The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 01, 1904, Page 16, Image 16

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    I V
- is in
rncnuub Tan xoHiaa
r. AM 0VC.U1&KO or.xxrKpn
xv V m rixsr ioin cam
voozjesa mm. BAjromorr :awo
Asstmas uspovuBrxmzs or
Tata .' orrxoa wxxxi ' szsx to
atozs zaumorucxirTS.
, ooi Vs to innt xma -axd
Tzt u bttbmtts aro , amvkxvt.
iA'tjiiexf. kntedly At o'clock yesterday
afternoo after a brief opening argu
ment for JPe U1 by AUUUM District
Attorney" Adams, defendant' 'attorney
In the- ca fr-of th atate against Frank
Gugltelmo. wested their case and without
argument li'ft it In' "the hands ot the
vourt and duirjrt. Their action earn' aa
a surprise . k District Attorney Manning,
who "ad - t expected that tha caaa
- would aet t the Jury until today.
Interaatir f only In ita suddenness.
jtrlal ofjW'lf-oonf eased murderer .so
plainly and I VUsputabfy guilty thaf even
tba audience bad grown, weary of the
Diunr ana pi urmiw ui m,. v,.
loon keeper. W accused of the mur
der of Freda htraclo, if -year-old Gangs
ter- of an ' Ik Vian laborer residing on
Harrison stree t- Ougllelmo. In a fit of
. aha hail vUhflMm
her promise to ' marry him, went to her
house and shot the young .girl dead
"rhere she atoo 4 working at tha ifon-
- lnr board In h V mother a kitchen.
.' - Under auch i reumstanoee It waa not
nn.,iah that to tnlnntea after tha
jury left the cou rt room word was ent
in' that they had , arrived at a verdict.
At 1 mlnutea alter a o'clock Foreman
H. C.Coleman haijidet the Jury'a finding
to Judge Cleland. - Ouglfalmo with his
eyes cast -dpwn, nla left hand-in his
pocket and perspiration . rolling "from
his forehead, atoocl up and listened to
the reading of th. verdict, which pro
' ttnMi film milt rr of murder in the
first degree. The only penalty l hahg-
lnir. ' . . : r -'
Hia attorneys as ked tthe court for 10
daya In whlcn to I aove lor new. trial,
-and this was granted. - J
In the examination of witnesses for
the defense yesterdiur afternoon the only
surprise occurred) when- , Attorney
' witness stand. - Gugllelmo complied.
Mis face took on' a, idull red hue aa be
faced the -crowd, and he could- barely
apeak In anawer to creation by bla at
torney. Repeatedly he was ordered to
apeak loader, but throughout the. ex
amination neither th court, the die
trlct -attorney nor the Jury were able to
understand more tha if a. fraction of what
lie aald. A number of letters from
Freda were ahown hin aad he Identified
them aa having been brought to him by
Lla f-rakss CrtmA Mw ksjal 1 Art Arm
; written a few day befose the writer's
death ahe ueed . most endearing teems,
declared she loved him , .and always
would, and wished that- ha might be
. with her ati" the time; that aba had
annken to her mother 'about bla coming
to. the houaa-and they . both agreed that
he should come once a week, on Satur
day nlrht but -that ahe would go out
two or three times -a. week and they
""could meet- ."
She -referred to some one a an "old
fool." and said that Frank ahould not
. come to tbe house often owing to tWi
unnamed person's opposition. In' an-
other - letter ahe referred to her sister
Margaret aa a fool, ana uepiorea ner
. opposition to Frank.- jwith these ex
" cepUons the fetters were mild, loving
' and well- worded, and "reflected only the
; pure love of an Innocent young. glrL
rach letter waa algned -Miss Freda
Oaraclo." Attorney Murphy after sub
mitting the. letters as evidence without
objection from the state, reaa inem to
' tho Jury.'.. ,. -:
Ougllelmo then told of his movements
.' after he -had left hla saloon on the
' - af ternooir'-of -the murder. He spoke in
a Tolce barely audible to the Jury,
-answering theae questions: . v
"Where did you go after . you left
, your saloon last?" . -
:To Oaraclo's.' ' j
how long aia you stay merer
' "About It mlnutea.".
"Did irou-aboot Freda-Garaelot" r
"Yea."-- -
"Why did you that Frankr
I don t now."l was 9runa.-'
"What did aha say to your"
"She said ahe didn't want me ' any
more: ahe had another fellow on tbe
"Did she say anything about yon be-
in alckr
Wltnesa replied in effect that aha told
him he had a loathsome disease.
"Why did you carry a platolT"
"I was 'afraid somebody would kill
me..". .
"Did you have eneroiesT? .
' 'On aeount of a division among the
liallana about you father a death T"
,""What became of Canaba,- the slayer
of your father T'
"He was aejtt to the penitentiary for
' It years."
"And you never went ' out without
-your pistol T" : :
- , "No," .--'
Other witnesses for tbe defense were
' Gabriel Valentl. Nat Coetaco, L. Laura
Sebastian -Ben!, Archllle Cerrino and
Joe Barbero, Their evidence brought
out nothing new, but most of them con
firmed previous testimony, to the' effect
that Gugllelmo alwaya carried a pistol.
-nefeiied tocr Oaaaed ooeflsV
A Ilea at Lewis' Best Brand.
The best Stomach and . Liver Pills
known snd a positive and speedy cure
f r Constipation, Indigestion, Jaundice,
KlllfHianeas. Sour Hiomarh, Headache,
and till aliments arlafng ;from a dlsor
, tlared stomach or sliisslsh liver. They
rimtHln In conrentraied form all the
virtues and -veluee- of Munyori'a Paw
Tnw ora and are made from the lulo
of tne Paw-Faw fruit. I unhelttfnly
rorommerul theee pills aa belna the let
Waatlve and .rathnr1i: ever (KtmDouniiml a tt-rent Iw.Mle, and if you are not
t.orffM-tly aatlafled X Will refund your
tuons)-. .... . U
Aul'etly and without ostentation John
W. Mlnto, ex-deputy revenue collector,
began hla dutlea thla morning aa the
head of tbe Portland, postofflce. auccei
lng F. A. Bancroft " He reached - hla
desk early and at .oncVbegan. a minute
examination Into tbe - details of the
office. ' ;' "
.MrA Mlnto. positively refuses to dis
cuss even the possibilities -of renxovals
or change In the personnel of Els corps
of employes. With "reference to hla aa
tlntant be has nothing whatever to say.
The nosltlon Is now held by -Charles I
Burckhardt and rumors nave men in
sistent that his removal would follow
the Inauguration of the Mlnto regime.
llWeveriJdr-JMTnto jayglnothtiig-lbat
in -any way confirms the rumors.
Indeed. I have given the matter.- no
thought" said tbe new official. "I have
been appointed postmaater and propose
to do the best I can In performing my
dutlea But I bave no desire nor d,lsV
position to embroil either myself or' the
other government officials In any.-
wrangles and will do everything p4
Bible to avoid anything of the 'kind.
"There la an assistant postmaster
now and I 'don t aee any.1 reason for
another. , The "other positions connected,
with the office are also tilled, if I am
correctly Informed,- and until they are
vacated-1 fail to see why X ahould ap
point -other to their places." .
Inspectors did not check up the books
and accounts of the retiring official yes-I
terday. The bondsmen oi a newiy-ap'
pointed official usually . demand ' an,, in
vestigation, but nothlnjr : of the kind
a done yesterday - Mr. .Mlnto haa
taken charge and la now responsible for
anything that may transpire during (the
period of hie Incumbency.
For the past three days Mr. Mlnto haa
spent several hours each day-with Mr.
Bancroft learning the details and du
tlea of hia office. The retiring official
haa been untiring In his efforte to In
struct "hia successor In all branches of
tbe-aarvice.. . -, .''.-'', .
raniMmxmi . xuroaxirso . bs-
XV tm eomrrBT avb .' skat
txovsabds wax, CO
E. H. Hutchinson of Spokane' is at the
Imperial hotel, having come Into Port
land after finishing a two weeks' Journey-through
the Palouse, Big Bend and
Laewtston countries of the Inland em
pire, and. says the crop yields of that
section to the' north of the Columbia
and Snake rivers 4 going to be far and
away the biggest .in the hlstdry of the
country. ., -
"For many years I have closely
studied the crops and the development
of that country and I never saw any
thing to equal the condition of the pres
ent year," aald Mr.- Hutchinson. 'The
yields are simply enormous. Wheat Is
In the head and harvesting' win begin
within two weeks. In fact, the wheat
Is so far along- up there that the
drought Juat beginning can injure- It
but little.. : . v
"With the enormous wealth brought
Into the country during the Inat few
yeara. mere is no around ror wonder
ment that, the farmers of that section
are the moat prosperous in the world.
Their - returns are enough to tempt
farmers -of -the east, atd ven people
who ar not farmers. "to' go Into farm
ing.' - -
"These conditions have resulted in an
enormous mall coming to our offices in
Spokane and Seattle regarding proa
pecta in the northwest In my opinion
It- la going to be but a very few years
until we shall bave In the northwest
the jnost thickly populated and pros
perous part of the whole west.
Transcontinental railroad companies
have- decided to begin running, their
homeseekers excursions in August this
year and continuing them through Au
gust September and October. The
round-trip rate fixed from Chicago la to
be 5v. Thla rate la low enough to per
mit any eaatern farmer to take a fly
Ing trip throughout the northwest and
aee for himself the conditions that exist
We expect the" travel - to be ununually
beavy. Trains on each road are. to be
run twice a week.
At present merchants through Wash
tngtotr and Idaho are enjoying unusual
prosperity for the time of the year and
for a presidential year. Their sales are
good and tha people are buying In ad
vance of aa assured fall prosperity.
' People ' In our section are much In
terested In the forthcoming Lewis and
Clark fair and believe It will do much
for the entire northwest as well as for
Oregon and for the city of Portland. It
win brtng TrTet-any-Teople-wlid irr
be aura to aee much of the rest of the
country before returning to their homes
in tne east ana eoutn, we are hoping
for the perfect success or the fair."
R. J. - Olnn -of - Moro, - representative
from Sherman county In the last legia-
ature, la at the Perkins, having come
down on business connected with hla
mercantile establishment at Mora'
Regarding wheat and other crop pros
pects In that section, Mr. Oinn said:
According . to telephone, messages
which I have received from home last
venlng the people up there are much
worried over the excessively hot winds
of -yesterday and the day before, and
draught, Thm,mUiiaBrj.xtXri.OM.aXn AT-gBB-BABBB.
lack off tain are doing much daman,
I have x.tov acres In wheat and up
to a week aao thoucht the crob would
be-e,' record breaker. Now I am only In
great hopes that the yield will not be
below average.
"Harvesting will- not begin ' for two
weeks yet; and although the crop la
too far along to be ruined, a vast
amount of good would result from' rain
or at least from cook Winds. -
The barley crop of Sherman county
la larrte and Is made: " Barley harvest
ing will begin right after the Fourth of
July In the vicinity of Moro. . It will
be two weeks at the earliest before the
wheat harvesting la. fully under way." .
. For The fourth of July. .
The O. JV. P. will give you. a 74-mlle
trolley ride, and you can picnic on the
Upper Clackamas river.- Round trip1
tickets good for tha da, only, (9 cents.
;U"ri:,?-' .';.:-'-;:-:' " CREAM CREM 7 " CREAKI- '
. , ' ' i ' x , I .i i ' - . i ii '.' - i , '
Midway Island, situated .about half
way between San Francisco and Hono
lulu, is Inhabited by countless birds, ac
cording to Capt Reiner, -master of the
steamer.' Francis HT Leggett, who haa
Just arrived from there: He Bays they
are thicker than mosquitoes in- the
swamps of New Jersey In tha month of
July. "
As only It people are on tha Island,
and they have been- there but a short
tirrie, the . names, of the birds are not
known. One variety, about .the also of
seagulls, insisted upon taking up their
abode on the steamer while 'she lay in
the harbor. They even laid egga about
the deck, and the members of the crew
bad-tbem at-tbelrmeala three times a i
day.': They are described by the captain
aa being superior. In every way to hens'
egga - . f -; - -
The birds were so numerous at times
that the men could not walk along the
beach - without equipping themselves
with clubs . with -which to drive them
away. A straw hat belonging to. one
of the sailors blew off his head and be
fore he could pick it up there were
three egga laid in- It He returned to
the ship and cooked them for' break-,
fast ..-
If one can Uve on. egga and fowl
straight Capt Reiner declarea that there
la no place la the world where ao little
exertion to get along would be required.
He say's tha old biblical story concern
ing Elijah would be repeated the birds
Bom people do not care for1 "animal
acta." These same people a re cordially
recommended to see Brydon's dog circus
at the Btar theatre thla week, and they'll
change their mind. The children-go
-Unta eriSUolea -of -delight over the clever I
animals, but the turn is so different
to the usual dog show that critical
adults" sj-o specially Invited Wwttnes
this ludicrously funny exhibition. The
numbera are strong and would . attract
refined audiences - anywhere. . The
comedy acta are numerous and of that
crisp aqd clever kind that keya the audi
ence up to prolonged laughter.
"The Queen of the Musketeers" will
be the-new bill at , Shields' perk, cm
mencing Monday evening. Like all the
other Zinn productions In which .the
splendid Shields' - stock company haa
appeared. It Is especially adapted for
warm weather. It Is a merry melange
of - muslciUChcing and.' 1
daxzle of beautiful costumes, pretty
muslo and light comedy. It's an airy
summertime musical comedy and Will
be-a, feature of Portland's summer. ;-
Ssrdou,' , fascinating drama, "Di
plomacy, dealing aa it does with Rus
sian police and apy system, combined
with -English -diplomacy" and woman's
wit has alwsys been a play that to aee
onoe .well played, as It la this, week by
the new Baker company. Is to receive
in impression that will perhaps never
be forgotten.' ... -. -. ' -
.diplomacy" ends Saturday night at
the Baker. - There will . be a - matinee
Saturday after noon.
at Barxxxstr tobiobt.
"Meet Me at bt. Urmia"' continues to
please those who go to Portland's open
elr theatre and aee the bene, musical
comedy ever presented at popular, prices.
There Is beauty, comedy.'1 music. - grace
ful dancing and -everything which It
takes to make an. -Ideal. Summer attrac
tion In "Meet Me at St Louis," as pre
sented by Shields' big musical extrava-
- J . '' : i
woulci feed him. While eggs are strewn
all along the beach the birds are ao
tame that they make -no eft ortJo get
away when one attempts to catch them.
There Is another variety peculiarly
marked. In the tails of each there are
a couple of long, red feathers Of a. bril
llant hue. It la said that they would
make Una adornments for a lady's hat.
Soma of the -men plucked a large hum'
ber of the feathers, the -birds paying
not the slightest attention to the opera
tion,. according to Reiner. Whether
they will grow In again or no't remains
to be seen. Excepting the two red ones
the balance of tbe feathers are pure
white in color. These birds ar no
larger than a mallard duck.
There were" no " residents on Midway
Island until about two-' month ago,
When the Pacific Commercial Cable
company laid its new line to Manila, by
way of Honolulu and Hong Kong, a sub
station, was established at the island,
which la only about one mile squara
A force of men are now there erecting
buildings for the company. Tbe Fran
cis Leggett Is the only large steamer
that has ever . visited tha port. Al
though he has been In many parte of
the world. Capt Reiner aaya he never
aaw anything to equal the bird of the
strange, little Island.
The Leggftt is at the Inman-Poulsen
mill.- where she will take on about
0tt,000 feet .of lumber for San Fran.
Cisco. At Stella she will pick up a log
raft ana tow- it down- the coast
gansa company this week. Cool breeae
fan the cheek, the tree tops whisper
overneao. inere is no not weather dis
comfort at Shields park. "Be com
fortabl' la. the motto and everybody
has the best possible time as a conse
quence, -find the way.1
The Baker company will 'change from
powerful drama to bright.- sunshiny
comeay ana open their secondweek with
HSH.W nn .a.l.tAn'a -..I t .. -I. MfUx
Butterniea.Bunday afternoon. It . deals
with the troubles Of a young society
-gooa reuow- and l a fund of laughter
irom nrst to last - ,'
The Bijou thla week haa In Wilder and
Wilder a team of sketch artists who do
not imitate. - Their act is original and
that Is why It makes such a favorable
impression on - people who - make it
business to se everything in the way of
vauaevuie. it is runny and would make
a graven image laugh. Other number"!
on the BIJou program which have made
auch a strong bid for popular favor this
week are the Hunt dog and monkev-
snow, jane. ; st; Kemey, Deenzo, the
wonq champion barrel Jumper, and
WW jlWfl
I f-
Between tha A do II a. Com erf v irnur and
the inconceivable ugliness of j William
Wills the patrons -of the Aoa4o4hetr
this week have plenty to laugh at -Tne
act of Willi and Baron ' is dependent
almost entirely for the great auccess
that It make upon the-hideous grimaces
or air. wins, whose makeup la surpris
ing. Scarecrows we've had, and tramps
lu plenty, but Wills well. Wills hss to
be seen to be appreciated. A a laugh'
producer the Arcade's present bill Is
hard to' equal. -The musical numbers
ar also good. . . -
A good hot westher shaeV. fall of tha
fresh country air of rural -Indiana
country scenes and people who live
close to green fields and running brooks.
That kind of play is "Just Strurik
Town." In which Elmer Walters', big
company will appear rhxt week at Cor
dray'a, and It Is Jbst the kind of a play
wnicn appeals to theatre-goer ,. when
the thermometer Is snarlnc above to.
Th country street fal seen Is funny
and true to the Ufa The great balloon
ascension is a most remarkable triumph
of stage realism, the . field scene is
thrilling to the last degree' and the
comedy, with which the play , teem, la
fresh and wholesome. -
.Only two more opportunities areleft
to see Elmer Walters' great production
of 'The Buffalo Mystery" at Cordray'a.
Tou had better, go tonight and enjoy, the
melodramatic success of the season, it
is instructive for It Is -a correct repro
duction, of one of the greatest criminal
events In the history of- the United
8Uten,"Ton't neglect your opportunity,
It may never come again. ' '
Wonderful - Growth of Portland
, Business House; : '
Some establishment start in buslnees
in a small way and always remain bo.
Others start small and grow. Other
open big - and - remain stationary. The
Chicago, the big store In the mlddl of
the block, never waa a small store and
will shortly commence operation
pending the always big stora The
tor -when completed . late in August
will . have . a - capacity exceeding any
clothing establishment in the city. All
the various department will be mad
more spacious and will, when finished,
compare favorably with the largest in
the "United States. The store on the
south, between the Chicago and . the
U. 8. bank., will be added, and with the
wall removed will increase the floor
space Into near one-half block. The ad
vertisement on page 8 of today's Issue
gives 'an idea of the spirit that rules
the Chicago, and 11 Third street
between Oak and Pine the big store In
the mlddl of the block. .. - .
Postage Stamp Rates on The 0.1V. P.
Round trip rates Will he placed In ef
fect for Sunday and the Fourth of July
from Portland and to Portland, a fol
low: . 2S cents to Oregon City and Ca-
nemah Park; 25 cent to' Oresham; (0
cent to any point east of Qreshsm up
to and - Including . Estacada. : Ttcketa
good for one-day, only.
1 -.. " "
- Rockets,
; . In Strings and Fancy Boxes
-The Largest:: Package of Genuine Chinese IIew
: r - Year Crackers i h t h e Xi ty f or 5 Cehts"
33 1
George B. Roberta. United State
mint director, was In the city for a few
houra yesterday, the guest of his friend,
B. F. 8tevens, of the First National
bank, while en route to Alaska '
Mr. Roberts expressed the belief that
there will be no r more . sliver dollar
coined for many, years, if mora are ever
coined, because the 156,000,000 ounoea of
sliver bought between lSt0-tl, haa been
used up and the gold production of the
country ha Increased to such a remark
able extent Gold - production In the
world haa trebled in 1 yeara, ho said,
from 1120.000.000 In 1890, to 1130.000.000
last year. For the fiscal year about
$200,000,000 In gold will hav been
coined. ' ' '
Most of the coinage of the past year
ha been in copper cent piece and .In
nickels, the profits to the government on
these two kinds of money having been
hmit SI Ana AAA- A DAiind . of eoooer
costing the government II cent can be
coined into 1 4 f coppers; and a pound of
nickel, costing the government 40 cents,
can be coined Into $4 worth of five-cent
pieces. Pennies are coming Into gen
eral use from ocean to ocean.
The director expressed dpubt about
either a mint or an assay office being
established In Portland -or in any other
city because he believes there ar
enough auch establishment to car for
tha business. . .
Regarding the claim that Oregon has'
not been given credit for all the gold
she produces. Mr. Roberts said the same
Candles, Grackeris, Flags
and Balloons v
Descriptions for Public jrPrlYfiU Display
Morrison StreetOpen' Evenings
claim had been mad by ' most other
gold-producing states; but that if these '
state had not been given credit he did
not know ' what the people were doing '
with the gold aad he had grave doubt -about
their having "buried it f '"' -
Mr. Robert went from here to Seat
tie. . He will spend at week InXAlaaka,
Ad .will return her for th mining''
congress in August .
Contract Let for Furnishing Theatre.
The contract for thlL furnishing of
th. new Columbia theatre ha been let
by the management and in more than
on respect 1 notabla It provide Xor
th beat of everything apd haa a faca
amount of" 120,000. Th opera chair
ar to be most comfortably made and
ar fitted with spring seat, back and
bbttoma They are constructed on" a
Turkish pattern" of special design and -built
at a cost of til each. But two
other theatre in th United State hava
auch. chairs th Belasco theatre in
New Tork and th Auditorium at Chi
cago. -Th draperlea ar to be of blue
silk valour, trimmed with genuine gold .
tassel. Th carpets, which hav been
peclally woven, ar of th best Axy
minster, and ha a nap of an inch in
thickness, giving on th impression of
walking on apringa The stag furnish
ings ar also Included in the contract,
whkhr by the way, haa been let to L
Gevurts A Sons, the oompVet house outfitter,-the
firm who haa furnished the
Interior- furnishings -for nearly ' all pt
Portland' playhouae. .
Schedule of Steamer Tt J. Potter. '
' Th seaside steamer . J. Potter will
leav Portland, Ash street flock, for
Astoria and II waeo a follow: -
July 1, Friday, :00 a m. , , j
July I, Saturday, 11:11 a. m. "
July t. Tueaday, 0:00 a. m.
July , Wednesday, :00 a. m.
July 7.Thuriday :00 a. m.
July S. Friday. :45 a. m. I
July t, Saturday, 1:00 p. m.
. Get transportation and berth ticket'
It O, R. N. ticket of flea, Third and
Washington etreeta - .
D. Ohamsera, Optieiaa. '
Wholesale and retail.-12 Seventh St
& CO.
1 '