The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 23, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    f'- ''i
::.::v.?n.JD ir:?; ir----.---
Another week of remarkable
fairlv briatlin? with vivaeitv
.see them. Everv deoartment
SpecUl values are coSta
, dVVAJtia. we print
yourselve? and us
A Suit That'll Make
w.-.. , :
, I- for -
1 ' ;.y
$5.45 Buys the $7.50
Dross Trimmed Enameled
, Beds- l-"v,
Vtry handsoma selections from a
late-ahlpment, in latest laborat
art designs, 4 or full sis. Very
1 handsome enameled beds and our
1 best S7.0 ' grade. :. Special Frt-
. day at . . . ... i , $5.4S .
40c Camas Cloth Suitings
1 a sa
tor zicyo. , -
Two Exceptional Bargains
In wanted tverycay
X&Z Staples ;x '?.;;,,v-T
Tknmaatia CornaiV-first VIOOK "'.
New Mercerised Canvas Cloth for
the rummer dress, spienaia, sea
sonable suitings,, with that sheer
and tUk appearance so much In
present vogue. Best 4 Oo quality;
' Special Friday at .......... 21
k- WknfcA
L. . Ile- l
The : iVjp a
Pinnacle . -ki; ;
of u
virtu 'ftipAVA '
BJ 1 Jf Ml K a I aVa i.- 1 01 h. I.' i.VW W W ,TL 1
; T ; .' - 1 " , j !"k
Lonjr; Grand, Sweet Song'? jf Bargains! A Popular Air
At Portland's Leading Store, Offers the Year's Best and Biggest
trade is nassinir into the atore'a mercantila hUtorv. 'The ereateit daya runs in all this great trade -
from item tn stern. The.fbur snacioua floors resemble ft rreat exposition, bustling: with eager enthusi
is rettincr reaAv for enlargement
rint below some specials for Friday only, bargain blades that grow on the slope of the, FRIDAY ECONOMY, SALE only, almost . coimtkatthouaandi ;.ire here for both i, Friday and Saay, chasing. Help
by shopping mornings, when possible. ; : 'pj; ':- -- ; -vv',': j. . ;,J .y-!'..l'';''I-;v.:. '. , ': '','- -''- -Vv ' yr''-:','-';'i:; .':':v-l'-KU'y'::'-:
Hundreds Happy
SeooM Hoot aaloas of Apparel fot
9re7 Women. .
Next week our buying tore starts oast
to the New York headquarters of th
Arm, at SS Broadwar. where tber
win mee our reaiaent Mew xorx Duy
era, and together select th fall mar
cnanaiss zor us .. . , '
UrgcrOIds, Wort
man (Sit King Store
We're bound to win ths slats of all
Remaining Suit stocks during the next
You know tho doIIct of thia.
houM la
10 carrr nomine irom on
ituon to another. Each seaaon la an'
pwarabl to itaelf for proflta or loaaa'
wa admltLa big loaa In this ollerlnT,
but betterloae and our patrona benefit
-better jrou hare these Bulta to wear
than to leave them her subject to
damapr during alterations Next aa
aon the Suit JDebartmenl puta on new
clothes a department -twit
ce the sua. 1
of the present
Ins and i
dress styles, colore black, navy.
brown, tan and noveltT mixtures. Ma-
trUla, - Euunlnea. Venetians, Chariots,
wroadciotns, canvas uioms ana siyiiea
Heather mixtures. In Imported Scotch
and Knrlish BultlnSB. (n mannish tal-
-lored effects. Trimmings In very new
ut ideas of lead ins eastern modistes
and tailors, . sm bracing, talteta bands.
hratd and button . and self trim
nn enecua v.uii
- trast these match
leas values, ths
product of - ths
leadlne m t a a t
makers of ths
eastern style cen
tera with . th
dress of ths east'
aide Sweat . shoos.
offered br cheap
Imitators: '-values
from 115 to $20
on Friday;
Choice for
Underwear and Hosiery
vs -v j Aisles
Xxtraotdlaary Talnsa U Triday'g
,Women8 35c Hosiery
Black Imported
iv Sumiosr Hos
iery, in a fin .
8 u mm r s
weight of cot
. toa full f ln 4
lshed and fast'
Herns sdor f
dy, th best .
. 160 values, for
Vest 39o
White. Richelieu
ribbed. , wltn ,
p r 1 1 y lac ..
-effects, - best-
(Oo . quality; .
special on
Friday at, th
pair i .-29
ChUdr en's 35c
"25c -wh I'-'--::
Vssts and Pants
of fin . whit -lisle,
vests '
with' long
sleeves, pants V
to match, best .'
. M6R0DBn
' (Hand Fmidudi
tie values we've heard of la towns
special Friday at two bit the gar- K
ment ....... ............. .251
The Ducks
ICllll&ery Salons, ad SX
Chic and Dainty v
hammer Duck"
Hats 98c Choice
of $1.25. SI. 50
and $2.00 Flocks
Tour absolute choice
: v on Friday of any of
" our new $1.25, $1.60
' and $2 09 Duck Hats.
Including several lots
. ;v Just ,. arrived and
shown Friday for
the first time, every ;
bat the newest of,
.. the summer season's
fancies. In Jauntiest
V shapes, jnst ths hat
" the summer girl of
, 1(04 will want .to
complete ber equip.
ment for conquest;
special Friday, 98e) j
'Ail ii 111 1 1 II II ; : v rHI tfA II IIU II vV? II
and read iustment. Almost every stock moves to new and larger quarters.
IN THE HOUSE 15 KEDUUKV. 1A "w conrracx gooas ione
. .
With a delightful f east and
best talent A Grand Entertainment for a Worthy Cause.
Ladies' Kerchiefs 9c
rirst Floos.
' ' TOM Uo QtfaWTT. J.
Handkerchief ' Aisle contains rare
values : these days. Tomorrow
w place on sals an Immense lot
of dainty pure Irish Linen 'Ker
chiefs with H and fc-lnch heme. the
famous Richardson, Belfast, Ire
' land make, pure sheer quality, aU
' linen, best 18o . value. Special
Friday at, each..,.........,.9f
Friday Bargains Among
v theHomefitting -
$1.98 for the $2.75
i Couch Covers U-:
Tapestry Couch Covers, full fringed
: all around in handsome Oriental
patterns. Regular it.1t .values.
Special Friday at.'. ....S1.98
Summer Dining Room
Requisites for Less
xilrd Tloos. '
These i early ! sum
mer days, when beach
houses and mountain
bungalows are being
. fitted ana aaamons
' , ' 'X ;V made to the good old
J v year round homes, the
?'hlrd Floor House Furnishing See
tons are kept very busy. It's val
ues like these that bring the throngs
to- this store values llks these that
tn ti at a tmvttra t talk to their neigh
bors of this store; and they- come .
thus an endless chain. Th stores
real values are its best advertisers.
The. Friday special, values this week
have been selected from among the
Decorated Dinner Sets
. In two pretty .decorations of brown
and green sprays- l " -
, BO-plece sets, special at.... 3.44
60-ptece sets, special at,-..S4.40
100-plece sets, special at.... $6.62
English Semi-Porcelain Sets
In pretty decorated patterns.' light
weight '
. BO-plece sets
: 60-plece sets
100-plece sets
t". $3.76
4. .$4.80
New Fancy Shapes in Semi
, Porcelain ,m
With full "gold-line decorations- of
v tiny wild-rose pattern in natu-
ral colore ,
r 1 0-plecs .sets , .... . ...... S4.0S
80-plec sets ............. 5. 26
100-plece sets ..$8.07
Better Buy Some of These
Bath Towels. ; 19c ones
' for 11c;-,
to IS av xn- Uasa Oooda aVlsl. .
Extra heavy, , unbleached . Bath
Towels, good. generous slse, 20x
49 Inches, best 19e values. Special
yng ara-ytfr .,-.
SATURDAY, June 24 and 25,
; Opeh--4r Sani
Queen's Bouquet
flow of music both vocal and Instrumental by the "Rose CityV
A Surpassing Bargain Day
Among tho Rich, New,
Senchle SilTcs
Jknaex Silk Store Firrt Flood.
We are going to make Friday ths
banner day of the month, and to
further this end we place on
Special! Sale 4 of the greatest
bargains ever offered Portland
people. .' t
BYSCli.ii XO. X 47-inch All Pure
" Silk Colored Taffeta, splendid
wearing and beautiful finished
- silk.- Colors are cream,, tans.
- reds, browns. navys, . eaurts,
. modes and biack. . Our regular
tl.TS per yard quality. Friday
: special only ...............897
WnCUX, JT0. t t -Inch Black
"Taffeta, very .durable, with good
, finish and rustle. Our regular
11.15 per yard Quality. Friday
special only ................. .89
BFECUX ; sTO. S Il-lnch Black
Peau de 8ole, high lustrous finish.
V very heavy snd durable. Splen
: diu for hard wear. Regular $1.60
per yard quality. Friday special
at, yard .89
SFSCZAXi 0. 4 S8-lnch Black
Taffeta, ths best In town. Noth
ing as good at other stores at any
r price. Our regular - $1.60 per
- yard quality. Friday special at
only, yard $1.23
Friday 's Footwear Under-
-S- pndngs
Za the Shoe Store
. Tlrat rioor.
The entire shoe
stock is being
slaughtered. .Ev
ery pair of shoes
must be sold at
some price, for at
this, point within
a few days the
walls are to be
torn away and
bricks will fall,
'with mortar' and
dust accompani
ment. We must
save the stocks.
Many prices less
than cost. For in
stance:' .
Women's 13.50
Shoes or Oxfords,
V-: $2.63.
All newest styles
and latest foot
shape lasts,
patent or vlci
' kid, soft, flex
r lble hand
turned soles,
for dress occa
, slon, or heavier
' for summer
' tramping; new
est, style heels
and toes, best
. $$.ta values.
... special , on Fri
day' ...82.63
- Woman's ta.00 ; Oxfords, $1.18 '
Very dressy , and splendid wearers,
-'especially fitted for vacation wear;
. good vlci kid, all latest styles,
flexible hand-turned soles of solid
leather, plain, toe without tip or
-round toe with - tip,, good $1.00
, values. 1 Special .f 1.18
V'"" Y m '
.'.Quality ;
Shop ;
r lift-'- a
That's Being Sung in Every Portland Home , v
Aggregation of
for the .
, ,
Little Prices Among the
Small VVttres "
.i...LiPJ2.Hi Floor.' ..'l. .. .
Fine Enanfel Back Playing Cards.
Value X6o pack. Special, per
pack ........17f
Children's Autograph Albums, with
, fancy embossed covers. - Value ,
Bo each. . Special, each.... 15
Ladies' real Walrus Leataer Chate
.. lalne Bags, with oxide chain and
; hooks..,.: Value l.t(. Special.
each i.. ,73e)
Large sis Curling Irons, Lamps or
heaters. Value - 25c Special..
each ...'.171
Tape Lines, numbers from each ,
end. Value JOo each. Bpeolal"
each ....................... .fia
Pure Beeswax in small cakes, for
tbe sewing basket. Value Sa
Special, cake V 3
Fancy Medallion . Dress Buttons,
assorted colors for shirt waists,
etc , , arge sixes. , Values SOo
, dos. Special, dos...........9e)
Fkftcy Oxide ', Chain ' Chatelaine
Bags. Value $LI Special.
each 7Ba
Sterling Silver Hearts in plain or
enameled. Values IS to 68o each.
- Special, each ............. ;1B
Large pearl headed Veil Pins or
Stick Pins. Value lOo each.1
Special, each ,.,..76
Ladies' Gold , Plated Lorgnette
Watch Chains, with fancy gold
slUe. Value 60a Special,
: each ...SOe
Silk Sponges, medium slse. , Value
zoo cacn. special. eacn....xoe7
cnamois sponges ror cleaning win-
; dows, glassware, etc. Special,
each ..S
jjatn urusnes wltn long oeucnaoie
handles, strap on back. Value
$9c each. Special, each. .i.. 594
Bath Brushes without handles, strap
on pack. Value eo. , Bpeciai,
In the Men's Shop
Fins Floor.
A ' verjc,-; smart line of . Men's Pure
Irish Linen uoir Shirts, in rash-'
lonable tan shade,, cuffs separate .
or attached,: newest of the sea
son's novelties. regular $1.75 '
value, on .Friday only special
at. .,..,..,.,..,.....$1.07,
Men's Wash 4-in-Hands 5c
These are the regular :20o values.
offered for one hour on Monday;
the counter was besieged, many
were disappointed In getting their,
share in the hour; Friday,, while
they last, we'll sell em the same,
special all day at......v.. ,.5e
)'s career are now being entered upon her log book.' The immense establishment Is alive and ,
astic life. It's an undoubtable fact that' Portland folk easily recogniie real bargains when they
Go where you will turn where you may, UNMATCHABLE ' VALUES. ! SUR
Dependable Friday
you may,
Another Sensational Shirt Waist Sale
In the Salons of
Most stores
would paint ecsta
sies with printers
ink all ovsr a page
If they Jiad values
of such magnitude
to offer as these we
print here, but we'll
confine ourselves to
a plain statement'
of the bargain facts
In ths pass - and
leave the hysterics
, to writers of store
fiction. Doubtless
you'll read their
ebullitions tomor
row when they at
t em pi, to copy this
special. ; ( ; ' f
mh-Crade $5.00 Vhltt ,
Shirt Waists .
Materials are lawns,
tailor made -1 In
, ens, dotted Swiss-'
es, handsome
Mexican drawn
work linens, fab- '
, ey white madras '
wlUi pretty rais
, , ed v figures, 'and
. , white lawns with
lace insertions;
all in latest trim- .
,:. ming affects ; of
drawn work and
laoe, all with fan-
cy stock collars;
the top notch of
fering of the sea
son In dainty
Waists; all at lm-
mense saving if
you'll benefit by
. the Friday Econ
omy Sale; the
' values .Included '
are both the reg
, ular $4.60 ' and
$S.OO lines; at one '
price ; tomorrow, '
on . one great
iter, over r
hangs the ' I
1 Friday
, .which
price ....$2.49
Friday's Special Dislodgment
Sales Lower Prices of
Black Dress Goods
Xa the innsT
' Tint rioox. s
SS-inch Al
Wool Plain and
Fancy B 1 a o k
Voile Etamlnes,
fast colors, . our
regal ar 0o per
yard quality.
Friday special ;
at, per y"38e
1 4-inch Imported English Sicilian.
very rich silk finish and durable,
puri .regularltat per yard
, "quality. Friday special -only, per
yard ......... ... ...... .. .. .78
44 to?, 48-lnch Imported French
Voile Etamlnes, . in plain and
fancy weaves. Our regular $1.60
per yard quality Friday special,
per yard .........85
First Floe.
Thousands of1
miles of newest
ribbons In this
offering. Enough
to reach from the
Olds, Wortrnaiv ft
- King "Old jHome
stead Store" to
lue eastern head
, quarter on Broad
way,' 85 and 88c
ribbons for. ..18
Anotner counter
crowding - event.
Roman - stripes.
Summer -Ribbons
for About
a Half
hair stripes - and .
delicate shaded
ribbons. . Just the '
sort for pretty v
neck - dress and
fancy bows.
Superlative 8So
and : SSc values.
Special on Friday 1
at, yard.....l8e
40c Navy Twill Flannel
''. v:.' V , '''T -Xyi-i I!.-:
Here's another timely offering. Xust
la time to make up those Bathing
" Sulfa you've planned for the shore
this summer. ' We shall place on
sale Friday a. m. for the day, in
the Domestic Aisle, 5,000 yards of
staple, heavy, all wool, navy blue
.Twill Flannel, 87 Inches wide,
splendid for batning or outing
suits and very best 49o quality.
Special Friday only at......iM
Dress Second Floor
: 5
lathe Art Shop
Thoroughfare ' Aisle Sacond Floor.
Pretty 35c Dpilies I3c
Linen Lace Dollies, g, and --In.
Regular price 15 and 8 So. Special
at 13e
Women's $1.25 Night
gowns 79c
1 annsSj Second Floos"
Ladies' Cambrlo Night Gowns, round
low neck yoke of embroidery.
with hemstitching : button holes
. vand drawn ribbon, lace edging at
yoke and sleeves. Regular price
$1.15. Special at. .79
Teachers' Educa
tional Contest
- Will your favorite teacher ' make
one of our party, to the great St
Louis Exposition T You can help to
make her a member. BOOST I The
result of ballot at 10 a. m. today: .
Total number ot votes
- cast ............... ..638,054
Total number teachers - ,
s.'voted ffori,,;j.'..;,:,iif.,f ii.25S "
Susa ' Jones. Highland..., (3.008.
Winifred Mosher, Harrison.. 03.J04
Kate Padden, Atkinson .,..,.51.141
Miss C F. Allen, Failing.,., 50.63
, Mra Esther, Kane, Williams -
Avenue ,...........,.,
' MatUda Weiss, Thompson, . ,. 44.10 J
Mra ? N. HUtabldel, -AiDina ,
. Central ,s.. 44,0
Miss I K. Streut, Chapman . 85.081
Ella Lavenson. vAtkinaon. . . . 18,510'
Ruth Rounds. High 18,107
Helen Crane, Falling. ....... 17.049
Bertha Moore, High........ 7.i')3
K. a 8teele, Hlgh.i........ It S
Mrs. J.v M. Potter, South
Portland 1 '
Verdi Monroe," PortsmoutH.. 1 '
Total votes .... . ... ....... '