Half Pints; regular 40c. 35 CREAM ' PURE RTB Qtmrta: resular ILll ,...$t.lO CrORDEX-B DRT OUt Qtiarta; ' regular .... ...... ft. lO t DaTTJRK COONAC BRANDT- Quarta; regular l.(0,...91.3O X. HaTXTRK'8 COGNAC BRANDT Pints; regular 71c. ....... ,65 - Vc:"- 11 y if Caioimu I'oa - fill IT ' nranrv