'A. THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. JULY IX, 1804. 16 TERMS SUICIDE GEVURTZ SELLS IT FOR LESS. -'1 Sewing Machine For:$1.00 a Week A Standard High Arm, Drop -Dead, CiC Machine, Solid Golden Oafc Finish, War r ranted for to Years. A machine of the very highest grade. Material, workmanship and finish' ' the very Jjst Every part . adjustable, to take up wear. Every modern im provement of practical merit Every attachment for fancy work. Every important journal has ball '. bearings Every' machine warranted to give jerfect satisfaction and do perfect work. Every machine an 7 attractive model, practi cally constructed, noise less ru We Sell the Machines for as Little as $20 in Payments of $1.00 a Week - $1.00-DOWN $1.00 A WEEK Buys iany piece of. Furniture in the house. Pi. Gevurtz .& Sons CORNER YAMHILL AND' FIRST. THE-LITTLE-AT-THE-TIME STOREr SECEMRS DO. NOT LIKE THEIR LETTERS KZMBsma mo wmmuw pbom OBAJTD iTIIUl tzuu cxvmox HOT WITS XiBTTEBS . OP CTTJEY BEOSm TBOUBLS Tha communicant of Grand Itmu Presbyterian church, who . recently signed a petition taking the Preebyterjr - to release them from further duties aa member and rive them lettera of recom ' mendatlon to . other churchea, have re ceived their lettera, but are not satle- fled with . them and many have been - returned. The lettera war iaaued and signed by Rev. Mr. White, SuperinteiM- ent of the board of bom missions, and her la where the trouble cornea In. " The retiring members aaaert that Mv White baa no power to laaue any auch lettera. and if They cannot nave tnem from the Presbytery now, they wUl await its next session, which will be . held In September. - Membera of the church t who hare at tended theae meeting! of Preabytery ' predict a atormy session. It la aaaured that the question of termination of the preaent paatorata wlU be settled then, once and for alL Th retiring membera aar that Mr. Uibson la now holding hie position contrary to th lawa of Prea bytery and - therefor la nothing mora than an Intruder. Ia th boon or rule governing th prooeedtnga-of Preabytery It ia explicitly stated, ao they Bay. tSat th pastor receive hla appointment xor a year at a time, and only receive a re appointment when hla service bar been In every way satisfactory. . The number of church membera. which " formerly waa more than 100, according to Mr. Gibson' annual report, has now dwindled down to a mere handful, 'It la said. Home of the most Influential mam bers have withdrawn and have already Joined other churchea, ao that . If th church la ever reorganised and another pastor la called, they aay It, will mean an endless amount of labor . to get - th church back to Its former prosperous condition.: - '- IS AMAZED AT . PORTLAND'S GROWTH B. 8. Hubbard of th Hubbard Invest-' . tnent company of Bait "Lake and Butte la at th Imperial en rout to th Mor mon city from Coo Bay, 'Mr. Hubbard 1 interested -In Portland real estate and states that even th wonderful Improve ment of Bait Lake doea not compare - with the progresa that la being mad by Portland, t - --rt.."- t- "I have been here many times be fore," be Bald, "buf I hav never aeen aa .much building and general Improve ments aa are being carried on In this city at present. ' Real estate men In this city ought to do a thriving business In anticipation of th Lewis and Clark fair. The people of th Rocky- moun tain country ar a much concerned In that event ae are the poopl of-tb northwest. They regard It aa something they are aa deeply interested In as any one and their pride ia at- stake to make It a aueeess. v ...... -For-AAvJSWn-Discas I It will help and ctirejroa. Will ,' send Trial Bettle Fre to any one fending: ioc. to pay postage. It is absolutely harmless, has cured thousands, will cure you. . ' Sold by leading druggists. Naae geaaia without ay slgaetare. 2M Prlne St. Naw York. Md ar free fhteklet M tfew t teaat aatalnlna beadrees f test. ef weoeemu care. BELIEVES TURNER WILL BE GOVERNOR spobabb cobtbaotob oomBsu cokpukxbtabyyotb POB TXCB jnxnxi omrv mm wxu OZTS MTJC TBB 1UBA9 WASX- DTOTOB STATS POtXTXCS. " C. "Now that the Rt.Tjiiil. Us-ever-and ex-Senator- Qeorge -Turner naa oeen given ni complimentary vote for vice-president of the United fitataa ther. 1 no doubt In th world but that n wui o tn next governor of Waah- mrton." aald Charlaa Wa raPllsMin aa Kiev ooirtraotor of Spokane, who ts a guest m m.-rtrimi, loaay. Mr. Ferguson, aside from carrying on k'i :ntrprisea in hla own Interest, has had time to devote to th political af falra of eastern Waahlngton. and atone time waa aaid tn ha v Hn .to. . Uvr mora vote to a candidate than By sum man m BpoKane. Although he insists ImthM'll. th.. . . i Ing tn politics for him, he naa alwaya wmcuca in interests or the other fel lows, :, In MmmtnHn a. ' mmiih... M. m . vuuuiuuui .a waahincton nolitina mmtA . ... tlon of th Republican party east of th uuunuuna ie unaiiaraDiy opposed to any """ vr wuiy canaiaai inat la not out for a railroad commission for that tendency that was shown last week by the Republican of Whitman and other eastern nminti,, tnt...i. .w. - - - U1UUI, Ulf national ticket but not th atate ticket Mr. Ferguson la In th city for th purposa ofettlng together tha aupplles which ar to b used on th two new O. R. Co. railroad . bridges, on at oiner across iiurnt river. All of thes supplies are to be bouaht In Portland. Twif, jl twi. Paul contraetora. who ar Mr. Fargu- Mewiaies, . got tn contract for bulldlna- the hrUmi t . Mr. Farguaon will hav direct charge of a xorc or men will be employed during th rest of tha sum- uir, won io commence immediately. Exoeptlng a few Short Lin spurs, there la na Mllpn..h.,ni.. a, - "'-'.v.l ,11 wiv northwest this nw. nr - .-.muwwu m j m, and the rear aaema AmH.i .a quletest.ln that Una of Improvement for DEATH OF PIONEER: PORTLAND PASTOR Tn the death yeaterdav " 'tl VI Rev. John W. Bkana. iu.t. .i t , u Ain- manual Swedish Lutheran church, Port land tost me pasior who Has served cnuren longer, man any other mln- Skans looked after 'the spiritual wel fare of tha congregation of Immanual churoh. , (...,,. ' v- "'w liveliest congregattona In th city, he "uew moaerawr m in conierenc of hi church In th Columbia River mnfarMf. In Mjnt vrv V. T , II nw Ministerial association was formed , he unmnuMir oecama . one or Its moat active and fearleea members, a work that httt tntrmmA th. fellow members of tha ministry for him. ago me maiaay that andad tha Ufa nf M Skana - apoplexy, came. Although up to that time tie had been in his usual "health, be did not recover from tha attack. John W. Skana was born In Sweden II yeara of age, was Injured In a mill while a vary young man and, while con valescing, studied for the ministry, en tering the Lutheran college, at Rock Island, In 1I7. and from hlch ineti tutlon ha waa graduated. . He leavea a wiaow, iwo sona ana xnree aaugntersv , OXO&AX.S AT WOUD'I PAXB. (Joaraal Special iervlc.) ' St Louie, JillyU-Durlng tha week beginning today oba of tha principal at tractions of the world's fair will be the choral conteeta te- teite pleee In festival halL Ever ainc tha contests were oro- Jected singing societies throughout the country have been training with a view to capturing one or more of th large money, crises offered, which amount in he aggregate to something like 120.000. Among the competitors will be singing societies of Washington, Philadelphia, Topeka, Kansaa -City, Salt Lake. Em poria, Pittsburg,' . Chicago. Denver and , Columbus, ' . .- A COWARDLY ACT Y mm' mm aWT.alW vmaArnrM , w. a. . mm Maw . m AOAXJTST TU TASXSw OP OaTSS XmtAM9 SATS TD OB6 WTS OP TO BT XS BVB TO SVAOK OP VAXTK XST KW.' "Shad no tears for tha contemptible cowards who take their own Uvea, after due deliberation, but rather mourn for those whom they leave behind to con tinue the struggles for life," aaia Rev, W. H. Selleclc pastor of Sunnyslds Methodist Episcopal church last night Hia subject vgis 'Suicide." " Despite tha unuaual warmth of tha day, a large congregation was present to hear , the minister discuss the theme. - , Taking hla text from Acta xvl:l-J7, where tha Jailer of PhllUpl. charged with tha safe-keeping of many prlar oners, among" them Paul and Silas, al leged disturbers of the government waa about to end hla Ufa with hla aword be- cauaefc thought a wholesale escape had taken place. .Mr. Seljeck enumerated In stances down to the present time where men of eminence, as well as women, have committed aulclda." ": . ,' Mr. fielleck charged that the alarm ing growth of suicide Is due first to a lack of faith in God, then to tha nver- lab ' Interest In temporal matters; also to strong drink, disappointment In affections,- gambling, the social',. vU and fear of exposure. . ' 1 ' "There has ever been a tendency to end life by committing aulclda" said Mr. Selleck. "but never In the world's history haa ther been a time when po many auch deaths have been recorded as now. Some voice, loud enough to be heard by every one, ought to be raised against this cowardly act Last week In a single issue of a local paper ther were accounts of eight auloldea In Ore gon. . The only remedy for tha epidemic Is tha salvation of Jeaua Christ for that givea aunshlne and cheer, - while un belief glvea th opposite." KOKXS POB WOBS: BerA A.; jr. Montgomery Makes Appeal i: f o Church "Aid Soolatyi-T? ; Work of tha board of church' erection was set forth yesterday morning by Rev, A. J. Montgomery In bis sermon, his text being - from . Hebrew, x:2l. Th object waa to arouse a special interest In tha- people on the aubject . of - church building. - Mr. Montgomery gave a brief aocount ofthe origin of the church areo tion board, and aald that Dr. Knox waa th first to suggest It about 0 years ago,' In a strong address on the sub ject , Mr. Montgomery told something of tha practical workings of that organi sation, and aald ita object waa to pro mote and make possible tha erection of meeting houses In places where th membership was not strong enough to do It themselves. "The congregations raise a considers tie per" cent of the first cost of th building."" eeld Mr. Montgomery, - "and then th board of churoh erection makes a grant of enough to complete tha build' ing without debt the same aa haa Juat been don In tha 'East View Presbyterian church, on the Mount Scott railway, tak ing a mortgage on the property and charging a nominal rata of Interest In this way th church ereotlon board haa helped over T.000 churchea and apent 4.t00,P0O in money, and la still assist ing other chtirches througnout th coun try. Th money Is paid back Into th treasury and la reloaned and Is kept building churches." :r . . . . , BUS' SEBTZOB AT VBtl TBMP1B, There was a great gathering at th Whit Temple last night tha occasion being a special service attended by th membera of th Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks. Rev. Ray Palmer spoke on tha principles upheld by tha order. Special muslo was, rendered by the choir. ? -''.- ' w Th speakers' text waa chosen from Rev. 11:10, "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give, thee a crown of life." Rev Mr, Palmer stated that th Order of Elk - la misunderstood by many people and for this reason Is op posed by them. -. . - "The principles of tha order," aald he. "comprise the fundamental principles of church, home -and- state. , The seven Jewelled crown meana a great deal. Th stonss In turn mean - charity, justice. love, fidelity, protection, good cheer and faith." - ; . - . . . ,. . i rui op TXjnacEJTT wo: "If anyone is Inclined to doubt th practical value of Christianity, one of th many incident in th field would be indisputable." aald Miss Clara Webb of Portland yesterday evening at -tha Central M. B. church- Miss Webb has spent tha past year In Chicago, where ah attended th Saptlat Missionary Training school. The speaker described tha various de partments of tha work, from th thor ough study of th vBlbl to conduct ing sewing classas and visiting crowded tenement houses. "Numerous incidents of tha latter kind of work could be given," said th speaker. "It Is most freauentlv found un several fllahta of rickety stairs at the further ends 1 of corridors. Ink is not blacker than their darkness,-and one must be guided by a hand along th walls of dark passag- waya to many a hovel home. - let thousands of human beings live In such places tn all th larger cltlea of our own country too frequently in distress; . . . opsst raw cxapzXn ' The Presbyterian- chapel at East View on the Mount Soott railway was used for worship for th first time yesterday. At t o'clock there waa preaching by Rev. IX A. Thompson of Sellwood Pres byterian church, and at 4 o'clock Sunday school services. The chapel will be con secrated Sunday, July Xt, when Rev. William 8. Gilbert pastor of Calvary Presbyterian church, will preach. Rev, Andiww-eV Montgomeryr pastor of JThlrd church, and Rev. Edgar P. HUL paator of First church, will also be preaent Tha chapel waa erected at- a .cost of (a, Church-organisation -wtu t ef fected In tha near future. The Sunday school Is in a thrrvlng. condition. The Evangelical church haa secured ground for the erection of a church and a new school building will be ready for oocu pancy in tha fall. There will be four rooms with as many leacnera. . . WZXiOOMB BBW PASTOB. Cordial welcome was given Rev. C H. Shafer. who ' preached for tha first time In his new- charge, at the First United Brethren church. Esst Morrison and Fifteenth streets, yesterday after noon. Mr. Shafer cornea from Hood River, where he haa Just closed a sue- cossful 'pastorate of four yeara, taking .It Schilling's Best are the best two words in the grocery business; moneyback third. tl WE SB A Y ONLY S '.. Not one or two old, out-of-date and style things, but hundreds o( late ityle,': up-to-date, just made. You know we make them. They won't spot or rip as we make them; they are made adjustable, easy to fit' you; elegant tailor cloth. They are $8.00 to $12.00 - Skirts. Tomorrow only at . - ,. - , $460 Come in and take them away. 1 . I j J ' j f - - v - 1 :1 The Jo'M, Acliesoe Co FIFTH AND ALDER -STREETS . jr. Into th church during that tiro IIS members. The congregation there ' at hla leaving tendered th paator and hia wife a reception, at which ho received a gift of a well filled purse. Rev. Shafer waa educated for the ministry at. the Moody Theological institute of Chicago, and ha has been In th work 10 years. Hia first pastorate - was In- Indiana, where h ahowed hla ability by receiving ISO new membera Into tha church dur ing the- twoyeers-lie- ..preached there. He was two yeara resident pastor at Philomath college before he went to Hood River. BXSBOP OBAMSTOB At OBACB, Testerday morning at Grace . church Bishop Earl Cranston delivered an able sermon upon a text taken rrom Bt. Matthew x:34; I CmeNot to. Bring Peace. But a Sword." - Blahop Cranston spoke of th time when new Ideaa of Christianity and rallaion came Into tha world and 01 palled th former set principles and Ideas of that age. In explaining his text ba referred and quoted freely from Christ's sermon on tha Mount and par ticularly dwelt upon tha fact that th Christian idea has ever been in opposl- ttam.ta-thaideaa of tha. world. Bishop Cranston's ideas were strongly set forth.- He will speak onoe more in Portland before b leaves for Waahlng ton. ,, - : '-V :' , x. Ohambers. Optlolaa. Wholesale and retail. II Seventh St PIIAN0S There are a great many pianos now on tha market "and they ara all good (for something), (but soma ar a great deal better than others. We carry only th bast pianos whose reputations have been- established by years of public service, and . w choose these instru ments because wa know them to be good. Our knowledge Is based on years of practical experience with th mechan ism of different pianos, snd has ' re sulted in th selection of our present Una of : inatrnmanta, comprising aix teen different makes of the finest planoe in th world.' The prlc on theae stand ard pianos Is no more than unscrupu lous dealers would ask you for Inferior makes, and. we can arrange terms of payment to suit . . S0ULE BROS. PIANO CO. STzmrwAT aits otxzb piabos. 879 and S74 Xorrisoa St. Oor, W. Park. THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR D. SINGLETON Ttta fifhM. ilwrtAf haa UMl Uvea from mverattona. Ia rnraa all Hla. aaaea or. men and women, auch aa rheumatism, neu ralgia, kidney die ease, stomach dis ease, etc., by- the use of root and her be, especially prepared- for each eaee. All dlseaee successfully treat ed with powerful fck I H A L. 1. rnnf, ann hi r.a tha. mm. , i , known to medical ecience in thla coun try. ... , CONSULTATION FREB Patients out of the ettv can be enrari at home. Write your symptoms fully. Addreaa D: Singleton Chinese medicine Co. ; B. Ponrth St Bet Oonch aad Boxa- aiae ueets. . s-oruaaa. oregoa, .. , MM PABX ABB WASBZBOTOB STBBBTS POBTXABD, OKZOOB - Establlahed in 1S. Open all tha year. Private or elaa instruction. Thousands of graduatea In positions; opportunities constantly occurring. It paya to attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, eta, free. ,. A. P. ABBBTBOBXK XA.B, PBXBOXPA1., FREE LAND IN OREGON j h the richest grain, fruit and stock section ia . theworU. Thome ndi of acres of land at actual coat of kriritioa. Deed direct from Stats of Oreroo.. WRITC TO-DAY. BOOKLET aad MAP FREE. Deschutes Irrigation snd Power Coro-pan7,6lo-l l-lsMcKjyBuMng,P(mland,Orc(on. Boeolal. rate made to famfll bath aataWlshmant ia tha hotel. The Portland ; , nnun, obboob. ' . " - - - Aswrkaa Pta ' ' i' $3 Per Day sod Upward . ...(" . .... . MBAOQUAKTBRS POtt TOUR UTS AND COaw . MERCIAL TRAVELERS - - . aaA alagla gentlemen. -- A mod era Tarklall U. U. BOWXRaV , PBZXt MBTSOBAB. Presldaat -Zm "Tgf POBTlVUrD, OBB. BVBOPBAB PAB OBXT. Bates from 1 to ta.so per dap. Seventh aad Washington Streets. I Do JOU Need Help? M. You? I 1 -i Write an advertisement in the following blank and send or bring it to THE JOURNAL with a remittance of 5 cents for every. 10 words- ; nothing less than 10 cents, viz.: 20 Words lO Cents 30 Words--! 5 Cents (2-cent postage stamps accepted less than 10 words counted as 10) OOOD FOR THIS WEEK ONLY 40 Words 20 Cents, Etc. la I t e)SS a ) easaeeaeeeae aee e r t'MMtlt te set aiaai m amtst ) ) . eieaitigisa - , .. .. ,' ' . ' ' ... " '' .. ...a.... ,.: i-C.u a, ieaIMl.tll -v ' ! ,). ' , -a. ) ' a-teaeeeeTiei - gf ) ) - eegewi - iirss j WIITE THE AD NOW! i - Ji