The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 01, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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    .t-t :::rr,i s.'..
Elegant . $20.00 Suits at $7.50
-VJLad they sre lid PuMa,
too, Tbese '- ara not - .11
Suit, marked down 60
-cents, '$ -SUITS MARKED"
DOWN S 12.SO.V That's
Jlhe reduction bona fide
It can be, . Not a boastful
decline- of price, - but n
that la actual. It wm our.
good fortune to buy the
garments at this price. It
may b th reader' rood
luck-, to ret jone of theea
aultavfor one-third . ha-
would 7a for It at any
other' fotzZj---
$30 Suits for $10
-These - include the- ewell
-jfew.KhgHgh' Frock, the 1
and l-button double-breast-
id gsrments, right up-to-the-minute
In fashion and
all the rare In New York
and Boston,. .Portland men
may -be as atyllsh aa any
of theaa eastern rentlemen
-If they will, and .this at an
expenditure pfL $1 sf"
en. of these charming l$0
"TBufta. EveryTBanTla'arWred
with silk, and the. linings
rser, s.nd. satin. Why not
wear one of these suits on
the Fourth? Dress np and
.'be a' man. - Look like a
prince for one In your life.
$35 to $50 Suits for $15.00
'Hera ara garment that the richest rasa in America
might be. proud to wear. They . eome .la all the
"latest fashion. In everything that belongs to style
' are warranted all wool and the beat at that; and.
not a thing could, ba added that would make then)
better, than they ara. They are dandles. Any cloth-
" Ing ' expert .will .tell. you', that these ferments are
. well worth all' erlrlnally asked for them. - JXet we I
sell them at flS.i lt la like gfvf ng ' them- a way,
Nothing like them was even eeeh befoTr1n Port- I
land, and never will -bevgeen again. IT CANNOT i
$25.00 Outing Suits for, $10.00
Absolut beauties. Of the finest 5 1mported ma
terials, hand tailored, stylish to a degree of fascln-'
- atlon. it would be Idle to contemplate anything ever
offered again atthttHiny-ilguri They oome In
; 'everything . that adds to-the value of outing.. rr
"" mn"i nA in quallty"are not surpassed In .the
-United States.;- - NowJa the time to secure -the es
eieotion. - ye- have thousands of these suit, but
they -AceZiiolng jrejxpldly-Thejr xnotlastgr
ever. ---- . . '.."'" """" .-.-"
3. Fine Coat and Vests for $5.00
' These are from garments that sold at $20 to 140
the suit." They are marvelous bargalne, .- They are.
the best -apparel - for the money ever sold In" the
ON THE. POLLAB-. That's why they go so cheap-
1.00 for your pick tf 500 all wo-Veats'l1air
., sixes.,; Cost 11.71 to sew.." ; . : ' ....
- B3.BO forridoT'Costa in every shape. The -union
workmanahlp on these coats alone oost a piece.
"- f S.OO for 171 odd Coal and Vests from 120 to $40
suits, sack and frock. . - v
' 1(0 White Vests in the $1 and $4 values for 91.00
Ofders .
BtsasssMSJ - -
Just This toe -: Gfiiance: Esfore.'tks FdHK
Meii'l, Yduths- iond : Boyo aothiii Less
Than Quarter Actflal Ordinary Prices at
7 7
' iasxCSl'
.Jt , 1.
;-. ".-;
v. - ,'
Our $ 147,000 Worth of Clothing Bought at $28,000
vOr Less Tban 19 Cents on the DoUais-StUI Bein5 Sacrificed at Almost No Price at. All1''.., v .
$15.00 DucR Suits for $2.50
These are aultable for the Seaside. They ara ralt-
able- for the- mountains. They are suitable for any
resort or men.,.. , , . r , . . .,.:..
Mtn's Trousers for $4 iSfJXr"
S2.50 f or yor rlclr-Bf "ihe finest-II and H 'all
wool lind worsted tailor-made Troueere. . ".f
rsTs 5ft for your' ohoioe-of-pairs of the flnoet
ail wool tailor-made Dress Trousers, regular IT
: to $ values.
4 OO for the gnt-edge $1$ to 114 Trousere. The
richest mn on earth Wears no better garments.
$15 Top Coats $5
We bought these garments
at lb. same time and from .
the aame firm from which
- we secured- our suits, at
' leas than 10 cents on the
'-dollar. -When the winter
moTrths-r-h.ave" eome , these
, Coau will sell format least
$11. Why aot- g.t one of
them hpw while It may be
had so cheap T . -
$20 TOP COATS HT $7.50
We have a large stock of
these on hand and are' Bell
ing, them at one-third- their
actuat worth. Wa will give
$60 for as good a garment
of this, kind sold at any
other store In Portland at '
less than $10. 4 All the
scams are. sewed wtth silk -and
the buttonholes are
made by. hand. One of them
.would make an ornament ;
ot any man. .. .. . . :
'i'1' ''":;..eV.'
$20 to $25 Top Coats for $10.00
-There ara' not many 'of 'these elegant - garments.
' The come In the eelebrated Klrcbbaum and Bally-.
hos. every one warranted and money back If not
' satisfied. This Is the fairest offer we can make.
v $40.00 -Top Coate $15.00
We "cannot describe these coats, because their Ilka .
is not often -brought to this market and people are
not accustomed to garments flulte ao fine.- fcach is
silk and satin lined. In Might, medium and dark
. eolora and fashionable to- the very last degree. The -
' cloth was imported and so wall satlafled are ws that.
""Ifrr friends will like them., that we' make our
atandlnit offer of money back, if not satisfied.. WET
Ovcrwats at $12.5CWorth $50"
It wouldn't require' a very great investment at
IB per pent to make one rich in a very short time. -
Persons .Investing $11.80 In ona of our Overcoats at .
- this time are ..putting their money out at 71 per
' cent We have 1.000 of these superb tailor-made gar-'
ments that came with our great 1147,000 clothing
.. purchase, at II cents on the dollar, and we are sell--.
Ing them at II cents on the dollar, of the price they
" were made to sell for. Men of foresight, hers is a
chance to procure your next winter's Overcoat at so
; small a figure that it would aeem fooliah for you
not to -embrace the opportunity. They come in Mm
dlum and Heavy- Weights. Chinchilla," Melton, Bea-
: ver and Vicunas, lined with silk, satin and the fin- -est
serges. Winter will-come along after awhile
and a man provided with one of these splendid '
Overcoats need not dread: its approaching storms. ,
fid AiMmitf fnn tfA (( .
f We have another, quality of, Oenulne Priestly
Crsvenettes, that are old right along in Portland
dyrlng the fall and winter monthe at 120 and $2S.'
' We sell this kind at f 10. There are only-141 of
them,' ao if you want one don't wait: Tou may mles
this great bargain if you do. , , . . v
A Smash in Furnishing Goods"
'Along with our other bargalna we make a siaugh
ttr of Furnishing Goods that will amass every pur
chaser of such apparel... We sell t j;; ,
$1.60 White Shirts at..,. ....TBlT
$1.11 White Shirts at . . . .....65
$1.00 White Shirts at . ; . .....5S(
'And-we have -one line of Shirts which we eell at
2S. These cost $1.00 each. - They are Working
Shirts,, and worth every cent of what they origi
nally sold for. ' , v. - . ;';.- . . 'i'
: $3.00 Fancy Shirts ti!l5Z l
r It Is a Ehirt Bargain never- offered before, in -Portland.
v... i-:.--r- - . . .. V-
Negligee Shirts
li.oo shirts for..; .............33
11.11 Shirts for, ..63e
$1.80 Shirts for.;.. .......79
$1.18 Shirts for .... .......... ............. -99.
Tremendous Underwear Sacrifice
19e) for every piece of BOoJLTnderwear. '
33 for fine a and -7e-Summer- Underwear, In
Lisle, Balbriggan end Mesh, In Color and plain..
48 for every piece of Sliver Dollar Underwear. Jn
an the net colors, sllkCflnUhed. form-fitting.
06 for 11 gradea of 11.60, $1.00 and $1,21 Undar-,
. . wear, all makes and alsea. . ., 4 J .. ,, j "
xC ?
Stetson Hats at Half Price;
J.50 for fine Silver State
i 92. SO for -choice of s'tet-'
- ra f D imoui s.w iiav
: or any of cUe make of
1 such . manufacturers as
- Knox, Iongley or Xlngs
"Bury. These Hats . can
L not 'be bought anywhere
, else for less than just
double our . prices. We
ro.uld readily sell them at
114.00. and make the differ
ence in profits, but ws
have alwa'ya given our
friends iDarbenerit or our
good fortune in -thess -great
buy. '. Ws always
dtvlds . our ,ucce , with
our' patrons. There- Is-.
a bit of the pig about, ua:...
25c for Six Bit NecRties
25V buys pick and choice of 100 don extremely
stylish Neckties mads to eell at 75c. They are
BO buys all the 11.00. $1 50 and $1.00 Neckwear.
These gooda MUST BB BOLD AT ONCE.,
We hava the. largest stock of Men's Socks In
.Oregon, worth .up to $1.00 , per ..pair. We sell, the
$1.00 kind, however, at 25e. and -
lO buys all gradea tof 15o and $0o Box. v... '.
15 buys all grades of 16c and 40c Box. -, - .. -254
buys all grades of lOo to 11.00 Sox. ,
$7.00; Shoes for $3.45
fl.OS'ror $160 to $4.00 Hand-Sewed'
. ureaa onoes, in aj nwu ot iiui
and shapes, ; ' .'-.-"- -. -
2.05 for $4 6v to- $1.00 Hand-Made
lustotn Shpee. There is n endleaa
assortment of leathers and. styles of
- toe and shapea of shoes Jn' this con
signment. .
3.45 for your pick of, custom bench-
- made j(,JtoaM-;.17.fi8.Jrin:
Shoea. in tana, . uxioraa. ptimunu.
ara. ere mo, vicl kid and calfnew toeav :
1 arched Inatep and patent heala,
Elegant Suit Cases-
Sl.BO for a Leather Suit Case that sold as a leader-
at $1.60.' .. :-, '
2.50 for a Fins Alligator Suit Case that is well
worth $1.00.
4.25 for a gdod 110.00 BoUd Leather Suit Cass,
; the equal of which was never sold before for.vroh
.' a little price . aa that. Some people aay that w
mut have stolen the goods, or we never could
let them go at ao small a prloe. But we didn't.
W bought them at less than lo on the dollar at
, ' of fer our friends the benefit of that fortunate
' . deal. - - -. v. - . . : .-.
Strain's Goods Are. Fashionabto as WeU as Low Priced The Reason Ttey Are Low Priced Is That "IT'S STRAIN'S WAY" to "Make a Good Boy, Then Give Your Friends the Benefit
a nip to m st. xovxa
TxATBii " nr sTBAjroa. tAirog
li.. y. T - . ' .. ",. -
' - - 8peciel Ooncepoaaeeee et Hi JamntL ) -Roseburg.
Or., June $0. To. ion who
1ms visited the Bt Louis falr.-'notlceable
Indeed Is ths depreciatory tone In which
one Is asked the question, "WelC Is it
so big after a41T -Ws'va been .hearing
and reading of the Louisiana Purchase
exposition for foor years and more; we
have heard so much -of Its- stupendous
proportions that wa have all come td
- feel that probably It has been somewhat
overrated. But' to realise what It really
is, on must "see It. for though It be
confirmed In . the mouth of many wit
nesses, while, jne may believe, one can
not comprehend this gigantic ahow save
. one beholds It with his own eyes.
- The apparent . lack of lntereet which
"Is observable in Oregon, one regrets to
thronlcleseemsts-e common to other
localities 'as well. Ons msy meet num-
- t)Fr of people X borne and away who
: admit to feeling no interest In the fair
and caring nothing whatever to aee it.
Even in the city of St Loul lUelf. tip
to thl. -time when th.'falr haa been in
progresa twO months,' ther ara large
mini hers of the better class of people,
. people of vsrious degree of prom
inence, who have .not so .much as,jald
"TrpgVisU""l6 thexpoiltlon There caa
.be but one solution to this enigmatical
condition, which must perforce be that
one wh has'liot seen it cannot realise Ltructv'e. This exposition Is so gl-
' the vast Imoort of this marveloua fair.
There are people taking pleasure trip to
Various places. tf more or less interest
. wlthlng giving a trip to St. tiouls a
passing thought, Thl 'cannot 'be bf
cause the-fair la not worthy, hence muat
be simply -because they fall to realise
the immense amount of benefit to be
gained from seeing thl exposition., where
for the expenditure of a few hundred
dollars and a few- weeks' time, one msy
. see what otherwise would necessitate
journeying to the uttermoet parts of the
Tearth,', spending thousands' of dollars
and consuming monthe of time. Cer
tainly to one who haa meana and leisure
; for unljmlted foreign travel the expo
sition does not appeal, strongly, but to
the-sverage-. American . such opportun-
. It lei do not come, and It is esrneatly to
be hoped. -that: for their own benefit, as
well ss the success of the fair flnas
olnlly and" otherwise, there' will be a
' quirk awakening, of the American peo-
,". pie to a' realization of the greatness-of
the opportunely they "are letting paaa.
Ons -paints no oVer-colered'-plcture in
.the atatement thM within the eortloe
' t i .......... .. .
Grtjcersiik Schilling's Best
'. taking tnrdr
nTwtns artracts
as well as you do; tiey like the
money back business too.
of the fair grounds are gathered all thf
peoples of the globe, and her they are
living just as they lire at home, robed
In their strange garb, speaking fn their
unintelligible Sergon. andeattnanhelf
queer iunnamablev untastable food here
a gathered The relics of the world, an
tiques thousand, of years old, pathetlo
monuments of prehlatorlo peoples: here
are the One arts, products of the world's
greateat talent; the applied arts shew
ing the world's greatest skill and genius
in every line; here Indeed Is the best of
all ths world produce's, the finest and
most perfect of all that man makes.
And one must pause, feeling one's ln-competency--to
eorivey to another .any
Adequate idea of the wonders of this en
chanted realm. Truly a month, at this
international exposition is a liberal edu
cation. '.
'Possibly one reason that people are
not hurrying into St. Louie more rapidly
la the fact of this being ths year of
presidential - campaign - which - always
makes finances stringent to a greater or
leaaer decree, and for thl reaaon many
would prefer not making the necessary
expenditure at this time, consoling
themselves with the aasurance that
there will b other fairs. To be sure
there win be other fairs, for Indeed, are
we not to celebrate the achievements of
the great Lewis and Claris with a lair
in Portland next yearT , . -
.'We have, grown so t accustomed to
falra of late, for In th brief spec of
It- yeara. on remembers th Chicago
exposition, another In Paris, ons in Buf
falo, the one In Omaha, th present on
in St. lout and next year w look to
ward the one in roriiana. xme jrurv-
land fair there are many eastern ana
middle west people showing much . in
terest and many ara heard to express
their intention .to attend. But of all
theae expositions ths Columbian world
fair in 189$ attracted the moat wlde
pread 'Interest. Everybody who could
beg. borrow or ateal a chance to go went
there, yrt it was nt "f hn half,
the nrooortlont of the' ons In progress.
not half so nearly a universal exhibit, in
no magnulornt. costly or in-
gantlo and haa cost such an Immenss
sum not only to our own government,
but to each state and the foreign ex
hibitors, that it Is safe, to say that
another uch how will not b held
within the next decade, certainly not in
America. - . . K . . .
Comparing the Columbian and Louis
iana Purchase expositions, many dlsslm
ilarltlea ss well as similarities are to
be noticed. A to th. main exposition
building they bear a striking likeness
in architectural-design to-those-of th
"White City" of '91 and of cour.e art
constructed of the sama class of ma
terial. In the matter of guarda, at Chi
cago there were $,000 Columbian guards,
while at St Loul. ths 1.140 acres, which
lack, nut 0 -acrerxif-iloTibling' the"shm
of Chicago's grounds, are patrolled by'
only 100 men. the Jefferson guards, in
full uniform, and whll 'they are but
one-fifth the number of the Columbian
guards, they seem, quite sufficient,, for
Sne may always meet a guard by going
0 steps pr lees. -Another
thing on, notices with pleas
ure la the groups of visitor who Msy be
seen during. any band eohceft, sitting or
lounging on -the - beantlful," brilliantly
greeir grass plots In th ahade- of the
handsome' maple trees .with which th
venue ere lined. If I .be not mlsln?
furmed.'thl. Is theMrst exposition wher
such a thing ha been permitted. Walk
ing on the graea would not be tolerated
and it I a pleasure to recount that It la
not attempted.' but nothing can be more
delightful than to ait , on the-, grais.
shaded from the Sun' rather too-ardent
rays, -cooled by the splendid breeie
which seem to be al'kay busy, and lis
ten without money ot without price to
the world's best muslo.-for th world's
best band are ther for on to hear.
In a previous letter the matter of
prtcea was" "ffealtrwtth-and,, the amount
of money one must spend to see th fair, f
and after a three weeks stay there, th
atatement may be reiterated that on
person can manage to live ..nicely for
$1.75 to $4 a day, excluslv of admis
sion to ths - grounds, Pike attraction
and souvenirs. .Fifty cents is th price
of admlsilon to the grounds. Th Pike
attractions vary from II cents to $1,
and ona can apend much or little in th
way of sou venire. Of course many peo
ple who go to th fair, either through
Indifference or poor management , find
their expense abnormally high, bu.t if
ona make sufficient effort to find them,
there are numberless places which are all
one could ask for a to comfort and
fairly good etyle, and wher th amount
given will ,be ample.
-In this connection-It msy be well to
venture th hop that In th coming
Lewi and Clark fair, Portland' flat
and rooming houses will not be per
mitted to go 'into the hands of any sort
of a combine or syndicate. St. Louis ia
at present suffering terribly from such
a concern. In the early spring a com
bination was i affected .which took in
practically all "the ' desirable flats and
rooming houses - of th city and rents
were ralaed to unheard' of price. Flat
which had brought $37.10. per month
were' raised to $60 th first jump- and
without. further sdo. to $180. On nat
urally wonders wher th syndicate im
agined the plain citlsen of St, Loul
would be able to mak th money to
meet such a demand, arid lna.much a
thl question has not .been satlafactorlly
answered as yet, St Louis is full ot
empty houses. ' People -left comfortable
flats which they had occupied for year
to take email, unde.lrable place far In
th . auburba, many men absolutely
moved their famfllea out of town, or
stored " their, household goods and sent
thelr-familles to board the Bummer cut
In. small places. Many were not for
tunate enough to be abl to meet th
situation In any of thee various way
and being compelled to retain their
houses, they have cramped themselves
Into ths smalleat possible spaos and put
out a card "Booma for Rent" that they
may be able in this way to meet the
rent bUL Let The Journal, always, ad
vocate of th greateat good " to th
greateat number, ba relehtle -in. it
flght agatnst such a condition being re
peated at our own- Lewis and Clark fair
next yesr.
from Portland to th Beaca Yla th
A. f) O. B. m. Beginning Satarday,
;- - - , -.-.'- -
' Th PortlandBeaald Flyer leaves
Union depot Saturday, July I, and ev
ery Saturday thereafter during th sea
eon at 1:10 p. m. for Astoria, Gear
hurt and Seaside, funning through
direct without -tranafer at Astoria, ar
riving af Oearhart at 0:40 p. nx 'Snd
Seaside at 1:10 p. m. . Saturday apeclal
round-trip excursion tlcketa between
Portland and all Clatsop and .. North
Beach pointa, good for return paasage
Sunday, evening, sold for 13.14. Ticket
on al at 1 48 Alder street and Union
'depot j.' : '' - 1 - - ' . '
-Tickets for Oceaa Beach.'
Season tickets. Portland to any point
Oh ths beach. 14.00. Saturday excur
sion tickets, good returning Sunday
night only .I3.I0." Tickets snd berth
reservations at O. R. a K, city office.
Third and Washington, ; ,
u.bob ; osiumunori mo
- wxu bb nr lot SWIOIAI, bx
It -baa been decided that the Fourth
of July demonstration this year shall
be under the auspice of (b carnival
committee. .' ' , ; V . . '
The day 1 to open with a water-front
salute from battery A. p. N. O." '
On th carnival, ground at 10 o'clock
th parade will form, although th tin
of march ba not' yt- been selected.
Those taking part in th . parade are
members of th national guard, th
crew of that war veaaela now In port
th O. A. R-, labor organisation, letter
carrier, clvle and state authorities.
A reviewing stand will be placed on
Park tret, near Jefferson, Rev..W. B.
Ollbert of Calvary Presbyterian church,
will deliver a ll-mlnut oratloa Rev.
Father Daley will Invoke the divine
bleaelng. Mia Retha Fowler, a maid to
th queen of the carnival, will sing "Th
Star Spangled Banner." . -
Further plan are in th band of J.
L. Mitchell, room 111 Marquam building.
Today was fraternal day .at th car
nival' and the attendance showed , a
marked Increase over previous day a. -'A
large number of Woodmen from other
town were present and thl evening
varlou lodge 1 of th-city will attend
th performances.
Qerman day yesterday was a grand
succesa Th cooler weather draw large
crowd both afternoon and evening and
veryon appeared to be aatlsfted with
the offerings. Most of th visitor took
up their headquarter at th - Quail
garden a. r-- '
Same of th beat act that have been
given In the Royal Roman Circus Maxl
mus have been transferred to the center
field -and on of th best Show of It
kind . that ..has vr been given In thl
city may now be seen- for th single
admission fee. One of the big free at
tractions ' is the . electrical fountain.
Thla 1 in play after 10:10 each evening,
and J one of th prettiest things that
can be een on eh grounds.' Many visit
tors have -gone away before th foun
tain waa In play, and o hav missed
one of the beat attractions. . . r
"Dare-Devil Edward. - thg- plucky
trick bicycle rider, 1 also Included in
th list of 10 oent attractions . Ed
wards rod again last syenlng and the
trip is on of th moatf svooesaf ul ae
has yet made. - H did not rjde this af
ternoon, but will ride thl evening at
:0 o'clock. t, , -j.r..
- Th Austin sisters. In their . ' sensa
tional act cm ths electrical, wheel, will
appear in th big field, together with 30
acrobat in tumbling act and other
-clever feats. Th four flying " Ban-
varda, who are well known in th
amuemnt world, do clever work in1
forward and backward somersaults
and aerial twisting acta , '
Phil D. Gree.n ha not yet appeared In
hi great aerial act In which h as
cend, a spiral tower by mean of a
revolving glob - and descend In a
bower of firework. Oreen haa been
her or om time, but hi apparatus,
which was shipped from Cincinnati, has
ot yt aodvad. U WAU Mrobably b lai
place by thl evening or tomorrow. Thl
i on of th 10 -oent attractions.
Tomorrow has been sst apart by ,th
committee as labor day, and a Large at
tendance of members . of labor organi
sation" and their -families Is expected.
Th managamaht will endeavor- to put
on - on of the beat - performance -yet
seen. Th battle of confetti continue
and confetti 'Venders are reaping a
haxveat .'' . . 'i--'
Fir that for a, time threatened to de
troy' th residence of Mra Mafy MI1
ton, Z7t Jefferson street was caused
last night at I o'clock by th exploelon
of firecracker in front of th bous by
boy a ' All of th lac 'curtains in th
parlor war burned, and had it not been
for th prompt arrival of Hos No. I
ana in quick work or th nremen,
further damagol would hav resulted.
- A crowd of boys were - playing in
front ' of th residence, . and war ex
ploding firecrackers. On of th crack
ers flew In through' a large front wlnv
dow, which was-open, and set fir to.
th lac curtains. - . .
- Instantly th fir shot nf, and th
parlor was enveloped In flaroea Those
in th rpom -hurried .out and the fl re
man were called. They arrived prompt
ly 'and with but llttl effort succeeded
in Quenching th lira A few minute
mora, however, would have given the
flame time to get a good atart and
much damage would probably hav re
sulted. - f. '.-.-.
-This is th first Instance reported of
datnag to property by firecracker in
Portland thl year.
Th receipts of th local postofflc tor
th month ending June 20 how an in
crease' of 14 1-10 percent over the' re
ceipt for. th corresponding month of
last year. Th incsease. Is attributed
to th rapid growtt! of the city In that
time, and the. consequent growth of
business in. th local postoffloe.
The monthly, report which was com:
pleted this morning-,. br- Cashier
Strauss, was Immediately orWardenNto
department headquarters at Washing
ton. . it shows that the total receipt
from th ..sal of stamps, books . of
stamps, postal cards, stamped envel
opes and newspaper wrappers daring
th. month .amounted to !2.4V9.I7.
Ths total receipts from other sources
for the month were 4.zz, making an
aggregate of I2I.I3I.EI for th month.
Th total 'for th earn month In 1103
waa i2E.i51.7J. Tne increase accora
inslr amounted to $s,g., which Is
equivalent to 14 I-IO pr cent
' ' v -"
, A Benton county glrlif six years, th
hmiu burnlns while her parents wer at
a neighbor', ran in at some risk and
carried a little brother out to safety.
Castor i a
- For Infuiti and Children.;.
Fha Kind Yo. Hava Always EcugW
Bears the '
OJgnature of
umAifiMr. cAVnrn.
i!Mvh9mtos nncsiFIivori
. - ) POimjaiHOe4eON.
Bstabllshed Igag. Oregon Paoaa. Bed Tf
Portland ;
Marble Works
Manufacturers ef and
dealers In all kinds of
Marble, Granite and
Estimates Given
. .. Application.
Bet Madleon. and
Jefferson Btreeta
Schwab Bros. PrintingCa
i Best Werk.
fHTH ttark,guss.
aable Prise
Baom Mala lTi
(Journal Special Betrkf.)
St Louis, Mo., July 1. Today wound
up ths business of th moat successful
convention ever held by th National
Educational association. Th attend
ance undoubtedly establishes a hew re
ord for the association's convention.
The fact that many of th visitor
to th - convention mad their head
quarter at the, varloue state building
on the exposition ground make It im
possible to. give the exact figure re
garding th total number of - visitor,
but th register at th general head
quarter of the convention ahow that
mora than 10.000 -teacher attended the
general sessions or took om part In
th sectional oonierences and other
meetings that wer held In conjunction
with th big gathering. . .
FIrc Sale.
$10,000 stock of clothing.- men's and
ladles" shoes, hats and gents' furnish
ings, slightly - damaged by smoke and
water, will be sacrificed at leas than
oost at 231 First treet, near Main. , -
Dr. W. Norton Davis.
We treat ' successfully . all privates .
nervous and chronic disease, also blood,
stomach, heart liver, kidney and threat
troublea W cur BTrHILIB (without
nvsreury) to stay cured forever, in 10 t.
60 days. W rsmov OTWCTURK. with
out operation or pain, in fifteen daya ;
The doctor of thl Institute are alt '.
regular graduates, hava had many
VMrl' .TtiAfimiM V, itnim. In
Portland for li years, have a reputation v.
to maintain, and will undertake no case
unless certain cure can be effected.
,W.- guarantee a cur In every ease
w undertake or charge no fee. Con
sultation free. Letter confidential. Ia
tructlv BOOK FOR MEN mailed free
in plain wrapper.
- If vou cannot -eaM-ae-efllM. writs foe
question blank for home treatment ; ,
Office hours i to I. and T to I. ' Sundays) .
ana Doijaaye. in to is,
Th leading specialists in th Northwest
4lshed -llitv-
Dr. W.Norton Davis & Co.
Tan Boy Bot.i. . ,H. ooc VhtrC aad.
Pin Street.
-. 4 nA tmmtmm Anpir.t Ynm mm vtA . mi.,
lives from operatlona He cure all disp
enses of mea ana .
women, such ss. .
rheumatism, neu
ral s la, kidney dis
ease, stomach die---ease,
eta, by th ,
ua - of roots and
herbs, - especially
prepared for, each
ease.- to All disease "
successfully treat
ed with powerful
r k a K - - w i
u raring
, w. mm, mrw , vnimi in.
known to medical science In thl coun-
Tii!nts4"out fjf fth all: m.n H vtirr
Lt bom, writ your mymptthnm fully, " .,
0. Singleton Chinese Medicine Co.
4 H". Fourth Btt Bt. Cottoh n Mnr
miam mrmmm. roniavna vrtf cm.
-C -'' .'
tins. 7i::slo7's
scoTi:i::a syro?
Ha bM M by sttlltons of Motbera fortholr i
I etuUlren while Teethlns for ovr f iffy TiMirs.
i It sooine the ctaliil, soTtcn th. rini, siikti
' i tl pxlo. enres wind uUa, and Is lite bmm4 ,
9mmlj for 41ft rrt),pa, .
-tw twTj.rivg cnnrril a "rT-tE' i