'THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY" EVENINO, JULY' 7, 1904 SCORNED WIFE ' SHOOTS HUSBAND J. P; WhiteTWell Known Fireman; Probably Fatally Shot- by WiferWho Was Jealous. :of His Attentions to' Other" WomenT - j, p, titttb Aro t Vtn 8t Tlncenta hospital. James P. Thlte, ex-ftreman and one of the-proprietors . of the sailor boardUig-houae, flea desperately wounded, the Tlctlm of tha jealous race of a frensled wife, wno was driven to desperation by his per alstent attentions to Jennie Hamilton, a woman of the nether world. Cora White, who . puraued her husband through the masea of thefiorth end last night, making rain attempts to check his wanton course and, falling, assaulted him with a revolver, la also wound eJTaa the result o,an, encounter - with her husband earlier In tha even ing. ' In ease White's wound result fatally. . the woman vu) ba prosecuted tor mur der. She Is now under tha charge of assault with ' a deadly weapon, which waa entered against her at the time of her arrest. The (district attorney is un decided as to -whether 'ha will 'prose cute tha - woman in eaaa her husband ' survive. In view of her condition, she is morait ln hw.ul A fha Aim win m IIa.v ... Implored Her pcusband, . ' Tha shooting occurred at t:lt o'clock laatsrfght lira.- White, who had fol lowed'her husband, finally overtook him In front of tha reeldenca of her slater. Airs. EU Davis, 121 Pine street. There T'?r? -f'Lh?4r-words, and. People "T'who saw the affair declare that she waa In a suppliant attitude,' evidently ,1irfr plorlng-the man to return to her. He puabed her aside and, started down tha ' street. The woman sprang; forward and seised .- him by the arm. 8he drew from hex breast a am all revolver and aa he turned v fired. Into his back, he staggered for , ward and fell. . People who had wit nessed the- scene ruehed forward and e eel-ted him. Into Mrs. Price's residence. 1 He fell upon a lounge and hla wife knelt : ATTEMPTS ASSAULT ON LITTLE CHILD (Speetar Dispatch te The Journal.) Creston, Waah.. July 7. AL Hawkes, aged SO years, la In )ail here charged ; with attempted asaault on the (-year-old chUd of N. F. Bheperd. He was caught in a shed by the father and given a severe beating. mrsi inn n no. ; I ' (Special Diapatck to The JonraaL) Proeeer. Waatu, July 1. Dr. C. S. Phillips found, a rattlesnake two feet long with seven rattles in his bed when retiring last evening. - r- EyesExamlned-Classes Fitted t kaaw I aaa pleaaa yoa." DR.. EVA V. SNYDER. m tvAsr omcxAjr. arlora WQ7 Allsky BaUolag. Vna. CORA WHim beside him. telling him aha wished It had been she who waa wounded and moaning incoherently. . 8he took the precaution, however, to conceal tha re volver under a bed In a rear room. It waa found there and turned over to the officers, on their arrival by Mrs Da via. Admits Pirlaf the Shot. - Deteitive Hart man. Policemen Rob son, White, Isaacs and Oelsner reached the place shortly after tha occurrence and found tha woman, Bhe was taken to police headquarters, while the wound ed man waa removed to St. Vincent's hospital. Domes t lo troubles'lre said to have been of frequent occurrence be tween the man and woman during the past few weeks, - Was Bee tea by X ashen d. Yesterday Mrs. White learned that her husband waa at the Arcade aaloon. Sixth and) Couch streets, with Jennie Hamil ton. She went to tha place and, it Is Sftld. attempted to shoot her rival. White succeeded In holding her untU the other wumtB ncapwi, ana in noing so is saia to have choked and beat her. Her throat waa bruised and swollen today as the re sult of tb encounter. - , White refused to tell the officers how the ehootlng happetied, saying that It was done accidentally. At tha ATbapttal I his oondltloa U regarded aa etreuiely critical. The bullet entered tte left .M of the back Just above the rlba, and the course baa not been determined. mefuaea U Talk. " Mra White spent the night In tha city jail and waa completely overcome. 8hc refused to talk or-dlacuaa the -affair even to her friends who crowded the lall whls morning. White le widely known throughout the city. He has figured prominently la local politics for yeara CIRCUS LEMONADE PROVES DANGEROUS (Rperlal THapateh to The Jeernal) Taeoma, Waah,, July 7. Queen Pauline and her maids of honor of the Rose carnival, who attended the ball game yesterday aa guests of the club, were Uken severely 111 last eight, as a result of drinking circus lemonade be lieved to contain Cltrlo acid. Several of the party fainted before reaching home and aU of them were in a high fever all night - Cy Townsend. the San Francisco first baseman; drank two glaases of tha liquid and suffered severe oramps all night A doctor was called in this snornlne-. riiagermia ana otner piayera are sick. The club Is Investigating. , also BIASZXS WOT AaT9 SBMV v-. (Joornal gpeclal hnm,) St Louis, July 7. Edgar Le, fcvana. gd 21 yeara, today out tha throat of his wife, -Antoinette, and . slashed" his own throat and wrists while In ths -street The woman la dead, and Evans Is in the: hospital dangerously wounded. He had Just returned from Baa Fran cisco, -ktre. Evans wore gorgeous gowns and Jewelry. Domestic .troubles is as signed as the cause for the murdea-and' atUmptad euloiiie. ' - - " . HI AT BATatOBtTk.- , ' pedal DUpatch to The Journal.) Rathdrura, Idaho, July 7. The resi dence of Prank Nortbway, with Its eon tents and all hla clothing, was-burned' and the residence of Nets 'Nelson was partly destroyed by ore today. The vricia vi um viace la uaanown, - EXHIBIT WILL BE SEEN IN PORTLAND T.- ifOtm aornnmrr nzsrAT wnii comb x nmirT to 00 aw omxoe nvni ..,'ax. wobuts pais bboobytbuo- . tzosT or bousb or moo moo. ' (Special Dtepatca to The Journal.) World's Fair Grounds, Bt Louts, July 7. Director General Ooeda of th,e Vwls and Clark Centennial Is authority for the statement that the government will move practically 1 Its entire exhibit from St. Louis to Portland for tha ltOS fair. If thia proves td ba the case. then, Portland la assured of the moot Interesting display of tha Louisiana Purchase exposition. , According to Mp. Qoode.tbe govern ment will have cluntv of room for the entire exhibit, and will take It in toto to Portland.' It will also add several new features that will make It still more attractive. I Hare at St. Louis by far tha largest tnrongs or sigmseers gainer' in uovern ment building to Inspect the wonderful displays of Lncle Sam. ' If tha same at traction stands In ths Lewis and. Clark Centennial It wH.1 prove to be tha beat drawing card of, the show. , .Arrangements wilt be made whereby exposition visitors can purchase Ore gon prunes. The demonstrations that take place dally In tha palace of agri culture have won so many friends to the Oregon fruit tha It has been found necessary to get the prunes on .sale. Visitors complain that when they go to the stores and ask for the Oregon product they receive something else thet they don't want at any price. In order that they may bo able to get just what they are after, Oregon dried prunea will be sold in small- boxes on the ' grounds until tha purchasers can locate stores where they can ba had, , Soo Xoo Bnildinr. ' . Work has been commenced on the House of Boo Hoo and within six weeks the mana gera-of the fimeue Ma-bar men's Club will have tnings running full blast again, aa though no fire had ever occurred to wipe out their beauti ful home. Out on tha lawn a big sign hag bean put upi - . 1 Eight more lives have we. - - In 10 days our home again yotiTl see. "House of Hoo hoo." , -r- A gang of ft workmen Is- doing tha reconstruction, all of them working overtime and getting In tha neighbor hood of $.40 a day for tha services of each man .employed. . " RUIT ON SUMMIT .,. OF BLUE MOUNTAINS (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) La Grande, Or, July 1. Oeorge Pee bles X ho resides about seven miles west of Meacham on the summit of the Blue mountains, has an excellent rruit prospect this year. Hla farm is located at an elevation of about I,00 feet above sea level and yet his peacnea, pinna. cherries, apples and aprloota will all bear very good yields without damage from. frost. He hss - .00 acres under cultivation. most Vt this being sown to timothy and grain hay, land, his hay crop la better zJTrrir . . . fwi- - " ,j . . '. : than for a number of yeara. Timothy la a native product of high elevatlona, all the flats In the Blue mountains hav ing been' seeded by campers, bear luxu riant growths of-this bay without cul tivation or irrigation. ' Very fine flavored . strawberries have aleo been raieed In thia vicinity In large quantities, and tha mountain at thfti point are dotted with fine looking little farms. .. .v - RETIRING TREASURER COMMITS SUICIDE . (flpeelel IMmtrh te The JeeraaL) NHeppner. Or, July 7. Oa the day that be waa to turn over his books amTeounty funds to his successor la of flee, retiring County Treasurer M. LltohtenthaV one of the most prominent elttsens of this county, took hla Ufa at' thia place yes terday by shooting himself with a re volver y - . It la thought that he waa demented at the - time of the deed, aa he had opened hla place of business- as ueual In- the morning and several cltlseas who had conversed with htm state that they had noticed' nothing unusual in hla talk or appearance, v He had aerved as county treasurer of Morrow county for three successive terms and waa generally well liked. Although ls books and' accounts are thought to be straight, aa Investigation will now be-. maqe before the incoming treasurer assumes control of the office. Mr. Llchtenthal was also treasurer of thai, a O. r. : .. ; ' JKT. JQKSTS TO CXLIBBATB, . (Special Dispatch to Hii Journal.) , Bt 'Johns; - Or, July T. Wednesday", July It Is the day set aalde by tha city council and the. Ladles' - Improvement club for- a general Jollification of the progress of St. Johns. All business houses will -be olosed and everybody will Band a hand to make this a day to ba remembered In 8k Johna, St. Johns park la being put In read! tea for the crowd that ..Is expeoted from Portland, tables and; vests being supplied for those that ' bring-their luncheons. ., . Speakers will address ths people and the BC Johns brass band of II pieces will furnish the music ' t ' BBT-WBATXBB alTOr WOsX. (Special Diapatck to The JonraaL) Kalama. Wash.. July 7. On account of theextreme dry weather for the paet 60 days the ground Is ao hard that .work on the publlo roads In thia district had to bo suspended July e, as far aa the any aovaniage, ana. me pica ana snovei This condition Is very unfortunate, as great amount of .work was planned for the summer, so aa to test the work ing of tha new road law, which so far sueme to be .very unpopular. , TOinra UBTrEBSAIJSTB. (Jooraal SpocUI Bervlee.) - Providence, R. X, July .The fif teenth annual convention of the National Young People's Christian union, of -the Unlveraallst church, which - waa for mally opened here last ewming Kilth a welcome rally, got down to busfneea In earnest thia morning.. .The attendance waa eonsiaerably Increased by the -arrival of ' numerous belated delegates from the west. .- l " X. Ohaaabera. Optlolaa. - - . Wholesale and retail, ill Seventh St , n 0 VV) FIFTH AND YAMHILL STREETS VIIEELffltlGHT HAY BE FAIR'S HEAD YXCB-PBSSXDBBT X. M. TVtXMOMMMM - mat jroT icoirf ' macs va OATXS BT rmXgXDZVT BOOTT AB9 . b, iinwiin ti urn iions ros m orrxca, In' view of a report that I. N.'ftelsoh- ner may not aooept the office of preel dent of tha Lewla and Clark axpoaltlon. to succeed Harvey W. Boott, resigned. the name of W. n. Wheelwright h been brought forward and his friends are of tha belief that be will receive the honor. - . Mr. Wheelwright It la stated, la In no sense a, canaiaaie lor me omce, . ana while his friends have agreed to brlni forth his name, the matter Is not In thl nature of a campaign for' Mr. Wheel' wrlght. He has many friends among tha commercial interests of the elty, and tneae are the onee who have ouletly brought blm forward. For many yeara Mr. Wheelwright has been a resident of 'Portland and- he Is res-arded as one of lta molt nroa-rM- slve citlsena. He la a leading member of tha Arlington club.. In the business world he occupies a prominent position in ina looaj lumber traaa - ' Schcdulcof Steamer T. J. Potter. The seastds steamer T. J. Potter. will leave Portland. 'Ash street dock, for Astoria and liwaoo as follows: - July "a. Friday. 1:41 a. m. .; V; July . Saturday, 1:00 p. m. July IS, Tueaday, 7:0 a. m. -, July It, Wedneaday, 1:11 a. m. , July 14, Thursday, t a. m. July 15. Friday. a. m. July 10. Saturday, 10:48 a. m. r Get transportation and berth tickets at O R. N. ticket office. Third and Waehlngton streets. ID) IWI M There re many reasons why you should Inspect ' our. Pianos. rjl aUalltV. OUT DflCeS are tlO higher than unscrupulous dealers would ask you for Inferior grades arid our easy payment system is unequaled. let us explain these things to you they appeal to the shrewd and thoughtful buyer; Sbule Bros. Piano CoJ Steinway and 15 other makes of Fine. Pianos. 372-374 Morrison .- Street - Cor. W. Park the Newest TpHOSE who contemplate build- II ing shoxild call and -, ' UVgCUll OOOU1 LlllVllL, VV XXXl 1 includes ' the latest styles, designs and finishes. iUumiriant for all purposes people have quit arguing about that and it is only a question (if you are build ing a new home or think of chang- ing the fixtures in any way) of what sort of fixtures are the best? Fix I tures may be purchased for cash or on small monthly payments. IU Li t--S: '.III IVft 11 W&rm M3B ") crnanD e ITuiinsiiie sxs.: Tomorrow we will offer the following BONA FIDE BAR CAINS from the great stocks purchased in STRICKEN ' COLORADO AT 1,9 CENTS OM THS $1.00. We can, well afford to, and will "give "such values as were . : never heard of before on '. . , BARGAIN FRIDAY SHOES f 3.00 Men's Colt, Calf and Vici Kid Shoes. Mackey welted, guaranteed in every way to be the best $3.00 shoe in the city. The Hub bar . . . gain Friday , ;...ll5S;.; V: HATS , $2.50 Hats. , in ioft. stiff, light and dark colors, in new 1904 shapes, bought by us at 19c on the $rfrom the bank rupt merchants of unhappy Colorado; 500 -dozen of 'em . - at, each ."v $1.00 SHIRTS : 91.00 Negligee Shirts, In madras, pique, dimity, or gandy, mull, nainsook; plain and plaited bosoms; with one and two pairs of cuffs; with and -without collars; 100 different styles to select; from -at, each , ; V SUITS , ? 20.00 Men's Wool Suits, in sacks, in black, blue and fancy mixed; splendidly tail ored, that'll match any $20 suit in this city. The Hub's' - price . Friday is f , COATS AND VESTS $15.00 : Coats- and -Vests, from men's finest suits, in sack and .frock,, for,eachi $3.SO and Latest " GAS is best as an PANTS ?4.50 All-Wool Pants, In a big lot of styles, for- - . VESTS ?3.50 AUWool Vests, in worsteds, blacks, gray .and colors; sizes up toSU. Come early if you want to get your - size," at, each , $1.00 ;SUSPENDERS . 50' Suspenders, in pure silk webs, with plaited main- ; strap; 100 doz. (of these ' it ; 9mm . wcii gooas win dc soia , Fridaj at, per pair NECKTIES 9100 Neckwear, in every imaginable make, shape and style, from the great stock of the Colorado Clothing company, consisting of over 1,000 doz. of this season's V swellest styles, at, each SILK SHIRTS ?2.50 Silk Shirts, only 150 left, in all . sizes. Bargain Fridly, each '. $1.00 EXTRA SPECIALS 10c Fast Black Cotton ' " Sox 4 10c White Handker- chiefs t . i . , 4 10c 'Rolled Gold Collar Buttons 4. 50c Summer Underwear 21 Design look over sm m aaa