The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 26, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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!l r : : . I . ..' .... .. , .' -, . .. ' ,. '- . . . .' . .. , . . . ; . - . .. , ... . v -. TT ' 1 . -Will
Naughton Discusses the Famous Fighters and
; Their Doings Colonial Girl Wins -World's
.Portland Browns Whitewash the Los Angeles
Nine -Multnomah Wins at Astoria Pacific
Co?st J League , Results Amateur Baseball.
Butler Pitched
; Great Came
Editedby !
J. A. If OR.AN
i Fair -iA Handicap Racing :
HV.; Seattle.';
frisk w leads
' tokm abb bulb iro rmcOT.TT
;' ur bxubxxbo xoBunrs aoiti.s
vasxait. sbcx Aim CASTBO
The Brunswlcks won J from' the Non
pareil in the practice - same on the
Portland alleys, JYiday evening. Only I
two poci warn played end tha Bruns-
wlcks took both. The scores were:
Nonpareils , 1 s '
Kelley ........ , .,.,,.101 . 1S8
Hanson .......... . ,.,141 171 ;
Lamond , .....,.,. 151 117 '
Armltagt .,.,.. ....142 141
Dale ....145 .141
. 2S I
wbxxb remxztr xvu is sexvs-
.no, m bio kdt xi ob bis
ruv boles woht mosnoT za
0LOOMT.'. . " i '
Galllard ........
711 771 1.646
McManamy ...r ......14 1
Boulanger .i.. , .jl, ... .151.
IE. Cloeset ........... .160
L. Beno ...... ..,, .13 -
174 , 125
1 . 141
:iti .2S(
.157 Sit
711 70 1,683
. , Portland. 4; Los Angeles, 0. ' f-
'.. Butler end Steclmau; Baum and Bpiee.
j i . Ike Butler never displayed finer torm
i than ' yesterday afternoon; , when '. he
- pitched Los Angeles te a standstill, al
t lowing them but four blta, and shutting
them out without a run. It was a great
afternoon for tbe Portland fans and 1,800
lent their presence te the occasion, to
wlthness the afternoon's sport, teuton
was scheduled to pitch for U Angeles,
but at the last minute Captain Flood de
cided to put, In. Baumas the "Doctor"! .veniy matched the game promises
sld be bad not yet recovered nis eye-1 te interesting.
fight. Butler was sent to the elat for Hanson and Kelley were defeated by
the Browns and that clever twirler never Oalllard and ' McManamy In a four
hd more epeed. curves or control In his handed match i last nighty : The . gamea
"r entire history. ' For four solid Innings were close and as ths losers played In
not an Angel could get anything that hard luck they are not satisfied with the
looked like a hit, and the fans sat back results and another game may com
and rested, knowing run well tnat it was I on soon.
I (Copyright, Uearat New Service, by . Leafed
Wire to Tbe Joumil.)
' ' (y W. w. STaurbton.)
San Francisco. June , i&.lt, Jeffries
and Jdunroe' come on the boards agalji
there will probably- be more .Interest in
their meeting than there would have
been If they had boxed as scheduled.
At the sams time, If a vote was taken
a lucky : fellow to develop - at ktlme
when, the crackajacks of -' the game
notably Fits arfd .Corbett were' on the
down grade, but In the event of Jeff be
Ing forced to retire It will certainly look
as though Manroe Is Prince Fortunatus
himself. - Jeff had to dispose of a small
army of opponents both before and af
ter he became champion, while Mun-
roe will "virtually be a champion with
out a record. .Worse than that there
will, not be one youthful, lusty heavy
weight in aifht to dispute tne premier
ship at the , flirhtlng .'game With' blm.
Yerlly the heavyweights, like the buf
faloes, are In danger of becoming tx
tlnot ' '
, - Xanlon and Jfelson.
"The promised ' match between Eddie
Hanlon and "Battling" Nelson., has
taken head of the fight followers. The
youngsters; named .'are noted; for their
Seattle eaaln goes on record ss being
a nara loser. 4ieore Odd v. tha crack
lacrosse player, baa deserted the Seattle
club and has cast his fortunes with the
local team. Oddy,. formerly - of .the
crack West' minster team, is acknowl-
BBOBXT XXTBXSSE9 OTEB iws edged to be about the -best "cover point1
tkAt watibbot: hat v hbtjbb LST.1; ZhJ? A
ihuii mw tttvao Tf iiw TV ta. Li; I ivA Liiiv
speedy man in the Portland-Seattle
game a few weeks ago, when Oddy was
with the visiting tesm.
When ths Seattle paper accuses the
(By Maahsttaa.)
New York, June IB.-Now
J. F. Kelley carried off all the'Aonors I among' the experts of San Francisco
Portland cluh at mntMn wav mn It I BeiOW Sre found the batttnr vtfr
u. .u. I . . ' " I t iL. .,
wmv m.o simply snows that it la sore. Tha vi cmo coast leasrue nluv.r. hn
Suburban of 1J04 has gone. Into turf names of those who are worklna in the hatting ,150. and over .t
"4 V ... ...... ' ki.. ,v.j . l... ,i. l - - ii..j. . , -----, -r f.uv
wining metnoos ana it is leu tnst mere i " f unn w uinowiiiigiut iun, ui i i v. u mw pori nere are sur
will be., but few dull . moments while J only, comparatively, For while s reo- "cient guarantee that nothing under
tney are mailing. , ." ' ; .' "V - ord-breaklng crowd saw what was one I UIM,a"j' wm oe, attempted.
UamIah ' .M'. . . --ID n m tmM I ..... .. . " " '
f -7w v. f th fin eat Billnirhan. in, it..tul
Nelson has Just turned .;: Neither ..,'worl; ofonw wii y.d en
tnows the taste of tobacco or liquor 7 Dm J
with tha highest scores for a single
game and the highest average score .
These two . teams are1 to play next
Tuesday night, and as they are pretty
Butler'a day and be was going to be ths
entire 'show. ', .- .-k'.v. -'."..-
In the third Inning a "bunch of hits and
a base on balls , netted the locals three
inns, Drennan's pretty single being re
ponlble for two of; ' them. ' In the
fourth Portland got another tally when
a wild pitch went through the. grand
stand screen and the man on tbe circuit
romped home on the play. . After the
fourth Inning there was jiothlng doing
InU clever pitching, and sensational field
Ing. Phil Nadeau was,-.-"If? In ' left
The 'scores: '"
Kelley: ,,..US
Hanson . ,1T(
144" 199
181 157
Galllard ......
...... .10
sportdota right at this moment. It would
be found most likely, that the greater
number believe there will never be
contest between', the , champion and ths
miner.' '' i," v -.''-:.'.- " .-. ''
The outlook certainly is not c the
brightest v Here we have the king of
tbe heavies on the broad of his back
with a. waterlogged knee,; while Munroe
Is bound for Chicago to see what, can
be picked up around the vaudeville cir
cult. . -i
Of course, sore knees may mend and
miners may come back, but the degree
of pessimism that- exists In regard to
the Jeffs injory is heartrending. Even
the reports of the attending physicians
that the big fellow will be as right as
lad knows
and each of them Is as diligent when
training as he Js when fighting.
Hanlon will arrive here within a few
days snd will go into camp at Croll's
Gardens, .1 Alameda, where he prepared
himself for all. his Important : engage
Nelson trained at 8heehana, .near the
beach, for his match - with Canole but
has decided to go into quarters at 8m tl
ing Metsner's place at Larkspur this
time. In explanation ' he says that . he
the great race, Sheepshead Bay for the
rest of the week drew fine crowds which
were small only bv comnariaon with ths
Suburban, and there has been po chance
for the bookmakers to go to sleep
during working hours. y .;
), There la every .'prospect that 8heps-
! , ' MJoornal Special BrrTlce.
Tacoma, Wah : June 26. Knef.
nil at lODDOrtUna tlmnS tiuv r1
head Bay for the balance gf the meet I error by Nordyke also sllowed Oakland
will attract still greater crowds', forthl J ta-acore, letting the "visitors win their
has always been one of the most popu- ftr,t ams during the series, The fea-
lar tracks in the Metropolitan dlatrlctl lures or Ihe day were two arandatand
for the ordinary people who - love, to catchea by Casey that out off sure hits, I Smith,
4ncludlng .- June 20,
' Pwyeri.'", .'. . - r
UcIMimld. Tannma
Urahaoi, (Jaklaud ,
Uublor. Hvatlle
K'So, : Ttcouia ..,
Khwhia, Taaiuia ,.,
gt-pBildt Oakland .
NiJ-dyke. Timiu. . .
Hi-hatf. Oakland .
hnell, Hun Krauciaco. ,,
Hlmikunnhlp, Hnattla ,
A.B. l-B.H.
S 1;
......... TS ( 8
- , Jill
io mo ;
..,.....XN7 4,
....... JM us
..Vrt:) ' M '
....... ozu
2! ID
waldroa, Baa Fruelco...,.,,,)afl
S't'if- .?itl
Ulehanty. (battle ..... ' .. i
;.. km)
, A
S - 1W .
, M .
, ,.ftK)
t .Bli
- .oilM
" .;i
Ml 10 miH a, mui'n imrw; -weigm. v I " , ..." vmiim; yvuyim wuu luvq. 10 i " "- vui uu sura nua, I "r"i" 31a
"I boxed Canole at, 133 pounds at a see me ponies run occasionally, and) "n was in spienaia rorm, and the , L."V 'Drl.
...... . . . ... ... : .. . . I .u . . . .1. I Tl.r. 11. . -. ., ...laa Kan Kr,nl.ivt o., J.
o'clock, which was practically catch jthe program of sports oflsred Is" away
weignts ror me," said he. "Now I must aoove me average. . : - . " , , j
make 110 .pounds at I o'clock, which Is I The news that Waterboy may never
quite a: difference. It is necessary-for race again, which unfortunately seems
trfv.; . n ii! a. 10 t away from the cool ocean to have good foundation, causes sincere
trivet in a-short space of time does . . i ... . -.-th-r r.-rt mnA.n
:; ''.; v. ''; 150 ., 141 ' 725
Oscar . Weldeman won the prise for
the highest score made this week on
the Portland alleys,- with a . score of
241. This is a very good game eonsld-
garden. capturing seven put outs, thw rtn tha fact that It Is the first time
of them being of tbe difficult order.
Raymond 'played V splended ' gams at
hort, ssVtd also- Castroxat second, and
' Beck at first. Besides pitching a superb
game, Butler fielded his position ad
mirably und' the- vrowd appreciated his
work greatly. Bernard was compelled
to retire on account of Illness and
Wheeler succeeded him. Baum pitched
good ball in all but the third inning.
Newton and RodcU will oppose each
he has been eligible to the 100 club.
P. Kneyse and H. .Adamson each put
not carry much weight with the scions
of the sporting belt.
It is really wonderful how many aim!-
Jar cases are recalled from day to day,
and if Jeffs knee does not stiffen per
manently after yielding to the quan-
Uty of "synovia! fluid", "It Js said to
have yielded, the- laymen who alt In
solemn conclave and discuss his symp
toms ground ths sporting resorts will
breeses and as they tell me the weather I regret among all classes of raoegoers
is quite' warm at Larkspur I 'think I with whom the big Watercress colt has
will have , no difficulty In . making 1 always been a prime, favorite.
weight there." -. ; ..';., I Hs has, been a cripple since be was
It Is believed that a great Improvement youngster, and It Was ths marvel of
will be noticeable in; Hanlons ring I racing men that he should have made
Tigers failed to get more than one hit
in any inning except the first . Score:
lacoma, runs. ..,,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Hits ...........1 0 0 10 111 o
Oakland,. runs..... 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 8
0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
MM nr. Han 1'ranHiuu
..r.uaia, i acoma
vroraer, Oaklentf
Wtlaoa. Roatlla .. .
Kailms. IHirllaad
up their usual string. of double centuries I pronounce ths botlermaker as much of
but could sot - go fast enough to win I
tne prise. - - . ' - t ' ,
Fred Hoffman qnallfled for the ' 100
club with a acore of 111.
a rreaa as tnat maa wnoss neart was
found to be on the right side of his
methods when he returns here. ' Since
he went east he has boxed some of the
fastest youngsters batUlng along the
Atlantic coast and as the six-round goes
which prevail 'in the east are of neces
sity full of acUon It is thought that Ed
die will have acquired the knack of
setting a rapid pace.
the grand showing ha did last year. His
owner, J. B. Haggln, has an affection
for the great thoroughbred he feels for
no other of his horses, and will retire
Journal Special Berriee.S
Seattle, Wash.. Jupe 5. 8eatUe de.
lla. Un angles
rraui.-w, rnruana
Hall. SealtU ...
Yerkaa. Hi a rratwlkM
Doyit Taenma ,
Franrk. Oakland ....
Uerereaai. Oakland
fpfitcer, Portland ..
Smith. Loa,
Mlllfr. Has VranclaM.
aaoy, xaeoma
Hl.ku. M..l.
Bhlelda, Heat tie
.. IMS
... a M&
... a
....... ...8111
......: BO
....... .in
....... IB
' V
st .:
-:, 78 -s
- 7.'-;
SO .
"' JS
him te the stud rather than have his If ea ted San Francisco today by the score
uiuimni vi raiuu wuou urn is Dot nr a to u. Hail nitphad f,
.i . - .. . . , .v. w ,1V.
i" . ...r4 Knell ror Ban Kranclam mil Knth
uom air. naggm ana Trainer A. ; J. I Ditched srood camea . rutt.r. tnr Ba.h. I
...... 13
...... a
this. afternoon. The 'score fol-
X- . Jl , t
AleOreedlev -rt f; ..... I
jrennan, c f. ....... 4
Heck, - lb.' 4
KraiH'is, 8b., ......'. 4,
iTastro, 2b I
iiaymond,' es.
hieplman, o.
Butler, p. .
- , AE B. II. rO. A. E.
4,1-1 7 t
I 1 '
SA 0
2i 0
' A i
O f V
2 0 0
0 1,0
I 2 1
10 0
0 I 0
" J (JMtrsal Hpectal SurTto..) . ,
Salem. June 26. The Greater Salem
Commercial club has - gusrsnteed the
sura of 11.000 for the Commercial club
stake; and the race will be run on Sat
urday., the last day of tha state fair.
The committee of the club yesterday
made the rounds of the business men
. . . - . . , . . . - i w w v m a wi avsaa, a,aw
that i. nut .n ithi. Than nr - Apropos ei uuie s coming nacK a story joyner are, oi course, very anxious that waa c Hall and wiimn- rn, b.. iw..
others who do not quite believe that Jeff oelng retold I of Ta- spiteful et-to he bad Waterboy should race again, -provided clsco, KneU and Leahy 8core by in-
Is doomed to wsnder throuah life with a wi xoung corieu out at we voney
fmuii lea- tint thav ran ii Ire some assur-1 Island resort on the Ocean boulevard.
t ance that the housemaid's knee will not It was shortly after Eddis lest to Toung
...rt itaaif inin whan Jeff finds him-1 Corbett and the pair 'was engaged to
self In the full swing of training. , It Hre a Sunday afternoon exhibition. Billy
will therefore be seen that the men whoUordaa acted aa referee and timekeeper
keen tab . of pugilistic happenings are I and he says he waa quite fluttered . for
inclined to look on the sloomv slds of I fear something would go wrong.
things, - k , I ou see 1 inaucea tnem to tajce tne
It Is sincerely honed that Jeffries will I engagement and I didn't want' It to bo
round to and be able to keep bis engage-! said that I put up a Job on Young Cor
ns can do . io with credit to himselft htnas:
but ss the champion is showing signs (Seattle'
and found, no difficulty in securing the I merit with his nswest rival, but if thelbett I don't know what started It, but
7 27 J
Totals ' .':.;..... II 4
. AB. R. It PO. A E.
....... 4. 0 0 2 3, 2
f , . . ..
Toman, "a
Flood, SU i
Smith, 3b. .
Hernard. 0.
Wheeler, c. f.
t'ravuth, r. f.
fliae, lb. ..
Boss, L f.
f-plee, c, ...
liuum, p. ...
f ... .
...... .
0 2
1 2
0 1
necessary subscriptions for guarantee
ing the. stake. It is believed the race
will fill, and that there will be no
recourse upon the subscribers to make
np a deficit In. the amount of the re
ceipts for entrance. The race will be a
2i24 trot, mile hesti. Only horses which
are owned in the North Pactflo circuit
on January 1, 1804, are eligible for en
try in this race, and all entries will
close July 10. The entrance , fee is I
per cent of the stake and I per cent
additional from . prise winners, payabls
Of lameness after the very careful and
skillful handling he has had, .they are j
likely to be destined to disappointment i
If Waterboy can be made to stand up.
considering his present condition. It will
mark another - wonderful stage In . the
career of a very wonderful thorough-.
brea The present trouble Is the out
come of ?an injury he received ln a
work-out last fall. v While galloping
0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 SI
Saa Francisco. M..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
-(Journal BpeeUI gervlre.) j
ora. June 1!S. Tha nraaenoa
of Tod Sloan, once the premier Amer
ican jockey, is no longer apparently a
In speaking of McGlnnlty's success, I matter of any consequence at the race
big fellow's injury is of such a charac-fl think Corbett soaked Eddie harder than easily around ths Sheepshead Bay track
ter. as to compel him . to retire witn I wap necessary Any way, mey ronei into be .bruised one of his fore-feet just
joe Kelley remarked the other dv.-
McGlnnlty has nothing in tha wav of
deceptive curves that any other, pitcher
nas not, out nis strongnoid is control.
He can put the ball Just where he wants
to, and it is thst that makes him a great
pitcher. True, McGlnnlty has an under-
tracks here. The lad. who a few years
ago. was the most discussed person on
the American (urf, is now as much of a
nonentity as s. nas-beeti actor. .
lew years ago sioan was renuteri
to oe wortn laoo.oao. The other morn-
honor from the Snort he - has excelled lone another and aa Eddie was' in the bet- I below the ankle. He waa lmmadlatetv I hand ball that is hard to hit. but what I las? he aorjearetf at tha fihMn.h.. r..
In. what a flurry, there will be before
his successor as worlds champion is
determined upon. ' :
'.,; - Aoeordlatf te 'Xwtv VT.
According to the laws of the ropes and
stakes, (both ancient and modern, Mun
roe, being matched with Jeffries at tbe
time of the letter's enforced withdrawal,
will fall heir to the championship title
It looked aa if he would I thrown out of training and the injury eood would it be if he did not have per- I track and offered his services aa an
-J . ' I " an wiuitr, hhu m view oil"v v. vwior iiiuum cin i srclSO . DOx - tO Several Of hla train..
"'"" uw o maaiai mem in
I per cent on-or before August . 10. whenDy default Buf does any one Imagine
! Totals ....... .1 ...81 0 4 24 13 4
. , '. 121 4 5 0 7 8 '
Portland 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 4
lilts ..... ......0 1 3 2 0 1 0 1 7
La. Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hits ........0 0 1 I 0 0 0 14
' ' 8 17 MM ART. ' ' , ,
' Stolen bases Drennan, Ross, 2; Flood,
Fnies. Bases on, balls Off Butler, 8;
uf Baum, 1. Struck out By Butler, S;
by Baum, 2. . Two base hlte Francis,
Left on bHaes Portland, 5; Los Angeles,
17. Wild Pitch Baum. Time of game
)ne hour and 40 minutes. Umpire
U Connell. . ' ' .
norses must oe named, and 3 per cent
on September 1. Money will be divided
as follows: . SO, 15. 15 and 10 per eent
of the stake. The right is reserved to
declare of and return first money if
stake does not fill satisfactorily.
-rnuadeiphia . Jack" O'Brien. , the
aeoonnaire heavy-weight champion of
amgiana, nas put ; himself before the
public sgaln 'through the unique me-
uium yt. auemg- i-niiaaeipnia news-
that the other heavies will permit him
ter condition
knock Corbett
bleeding from the - nose when I called
a halt and I am free to confess that It
was a good thing that I made the last
round short. ;Take my word for. it, Cor
bett was .-in a bad way' ;::'-';
John Herts, manager of Benny T anger,
haa discovered what ailed Benny when
the latter was knocked out recently at
Butte bv Aurella Herrera. Herts eaya It
was the altitude ana. nse a gooa ana
getting him In shape for the season. I use an underhand ball, but they can't
While he remained In the barn during I locate the plate with it, and the result
the winter the swelling which developed tnat u u worthless, to them. I tell
1 after the bruise disappeared. , As. soon 'a control is tne greatest thing In
as he waa worked again this ' spring, I P"cnmg. iooa au over tne 11st or great
IZl?" intends to that
I of a bloodless triumph?- Not on your
life. :-; .:'-;'"-.';. --r ".';.'
There will be a rattling of dry bones
for outside of Jeff and ; Mrfnroe the
1 heavyweight prospect v ia little better
however,- the swelling began to appear
after every gallop. At first quite no
ticeable,- it gradually reduced - in slse
until two weeks ago - Trainer Joyner
thought it had about eradicated. But
Just as It began to look aa if Waterboy
might oe reaay ror tne Brighton Handl-
pitchers and you will find that they
their work was accented, if mr'
remained in the mind of those nresent
at the track this jmornlng that Sloan la
stilt tne competent rider he once was.
It waa quickly dispelled. His seat is
have Control of the ball. They can place I f " qu,c,"y ",B.uer i11". u
It'just where they w.nt to.r.SS i" t ! M.VJ!!r ?!
wuv. , .... fw., ma. uw uuiiidjiv , aa
to place is aa unerring aa in the days
from the Corbetta and ; the
Fltsslmraonses snd
Sharkeys. ' There
royal as to who Shall have precedence
In tackling the burly miner and it will
be quite in keeping with the latter day
nurltlilln t.llx. fnr Mnnroa , to ' tll
.Ptr"Jor.l,bl.n,en,t hU Blle'd faking them to fight, It but. among themselves
all future articles signed 1y Tanger atate
explicitly now many nouaana tei moaw 1 cap no is snowing evidence or a re
tbe sea level It is proposed to pitch. Icurrence of the trouble, and, those who
Incidentally, awite a numner or sport-1 know the Inside facts in the man m
naawwaiirnr nrnsnnrT tm - 1 r r 1 sa rissi t r 1 - - -- .... .1 -
ttai'i mVr
rhallana-Aa from t h rnrhtta and the 1 1""' UCIU.C"",S -..- Vv-"- "V w " " race.
this fsct that gives them an advantaa-a
over the batsman. McGlnnlty did not
always . have controls - and hen he
hasn't it he Is Just about asssy. a
mark as' any other pitcher who lacks
ontroL" - - ,
Won. . Lost
the Ruhltas and the cealed In bis right glove had something to m the meantime. Trainer Joyner will Tacomi .". ..60 si
will h a w?anale do with Tangefs collapse, , - : IconUnue galloping him along- easily. Seattle 44 88
ian have nrecedence T s ; ; '. :g;., Joseph E.: Seagram.,, the. Canadian Angeles ....,..,.,,47 10
in the bout with McCoy. Take It before
a Jury of American sporting men, spec
tators of the fight or no, and the verdict
would be unanimous. . MoCoy's reouta-
tlon alone Is enough to lose Jack's case.
It Is believed O'Brien could have beaten
McCoy In three rounds thst night had he
conimuea nis "tear in" style of fighting.
It Is said that Tom' Sharkey married
a trained nurse, What's the 11V- n
and he will box the survivor.
It has often been said that Jeff was
The Tuckers defeated the Blahchet In
stitute nine Friday by the score of 10
to 7. Tucker's and Cloude'i batting
were the features, l.: :'"-z.s- ?.?:
turfman, haa a -string' of 15 horses at
Sheepshead Bay, and expects to gather
a few prises during . the , next few
weeks. .In his lot are several Imported
English colts, which he thinks will
make a good showing. , , '
Oakland ...........,.44 t
San Franoisco ...... ..36 4
Portland ..,......,,. 28 :
Testerdar's Besnlta
Portland, 4: Los Angeles, 0.
Oakland, 8; Tacoma, 1. .
when he was the idol of tbe turf world.
Whether Sloan will resume riding la
not known. It Js said that aeveral fol
lowers of the truf would like to see him
reinstated. It Is believed that his re
versal of fortune has not been without
beneficial ..effect . on the . one-time very
numpiious ana , arrogant nine man,
whose manner Is now quiet, earnest and
unobtrusive; y ' .. -. -J ,y.
t The All-Stars of Brooklyn will meet
the Bell wood team this afternoon at 1:30 1
o'clock. 'V The, Sell wood nine also chal
lenges any team In the city to a game. . .
such a bad ; record I turnea to Milwaukee, . never . to leave
sain. xie aoes not like Chicago ref
ereesi r-.i. .-.& a; ;';,;; .;:: ,
Ike Butler made his old friends feel
'- proud of him yesterday by his masterly
nrlr 7ba la nil rlii-ht. and wlinever
thinks that he can't pitch had better that he has retired from ; the -fighting
"take another . pill. gflm,ei " t .., ' ' ' '
v Newton snd Hall were given the laugh Although Young Corbett" lr no longer
; when they passed the grandstand yes- "-""'". ne uoea not lacit advertising,
ttrday afternoon between acta,., Wonder "Is latest move, securing an attorney to
what they went out fort i defend Mrs. Patterson, the alleged slayer
1 Raymond deserves credit ror -wie J;1, c"r v"g. snouia Keep bis name
uplendidgame he is putting up at short I torj the public for a while, at any
' iAnd the youngster is batting some, too,' rate. ' ,
- Nadeau had seven putouts In his ter-1 it is said tnat Charley Neary has re
H i I vl A 11a v inn , .vu . vvyi
for one day," , v
i .Kirby Drennan is the right kind of a
s player. i When hits or difficult catches
nte needed Klrby ; wrill ; always deliver
. .-the goods. ri:;;.;:--.;;:'sl;3'''.j
- Butler allowed only. four hits," those j A man who used to know big Overall
credited to Ross and Chase being of the ( in his college days says that if he gets
-scratchv order. Ike also knocked down I through the first three innins-a
a ball from Chase's bat In the second j without mishap he is one of the hardest
witn, his bare hand and got the neet-1 pinners, in tne country to beat, but that
.footed college boy at first oe gets orr badly he is easy. There
j Teahy.Raymond played a swell game must be something In that, for every
-at short, his error being a-muff of a Grandpa's havs taken the big
hard . drive from Cravatb's bat: in the """" ne- aamage naa been
elxtb, ' one in the first two or three Innings.
- Ike Butler - had the Seraphs at his Y ave nver yet beaten him out in
, mercy.-; Their best efforts in the hlttins r"v!n. Anv?, "d.i.h.e awf
line resulted In fly balls, there being If. cIoM tt Bt hegln-
:i.put-outs-in 4he outfield. - : V. TjSlnl':l
hll Nadeau, had a busy day in left, fc,- .J-mum t&hW'W 7 ,1
n,nn .,. fiia in oiver atvia i.,n aangerous pitcher to face , Is
capturing seven flies in clever style,
, Jack Drennan's hit In the third was a
-pippin and came at the right time. -;
.' Hal Chase had a busy day at first and
'cleverly took all the throws that .came
.his bvrv. His error was on a muffed
that with three balls and two arrtkaa nn
the batter, the big fellow invariably
uses a curve balL Most pitchers are
afraid to take a chance like that and
the batter Is safe in lay in a for a ft
one, It was Just that trick that mads
foul fly which he misjudged on account I Amos Rusie ia 'great pitcher, but a man
of tha sun.
Cupid Wheeler took Bernard's place
in center b the third, owing to the
-crack-centcr-flelder being ill. Georgians
. did not have a chance to distinguish
. himself in that'llne, but tore off a pretty
. hit the first time up. -
Spider Baum1-pitched a fine game and
deserves . great credit for a youngster.
lie1 will win a majority of his games
' .with a team like Morley's behind him. ;
has to have great control to aet awav
with it, ' s -
" (Jnorokl Speeial Service.)
'".1 Spokane, WashJ June 26. Ralph Post
formerly , athletic instructor . for the
X'nlverslty of Illinois, the. University of
Chlcflgo, the Chtrago V. M. C. A. and
the Chicago Athletic club, has been
; elects physical director of the Spokane
Ama'teur Athletic club. .
He Is mid to be much more than an
! ordlnarr physical director." being thor
oughly familiar - with ; all . branches of
athletics, and capable of coaching teams
Itw baseball, football and track. ; ' ;
The athletic work at the club will be
. turned over to the new director, and he
will have charge of the teams and the
gymnasium work.
Mr. Post is toarrive in Spokane the
list of this month,- the date set for. the
-uiuug of the sew clubs building. -
, ' V . (Journal Spadal Herrlce.) '. r j ' ; ;
Eugene, Or., : June 26. Salem -Won
from Eugene this afternoon by the score
of 11 to 7, Somers was weak from a
long illness, and visitors batted him
hard. - Nefxger ' relieved ; him In the
eighth and stopped the run getting. The
feature of the game .was a -home run
by Downle of Salem in the second In
ning, driving two men home ahead of
him. The score: , V ' '
' ;V; ' ' ti'- ' v' ''f V-' t'-; R H 10.
Eugene ...0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 4 7 -0 6
Salem ..;.,0 1,1 I t't 01 011 11
v. Batteries Eu gene Sorters. Nefzger
and- McKune, . Salem Lucas and Wil
kin s. , " , ' -. r ; '
' (Joarnal Special SerTlee.t
Rdseburg, Or., ; June 25. Albany de-
reated , Roseburg ln , a loosely -, played
gams today. .Howard's pitching and the
fielding of Bradley were the features.
Score: , , , , v , ,
. ..' . ..jr.'".'': v'v ":'-,,''' R, H. E.
Albany '..''...'.4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 14 10
Roseburg 2 0,1 0 0 0 0 0 14 0
, Batteries Howard and Suess; Reed
aim none. - - ,
vi I . V 1 . .1
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