Good Mbrnlng - v The weather Increasing cloudiness' 4 probably folIowdsy showers. u .'. . . V T ...'- x'i ; CIRCULATION OR THErr C 0)T JOURNAL. YESTERDAY' 10,00 , VOL. I. NO. 16. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, . JULY ;3, 1904. PRICE FIVE CENTS.. DELEGATES ARE BUSY ; Parl(eii Hearst and Gor man Meii Prepare for Great Cpntest v ; 7 MANY PLATFORM IDEAS General Feeling 1$ That Strong Antl Trust Plank, Will Be'lncorpor V' ated Gossip of the ' -Convention. , , , (Jokmi apodal. Swrje.) - v;- Bt Louis, July a. All indications ara that tha ooming Democratlo convention will ba one of .tha moat lntereatlng po litical gatherings of raoant years. All the great, leaders will ba present -There wlll ba nothing out . and dried about It. Ths delegates themselves will decide what they want to) dor .And tt la becaua tba delegatea ara. as. yat uncer tain as to their courae; became there ara ao many poaalbllltiea m tba situs tlon; and because of tha vast Intereata Involved, that each day's, session of tha convention will 'present a scene of fever lsh excitement and wild acclaim which will make it memorable In- hlatory. Tha Bevised Platfornk . .Hera la the revised presidential 'program and platform of the New York state Parker managers, de termined upon . t an '-all night aad day conferences, the chief partici pants In which ware David B. Hill. Ed ward Murphy, Jr., William T. Sheehan, Patrick H. McCarren, Slllott Danforth , ana iiicaii ,,uuuur; Flrt Try and fore tha nomination -f-Jtidre barker o aeoon ballot- -.Second Offer tha vice pmlddncy to ; fihlvely-of . Indiana or any other -man " Taarart may elect. , . i- Third Insist -that the platform Icnor -the Colcago and Kansas CHk planks of ,1888 and J too, but reaffirm tha gold standard "and tariff' for revenue only , planks In the Tilden platform of 117. ' .. . Fourth.Keafflrm tba August Bel- jnont Kust plank of tha Albany platform. rAs tha Parker-campaign guardians ' Sped toward - the convention city they grew ' more and 'mora alarmed at, the ' activity of the Cleveland boomers, whose movements were reported by special messenger from St Louis and - dther . points. : ESI Za alarmed. Hill bad dinged Into his ears the warn- 4 i Ing: "Ton will have tonomlnata Parker on . first or second ballot or he Is a goner." ) Sheehan, Parker's personal repreaenta- - tlva and, cholce,for chairman of the na . tlonal committee, received- telegrams from every station that so worried him '' that he abruptly terminated any pro- jected Interview with: ' "I know nothing and I won't talk , about anything of which I possess no knowledge." . Senator McCarren. however, braved ail . threatened disaster by stoutly proclaim- Ing his allegiance to the New York - Jurist and ro-aesertlng bis belief that he would be nominated on a gold standard platform. At tha cloae of tha pro- , traded consultation with Measrs. H1U. Murphy and Sheehan, ba said:. " . "Just as we were about to reach tha ' city In which will ba nominated, In . my Judgment; the next ' president and vice president of the United StateaJ ; still maintain that I have no doubt of -the delegation of Judge Parker for the bead of the ticket" Tba Orgasisatloa. - -" John Sharp 'Williams of Mlftslsslppt, minority floor leader In eongreaa, will be temporary 'chairman of tha Dem : oo ratio national convention and the tem porary secretary will "be Charles A. I : Walsh - of Iowa, aecretary of the National committee, unless the full com - mlltee should refuse to llUn to the reo'ommendalonn of tha sub-oommlttee z on arrangements, which Is not at all ' likely. The aeleetlon of Mr. WUllams ; , and Mr. Walsh occurred at tha nwet . . tng of sub-committee yesterday after . noon by a unanimous vote In each in . atanoe. - Other recommendations for ap ' polntmant by the full committee were , captain Frank Bnist of Chicago , for door-keeper, M. W. Blumenberg of 'Ar kansas ss offlclal reporter, and Edward Sefton of Washington, D. C, as chief assistant ''secretary. Tha full commit- tea attended the meeting; Chairman " ' Jonea of : Arkansas, Ouffey , of , Pnn--l sylvanla, Johnson, of Kansas, Mack of New York, Campau of Michigan, Head of Tennessee, snd Osborne of Wyoming. a?, other business .beard at the I .. . aWMSfes ' - - i Mil ,4 bVa. ' 1. Mil li. v -a 'Aisj I"- I v m 1 Mk f ""'.111 I'l W V 1 J 4 JUIlt.-. Ii , ' t I l i II ' I J III ill UULUUIV Union of State Coinmer- ciaKBodies Is Almost s Assured" : Ainrnnviup pni?rTiM Rufui-Jennlngs-TcJI Great Work Local Enthusiasm ,, Is r Roused to-a -Very High Pltcli... . 'L: POLITICAL BRONCHO-BUSTERS GET READY FOR BUSINESS. HARRIMAN'S VAST STOCK PROJECT (Continued on Page Three,) . i .i (Special Dlapatch by Leased Wire to Tbe Jearsal) Baa Francisco, July i. E. H. Harrl- man - is aendlng to Southern Paclflo stockholders in this city, as well as elsewhere, a circular letter setting forth the reasons why.. h wants them at. a meeting, of holders of stock at Beche mont a suburb of Louisville, Ky., July to, to' authorise the directors to issue UOO.OOO.OOtf of preferred stock from time tq time and to sell I40.00a.e09 of tha amount atmcet par, dividends on tha latter to be -7 per cent annually. Accompanying this letter is a blank power of attorney, which la to ba filled out by tha stockholder, and which au thorises EL II. Harrlman, W. D. Cornish and Alexander P. Humphrey to vote) his stock at tha meeting. The letter In part reads as- follows: ' . Lnrge expenditures have been-made In recent years, as stated In tha annual reports, for betterments and additions to existing lines, new equipment, new steamships, real estate and other prop erty, the construction of wharves, docks, elevators ' and other ' Improve ments . at Galveston, the. conatructlon and advances on account of construc tion, of additional lines,, and for other corporate purposes; and, as shown by such reports, these expenditures were met -chiefly from .earnings and loana. "In order to provide the capital nec essary to discharge all floating debt and for all addltlona and betterments authorised and contemplated during the next year and for other corporate pur poses tha .issuance of such preferred stock to the amount of $40,000,000 at this time la deemed expedient . "Tha proceeds from tha sale of this stock. In addition- to providing for. the needs above mentioned, will tenable the company to " refund bonded obligations maturing during tba next three years, amounting to over 161,000,000, on a much more favorable basis of credit 'and leave over $30,000,000 of free anj nego tiable assets In the treasury.", Tha stock now - outstanding, $147, 000.000 in round -numbers, -will become common shares If tha preferred stock la issued. No dividends have ever been paid. on It .The Harrlman people con tend that the company is pressed for money. It must be raised either by a bond or ' preferred stock.- Issue. - - New bonds would have to be a second "mort gage to the present bonded debt and In their opinion such new bonds could not ba sold at this time. - i , ; ., . MOVES A REVIEW IN KLAMATH LAND CASE . (Waafclat tea Banes of The Journal) . Washington. July I. William B. Mat thews, attorney for the state of Ore gon today Jlled a motion In the Interior department for a review of Secretary Hitchcock's adverse decision In the Klamath swamp land esse, .- YOSEMITE PARK . SWEPT BY FIRE (Special Dlapatch by Leased Wire to The Journal.) ' Tosemlte, Cel., July $. A for est Are started last avanlng at tha foot- of Mount Starr King In Yosemlte park. . At first it wss thought that It waa only a campnre,' but this morning it wss burning - and had already spread over a considerable area. Ouardlan J. F. Stevena 'sent a gang of men up this morning and is getting a second crew together to send up later. i BRITISH HAVE WON ' THEIR WAY IN TIBET (Copyright, Hearst ' News errfea, Vr Leved Wire ta.The Journal.) . OyanUe, July I. The Impression here Is thmt a settlement will bo reached be tween the- British and Tibetan govern ments without further military opera tions. Tonga Poulop leading Bhutan chief, carrying a letttr from Dalai Lama, came into camp tins evening with a large retinue. He had a long confer ence with Colonel YOunghuaband. The Dalai Lama s letter requested Poulop to use his good offices in bring ing about a settlement snd named the Dalai Lama's representatives, who, . It Is believed, have already arrived at Jong. .. . :'.'- . CHINESE MURDER RUSSIAN CAPTAIN ' Slipping upon a Russian captain and his wife In the darkness of the night fatally stabbing them and then making good their escape is a story of Chinese treachery brought from Shanghai by- the American achooner Eldorado, which ar rived in port last night - Shortly' after tha . Eldorado reached Shanghai A Russian stesm whaler put into port It was noticed v that the Chinese began to eye her with suspic ion. One night a number of them went stealthily .aboard and crept upon the captain and, his wife when they were fast asleep. Drawing large knives, they stabbed the sleeping Inmates to the heart and, after ransacking the 'ship, made their ; escape. The next day It was .'given : out in official ctrclea that the couple had been murdered by rob bers but there waa no attempt made to apprehend the criminals. . None of the white residents of the eltv believed that robbery was the motive, but declared that the crime waa com mitted for no other reason than that the Chinese bad a loathing for Rus sians. There were captains of other rationalities In port at the same time who had plenty of money, and although it would have been Just as easy to have robbed them they were never molested. At the time that 'war was declared. explained those who came in on the tl dorado Isst night there was a Russian gunboat at Shanghai, and she Is still there. Tbe Chinese dismasted her and took the guns. ashore, and tha gunboat Is being. held helplesk. ' It Is said thst he. may be permitted to sail when peace la restored. No attempt has been made to kill the officers. There are many warships from other nations in that vicinity, and It la aald that the Crlnese do not dare go too far In giving an expression of their hatred for the Russians. Just outside the har bor there is a squadron of 10 British warships, while not far distant la a fleet of five Amerlcam menof war. Ail' great powers sre closely guarding their varied Interests, and are ready to back up their claims by a resort to nna, . , ' .. .' .:.' ENDEAVORERS ELECT ' OFFICERS FOR YEAR (Special Dl patch jr Leased Wire to The Journal) Santa Rosa, CaL. July 2. Today waa an important one with the state Chris tian Endeavoeesav, Thl day's business Included the selection of Ssnta Barbara as tha convention place for 1)06,' the adopting of many resolutions and the election of officers. The election of offlcera resulted in tha election of the following: ...... , Leon V. Shsw, president Los Angeles; Dr. Kd. B. Newton, first vice-president Ssnta Ana: Fred McNulta. second vice president. Fortune;. M. O. Wiseman, third- vice-president- Sacramento; W. T. Jenkins, gnnersl secretary. Oakland; Q. O. Matheaon, treasurer, San Francisco. "Portland's ablest financiers and old eft member of Oregon commercial life were out In force last night and vig orously applauded every stirring utter ance made by the speakers who aided 1 M 111 ,V.V(FWWU ,U ..U'U. tfWIIUIMa lUWH aivr v& m iiiurui prvmuuun cum- mlttee, the guest- of tba Commercial club.'- ...' .i . The endorsement of the meeting and AHa ,nniw(iillnti n Mr. .Tannin,,' vlmlfc. meant much to Oregon and to tha city of Portland. It means that Oregon snd California and Portland and San Fran cisco, from now. on are -to. work, as a unit for the development of the entire Pacific coast It also means that Ore gon and Portland are to endorse what has been accomplished In tha Qolden state and like that stats are - to . form a atate improvement assoclatln modeled after the lines of thofce pertaining 'in California, the work that waa- de scribed by Mr. -Jennings in bis address. ' When the meetlna was called to order tri the inaln auditorium of ' the 'Com mercial Cluo 'ty n. as.- l ane, preaiaeni of -tha club, sractlcallr all of the seats were occupied. Facing the- audience were Mr.-Cake and T. B. Wlloox, who welcomed Mr. Jehnlnga ; on behalf of the state, in the absence of Governor Chamberlain, and Mayor Williams, who welcomed him on behalf bf tha city-of Portland. .1 - Manager Tom Richardson of the club delivered the closing addreaa In opening the meeting Chairman Cake aald:. . .. t . ,.-; . . . "Mr. Jennings has come 100 -miles to meet us, to get better acquainted with us. to' tell us of the work that Has been done by the California promotion com mlttM of whic h he- ta at tha head, and to aid us in the sromotion work which wehaveso recently started. Our at- niiras is- to loarR' wui .our iivisiiuuiv It la but fitting that the atate should give him welcome, and I , "hall ask Mr. T. B. Wilcox to respond to him. jOen.. tlemen, Mr. Wilcox." 4 , In his address, which wsa repeatedly applauded, Mr. Wllco said: - - Oregon's Welooma. "Mr. Jennings and fellow oltlsens On sccount of the unavoidable absence of aovemor Chamberlain, he has re auested me to -welcome you here to night and to extend to you the hospi tality of our stata la bis behalf, At m iiwvit, mm i,uiriu mm at aa, unusual, Jto welcome among ua a Call fornlan whoae mind and time la occu pied -4nconveylng to the American peo ple, and those beyond our borders who may come within reach of hla advertis ing matter, some knowledge of the op portunities which the Pacific coast of fers to immigration. "We have all traveled In California, and have seen much of her wondrous beauties,' her great expanse, and her mass of products, not to mention her wonderful climate; but wa who have lived for U years in the northwest. ina nave seen me liiue grain ueius ui the Willamette valley epread - snd broaden Into the great wheat country of eastern Oregon snd Washington, , fol-" lowed by the innumerable ships Of the , Columbia river and Puget aouhd. the great, fleet of steamers that con nect our ports with tbe orient who nave seen tne wneat neias or too Wil lamette valley pasa on Into. fruit and pasture wun greater remuiieratiuii, who have seen the development of dairying In Tillamook and the Nehalem. ' and who have aeon railroads built to carry our timber resources o tha sast, feel that In tha discovery and develop ment of California, only a portion of tbe Paclflo coast hss been touched. - . ,, .'The Climate. ; "Those of us who hsvo enjoyed health and prosperity In the glorious climate or uregona ana reel mil our. winter rslna are but ample to insure the fertil ity of our soil, who spend our summer days of sunshine and breeae gating )a -II ril,i.ilnti HnA th- lu.(la- aa Atia scenery,, that seem to be gathered here . In one great panorama, believe that tbe , (Continued on -Page Ten.) ; "f '' - CHARLES Coprrlrtt 10H by P FOr.lller, "OS. ft-prlot-'d la The Burulay Jouraal by SpecUt There Is a general' feeling that his - v"-polltlcr year Is gib wltb posslbtllOes- Everywhere there 1 a tendency to rec ognise' that tha national lasue between the Republican and Democratlo parties , Is at, least debatable. Without attempt- ... Ing to determine the degree to which Democratlo hope la Justified, I shall try to Indicate the conditions upah which,. . aa ' it, seems to me. the reasopsblenesa of such a hope depends, and to atate tha action' necesssry to be taken by the St v Louis ' conitrtimf In order to realise T those conditional ' -No candid Democrat will claim that bo can now sit-down with a table of . .' the states before him and readily point out the sources, of the electoral votes,. essential to the choice of a Democratlo president '- It is-perfectly clear ths "-something like ' a political revolu- - tlon must be' produced in certain' localities or very generally If eueh a result is to occur. Manifestly the vote . east for the Bryan and Stevenson also- - tors in 1(00, plus the ratable Incresse, . will not suffice. The nominees at St " "Louis, If they hope to win, must receive- the votes of practically all Dem- " ocrats, f nd anust also secure the votae ' of a large number of Republicans.! My conviction Is thst It Is entirely possible , for, tbe Democratlo convention ed to act as to Insure both theee conditions. First then, ss to uniting tha Demo . ersts. This can be dons by naming a' ticket and adopting a platform In bar- ' tnony with recognised Demooretlc prln-i . clpkis applied to-important preaent Is sues asUhese are today presented rn the industrial and political axperlence of tba ; V nation. - It Is the- unspeakably good, foe -.tune of the Democratlo party that the . great general principles f -tts 'creed were declared coevally with the., estsb . llahment of this republic; that they are, ' v Indeed, the very principles upon .which " ' the government Itself was founded. These embody two fundamental concep- tlona, the ona conditioning our conduct toward foreign na tlona, and 'the other ' ' , regulating our domestic policy: First that the.cnnsent of tha governed Is. the basis of aiy-Just government and that . every nation la entitled to Independence and self-regulntlon: secondly, thst op', portunlty should be equal to all A marl- , ' ran eltlaens. the lews guaranteeing, and their enforcement effectuating, "equal - rights to alt. special privileges to none.' r While these are' pretty comprehenelve -generalisations, : I tblnku the- liUratura-, '--.contemporary with the earliest move-. " ment toward nationality In America, and , the great body of eassys and orations that subsequent commentator snd pub lic men have produced, will sustain tbe. contention that they , substantially em- body what' may be termed our original , and peculiar American doctrine, 'The ' declaration of Independence, which enun cistea the first principle 'mentioned ' above, was written by the founder of e ' the Democratlo party, aa waa alio tbe quoted formula that ao succinctly and happily states the secwtd principle. The , v . mission of the party thst sprang from ' i the heart and brain of Thomas Jeffersoni' is, and must always be, to keep both these propositions rjear and distinct In tha memory of the merlcan people, and - a; TOWN E to see that they Inspire .and -guide the . enaatmenw-4he- interpretation- and tha execution of the laws. The temptations 'of power snd the mschlnstlons of self-interest witflnevltsbly, .jrrom tlms to tlrrre. cauee those responsible ftr the ' ' conduct of the government to neglect and betray these lust and necesssry. pre cepts of liberty and it will then be the high duty and privilege of sincere pa - tHots to unite In order to re-establish the swsy of our original national pur ' poses. Such a duty wss consciously as sumed by Abraham Lincoln and his as sociates more than a generation ago. and there la much -ground for helpful political reflection In that clauae of the - first Republican national platform, adopted at Philadelphia In 1SS, which called upon the American people "to re store the action of the federal govern- - ment to the principles of Washington ---and -JefTersoiir11 - v" -- This, In my view. 'is exactly "the P litirsl duty of this hour. Tha Repub- lleSn party has not only repudiated the doctrines' of Its founders, but In.tavtay. conducting this government In flsrtsnt violation of the "principles Of. VV ssh Ingtort and Jefferson.' It. Is not merely that the welfsre of the country Is en ' dangered; the very nature of our inatl ,tutlons Is menaced ' with subtls "flut 'fundamental irsnsfortfiatlon. We must return to first principles. Our ol.llsi--tlon- Is to srstore the old Amrrlcanlm, SO that In its' name ,the republln tnmy Schlevn sew victories of peace end pro-' " grees as glorious as our past. . "nut."-, it may be objected. Ti'mo- (Contlnued en J'tiae Seven. Ve'..'