T- - , , ..-!?TT y0"0" ' CITT OTIO. C:T JTOTICM. ,,: "'t CITT NOTICES. . -CITY NOTICE!. : CITT OTICe ' - " .' , , - . I - J'"1 "u '- '-'---"''"- 1''- mm.mm I . -. - J,eww-er-r-.. ... ... i.. .. , a..-. .-. .,, a. .,-,. w. On-, -.... a,, a- - a. . WW.-.. tSOPOBED AISISBKXXT FOX XMFXOVX MENT Or YAWTKOKXX AVIXTJX. . ... Notice to berehy glvea I tut th. Council of the - y itj ui rorttaud propueee to the f.,ll,,. tiif deecrlbvd uronrty ,eud owuur or oturi a. being eperlally and peculiarly benefited a the U.OUUI. B upiKMlW til. BaUlC. U(1 UmCTlptluit thereof Tar the linprovvweut u( Hawthorn 'nut irom . mo una or r.aat ili-tetiin tract to the aaat line or Stephana' Donation Sol ' " HrOTt1d hr-urjiuauc hit. Jl tiny objection, to th. apportionment of coat fur aald Improvement uioatbe made la writing ta Ue Council and flled with tba Auditor wltlilu jo oara rruui Ui dau of Uia firm publication of thin notice, aod aald objectlona will be heard aad (Intermit..,! k th. I1.in.ll hflfiiM V. ... the peaaago of Uia ordlnauea .taping tba coat of aald Improvement. ( HAWTHOHNB I'AKK BLOCK B, aoutb 100 tteeea.t zov loci or OIOCU XI, 1U. IU lutn-ue MUII, KU.SU. HUH k ZOi, tot Loulae u. Ikilee and Catherine U. Bee ((Uj.45; lot 8, Loulaa H. Bolaa and Catherine - 11. Beck, (24.5M; lot ., Loulae H. Bolee aud laiasriua it. Keen, (JeMMl; lot ft. Loulae a. ' Bolae aad Catharine U. Beck, (.1)1.84. BLOCK ... . 2W, lot 4. Loulaa H. Bolaa anil Catherine 11. Itwk, 118.67: lot 8." Loulaa U. Bolaa aud latneriue it. Berk, ..! lot a. Loulaa' ii, '.-. JBolaa and Catherine H. Deck. 137.84; tot 5, Loulaa H. Bclae and Catherine H. Back. (.88. BLOVK 22, lot 4,- Tba liawtborna min, aivi.xa; tot o, in. liawtborna batata, adn.su: tot a, Tba Hawthorn. Batata, lli.n lot ft, Tba liawtborna Eatata, (W.7u. BLOCK , SIO, lot 4, Tba Hawtborna Katata. 114.86 "rm it im Hawtborna fcatatr. ai Hi; lot a . .Tba Hawtburaa katata, ia7.titi lot B, Tb Hawthorn li:Mlar aiuK i ' VENWOHTHT'H AUPIXION ta Baat Portland BUM K 10. lot -4. D. 'C. Brown. (2U1.7U: lot . It Bromu. i.w Do; lot , Juatab Tliton, ' -' I.H) J: kt 6,' Joalah K. Tllton. f2H0.W. '. BLOCK 14. lot 4. Amanda W. K-.d. 171.43; ( kit I. Amanda '-"W.- Il.ril. 25.u3: lot . Amanda W. Uaad. t-J4 lH: lot ft.. Amanda W. ;.:V lua from block is. lot . wnuam Tooa, iwe.iu: lot's, William G. Aoon, I . m-m.Qi Mp a, William v. peon, a.to.im, to a. . WllUaa C. Noon, (1111.10. BLOCK i hit 4, Barman R. Joa-a. Atiu.uo? lot 1. . Marman H .' Jonaa. fift.aS; lot A al Inula B. Locks. 4J1.07; lot 5. kllnnla B.Loeka, M.Wt. BLOCK 11, lot 4, Wllllamc. Noon. .IM.1; .lot , ,; - ' Winiam C. Kwhi. HI. -!. ' " BTKl'HK.Vfl' AUKITION to Eat I'ortlmnd - BLOCK ISO. waat U lot S, Thomaa A. and Sarah Edward, 12 7(1; waat lot T. Tbomaa a. ana naran Sdwarda, 1.T; aaat to 'tot B William ilivuhoUn. 3.B; aaat lot I, Wll . 11am lianbolin. 3.44. BLOCK 121. :. kit 1. ' W. . Ladd Eatata, b-lra of, f 1HS.W; lot 1 W..B. Ladd Eatata, oelra of. lot T, W. B. Ladd KataU, b-r of, f 'VJ.lOi kit 4 lA.In-a ADDITION 'to tb citf of Portland BLOCK 13. ' lot 1, i'barlaa JC. Ladd. 1371.42 lot S. W. . Ladd Eatata. br ra of, le.Hw 't i, w. B. uiaa Lata atatA. halra of. ai.n lot 4. W. a Ladd Batata, halra of, 8.ttb: lot - 1U. Cbarlaa E. Ladd. fll.il; lot . rbarlaa EL Ladd, f.3: lot 6, ('harlna K. Ladd. ;itt.27; kit 6. Cbarla K. Ladd. llttiT.IT. BLOCK 14. kt l..Cbarla E. Ladd, tlBo.20; lot 2. Cbarlaa . n.- law, aw.oa; kii a, i nanra s. 'uoq, arK 'I'J ui a . .v. i n , .i ... i a Cbarteo E. Ladd. 07 U3; kit 8, Cbarlio B. Idd. MH.W; lot 11. Cbarjra E. Ladd. (72.911: lot 12, Charl-a E. Ladd, I7.B1; lot lft, Cbarlaa ma, -tfl.: mt i, Cbarlaa Br Ladd, XI7.61: lot ly. Cbarlaa K. Ladd. (Tit. IS: lot , Ctnrtva E. Lartd. "2t; lot S3. Cbarlaa E. tadd..(tl.7X. BLOCK. IB. kit ., Cbarlaa K. IJidd. (W7.Z7: kit 3(1, Cbarlaa E. Id4, (D2.TA:. lot 18. Cbarlaa K. Ladil. tXO.BS: kil 19, Cbarlaa K. Ladd,. Sda.TT: lot 10, Cbarlaa a..' i,auo. fia.i tot j a. cnan-a k. Lrfian, 6.61: lot 11. Cbarlaa K. Ladd. lOKSft: kit lu, Cbarlaa Ladd, (87.61 1 kit 7, Cbarlaa i.. iaoa. itrr.iw; mt 4, cuarir K. una, (00.67: lot (, Charloa E. Ladd.. (83. 1; kit 2, Cbarlaa E. Ladd. tin0 82:lot 1. Cbarlaa R. , Ladd. (KT.nN. BLOCK llfl. kit 6. Char Ira , . iaa, lot 6, Char Ira n. Ladd. - f-w.ai kk , cnariaa K. Ladd, XT.W5; ant 8, W'. a. Ladd Katata. bolra of, (IT.54; lot 3, Vf. B. Ladd Katata, halra of, (20.22; lot 1, Charlra JK. Ladd, (3U3.M.- Rlabt of war virraiin alar rnww at Ball a- eompan, , ftuii. avuii, t.no.011. . . . - TU08. C. PETI.IV. .. ; Aodltor of tba City at Portland. Portland. Orroa, Jul- 4. 1U04. i vvM,b,i;. aav1 avuariaaua vr ax w x-a. v- : nr KIMODKI aVrzinrE. . . Notlca )a bacahr alraa that 'William O Elliott. Oty Enainaar. baa rllrd ta tha ofooa . of tba wtdVrnlauiwL notlr that J. R. Hl,nnu,iu , mtttrartur ''tat tba eonatrurtloa 'tif a acwar la aiiaaoQri aranoa, ono-r jiM4iroYi,ioiiB or oral' nanra no. H UM. bar complrlrd aald aawar. Bald aerantant will ba annalrlarad hr th Kxarutlar Board It 4 VlcKk, no tba 8th day of -Julju UK4. and ohl--tlooa to tba aco-ptanra of aald a-wer. or an j part tharaof. mmj ba Alad la tba offloa of tba nndoraljoad at any . um usam uivmii. , THE EXKorTlTE BOAUT). c ' tut THOU. HICVLflC." J ; Auditor of tba Cltr of PorUaudJ " rvtwna urrtva, auir 't lava. a 00MPLETI0W AJIS ACCrFTAltCE 0 life PBOVEMEKT OF AIT - KIM XT 11 XH TKT. Notlca la narahr alram that wlllltn f KlllotU Ofr Eutlnaar, baa Bird, la -tba of Bra of tha updaralaa-d. notlca that Olfblacb A J"PUn, oontraetora for tha Improrcmant of saat ninciaanrn .Btiwt, audar tba prortalona of eminanra No. 1H.07T. bara aomplatad aald atmt, from tba worth Una of Multnomah atraat ta tba rantar Una of Wasoa atraat and from taa rantar una or Haiar atraat, ta tba aoutb Una of Watdlrw atraat. ,. - Hald arraptanre will bo eonaldcra4---by tba Eiacutlra Board at 4 o'clock, aa tba Hth daf of Jul-, 11)04. and object looa to tba aecrptanca of aald atrcpt.. or anjr part tharaof. ma- ba nira in inr ornna or ua unaaraignad at an m9 -m-l Mwrrw THE EXEOmie BOARD, tl : B THa DEVLIM. Auditor of tba f'ltr f Portland. - Portland. Oraaua. Julr S, 19t4. xorotAxs torn, trmca -wokk, 1 Baalad rronoaala will ba -oarlaad at tha nin nm . rt w in. Ann tnp at ,n. , i , M ana. amu iTim;, jmj , 11M14, at I a chick p. in., for tba conatrnctlpa of a aawar In Cook aaanuo and I'nloa areaM frorr ua aoutb Una or Kitraiiat atreat to a point la Cook a rami tnanoa waat la Cook aranua to a aoanactloa with tha aawar la Gantrnbala arena, la, tha mannar pronara 07 orainanra no. 14,044. aub lart to tba ororlalona of tba char tar aad anil. Banna of tha Cltr of Portland aad tha aatlaata oi na city a.ruunrar, oa Dla. Blda mnat ha atrlctly la accordanca arlth prlntad blanka which will ba furnlahad on . appllratloa at tha offlra of tha Auditor of tu (It of Portland, And aald aawar neat ba enmplrtrd un. or brfora 4S darl . nuu ut uma .01 mavaignma ,91 taa aohiw brtha r art lea tharrto. " ' N propoaala or blda will ba conaldarad aa laaa accompanied by a oertlfled rbork par akl to tha order of tha Major of tha city of Portland, certified by a reaponalhla. Junk for aa amount 'inl to 10 par coat of tha aaarefraia propoaai. " "ibt to rect any and all blda ta harabt rraerred. - 1 , . , By order of tba XxacntlTa Board. - Tiioa c. prrti. Auditor of tha Oty of Portland. 1 Portland, Oreron. July t. 1D04. .- raurviua ivi tEwu,vou. ' Bet led propoaai will b received at tha flic of tha Auditor pf tba Cttlr of Port land, antll t'rlday. July ft, 1004, at t o'clock p. m., fortha eonatrnctlea of a aewan In Mor rlt afreet, ttantenheln aTenoe, allay throuab hkichj It. 14. 15, HlTTTlew addition, Bortbwlck atreet and Monro atreata, from tha weat Una of Wllllama arenaa to a ronnortloa with tha . Cook arenue newer In Alblua are one, la tha manner provided by nrdlnanra No. 14,046, anh Ject to tha prortalona of tha charter and ordl. nanrra of tba City of Portland and tba aU Biatna of tba City Knrlnaer, on tile. . Blda aiiort ba atrtctla la aceordanca with printed blanka, . which will ' be furnlahad on application at tha offleo of tha Auditor of tha City of Portland. And aald acwar moat ha completed oa or before 4A dara frotn tba data ' of tha alfnlnf of tba oau tract by tha parti ca thereto. No propraala or Mda win ho eonaidererd nn Jeaa accompanied by a certified check payabla to tha order of tba Mayor of tha City of Port . land, certified by a reaprmatble hank for aa a mount aoial to 10 par cant of th a(f ra(a ta propria tft. .' Tha rlyht to rajoet any and all blda ta boreby reaervad. v Bf ardar of tha EiacoMre Board. ., . . . , . . tiios. r. nurtiit, . Auditor of the City of Fortlaad. Portland, Orecoa. Inly t, 1004. kopoiali fok vwxm wis. " Bealrd propoaala will be received at tht ; office . of the- Auditor of tha city of Port. p.' m.r for tha conetruetlon of a newer la Eaaf ' Taylor and Eaat Thirty-ninth atreata from Hal 1 , A a . r.t IK. n, I tuwi A h m I . - - - - - " t -. . - . m i.nui , H Thirty-ninth alreet to tha newer In Eaat Tarn bill atreet. Id tha manner prhrlded by ordi nance No, 14.04ft,. aablert ta the provlalnaa of tha charter and ordlnaneee j1 (he Clly of Portland and the eatltoata of tha City Engineer, aa tile, , . Blda Bittat be atrlctly la . aceordanca wtth printed litanke which will be furnlahed on appllraHon at, tha offlc of tha Auditor of the City of -Portland. And aald aewer ' nmat be rompletad. on or brfora 48 daya 1 from tha data of the a(ynl of tha contract hr tha narllea tharctn. . , 1 - No profiooala or blda--will he "frnnel dared wn .leaa accompanied by a certified check pay able to ttao order of tha Mayor a the City of Portland, certlftad hy a rranouelhle bank for an amount ennui ta 10 par ectit at tba areyat pnnoanl. , . L - The rlyht to reject any and ag blda I benny reeerTed. . Bs ordea of the Eiecitttee Toard. . , THOU. C. . nEVt.tt. ' . Auditor of the Clt? of PortUod. ' .Tertland, Oregon, July 3, 1W04, . 00UUCT10H AKD AC0EPTAKCE 0 TM. L PBOVKMEKT 0 TWUfTT-flXTK (TKIIT. ,!."Uc9 " hereby ylren that William a rjllott,' City KiiKrueer, baa Died In the office of the underalauad. notice that The Trlnadad Aepbalt l'arlua company, eoutrartora for the Improvement of Twenty-altth aureat, amler the pr.nl.loua of ordinance ho. 13,7oO. have coui liletrd aald atraet, (ram the center Una -of lhiirtnan atreet to the center -Una of Vauilui atraet. . i 'Bald acceptance will be eanrnderert hr.the Eiacntlve Board at 4 o'clock, on lte hth daf of July, 1U04. and ohjectlona. ta tba acoeptaaoe of aald atraat, or any part thereof, amy ba, Died In the of flee oX- the Baderelfiied at any Utne prior (barrio. .THE BXflrVTIVa BOARD. i. . By TUOS. OKVLIK. . - Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oraton, July I, 18x4. C0MPLETI0K ,AJTD ACCEPT AM CX OF IK PBOVtkEKT OF TAtJOKM ITKEXT. Notice la hereby flvea that WUUam C. ElUott, City Enaluerr. haa tiled la the offtce of the andaraauad. notice thtt the Btar Band 0miany, contracture lor the Improvement of Vauabn atreet, under tba provtaloaa of ordi nance No, It 63l. have- coniplatiNl aald atreeT. from the weat Una of Bevranteenth atreet to the center line of Twenty -orat atreet. Bald acraptanoe will be conalilered by the Executive Boaid at 4 o'clock, oa the hth day of July, 1104, and objectlona'to the acoeptanre of aald atreet. or any part thereof, may Be unm m mc ornca 01 ua anaeratcaed at any tlaia prlut theratu. . . illB BXB0UTITE BOARD. ' By TlrOH. l)BVLI!t, i. . "o of tha t:ty ai PortUnd. Portland. Oref on, July , 1SU4. 00MPXXTI0T AVO AOCIPTAHCX OP IX- PR0TEMIKX Or XABOX ETKEIT. . Notice )a hereby, rlvea that WlllUm' 0. Elliott. City Enalnaer. haa flled In tha office of tba anderalaned, notlca that Louie Janla, cummouv ror me improvement or ataaoB atreet, under tba pravlalona of ordinance No. 18.87H. haa comijletad aald atreet, from tba center line of lintoa aveaoa to tba center Una of manor y avenue.. Bald acceptance will be canal dared by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock, an the Stb dav of July,- 104. and object tone to the acoapunea of aald -atraat, or any part thereof, aiay ba Died In the office -of tha anderalgned at any www teje Ulervio. ' t 1U EXECUTITD BOARD. ' V ' , ' By TUOS. DEVLI", Auditor of tha t'lty bt Purtlaad. Portland. Ore yon. July J. luot. 00MPLXTI0K AK9 AOCEPTAaTCE OP XM- PKOTiMrart or mabok rxzxt. Notice la harahv atnn Vhat Wiim.m r ElUott. Cltr Euelnear. haa Bled In tba office of tha underpinned, notice that B.. J. Iiebnbr, contractor for the .Imurovaaient of Maaoo atreet, under the provlalona of ordl aaaut No. 1H.IT. haa completed aald atreet, from the center Una of Cleveland avenue .to the center line of Maliory avenue. Bald aeceDtance will he o,.naldered ' he the Executive Board at 4 o'clock, on tha Mth dav efl July. 1D04. and objactlona to the acceptance I , 7 atreei, or any part tnereoT. may ua uwu in tne- oxncaAU. ua. DBuoraiaiieel -ait.?-ajiy we t!vor weretn.. ... . Xtl EXBOUTl VE BOARD, L ,'-- By TUOB. DEVLIN. Aadttor of tha City of I'ortUnd. ad. Orcyon. July 2, 1HU4. PBOvTMXKT Or XAIX TvxKrr-riM TXXXT. . . Not toe ta" herehv riven that Wtittaae fl Elliott. Clir Enirtnaer. haa flled la the fe of the audaralaued. notice that Becblll .Broe.. contra ctora for the Improvement of Eaat Twenty -drat , atreet, under tba prdvaalona of orujnaDCfl . no. IS. tun. nave eoninlered eald auvei, irom Tne center line or rtanooek atraet to me center line or nchaylor atreet. , Bald acceptance wUl be eanelderrd by tba Executive Board at 4 o'clock, on tha arh dee of July, 1904. and object lone to the acceptance af aald atreet. or any part thereof, .may. be filed In the office of tba uudaraigued at any lima prior thereto. , Tha EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOg. I)EVLI!f. Auditor of tha Cltv of Portland t' "Portland. Oregon, July B, 1804. ooxrucnov axo aoceptawcx or ; ix- rxOTEXXXT Or EAST XAXXEt BTXIZT. Notlca la herehv riven that Wllllara O Elliott. Cttr Ena-lneer. haa filed' t, ilia offlra of the. andemlgned, notice that Jopltn A Meeka. mioiracxia-e anr ine improvement ot aiaai tlat ket atreet, under tbe provlalona of ordinance No. ISMS, have completed aeld atreet. front iue .weat une or Kaai or t me n un inu-a Bald acceptance July. 1004. and ohiertlona to the eeeentanea of aald atreet. filed In the office of tba underelgned at say . . i . "ei ume. prior taereto. "iUm ABClTITH HOARD, -" , ' - By THOg. IEVLI!. . Auditor of tha City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, July 2, 18U4. 0OMFLXTIOV -AXO ACCIPTAXCX Ot IX rxoTxxzxT or peiscott btxzbc. Notice 1a berehy given "that Wlrflam C. ElUott, City Engineer, haa Died la tb dtflca of tbe anderalgned. notice that Georae Bauer. oontractor for tha - Improve meut . of Braarott atreet, - uridor the provlalona of ordinance No. la.nio. naa cnmpietea aaw arreet, rrotn the ' f I 17.!l I . ! 1 weei una or a.aei lents atreet to tbe line of Eaet EleverTth atreet and froni center Una of Eaat Twelfth atreet to the ceo. tor Una af Eaat Thirteenth atreet. :. Bald acceptance will be rouatdered hr the Executive Board at 4 a'rlock, oa tba 8th day of July. 1U04, and objertlona to the accentaoca ef aald atraet, or any part thereof, may be flled In the office ot tha naderalgned at any time prk thereto. 1MB MUrCTITI BOARD. " By THOS. PEVLlrf. Aodltor of tbe City of Purtlaad. . Portland, Oregon, July 2, 10oA ' COXPLXTIOX AKD -AOCZPTAXCX OF IX- rxovxxxxx . or axxzxt itxxxt. . Notice la berehy glvea that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, haa filed In the offtce of the nnderalgned, notice that Tha Trinidad Aaphalt Paving Company, contract ore to tha Improvement of Ankeny atreet, under the pro vlalona of ordinance No IS, 774, have com pleted aald atreet- 'from tbe weet line of Btitb atreet to the aaat line of Beveath atreet. Bald acceptance will 9. coaaldered by . the Executive Board at 4 o'clock. 00 tba 8th dav of JKJr'v 1 Bft(e. 'i ar-"J3e'avWato"ljV-' wwb4fIt ajfv OTj of aald atreet. or any part thereof, mar he Died In tbe office at Ua underalgned at any Mure in eat ci i ., , . 'XtlJO lAH llIU HlllKn, By THOS. IiEVLIN. Auditor of tha City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, July 2, 1604. 00MPLKTI0V AXO AOCZPTAXCX Or IX- PX0TIXEXT Or XAIT XXXTK ITXXXT. Notlea la hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, baa filed 4n the- nffiea I Baa'ar SSSEJi Wreve"? Bauer, eontractora foa the Improvement of Tlffih,i2.a3.A1'"l ""' w "T Part th-reofT m.F hi aoutb Una of lHvlalon atreet. Bald acceptance will be eonalderftfl" by tbe I Executive Board at 4 o'clock, on tba th dav r July. 1004. aod oblectlona to tha eee.nt.no. .1 a.lA .treat a. ... .k.l UJ 1 n Ah.,- .1, , 1 a . I JSi nrlor therVr .. any Till XXBTTTIVE BOARD. '.' .By THOS. IIEVLIN. ' AndthDr of the city of Portland, Portland, Oregon, July 2, lout. 0OXPLETI0X AXO ACCXPTAMCX OF IX- rXOTXXXXT Or XAIT XXXTK ITXXXT. wtia. ia tK. ... . I Notlea la bereby, given that William C. rillolt. f'ltr r-nir1n,er haa filaA ta . T.e.2. I twfaVAhtTB Anntranti.M trB k. "1 m I kilt Tfetith rrr-mL antiM th nrvt lalnnm .eHi . I frJiirilneTf 5-12? Ue center line of Sherman atreet. I i Andltoe of the cit.'nV ien.ia Bald acceptance will be coialdered by the Portland. 6loo Julr 2! 1904. M" Exeratlve Board at 4 o'eleck, oa the htb day ot I ""'"" reoa. July 2. 1904. - J?'i.iJi AiiL.""'''''? filed In the office of tba anderalgned at any nvttar latrriii. . I THX XXErtmtK BrtARD. f By THOS. DEVLIN. Auditor Of the Cltv ot PortlaaA. Portland, Oregon. July 2, uo4. PX0P0IALI rOX IIWIX WORK. auatwi nmia .111 h. i. at, I fJ of the' Auditor 'r .hi ci't."a."J. .treat from Tft teet weet of tit. vul i H Tenth atreet to tha aewer In Ninth .t., i. I ine maaeer ,pv."m wy eroinaaoa no.,14,04, r. - . . . . .... - i eatimate ox ine- my r.ngineer. oa me. Blda muat ba atrlctly la' accordance' arltb 1 printed blajika which will be furnlahed oa applicatloo,. at the office of the Aodltor af the City of Portland. Arid -eald aevrer muat be completed oa or before to daya from Ue date of the etgnlni of tba contract by tha partlea thereto. . No propoaala or blda will be roneiderel ne- leaa accompanied Jiy a certified -ebeck pay- able to the order, of tha Mayor of tha City of Portland, certified by a reaponalhla bank for an a mount equal to 10 per rent ot Ua aggregate-pmpoaal. . Ibe rlxht to reject any gad all blda la hereby reeerved. My order of tba Executive Board. ' ' THOS. J. iEVI.l. A editor of the City ot l'ertlaad. Portland, Oragoa, July X 1904. tfnS -oi,h;rid.vd'tj:ivo saht01. .uo.irWd j-ction.' land, antll krldav. July I, I904i at I e clock of eald eewar ne anr nart " the cm-tr-llo. of a wer In Hoyt filed In tnTofflcI .1 ;'tbT urn THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY . 6. " rXOPOBEO ASBEBBXEXT TOX IXPX0TX. XEKT OX BEVEMTEEKTH ITXEXT. Notice la hereby flvea that tba Council of the City Portland propoaea to lnn.i Uia tollowlna deecrlbad prierty and owner or owucra aa liaiuy aperlaliy aud pruUIUrly brucnled U tha aaiouute eat oppuaite the uauMe aud dnacrlptloue vwi nv toe luiproveuiaut 01 Bvvautaeiulb atreet frOtn ftftl4 te-t unrlh of l-he n..rtli U.. Af V.uictin atreet to the eouth Una of . MurabaU ""I, aa proviuaa D ordluauev ho. ra,ttlu. Any eblecilona to rtte .i.mi.n.u.m.i, Ar ""Id luiprvvement uiuat be made la wrliluf . vvuui-i, anu iiieu witn inr Auuitor witntu IS daya from tux date uf tbe Brat publication of thia notice, aud aald objectloiai wlU be beard on ueMruuuea by the Council tie (ore the paee a(a uf the ortUnauaa aaaeeeliui the aoat of aald lumrovenient. COUCH a ADDITION to tha City of PortUnd Jo. hit B, Irualaea of Maraball Street Preebytcrlait . Church. 12.(1: lot H ft. John PreaUytertaa Church, (2.BN. . BLOCK 101 1, joou r. tuiea, (it.bt; tut 4. Jhn pj Bbea, (70.72; kit ,' Tbomaa Mann, (20a.SS lot h, Tbomaa Mann. (271.au. BLOCK 21U. kit 1, Clewtntina If. Lewie, (241.86; lot 4, mouipuiii a. lewia, fe04.4V; lot o, ciautii. . tlua C, Lewia, (utio.OS: lot , cietuluUua T. Leala, (2H7.KS. BLOCK Sua. lot 1, 1. B, , Bieevea, (611U 1; lot 4. Anna M. Era kola. aea.72; aoutb U ef lot 6, Joba Neuer, oa-u.iu Durtb H lot B, Joaapb B.lff. (221. 4H -oaat vk' of lot h, 01a Matthleeaa. (Iltwdli Weel J, of kit d, l. B.: Bteevea,. (U.a2, BLOCK- K16, kit 1. Ueorae Da VoL 4ol 7u: kit 4. eeurye le VoL (-jl4.0il! kit . OJIver ... iiT' ,.T A " a, uiiver d. uroeo. 1 00, oiuta xoi, tui 1, uuver J. uroce, 4143 62; lot 4. Oliver J. Uroce, (u7.4dj kit ft, 4,oree IT run... .1 e.w. o. . kit . William Muufar Eatata. bolre ot, (30.00J BLOCK 2b4r lot.l. Multuuiumh Uiietoa Coin. patiy' Baiwrolent Aaauclutloo, (30. wl; lot 4. ,I''L- Hy Itatate. halra ot, f 11.(6. W ATSON H ALUITION to ui City of Port land BLOCK I, lot 4. Thomaa L. ' May E.iate, belre -of, (47.88: Jot Klcbard tteruea aetata, Bain or. 71.(; lot B. uicb ard Uerdaa Katate. halra of, (71. UK. BLOCK iY" 'wataon a uia a, (io.tb; lot 4, H. I'atareon. (18.10; lot B. Jobn Clark. BT8.S4: kit N J,4,a r'lnrk B7H Oil . tll ui . lot 1, Charlea Klou!lek--Sf2.l; bit 4. BrlUga Beech MaaufacturlUg Company and Crib . tea k Mextoa tJonipany. (2V.01; kit S, Bridge Beach Manufaoturlnf Comnany and Crib- " w, avium company, a-vu.ia; lot a, Crib boa A Bextoa Company, (32.06. BLOCK 2H. Up Ooldamlth, (144.46; kit ft, PbllUp Gold- eioe.avi an or tot a except tiie north era Pacloo Terminal 43omuanv'a rleht way, PbllUp Ooldamlth, (38.2a; .a trUnjrular tract of land Lylnf between tbe aoutb Una at - tauirha atreet aud the waat Una r u.. teeuth atreet and the era trie-eat era booudary, line of the Northaen PaelMe -Twnln.l .v..? pany'a riflit of way. Northern Pacific lanulual ' Oiupany, (17.04; a tract of land lying ba- iui worur nne ox t auynn atreet and a Una 6m teat north .thereof and paraUel thajewlth awH htwuK u . f . . , ' Bvvxuteenth atreet and tbe northeaatarly bound- mi j uuf or me nortpero rarinc Terminal Com- Kny'a right of way, and between a Una loo it weat of and parallel with the weat Una ui Brveniaeuta atraet, fi or Ui era Paslfie Termi nal Company, (1.8; a triangular tract of anu tying oetwecn too weat line of seven- ircuui atraex ana tne. nortuwealwn bouadary m u Butuaa raciac larminal Com - party a tight ot way-aad a Hne 604 feet north of and parallel with the north Una of Vaughn atreet, Oregon Hallway kfrt - ration tompany. 12.47. , V CtM-CH " ADOlTION ta tha City ef Portland BLOCK 181, went of lot 6, Martha U Coo. -war. l.l.i; wm or lot 7. Martha I. Con. Mr, (1.44 aaat u of eaat H of lot , Mla a. jiiaaaav, eo.ei; nit or eaat T, Mia J. Alaaaor. (O.0T1 waat il H of lot of lot 6, Oundcr Uuudereon. (U.S7: weat ta of eaat aw eaat H of lot T. ttunder Oundereon, (0.87. BLOCK 2ld. lot 1. N and ( Jad 4 a Pochlo, (lta.!lt lot Ac Prank ad I - iiHimeie. eioi.at: ra a M. C. l-'errara (2111.46: lot T. R. C. Terra ra, (162.(A.- B1XM K fill, waat all -1-1 V fa., A or mt 2, Henry VY Corbett Eatata. balre of. (XO8.07; eaat 60 11-12 feet of lot 2, IVnnia Barrett, (rt2 B4; kit r Mary Jacohioa, (344.IM: bit 6, William aciioaon, laio.w; tot i, wilUata Jaoobaoa, f3"! ?2- 231. lot T. J. Uoara. 19 ftS; fcfr . I. J.. Hoere, $117. to; eaat JO feat of lot t, JohoJ H. Vogt, (lS.ftf omI RO feet of lot T, Joli H. Vogt. (17.B2, weat 00 feet of kt a, Julia Hoare. llJ)o.l: weat ISO feet of lot T. Julia Hnara, (W 7s. BLOCK 2.16.. lot 2. Oeoree A trial ee Eatata halra af (181.47: kt A Ooorgo Alnaleo Eatata, helra .f -- aiAl oa. a . L. . -. v, uiwii Aioaiee- fueiaia. belra of, (404.30; lot 7. ' O-orea ' Alualve Eatata, belra of, -4a.lW. Bl-Ot K Jbu, let . Hartman Btcin. (122.78; lot B. Bariman Bteln, (a5.82; lot , Bona t. Moadg. (26.84; Jot T, Jacob Bunch, (28. 7. BUM K 26A. lot 2. WUUam M. Mart a. 11. 20.7; ot (. WUl- I I.n k- it in a ri-. n.--'l triti' a.'aa a. a. n. r-ciereiia. an -Be; aoutb 40 fret of lot 6, J. H. -Peterann (21,42; north 16 . feet ef lot d. One HuU Peteraon, (5 2!1; lot una rtnin reterenn, aiv.m. KII K IV, lot 2. Willamette Bteam MlDg Lumber A Manufacturing Company. (88 Jm; lot 8, Will amette Bteam II Ilia Lumber A Mennfactnrlng Company, (06.28; lot 6. Willi matte Hteem nine lAimoer at Mannractnnng . Company, 117.24; lot 7, Willamette Bteam Mllla. A Lumber Menufactnrlna Comnanr; (Tin no- a tract of land lying between the oaat line of Seventeenth atreet and a line 100 feet eaet nereoi ana parallel taerewitn and between - the -north Une of Vtngha atreet and a Una 60 feet In rectana-ular meaauremant amth'.,) . from and parallel wltrf the aoutborly line of Terminal atreet, Everding A Parreli, (214.84; tr"rt " lTln hetween tba eaat Hue oi Brventeentn ntreec and a line 100 . feet eaat thereut and parallel therewith and be tween tha aoutb Una ot Terminal atreet and a line ou. reei in .rectanguier meaenrethent aoatneriy tnerrrrom and parallel therewith, Northera Pacific Terminal Oomnenr. till HN. t a tract of land . lvlna hetween tha aaat line j. of Seventeen tb atreet and a Une )o0 feet vavi uiereoi ana parallel Tnerewnn and be ta ren a lino b8 ( feet north of and parallel vim me iwrtB une ot v augnn atreet it ex tended eaeterly la Ira nreaent eonraa and ttie northerly Una of Terminal atreet and tha norm wearer ir une or Hit ai, lerminti bkn-k, Boya' and GlrkV Aid Bociety,. (20.20; a tract of laad lying between a Una lot) feet eaat oi and parallel with the oaat Une of fteventeeuth atraet - and the northeaaterlv Una of Terminal atreet and between the northwesterly line of lot 1 Terminal block, and tbe enuUieeaterly Une of lot 22, Terminal block. Margaret Maraball Eatata, halra of, (10.00; right ef way, Northera Pacific Termi nal Company, $lft.S7. Total, (1 0.753 12. TMOB. t;. 11KVLJN- ,Aj -Aadltoe of tha Oty .ot Portland 1 Port Una. Oregoa. July 4, 1004. . I ooxrLrnox" akd aoceptaxox or tx- P&0VEMEBT Or . IKTLWw ITXEXT. Notlca la hereby given that William 0. Elliott, City Engineer, haa flled fn 4 he offtea of tbe anderalgned. notice that J. W. 8weeiey, contractor for tba improvement of Irving etiert, under tbe provlalona ot ordinance No, I8.606. haa comolated aald atreet. from tha eaat Une of Beventeeath atreet to tba center JT" '."S a-Tj ""'V.' .V 1 ,ja ;reet. Ktlve Board at 4 a'-loTk. tSWin tu1- 1901. .na h1actlona to the aec.nt.ne. nil bo conaldered hy the Till wnrnrnrrraj nnun n. THni firri ia " r .BlJi!..- V!?.! "i" l"Z "" ' " a-"- .oir M, I-W, OOXTIXTIOX AXO ACCEPTANCE OX XXWIX IX XXXXT ITXEET. . Notice ra hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, baa filed la the offleo of the anderalgned, notice that 8, P. White. eratractra? for the eonatenettne af e .ai.i la Kerhy atraet, nnder the provlalona of ordl- BO- " "wl- aae complete eelfl aewer. Held acceptance will be conaldered by the Execntlve Boatd at 4 o'clock a. the nth rf.v of f V " Clora, en ine oin oar OI I Vl -Aiajl ,bw-ww, W MUf yWkT -UirrtFUI. IM BS : i, ... w ' THB KXPtmT- B0ARI. , C0Un AXO AOCXPTAXCX Or IEWIX '' tAn I0X ITXXXT. rtniice ra nereny glvea, tnat .WllIlBal t Elliott. vClty Engineer, haa flled la Ue offleo of the underatgned, notice that O. A. Ander eon, contractor for the ennatrajctlea of a aewer la Kaat MadleoB atreet. ander the provlalona ot ordinance . No, l(.9ft(, haa completed aald "". acceptanca win pa otmidared. br ,tba " ; the Btk day af to the acceptance : thereof, mar ba um irtor UerV ;g- r un P"" la..Z . inn a a r,' , tn ittianii. Bv THOS. DEVLIN. Portland. Oregon. July 2, 1904. Cflhret tnna nn inrnriant irwve rwV-T mm - " .ELf0NT ITXXXT. - Not loo la hereby -glvea that WTIllaol O. Elliott. City Knglneer. haa Bled la the office of the anderalgned. notice that F. A. Wllllama, contractor for 'the cone tract too of a aewer la Belmont -"treat, ander Ibe prn-rlekine t ardf Banco No. Ill 962, bea completed aald aewer. Said acceptance will be conaldered by tha Exeratlve Board at 4 o'clock, oa tba Sth day of Inly. 1904. and objectlona to the accept, oca of eald; aewer, or any part thereof, may be filed la, tbe office of the anderalgned at a'ay time Brtor Uerrto. - TUB EXjTCfTIVR BOARD) ' Tdy TH', HfcrM. V - Auditor ot the Cltv at Portland. roriiana, vrvgaa, joiy g, lev. COMPLXnOX AND , ACCrjJTAXCX OF IX- rxoTxxxxT , or aitkhx ITXEXT, Notice la hereby given that WUUam C. Ellkitt, Cltv KuglneeiV baa filed In the office ' me anneraiguea. notice tnat William K. Cole. .aMutr.cf.ie ir.a- the ' tmiih,..,,,.,,, af Arthur atreet. under the umviakiua of ordl-1 llumlltoa avenue, nnder tbe provlalona 'of oroi-aam-e No. 13 813. baa. coinulated aald atreet, I nance No. la.iifMi. bare couiuleted aald aewer. from tbe weet Una ot Hood alreet to tha au- tar Hue of Water atreet. ' ' Bald acceptance will be cnnaldrrett fTy the Riecutlve Board at 4 o'clock, ou tha hth day ot uu. iaa,- ana oojectloue te the acceptance eain a t reel, or anL part tnereor, may. oe filed In Ik. .. . A .. . . I I , A time urlor thereto. - ' -J v MV niawiwBie. a . u 1UI KX BCUT1TB BOARD, Br THOB. HEVLIN . Auditor of ibe City of Portland. a-onianq, weguo, alUly a, OOXPLXTIOX AXO ACCIPTAXCI OF IX- rxoTKxzxT or bawtxoxmx ayxvtjx. Notice m heeeh ' eiveh that Willi. m C! Elliott, City Engineer, haa flled In the office oi ine underelgned, notice that Bechlll Br... rontractora for the Improvement "of Hawthorne avenue, under the provlalona of ordinance No. 18.601, bava aompleted aald atreet. from the peat line of. Eaat Eleventh atreet to tha aaat line of Biephene I). L. C 4. , Bald acceptance wilt "ba conaldered 'by Executive Board at 4 o'clock, 00 tht hth day euir. Itftie. ana eniacflona tn tha aecantalida or aald atreet. or any part thereof, may be I ti 1 office of tba uaderalgued . at gay - TUB XXBCCTIVB BOARD." Hr TUriH IlKVl.Tlff " Auditor of the city ot Portland. rwtiiM, urngoa, July , 11104. OOXPLXTIOX AXO AOCXPTAXOX OF XX- PBOTXXZXT Or XAIT THIRD ITXXXT. Notlea. la berehy given that Willi. a, n Elliott., rit 1 a,... . of the anderalgned. notice that Oeorae Bauer. contractor for the Improvemeut of Kaat l"hlrdH""L ,T ' L... V . atreet. under the pr.iVl.lone of ordinance No. 1 -."Ld.. c?Ulo. 7"! OB1.r?,. b7 ttt lo.wia, baa completed aald atreet, from tba naieta It.. t . t , . 1 . . , north of the Bono line ot Kaat Davla atreet. v. a,aa. utTa . aireei tv itaj itn naia acreptanoe will be- eoualdered by the inntin) noara ex e o einea nn the am aaw at uiy, ivva, ana oojoctiona . to too aoceptaace o aam etreei. or any part tnereor, aiay Be Bled In the office ef the nderetgned at any wav tfraar uerero, r ; THX XXECTJTTTX BOARD, -c- . ... " By THOS. DEVLIN, : Auditor of. the t:ity ef Portland. rortiinn, uregos. juiy a, iu4. OOXPLXTIOX AXO A0CXPTAXCX OF TX- noTinvr no aia-anairi . www. rXOTXXXXT . Mn.Mwwa, m - XACX. Notloe la bereby given that William a EUUltt. Cltr Elirlnaer. haa lad In tha aCnee vi ine wnaera itiM. nnrtca tti.r th. p..ifl. Ooaet Conatmetlon Comnaav. annteactjkea 4ne Vhal dmprovemoBt ef Hawthorne -Terrace, ander the proration, oi oruiiiance no. i.i.ftHa, Bave com - teenih atreet to the eaeterly Una ot Terrace Drive. - . pa-wii vom .treat, tram tne want una or hik. Bald eeeentnnee vHll ha. annaldaead hv th. Executive Board at 4 o'clock nn tha K Amw af July, 1804, and objestlona to the acceptance of aaldetreat, or any pert thereof, may he filed tn the office ef tha anderalgned at any "me prior thereto, " ' " " " I iati im niii BtiAitu, nv xiinB. ukius, eanitor or toe t:ity or rortiana. , Portland. Oregon, July X, 1904. OOXPLITtO AXO A0CXPTAKCX OF IX- - raoTxxixT or xait oath itxxxt, Notlca ta herehv el van that Willi. ra O ElUott, Cltr Kiielneer. haa flled tn tha nfflea or tne unnereignea, Botlce thet Broafca A Blglla. .ntrt"r. for tha ImprovVment of Eaat llavla arev.--.ander the or.vt.lone at ordinance No. U.mZ. have rnmplrted aald atreet, rrom tne ceutet Iln of Eaat Second atreet to the renter Una ot Beat Third atreet. nera acceptance will be conaldered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock. acTthe Tl th rf.y of July. 1804.-ewd ohtectloe. ta th. aeeantia ibJertloB - . eraeat. or f any pert thereof, may h ian Bled la the otHca Una Br lor thereto. af tba .ad-ralgned at Bay IHI KXECrnVrl BOARD. - '1 Bv T1K1H nrVI It Aadltnr of the City of Portland. nvtava, urwnw, amy a, awue. rw-ierwr eeevAte- ive une ,, ... , OOXPLXTIOX AXO AOCXPTAXCX OF IX - rauttaaai ua xair xiavia iiuit, Wnviee ia hh. .... -mill, n XlMott. Ctte Enalneerr hea flled In the office of the nadeeelenad nntlea that lhachlll eontractora for tbe tmnmvement of Eaat Davie atreet. ander the provlalona of ordinance No. ia a-m, nave completed eaig atreet. from the center Une ad Kaet Beooad B treat to tha Weet line ox t moa aveaae. a i Bald accept ace will be eonalderedi bv 'tba I Executive Boerd at 4 n' clock ta the nth dav af I anir, ivua. ana oojeexiaaa to tna acceptance I "I4 " .nr,I"rt' Jt"r,", m,r br Sealed1 propoaala wtU be received at tha ?, the anderalgned at any I office of the Aodltor, of the city of Port- time nrlor thereAa. i . xum rxKrvnYn board. . 1 "-.'ja By THOS. HKVLT, - ' Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, July 1, 19(14. OOXPLXTIOX AXO AOCXPTAXCX Or IX- xxotzxxxt or texts itxxxt. tr'-onv-n rnax wimam o. if the ondviland Jrie.01 rh.T atne?-! Howled I?. .iLJaV1 TeTth .VretClth. I'nt the pmvUlona of ordinance ro ln.Kio. nave -ootnpinea aald atreet, from LTt'L "Si ryx " "ft" "Bald T ;cceotc.r1U.b; coroddered by ra. firto4.ud,obiec;:hV July. ivti4. and objertlona to the acceptance . - . , . ' . . a,..."" rT".lla" oieo m m- o.oc, we emuereignea at any time mior thereto. log BABCTUTITB BOA RP, - .By THOS, DEVLIN. Aodltor of the Cltr of Portland. Portland. Oregon, July 2. 1904. OOXPLXTIOX AXO AOCXPTAXCX OF IX- PX0TEXXXT OF PIXX ITXEIT.. Notlca la hereby given that William C. o!:lea..ld .7rmN?h.,weVt5ll.Tf S atreet to the- eaat line. of Seeenth atreet, l?TJ.,l?.?iJ!'hVC!r.?Sr'vta?. yitil t4h'Vnli1D N.! time prior tbeii'to, - k . By THOS. DEVLIN,' Aadltnr of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, July 2, )904. n r. u . p.,.. . trv. . ejjw nma, aa, ... I wairuxivm -" evi,ii.im ua ux i PKOVXXIXT OIVCXXVEXAXO ATIXTTX. Notice ta berehy ' glvea that William . r. Elliott, City Engineer, baa flled In the office of tbe anderalgned. notice that X. J. Dehnhr I contractor ror, tae improvement or Cleveland avenue, uaoar tne provieiona or ordinance No. 18.980. haa comolated aald atreet from tha north Una of Preaoott atreet to tbe center Una '".ecVplInc, will be aoneldered bv tha ! Executive Board at 4 o'clock, oa the 8th day of Julr. 1904. and oblectlona to the accentanen ot aald atreet. or any part thereof, may be I filed In Ue office ef the anderalgned at any J lima prior thereto. I liiai niM i iivjc board. I rj afii'o, 1'LTi.in, i Attditor or tne city of Cortland. Portland. Oregoa, July 2, 1904. OOXPLXTIOX AXO AOCXPTAXCX OF IX-1 rxoTExxxT. or oolmmith btxixt. I Notlca ra hereby glvea . that William - r I Elliott. CltT KnglBeer. bea filed la the office of the anderalgned, notice that J. B. O'Nell. OI me unoeraignro, mnice mat a. ft. w nrll, I Pirrf., aiHItTr UT pt" - Ileum UI OrtUOinCf HO. 1 It. 721, haa completed aald atraet, , fmm the center line of lielay atreet to tbe aouth Una ot Kueaell atreet. . Said aoceiitance will be eonetdered Ar tha i.fMoTi-Anh1aeiiin?',ti!? ' I July, IMOt. and objectlona to the acceptance o' aald atreet. nr any part thereof, may be Bled in tne oince oi ue eauervbgoea at Bay time prior wtmn. - THB XXEcrnva; BOARD. . . ' By THos.riEvi.ij,' 7- ' A editor ot the city ot Purtlaad. Portland. Oregon, July 2, 1904. , pxopoiali rox IXWXX WORX, Sealed propoaala .will ba received at the ornca or tne- Auaunr or tne city or Port. .A natll rrld.v Jnlv A IUJ a, i .. j . Und. antll Friday. "JF j" l7tr fourth Bt fron? kV, ,!lr ' ,h J-hlrtyfourth ft- ,r w-r lu E..t.Tblrty.fourth atr-at fto Veet I rrr! v. 5 J;. A., ...Jr."."" vlded by ordinance No. 14.042, euhject tn th. 1 provlalona or ua enarter and orainancoa of tha I city or rortiana ana tne jt.tim.ta et tba Cltv rEnglneer, oa He. - Blda annat Be errietiy ra accord, nee with prlntad bbinka which will be furnlahed en application at the offie. mt tha Aodltor of the CUy "of Portland. And aald aewer mnat be Completed on or before 45 daya from tba date af tbe algnlng o tba ooetract by the partlee thereto. I Ne nroooeala or Mda eIIT ba eooaldeeed m. I rTflntt fHtm r..lMai haa . I 1 M .... ... I of the anderalgned. notice that The Trinidad .."?,. the ..,..,, , weu-.rtora jor tne I It.w avevne fro improvement oi nne ttrnt. nnoer xne two. i leaa aeoompynted by a certified check . per.. Council of. aald City of Portland, at a regular able to tbe order of tha Mayer of tba City 1 meeting or aald Couacll. to be held on Wednee of PortUnd. certified hy n reepoealfilo bank I day. the Bd dey of Angnat. 1904. at 2 o'clock tat aa amount equal to 10 ft wot et tha the right to reject any thd aU blda la hereby By order 01 lb. cxecotiv. noara. ., , . THUS. C. DEVLIN, i" AaiMtor-ot tire City at Portland. Portland. Oregon, July t 104., .. OOKPLtTIOX AWS ACCXPTAVCX OF IEWIX IX M AXIL TOM ATEVVX Notice ta bVrehy given ' that William C, Ellhiit, City Ki.1neer. haa filed In Uia offl.-a oi tne uuiieraigned, reitlca that Bluer A Bluer, I eontreeti.ee .u Ik. e,.n. m,..,l..a ... a uaa I. Held acceptance will be eoualilered by tba Eiacutlve Board at 4 o'clock, en the hth day of July, IB04. aad. ohjectloiia to the aenptance of aald aewer. or any part thereof, may he 1 men in ne orneo 01 the uodereigned at any ume prior memo. I T IJ L- THE, IXECCTIVB BOARD. Br THUS. IiKVUN. Auditor ot the City oi Portland. Portland. Oregon. July I. 1IKH. OOXPLXTIOX 4X0 ACCEPTANCE OF IIWTX XX ., . iABT TWIXTY BLXTK ITXIET. -Notice ' la herehv riven that la'llll.fn EIHntt. Oily Bnalneer. haa Iliad In. tha office 1 or tne auurrelgiird, notice tbet U. A. Ander f00' rullU".''t"r . ,h" CHtatructlna ot a aewer , ,"'niit eireei. nuuer me pro- TUIpne of ordluauoa No, U.lKSft, baa eooiplated " 12. .W' , , , . . ' ... nld acceptance will he conaldered try the P,vutl" Bo"r o'clock, oa the 8th day of J"'y. 1904, .and oojectloue to- tbe acceptance the )" frw'r' j' mereor. may he ofla.M ln. offlf..' ..tn ...dr,..n", '.. u I . rruui vvatr-tTecf tra, nni n By THOS. DeVlM. Auditor of the City ot Portland.. Portland. Oregon. July 2, 1004. C0XPLITI0H AXO A0CZFTAX0I OF IEWIX IX XAIT TWZHTT-BXTXXTK ITXEXT, , ' Notloe ta ' herehv elven that William ft Elliott. City Engineer, haa Bled ln tba offtce ei-iue ontivraigiieQ, notice mat u, -av Andcr io, contractor tor the conatructloo of a aewer Iln Eaat Iwenty-eecond arreet. under the oro- "- " ordiuauco, he, K.vSS, haa eouiueted 17. ' . IJult. 1004. and ohlejtlona to the aoceotance ...a . 7 .'.. "J'P" thereof, may he i , - - .. - . ... I ".'" Tk "'""' " """ e. i r TUS XXECT'TltE BOARD. ' ' .,. By TftOB. IlEVLI-,, Afidltor nf the City ot Portland. Portland, Oregoa. July 2. 1U04. . - pxopobaxi rox ITXXXT W0 XX. Sealed Broooaala trill he received at tha ornca or the Auditor of . the City of Port land, until Prlday. July I. 1004. at B o'clock ,ur improvement of Ravler atreet fT00 tn w 1 Twenty-eighth atreet to im ill! IHie nr Teranteilntrt ateaet tn tha manner' provided by ordinance No.. 14,038, aub- jeci ui ine provlalona or tne charter and ordl I naneaa- rtf th. Cltv n. OWtl.an an Ik. aatt- ran nr tha in. Kn.in. - ai. Blda Winat ha ateietlv la aeenenanna with I printed blanka, wblch will be furnlahed oa 1 application at the ornca or the auditor of I ine i n or Fu-twiui anti vim -nmnnita I nient muat be completed on or before 60 daya I from the date of the. alanine of , the eon tract hf th nartla. thaeeta I Vn nennoaal. ne hlrf. erfrl 1. annatdaead en. leaa accompanied by a' certified check pay. able to the order of tha Mayor of tha City of Portland, certified by a reaponatlila bank for an amount equal to 10; per ccht "of tbe .lagrregaTe propoaai. ' . i I ine rignt to re j eat any ana ail bias ta aareoy I reaerven. Bt order or tna nxecntlra Board THOK. C. DEVT.m. Aadltnr of tbe City ot Portland. rortiana, Oregon. July 2, 1B04. ' PX0P0BALI rOX 1.TXXZT W0XX, Bealed propoaala will ba received at the find antll Wdar- jUle lim "It iZLX 1 ?7 antll Friday, July 8, 1904, at I a ckick Lm for the Improvement of Eaat Davla atreet m the eaat line of Eaat Twenty -eecond atreet to tna weet una or Eart -rwenty-rouru atreet It tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 14. ' " 1 H.PclJi Tpi.S ."Vhl f Mn?. ordlnaneee of the Oty of Port land and tha t aarim.r. nr tna Ttrv Kn.tnaav nn nia irj. .1. i, X 7. ' pr,lt Ici, 'will bined in application at the office of the' Auditor of the CKy ot Portland. . And aald Improve ment mnat bo completed on or before 10 daya from the data of the algolng af tha euotract by the partlea thereto. - I rio prnnimaiB tr oiua vih n euoBiunrco iv 1 lea. accompanied by a certified check pay. I auie ro tna orner ot tne Mayor ot tne city I of Portland, certified hy a reaponalhla bank tar amount e,,aal to 10 per. oaat of tba I aggregate propoaai. Th right to reject any and aU blda ta hereby .a tv. five Board. I - ' THOS. C. DEVT,t"l. Auditor7 of the City ot -Portland Portland, Oregon.' July X. 1904. rXbroiAxi rox itxxxt wqxx.' Mad. antll Friday. July I. 1904. ttj e'rkick p. m., for tba Improvement of J oh neon atreet from the weat line of Twenty-fourth atreet to tbe eaat line of Twenty-fifth atreet, la the manger provided riy ordinance rto. 14.U4U. aun, ject to tne proviainoa or tne enarter ana oral- nincee or tn city or rortiana ana ua aau mate of the City Engineer, oa file. ' Blda mnat Da etrirtiy in accordance witn . . blanka which will be furnlahed oa .PpUraMoB at the office of the Auditor ot the City 9? Portland. And aald Improve- tnent muat be completed on or before 80 daya ... , ,i,. alealne af the amtrui I tha n.etiaa th...t. iMSSZ or will be eowloowd .a- H" ."rdlr'of t.Mavor1 F'Ur' P frZztti I f ..i to in nee eent f th. i ror aa emonni e aerrerale nronoaal. I el.ht aev ad ell hide ta harahv reeerved. By order of the Executive. Board. . j nun. i. iib.vi,i.-, AndHor of the Cltv of Portland. Tortland. Oregon, July 2, 1904. rxoroiALi rox ixwix woxx. Sealed nroDoaalx will ba received at the office of the Auditor of tha City ot Port- lay, July -, linn, at g o clock conatmetlon of a aewer la AI- ion feat aoatb of tha eeoth .ta.'CI KZLl feh.inT Vno oVdlMoceTef the Cltv of Portlao! printed blank which will be furnUbed on imiUcal.- at ..i.tbo-ahf4B-al -. thaAiHioy of the ' City Of Portland. And aald aewer mint be completed oa or before 80 daya from the date of the algnlng of tha contract by the partlee thereto. Bo propoaala or nine . win oe ennaioerea na, aa aceomnanled by a cert I fled check flay. KU th. rAm af Vha U.MW nf tha 11 , . - . . . ef Portland, certinea ny a reaponalhla nank for an aaviant canal to . 10 Per cant of Ua aggregate propoaai. ' "rV j na rignt to reject any ana an nitia n nereo Br arder of tha Kternttva Jloard. THOS. -C. DEVLIN. " Aadltnr of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregoa. July 2. 1904. CPMFLETIOX AXD TAlfCX OF IX- rautaaaai vi aiooiooj, . . anava. Notlca la hereby given that William 0. Elliott, City Engineer, baa filed la tha office of thd anderalgned, notice that Miller A Finer, eontractora for tha Improvement of Miaaieairipl avenna, nnaer me praviaione or ordl- nance .-o. lo.niii. new v"t'ietcti eain aireei, from tne center line of Monroe atreet tn tna 1 center line of lievere atreet and from tbe center line of Fremont atreet to the center Une of KUdmore atreet. . r '7.,.. .oV.rT. r!dn7h IT?.,I..' lei. tana and nht.etia,. tn tha .f V.M .ten., ae, .nv tatrt theeanf n... a. flled In tha office of tbe anderalgned at gay filed In tha orni " XH a xr.rmvr. board. BV THOS. DEVMN. ' Audtrnr of tba City at Portland. Portland, Oregon, Jnly A 19t4. - WXTlXflOW .0CErTANCw OF - PR0VXMEXT or TWXKTT-IIKIH ITXEXT. Notice la berehy given that . William ft. El I tot t. City Knglneer. haa filed la the office of Ue anderalgned, antlee that tba Smyth A Howard (Vimpany. eontractora for the Improve ment or TWenty-mttB aireer, nnaer Ue pro vlalona of Ordinance No. 12,70ft, have com pleted ' aald atreet, from the center Une of Vangba etxeet to the norU line .. of . Wllaoa atreet. "aia necapiBtice win e, cornuncreo or tne Ix-cutlve Board at 4 o'clock, ou the 8th day ot J"T' ,Brt' " "'Jectlone to Ue accept., of ..Id atreet. or . pert thereof. may be Said acceptanra win bo conetnered try the Sm. ki there"" -"., a. any TBI XXECtmvx BOARD. By THOS. DEVLIN. Aadltnr ef the City of Portland Portland. Oregon, Jnly B. 1904. VACATION OX ITlIITt Notice la beretry given that a BetltJoa orav. Ing far the vacation ot Ual portion at Roaee. veil atreet In the City of Portland. Or.. which Ilea between the eaat line of Twentieth atreet North and Ua weat Iln. af Sherlock are- nne, at aeadlng and will be Braaented ta the s. m.. la tha council chamber la the Cltr Mall aald city. Kiipn w. rtnyt, umiaa unya rook. Dang M. fVnnaa ' Katate off T. A flavla lit. 1 . aaA Tope a Lead Cornpaay petltloaera. thou, c devi.i-;. Aedrtnv ef the lite ng PnetlenA PartlaAd, tinhuon, Jbjm tt, iau. 1804. ' PROPOSALS rOX ITXEET W0RX. Sealed nroialaaie will be .received at' the of flee of the Auditor of the City ot Portland until lday, July 8, 1114. at H o'clock p. m for the Improvement of f ranklin alreet from the weat line uf Thlrty-eeeoud atreef to the eaat Une of Kugby atreet tn the manner pro vided by erdlnaui-o No. l.'I.UHo, auliject to Ue rmviaioiai oi me charter and uraiuancee or me Itr of Portland, gud,tbe eatimate of U14 City Engineer. Urn file. , , Blda muat he strictly In accordance With primea niaiixa. which will be furLi.nca oa ap. plication at the ofll.-e of the Amino? of tlx City of Portland. And aald Improvement mu.t nv eouiiiiereti on or before mi daya irom ine date of the elguiug of , the- contract by the enive inereie. No tirolloaala nv hide a.111 ha ennaidered Un leeattacronipanled by a ear 1 1 fir d Chech payable to the order ef the Mayoatif the City of Port land, certified by a roanonalble bauk t' aa amouilt equal to 10. pet cent et the aggregate w,'iwiaai. The right to reject any and all blda la hereby reaerveu. By order Af Aba Ixecn tlva Board. THOS, C. DEVLIN, Audltte- bf tbe City af Portlaud. Portland. Oregon. July 2. 1004, COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM. rXOVEKEXT Or XAIT MARKET STREET Notion ia hereby, give that -William -0. Elliott. City Kngtneer. baa filed la the office or the unilvralgfiad, antlee that the' Smyth A Howard Company, eontractora. -fur ' tha Im provement ef Kaat Market atreet, andar the proviauiua ot ordinance ro. 13 003, Have rnut pleted eald atreet. from the weat Une of Eaat Ihlrd atreef to the center Hue. of In loo eve. aue and from the center 'Une of Eaat Sixth atreet to the veil tor Una of Kaat SevnntH atreet, . ' ..., Kaid acceptitnct wilt be eonatdnred bv tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock, oa the 8th day of July, 1904, and objectlona to tha aocejitance of eald atreet. or any part thereof, may lie nieu to- me. 01 nee 01 tna unoeraignea at any wute.nriur Hereto. . , TUB XXECCTIVX BOARD. , - t V By TH08. DEVLIN, . ' Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 2. ,1904. , PROPOSED ASSE88XENT FOX - IEWEX IX XAMILTOH ATEVrnc. . Xotlcg la bereby g two that tba Council of ine i ity or rortiena propiana to aaaeaa the following deacrlbed Dronartv and owner or evnera aa being apeclairy and peculiarly bene Oi. a -I. ( V. , . n...... .. . . . . . - . auwuiiu art viipuaite me namea and deecrlptlona thereof by the conetruetlon of a newer In Hamilton avenue, rrom 26 feet Weat of the weat line of Illluoie atreet to a con nection with the newer la Hamilton avenue at 966 ' r tret .treat, na nroviaea nv eroinann. 11 Any objectlona to tba apportionment of coat for eald aewer muat be made In writing to Ue Onuacll and flled with the Auditor within if! daya from the. date of Ue Bret publication 01 tnia notice, and eald objectlona will na beard and determined by the Council before the peaaaga of the- erdlaauce aeeeeelng Ue ct ior aaia aewer. PORTLAND HOME8TEAD BLOCK IT, anhdl viaion A, or kit 2. laabella B. Lewie. gl3.4A anlHllvbuon B of lot A. laabella B. Lewla. (0.90; umllrlded H of aiihdltl.lon 0 of lot a. 11. Jacooa. xi.ao- andinded M, of ruhdl vision 0 of kit 2. Mary O. Blnia karate, helra of, (J.60V IIWKIK 14, aoutb KM feet of -let o. wennia rortrr, gi 0.711; amita igo feet of loi 2. Alonao W. Wltherrll, (76 70. BLOCK If, eoutn jiio rert or amu n weat 14 of lot Jioeph M. Ntrknm. CtH M: aouth loo feet of aoutheaat M of. lot 8. Simon Sterner. t:W.Sf, eouth 11K1 feet ot lot 2, Joaeph Strowbrldge r.atate, seira or, 7 70. BLOCK 16, north 100 feat of tha eaat Ml feet of lot 1. Felix Plodley, (W.Sft. - Ill.Of'K ifi. weat 42Vi feet of eaat Sft feet of north 100 feet of Vit 4, Ora Elite Sanford, (H0.4A; aaat 42'' f-.t of north 1O0 feet of hit 4, otla E. Sanford Eatato, helra of. S.10.4S; Weat 42 feet ot north 100 feet of lot 4,- Sven Orcen, (30. 4S: eaet 42Va feet of weet 8ft leet ot north Jo0 reet or lot a. jennia 11. Mckum. (.10.4A north 100 feet of lot 1. V,omBa Hcknainer (121.90. ..BLOCK 10. weat 42 feet of norfb 100 feet ef lot 4, Arnold Ku.terhola. -H0.n; eeat 42(4 feet of weat 8ft teet of north lort reet 01 lot 4, H. tnidebrand. (30.411: eaat 8ft feet of north 100 feet of lot 4, Wllllara A. Lewie, (6fioo: norU 1o0 feet of lot 1, Oregon A California Ballroad , Company, 01.4. eu. loiai. eMoji.nit. . " TIIOS. a DEVLIN. ' Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. Portland, Oregon, July 4. 1804. PX0P0SED ASSEB8XXNT FOR IXPXOVX. XEXT OF XAIT OATII ITXEXT. Notice la herehv aHven that the tlnnnell of the City of Portland nronoaee tn ...eaa' lit. fn). lowing deacrlbed property and owner or ownera a. being apeclally and peculiarly benefited in Ue aroounta net oppoatte tiie namea and de, acrlntlnna thereof f,a- tha Ininanvnmenr nf tC.I Levte atreet, from the center Una ef Kaat Bectmd atreet to tna weat Una ot rnlon , aveuuo, aa provided by ordinance Nn. 111.803. . . . "Any objectlona to the apportionment of coat tor aald Improvement mnat be made In writing' to me uooncii ana niea witn tne Auditor within Jft daya from tbe date of Ue Bret publication f thla notice, aod aald objectlona will be beard and determined -by tbe Council before tne paaaage ot tne ordinance aeaeealng ua aoat af -aald Improvement, , EAST P0HTLAND BLOCK 69, lot 4. Oregon a 1 aiiiornia uaiiroaa tvimpany, giicua; lot a. Oregon A California Railroad Company, 118.88. BLOCK T4, lot 4, Loulaa H. Moore Eetate. belra of, IBS 94; lot H, Loulaa H. Moore Eatata, belra of, (il S3; kit I, Loulaa H. Moore Eatata. helra of. (4.06; kit ft. lAatlaa H. - Moora Eatata, - belra or, (31.87. BLOCK 68. tot ., Caroline, Abb and Marietta Meuaednrffer. (.11.98: M a. Carolina, Ann and marietta Meuaadorrrer, (4.97: kit T. Carolina. Ana and Marietta Meaeedortfrr, (7.80; lot S, CeroUne. Ana and .Marietta Mrnaedorffer, (RS.OII. BIXM'K . Tft, lot 1. Michael A. Minn, 114.18; lot 2. Michael A. Fllnn, (A 97; lot 7. Robert H. and Prank LoUer and Mary I. Pratt, (4. 28; lot S, Robert ri. ana rang ixiuer . ana Alary 1'ratt, av.oo. .out, f.nw an. THOS. C, DEVLIN, Aadltnr of tbe City of PortUnd. Portland, Oregon.. July 4. 1904. OOXPLXTIOX AND ACCCPTANCX OF IIWEX IX EAST TRIXTT-IE00XO AXDi XAIT ALX0X ITRIETB. .1. Knllia .la- h..k. l ... VJ-tlll.H . Elliott. City Enrlneer. haa flled In tha office ot Ue onuerelf nrd, antlee that J. B. Blemmona, contractor for - tbe econetructlnn of a aewer Id Eaat Tolrty-ttecond and Eaat Salmon atraeta. nnder the rtrovielona of ordinance No. 12.9&7. haa oomoleted aald aawar. -. . nam. acceptance will oe conaldered ny ue Executive Board at 4 o'clock, on the 8th dav of July. 1904, and objectlona to the acceptance or aaia aewer, or any part tnereor, may tie filed Iff Ihe office iif tbe undrralgneS" at any time prior tnereto. IHI BXRCUTIVB BOARD. By THOS. DEVLIN, Aadttor ot the Cttr ot Portland. PortUnd. Oregon. July 2. 1904. 00XPLZTT0N AND ACCEPTANCE OF BEWXX . . IX IOC-JIT AVXXUX. Notice la ' hereby riven that William ft. Elliott. City Engineer, haa filed ln the office or ue anderalgned, notice that r. A. vYllllaBia, contractor ror tne ronetructtnn ot a mewer in lcuBt avenue, ander the provieiona of ordi nance No. 1 8,tM, baa completed aald Bearer. Bald arceptanca will be conaldered by Ue Executive Board at 4 o'clock, oa the Bth day of July. lien, and ctitectlona to the aoreotaace of aald aewer, or any part thereof, may be filed In the office ot the anderalgned at any time prior thereto.- 4 ... lurs in 1 ins HOARD, By THOS. DRVMN. Andltn- of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregoa. July 2. 1904. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOK IKPXOVaV XXKT OIXAST THIRD STXIXT. Notlca tn hereby given that the Coon-tl nf the City of Portland pmpoae. to aaeeaa Ue fot- (iwing deecribed property and owner or ownera a being aneclally and Peculiarly benefited la the aovmnta aet otipoalte the namea and da. veripiiotie tnereot km- tu. tuitanvenienx Oi Kaat Third atreet. from the north line of Eaet Davla atrett to a Una 100 feet north ot Ihe north Una of Eaat Davla atreet, iv provided by ordinance No. 1.1 XB. Any objectlona to the apportionment ot coat for -eald Improvement mnat be made In writ ing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within IA day from tha date ot the flrat pul llcatlon of thla notlca, and aald objectlona will be beard and determined by Ue Council brfora the paaaage of the ordinance aaaeeelng Ua coat of aald Improvement. , EAST PORTLAND BLOCK 74. lot . Loulaa H. Moora Eatata, helra af, (A4.81; lot 4, , Ion1aa H. Moora Batata, belra of, (67.83, Total, f 1112.66. THOS. C, DEVLIS, Aadltnr of the City ef PorUaod. Portland. Ore eon, July 4. 19H4. . . . .t . . . . . . - 'i EAILX0A0 TIXXTAXLXIk Ttckit Omot tn TbJrd krttt riwnc U TrenacontlntontfI e-n. eatuy - I raln Dally FAST TIaME TO 8POKAN-. ST. PATJU DUt.TTTa JdlNNEAPOLIB. CHtCAOO AND ALL, roIVTB EAST. Daylight trip through tha Cascnda and Rocky mountains. F"or ftitl tmrtlo ttlara, rntea, fold era, ate, call -. any n4- '' ' S. V'THOlt. Cltr Ttoknt'Jkrl UX Tkl v.oV t oi . 1. 11 XA1LA0AP TIMETABLtS, LI L. "I."""-,! I iBBj EAST SOUTH Lea we. UNION DEPOT. . Arrlvea. OVERLAND EXPBEiiS tralna, for Salem. Roee- ourg. jtuhlaad. Sacra, nvuto. Oedan.Saa Tra. B:I0.Jb. I M a. aw claco. Buw ktoo. Ijvj Aa gelee. El Paae, New be. Mane and tba Beet; At Wandhnrn dally (at cent SunJUrl nan. l:Ma.a 4:00 p. at. 7 :20 a. at, 1140 p. n Ing train tor ML- An gel. Bllverton, Browne, vllle, Sprlnrfleld. Tead 11 ng and Matron. Albany paeaangaa. ea-v T-.Vt k aw 10:10 a. f necta at Wovdburn entb aii. . neat ana BUver- ton local. Corvallta IlllfiO k to, - Sberldaa IS n. aa. Dally. IIDally. except Sunday. ' rortUod-Oawaga luhnrhea lervloa 'aad' TaavkQl ' ''vv. :. . Wvlaioa, - . -' '-. Depot root ot Jefrereoa Btyaat, ' Portland dally for Oawego T: Be ta-t . I .'S,, """dayl. IA0, 6:M. S:(A, To td t m -lunday anly. e 'tnrn,n fro Oewego, arrive Portland dany, i..' ' 1 ,. (:06, Aria. 6 .'IB, .T'krl. IM. I'-!0 - Dal., (etcept SondevS :, T W SO. IfrSO , 1114S a. m. Fhteeot Moaday. U M B- "h Sunday only, W:e a. ta. Iavae fmn a.m. , . , t.n. ..a i "''a point, dalle lexceot lunday) 4:00 p. I eL '"rri.no rurao p. at. rba Iadenendence-Mnnnmuth Motor Boo orjeratea dally to Monmouth aad Air lie. coo. t!n5 with Boofhern Pectfia company'a traehB at Dallae end Indrnendefieo. rlrat-claaa fare from Portland to Sacramento end S-n Pranclaeo 20 berth t; aeeoad-alaea fare (is. a-eond-claaa berth (2 SO. . . - . , tent Miint. ent r.'.i e. .a. Jaoan. China. RAnoteln and Aetrarla. -Cltv Ticket Office enener Third and WaabblA- eon.rre.ra phnna. Mala T12 C. W. STINflBR. X, . fflMIS, w-avj av-aar MJWU. -OREGON SlIOITLmE and umon Pacific 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY. Throach-Pullman etandard and toorlet aleea. Ing car. dally to Omaha. Chisago, Bpokanag tnuiiat aleet.lng earn dally- to Kaaaaa Cltyj through Pnltn-a tonrlet aleenlng cara tpereoe- ' ally eondnctedl waeklv to (ulcere, P'rllnlBO chair care (eeata freel tn the Eaet dllly. UNION DEPtJT. Laavea, Arrlvea. CHICAOO-I-ORTLAND SrECIAL. . 9:1( a. ax. Dally. H:2fl p. aa.. Dally. For tbe Beet via Bunt- Ingtou. SPOKANE FLtlR. For Baatern Waablng- 8:16 p. to. 8:00 a. ex. Dally. Daily. ton. Walla W,U. Lew Inter, Coeut d' A leaa "lnta. rt NorUara ATLANTIC EXPRtess. h'18 p,ia. Daily. T:lla.l Fa the Eaet via Hunt- pally. OCEAN AND RIVER ICHEDTLX, FOR IAN FRANCISCO: rrcra Alna worth. Dock, AOOp. av S;00 p. B. S. Oeo, W. KU Jnly ft, in. zn. S. Si- Columhla July 10, 20, SO, Oolmnbla Xtvwr Orvtalea. FOR ASTORIA and way Shu'-?1" ex. Bund ay Sarnrday . 10:00 p. BV About :00 p. eg. ax, 8 an day, polnta. coanectlng with ermr, for Ilwaeo aad NorU oeaen. atr. Btaa. ealo, Aak-at. dock. 'TafAhm River FOR DATTON. Oregoa 7:M a. to. Dally.. aacept Sunday. 3:tlp.BV Dally. . except Sunday. Oley and Yamhill River polnta. etre. Ruth ana Honor, Aan-et. ooca. (Water permitting.! Snake Blear Route. FOB LEWISTON. Ida.. 1:40 a. aa. Dally, ex. Sat, About on n. BV Dally, eg. Friday. ana way pointa .rrom tltie rla. Weak., eteea era Spokane and law. laton. TICKET OrFlCR. Third aad Waahlngtoa. Sua. . pnona Bum TU. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY Par Yokohama aad Ron Kong. . calling at Robe, Kaaraaakl and Shanghai, taking freight ela connecting a tea mere for. Manila. Pert ArUar aad, Vladlvoetok. For rate, and fan Information can an a aaV drcea offllrlaUv or a grata of the 0. R. AN. Oe. - TIME CARD or TRAINS PORTLAND: UNION DEPOT. Papal ta l:h av Arrlvea j (JO, to.; T ot I. to. TMkK Paget Round Limited, for Tecome, Seattle. Olrmpla. Sonth Bend and Orar'a , Barber polnta. t NorU Coaat Llmtted. for Tacoma. Seettle, 1:06 p. BV Bnrte. Bt, Panl. Mln- neanolla. Chicago, New York. Pneton and pot a ta Eaat and Sootbeaat.'- Twln-Clrv CvareeeL tor 1 aroma. Be, .tie. ana. kane.. Heaa. St Paul, Mlaneenolla. ' Chicago, 11:41 p. to. New York. Boetoa and II Bolata Beat aad lontheaat. Pnret Sonnd 'N aeaea Clty-St. Loula Special, for Taeome. Beettle. Spokane, Butte, Bull naa. ( :90 a, Bv enver. uniana, nanaea City. It. Lonla and all polnta Eaat aad Beau-, eaat. All tralna dally ., except an . Boou Bead branch. . A. D. CHARLTON. Aeatatant Oenerel - Paaeenger Agent, 223 Morrtaoa at., aor. Third. Port lead. or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leevea. CKI0N VEPOTA Oa t.kabia, Weutnort,' I OaUp, Clifton. Attorta. War-I S-oOa. to D.1L. T-Ofj a to. Dally aa. rent on, r'lavet rlaaft-jHiiOe. gg. mono. rorx at "vena, i Oearhert Park. Iwaalita. I Aatorla a ad neaaean. 1 Ktoreea dally. 1 Aetoria' Bxpreaa. : ltd p, BV Saturdty. Oaliv. Sat, only. I Portland-Aatorla Fly.r 9 90 B. to. . fl. Mtt. ' O. F. and P. A., A.toria. tr. C A. BTTWART. Ccinoierclai Aaeut, ia A'! a at , Phone M.le Bal. 5ch.Y2bGrc:.r.a Seat Work, X (47, ugk (Utah lvabo'N inAatalel I tiv Pt-utii, in .vW"j!.- ' w ri,-v