. -. . , i Qood Mornlnj? The weather: Huiwluy, partly cloudy,' followed by threatening eatliur. 31 ' ' -(own wnG v. - -wu till r r w .J n J I . ii. ii.ff.lv 7 I . ii 1 , i . ' i y , ' .CIRCULATION OF THE T ) a JOURNAL YESTERDAY IJ.liJ VOL. I. NO. 15. ' . PORTLAND OREGON. ' SUNDAY ? MORNING, JUNE 26, .1904 THREE SECTIONS 38 PAGES. ....... .....w. --price FIVE CENTS. J'- y r" ' r I j "' w-. f ',4 ' : - ' 1 -V'"-'- , . ;i t1'."1 V : I . -, y - ' - ' ' "' , : - l i - ' i-""- ' , ' I . I'1' , . - -V 'I v I . '" " '-''..?" li',VV.. - .... . Si -:' !' I i . .-. I ; ' -.i V u r- j1 ,' t ' '. V:.- . l i ' . . " ,.'."; ' : ! ' '' '' ' k M ' ' 1 ;. 'V'. . ; : . . 7 ' . I i J - ' v V ' ' t-'.' AiS- ir j ' - 'f m . ,'' Jr,J (ocpK . J ' ' j . ' j ' ' : :: I 4 -'' ' " 4 ' ' -r ,', :'"" ." ' 4 : ' I i," ...... . S I , ,! f ; - - . 'i 1 . k I- ?. ,'r.. -. - " - sf;-r I , , ' l"' .V :V'- .:..v" i I. i s -iJ? r- "': . .... 1 - A t Nov v ' r--rr" " r ( :,'hy: V f ; ' o 1 v ; , ' "With ' the 'arrival oV.hiirh Vinon todav. 3PortIand will be able to look down on f the gallant little fleet of warship that , ' . has come by consent of the government . " to give it aid In making carnival- time , ."a-period of gladness 1 ' Happy in peace and content that all ' - thought of war la of the past, the mon ' itor Wyoming and the torpedo boats ''Paul Jones and Preble will land near the - big' uteel bridge, will clear their decks1 Jid will keep open house that the good , folks of Portland may see the innermost . , workings of the modern jsea-going flght- lng machine. . On Tuesday the officers and men of -the boats will take part in the ceremony' attending ' the crowning of, the queen. : and, -.in all likelihdod, . will bow-at the featof the ruler in the person of Miss Margaret Paffrath, who, virtually' con sented to act in the stead of Miss Mae Mason yesterday afternoon. Miss Paff rath is a sweet-faced Uttle woman and, as shown by the success of her work 1n; the art studio, is plucky, and will make r A dignified queen. - - The squadron, " after visiting Seattle ' and the sound cities and entertaining 'the people of that part of Washington, SI vwent to Astoria, Friday, made. glad ths hearts of the patriotic -.citlsens of that 'community, and' started majestically up vthe, river ' for-Portland, the queen city, eariyyesterddy fdrenoon. In the even lng -word ; reached '.carnival committee, headquarters to the. effect that' the ves-' sels were at Thermopela, and. that they would..' probably proceed up "the "Wil lamette and to i their 10-0ays' stopping place during-the-night -time, . 'It was decided to anchor near the' big" steel bridge n, order that 'launches and . yachts and other" gaily-decked river craft would have more room in which to " ' pay. their" respects and. take part In the'' rtver gayeties.." This .point if also eon- and is 'faced by ample wharfage for the .... sight-seeing 'crowds. t The' three vessels -coming to Portland! : have, taken part In many holiday feats, and '' their commanders are ' said ' to be '' among the. most polite men in the navy. These officers who will' do everything" to entertain thevlsltors are Y. L. Cott-". man, commander of the Wyoming; Lieu r tenant. O. C- Davidson, in. command of the -Jon.s;' and 'Lieutenant T. C. Fen- ' ton,' in command of the Preble, Judging from word .received at the ! . j' offices of different railroad companies in-.'-j , .'this, city! the , crowds ' from ".nearby ' "r points will be among the largest evert tending a, fete day In Portland. From 1 Salem, from .The'- Dalles, from -Eugfna ! and from as far as. Pendleton and Grailta .'Pass people' will cdVne ito see the' croon ing of the queen to vtow the splendid fc parade, the gaily' dec'- 1 t flouts, the pageant of honor to 0 1 1 n tt many branches of ors. ; ;n Portland, that have d . . 1 5 j' bring about this perlo f .1 ' ' ' I holiday and rejoicing. 1 been intending: to come to Portland f'r weeks past have put off buying tlilr tickets In order that they mfg'ut h here while the ships Mre litre ana nhil" the queen is reitnifr over the, ir-( i'! if a prosperous city, liK'tropolis ( t Ki In land empire. In civio life Miyor Will'-'-ss ! heads of city and iwit 1' and even the. fcdoi-.il : ing'whut they can to n-s-. the most suiwssiui rv iver held In. the '! . ni.iyr give to th ' tl i- 1 1 y a V'iist t ' - .n xenl v . V