The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    . h.
1 :
14th end Vushinton
... EuiMpyJ, A. HORAN I
R. G. Welch, i
Lessee and Mr.r
V 11711 PAllf P Pill 1 PIICP HIP I 1PT n IPC
LJU.1 OdlVfAdllLO v 1110 LAol a ALL
nr - mmisu wated, oaaajKioK bau, '! ammioajt : bust
Mbiiday -July 18, 1904
butxjex mora out asazxst.
wmrsB, bsbaxs kn ui stn-
4A t L- THE WEE K .
rm mcmrma a at xvaacus
nra ni ma cum BTAns, An
xs shot was nivuo ; to
uovn-ni won
. ''....'-' ul ftnarUl Barrtee.)
Snltl July lJ.-Ouidl and his
i nine swooped down upon Wilson's
' Ba.tlUtM yesterday afternoon and fle.
:' tested Un S to In an of tha faataat
(tsiM of tha saaeon. . Butlor-oppoaed
Hughes In tha box and gave tha x-
National lea roe twlrier run ror bis
- . a . V Wam-
4 It wma a spjenaia niuua ium.
(Joaraal gpecUl Barries.)
Now" Tork. July It High Bait the
American Perby . winner, and holder of I
many track honors, broke hi lea tn two, I
plaoea aa he twunf into the etroteu la
the Sea Girt atakee at Brighton Beach
track yesterday afternoon and bad to I
be (hot. The accident waa a mint pe
culiar one and haa not been e-'filalnedl
runner than during tne race, wimoui i
acer Dugdale received when ha appeared, -on Whatever, the great run
ners left xorelag snapped in two piacea.
High Bali waa the favorite In -the Bra I
Girt event and waa quoted at 11 to id.
Aa tha barrier went up High Ball sot
away In the lead and held. It unUl the
first turn, when Odom had to hit him on I
the hea4 to keep him In. Knight Errant
taking the lead and maintaining It . Aa
tha horaea entered the stretch High Ball
drew up suddenly and Odom dismounted.
The jockey noticed hie mount lifting his I
: on tha field with his cohorts. Tha old
. . guard waa eut in force ana rave tne
visitors the glad hand on every occa
sion.. The Browns showed up 'to ad-
" vantage, although Caatra wasn't In the
game. They played with more gingerly
. iuii than on -previous visits ana
t narked improvement in team work was
' The trouble started In the fourth
'innin. .Drannan and Beck drove out
two safe beauties and Thlelman sent up I riui la arM kaamin It eff the
a U7' Denina second ana jioiiiv a
greet try for It, but dropped the ball,
' allowing It to roll to center field. Van
Haltren fielded It, but not before Beck
and Drannan registered at the plate. In
trying to catch Beck Van Haltren threw
; te the grandstand and Thlelman was
nest up and he slammed a hot one along
ground, .The tralnera rushed to the an
imal's aaslstanoe - at once and tenderly
helped him to the stable, where the doe-
tor's pronounced, that the . . limb
twloe broken. Bud May. one of High
Ball's owners, would not consent to I
have the horse shot. ' After a oon-
eultatlon In the evening., May agreed to I
the third baee Una. and Jake pranced h tea t t 0, .BO thj
heme.- Thie ended Portland'e scoring.
. but three proved to be aa good as a
Athonaand. 1 ' . 1
' Wilson's men made 4 desperate ' at
' tempt to tie up matters in the. eighth
innlna- and suoceeded tn putting two
' , men across the plate. Here Butler took
l 'a brace and by fine support checked the
' rush of the Blwashea
, . The Seattle men played great ball, but
, could not win out against Portland's,
' ' superb fielding. Tnieiman will piicn
, for Portland this afternoon. The score:
. , .ARR.H.'rO.A.E,
' Van Haltren. 0. t. ..... t 1 0 1
, Mohler, lb. (.0 f -
.. Pelehenty. b. ...... 5 1 1 I 0
Frlek, L f. I'll
BUrrkenehlp, lb. ... .1 1 4 9
Smith, r. L .....4.. 4 1 0 0
' Hall, a. a. I J J J
Wilson, o. 4.0 0 J 1 I
, Hughes, p. r.. ....... .3 0 0 0 I.
l' Totals.. V.. ...;. 17 I
AB, H.H. PO. A. E.
famous horse 'waa chloroformed and
shot High Bail waa Insured for.
000. Results:
Five and a half furlongs, selling- I
Jack McKeon won: Ume, 1:07 4-6.
Six furlonga Merry England won;
Ume, 1:114-1.
Mile and sixteenth, .selling -Flammula I
won; time, 1:47. -.if- ,
The 8ea Girt stakes, mile and a fur
longKnight Errant- won. , St Valentine!
second: two starters; time, 1:61 S-e.
Mile and furlong Tha Cricket won;
Ume, 1:64 4-1.
Five and one . half furlongs Humo
won; time, 1:0.
At Seattle.
July , II. Kesults '
at the
Nadeau. L f.
; McCreedle, lb. rf..."
Drnmn, c f. v.......
Beck, lb. ......
Raymond, a. a.
Caatro. Zb.
Thlelman, r. f. ......
. Campbell, lb. ........
flhea. c .............
Butler, p. ...
11 10
0 1
' 1
0 (
ToUla. ....... ... I 111 II 1
Peattle . M(Mtl 0 j
'Portland . . 0 0 I 0 a 4) 0 I
L,:.:v.:. summart '.-
f Baorinee hit HalL - Struck out By
.Hurhea, t: by Butler, 1. Haaea on nails
: Oft Hughea, t: oft Butler, 2. Ieft on
bajiea Seattle, t; Portland. . Time of
gnrae One honr and 40 mtnutea. Um
pires McCarthy and McDonald. t
' "'v i -. . Won. tinst
Tacoma.. ........... ,0 . 41
Beattle . . ..64 , 44 .
Lee-Angeles ..........Kt .. 47
'Oakland 61 4
..Ban Francisco ....... : ...
Portland . , 6 ,
Five and A half furlonca. salllnv
Gladys Belie won; time. 1:00.
Four and a half . furlongs. selling-
Mabel Bates won; time, 0:664. . ,
Five furlongs, selling Bummer 'won:
time, x:oi. : . i
Mine and an eighth, hurdle handican
Miia won; ume, 1:01.
Mile and a sixteenth, selling Fondo
won: time. 1:4SA. '
Six: furlongs, owners', handlean Dead
heat between Ocrrohe and Oros.Vtva;
tune, i:uvki - -
At Xarlsn. J
Chicago, July !. Harlem ummanr:
Five rurlonga Lord Dlaoa wont time.
Mile Outcome won; time, 1:44.
Sale Opehsat 9. a -mJTomoiTpw,-
, July 14th, 1904
V Rowe C5, Martin's Drug Store
Corner Sixth and Washington ', . .
ENTIRE LOWER FLOOR...- .U ...i52.00
BALCONY, FIRST FOUR ROWS ...;.-......:.....LZ.$2X0
BALCONY, LAST SEVEN ROWS ....'...........u......-$laOO
' QALLERY ......... ..... 50c
,v No more than ten seats sold to each purchaser.; r; ' '
' llaoraal mieelal Berrlce.t
Corvallla, Or- July - 11. There Is
much Interest taken In football at O,
CL. even though'- the season for play Is
so far away. News that haa been con.
slderably discussed tha past, few . days
Is the faot that the annual game be
tween Q. A. C and the University of
Waahlngton haa been arranged and the
contract algned. The place will be
Seattle and the data October IK An ap-
" miia ani Hi,.n.K xj i plication Has vvmu nwiiio irura
l-Mi l Ulw,nt1- on5 ,mf Utah, for a game between the Agrlcs
ana VIIO AffnuuiiurM wueg. v u
state. That team will play the Uni
versity 1 of Washington, and desires a
game with Corvallla as they are en route
Six - furlongs Tokalon
1:141-1, r.
Five furlongs Hansara
1;01-I. .y .-
Mile D. I Moore won; time. 1:44.
won; time,
won; time,
. Testerday's keaulta.
Portland, t; Seattle, S,
" . won. tost -
New Tork . .....'. .61 ' 1
Chicago , . 41 -it .
ClnclnnaU.. . - 2 .
Pittaburg .....87 . SO ..
St. Tuouis .. ..........11 II ,
Boston . . ............I" ; 41
Brooklyn.,... 16 40
Philadelphia . IT '. X H ;
. At Olnclimatl. -
v At St, -bonis. .
St ixmls, July 13. Fair , grounds
summary: -
Six furlongs, selling Tall H.
Ume, 1:21. .
for games In California and Nevada. A
game haa been offered the corvallla men
at Berkeley on October 16. The propo
sition came through O. A. u i new
coach, A. C. Steckle. who la trying to
perfect, arrangements for- a California
woo; tour for tha Africa, with . games . with
tha two big teams .of the golden state.
Five furlongs, purse Erie 1m wob. b,,,, of the Seattle game that had al
R. H. E
-Cincinnati i ....... t. ........ .4 3
New Tork 7 14 1
- Batteries Hahn and Felts; Matthew
.; son and Bowerman. ,.
At Ohloago. d ' '
Chicago... i 6 t 1
"a Boston . . t 7 1
Batteries Lundgren and Kllng: WTd
' lis and Needham. Umpire O Day.
At St. Xonla,
r. aa
St Louis . ,...4 10 1
.Brooklyn ..0 6 1
' Batteries Taylor and 2arfoae; Cro
ma ana itergsn. umpire zjmmer.
sssxa ' xajtxov roars rotmr.
s Jeenwl tpadal Serrir.)
- San Francisco, July 11. W. W.
; Naughton of the Examiner yesterday
, received 31,000 from Dan Hanlon, aa
., forfeit In connection with Kddle Han-
.Ions coming match with. Battling Nel-
- son. One-half of the amount poeted by
J Hanlon is to guarantee that he will be
, at the required weight and the other
- half for his appearance In the ring.
Ume. 1:064.
Blx furlongs, selling Benston Hurst
won; tune, i:jo:
Mile and a sixteenth, handican Jack
xoung'won; time. i:rH. :
Mile and . three-sixteenths, sellinew.
ooiwr won; tune, i:si.
Six furlongs, selling J. W. CNeU
won; time, i:ze. .
1 .
Boston . , ...4
Cleveland . . .... k
New Tork . ....41
Chicago . i. ....41 -
Phlladelnhla . . 1
St lufs . ...... 1
retrp t . . 23
Washington.. 11
At Boston.
Boston , . .;... 16 1
Detroit . . , 11 i
iwniM miniw. 'lannenm infl iti.
ger; Mullen and Woods. ...
At Jfew Tork,
New Tork . ..................1 g
Batteries Hushes and McOuira: Jaaa be hotly oonieetea.
ana auinni. -
At Washington. "
Washington.-... ......14 1
St Louis i 8 1
Batteries Town send and Clark!
Olsde and Kahoe.
At miadelphla,
" n n.n
Chicago . . .......4 T, 0
Philadelphia.. t
Batteries Owen and Sullivan: Hm.
ley and Sohreck.
ready been scheduled for October 16, a
later data haa been requeated trom tne
Berkeley manager. Another game that
haa been aeked for with Corvallla is
rrom the Oregon Medlcalrcollege eleven.
A date haa been offered them by the
agricultural men.
Lost P.C.
28 .667
18 .618
27 .671
87 - .433
8 .418
63 ; .178
- Joa Walcott has been matched to
fight Hike Bchreck of Cincinnati before
athletic club In Saginaw, Mich., in
tba last week of this month. The bout
will probably be at It rounds, the mea
to weigh In at 166 pounds. ' Bchreck Is
hlehlv considered In the west and a
bout with tha Black Demon would be
a mime attraction In that vicinity. The
western pugilist la In good condition and
has had several hard rights recently.
Waleotf a poor showing against Toung
Peter Jackson In their recent nout nss
depreciated his stock and a victory over
Bchreck would mean a goou aeai to
htm. On the other hand Bchreck would
attain great prOmtnenoe by defeating
Walcott The bout will undoubtedly
boos SBTunra govts sr.
(Joaraal SpeHil Berriee.) ' '
PnV. nit. .1 9 A . n rM.1n
of the Fourth of July eelebratlon In the riding and finally went into vaudeville
(Joaraal BpacUl Saniee.)
Bookane. July 13. "Bud" Cover,
known in the professional world as
"Bud" . Snvder. Is now. on his way to
Bookane to visit his father, X T. Cover.
Cover wss at one tuns a newsboy on the
streets In Spokane, and is now the
world's champion trick bicycle rider.
He has completed his title of champion
by a three years' stay in Europe, where
be haa successfully met an comers.
About 10 years ago, when a newsboy
tn this city, he began to do his fancy
.' (Journal Special Sarriee.l
St Louis. July 13. The Buffalo Oer
t man basketball team defeated the Cen
tral T. M. u. A. team or New Tork in
v tha final game of the world's basketball
series, thereby winning the world's
Olympic championship. '
' Oa aeeooet ef He frlgktfnt t1Hnui.. dm
rXmilna aj eomnoolr eillvd tba ktn. . n
PtoiMH. It aiar b altbe kcrwliur ar ana
trata4- Onee tba afitva t talatae with It tba
ww " 1 1 1 v.. inrn ar shroff.
I-, ai n Rn.ama.ra rain.
iaiata. ErnpnoD or
rasa ar Bady. Uttw
m, aora
upper camps another rock-drllllng 00 nr
teat wlU take Place In OreenhornClty
Juiy is, ror a purse or 3300 a side be
tween Herman Qudregg and "Big" Qll
lts, the winners of the contest on the
Fourth of Olle Lake camn. and Al Cart
ridge and William Hunnell. There is
considerable excitement In the eamo
over tha scorning contest and It Is said
that several-thousand dollars will be
placed on the outcome on the side. The
mams are aireaay in training and a
very tiveiy contest la expected.
work. He Is now one of the most daring
riders ia the world. His. particular
stunts, kre turning somersaults on a
bicycle over a table, hurdling aver re
volving tables and long distance diving.
oastbo nrr otr or oaxb.
52 p"i" 'Vt " awoii
OppM -Colors Spota aa tba
Uleare la Iba eloatb ar m
lyiun Lutra waa AMrM A..e ,1
xus caatro was ordered out nt thai
ror protesting a decision at flret base.
Ba"alBU Lit. a. a. a m a a.
ot the
in. j mifw, n-T. iornv m lonaiit, aaiiiaa i r riaa nit a mi to t aatro ana- It waa
: 'u,iH,1 "rawowa. ,m , u - fteldei), to firat. K.,t mtw.m
raaa Ilka Daeajr or tba flaab aad Boaaa. 11
aave ."7 ar wa or ..aiiv ayDiptoaaa.
hUOWM'g BLOOO CURB. lmidl,f,l.
traatmant Is arartleallr tba raault o( Ufa wnr.
It anatalne ao dancamrM 6rugi or Injurious aae
Irlnaa af mm kind. It anaa to tba vara Im4.m.'
af tba elaeaae aa4 fcreaa oat erary aartlrla at
af tba ehieaaa aa eareaa oat erary aartlrla at I "
la.rwtty. Hnae aaarf aire and errapioa Slaaa I '"
Mn, aoeipktaly sad foraaar. Tba blood, tba I
ruled the man safe, and the decision so
angered the Portland second baseman
that he said things to ths umpire.
Tmeiman succeeded McCreedle T In - the
neia end stccreedle went to second.
riaaaaa. aa awan, vaa nonea ana vaa waoia aya I
aa ara riaaaapo, prin.q ana raacnraa aa aap.
. r nm, ana taa panaai prpaj-aa aaaw fa
tba entlea sad tbaaaraa af Ufa. BlaUWH'S
pi nun l i ks, a r-ntia. laau a aoata,
M.da at pa. brow, ens area at.. Pbiu4..
Ma. ror aaia la rortiaae aaiy y raaaa Maa
- rani
a op FiTornxms.
tlaad Hatal fauaaaar.
Roach , . 0
lerg , a... ...... .18
llnstlnrs . , , 1
Thlelman Y. .......... t
Butler . .
Pruhot . . . ... 1
Shields . , ,. 0 .
Connors . ........... 0
. 8
. 16
. 4
. 1
.Ave. !
" .409
Your Nerves
Are tha Ufa, tba Vitality, tha energy of
onr body.
It 1 the nerves that cauae the heart
to pulsate, the lunge to Inhale the oxy
sen. the brain to direct the motion of
overy organ-of the body, the etamach to
dlgeat food, the liver to secrete the bile,
the kidneys to niter tne ninod and the
bowels to carry off the waste.
When the nerves of the stomach "be
come weakened or exhausted. Indica
tion, Constipation end .Inflammation re
sult, because the stomach la Inactive.
This la true of all the organs of the
body, and proves that td ruredlseaes
you must strengthen the nerves.
Dr. Miles Nervine
Is the e-reat eneclfln for tha nervaa and
In bringing them back to health never
falls to cure alf cases of nervousness.
Sleeplessness. Neuralrla. - Hesriachn.
Rpaame, Backache, Muscular Twltchlnga.
Ht. Vltua" Dance, -Epilepsy, Stomach.
Liver and Kidney troubles. -
"For two years physicians and health
resorts failed to relieve me of a com
plication of, stomach, liver, kidney and
heart affections. Blx bnttlee of - Dr.
Miles' Nervine cured me"
rocer, jtecstur, ina.
If flrat hnttla falla tn h.iwiii Sinnu
rtrauo scxooxi atbxbtbs tvAiraox
vrm. US17I.T nr obbatbb xb-
(Special Dtapatch to The loaraall
" New Tork, July 13. By far the moat
important happening In tha world of
amateur athletics for a long time was
the formation- in St Loula last week of
the Public School Athletic League of
America, following the three days' meet.
In. 4. KhUh M.kllM mmKaaI knv. frrtrvt all
parte of the country participated and In
which, despite unfavorable conditions as
to 'weather and track, most creditable
performances were recorded. There are
now local leagues In New Tork. Boston,
Chicago. St - Louis, Los Angeles and
San Francisco, and In a short time every
considerable city In the United States
will have a league.
Tha Importance of thla league to
American athletes cannot be ' ovtr-eatl-
It will turn tha attention of thousands
of school boys all over the country to
field and track sports and la bound to
turn eut champions and result , tn the
smashing of records all along tha Una.
Tha movement which culminated In
St Louis this week had Us Inception la
New Tork last fall, when the first, pub-
uo school atnieuo league was zormeo
and a wonderful Indoor meet waa held
in- Madison Bqua re -Garden- TheIdea
of the league Is to have annually ath
letic meetings in the various cities.
Every three years there will be a na
tional meet In which the champions of
sll the cities will come together and con.
teet for the national championship.
Dr. Luther Halsey Oullok, director
of physical culture of the New Tork
public schools, who waa elected the
first national president of the league.
and who has Just arrived from St Louis,
said:., .;. ,. t -. . V i 1
"Tha meeting and formation of the
National league marks an epoch in ama
teur athletics. Its effects will be-far
reaching in moulding the future Ameri
can, ao far as his physical being la con
earned. Mora - than a million school
boys were directly represented by the
teams which competed In tha recent
games and by the time the next meet Is
held, in Chicago In -1807, we expect to
have representative teams from every
big city In . the country. Tha Idea Is
eminently popular with tha best mea In
the educational world, and many . or
them have already promised their hearty
Now that two cities on tha coast sre
represented In the Publlo School Ath
letio League of America, what la the
matter with Portland getting Interested
and Join the popular movement - Port
land schools have a number of young
athletes who would gladly turn out for
meets, providing suitable arrangements
ars made, for the .keeping of records,
etc., and with thla league In full work
ing order ths necessary amount of Inter,
eat can be enlisted to get the young
men out . .
Another reason why Portland schools
should be represented In - the athletic
league Is tha fact that at ths Lewis snd
Clark fair in this city next year ath
letes front far and near will compete,
and should PorUand be repreeented, she
could make an brganlsed effort to se
cure the beat' publlo school athletes In
the eountry for the fair competitions.
There la plenty f material In the pub
lic schools of this city, were It properly
sifted out, trained and encouraged, to
make a splendid showing against ant
publlo school aggregation In the Vnlted
States, and now that the opportunity la
at hand, the -movement should be given
a, start at ones.
Journal friends an readers, whea
traveling- on trains to and from Port
land.- ahould aak newe aarente for The
Journal and Insist upon being supplied
With thte paper, reporting all failures la
obtaining It to the office of publication,
addreaalng The Journal. Portland. Or.
B. Chambers, Opvletasw '
Wholesale and retail. 113 Seventh St
(Journal B Dedal Sarrlee.1
'Baker City, Or,' July 18. A movement
la on foot to orsanlxe a hunt club In
Baker City." which It la thought will be
ot great advantage to the town In
general way and a stlmulua to society
as well aa buelness circles. Thoss who
are talking tha matter over and arrang.
lng for tna clu- propose to pattern It
somewhat after tha Portland Hunt club
and it la tha conviction of all who have
talked the matter over that In view of
tha establishment of ths fair and speed
track association ' tha - hunt club will
oojne in as an Important auxiliary and
Influential factor In the building up of
the live lntereata of tba city and the
county. ' ' . , ' '', -
A hunt clnv such as la proposed will
encourage tha breeding of a higher grade
of aorsea and will pa an organisation
which can entertain strangers In a most
pleasing and acceptable manner. ' Take
the hunt club with the popular nata-
tortum and tha speed track and It would
seem aa though there should be a great
lmpetua to the growth and prosperity
ef the entire community. Make a town
or city attractive, it the means and
capacity for entertaining and strangers
and capitalists looking for homes and
lnvestmenta will be glad to cast in their
lot with such a community. It is with
such ldeaa as these that tha promoters
of thla scheme ars working out their
plana. It la hardly expected -that tha
elub can be put in full owing this aeason
but It la expected thst an organisation
can be had, subscriptions taken, mem
bership dues paid in and everything
made ready to launch tha club In full
swing this fall or In the -spring.
Tha Brunswick bowling team took
fall out of tha Monarcha laat night on
tha "Portland alleys,- when they won two
out of three hotly-contested games. The
Monarcha won tha first game by alx pins
and played bard for tha second, but the
Brunswlcks took it by eight pins, giv
ing tnem a ieaa ox two pins at tne ana
of the second gam a J(a. the third game
tha Monarcha tried hard to get tha lead
and they bad tha Brunswlcks very un
easy for a while, but they finally won
by 87 pins, giving them a lead or 83
pins for the series, . , - ,
I. F. Kelley mads the highest average
with a total score of 687. and Erlcks was
a close second with 633. Erlcks and Mo-
Manamy were tied for the highest alngle
score, with ltl each. Tha Monarcha are
not satisfied . with tha result of this
game, and have challenged tha Bruns
wlcks to play a return game next Wed
nesday night when they expect to get
revenge, Tba scores were
Monarch ,.1 (J)
Kelley ,....17 ISO
Erlcks-. ..171 131
Hanson . 148 163
Christian . .......141 141
Rowe . ....164 13T
3 Total
181 687
1 636
166 457
lie ,401
163 463
783 , 302
Boulanger 131 144
Hysmlth . 143 159
McManamy 131 M68
Imnswlcks ', Ml
eyae , , ........IKS 170
llard . . 163 184
(3) Total
178 607
lt 634
177 453
124 428
160 604
733 610 - 8201.423
- (Joaraal pedal Service.) . '
Spokane, July 13. Arrangements are
being made for the-game of baseball to
be played In this city next Saturday be
tween a bunch of railroad agents from
Portland and a team composed of pas
senger and freight agents of Spokane.
. The proceeds of, the game will be de
voted to the Home'of the Friendless. In
tha evening the losing team will give a
banquet at the Spokane hotel to the vlo-
tors. ' .
Some time during the' summer a re
turn game will be played at Portland.
Boxing school, Tom Tracer, 106 4th St
Tears of suffering rellavad In a ni-t,.
Itching piles yield at once to the cura
tive properties of Dosn's .Ointment
Never falla At any . drug store, 60
cents. , "
U V " . .. -IM'-v;-
BuUer is keeping np his good work
in the box. . Out of tha last six gamea
Ike has won four, three of them being
shutouts. ; There Is pleasure in having
a man like BuUer on the team. Bou
quets are good for Ike, .
The assistant manager expects that
Portland wUl take tna aeriea at Beat tie.
If Portland can whip 8eatUa thla week
a big taak will have . been completed,
becauaa the Satellltea have been hit
ting the ball hard and' often during the
past month j In fact -all season. .
Danny Shea got In twa safe hits
yesterday. Shea always had a weakness
for tha Seattle grounds.
When President Bert waa la this city
recently he stated that the schedule for
tha second season was made ' cut at
tha same time that the schedule for
the present season waa framed. Now
word cornea that Bert's mission north
was to have a conference with . Mlka
Fisher regarding the schedule. Bert
evidently wiehed to avoid hearing .any
requests from Portland that would favor
thla city In having' the opening games
of tha second .aeason played In Port
land. - . - .'
Bumor has It that. Portland will open
tn Tacoma Inatead of at homo. : How
the-league magnates can suffer that In
face of tha fact that . Tacoma has
played at home mora than any other
team in tha league la certainly a- matter ,
that ahould be explained. Mlka Fisher
would stay at home all aeason If Bert
and Harris would allow him. '
When schedules are' to be arranged .
hereafter . the PorUand management
should sea that thla city Is not alighted. .
This year Portland haa been ignored by ',
the league manager In the way ef -gamea,
but when Lohman or Fisher or
Morley ara on the road they ara only '
too glad -to stop off here for the money
that Is In It .: - r
1 "If K rugae's name was MoOraw "or '
McOuire - or aomethlng like that lie
would -tja worth 810,000." mused Philos
opher 'Pete Lohman tha other night"
"That boy ia a wonderful fielder. One
time he wilt hook a fly over by the '
score board,' and his next catch, will"
be- in right field, but he cannot think '
quick,'-like tha Irish." Tou eaten one
of thoaa Micks asleep and you're a
wonder. A man haa to think all tha
time playing ball, and thia knack of get- .'
ting away fast Is what makes the dif
ference between a .major and a minor
leaguer. - ' '-, , - ; ' .
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