V THEyQREGONllSUNDAYr JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 23, ISO I.- mmmmmmmmmmB Portland's Pioneer WORllillTER Mouse W V UUUA KUi L,LA lYA , & CU. V SuMs&mliisimmeni illlllill Terrible Fall of Very Popular Young Woman, Queen: of the Elks' Carni- val in This City in 1902. brought hom!om vlltlng-card that! Maybell Dougle In thi city la ehown h had written for kr. i:v(.- (that when aha waa elected queen of thai Thin my wlfa and I reproved har and I Elk' carnival on August U, 1902, Man-1 Insisted that he have nothing to do with ager H. C Bower, of the Portland hotel him. , 'To our demands sh aald: arranged' a banquet In her honor and all "I-11R coon songs, but have abso- of her frtsnde were Invited: flha as lutely no ' us " for the nigger them- given, the Elks' prls of $500 for, winning aelvea , v - ,t; ; 1 th. contest. On the day preceding her ! ' "Thle Statement aatlaf led ' ua. We election the vota between her and ' her thought tha Intercut in Jone had been I naaraat competitor, tba Grace Walton re- - "A a to the conduot of our' daughter, j ton waa nearly 900 votea In tha lead, but no better or mora dutiful girl than hc Qn th night aha waa elected the vote aver uvea. one tovea ner noma, ana i etoodr v Maybelle Douglas.- 13.319' ana , : V ., . ; . i 1. . . ' . , w ' ... , ... - r ' , . ..- , . 'i ESTABLISHED 1881' V vv-.V.-V''- V'' V.::. The Largest Wholesale and Retail Drug Store on this Coast Steals; Away; From Home to Marry Negro Wliom gi SHe, Learned I to - D)vvatlThe ; Portland- -v.- Parents Are . Heartbroken loved ua and har brotbera. .Although aba had quite a few baaux, ah never In her Ufa had a ateady fellow. Never In the' Ufa of our child waa aha out at an uhaeetnly lata hour of night' Mar con duct waa all that any parent could have deaired.,: ' ' .-j--" , '.y "Thea are the condition which make Grace Walton 4,891 v Following- the elec tion. lo Hlracn of the Meier St Frank company ordered tha magnificent corona tion robea which ahe waa tor' wear from New York by. telegraph, t Mlaa Douglaa waa crowned, queen of tha carnival on the night of Beptemoer 1. 10& Tha f eatlvltlea ' In the temple ,, .. ua brtleva that our daughter haa never 0f the Eke wera tha moat elaborate of dona wrong. Cut, oh, tha heartrending the kind ever beheld la Portland. The uncertainty! Angulah auch aa thla waa hieat men in Elkdom and in tba bua- never imagined by ma before.' Never In I Ufa of tha city wara preeent, and my Ufa before did 1 dream that aucb I the f rlenda of the aucceaaf ul yoang I Buffering' could be inflicted." a ' I iri. hiv waa than but 11 years of age. Aa ha talked Mr. Douglaa atood for wrc out m f ore: To her It waa a night the moat part. Ha seemed too nervous which should have left an lmpraea on Stout Silk Elastic:Hose GarterHosc ;.i.i..M...?S.50 xcgsins :...;.;.?2,oo Knee ' Caps V. .... .$1.75 Anklets kai.75 ! A . certain cure for varicose or .swollen veins, strains, sprains or J weak limbs, r Send measurg; we , guarantee a fit. , f th Portland hih achooi. followed i LmuKiaaa naa oonnaea tne atata or ner i .-k . .r two yeara ago by being elected queen of heart Thla peraon waa her girl chum. tha big Elka' carnival marrying a coiorea man in opaw. "TV 'a - u, - r.ftn. .nf hllt h, Mr. r,."..., " ... ,h- have . aurrounded algua the story of Maybella Douglaa, the beautiful whit girl who for two years Iha charmed tha hundred! of.patrona of the grill room of the Hotel Portland, where abe aerved aa -caahler. ' ; Thla waa the atory In a nutshell ' which went tha rounda of tha Portland laat night, which wrunr tear o pity ' from thoae who had liked tha girl; which wrung contempt for Edward 8. Jonea, the mulatto waiter in tha grill room who" waa discharged April Ji laat by tha head waiter because of the lofatu atlon which he-had inspired and which - ha would not break. , No girl la Portland was better be- 1 loved 'than Maybella1 Douglaa or had mora frlenda from within tha nnka of her own race than aha. Asa little girl ahe came to tbla city from Washington, ' D, C, completed the course in the Vort '. land graded schools with honor to her self, and who In her yeara In tha high echoot had won the admiration of her ' teachers and tba lova of her fellow pu pile. -These wera tha condltlone which made of her an ideal daughter to her father, who. for many yeara ha been in charge of the delivery of f wight at - tha local depot of the Northern Pacific '. railroad. h 1 .. . o On uspect. 'To her father and to none of her moat intimate frlenda did tha ahadow of a suspicion ever cross their .minds that whrn ah resigned her position aa cashier of the grill on June 10, she was Rolng to follow tba colored . man to Bnokane, waa going io ahower her afr fect)on on him and waa going to marry him; They . implicitly believed the story ahe told that she waa badly In need of a long rest, waa going to visit her aged father in Washington city; and. rerena In thla belief, theaa frlenda wlBhed her godspeed, and wera glad that her vacation day had coma. '. These were the condltlone that led Manager II. C Bowers of the Portland hotel to wonder last night if tha atory .could be true: . to send peraonal tele- been raceived. Ha lea t Ina-lookina man I writ nt that tima who . but in tbi. cuy to Thi. youna IrTi w"rtb.r prhap. 65 year., waa cicely dra.aed M.lnUialaV ieani. llka.a Ul from th off tha' attachment Iter antreati wara but words that fall on tha cars of una who aeemed to have lost har aanaee. Sh talked agalnat a mind that had be come a. wall of adamant which hd become Impregnable to tha wishes of tha on person in . all tha world to whom Miss Douglaaa told her Inmost feellnga. Kd Ward Jonea came into tha Ufa, of thla' girl six montha ago, whan he ar rived at the notel from New Tork and obtained employment He waa what would be aptly described by hla race, "a slick colored man." In tha palaver he waa moat fertil,-and hla talk and description of Ufa In the' great aaatern city waa to tha ears of a girl but little mors than out of har taena entrancing. In manner ha was th Beau Brummel man of refinement but hla voice waa clrcumatancea that almost .uncontrollable and nla rigur her life In thepast few oaya. . xnis that of a man .who, la . undergoing the beautiful tribute ,of th- unsigned poet la aa Sollows: I saw' 'twa1 many ( years , A nrettv sylvan scene A score or mora of dainty girl . . At play upon tha green; . " v Sweet little human butterflies,' .'. For whom llfa waa aU play, And they had com Ilka flowers of spring To crown th queen or May. . ,t i .''-..,:... .': i :' They hung hr neck, with dainty chain ' And spring nowera, sweet ana iair, And tan sled aDDle bloasoms in - pitiful mistake had been made; that i Tha sold thraada of her hair. .. of th waiters of tha hotel. To. the I th Mary Havana mentioned waa aome I And flttin emblem of the day other waiters hla vantage waa supreme other . girl, , but I started an Inveatlga- , nd of vouth'a happiest hours, ' nd to tha girl ha proved m mesmerist I tlon which resulted in finding that the I They crowned be'r queen Of all the.May, I It was a power that attracted tha at-1 head waiter discharged Jonea because of It And made her crown of flower.. . aanrema a son lea of a lifetime. Aa tima for th last car approached h could tand th agony of a news paper office no longer, but departed for hla home almost praying as ha want forth into tha midnight darkness that tha message of th mprrew would ahow that hi daughter waa not tha woman Involved with th negro. Jonea. ; . Kamagw Bwr Talk. , In speaking of th marriage In Spo kane, Manager Bower of the Portland aald last night: .r : . r ' "When I read tha telegram tonight telling of thla marriage I thought a Physicians9 and Sir- geons9 Supplies INSTRUMENTS, . X-RAY APPARATUS. GESSLER TUBES, Dry JPlates and accesso ries ; Microscopes, ; Slides and Slams. vr ? ' J - TSe'n'd Tor bur catalog ; . ! i -:V '. ?' tentlon of other dining room employee within two montha, although concealed with wonderful a kill by the victim. It was th power that led to tha murmur ing on th part of aoma of tha more observant . patrons of th grill that finally led to their flulet complaint and ended with tha discharge of Jonea, and hla attention to Mies Douglas and the latter left th hotel on April It. I have alio learned that .th young girl made a confession of her love to a girl chum. Still it seems Impossible, .impossible, and I have sent personal telegram of Inquiry to Spokane. "Jonea had been , with ua about alx waa bright auav of tongue, polite, an! excellent "waiter. Until I started the investigation . tonight ' I did not know VSorJll'l MAI!! A- w yet a royal thron th abandonment of position, friends and I montha. Ha came from New York. He ramuy oy me gin pui iiiui mora man 10 diya ago, .'. - , . Aa for th Impression that Jones msde on member of hi own race in the hotel. It la not worth mentioning, aa one of them aald laat night, This man tontlnued: Jonea wa a man who was remarka ble in no special way. Ha waa. about medium height and was slender. 1 In complexion, he wa more like a whit man than a colored man, ;' Hla manner wer smooth, and he might have lm- Laat night I saw another seen " ; That blotted out the years, . , That Intervened since boyhood day. With aU their cares and tear. - v; I caught tba breath of apple bloom ' And aaw the daisies' snow - f, I dreamed, alaa, how file th tima, "t Twa thirty years ago..; ,; ; l I X y- - ' . . ' ' - . f'i' Last night, .upon a brow ao fair t. A oiaaem waa .piacea. 1 r. ' i ; i' "- ;,; ? ? i ,1s" ' i .T' ITMS ; . Home Medlcal&i Battery Is the most complete- and the' best for the treatment f disease at home; uses a dry cell, no liquid to spill. A full set of Electrodes ind- book of instructions.'; &X'?:"t" :k $6.50 did not dream that such an alliance bad existed. Tha head waiter did not wish to raise a scandal, and aaya that ha took action becauaa aeme of th pa tron' of th grill had complained. ' "On June 10 Miss Douglas, resigned her position.:. Her. explanation, waa that ahe wished to take a vacation,' and that aha waa going to vlalt a grandmother i By fairer queen waa graced. -; And never subject bent tha knee " Hot served their queen so well, ! A those who ows their homage to ' ' Our gracioua queen, Maybella. 'v.- .-" " ' -J. H..C Portland. Sept S, J90J. . v preaaed . a .. woman, but aa for m 1 1 Washington. never gave him a second thought as a 1 "Ther. was nothing about Jones that man of distinction In any manner, He I would draw particular attention to hint dresaad no better . than tha other fel-I aa oomDared to tha other waitera. In lows, and, beyond keeping much to him- I complexion ha waa' almost white, but! aelf. (drew littla to distinguish himself. I his hair was that of hla race. In build ? Fat people, weak people "and those recover ing from abdominal operations should' wear our ABDOMINAL or BODY BELTS, . a'. natural support. : Cpoiiortable, cool and clean, f t. grams of inquiry for further information -ZTi i.nn 5 - to Bpokanei-to Ktart th Inveatlgstlon ?,nni, "A' -VL pif hirh hM.i.1.1 hi. t. twm i . would not hsv known him- ft which brought to his ear for th first , . time th word that th head waiter had t discharged Jones on April 25, because a few patrons at tha hotel had com ' plained that Jonea had put in .too much time loitering about the cashler'a desk; j and because Jones would not ceaae hla attentions. By the Information he f gathered last night Mr. Bowers . was ' . almost completely cast down and re i - peated over, and" Over again, 'It aeema . .., Impossible. It seems impossible and . v yet aoma of the employes of th grill V knew of th clandestine affection that was being carried on. It seem itnpos- Only Ob Kaat Confidant. ' : But there w jma person In atl tha Hla Whit complexion eemed to pleaaa went, from a swarthy omplexloned white ' man. v White patron of th hotel, however, described Jons aa a mulatto. To .them ha did not look different from other mu lattoe. . ' ' - . :;j't' 0 . t ; '' Tathar ' Brokan Hearted. ' ' V be waa somewhat short and waa alender, a little below medium in weight for his height "As for Mis -Douglaa, aha waa tall and beautifully formed. Har hair was dark, almost black, and her complexion waa fair a remarkably pretty woman. "In her work aha waa faithful and bright, and was with tha hotel for morel th4n two yeara, as telephone girl and caahler. 8 he worked for tha telephone company after finishing at tha High achool, and was sent to our private ex change by th telephone company. She m m -mm m m mmm. '- m m m - !" V 4 f. II I III? i II I lit II 1 r ii ai i aye ii Aii mm mmrm;mm WHO KILLED CONN W rmH ' 1 1 - i".- J " foxjea AJuazsT z.ouzg tzsettb ow strincxOY ov XATTjra Hirx saao lUAxm oovxtt . STOmn XUrxm 3LAST MTMZMO MUST OO i .... TIME Waits for no one buf Good Watches : ta Always keep pace with time. . ,, That means accuracy. .' Tha saddest spectacle of all was tha over-wrought' and almost grief-stricken father of Miss Douglas as he came to Th -viuvw I cnanse ny tne teiennon comnanv. snai trut-n. ...... ..t.. in every word. but dry-eyed, hoping that waa bo faithful and quick that I placed LfKSJoVi th "comer C S . om intelligence would com to deny th U.r in the mil .. Hh- f"?.?0' JLh".S?. o atorv whioh v.n h. -dmlttad ha was i."T. Zt .11 7 v " " "aaninaioj1 "u'""".,u" tn, '. -vr h.H:V . . ' Z , I - " Kerrigan, Day and Wiener, ana it la.saia forced to believ. - , ; I belns ao arree&ble and nleaetnar. It Z. -..-.. Jiti. I got a hint from an attach of the .aa with estrame resret that I learned !"ri".v" ""rT:r.,X i- uwi viiwiiu avntv waj - v .uv wmw-i na liuillin on .iHVinr. ml IIBDlflT. DT v . m ..... .. thing wa. wrong-that my daughter had the company. a ' vv Vhdth 4ay o?1i March: X C not gone 10 visu ner gxanaiainer a -i-- to m there waa no doubt that a nit- Conn of Lake county disappeared under that aha was In pokane and that aha uke had been made, and I atarted In to clrcumatancea that aroused the gravest had been drawn to this negro. I found oompel a contradiction of the published feBrB 0f foul play. Hla dead body waa that my daughter bad been writing to story. Then all came out from emnlovea . . i. I1.U, UWI, mm vua vv mi .. I KIIV IIIU DOllVIO IQI lUU:UOieill OX VUB I gllyer lake B the IlBt fly 01 April, ha waa In Spokane at the earn time with girl for the man and tha proof seemed I .w. nAin.tinni nointed almost on- my daughter. r.:L.'? C' I ovrwhlnin that If a girt from the ml-tkablv to murder. - Spurred by tha At once I employed tha . Flnkerton I Portland hotel had married Jonea It was I . i.rn reward, detectives and detective and they told roe that aha wa Miss Douglas, a condition., of ctrcum-1 kherlffa all over tha state have been do- living at tne umaiiua i loaginr-noune m iianuu eviaence inai aeemea Clincnea I inr.ih,!. ntmntt to run down tt mur. Spokane that Jonea called to see her j when I found that the nearest girl Iderers. Th crime was the outgrowth in tne evening. .. ' ; , 1 j 1 xnena. or miss iougiaa naa neon toia "My Oodl My wire and I had been by tha latter of har attachment for the watching every. mail for a latter from negro an attachment which the young friend wat unable to break. ' "I have nt to' Spokane for full par. tlcularc of thi marriage, and shall not rest until I , get some satisfaction over th wire.. ,-. .; .. :. : ' ,C" c. Drv Demiei's Linen JCIeshJ; l .'; ; :;U$2.25 ' The'JelcdSilk'isticliV The Randolph f I ?lf;. ft 2i' h i, rj 13.00" 'IK Send measure around the bbdv : we ETiaran- tee;a-;'fit'v:t;i A Crutch ek A complete, stock; every.' lertgth sold single or in pairs. l'v"lV:i'f, All Maple, rubber bottoms', ; , pair. y. . . . .. '. . ;',$1.25; Maple Cushion, Leather Topi" ; V jJl . rubber bottom, pair., 1 V i i .?4.50 . Uur best grade. 1! : : Invalids'. Chairs: : ,j ?Wheel and Recliningf. .918, ?25 "' PiiM.L;'.tlitil..iT!''',''.'': C , uvumaiiv iuuu ;nv3ii,i,wuu v . .. .. . ....... .... . T"" "1 Also rented at a moderate" month .. .'f ..- -,- - i- . . . ........ . . . . A jieglected rupture or a poorly' fittedTriiss is at once a constant danger , and discprrjiort We .guarantee every Truss we sell to hold the runture or money Dack.. we have skilled men and women in, the department; WHO KNOW i ucuuiiiG , rr uuutui a . new . t ui n X Elastic Wateroad rTruss , Single ; i . ; .V. $1.50 Double . . y. ... ,82.00 Hard Rubber Springs--Single.;; ; . . . r f $3.00 Hard- Rubber Springs Double.; ... . , i$4.00 , Send for directions for self-measurement and instructions to the ruptured. 7 f '"-)- V ' V '' Dental Supplies i . .: Z. ''IXEpglnesVhalrs, Teeth f)f:. Instruments : agents for the S S. White Den tal Hanufactanng ..Company. . -- .',- .:, t We want the name of every practitioner on our mailing list. The . largest and best stock in the Northwest., v ' V , - ' " V a -.lai.i.i 1 pCy i i 2,000 in -stocks ;; Any color, j (.shade, size or shape.1 We send selection on approval. , N T V ' IT , Woodard, Clarke & Co. , r Canadian nioney taken at face. We have a telephone EXCHANGE NO. 11 with four trunk lines and ten extensions,; no delays in taking or filling orders from town or country. our . daughter, . She wa - a - faithful daughter, and waa to have written from San. Francisco. Why no letter came we could not understand. - To us the days wera becoming agonies. She was our only daughter.. Wa have ' two boy; but she was our daughter. At Spokane. From Spokane there - cam ; repeated warn ' : r Oiirs 1 And this afternoon we got further! meaaaaea that Jone. had been men on and positive proof that aha wa In Spo- th street in the afternoon, and had of th sheeo range war which has raged in Lake county for many montha, which ha caused tha .destruction, of thousand nf ahn nd which has set at defiance tha effort of th Jocal authorities to enforce the. law, .it; :U,yr"i-r?-w . , Tjike county waa terrorised by. a band of outlaws, who waged merciless war" upon the sheepmen and threatened in stant death to any who' opposed their will. Prominent cltlsens were warned by th desperadoes to .make no comment kane, and that ah applied for a posl-j ' that the woman 'with whom hlau'"ler penalty of death, upon the killing name waa coupled had gone to Butte. I sneep, nu -.hi... w Mont. Later, Jone -himself could not agajlnt th editor of a local paper who be found. I had been outspoken In denouncing the The explanation was also aent f rom I cr,nie"- - . r . .. '.. ' . SDokane that' the whits ; woman mar.l J. C. Conn had incurrea tne enmity or rled by Justice J. D. Hlnkle had told th outlaws, andh waa believed to have tlon in the long distance telephone of llc in that city, It waa , this , word that led my wife to rush to the depot I and catc,h the ilrst. train " for Spokane I this afternoon to bring our child back. "Olt, the 'agony of thla day. Never did I endure such suifering never dldl the latter that she had been ' queen of I ln n'" poasesslon evidence which might 1 artam Ul ucu uunn. i ' r Our child comes from a good family. I carries a : good name, : and has already become liked by the , best people in Portland, In the state of Oregon for that matter.. She ' was to visit her grandfather,1, Harry Douglas, STye&tS ! of age,-, who is an honored veteran of ! the Mexican war and of th civil, war, lead to their arrest and conviction. :- On the morning of March he left hi store to drive across the prairie; and "h wa never again seen alive. ; His disappear anc aroused th fear of his friends and search was: made, but without, result, until April 21, when his dead body was found only a . short distance fronu fhe high road and a mile and a quarter west Are built in this way. Let us demonstrate to you how iv near .we are right. ' . SOLE AGENTS ' , for the world-renowned "' ' Patek Phaiippc at Ca's Watches A;&CFeldenheimer ' , ' Third and Washington : i Mfg. Jewelers, ' Diamond ' , Importers. - th carnival In Portland, and that ahe had bean cashier in the Hotel Portland. Thai woman-, married was-rather " Hall, Would ' weigh about 145 pounds,; was fair complected and had dark hair.-' Thla was the description, glyan-by. Manager Bowers of Mis Douglas. A ? , In telegrams sent out f earlier '. in the dav-renrdlnxr th marriairia t mtam ,.M who almost continuously since-the ' close the worna, waa rr wi tnn i4n. lof SUver Lake. Beside htm lay- a :T of the civil - War haa ; been attached j divorced wife of a- man convicted ln j volver wlth on chamber discharged. At to the war . department He Is i now I Seattle of hein a ; hirhwavman ..-, r-. I first glance it might have been supposed chief of the bureau of rolls and records J tiulry : here resulted ln the - statement I tnfct he had committed suicide, but care- In the war department,- is the oldest I from people who knew Grace Walton am I ful investigation established the belief bureau , chief in all the departments in I a concert singer at Shields' park that I that ne ha1 bcn murdered and. that tha Washington. For year thi grand-1 sh la a blonde and left this cttv with I aasassins then disposed of his body In her mother -.for San Francisco Umt uoh-.a?way;-aa..:tt-. gir-.w impression MarcltTbls:-. statement ft was vmade . at 9t wlcldiV.':v - -'fTf the office ; of th F. I Talcott nhvai. f ' There', wer evidencea 'that hi - body Clana, Third and Alder streets. ? ; , . had ,, been searched and papers were ' The first intimation, of this marriage I miMln .rm his pocket, including a was In the forin of a . telesram fa .Th. I private memorandum nook in. which he Journal yesterday from ? Seattle to th waa 'supposed f to have noted the evl- eifect: that Eddie ; 8. 'Jones. at'eainnMi dence against th outlaws. -rjt; waiter, formerly at tha HnUi Pnrti.. 1 The? coroner's Jury failed to fit th mat - tt - wa anotner - woman-r-that, my but nowmnloyed in the Hotel Rnnk.n. guilt of the crime and almost immedl daughter I not marrlad to a negrd , I Spokane, had been: married- b. Juatt I ateiy tha onUaw resumed their : work Strang Xov for Coon Song. i., Hlnkl of Spokane to Mary Havena, who I oi kUH" aheep and threatening- the There ia only one way to explain this na Dee 0"een or the Elks' carnival in uvea oi tnose wno opposea mem. matter if the ' marriage is true and Portland two year ago, and was until waa a raign or terror and so menacing that is by acknowledging that a Strang j 'c'ntly employed a - cashler at ,Uh wa th -situation .that,,; th governor trait in human nature discovered by ua I Portland hotel, s Subsequent Investigation seHously considered the advisability-of in ner wnen she wa a child has grown I r ourni . snowea mat Mary 1 v rwiBiu itbiu. rur. a until it has overmastered her. That Havens had never been employed at the heavy reward waa orrered for the arrest trait was j her f Inborn love for hegro Hotel Portland and had not been queen, and conviction of Conn's murderer. T,- songs. - Sh never tired of hearing n- of th earnival two yeara ago, but that' J tLoul. Vldetta, who wa arrested yesr gro' Jingles.' Ws reproved ' her for it Maybell Douglaa had been employed as terday, Is about J years Of age, and is but she could not correct the lova ; tor caahler of the grill in th Hotel Portland said to .have com recently from Laka tne mualo of the other race. The spirit I na tnat an wa queen of the Elks' car-1 county. we win o taken fiack there and love of negro mualo must have been i nival two - year ago. Closely on the I thi morning by aa officer. ; born .wlthtn hercxv. -f'-f v:o'f .i, -.C-t I w-t vfr.-thla The Journal , found . th "Our first knawledse that there waa I father of Miss Douglas, i found that ha such a negro aa, thi Jone cam from I had suspected her attachment for Jonea. had traced; her: 'through the Plnkerton agency to Bpokane, and that his - wife father whom we believed she was go- I lng to : see haa xnow& every i general I attached to the war tlpartment ' has i been honored ; and respected ; by them, j Our daughter comes from an honored I race.- I pray that . she ' ha : done noth-1 lng wrong.. I hope, oh how I hope that you Will get a statement from Spokane j aytng that it , waa ; not my daughter, I SlWi't. hef.7 Sh told u of th nw waiter -who had com to the hotel who wrote a beau , tiful hand, and. who told her he waa a I had'denarted for 8 do kane in nurault nf I srauats oi iiowara nmveraity, Naah- her daughter yesterday afternoon. viua, xenn. ens talKea about him on , . ' , . - Wer Snmiu. Ti Orat Drawback. "Th Bible say we should taka a llt tl win for th stomach's sak.' "Tea, but the Irouhl la that when w do that we always feel aa 1f our hearts and livers and legs and other things be longing to us . would get Jealous if we (coming Aom xroin work, and . t tnaMy ? An vldenc of th great popularity oil didn't takeaom tor tneir sake, too." T :'a h rra II 'k- l'wN -a. II LZS ' y laiio; You can gef it if you will try : You can get it without ah effort p5$350iIristrumMt" .'-'Delivered free ;to your , home. - Ai Kingsbury v: ; vPiarip! J You' can see it in the, show ; windows '- T ;V':; of the? Allen Gilloert.Ramaker Co. l 't TICKETS 'with each and everyJSOc: purchase; ':' :.iv25 Tickets with one of our great :S. :V'.vijii'r.";rf.A n fr :'y"- Hi-iil . ' S IV1CI1 Famdus Cl6thihs:Cc. Morrison and Second Streets it