The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 01, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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. .. . .
. Mr. Inliy wa a burtla. H
. howvr. a aalact burglar, ah art 1st In
hla profeaatoiv '
- -On a "yary . dark nlaht ona March
ha walked up th front tp of ttia
flnait tiouie In Caatlatown. Tha bouaa
'. had ban add a few welt a
;ntlainaa -In Franca, and Mr., Emly'
- rcaaona for vlaltlng tha plaea pefora
Ita ' owner- returned from abroad were
. known only to" hlmaelf. .
H wii a conj man. never taken una
, warea. creuareJ fdrany altuatlon whloh
mlht preaent itaelf. and If on that dark
night he waa aurprlied to aaa tha door
before him auddenly open,, no one would
have gueeaed It. Certain the eervant
on tha i'naldalof the threshold did not
He aurted baVck In dismay, believing It
to be his new and unknown master who
stood confronting him.
"Oood evening," Paid Mr, Emley, rais
ing hie hat.
:"Wh-b-hyr wa didn't azpaet you for
, several days yet, elr. .atammarad tha
.. aervint :
"Indeed !M -
. . "Would "you- like something to eat,
"7'glrT" suggested tha servant"
"I am hungry, and sh h" , i
. "Jenklnson, air."
Thanka. 'If you have something to
drink. Jenklnson. It'a a trifle raw out
.' doora. And by tha way, haa any letter
i come for ma lately T"
' Thla waa an excellent stroke of diplo
macy on Mr. Emley' part. He - waa
. anxtoua to know who be waa.' Tha ad
dresa on the envelope would tell him.
. "A letter came two- or three days ago,
air, but wa forwarded It Immediately
to-parta." 1 .
. "I must have missed 1L How waa It
addressed V, - -
"Juet 'P. M. Smith, Tha Orange, Cas
" tittown.' sir. l think It . waa an adver
' Probabjy.' I'll have aupper fcara."
"tea. air."
' By noon the nest day Mr. Emley had
In a large degree overcome the strange
. neaa of tha altuatlon. He no longer had
'n almost ungovernable Impulse to
gather to his bosom al the silver on
the sideboard, and noiselessly lift
through tha nearest window. '
"I would ba an honest man. were t
In reality Mr. Smith," ha told' Ylmself,
. running. Me hand earesalngly over, a
Jeweled aword hilt that hung in the
Well. .
But tha aword hilt bald strong attrao
-tlona , nnt-f9n.l"tent with moral re-
form, and Mr. Btnieysfr6TI"eJoutbTT
door and down the gravel path toward I
the wrought Iron entrance gatea.
-Through-the. gates came a messenger
boy with an orange envelope In his
kand. - " - -
, , "Oood afternoon, my Utile man, aald
Mr. Smlay. . ' ..
"Good afternoon, air,1 aald the boy."
' "You have a . telegram T" Mr. Emley
' ' tore open the envelope. Tha message
wse from Paris and, read!
, "Bad accident. Jieturn la a month.
' f. M. mlth." I .
"i "Hurrah! Mr. Emley, allow. m the
' Mr. Smith make yourself perfectly af
home for a month, and I think It'a high
wtiwie.- you 'became acquainted wlth-.ywur
., ;elghbora.V '.r . C " '
Mr. Smith yroyed an exceedingly pop
alar men. 1 .
. Tha older men aald ha waa "a good
fellow," and .the younger men admired
K'Vy 3 ': . V -1 J " i '
his money org that
Is, ran up bills. Altogether his' path
waa one of roses, and ha went on "his
way rejoicing.
It; waa at a ball that ba mat tha
woman in tha ease.'
And it waa no wonder that .under the
smile af fortune he forgot ha was
wanted by the -police 'of almost every
large town In tha country, and walked
through tha ballroom with head proudly
It was thus that aha flrat saw him.
"Who la thatr she inquired of a
friend. ' : '
"Where? Oh, that ia Mr. Smith, of
The Orange."
"Of The Orangal Up here on the
"YeevHaven't you met hint yetr
"No," aha answered, looking curiously
at him. "I have not."
She was lntroducedta him aa Miss
"She only got back from farla a few
'weeks, ago, too,'1 said . tha friend who
Introduced them. "How atrange you did
not meet her over there, Mr. Smith."
"Well.- ah) Paris la rathe a large
place, you know." aald Mr. Bmlth.
"I only cama from London last night j
Have you been here long!" t
"The earnest eyea were uplifted, and
Mr. Bmlth waa glad ba could tali the
truth. .
- "No, only a fortnight" . , . r-
"llow dull it must' aeem to you after
Paris, especially as you have no rela
tives bare, nor any one you know very
well." , .
-"4 -eon't- find - it -dull -nowr he t said
meaningly." -
. The. gray ayea drooped, and the petal
of the rose wore, eruelly mutilated.
There waa alienee for awhile.
Tha third week aeemed hardly begun
ere It waa finished, and iie waa gaiing
with dismay upon the unavoidable end
ing of hie adventure. Another telegram,
announcing tha exact date of . the -real
Mr, Smith's return, threw him into a
momentary whirlwind of passion, and
defiance. . .
"I will not five it up! I will net!"
But things finally readjusted them
selves to .their normal condition, and
Mr. Smith waa but a thin mask cover
ing Ulck Emley, smartest burglar that
Scotland Yard had ever known.
I have hsd my taste of high life, and
It has-been perfect," he soliloquized,
"and the only thing to do now is to gain
nltm -sting ueaain from it a gort DVfXji course; Td-b-tiTrajikJ)ut he
hterest on my money as it were. i si ways lata ma do aa I please, and bri
...iipvuwn wa an oiu I nil V . (own,
and within Ita narow limits treasured
many priceless ' anoestrsl heirlooms.
Family relics wsre It great dlatlnotlon,
and. Chief among these was sliver.
Every housewife recognised n aoclety
had her allverware, heavy with age and
tradition. '
. It waa Strang no one had thought of
a silverware exhibition before Mr.
Smith - proposed one, but nobody had,
and the idea wss hailed with delight
Having propoeed the plan, the very
least I can do," said Mr. Smith. "Is to
offer for the exhibition the Jise of my
house and my aervlce." V
As he owned many rare piece of all
verware himself, and the publlo at large
waa curious to aee the interior of his
new' home, he was gratefully thanked
and the offer accepted. .
Two. evening this exfclbltloa luted,
and all Castletown turned out The af'
fair waa one of great aoclal magnlfl'
T ... . ... . .
He bad taken the precaution or hav
ing tha silverware packed In small
poxes, . but : even so, be found difficulty
in loading it onto the cart 'he bad driven
out upon tha lawn. But at I o'clock the
cart waa filled. Climbing Into the nigh
seat, and, taking the relne, ba ' turned
hack toward the house and smiled. .
"It Is a very cold day, Jenklneon,
he aald. .
Then be chuckled softly to tha horse
and began bin Journey. It waa a very
little Journey., The horse bad not taken
10 atepa before some on stepped out
from the shadows and caught hold af
tha bridle rain. Mr. Emley sprang to
his feet- only to find himself looking
Into the barrel of a revolver,
"I beg your pardon," aald a aoft voice,
"hut could I apeak to you for a few
moments T" ' -
Vor the first time In bla Ufa Mr. Em
lay wsa stunned, helpless, at tha merey
of his oppotvent. The voice waa that
or Miss former.
"If you will get down from the cart,"
she aald. "I will put this revolver away,
I em "a very gobd -shot"- end aha
laughed,, "but the thing make me ner
vous.? "Who would have thought that you
were In the profession, tool" Mr. Era
ley muttered In desed tone aa he me
chanically climbed dow from the eart
Mlsa Lormer laughed agalnj mora
heartily than befone, and. It waa then
he saw that she wss not alons. A man
stood at the horse's' bead. One of bla
leg wsa bandaged, and be loaned heav
ily on a cane. He- waa a tall, good-
looking young man, and ha returned Mr.
Umley's survey with great Intereet
Noticing the exchange of glances.
Miss Lormer turned to Mr, Emley,
slightly embarrassed.
"Allow me to Introduce to you Mr,
Smith, my fiance.'
Mr. Emley started and flushed.-Quickly
recovering himself, ' however, be
bowed low to the atranger.
"Than you," muttered tha real Mr.
Smith. ' ' r . -
""Yes," said .Mlsa Lormer, reflectively,
leaning her head on one. aide and look
ing down at tha revolver whldh. aha held
In ene hand and patted with the other.
"You aea, I met him In Paris, and we
bemo engaged. I wanted a home here.
where I waa born, so he bought The
Orange, and I picked out the servants.
That 1- why you weren't known as m
Impostor at onoe. Mr. Smith was com
ing here with me, but had an accident
so I extended my visit to London,
where I was watting for him. '.When I
came down here I was rather surprised
to see you, you know she looked up
fiith a twinkle In her eye but you were
urn a gooa acior nateo to interfere.
we all are.
. She smiled triumphantly, ae though
having sucoeasfully gathered together
a picnic party, and Mr. Smith stood
leaning against the horse, evidently
much amused .with the situation: It
wan herd to realise that the gentleman
ly Mr. Emley waa a common burglar, aa.
Indeed, ha waa not . .--
. "And now that wa are here; what
are we going to doT" asked Mr. Emley.
His voice hsd a' strange, unnatural
sound that made Mine Lormer wlne.
Perhaps her conscience wjis not entirely
untroubled aa. to her treatment of him,
She held out her hand. ' '
"I think.", the said gently, "you had
better go." 1
Mr. P.mley bowed low over the little
hand. He lifted his hat to Mr. Smith,
and turning, walked nwif from them
Into. tha darkness, .When lb waa tat
-r w
enough away to Vender conversation In
audible,' MUs Lormer called to him: :.
"Walt a minute!"
' He stood -In the darkness walt1ngt
nd she. fearlesaly went up to him. -
. "J,. don't like to think of your going
away without anything." she ealt;
"here; take this." - '-' ' -'
. She pulled a tea roee .from her hair,,
thrust It into bis .hand, and ran back to
ber lover, . .... ,
Dick." aald MJSmley to hlmaelr,
"you have been awakened." ,
ways o j.tttlm won.
. ' ' from tha' Chicago. .Mews..
. Aa the tall young woman entered the
dining room with her friend, a little,
womsm who' waa one of the party at a
table near the door, called out admiring
ly .. "Oh, Mlsa Prtnder, every time I
aea' you xomi Into . the room. I wish I
were- tall. -X do , ao , 'envy you your
height!" . . ''.
The tall . young woman acknowledged
the tribute .gracefully, then sighed as
she settled Into a chair, at her own "ta
ble. "Do you know," she said to ber
friend, "that that little woman over
there 4 one of my greatest - griev
ances?" ..-"
. "Why, I thought she aeemed ao pleas
ant." resiled the friend.
"I auppose you thought . she really
meant what ahe aald juat now and that
aha showed a. sweet generous natun
In making the remark. Well, ahe didn't
mean It ate all. She . merely wanted to
much mora fetching than, my height'
"Oh. Is that the troubleT," laughed the
friend. "Weil, she-la a dainty Uttlf
thing." .
v "Of course ah Is." said the tall young
woman, whose tone now bordered upon.
asperity, "but. -aha need . not make In
vidious comparisons st my expense .in
order, to call tne xact to peoples at
tention." .' . .-
"Thla isn't her flrat offense. thenT"
. "No. Indeed; It'a a habit of here. Na
ture provides all email woman with tlha
method of attack: to enable them to get
the" better of their larger sisters. They
usually .pretend to admire, just aa ahe
did. soma quality of mine. In order to
emphasise-- by -oontrast the more at'
tractive quality they , themselves pos
That Sf their Indirect method. The
direct is more effective and usually con
sists In calling attention to their shoes.
Sometimes it da arlovea and belts, but
usually It ia ahoea. ,Just thismorning
when we 'were all out on the ptasaa and
there were juat enough men around to
be worth the effort that aame little
Mrs. Orlmston over there appsrently
casually regarded ber feet and then
suddenly laughed her ' pretty little
laugh. . .
'"What do- you think of theae new
ahoea of miner aha demanded, en gag.
Ingly. 'Aren't they perfectly huge? But
you know - I thought that -for once I
woud get ahoea that wouldn't scuff out
tha first time I wore them, so I bought
these In the boys' department.' The
stout, : neat little ahoea ahe displayed
were at' moat No. Is and as I wear No.
sVe and had on a short skirt you may
I murine how pleased I ten.
- "You know """ I" am. five feet eight
and weigh 110 and my waist measures
SI. I had never been aenaltlve about
any of these statistics, or given them
anv narttcular . thought until Mrs.
Orlmston begsn - to emphasise them.
Nearly every day now she says some
thing like this: Do you know that I
have trained 1 Bounds aince i aame to
this hotel T I got on the acalea today
and waa perfectly amaseoT to see tnem
ao ud to lit. for I have never weighed
more than 104 before! And. my dear. I
am ashamed to confess it but I bought
a new belt today and bad to ask for
else II.' . ... ;'
- -
"Another universal trick of Utile wo
men la. to assume the helpless, depend.
ent role, which, Of course, appeala to all
mankind. They have to have some one
shock their tagrge and buy their tick
ets for them. They continually ana it
necessary to be helped down from high
placea or up ateep places or across Im
perceptible mud puddles, over ' which
eonsider.TThey never fall "to Cll-at
tention to this by saying, aa tney anriie
gratefully up at their protecting male
escort i 'How I do wish I were aa aeu-
reliant and Independent ' aa you are.
Mlsa PrlnderU It a dreadful alwsys t
be a trouble to one's friends!' Thl
eauaea the protecting male escort to re
flect wljh gratification what a Una thing
It ta to aia ner. wun nis maniy airengui.
"Ipvariablyr toOi-th maller-the-:wo-
man the greater la ber aoclal aaauranoe.
All - my we I have . wonderingly
watched little, women, who. with the
most serene composure and self-confl
dene; preside oer women's clubs, atar
In amateur theekrlcala or respond to
dinner toasts. - Asf or. me, II i am eon'
aelous that more han three pereoni
are listening, I am overcome with trenf
datlon at tbe sound ofmjOWJ-voice,
o I never even think of attempting
plstform efforts.
"Of course no little woman will aver
admit a lack of -timidity. Oh, no. In
dsedl I have watched them perform
with the most amaslng . coolness and
self-posseslon and actual enjoyment ef
the center of the ataga, receiving the
plaudit of an audience with sweet com
posure, end then have heard them aay
In private. "Oh, my dear, I. had suoh
dreadful ataga flight that I waa sim
ply 111. I would give anything to bav
your aeif-conndnc!m jr-- .: .
The tall young woman sighed again
before she proceeded with her dinner.
"There's a good deal of stuff wrlttsn
nowadays," ahe concluded, "about the
tall woman a reign and the advantages
of Inches, but there's nothing In It
The little women have the better of us
every time.-
rromthe Chicago Cfironicle.-
Among the connolsssurs of precious
tone tha emerald Is -.the most highly
esteemed and" most earneatly coveted.
Although this gem hss been' discovered
in almost every country In the world.
there Is not an emerajd mine being
worked" today. The reasons for thla are
manifold, but the principal ona Is that
there la only one mine fn the world that
la worth the expense of operating. This
mine la tied up because of the political
disturbances In Colombia.
The best ameralda of modern time
have been taken, from the mines about
I miles northwest of Bnrota. Theae
mlnea wsre discovered In list and were
worked by the Spaniards In 1561. Until
recently they were worked under a gov
ernment concession to a French syndi
cate. ' . - 'f .
The method of mlnlngjtj .crude fend
has made little progress In tha past hi f
dosen centuries. This Is largely due
to tha fsct that the natural wealth of
tha various mtnss haa not made It ad
visable to Introduce expensive ma
chinery. - " -.
A good, emerald la worth several time
aa much as a diamond of the same also.
Oan. George W. Mind 11, precious stones
expert for the United Statee at the Port
of New York, aaya that fewer emeralds
have come Into the country during the
past year than ever oerore, and that the
Importation of them - a diminishing
yearly. "Precious stones merchants say
that they are unable now to obtain good
ameralda. '..'.
Despite the want of success of late
years In finding really flan leas and
therefore valuable emeralds, the eoj-ch
fot 'them eonUnuea aa diligently aa of
tEorosax. yoi araxrr w-oxa
Baltf DrouiulB will be rec-tmd at the
te. ot the AuJimr r tha City of FwtUn4
until rndar, July B. VH. mt a e ckm-s p. m..
ff the lUjproTeurnt of yranklln- a'reet trois
tbe - wt IIimi of Tblrty-eecoud strmt to Uia
Mat' Hue of Kuf by etreet In the aunw pro.
vlded by ardlneure Ko. 1S.OMI," enbjeet t tbe
frovUloiw of tlie Charter and erdluaiieae of tbf
Itr of Portland, aud the eetlnuu of tbe Cttr
'Eujcliieer, on 01. .
Hlda muat De Stnetir in nwmanet wns
printed blanks. whl-h will l furulnW oa ap
BllcaUva at tbe offlce ef tbe Andlbar of tbe
'Uy of Portland. And aald improTeiarnt -moat
be eoaipletea ea or before Su dare from tbe
date of tbo elfning of the eoauset by tbe
parties thereto.
Ha propiaMia -ea bide will be considered aa
tees accoiupanled by I WIIM cheek payable
to tbe ordi-r of tbe Mayor of the City ot Port
land, eortlsed by s rasponelble bask for aa
aaxNint equal, to 10 per cent et tbe f(r(ate
TWniht te reject say sad all bids. Is hereby
By order of tbe Saemttve Board. '
THUB. C. DieYLIlt,
Aadltov of tbe City ef Portland. '
PertUBd. Ooa, July X 1B04.
jrtmcr dT Yrr. mot oy tuviit
or thx soroazD orzmira, wiDZVuta,
Notice la hereby gives that tbe report ef the
benefits and damans In the matter ef the pro
poaed epenlng, wMnlo, laying out and eetab
llahlng of Raat yifteenth etroet fro a, the soatk
line of Eelmotit etret to tho aoath. Una ef Eaat
Vajnhill atreet. In. the, City of JVrtlahdj. JM
flled with the snderelfMd, their report of ea.
aeeamenta for benedt that will be derived end
Oamaci-e that will be auatalnea by . reaaoa or
Ueclng -of -ICaat-T;
acrlbed. .
The Coenell of aald City of Fortland will
eenalder aeld report at the Beit regular Saeet
in July a, 1004. at t o'clock p. aa. All peraone
lb (created ere hereby aotloed to preaent tbetr
object kme to aald report la writing. If eny they
hare .at aald time and place that, the aaaie
may be Beard aad detrtnlned by the Council.
- THOg. C. DgVLlN.
Auditor of the City ot Fortland.,
PortUnd, Orafoa. ooa to, 1004..
I m i r i 9 if i 1 i ii
voctcx or rana axroKT or Yirwtki
. or the rgoroazo orzxnra. tATiaa
out ah xiTABugxrjta or xajt irrrg.
Notice la hereby gleea that the report ef the
vtewere heretofore appointed to aaeeee " the
beaeflu aud da ma fee (a tbe matter-of the pro
posed opening, laying eat and eetabllahlng of
Eaat geeenteenfh atreet from Holiite etreet te
Harold atreet, have Sled with the underelgned
their report of aeeeeementa tor benellte that will
be derived and da ma fee that wilt be enetelned by
reaaoa of the opening, laylng-ont and eetabUah
4iig ef Kaet Beraateenth . atreet as sboee de
ecrlbed. '
The Council of Salt City of Portland will
eonelder eald report at the seat regular BMet
lns July a, laoe. at 1 e'elock p. m. All pereona
lntereated are hereof notified to preeent tbetr
objections to aald report la writing, If any
they hate, at aeld 8 me and place that the
aame may be beard and determined by the
. THOg. C. 1)BVXHf,J ,
' .Auditor ef tbe-Gtty of Portland, ';.
Portland, Or ,-oa. ' Juo SO, lDOi. '
koticz or ranra or ezpozt orrrxwixg
o thz rzoroazo- orzgnio. xaytvs
Notice- Is-hereby gives that the report ef
tbe vlewere heretofore appointed te aaaeaa the
benefits and dan la the suttee ef the pro
pneed openlna, laylns out and eeubllehlns of
Eaat Nineteenth etreet from the eouth Uae ef
Powell atreet to the eouth Hoe of Krtfir atreet
In the City of Portland, bee filed With the
undeeisned their report of aeaeeement of beau,
tta that will be derleed and damages that will
be. euetalned by reaaoa of the opening, laying
out and eetabllahlng ot Eaat, Nineteenth etreet
aa above deecrthed.
The Council of. the City ef Portland will cea
elder aeld report at the regular meeting to be
held Wednesday. July , 1904, at t o'clock
p. m. All pereotu) Intereeted ers hereby notified
to preeent their objections to aald report la
writing. If any they have, at aeld time and
place, that the aame may be beard aad de
termined by tbe Council.
. THOg. "C. DKYT.I.
" . Auditor of the City of Portland.
PortUnd, Oregony fane to. 1B04.
MtrirDatAtTzs's voncs. 'J;
Notice la hereby sivaa that ea the Mth da
of June, 1004, I took ap aad empounded at
tbe City Pound, et Me. 281 Sixteenth etreet.
in rhe City of Portland, .Oregoa, the following
deerrlbed animal:
Prawn auare, white a pot oa forehead and
bod all around; and snleea tbe owner, or ether
pereoa or pereona baTing an Interest therein,
ahaU elalm poaeeealoa ot the aame, and pay
all erat aad eharaee ef the keeolns and ad-
Tertlalnf aame, together with the pound feea
en eald aaloiil, aa provided by or dt nance No.
B.2&,.ea ameTldrd. ot aald City of Portland, I
win oa tne eta aay oi juiy. ivue, at tne sour
of 10 a. at., at the City Pound, at No. Sal mil
teeath. la aeld elty, aalt'the above deaerlbed
oimaLat public .auction to the hlfbeet bidder.
wu par ,o na ana copra rur taains up.
aeepins .ana aveertieina ua animai. ,
Pated thla 2atb dar ef June, 1V)4.
' T. W. BZEO. Poasdiaaater,
Notlee le hereby aieew that a oetltioa near
Ins foe the vaeatloa of that portion of Kooae
velt atreet la the City, of Portland, Oregon,
which Ilea between the eaat Uae ot Twentieth
atreet Kortb aad the weet line ef Sherlock ave
nue, la pending aad will be presented to the
Council ef eald City of Portland, at a regular
Sleeting -ef aald Coaaell, to be held ew eSednea
day. the S4 day of An net. IBM, at t e'elock
p. ea., la the council chamber la the City Ball
aaia city. i - t
KelDh W. Hort. Ixmlae Bort Cook. David af
fiuaae, Etate of T. A. Iale (Ine.). and
.upas aeiaa vompaay, petnionera,
Auditor ef the City of Portlaad.
- Pnetlend, Oraxa. ' June . 1904
yore, tbe hope of finding rare specimens
being strong enough to buoy up the
diggers, for they well know that fortune
will follow success, aa tne price or tnem
has advanced more than 100 per cent in
the oast three or four years.
London la tha market center and the
tan-colored royalty of India and the
orient la the source of supply for amer
alda. The goods purohssed represent the
Isbor of months and ortentimes yeara in
the collecting of them. Aa there la none
being mined, the only way to get them
le to send out agenta among tho na
tives. Bat tbe natlvee are alow to aur
render, their wealth, and If the agent.
after weeka of travel and living among
them, returns with Tf or- id karate, be
la doing extremely well.
e ..
. l. a. Ajro s. o. o.
. W-JD. N. In Chicago Tribune.
June haa two daughters, fair to
In truth, they rule In queenly state-
One la the coy June tinae-io-pe .
And one the sweat girl gradua
Each aeea the future dawning bright.
- .Ana each. tier fortune Diesaes;
Each, also. Is a pleasing sight;-.
And each la buying dresses.
The brain of each haa madly whirled
Considering the wisest Dlan '
The one on "How to Rule thelWorld;"
The- other. How to Rule the Man;" .
Escn feels that now aha knows her fate
And may discard 1ier guesses;
Each mta her mind on one grea't date,
.And each U buying dresses.
Tbe graduate regards all men
Aa brethren In their. weal or woe;
The bride reflects that now and then
She's said - she'd be "your sister,
- though."! -
Esch builds her castle In (he air -
With dream a that she possesses)
Each haa no time to think of care,
And each la buying dresses.
'Tie the eternal feminine
That long has baffled fool and sag
To analyse or to define ---r
In thle or any'other age; .
Who know what great philosophy
IS hid oenestn their treason
The graduate end brlde-to-beT ' . -
And each la buying dreasea. - .
: And the lvoreaJ;'ndga'
"t tee," aald the fortune teller, aa she
closed her eyes and gases Into the
henceneas of the hither, "a marriage
for you within three months."
The fair maid blushed with delight.
"And will I be happyr' ahe asked. .
The fortune teller peered a few peers
farther Into the misty subsequent.
-"That, ahe replied, "will . depend on
what aort of an Impression you muke
oa lb jury,".
Ticket 0(Rca Tbirtf iirut- ;v" rkoa (SI
: : 1 rain, Dally eV
Daylight trip . through tba ; Cascade
and Rocky mountain. Tor foil partic
ulars rates, folders, etc, call aa or ad
dress : - ." - ',,-.
'- . M. SIOXBOV, City Ttoket Agt,
laf Talzd tree. VoHlasd.
Astoria &tCdlumbia .
River Railroad Co.
aauM parry.
Por hi fere, R.lDlr,
Clatahaale. weetport,
CJirtoa, Aetorla, Wa
rentoa, rlareL - Haae-
5 And, Port gteeena,
earhart Park, teealdet
Astoria -'sad - ,eahae.
: Kaprees dally.-
Astoria Baprsaa, .
PeJly. .
Dally. .
Kellr ea.
gatronry. f ptffitaadAi
t. 0. MAYO.
' . P. end P. A.,- Aetorla, Or,
& A. gTWWA BT, Commercial Agent, S
at Phone Mais oa - ,
SsUway between tho
Missouri River
The Chicago-Portland Special, the
most luxunoaa train in the world.
Drawing-room sleeping car, dining
car, buffet smoking ana library car
(barber and bath).- Leu than three
days Portland to Chicago. ; i
to -Chicago are operated dally via tbe
Oregon K. R. ''. Co., U. P. R. R. and
Chicago At North-Weateu Ry. to Chicaro
from Portland and points ia Orsgoa and
Eastern Waahioftoa.
Daily excursions In Pullman toarlaf -
sleeping cars fronf PortlantUhrougb
to Chicago without change-.
E.p.BITCIrfB, 4.0. BAkXIB.
Goal Aft. fae. Ceeat, 6ee,al Af eat,
C. N.-w. r- X. an.-w.lty.
Sr, Marker Street. ' tqTilnl ftne),
.a raAMciaco. Cei roaiuaKo, oaa.
of -Portland, Oa,
OealgBctod Depoaltory and rinaadal Agent sf
tlis b'nJtcd-JUtes.
Preeldeht . : . , A. X. f rUA
Ceablee '. ...J. W. MCWKIHK
Aalaunt Cuhlee .,;W. C ALVOKD
ieoond Aealatant Caehler B. t. STBVK.S
ketter of credit laeued available la Curope aad
the Kaetera 8tatee.
Sight Zsehanae and Talesraphte Tranafera
aeld on New York. Boatoa, Chlcajo, St. Laqle,
Bt Paul, Omaha, gas rraacleoe gad the
principal polnte la the Itorthweet.
gixht and time bills draws in seme te salt
es London. Parle, Berlin. Prank fort-a-tne
aula. Uong Koag. kokaaasta, ' opeahafeu.
Cbrletlana. - Stockholm, gu l etenburg, Moa
eow, Zurich., tioaolulu. " '
Collect loue made -oa favorable taraaa.
. (Katabllaned In IK)
. Transects a Jfieaeral Sankiag Suatneee.
intereet Aliewea oa xime uopoeira.
Colleetiooe aaade at all aniata ea favorable
terma. Letter ef credit leaued e reliable la
Europe and all point, In the United states.
Htabt Riehanre and Telegraphic Transfers
sold otk New lock. Waahlnstoo. Chicago, at.
Loata, Denver. Omaha, fen traaeiaoe sod Moo
tana and Brltlah Columbia.
Exchange eold un Lendoa, Pane, Berlla,
Frankfort, Bong Keag, Xukohama, Manila aad,
HoeoJuls. .
R. L. rrBItAM.................Tlce-Prelilriit
OEOROR W. JfOTf!! '. ! Aaeiata'nt 'Ceabler
xraaaaoxe weoora, aiuui awiaiai,
Drafts aad letters ef -credit leaned available
to all parts ef the world.
- Colleetiooe a epeclalty. Cold duet keaght.
op roxTLAKo. oaioog.
moztbtwzbt ooa. thibd and oak its.
Trasaaets Oce-rai Banking Baa in aee,
AvalaVoP la' all rltlea of the Cnlted "rates aad
Europe, Hon Keag sad Manila. .
Preatdent . C Atlw-OrtTrl
VIc-PrealdeBt . W. B AVER
Caabler. ...... , .jiiiiuumuS, vb 2l?JJJ ES
AaeleUat Caehler -A- U. WBIOUT
ef Oemmeree BulUlna, Tkbri -aad
Stark gtreets.
Ttf Offlee. M Old Broad Street, Taea.
Tble baak tranaacte a tenerel banking baet-
anakea Icana. dlecounta blUa and rnene
lettera ef credit aeallabl for traeelere had fne
the parrbaee of merrhandlee Is eny elty of -the
world. Deale In fnrelea sad dmneetie exchange.
Interest paio on una onn"ir.
W. A. MACRAE, ltaaacer.
. Metviaoa at., Portland. Or.
Traaaeete a wcaerai enema eaieeaaa,
Intereet Allowed en Time and "artnee Pepoetta.
Acts aa TTBate tor Retetea.
Drafts aad totters of credit availabls la at! pares
ef tbe world.
fl. f. AT1AM9. Preeldent
T. A. LEWIS Elrat Vlcs-Preeldent
A. U BflMJ. ....Second Tlee-PreeloVnt
B. U- ilaria., necrerarr
Offer gllt-edte tnveatmente la BTnalolpal aad
. ..... ureas eia,a - wnw i .,, -
1UH first gt, Portland. Oregoa. :
On f.-t1and Reel Ett tf Loweet Rate.
TltW Inenred. AhM-acta rnrnlehed.
In the rkhret grain, ruh sad Stock erctioq ia
' the wwrld. Theueanda ef acres of lead at actual
coat ef Irrir-ifinn. l)cd direct- from Sfite of
M A P FRFE. IrhHtc Irrifation and Power Cem-
; . j 7 r . ii!c.KarSuiglrenlai,Otcoa.
i r .
EAlLaOAD riStXTAr-L't,
-"l- "B-H -ii-.iarti. L.H,
EAST vi,
. Areivea.
tralaa, for galena, Booe-I
ewrs, auiau. Baera
BMute, Os4ea.Saarrae
elaee, StiH kfc.a, Lea Aa-I
cetoe. El Paeo. New 4j-
TJB a. aa, -tao
s, .aa.
ea a ena tne avast.
At Woddbars . dally
fesespt Sua-lajV. aeora
Ins train foe Mt. An.
Sl. BIlTertoa. -Browna-
tllle, apeineaeld. WaaeU
Albaay paasensev. eem
necta at woodbora with
Mt. Ancet aad a-vee-
10:19, a,'as
mm p.
vum aocai. .
Sberldaa peaeeager..
M M a. m.
rDally. HDaily, except Saaday. '
rertlaad-Oewece iuW. Berrlea. s Taavhta
, . PMslea. . . ........
SepoA Poot ef t eftsrsea aejest
..'ve Portland dalle tot bewea- v an . ,
t av' "' t ea iaa-p .
, -""'7 eoir. iu-ee a. m.
VLe from aame Ac pot tor DelUe and rnter
JI?te.l'V feieept Saadayl 4:U p. av
Arrl-e Portland 10-) n. ' - -. - '
Icl-penHenc lo,mch Met ; Bret
eperytes detly to Menmonrti aad Alrlle. ene
!rrln,1 w,,h """tbere Partft. eempaay'a tracks
at nellae end-lndrrsdenca.
Flrvt-elaao faro frm pnefiesd te Beeeasaewte
and J,, mttmr ty. herH SH seensd-ata ea
'IS eecond-eleea berth S3 00,
Tlckere in Eaeters solnta . and Vnrvpa, ame
'"-. rtnfmraro eafl anetrarta.
" . , mv iirnej eorne Tnira- aaa
to atreeta. Phnter. Mala Tit
aw. rrifoER. ; fW. B. CO
0KV. .PM. AMa
Through Pullmaa eteadard and toeoiet sleee
Ing ears-dally to.Omaba. Cblearo. gpokaaei
tnuriat aleei.lag earn dally te Kassaa Oltyt
throush Pullmea tourist alaeatng ears fnea
ally eondurted) weekly te Cbiraro. Beellalaal
lu'ii s'-uTtt Jr-tl
a ,"7n,Ln rrwia Cw-so. arrle Fwtlend dalle
l-J? ft -St .ftl5' ? . --
xeena moaaar, aa,.
UNION SBPOT. . - Lee res. Arrlvee.
CBlCAflO-l'OKTLAND 0-.15 a. B ., ',
gPECIAU Dally. Dally.
Eor the Eaat Tie Bast- . ' ' '
inftoa. -r - ' - .
BPOKANg gLtER. 1RB.W. 8:00 s. sa.
Per Eaatern Waablaf Oally. Dally,
ton. Walla Walla. Lew
letoa, Coear' eTAIeae '' ..'
aad Great Bert era
ATLANTIC EZPSRMS. S:1S p. Bk T:1S a. aa. ' '
Pee the Eaat via Baas- Dally. Dally. - .
. tngtoa.
rOR SAN FBANC!CO:rrr.m .-0 g aa.
K S. Oee. W. Elder Alnowee
July 6, IS. m. , lOock.
S. g.. Columbia S.-P p. aa. '
July 10, go. go.
-" Oolnmhla Etver Ptelalea.
POR ASTORIA and wevl : P Ba. About
polnta, eoanertlng with Dally. :00 s. at.
etmr. for Ilweee and as. Saaday ex. Saaday.
N'th beach, atr. Baa- Betnrday
aalo. Aak-et. dock. . 10.00 p. m. '
' ' Tafakfll Blvee Kowto. --
POB DATTON. Oreeea 7:0 a. av, 9:s,a
City and TamhllV Blear Pally. D,ny.
polnte, stra. Ruth ssd eieept ' . -veept
afnOne. Aab-et. 'dock. Suaday. Saaday.
(Water permlttlns.t I
Snake Klver Boate.
and way points from
Bipexle. Waakw- ateaoa.
era Spokane ssd Le w-
1:40 a, I
5 00, aa.
ax--Ae-i Daily.
ex. rnoay.
TICKET OrriCB. Third aad TVaahlngtne, Teaa
abeae Mala tit. .
Per Yokohama aad Hens Keag. calling et
Kobe. Kare-aat and Bhaushal, taking frelrbt
,1a connecting alee mere tat Manila, Port AT at
and Vladlroatok. :
Poe rates aad rati rneormatv-a ssB ea e eeV
dreea efaldala a agents et the O. B. A B. On.
Paget sou ad Limited,
for Taeoaia. Beat tie.
ptympla. aoatk Bead
aad Gray a Bare
polatSr ..
North Co at Limited,
for Taroraa, Boettle,
Butte, St. Paul. M1a
neepolla. Chum New
Yerkt Boatoa and potsts
Beat end goatbeast.
Twln-Ctt Eif aee, for
Taeama. Seattle, Spo
kane, Helena, Bt. Teui.
Mlnneepolla, Cblcac.
New York, P"el aad
all nolnta Eaat Bad
ta- a-
' , r
t. .
1:00 p. at.
TP. sa.
Pu goarnd Kanaae
C1ty-8t. Loele Siec1al,
for Tamn,. - Brettla.
Spokaae. Ratte. BUIIor.
I tOs. a.
i m a. ea.
Icaeer. Oaiehe, Kanaae
Cltr. gt. Louta aad aU
points Bast aad Boa -
All trtlaa - dally except oa gonth Bead
braae A. D. CBARLTON.
Aaalataat Oeaeral Paaaencee Agent,
t-0 Btorrlaoa et.. eor. Third. Portland, 0.
B9 P. aa.
: - ' ,1
JALTUnoag) 6- OHIO R. R.
lis mr.ty rt
4- -