The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 01, 1904, Page 13, Image 13

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Eaters at the ooetofrtee of Portia. Or.,
(nr traiapnrtstlua urousb tbe malls u second
. slaas matter.
Postage Jor single copies Tor aa 8. 10 or 18-
Cie paper, t not: 14 la 10 psgos, t mttt U
44 paxes, g eanta. -
xuzraovzi , , 7
flnetoeee Office Mala ano. .
KdllorUl Buoma . Mala BOO. '
. ... vreeland-BensamiB Apodal Advertlafng Agency,
. 104) Naeeae street, Maw Torkl Trlbooe Build
t log, Cblcago, . .... .v
'- ' iMMa W BfbosaaaWa.
25 RjJ'r Jottrnal. with Bandar, 1 Tar...BT.M
Tbs tJmUf Journal, 1 year. ....... ........ 800
Jil Si'!.'' i"ar"l ltH Kenday, asoutaa
The Pall, Journal. nor, the -80
"The ally Journal, with Sunday. Boatb 1.8J
. 2? J?"11' eWssl, months...'..
! Joorosl.. with Bundsy, 1 moat. J
Tba Ilaliy. nu ...a ,i.ii.. a....w la, ' '
BLried ..; ,.7. . "..7..... 4
Tbs nail, par mtk, delivered. Bandar aa- '
ooptea ..,..,. ......... ..,......
.v,- . Terme by Kan. "
ThlLKii'T !" anadar. ryasrJTW
. Tha rally Journal, 1 year 00
St i"i ril" Sunday. eatb 8 T
J5 5 I' ?ornaS montha , i f
' JJ i ""rnaU with Sunday, S moatbe M
St' J?"."' 'oarnal, with Sunday, I month. .M
.. ; J; I?a"y Jonrnal. 1 month...,. . ""
ffunilay Jonrnal, 1-year ... f
'. The Sunday Journal. montie... lpo
' Tha Semi-Weekly Jonrnal. -,Tb
Seml-Weee-lv Journal,. S to : pegse, -
- porta. ' year .. .
-.. 'The Weekly Jesrssl. '
toe Weekly Journal. 100 columns of res.
Ina eaak ktana . IWnMtwmtmA full narkat
. reports, 1 yaar.. LOt
Remlttancee ahonld ho mada by grafts, poatal
Botes, express ordara. and small smoents awo
aacauiania .la 1 and S-eant nontara atamna.
. . THX JOffiilii-
P. n: Hnx J. Portland. Or. -
. Tha Journal' can Da foond an aalo at tho foW
, jowina piaeaa:
BO I MB. IDlRIUniH hh atoM. '
CHICAGO. Poatotfico Nawa oonpaoy, ITS Door
nwi atraai. ,
DKNVBB. COIX). Kaadrlrk Book 4k BUtionary
v . company, 13 Sarrntawnth atraot; J. Blavok,
fRtitMntb and Cnrtla atraata.
AN8A8 riTY.V.a Noy Nawa oomnaiy.
OSANflKLES. B. P. Oardnar, . JftO South
x Spnui atraati. .OUrat A Balaaa, But Bob Ik
HprMar atrrt. v,i.
WNEPOU85 vf.AB:TaiurBB, flT Botrtfc
' "Third. -W " '
KltW YORK Oltt. Brantano'o, taloa aouaro.
OODEN OirlTra rwa company.
OMAHA. nawa atandi Mauaatk
- - Btatloorry totirtHrm. 1308 Parnam atraat.
alt una C1XI. Kanyoa hotal aawa ueana;
Barrow Broa.. as Want BMond atraat. Booth.
ST. LOHIS I'hlllp Rnadar. did Locnat atraat.
BAN PBANCI8CO. W. B. Ardlng. Palaea hotal
- aawa arand; OoMaralth. Broa.. ISO Buttar
' atraat; Prad W. Pitta, iota Mark at atraat.
SPOKANE. Waah John W. Orabam A An.
TACOMA. WARM. Cantral Nawa oompasy.. 112)
- Waathar . condition and ural foracaat for
Qteffon. Waahlnctoa and Idaho:
Sbowora and thunderstorms with Uf hr rain
baro ocuraad yanarally In aaatora. Orayon.
aaatara Waablnftna and Idaho, but no rain had
fa Man waat of tba Oaaeariea, althonah it Baa
. Iwu qulta tbrratanlnic. Bnowara and thunder
atnrma, with moderately heaay ralna, are tflao
repnrtad In tha eaatarn atatea from New Knuland
- -ami lb to Florida, and weatward tbroug b tha
Ohio Talley and lake region.
It la moderately cool In tho. mlddlo want
and In the Paclfie states, tha tcmperaturos arc
- aormt normal.
' Tba Inrileattona aro tor (enerallr fair wea tiler
' In tMa dlatrlrt Saturday. It will be cooler to-
- Bight la aaatara Qrecoa aaatara Waa bias ton
and Idaho. C" .. . , .
Maximum teffiparaturo Inr tha laat M boars,
80; minimum temperature, TO; precipitation, .0.
" Bebastlsa' Blade!, , to Lena, BaamfartBar,
f Addlaoa B. Draper, 40, to Flora A. tony,
Rudolph H. Blybbert. S3, to Buby Bandall.
. Rarnaaf A.-- Mlddlabroof ,-M k Bmwnr
Kiraum, Jo.
Uirwln C. Byan, to, t StelU M. MeDanlel,
J. 0. DePennlne, S3, tq Graeo B. WaeaavBO,
"' :r ' BIBTKB. ; ;. (
Jnno SB. to Mr. and Mra. Baamol Marorlch,
t HT Pint atreet, a danirhter.
Jnno to. to Mr. and Mra. Paaqaals Fomrs,
at 87 Fifth atreet, a aoa.
June Mi. to Mr.- and Mra. Edward. D, Schaaea,
'at 413 Front atreet, a daufhter.
Jnno SO. to Mr. and Mra. Morris Ooldatona,
at MH Front street, a' danf bter.
Jane 34. to Mr.- and Mra. Jamea M. Jack
Son, at not Annabella avenue, a aoa.
June in. to Mr. and Mra, John Campbell,
of Rlrerdaie, - a dauahtee. r-
June in. to Mr. atxl Mrs, Oenrya B, Case,
at l0 Bast Elrhth atreet, a eon.
June 31, to Mr. and. Mrs. Albert B. French,
at aoD Annabella aranue, a aoa.
, .
- June 39, Melrln Othra, 111 Nineteenth street
June so. Begin Pryer, B6 BerentrentB street.
Juno SS, Harold Miller, age months days,
at Ablngtoa, building. Burial at Lame Fir.
jnne ' a, i jact. wre, ags U years.
Burial at Lone Fir.
Jane 2S,' Mery Anna Burch,
ags SB pears.
.Burial at Anoka, aiina.
June 30. Charles Ohio, see 6B rears.
Bl ureenwooa. , :
- June 3N, Missis Bouts, ags sB years. Burial
at Lone Fir. . .
Crematotiim oa Oregon CUy far Boo. aesr
Bellwood; modern, acleotinc. complete. Charges
Adults. tXBi chlMrea, . Via I tore a. m.
to B p. m. Portlaad Cramatiua aaaeolatloa.
Portland. Or.
' The Edward Bolmaa rndertaklng eomnany.
N funeral dlrectora and smbslmers. lao -Third
street, Pbooe BOT. t .
' ' I. P. Flnley A Boa, funeral directors sad
en.halmera, bevo removed to their bow eetab
llihment, corner Third and Madlsoa streets,
Both phones Mo. 8.
Eellejr-Xvroea Co., funeral directed snd em.
balmers. 373 BuaaelL Ledy aeet. PL one Eaat lObs,
Jane Bo, to t. I), Wler.ror renslr of dwell
.Inr corner Mason sod Eaat Sixth streets.
June ao, to John Hoot, for erection of cotters
comer Kaae-MoRleoa and Twenty -eighth streets.
Coat (I.BiO. .
June an. to Good Samaritan boapltal, for erer
tins of boapltal corner Marshall and Twenty
third streete. Coat f .lo.Oua
- July 1, to 8. Nataeher, for erection of
.. VxlaU-r roiiae corner Flrat and Isvls atrcets.
' Coat 93,000. h
Sheriff (fnT Alex Fargher -at sal. f to 7. 0.
. Alna worth, lota 1 Vn 8. south Bids Spring -
street, Portland tlelghta J. 100
J. Frank Steveua and wife to A. S. Shad- ,
duck, lota and T. bkvh 32, A. U Mia
,ers'aiiiitin to "t. Johna
rTuTTarTWaiT-rt-oV-to JJTrsriV Stevefig,
kta ana 7. Bines -a, A.
eildltloa to St.. Johns ......
Urnrr B. Lewie and wife to William B.
Mercer, lot 4. block A, Jhinlway'a anb
division Rlvervlew ad1lttoa to Atblna.,
Burtle L. Smith and wife to Nodlr Land
company, lot 13. block 34. Bellwood
Point view Ileal Katate.. company to Em-,
, ma Miiuthwell. wU 37 and 2S, block 13,
Point View '. j . ,
Portland Troat company to W. J. Mite, "
lot 14. block M, Portsmouth Villa Ex-
.Bttfano Allcgranl and wtrg to Frederlke .
Alleeranl. anndry lota In Kerne A
Btephene addltlos (see deed .........
Ales Kalra and wife to Albert J. Ar
hart. 11.00. acrea beginning 1ST feet'
euth of center section IT, -tow nab I p I
south, range 1 eaat
B. '. Ovaltt to Nellie S. Oraltt. lots It
and 14, block B, Maegly Highland ....
O. W. McArthur and wife to Robert A.
Taylor, lota I gad 4, block 1, urel- -wood
No. t
W. H. Oahora to H. 0. Piatt, traatee, lot
4. block 3. F.dea B
John R. Blaster and wife to Columbia
, Theatre company, eaat 100 feet frac-
' tional block l:t, city .: 80.008
Ifultnomab ennnty to H. 0. Tlatt, trus-
. Ua, let 4. flilork 3, Frt.s 81
Fred B. Merrla to Oregoa Water fewer
swaxva bitteb ruoii
oogoxaaB voabcs juts ur
aoos Bzicjurs. -
Front Street, July J. The principal features
me a-oriiana wnoieaaie markaa today are
Old- potatoes 1b scUts demand. "...
New potatoeo hlsher la Baa rrandaoo.
Country buttar soft. .
Pouiuy on tha winy. "
.Royal Ana cherries morlng.
Kgga steady, . i '
-auupaarriaa-eosunc lav
Sbad scarcer and hlrh
Tomatoaa acarcer and blfber.
uaca eoaoaa Bare dropped. ...
Old Potatoea Worklne Brt n.
'Old potatoes are brtagtnf good prices and
Bereral - dealers hare cleaned Bp their old
aiocas. too - maxkat, bowonr, Is hollered
to be ,jore. specalaUro taaa real. In fact.
tnere u conaldarable atlr la old potatoes oa
rrooi airevi. ana amau Quantities sra oomlns In
from tbe country. The preraJUns blgb prlcee of
Bew potatoes tends to strenrtnea the market
tor the old crop, and speculative prices are-
aaa rranciace. it m repotted taat new
poutoes of the Borbank rarlety were eelltnc
at 340 DOT nonnd in Han aeiulan .aitrta.
tlowerer, too demand bars principally Is localJ
or ue oia crop.. - Jhara t preeumed to be
plenty of old potatoes la t&s baada of the
(rowers bp supply any demand from eoaenmere,
but those ' are busy tlmea with the farmera
and many of them hare not the time to brlpg
- rvMiii. w Mauser,
Tomatoes, Boaros and High,
Tomatoes are a scarcity ra the market sad
tns prices are Mains. Tnara anoeara-tn be a
dearth of. -a ready supply la the Baa Francisco
marsat. . one 1 ront-etreet aeeier received a
eupplr from a local bothouae end is Ballings the
prwun. a fijHi par cratejj,'
. Poultry Belling Off tba agea.
Poultry Is morlnar at a tlrelr. rata sad fre
quently oales sra atade before the coops can
be a u loaded from e trucks. Old bans and
aprlng cblckena uaAaarin in a moat aooouraa
lug 'way. DuckiNftid geeae are dull sals, but
turseys sro scarea and la good, demand.
' Oouhtry Buttar Xa Halted.
Country, or marb of It, oomea la melted
oot of tbe original parka sea of cheese cloth,
and rone 'Into a solid maaa la tha ahlpplng
box. - The largo proportion of the country hot
ter baa been coming In far tbe past few ' days
is oeciaeoiy sort ana unmarketable.
Shipping Bananas Aoaros. , -, .'
Tbe extreme bot weather has caused the ha
aanaa to rlpoo rapidly and large quantities
Dare neen anieaoed oa tbe aawkera. The ma.
Jorlty of the hawkers, bowerer, aay that 'the
uga ucenss wiu anre jbem out or business.
-j- " - Zggs Continue Flies. '
Wltb the eiceBtloa of two or three flrms there
11 a complaint ox. a aearcltv of ease oa Front
street, and tbe prevailing selling price Is 20e.
. Buslaess Good aa Float Btaeet, vj .
r ront-etreet merchants are doing a brtak oaal-
Hess, eeneclslly la the fruit line, and are an
loading their stocks la a ssusfactoty-wsy. , .
Xeroaaats' Opuioa of Today's atarkebt.
Chatter tou A Co. Old potatoes ready sale
aprlng chiekene and old bene fa good demand:
ages firm: eeal mora nleatiful: ducks cheap.
. lryoe.o-Malley ek :o. onloaa and poutoes
Bannced; potatoes selling st is Per pound;
tomatoes scarce and advanced to fx per Box.
C 8. B tenth A Co. Selling earl st 21e per
oosen; nevepotatoes gone np to !t4a per pound;
chickens stiff and old potatoes eovaneed.
Page A Boa Large chicken demand; veal and
hogs In demand In cool weather; a good supply
of California peaches' at BSo per box; eggs
acsres at Sue per doses: butter plentiful; eoun
try batter not wanted, as It comae la bad eoa-
Bell A Co. A car of white onions and a car
or new potatoes received from Baa r ranclaco.
The latter are still selling here at tbe ruling
prlcee, - but were quoted l yeaterday la Baa
Preaclaco at 3 Sec per pound. Tbe potatoes that
bt ought tha fancy prlcee la the Baa Francleco
market ware of the Burbsnk variety. The sell
ing pries of potatoes is mors speculative than
ai. ,
W. T. Turner A Co. Cblckena sell aa quick
aa thev .arrival ease steadr.
W. B. Ulafks Co. Tomatoes are scares aaa
are selling at fancy prices.
Henry Breeding Old chickens are waated sad
eggs are arm at 30c.
' Davenport-Thompeon Company Lota of cher
ries snd raspberries coming Into market. Eggs
arm st 30c sad not one In the boose.
Pearson, Page A Co. Eggs firm at JO per
doaea: rood shipping bananaB scare, having
rlneaed raoldlv oa account of the hot waatbeT,
although we nave taree roome iuu un ima
torg. ,.
Malarkar A Co. Shad scares; tbe salmon
seaeon baa closed la Rogue river, but are reoelv
lng ehlpmeBta from the Umpqus, where the aea
m. alll eemalna flnan.
The Cbarlas B. Oatcbett Flab company Bo
eeivlng salmoa from. Astoria aad lower Colum
bia; black cod M He lower. , e -
Everdlns A Terrell Poultry la good demaad
geeae and ducks low) turkeys scares sad la
good aemsna.
Brala, Flee aai
WHEAT Walla Walla.- 8c; bbjostegt, TT
TSc; raller r Tec, -
BARLEY Feed, tSlBOl rolled. t4 SO; brew
tog. ta.oO34.00.
OAK) Frodiicera' price No. X white, $30.00
etrfv r-i; gray. $24.0".
FLOUR Eaatera Oregon: Psteata. 14.30;
straights, .l V(I3 0; Talley, t3.s6it.8; gra
ham, Va, ts.5; 10a, tt.86. -
M1LLBTI FF8 Bras, t30.00 per ton; mid
dlings, t'M.Hi Bhorta, country, t23.B0; oboe,
tisoo. . -
H A i PTodticeve pries Timothy. Willamette
Talley. 115 Sfnajd.OO; eaatera Oregoa, 117 SO:
mixed, tl4.00: cloeer, 111.00; grain, fl2.UQtj
13.60; cheat. tUOoaU-oO. ,
Heps. Wsol aa Rides.
HOPS SeejZttVte for choice; 3SQ3BH'ror
rime; poor quality, ltij20e cob tract, 1804,
lUmlNc. a .
Woolv Talley, coarss to medium, lTOlBe;
fins, lBH(ic; ssatera Oregon. 13)los.
MOHAIR Mew, toe. '
BHKEP8K INS Shearing, lnfllOc; short W00L
fotic; medium- wool. SOejftuei lung wool,
OOcdll.OO each. .. ,
TALLOW I'rlme, Per lb, dOOel No. I aad
reaae3He - '
rrniTTIM BARK ttSOc per lb, baying price.
tlLkJKG 1 T piawo, no. a, ia ujb sna SB.
MHe per lb; dry kip. No. l.. to 1 lbs,
12 Vic; dry. calf. No. 1, aader t Ibe, ItHel
dry salted, bulla sad stage. 1-t less tksa dry
flint; salted hides, steer, eeand. OS Ibe or ever,
ia7e;vb0 -to 60 ba, . c; aader 80 lbs snd
cows, na)dc; srags BnoT bulls,' aooad. 4Ho; kip,
18 to W Ilia. de; oosnd. 16 it 14 lie, BHc
calf, sound, ander 10 lbs, 8Ue; green (
salted) le per lb leva; culla, lc per lb leaa;
bnree hides, salted, Serb tl.a.V15, dry. sacs,
II,-. mita' hides, each. 3S4A0e ami
aklne, common, each. 1 lOCI&ei Angora, wUh
Wool on, each, BSc&tl.OB,
- - Butter. Egg - sad ' Poultry. ...
prTTRK FAT Sweet, Sic; soar. IBs,
BITTEB City creamery, il23te: fancy,
17"aw; ordinary, lftvlTHc: atore. 13 He.
' EU(i8 No. 1 freak Oregon. 30c; aacSBdled,
19c; rilrttco, 16c; bakers, lie.
CHEK8B New Fnll cream, twta. 11UQ
I2',c: America. l3QliC
POULT BT Preducera' prices Cblckena,
lttc per H: bena. 18c per lb:
roosters, old, Sqtt p.T Tt).1 luullera. Bus,pea, bll
fryers. 30c per - lb: ducks, old. 13c per
hV yoang. IV per Ibi geeae, f HOe per 'lb;
turkeys, lTIJlte per UL dreesed. Isatjos per
- -r - Fruits ana TegeUblea.
POTATOES Nominal. H.OO; bnyers'
Townstte company, lot 1, block 4, City"
View Park
Margaret end Louis Nleolal to Cora B.
(vrwap, ew V TB ' ww w a, -eat avi n v
feet lot T, block SB, Hollsday's sddl-! .
tloa' -. x . . , . r iS 1.BN
Boaai, east H' lot n, seat H -north 10
A.' L. Mendelaoa to Franc la Bar, lot 1.'
block 31. Alhlns
William Harbordl, to Emaaa 0. Lelcbty.
lot T. block IT. Alblne
Ella and Clarke U Friehle to Minnie
Iwle, lota It to IS, block B, lot ft.
block IX Point View - . ...
David U. Lloyd and wife to William Har.
rt.rrtt, aouU A tot 10, block 8, Uneoln
Park C. Carson to M. J. Pallay, lot 8,
block XT, LoucB addition
Oct rear tnrnreneo s
estate, from the Title Onerantee A Trust
pa ay, Csastsec ag. Cammaraa sajlldlag.
for fancy, 85c; ordinary, 80s per sack baying,
0NloVS--Call2urnla red. tl.10Ql.B5i ysUuW
Daavera. tl-Tb; sarUo, 100 pee lb. - -
FKB,sa FRUITd Apples, Oregon. B3.0Ofix.xs
Per hex; orangea, Medltrrraneaa aweetae H.butl
3.78 pee box; lata Valeaclaa, t8.vuaj3.2o per
box: baaanaa, ' 6C(to par In; lento na, choice,
t.ooibxou per box; faucy, aj.o0(tie.lM per box;
limes, Mexican, Soe per 100; plnaapplee, t3-00d
tto; strswberrles, -Oregon, eHe per lb; eber.
rlee, ftc; bulk, "BtfTVte per lb; anrlcots,
8uc2tLuu Per box; pliuua, tl.tS boxi peach aa.
eoc per Box; peers, 14.10 per Box: grapes,
ttt.So nar box: black mra. 82.00 oar Boat cur
rants, be per lb; aubtTlea, To per ib; red
raspberries, 8c par lb; watermelons, s per Tb,
VEUBTABLEa- tTuiuIps. tl.ou par ssckl ear-
rota, 80s par do bunvoee; beeta, 30a per dos
bunches; Oregon rail la baa, 17Vo per dos; eab-
naga, Oregon, 0lZ(ooo per aoa; California, f lis
UZ.UU per ewr. lettuce, neea, lowsuc wiw
greea OeoDcra. Be- oer
lb :i eaWrr
uoa; tomatoes, CallforBla,
la. per erata;
MlaaiaalnnL Bl.T5eil.HO nar erata; Mai lean.
tl-Xoat.po per crate; Oregoa aotbonee. t3.ft0;
paranlpa, T&cb.$1.35; csnlldower, rcdl.00 doai
reeu peaa, 3Vaate lb aapsragus. Walla Walla, per iwx; Oreroa, 1 ooOl-lo per box;,
green onions, lfte per dns; green earn, HAQoOe
per dos; pie plant, lHtllie pey lb; erring baana,
Te; new. celery. Too per doai Mexican Pen
pent, log per dos; bot-bouae rocombera, tLOOifl)
1.00 per don: California, tl.80 per box. ...
DRIED FRl'ITB Applee, evaporated? TSe
per ibnpricots, ffHam per lb: ssexs, we
per 10 lexer peacnea. 7 VaUVC per to; paara, e
hie per lb preoea, ItaUaa, &iMe per lb;
French. ner lbl Baa. California.
blacka. trdUUa nee lb I do avblt)
00 wniie. anwif
per lb; plame, pitted. 84 par lbl dates.
joea, oho per to; raras, fa.ov par o-io
BA18IN8 Raeod. fanev? l ib sartona. - 80
Bsrkagea to rcsss, 80 pks; Seeded, 13-os eer-
1 , . . T H.t ik. aaa
TJe per ib London layererM.Mii3.00; clusters.
i.ou(a.70: Via, goc; B, BUS sovaiaae. ,iw
pound cartons. ' L7
nun Tee i-n. eanoaa, enoiet oraao. ei.ooi
10 1.1b aartona. fa oer brand. 81.101 10 lib
bricks. S-crowB. 80ei 18.1-lb brlchs. 8-crowa.
Boc; 80 u-lb bricks, per box. 1 2 2ft; e-row lay
ers, per 10-lb bos, 80c; looae. 60-lb boxao. per
Ib, t((tt. Cellamyrnas Mlx-crowa. lowb ear
tone,' per box. 83 00; 8-crowa, 10-lb eartoa, par
box. 11.75; e-crowB. 80 l ib eartooa, per boa,
tl.Ttb '
, Oreeeries. sTuta, xne.
BBOAB "Bark baala" Oube. 88.10r sew-
dered, lu. 06; dry grsBulated, to.Hb; beet grans-
utedt go. 7B; extra C. 10.10 1 goloea v., sa.:
bole, loci H bbla.
t.. , a.
sack beau, lees 3&c swt tor sash, 18 dayai
sole, 14Q10C per lb. ...
HONET 14H4I15C. '
COFFEE Oraan Mocha. 31 axBSet iBTg. fsscF.
ttaaiei Java. good. 80320c; Jars, srdlnary,
lfel2uc'. Ooata Rica. fi.ncT. 10ex90et Coat a' Rica.
good, loQloc; Cata Rice, ordinal y, HOlSe par
fe juaekagO coffee, 812.874318.87.
1 bab oolong, aitierent grsaes, xdudoc;
rnspowder, 2ai3JV-: Engllah breakfaat, dif
ferent gradee. . MvittS&ci splderleg. aaoolored
Japan., iotsoftai aroea Japan (vary acaros). 80
to! ' ... .- -J ... ..
MLT-nne nsiea, a,'aa, aa, oa, ita
tl.M: .uble. dalrv? 80a. IS. 00ft 11.60; 100s.
18.1BQ 1 Imported Liverpool, bile. tlS.00j
1 50; 100a. tlt.7oai4.00; 224a. tl4.8015 0;
extra ftae, bbla, 8a. 8a, ts. 10s. 84.00; bulk,
820 lba, 83 80; -sacks. 80s, 88c.
SALT Coarse, half ground. 1AM, pet too,
t3.2008.80; BOa. per ton. to.05CT.00: Liverpool
lump rock, .tl8.60f 18.60 per tool BO-lh.rockv
td.2SiB8.78: 100s, t6T68.38.
, (Above prices spply to sale of less tbsa
ear lota. Car Iota at apselol ariose subject
to fluetuarlone). .
SRAIN BAGS Calcutta. lo.Tnrjfl 00 oer 100.
inr , , 1 t w 1 r u V. a
Hc: New Orleans head. TJTHj ' .x
BEANS B ma 11 white, 8.c; largo White.
fS.Miaa.80; pink. 84-00; bayou, l)io Llmu,
N UTB Pes aats, THci yamboa, 8H0 lbl raw,
BQloe per lb for roaated: cocoanuta, BtCMe
per aoa; walnuts, i a uer per ( v'"v
nnts. loOlSUe ner Th: hlckorv nuts. lOe POT lb;
eheetnntfi eaateen. 'IRaSISe nee lb! Brest! BUtS.
.6o -es- lb: aiberU. lsaide per Ib; fancy
pecana, 144) 16c per lbl almooda. isaioe per to.
Meats and PreTialons. -
FRESH MEATS Inanected Beef. Bteere.
8Ue ner lb: eows. -BUCtde nar Ib: matron.
dressed,. 4yu per Ib; lambs, dressed. 6Q7
per id. - - -
FRESH MEATS Front etreet Beef. Steers.
tVafeSSe per lb; pork, block, Tc per lb; pack
ara, tKiu per lb; bulla, SHt4e per lb:
cows, 4U&C per lb; mutton.' dressed, 4 5 per
id;. Teal,., extra, one; ornmary, one pea ao
poor, 4c per Ib lamrie. 6 51 no per ID.
HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portlend pack riocsl
kama. in to 14 I he. 12Ua ner lb: 14-to 18 Ibe.
12Ve per lb; 18 to 30 lbs, i2Vte per Ib; cottage,
Vkc per Ib: Picnic. 8He per lb; breakfaat bsooa.
LliHulse per lb; regular abort clears,' oa.
amoxsa, 0 vac per inr amoaeo, ttio per w,
clear backs, anamoked. IM DOT lbl smoked.
JHe per IN Union butts, 10 to 18 lbs, -amoked,
8c -per lb; smoked, 8e per lb; clear
neiiiee, ansmoaso,. 10s par jo; amoxea,
per Ib. -
LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10a. os nor
16; Be, 84e par. lb; 60-lb tins. Bo per' lb;
team rendered, 10a, 8Ue per lb; 8s. 8e per
id, ooe,-oTie-per id; com poena sierccB, 8748 per
aw, iun. iv pr in; we, le per ID.
CANNED SALMON -Oolnmhla eleee a.n.
tl.86; 8-Ib taila. t3 48; fancy, 1-lb flats, II. KB;
U-lb fsncy flats. tl.3n: faaey. 1-lb oval, t2.4;
Alaaka talla. pink, ts0t386es rod. tl.oOf aomlnsi
Sa. talla. 62.00.
FISH Rock cod, Se per Tb: Bonnden, Be per
10 j mui not, one per id: crane, per dos;
rasor clama. 80 ner doa: llttle-aeek elanaa
8c: etrlped baas. 1013Ha per lb: catBah. 8e ser
id: saimon. cniaoos. vc oer id: areeibearia
Be per lb; bluebaeka So ' per lb:
herring, - Be per lb; -soles, Be per tb;
ebrimpe, lOe per lb: ahad, dreaaed. Be per lb,
perrhr'te per lb; ahad roe. 13HC per Ib: roe
sbad, 6c per Th; black cod, 80 per lb.
OYSTERS Hboalwa ter Bay, per gal, 82.88;
par aack, t3.TS set; Olympla, per sack. 83.38.
. ralpta, Ooal Oils, Its.
BOPB Pure lisalla. ltfcet standard. ltr.
sal, lOHc '
COAL OIL Peer! or Astral Cases. 81 U i ner
gal; water white, Iran bbls. IBs per gal;
wooden. : headlight. lTO-daa. asses U4Ae nar
gal; headlight. Iron bbls, ITc per. raL'
umikiu mi rare raw m-Bftia, gze per
gsl: caaes, 6T0 per gal; genuine kettle boiled,
esses, 64)e per gal; bbls, 64c per gsl; groand
cake, ear lota, 126. 00 per tool leas tba a ears,
126.00 ner ton.
GASOLINE 86-deg assss, 830 per gsl, troa
bbls, 3tle per gsl; store, eaeos. S40 per Pal,
Iron bbla. 18c per gaL
BKnZlNBH-oo-deg. caaes, T7n. troa bbls. IBUe.
PAINT OIL Baw. bbla. 8Se per gaL osass 88s
arc gall boiled, eaaea doe per geb
TURPENTINE In esses. 86 per gal: wooden
bbls. 81c per gsl; Iron bbls, TBe per gall 10-lb
esse Into. 84e per raL
WHITS LEAD Too Iota, TVci B00-H lota,
tc rwr lb: leas lots. Site per lb.
W1KB haiij rreeent peso at BX.SB, -
Bstafl lamssr Moss.
' . ' Com. Select CTeer
X ' p" p" Per
V If Ft, M Ft. -M re.
Bough, dimension regular
alaea Sxt to 12x13, 83 ft f 8.80 118.00 138.80
Bough, dtmenalon regular
slaes to 12x13, 84-40 ft... BBS 1T.08 94.08
Bough, dimension regular .
sixes to 12x13. 43-48 ft... 11.80 18.00 86.00
Bongh, dimension regular
lave ,w enra, 11. , m.w eei tea ev.vo
For eacb adilltloaal 3 Incaea
, .lAtU .aa a OA S A. . M
at w,,u iuu.,,,,,,, a,w .w ew
For odd - and fractional
rises aawea sag Bot lews ,
tbsa BOO BOO ' AOS
For aawlng earttcal grala - A
to 4x13 add. 800 B.00 B.00
Cummoa roagh bosrda, reg
nlar slaes
is in. wias
to . 34 ft. loo., aaaorted
bmrthe SKA 1166
Soeclfled lens tba of boards 81.00 oer ht feet
Board to ooaittot ef iambs lass taaa laches
to thickset. , . ' . .
Portland rnlon Stockyards, Jury 1-rAt 11
av Hblpmeata of stock received at tha
yards today are: Cattle, 80; sheep, 63, The
tone of the market remalas aacbaagsd. Of
ficial ruling prices a bowl - -
Cattle -Heat outers OeagMQ steers, tlSQL
beat Talley steers, t8 364X6.60; medium sreers.
I2T5S.OO; cows, t-T0e.0O! balls, t-O0J
3.6O; Stars, 82 80.
Hose Beet heavy. 18.60: block. 88 26: Cklna
fits, 86.26: stockers and feeders, to. IB. -BheeD
Prices nomlnsL Beat eraln-fed apeth.
ere and lsnbs, t3-36ti2.60 mixed aseep, 81.00
Chicago, July 1. Uvea tnrk receipts:
Hoga. Csitls. . Sheen.
Cblcsgo"' r.'...ii-triit tin.enn v 1.600 b.'"
kanaaa City ......e... 8.80 . 1,200 1.6O0
Omaha 8.0O0 - 811O 1.800
Hogs ooenea Steany with 8.000 xeft over
nm Teeterdar. Ruling sricea sbeer: Mired
end butchers, t8.6nj6 24: good heavy, 16
8 R0i rough heavy, 84.8638718: light. t6.00kl
B.iei. .
Cattle nteeny to strvrng. -Sheep
Steady to strong.
Ohloago Llveeteok. ''
Inly tr Cxdoa Btockytrds, eloee:
Hogs, a aad Te.
katuo Baa BBieg nigBes,
(Fnrnlahed by Overbeck, Starr A Brooke Co.)
New Vork. July 1. Metropolitan advanced
8 points; ckee near tho top margin. Following
srs toasy s qaotstions
ri .
Anaconda Mining Co....
AniaL Copper Co.......
60 Va
Awnlsou, com
do preferred. ...... .
Am. Car A Found., com
do prefered. .:
Am, Sugar. -on.,.
Am. Bmelt., com.
64 T4
7 Wis
ww eraivrnra ,.
BalUmtare A Ohio, com..,
do preferred,...-
Brooklyn Rapid Transit,
Canadlsa Pacific, eoat..
87 Mi
48 V
48 i 40
a. .
Chi. A Alton, aoa)
(it. Wast., com
1 i
as V. wh..i
i.r Mil.-A vt Psai... 148,
i nu at ortn.. 00 ia.. .v.
Chi. Terminal Ky.....
Cheespeeke A Ohio.....
48 M,
Lvlo. Buatb., com....
do 3d preferred.
do let nreerred .....
Delaware A Hudson...-. 1 16 T
L.-A It. 0,, coai. .......
da tM-f .rrad . .........
68 -
Erie, com.............. 23"
xa prererrea.....
' let Deferred.....
Ulinoaa ventral. ..., .
LeulsvUls As NsshvUle. .
Metro. Tractioa Co..
Manhattan Elevated
Mexlcea Central By.,
utu,ur v., n. -
86 V
M., at. A T pfd. ...... t
Naw Tork Central 1164
86 V
N. I.. Out A West.,.. I 20
rsna. tty ;.,..-...ui
PmJ Hteel Car eona.l
24 4
21 Vk
Heading, com. ......... I 4T
do Hu prelcrreo.. .-..( 01
do lat Deferred :
W.n 1m. A Bteel eolB...
Bock laland, eom....... BOI
do preferred .....I
Boo tiara Ky eota...... 31 ii
do preferred ...1....
Southern Pacloc:.......! 4T
Bt. L. A B. W.. 00m...
do nreferred ul 8T4
Texaa A Paclae.. ...... 22
T-, Bt. L. w., eom....l xi
idB rta Trrwi . ....
Cntoa Paclae, com.,...! 88
do Dreferred .....I
16 Mi
8 Mj
U. 8. Leather, com. ....I 9
48 00 preferred ,....1...
TJ. B. Rubber, Corn.....! 18
do Deferred. ......... I 86
TJ. 8. Bteel CO., Oom..
do preferred..: w 8A"
Wheel. A L E., om....l 10
do 3d preferred.....) xs
do lat Dreferred.'. 48
Wlaeonals Central, com..!...
Weatara Cnloa Tele.... BQ
Total ssles for day, 104,700 hares.
Money, 1 per sent.
r 1
IteW lOTBiUiy l lev, eones a m-jr
American Car A Foundsry psssed common dive
dend. Bteel eernlnge Sir June quarter ea li
ma ted betweea tl,000,0i3 and t30,6no,OoO. Le
high Valley earned 11 on common stock la
11 months. Forty-three roeds for May ebow
so sverage act decrease of 18.31 per cent. Four
roads ft tho third week In June a bow sa aver
age nose increaae of 8.08 per cent. . St. Paul
may earnings www v.
- Stocks srs. plentiful In tbs loan crowd. There
. r " . , , a . . -e iiMna
Is no truta IB too rnmos ui mni . n njiui
tbs Intsrurbsn. Banka lost to the sub-trsssury
sines a nosy ti,iai,wu,. -
Demand for money to more crops Is expected
to be exceptionally Urge this yesr. Twslve-
innmuni eu,aw.w "'
Bstlvs ralii adranced .03 per cent.
Boston, July- V
United BUtsa ............ I
Arctic ........................
Copper Bsnge
Dsly Waat a,."...
P. O ,...i.,...T.T-....
Mlcblaaa .....................
Osceola. .......................
Qnincy . ...... ......
Ban Francleco ini.mnrn...
.. 40 . 40
.. .. . 80
.. BO . BOT
T2 13
Baa Frinclsoo, Julj 1. Close
Contra Coata Water.-,
Spring Valley WsterrrviT.a.i.,..
8 F. Qss A Electric...........
Giant Powder f
Hawaiian nugar ...
Honokea Sugar , . . .
U. Ira. It R . I . . .
Pauuhau Suyar
Alaaka Pa. kora' Aaea
California Fruit Aea'B.
Ocesule Steauuahlp ....
New . York. July 1 Logan A Bryan, ssy:
The bond market continues to be a good one.
A few dsya mors will take us psst tbs sgony
Of tbs Democratic convention. Where she
bears will be sble to find trouble after that
we do not see anleae something hits tbs cotton
and wva eropa.. We still think our position
la right and tbs market will sell higher. -.
' Btock Market Bullish.
ew York. July 1. Town Topics says: Tbs
sentiment Is generally halliah. Rumors of sa
Increase la Consolidated Gae dividend In the
crowd, and aa upward movement In this a lock
le expected. The crop reports will likely bo
faTorshtSv r- !
Tha Pnrtlaad elearlnr houss report a today:
Clearings , , ..... 1627, 870. 22
Balances i,.i
(Furnished by Overbeck, Btsrr A Cooks Co.)
Now York, July 1. T. A. Mclntyre A Co.
say: It sems to us as though lba trsns
La a Ins too much for granted from tbs ureeent
crop snd wssther newe end is Inclined to be toe
sanguine-ta diaconnticg a recora-oreeaing crop.
Tbe present ln.lloattooe srs tbst tbs market will
soon become heavily oversold again. While sa
average condition of 86 per cert, which may
aow be expected, la likely to' be tbe govern-
ent's estimate la Its report aext wees, euu
Indicates a record-breaking crop. In view of
tbe preeent acreage or uw.wi eeina muca
tbe-largest en record snd fully T.000,000 seres
In exceae of tbe season ef 190 which produced
11,360,000 belee, tbe record yield. Tbe present
eltuatloa and outlook la 'Dot as good ss was
oonaldereo' by the trade a week or two ago
whea It begaa to oiaooaat a ooauiiion as aiga as
88 to 80 per cent. - -
Today s range on ine ew xora rouon sx-
ensngs wsa as iwiovii
a upea. riign. . . aw.
Jsmnry... 8.T B.00 8.41
February... .... .... - ....
Hares w.o-j e 01 w.wt
July 10.30 ' 10.20 ' . 10.08
August,... 10.16 x2J' 10 1
geptember. . 8 64 8 67 , 8.66
October.... 8 48 8 48 8.40
November.. 8.4T B.4T. . 8.3T
December..' 0.48 8 47 8.40
New York, July 1. Coffee today closed:
. .... Bid.. . Aak.
June ... ......... ....e.... .86.75 t
July O o
August - ...,.. 6 80 8 6
September ....
.................... e
a 10
Noeember ... ,., ,,,
8 18 6 20
6 16 8 40
6 46 6.60
8 68'- 6 60
6 66 6.70
January ........a
renrnsry . a,.,.
April .,
....a. S.IO O.OV
' Ferelga Ooffso Markets. """"
New York. July 1 Havre coffee declined U.
Hamburg coffee aachanged. Rio reoslpts, T.O110
base, market firms Santos receipts tut two days.
SO.OOO) hags.
St. Leu Is Wh eat Market.
St Louis, July l.-Ckwei Wheat, July,
BM. "Aak.
...31 31
. . n
.60 T5
. 42 48 V
. 2A 84 .
. 41 42
. 2 . 4
local stocks;
Bid. Ask,
. 36 lot
. 87 8r
, 60 60
. 00 80
. 21 ta
''4 V.V.'.
fAV 48
8 Sanaa I
. ''.B.4At90 X'
B.666 JL
8 4y41 i
,8.40U41 I
83ar-r --- - 0 ' 1
- Kaaaas Olty Whost atarket. '.
Eaneas Uly. July L Close 1 Wseat, July,
T8o.. ' . , .....
' ; .- ' . . '. :
zbt rurtnois. -
(Farnlshed by Overbeck. Starr A Cooks Co )
Chicago, June 0. Los a a A Brraa ssy: Ths
whsst market today la unchanged to o lower.
It was rather quiet with not much dlaposltloB
to operate In view of tbe holiday. Tbe weather
la still unsettled In the eouthweat. Foreign
markets srs arm. Ths Modera Miller was con
atrued as bearish lnssmoch ss it ssys: "No
damage of consequence le Indies ted except by
rust.-' Returns srs generally aatlafactory snd
Ttig Burrenisnr will beTkfga; but Indications
srs that it wHl be ftae whanater It. bcglus.
Bitot wheat markets la eouthweat sra firm. lui
niedlsts action ef the market will be luflaenced
much by tbe weather, - Our own slew ts tbst If
tbs wssther Is favorable tbe market may be
a Uttla eealor, but if It la unfavoable It will
likely be a good deal better. For tbe time being
we would rather buy wheat oa tho breaks. .
Cora Bemalai Vachaagsd,
Prteeg srs prsetlaally unchanged from yea
tcrday. Thare were baser deliveries oa July
eootrscts this morning sua the corn went Into
tbe bands of commission . bouaea a apposed to
Be reeponsiDir lor tne tmymg. . 'l here was some
rather free .ooverlns of Julr shorts esrlr. but
the market was quiet sad hss not prooouacsd
ivnaency. - - .
Soattoroa LUaUatlo ta Oats.
There ware ho deliveries on July contracts
but thers will be sea t tared liquidation by July
holders and some selling by privets Bouaea
euppoeea to do egsinst contract oats, taat way
are menu tact urutg.
Strang Market oa Prorisiess.
Jt was a strong market oa eeeistloa , of
llduidatloa. Ths July llquldltba ao doubt re
duced scsttered outside boldlngf to boom extent.
The cash situstloa is running slong about oa
sees seel aaa IS not open to ooatmeas la either
Open, High. Law. Close,,
NewJulyA .88 8 .86
via juiy. . .eos
NewBept. .81
111a Bept.
. Oats .
B .88 6 .86
,"llt .ook . . .00
- .81 .60 .81
. . .88 .82- .88B
. .81 - .ev'i .61B
. .83 43 . jai
' .4T 'r .4T14
.48 .48 A
T ";tr - . .r
.tin -.ti3
13 83 13.87
18.12 1882
-TOO T.13B
T.2 T.SO
T.83.v T.4TU
T.66 . T.72
t.y,, Jg.83 11
00 ,
.ia .. 16.
Lard-a .
July... e TOO
Sept..... T.20
... T.8TH
..a T.TO ,,
T.TO. ,
fFurnlahad br Overbeck. Starr A Cooke Co'. I
t;Dicago, rfuiy i. Imogen nryaa aay; aiap
grows unsettled eoaaiuons la tns souuwaat,
wltb light rains, and ssln In Kaaaaa. Tem
peratures through the weet are a little low.
Wheat shows a rather strong undertone. There
srs no stocks to msks s selling. Dreaaure aad
the bear element le eonservstlrs. Cables srs
rather strong and sssh premiums la this couav
try are surprtalngly well maintained. With a
shortsgs la Europe In crops tbs world's markets
will hardly be Indifferent to any Impairment
to our own crop prospects snd tbs westber
tendencloe In- tbs winter wheat country srs
not favorable. Think we would bur s little
wbest. There baa been perelatont liquidation
In July (orn-and ths lnferemre le that It muat
bo about ot Wl There waa a moderate shipping
demand yeetsfday. Tempersturrs too low for.
Cood of -crop. The situation .noes not seem
ulllsb, but soms resctloa following the liquida
tion might be . aaturaL Oats srs vary aulet
snd strsdy, We think ihers Is quits a large
abort Interest In all options, proviaions acted
yeaterday sa If ths liquidation was about
over. We ars Inclined to look for soms sp-
wara rrscuoa u para.
. Chicago.. July 1. Ths market today I
- . Bid. Aak.
r,v.-w-.u..,.J,................ .
No, 8 red..
ox oa
NIT. 1 bard winter -n -8
No. . 2 bard winter , ,60 " .3
No. '8 hard winter.,. .88 -' .88
No. 1 aorthera anrlng..... ........ .87 ....
No, 3 aorthera aprlng... ,83 .83
Mo. t spring .........v.. .83. Jr9
Chicago, lair 1. Grain car lots:
Csra .wrada Est
Whsst - ..
Cora ....264 -' 34 800
Oats A.., 165 16 107
Wheat cars year ago: . Minneapolis, . 188
Dnloth, 43; Chicago, 22.
Chicago, July 1. Argentine grata ehlpments:
. ' Kill Week Last Week Laat Year
- tBnah. Bush. Bueh.
Wheat ....... ,1.126.000 1.7M2.OO0 l.flwd.ont
Cora 1.T16.000 3,526,000 . 3,364,000
Llverpoel September Wheat Higher,
MverpooL Jnly 1. Wheat Jury. OS 8d.
unchanged; September, 6a 414 d. higher.
Corn September, ae X14 a, BBCBangsa.
ZJTerpeol Wheat Elgher.
Ureruiail. Julr 1. Cloee: Wheat. July. 8V
84. blgberi September, 6-6. higher...
Corn July. 4-4, aachsagsd; September, a
. higher. .
Bot th sect Wheat Cars,
Chlcsgo. July L Cars wheat today:
Despoils, jua, iruiuui, mr.
Sulath Wheat Market.
Doratb, July 1. Cloae; Wheat, faly, 81,
sfiaaeaBelis Wheat Market,
MlnaeapoUa, July 1. Close! Wheat, July.
c ' -
xtllamnkae Wheat Marks. "
"Milwaukee. Jnly 1. Tloee: Wheat
eld, aei Boptembsr aid. 83s. .
Baw York Wheat Market.
New York. July L Close: Wheat. ' Jaty.
8B0. v .;.'
Baa Traaelsoa Whsst iTleee.
Baa Franriaco, July 1. Wheat, Cloee: De
cern her, tl-2T. .
Barley eluee aarcember, 88c. ,
$10,000 A YEAR
From tho Chiearo Trlbunsv. '
T least half a dosen women In
tha bualrrosa ' and professional
Ufa ef Chicago ar tha recipi
ent of $10,009 from their rooa
It la estimated that there ara
mora- than a cor of other who 8nJor
th privilege of aavlng or apeindlBB t
lesst 15 000 annually, which they make
In legitimate professional praoticn,
line of business which thsy operate in
dependently, or a heada ot departmanu
In tha larger pi&csej- 01 Duainssa.
1 la not long ago, -said a woman,
"that Chicago could boast of but. ona
woman- who reoaivod ' for.: tier. BsrYtccm
11 0.000 annually. -I hav known two
woman physician who har received
in sices of HO.sOO per year from their
prartto. and hav mnlritalned tMa laral
yaar in- and ysar out for nearly a cor
of year, but snlsrlcs of thl gig bar
been paid 'to women ht Chicago for lea
than, A decade. .
It 18 reported on seeroingiy gooa au
thority that two women member of th
legal profession of Chicago har rl,
lied n amount approximating 110.006
annually from thslr practice, but lat
ysarg hare Been A reduction In th In
come of all lawyer 1nc th formation
of lori tlU and trust ompanle hast
We Continue Our Big
Sale on Saturday
Come early and avoid the usual Saturday afternoon tri'd -
evening rush.'- Our 'market locations are:--- ..
STATE MARKET 221 First St.". 4., Phone Main 1C57
ALBANY MARKET 365 First St.... ...Phone. Red 8226-
PACIFIC MARKET 374 Washinrton ... Phone Main 1541
k, SIJNNYSIDE MARKET 997 Belmont. .Phone Scott 393'
rnC'rniriTi ir wr er,r, air-,, a V-,,. -V. . a ....
ovrv ivirti.rviii. oo vvmiams atc... . .rnone cast oaa
- William voPiionBUokin im-
, ". A' Few of Our Many Bargains Arc : :
- "Chickens, 15c v-- . ,.
13 lbs. Granulated
2 cans Carnation" (Jlream. . . . ........ .-.iii-wlJ15-
. Choke SweerButter," per square. .. ..a-...354f
50, cents' worth Navy Beans for....,......t,...f ...254'
0 cents' worth Fancy Rice 'for.M.....wM..w..s.25)
, 2 lbs, best Cream Cheese,. .-. 2.Se
Boiling Bef, from choicB steers, per lb.... a ... rehear s-G
.Ptpt Koasts, tender arid juicy......; B"v
Rolled Rib Roasts, formerly 15c, now.. I... ...10i
Bologna and Liver Sausage,' per lb... M,.ss.e 7ip
. Wholesale and Retail jCrocer
. : Third and Jefferson
' Ton eon v SO pr cant by dealing
with m.
H box Cracker ...Boo can Stallsrortr) Cocoa ZOo
C-lb. can Btallworth Cocoa. ....... .10
f rtm Lemon Cling; Pesche ......26o
1 pkg. Acm Health Koffe lie
I pkga. Princess Royal Maccaroni . .J6o
I lb. Bhllllng Baking Powder .....ICo
Ilb. Royal Baking Powder , 40o
lb. Arm A Hammer Soda ....... ..'to
bar Naphtha Boap ............... 80
I bar Royal Savon Soap tbq
bar -Baby Elephant Boap ........ zo
( bar Diamond C. Boap ..26a
1 can Alaaka Salmon . ..'..... . 80
1 do. Kck Deviled Ham ?..40o
lba. Arbuckle'a Coffee ....t6o
10 lb. Sago or Tapioca ........... .tuo
ilb. beat full Cream Cbeea ......ItH
lb. good English Brook, as t Ts. ...lie
pkgs. Cero Frulto ..I6o
Best bu gar-cured ham. 1 lb. . ...llo
ican Ly ........... u. ......... o
lb. OuRpowdar Tea ........ Jtbe
cons Oregon Orape Cream. 25o
can Prlmro Cream ..........,'.25o
aack beat D. O. 8us;ar $5. JO
1 aack good Hard-wheat Flour.. ..15a
10-llv paU beat Lo-rd .............. I l-OJ
10-lb. pall pur laf Lrd .-..$1 00
1-lb. pall pur Leaf Lard ...... 4.. 0o
J bottle Snider Catsup 15a
-gaL keg mixed Pickles ........ ,.i5o
1 bottle Oilt Edge Bho Dresaln:. . . .10o
Dellverle on Eaat Bide. Tuesday
nd Friday. .
rnnrcn jm im
BBalrun UIVUlLIV Clgy Stmt
. - ir-raon, imoaT salt.
I will ell you flrst-claa gxrodg 8 low
as any house la tb city.
I sack best D. O. Sugar ...fS.eO
I eang Tofistoea ............... x
lba. Navjr Beana 25
1 lb. good Tea ......... 1S4
1bs. beat Italian Prune ...... 25e
t can Pioneer; Cream ....M..e 25
B 'trb. "TJodflab - r , . -.aaat lb4y
Beat Sugar-Cured Ham, pr lb.... 14
It bar Baron Soap ............ 2r4
bar Jumbo Soap 25)
1, can Bartlett Pears, ' Apricots -
and Paacbjr .'. .......a 25
1 box Maccaroni ............... 854)
10-lb. can Pur Leaf Lard
r ..$1.00
l.iock good Hard Wheat Flour
Tree SaUrsrv la tvsw port of tb alty,
taken over tv lorr portion of th "bust
ness which formsrly wlld tb an
nual income ot many lawyer.
SoTral rear ago, at th death ot her
father, Mia Ada C Bweet took up that
portion of her father's business relating
to pension claims, and ha continued It
ever a I no. - She says ah baa real-
lied- muoh as 18.000 per year from
this work. . Though not a praoUclnB at-'
torney. sh hag . famlllaxlsM herself
thoroughly wltb penalon matters, and
her clientele In thl department 1 large.
Just prior to th Bpanlsh-Amerlcan war
her baslnsss sufferd a gradual decrease
but ssveral new clalnjs arising frijm thl
recant war hav augmented It conilder
bly. . j, .
Mis Ellen . C Martin is well known
among th legal profession of Chicago.
For year she ha enjoyed a lucrative
practice, and oven now, at a tlm when
11 lawyera will agree that business Is
dull, sh is busy.
Nearly a or of years ago two young
woman. entered - a Stat atreet
tor a amployeg of tb dressmaking
department. ..They goon showed a mas
tery of th detail of the work re
quired of them and wer advanced stead
ily. They wr known- thn . th
Mlases Reordoa. end- now ss Mesdame
J. R. Hull and Margaret McCarthy. Mrs.
McCarthy before ber marriage is eald to
hav been th first woman In Ohloago
to.recelre a Biliary of $10,000 a year,
and It la stated on authority that both
she and her Bister each reeelr this sti
pend a Joint superintendents of the
dressmaking department, of this, big
tor. , They r known 'In all part of
th -world a authorities In their line
and number among their patron many
of th wealthleat and moat fastidious
women of Chicago, ;
Occupying a similar position with an
other store. Mrs. Catherine -Dodd. It 1
authoritatively asserted, receive a. sal
ary similar in amount - Mrs. Dodd Is by
many considered th best authority, on
dressmaking matters in America, ens
is always busy and supervises with great
taot and" discretion tbla Important de
partment ot a great store. . She, too.
1 orod muo.n or her tlm. - v
Perhaps one of the best 'known mana-
XBra VI Illinium j urn,iii.ii,.
large itorea of this city Is Mr. Sfary
McCarthy, who ha been In th business
for 20 year. Sh showed rar Judgment
and . discrimination at nrly ago
a buyer of millinery goods, and at 'IB
was buyer, for tt xirnj ,r.irvdg
Co. of thl elty. . - .
Several year ago Mr.' Kat Knox
ooneetved th idea of starting a rtorm-
jday elb- for' women, an' Idea that haa.
s nc becom tKipumr ber. BU I now
proprietor of two such Institutions, and
thou who know her Intimately estimate
that her profits for th year Just ended
would renulr. flv figure to rr press
them-.. Ther I phnnnthrrmle 1d to
her work, and In thl Mr. Knox take
eepectal delight. Sine th Inauguration
of thl Idea In Chicago eight Blmllar
club hav sprung up, and the tnxtiar
in each esse ar reported to be realising;
wVu from their -venture, though .none '
STo tb Oreatsert, Sat Capt.
- If it's., good things .you want,
come here for them.; The prices
are never-too high, but just right,-'
in accordance with the quality.
Quick delivery. ' ".,
. - Gallon Best Dill Ploklaa. ' .
; 25. .
4' boxes corn Parlor Matches,. 1,(00 1
-. ' ... In a box.
"Si . : 2o ;
Can Baker or Ohlrardelll' Cooo.
:s- 25e . -; -
.1 .eons American Sardine,
-. T. ' .
On pound can Pork and Beano, 'In To
mato Bauc.
Pound Fancy Fresh Roast Costa Rica
-. Coffee. .
. ' 30f; .
Pound Hoffman House Jay, and Mocha,
. . Coffee. ., . .
'.-'-i- - 5 . '"
B-Ib. pkgv H.-0. lnjunH"Bread Flour
Parana .Good English Breakfast Tea.
' -; .$5.60 .;V'.'-:;:
100-pound sock Granulated Sugar. J .
m oauM omoczm. -
874 WMhixurtoxt St. Tho, Kola B39B
BUTTER. 40c and,45c
Mgnv doiwm -T i ....... oo
Hairy butter ............ .SOo and too
- Best BUKar-cured ham ......... .12 Ho
Plcnlo bam . ,...,.......10o
XaltA, 1-pound pall iio
C'heeeo ...lOo and ilH
Pur Lard, 10 lb. 11.00
Swiss cheese ...... ...Trr.-a...eov
Dry salt . . , loo
All good a retailed at wholesale
Prices. Kemenber Saturday Is cblckea .
t4 TamhlU Street,
Fresh Meats
-TbMXrth Hind you want when yoi - -
want at all,' and on thing you're Bur i
of getting if you deal at
KTjrSOxU- UOf,
130 Brand Atbu. Seat 418. ... . t
. .: Members Chicago Board ef Trass. ir
m'Talr. SL. Near Stark fhoBt, Mala 311
Ws are amiascted fey erlvate wires srltk
Mesara. Lex a a Brraa. ,U irate ssd KsW
Torki Wslkar 3roa., J. B. Beebe t.H.W
York Btock Bxcbsngei Habbar . Broa. Oe.
New TorS Ottoa Kxebsilgsi galrcfellil Do,
net xiew firlatia rAttoa Exrbanael near
llertb A CO.. Mew York Coffee Bxebansei falsa.
Webber at Co.) Boatoa Copper as Bter Bs
ebssgsi TMck Bees. Co., Kew Istk aad if us
slBbla atec xcaanga.
pow !, xtoirjrti a Co.
. (Established 111.)
' ' atoom 4, Orouad Floor. - r r
of them Is conducted oa o large a seal
a those operated by Mr. Knos.
Fifteen years ago, whan on or th
department stores bgnn to rxpand i'
reataurant aervlc. they employed Mrs, .
1 W. Harflng to pertntend 1Mb de
partment of tbe business. So uocesf ol
ho sh been in the ootid net that, It
hvserted. th wnr see a value rr
resented by 1,888 m yr -1) her ser- '
vice. -
Amonr en mej'cai fraternity of on- .
eago there 1 at l-wst ene woman whns
Incom renrhea. If ot exceela, gio.oeo.
Nearly vry woman who ha lived lit
Chicago for any length of time will
knowledge that Dr. Loll 8 J. He.UII re.
celvea a farce Income., ik! fives wtii
claim to have inside Inf irmattun fnai
It at IIB.OOO a mlnhniirn fig ire, wr'!
other say that It yltlJa l;sr over S i " . -B
annual! a