VILL BEGIN V GOVERNOR ISSUES SCIO DAMAGE SUIT SIPEOAL.SALE Saturday Night Only from 5 to 9:30 IS aN FISH -IADDER IS BEING TRIED . '. if o trnJOMB or TAMorfi r urt - or OBBOOV AOAXffBT B. X- BBIOOS X8J" Or OBBAT jatrOBTABOB -! OISXOB : Or V?BJBMB . OOTTBT : watobzo wrrx ibtbbbst. ' COMBTUCTIOT- O WATrrOTl-B V TAXX-fl THAT 1fil; WWBBT 1 nrJuircrcoH ' xa tba to bb -'""' OOMTUTSOx-WZXA majcb cobt- ctbbtb babibb bob samo. . , : Ualu iRiumoi or muo to OASB 01, rBABX TATBA AQAZBST tatotx moTiaicAX txss bob bbttxho o bobbbt rzBxs abb orrxs dtstxxb or orrxczBji vo.9T-L CTTTv SOa XWJTTBIIS STJSTAIBXD xx riuna orr bxdb wau bb- rOBB OOVBT AT AiBABT MABT WTTBXSSES rBXSIBT. " ',' Genuine David Maydole CASE OF BARBER UK PROCLAMATION .-J "'8ped PtopatcB ti Th Journal.! Oregon lty,- July t.--Engtneer p. P.. Rands, who hold the contract frxfin th state for constructing th flshway over the fella, went over to the laland veeter day to look over th ground for com mandite work on .th f lah. Udder. It expect to commence the work shortly ihinba ht soon as there la a 1HU less water the work will be' f- (shed In about two month. The work should hava commenced wet year, but there was an Injunction nled against Mr. Rands by Ar,hl,Pe?,?1' Portland, who Alleged that hi ..,.! the isianu wuum um interfered with. He sued Mr. Rands-for $60,000, but wu non-suuea. . . When the flab, ladder U completed the aalmon . will have an eaay method of .getting above the fall to spawn., A system of pools and basin will be blaated In the rocka -where the. water rung over th 'alia and In thla way the Salmon can Jump from one- to another and have a chanoe to rest before taking , the final lean. - At the very brink of the f alia where the water curvee over there wUl be made some concrete basin-on wMeJk.h- salmon may make ' the laat leas It will require a force of 11 men, to do the work. : Klnneapolla Man Bnya Tana. ' '. Another easterner who has come to . the west to look for aultable location and has decided that CWkama aounty la about the best place he has aeen yet Is Frank Kacy of Minneapolis, who has bought a farm and will remain in Ore ton He waafarmerly plokl manu lecturer In that city, but thinks that farming 1s the beat occupation .that . man can employ himself at The deal -was dosed yeaterday by J. J. Cook. and the land- la four miles weat of Ore gon City ami within two miles of Oa- .-. :. it wnA honaht from Mrs. C A. .Lroey and the .amount paid was 84,dOO. The liale eomprlaea 80 .acre, of which ' 45 la cleared and In crop-now. The farm fflPlnMf JTlnyMOTlE3nw liCftg TMJ Stock are Included In the barga! vuownta run to wiihott. . ' On July . the. WUhelt stag will -b operated for. the coming season by P. B. ' IMmtck, a local Jlvery stable man, and T-Ov Br- Jefferson. - Threa trip a. week will be made out to the favorite Claek- - "amas county-watering place. -The stage will leave Oregon City about noon, and will return the following day. " Baggage will also be taken on the trip and there win b ample accommodation : tor alt who wlah to leave. Wllholt j Spring Tia a reputaUon for being, healthy and attractive apot to spend . the vacation In and these la every Indl - cation that therev will be a good crowd out here this year. "r t KoClaUaa W1U Walt. . There . la conalderabl dlaeuaslon 'among local Democrat as to who the St Louis convention will 'nominate' to -carry the Democratic atandard through the November campaign. There la real ly not any decided support of any one candidate, but County Chairman Q. D. r Eby aeema to think that Hearat would run better In' thla county than Parker, but on the other hand, he Bays that he has heard ome of the Democrats ex press the wlah -that Parker should get the nomination. Falling In the nomlna- tlon of either of these two candidates, the local Democrats would like to see McClellan be nominated, aa they think that Be has - the power to . unite- all, w factlomrof the party. " AInuaj organisation Tonight. ' "Tonight there should be a good crowd ' of, graduatea from the , public schools of Oregon CUy to assist In forming an alumni organisation which will take : plaee. in Willamette hall. The meeting will be called at about o'clock. Be sldeB the organisation of the 'Alumni association there will be short talks by the graduatea and an Informal en tertainment. -, ' Blve. OetUng low. rp above the falls the river 1 getting lower and lower, every day and It will . be but a. ahort time before, the deeper draft steamers will not be -able to get to Salem. One boat -la now running to.8alem. but. the trip - la made with difficulty overeomerof tjie phallowbars. The new steamer of the Oregon City TranBportatlon company. Oregona, la about ready for her first trit and may take a run up the river tomorrow. If " she does not leave tomorrow aha will make the' first trip Monday. With her lls-ht Mraft aha 'Should be able to reach . Albany or inaepenaence. Tlltona. which has been making the trip to Salem, will be pulled out of the water and her crew put on the Oregona. . The Altona has been working long without any repairs and there is con- -elderable to do about, her. Some of her woodwork will. have to be replaced and the officers of the company have de cided on a new coat of paint and some additional repaira to the hull. , Oregon City Briefs. ' 'i-" Tercy and, Robert Caufleld left this '' morning for a two-weeks' outing around Trout lake, Washington, where they ' ev 111' put tn the time hunting end fish- - tng. - The Bt. Paul's' Sunday school held a 'very 'successful plonle at Oladstons park Yesterday. A ball game waa the feat ure of .the day's sport - ' Odd Fellows held a smoker snd -"rial among1' themselves" JasttiigbtW ' being the' regular night for such en ,." : tertalnment. . t"' William Hammond, returned this morning from 'a twoyears' course at " ' JCenyon irrtrftary academy. In Ohio, He ' will spend the vacation with hie -par-. enfs here. . Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cole and son, Ray, returned Wednesday- from i tended trip to polnta-in Washingtori. . ; will MeU The' Jonmal. .' i . mmmenrlns tomorrow Tha..' JmirnsI tnr will br hx-aud In the dsic stortr of Jtaeph o.idlltw ix MalB'Strart, snd he will bT jlrrs Th S ropy or auhl ante. -hr f the trmrf aiyl jjrriM Trtiitlniut f" the srvnnth will be takes fw the ' 'Joumiil. Krleeds nt The Jonnul will pleane fe' the in see shacrlber will aaaiat Mr. - ...f-l'.w -la the worh br Botlfrlna him of ur tttlwre-WW paper frsui rinlec. Fohrlfi ol, July" Round Trip Excursion . . ma . . . ... , ' ' '. -.. . - . ' . rT" The AT aV C ,R. R. wleh to announce that they will aell round-trip excursion ' tickets -between, all points at the rate . of one and one-third, for . the above ; occasion. Tickets will be oif sale at Alder street 'and Union depot on . July I. I and , good for return passage " Tickets .for Ocean Beach. v . Season tlcketf. Portland p any point on the Wach, 44.00. Saturday excur sion tickets, good returning Sunday onlv 11 1 .TlrketB and berth raervslon at X R? 4k N, J Third and Washington. , etty office. " (Speelsl Dtspstck to The JenrasL) """" Salem. Or., July 1. The following proclamation by Governor, Chamberlain waa made public this, morning. It. calls attention to the statutes providing . pen aitles for the setting of forest fires and citing the duties Of officers and Judges for the convlcJJoa snd punishment of guilty persons, whloh follows: . - -. "Whereas,-It la-provided by-eetlens 178?, 178St it, 17 and I7I of Bel linger and Cotton's annotated codes and statutes of Oregon, as" follows: ' . "Sec 178f. -'If any person shall mac. llclouslr. with. Intent to Injurs any other, person, by himself p r any other pfraon, kindle a Are on his own land or the land of any-other person, and by means of such fire the buildings, fences, crops or other personal property, or wooded timber lands of any other per son shall . be destroyed or Injured, he shall, on conviction, be punished, by a fine of hot leas than MO nor more than 11,000, or by imprisonment In the county jail not lets than three months nor more than It monthaT according to "the aggravation of the bffenca." - . , . "Sec. 1718. If the person shall wlth out malice kindle any fire In any paid, pasture, lncloeura,- .forest, prairleor timber land not his own, without the consent of the owner, and the same shall spread and do damage to any buildings, fences, crops, cord wood, bark or other personal property not 'his own, pr to, an-C wood or, timber land not his own; "he -Shall, on conviction, be pun ished "by a fine of.ngt less than 114 nor more than 8100-and eosts. according to the aggravation of the offence, and shall stand committed untir the fine and costs are' paid.- . ; ' - "See. 178. Any ' person who shall enter upon the lands of another peraon for the purpose of hunting and fishing, and shall without the consent, of . the owner of said lands kindle any fire thereon, shall be punlahed by a fine of net-leas than $10 nor more than f 100, and If such fire be kindled maliciously and with the Intent t r)vncMT!TtbBT. perTOnrBTlcn-ofrender-shalt-ba TiunlahBd by a fine of not less than 820 nor more than 1250, or by Imprisonment In the county Jail not less than threemonUli nor more than 11 month. ,. "Sec. 17(0. Any person or persons who ahall wilfully sat Ore to any wooded country or-forest befogging to the state or the United States, or to any person' or persons, shall be deemed" guilty, of a misdemeanor1, and upon conviction be fore a court of competent Jurisdiction shall be punlahed by a flhe not exceed ing 1 1,000 or ImpHaomeht not exceeding one year, or both such fine and Impris onment; provided, that nothing herein contained shall . apply to any peraon who In good, faith sets a back fire la prevent the extension of 'a fir burning. already-f "Sec. 1791. Upon any prosecution under this act,, one-half of the fin Im posed shall be paid to thafjeraon who first gives Information thereof to the district attorney for- the -district In which the offence la comraltted,,aml the other mojety shaH be paid Into the county treasury for the benefit of the common school fund of th county In which said fine 1 collected." ' Sea 1798. It Is hereby made the duty of the governor of this state to Issue a proclamation on- the 1st-. day of each July of each year, calling-public attention to the- provision of this act, and warning all persona against "violat ing the same. . It Is also made the- duty of each circuit Judge of this state "to read the provisions of this act to each grand Jury when charging them as to their duties." i .. 4 .- SohOol Xduid Moneys. O. O. Brown, clerk of the state land board, yesterday . mad payment Into the stat treasury of th money coI lected from state school land for' the month of June, which , was credited to the following funds; - - . : l Common .chool f und prinol- . pal, payment on certificates r . and cash sale - of school land ..117.061.44 Common school fund prlnct- . pal, payments on sales of lands acquired,, by deed or foreclosure . 1.1 1 4.00 Common school- fund princi pal, sales of tld land 408.87 Common school fund Interest, payment on certificate ... 1.215.82 Common school fund Interest, rents-ana payment on aje of land acquired by deed or foreclosure ................ 1.118.25 University fund principal, pay- -- ments on. Bale ox land acquired by deed or. fore- - closure 850.00 University fund Interest, rents and payments on sales . of " lands acquired by deed or foreclosure .... i . 110.1) Agricultural college fund ' principal, payments on cer tificates and cash . Bales pt scnooj tana Jl.ll Agricultural college ' fund principal, payments on sales of lands aequlred by deed or f orecloeurt. . , . .j.t- 100,00 Agrlcultural college fund In terest, payments on,, certifi cates t 124.00 Agricultural college fund In terest, rent and payment on sales of lands acquired by ' area . or foreclosure 41.76 40.00 Swamp land fund Total" . , ,-1 . . 48.1I7.IS nsirsxiZTOB srvn qvestxob. fWial Inipitck to The Joareal.) Pendleton. Orr, Suly 1. No action was taken by the. city council last night relative to the failure of about 600 property-ownere to., make sewer con nections in the time limit fixed by or dinance," the last day of grace expiring this evening, ine report. of sewer and P)umblng Inspector Wlthee will l handed In it the next Wednesday meet- ,n1 ,n fom-wtrt"tn?n be"gl ven I official, consideration by the council. ' "There are a good many reasons why the ordinance has not been compiled with," sald Councilman onnson, "and I do not beUrva-we-shBtt cl hastily in m matter." : - SPOKABB flllOII BATXB. g0eelsl Ptapstch to The Joarnkl.) Spokane, Wash., July .1. Printer's proof of the- new ' freight tariffs have been received in tni city ana several changes are made In them, raising th ratea; received aboot two weeks agoV The rurnlture men are more effected than any other -line of business, but a they already have terminal rfltek in miMiy things the railroad men -say -they are still allowed all of th 100 miles of territory e greed upon at the Chicago conference. A little life may bo sacrificed to an Thour'B delay. Cholera Infantum, dysen tery, aiarrnoea train iunii. uniy safe plan' is to have ur. Jfowier jlx tract of i Wild Strawberry always oi hand.. "" (Special DlspitA to The Jouiraal) , Albany. t)r, July I.Ths case of Frank Vavra against th city of Sclo for damages sustained In fallRigoff a sidewalk and breaking a leg, with the result that an amputation was , neces sary, waa called last evening and a Jury empaneled. -Th trial is progressing to day snd there is a large crowd -of wit nesses to be examined. ' Th suit is brought against th -city on th alleged ground .that the - city had not made proper safeguards round the .walk bo a to prevent accidents, and "It lav al leged that the accident was directly due to neglect "on th part of the city au- tuoriilss. Damages In the- um of 827,(00 are asked. Half the city, of,, Sclo 1 her to testily in the case. .The oexense or tne city is that the plaintiff was Intoxicated at th time he received the. Injury; also that the. -walk In sjueatlonvQa not the' property of the city, and that the loas of the limb of the plaintiff not the result of-the accident ao much aar the natural result of poor methods adopted and' employed ' by the attending physi cian.' . .. . '. - ' rorgev Arrested. Sheriff Worth Huston left -yesterday afternoon for PrlnevUle. where the her. ill -of Crook county ha plaoed under arrest Ira Connett who I under In dictment for forgery. Connett, who la a resident of the Sweet Home country, nearSodaville, six week ago la said to have' forged th nam of hi brother-ln- law to a check for 818, and when he waa arrested and held In the city Jail at Sodavllle to await hla preliminary, heal ing, broke Jail and escaped. . ; Bogoway round OuUty. -' Oscar Rogoway, th young Hebrew who ha been on trial her tor th past few days, on the' charge of burning a store at Lebanon last November, was yesterday afternoon found guilty of the crime as charged, after one of th moat tedioils- and-hard -fought 'trials tn-th Judge Hewitt state that h will ap peal the case to the .supreme court Judge Burnett has set tomorrow- after noon, "at I o'clock, for pronouncing sen tence on the defendant T. rrlghteaed By Automobile. " George HyOraves, a traveling sales man who passes through th valley on a big automobile, was here lest even ing ant while passing -over th Wil lamette river bridge hJs machine, -traveling at a high cate of speed, fright ened a horse driven by Mrs, . W. M- Phllllp. ' Th .horse was finally subdued, but Mrs. Phillips wss In a serious condition, her back being. seriously Injured by the straJn In trying to hold th horse, and the services of a physician war re quired ' to give her relief. The auto mobile raced over . th bridge . and through the afreet for. several houra and frightened A 'number of horses and It is likely that the city council will take steps at an early day to re strict . ths ' use of machines on the streets and on the Willamette river bridge, "which structure Is also In the city limits-and under the control Of the city. '. Attachment Sol moV Th Spauldlng Manufacturing com pany Of Qrlnnell, la., yesterday filed a suit againat A.' E.-' Ooulding for 8110 and 830 attorneys' fees and attached 41 acres of farm land. The note on which they aue wa given In payment for a carriage. v ' CHOICE BEEF CATTLE FROM CAMAS PRAIRIE -T-Speetal-lMapeteb to Thsr JosroaL) ' Pendleton, Or., July 1. The first drove of grass beef shipped out this season arrived from Camas Prarle laat evening, and was sent over the W. A C. R. last night to Carstlne Bros, of Se attle. The drove consisted or tOO head of choice range cattle, fat as butter balls and one of th prettiest . bunches of beer ever sent out from, this point Th cattle ' belonged t Henry La- slnka, George Llnsner, Jacob Bom; Moasie Broa. and Ralph and Sam Clark, who combined their herds and drove In together,' making th otatanc of 80 miles in three days, although the dual and heat were almost intolerable part of the distance. r The cattle were purchased for Car stlne Bros.dl Seattle at.. the following prices: Steers, 8K cows; t, and bulla, I cents. Thla first shipment of grass beef for 1804 is at least three weeks later than laat year, the first ahlpment last year having been made about June 10 by the same parties. ; . These cattle nave been on tne best range In eastern Oregon since early in the spring, and were In prime Condi tion and suffered but little loss of wela-ht-by-tha thro days'. drlvcJuth. hottest weather of the season. While the prices are snout one-nan a cent rower than.Jaat year,- the grow ers' are fairly well satlnfled with the result of the sale ana reel that the in dications ar for higher prices later In the- season, as there is no overproduc tion of cattle. In that .district There ar fully 1.000; bead, of choice beef cat tle In the Camaa prairie district ready for the market now, ana oiner arives will follow rhls one regularly, as . the tuff 1 heeded In th markets. The number or cattisriext reaay ror the market in the Camaa Prairl dis trict la about th Bam aa at this time last 'year. ;. ' ; - ' .; 1 . CROWDED OUT T "Alnt da nnouncmnt of our n- aaannt In it yt Jsmaar "hiswl Cuosa all dlt war nw hat crowded It utl" '.' -r- (Spsclsl DMpttdl to Thr Joarahll - Salem,' Or, July 1. Th famou case nf (K, rf Hnmn aa-alnst U- L. Brlggs. known as the barber board case, was yesterday argued in the supreme court. Hon: John McNary appearing for th att and F. S. Grant ef Portland for th defendant . The outcome of this case is of great Importance to th State at large, a It I JelleTed-'theron-'th decision of the uprem eourt wlU hinge the legality of th law empowering the dental board. J he pharmacy board and the medical board to act a tne laws governing thoe board are nearly Iden tical with, those of th barber board. prove unconstitutional and which wa o declared by-Judge oeorge in roruanu, Brlggs 1 th proprietor of a barber eoUege in Portland fend was Indicted to the circuit court for Multnomah coun ty -for .running a barber echool without permission from the state board of barber examtnera. He- waBrcqultted at the trial. Judge Oeorge holding that th law providing for board waa un constitutional on th ground that th act delegated the board with power to prescbe the qualification of applicant for, (cense to follow their trade and de clared th legislature has no. right to delegate to Any other body a right whtoh was vested -wholly In th general as sembly. . . ' . ' ; or t or Damage. . Butt waa yesterday begun In th atat circuit court for Marlon county against th Southern Paclflo Railroad company for 86,000 damagea on account or nav Ing been the cauae efth death of France B. Penland. - Mrs. Penland, who was th wlf of James" H. Penland. waa killed on Sun day afternoon. May 18. while returning from church to her bom In South Salem.. The south-bound freight train was switching near the freight depot and several cars were allowed to stand for a time on the .traoks across Com mercial : street with an ripening about our feet wide for people" Jtd pas felonr th sidewalk. As unv reniana arew near, the train cam In on that ewltch, hhd , as i she waa ' oroaalng- thatrack. struck the car and kicked them againat th on on, the opposite side of th walk. Mrs.-Penland -was caught in the ceup (ings and died almost Instantly from th Injury.-- - Bloycl Thief fMntenoed- ; Charlee Keysaw, who iui arrested In Albany on Wednesday charged with the larceny of a wheel, was- given a hear ing In Justice Judah'a court yesterday, and on -entering a plea to simple lar ceny,, waa sentenced . to 90 days' Im prisonment In the county Jail. Ed Gibbons, who slab has several aliases, who .was the previous evening taken Into custody by Officer Murphy on a charge - ot drunkenness, was yes terday fined -820, and as he happened to be broke, is serving 10 day in th city Jail. ' . ''- -v . Yankee Frank, who- was taken In at an ' early hour' yeaterday for keeping late hours, waa fined 810, and. for lack of fund will serve f Lv days. alem Begin Salt.' The dty,o Salem, through Attorney J, A. Carson, today began a milt against" IL p. Minto to restrain him from Inter fering with the right of the city on the M Into gravel bar. After th action of th council at th' special session In refusing to make a new contract Street Commissioner Tarpley yesterday morn ing went to th . bar to refasten . th ferry rope, which-had been cur by Mr, Minto, and the latter, who waa on th spot refused to allow him to land. This was done In good part but In- order to bring the matter to an issue, and. the city's attorney waa at one instructed to begin eult to restrain Mr. Minto from interfering with th present contract Mr. Minto declares he win . fight- the case to th highest courts, and expect to p'rov that th contract has been violated to such an extant that no bind ing contract xlt. . TO BE PRINCIPAL OF PENINSULAR SCHOOL ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal) Albany,- July 1. -Professor . H F. Carleton, who ha been elected prin cipal of the Peninsular school at Port land, -Unwell known In this city, where ha haa held down the position of prin cipal in the hlch achool for the past two years. He has had extensive teach ing experience and ia rated as on of the best teacher in th valley. He haa taught school in different part of this county for a number-of years, was prin cipal of th schools at Joseph, Or., for one year, and the pUst two year served as principal .of the -Albany- high school,-! to which position n waa recently elected. Mr. Carleton I a son of Rev. I. Carle ton, a Congregational minister of Jeo anon, formerly of Waltham. Mass., and was educated at Paclflo University and th University of, Oregon at Eugene. HeTe" m'arrieno a, daughter of. Stat Superintendent J. IL 'ACkerman. ' He stands high in social circle and 1 a man who wUl make friends and will be a valuable addition to the educational force of th city, of Portland. v YEAR'S WORKOF , DISTRICT. ATTORNEY, Th United State district attorney office ba prepared an annual report of the, work done during th fiscal year Just closed, which wUP be forwarded to th attorney-general. The report wa pre pared Joy . Assistant tlatrlct ' -Attorney W, W. Banks. : . It shows that there were -78 criminal cases terminated., in the federal court during the year, of which" ther were 48 conviction and 14 acquittals.' Five of the cases were either discontinued or quashed. Th aggregate sum of fines. forfeitures and penalties Imposed by the court during th year- waa 87,870, of rwhtch 88.770 Ttaa been paid. .Ther were 87 criminal cases pending In th court at the close of the fiscal year. - In th civil division six case war dleposed of .during th year, of which there were two Judgment in favor of the United States and four against Th aggregate amount 'of , Judgment ob tained In favor -of th government wa 8188.71. Thar ar 80 elvU cases pend ing. . . ' -' ... - ' ' Tictets ,for Ocean Beach. - Season tlckel,' Portland to anypolnt on th beach, ; 84.00. Saturday (excur sion ticket, good returning Sunday night only 81.50. Tickets and t berth reservations at O. R. A N. city office. j Third and Washington, - , Th boy andTth dog ar bavins; lot of fun, but bow about th hpje ASK BUSINESS MEN TO STAND BY THEM BAJITXVSZmSf ASSOOZATIOV OT TASrOOUTXS TO ICXXTrTO TOM TVMTXXM OOlTCXSXBZirO HQ- von QtrxsTioir aitd aht. otxiJ BBS'S TO ASSIST VXBK. ' ' (gpedsl ' Plspstchte Tke JonrnaL) Vancouver, Wash.. July 1.- Th. Bar tenders' ' association- of - Vancouver -"will hold It aecond meeting thla evening for th purpose of further considering th manner of contesting th . 'forthcoming trial against th individual members. AnHnvltatlon baa been extended to. th Business Men' association of this place to meet with it in a Joint ealon-nd stand with the Bartender association in It struggle against th W. C. T. U. Just what . action, th bartender ex pect to take In th matter 1 not mad known. . ' - On of th Influential members of the Bartenders' association stated that th association had no -theory to advance aa to what action would be taken, either by th association Itself or what.U ex pected of the bualnes men of th town. "But" he Btated. '.If th business men decline, to stand by us In this fight, we may spring, a surprls on the townspeo pie." , . . ' frtU Oo to 7aO. . It Is stated by reliable authority that -each of the bartenders - under arrest have decided. If convloted, to serve hla aentence.ln Jail rather than pay a fine. The only factor that has -worked to hold this declsloae-epen Is to -ascertain whether the fine will attach, to property, and the authorities ar able to refuse the jal) sentence and levy on th prop- rty. "' " ' ' ' ' It is admitted that th object of th Jail confinement declalon Is to throw th xpense on th county nntlj the people will become disgusted with what tn oarxenaers nra v -v--... and put a top to th proeeouUona. OffloiaU Zeave fo Encampment. General Funston and talT, it la re ported, will leav for Amorlcan lak r..t TneaHav. and th maneuver will hea-ln on July 7. Colonel Huston, Tost commander, will leav for- th earne place next Sunday, ana uapan ompa sna, post adjutant wlU leav on Mon day. During th absenoe of. Colonel Huston and Captain Holme, Captain Force, artillery corps, will assume com mand of the . Vancoavr post Harried la Tew U1mq Twomarrlages took plac yesterday afternoon at th offlc of J. XL Harrla, luetic of th peace. In thla town. The drat was John Sullivan and Blanche Terry, both of Portland, Or., and a few minute afterward Krlst O. Relnseth of Waahougal, this county, was wedded to Elisabeth L Relnseth of Portland; Or. '-- 8X0WI1) From tha -Chicago Tribun. Though sh had to walk two or three block alone after getting off Hb oar th young woman - wa not afraid. But aa ahe paased a dark alley a man tapped., .out- of It- Sorry to troubl you, miss," h said, "but I'm needing Just th amount of cash knd other valuable you'v got about you. Hand 'em over promptly, and there'll be no fusa If you don't I'll have to be a lltUe rough." . '1 haven't anything of valu about mt, sh said. "And if I had 1 wouldn't give It to you. You'd better let me alone." . J ' -. i. "Hal" laughed th footpad. "Tou'll da anmethlns desDerate. will vou T Ba reasonable, young woman. What chancai-1 have you got against a man? - why, you can't even- drive a nail, let 'alone fight -a desperate villain Ilk me. I'll glv you JuBt thr ec" "Can't drive a nail, can't IT" ah aaid, hrtlly. ;U'll how you!" .With si eudden movement- h drove 10 shsrp nail into hla face, good and hard, and before he had recovered from th surprise and confusion of th at' tack she wa a hundred yards away. SUNBURN quickly relieved and surely cured by : ft act like maslc and I absorotere i harmless. A Trial Bottle Free I - which will ahsolutalr prove this state- I meet eent for tee. to pay postage, f Don't Walt nntll roe hare a bad case , bttt get it now and have It at band wbeovnteded.' " ' Sola by leading arugjhrt. Nose gsaalB wlthest ssy lgatnr ' 2M Prlnoe Street. Itew Toxk. MtolilM Ba4rf4 W 11 1 II 111 1 1 ll I II lall ll sf B i Nail Hammers 45c ' , We will make a special fxice on-some - carp--i enters' tcol every Saturday night 1 - ' J.-':- ;"" V' ' ': Our Garden HosJ is the highest grade ever shown in thi qty and. every foot is guaran teed," Now is the time you need it Majestic Malleable Ranges The greatest Range' of the age. ( See, them ! ; y- on board the battleship Wyomirg;; MICK-DUNNING HDW. CO. Second and Morrisoa Streets Portland, Ortgon ti Rate from $1 to (2.50 Pr 4ay DR.Y FIR .Equal to any cordwood In th city, piled up at your plac ln'4 - foot "length, and cut by steam aaw ready for th atov at . - $3.25 PER CORD - If there I any question In your mind as to quality, try 1H eord pna wagon load),vand you will find It equal to any sold In Portland. BANFIELD, VEYSEY FUEL CO. Phone Main 353 80 ThbJ St.. Cor. Oak ; POR TLAND CLUB-CA FE v 830 Fifth SU-Mt, Btwa WaAblnstoo and iildor Z , '' HER-MITACE WHISKEY - T r t;' SC H L ITZ B EE R.V';I '": AO Leading Brands of Cigars. , . ' Lqncb at 9 p. in. NEW 'PHONE LINE EUGENE TO amrrxx zbtasuskbs ooaarcnriaA "TCTdat" aiiwuir two lomr- orrosmoxr un avixsnra--- AjronoBB ooitaPAjrr to buixii to ruuxoi tia rAxriiijr. (Special DIsiMteh t The' JovrasL) "TCugene, Or., July L Th Uewellyn Telephone company' new line from Eugene to Crow, a distance of 18 mllea, has Juat been completed and the first conversation held between . the two points yesterday. The Crow- Telephone company's line, an opposition affair which. Is- being built from her to Crow over another-rout will b In operation within a few days, . . A company haa Just been organised at Elmlra, with a capital of 81,000, to build a telephone line from Eugen to Florence, a distance ot more than 80 milea. 'It la expected to begin con stfuotlon kt once. . Th pole ar al ready bplng gotten out ' This Ulne also will have competition. X line 1 now building from Junction City to Florence via Franklin and Lake creek and almost half th dlstanc has already bn covrd. -. , : ; -. Xrogre Injured. Andy Nystrum, employed In the log ging camps near Wendllng, was brought to Eugen last night and placed In th hospital, suffering with a broken ' leg. He wa tripping th dam gat at th Wendllng mill when, ln.aome manner, h wa jitruck, caualng him to fall, with th result that th bone In on of his leg, below th knee, were broken: . Assault and "Battery. He's Oeta was arrested laat evening by Constable Jack Smiin on the charge of assault and battery upon Homer Far low. He was taken before Justice of the Peso Wintermeler and fined 1 10, -and costa Th altercation occurred on on of th business street and created con siderable ezoltement , . . Committee Appointed. ' Provident Thompson -of th .Eugen Commercial club ha appointed th fol lowing committee to aollclt funds for th Improvement of th road leading to th Blue river mines, as f ollowe: From Eugen-F. t Chambers, O. W, Griffin, F.. W. Osburn, Alf Walker, J. If. Shelley, W. M. Oreen. Ell Bang. From Spiingfleld-B. A.- Waihbtarn. f U Oark, i. T. Wood. - . From irpper McKensle J. W, enu rnate, J. XL Mannerly, J. V. 0Leary, C H. Park. ' . ,. . A Usual. Rod rick -T tried every way to get Tld them and fired off a shotgun. I Van Albert And then you bad mors peareT ''''.. oaric no, x naa more cata. European Plcm Onfy Savantb an4 WasJbJogtoa StrMt WOOD PORTLAND HARPIES roxjcs , BOTiruo o .rmasBvcB . Abt ooarotroT a - nrZTUira XAXCX IM ATTBKVT TO ASUtXBT , -OTIJI CZTTXg SATS AXSO BZBXf T18ITBD. ' ' ,' ' - ' . (peclal.llspatck- to The lnn.l i Pendleton, Or July 1 Through a Portland aouro local official learned yesterday that for two week two wo men were In thla city, endeavoring to induo girl to go to St 'Lout and work In beer gardens, dance hall and other place of questionable character-during th world' fair. The town waa acoured for the two women by officer, but late last night It was learned that they had returned to Portland.' - The discovery has caused great Indig nation here, and If the women should return their sex might not protect them from rough treatment. It ' haa been learned from, a reliable aourc that a' Hat of girl living with their parent or arnlng a livelihood In thla city 4 how In the hand of Portland charac ters, and that a dumber of thee girls have been Importuned to go to St Louts and lead unworthy Uvea. , - . - A th time arlved for making, use of these girl th Intention. was to send' them , word and get them to Portland, from which point ther would be given ' transportation to the world's fair city. It ha also been discovered that th two women first referred to are pur suing their work In other cities and town of th state, Th local authori ties hav oommnnlcated with a number ; of places and advised official to keep ' a close, watch for them. TOS1TIVE PROOF. . "How do you know It's VVIIIUf" a " Cu can Ota felaek va f glv him yMtrdy.' J lOf -INVADE PENDLETON