THE . OREGON , SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 1C04. "AN OLIGARCHY MISS PAFFRATH ; OF PLUTOCRATS" ACCEPTS THRONE CEVURTZ SELLS IT f OR LESS , : .'-' i . , , " ' jm " 4 . ' WW ' " ' ." Mason, Who Resigned Reception to the I Treatment ot Colorado; union "immersr- Pernidotts Traffic of Exporting Girls Naval ( Officers and i Men Kill flip EXTRA, " 'Ml ' i.i i ' t i ' v . " , , ' ' V ( , ...... .". 1..i '. ' i ' i - - .- .- 1, 5. by Lease (Coprrifht, ' jmri!t Ktwt Bertlre, (,. s , . .. Wire to The Journal) ,' ' --E- ,; y Staloolm Clart.) V-'' tf , Berlin. June Th arman Social latlo paper devote considerable apace ', r to comment on tne treatment . oy in r, American authorities' of union miner U in the Cripple Creek district, and, Incl i dentally, the German fovernment comes ' In for a certain amouot of praise In thia ... connection. ' . , . . f In a leading artlcl oomraentlnf on : f th persecution- of the union miner A a. prominent f aorlaltatlo .paper In thia city saya editorially!'' " ' if. , 'To thos who were wont to consider , s. the treat republic on the otner sia .r.f th Atlaattc a haven of irfusa for t th downtrodden claaaea tha course of political events regretted. In America Is treacly V 'I k .1 A. . With every safeguard thrown around th freedom and liberty for whlcli tbair forefathera fought tha great Intelligent American peopl haa allowed th power t drift into th hand of ' a fw. ':- y 011-rehy Of Plutocrats. i ;'':': . "Daljy It become more and more evi dent that tha United States Is no longer a democratic republic, but 3 mighty world power, governed by aa oligarchy of plutocrat. . . . . ; v Tbe worahlp of money and th reck len use ot it by achemlng magnate in corrupting legialaturea la th primary cause of thia change which aeema ai moit incredible. . ' , --. - j "In Colorado., the 'o-ealled higher daaaea-that la t. th ay th million air mine ownera nd their follower are dally violating th. lawa of th tat to annihilate- working men, whoae only crime la that they have formed union for their own protection, union which are perfectly legal under th ex istlng lawa of th tat. - U-'.-r OomOed Into Tm' ; Working men hav been corraledlhto pens aa If they were wild bftaata. and not having a place to banish these un- fortunat people to. , tbey hav been deported Into a neighboring state, Kan aa. On wonder what the nest stage of th military tyrant will b. "We Boclallsu in Germany have been ' aubject to much oppression, and there la little doubt that th late Prince Bla marck. In hi palmy days, would Ilk to ); hav treated . German worklngm In the earn manner, but . with hundreds of tbousanda of bayonet behind him n did not dare to do thia. -i - J . : t.-.Y . VtamM jof mtroUMclg? : '. "Nobody ' wlll 'think of 'adcuslng our present German gpvernment of loving th J; Bociallsta or the labor union over much, . but It knows that should it ver try to treat German aubjecta aa cltlaens of Colo rado are being treated today th flame of revolution would spread over th coun try Ilk will fir. , w'f , The k&laer ; if at least' fighting us fairly, th monarchla government dndr which we live would never think ot using the law to crush th aborifig classes and th labor bureau In Berlin ha even In some repvct don good work for th Miss Margaret Faffrath last niaht ao or pted th InvlUtlon of th carnival management to serve as queen of th resuvai, vice Mia Ma Mason, who r signed on account of III health. Mis Paffrath expressed herself as gratified at th opportunity to aid In promoting th succea of th carnival and stated that a far a was In her power she would en worklngmen, but not so In th land of I deavor to make this gala season memor th 'free and the home of th bra re.' ' . XpuhUovi Mrty.' . And the government of . th United Sfatesth Republican party now In power haa th ftrttftlcry to give them a chanc to continue this sort ot regime for four year more. v ;, :" "On might be tempted to sty that the American laboring men deserv what they get, when their votes give them Puwer to off ,th..r; yok. t any - aT hTcelv able. : She will get th fin new auto which was offered aa a prise. .W.." I am eapeclally grateful to my friends, who, through their support and untiring effort In my behalf gained for ma thia honor," said Mis Paffrath. "and feel that th tedlt of my coronation will be Chiefly due to them, for without their earnest support X would never 1 hav r. time. '"Surely no other peopl would hav a much patience as the American: but that patlenc .haa b a virtu." KxportiBg Toanf Oizia. '. ' , , Iteport from th various antl-vlca so cieties In Germany show that the per nicious traffic of exporting young girl, especially from small provincial towns and Ylllagea, to tran-A.tlantlo : porta, where they are delivered to disorderly houses, haa Increased to an alarming ex tent Agent representing house of this kind In New York, Philadelphia, New Or leans anVBuenoa Ayr, are more active than ever, and In spit of th watchful ness of th nolle authorities It is .no secret that hundred of girl leave her very month to be sold In th modern lav market of th western hemisphere. Th chief of polio in Berlin, a few day ago. Issued a circular "to th police au thorities of all town and cities announce Ing that th organisation of a society for th. prevention of th International sal of girl had now been perfected and asked for vlroroas co-operation from th police pende, , ,ecuring th election of hi authorities. , - V.-L . daughter aa carnival queen. TfcV-maa. Tb secret service department, which ha charge of watching th movement of Anarchist, ha been ordered to give part th first plao after th struggle of my friends, but realised that tb fortune of th gam was against me and prepared to gracefully glv . up my aspiration whan I found I was second In th race, but now that tb. queenshlp ha been offered I' will do all in my poper to fill th' regal thron a it should b filled, In th. automobil that will become th queen' property I expect to tak my friend for pleaaur trip over th city." Mis Paffrath ha Invited th following to erv a maid ot honor: Mies Anna Simmon. Miss Retha Fowler, Mis Stella Carton, Ml Amy Churchly, Mia Sarah Stringer and Miss Ethel Styles. Th first two young women were contestant for th queenshlp and Miss Simmon was a close third In th race. Misses Alice and Florence Canlmack hav been named, s pages. ( Though th action was In no wis com- pulsory nor expected, tb carnival man' agement last night returned to Mr. Mason, father of Mis Ma Mason, ISM. TO which represented th amount he bad ex- of their time to watching agents, for im moral house and haa been provided with all data and facts gathered by th anti vice society. The - arrest , of several American agents, ; whoa . name K are known to th police, 4s expected to follow la th very near future and they an be ing carefully shadowed: ; - V Sufficient proof la said to be In tha hands of the authorities to send half a ' agement stated that' siho Miss Mason was unabl to serve as qusen they felt this money should b returned as a mat ter of Justice, snd soon after th decision was taken Mr. , Mason : received th amount which he had expended. Th United State warships will ar rive this noon, as per program, and they will be given a royal welcome by vry patriotic man, woman and child In th citv. Th ' officer of th Mardl Ora and a citlsens committee consisting of Colonel Jackson. Colonel GanUnbetn and I. N. Flelschner will lav this morning chor just above t he steel brldg. Th receiving hours hav not yet been an nounced,' but will be arranged aa soon as th visitors srrtv,' - v-. .. v '- . . A reception will be tendered th visit ing officers Monday venlng at th armory, when th public will hav an opportunity to pay Its respects, to th city's gut. An sffort will be mad to hav both, officers and men present. This will also b th occasion of Colo Mi Gantnbla's quarterly inspection. Among th notable present besides th man from th fleet will b Brigadler- Qeneral Ftinton and staff and Colonel Houston and staff from Vancouver bar racks.; After tbs Inspection and recep tion a banquet, wUl b served to th guests, 4. - ..,; j i : -; ; 1 1 jj. :,,4;- Great screy surrounds th nam of th king, but It I said that h la very dignified and well suited to th xaita position which hs will fill. . His majesty will arrlv Tuesday noon and will pa red through th streets of th city on hi way to Multnomah field, where h and th queen will hold court. Another feature 1 announced for th carnival - . This Is in , th . form of a German wadding. . Th names of th contracting parties hav not ' yet ben announced. ' Th wddlng WUl tax plao on Fraternal day,- Tuesday, July I. Tb wedding will tak plac on th Platfqrm In th big circus tent, la th preeeno of tn king ana queen. , . . ' Th carnival mangemant will probab ly max a handsom present, to th cou- After th parade on Tuesday evening, th queen will b crowned by th king, In th parade, which will start at V o'clock will be th floats, sailors from th warships, the performer ia th so ciety circus, ths king and queen and i large number of automobiles. . - A prls of a 1100 cup has been of fered for th bat decorated- -automobile, decorated in th carnival colors, red , and green. 1 The ar th official colors and not rd, whit and green as some suppos. ' AU daslnng to enter automobiles in th contest ar requested leave their name with Secretary : PARIS IS SHY ROYAL VISITORS t moxExs op Etntopii aju o nt- ? ZTZVa III OAT CITT AS sTtTMXB- r OTM.T as nr poxmxx txajis 'r mo a. conr nr in sx.6t ajts s, GET A PSA-3TXB. '-.-'. CopTTlht. Baart New Service, by leased , . Wire ts Th Journal.) I : y Paul Tllliars.) i " Paris, June 16. Ths annual crop of royal visitors to this city oos noi iooa v very promising this yar.. r v ? y.t, nt mnru t are to hav th -usual " number of visits of King Leopold of , - .Belgium, but thr is absolutely naming i; . royal about him and w hardly count tr him aa a king. -,..ft- A-.rM- fpw ; . ii-aiMF wiihflm mav : come her In cognlto. as a recently published hook 't. aUtes that he has been in th habit ot v visiting u without our knowieag. xiui what earthly good is a king, or vn a i . kaiser, who travels tncogn to t i The young king of Spain will be here aome time during th aummar. and w ' win hiiv to make the beat ot him, h. though h i hardly tnor than boy, i , and the grandeur of .hi kingdom ia a j thing of the Taat. v : ? V 1 Gladden Our mearta. But th bey of Tunis. wiM com to : gladden our hearU, and w ahall have ? ' th pleasure of seeing him drive through our streets siuing next io- ur n, bourgeois president in sUte carriage "Attele a la Daumont", - , Mohammed el Had! will be accom . panied by his oldest son. Prince ,Tahr and " his prime nunmer, aionammea I'Assix .Ben Attour, Gen. Si Asous Ben Aissa and Dr. Lovitx, his court pnyst-r clan. He wlU stop at the raiais jjey- . sees, and In consideration or tne sum crop of royalty to be seen here this amu- ;a mer It nas oeen arrangea o uv mim T clal gale performance at the opera and several banquets in his nonor. , .'! - , Oermaa Telephone tines. y r Th government of Germany, which has spent J1,500,000 on lnterurban tl- phone lines, has greatly neipea teie k phonio conversations between this city and Berlin. 5 J. K in nmr nnulhl tar a nartv in Rpr t lln to communicate instantly with a per- h eon in Marseilles. Reims. Roubaix, Cba- th .ions aur de Milon. Rouen, Tours, Bou loene. etc, a thing which could never , have been made possible at regular rates, , if at allf but for the fact that the tele- p. pnone system in ownea ay me govera- fl ment . - ' ' - ik It may be a source of pleasure to I those who never tire of praising tha. civ- S lllzatlon of th Japanese that they are i& via v MllotAnsi anil ClfA-fa ctnff nAftnl ' To address prayers to all theae dlvlnl fj ties would require mors energy than, the little yellow man . has, so with their usual ingenuity the Japanese have in ''vented most up-to-date methods of per U forming their j-eligious duties. ln certain ' streets there are prayer vt automates and for a Small coin dropped 1 in a box they get a small printed tract r PRINCESS DE CHIMAY HAS AGAIN ELOPED ,Coprrlfbt, nearwt; Kmoi Service,': by teaied ' . Wire to The Journal.) ( ' Paris." June 25.-Tber J considerable ' Interest her over the news that Clara (" i'U'ard, mfro married ' the Prince d ; Chlmay. and afterward eloped with ; Rigo. a gypsy '.violinist. has- now k -away with a canvasser In the servlc ? of Thomas Cook & Sons, tourist agents ' in Pari. ' n - ! . thousand franc a month, v dosen of these to ths penitentiary, while I on the steamer Hoo Hoo and Will go nough 1 known of many other to war-1 dawn th river to meet th visitor Th rant their expulsion from th country. '. I ship .will arrlv at noon and will an- ' J . .. ,f '! ;. ;. i.-t-. (; i , y.y 'tH rvi FOR COMFORT AND ECONOMY. -ml r ZPZ ' ..I i urn v I v That are made up with the Hil aUklsfcA . , m- a i ' . - iMi : skiu oi scnooiea ; imeuigence "7 from breexe-welcoming serges, tfi homespuns, crashes arjd tropin ' cal worsteds and marked, with; ' v,;this label UWm& H. ., . -. . , , . -1 .- .i . , '-;":' Our, assortment of these fa- mous garments, has been care-, 1 fully chosen with close atten tion to the requirements of the season. to not Mitchell, 'U0 Marquam building, later than Tuesday noon. : , ' :, Tba.OaxmtTal Pasad.':'' Th parade committee of the Mardl j Ore requests th officers and members ot alf lodge and union to arrange for carriages in th opening, parade on Tuesday evening. ' v Th purpose la to hav at least on carriage represent ing each organisation tn th city tak . . . . " a i part in in parade, . Th parade is to I tart from th exposition building at 7 1 ciock. All persona taking part should M at th starting point at 1:18 p. m. mm prices Always tne very Lowest "t ri fT s n'. a-; 4 WILL SPREAD THE GREGORIAN CHANT LOOMIS MYSTERY BEREFT OF IfiCOSIE STILL UNSOLVED AND SLOWLY DYIKG pops pnrs x Bzszmovs op sozva f szmusr ajt : pajus' polic wjlx Vf XTJE TZsATBIOu JUTDl .SXBTSATZOaTAX MVtXO 4XJ MM- XT JST STMPUi MBLO-I OXXS OP OBXaOBT TKI OWBAT. U1T1 BJinU UTO MA BP-1 TWMVM PliTKOVTH AJTI lonui smm ' aoozbssTT uii OB BT ,YXOUUOB ; saABOTOI OP ABOXJMBTV SST PIT annt titwt Berrlea, hy teased ' - wire to .Th Jom-mI.) Rome, June 25.-Certalnl t haa t ham I . waning 10 modernity, and th thought, of a gramophon n the! vaucan is at nrst almost: atarflln. ...! Pope. Piu X 1 an lnnovato. ; v i anxious to pra4 th Orego- XABUI OP ASA PIOVBBS, BXDtBa ZV SOMB SHABBY XOTBXi OB? ' OOBTXBBBT-aBOXB Of PBABOB OTBB PBPBAT OP. BZBBT. ..-T (Cepyrlgkt, Bearet New Servtee, by tedse - Wlr to The Journal.) , ;;' M ;"fBy Paul XsatlLl; ' ):-:?x; London, .Jun: . Scarcely any vant in recent year ha startled society as the revelation of the .hopeless bank-1 rr-yERY house needs a good roof nd so does" every head!' Ifou put a MULTNOMAH $3.00 . HAT on your head youll have '.eWroof that will give - lasting satisfaction. : Soft, Stiff and Straw Hats at one price. irvinn-lriit. Hearst Wews Service, by tae4 i 1m ea Tha JaaraaL) London. Jun J8. No light has been shed in Ixmdon today on th myetery of th disappearance f... Kent V. Xooml. Loomls" only frlnc in lonoon ar . v Hart and wif. Thy hav not n r hrd ct .Wm.i , Only two passengers I ruptcy of the Marquis of AnMesey. as k a ... nun rnniM wnn mm.'m i ravuiKi fit , n. muiih k . a.. rtan chant through th whble of. the Laemii at Plymouth. They ar P. V, itors. v V v , ? ,v ; - Roman Catholic world and is wissly de-1 Murphy and Jamei KUduff . .' w Hiding in som shabby hotl on th slrous of doing away with th theatrical I They' reiterate th declaration that continent bereft of Income, drifting Pear when the tender left the slip at Ply j lag of Incurable disease, the marquis i mouth. They declare n uta noi do. tocay tn moat plUbl ot all figures, ' ths tender.. Ut. Flm, a 8an Prancisco .his liabilities. It was shown, reach passenger now In Parts, now declare J,J00.000. : . . -. -Am.A th. lanifff but -- v .., . . On of th. great difflcultie. .k.,K :Vu-J2a irTMnfV aaV it Is Tmoossi-1 Ti ion onn "pk S " '"""n?! 'a ' oomnl.t summSry of th votes however, hitherto hampered th scherde bla ; Loom!' shipmates ateclar W. H. I refused to accept, any further risks, ' tn 'cent -election has , been is to be met by the fact of th irni. iui Loomla were attentive to Uven at a oremium of ao nr nt I pnmnlled bv Secretary of Stat Dunbar ouny or inaicaung, m printed musio. J Marion and Bsrtn .iveu, new v. -m Angeieeey estate yields nominally from th off Iclsimurn filed with him the modulaUon which make th plain I lnr' bun1 t0 B'rH . . J . w f n tacom of a Uttl mor than 1600,000, by th county ' clerks of th varlou a . i A.kA. sAv HsHTln Mf B I Til SIT lllti 1 nil r ahaM er4 Aae . a si . 1 - . ...... - f. 0 ' J"prssiT. ana it is this dif i"P"OT -.v.-r------ I , , 1 .7? " ",u jwuur, m- countie,, xhls summary snows tnat in ucuhj inai in aTamanhone haa nv. I iveu g - i -.. w v,vv per annum, nave come. . -i ;.u -. a, j..!,. A:v , .. I Loomls arter me tkier. v? . oeen aeuuoieo, mere remains an Income ,. Aural Tnltioa. , Imouth or Bin ar emy idu.uub a year, 'j v.y .! -. -j 0s.e which ha. f5ES iSsTaabut - SamlRosenblaiioCo. i ' ' ' - . -Ml .!..,' Corner, Third and .Morrison Streets anil aenaattnnt mn.u - . i - 7 "" "nca t nas so largely become th ccl0slaatlcai tuhi.. w replace u by th grand and simple melodies which hav been handed uwwa nj uregory me Great. ' OF FJCIAL RETURNS OF JUNE ELECTION total number of votes cast. In th entire stat was 89.J16. r .Ptank A. Moor, Republican cany dat for supreme Judge, was elected by the fact that Aural tuition ia .b7fut,iv not his hand n-'j tto -hoi. .IZ' ."1 a plurality of 4,S17. His total, vots necessary and in order to nrovid. lit Consul Genem Jsvans tomgnt Thomas O'Day, his they requested Mr. Alfred Mlchaella, the bHvd Loomls had lanaeo yeara " r;"vl Demooratlo competitor, received SS.7SS. sua i irnnwn vnnaine MnaMou . . i is av KitmHW utzs Aia wmmb ... . . . -" . - I . ...... . ' aYth. vaT rikn, what C, J. Bright, th Prohibition nominee. a number of members of the Grearorlan I newspapers. Evans added that tne er- ...... . . .... ' I . . : ii tw. T nntnta m have!rfaS inti "Thea bween" he marquis wnt abroaiT; BYf f l? "v."., , nei. One passsge la th bankrunte mnmn ana Liic av t . , - . . - . r-- i i . - 1 - lished now all over Italy and probably dentally or by violence. Is unknown. '-! I X.??f f -n "uth ot for food aqd dairy commissioner. Was by and by the study of plain song will L Th londoa embassy doe not beltey ,;"K h'fn , wtravaganc eieCtd by. a 'plurality even larger than exrena u over tne wona. ana the lea-lrnmi. waa enarasea on anr aipm"J ir. . -- -"wumihwh iar tea that-srlven 10 justice arnun. uwuei. son wiU be given by this inanimate vocal I mi.ainn. Scotland Tard has not been "'"V Vi;.:pKr, V , , ; , Uotal vote was same 1,000 lesa Bailey I V . j .l,.. i I T '- TPtSh' M at BtAiifaV aa Mm Si . - All..- " . . a. . Tlati aa ' . v .7 , 7 '""lai wao WUl received 4S,8JI1 voies, o. uvB'", assist him r asked .caltor.,i :.,.:..Ji)em.. 44.MU Ira W. Berry. Pro., 5,112, iir", ""fl?.1" 7f no 'rtnls,' wS nd N. Basmussen, Boa, 4,098. BaUey' : J i .... I U1UIUIII V w mm - juSLAMkm ta vcavM. :'v:.y i. 1 -,t rna-rtnan ; Williamson was. AS a mattr of course. ,.,!. 1 lcted by a plurality amounting to 14.. Prance ha developed over th. nt it 181. His total vot was wnu i?!-rb'I?. "nant, . who' hi. Dmocratic opponent - thai , a si i received hV' -jr- - r ! - W 4BW f, V I teacher. f':v EARL ROBERTS.TO VISIT UNITED STATES mission. asked to invsugaie xne ;vn ; BERLIN TO HAMBURG ' AT TERRIFIC SPEED seemed certain to reneat rnanrridit. Hearst Wew Bertice, by Leaed Gladiateur. - v wire te t jootjulj I anytmns; can compensate ltr riahlna-r Frenchmen and f rrencn ; Berlin, June 2S.t Two : leading lo-j mpnd Blanc,.- his countryman, for this I women came from th genroslty of th in vhh iikwij,, ""-t win iie in the knowlada-a I man who a few weeks ago nruueuv vu A .. 1T1M.1 that .h.. '.-'k .... . " j ' " . - - , ...i.1.Jl.i':.!iVv.,7'.' (Copyright. ' Hearat Nw Service, by ' teased . v ' Ira to Tne Journal.) ( London, June 25. Earl Roberts -has definitely decided to accept the invlta- hMi nrms n?te BSJaMSr -Sm if. 11 h,! m Halsk -4.d thGeheral th,lr MUin idol, . United. States.;He will pay his visit I .-4.i .mm. hava elaborated schem I to whom IYmm n... . ..Jr.; I u ,u 7 . the late summer or early autumn. "luV.lTiVTn . hi.h sn.ed of eratii-"""J-" -7 """n w P fru. ..... t... : I ur iuo vi.-v. . . t -- -- ' I . m. ...a4 fhri.tlan ' Kndea xu k OTCU uwiueo electrical railway from Benin to Jttam-1 " me story of Mr. Xeopold d Koths- ' . i hut. a. iiau.nia 01 ifiu muti u ; i vuu . duudoimi : en. ntw t. .v.'. "-? 7. - . . ,!.. a 7..7 . - nou- ! Messrs. i Biemen t oi.i "r .v . wuiu iu unriana and m.vio. j tni, Miintrv. - A m .(win n . m. tim. i . . . . .. I . . . . . ' ... w. ..m.. v., i t. .. a w Wi I construct the railway a cosi or ,- i cuk.ii nas not been generally tnm his visit is decided upon arranaemanta I .YtIv. . 7 .. it-. a rr on nA I .i... V. t 7J7" """"A"41' known ii v. aA. ,n . . I 0Piu lor a amain " ,.. . . winiiu will be mad to; give him a great recep-1 was th first man in v ..'.-, ,1 hour for the same faree. but estimates A. V. .41 W. iiwuviip llicil . in .1 . . . . . . ...I.. . . I th, nlrlll ln,lrt l, B9 CW VI. wuua irut nun wuuiU ,l Attorney Manning. through H. ' R Ad ams, his assistant, and orders of dlsmls. Twt hundred , cnxisan sinaeavorers from New England vand the west-will return t their quiet borne in the Uttl towns, th happlr for th hospitality of th king. . - ' They were at winasor ana preparing ley to in para wnen in message cordially inviting u t.t. ..... ' I them to tn casue. nunin it. wmui.. . viubhh nwur. wno waa f . f... i . - - . a i.u .v.. ... . j . .....: i. .i.. .v.. ... i ... . . . i tn. viairnra. eacu tiriinji iui ura ,u,i,- Iiassenprav fuT vw-, , Jir-m-l.w wag in I .m. aniida hooks. wr massed on the and ' then King juawaru. wn and Princess victoria cam their homelike Informal way greeted the visitors in turn, for a double line guaranteeing speed England tojrctv not of tb capltu" J w.ty. Vntnll of 100 mllee n hour. ; .',.. latlon of ; Part before the Prolan l?r th l l lt ntlHHIt lllK nllntta... I:. IV M cwwu . ..... , . .. . . s. I - . .... Nfflll III' All I VhKl 1 : fares.and 14 shillings scond. 620,000 1 ' M. Perugia a banker, who was n after 1 .1? !nn OIUI I II AllU, U I Ll I UiV ' passenger annually would mak the I year to b bis brothaMn-law! waa 12 ? T1"" CCPIinC liCiri Cr single line and 86O.OOO the double lln Paris throughout th siege., possessing ff-l.V . JlLUHc KhlhASF profitable. -V f.i--.y- secret Information, wa able tte U Mr! J1vj-V1VIv UULLrtOL " Tne General Electric company IS WiU RothschUd a -fortnight ahead eS : what A1ftan? " . Ing to guarantee a speed of 128 miles an was to come. , - , , . v out 1 ' il7. ... .v.- . k , . j, areeted th wossss a MriB,'' j Following th singing ot th na- hlgber., Scarcely t a - financier In England or I tlonal anthem th Endeavorers rendered mnt-lpa hill wnnM t,... . . 'i ' . . ..i I.. iina nr i.i ui no ... aua.m .....:"' .:. The gallant 2 OQ marched away wltft Smltl.,, charged J 22Kelrt riitSl- ?M' 0a;w, tha Barnatos. r th. and bis bautlful Overton. WitB bigh epeea -electric raai( ways, t . .K:rs Bells in possession of such a mi . . consort. ; .it. J . i illMr Fl hill ImilU V,.. ... . . " i . . . . .ii I.. I,.nni Probably one ot-these scheme wU A i n fr .V.T, . I. ' , i 7u . W8 Jnl om V'l.. . r-."-.:?''"-1" J?7.W CMsTK rZ?Sl?l.7?. f"cr of Jam; a round' of for ths klndly.klng til cun VX T W. B with burglary, and Charles assault. Jt Is said that the evidence would not warrant a trial, as convictions would probably not be secured. Overton -was charged with assaulting te tb Vest. From the - Washington Star. It Is good to know that th ant Is ex A PUa AS ASHf FAJaTT. But Mr. Rothschild flatlv .ca-. profit; by th opportunity, . in contrast n. ; quietly causea th nrenaratinn nt V : . tai i nluun infAm.l vast, loads of flour, vegetables m I ..,. .-.. ..k in ih. r.n. Christina M. Baater. a 1 .-year-old girl, pected to destroy th boll weevIL , For jnd every other delicacy .ufflcient to tion given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. WLim 7'!r f1,al?.T,t5 rer" h! nt hM lwwn B '"fr thousands of people and sent Mark O. Potter at their home on Kearney entering shop at 4 Main street last tern of industry, snd propriety without lot Into Parle the moment -th ciky street last Monday evening- .The house M1Q Pat1tPnf tocarrywaya doing anything useful that was worth was thrown open. - : .. tMtfullr and elaborately decorated '', , '- , 4 noticing, , . : r . . . ., nrt square meal eaten by with flowering; syrtn-a, Japanes lilac cumber of articles - hlbltlon candidates received respectively b.oys ana i,bs votes. In the first district Binger Hermann was re-elected by a plurality of 8,813. His Vote was 2S.970. Robert M. Vcafch, Dem received 17,157, and the Socialist and -Prohibition candidates received respectively 2,800 and 2,867, Tne local option, law carried by a majority; of 8,118. 'About 81 per cent! of the voter who went to the polls voted either for or against the law, showing the widespread Interest In the measure, . The total, vote for the law I was 48,318. and the vot against it was 40,188. ' i Tb majority In favor of th direct primary law was overwhelming, amount ing to 89,851. Th affirmative vote! was S4.205 and the negative only It.' Quite as decisive wa the vote on thai constitutional amendment, relating to the state printer' office. -The affirm ative', vote was 48,334 and the negative vote only 14,031, giving a majority of I 51,803. , , - i -The Reoubllean maloritv in the naxt legislature will be even stronger than in I the last. ' In' the senate there will be 86 Republicans and S Democrat. -'In the house the Republicans will number! 60 and the Democrats 10, ' . and roses, t The dining room was es pecially attractive in whit marguerite mnA Cmi n I Mnnl.a It nnrtllt.-M W1IV,1I1. . yuiyiW. . ... , CT, If 1U1.III Redell and Mrs. Edward It. Haft pre sided over tha refreshments, assisted by Miss Amy May,,MJss Neuta Potter, Mis Angela McQueen and little Jean Harden : Among those present were; Mr. and Mrs. - Hogue, Carroll.. Rdell, Russell, Ogden, Smith, Croaaman, - Harder, Janes, Thompson, Moore, Brown, Mrs, Potter and daughter, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. MacMorris, Messrs, Rogers, Wintlei Marks, Mahon, Durkes, Mrs. MoGalllard, Mrs. Hunting, besides tha members of Mrs. Potter' and Miss Bull. ROBBED OF $30,000 - -ON RAILWAY TRAIN (Copyright, Hearst New Service, by teased . ' 1 Wire W The Journal ) t s Berlin, June 25. Mr. Castlnau, direc tor of th New 'York theatre, was robbed of 880,000 last Wednesday while on a train . traveling .from Bremen to Ham burg, t A Parker paper say Its '1 candidate "carefully - weighs his words." ' After that he must nut them beck in cold stor age, for they never reach the public Gevurtz & Sons' to ."I EXTRA SPECIALS HANDSOME PRESENT I. GEVURTZ & Corner Yamhill and First. " The-Little-at-the-"Time Store FOR ALL THIS , WEEK fV I;T H A (j R A N D FINALE SATURDAY IMlUXli.' Ai. B U LLULK II : - . ".f To every visitor to our store tnis week no restric tion, no buying, no time set for the visit, only come this THE PLAN ANY SCHOOL GIRL Who , visits our store any j nour or day this -week ac- companied by parent, grand parent or guardian will be CRUMB TRAY and 'BRUSH FREE 7 ANY SCHOOL BOY Who vvisits : our 7 store any hour or : day- this week 9 c- companied by v parents, jandparents or guardian will be given a handsome and durable, r,, CLOTHES BRUSH : : FREE .. Buying absolutely unnee essary ; just visit the store is all we ask. . , TO THE OLDER PEOPLE Visit us during the week,' your names will be taken and Saturday at 8 p. m. . ticket containing your name will be made out and - placed in a box. Three will be drawn Ist-Handsome Rocker Any $10 " Rocker in , House. 2dFinc $5 Picture ' Choose Any in House. 3d-$2.50 . Piece of ? : :Silvenvare : . ' Your Choice, of Course. ? T Evervbodv . , invited all durlng.the week-especially J $1 DOWW $1 A WEEK , Buys any piece of Furniture pin the house. '