J OOD EVENING, THE CIRCL'LATION ' OFTKEJCUXm ; YESTERDAY VtyS 15.720 mrm, . . Tonight'- and . Saturday:, fslri "wanner Saturday! northwest winds. VOL. III. NO, 107. . : PORTLAND. ; OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 8. 1904. PRICE FIVE CENTS.7 JURY AWARDS THOUSANDS $15,000 BEHOGRSII.llATEORir;AUSES-; ;".?."'- '." -v .V;-- M-' .'....': ': ' '.' v.."r"v' -; I . , , , , - -"- ............ , - - . - TAFFE Daniel ' Hurls- Sar asm at Br yan-Hon- ors; hvenly :JJiyided All Night and Alt Morning i; Session of Commit- - tee on Resolutions Causes JConvention Delay t Currency. Plank a Debating Ground : A'.: ""'""" (Joaraal Special Service.) . St Lou la. Ho., July I. In ths annals of American political history there have ; been few sessions of a committee -on platform more prolonged, more care fully considerate, and more Insistent -than that from the Democ ratio national convention which passed 'all of last night In Its deliberations. The plat form as 'adopted by the oommlttee em bodies the main Ideas of Williams, Towns, Mill and Bryan. That tha struggle over various feat ures was earnest. Is shown by the fact that the'commlttee today falled.to finish its labors and the convention, after . assembling this morning and .transact ing some minor business, was compelled to recess until I o'clock this -evening, - when It is expected the. completed plat--form will be presented. No prediction. had been expressed and ; no hope Indulged In prior to the open ins of last night's session, that a. cut and dried platform could be arrived at, nor-was it In most cases 'desired. Bo many leaders In ths 1 ranks of Democracy, and all men of Arm convic tions, were on ' the oommlttee that It coud not be expected that a platform -would be adopted without some clashes. Nor were the expectations of warm de bate, verging' at times on harsh person alities, unfulfilled. :- ' Ths first thrust of rapiers cam ever ths currency Question, and 4h Brat : member of the committee to hurl the gauntlet was Senator Daniel. In the sub-committee.' Dubois vigorously as sailed a proposed currency plank which eliminated -the question froce the na- . tional issues ss having been settled by ths increased ' production Of srold. Dubois asserted--that mineral produc tion is uncertain and that ths coinage problem must therefor perforce be al ways a live Issue. Daniel . and Hill Contended ' that the plank embodied ths Ideas of Democracy on ths subject. - rroposed, Flaak. .,; . - Ths debate terminated by a vote In which the' following, plank was adopted by the sub-committee: -j-... - v. "The discoveries of gold within ths past few years and the great, increase In the production thereof, adding ll.OOO.OSO.OOO to ths world's supply, of which 1700,000.009 falls to the share of ths . United States, has contributed to the maintenance of a money standard of value no longer open to question, re moving that Issue from ths Said of political contention." When ths vote was taken Bryan and Williams were absent and It carried by T to I, Daniel, Htll. Paulson. Hamlin. ' Cable. Poe and Davis voting In ths affirmative) and .Dubois,. Snlveley and Newlands Jh -the negative. - The real debate took place when ths sub-committee reported to ths full com ' mlttee on resolutions, which overruled ths Judgment of ths framers and by a vots of II to 16 at an early hour this morning eliminated tha plank. The dis cussion was acrimonious and arose over -Bryan's attitude. "Br what right "and under what pre tense does this man com to Instruct us upon an lasus which led us to de r .. WILLIAM BOURK15 COCKRAN . , A Leading F1gut in th N ork Delegation at St Louis. feat twice T Inquired Senator Daniel, referring to Mr. Bryan, "This whom the Democ ratio party has twice highly honored . has seen Jit to pick flaws in every candidate proposed for an offlc tor which he twice unsuocess fully aspired. I say, if ws are going to wait lor a presidents! candidate until ws find an angel ws had better adjourn and go noma" ' Bryan, who sat on the opposite slds of ths fibTeT flushed deeply, and bis tightly compressed lips bespoke th SI -t fort he was making at self-control. TU gentleman is out of order," sharply Interrupted Acting Chairman Tillman? "We cannot permit such per sonal allusions or such . vituperations." Daniel persisted .that he -, meant no disrespect and that he thought ths tlms had arrived when all .loyal Democrats should be actuated by the purest mo tives and their aotlons open to the fullest . criticism. He declared bis be lief that th country stood upon th brink of a great . calamity. He said he had favored free silver but right or wrong he thought ths exigencies of the situation demanded that Democracy bow to the wishes of New England and th great' Empire state. He concluded by aaylng that heroio situations de manded herolo remedies. ' Bhlvely of Indiana pleaded that no mention of finance te made In ths plat form, asking: "Why raise this cues- tlon again to cause a ruptur la th partyr - - t. . Fleming of Wisconsin ' declared that he was ther to oppos any specific declaration on n canoe. - H said be had grest respect for Mr. HIU but could not let him lead Democracy Into this act f commission without a protest. . ''J Tiotory ox Bryaa. ! Foe - of Maxrland declared that th commute should remember th affect that such a deliberate refusal to Incor porate a. financial plank in th platform would have. He said that without this plank Maryland's vots could not b bad. He asked only that th commfctee give tn great interests or th country as surances that they would not b dl turbed, and declared Impressively that if th committee failed in this duty it would lose th Democracy th electoral vote of many states. - - Hilt made a strong Dies for th Dlank. declaring that It was In the Interests of good government and augured success In tas fall aleotlona . '.. , Drifting from th plank to Parker. Hill declared that h was an able and aaf man, and "not a coward, as soms per sons would havs us be! leva" Parker had . ever supported ths party' nomi nees, he said, and If this convention nominated another man Parker would support him, and he (HIU) would go back? and work for the party's choice. . In th tilt between Brysn snd Hill in ths discussion of ths ; proposed gold plank Bryan remarked: ..'. "Well, senator, I'm glad to see you so honest." , . -j v. , '. Immediately the New Yorker Jumped to his feet and defiantly, answered, "I (Continued on Pag Eight) 4 A ' km ' '' ; i , ,.. 1 1 f i i x, . I . V ; I ' y ' r ' ' ' - WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST ' . Whose Strength Surprises His Opponents. SHORT SESSION OF THE CONVENTION With No Platform Report an Adjournment Is Taken Until ,8 o'aock This Evening-Hobson . Gets an Ovation Crowd Wants Speeches. , (Joaraal Special Serrlee.) St Louis, July s. Tempted by th sx- citing and Interesting events at yester day's session, and hoping to witness equally Inspiring ' Scenes today, ths crowds this morning thronged .toward tha convention hall earlier than usual In order to secure good seats. By o'clock ths galleries were half filled, and when th tlms cams to call th vast aaaem blags to order there was scarcely a nook or cranny In either balcony which was not filled with perspiring humanity. Th Crowd, nowaver, was anamea to disappointment, inasmuch aa ths hours developed thst no business sxcept that of a vary' minor nature could be trans acted owing to th prolonged struggls over the platform in tha rooms of the committee en resolutions. The thermometer, registered near the 100 mark yesterday In th hall, and the prospects were that this would b dupli cated. If not exceeded, today. .-. " Committeeman Mack said to a number of Inquirers that there would probably be no business dons In ths morning ses sion, h platform committee not being ready to report, and that ther would probably be some speeches, snd then a recess until I o'clock this afternoon. Chairman Clark said hs thought ther would be three sessions. r Todsy there wcrw many vacant seats In the delegate reservation. ' Th band played patrlotio airs for. th first half hour. , . On motion a committee was appointed CAPTAIN STRUGGLES .. FOR LIFE IN RIVER Being an expert swimmer Is all that saved Oeorgs Kan, captain - of the gasolln launch Hoo Hoo, from drown ing yesterday sfterneoa,. Having moored his craft alongsids of th Moni tor Wyoming to permit th paasenger to disembark, h' began to asalat some of them aboard th warship.' While engaged at this task, ths Steamer Hasssl went ' gilding - by , in- .clone proximity. A havy swell was created and tha Hoo Hoo began to toss freely on th waves. Standings close to th aid of th vessel ths skipper loat his balanc and went toppling overboard. (Vhe wave were still in a commotion and h was carried far out Into th stream. It was too rough for a small L boat to go to ths rescue, but with the to wait upon the resolutions committee and ascertain when It would b abl to report) Several delegates suggested thst the Interval be fUled by the "sllveV-tongued orator from New fork. Bourk Cockran," and th plan was loudly cheered, but Cockran was not In the halt Calls for "Towns! TownsI" became loud, but h refused to speak, snd Bailey was called for to kill time. The roll of honorary Vice-president was then called. Richmond P. Hobson was called for and warmly greeted' as hs took ths plat form, lis was repeatedly ' cheered. -Hobson said: "We must solvs ths great problem of bow ' th whit man and th black man can live together in peace. Ws are trying-1 solvs this great problem and ws find ths executive of this country forcing upon th clsaa that should dominate, persons who are out of 4hat class. Shall sectionalism b ever again raised in this reunited nation T (Cries of "no!") "Ths happiness of tha millions can not be sacrificed because the party in power la playing politics with vital questions of the country." -Hobson called upon the Democrats to see to It that the Republicans shall call this years battlefield their Waterloo. Th platform committee announced tha-t$Mnnlmou report would be sub mltted at O'eraek tonight and that ther would b no minority report Th (Continued on Pag Nlne.Jw him. During all this tlms th captain was makmg remarkable headway by swimming. After having been in the water almost $0 minutes hs finally reached the side of tb craft and pulled himself on - board. Although badly handicapped with his olothlng. those who witnessed th occur re nee say that the fresh water captain gave a fin exhibition of th swimming art Dur ing th balanc of th afternoon h con tinued tn command of th Hoo Hoo, which cam almost proving herself to be a hoodoo. The number of visitors to th war ship has fallen off very perceptibly since the fourth of July. It Is esti mated that not more than 100 people went down to see th Wyoming yes- terday, sad th crowd appears t b . . ; (Special Dispatch to.Th Journal.) , '''.. . ' . Th Dalles, Or., July J. Th condemnation suit., instituted by th d stat to'secure right of wsy for ths Cellla canal over th property of I. 4 ' H. Tsff resulted this morning In a verdict by the Jury awarding Taff q 115,000, which I exactly th sum offered him by the state board before .'the suit was begun. Taffe bad demanded 140,000, a sum considered far 4 . beyond th value f th property, apd had persistently refused to modify his price, Th result of the suit' Is a signal ' victory for the 4' state. Taffe Is not satisfied and declares' that he will appeal. r- "I would not havs been satisfied If the verdict had been $75,000," d he declared angrily after tha Jury's 'conclusion bad been announced. - . .... Th arguments In th case were, begun at t o'clock. yesterday after-, noon and the case was given to ths Jury at 10:S0 In ths evening, with Instructions from i Judge Bradahaw to bring In a sealed verdict ' Th Jurors , differed widely in their estimates of , the amount that should b d , awarded, some advocating a verdict of $7,600 and soms going ss $48,000. About SO ballotswer taken and It was not until t o'clc morning that a verdict was reached. , Unless Taff appeals, this will remove th only serious obetacl now In th way of th construction of th canal. Arrangements have' been reached "With the other property owners and . ths state will be able to .complete ths purchaa of ths canal right, of way for ' materially less than ths sum appropriated by th legislature, Th appropriation waa 1100,000 and It la said that ths total cost, assuming that Taff is paid UJ.OOO.wUl be-In tbr neighborhood of $00,000. 1: "j,: ;- V-i- Taff this morning filed suit against the. city of Ths Dallea for $4,JJ damages because hs fell Into leg July 11,'UOJ. , . MATOR OBOROB B. M'CL Who May figure as a RUNS BLOCKADE; ARRIVES IN PORT British r Steamship Tottenham Loaded With Contraband of War; Reaches Portland After 1 Haying Dodged the v Russian- Warships' Vigilantly scanning ths borlson day and night for three weeks lo ascertain If any Russian gunboats war In pur suit, and not knowing at what moment they might be captured, ths officers and crsw of ths British steamship. Totten ham, which arrived In port yesterday afternoon, had plenty of excitement on tbelr Voyage frQm Mojl. Japan, to Tori Lo Angeles. A full head of steam was kept up and th vassal held in constant trim to make th race of her. life had. any .of. tb tsar's fleet been sighted In th distance. Double th usual number of men stood watch n th deck.. During th daytime they swept the sea with their glasses, and at nlgbt .-they were relieved .by s fresh relay.. " On board they had 4 cargo of coal loaded at a Japanese port Coal had bean declared contraband of war by the Russian government Had they been observed and finally raptured both the cargo and the (hip would havs been oon fiacated. . . .:,' high as clock this an open sewer ditch and broke his - ' 1 . ..' '-'.. ELLAN OP NEW TORK Compromise Candidate...- brought to th United States, It Is explained, would have mad no differ ence had they fallen Into th hands of th Russians. Ther were carrying Jap anese property aboard, and the csar's representatives. It Is said, would havs been Justified in arriving at the con clusion that it was being conveyed in a roundabout -way to tb . Mikado's naval fleet. ' , ...... Took Desperate Bisk, ' Knowing that he was aaaumlng a deaperat r. Captain Peters, com mander of th Tottenham, took every precaution-, prevent a surprise snd probable capture. In sailing from Mojl ha selected a oourae other thantnat it the usual route, and., rwa perhaps this adroit piec of strategy that. en abled hint to complete fliS voyage un molested. Instead, of going through th straits of Sougar, which rout is almost Invariably chosen, h allpped out to sea by way of ths Bingo chan nel. '-J'- ;- Damage. Resulting From Floods in Kansas Will Be Large. ': j WATERS STILL RISING No Appreciable Relief From Present Conditions Is Expected. Before. Tomorrow-Another Tor , rential Rain, v ' . 'fjoarael Special Service.)' ,' ' Kansas City, July . Not less than $l,0i0, 000 damage Is ths figure named . as the result of this season's flood. Ths river continues to rise her this morning snd no.. appreciable relief from flood conditions is expected be fore tomorrow. Th dsy dawned with another torrential rain. Seven- thoasand refugees srs objects of systematic re lief work at Kansas City. Kan. For a second time In a period Of little mors than' a year many of tha Inhabi tants of Kansas Cliy. Kan., have been forced " to leave thei homes owing to . ths overflowing of the Kaw river caused -by the recent heavy rains. From all Indicatlona at thla time ths crest of the flood will not come within nine feat of tat of last year. .v. . While the property loss will be con siderable, it will not compare with that . . of last. year-and will result principally through the' Interruption of bualness. rMoat of ths wholesale houses Jn the bot- toms and th union depot are as yet not flooded, but from a point about no yards west of the station to the bluffs across the river is a vaat yellowsea of water. . '..-.' Railroad traffic Is paralysed, numer ous washouts Velng reported and tratrvef ' are at a sundstiir on r the . tlissuarl Faetflc- Union Pseina, Sent Fe aad Rock Island in the territory mbraced by th flood. . ; ., . - v- Harletn, a small settlement across th river from this place, has been -flooded by the Missouri river, but none of th . manufacturing plsnts have as yet been endangered. All the streams in south snd' southeastern Kansas are high and many- acres of farming lands ara re ported' under water. Many of the peopl In th Armourdal district anticipating a recurrence of ths last blgh flood, left their homes be fore th water of yesterdsy snd last night had reached their dwellings. - i At th packing bouses snd yards hun- dreds of head of cattle, bog and sheep. besides many tons of meat and slaugh tered animals vers moved to places of safety. At Argentina something like 10 families were driven from their homes, although the damag will prove com paratively small. . Business at the-Livestock exchang has been suspended snd ss rsilway trains ban not arrive with stock it. Is ' likely that operations wtlf not be re sumed until next week. ' r Several packing plants, and both the Standard and National Oil companies havs been compelled to suspend busi ness. - .- . .' Last night Mayor Gilbert of Kansas City, Kan..i sent ths following telegram to tha secretary of war: "Ten thousand people have been driven from their homes In Kansas City. Kan- by flood.. I earnestly request that you direct commander at Fort Leaven worth to Issue rations as w may. need." WAS SXYAJtTMXsTT UaVOaTDS. . Wlrea wemaral Bell at X.esvBWrtk to Xnvee-ttrate tb Flood SKaattoa, . (Joaraal Special Service.) ' ' ' ' Washington, July I. -Th war fiepart- mant has wired to General Bell at Fort Leavenworth Instructing him to investigate th flood situation. In Kan sas. .... This was In response to a telegram re ceived this morning from Representa tive Boweraock at Kansas City. Kan., stating that 18.00 people had been turned out of their homes and rendered destitute." snd appealing to ths depart ment for assistance. .. :' v,.; noos at vorssuk. (Jaeraa! BpUl Servlea.) ' Topeka. Kaa July . Ths Ksw river at this place continue to rise slowly and th water Is now slightly above (he 12-foot mark on the gauge. In Nort Topeka ths town Is practically deserted and the water Is running 19 Inches deep through the streets. East snd west bound trains ara abandoned and water Is thre blocks uptown In tb city proper. - t - - - - - wATzmsFOtrr mu sue. ' - (taral peelal Servira.). Oklahoma City. O. T.. July I. Six killed and several injured Is th result of a cloudburst and texrjfle windstorm that passed through th section of eoun try In which Clinton. O. T, is sltusted at sn early hour yesterdsy morning. Death was caused by drowning. Wssr other points tn western Oklahoma ere . aaid to bsvs suffered much damage from floods. MXQM VATI1 AT WICXZTA. HJ'sal gpeeUl tmMr. Wichita, Kaa.. July . Ther Is r . Imtnedlats prospect of relief from Ike flood of wsters that now cover aw than to blocks, tnclndlng many in the business sect mo of this city. TWi I tha fcihMt water aver knnwn here. Tit bis and LKtl Arkansas river unite al Hoo Hoo th orew endeavored to reach dlmlnlahlngca successive day. Th fact that , th ooal . was Ming (Continued on Pag Twv this point V j