THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING! JULY 13. 1904. CITY NOTICES. v CUT NOTICES. ' CITY NOTICES. , ' CITT M0TICE4. CITY R0T1CE8. CITT N0TICB8. RAILROAD TIMETABLES, AS8ESSMEBT TOR IMPIOTEMEMX Of OVIR. x biaaax. Notlc la iereby given tbat th Council of th Clt Of Portland. (IRIW, .1 BuntUug blU , un tb ib day o( July, 1V4. dV-cbuud tli lor Ui. Hue of itnuruvemrni ui werion street, - irum huw r 'iwelftb KtiMt to the'we.l Twwity-atth .itmI, tn tb amuoer provided 4rainii sue , iu u wu v-www i ui lot ud parcel of laud, which ar specially I and peculiarly beu.ttted, U ta n (ollu., CUIHU4 AliDliTO to th City of PortUnd hLULh. Z1S. lot , W Ilium Waaber.; ' b t , Wim.u aib.r, 1.(. tut . Car- II ua Bath ...lata. b.ira f. tai.Oi: kit 4, t arolln Buck batau, hb- t, .lib. bLOCIi 11H, lot , Krtlaud Iron VSork., tuo.uv; kit 6, 1-orll.nd Iron Work., ot.i t . I'ml.ud Irooi Work., , fU.ol i lot T. i-ortlattd Irua Work.. IJxi.wl. HLOCK U, kit k. John Drlactill. ia.51l: kit B. Mary Jnklua, VI. U; aat V o lot 0, Ktrdhi.ud . lrMr,; aat H of lot T, rwdluaud Iwaaaer,; (ml 44 ( kit 4, Auguat M Meaaukaiup aud Jacob ' bapeuulug, U.Wj ' ut 1 vl lot T. Auiuat MKMukanip aud Jacob iwiwnoliur. Il2a.rt. bLOOK Kli. kit , Thotua Caliafhaua 0.8O: lot . Uhouiaa, al io; itoum tt or wi o, Hll.a W. I)ickron, .): aaavorly 40 UMM fnt OX kit 7, William J. aua M.rin. .1 Ml.rflr KA.4K ft of lot T. ' Junrph alatackliwr, 1.IK. BLOCIC !UL lot e, Wllhain Jaeobaou, 410.T3) lot 4, Job I . Hddy, Sa.U. BUtKJh, aiu, lot a, ueiunuua T. IhiwI, 13T.a; lot o, Clmutlna . uwii, Jilk.C: lot , (Jleiuenlln. r, utwia, rij ot T. ( lamcotlna L.wU. H-. HIiOCK . lot a. LoulM fcllor., lwt.H: Wt . Aoua MJikon, au.U. BlUcK bod, lot 1. t leinanUna V. lla, kit X, Clmn . llna IT. Lla, L8.7i kit o, tlnimtiua If. ", 474.UO; lot. T. Cleineutlua If. , ... Irtd.76; la lg, Unwntlua V. i-wta, lot 11, t'ujmeuOua '. Lewi., O.40; kit 1. - 1'Uiu.uttua . Lvwto.! kit Id. Clmij. - tin. If. JUwl., S17.4M; lot 15, CleuienUna r. , l Smwa, 2Mj4ili..otT8, Kllaabalh. U. (lllaan, IIKUS, kit d, Kllaabeth H. UlUau. '7 "'J 1- KUaabotb H.. Ullaan. .lo; , lot Id, ISllaalwth H. UUna, t.,Jt H. Kllubctb it. (illaan. 7.10i Wit 14, UlnbeU . U. Ullaan. $74,116; kit Id, VUkMtb H-.V1'"". Il no: lot 15, lllb.ik .H. t'. ItUltK iW. lot 1. Ocon. . .H llaon, I.W. Jot 4, -Oeorg Wllaon. 1 3i t SJ?.' $1 ud W.luw C. xJuj-na. 74.Ai lot 't, bnll ... 1 l.,kl. .'IMT J t A" HbartbW 4184.47;. lot a. kobert : A. rUiartla, ta'.lBj ioi , " ""- " .1. , 47 ao; lot T, eobrt Brne Wltaon. 4T.o; i.,t in l Umlnihi. 1.. Wluxin. 44. IU! lot 11. - tbtairnUna U Wlleon, 70.Wilot i. Clamiu- I v tlna L... Wllaon. tTlkOa; to in, 1 WmluUna L. Wllaon, 42S.74; lot U, CUmlu tlua L. Wllaon, 414S.2U. , . GOLDSMITH H ADDI'llON to tb City of Port land BLOCK 8, kit 4, WlllUm Hafr, 4.d; kit 4. William Ha4. 7 61i k)t Id. WUllaoi H4err4a.7B: lot lT,J.tttt-la4--4. BLOCK la, lot 4, Otto B. Bluawanger. 4181.80; lot 4. Otto B. Blnwangr, lT.u: tot 6,oju B, and J.coe Biuawauger, inii ao, teaorg A and Mar v. .rogi, aiaa-avi mi, , iuiJ c.lrtMn.lth aa.i: lot 18. Ixiul Oold- ' aailtb, 844.161 tot 18.-LsuU Goldemtla, 804.8S; kit 14, Loula Ooldamltn. . $11.U7; tot IT. ." lxwl. tioldimltb, 8180.68. BLOCK IT. tot 4, Tllll. r. Coroellua,, 470.41; tot - C0VCH B ADDITION to tb City of IVirtUnA-. BLOCK 387, kit 1, Rlcbard Seal, 4114.831 l..t 4 John Klernaa. 416.471 bit 8, Portland Cordage Company, 871.03; . lot a, Portland Cordag Company, 8318.24. BLOCK ZiH. lot 1, baiuuel and Loula rrMdman, l7d.8tt; lot 4, Haniael and Louh) rnedinaa, f8 ; lot 4. Bamuel tod Uraut yrwximau, ',;' kit 8, Bamuel and loula Freed uian. 14. 10. BIX1CK 880, lot 1, Clnntloa Uwla, 8164.04; lot 4. tneinentlua 'r.Sji. V8,"!' kit 8, Clementina F. f i&K laS I hMneatln. r.- l. I1" 5; v5 a 'j.??!. OaVm. Mi. obn "iWi Snd'cai:! tariin, w.ev, -" ---- 1 P" Jo'". . totHlfi?1h"attw'kl Kl JiiV" v i' ik,,ri,,. I cbopp, $10,781 tot 4. Mary J. Cwurtney I BLOCK I tot 4. I aTSat' i KIJli R 388. lot 1. Daniel and Margaret I O'Brieo, $1NS.dO; tot 4. Daniel and Margaret 1 WVti ol''Jr.' 9 fJS.1 , rK-Sn. kTlaTiT n, 418.2I tot 3, Daniel O Brian, ia17. I a, junua Kramer,-iio.ea, tot 14. Portland Truat' Conipauy, $184.80;. tot 17 Joeeph and Jan Kwti4. $17.07; lot IS, John Bingham. $189.68; lot 8H0, lot 4, Clementina r. lrra, $180.64; lot S Clementina V. Iwla, $18.47; lot 4, tie man na jr. Jwla, $70.46; lot 8, Clementina f. Iwta, $08.00; kit 0, Clementina V, Iwla. $N0.16; lot 18, ClemenUua P. I-ewi, $7A06J kit 14, Clementina P. Lewi. $76.70; tot 17, Clementina P. Lewi. $18.63; tot 18. Clemen tlna P. Lewi. $180.07. B1XRK 808. tot 4, Clementina P. lueala, $148.40; tot 3, Clemen tlna P. Lewia, $88.60; lot 6, Clementina r. Iwt. 470.48: tot 8. Clementina P. 1ewl. $08.88; lot 8, Clementina P. Lewia, $N8,0O tot 12. Uarrtet L. Umber, 870.06; tot 18, "1 r. Benjamin li tioiman, fia.iu: tot trtatn tlna P. Lewli. 428.23: lot 18. ClcmenUn P, Lewia. 4144.08. BLOCK 807. lot 4. Frank P, Dartd, $144.60; lot 8, Annlo A hern, 61.41; lot 8, There. Habekoat. . $67.80; lot 8, ' Amend. V. Bckardt, $70.06: t hi ut lot . Amanda 0. $43.45: wart ot kit . 8. P.unl Y. Aab, $44.46; tot 13, Pannl V. Ah, $73.00;tot 14, J. 0. Vmx1, $78JS north V of lot 17. Uartla McNlcholaa. 114.77; south H of tot 17. P. O. Oallagber, 14.7T; tot 18, P. O. Gallagher, $141.83. GOLDbMITU'8 ADDITION to tb City of Port- I A tl T . U ' V A U.. 1, 11M UI - C-av.11 f3.78v,fel3. a'hc Ca.well, $4.70." ; BLOCK 1. MIX Emma and Julia Goldsmith. $118.87; ,, lot a, smma ana juiia uoioamitn, fiawi; tots, Maurice Kelmteln, 8134.00; tot T. Louis Gold, smith, 803.00; kit 10, Louis Goldamlth. $68.70; tot 11. Loula Goldamlth, $02.76 tot 14. Loot Oold.nflth. $62 86: tot 16, Thoma. B. Howe, 1108.16; kit Is, Tborna. B. How. $124.88. LOCK 18j- tot 1. M. M. Ocarina $08.88; lot A H. M. ueenn. 443.07; right or way, (ily ft Vuburban Ksllway .Company, $30.48: right ,.W.J'. -va we a v wptu Total. 813.404.47. IJT,A4? " ,mWr, 448.W.I A . autement of aforeaald ?W. f,T"",mOTt been entered In tb Docket I now doe and oarabl a B. Stoeher, 47 a. 00: tut IU, ra. wmiaa wi cam. 4167.06; lot il. Virginia Wlli. 7a.i0i kit 14, Vlra-tnl. Wllaon, 74.; lot 14. M. Loul.a Untblcnm. 4a8.d6; lot 16V M..L011IM so HI IlCIC XutL lot 1. uok- - City Traa.urer, la lawful money of th United Bute and If aot paid within 80 dare from' " -1 tb dt f thl notlc each proceeding wUl : 6, Portland Truat Co $148.10, Total, lot Taylor street and the aouth lln of Wash be tskea for th collection of tb Mm a are I $8,830.64 burton .treet. ... provided by the Charter of th City at Port-I A atatemcat of aforesaid, isaaesment k. I Th Bugineer' estimate of th v unit, .... Th bore eeee.ment will bear InUreat 10 day after tha Brat publication of thla notice. ' . . - - THOe). C. DEVLIN. Auditor i)f the City of Portland. I Pnrttoad. Oregoa, Jnly 12, 1804. v PROPOSED rilPROTEMENT 0T EAST HINTS I ,..,.. I - w.i.. , ., .1 - a .. ... I a of tba Council of tb dtr of Portland. Or. on. held oa the 8th ay of July, 1004. tbe I ioi , .. waw "view- l iteaoivau, jgu ma iranr.i 01 in tiir el I Portland,, Oregon, deejoa It eipedletit snd pro. I to Impror. Ka.t Ninth .treet , from I north line of Bo. con .treet to tb outh Un of Klh) worth street la the following manner, lo-wn; Flint Br Brldlng tbe .treet full width with i ton. held ou the 8th day of July, 1804. the I r".wJl"..v-a".T7 r0 " the . full lntoreectlon. lone to the proper aub-grade .. I following resolution ws sdoptod: . iT.'-.Aui TV rZZ. t, t City Englarer. I KolTd, -Tbat th Council ef th City ef 1V.- bringing the ' anrface of the I Portland, Oregoa. deem It e.pwllent nd . ' 1U.-' . I?10C- P"7,'I.W-. ' given by th . Second By V erreet full width with full I line. Ill I y proper grade with eraret, I Third -By eonstrnctln wooden sidewalk. I 'V. mw.A ,h. ln mmmahIabm w.,K Ih. I : City KniiMeB (Una, pc locations and all-1 "Vih-., - : ' Bald Imprnreaient to be .mad I accordance! . With th charter and ordinance of tb City 1 to eattmatra of th City Engineer filed in th. efftc of th Auditor ef tbe City of Portland en tb 6th d.y ot Jnly. lv. IndorMd: "city 17 - A ow ..iuh eMt-v, inw mm . un nr we. con .treet 10 ue noutn ; Kllawortb atreet, and tb estimate work o done and tbe probable . itherenf." . I Th eewt of Mid ment to be berhy ore 1. reel in be all tb k'to. part of I . - ro. aau parcels ot tana lying nevwMn a line 1 .loo feet ( of and par. lie I with th M.t I lln of Ea.t Ttinth .treat nnd a Una JiK) feet I weat nf aud parallel with th west line of I Ea.t Ninth atreet and between tbe north llna I nf Beacon atreet and the south Un ef Ells- I worth .Ireet. ' I to. Engineer's eatlsist or tbe pron.ols tnt.l coal fn th. Improvement of Mid Kaat Ninth .treet 1. 1 $3,604.00. Tbs Engineer's eatlaiat of the pmhM tnt.l I Tb 1iov Improvement la to h clueeed a I gr.vel imnrorement and .hall he malntainra I a by tbe Cltr for a Dec lod nf 6va rear, nrovlded I wlod nf flv year, provided I that th owner of majority of tb property I .nccien nr. Mia lmprnremcnt or ny portion I thereof ah.11 an n- II lln. in- m A I HmM. I ent Improrement hefor tb Mplr.tlo at anch I or pevioa. 1 or in pisna. .necinctlop. gsrl earl mete or I the City Enrtnner ft the Improvement f I Mid Kt Ninth .treet see herehv adopted. I Hceii,eei. Th.t the Aurtltiw of th City 'Of Portlsnd be ae,d be I beretrr directed tn, giro police of the iwonoaed Impeoremetnt ot Mid .treet a, wmrldod br th rlty rh.rter. Hcauiveei. That the Auditor of th Cltyofl mliui th ahnr Imnmrw-1 nl mew L. D1l I 4 , l. .V I eignea wirnin si ae.r rrom tn data of th I Bret ptiniiretiow ot I hi. nolle. . I By order ot th Council, ' I THOU. C.DrVMV. I Amlllor f the cltr it' fortl.nd. I i'ortlABd, Oregon, Jul 1004, I 1 ASSESSMENT TOE IxtPROTEMtNT Or HAG- I . ' . AOAJt STREET. I Nolle 1 hereby glvu tttt th Council I Of I he I'll, of l'.,r(l. n,.n t meet, lug held ou th gtb Oh u( Jul, MRU. declared ,b. ..aea.a.eut by erdlo.ue o. 14.003. lor th. tapr..! oC Macadam .treet. from tb. souUfTli.. ut Urorr street to lb. south line of I block. ucke ini, jo uraiun aauicMHi IU me purtlsud iu.l-tat.ta sseoc No Jm Cnm. Bvr provided by ordinance No. 13.77d, noon ..en kit, part of lot and pareol t land, Jfhli-b tra apm l.ll .ad jMculUrl batwatcd, t bt .. f,Uo... ,U: CAKI'TliEb ADDITION to tb City ef port-I Wlid, .. laid out by tb Month tortland , rioal hiatal Auoclallon BUHfel 118. kit 1. ElK-u Idnriiliy,. 474.72; kit Umi rnkowy, lot. 4101. Oii lot 4, rt lot . . t'arrU Klrklry. Bclkltk. - 4107.04. pi.lM'h. 13, kX 1, LAor M. Oaaituuua, 4.0.UW: lot a. l.ur. M. (i.Mimoa.. tji.ftli Lit M. l'rHlii, W. flliri.tti,. aAMr' L.t A iTMton W. UUletM, .I2.UI. BLOCK la7.' kit 1, Milton W. Siuiib. SlUo.; lot X ainioa r.' oiuiua, mp.o: m a, aiuuin w. p"iu, f1 . aum t. . waiuii I II04.T7. BLOCK-K2, bit 1, Rlcbard and 111. -k'unk. tJT.Iil; lot t. lUcb.rd and Kna I riink, ft.o; lot a, xnrtna Mary Talor, JJi.7: lot 4, Martha Mary Talor, 41. Hit. lAH K loft, kit 1. Jobs U. Hoffiuaa, iu.i; k4 8. Han. J. 8chwur. lis 20; bit 1. Kll. C. Sabla, 1.0S; kit 4, Ilia V. Hablo, 420.21. BLOCIi It", lot 1. Albert I'cbrrnbacb, 4M1.1U: kit. 11, Albert Fehrenbarb, liu.ur); lot 8. Allrt Febranbarh, IIB.aa; kit 4, Albert I fehraob.cb, bUHK 171, kit 1. or. I Kon Haiiroai nariKarton to., kit 8. Orun B.llro.d N.rlgatlon Co., 418.85; kit 8, Ore.uo Kallroad A Narlaatlon Co., 414.26; kit 4,, Oregon 'Railroad Narlkatloo Co., 119 40. : BLOCK 170, lot 1, C. kl. - Buell, 421.84; kit 2. Jobu Alnbr, i(Xf.; kit a. yonn wuir, 70; lot 4, John Mulr. 4aa.hU. run h. m efK uiock 187, joha Mulr, 4.'iU.trd. BUtCbTlllt. lot K. LJjorla C. Walbi. t7A7a; lot T. Llwie C. W.lla, 474.72; kit , ilamln r and i'boeb J. Jnhuaon. SA1.B4- kit 5, Benl.mlo r and Pboeb J, Jobnaon. JU.41. BUiCK 183, kit 4, Orefoa Railroad 1 Nirli.tkin Co.. $lU4.2d; lot . T, Oregon Railroad Navigation Co.. M Ml kt . Orogua Railroad JiarlgXlon Co., 4WI.64; lot 4. Oregoa Railroad .at Narlgatlon Co., 4106. 2fl. '. BLOCK 144, lot , Oregon Railroad 4t Narlgatlon Co.. .408.0V: . kit T. Orekoa Kallroad Ka4gatkH -.,-- 4M.411- lot i Oregon Balh-oad Narlgatlon Co., 448.W1 Ml.oo.' BLOCK 14 1 lot 4, Oregi.a ltaluud Narlgatlon Co., 40T.4O; kit T, Oregon Hall road Narlgatlon Co., fa8.u4; kit tt, Oregon naiu-oaa at rarigauon Co., 407.01; hh a. Oregon Bllro.d ft Narlgatlon Co., 858.44. I BLOi.'K lod, lot 4, Oregon Kallroad N.Tl catlon Co.. 411.45: kit 7. Oraaoa Railroad A Narlgatiod Co., 410.71: lot , Oregoa Railroad A Narlgatlon Co., 410.60; kit 6, Oregtm r Kallroad A NarlRatloa Ca,, til. la. -BLOCK low, kit 8, Oregon Kallroad Narlgktloa Co., $11.18; t kit T. Oregon Kallroad ft Narl- iatlou' Co., $10.40; ' lot 4V Oreaxia Kallroad Narlgatlon Co., $14.07; lot 5. Oregon Rail road ft Narlgatlon Co.. 41l5.78. BLCH rl 173, kit a 1 j 1 1 . . ini 14. -krt f. Oregon Ballroad - Narlgatton-eo., 410.07; kit 4, Oregoa Kalb-0.4 Narlgatlon ' w., iw.ou; toe o, uregon uaiiroaa m riariga tloa Co., 411.18. BLOCK 174, lot 8. Oregoa - Railroad A Narlgatlon Co., 818.24; lot" 7, Oregon Railroad ft Narlgatlon Co., 111.66; lot H, Oregoa Railroad ft - Narlgatlon Co., r llLStt;-k.t 4, Oregoa HalSroad ft Narlgatlon , Co., 413.47. BLOCK 148, weat H ot block i, ungoa Kallroad ft fiaruatioa co 484.40. Total. 42.470.08. i ,- A (tatamcot ofi .torwald .aaaaament bag I ba .nlered la tb Docket of City Uaoa, and la bow du and aay.ttl at the ofnc of, the City Traaaunr, la lawful money of th United gtatea and If But. paid within 40 day from tb data of tbla sotlc rack proceed lnga will bo taken tor tb collection of tb aauie a ar ProrlOad by th Chart ot tb. City of Portr ,K. Tk .bora aiMMment will bear Interwt 10 day. after tb Rrat of 'tbla notlc. THOU, 0. DBVUN. Auditor ot tb City ot rortlaua. rw., oregoa, July 18. 1004. - , ,i, , , 1 A88E8flltEX TOR 13WB0TEMENX OF BE1 - atORT BTKEET r BZKJExX. . f Notlc to hereby (Iran that tha Oonnpll of the City of Portland. Oraaon. at a meatine- "ld on et day bt Jul, 1804, declared the leHir.,.mut r ni,...,nt ir.t k. 1. ( bunn.ld 'iblrd addlUon t4 tb a.t "M 0f'b,00k;j ,B4 i' B"1" Prk- tb. ni.nner prorlded by ordinance No. 13,418, apon I ack lot. part of lot and uareal'of land, wblcb I ' . 4 . FS4B8 ri 4VI AUt CVU P Vf f Itf.Mi lrt 20 1-a ftwt Jot 14, Jacob Wrf, i.hw; ntifl OT u.- . 1x4 141 V- k. U mi,. ..a.. ' wmm Am m.wwv A-m, jra. . nururu. 4- llt.VW , tm 18, H. J. Warden, $04.40; lot 18. Kdward K. Baugbman. $48.08; lot 11, Till Ouarante Truat Co., $07.10) tot 10, Tit I Guarantee ft Truat Co., $78.44; lot 0, Title Guarantee ft Tvu., iv . aua ia uiaaIt ii ,M iti.i. - - w. - . v., mr . u, . ,1 Ouarante ft Treat Co., $87.30; lot' 17, Tltl Ouarante ft Troet Co., $84.16; tot 14, Tltl Guarantee ft Tro.t Co., 1x0.03; lot 16, Title Ouaraote ft Truat Co., $60.65; tot 14, Tltl Onarant ft Truat Co.. $01.08: lot 18. Title Guarantee ft Truat Co., $67.06; lot 18, Title Guarantee ft Truat Co.; $77.78 tot 11 Tltl BAatTTpARKDmfi Block 4. tot 1. Walter W. Weheter. Bi 11.11 W '. Iii W l.W 1 I m ii" i o 5f""L t...W.,,"T' iB. JS Borl E.tat, belra of, $61.70; tot 11, Her- I man Borlea Batata, heir of. B44.4A- lot m l u a ... ,a " - I ,V.OT..n,.l. """Bt-:1.9-. . .1 IbCNnJhIDH THihD t 1. TbUTitu eVSnte. Oregon Block 00, tot 1. Tb Tltl Gaarknte I f-.i! a ri.' tt'r, a Hi ?T1TL i"r" ?L"V"".ri . "JvTCj.h fc.5?' JlU e0.?:??" .,nui 7Z": 1"ATV b.,.Tn ;B.",.1, . Tr"' to-. fL'-'Iir. a5 KSt! iTtAlX, mt ,?'8i Bl T.ri,t.?,tT.B. T!Ji SSf antee ft Truat Co., $78.78; tot Th Till Ouarante ft Tru.t Co.. $78.08; tot 8, Tb. ZAS!tLafi 7 VTO.1i,J.!t.llBu, "tt. of Taylor atreet to 4b aouth Una . V - I 8, Tb Tltl Ouarante ft Tru.t -Co., $01.04; I tot 8. Tbe TUI Ouarante. ft Trust Co., $04.30; I $04.$1: tot 8, Tb Tftl Guarantee ft Trurt I o. 1, in am uoorsnie inw uo., 1 Co. 7.0i 1 kit 8. Th. Tltl. GuarantM ft ' Tru.t Cow $73.88. BAKT8CH PABK ADDITION to Kant Portland n Tvii '.. Ti 1 Mines, 1, iwoim 'm m., 1 $08.44; tot 8, Portland Trual : Co.. $n.88; tot iwn enter eu in tn uockh ok viiy uena, snu 1 I bow du and p.yable at th office ef th I City Tre.aurer, la lawful money of the- Lnlted I Btatos and It not paid within 80 day from I the data ot thla notice such proceeding, will be taken for th collection ef tb Mm aa are I nrorlded hr tha Charter of tha Cltr of Port. I land. - Tbe bor BMeMment will bear Interest 10 1 -w. a . ktiM.iM ... ... 1- I THOa. 0. DEVLIN.- I Auditor ef tb City of Portland. I roruano, uregun, au.y i - 1 ' I PE0P08ID rMPROYEMERX 0T TOTTRTH fM1. '.Jnlil ' Notlc I hereby glren that at tb meeting I Or- I nirillinll. nouth line ot liooker (treet to th north Un of Wood .IrMt la tb following gunner, to- Wit! First By grading tb .treet to th. proper "tSLnt w..troetlna wooden .IdewnftA I Third By bringing tb urfc of tb .treet I th proper grade with maradan. I with tho charter and orfUnancea, of tb City f Portland nd th Plana, epec'l Scat lone S Mtlm.te of tb. City knglneer filed In the. of- ' ' 7 , 1" Zl'J. -IlT.' "'" "tiTt r Tiefited threbyi .nd which Is 'e f" a'.1 I" JT.U- pl,U ,' ,;n,,-,Z',n. .T" I erty pet'inny penemea uereoj "-rei tor and p.rc.l. 100 feet M.t ot and parallel with thi M.t Un ot Fourth .treet and a Una loo feet'wet of and parallel with tn. weet lln ot Fourth street and between the south lln of Booker street and the north lln of Wood street in. r.asuiecv e. time re- 01 tn prooaoie 1 cntal eoat for the Improvement' of Mid Fourth I street I. $1,067.00, ' Tb f.aglnecr'e ee time re- ef th probsbl Th ho Impmremerit I. to he clamed .1 1 niacaoam im prove nieni ana esau m aiain- tainea ny n uity ror a penoa ot nv talned by he city for n period of flv year. provided, tbat tba owner of a majority of the property peoeniea oy M.a improvement or any anrtlon thereof ahall not eel 1 1 i, hi fne a ua different intproremeat before tb. .xplrstloa auca p-tioo. . epeciacTion. ana eetimete ni 1 lh City Knglneer for tb Improvement of I Mid Fourth street r hevehy edorred. ' I itesuivea. ihst toe Auditor tit th city (if Portland b od h I hereby directed to glv notice at tbe proposed Improvement f Mid (treet a. prorlded be the, city chertef. itesuivea. ihst toe Auaitnr nr th city Minn nres against th ) Imnrnrex I M..J rniee he nleA In vdHne ell, M.A Meee. I "isnea witnm a.y. rrom to ar ex in 1 Bl.t pnniicntion or tnis notice. , By order of tb Council, THO. . DEfUN, - , Aodlrnr ef the Cltr ot 1'ortl.nd. PocUsad, Oregon, JuK 8. 1004, . , Bar 1 torn B Vvn lui I nf KM B 'I ft aha B-taF I IBtin to luinror Fourth tret from tb I J - . "" m ..m t"T roritaoo, un i . . """'j e.uv...- ""7 rannif prorlded by ord nance No. 18 8 IX anoa of th ffoTnnieBt nf Purth .traet from tha (oath .. lot. psrt of tot and o.rcel of udwMh total coat I "u. ol rtnnner .trees tn ui. aort un e. 1 aM .TMciaiiv aad immii.,1. . ' W Wood street and tbe eatlmate of tb. .work II ,lVl,.mt pecnluuly bmwflted,, t Maeed I to be done and the nrobabl total mat thereof." I u 1 t.d-i iwa.i, i. , . . . . . ASSESSMENT FOK XXPR6 VEMXRT Or EAST" , . ; MARKET STREET. Notice I hereby fir, tb.t tb Council of .'tl a It.Mlm.l at mulliia held ou tb 8tb do of" Jul, 1004. declared tb 7bVd"'"' f ""'u' """"r L , iI ir (in. tor l a in- klarket .Irani, (ruia th weet Hue f Cast Third street to tb WMt I. 11. ... t.-i S-i,lh err.. 1 Ihe, P". f lut " l"'1 of lend. Which M . I'T. '"(..' I, h';.,, ; " V.' 'J aud wcullarl btnvfiUd, to b aa lui- 8 ADDITION t -Eaat Portland BLOt K SO. lot 6. W. 8. Ladd . Catal. heir. ot, 4.10.38;. lot 4. W. . Ladd Jktal. of. MZi.ili. BlXlC'bl 42. kit 4. Auaelo lla- Diartlul. 2M.U; bit i. Amrlo.. iJeuiartlwLJ r.oa; wi o. A.fio uemariuu, ioi; tut Aucvkl Ixunartlul, li-e.liA, BilUCK. fiU, kit 4. 7lbouua Hlaiop, IJ.7H; lot 4, Than.. riuio, to.71 lot , Hi. .mat Ulalou. 44U.4U lot 6. Ibouiaa Ill.lun liU 17. BLOCK .2. lot 4. C'aroUu nair, ill.0; lot 4. no luuer,.; lot . r.llaablh Ulra EataU, h.lra of, l'il.67: k( 6, tliiatx-th Ulea caiaia, oir. or, x.l.tfD. ALU fv iv, lot ft, W, H. l..dl Eat.t. heir, oft 4a.1S.Sl; lot 4, W. 4. Ladd tut, helra of, flM.aa; lot , W. H, La. id E.tau, lelr of,; lot 6, W. 8. Ladii E.taie, belra of, BLOCK 4a, lot 4, kiliulietb and J.ckaun f.lnter, a4S.H; lot 4. Kllaabeth and Jackaam Falutitr, 4an.Ua: went H of lot 4, Thrreaa Voat, 4ia.od: .t H ot lot 5, Therew Voat, 446.80; ..t H.f kit , Wllll.m W. Terry, 4UJ0; eaat -W f bt 4. . William W. irr, 4ST.K. BLOCK Wtl, lot 4, Robert Lab, UT.A; lot a, wook,; lot , John w. noun, 4X4.T4; kit 6, Martin Bowman,. - ' BLOCK 1U3, kit 4, William Loeeiock, 4aNfl2: kit 4, (, N. Wood), 4U7.8U; lot 4, Kaalham 4) Brown, 4.1l: lot 4, Kutbam 4t Brown, Ml.lrf. BLOCK 114, lot 4,. William IrTlai ail.ovi lot '8. Anul Clark, 4HU.UW; Jot 4. Labacca IVffer and Jacob "., F.ffer Katate, belra f, toa.73; lot 4, Rebecca, rtifer and Jacob W.- feffar Kat.t.. belra of. 71 I BLOCK 123. kit 4. John Myara Batata, belra I . f. 443.01: lut 4, John Myr. Katat., yi, do.n; fir. nH loot ot lot , A. k,. laiaimM, ; wan w 11 leet or lot 6. A. K. I.atouraM. 4164.70; a.t 84 14 feet of north 84 1-4 fet of lot 4, A. B. Latoarart, 43 V; t 44 1-8 feet ef mtb 14 3 4 feet of lot 4, John Myera, Eaute, belr ef, 41-07; a.t 44 1-4 feet of tot 6. Job - Mrrw fcatar..- belr. of, 477.88. - A tract of , land lylii; between tb aouth Un f Baat Market air net and a Un 100 feet aoalb thereof and parallel therewith, aad btwa th wt llu ot Kaat Tlilrd atreet aad a Un . 100 feet we.t thereof and parallel therewith. Central Truat A I uwMatrM.nt riMnan aiav if BTKl'HKNJJ ADDITION to Kaat Portia ni BLOCK 44. tot 1. (tacar and rirnthla Cllf, 8144.46; tot 3, ' Oacar and Cynthia Clift, 444.10; lot 7, rrederlc. Allcgraul. 410.46; lot . 8, 4"rdrlc Allrgraut, TJ LOCK 58, -r- kit . l.ydl A. Carter, 4at)8 Tr kit 8, LTdla A. Carter, 840.03; tot T, Jaroea U. Ruaaell, 4..60; lot 8, T. A. Wood, truate. 4166.01. BLOCK S3. Is 1. Joha II. Ort jl.u IT, lot 3, Joha 0, Oramw, 414.04; tot T, Mary A. vowau, tii.u ; tot , catberin Olnty, 4118.88. BLOCK 78, wwit 70 feet of tot 1, Zlon Cburcb ot Ttr.turelienl AanoeUtkia. t 70 feet of lot 2, Eton Cbareb at Bran fellcal AaaoclaUon, 18.00: aat 40 feet ot Jot 1. Heury I. Blttaer, 836.44; aat 40 feet of kit 2, Henry L Blttn, 8o-WS lot T. N.tbaa D. Htafford, 830.40: lot 8. Jdarr B. 1 Sutherland. 8a32.6L BLOCK 88f lot 1, Pater Olaen, 4841.44; tot 1 PUr Olaaa. 828.18; tot 7, Mar Klchet, $37.08; lot 8, tlllle M. Anderaon, 4230.0X BLOCK 08, lot 1, WlllUm , B. Ladd Eaute. kbr ut, $287.40; tot 3, William B. Ladd Uatata, heir f. $86.66; lot 7. William 8. ' Ladd Katat. betr. of, $48.68; lot 4, B. Ladd Kwtat. ban or, w. 10. tsiAico. ioi, lot 1, John r. Parker, 828L14; lot 3, fob P. Parker, 4 14.00; lot 7. nenry Hamlin, 4U8.00; tot 8, Henry . $273 (10. BIXKK US. lot 1. Mary . LentllDe A. Uerd. 4a70.08l lot 2. Mar A. Ikard. $64.70; undivided H of Tot T. Ctoorg and - (Catherine Wagner, $10.88; undivided U of tot 8. Oeorg and Catberin Wagner, $lie.T3; andlrldrd U of lot 7. Herman and Bmll ' El term, it, ' $10.8.1; lot 4, Maruua and Kmll Ell.rm.u, 8H0.72. BLOCK 188, lot 1, Cbarlc a. runr, 4ad7.tfo; tot 8, Cb.rloa A. Fuhr, f,-M: feet of tot ' T, Martin Crgbl. $4.83; weat 18 feet of lot 8, Mar- . tl Caregblno, $07.31; eaat 79 Ut ut lot T. Mar.aret fiohumacbar. 417.661 . eaat 71 ' feet of lot 8, Margaret Schumacher, $201.81. ; xuiai. v,ooir.o. . . ' . A .tatement of aforeaald aniaimewt ha I been entered la the lxx-ket of city Liaa. and 1 now ou ana at tn one of tb City Traaurer, In lawful money of tb United State and it not nald within 40 darn from tha data of thta aniin. ..k im.di.. tit day after th 8rt pnbllcatloa of thl notlc. .. i ' THUS. C OEVLIIk .... - - Andttor of tb City f Port land. - rortiana, Oregon, juiy 18, 1004. - PROPOBED ntPROv-EltElfT 0T WEST PARK Notlc to hereby glvn that at the meeting ef th-Council of the city of Portland, Ore gon, held on th flth day of Jnly, lout, the following rcdolutlcn waa adopted: Keeolred, That tb Council of tb City ot iroto WroV. wit lSSE!-VT rortianu, vreava. ueems -1. xpecaenx ana eel rare .treat rrom th treat to tb south Una In the following aer. to-wlt: rira, ny arauiag in eireei xo IDe proper cept at th lnwrsectloa at Alder llmt and cf Morrbwo atreet. - - .nT7. Ti. . - r irat y graamg tn .treet to the prop Bewii "J paviu in rawer IUU rnurn With full Intersection with aenhalt an a enn. fl'tV'",.!'iloi...f, toc-" ta ; tno-foot brick aiitter. Third By noting artiftoUl atone Ude. "d prottZ, bTmadr accordance "t Pormnd tit t" pun.icattort. and eatlmatM of the City BngliwerBled In tb. tte ' b A.dltor of th. City of Portland t June. 1004, todoreed: "City Engine.' plan and aped fiction, for the Improrement of Wet Pa7k .treat from th. waatiington street end tn eetlm.tM of tb work to be done 'and the nrobab la total eoet thereof"" P01 total Th coat 6f Mid Imnrorement tn be aa nrorlded hv .hi rttV Vh.rT- ZLrtZTZZ rty .eeclally benefited thereby and which J lota and parcel of Und lying h, "we 01 rieei rara rtrwi ana a una so reel en.t or and Taraliel with th eaat llna ef W'Mt Park treet and between the north 11 ni totat coei ror tn Iniprerement of Mid Weat Park .treet to $7,068.00. Tb abnre Improrement I to- be cbtaned a . Improvemeat and ahall be main- Lined by tb City for th period of tour Tear., prorlded that tb owner, of a m.Jor T of tb property benefited br Mid lna. prremnt or any portion -thereof shall not CI"" . w T aiueiwnt improrement tefor tbe exDlratlon ef nnch nerlmf peclflcatiou and setlmatea of t pV- strr5 lira tlhZSi RMolrrd. Thmt th. ......i. -T'.h. e. t n . , . . . . . . . : . .- L;.V. . 1 JZJZ . D,r, $rt l?r'j2 a? KTT?k JSTSSa t Ml4 ""TT. B"in.t tb abore improro- nsent Bwr b filed In writing with tb under. ASSESSMENT TOR ntPROTEMERT 0T IHI ' 1ABT KiLT KXTEJIaTTH STREET, . ' - Notice I hereby erven that tba Oonneil kt ,tb 8tb dsy oi I July decUred tl. ei iWment by MdhMnce T No, 14 W f tb? let pTeTent of the e7rt t, of Et BtxtseaSl fromtb. north Hire, of Clinton .treat n WMiin un. ot Iiiviaioti street. feet Of lot 14, 0. M.' SmtthT 414 1; kit 14! 0 u imlth $24.00; reirlb 10 fee of tot J. O. M. eUnlth, $0 86: ararh tST fitof 18, Oek Psrh'lnd Company. 840 M? tot 18. O.k Park Land Company. $40.86; ' V 141, wi rare win .nmp.ny, 449. Ho; lot 18. Oak Park Land Company. $10 88: lot 1. O. M. Smith. 808.76. ToUI. $4.1 70. Th .here anaraament will bear Irtterewt 10 jv. aiibllcatlon a thl. aiilci: 7 mm . T IHer ,t iiivt im ' SVLUSLa, rennno, uregon, niy id, ipoa. PR0P0SAIR TOR 0FTTCB TTXTTTRES, Bnled aropoMM will be received at the NfBc of the Auditor ef th City nf Portland I ruriienw, urrfim, .uiy , luv IU I II V m. -I inui j. triori a. a. moiKi.y, juiy in, 1004, tor ewe-ertinf in placing par im um., raiiimr. nd -uteres In the City H. II. Bills mnst be In accoraauc .with the plM and apeclncatkw on nie in-in ofnc ot tn Aumtor ot Portland. No proposal will be unleM accempanled by a cert I Bed r hl t tb ociler f th Mayor of tl nie in-in otnee ot tn Aurtttor ef th ly I enn.uiered check Mt- the lite ef t-tirtiano ror .ie auaerew oxi.iara. The right t reject gay and all blda Portlknd for en hundred doll. re. Tli. vtevtt ,e re leet . a. - eaA.All kle la - - reMrreu. rMerrrd. -, .. , Ily erder o tb. Tiece.Ur. Board. ' ' 4 ' lP.O. n. HoWM.t, '' iU. W. C0U11ARII, Vommltte. Jul IS, IBQ- .- PE0P0BED P0VENET Of P0WEX1 STREET. Notlc 1 hreb glren that at tb meeting of tbe Council t tb i ll of Portland, Oregon, held on the 4th day of Jul, 1004, tb following reeolutloa waa adoutedl ' Ruaolred, That the Council t tb City ot Portlaud, Oregon, deem It updlnt and pro poawa to tni prove Powell a I reel from tbe eaat Hna ef Mllwaukl .treat to tb west Un of Ka.t Twenty-Orel tut la tb following ncr. to-wlt: Plrat By grading tb .tract full width witk full Interaeetloii to tb proper b-gr.d a given by the City Knglneer. . second By bringing tb aurf.c tt tb atreet frill width with full Interaction, to. tb atab Uahed grad with gr.vel.- I . Tkind By on.iructlng (a olev.ted roadway 18 feet wide In acrordnne with tba plana, id action, and a tint tea f tb City Kngt. Beer. ... .Fourth By conarrnctlng wooden aldewalk. ; . Fifth By enatructliig wooden curb. , Blth By couatructlug wooden rroaawalk. Berenth-HSy cooatrucUng boa and .ton gut ter. .. Maid Improrement to b m.d In accordance with th Charter and ordinance of tb City of Portland and th plana, epectdcatlone aad ett ai.te Of the City Knglneer Bled In tb tftc of tb Auditor ot th City of Portland an tha lat day of July, 10i4. lndored: "City Kngl neer' plaae and (peclfleatloa for tb improre ment of Powell atreet from tb aat - Hoe of Mllwaukl. .treet to tb. weat tin of Baat Twenty-anrt street and th eerlmatee of tb work to ba.doti and. tb total coal thereof." ' Th eoet ef eld Improvement to b aeed a. prorlded by tb Clly Charter apon tb prop erty ipeclally benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be ee follow.! - On th northerly .Id ot uld .treet all tb lorn. Pari, of tot. and parrel, of land lying between a lln 100 feet northerly from and parallel with th north lino of Powell atreet and tb north Un of Powell atreet. and between tb east Un of Mllwaukl trt and a Una 10 feet a.t of and parallel with tb Mat lln of Baat Nineteenth .treet: elao tb ontberly n-fc.lf of a triangular tract ut land, lying -between th outh lln of Col atreet, tb weat Un of But TwantleOj .tract and th northerly Un of Powell atreet; ale tb aouth arly oue-half of block 84. Tlbbetta addition to Ba.t Portland. 0a th southerly aid of aald tret .11 tb tots, parti of tot and parcel, of lying between the southerly lln of Powell treet and lln 100 feet southerly therefrom aad parallel there, with aad be twee the weat Han of Baat Twenty Bret treet and the1 eaat lln of Baat Fourteenth .treet; lo tb northerly ana-half of block. T and 4, Cole;, addition t Bait Portland, and all that portion of block 1, Cole' addition to Baat Portland, lying north of tin 1U0 feat sontb. erly from nd: parallel with th southerly Una of Powell street. , t Bn.lneer Mtlmat of the nrobabl total coat for tb Improvement ot Mid Powell .troet u $7,663.00. ' . Tb above Improvement 1. to b eUesed a Krl Improrement and ahall be maintained by city tor n period of Br year; provided, that th mm of "majority of tbe preperty benefited by Mid Improrement or any Dortlon rnereoi aau-nc peciuoo. tor a "tt C '9lMlt lnipreBMut before Berlnd.1 th ' expiration ut each Tb plane, pcMeat!ona and eatlmata of th City Engine for th t m prorenuuia. of Mid roweu evrvet ar oeTeoy aaopta. Keeolred. Tbt Ui Auditor of the City ef Portland be and h I berebv directed an rtr notice of th proposed Imorarement at aald (treet a. prorlded by th City Charter. Keren na era nee. ag.inct the ahov Improre ment mar be filed in wrltin with tba nndee. lgned with In 30 day from tbe data of tbe Bret pariiiMtloa of tbla no tic. , y orne.i th Council. ' , TH0S. 0. DBYLTIt. w - ' Auditor ef tb City ot Portland. Portland. Oregon, July 0. 10M. - PR0P08ZB- imOTIRTR .. RTBEXT. 1 or itoRRa Notlc fa berebr rlrr. that at the meeflne of tb Council of tb City ef Portland, Ore gon, held on th etb day of July, looi, tb following rwanlutlon was adopted: meaoirea, ri net tn council of tn city ef Portland, Oregon, deeme It expedient and Bro- eea co improve Horn street rrom tn Mat In ot Union arenu to th eaat Una of Alhina In th following manner, to-wlt: nrat By grading the street to tb nb-grad a .Iv.n br tb Cltr Binrtneee. Bccond By bringing th of tbe Street to th Mfalillshed rsds with g rival. Bald Improrement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinance of th City of Portland and th plana, pclfioatton and eatlmate. ef the City Engineer Bled la tbe rue or tn Aumtor 01 th Cltr- of Portland on th 21 .t day of June. 1804, Indorsed: "City 1 ngineer a plana ana apeelncation for tha Im nrorement of Morrl. Btreet from tba aaat llna of Union arenu to th Mat Um af Amine ana th eatlmate. of th work to b don and u prooaui total coat tnereor." . Tb coat of Mid Imnrorement to be aa provided by the City Charter upon th property specially oeneotea therehy and which I hereby declared to be all th lot, part of lota and parcela ef land lying between a line I'aj ice 1 norm at ana parallel with th Berth line ef Morrl street and a lln 100 feet math of and parallel with tha aouth Una of Morrl treet and between th Mat lln ef Union arena and th M.t Una ot Alb!.. Th Engineer', eetlm.te of the Brobakl total cost for tbe lmprorJBnt of aald Morris treet I $1,408.00. Tb .hove Improvement fa to b el. wed aa a gravel Improvement nd .h.ll be maintained by the city tor a period of fonr year.; prorlded, thai th owner, ot a m.Jerlty of tha property oenenteu oy miu - improrement or any nor tloH thereof ah. 11 not petition for a new ee air. ferent lmprov.xo.nt before tba expiration of such period. I - Th pUna, peelflcetioM and Mtlmat. of th. City Engineer for the Improvement ot aald Morrl. .tTMt are hereby adopted. Keeolred. Tbat tbe Andltor of the City St rortiana ee ana 1. aerany airectaa to gir notlc ot th proponed Improrement ot aald street prorlded by. tb City Charter. Hemona trance, agalnat tb .bo v. Improve ment msy be Bled In writing with th nndee. signed within .30 day from th date ut th aril poDiicatioa ot tnia notice. By order at tb Council. TI10R. fJL DrJvXIlf. Auditor of th City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, July 8, 1904. PROPOSED tttTROYTJfZVX 0T OLADtTOBR , ATEaTTE. ' Notice la hereby riven th.t it tbe kaaHni of tb Council of th City of Portland. Ore gon, bald oa th 4th day of July, 1804, th following resolution wss adopted: . Reeolved. That the Conncll of the City of Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and doms to iranroT uinoptom aTMina rrotn tn fMt lln of THrrtnt trt to tbm Bt boundary Un of tb Cltf of Portia -J, la th (olWwliif BRggiiinrTa tvwiii Fb-st Br BTsdlnat th atreet full width with full Intersection. In accordance with the etakw Mt oy me nty engineer. Becond By conetructlng wooden sidewalks. Third By conetructlng eroMwalks. . Fourth By ennetructtna box nutters. Bald Improrement to b md la accordance with the Charter ana ardlMnrwx of the rite ot Portland and the plana, epedflcationa and eatlmatea of the Cltr Knaineer filed In the effjee of the Auditor of th City of Portland on tn lotn aay or June, 1114. lnnoesed! "City Engineer' pl.n .nd . .neclficstlona for th. Improrement of Glsdsrone venue from the MM Une of Brysnt street to the M.t beandary of the City ef Portland, and th eetlm.tM of th work to 0 own. .bo th. probabl. total eoet thereof." Th coat of Mid Improrement to be aaaeaaed M prorlded br tb city Charter Upon tb properly specially oenentea rnereny ana wnlcb Is hereby declared to be all tba lota, narta er tota one parceia er bh lying Between a ltne 100 feet north of and parallel with th north 11 n of G led, ton .venne and a lln too fMt south ef and parallel with tb noth Una of Gladaton avenue end between tb .set lln of Bryant atreet and the outer boundary Una of th City of Portland. . . Th Engineer ee timet Of the probable total cost for the Improvement ot Mid GUdatoM ve nne 1 gig.anw.uu, ' ' 1 Tb plan., apedOcation end Mttmatoa ut th City Engine for tbe Improvement tt Mid Gladstone a wane sr. hereby adopted. neeoivea, in.i tn nunirnr or tn city of Portland he and he I hereby directed to aire nolle ex in prnpnaj. improvement 01 aald areaua pen vide by th city Charter. Bemonetranre .gainst tb abnr Imprn.e. ment my M niea in writing with the ander- Iroed within 30 d.; from th data ut tb firet public tlon of tbl. notice. .. t BT raer ut u. council. . , , THOB. C, DBvXIW, ' Auditor of th dry ut PerU.nd. Portland, Oregon, July 8. 1804.. . . . . PROPOSAIR TOR 8SWXR WORK. Healed peoooeala will be received at tb or. Be ef the Auditor ef the Cltr ef Portland, ntll Priday. July IS, lo4, at 1 o'clock p. m. for larlnc and repabing a eewer In Tanaae creek .from a point to Lownad.l street to a point in Taylor rrefi in tn m.nner pro rlded by ordinance No. 14.071. enbject to th previsions of th Charter and ordinance of the City of Portland, and th e.tlm.t of th City Engineer, on file. Bid. mut h atrletly In Mr-dsae with printed buink.. which will be furnished um . p pllc.tton at tb ofnc f th Auditor of the Cltr of Portland. Aad Mid Mwe meet he enmnleted oei or before 80 dara from th date of th .Ignlng of th on tract by tb partlM tbert to. No prnnMsj er bid Bill be ennsldered an less, acvonipenled by a reetlnrd check payable to tn oraer ox in merer or tn- tity of Portland, certified by n reeponalhl bank for mount Mul to 10 per rent of tba-ar.reaata prnpoMl. Th right to reject any or all Mda k, hereby rescrred.' v ,. By order er tb. Eiecnrre Board. - TIIOH. C. fiEVMN. A.dltor ef the Cltr ef Portland. Portland. Otegou. JuiJ 8VJ804, . , TB0T0SZO IPROTExtERT 0T EAST THIRD . t,, , ... .;. ITREXT. v ' , , ; : , Notice hi hereby Blrea that t tb meeting of tba Council of tb City of Portland. Oregon, held oa the 4th day of July, look, the follow lug -resolution, wm adopted ; Keeolred. Tbat th Council of th City ot Pur 1 laud, oraguu, deewa It expedleut aud pru puiM to Impror Kaat Third aueot front a polut ko feet north of the norU Uue of Kaat Davie treet to tb Berth llu of but Couch (tTMt lu th following- manner, to-wit: Flint By grading tb a tree I, full width with full Intersection, to th proper .ub-gr.d M give by the cay Kngute. Becoud By bringing th aurf.c of tb .treet full width with lull Inlereectloo to the .tab- be bed gr.d,wilb dplaud bank grsveL i ihlrd Ujr bon.trui'iing grtiticlai stou . rourtb Of esnatrucuug oroMwaika. . Fifth B eouetructlug toM gutters. - Bsld to be tud In wltb the charter add ordinance, of the city ot portlaud and the puna, .pad flea tlon and eetW f tu City Engineer filed la tb office f Ui ABdltor of the City of PortUod, on th 6th day of July. 1004, IndorMd: "City En gineer a plan and epeclflcattona to the lu proreuwnt of Ea.t Third aueet, from a point 80 feet north of th north lln of Baat Daru treet to th north Una of Kaat Couch "treeL and th eetlmatee of tbe work to be dou. aud tb prouabl total coat thereof." . . Tbe coat of Mid Improvement to be .aeeeeed prorlded by tb city charter apon tb prop erty specially benefited thereby nnd wblch Is hereby declared tn be all tb kit, part f kit. and parcel ot kind lying between a Un 100 feet Mat of, and parallel with, tb Mat Un of E.t Third atreet and .Hue 100 feet w.t ot nd parallel with tb weat Un of Kaat Third street and between tb north Un ot East Couch street and a tin '80 fmf north of and parallel with tha nurth Una pf East Davis treet. " ... Tb BnglnMr- Mtlmat ef the probable total cost fur tbe Improvement ft Mid Ka.t' Third .ireni 1 l,uov. Th abov lmnroeement la to b classed aa a gravel Improrewaot snd shsll he maintained by tbe city tor a period of fire years, prorlded that tbe earner, of a majority of . the property benefited by Mid Improvement, or ny portion thereof, shall not petition for a hew or dif ferent tmprevamsat bfura the - .xplratlaev ot uch period. Tba plana, .peclfleationi and MtlmetM ef tb City Knglneer fur tba improvaaieal el Baat 'ibtrd atreet are hereby adoiitad. KcMlred, Tb.t tb Auditor of th City f Portland be aad he III hereby directed to give notice of tbe proposed Improrement of Mid Street M prorlded by th City Charter.. . Kmon.trocM ng.lMt tb abore Improvement may be filed In writing with th undersigned within 30 day from th data of th tint pub UeeuoB of thla notice. . . By order of tba Council, 1 ' 1 TII08. O. DEvXt. - Auditor of th City 0110X7 land, Portland, Oregon; July 8, 1004. . .. . TR0T08XO , ZKTROTltXTX ATEaTDX. ' 0T 7JTJ0I Notice Is hereby airen that at the meeting of tbe Council of the City ot Portland, Oregon, held on the atu day of July, 1004, the following roeolutkie waa adopted; UeeulTed, That tb Council ef the dry" of Portland, Oregon, deeme It expedient and pro poses to Improve Union s venae, from tbe Booth fane of Rest Everett street to a lln 470 feet aortharty from th south lln ef Bsst Everett street, by eorartructlug a atl bridge wltb ap- proachra. e ' . . Bald tmproe.rn.nt to- be made la oeordanee with the charter and ordlnaucee ot tbe City ot Ptrtuuid and the plana, epeetricatloaa Baa ee ti me tea f th City Engineer, filed in th office of tb Auditor of tb City of Portland, oa th 37th day of Jum. 1004, Indorsed: "City En gineer' plan nd' specifications for tb im prorement ef Union arenM, from tba aouth line of East Everett (treet to 470 feet northerly from tbe south line of East Everett street, .nd th Mtimite. of tb. work t. be doo and the probable total coat thereof." Tbe nt of Mid Improrement to be anmB a. nrorlded by tbe City Charter noon the prop erty apeclally benefited thereby, and which 1 ni reoy oeclarea t h all the lot, part of kit nd parcela ef land lying within tbe district bunnded snd deeerlbad m follow: Beginning at tbe Intersection of tb center lln of Bast Ankeny street with the center line ef But Third street; thence east sking tb center 11m of Eaat Ankeny street to It Inter section wltb th center Um ot Bsst Seventh treet; thene north along tb. center Un of Bsst Beventh street to Its Intersection with th center lln of Kut Irving atreet; thne aat long u center no ot But Irving street, to It fnUructlon with tb renter Un of Esst Ninth treet; thence north along the center line ef -TC..t Ninth street to lu Intersectlo with th center lln of Oregon street: thence Mt along tha center Una of Oregon atreet to It lnUreectlon with th center line of Ka.t Tenth atreet; thene. north along th center me 01 s.u lentn .treet to it intersection with tb ornter Um of P.eiMc etreet : tbenc ut .kmg tb center lln f P.clflc .treet to It Intersection with tbe center Une of Baat Twelfth street; thene north loog th center lln or cut j weirta street to It. intersection with th center Um of HolUdey venue; tbence Met .long tbe center Un of HoUad.y. .venue to It nnrwction witn ui. center une of East Fif teenth street; thence north along th canter Un ef East Fifteenth street to Its Intersectlo with tb center line of Hasealo street: tbenc ea.t .long the eenter lln of UsaMloj street to its intersection with th center Um of Baat seventeenth atreet; thence north along th center Um of Ba.t Seventeenth atreet and It extension northerly In rta present noon to th s um 01 a.- a 1 lira eoMtioa lana claim; tbenc. weet alone tb north Une at A. Aiierd donation land claim to IU Intersectlo with th WMt Una of Pet Holland donation land claim; thene north along tb west Un tt pt, Holc ana aonatlo laud claim to IU Intersection wiin ins aorta una 01 aectioa zs, township 1 north ranee 1 auL Willamette, eneeiaien thence wmi alone tha north line of ajwttoa towmahlp 1. north rang. 1 M.t, WlllametU tnerldlau. to It InteKectton with th center une or mux nintn atreet; thence north along tba center Um of Ea.t Ninth .tread and Its n. texwloa northerly In It. preMnt conra to lu Intersection with th Mtrly .xtenalon of th oath Un ef the Lewi Lav donation land claim; then wst along the aforeMld exten sion of tha south Um of tbe Lewis Lore dona tion land claim and tb south Un pf tb w lATTt oun.tion mna to Its Inter section wltb tb eenter IM of WUllsms sve nne: thnee sontberly along tb center lln. of William avenue to Its Intersection with 'th eenter lln. of East First street; tbence south . lone tbe eentee line At Itaet .-lee., mr,A lu extension eontberly In IU present cootm to us interaertioa witn to renter lln of Ea.t (lllaan atre-'t; tbenc at a kmg th center Um of Ka.t Glls.n atreet to Ira Intereectlon with the center line of Beat Third atreet I Ibeaea eooi aeing in center une or cut Thu-d .treet to iu interaction with th center Un at Bant Ankeny atreet, the place of beginning. The K ax 'near'. Mtlmat of tbe onibabla total coat for tb Improvement ef Calon . aveuu. e aoo.iaioi. . Tb above Improrement la tn be claaaed ss a .tier bridge Improrement and sbsll b m.ln- i.inea oy in city w a Period of 60 year., prorlded tb.t tb owner of a majority of th property bene filed by Mid Improvement, er any portion thereof, shall not petition foe a new e airterent improve sisnt hefor. tb expiration of uch period. . . Tha ptsna, .peel fiction and eetlmatM ef tha City Kualueer for the tmnmvemane .t miA union areum are nereny adopteo. jieeo.veu. inai tn Anaiti or vtu city of Portland b and he la herehr dleaeted A atu notice of tbe pripoaed Improrement ef Mid arenw as pronaea by tn city Charter Bernonstr.Mis against tb abov Imrrrnre ment mar be riled le enttlne with IK. h.j lgned within 30 day from tb data of tha first pwixrcBiOTn 01 mi. noiice. xy eraer ot to Conncll. ; .THOB. fj. nJTT,r. , '.4mtor of ,n c'" "f PortUad. Portland, Oregoa. July 13. 1004. , PROPOSED rjEPKOTEMENX 0T BRYANT - BTBEET. ViiIIm W LmIa ... .. .1.. ., a y - . . . . .. is. mveuug w, 1-mtii v. in, v.iy ex r-oriiaua, uregon, held oa the 8th d.y of July, 1804, th. following resolution ws. sdonted: tiesoirea. inst the oovncll of tb. City of ror. ibbw. unrmK ... 1 me 11 sioeaienff In. mm. noMS to 1m nrove Hrvsnt etreet rrom h nne ex ninn .venne to tne west 11m of Delswar. avenne by gradlne; th. atrMt to the grade showa by tb. uhM Mt by th. City Englner. Bald I tanrorement to be mad In accord, nee with tb Charter and ordlnancM of th city of Portland and th plan., .peclflcatlona and eatlmate. ot th City Engineer filed In tb. of fice ef the A.dltor ef the City of Portland on the 80th day ef June, 1004, Indorsed: "City Engineer', plan, and pcldc.tlom for the Im provement of Bryant .treet from tb cut line ot W slush .reno to the weet Un of Del- w.r. .venne .no in. eatlimte. ar tb work to s done snd tb probabl total aost thereof. " The eoet ef aald Improrement to ha aeaeeaid aa provided by tb City Charter Upon the prop erty apeclally benefited thereby and which H hereby decUred to be all th tota. -part, ef tou and parcel ef toad lying between a line 100 feet north ef and parallel wltb tb north Hn of Bryant atreet and a Um 100 feet eonth of nd parallel with th anulh Hn ef Arrant atreet and between tb Mt lln t - W'.heak avenM and tbe weat UM of Deleware avenne. The Bnineera estimate of tbe eenbahle tittai eoet for th Improvement tt Mid Bry.nt street M .I.Vft . ' , Tb plnu, pectflctte.M and eatlmate. ef th City Eitglneer for tb. Improvement of Mid Bry.nt .treet er hereby dotitrd. keeolred. Tbat th Aadlt. of tb City ot Portland be and be I hereby directed to give notlc ef the proposed Improvement of said street. provided by th City Charter. Kemonatrance ag.iut th abov Improve ment may be Bled tn writing with the under signed within 30 d.r from tb. d.t of tb Bret publication ef thla notlc. By orn 01 in louncu. THUS. C. ttRTLIN. ' ' Auditor of th. cltr ot Portlaud. PgrtJAa4,rugoa, July. 8, 100t ASSESSxTEirr TOR ratTROTfaTER 0T XA4T ..".'.. UnfETEENTH BTRZEX. Notice hi hereby given' that the Council of the City of Portland) Oregon, at a meeting held ou the 4tb day of Jul, .1004. declared th MBeaautent by ordinance No. 14,004. for tb iuiprorement of Eaet Nineteenth street, from 13 fMt north of tb aouth Hue of Tilla mook atreet to 13 fret south of tb north Un of Weldler street. In th manner provided by erdluanc No. 13.660, apon uch lot, part of tot aud parcel ot hind, which ar apeclally and peemiarty oenentea, to be ee roiiowa,- via: JOHN IHVlNQ'r) riKAT ADDITION . to Beat Portland Block 6. kit 1. Mlcbael Smyth, $268.18; tot 1 Michael Smyth. $.18.42) tot 15. P.- 0. Downing, $20.45; lot 10. . ; Iiownlng. $228.42. Block 12, tot 1, Edward B. Martin, $a48.88; tot 2. Edward R. Martin, $26.0"; hit 16. Ella Haberabam. $22.8;kt id, Eli Habarshsm, $a47.04. - loch 13, tot 1, Amanda W. Haed, $250.23; tot 3, Amanda W. Kd, $20.88- kit 14, Harlan 11. KoyaL $40.10; tot 16. Barlaa B. Boal, $270.70. -El',ok-'llLla)oll,"M K. nd W'llll.inT'. Woo.lw.rd, JfWMi south" 3-3 tot 3. lu K. and WlllUm P. Woodward, 121.67; north 1-8 lot 1, Boa K. Woodward. VS.84; north 1-8 tot 3, 8u K. Woodward. J 11.46; lot 18. H.mllhm C. linden, $18.81; it 16, Hamilton C. Linden. $104 63. Block '. lot 8, Dennl Harrington. $273.01; tot : 7, D.nnl Barrlngton. $.10. 54; tot 10, LonU ' H Hughe. 4.1812; tot 0, Loula E, Hughes, $228.00. Block 11, tot 8, Chsrles H. Preeeolt. trustee, 4113 31; tot 7. Chsrles H. Prescott, trustee, $aii,41 ; tot 10, Churlee 11. Prescott, trustee, $:i9.0l; tot 8, Wllll.m T. Gardner. - $aU6.70. Block 14. tot 8. CbsrlM PrMCott. tru.tee, $280,21; kit T, CharlM preecott. trus tee, $4064; tot 10, Jennie L. A lore. $24.63; tot 8, Jennie L. Albee. 4IM.81. Block- W. "rlot 8, Cu-olln Fischer, $102.68; tot T. C.mltn Kl.cher, 422.00; lot 10, Albert L. M.xweH," $18.81; kit 0, Albert L. MaxwslI, $104.03. ToUI. $4,146.48. A autement of aforeaald esasmnt bag hw. entered la the Docket of City 14 a., and I now du and payable at th office of tbe City Treasurer, In lawful money ot tbe United Btatea and If not paid within 80 day from the data of thl notice such proceeding will be tsken toy thcolux'tlon of th sm tt r provided by the Charter of the City of Port- Tha' above esse. ment will bur interest 10 day after tha first publlrstton of tbla notice. :t-r-" r TH0S. C, DEVIJN. ' Andltor of tbe City ef Portlsnd: Portland, Oregon, July 13, 1004. ASSESSMENT TOR TJITROrlfTJIX Of T0UR . . TEERTK BTREET. efdslM-.ti hereby given tbat tb. Onaneil of tse city ef Portland, Oregon, st a meeting held en the 6th day ot July, 1004. declared the SMssment by ordinance No. 14,064, for tbe Im pMraaMat of Fourteenth atreet, from the oath line- at Front atrMt to tb north lln of Barter street, fn tb manner prorlded by ordi nance No, 18,810. apon each lot, part et tot nd panel ot land, which ar specially and peculiarly benefited, to be 'aa follows, vis: WATSON'S ADDITION to th City of Portland BLOCK T7. out KW feet of block, Mitchell ft Lewie Company, 8243.10. BLOCK 13, tot 8, J. H. Peterson, $118.47; tot 8. J. H Ptron, ' $106.48; tot 4, Jamee 8. Camming. $78.63: tot 1. Jam. 8. Commlngs, $74.03. - BLOCK 14. WMt fh block Willamette 8 team Mill Lumbering ft Manufacturing - Company, 12I0.7L BLOCK 14, lot 7. Willamette Steam llll Lambert ng ft Manufacturing Company, $118.47; tot 8, Wlllamett Mteam Mill. Lum bering ft Manufacturing Company, $106.40; ; lot 4? Will. m.t t. BtMm Mill. Lumbering A ! M.nof.ctnrlug Company, $73.48: lot 2, Wlll ., amatta Bteam Mllla Lumbering ft Manufator lng Company, $73.88. Total, $1,180.24. A autement of aforeaald ..seeement h.a been ntered ia tb Docket of City Lien., and I. now do nnd payubl at the office of the City Treaeurer, la lawful money of the United Statu aad if not paid within 80 day from the date of this notice each proceedings wilt h takes for tba collection of the mm sa are provtdad by th Charter of th City of Port land. - , - . f Th. Soots MseMBMnt will beir intervet 14 day After th first publication of tbl notice. - .. , 'jimob. u. iuviiin, ' ' " Andltor of th City of Portland, Portia Bd. Oregon, July 13, 1804. BUZLR0AO TIJtXTABITB, The Only Double-Track Kailway betweei tho Missouri River The Qilcafjo-Portland Special, the Mmosx iuxunoua tram in ine worio. Trawincr-rnom aleeniniy mm. rlinincr car, buffet smoking nd library car (Daroer ana Datn). iccss ttuin taree (Uya rortiana to Uucaga. ThroughTrains to ar. operited daily via th. Oregoa K. R. A N.r. Co., V. P. R. R. Bad Chicago ft North-Western Ry. to Chicago from Portland and point in Oregoa and Eastern Washington. Daily xcur.lon. la Pullman tourist . aleepkif car from Portland through to Chicago without cbanga. . ft. K. BITCH IB, A.O. BAftKBK.'' . Ceei Art. ra. Ceaet, C.,al Agent, . '-. C. ttj Market Street, - tu Tklrd atreet. 8A feabcisco. Cab PoatkAMB, one. TVeket ORtrR 02 Third Street rboMisi h TrnnaftntlnMrrttal i Trali-14 Dally t aW .FAST TIME TO. BPOKANH, BT. PATTt, DULT7TH, . MmmnA-rvLaa. chicaoo and . ALL. POINTS EAST. Daylight trip through ; tb : Caacade and Rocky tnountainA JTor tall pert lo ula ra, rata, folders, tc cail or. ar ad. draaa . 3Z. SXtTfaiORT, City Tttekst Ajrt, ' X3R TUid Btzwwk, rortlAJtd. JIALTIMORX tr OHIO R, R. XIX, TRAINS VIA WASIJXNGTON - A mm v 1 v I Chicago arw rmmm 0DFnn:i. ill il tsiinirr u . eye,. ' ' . 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY - Through Pullman et.nrt.rd and tsarist .lee. Big ear. dally to Omshs, Chkmeo, Bpok.Mg tourlet .leeplog ear. Bally to Kanau Cityi tbrongh Pullmaa tourlat .teewtng eui pron ally conducted I weekly to Chlcagw. KeeualaeJ Mr (Mat. frM to tb JUt dtlly. ONION DEPOT. LMVe. AxrlvM. CHICA0O-PORTLAND . SPECIAL, for tba Eaat via Hux IngtOB. 8:14 a. Bt, 8:24 p, . Dally,.., Dsily. BPOKANB FLxBB. Par Eastern Wssbtne fon, Vail Walla. Lew-toloav- Ceen- dAIM nd 0ret Nortbara nolnrs. 0:18 a, VA. oo a, xa. Dally. (Miiy. , ATLANTTO EI PS Beta. For tb Kt via Beat, xngtow, 8:16 a. 1 ff:1Bel osiiy. , Daily. OCEAN AND BITER BTrTEPTJXR, FOB SAN FRANCISCO; Prom Alnrworth Dork. s -xm p. m. . B. B. DM. W. July 8, IB. 28; B. 8. Onhimhla -. July ,10, -30, so. 8:00 IbSx. Oolumbia River tHvUlen. FOR ASTORIA and wsy potnU. winnectlag with stmr. for and North beach, atr. Bu ss lo. A.h-t, dock. 8: p. X. 1 Dsily. sc. Sunday Batnrday , 10:00 p. at. About 6:00 p. ta. TafAhttt Kfrwr Bawte. fob Dayton, or Cltr and Y.mbin Hirer 7:00 a. m, Dsily. exceof.TT 9:80 b, Bx, Dsily. ; except Point, str. Both tnd alonoe, Aah-et. aoc, (Water permitting.! .Sunday. .1- Baak. Elver Bsuv. FOR IKWiSTOH. laa.. nd way potnU from Klparia. Wuh ateam. era flpokaae aad Lsw Iston. 3:40 aav.. Dally. M- lat, , TICKBT 0PFICB. Third snd Waataiigtaa. Tule - ' .v 4oo taata 111. : PORTLAND & ASIATIC : A STEAMSHIP COMPANY' w2f snd Bong Koeiw, ' renin, at Kobe, Nsgscakt and BBengbaL taking freight rl. connecting etMmera for Manila, Port Artbar aad VUdlvMtok. . Pat rate and fnTI tnfnrBMttoa 471 mer ad drue OfBleUla ee agenu ef tbe O. it, ft N. Co. EAST-, SOUTH Lavaa, UNION DEPOT. Arrtvaa. hOYBBXAND BEPBESB trains, tor Balsas, Kes. I 8:88 p.m. urg, Asnisna, jsscrn.1 roe a to, Ogden, Be Pran ctsce. Stockton. Los An geles, Bl Psee, New Or- TJB a. Bb MB and tb. Baat, -At Woodbaf a - dath iexerix nunasyi, asor lna train toe aft, Ai BJOfcbi jh d0p.m. T) a. ax. lit SO a. m. gel. Bllverton, Brewna rllbx, BnrlnrO.ld, Wad-I -TdtVpBk Una aad :'.troa . baeeeneee . mi -10 :M a. at necta t Wood bur with ln p. aa P- lIDally, aic aday. . .. . ... . f artlaad OgwsgB ubnrbaa BsrviM aad TaaahO . ; ' . iJIrtslaa. , . ' Depot Foot of Jsffsrson BttMt ' ,.tfmr Portlsnd dsily for Oawega T0 a. m.t 13:60. 1:08. 8:36. 8:34, 8.38, B IO, 10 10 p. m! DUly (except Buuday), 6 JO, 8:88. 8:88. 0:34 a. ss.1 4:00, 11:80 p. 48. Sunday only, 8:08 a. bl .v Rtar nine i.ies A. , a rfane 8-80 a. m.; 1:44, 8:08, 4.80. 8:18, T:S, 8:08, L'il' P- DnlV (exeept Bonds v I 0-Bi, 7:. . 8:80, 10 TO, 11:45 m Rxoetit laoeday. 13.34 P. "B. Bundsy only. 100 a. to. Leave from Mm depot for Dsllu aad tnxasa medlat points dsily (except Bunday) 4M p. aa. Arrive Port lend 10:30 p. m. - ' Tbe Indermdenee-Hcanamthi More. Bna operate gaily te Mranwath and Alrll. eos- swmng witn Boarnera pacia. eampany -0 traeaa t Dsllsa and ladeMndenre, P1rat-clM far from Portland to Baej.waia nd Ban Franc leco 820. berth 88 MimB liisi far. 415. second-else, berth 42 80. Ticket ta Ksetars aoinra aad PlIIB.. .KM T.pen. China. Fonnlara .nd Aertralla. City Ticket Of fie eerner Third aad wwxui.g iva .treet. Ptinna. ltaxa T13. . 0. w. btinoer. .w, m, emtAti. ntr Ticket Arewt. Oeu. Pees, acewk, TIME CARD V TRAINS TORTLANO: UNION DEPOT. Puxet Sound l imited. 4Uflf4H'RsB8 ' fne T.ram. Buttle. 8:80 a. a, 8J8B, xs. Olympla. Boath Bud snd . Oray's Barhor point. North rvieet T.lmlred. for Taeniae, Buttle, Butte. Bt. PaaL Mln- 8.-O0 p. as. tMs.1 peapoll.. Chlrago. New Tork, Boatoo ana point tut and, ftoatbeut. Twln-Cfty Bxpraan, for com. Beettla. Bno ane, Helena, Bt. 11:48 a. as, riOBBVBk, eiuaneiui,, . u n. a New Tork. Boeton aad 11 tmlntn Kut nad Bontbeut. - Puxet Boend p. a re. Clty-Bt. Lenta Special, for Teoma. Baattl. Snokan, Butt. Billing. 8:80 a. an, TiOf a.ab oenver. Omaha, BanM City, tt. Louie and all point But aad Beath- Mt, All train dally exeept- ea Booth Bead A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Ceoeral Passe age Agent. 320 ntorrxsoa U so. Talrd, PwtUnd. Or. Astoria & Columbia . River Railroad Co. UNION DEPOT. Aerteee. For M.yger. u.lnter,, Wwtjnrt, Cllfto. Airrorln, wsr eeston, FlarL Hene omnd. Fort iteren. Ce.rhsrt Psrk, neeetde, Astoria and 8eahora t Einranl delly. A.torla Bay. sex, Dally. Oafty, 11:10 a. av 8 -no a. 1 Dally. f r a. m. Dally ex. 8:40 p. m. Saturday. Sal only. 8 JO p. m. Portland Stutd. Flyer. 3. C. MA TO, n w . s a ,,..,. , CA. TE'WAKT'.'cci.isjerelai A.ul, ijt Aide. st. rriooe si, is Cr r aevk, , t a- w I I .. bmi teTovt. r -. : 47)a ft I.- ,. J 1 I IQlOCDiN nTA-l "... n.'w mmm WUIBI ton IomI. Oorvallla puMnger... Sberldaa aaaey. ...