REGQN DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, EVENING. JULY ll. 1801 . -: THE v i SAY. SPEED LIMIT STATE SUFFERS IS AN ABSURDITY SEVERE DROUGHT -' atstokobxusts wxxxv mi r xa , SUM ssssxo - vo . rsoxxst ooramiui atbbxu fayobs a ' it uli AJt mora xaw. ULOOK BAS " OBBdOV NOWV vox a nouiaiD bit n sow. An lo.uuzr za rmox- xsss ar wbatxxb bubxau obaxv aoT raiotmi.T nrjuBBD. Rarely In th history of Onion baa a drouth been of such, duration m the on with which many parta of the stato are now affected. With the azoeotlon of mum nu w. v, b " i - ra-ar jfiiA f v - . ... m t hour. Such discrimination - -," u mus la -warrantable, tney nc juu , u. nd would not b upheld If teatedl1 Th drouth la peculiar In the faot in tha aaiirta. that it eilat only In the valleys end It la asserted that sweet care umiww sections or ma atata, whara It us- many other venjciea looninu; muj rmuia who mora regularity. The ; vara .4ha cltr'a ' atreeta at a greater i mora elevated plaoea have not suffered rata than alcht miles per hour. no ao-i 10 great uuat Automoblllsts of thla cltr ar prw . paring for a mas meeting- to protest I against the action of tha city council I In regulating the Speed or ineir ro chtnea to - a maximum rate of lght I ; mllea .per agalnat auto .. tinn " has. bsan taken - to prevent aucn travel on tha part of any vehicle exoept -automobile,' It-la said, and auto fana propose to protest against the dlscrlm . -Inst loo. ' : .5.. 'V' . .- . "Ther la a law which ragulstee the apeed of atraet car at eight miles per ' hour; but they travel at about J f or " milea In the' buainesa portion of the city and 10 or Jo outawa or tne nraiia, -said Councilman Fred .Merrill, who op ' posed the. ordinance regulating the i apeed of automobile. -."Other vehicles ;also go at greater rat and are not Tha weather offlc effsre no relief In tha way of ahowera. It la also atated that fruit has not bean damaged se- verely UO to thla time. -. Tha erona alaa nave eaoapea eenoua injure i ' R. T. Cox,' who returned )4atarday from hi ranch tn Ollllam county, atatea that tha crura of that section have not been Injured. Harvesting will , begin July 11, and h quality, of grain la aid to b good. .r "In tha vicinity of Condon." said MrJ cox, "there haa been an abundance of ratn.and the yield will b over tb aver- FOILED : BY EAVESDROPPER SAz.ooaxaarxa asAmi two bajt. bits " xtisouBS aoaaaaT or aoaraaaa aAOzrzo tbaiv ajti zaroaaoi Taa rouoa ooacrAVT . vtvAoaa ovAass oa TaAza CHICKEN THIEVES , r, CAN T DOWN HIM Through overhearing two prospective I other night. In the want columns of The Journal today there appear one of the moat unlqua advertisements recently v pub lished, . the aame being a notice from Paul Vereetran of . 430 Irving street, notifying the publlo that chloken thieves fera abroad. . U-, Mr, Verestran. although a , modest man. ia publlo spirited, and he took this method of "tipping" tha pubrl aa to what happened to hi hennery the molested. I' don't see why. they should a- - Th ground la In good oondltlon. ' dianrtmlnste' rffrajnst ua. 1 ' -Aa a matter of fact thar ba not ' .tioaa an automobile aocldent In thl . ritv In which anvona haa beo hurt It la aafa to say that there have been quit a few street ear accldenU In " which Draona ware mora or less Jn- 1 turad on. nnmeroua occaalona. " t. "At tha meeting we shall dismiss th altuation generally. We oertainiy Be lieve that there ought to b law reg elating tha apeed of machine and those who violate them-ahould m punisnea. But automobllea should not be discrim inated against. We ahall endeavor to ' hare the ordinance revised ao that the maximum rata of apeed In th city will b 10 r IS mile per hour and more than that outalde of tha fire limits.' The meeting of automobillat will be held within the hext few day a. FIND fiOJRACE OF MISSING PATIENTS ana in many plaoea the farmera ar plowing. ' In tha southern section or )n tno Hcnuettier nita. th grain la ripen ing rapidly and headera are already- be ing brought out 'In soma sections the grain will yield 40 bushels to tha acre. FUND FOR ROAD WORK IS SHORT THIS YEAR -MNo trace' haa been found of Herbert B. Huntley who disappeared from. the Mt Taoor sanitarium a weea bb& Searching parties have scoured the woods and the entire country aaat -of tha ctty, - but not a tree of th man bin been found. . He escaped during tha night in his night clothing and It. waa feared that he committed ' suicide. . Every effort. however, to And the man haa been fu Nor haa any trace .been discovered of Mrs. Elisabeth Ellis, who disappeared from the Portland sanitarium five : weeks ago. The woman also left dur ing tha night and part of her clothing waa found on tha bank or tha river the following day. Whether h"" sought i death In the . river , or whether aha - wandered Into th woods' has not bean determined.- HUSBAND SEEKS MISSING WIFE t Of the half dosen places where coun ty road work should ba carried on, the commissioners are only certain at thla time of being able to- Attend to two. Th levy for road purpose amounts to 1107.000, and after dellnauenelea ar de ducted from thla amount tha sum of about 1100,000 la left with which to take ear of the many roads In Multao- Aa unusually larr amount of work was dona during Jane, and tha fund for this year ia already hard - hit Th rock crusher Is at present working on th Base Una road, and after thla work la dona there will be nearly a mile and a half of macadamising undertaken on Corbatt street hllL Tber will also be some work on the Columbia river road. Tha commissioners have under eon- siaeration the road to Bell wood and sev eral otner extenaiona ox needed ma cadamising that ahould ba dona thla year.. They have laid down the ruler of paying off each- year a portion of tha debt agalnat the road fund, and when thla la deducted together with the amount that must necessarily b kept for winter repair work, tha "fund, is round to be Insufficient to do all th work it was hoped would b accom. pliahed thl year. HOLLADAY PARK ALSO -NEEDS WATER Residents and nronertr cwnera tit rha Holladay Park addition ar complaining over ineir water service.' This Is Cne of the most rapidly growing suburban districts of Portland and already (0 realdeneea are occupied and mu. others -will soon be completed. Onlv In pursuit of his wife, H. T. Ireland at the central police station and aaked TM-mS.Ci throun , Pk aid in locating th. woman and 10-year- J" "TuZ "'r Ulrely on old Willi. Ireland, who 1. with her. The ?ll Vm-.-i J?" ta J- water but have I - v ,uiwia iof ao- pollc have searched tha xlty. found no trace of th missing ones, and it is not believed they are here. . "I believe my wife haa deserted me. aald' Ireland to th police. "She la aged SO years. Is ( feet t inches tn height Is of slender build, of dark complexion and hat dark red hair. Bh, haa been . gone ha went t aaoatras bsiau AWAao, In th case of Benjamin T. Orosbech agalnat th City at Suburban Railway company for f 11,000 damage for per- oiuu injuries, in tna atata circuit court Judge Fraaer today aaaaaaad $7(0 Tor . the plaintiff. . Tomorrow Judg Cleland .will render a decision on tha motion of mo attorneys or Frank Ougllelmo for a . new trial ana arrest of judgment luirui zaxovB xanraiBs. ( Jwral 1 Brrclct BarrW. ) .- Ephrata, WRh -July 11. J. N. Town- mma waa thrown,, from his horse yeater day near here and hla lower Jaw sus tained three fractures and a hole ex tending from under the chin Into the mouth. Hla recovery is doubtful,. Ha waa aent to his home at Seattle. m actio, purposes. A petition has been filed with Auditor Devlin to ba presented to tha it "''"orks committee on Wednesday asking that better water facilities ba extended them, - they stating that tha work can be dona at alight expense. noaiuenia or university Park have sa filed a petition Aaklne- m tension of th water system to their community, as tney -atata the have to do without water even for domeaUo pur poaea, for several hours each day. it - - , PENDLETON SCHOOL SITE COMMENTED ON Pendleton, Or July 11 Whan cam known today that th board of education had selected a atta f n ev. new school bulldlftaa l Drove, unfavorable eommant waa heard all ovr town. . Th alta la eurrounded by a alough In malarial region. It will cnat . sands of dollara to nil the'land In, and tha resentment, , o,f .the property-owners may result tn formal aetlon being taken. train robbera tilseuss their plana and by notifying th poltoa a local saloon keeper enabled tha Northern Paclfle of ficials to bejn their guard. Tha plot of the ''robbera' waa given tha police, who in turn . notified . th oomnanv. Armed guards were at one placed on all .the company's trains, though until today this was denied by the company. Armed guards have been riding oa nnrth and aotithbAiinf naaaanaar tratna over the Northern Paclflo between Port land and Puget Bound f or. three weeka. Tha matter haa been kept' a profound secret Two policemen gay e. The infor mation that resulted la that-actlon.. Af ter this laps of time the special men haVe been detached, ' although close watch. Is still maintained - ajonjg tha road- - . . . -.- - Today th Information waa made pub llo at police headquartera that Police man Dan Connors and R. I Heuinfer, attached to the first night relief, wera Informed of tha 'plot They quickly communicated with Northern Pacific of ficials. , The- armed guarda were imme diately put in aervice aa were several expert detectives of. tha company. ' Two men- were overheard to plot the hold-up. They were in the rear of a First street saloon and agreed to atop tha train and rob tha axpresa car. The proprietor of the saloon overheard them and notified Policemen Connor On th memorable night referred to. aa ' Mr. Vereatran announce, ho waa robbed of a hen and 10 "chicks." Ha dues not stats tha value of tha afore mentioned hen and "chicks" in hla warn ing to tha publlo, but th fact la- ap parent that they were of sufflolent value to. cause within hi mind a deslr to notiry tb publlo of what bad been dbn to him, and of what may be done to mem. - . i In th olden day or In rural W tlementa. Mr. Vereatran would probably have gone to the village postofnee to place hla notice or tell of hla misfor tune, in these modern days of rural free delivery, ' telephone, telegraph. megapnones talking macninea and eleo- trie eara. he goea to tha dally newa- paper office, and In a brief four-line no- tloe warna 10,000 homea of.readera of The Journal, that tha common anemy, th chicken thief. 1 abroad, and for all to - load their trusty muskets . and ba ready. - OUIS DAMAGED AT CAMP WAsazaaTOV tboops nor a . PAST KOTB ABT OnTWlX.TDia oproaaartr oaaooa toqb OBT TBS WOBBT OT It AJTD ABB ST. I BY A WD STORM wobxav tazb avtxozaas avrmm wjtx rxa ajBiT rxasv . asn kca tbs SAT.raa bakaob Snxx, aaAoar zaro raa TaoysABDS ao utbs x-os. .-; jt-.:7 : Henlnger. Th Northern Paclflo of ficials were quick to act when Informed of the plot Whether the men learned of tha company's preparatlona or whether they altered their plana, la not known, but ao far as - known no at tempt was made to molest any of tha trains. . When tha railway : company first placed tha armed guarda on their trains The Journal received a dispatch con cerning -It but the Portland officials emphatically denied It and ;-also denied that they had neara or any, plot xo too one of their trains. -- r i i i ; ' - (SoeeUl Dlspatek to Toe Joarnatl Murray, Wash.. July 11. The prob lem of today' a military maneuvers; con sisted of moving columns of (roopa through, a hostile country and repelling Ue" attack; by hrenemy7Meliy of th main maneuver were west or American and lake, where the Second Washington and MYSTERIOUS POISON CAUSES FOUR DEATHS . (Special Dispatch to Tbe Jcmrnml. ) Boise. Idaho. July 11. U C ..-Driers. Charles Drlgga, his son, Andraw Larson and Charlee Sybaera are dead and Wil liam Mason Is In a critical condition aa tha result of poisoning In a peculiar manner and through an unknown . form i of toxin e. " Th party was ngaged In working a mine near Resort and when on after another had elckened and died It waa ba the Twenty-alxth artillery, commanded by Colonel Lamping, were attacked by a portion of th Nineteenth Infantry. . Th Washington ' troops completely outwitted th attacking party in tha opinion of Washington officers, putting tha artillery, consisting of two com panies, out of action and capturing a dosen prisoners. Tha fighting was se vere along tha advanoe near Nolan farm. half way between Camps Btellacoom and Nisqually, from which tha opposing xorcaa marched at T o'clock thla morn ing. ' Tha brunt of the fighting Was borne by a battalion commanded by Major Cass, with companies K. M and a por tion of B, ha drove the anemy from tha woods, meeting them . unexpectedly, whereupon close fighting resulted. . Meanwhile th .artillery took a po sition on a rid re at th edr of th woods, drawing th fir o'f th enemy aa a ruse while tha Infantry passed on. If ball cartridges had been used to day Oregon would be. In mourning, i th Third Oregon was badly squelched. Aooompanled by a light artillery and opposed to the Oregon men were a eepa rat battalion and tb Nineteenth In fantry, th latter being victorious. Tb engagement : occurred near th American lake station. It was a -pretty fight and laated an hour. - A platoon with th Third Oregon waa put out of Y (Joaraal Special terries.) ' .'' Bt Louis, July llo-A furious wind and thunder elorm swept down - upon Bt Louis shortly before ( o'clock this afternoon and raged for about an hour. Heavy -damage to building is reported from all sections, but no loss of life. ' Residents of . tha alty were panic- stricken, fearing a repetition of th aw ful cyclone of ltti. . Th 'wind blow more than 0 mile an hour, smashing in plata-glas fronts and overturning wagons in the atraet - Hailatonea of Im mense sis falL Considerable damage was dona at tbe world' fair grounda, and thousands of spectators on the grounds wer a ter ror-stricken aa th natives of th city. Tb full xtnt of th damage to prop erty 1 not known at thl time, but It is estimated at many thousands of dol lars. At 4 o'clock th storm seems to hav apent Ite -fury. .,. tUIBZaaUt TTiTiTTTOTS STOBJC BIS JIPX'i (Jearaal IpeeUl geivice.) Chicago. Jaly 11. Flerc storms In tha central portion of th atata thla afternoon have Isolated that aeotloa and St Louis,, where galea are aUso re ported. The extent of th damag Is un known. ' - - .-' ' 'y ' ' ' ' ' ' CHINESE WAR MAY BE IMMINEN T lleved to have been caused by pto maine poison.. Dr. Blake, a phyatcian of buainesa before firing; a shot Resort believes that the poison is of a rare character obtained from a South General Funston, General MeArthur and a lieutenant-colonel, a British at- American plant th effect of which ar tach. . rlwd ' this engagement. .and Invariably fatal. Mason, who Is now at Hot Springs. may recover. - A quantity of the food been sent - to Boise for chemical analysis and a post mortem examination of the atomach of tha aider Lrlrgr la also oaing maae. ,. , .. . . , ; Included la tha Hat of deaths which occurred at Boise yesterday as tha re sult of eating food impregnated - with poison, Is the name of U C Driggs. It was reported about tha city today that it was L. C. Drlgga, who for yeara was chief olerk In the United States mar- shal's office at this place. ; The rumor unfounded.- as tha local Mr, Driggs is wall at bis horns In this city.' after the fight addreaaad tha officers se cretly. For th third problem,- th Second Idaho and Eighth .battery, oppoaad th Reeerve policemen are being held ready to make immediate response to call ln Chinatown. Rival tonga en raged by Jealousy over th breaklnc up of a feast in a hall over On Lee store early Sunday morning, ar bolieved to be about ready to wreak, vengeance. CHARGES EMPLOYE WITH EMBEZZLEMENT JUaUU UU juibuvm ,vwwr cvaw I Ninth cavalry. Including Troop B of Preparatlona ara made for quick and Oregon and battery, fighting hear hiu hurat and at target .range. Th fight ing waa still on at i o'clock this after noon -" '. -' - ; t I ,:' DRUGGISTS GO TO THE BEACH FOR MEETING Vntu, T .ana ohalrma.n rtt tha enter- Vainmant errftnmlttM of the Orcron State I ner. and a cltisen residing; In th vlcln- Pharmaceutical association, announced I ity requested that the racket be sup this afternoon that oetwaen is -ana iu I presaoa. vvnen iniirucuum iu people, druggists and their wivea.' wUl tha Mongolians, they at one thought i.a.a a ah atuat dock on the Potter at I Baw Wo. a merchant next door, and a declalv action In case trouble ' ahould oocur. - Arrangementa have also been made to call out tha fire department and drown into submission, any celestials who might dealra to murder their coun trymen. , Acting under Instructions rrom cap tain of Police Bailey, Policeman King of tbe Chinatown squad at I o'clock yester day morning broke up a feast being held tn the hall over On Lee's stor. Second and Oak. Chinamen and Japanes wom en wer ool eh rating In a hilarious man- Dav Metsler la wanted by the pollc on a charge of embesillng 840 from hla employer, Harry Maler, proprietor of a saloon In tha north and-district A warrant for hla arrest was Issued -out of the municipal court 'this . morning. It la thought tha alleged thief haa fled the city, and the wires have been used to notify tha authorities in cities along lns crew routes leadlna from this cltr. .lThuraday. Metsler waa employed aa a bartender. and waa intrusted with th funds of the place, lit Is alleged to have taken ad vantage of hla position by appropriating to his benefit tbe $540. The warrant for hla arrest waa issued early this morning, but It is the belief of the do- 11c that h left the city laat night , . - vazgooTT rzoaaaa bibs. (Special Dttpatrh to Tbe Joaraal.) Preacott Wash., July 11. Timothy Shea, aged OB, a pioneer resident of thla place for IS yeara, died of tuberculosis yesterday. - - t 7:10 o'clock tomorrow morning for Long; Beach, Wash., wbsr th four teenth annual meeting of tb associa tion la to b In session on July 1J, li and 14. On Wednesday ther will b a trip to. Fort Canby and Northern light houee, a basket - luncheon being enjoyed at the latter plaoe. Visit will b mad to th canneries, and other points of Interest An. exhibition drill will be given by the crew of tha Ufa Saving station on In the way of amusements, there la to ba boating, bathing, fishing, clam-dlg- ging, tennis, billiards, .ate. .. Prises are to be 'given the prettiest Ctrl and beat looking druggist . NEW CITY WANTS . MINING CONGRESS member of a rival tong, had instigated the move. " Instantly a demonstration was made, and It became necessary to ! order out more, policemen to assist In keening down open war. ' For a time murder waa feared, but th polio auo- ceeded in calming th enraged celes tlala. '- ' - But tha pollc cried peso when thar waa no Mace. Again, later in the day. Chlneae erased with anger, and etill be lieving Bow Wo caused th pollc action, moved In a manner, that told the-offl- esrs trouble was Imminent Membara of tha Chinatown aquad who have served for years in tha district krtsw tha attl-tude-of th Chlneae waa threatening, and precaution were at once taken. MANY WOULD MANAGE POOR FARM AFFAIRS Information ha. been reived, by Se L' JrtZZ VFSZSEZ rotary Mahon of th. American Mining Hhuy.;' TtHE STORE NOTED FOR BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES." A Midsummer Slaughter Sale of i A DRESS GOODS WHIRL 'nNiLT2w?-h?V, Z2'7" ,ydi of Assorted All-Wool French and Arneri. Sr $100 7l S .n tif?' m ll8htJandr medium colors, checks nd stripes, which we retailed for. 51.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. Your choice of nV s-Vl u - - , - Z . aa. wa y AAA- Aaj For 29 Cents Vard ,wrw .if. ?lmi8chief Wth DreM Good Pri. jt to start, our Midsummer Sale fir! Dre" GoJ whirligTyou will ' can' ii wSfilS in aSf m 7Y l" "eP-egation of fine French and Arneri- iid dSinri AiS1 i nd vtle": AU wh0 mre in mod to make their dimes mSSrS ll. J v nnd bV.ins on rtrth should not t' way tomorrow or any other day during the week. Great Midsummer Slaughter of Fine Goods , ' 9tr Claaraaes ala of Bus, sa? Oaeda at a' , ' Woaderfal Bedaotloa. '. US nm onr axoxvsrra pit ooods a-rom xw m errr It's a h s a p. Always rod inn t maN SrOSJt aWT. . congress .that Cincinnati la going to make an effort- to secure the eighth an nual aesalon of the mining oongreaa for that city. . This Informations cams through a communication from th Com mercial league of Cincinnati. Thi makes tha fourth city that ba announced itself as a candidate for the next session of the congress, tha othera being ' Denrer, . Half Lake and Omaha. Minneapolis and Chicago have un officially made the announcement that tbey dealr th next gathering of th oongreaa Many of th Invitation snt out to th mayor of th different - cities throughout th country are being ac cepted and th list of delegates la grow ing larger every day. LIGHTNING KILLS A PLAYER IN GAME (Joprnal Special tnlee.) MeKeeaport, Fa., July 11. Charles Jeffries, th ehortstop of tha Johnstown club, waa atruck by lightning and killed, the second baseman atunned and a large erowd panlo stricken aa tha gam was about to begin this afternoon., saxa r&Am BADX.T snrmi, ' (Kpeelal tMspateh to The JearasL) - Coulee City, Wash., July 11. C A. flwanson, whll playing ball her ye terday, wa run Into by another player and two rib broken and hla backbone consideration by tha county eommla alonara. It has not yet been decided to retlr th present superintendent, but the commissioners hav already re ceived about 14 petitions of applicants who say that they destre-the plac .if a vacancy occurs." Judge Webster, when asked directly eonoernlngT the matter today said that tha commissioners ware Investigating conditions at tha poor farm, and ' that they had th superintendent question under consideration, but that aa yet nothing definite . haa been decided upon. TO HXAKOT 9ATMOXA. '' City Auditor Devlin has received no tification from th civil service commis sion to tb effect that all appointment to positions in tha publlo aervice must conform with tha charter requirements. Hereafter th auditor will submit all payrolls to th civil service commission for approval aa to tha regularity of tha appointments, -and auch payrolls shall be audited only aa approved by the com mission and' provided by tha charter. Hereafter no warrant will be drawn In payment of any salary to any peraon who la not eertlfled by th commission to tha auditor aa having been appointed or employed la pursuanoe of th charter clvU service. DBOiraTS a loairnimarc (Special filapatek te The learaaLI 1 Bonners Ferry, Idaho. July 1L Harry Dolan, aged' II "yeare, son of James B. Dolan of this city, was seised with cram pa while in swimming In the cracked. The Injured man auffera ter-1 J?00'?"1 "ver near here, and drowned. rlbly and doubt hi recovery. art xprssed aa .to Th body waa recovered.- f Fresh Films tor 1 Kd?kers Films which will tnake sharp, elear and brilliant nega- UVS. , . - ;-.-.:---j--" ' .'. ' . - ? An sco Cameras " .52, 55, 58, 510, Dvery nw and desirable lmprorement , . . ,'; . 'orxo ripto tim is th mw' and bt hd .Oo gtampa for a aarnpt pokg,v New Leather Goods Zaitaat ldag for home folks. , Ladles' Chatelaines flO.OO. . th tourist and t .;. -I. tAdles and gentlemen's Travel ing Cases, 94.6O to 92B.OO. ' Collar and Cuff Boxea, nw d signs. 92.00 to 90.50, - . We Arc Leaders In Leather Good : - Every Piece NEW and STYLISH We Mark Leather Goods Free Warm Weather Prices tor :--yg OOGoods: :-t,- I, perpteMe ....MMMo-71w Ayer Hair Vigor. M...0T ; , Ouerlaln's. Jicky Soap... 60s) ' Hays' Hair Health. ragular 0o M.8Tey Peara Bcented Bop.M..M.l3 Para,,Uneoentd Soap .M.lla) 70nsrToth "Iowder.L.i4w 1 " Bublf Mn''Znwal4 Arnica Tooth Boap...a..M.T4 I BhaffleldTg Dentlfrio mXAA "Enthymol Tooa"Past.i7-.14V . - ....j ..ii. -.'.: FREE To bitrodue It W - ara . dlspenaing without eharg to our patron "Woodlark" .Concentrated Orange Cider, a most dellcloua and healthful summer drinkAona beetle (25) wlU make la a moment on gallon of this cooling beverar. : y . ' Woodard, Clarke s&r : .. - OAVAOZAaT vom taxxbt at facts taitb. l v QTzoat nuraon sbbtzos astb fbbb sbxitbbt. ex. x. r. vn A POOR nOUTH . BpOlls many a pretty face. If your teeth ar poor, let ua help you to sav and preserve them. If they roust b extracted well do It without pain to you. Our ayatam , of crown and brldg Work I simple, quick and painless. Established in Portland 17 years. ' Tha reason w advertia is to M you know where we are. . Ids w. a. wua, WISE BROS., Dentists 108-111 FAIIJNO BLDO. Open eveninga UU s. Corner THIRD AND WASHINGTON. Sundays, from to It. ' Phon. Mala I0IS. - . j.jwomsr as etrBoaoBa. . From the Washington Poet Why ia it that ona do not hear of famoua women surgeons 1" asked a Post reporter of Dr. M. C. Re rill of San Franeiaco. ' -' "There la no special reason -why women should not become proficient in surgery,"- h replied, -Jbut few tak-t that Un of work. Th average woman somehow sem to think that. thla lie a little outsld the spher of feminine la bor, and thare is no question but that tha publlo takes ths earn view. Even wer a woman to attain th hlgnt de gree of surgical skill or to become a great operator which la quit a different thing, her ability would meet with scant recognition, and shs might not St fees enough to live on In eomfort , "At th same time. I hav met with women whom I know to be born sur geons; that la, thay had tha native tsl- . ant, the Judgment, the phyeioal strength. 1 the steady nervea, and all other require- - ' ments. - When it xomes to standing pain; women outclaaa man, and ther - la no reaaon to doubt tha fitness of such ss these for performing tha moat difficult and trying; operations. ' : Tho ' trouble -would be to get any of them to select ' a oareer that Is apparently not suited to ths sex." . crBioarrr OAxrsxa xstjitbt. ' (Speelsl tHspateh ts The Jearaal.) Qulncy, Wash, . July 1L Mamie Spreckler, aged II, atruck a big torpedo wita an axe. iter race waa severely out end several atltchea were necessary. She says that she ws curious to know the effect produced by exploding CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. , . The Rind Yea Kara Aivsjs Esught Boars tho .well; .yes, Ira ,v-:s:"v-:i : Tins time. : ' ' " Hr All (jur 91.50, 92.00 and 93.00 Cluett, Star and Man hattan Shirts, this season's styles and make, will be sold , this week, or while they last, foe ' . d.L see ' m ' Window. Display No restriction you take all you , want, .The brands are . standard makes and well-known. If needing shirts or ex pect to soon, now is your opportune time to buy.' ' , All Straw Hats 50c on the $1 289 Washington St Perkins Hotel (Signature of ua eons in tn manner oasoriMd,