1 A THE . OREGON .J3AILY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY, EVENING.- JULY. ; 12. 18011 NO NEW TRIAL ': STATE TREASURER ., FOR GUCLIELMO MAKES HIS REPOUT ' , 1 1 - " ,., - t 15 v..':;:&.,-. .imr 1 J. K. JONES. FORMER -.- -OF THE x PARKER JUBLATES; ROOSEVELT: UIstefCduntyDcfatShowheif" siasm -Republicans Will Try to Cause Dis- sension Among the Democrats ; - f JJoariurt Bpaal fcrrliea.!-' i ?: Eaopua, N. T July II. With tha ax- caption of tha night ha atayad up to 1 laara tha affact of his famoua (Old fplanlc tclagram. Judga Parker loat mora ,'jalaap last night thaa alnca ha anterad 'tha praaidantlal raoa, dua to aoma of hla ,borara breaking looaa. With tha aid of ; a. candle and Secretary UcCaualand, tha v praaidantlal eandld&ta eajiturad tha anl ,'mala and returned tham to tha atabla. .'l County Judga Van Etton, of Ulster .'county, and hla wife, drove to Roaa- . moot and chatted on tha front plaaca . with tha nominee. .;. , Supreme Juatloa McLean of New ; York and hla wife are expected thla af , ternoon. .1 Tonight tha TTlatar county Democrat! jwlil make a demonatratlon, their dela ' ration from tha national convention ar J riving on ita return thla morning. Par jher was immediately appriaed that their nthualaam waa at the buratlng point : - A apecfai train haa been chartered i to carry tha Democrats to Eaopua ata- !tlon whence a. parade will form and pro jceed to RoaemonL Judga and lira. ;! Parker had accepted an Invitation for '.j thla evening to dlna with Mr. and lira. JiSheehaa but tha dinner was deferred. ST. JOHNS BATHERS HAVE NARROW ESCAPE . - (Special Dtap.tr to Tfce JeerasLl ' St. Johns, Or, July 1J. While bathing , la the WUlamette river at thia point yesterday afternoon Feart York, the 11 ' year-old daughter of Mrs. Irs, Sykes, eama near losing her life and causing ; tha death of her mother. The little girl was wading in tha shallow water near jthe bank when she suddenly stepped oft J Into deep water. - She screamed frantio- . ally and sunk. Tha terrlOsd mother, who waa sitting on tlte bank with her friend, Mrs. Moore, - ' threw her -montha-old infant into tha s, lap of her., friend and plunged into the . aeep water where aha had sn her child disappear. Her screams attracted the attention of Ur. Charles Dean, who, in i (Company with two women, waa bathing .'near by. . . -s. , ...... . Mr. Dean, who is, an pert swimmer, , rushed to their amlsUnce just aa Pearl Swsa sinking for the third time and rot Vimf? V?4 iwaeslee wklnk (ll4 Se 4o m r sx4 I he frnine Ue rlrkltblnf Im. Mr (wwu nil of plmpUi and blark ' hMd. Attr uklaf CeararMa tk.j all .f. ) ta MaMselnf Me of bm and reeoenaiMdliia .. tham to mt f rleetla. I feel See ween I rlae -n tlia faeMra'i "'" M reeeaiaeaJ '. .. "yreda WIMea, M glai f C, Jlewark, X. J. Fleasant. Pelstshle. Potent. Taste Onnd. tie (font, FM (tl-'kaa, VkMaa er Mrlpa. 1IW. aVi.iOt. fi sole la aula. Tka (! tahlat aaanseal COO, . Itearaaaa4 aa aar ar aar amtf rwL terUag RataeelyCa CblcaceerN.T. 90S irrjju. sale, tei c:uj:i eohs .' xsw r "nijmo . . ;v r- ' -jft- ir v :.jfJV . JSENATOR FROM ARKANSAS, RETIRING CHAIRMAN DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE. " - PLANS -Kelloltoua talegrama oontlnu to eom none however from Bryan. . Oyatar Bay, July II. Chairman Cor telyou and Vlca-Preildentlal Nominee Fairbanks left bar at 11:11 o'clock thla morning, after a conference with Presl dent Roosevelt. The veil of aecrecy waa not lifted nigh enough tlrla ngirn. tng to reveal any of the Republican campaign plana discussed, but it is aald tha president's advisers went very thor oughly into tha subjects of attack and defense and it is understood that the Republican spell-blndera will ba ordered thla fall to lay particular atreaa on the conflict between the DeraOoratie con vention and Ita candidates. Fairbanks will make a number ot apeechea in the doubtful atatea and will be accompanied by a number of the mast forceful speak ers to ba secured. j -. Before Fairbanks ahd Cortelyou left Sagamore Hill two New Tork photog raphers took a ngmber of negatlvea of them elngly and in groups, with .the pYesident, on tha veranda,- - The pictures are to be sold to all newspapera that care to have them. Former Governor Hunt of .Porto Rico arrived at noon and passed tha afternoon at Sagamore H11L her to shore arith great difficulty. She clung to him In her almost death atrug gla until ha was nearly chpAid to death. He Anally had to handle her roughly te get her to let go. Mrs. Bykes, who Is a woman wefa-hln about 100 pounds and not being able to awim, . managed to save - herself by catching ' bold of a snag and dragging herself out of deep water. In ber excitement, Mra. Moore, who neid her own baby aa well as Mra. Sykes' little one In her arms, became hysterical and rushed into the water in an endeavor to help her drowning friend a She was rescued without harm. NEW EXAMINATION : FOR ALL FIREMEN Secretary O. U McPharaon of tha civil service commission is maktnr orenara tlons for the first written examination for firemen that has been given snd the first ons of any kind alnca tha reoraran Isatlon of the fire department. There are mora than 10 annllcanta for nnai. tlons 1 the-department. The examina tion wiu consist or aa athletla test counting live points, which will be held at Multnomah Field Friday morning. . Tha written teat wUl ranalii n ma. tlons retarding tha applicants", general aiiuwioum i uuiira, counting uirea points, writing reports test, eouutlng one point, and a teat h arithmetic, count ing ' one point. - Applicants will report for the written teat on Saturday morn ing at I O'clock at, the commission rooms. -v.. MXMit ioldat aumczizs. (Jearael Special gerrlee.1 -Belfast, July U. Thouaanda of Or angemen participated today In the cele bration of the anniversary of tha bet- tie or the Boyna. . The preaenca of extra police,.!, -reinforced -by- a sent Indent -of regular troopa, aerved to ' prevent any serious disturbance - between the Or angemen and tha Nationalists. Sea the great European picture. "A Trip Through Italy," at the Lyric this week. ... ., 5 m ;-.-.-v.,vv".f...:. -t " - . ':;..;.'-:;,;... .'s; ... ""'-' : v ' '.:f -ft-; - - i , : ? " '' ' ' SV - : : ? CLOUDBURST COSTS LIVES AT MITCHELL ' Continued from Far Ona.) but non ot th family war aarioualy Injured.;; ' 1 - t. .. , itiiim Bvaacsa aooxi. ' Snlo Ajaumg, rassengers Quickly Sab dued by officers, ,' ' (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) " Hood. River, Or, July 11. The steamer Charles R. Bpenoer, plying be tween Portland and Tha Dalles, waa rua aground on a aand bar thia morning on the Oregon side of ths Columbia river opposite Lylaw-.-.. .... , A terriflce gala was blowing at ths time and whitecapped waves were run. nlng 14 feet high. A hog chain broke and the blah winda forced her onto the bar. .The ateamer Dalles City waa near at band but owing to tha heavy storm waa unable to render any assistance to the Spencer. C. H, Stranahaa and X. T. Wlnans. passengers on Tha Dalles City report that tha hog chalne on the Spencer are broken and that the hull of the ateamer la rapidly spreading apart.' Appearances Indicate that her ateam pipes are broken. as steam Is escaping from all parts of the vessel, and If tha Spencer la not a complete wreck, aha will at least suffer big damage. . Although tha point at which1 the Spen cer struck-waa in anaiiow water, and the shore could be easily reached by wading. It waa only by the greatest ex ertions that tha offlcera of the boat prevented the loea of Ufa; Tha passen gers became panle stricken snd many attempted to leap into the waters oa the opposite aide of the boat from that near est tha shore. ' - The coolness of tha offlcera prevented any Injury and all those aboard the Ill- fated vessel were ' safely - got ashore. where they, will take tha trains for their homes. - The Spencer Is hard and fast In' tha sand thla afternoon and It la atated that she cannot ba pulled off at present. ; At the local offices Tha Dalles Transportation 'oompany a telegram was f received saying that the Spencer had broken a hog ohaln and was beached near Lyla. , . . WASXZS XOKXS A WAT. (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) ' Clarkston. Wash., July 11. A cloud burst last night destroyed all tha crops on Joseph creek and tha houses and household effeots of Jamea Herring and El ber Allen were also swept away. . MONUMENT UNVEILED IN HONOR OF HEROES (Journal Special Service.) Washington, D. C July 11. Ths mon ument In Battle Oround National cem etery, commemorating, tha battle fought on tha apot 40 years ago, was unveiled today with Interesting exercises and In tha presence of a-trgr -number of civil war veterans. The monument waa erected by. the survivors o. the 112d New Tork volunteers, a regiment which lost Ave members In the flrht' The suo otifcs of tha-,Uala4k,are-4 4he battla saved Washington from capture. Pres ident Lincoln -witnessed the struggle, and tha site chosen for the monument Is where he stood while viewing tha eght. . j. " ; . : , HOT alOOXSZITTAUT SXOT. ' (Special Dlspatrk te Tbs JoornsL) Toledo. Or.. July 11. Fred FVarv. 11 years of age, was accidentally ahat by W. Haynea In the abdomen. Dr. Wet- more reports small hopes of recovery. Turkish and Russian Baths Expert maaseura Guaranteed to cure any ehronlo rheumatism and ner vousness. .. price for bath, massage, pneumatic vibration., special for consti pation. Uver and Indigestion troubles, IJUOO including a bed for all night. Prof. Friedman, Hi Chamber. Ot Commerce. nnt ; crurtAjrD wrss . attzs CATXOW fob Ajroram xxabxho OF MUmDXB CAM AJTO MTV WTXXr OAXBT TOI CITxtgTIOaT TO nmiia oont. Judge John. B. Cleland thla morning In the state circuit court denied tha ap plication for a new trial and krreat of Judgment la tha ease of Frank Ougllel- nvs. murderer of 1 (-year-old Freda Qaraota. , Tha court reviewed th, rea sons aet p by tha defendant a attor aeya in their motion for retrial and ar rest of judgment, and paid particular attention to the point . raised concern ing the validity of tha signature 01 Dis trict Attorney Manning on the Informa tion returned under the new district at torney ilaw. - Tha court in passing upon this point held that the signature to an Information was merely to confirm Its authsntlclty, and that ainoe the district attorney .was not. questioning that, there was bo substantial ground for question ing tha authenticity of the Information. He also elted the lsw providing that a motion to quash must ba made at the time of beginning tha trial. Speaking of the raault this morning Attorney Dan B, Murphy, for Gugllelmo, aald: - ' "Of course, we will take tha case up on appeal Immediately. - I shall make out ' the papera at one. : The groUnda will ba the same that wa have aet forth In the motions for new trial and arreat of judgment." - . 1 PLEIADES UNDER . JAPANESE FIRE (Continued from Page Ona) from tha harbor Under -the escort of the United States crulaar New Orleana She took the remainder of her cargo to Che- foo, China, about SO milea distant, where it waa discharged. It will be held there by tha consignees until disposed of, but It haa probably been sold by this time. From Crefoo the steamer returned to Puget sound by1 way of Kobe, Moll and Yokohama, coming in water ballast on the return , trip, (she again made a trip to tha far east, but thla time ateered clear of the acene of hostilities. But her streak of bad luck haa not yet deserted her. When within about 009 miles of Seattle aha Broke her "-tall shaft and loat her propellor. Afler drifting about for four daya aha waa picked up by the oriental liner Nlco medla bound from Portland and towed to Victoria. ' Later ahe waa taken to Ta coma and repaired. She' launder char ter to take out a shipment of govern ment lumber to Manila, and will load at tha Portland mllL A Hat of her of flcera is as follows: F. O. Purington, captain; -H. C. Armatrong, first otfloer; B. J. Joyce, eecond officer; J. Bait) a, third officer, and L, Pattersop, chief en gineer.. . . . AN ARMY ON STRIKE (Continued from Pare Ona) end that the demand for men la very light. No disorder prevails. . . i SIX aTtTBSBBB QT7TT, t " 1 .. ' ' (Joeraal SpeeUI terrtea.) ' Omaha July 11. Six . hundred men preaented their time cheoka to tha Boutfi Omaha packing plants at noon today and quit work. Every - precaution haa- been taken to prevent a disturbance of any kind by closing ths plants., Subsidiary labor wU ba much embarrassed. - x (Joaraat IpeeUl errlee.) Sioux City,' la. July 11. Nine hun dred packara and employe went out at noon today. Tha laborers here received higher pay than thoaa la Chicago, but struck in sympathy. ST. JOB FAOKXBS ATTBCTBD. (Joornal Bpeeial Sen lea.) St Joseph,' Mo., July II. Fifty-one hundred packlng-houw employee atruck nere at noon xoaay. verytning quiet, MICHIGAN FAMILY v . HAS NARROW ESCAPE (Journal Special Service.) " Iron wood. Mich., July 11. Tha home of Barl Walton at Wakefield was blown up by dynamite early last night. Nona of tha family were Injured, although the houee wasv. completely wrecked. Mr. Walton is superintendent of the Brotherton and Sunday Lake Iron mines, and- Is unable to ascribe what motive led to the outrage, or who tha guilty parties may be. - By some It Is thought to bs tha out coma of the atrlke that occurred In the minea during the ' early part of this year, when tha man struck agalnat reduction of wares. After tha mines had again resumed operations some of the old employes wsaa not takea back. Wllllaraette Valley Chautauqua -' Association.' ' The Willamette Valley Chautauqua la now In aeaalon at Gladatone nark near Oregon City. The Southern Paclflo com pany haa provided epeclal aervlce from East Waablngton street and haa placed tickets on sale at greatly reduced rates. First Oral n leaves Kast Washington street at 7:45 a. m. and at Intervals of about one hour until 1:11 p. m. Last train leavea Gladstone for Portland at 10:21 p. m. MEET TO SETTLE JOBBERS'. PROBLEMS Members of the executive 'committee of the North Paelflo Coast Jobbers' and Manufacturers' association, a branch .of tha Paclflo Coast Jobbers' and Manufac turers' association, are In aassion today in this city. The organisation first nsmed embraoea the cities of Seattls, Tacoma and Portland, and the meeting now in progress is the first, that haa atra new uy me executive committee since its election, two or three months ago. v Various matters of Importance to the merchants and shippers' of . these three cities will come before the meet ing. . .... - . t , . "AOTmjrsB 'XB''Btursrjri."7"... lata this afternoon the nollce were nati. fled of tha mysterious dissopearanca of Mrs. Grace Oellert. from her home, UT& Fifth street, July-t4er- state name la Grace Forma She had been employed at Blaaier'g Burnaid rtrefet resort, ' Bxita-AJnrorAXi iTinxm skows - matt nroBBAsa xv Bxcmnr awd jnmmvmmwwaimru fob jjun SIX MOWTXS OOMrTaSTa SI- ' TAXLS ABB BZnUOBBDt ... Speclal Dispateh ta The JoamaL) . Salem, July II. The atate treasurer oompleted his semi-annual report yes, terday. Thla report shows a heavy In crease In the receipts and disbursements for thst period. The report shows total receipts of $1,411,111.07 as . compared with ,11,100.134.75 for tha same months last year, an Increaaa of till, 74.31 Tha disbursements were $1,111,061.00 against, increasing Ills, 047.11, and leaving the atate treaaurer In possession of 1071,101.71 cash oa hand July 1. 1004. The Lewie and Clark fair. The Dalles-Celllo Portage - railway and other legislative enactments are re sponsible ror mesa increases. . The cash balance on hand .is dig trlbuted among the dlgsraut .funds -naa loiiowa:- General fund ............. .$401,111.11 Common school fund, .princi pal ....j.. ..... ltt.104.01 Common school fund. Interest t01.tSt.lt Agricultural college . ' fund, . principal . ,............ . 14.104.07 Agricultural eouege runa, interest .........., . . . . . , 4,117.14 ' 1.040.01 M7t.7T - 110.1 1 J.141.il OO.fO . o.trt.ft 10,071 ot 0,701.40 ll,llt.00 T.41T.4I l.lll.ll - 1.00 10.t00.70 IJ17.tO 14.01 University fund, principal..- University fund, interest..., Thurston monument'' fund. . principal A. R. Burbank trust fund. principal , . ...... . . A. R. Burbank trust fund. Interest Bwamp land fuad ,,,., Tide land. fund ............ Inheritance tag fund ....... Agricultural college tax fund Oregon Soldiers' . home - na tional fund .....:......, Bounty fund Hatchery fund Hatchery fund', Dlst, No. 1 . , Hatchery fund Dlst. No, 1.. Pure food fund ............ State - beard of - examtners fund .... It4.07 Oregon 'stove foundry fund., 4,117.00 Penitentlsry betterment fund 7.15111 Sewer fund ,101.44 Total ' tt71.ltl.7l LIQUOR QUESTION AGITATES SALEM SIiBTZaT WABBABTS FBOOXTBBS ZB anrsTZtnf ooxjbt fob dpipxbibbs OF XZQUSD BXFBXSBM IBTS A4J (TITSBB OF TZ01VATZVt . tiniAT UW-WT Xi FUUUD WBOBB8SAT. (Special Dispatch te The Joaraat) - Salem, Orw ; July It. Prof."VTrnrew haa again appeared on the warpath. Testerday in Justice Turner's court' lit procured warrants agalnat 11 dispensers of liquid refreshments and all will plead before Esqulra Turner on Wsdnesday, Tha charge is undenthe state law, . Aa amualng Inoldeht in -connection with thia laat raid of Professor. Drew la the fact that soma of thoaa whom another fine will' hit the heaviest have been dosed up tight every Sunday since the first assault until laat Sunday night and they onened their placea of busi ness just In time to get caught la the act. ' ' . . A course of action has not been defi nitely decided upon by tbs saloon man, but tha consensus of opinion among them at the present time Is that the lew under which they are prosecuted is unconstitutional by raaaon or its ap parent discrimination, and it la their purpose to raise this question as a teat case. "The queatlon has coma to a ahow-down,"-remarked one of tha pro prietors of -a downtown, saloon, 4a dis cussing tha matter laat evening, "and what wa propose to do now la to find out Just exactly where wa stand anc whether or not we have any rignta." Up to a late hour laat night the de fendants generally had ' engaged no counsel to represent "them In the case, but. It Is thought, a Una of action will bs determined upon today, upon- ar raignment yesterday afternoon all of the dafendanta, at their request, were glvsn from a week to Is daya In which to plead and In tha meantime they will have had plenty of time in which to ar rive at a definite conclualoa la tha mat ter, f ;- The city council, which waa expected to adopt a .health ordinance, appropriate money for the Improvement of Wilson avsnue sidewalk and for tha Marlon square, walk last- night, did nothing. Tha health ordinance was referred to the mayor with Instructions to bring It back ahotened ao the council oould find time to read and understand It. V "SOBTBTXza-a , trBOBO wrrx (Special Dispateh to Tbs JoaraaL) Moscow, Idaho, July 11. Dan Foley of Spokane, apparently 'demented, waa found roaming tha streets clad only In a woman's bath robe this morning. When questioned he 1 said: "There la some thing wrong with mi. " 1 1. . 1 1. ' ' Fref erred Btoek Canned Ooeda - Allen A Lewie' Beat Brand. . , j - . rOVWO. DBAS ZB OXOSBV. . (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) 1 Mullan, Idaho, July II. Minnie, the four-year-old . child of -Andrew Flock, waa found dead In a closet at her home laat evening. A ruptured blood ves sel had caused her death. " : THir'eorTte Si"told"ln fl .and 2 lb. tint. .Grind fresh etch dty not toofi ne1' J. A. rOLGLlCa, CO. San Franclaco ' Inysrioro of flna CafTaaa XVtfetahk Preparationfor As- j slmllating the Food andBe)?ui big tt StDinaclB anlBowvls of i Fromoies DigcslIonCheerrur- ruiss and Kcst.con tains neiiner. Opium Jkforphina norXioexai. NotXaacotio.-. . jAtoujt-siHuajacsa -nisilsi Oasjf ; A perfect Remedy forConsQp Tion, Sour StonarJi. Diarrhoea WornisXormilsktroJeverislv jxess and toss OF SlJEER ' TacSimiU Si'gnarurO of XEWVD17K. x Hi.'ll EXACT COPY OF WRAFFCn. MMHMM I Good Sunshades for $L50 1 T W are making Sun Shades of Z $1.10. Thar are fast black,, with silk, and wear much better. For T give best ot satisfaction. They JOHN AUUESIIMA : I SO Morrlsom St. t, (TWO rAOTOBZBS.) :-". WaahlavOB ' ' V:r-' -:- BJV.t YOUR-. :M':?-.; r-H !:''. BAR FIXTURES BILLIARD TABLES V ; From :U and YOUR LIQUORS JWHERE ; r . YOU PLEASE, if you want, to Bavc money v - i and stay in tjusinesa r 4 --' ' - -' ,! s1' The' Brunnvick-Balke Collender Co. tiUUWsVWitKatit PORTLAND CLUB CAFE ' 190 Fif tH Stiwct, fiotwooa Waablnston sad Aldor .'i A : HXR.M1TACE WHISKEY J: i . ; SCHLITZ BEER ' All Leading Brands of Osars. - : ' Lunch at 9 p. m. "I Vfl T t greater covering capacity than any other paint made.; i; :f ;50 per cent i - greater money quality than any other paint made. :: FISHER, TMOISEiN CO. . ' Everything In Paint - . s J ICO, l3, If5-, , . - , . FRONT STRCEJT - . During: Your Vacation... Let us do theTamUywashuigWedo It right and ' . ; so cheap that you will never do the washing again yourself. J We call for ;. ' , WEST SIDE OFFICE TROY LAUNDRY COMPANY Laundryr Water St:,- East"SIde"z lljOyilNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST For Infants and Children; Tin Kind You llavo Always Dough! Bears the Signarare. X VaU " AW . - -. I 1 111 w l wmm- lWr Ur For Ovor Thirty Years mt ,,. awe ssfasa ft 4 CwWWf a BILK and WORSTED covering for silk finish and look almost aa fine aa . TRW protection from rata you will find they . are fine for tha ooast or an outing trip. . XXST PORTLAND - FENCE & WIRE WORKS v K. CARLSON. Proprietor I Manufacturer of - ' WOOD, IRON AND STEEL FENCING And tha TTnlversal Combination Vane BTLBTVATOB ENCLOSTTRK8 XVXRTTHIKa IN WIRE. . ' St B. Morrlsom , Vortand; OrearoB. Telephone, Union 174. , and deliver promptly. ' 129 SIXTH STREET V WW V ,1. '