1 i ' : - ' . 1 ' ' r ( ' - v G OOD EVENING' 7CF THE JOURNAL YESTERDAY WAS lyi.. . fa. A i ..Tonight and "Thursday, fair; westerly wind. - VOL. III. fiO. 105. DE10GRATIG GGNMrlON OPLS M ST. LOUIS W ANY ASPIRANT HAVING A CORNER ON THE NOMINATION ' Parker's Supporters Pass : Wght in btrenpen ing'AHgnmentl BAILEY STRONG FACTOR TDoesii'trlYant Permanent Chairman' -i ship Says as Lay McmbcH Would Have Freedom In '"..is y Discussion. L., ;J (Jooraal Special Urricm.) ; Bt, Louis, July . Notwithstanding -.th progress mad during th nlcht by Parker' boomara in capturing tba Ohio delegstlon.-or at taaat a part of It, tba ant la wart aa atrong aa avar today claiming vote - enough to prevent Farker"a nomination at tba outset of the balloting. ' -.-- - - Delegate-at-Large -Thompson of Ne braska made 'A statement In which he declared the anti-Parker people would remain steadfast. An' anti-Parker cau- cua waa held in th South Dakota head quartera in the Plantera' hotel at I o'clock this morning prealded over by Pettlgrew. Through Chairman. Bandy of the Del aware delegation ha gave out a state- ment that a careful poll of the -dele' gate allowed that the force opposed to Parker . control about 400 rotes, which, be say, la enough- to defeat the Parker i plan. In conference were also Charlea Towne Oreen of Rhode Island, Barkworth- of" Michigan and other. It la atated at th- Parker beadquar- tare thle morning that Bailey will prob ably be aelected aa permanent chair- M Imatnr Hnnr -M. Taller of Coldrado, for year the leading atlver man In the adnata. - ' today telegrapwea - Benator Thomaa expreaalng ; a preference -for - Parker. - .The Michigan delegation thla rooming found Itaelf in a peculiar poauion ana aa a reault took up tha entire morning and until after the convention waa wen under way In trying to aettla JU dlfH- cultlea. - - i In a cau cua it waa found that Hearat had It follewere and Parker a Ilka num ber. One other delegate had not rived In tha city and tha Parker men eucceededln keeping tha entire delega J ton In caucua pending the arrival of tha abaentee who waa to give hie vote for tha Parker faction, tbua conatltutlng tha majority. t - Bryan Seported sL ' .Report thla morning that Bryan la aerloualy ill were denied by hla brother ' cnaylea, who aald the Nebraakan waa more tired than anything elae. He ex perienced' eomeVfever during the night. but hi brother did not think it. amounted to anything. Tha former presidential candidate, however, waa atlll in bed at 1:10 o'clock, a moat unuaual thing for him. -. Bailey of Texaa, who declined the per manent chairmanahlp of tha convention .and a a member of tha committee on re solution a. favora a platform aomel . what In the Hla ef, that adopted by the Maryland convention. Thla polnta out the glaring lnequalltlea and groaa In justice of the existing tariff and prora . isea vigorous and prompt relief. . but . pledgee Itself to aee that tha policy ahall be carried out In a conservative spirit of falrnese to all interests, r , - Bailey says 'he believes In hla party . blng pertactly honest and, recognising tha fact that under the operation pf any government custom house are a ne cessity, he axpecta a long, hot fight in the ahaplng of tha platform and it la because hia delegatlpn la to controvert Bryan politics in tha committee that he prefers being a lay member only, thus giving blm complete freedom In the plat form discussion.. - 1 'v'.. ' SENATOR DAVID B. HILL TV ho rtlKllked Williams' Speech. probably Wl LLIAMS' I 1 ' ' I i ii --- I . . ; - ,;:-:;;v-v--:v;V"rV:---- r rf?' ""T"' THE JJEMOCRATIC . TUG-OE-WAR." - . , , y ,,-v ' '' ' .... . .. . n, ,., , : ' ... A. MASTERPIECE Declares: Republfans; . f m ,;Iney , Stole Cleveland s l nundernarmon . the Original : Anti-Trust ; Mane : - . fjoaraal SpecUl SerTlce.) - Bt Louis. July i. "Old-timers." who have attended many conventions, today declare that the-speech delivered by John Sharp Williams, aa temporary chairman of the Democratic . national convention thla afternoon, waa one of the finest political efforts ever.mad Tha Mlsslsslpplan brought ail ma pol ished powers of oratory, bis' keen logic and biting sarcasm to bear on the Re publican claims, platform and history and at times lifted his hearers to such pitch of enthusiasm that men, arose In their seat and fairly abouted them selves hoarse. The speaker's voice waa hardly of a carrying power to All the great hall and many of thoso In tha rear galleries were disappointed. He opened hla speech by going directly to tha point of argu ment and cloaed in a whirlwind of ap plause. Mr. Will lama began by atatlng that the moat important quadrennnt event in tha world is the electlon,-by the Amer ican people of their chief 'executive. Before that great elevation, takes place at which- all men are supposed to. arrive at by choice- and through byways of honesty and Intelligence would-ia.Ctod they did et least two minor, elections of a different character are held. "There have always been two great parties who have elected delegatea to conventions for the purpose of selecting ar candidate and .promulgating a pli form. m. . "One- of -these has already aelected Ita candidate and announoed ita platform. It waa one of tha quietest and most unanimous occasions that the muaes of history hsva recorded." r . The addreaa of Its -temporary chair man waa In one sense historical, mostly nclent history and a great deal of It . PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNES DAY EVENING, JULY 6. 1904. SPEECH -T" ss at d ' . ' bad history It was a labored a ttempt to draw away attention from Roosevelt Ism with Ita volcanic,. eruptive, reckless character, by dwelling upon the fact that at some period in. its history the -Kepub flcan parry ha ben a party which did things and did them sarely. -Vo Xonr Progressive. Tha ocator hoped to have the country keep in sight tha fact that it la now In both legislative branches a party or non action, obstruction-to reform and-progress; In a word, a party whoae only sacred precept la tha shibboleth drawn from tha gambler's table, -stand pat." a precept born of cowardice and fear to move. .- - Williams spoke of the wonderful mutual admiration society of "me-too- Teddy" and "me-too-Ellhu. When ferrlng to Root's peroration the orator quoted from Roofs speech at the Cooper Union la New Tork In October. 10J. in which Root said "the tariff on a whole haa worked well" and that "it U better to endur some slight inequalities for a time than to Incur -uncertainty and dis turbance In business which results from making changes." Williams said ha had heard that the president in his po litical tour In the west in the spring of los bad made a speech on the same sub ject In the identical language. "Verily." aald Williams, "two souls with but single thought, two speeches tnat reaa like one, and that .single thought if harmoniously expressed is not to force a single special Interest to take Its lips from the publlo breast, for fear tha publlo ' finding them unnecessary, might shake them all off. . Japoserelt Knaaorlst. - "How humorous to praise so highly our reuow cltlsen in the White House who. In the long line of great men who have filled " ttio seat ' TiS now ' oceuplosr ha himself found only about three In his opinion worthy of anything like un stinted praise Washington, LlnryJn and himself. . - Verily, other humorists will have to retire from business." Williams quoted ' Root's temporary speech In which he aald that the Repub lican party la the medium of the people In the expression of moral sentiment The speaker then sarcastically went over a list of scandala In past and pres ent, history, referring to the Credit Mobller, the Degolyer-Amea affair, the whisky ring and to a long "saturnalia' of southern reconstruction aa ancient in-, cldenta. . , ... The poatofflce bureau scandal, the pub llo landa bureau methods, full sway of bosses, and ttie celebrated order of "Hell-Roaring Jake" 'Smith prescribing 10 years aa the age above which children were to 'be killed In one of the Inlands of the Philippines, were referred to as modern instance. ; ; The speaker laughed at Root's state ment that offenders had been relentlessly punished. "The secretary : boasts." he aald. "that the pei capita of circulation of money among the people has Increased rrom 2li In March. 187, to 131.01 Ir. May last, and that tha credit for thai snd the consequent prosperity I due to the Republican party. What a curious boast , this Is." said he, "for those deny ing so. strenuously tnat the quantety of money had anything to do with the value Of money, of the price of other things aa measured in money or with sn ascending scale or prices, or with national pros per It r. "This was all denied but yesterday. , "Now It is asserted that the volume of metallic money -has been immensely Increased, that It haa brought prosper ity and that all thla la due to Republi can legislation. 'Was Republican legislation opera- (Continued) en- Fag Two.)- rz.M.t rrrrt'r r -is rvu. FROM STAGE TO - CONVENT HALLS Portland Society Girl Shines fa Shields' Chorus Under Assumed Name Until rr Irate - Father - Arrives, n Monday night a natty sold far tn'Tht Queenr of tha - Musketeers." Tuesday night a penitent inmate of the parochial school at , Vancouver- and today trying to' follow the light which beams from the countenance of a kindly Mother Su perior, Is the story which Miss Maude Delanay, anlaplrant for (hi glory of the limelight whose brief stage ca reer came t a sudden stop at Shields' Park yesterday. . She was taken in charge yesterday by an Irate father and an Incensed aunt and her stage dreams have ended, temporarily at least. ' Sine tha opening of Manager Shields' blr extravagansa,- Producer Zlnn 1 been besieged by scores of stage-struck girls who know, they, say, they can aitom ceed behind tha footlights, . Generally they desire a position as understudy to tha leading lady or a heavy part., Aa a usual' thing, however, they finally become contented with carrying a spear In the back row. . Saturday Flossie King, on of the au burn-haired chorua beauties who has caused no end af disaster to many of the "jonnnies, secured a leave of ab sence and went to Seattle to visit ber brother. Her departure left an open ing In the chorua for another aspirant and troops of girls soon began to apply. Among tne number -was a pretty and demur maiden giving the name Maude Delanay, who announced that aha had Just- arrived- from Seattle, where she had been attending school.. Ever alert to the interest or the company and per cervlng at once tha posalbllltle of ber developing Into a useful member of the company, MrT Zlnn agreed' to give her a chance, ,and everything went smoothly until the, opening performance Monday mgni Tronbl Boos. Cam. Then trouble began - for Manager Shields.' He waa seated in hla private ofllcecenaorlng the initial show when 'the telephone broke in on the scene like the bell for the drop curtain. Responding, he heard a feminine voice ask If there was a tall, dark-halref girl In hla company. He has become used ' to such querlea and replied that his assortment or theatrical talent con talned everything In beauty's calendar. The Interview ended by an appointment In vtfhlch the woman- wajg(b meet the chorus girls at yesterday's rehearaal at the Empire theatre. At . the appointed hour yeaterday a man walked hurriedly Into, the stage door of the plsyhouse. accompanied by an elderly woman whom he afterwards (Continued on Page Three.) JOHN SHARP AVTI.LIAM ' TemDorary Chairman of the Iemocratle A 11 aSlWsasA r, r aL l 1 -.'onventlon. PARTY PASSES , FIFTIETH YEAR Bms i.i ibbsbbsssss I I si isBsasa-sB-SBs -s ' Republicans; Keep -Their Organization's Ratal Day m the. Town That Gave it Birth Sec ; . retary Hay Delivers Brilliant Address. . (JoaraaT Special Bervlee.) Jackson, MkhvJuly . Secretary of Stat John Hay. Senator- Fairbanks, General Alger and Speaker. Cannon ar rived her at 10:10 o'clock1' this morn Ing. Shortly after the exerclaea began in Loom Is Park in honor of the. fiftieth anniversary of the birth of tba Kepub- llcan party. ' Other apeclal trains brought In-from lS.OOOt to 25,000 visitors. The exorcises beran at 10 o'clock, with an opening address by James O'Donnell. president of the Celebration association, who waa followed by Bishop UUlespie in an Jn vnostlAn. A reception was held in the Otsego hotel t noon In honor of Hay, Falr banka. Alger and Cannon. Secretarr Hay delivered the oration of tha day, '"Fifty Tears of th Repub lican Party." at Loomls rarg, mis alter- noon. , - After describing tha attempt to extend Slavery. Mr. Hay aald: The Americans are at one the most sentimental and the most practical of peoples and when tbey aee that -an Institution Is morally revolting, and, be sides, doea not pay. ita fat la sealed. "Th whol party stood Ilk a rock for th principle that th oamnaoie institu tion must be content with what It had already got, and must not be allowed r nniiiite another incn oi tree boh. un this imnres-nabl ground tney maae Lthelr stand: and th mass convention which aasembjed jMiWiuvvn vlhratlnna or me inunaw ui kuiiv .hnutlnsa of the birthday of liberty yet lingered in the air. gave a nucleus and a nam 10 mo nsw isrif, to a great and beneficent career, -"After the war was ended and peace raatahllshed with no damage to th atructure of the government, but, on the contrary, with added Strength and with increased futrtllturr us per petuity, it remained : to - oe snown whether the power snd success of the RamiMWn nsrtv were o be permanent. or whether, bom of a srrsls. It Was fitted to cope with the problem or aauy na tional life. It had destroyed slavery, or. perhapa we .migm oener. my,- n hsd created the conditlone- by which slavery had rommltted aulcide. ' History affords no. parauei io me vaat and inpreasing prosperity wniou this country haa enjoyed under Repub lican fchle. I haaten to say we do. not claim to have Invented seedtime snd harvest, and Industry and thrift. W are a great people and success IS dur right; Ood Is good to those who be have themselves.' But we may justly claim that th Republican party has been In power during these year or marveloua growth, and we can et least bring proof that wa have not prevented It and thla Is no slight; honor for a party to claim. . "McKlnley and Roosevelt .have mad mora treaties than. any two preceding presidents. . snd the conclusion of the whole matter la that we atand today in Independent though amicable relatione to all the rest of th world without an ally and without an enemy. - If the government for the last seven year had done nothing else. It would have entitled Itself to an honorable place In history by the manner In which it has handled the questions of the Islands whose destiny has bees SO Interwoven with our own. The wsr with Spain was carried through with Incredible . swift ness and energy, without a anadow o? corruption, without a moral or technical fault. A hundred days sufficed for the fighting, uiplomacy then did Ita work. nd our commissioners brought home a treaty sn. jt and so hhficlsl that It was- Impossible to unite the opposition gainst It. - Then came the far more dif ficult and delicate task of sdmtnlstra tlon. You- remember the doleful prophe- Icles, of evil srlth) which the air was filled; that we had not, the habit nor tba ability' to govern outlying poaaesalona; that the Islands would be cesspools of Jobbery and fraud; that the enterprise was conceived In violence and -would go out in disaster. And now you know the reault. -; - . ... i,-'r!. . "The republic' never Is In default of men to serve it worthily when the chief of th stats Is, honest and able; when he has the eye and the will to choose the beat men and will be satisfied with no Jess. So in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines we got tha best we had. Wood,. Allen snd Hunt, and Taf t have each la hla place wrought a great work and gained a righteous fame. Cuba and Porto Rico are free and enjoying the one under her own banner, the other under-the stars and stripes degree of prosperity and happiness never known before in all their troubled atory. As to th Philippine, the work done there by Judge Taft and his associates will rank among the highest achievements 1 of colonial administration recorded In his tory. " "We come before the country . this year In a position which cannot be suc cessfully attached in front, or flank, or r. What we have done, what we are doing, and what we Intend to do on all three w confidently" challenge the ver- (Continued .on Page Three.) -7 . A1 ' T I i XM,o . V PRICE FIVE CENTS. John Sharp .Williams of "Mississippi, Tempo-' rary Chairman.; ; GREAT DEMONSTRATION Tammany teadrtir Cheering- and Re--fuses to Be Quieted by Serjeant. at-ArfflS--Heorst,s"Narae ; ,frovokes Cheers. : " . .- - (Joaraat Special gervles.1 -. - St.-' Loula, Mo., July . The Dem 6c ratio national convention to name th party's choice for president snd vlce--presldent of th United States' waa called to order. In the Coliseum at noon today by Chairman Jones. of the national com mittee and organised. Te opening ses- Telon waa taken up with the address of th temporary chairman and th an nouncement of committees. -Tomorrow . will come the address of the permanent chairman and the reporta of committees. Including platform. : The climax of th nominations will Jiot be reached until the third day. and perhapa later. Though the official hour for conven Ing waa 11 o'clock, it waa fully two hours before that time that the doors of the Jiuge auditorium were thrown open and the thousands af seats began to fill with spectators. The arrangements were such that the delegates and spectators were rapidly admitted, and though Ser-aesnt-at-Arma Martin and hla numeroua assistants were " kept -'busy, there were few signs of disorder or confusion. Tho Interior a tne Coliseum presented aa at tractive spectacle. The decoration of flags-and bunjing were tasteful rather than elaborate. Flags of -lmmens pro portions were suspended from the' gird ers of the roof and yards and yard of red, white and blue bunting arranged. In festoons bung from the gallerlea and about the speaker's platform. 'A toe rear of th platform were large portraits of Jefferson-and other famous leaders Of th nemncrstln party. , ' ( ' ' ! .! .'v - Blot of sTolae. ' By 11 o'clock the convention hall and the street outside were a hurly-burly ef noise 'and confusion. - Delegations were arriving, many Of them accompanied by banda of music, cheers were heard as the notable party leaders - were - recog nized among the arrivals, and the stanch partisans of th several candidates were adding their campaign yells to the gen eral uproar. - Huge megaphones mad of paper emitted -deafening shouts for Parker. Hearat. Gorman and others. Th riot of noise reached ita climax when the marching club began to file into tha convention hall at th east nave door and take their Beats in the space allotted them in the rear of the arena, Consplo- -uona among these delegations f "root ers'' were tha L000 Tammany braves. from New Tork, the Cook County March ing club of Chicago, the Jackson dub of Washington and th Erie club of Buf falo. Other cities represented among the marching clubs were Indianapolis, Cincinnati. Omaha. Cleveland, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. . The delegatea, alternates and distin guished visitors entered the hall through the Fourteenth street 'entrance, while the spectators were admitted .through the Olive street, St. Chsrles street and (Continued on Pag Two.) A . i.-.--- f -J . 'X: