The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 09, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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' aina ros rrrruma ronnoi ur
(Spejlkl Dtapetck to TIM JoarbsL)
Bt Fetereburg. . July . Novas
Vrmt in a leading article by its man
agar, Bouverin, dKltnt that It la not
' Manchuria nor Korea for which Russia
U fighting, but for bar futura position tn
tha far east, whara eovatoua nanaa ara
stretched out,' not only bf Japan but by
tha- Untted-States -end Creel - Britain,
whisk la tha oaaaa of tba American and
Engliah sympathy for Japan. Ruaele
: -v. F""tt . T
victories la tha far aaat and eonee
quently waa not prepared for the atrug-
- a la which waa only avoidable oy rouow
ing Tolstoi's teach Inge and letting tha
Japaneaa take what they wanted, wltn
. tha reault that Russia would again ba
placed under tha mongol yoke, deatroy
. Inar the national' spirit and unity - of
the- empire. . . . .
Tha oonteat waa therefore aeoepted
under unfavorable conditions. The Rus-
elane, aa plainsmen, are out of their
element tn the mountains. Aa eventual
, Russian victory on land will b barren
of results ao Ions aa tha Japaneaa hold
tha era. - -
This la why tha Baltic squadron sot
qulrea auch enormoua importance. -
The article tends to strengthen, the
belief that the division of tha Baltic
. eauadroa which la ' to aall from Cron
: atadt on July II under sealed orders la
to proceed at onc to ths Paoino.
wo (omso boats txm,
OfBelal , Beport of Bays Xagag-eansnt
Mad BabUs at It. Betorsbarg.
. . (Special' Dispatch to The Joormal.) ...
BL Petersburg, July .-The follow
ing, o facial dispatch waa made public
today: On the night of July I four
. Japaneaa torpedo boats attempted to
enter Port Arthur harbor.. ,.
Two were; sunk, one. loat a funnel, and
, tha other escaped undamaged. The
Russian torpedo boats ware safely re-
. turned to Port Arthur from Nluchweng.
Diepsteh to The Joaraal.)
Taahl Klaa Jet, Manchuria. July .
Teeteraay tha japaneaa forces com
menced an advance to tha northward.
Today they continued the movement
until midday, when they halted and an
trenched their poaltlona Ave miles from
Kalplng. Tha - movement-was affected
without any fighting.
fABABXIB ocovbt XAxroro. ,
.. (Journal Special Serrlee.)
Toklo, July . It Is . officially an
nounced that Kalplng, 10 mllea south
of Nluchwang, has been occupied by the
Japaneaa after a aevere battle. Oyama
haa arrived safely at Manchuria,
i (SpacUl Dispatch te The Josnat)
Port Bald, July . The Russian vol-
; Sevastopol haa arrived here with J?
"' sailors and' coaL . " -
. '---a vyatUI au A WW nrM..I
Toungstown, O., July 4 Father
Barry, pastor of St. . Ann's church, was
attacked and probably fatally subbed
today by John Berry, formerly a sex-
a live-Inch blade, was burled "to "the5
" ' uwnv-milw W 1 L U
nanOJe in tha prlaat's ays, while there
waa a saplna; wound . In tha atomaoh
from-the first thrust. Berry was sent
to the Insane aeylum a year ago, and
was qui recently releasee,
(Joaraal Spaelal tentce.) "
- Waahlngton. IX - r July - The
stats department haa officially notified
the Chlneaa government to aettla the
claim for the death of Louis Eltsel, the
American newapaper correspondent who
waa killed recently-by Chinees soldiers
by a payment of 125,000 In Mexican
8pacUl Dwpsteh te Tba Joaraal.) .
....I. aranda.. Qrv July .. ha aewl
twhu wuBif gniccn wars inaiaiieu
Tor tha next two years as- folio we:
Clerk. James B. Ollham; school superin
tendent, E. B. Bragg; commissioner,
James Balder; sheriff, C. C. Pennington;
azeeaeor, James Morton; recorder, D.
II. Proctor; treasurer, John Frawley;
dlwtrlrt attorney, Iroy Imax.
Is Proverbial Portland
' Women No Exception
How wiuch wo owe to tha sympa
thetic aide of womankind. When others
suffer they cheerfully lend, a helping
l tl Thv' ti.ll vnil tha M.A-a . 1
. " uw WU1CD
orougnt rsuez 10 tnetn that, you may
profit by. their experience. ReadV the
testimony given- here by a Portland
woman. ' ' 1'
Mrs. T. J. O'Brien of East Ninth
street North save: "To Say we value
Ikkii'i Kidney Pills In our family mild
ly expresses our opinion of them. . A
remedy that yoeeesses such rare merit
should be universally known. My ad
vice to all suffering from kidney trou
bles In any form Is to go to tha Laua
Iavis Irug Co.'e etore, comer of Tim-
hill and Third atreeta, procure Doan'a
Kidney Pills and take them as directed
U A 1 1 tl. . , . . . .'
nu B.nw iwr rvauiis will
undoubtedly follow? - I not only apeak
rt the benefit ws have derived In our
TBjniir. nai nne or mv bmcthiam a
mo that, they had ben used tn their
family with the most satisfactory, re
sulia" , 1
Pnr sals by ell "dealers. Prlc 10
renta roator-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y.. sola stents for tha United States.
. Remember tha bams Doan's . and
take no other.. .
tlon of au oandldatea except Parker
that la ha named each and -said that
upon the new platform tha party might
atand united If only a man worthy of
the people's trust could be named for
president. He aald that all the candl
datea axoept Parker were such men.
There candladtes war Hearst, Gray,
Olney, Cockrell, Miles and . Pattlaon.
Than, turning to hs Hew York delega
tlon, ho said: - - ,
. Bryaa's gpeeoa. '
Nebraska asks tiothiog. All we want
Is a man whom ws saa get behind and
truat Bight yeara ago a pemoc ratio
platform placed our banner In my hand.
four -years-later- my -oeminleslea - was
renewaa. -' c-
I new return that standard and take
my place In tha party ranks. . You may
charge -that lay laadarahlp was faulty,
that I failed, but I defy you to say that
have been untrue to my truat or
falsa to the Democratic faith. -
As a candidate I did all I could to
bring succeaa to tha party. As a private
ciuaen today -I am more Interested In
ivmocrauo success wan a ever w
whea I waa a candidate. (Applause.)
The reasons that mads the election
of a Democrat desirable wars stronger
in moo than la lttf, and the reaaona
that make the election of the Demo-
oratio candidate desirable are stronger
in not man, 4cey were ID moo. The
gentlemen who .presented New Tork's
candidate . dwelt upon the dangers of
militarism, and he did . not overeetl-
mato those dangera ; i '
Quotas Black's Speech. ,
Bryan quoted an extract from Black's
speech nominating Roosevelt, declaring
that war still has lta uaea. '
This is sulogy of war." said Bryan,
"This Is a declaration that the long
hoped-for, perpetual peace will never
coma.' Tbia Is eulogising tha doctrine
of brute fores and this president, a can
didate for'Ta-electlon. Is represented as
the embodiment of that Idea.
"For two thousand years tbs doctrine
of peace has been growing and now an
ex-governor-of the . greatest stats In
the nation presents, for the office of
prealdent of the greatest re'publlO a man
who Is granite and iron.' Applause.) "
"If the - president oeuevee witn ' nis
sponsor at Chicago that wars must set
tle the. destinies pf nations; that peace
but a dream, be la a dangerous man
for outeountrjT and for the -world. .
I believe be ougnt to do ueieaica;
believe be can be defeated, and If the
Democratic party does what it ought
to do. I believe he will be defeated now.
1 tried tOs defeat tne ttepuoiicaa
party aa your candidata I failed., Tou
say yea.' but 1 received a million' more
votae than any Democrat had ever re
ceived before, and yet I failed.,
"WhrT Because there were some wno
had affiliated with the Democratlo party
who thought my election dangerous to
this country, snd these left mo and
helped my opponent ' I
Tnat s wny 1 nave, no wo 01 tnu-
clam for them. (Applause.) But. my
frlehda, if I failed wltn sit-na naii
miiliaR votes to defeat the Republican
party, can thoae who defeat mo aucceed
Ha denounced as raise tne story mat
he had tried to be dictator, and went on
to say that he athM believed In the Chi
cago platform.
"Do not compel Democracy to chooaa
not force ua either to acknowledge tne
god -of war or bow down-to tne goo. oc
gdld.' Olvs us a man 01 ana xor we pw
nla." ..;. ' . '
Bryans speeca inrew we Bratuo
Into, an. .uproar, but the plans or tne
Hlll-Sheehan-Murpby combine wars too
well laid to be shsken. -
For nearly 10 long hours tne master
ful men who are leaders of ths party
battled with all the strength of In
genuity that long years ef experience
had endowed them with to win the
nsht . .. ... .
Twelve thousand excitea men ana
women cheered their favorites or Jeered
tin ocDosln forces. -They - hurrahed.
yelled and shrieked for half an hour at
time, may siampea uaui- us uuuu
ins trembled. . 11
In the reaervauon on tne main noor
the -grim leaders were calm deaplts tha
awful strain to which they were sub
letted and directed their forces. Their
followers and other delegates wsre alert,
watchful and acted with the precision
of military forces la obedience to com
mand. . , . . - .
Tp to Parker. '
It waa a case of Parker on the-first
or second ballot or Parker beaten; so
It was that Belmont. Hill and Bbee
han brought together tbelr forces or
sanixad during an arduous campaign
of months in ths supreme effort to land
the New Yorker. '
At a final conference of the opposi
tion leaders it had been determined to
attempt to wear out the Parker forced
and force an' adjournment untu tooajr,
but tha Parker managers wsre not long
In discovering the antla plan of cam
paign and with tha dlacovery cams tha
statement In grim tones that if it took
until 4 o'clock tn the morsing ths fight
would go on,
It did take that much tiros, ana men
soms more. , - 1 .
Everything that had gon before In
the convention's affairs was a prelim
inary to this great trial of strength.
rarsex xs nominate a. .
Despite the' eloquence of Bryan, and
notwithstanding the fierce fight that
had been waged all night long, the ex
citement when it cams Urns to call for
votes was terrific.
The vote stood:
Parker. GI; Hearst, 100; Cockrell, 41;
Olney. IT; Wall, 17: Gray, 12; Pattison,
Oorman, It McClellan, I; Miles, I;
Towns. 2; Color, 1. s .
The detailed vote follows: Alabama
Parker, 12. Arkansas Parker, II. Call-
fornla Ilea rat, 20. Colorado Parkei,
Hearst, i; .MoClellan, 1. . Connecti
cut Parker, 14. Delaware Gray, I.
Florida Parker, I; Hearat, 4. Georgia
Parker, it. Idaho Hearat, I. Illinois
Hearst, 14. ' Indiana Parker, 10. Iowa
Hearat. II. Kansas Hearst. 10; Parker.
I Miles, I; Cockrell. 1. Kentucky-
Parker, It. Louisiana Parker, IS.
Maine Parker, 7; Hearst, 1; Olney, 4.
Maryland Parker, II. Massachusetts
Olney, 12. Michigan Parker, 18. Min
nesotaParker, r Hearst, ; Cockrell,
Towne, I; Gray, 1. Mississippi
Parker, 10. Missouri Cockrell, II.
Montana Parker, I. Nebraska Cock
rell, 4; Iteerat, 4; Olney, 1; Gray, 1;
Wall, 1; Milea, 1; Pattlaon, 1 Parker,
none. Nevada Hearst, I. . New Hamp
shire .Parker, I. New Jersey Parker,
tt. New York Parker, 71. North Caro
linaParker, 24. North Dakota Will
iams, I. - Ohio Parker,' 44. Oregon
Parker, 4; Hearat, I; McClellan, 1; Coler,
Pennsylvania Parker. 61. South
Carolina Parker, II. Bouth Dakota
Hearat, I. Tennessee Parker. 14. Texaa
Parker. II. Utah Parker. I. Ver
montParker, t. Virginia Parker, 24.
Washington Hearat. 10.T West Vlralnla
Parker, 10; Hearat I; Gorman, 2.
Wisconsin Wall, 21. Wyoming Hearst,
. Aiasaa rarxer, e. - Arisona Liearst,
Dlatrlct of Columbia Parker, I. In
dian Territory Parker. I: . Hearat. 1.
Hawaii Hearat. I. New Mexico Hearat;
. ' uwinomi rarxer, 1; Hearst, I;
McClellan. 1; Olney, 1. Torto Rico
Parker. 1; Hearat. 4. Total. 431.
I Parker lacked Just nine otaa when tha
front Page One)
first call was ended, but before ths vote
was announced Idaho changed six votes
to Parker. Nevada following witn two.
Parker now lacked but one vote; and
Weat Virginia gave blm II and Wash
inaton 10. making a total of II.
Before this could be announced. Gov
ernor locaery 01 aitaauuri, wiiuurew
Cockrall's name and moved that Par
ker's nomination bo mads unanimous.
This was dons with a yell, asd a great
demonstration started. Everybody was
too tired, however, to oner very muon
and the-motloa to adjourn waa greeted
with a howl of affirmation as ths 11,000
spectators and 1.000 delegates mads
gasts for ths-sxlta
Bryan's Departure,
Bryan' last stand In ths convention
Waa mads with hollow but biasing eyea.
and a voice ao husky that It seemed to
tear the very fleah from his throat.
Dawn shons In upon ths sickly lights'
Of ths convention hajj, where thousands
of psrsons, weary to ths verge or col
lapse, sat and listened to tbs proud
luetlflcstlon of tho beaten leader. -
For o hours tiryan naa siept less
than half an hour. Ho bad led the
fight against ths Parker men in the
committee and on ths floor. In . the
oommlttee bo was mors successful than
on ths floor. A great demonatratlon
followed his speech, and aa tbs roll waa
called ths Nebraskaa left tho ball on
the arm of bis brother, and In five min
utes after his arrival at his hotel was
faat asleep. His marvelous physique
bad been taxed to the utmost, and as
ha walked to the hotel, two blocks
away, ha leaned heavily on his brother,
staarlns as ha walked, and fairly fell
upon the bed, Bryan said " to ths
Bcrlpps Nsws - association representa
tive: - . - o.: .
"As ths snd of tbs roil call spproacnea
saw that Judga Parker "was - near
enough to nomination to win on the
Arat ballot, then I left to get needed
rest I had not slept for 10 hours.",
X,aas Tbaa SO Xtantsg 01vea Ore to
tho QoaTemtioa. :
' (Journal Special Sarrlee.) ' '
Bt Louis, July I. Before ever ths
convention met this afternoon ths tip
had been given out strong that Judge
Harmon of Cincinnati - would be the
candidate .for the -vlce-prealdency, and
delegates who arrived at tho hall early
believed tho session would last but a
short time, but would snd 1b final ad
journment ' --
In this they wsrs disappointed.'
Ths convention wss called to order at
2:41 o'clock and' the chair- recognised
Dockery of Missouri, who read a tele
gram . from Senator 'Cockrell thanking
tho Missouri delegation for Supporting
him for the nomination and saying that
ths convention did wisely In .nominating
Judge Parker.
Ths nsws then cams that New Tork
was reported to have definitely declared
for Harmon and la a minute conferences
were proceeding throughout the hall
and there wss a rumor that he sliver
men would try to- compel aa adjourn
ment until 10 o'clock tonight in order to
allow tbem aa opportunity . to rally
their farces.
Ths treat In tha hall was fierce and on
thualasm st low sbb. : .
At 1:20 o'clock ths convention re
cessed tHI 1:20 "this "afternoon.
Before taking a reeees Delegate Law
rence repreaentlng William Randolph
Hearst read a telegram from tha latter
aaylng that hs would support. Parker
and tho "platform to a flnlah, ,
(Special ri pates- te The Jesraal)
Murrajr, Ida., July . rraterntty
Hall, one of the largest and most beau
tiful buildings In the city, waa almost
completely destroyed by lightning to
day during a terrlflo thunder storm. Tbs
storm visited this city early this morn
ing and was quits violent for a .time.
During the midst of ths flash and roar
a mors blinding flash earns, followed
almost simultaneously by a terrlflo Jar
ring of - the -earth arid - It was soon
learned that tho hall had been struck.
There were many people nesr ths build
ing at ths tlma, but-4)0 ono was seriously
Injured. ' ,
Vref erred Itook Oaaaed Goods, .
Allan A Lewis' Heat Brand.
Dr. Arooe Garner. . Dr. 8. A. Bartlett
The Oregon
Infirmary of Neuropathy
y " 'la-Xaf Tho Bekua.
j-Gurvature,-Joint PI see sea,-otC7-perma-
nnu7 .curau vj lawn spprovea natural
The MAONO-ELECTRIC ROHB poa-Itlvely-cures
any form of Rhsuroatlsm.
. . Xzamtnatioh free. ,
Hours t a m. to i p. m. Phono Red lilt
Mr. Kersey Comforts Mr. Bryan
Cfcear ap, Winiaa Bryan, ' '' .
Ioa't glra away to, the btsee.
Bat eosM eat here, ok, boney. Sear,
M.MW nilUJINV V U I...
Tbonfb Mr. Alton Parker
Haa eanied off tba cbeeaa,
'Twiit Toe and ua. Uiere'U be a fese,
That'll make bis boocr - ' ,
loat new ba bas yna ea the bts
And tblnka that It la fan.
Bat la tba alufca, wbea eleetloa
is wnere tbe juase sbau raa.
So, William Jenslrurs Bryan,'
Dea't sire was- U the Muse, ' -
But eoma oat here, oh, koney, dear,
Aad Srowa yew grief la booea. t
Come to oar popnlar tallnr sbnp ':. ' . .,
Apd let as rreaee your pants.
And prase year rknbee aod awad rear hose
While Mr. Parker reals.
While be rants snmnd the eoaotry
A tonkins after wts.
With enuhia and fears and algha aad tears
A bumming- funeral aotee.
Ob. William lennlnse Bryaa, ' ' i '
Won't yon aad t be say. . u
Happy aa (Iris wttb Sowing awls -A
romping oa the bay!
While Mr. arkr aweata asd rawes- ' '
And wonders wbere be'a at.
Op asd down, from tows tn tows,
eeuxerelog tbraogh kls kat. ,
Tbea nrtchtea ap year esenteaaaee, .. . -
(I aay It nnre a(aln), -Dnn't
yire way to your artef this wayt .
. Voar elsage glree tne pale, -
I Ilka yea. Mr. Bryan,
And want to a-, you saillai
So onnM to tba enaat. let me be foer keet,
-Tear en mm or te kerutle.
Then eoma to my arms. William darting.
Bid r.rk-r. Hill and Littleton enod-byei T
- Tber "ball neree do yna bans,
Toa'U ba free feom all alarm. -
Baaklns 'iw-etk this fortlaud aaaaklne.
Tel. Mala STT. - 4.1 Waablnstoa Street.
P. S If ye bare elnthes tn tleaa at
the faabtoa TaUors are the boat.
17BD0 pooDiiDveBy cups
Off CuDQCllOcOCuO. - . i0 uuilCClIiicOLiiO CaCB.
strengthens xthe; urinary organsj
builds up the kidneys and invig
orates the whole system: ') f
" IT 10 GUARANTEED l'f , ? . ! f
TV70 OIZEO COo ond 01.00
1 (special Dlspatck te The Joaraal) '
Pendleton. Or., July I. War between
the sheep and - cattle men has broken
out orf Mill creak. In tha northern part
of Umatilla bounty. Throe cattlemen,
two of whom are supposed to bo named
Davis arid Wood, held up J.. Ruball, a
herder - for Prank - Da via and Ely
Eyraud. with a revolver fWedneaday af
ternoon and threatened to hang him with
a lariat and stampeded 1,000 sheep by
setting dogs on them. ' "
The sheep piled In heaps over the
logs and 47 wars killed and It are
missing. Tho cattlemen then pulled
down Ruball's tent and. decamped, with
the cooking utensils.
Eyraud reached Pendleton last night
and went before Deputy Dlatrlct Attor
ney Collier' and laid three Informations
this morning.- John Doe warrants were
Issued snd Sheriff Taylor aad deputies
leave for the scene of the strife this
afternoon, ."-
(Special Dwpatcb to Toe 7earaaL)
i Colfaav Washl,. July- i. Two hundred
Republicans are gathered In 'this city
today for tho convention and they are
engaged In one of the hottsat factional
flghta la tha history of ths party Jn this
section. J. N. Plckrell la tho leader of
tho railroad- faction, whjje XT. U Et
tlnger Is conducting ths fight Tor the
eommlaalon. Ths greatest excitement
prevails In ths convention hall.
one of tho subjects of greatest inter
, i :
'"V - ' ..
t '4
AhJ -LuliJLJultU
' -- -i ,- . ' - : .. . v -; ,
est and ens on which ths fight haa been
oonoentrated. Is whether or not. the con
vention will ratify the stats Republican
ticket. From all indications tho con
vention will turn down tbs stats ticket.
. (Special Xlspateb to The Journal.)
' Springdale, Wash,, - July' I. Burglars
visited thla city last night, the seat
of their operations being tbo local depot.--Tho
largo safe was completely
blown to pieces with giant "powder and
the entire interior of tho building dam
aged. --'... ...... . ... '. '-.:
- From 'all appearances tho job was
tho work of amateurs, for professionals
would not have used so much powder
just to blow open tho safe. The win
dows were shattered and airThsnofflco
furniture' Was wrecked." Tho burglars
secured nothing of value. No "clew has
been obtained which will lead . to ths
capture of those who perpetrated tho
(Special Dhparok ta The Joaraal.)
Tekoa, Wash- July I. There Is much
excitement - tn this town over the re
port lhat ths marriage of Mlsa.J3ert.ka
McNoutr .to J. A. iAchambre, which
was - solemnised, here some, time ago.
Is Illegal. The. statement comes from
ths father of the young woman,, who
claims that his daughter has been the
viotlm of misplaced confidence. .
The father alleges that tho young
people gave falao names In -order to se
cure ths marriage license, and then af
ter living together for only a month
the man deserted his young bride, leav
ing her to shift alone In tho world.
Have You Ever Speculated Much
On tho numbe of good points that can be found la tho Bike) Wagon t
' 4igb la welgbt, smooth-vanning, nnequaled as a ranabont, oorrect
la proportions, perfect in mechanical construction and a most artistic
ally stylish looking turaont, r-':lV-l ..' ' "J.-:.
'.. b a Visit to on repository yom will find many othes styllsn to-'
klolos to latwest )otu ;. " " " .- .
Tony BTsano
treet and rumbes ),-.;. Tour Town and Btats
' 4-
gjniy caca
' . i - . ,. .- ,..-
' Fiiui ttont csi Crml ITIJh ExsrvslatL Ptlat
- A, H. Thuraes, Mgr. XPlIls Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes!
I hav begn afflicted with kidney bladder trouble for rears, paas'
Inf irarel or atonei with excruciating palna. . Other medicines only
gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the result waa
surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc.,
and now I bare no pain aeroaa mr kidneys and I feel like s new man.
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB has done ma $1,000 worth of good.
V K Cliir jtiratij Cta Cssjiari ITltJi It : ;! j
1 . Thos. V. Carter, of Ashboro, N. C, had Kidney Trpuble snd
ne bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and -be
says thers Is no remedy that will compars with It. , v . ; . .
(Special Dwpetch te The Journal.) ..
: Gyangtse, July I. A gunpowder ex
plosion occurred at tha Tibetan -Jong
last evening,- Six fuslleers were badly
wounded. - Colonel Mac Donald. . com'
mending the English advance, has sent
word that tho following additional per-
sons were wounded In ths last sncountsr
with ths Tibetans:
' Captain Baldwin, Lieutenants Bowden,
Smith, Nicholas and Hunt. -A mo
mentary lull haa followed the eklrmlahes
of the past few days and during tho lull
tho British soldiers have begun the
demolition of tho Jong captured early In
tho week. . - . r
(Special Dlspatck to The Journal.)
Washington, D. C., July . 'Ths
war department today Issued orders to
General Bell at Fort Leavenworth, to
supply from 1,000 to 1,600 rations dally
to ths Kanass flood sufferers until -further
notice. He la also-instructed to
furnish tents and any other necessities.
, Snnday Trolley Outings. :
Oo to Estaeadar 10 cents for a ti
nt tie ride. A good hotel, a dancing pa
vilion on tho banks of tho Clackamas
river and Parsons' band engaged to fur
nish ths mualo during tho afternoon and
svenlng. Cars from First and Alder
streets. Telephone, Mala 147.
frof sited Stock Oanned Ponds,
Allen A Lewis' Best Brand.
1 ; :
. Co.
off CICdnoy
, '-'; . -. ... ":
CO. i
Tho attorneys for Frank Gugllelmo,
who was convicted of. tho murder -of
Freda Garaelo, want the stats circuit
oouat to grant a new trial, beoauee the
deputy . district attorney did not sign
tho Information "John .Manning, by Jl.
C .Adams, deputy," aqd so failed to
give any legal standing. Ths arguments
of counsel on this point were given
this morning before Judge Cleland.
Tbo defendant's attorneys quoted sec
tion 1001 of tho Code of Oregon, which '
provides thst should tho district etter
ney be abssnt or related to tho defend
ant by consanguinity or affinity, the.
court shall appoint a subatltute to par
forna tela official . duties In the eaae.
They rested their ease on tho point that
sines ths dlatrlct attorney had adfwUed
that he was not In tho city .at the time
of the drawing of tho Information, that
he did not make-an examination and
did not sign tbo Information; that
therefore there -waa no information, for
the slgwattrro of Job Manning appear
ing thereetC Snd purporting to bo his
was repudiated by bin, --'
eUr.. .Manning replied by citing tho
district attorney law of Oregon, direct
ing him to appoint deputies, sad giving
them authority to transact all of tho
bualneas of .the office of district attor
ney Judga Cleland took, the caaa under
advisement; and a declelon is not loogsa
for before tho middle or next wee.?
Host, popular plaeo.of
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