The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 30, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Tonight and . Friday, showers;
cooler tonight; southwesterly winds.
VOL. III. NO.. 100.
.rJv --TV-'"'
manaK-uropatkm s Surrender
(Joanul 8pelkl S-rie.)
Toklo, June JO. Japan believes th
nd of the war la In alf at, according
an authoritative aource. So confident
la aha of thla atatua, that plana ar4l
ready being made to demand KuaSpat
kln'a aurrender.
A meeting of the council ohlniatera
waa held thla mornlngrwhlch the
mikado prealdedand titgentlre wltuatlon
waa dlacuaaed. i Jropori nd "een
specially prepareJr bvh commande
both of the landrana aea forcea, to e
able the mlnlacerato arrive at a cofi-
prehenalve vUAritif the operationa.
Field Martial Oyama, who wiuraa
ume charge Iff the Japanese foee in
he field. waVio present taw if a ve a
view of th flelil urn illllal altuatlon.
t waa dfliided that after the fall of
which the ministers now
mlnent, and the Russian
of - Llao Tang, Marshal
address an ultimatum to
,e vacua
avoid further and need-
idshe The Japanese will be
enabled "to demand thla aurrender on
the grounda thaA Juncture of the first
and second armlesas been made, which
is today reported tUc the case, that
the Japanese now haveNssirce of men
scattered over a front of 100
with strength enough at any given
point to meet the enemy and that con
trol la now held of practically all
atrategle positions. - The downfall of
Port Arthur and the evacuation of Llao
Tang, Field Marshal Oyama contends,
will make Kuropatkln'a poaltion abso
lutely hopeless.
That the Japanese may not be accused
by foreign nations of wanton slaughter.
copies of the ultimatum will be sent to
all the powers. The Japanese will then
watt a stipulated time for Kuropatkln'a
reply. In the event of his refusal to
aurrender, the immense net that sur
rounds him shall be immediately drawn,
the Japanese forces sent forward to the
attack at every available point and the
Issue forced.
The council believes the outcome can
not be doubted. Oyama asserts that
should this battle be brought on the
forces of Kuropatktn would be anni
hilated with a terrible loss of life to
the Russians and a comparatively small
loss to the Japanese.
A telegram from Oensan was received
here today that reports the Vladivostok
patkln aslctng him to surqTleet again on the aggressive. It ap
peared off the - port of Oensan thla
morning and Immediately commenced a
bombardment of the town.
At the time the message was aent the
bombardment waa continuing and the
Inhabitants were "'"r fllr iflf m""
Detail ofUs"" Ilig .of three
rmlng outer defenses for th
Port Arthur fortress, have been re
ceived and show that, the troo'ps en
camped close up to the pits Saturday
ntgbt and made the attack at dawn. The
Japanese Josses are given at 8 killed
and nearly 200 wounded. The Russian
defense was spirited and stubborn. The
Japaneae had the range better and
nearly all of their ahota fell within the
pita, which became veritable ehamblea. 10. - The i Russian
torpedo destroyer Lieutenant Bumkoft
has arrived here from Port Arthur with
dlapatchea from Bt Petersburg, thus
proving that wireless communication la
being kept up with the beleaguered fort
but that It has been necessary to aend
the messages In a roundabout way, to
reach the land forcea In the Interior. -
The torpedo destroyer's hasardoua
trip, involving the eluding of the Jap
anese fleet, indicates the Importance of
the messages, otherwise such a daring
method of conveying information would
hardly have been attempted.
Lla Tang, June 10. General Kurokl,
having forced the Motlen Ltncrtass. Js
advancing toward this place with a
heavy column. With the column la a'
series of batteries Including both field
guns and heavier plecea. ,
Should Kurokl succeed in reaching
here he will have completely cut off the
only avenue of retreat left open to Kuro-
kln and have the Russian forcea In
uflks position that they will be com
Continued on Page Two.)
p v . sr c m ay r - sr . i
TIROM the la-
JL. cua tenr jtjjfl
numan ik
to be bought orfil
carnival is a suceyti.
Tee thing. dvi
are there. -Th:.
and the negnoyis!
Indiana and.'nta
waa shown
of yeeterdav aferai;on7jwf
of none of these man n
bition ran. They .were, in VeVery case
fast red, fast ryellw.JorsJf black.
As for the mytho&'srtCalwoman who
la auppoaed to fres-idf over carnivals,
fairs, and such? spectacles, the one
looking after theu Jtatireats of the Port
land show could not have been better.
She haa proved all that could be de
sired In the necessarily complex make
up of a woman, part aoubrette, part
acrobat, part vocalist, and part queen
of laughter everything except a make
up such as would be appropriate for
funeral purposes. '
The audlencea who went out during
the first two nlghta of the show were
just auch carnival audlencea as .would
maks an affair of the kind Joyous. They
were tne snouting, laughing, jesting,
topical song-singing crowds . that, like
the mythological lady patron, of car
nivals, were buUt for carnival pur
poses. From guying the Mexicans to
having Tun with the big bunchea of
confetti to be had at email price and
thrown for nothing, theae audlencea
have enjoyed themselves. No audlencea
In Portland have come greater distances '"
to forget that this world is made up of cu"
aadneaa. Thev were from The Dalles, feats
v from Pendleton, from La Grande, from bs
Granta Pass, from Tacoma. from 8e- D
attle. and from Spokane and all did noo.
what could te done to push dull care us
There Is still another Important thing
in which the present carnival Is even
a more pronounced auoceee than other
wise, and that la the quality of the
peanuts, the lemonade. ' the soda water
. and other things, that make a carnival thlow confe
visitor always long" lor me uay wuen ua iii.'wk
ana ma beat girl will have a cnance to
go to another carnival. The present
lemonade, when tested by the' longest
droue and carnival frequenters, has
been sworn under oath today to be the
V real thing In red circus lemonade; and
the peanuts contain even more than
two kernels and the popcorn is frosted as New Oriel
with real ausar molasses. nleht of the
' Ae for tho carnival Itself, every show San Francisco'
on the ground Is so clean that' the man will demonstrateV
who edits the sermons for Monday's markahie than- tnoe
paper could go. -and not -take excep- cities because their
&ry,em.) - . i delegates In a brief political speech, ask-
Wie.T'0--leneral ng contributions for a campaign fund.
WMJil4(mlst can- but ione replied to his querry of "Who
if0f6fAhf United l.fU conjtirftuto 15.000' W. W. 8mlth
vaan)osiiiveiT asKi rr.v.i....i. j . v.M 'iin.
I CVS. '
1 cioewTaymr
V? tlTLI- Inited, ltt, whll ; wo ober delegate!
tSJb2ita5! quaJffled In th. 1500 class,-three In the
4soirtteenl 'OO d tw0 ,n tn 250 registration
jlohn MS,
piJy are there In force; and th
i erf ormed are as good aa could
tf In in any circus.
Mnite the heat of yesterday after-
f. the performance went
val and many women ' and
we out Every act was
inrouBn ana was btt n Isiirs,
aane at mgni tune- i V
t carnival is Jatrlaf h
I OY'N alfl w
I id tJ Y
i vov a
I or la if (ik
l - , h 4 i Ar
L 'xI-l ft 1rf it
VnhiiAro'lnorl A sw r
Te S,ew J
fit W
figthll-land, oulte a number In the smaller
w . 'Tit Bsjiwnnts.
rfi-y!mi' There was a flood in the $100 class.
tfonSl conren-1 Inrluillnar I. H.'Adim of OrerOn. and
jUsTylnlhat he'l Clara Crowhurst of California. .
SmJnsjnfJn lf--r5f F. M. Klrcher of Oregon contribufed
ajn Aswoiuts-egaaal J150, and of ik. smayes- cantmutlons'
m"n asrcteiL
WsoUer aiMnifosMuded as I .ste
fpwai i -T ViWrfK.rnwUgeWCaiCrthe
l prefer that my naavr snaiji note 11u1bC sclseglrtjlld the
ioned in View & tW RBVeeJjhieBVtiventlon.
?P-" s J .V- 4raded--toy on most
Splley then aniS)in4t'inerjC jiflysiulail of
f name would not rbHK?J mjWfaigLjJnVWniont issue
f prohibition deteawarWw bJH'iOftoiert' -i
sembllng at TothJrnsoiwslLKhls -lltataTrsyTne destruction
rnlng for the e6pna -affe.!rtU5t 'jofiWarJr&e'sdJWtt legalised sale of
tional conventlqst- the tM$sntriBdJwm Jo be the most lin
ing the delegates wftlUrwaltuiK pdfjtcresmbn In American politics.
9:60 Chairmtlri Wottanferg-' oa5idwt!aV itf faftofhjs th lack of statesmanship
conventlotf to orJUfr r '&' tn?r lealeri ' Doth th
Oliver Stewart then-"erisrtfndfaf&ratlc anjj 'Republican parties In
VairMmWM Protect Visitors
their refusal
i .
'4 1
to recognise the aaramount
bf the subject
Six plan deal with Che Prohibition
issue, denolnolng all methods of deal
ing with t liquor traffic. - r
p- .VenturlnJlnto broader fields,Jhe plat
form declaliS In favor of the Impartial
enforcemesl "of all laws safeguarding
the peopls rights by a rigid applica
tion of jfla principles of Justice to all
combinations of capital and labor, the
wise Adoption of the principles of
ve and referendum and . lnterna
arbltratlon. Reform . In tha di
ce laws, the extirpation of polygamy.
overthrow of illegal sanction of tha
loclal evil are also Included. .
At the opening or the afternoon sea
ion Chairman Stewart announced that
the pledges to tha campaign fund had
reached an amount of $lf,000, Tha cre
dentials committee reported, after which
"Cyclone" Davis spoke to the1 conven
tion. ' '." ' t';
The platform waa .adopted with wild
enthualasm after Davis concluded his
address. . -
Nominations were In order, and at 1:40
o'clock th roll was called, California
yielded to Pennsyvanla and ' W. ;,W. '
Hague placed Silas C Swallow, the
Pennsylvania veteran leader In nomlna- '
(Continued on Pag Two.)
ar con
t tllpf i
ntrt' of tlft roanianjr. huei
Portland with .tfi'e opirfttobApt
orblUnt ratef This Jf -"Vi aufi
ment maav toaay by ss5f
wno is resrtwenrinjrneTjrc
Bka tta tSThfW
belin dese western plains. 1
way, gennemen.. Look out
doan bust de guy ropea a-leanlri
but go Inside an' buat yer aides
las night'
deepwlth I
for thf
Tha Xun
for another
prove that J
on as am yo' las chance, gennemen.
children de great spectacle de South
carried Wah.
when An aroma of black coffee. haWtamalel
and pepper-roasts emenates 'pm
Mexican theatre. And the m
of the corooratloh in
the so-oalled sflemfi(SJstflie,
"Jr.- bavev asked fneT)rpif
comoinv to iitnusy
all theroomsr they' 1
tlon on," said Jxt.r
"and have al06"
me copies oj tne
owners or mahagi
tinuaM. and a lit a
schedule of rlpffitW)-
When tnat mwtr
prepar a reoft-
executive boi
and It wlU .i
"The MMsiIoif fiis -alsiS Men taferred
to our aUTnlyir and!"- va4idliy of
ler these contracts, and- thalr fairness will
be ascertained." . ; V ' .
lar- ctimild th oTUMrtlon.fltanvwr Mrit
o cure insomnia and to cause .tn..inn.-atAa-', itv n m
laler itWStof any full-blooded Teuton to sanded j&A ,n7arrangemnt ffcan ' be
the AH wltn574e. The Germans who com- made wtfh. thi-toom trust, what -would
aasajMsslSBBwaBatci A triA a osa nw win frAm TIrtKrlrs . r . . . . m x v . m . ...
Kai make th hit of the young
.. ., lifetime.
at the life of the father-
id by looking In on
e. This villag is guar-
be the actlajj,f the fair management?"
eatre wear hats that anyone who has sare guaranteed to be from was askodV
r traveled as lar as Mexico or ormujr uu, m .u w "in that event it is probable that the
thera. California knows to be' real ' genuineness of the village, German fair Joflsoratlon will itself organize an
jean nats, . ana tne women wear vi"r mwicnuuu, accdknmodation bureau ana enter the
Mexican mantillas. Testerday af- to th inmates or th village in in n-ftVo secure for the visiting guests
on it wasvad hot under the tenta German tongue; ofvthe f,r good accommodations at
th buttOjn the outersSde of the Those who have a fondness for old reasonable prices." was tha reply.
?men from Mexico ROme, for the Italians who lived long One official of the fair said that a
earning, but the befora the present races who help swell nersonal friend of his had been offered
cdol and pleasant. They the American vote on election day began
e the only things on the ground, coming our way can co no better man
wearers, except , th pink lemonade to see the Roman chariot race. It has
ico cream that looked refreshing. Quo Vadla and Ben Hur rolled into one
Even the pretty Austin sister looked and both ar beaten by th comparison.
as If they had Just com from a Turk- In th glassworkera' exhibit the mak
lsh bath, wearlna- their snanales and , lng of many delicate things from molten .--black '.ttehts, as they finished their turn glass Is demonstrated. Half the young
ions to what his ears have heard or depond on th winter reason to draw on the swings. Th Mexican theatre women in town ar now glorying in hi
fci. I. 7.vafcW-TT Mtromur: whereal the excellent all- was coolness Itself to all , of the tact that they got to see this exhlbi-
Thouaands of neonl went out to the rear climate of Portland has In past , audience who could put themselves Into tlon. and that, they are now possessors
years and Is this year permitting, the the tight carnival spirit. ;Vof Uttl glass boats and of other aouv-
and Ton last n ght and bm Ton of Ses carnival to b M4 In midsummer. . t; On of th best things at th grounds onlrs or tne snow m tn snap or glass, tencea to serve ,en aays xor oeaung
Sas atac beef heard to at th Barker ar. part of any:- carnivals th-" Crystal palaca, Any young man ' But to the man who for years haa for. his lT.year.old wife, called her up over
show. 'Most of them ariAgolng back nd for age hav been th delight of, who desires to ahow Ma beet girl Just gotten that h waa a boy. perhaps th th telephone at her Residence . on Mt
for another confetti-throwing tourna- visitors to Coney; Island, to Atlantio how pretty she looks to others should -most entrancing thing of all is i th real Tabor : and mad th foregoing state
ment Som of th youngor folks hav City and to other aid ahow attractions tak hr through kb4s palac. Sh will circua band, th real circus down and ment to, m , i x
Invited their elders to . go with them that go to make up th summer llf of;sarely com away willing to ba good--ith announcers and tumblera who make ,.you-and your mother lied about me,?
next tlm and share to th general tha big eastern summer -resorts and J to heed his advlc for week to, conHP HLiC,lL- v ttaa" ?n."?ueK- l1 t0'
AS f or th arrangement of th many fave, visited Multnomah field lmaglna ever--and that , Is that the beau does i.eam to being a circus tumbler instead am at Lents, right near your horn, and
th a 115-pound man as he sat In the tent Haas escaped, from the city jail this
' 1-'
idlhterest In the trust for $500
L4hat he had heard of several
'psipons being made by tne sup
dVirust to sell out
tatafeents received from Mr. Nash
IdsrW'jBArn'',Uon hav not satisfied it
f. cwhrJmg the room trust's methods or
rzazwt iwans, ana yesioraay ia oorpora-
T 7 ,. J .1 a ...II . 1 .
tlon puDllOtJta Stfinuuiiuou ineiv uimt i
tnMet0'i -Qt the good Intentions and
ponsl&iuty of the proposed comblna
M os Xhs-pubiio, especially mat par
'iJthn Ahat owned rooms, should refrain
jff ron?4 htading itself by any contract
S-Krln h trust In the opinion of the
afoorporaston Ut coniraci vy wnicn me
Troftm -owners ar Douna is on siaea,
Lhjfd should the trust see fit to cancel Its
iorsvlajrreement and refuse to abide by th
erteavJf m coriffact but little redress would be
Jt -.tShl oUen to the room owner, while should
5fJ'ftfr'3i6YejirDiL'4he latter depart from the contract the
KtgcUiItt seejik trust would have abundant redress be
ipZt '- r. r ause of the property of the delinquent
room owner.
-The request of the fair corporation
for Information was flatly refused by
C. 9T. Nash, general manager or tne ao
co'ramodation bureau, in tha following
letter, which was sent to Mr. Reed this
"Dear Sir In answer to your,, favor
of the 29th Inst, we must beg leave to
resDectfully decline to favor you with
the requested information In regard to
the private affairs of pur corporation.
Thanklngypu for your courtesies, eta"
In explanation pt this reply, Mr. Nash
said: "We" are convinced that the fair
corporation Is not acting in good faith,
but merely desires to secure the names
of our 1,100 room owners In order that
It may secure thes rooms, or at least
may defeat our work. A month ago w
gave Mr. Freeman, secretary of Director-General
Goode.our prospectus, lease. '
advertising matter and other literature,
but nothing was done with this, nor
were our efforts to bom to a friendly
understanding with the management vt "
th fair successful. When the meeting
was held Tuesday . It was eta'ted by
members of th executive committee
that nothing had been before heard of '
our company and Us, work, which was'
untrue. "'''"
"At Tuesday's meeting w presented
not a prospectus, as was publicly stated
afterwards, but an agreement In which
we bound ourselves to? charge no more
than $1 a day for each room and not
more than It a day for three persona In
a single room during the . fair. W
agreed to furnish- a bond of f 100.400 as
guarantee of good faith and practically
to do anything reasonable to secure th
confidence and co-operation of th fair
management But' our offers war not
considered and now comes a ; demand
from Mr. Reed asking that w furnish
our list of rooms, which has cost us-
months of work and hundreds of dol
lars and that w show th- private and
confidential working of . our' organisa
tion; in short, that w give to a cor
poration that haa publicly announced
that It would enter the field as a com-
petltor our sole working resource. W
stated, when before. tha corporation that
w would give any information that
would ba reasonable, but this, consider-:
lng th whole attitude of the fair man
agement' is, w believe, unjust' It
would be suicidal - to place our success
in their hands."
Breaks Jail; Threatens . Murder
T am laying for you and , your
mother, and intend to kill you both,"
After escaping from th city Jail
early this morning, John W. Haas, sen-
.m ahnwa an the bir tent where the that they ar. at home, instead of S.000 iot present htmseir in rront . or
UM better? Th big tent 1sh!of falles to hear the "colorad . genneihan- girl succes. th. aforementioned best and admired and mopped handsfui of morning. -: H had bero mployett at odd
' tSDlargest n6 finest vr sVlnth A "hw Tn U8t n bck perspiration from his biow last plght, jobaand .Imply took iTrnch" J.
u; and th nany tumblers, Vgglerssouth .Before th ,War ahout -Right ground and let her.e for herself Just; "If it hadn't been for father, overhaul- After hearing th tartlinr . atate-
, t1XlrSSiih -way. gennemen; this way. ladles bow she looks, to others.- Th ,xper- Ins; m and th ahow In Kansas City, ment from vte man -wda ncher
II th$ ot f2 wSSciiftS moaera "r7 JSy fiouta Afora th Waa fiOw. tra- lone. riU ur h W ft a'Wi M probahlr. UU b with a olroua.H piaTrlag tp al la gpokw, baa aTr
ceased to torment her, and who, on
divers occasions, has beaten her, , the
frightened girl communicated with th
police officials, and an effort is being
mad to locate Haas, who is now under
a charge of threatening to kill his
wlf, preferred against Jiim bafpr he
was sentenced to th city jail for as
sault, A peace bond was to have been
given before he left the Jail, upon the
expiration of his term, but, by escaping
from th jail he avoided that formality
and now declare - that h will kill both
hi wlf and her mother. ,
Haaa marfied . the gtrt . to Spokane
after her sister told her sh must marry
him or. remain alone In Spokane, a sh
was going to California nd had not
sufficient money to take' her.-. Belna
younjs; and .without money, ta keen, fcec I
self, she says sh accepted Haaa offer
of marriage, and sine that tlm has
been most miserable. -. '
In Spokane Haas served three months
for beating her. and her he took her
to his room on day and beat her tr
tlbly, flourished a raaor and told hr
that If sh ever attempted to get a di
vorce or madd him trouble be wou II
out hr ' throat ' . -
For making tho threats h was ar
rested, ' It was th understanding the
he waa to leav the city and stat t--
being released front his Jail t-rnt, i
that h was to glv a peace bond .
being et st liberty.
Since beinx Inrarcerat"!. TT:i
been doing odd jobs a tru : r
the city Jail, and thlf mfrni'1?
vantage of his oj jwi tui.; ' o f