. -:e':f, 7. , , Editorial Page -of--. 11L3 JociininiQl t.. PORTLAND, OREPONV FRIDAY, JULY lk .1904. THE O R E a ON DA IUY J O U R ISA t Small Change Oregon Sidelights AK INDEPENDENT NEWiPAPR 7 C JACKSON rtlHt4 every erenlntT (except Sunday) And every Bunday"mornlnc at ... . : . ' OFFICIAL, BETTER ACQUAINTANCE t;' EADtNQ business .men of Portland are taking, an I -i ' Increasing interest 1 In eastern Oregon, yet w. would be to their advantage, If hla-Interest, were even livelier. 'And their Acquaintance with that", region were yet more-"!!! . tlmafe and extended, Probably; not '.one .Portland man ut . of tejv to put ' the eae jnoderately, -could; travel throughout eatern and central Oregon, carexuny ooery Ing things, without being surprised, at th iPvplnpm.nrthHt.haa taken and at the possibilities of future development. Tola would-be apparent even If one did not leave the -fine of railroad,, And from what he could observe ln-The Grande And Baker City; but hA would be still more 1m- '. pressed and instructed If he were vest region far back from the railroad.. In timber, in range,- in livestock. In minerals, and, .; rtgatlon,' In farm, orchard and garden products, eastern ' Oregon meaning; he' whole section of the state east of the Cascade' mountains, is a region most unlimited natural wealth, and raw wealth's development and transformation Into pro , ducts and cash. '" ' ',"; . t y.:'':-..'-The population of that portion of the state Is rapidly In' creasing', and will Increase even "more . Are almost Invariably well-to-do and people. ' They are moreover an active, - lng,; progressive people, .being In this ' and a a whole, somewhat In advance, apparently, of those of western Oregon. The trade that region Is already '. very large 'and valuable, and will steadily -become more so. Portland gets only a portion ot , not so much as it ought -to get. Bo It would be good, thing If Portland jobbers And other leading business men went to a little trouble and expense In order, to' -oughly of conditions and trade prospects and. possibilities In. eastern Oregon, . and to cultivate ', a ' mare" Intimate acquaintance with Its people. ""v One suggestion la that a large company of Portland men visit Pendleton And vicinity during Fourth of. July celebration. Thls-would be well, as a be ginning, but should not othen excursions be made, to dif ferent points from. t1rn to timer It ' supposed that mucn might thus be Not long ago a large number of business men of Seattle and Tacoma visited Walla Walla,; with a view to capturing ., the trade. of that region, and If they ure succeed. Jt was because the Walla tjaturany tributary .to Portland. - But . regions!, rapidly - Increasing ln population andproductaj that are' also naturally tributary to this city,-whose trade . goeat in part to Chicago, St Louis, Kansas City, or else: where. v- .-j- '" ' ' ' .' " v .-'W-"'v ' ; ANOTHER BLOW FOKtHB RURAL"; " ; ...i CARRIERS.:- ' r s!rfl3 IJJ3REf IS no .department, of the public ervlce' which I - Within Us llmlU renders a more distinct service ,. ' than the rural letter carriers. .They bring Into closer relations, than ever before "the country districts and -'" the towns' ThA delivery of mail keepAthe farmers Inclose touch with what ls-golngUn over the country, with the markets, the ruling prices and the trend - loss of time from bis home.pr business, to make conditions "more pleasant in the mails are .certain, regular and , ' At Us last session congress- voted branch, of the postbffice service. At privilege of doing commissions for along the various, routes -waa taken away from the car ' . rlers.- Under the conditions that, have existed the com missions which came from these source pieced' out the salaries allowed "by the government made It possible for most of the . . should not be forgotten that, the carriers must provide- their own vehicles as well as teams for """""circular, which has Just been Issued partment, wa received. It waa taken for granted that with the commission business cut off each of the car rer w Jull'recelve , salary of 1 720 a year Jn thla they will be doonied 'to disappointment,.. A a matter of fact A graded seal baa been arranged, based-on.ne number of miles traveled, and It goes Into e(TecVtoday. Car riers An routes 14 miles and over In length will receive $720; 21 to 14 mile routes will carry a salary of 1702; 22 to rt miles, 1684; II to 21 miles. 18; 20 to 21 mUea, 1648; From 'the 'ChlcagoNews. ' Charles Emory Smith, editor; diplomat ana saan ot ariairs. was a political en - amy of the late Senator Quay. After Quay had . successfully conducted the Harrison campaign, he was consulted by President Harrison when the latter be- gas to think of appointment for the dlp- ' lomatio aervtee. He. wanted to rive Smith a post, so he had Secretary 'BlaJne sound Quay for bis opinion In the mat ter: .Senator," esld the secretary, "you know Charles Emory BralthT" -res. -wee the reply,""very weiL""Would you . care if he received a foreign appoint- tnentT" . ."No," was the quick answer, ; "the tore! gner the better.-jrSo Mr. Smith . went to St. Peteraburg. A resident of Atchison, - Kan., waa V, going to Europe ojt, business. . During tha- voyage he and 'other passena-ers , were annoyed by a Itostoman who talked ' a great deal about the number of times ' he had been abroad, He laid great stress on the fact that be went over twice, a 'y'ear. "Have yeu ever been abroad 7" he asked the man from Atchison. The lat ' . ter admitted that he was making his . first trip. "I go over twloe a yeai1," said the Bnatonlan "Oh, do yeuT" re - plied the Kansas men, and he' added, ''Have yon ever been to Omaher" The poatonlan said he hftdn't "Well," said the Kanaaa man, "I go there twice a - week.'; ' . ... 7 -Lj : A young globetrotter washoldlni forth during a dinner In Paris about the - loveliness of the Island of Tahiti and - - the- marvelous twenty of the women t . there. One of the Barons Rothschild, 1.-who-was present, ventured to Inquire It be had remarked anything else worthy of note in connection With the Island. Kesentlng the baron s Inquiry, tha youth replied: "Tea. what "etruck tn most - waa that there .were noijewe and no pla-s to be seen' threT,r::jShat sot" " " etrlatwied the baron, in no wise d)s-on rerted. TTen If yon .and-1, xo there together FA shall make our fortunea - iHaest Book la national tilbxaiy, ... , . The most beautiful volume la the eon. -, grenaloaal library at Washington is a lttfcle which was transcribed on parch- Mnt by a monk la tha Ktb century. "3 h general lettering la la, the Oerman .tu each letter Is perfectVand there Is nst a. scratch or Llot freni lid to HA ' '.kach chapter begins with a large ljlu JUBUSHEB BY JOURNAL PUBlilSHINQ CO. Streets, fOTUUO, UrBgOD. PAPER OP THQ CITY OP DESIRABLE.' IS toSO miles, 1540: il to 14 miles. .$432.. . It and to Portland', rlers will . receive salary was fixed more active,, and tlons the privilege of the routes has manner that" the not to say astonished out any trouble- tBey coulii Mivs Is taking place, and Dalles, Pendleton, XA this work. It Is to travel through "the slble for many of with increasing- 1r of maintaining 01 immense, ana ai the conditions as possibilities of that rapidly, - And they E YEN the fairly- prosperous wide-awake, push- find with respect, as a rule, Quite as little fault was-the direct, the crime itself horrify wveryone The work so far some further steps example which will lnforrn-the'mselves .very. "thor .T? ', cumstance to show the Umatilla Indians' faintest, tinge of ' festly a brute dealt with tn the, is reasonable" to be accomplished. -. . ' even men such aa did not in some-meas Walla valley Is there are other rich rTHBl WORK any strike- or labor duplicated in Portland. This gratifying between the labor tractors. It -waa waxes demanded only union men enough of them at out Interruption or unions agreed not ofUhlngs, without during the progress "The serulo7 lends every respect for ployinentlptjjon-tinion ample. , I20.000.00fr for this both sides. In spirit the same "time, the the fact that no pay. for the1 people arose, they were up the home for for the service and carriers to exist. It their work. Until a Labor should be by the poetofflce de mlnated letter. In which is draws the figure of a saint, aome Incident in whose life the chapter tell a The book is in a. perfect state ot preservation. m xAnzatATioa or nu. From the New Tork Amerioan. Wonder Is expressed that within a day or. two after the disaster to the steamboat Oeneral Blocum .thousands of men, - women and children, including mothers with babes in their arms, should laughiajKlr.embark.on other huge excursion boats and go sailing up the Hudson, and even, with bands playing and .flags flying, speed past the dread' ful Wreck at North Brother .Island, wET-kv rescuers of dead bodies are yet at work. : , .."Can nothing alarm these , people!"' aska soma of the astonished spectators. Hare they no fear at all, with subh an awful example befoni their eyesf w" No, tey have no-fear. The fate of the Bloeum waa for them like a scene hthat passes on the eture at the theater. moving tneir sympathy, stirring their emotions, but leavtna them nn.!,rm.H because they do not 1 eel," that hey per sonally ean oe in smiuar cancer. ,.' It is an exnreaslos of the universal and Irrepressible -optimism of the hu man mind., without which Ufa on, this planet would be but as a residence In naaea - 'co OCT sraarf-wAiaT eatA . '' From the Chtoago Tiibtme. The woman who knows how ean take advantage of the mlamarklng of shh-t waists to procure many a bar gal that she -AuJMd consMev ut f the. queatloo If She alloaud herself to be frightened by the large si see. i, , Waists marked 40 and 41 era oftan left' over, mussed, .soiled and -marked down, which ar in ftet, none toe big tor a person wearing a is, or even a, 44. A, enopper who xets an her shirt waists at half price. does it by always lnveatl sating the marked dowa large alses. Therare rarely. any fuller In the front or wider across the shoulders than is liked, , even by smaller wpmen, and though' sometimes a little alteration of the side seams and neck band Is neces sary, It is more often that it Is a simple Case of mlamarklrtx. and after washing the only thing required is the moving of the buttons at the wrist.- - JNO. 2. CARROLL The Jearoal- Ball ding Fifth and -Tamhill - PORTLAND. 61;nnoirinlIesf257rii't II miles, miles'. 1504: 10 to 12 miles, $46$; I to 10 . -. ;' ";-' : :. ; Under this arrangement not over 10 .per cent of. the car the .maximum salary,.. although that by statute. (What was bad haa been mad worse. Within strict bounds and the right regula of doing little sendee for- the patrons been, almost as popular as the rural de livery itself. Indeed It. supplemented that . service . tn patrons could best appreciate, for with or. lss cf time and at trifling expense . HiHlr liuie; t'uiijailifluiis ptuinptly . and intelllgeritly, executed. But If in the wisdom. of -the gov ernment the carriers were not to be allowed to do any .'of slmply outrageous that their! small .salaries should be cut down In such a way as to make It Impos the efficient men to Stay In the service and come out even; at the end .of the year when the cost thetr teams And making repairs to Hhehr venicies is aaaea lo me- orainary cosi or living, , i ne order should promptly be rescinded or modified to meet they actually exist,' 7 - JUSTICE FOR GUGLIELMO. 1 most exacting could have no complaint to the expeditious manner "that the Qugllelmctcase has-been disclosed of in the courts. can be found with the verdict. That natural and perfectly logical outcome of which was so deliberate and brutal aa to who read of C . - - .... " hM beert well done, but there remains tj be taken to get tram this case an not lead to the encouragement of mur der In this community, With the start that haa now been made, each successive move-should -come with the same orderly ; ceIeflt".B'ntfl": the final xct te. thetraglc drama Is consummated. There was Absolutely no mitigating cir that Ougllelmo. had -in-his breast the compassion or humanity. He Is mahl pure and simple,- and as such should be manner , the Uw provides and that with as little loss of time as Is consistent with a Recent respeof for .appearances and a rcognlUon of the rights' which he can Justly claim under the law.:;' ST. LOUIS SETS AN EXAMPLE. of building1 the world's greatest expo' - sltion, -now on exhibition at. St. Louis, was re ' markable for the fact that it was done without disturbance, or any serious threat of any. It is exceedingly important tnat tnia .record - oe 'record at St." Lou!A"wes the -result of a broad-guage "compromiser'agreement made at the outset unions and the management and con: agreed on the part of 4 be fatter that the by'the unions would 'be paid, and that would be employed, provided there were all times to carry on- the. work, with delay.. On the othev hand the federated to demand a further Increase of pay of the work,Tor to object to the em men whenever necessary to carry it on continuously and energetIcallyrThlwa the-aub-stance of the agreement reached. And that It was kept by as well as In letter, Is evidenced by difficulty was reported. If any differences speedily and quietly settled. : v ' So far the contractors and workmen, who are building the Lewis, and Clark exposition seem to have proceeded harmoniously; but It Is extremely desirable that there' should be no delaying 'and discouraging dis agreement, and the St. pouts case may afford a useful precedent for consideration If a disagreement should occur. well paid, but wages must necessarily be- within reasonable limits; union labor should have the preference; finally, and chiefly, the work must go steadily He Is no wise man that will quit A certainty for an-uncertainty.- ... SAMUEli JOHNSON. TO OOL9 Bimil, ' Prom Harper's Baser. For the first time in culinary history the cold dinner Is fashionable. Hereto fore it has been synonymous with dls- eomrort: now- It stands for all that is most appetising and delicious for a hot summer's -meal. There Is scarcely a meat which Is not better cold than hot; flsa is Infinitely more toothsome when thoroushy, chilled, while salads and toes are only the fitting .thing to 'complete' the bill or rare Clams on the' half-shell; brown-bread and butter, V i Cold boiled salmon; sauce tartaref-euA i eumoers. cniaken chartreuse, . -Tongue n asplo; tomatoes with French -.- - 1 dressing. - ; Pineapple salad; ' cheese wafers. '' Kroien watermelon, ' Bsr-le-Due; co: Sttnttt steaks of salmon are the. best to get for this fish course, unless, ; In 3eedyoa can have a whole fish; the small outlets are easy to manage on the platter, as they keep .their shape .well. The chicken chartreuse Is made by boll lng a Cup of rice, seasoning it well, and pressing It Into a mould until it is an inch thick all over the bottom and sides." Then take cold chicken -cut In small pieces the canned will do nlcVly and make a very, rich sauce with a cup pf cream, the yolk of an egg, the usual thickening of- flour and - butter,' and a spoonful of sherry, with salt and a little, red pepper; cook this1 until It Is very thick, stir In the chicken, and let It Absorb-alMhe eaune Jt -wM.-rmtH the whole mass Is so stiff It Is difficult 'to stir; pack this Into the mold, cover with another inch of rice, and put away to harden; pass on a round platter with a Droao-bladed knife and spoon. Plnlaaders . Flocking1 lo Vnlted fttatea - Since the decree of the csar.ln 1191 depriving the people of Finland pf their constitutional liberty, 140,000 Flnae hare come to -the United Statea. ' New comers are looked out for bv the Finnish Exiles' club at Battery park. New ToslCOn Urlu's urgency McQlffln sttended Ten per cent of Finland's population of I 1,000,000 is now in America. . V I - V I . . Premium Frioe oa Whalebone. Two and a half tons of -..whalebone were recently sold ar Dundee at the rate. It is understood, of 214.000 a ton, or 11,000 a ton higher than the previous record price. Karly last eenturythe price wag 1125 a ton. . : - - - - - . Have you decided hew and where to celebrate T ., v.,.-. A noiseless Fourth of July la a non- lrrldiscent dream. ... ' If Judge Harmon had a y at the end of bis naroei he . might' be a ;goo4 man to nominate, , Clean up for the Fourth and then clean up after-the Fourth.'.-Cleaning, is a continuous .process. . The war in Manchuria will receive scant attention while that Democrat lo convention is In progress. ' 'Now that Mr.-Cortelyou fs out of the labor department, he will have to go to work. Bustling campaign -runns. There Is no terror In high prices to a TTnltt Hf.t.. .r.t.rv nf the trM- ury, witn. nia salary- ana perquisites. The publlo baths are a nubile instl tutlon of more Interest than any other one to the young Amerloa bf Portland. The literary war experts - are criti cising Kuropatktn's strategy. Probably h feels worse about It. than they do. The bride Is' always a most estimable. popular, accomplished .and beautiful young woman. Quite often true, toe. Next week the Democrats will shw the country "What a real,-live polltcal convention 'ought (or ought notT) to be. Fsrdlcarls waa produced, but - what would Secretary 'Hay have .done with Kaisuil dead" If he had sot him thus Instead T J -. - .There are at least -enough Prohibi tfonlsta to heM a lively and enthusiastic convention end to be Inharmonious therein. - ' ' ; :.. Only Jefferson's portrait" will appear in the Democratic convention hAll. Is he -the enly one whose Democracy la not aououuir. . - Few' west side people have any ade quate conception Of the growWr of the east side, which ere long will beat the west side in- population. . Now will that forest fire proclamation ne neadearIt should be. carefully, tr everybody to whom It applies, during this dry spell, and sll summer. Seventy-five per cent of the delegates to the recent national' Republican con vention were office-holders. - No wonder they hurrahed, for the O. O. P. An Everett - doctor named Red res gain A. an Oregon Million the other day md In one sense loet la the.aame mo ment. Her first name is Kathryne.-1 Uncle .Russell- Sage's contribution to the Siocum disaster relief fund was a telephone message - Of sympathy with the owners of the vessel, probably. A Republican ' orator says that the trouble Is that we have more money than .-we know what to do with. But he waa not. authorised to speak forall or 'US.: ' - ., i - , Among thjT fools who shoot persons mistaking- them for animals, the Idaho man. who shot his boy,-thinking he was a coop-robbing coyote, takes -high rank for Idiocy. . r 'jjy-., There ought to be a "sane" Fourth olSaTuly to the extent of suppressing the deMly toy pistol, at least, and such suppression should . not be connned . ta 1 that day, either In ' following r his - predecessors' ex empts lar appointing a Republican as one of his deputies. District Attorney Manning properly recognises the fact that a great many Republicans voted' for him.: u -: ; ..: . - .. Secretary Paul - Morton will have plenty of time and opportunity to go down to the coast and find out what shin looks Ilka and the - difference between It and a railroad palahe, car or a prairie schooner. -- , BOSTOars ixoomi(i - - From Alnsles- Msgaslna We of Boston are apt to be credited with- rather more than an ordinary degree of composure and poise which produces a certain aloofness from the rest of the world a mental attitude often characterised by outsiders,' espe cially In the wes by less , dignified titles. And the indifference. If you please, with which these strictures from without are received here helps to eon Arm the impression. ' If the charges are true and we are willing to make any concession on'thisN subject? the reason must be looked for that condition of serene self-com placency which- attends .successful ma turity. For Boston,, you must remem ber, is nearly three centuries old. Eng. llsh when New Tork was Dutch, eurs IS the most venerable of sll the large American cities. The great west Is omposed of Individuals, aggressive and self-assertive, who,. If you attempt any. thing like exciustveness, will gaily bat ter, -down your social ramparts till the fortress of good fellowship Is taken by assault. The warmth of - the west comes mainly from her newness; because she is new she still has the roaring cama raderie of the pioneer dare when fron tiersmen looked - to ' one another". . not only ror cutnpanlorTBhtp; but Jor dea fen se against thehas&rds of a pre carious existence which would have made' excluslveness well-nigh suicidal. Boston, on the other hand, long ago outgrew her municipal baby clothes, and we have totally lost the pioneer spirit that cnee was ours. .The city 1s built to stay, and wlth.lt we also stay unto the third 'anA fourth renerationa Out- friends flew : kites with us, read Virgil with us, came to our "weddings nd . win lay wreaths on our ' tombs. Indeed, we have In the natural course of things, rather more friends than we think we need; so . why .collect others? We do not lay siege to one another., and we do not care much to be besieged by other a Jt is' not, ouri game. . . , ,- -;- I .. .wv.m cxmisTXAjr, .. ' -A Boston man. a graduate of An-napolta.-recalling his cadet days.-says that among tha most, interesting of his clsssmates was- Admiral Uriu and the late Phi la MoOlfTW-Vrl wee a Chrla tlolr and aerordtng' .to McQlffln the only Christian . In the naval erademy. the Toung .Men's Christian association servlors. and the odd couple, the MtUe Jap and the big Yankee, became Insep. anrble chumsv The destinies of the two were widely different. MrOIffln fought for China In the war of 10 years ago and probshly against Uriu. McGinn's life closed In madness, and he died self-slaln. Uriu has mounted to the highest honors of hla profession. 'July L We proceeded along the north side of Diamond . Island, where a small ereek-r-called Biscuit creek-emptles. -At one and one-half miles above the Island Is a large sandbar in the middle the rivet bey ond which we .stopped te ref resh the men, who suffered very much from the heat Here we observed great, quantities of grapes and rasDberrlea Between one and two miles further, are three Islands, ana a creek on the south known by Jhe French name of Renore.' The main cus POOR OLD HORSE ; By E1U Wheeler Wilcox.) . Several month ..ago .- the "following clipping - was sent me -from an ex change; . ' .' ,-' "areenvilla, O., Jan. I. A prominent and wealthy dry goods merchant of'thlS city put up at public -euotlon yestfsday at Davis A North's sale sUbles his old family .driving horse, 'Btoney.' that he had owned for nearly 10 years. 'Stoney haa "been - a familiar animal on the streets of QreenvUle kind, gentle and faithful as a dog. - He la now 22 years old. and was bid in by a trader at 221. and immediately Void to Lew Wilson of Union Ctty.-Ind., at 21 profit- - ' One cannot read these words without a blurring of the eye and a catch at the heart. At least one who knows any thing about the, nature of horses. - The horse; like the eat. ' becomes strongly attached . to . Its home. - It- suffers with intense homesickness' when obliged to change locatlonA' Horses taken to new homes . rarely eat - the food placed- be fore them for the -first day or two, or until hunger Compels them, to break the last or sorrow. '. -- - . If the same - hand and volce-eceonv pany them to ffie new home they feel less lonely, and sooner settle Into the unfamiliar quarters. But when a horse changes hemes gnd teas te"f a, after years or service, n is little short of tragedy, .- ' .; A swift and painless death Is far kinder to an old horse than such a fata as the one recorded' above. The Old horse and the old wife of the ambitious and pleasure-loving man the man without ideals or a keen sense of duty God pity both of thomt We have all seen the old wife, faded and unatjactlvcjytjtaaldeL7JoTthe younger woman. - She 'haa' helpedHmakeher husband's fortune .and lost her bloom and beauty In his service. She has reared hie chil dren and looked after his Interests and pinched and saved to earn the name of "good, economical wife." , Jhe.Httla vanlllee-and frivoltlee-of the eex she has crushed, out,- of her na ture, because she wanted to. be sav ing." ' . :-r- .i ;.-: ' :' And always she prided herself unon being a faithful, good woman, and It never occurred to .her. that her. lose of youth and beauty could hxlnr a.areater loss to her life; she knew she was the helpmeet and comrade of her husband. and she could no . more 'suspect him of faithlessness than she could herself be unfaithful. -- Were they not growing old together? She had not noticed how much younger her husband looked than she It Is the way of soma wi tlce those things. If she' did observe hla well-nreserved. maniyjcnarmsr she was proud of him that was all.. . And then by and by 'hw-fcea-an to lie less a home man than of old. That was owing to his Increased financial respon sibilities, she thought. . And he had joined several . clubs and was . popular witn men. or this. too. she was proud. There are women who are so constant and true by nature that nothing short or orutaiity can convince theinA hus band Is disloyal Wthought or ded. THE AIRSHIP WILL, NOT DOWN (By Garrett Vr Servlaa) ' (Copyright, 1004, by W. E. Bunt.) rThe approaching, contest of airships at St.- Loulr serves to concentrato-an unusual amount of attention upon the problems of . aerial navigation, but. In dependent of all artificial and temporary stimulation of Interest, the conquest of the air as a highway for- human In tercommunication is a cause that finds new .recruits and new or Improved methods of attack every- year. Just' now- Major Baden-Powell is coming to the front with an elaborate series of experiments at the grounds of the Crysfcu Palace, in the suburbs , of London. The problem that be haa set himself to solve, if he can, is one that must have occurred somewhat daunt Ingly to tha imagination of . every one wholiae ever -gone so far as to picture himself soaring high In the .air.' cup- ported, not by a balloon, but by a swift- gIldingaeropiane, Depending ; for- Its buoyancy upon motion alone. Even 'a powerful eagle, circling with widespread wings above the vast abyss of a mountain amph 1 1 heater, .sometimes makes' the .heart of a sympathetic watcher leap by executing a sudden- turn whereby It seewie to have lost Its equilibriumand to-t plunging tor de struction. . How much more fearful. then, must, be the Impression of peril produced by the wavering and balanolng of an aeroplane on whose steadiness de pends the life of a man, or perhaps of a whole company of human beings? Even Imagination one cannot represent such -a scene with entire equanimity; It Is -4hls problem of balanolnr. Which- the instinct of the bird begins to solve 'witn its nrst. night that causes more trouble -to the experimenter In human aviation than any other... Major Baden-Powell Is therefore right in de voting special attention, to It, although, of course, he Is not the first to qo so. Professor Lahgley. has struggled .with the same difficulty-in hie -experiments on the Potomac, and up to date has failed to overcome it.- It was the loes of. balance while la the air that sacri ficed She -lives of Otto Llllenthal and Percy Pllchar and that has caused many oiner disasters.. ..: , - XJttle -CArlea 'Briea CBrlea. ." ' " FrptnUaa-New Tork Sun. Thwre is a new "tahy in the O'Brien family up In Harlem. - Mr. and - Mrs. O'Brien ware discussing a namefor.htm. "1 ace." said Mrs. O'Brien, "that the Roosevelts are uslrfg Roosevelt Ag a middle name. The O'Briens are Just as good as the Dutch. Let's call the baby James O'Brien O'Brien." "Just as good!" cried O'Brien. "The Ifleh. are three tlmee as good ss the Dutch. We'll call -the " boy O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien." , rent which Is now on the south side of the largest 0f the three islands, ran, three years ago, as we are told, on 'the. north, and there. waa then no appearance of the two smaller Islands. At four and one half miles we reached the lower point of a cluster of islands, -two large and twq small, called Isles des Pares, or - Field Islands. T PaCcaunpecan, Carya Ollvaa- tormts-trees were, this day seen, ana ' oi r luJ-c,T had advanced It miles. - POOR OLD WIFE And sethlS papr old wife ofttlmee Isfher last person., to know .when her husband la tired of her,-and. when he wants a new face at his board, just as he wants a new horse 'in hla stable. ' . He wants to make ' a show ' in the world, to be envied by his neighbors. for hit handsome-wife and fine equip- - f - pages. And thB the old horse -Is sold, and ""t Wif, ?lvorC6d- aoi P"T thn vv.u.. fu ... mw ui.iuniM, and-1 am sure there are many green pastures, too, where the old horse -can roam. In freedom and happiness, loyed and petted by .the old wives of Paradlae, perhapa . . ; : : The young- horse has . no reasoning powers to be 'appealed to'regardlng his future. He cannot be warned -or ad- Vised. But the young wife,' who haa ears to hear-and eyee to see the poor old -wife of the ambitious man,' may take warning and avoid some of her mistakes. - '-.''-. -r; It Is a mistake for a wife to obliterate herself and live wholly for her husband and children. , , , r When'a woman ceases to care for her own personal appearance, and when she crushes out all feminine "tastes and re- Htncjutsnes-AirTimbUlons' and-desires 4n order -tn Save mnnav tnr hn.luM and her children, they soon grow accus tomed to the thought that "Mother does not .neeT to have this, or to do that," and setflshnesa ls the result . While they love her for. her excellent qualities, and tn a way appreciate her worth, they plaoe their own desires and neede before her and accept her devor tion as A matter of course. . ., Jlowevea f ond of his wife a man may be, and however': he admires' her - moral character, be la- better pleased when she retains he attraction or -person,1. No matter if he seems to be oblivious to her lose of beauty and to be unaware of her neglected wardrobe, yet when he meeis oiner women wno Keep in. touclj wuaine. customs ortha-Jayin and -manners, he mentally compares his wife to her disadvantage. He forgets the cause and remembers only 'the fact to - her disparagement. ' And when he puta her aside- for . a ' jnore .- modern woman, many .of his soqiAtlntanees svm-I pathiae with him. and say, "Well, It IS no wonder; she wiaa so old-fashioned .and I not at all 'companionable to -her bus- I band. He Is guch ai up-to-date man.1 Economy Is 'a virtue, but it can be come a vice with woman or man. "To be unworldly Is sometimes admirable and often dangerous.-- A -wife who' Is wise wUl keep herself In touch with the world. lo-whlh her husband mgvesnth3 she will keep herself as well aDoareled and as accomplished as" the women ot ner own station whom be admires, And . she will never efface herself or become a "door mat" for her family. . t i. .11 .... v.i f 1 moneys . But it th wife will h.m .... v.r.li i, lng a discarded Yello In her old aVe by less seal to economise. For too often economy of this kind by the wife ot a man's youth . results only In savlnr money for the enjoyment of the vounr wife of his old age. Major Baden-'Powelt t.... . ' v. with An aercpni.P7whloTOd?s Z?t specially constructed chute, in order tnl acquire 'the 4$. Inftai fore bein launch' I which carries a boat containing a man The chute leads to the shore of a small lake In the Crystal Palace grounds, and the aerial flight begins and ends over the water, so that, as in Professor Lang ley's experiments, the danger of the de scent Is minlmlxed. Instantaneous pho tographs of the aeroplane at all stages of its Journey will reveal the effects - . . . jiu upon k or nawa or wind, aa well as ef I 'r ou"nts:ar!slng,frbm Its owd These experiments mu loov lib. play, to many persona, and there Is a strong disposition to decry sues things when they result In serious accidents But almost every great step in the prog ress of Invention haa begun Just as un promising. Hardly anTbodv whn t... ever looked deeply Into the elements of the problem can be found readr to .rt that It isnlubl..- f?w h " eour' beyond almost- any other undertaking ot human genius it is a popular fallacy that ZZ., ..Llf' tlons spring full-grown intj the world. Every one that' has ben n tad hunu...ii- has been the product of long, laborious. discouraging and sometimes deadly ex. perlmentatlon. -.- , In accordance with a curious law of the human mind, the recent successes achieved In submarine navigation have strengthened the fa1thv.of the belterere ln practical aerostation. 'As our eon- quest of the realm of the fishes pro- eeeds, we shall have more enura. conquer that of the birds also. Achieve- ment leads te more and greaser achieve- ment The thing done alw.v. h... a standard of victory, fluttering ahead ..J ir v"?m nne, ana inspiring with I tne-breath of suocess tft. ikinn . . I to oe dona.'. ; I "AA Dr,,Btv w cannot get safely no In the air except with the . M . - . - - SI Uflgf I of buoyant gaa. Bat the age of the bal m "J." p","'w n1 th "Pl1 Iton will arrive with tha shin that- I between the tree tops and the clouds hy I with the Idea that that other fellow ' virtue of energies made captive by hu. J thought I meant my friend and has clrcu man genlua ; - - - - . l Ih-t throua-h the ri..h. i .m a-.i...a Front Bribery to Theft,; , ( re From the Washington Post ; A Missouri congressman writes-to a I Weshlngton -friend that on account of the depressed condition of his finances J he will have to steal his 'e-olectlor, this year instead of buying it That XJttle "If." If It really cost every time 210 to throw a stone at an auto, or UOO to overspeed one the streets would be safer. Iew York World; - '" : Dufur haa a street sprinkler. ; Prairie City, needs a steam laundry. Rosaburg Eks will build a two-story - brick building. A La Orande man drove to Sumpteir ' with a load of $00 chlakans. ' A Haines, brick yard will be extended to a capacity ot 268.000. - LIrge' amounts of Lincoln county rail ' ; road lands are being sold, " A stage rate "war Is on between La ' Grande and Wallowa county towns. - i Much road work U being done In Linn icounty. especially in the Tlclnlty of Solo. - t--Artlngton"wafehouses handled over-a season. I . .. Isaac Hutchinson, who lust died, aked 20, was the- first sheriff of Linn county, in 1842. ."'... ; , . Several new buildings' are going up'' it Dufur, which will soon be a railroad terminus,.-. .-- An Elgin man walked 40 mlleg to Walla Walla." rather than chase after a horse to catch him. .. .' ., V mt BO n AAlintfy Ice. srskfrf 1na iaimi arvni4 ' roads, and the taxpayers are glad to spsna money in this way. - , ' v Morrow county farmers will have money to loan after harvest-also those V. 0f other eastern Oregon counties. . , ' . ; C '." . The RhtueAart . reunion in. Union countly colttprlsed 12 Rhlneharts and relatives besides Invited outsiders. .'-,..-' The Weston brickyard made i:Mf reoosd the other day in turning out " 2,000 brick In- 4 hours and to minutes.' i . . . -..'.'.- dTTstlna Clark Parrlsh died In Uma-S tllla county, aged 102 years and 4 daya ' She came to Oregon , in J249. living Tii - VamhlU-eountr till lT. . , - ' ' l- ' ' " ' ' .zZL The superintendent of the Umatilla "fwunty poof farm broke hp Its hardpan" I ana euKaii tainiea euriace witn flvna. mum, am sou. oeneatn oeing ncn, and I now . raising nne crops , or -airaua-on thq land. , .. , .. . . . ... Tns stage was struck by llahtnlna ' Friday afternoon near" . Whtteblrd. and both atage horses were killed instantly. . Three passengers and the driver who were In the state at the time all re ceived a severe shock, from which they have since suffered' violent- headaches. Sliver Lake ,-Oregonlan: These warm days, when almost everyone has ' '" moved Into the hills, Jt is then that we find it hard scratching for locals, " and if we are caught in the act of manufacturing a few . "two-liners" . ' don't think ua-the worst person hr ttre-r-- world. but think -well of ua for having the ability to do so. . . . . .The Weston Leader Invite hat vest-' 4ra In tha lumiunilln mnntr ta mm. there and tank un with wtr... h city has enough water this year to supply a city of four-or Ave times Its population. In fact, an enormons ouan- ttty.icoes to waste throush the over flow pipe, out of which a stream as big - as a man's leg plunges down the hllN. side into .Fine creek. A 00-gallon tang oan be flllea In eight minutes. 'eri&nHevfew: If some of those owning farms near, the city would cut them up Into small tracts they could realise a good price therefor. Not a. week passes but' we have inquiries at tnl" offlCB- tor mall' tracts of land near enough, to bur city to allow children to ' our fine school, but we know of no such placea It - !fSri7-l."U,w f this section If all the large farms were . divided and thus brought Into a higher state of cultivation. Dairy correspondence ' of the Klam ath. Falls Express: Two young men. supposed to-be the Gates brothers, the train robbers, stayed at the Smith place on the night of the 21st They came some time In the night and stayed in the barn. Saturday morning they came to the house and ssked for breakfast ' to tne nouse ana ssxea lor breakfast ! ' . . HVhll. .. oln,r . 'WV lMlr D1,, rectly north. They were at the Harrl-. eon Brown place Friday evening. Advice to the Lovelorn ST BXATKIOI rjJXfAX Dear Miss Fairfax I' have been very much interested in a certain man ever since I first met him a few years ago. He Is now 23 years old. I think he liked' me, too, at first, . One evening at hla club's country house we met and when his family left he-saw them off, saying he would return In a few fhTfintee and go .back to the city with us- latr.My parents refused to wait after . five -or ten minutes, as It wai ve -or ten minute, as It wai !?"nf ",d-u?hh',! VJ gone home with his mother, after all. I nverJL.a. 111 m.ucn ,ater tnM "? hH eom bclt ln ten minutes or so and could fln,1 1 1 n'fatn,!r JtP'ln but I know my friend was never ,oM tn,t i d'd Z0 wmnt t0 'v ' nl"nt " ' Protested - vigorously against-it H wa BTer so friendly after tnat but th tlm 1 Mw hlm ovr retL KK' h ""d to resent something : deeply and was very formal. Last fall I wot t9- lm business . address, asking If he WSg' offended, and telling him Just how I had-alwava felt ahaut th aff,r t the club. Now I have learned that he Is settled In business out west and has been there elnr. inm.) 1 aon,t know whuther he ever got that letter, just Deiore i last saw, mm I hsd mM tn another man . ... ..... that some msn are In reaiw faiMi, imi cads who are thought highly of by most "" w.-i.n1a mnt that T Vn. .. ... .w.. t'" w aaisnvw arv'saiey Viro III lilt .. i . club like that To change the subject I asked rather suddenly Jf he knew this r,i.n4 nln. t v.... k . to know If that Is so and to know If he ever get my. letter. "Now, ought I te write again or notT UNLUCKT. . " in7 tB 7,c-ln? of clrcum" ZZ.r, tongue run away' with your good sense.. In talking to anyone, as you say you did of One person to another. Tou see ln a case like that one le apt to make his own deductions, aa the young man you mere talklng to did. Tou mlsht wrlie . again, but think it over carefully before doing so. .It may be that the man Is of an unforgiving nature and though he re ceived your letter would not answer It -'J A: