11 7 "T 1 KCte4 ly J. A. t.O&AN -AfiGElS GET. DDSY AND TAKE A;CAfilE MVWTOWB : WILDOT3SS OASXAZTD'S aTBBOU A3TO SAOOBCA'g TOKEX.T , BAXTTJga ' 6171 ; TXB . tm roTXAin ria.Tr a oovxs ' VQT SIT A,' , BALLOO ASTD EBBjrr w .ahobtjbs with a UAvni ; AVOTStm ttctobt-. raxrani nrw .twixui sxows , T itbctoiabiv pxatsb cobtxst THE OREGON DAILY JOUTJJAU PORTLANp, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1004. ' '. TACflfJA mm Los ignlM I. Portland I. Newton, Wheeler and Spies; Thlelman and She. Fallurs to hit at ths right time, thS V Angels ability to find Thlelman oppor tunely, and the supply, of good luck that attended tha visitors, were the causes of Portland's downfall yesterday I afternoon. "Doc" Newton was on tha " slab for the visitors and for three In- , rings showed old time form, but he : became blind In the fourth and could not find the plate. Us walked Beck and ,K disposed of Francis and Castro In easy , : fashion. With two out he proceeded to ' fill the bases and succeeded -beautl-. fully, walking . Raymond. Shea, Thlel ' man , and Nadeau. fore ins In the first v two. runners. By i this time Captain u Flood's rags was beyond control, and hs -"indignantly" ordered tb famous doctor . to the bench, calling Wheeler to ins resous. Wheeler 'was not anxious ts go In as hs was not properly warmed up, and took about flvs minutes time ' in .. i . . i - 1. - Vi..ll k.aaMilul ths -hill" and started to work on Mc Creed le. Mao hit . a corker to Timothy a Hay .Flood and the 'captain Juggled It v and two mors runs tallied. ; 4 ' While things were looking rosy , for "the locals, Drennan hit a hard one to , ,' Toman and the little shortstop threw high to Chase, but that worthy mads a c phenomenal leap In the air and pulled . the throw down and tagged the bag. E Had the throw got away fsom Chase it would havs gone into the. bleachers, v and tour mors tallies 'woold- have ' i- romped ' homeward. ' -, -:-. : W . ' ' ' . " After that the Portland's had eeveral ',' chances to score but the hits were few ; , and the fielding too effective to allow '' mors than one tally. Wheeler pitched . splendid ball after getting warmed up. . Thlelman's sors - arm prevented him ' from doing first-class work, although the errors behind him proved very cost ; ly.. Castro and 'Beck played the star ball for Portland, while Toman, Chase and Spies excelled for the visKors. ' Baura and Butler will do the slab work today. Tomorrow s game will b called T'st 8:20- o'clock. 1 v . .-;,..--.. ,?-.-.) ... . ' 'i t '' ': Boa . Getting'.' Los Angeles scored twice in the Bret. ; Toman struck , out : Flood walked and -, hits by Smith and Bernard and Ray .. mond's error allowed two runs. " p Four, mors were added by the Seraphs , In the fourth, on singles by Rose snd , ' Toman, Smith's double, a bass on balls r- to Newton, and errors by Shea and Na ; f deau. ' ' - : '; " In Portland's half Newton developed an exceptionally bad streak of wildness y and ; walked flvs' men, ' forcing In . two runs and'vthen Wheeler was sent to the' scus asdMcCreedis, the first man to j' face the new pitcher, hit to Flood, who t. Juggled, allowing Shea and Thlelman ito score. Drennaa received a pass, flll lng the bases sgaln, but Beck could not negotiate and the side wss out uw. , In ths sixth Wheeler's single, To J man's 'sacrifice, and Smith's fourth hit brought another tally for the Serapba v era vain star tea tns . seven tn with a double to fight and scored on an out and Ross single. - 8pies and wheeler hit i safely filling the bags.' Toman's sharp : hit was captured by Beck and a fast double play from him to Shea td Castro " . cut off any mors tallying that session. Portland annexed one la their half of the seventh on . Castro's double, ' Rsy- : .r-:-" 'i . x . v- . : . . . '.v : , . . 1 :: ' f , ' f'i . ' : - vx, . 1 ; - . - A j t ' , 'Ci n ' . ..... i " . ' ' j . . , ' - i . ' I - .... .'..., ' ; ;' :w .' . n - ,S W--V,-; At; ; l' .... . - i - . , ' X'fc . ; , - - . v ;.' ( x- - 1 ':.:r;;'i'i.;v:; " '. ' . . , i 0 .. ..',...; ' . ).r ...... r--.. . . v. '. . . x. " ;' j - v.; , ' - ' ' . - , , , , ' -i ,i, , x , ; . :'; , , ' ' -w . ;' ; . . y-t;: . -. r. - . :;k -v : .JEFFRIES SHOWS MIS TRAINER5 H9W HANDY HB IS BY CL1PPINQ HIS FAVORITE PONY. rv ';vl'iv''v ',v' ;. ' . ; . - " " '" " ' ' v ' ' '." ' ' ' ' ''' " ' v ' : ' " CONFARR CAPTURES THE (itflBE TROPII nr KATOK -'UOS' TjrTZKBBTiira ToirvvAKzarr, aro vtajm. . jroTSKAjr out XH .A axsATraooT-otr. KIT COKXI TO A OZiOSB TODAT. .'V . ,; : .'"(Joarntl Special Service.) Pendleton, Or . Jun It The Globe trophy at the-shooting tournament was won by E. F. Coprarr of , Livingston, Mont,, yesterday In the most Interesting match of the meet Confarr tied twice and was? compelled to ehoot- on with Hlllis of Portland and Ware' of Spokana WIlHa fall m'ln h, itiuiUIT mil mond's single, snd an error by Toman. I ths contest was decided by Confirr and ins Angelas last run,, cams. In ths I Wars, tns xormer .winning or two tar , ninth; when Raymond's error, a single y oy.Koss ana a neiaers' choice allowed ths fast young successor of Dillon to cross tns plate. . y. .. : v. - The score: t-:''Mv.. ' PORTLAND. . r " s.:' " " AB R. H. PO. A. B. , jncwreeuie, r. X. ..,.. . Drennan, a f. . . .... 4 . Beck, lb, , 4 ". Francis, 3b. 6 Castro, 2b. , I Raymond, av a, ', . . . . , 4 ...f. Shea, c .... g ja-Thielman,i,p. .y,,.i f . Totals . , i...SS ' B 1 0 Oil 0 10 r l 8 6 1 0 5 0 0 , . i'- - . it..s e i it it LOS ANQELE8. ;.:'-.; An. n. tt pa a m V,-. Toman, s. a, 4 1 1 B( l . "v jriooa, 2o. i H Smith,- Sb.. .......... 5 1 ' Bernard, c. f. S 0 Cravath,. r. t-.','; r i 1 Chasclb.- 5 1 Ross, 1. f. .......... 6 1 ;4- pples,. C . .-...,,,:,,..' 4 V Newton, p. 1 Wheeler, p. .... , t 0M 6 1 4 r-i i 1$ 1 I 0 0 Totals 4.i .;4i; 1 ,8 V. 0 0 0 li 0 - 0 t 0 0 . 0 I 1 4 1 0 1 0 - 0 i ' 1 li o-'iio is 14 i i f RUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS, ,rf.;.:.a.v..!;-fvi 4 l c a 7 a'". . ronisna . ..... ,.v v u v ji v v a .' JUlUa ...... V V V V X A V ,...?; Hits .... . , 1 OlftK tl-U 'ftfl SUMMARY. tpt,. Daeee Mccreecue, epins. nernara. Hits -0(t Newton, I; off Wheeler, 6. Bases ' on dsus un xnieiman, i,de mewion, ; off Wheeler, . Struck out By - -rnieiman. -x: oy newton. z. eacrince hits Toman, Spiea i Two-base bits inree-Dase lays-Beck to oman: Toman to Chase. Left on bases Portland, 11; Los Angeles, 10. Time of game Two hours. Umplreoconneu. ; mte 'ioman, epies. i, two Castro, Smith, Cravath. hit McCreedie. Double pli Shea to Castro; Spies to To gets. B. E. " Ellis of Seattle captured Walla . Walla - Brownlee; medal. Ths tournament comes to an end today. yesterday s results were: Event No. 13, 10 targets, puree (51.10, added money 116 J. H. McDonald. M. McMillan, Confarr, ;, Brady, ,v Palmer, Logsdon, Hoch, wars, first, with 10 Dryden, B. v E. j Ellis, u Wood, penhsm. Becker, Baker, Cftingreen, Forbes, Nau man. Burg. Dickson, van Gesen. E. McDonald. - SmaUes, C D. Ellis, Walts, opence, hoiobui, , uwpnei, ' uuibl vatu well, second, with nine. . ! : Event No, 14, 10 targets, purse 184.80 added money f 20 Kincaid, E. E. Ellis. Stewart Hlndle, Forbes. Dornbers. Webb, Dickson,' El R. McDonald. Bring- bam, smaues, seweu, Robblns, Palmer, C. D.J, Elllss? Logsdon.' Stlllman, Walte. Clark. Spenee, Wilson. Guist first, with ioj reck, wooa, ienham. , J. H. Ma Donald, Becker,;; Baker Chingreen, White, Gibson, McMillan. Drumaoole. Confarr, Allen, Brady, Mapes, Brown. esnieias, uocn, ware, urowniee,:, Goepel Matlock, Patterson, Culllson. second. with nins.:' r,':!:'' v;:v.:.;;:Aui' :. Event No. 16, IB targets, bursa 198.20. added money $2S E. , B. Ellis, r Wood. jNaunian, , uecxer. wenn, Allen, ; Manes Stlllman. Hoch, : Ware, : Winters., first wun id; jjryaen.- . Kincaid. ? stenhena Chlfigreen. Forbes," Dornberg, McMillan, oeweii, Kooins,. esneara, Matlock, Gulst, Cullisoii, .Hlllis, Confarr'; second, ( with Event No. 1. -' J 5 tarseta ' i Muras $200.60, y added money, none: Walla Walla Brownlee medal shoot E. E. El lis won tbs - medal, with 26;, Dryden, Kincaid. X H. McDonald,; Becker, White, nuuian, nuua, eecona. 1 Wltn J4, v ,;,,. Event No. 17,. 10 targets, nurse 2S6.80. aaaea - money r 116 Becker, Hlndle, Webb, Nell, Berg, Palmer,' Stlllman, Waits, Hoch, Holohan, first, , with ' 10: ivors naw, jet m. . juius, - Stewart ' Wood. 3. H. McDonald, Stephens. Forbes. Dornberg, Nauman. ? McMilfan,S Confarr crxxoxs txzs ATTEBirooar. The Portland and ths Balfour, Guthrie . ' rhiFafternooi 5SitS" AS ' rr, Allen Robin.., Ellis, Logs yySySSi .1 don. SpenceY Ware, Guist. Cullison, Cald- " sv.. , wm MAnnA wtih.nli.a . V - . i, WW , aaa a wvuaaa - TT a VB ! . V. T - . - V Event No. 18, 16 targets.' ouree ssz tn . JtJt-jm .Mr , . . . . wm w .. .. 'i. lauusu ujuuoy , no wonnani, 1 oiepnens. .. i .'; ' w. vuiuarr,; MOionan, ware, JL- JsW V"V L-afCaldwell, firtt!withAl8;iB.iE,!EUls; - . - - H- Mowonaia, f cningreen, i Forbes, 6a eeesant ef Its frlfbtrnl nMeoaitMee, Bloa4 White, Naumftn, Webb, E. R. McDonald, baseball game at ValiKhn streets. Polaoelng 1 eommonlj ealled tbe King of AU . IttMtfsee. It may b eltbar hereditary or eon. traded 3uc tb jtoS U tainted with It the , fliMM mar minirot itaelf la the forts of Scrof ula, Kcwtoa, . Rheumatic Pain. Stiff at HwolUe Joints, Ernptlona or CopperOolored Spots en the rae or bout, nitia uicera to the Mouth or ea the Toncoe, Bore Throat Swollen Tonalla. ralltnc out of the Hair or Eyebrows, and finally a lp-rooa-Uke Decay of the lieah an4 Booea. If roe have any of tbeae or almllar armptoBU. get BROWN'S BLOOD CURB, immedlatelrTThle - trratoieni pracucaiij tne twault of lire work. . H eoBtalnt so danaaroua drag or Injarloai nwd. . feine ot any kind. It som to the very bottom ef the Sleeaae and force est every particle of imparity. SeoD every alga and Symptom dlaan. pure, completely and forever. The blood, the tlaaura, u neaa, u Donee ana xne wnole eye. tea ere elaaneed. pnrlfied and restored to per. fret heattb, and the patient prepared anew for the dotlee and rleaanrea of Ufa. BROWN'S BLOOU uukib, sx.iw a Doiue, laata a month., Hade by DR. BROWN. 63S Arch at.. Phlladel- e. For sal in rortians eniy sy rrabk Maa land Hotel Pharmacy. . POISON Mapes, Brown, C: D. Ellis, Walts, Mat IOck. uuist, second, with 14, Event No. 19, IS targets, nurse 191.16. added money S2S J. H. McDonnlrt. r oToea, , cspence. nrst iwilh - is: Tcctc Kincaid. Beck. .. Chingreen, Dornberg, Whits, Gibson, . Nauman. . v MoMlllan. vrumgooiB, xeu, uonrarr, Hmaiies, Dick son, Beweit. C U. Ellis, Robblns. Waite. w jiaon, aiauocK, , w inters, , UUIst, sso- ond. witn ltrr- s ' -'J " a'.v .a -0;- Event No,P ; 10, .' 6 A ,i targets. oufss 61)2.60, Glob trophy Confarr. Wars and Hlllis tied, Confarf- winning in final shoot-off; pryden,' E.-E. Ellis. Naumstn, snd Stlllman second, with 4T, Holohan, third.:with 4.-. .',--v.. Jv . Event No. 1, 16 targets, purss 288.40. added money 116 Ellis, Hindi. -Baker, Beck, Forbes,; Drumgoole, Confarr, Dick son, Orr, ; Masterson, Ixgsdon. Hoch. Wsre, Goepel, Matlock. Guist, Cullison. first with 10; Dryden. -Denham, Becker, Stephens, pornber, Webb, McMUlaa, Van , Gesen, .' R,' McDonald, ' 8ewell, Mapes, Allen,- Shlelde. C. J. Ellis. . Pat terson, Hlllis, second, with nine. ::- Event No. 22, 16 targets, pufse 18610, added money ,120 Stephens, Baker, Chingreen, Forbes, Dornberg, Nauman, McMillan, Orr, McDonald. Mastsrson, C D. Ellis, Holohan, Bheard., Wars, first, with 16: E. E. Ellis, J. H. McDonald. Becker, Drumgoole, Nell. Confarr, Dick son, Brady, Logsdon, ' Walts, Brownlee, .MaUock Hlllis, second, with 14. f . : Event No. 26, 10 targets, purse, 216.10, sdded ; money 16 E. E. Ellis,. Becker, Nauman,, -C.) D. Ellis,' Stlllman, ' Spence, Holohan, first with 10; Denham, Steph ens, Hindis, Chingreen, Forbes, By bee, Drumgoole,-" confarr. van - Gesen, Smalles, 8 B. McDonald, Hoch,. Sheard. Ware, Patterson, Winters, Hlllis, sec ond, with nine.. . .-.'. Event No. 24, 16 targsts purss $91.10. added- .money . 62S Baiter- Chingreen, Nauman, Confarr, SmaUes, r Brown, C D. EU 1, Logsdon, Holohan, Sheard, Ware, Wilson. Cullison, first-With 16; Peck, Denhanv Becker, Stephens. Webb. Nell,. Dickson. Van Gesen, Sewell, Pal mer, GoepeL Winter, Guist second. with. 14., .. . -' . . ,. .. EUCtfiE BLUES-PLAY ; BRILLIANT BALL dcttiwi? nccniice dl 1 1 inu hlouiulo : AT CHICAGO RACES ' . i (Jonrnal R pedal Service.) St Louis, Jan 26. Fair grounds re sults: j Four and a half furlongs, puree Lor- retta M. won; time, 0:68. Six furlongs, selling Sol Smith won; urns, i:zo. it :, slv furlongs Limerick Girl won; Urns, 1:06. ' - Six furlongs, handicap Charlie Thompson won; tlms, 1:1914. Ons mils Autumn Leaves won; tlms. Six furlongs, selling Jos Goss won; tlms, 1:19. , ' . Britain to challenge for ths champion' I ships of England. Scotland and Irsland In the hammer-throw.. Shsvlln has been for two years a member of ,ths Yale track athletio team." and will represent Tale and Harvard In the International 'dual track meet, in July with Oxford land Cambridge. . , , INTERESTING BOUTS AT COLUMBIA CLUB At atsattls. . Juns 25. Summary at Ths ' A , ' i' (Journal Special Service.) r Eugene, Or., Juns 26. Eugens again defeated, Salem yesterday by tha scors of 7 to 8. Tha gam was an interesting. ons throughout ana was attended by a good-Slsed crowd. . While Salens ; out-1 batted Eugene, ths letter's hits "wsr i bettsr bunchsd,'v:Ths :Sprar3'. ', i. '.. EUGENE. 4 T AB. R. H. PO. A. E. DriHBU, a B. ........ a- McKune, ev Strelb, 2b. k, . .. 4 Radford. - lb. ... . ........ 4 J)owning, 9b. ........ . 4 Ciynes, i. 1. ... , ...... . Bchoneio. r. .z....... 4 Oswilt o. f, -. ...... M t McFarland, p. , . . . . . 4 0 I. - 6 , 2""1 0 IS. 1 0 0 0 01; 1 ! 1 0 1 ; l s 1 0 , 1 A: 1?: Seattle. Meadows: Flvs and a half furlongs, selling fit Fhlllpplna won; time, 1:08 Five furlongs, selling Maxtress won; time, 1:01 4 Ons mils, selling Cnlleno won; time. 1:41H Mils and a Quarter, hurdle handicap Jim Boseman won; time, 8:17H. Six furlongs, selling Cardwsllton won; tlm. 1:16. ' Mil and 60 yards, selling Montana Peeress won; tlms, 1:44. , At Xawthora Track. Chicago. Juns 25. Racing, with open betting, was resumed yesterday with a 12 days' meeting at Hawthoan. Sum mary ,' v "- -"-; v..'." Five furlongs La Londs won; tlms. 1:011-6. One mile--Alma Dufour won; .tlms,' l:tl 2-5. Six furlongs Burleigh won; svtlm. 1:18. t Jills and a sixteenth Tancred won; time, 1:48. Mile and an elshth Schoolmate won; time, 1:64 2-6. Four and a half furlonrs Miss Jor dan won; time, 0:66. Total . ...99 f t 27 0-V:4ttli SALEM.I' -&Tk?. Emerson, C. f. , 6 8 4 , 6- ; 0 Lou ft head, 80S 6 1 ; 2 ,0.1 . 0 wiiKins, c. ' ... ...... . Nehrtng, lb.' ...... . , 1W1 6 0 1 -v .a . a. , , A - A S WlllUms, 1. f. .,.. 4 i 1 v 1 Down!, 2b. ...... ... 4- 0 2 Lucas, r. f . Mclnnis, , p. . . ,,; ..... 4V04'1 0 7 7 1 0 '4 1 'Totsls i -4i.-.i.TVi,.Vi8 ' 6 It 24 -'-1' 'BUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. '-;.. .v:t 1 22466799 Eugen Vv. "! 9 ? ? 9 0-- 7 Htts .;.. u oii 1 ilem t . . . 0 O'O 0';1-1;1 ,0.'8 ' 6 At sThsspshsad Bay. vNow Tork, Jun 25. Sheepshead Bay summary: Six and a half furlongs Letola won; tlms. 1:20 9-5. On mils, handicap Ascension won: time, 1:99 4-6. Five furlongs.-Zaphir stakes Gam- Mara won; no tlm. Mil and a furlong Dainty won: urn. i:6Z. ' pi . furlongs Blandy -. won;-, tlms. 1:14 8-5. I .. ' - AiUe and a sixteenth,' on turf Or monde's Right Won; Urn, 1:46 4-6, '. , Zlrhteem maaa for SsstU. ', .ysaaiaaaaaew' " Seattle, Wash., Jun 25. Seattle won a' terrific slugging-match from -.San Francisco yesterday. Terkes and Shields wars each found for 19 hits. - Shields held ths Seals safs In the earlier Innings and when Seattle haM a larg margin be seemed to let down.- Score: . V - , - ''"' . R. H.E. Seattle S. . . . . . .4) 0 4 T 1 8 1 18 19 6 San, Fran .....11008060 111 19 6 ' Batteries Shields and Blanksnahip; L erace ana vtonuii. . uuiyuv oniwu. ' ttookan Defeats Salt XVaks. . Spokane, Wash., Juns 26. Spokan won from Salt Lake yesterday by bunch ing Hits In th seventh inning, fiogg pitched a steady gams, holding .. ths Mormons to ssven hits. Score: R.H.E. Bookane . .....0 1 00 102004 .8 2 Salt Lake ......000 101 001 8 7-8 . Batteries Hogg and Stanley; THu and Hausen. . .' v. ROSEBURG NINE WINS ANOTHER FAST GAME . (JonrnaV Special Service.) Rossburg, Or., Jun 25. Roseburg won out in a Driuianuy-piayea game yesterday by th scors of 8 to 2, through Albany mskinr three srrors In ths sixth inning, combined witn a nit in scors: ROSEBURG. .; " : . - AB. R. H. PO. A. K. Newell, s. a 4 0 0 1 0 Nadler. 2b. ......... 4 114 0 .1 Bradley. L t. ........ 4 1 1 I 0 Sullivan, c i, 4 1 9 1 0 Whit.. - 9 0 18 2 Morrow, lb. ......... J 0 0 18 1 0 Shaw. ib. 8 0 0 2 8 0 Bllysu, r. t ......... 8 0 0 0 0 Hunter. P. .......... 8:0082 0 Total .29 8 27 14 1 1 ALBANY. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ': f '. i- 1 j- " ,. '' " .'. I 'J'-". i'. .... . i v - ' .11, . .' W (Jewsal Special Serrtea.) i . ,. , .TAQoma.Wash... Jun 86. Costly r i rors lost th fourth straight gam of' ths series to th Tisers veatardav. , Mc Donald, th new Tiger twtrler, was in th box and was hard hit but luck was with th locals and manya safs hit was' cue ott it rri in.nr h.mih. .. k run by Eagatr and two two-baa hits by Lynch were the features of th bat. tine lin 'Th soor ' , f 1 . TACOMA. .i- 'V''" : ' -; ' .; ail n Tt m 'a. w l-TV r. 1 ......... U M B H u onenn,- in. 8 Nordyka lb. 4 1 Eagan. s, s. ; ,. 8 2 Lynch, c f . ......... 8 ' 2 Casey, 2b. .......... .... 2 ' 1 McLaughlin, L . rf ! 0 Graham, C ......... 4 0 1. . 0 4 4 0 1 10 III t 8 0 0 0 8 6 1 lit S , a a v. ..... . v a a - a - McDonald." 9rr0 -X r0' 7 21 1J 2 Totals . 1, .28 t OAKLAND. . a&r.h:po. flanleY. r. t'i.t...i.. a Frsnck. a S. ....... 4 Kruser. a f. 4 ' Hchatly, 2b. , 4 Mosklman, I f. ...... 4 Uevereaux. lb.. ...... 4 Strelb, lb. .......... 4 Byrne, a ........... 8 Schmidt P- ......... 2 2 ft 1 8 6 1 8 1- 1 -1 0 10 0 4 0 A.E. 0 0 8 , 9 1 I a 1 0 it Totals., ......... .82 1 11 24 11 - RUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. 1 1 2 I I I I T I I , Tacoma . ......0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 f Hits . .0 1110202 7 Oakland . . ......0 01000900 1 Hits . 8 12 10 8 11 111 8UMMART.1 Struck out Br Schmidt 4. Bases on ' balls Off Schmidt 8; off McDonald 2. Passed balls Byrne 1. Stolen bases Oanley, Kruger. Sacrifice hits Eagan, Casey, Two-base hits Lynoh 2. Moekl man. . Horns runs Eagan 2. Doubl plays Casey to Eagan to Nordyke; Ea- . umpires aicuarmy, and McDonaI T. . . ! Sal nits 5 419 w w f " SUMMARY. '-. T; ' jtjhi iiru a uiisr- imubdiii. . oainiii. a. Three-base hit Emerson. Two-base hit William. Stolen bases Briseno, Mo- Kun. uownie. sniarian, iouaneaa. oao- rifloe - hits Briseno. McKune. i!. Double play McFarland to Radford.- Struck out By McFarland. . 4; by Mclnnis, 8. Bases on balls OfT McFarland, 1 ; off Mclnnis. L v passed - ball , willlama Tlms of gam two bours. OLYMPIAN GAMES AT' THE FAIR TODAY P&y&i '" 'I' '1 ii''j'..'Hy'fe-v.i AJDBSUOAJT XJBAaCB. Bostpn . ' . .'. ... i. ... ,. ,2& New York r ....... -.28 Chicago , , . . . . .98 Philadelphia ..,. ...29 Cleveland v .ft; ...,T4i.28 St- Louis 4ic .... , 24 Detroit . 4''-; v . , ir . 82 Washington ... ... i...i-,; 9 Woat Los t;:?F.C; .648 , .604 ?'v48 -.647 .628 ; .480 . . ,428 19 ;2l 28 24 28 26 ?8H Detroit 'i.'w.Ji .. Jt m,. , .0 4 ? 1 Chicago ., vf.-. .".' . . . .'. ...i'.4-6 0 Batteries-Donovan and Buelow; Alt- rock and, Mcuarno.iow;a At WasWagtoB. R. R.E. ....9 7 2 6 110 Washington .... . . .. ew York: . . ; . . i , Batteries Fatten and Clarke: Hushes and McGuir. , .4 w.4.v.'.J'l";,' "' ' . '-"At ahndslDhla. . -V " ' PhlladelphU , ; i .,.8 16 .1 Boston . ......................4 8 2 Batteries Henley and Sohreck: Dl- nsen ano; crisiv, . . . . (Journal Spedal Serviee.) " St Louis. Jun 26. Visitors to th world's fair today will have an opportu. nity or witnessing what promises to be the best athlstic meet ver held In th wst -In th stadium where the Olym plo games are to be contested later In the summer the cream of the athletes of both, east and west meet this morn-1 lngand afternoon in th national Inter collegiate championships. . . Though neither Harvard nor Tal .la represented, their absence , will not be greatly felt In view of the larg number and high, standing off the athletes pres ent from other institutions. The east is represented by th famous Amherst col lege squad, and the Pacific coast by ths crecK team or Iceland Stanrora univer sity - which competed recently In - th western conference meet at Chicago, Princeton and Georgetown are. repre sented,' and - Iowa, ' .Purdue, Wisconsin, Indians, v Chicaa-o. Missouri and other prominent : colleges and universities of tha central states havs sent their best mm-';.pM.' . 'fir' v I ;':' ' 1 "V ., ;: ,1; 'i: ' awgwrjsr to coiiM'rs imain.: . Johnson. 2b, 6 Donlvan, a a 4 Daviscourt lb. 8 Suess, c. . ... ......... 4 Cart wrlght 8b. ...... 8 Harper, 1, f. ,..,... 4 O'Day, r, f . ......... 4 Howard, c t, ........ 8- Gregory, p. ......... 4 Totals , . . .84 8 ; . .24 ; S RUNS a'nD HITS BT INNINGS. 1 1 2. 4 5 6 7 8 9 Roseburg . i 0 0 0 0 J S 0 0 -5 HltS . i- .... . w w a Albany . , 0 0 M l 0 0 J Hits . . ........ X a V a v i e . SUMMARY. 4rim,il mna Albany. 1. . Stolen bases Sullivan, Daviscourt Johnson. Struck out Bv Gregory, 7; by Hunter, 4. Bases nr. hn 11 a Off Gresrory. 1: off Hunter. 1 fianriflce hits White, Shaw. Cartwrlgbt Two-base hits Suess 2. Left on bases 1 1 . Ilk... a Tlm B-ama Ons hour and 86 minutes. Umpire- Derrick. bcorer J onnson. Kid Hatton, who was scheduled ' to meet Tommy .Warren at ths Columbia gymnasium last evening failed to show up, and Young Mowatt was called to go on with the, prlncipaL . ? , v . Warren was In. ths pink of condition snd had- the advantag . ef several pounds in weight over Mowatt, who was plainly, out of condition for a gruelllsg mill as Warren who started off . as pacemaker mad It Mowatt proved hi gameness by staying wun ma oppo nent and endeavoring to give him as good as he sent but Warren's advan tag In Science snd heaviness told on ths smaller man and in ths third round Mowatt gavs up and .Warren was declared, th victor, and was pre sented" with ths medal - offsrsd , by Tommy Tracey. . : : . Mowatt dislocated his thumb In tbs final round, which hastened tb , end. Th preliminaries were two lively bouts. between Kid Harrison and Young New ton, and : Splks "Kelly Junior and ths Sorrel Top Bird. Harrison hsa appeared before the Columbia Club on several occasions, and last' evenlmj was ths first time he wss matched with a man of his weight snd the exhibition h put up was very good.. His opponent is a promising youngster, sno Deiween them they put up a very creditable per- f ormanc. .'.. " Tommy Tracey announce that on next Friday evening he will present two new facs in ths main event. Both, men have appeared St the Columbia club before in preliminaries, and as ; they have put up some clever bouts, Manager Tracey decided to match them ror tns principal bout some evening. The two men referred to are jrranK watxins. a fast and clever man now ' being devel oped by Tracey, and Young Jeffries,, a hard hitting youngster, so called on account of his resemblance 1 ' to . ths heavyweight champion. .. This bout should be a hummer and well worth witnessing. , Trout lake stages are 8nd with" pas sengers nowadays. - - lrsfrrd Stock Oanned Goods. .. Allen A Lewis Best Brand. I Butt . ALBANY PULLS OFF FINE RACE MEET i . ', (Journal Special Servtee.) ' ' Albany, Jun 25. Th first rae meet on th new "half -mil track owned by th Albany Driving association wss held her yesterday afternoon when a fin program of races was pulled cff. larg crowd, was in ' attendance and good races were given. Th track: proved to be somewhat heavy, for It ' la new snd has not been worked euf flcleuUy to make It fast but th crowds - were well staisfled with ths sport pre sented by the management of th as sociation, r . ' . . . ...v - Ths openlnr event was a 8-year-old .trot half mile heats,- two In three, . A. 1 J. Hodges' Zomono won In two-straight heats.1 with' F. Hackleman's George E. Chamberlain second. Tims, 1:40, 1:45. Ths second event road horses owned In Albany and driven by their owners, was won by D. O, Wood worth's Lassie) in two straight heats, with Kota Nals" Dells second. Time, 1:24. 1:29. A quarter-mils dash was won by . William Riley's ' BUly in 28 seoonds, Dolly H., a Corvallls mar, coming sec- ' ond, and 1 Nancy Bishop, owned la Waterloo, third. Th fre-for-n event '' brought - out George D owned by M. K. Thompson, a fine pacer, and Ruth Eleanor, owned by A. Lafferty of Corvallls. George D. won the race In 1:26 and 1:24. taking? the race in two straight heats. Ths .outlook for future racing on th Albany track Is excellent . and , good sport for the amusement of th local horse owners and the publlo generally; Is assursd. . it'pMA, ''-J :iy.- ': I i FAOTTZO COAST aVSAOTTB. Taooma . . i, 4i4,a.... 60 Los Angeles ........47 : Seattle , . p.a .683 .663 .643 .626 .483 mi m Wrtrzt Xlaaks Batt. .; ' Boise, Idaho, Jun 25. Rasty Wrtght had th Miner faded yesterday and let them down with only five hits and na runs. Boise played errorless bait Th scors: ''-'' R. H, F Boise . . ,;,7.i.l 1 4 0 1 0 7 10 0 ....... .0 0 0 s 0 9 0 0 0 1 Lost 25 88 ea .. Oakland . ............ 45 ; f 89 San Francisco ........ .86 , 47 Portland . . 87 - 68 Ky TMtwday'i Besalts, T Los Angeles, 8; Portland. 6, ; Seattle, 18; San Francisco. It, . Tacoma, 8; Oakland, 1. ; ' ' .Wort.: NwOrrk Chicago i .....js Cincinnati ' ,... 2 ,. Pittsburg . . .......... J St Louis .(f,i. 24 . Brooklyn i ... Boston "4.(,; .,.,.....21 PbUadelphla , . . .... .19 i At Pittsburg " Lost 16 It 21 26 27 28 24 . 89 - R. 1.. P.O. i704 .635 -A .41 .897 .983 .251 H.B. 7 8 7 ' 8 (Journal Special Service.) . ' New York, June 25. Thomas L. Shev- lln of Minneapolis sails today for Great Pittsburg i . , . . ... f . j At. Tjnita . . . ... . . .. . . . .....1 Batteries Flaherty and Smith; Nich ols and, MacLean. 1 , , . " , , .At aMOOXiya. , , .""'..- R. H. E. Phlladelnhla . . .....8 6 . 1 Brooklyn . . ............ ...... ,4 5 1 Batteries Jones and Bergen; Mitch ell and Roth. At Boston. ..' . ..... .-.., -; R. H. B. Boston . .' .,,,;.. ......8 8 1 N, York . 5 10 2 Batteries Wtlhelm and Needham; Mc Ginnlty and , Warner. . . Boxing school, Tom Tracey, 105 4th st for Business and Pleasure Nationals Clevelands $30 $40 Orients Argonaut s $50 $60 LATEST EQUirriEUT FISMIN'G TACKLE. SF02TIXG CCCCS, CLT.S ; P Ja. A 1:2 c