THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINO, JUNE 23, UCi. . ... i . . ... ' , . . Portland's ; Greatest S FOUR DOORS east : OF-'THE PERKINS HOTEL High-Class Clothing 285-287 Store - WASHINGTON! : : v ,; HAVE PROMPT , . : , . II Clvethtstmeaire--n r- . ... ... . . .' ... , :K: vgtse;.l .-. I m mm ': Bent. mt. V , J -V : y. ' x . a a w . , m m m m . 1 jil sr ii m v i ' . . . mm iu ii . i sj i i fi im nr r r . - i 1Ie;weiht'and ,S -ft R (QWMf II -.-n- ! that cannot! fill to Ijll (f , PuVvr V ' a; State choice of ; 'jf . r - i si wj.'. mm mm .in mil 3 -m. i m m' -. - a m . . II M v ' V 1 r;; .11. .t 1 .,1 iV7V A v -t i K mJL-y U 11 m I IV, .i Mil II ii : , . . , I Man o UiitiMiffhiHivl innno II rvin' m" . A II II.,. " . s ncwrai.';:- lV. , , . Novelties- vr Si Neckties- (SMiTiyPCV- CVl' What d yoa think C v " ; uSC tt&rrr-' -780 Neckt,e for 86c' ujrv ff) h "M.Ttafor 60c? 'Thatfi our ' wmMmm 0F $147,000 WORTH OF THE BEST CLOTHING ON EARTH 1 Becauso the Colorido Clothing company had the goods and could 'not lell them even at iheriffi tale. There was no biio to buy. Tho country was demoralized, therefore we secured ; l'-U ": , --.: '.;yr;-"s.r. tvj-.A :,.'''r-.- HATS AND FURNISHINGS , AT $28,000 Comorislne erery penny's worthofTHE COLORADO CLOTklNQ COS MAMMOTH STOCKS IN ITS MAGNIFI CENT STORES AT CRIPPLE CREEK AND VICTOR, COLORADO. WE PAID SPOT CASH AND SECURED THE : v jjrLwiBrt l o Ai fiod J. nm . o bbii x o ( a ,i.w. . nnu wo now uiiuvt wcse 00 uie iiuixkci bi prices we are al most ashamed to name, lest readers of bur advertisements will imagine them of little value notwithstanding their superiority. Come to the Slaughter I Come to the massacre of Clothing Values I SPLENDID $20.00 SUITS AT $7.50 AND ELEGANT GARMENTS WORTH UP TO $30.00 FOR $10.00. The master stroke of Mr. Strain's busy, active, life. We present TO DAY to the citizens of Oregon bargains which are unbelievable to those who have not visited our store. WHEN. WE SAY WE SELL A $30.00 SUIT FOR $10.00 WE MEAN IT. There Is no QUESTION of its worth, and any man who inspects these garments will tell his friends that the suits WUULU axi CWJAJ AT $3U.W. , ; ,: A $20 Suit for Thta mul a Colorado Clothlnr eompanr leader. It was mada for tbla concern bj a prominent Eaatern manufacturer to- b void at a bargain at 120. ' W bourht the atock ao cneao afford our price and yet naro a left Nomercnant In ttala country uch Butts at this flnra, AND THERE IS NOT ONE OTHER STORE IN PORTLAND WHO CAN iap that va can .".X'r t" f nice llttla profit . V ,L Ter before sold 1 f ) r f BKUj THEIR EQUAL AT EVEN $20. A $30 Suit for 00 2M Xaerant, up-to-date, tailor-made beauties. The . rery latest summer styles, including the new En-' 11a h frock, the swell X and l-button double breasted - g-armiTits sow tho rare amonr society men of New Tork and Boston. In shape!, makes, cloths and cuts the variety covers every popular effort In the United States. Every piece is sewed with silk, lined with serce and satin and the collar and button holes are hand made, so that fraylna; out will be Impossible. THIS IS THE 8WELLE8T SUIT EVER SHOWN BT ANT CLOTHXNO ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. We got them for a song; so to speak, and aa Strain always divides his good for tune with his friends, THE GARMENTS GO AT $10. Any man can be a gentleman, at least In appearance, while these clothes laat. , It Is not likely that prices will ever be at this figure again. It would seem preposterous to imagine that such values could possibly exist after these stocks are dis posed of,.r'f':,;v: - -; ,:'iy;.-:':i'xi '?v:,;-:.H.i?rVV " $25 Outing Suit for 10.00 We received In our consignment from Cripple Creek and Victor 1,000 exqulaltely tailored Outing Bolts made to sell by the Colorado Clothing com pany at $20.00; $12.60 and $25.00. These garments are of the finest imported Irish homespuns, Ballyho and Scotch tweeds, perfect tn fit and beautiful tn coloring. In' Portland these -garments have us ually sold at not less than $20.00 in any case, and some merchants have asked $20 a suit for the kind , that we sell for $10. We ask the swell young men of Portland to drop in and Inspect this apparel. . ' .. ..." $30 to $50 Suits for $15.00 . The eye of mortal man has never seen more per fect garments than these two-piece. Outing Suit r actually sold in Chicago, New-Tors: ana otner eaatern cities at $30 to $60 per suit, and which we are selling at the ex tremely low price of $16 per suit. .. They are of the finest 1104 colorings, up to the minute In cut and make suits the equal of which have never before been received in Portland. They come in Prince Alberta, Tuxedoes, superb dress and semi-drees, 2-button cutaway frocks, single and double breasted sacks, absolutely all tailored by hand throughout by. the beat workmen In America, made from the finest imported fabrics, such as French and Eng lian hroadclotha. German drapes; and blrdseye. tricots, Venetians, -English clays, worsteds, fancy mixed cheviots, etc. The Colorado Clothing com- pany never tnougnt or onenng weser suiis at less man m mu ov," yet we sell them at the appallingly low price of $16 per suit. - Buying these garments at less than 10 cents on the dollar of their worth enables us to part with them at these figure. ' - t w ' .1 In I The Jnvolc of the Colorado Clothing company's stock of men's furnishing goods footed up $I6,000, TEvery novelty la included, In this Invoice and the garments are the latest In style and fashion, made of the best fabrics and manufactured expressly for this company. . The entire lot came to us In our great purcase at less than 19 cents on the dollar, . and we are determined to close it out In the next 0 days. We sell $2 Shirts at 85f), $1.60 Shirts at 65 $1 for 25f). and all other articles in this line at similar reductions. 65 for the Colorado Clothing company's $L00 White Shirts.'. ' . T5) for the Colorado Clothing company's $1.25 White Shirts, n ' 05t for. the Colorado Clothing company's $1.60 White Shirts. Fancy Shirts . There were about a half a carload of these goods when they arrived in Portland, and the variety U . ,yet unbroken. We are selling them at 26 cents on ' the $1.00. , We- have a $2 8hlrt at 75 cents. Negligee Shirts S3e for all the Colorado Clothing company's $1.00 Shirts. , . ( , f3f for all the Colorado Clothing company's $L25 i bnuxs, . ; 79 for an the Colorado Clothing company's $1J0 99) for all the Colorado Clothing company's $1.26 i : Work Shirts 60s) buys all ; the Colorado Clothlnr company's Biiver Dollar smrts. JS5 btiys all makes, shapes, shades and styles of 60e ahd 76c Neckties. v BO) buys all the Colorado Clothing company's $1.00, $1.60 and $2.00 Neckwear. These- goods MUST BE SOLD at once. ' Men s Slimmer Underwear ' Ws have a carload of Men's Summer Underwear, and not more than 00 days in which to seU them. But we'll clean out every garment in that time. The wholesale value of these goods was 60 ,cent to $2.28. They go at this sale at from llo to, 6o each. . ; t ' . -'".'''f r X'.t- .". ' ?'( 'i:'5".' 19 ror vtTf pleoe of the Colo rado Clothing .v company's 60s Underwear. OQ4 for all the Colorado Clothing company's ' fine-: 0o and 70o; Summer Underwear ' In , lisle, balbrlggan and mesh. In colors and plain. , 48$ for every piece of the Coorado Clothing com- pany's famous. Silver Dollar Underwear in all the new colors, silk finished, form fitting. , . , 1 96 for all grade of the Colorado Clothing com pany's 11.50, $2 and $2.26 Underwear, all makes and slses ' '-(' y ( ;llMen'a We have 1.000 dosen of Men' Socks worth 'from ' 20 cents to $1.00, but we don't sell them at 20 cent and $1.00. Our prices are 10 to 26 centa 0. 04 buys all grades of the Colorado Clothing com pany's 15c and 20a Sox. , . 1 ' S.Bf) buys all grades of the Colorado Clothing company's 26o and 40c Sox. ' , 25f) buys all grades of the Colorado Clothing1 com pany's 60c to $L00 Sox. v. ' t MEN'S STYLISH HATS $1.00 for $2.60 hat may seem a 'little start ling to the reader, but these are the figures at which we sell - them. Some are soft and some are stiff. In black and . light oolora new , 1904 shapes and there ' are thousands ; to ; choose ' from. ' 1.50 buys one of the famous $ Silver; State Hats, and there are 100 dozen to select from. r f 2.50 for choice of all the Colorado Clothing . company's Hat stock, which Includes Stetson's shapes, Punlap shapes, Knox shapes, Long-ley's and Kingsbury's. These Hat were sold by the Colorado Clothing : company, at ' , the ' ptanaara price of $4 and $S fixed by the manufacturers. and under ordinary conaruons, couia not no soia for less. W bought them, however, at less than II cent on the dollar, and you may hava your ;!.;; pick for $2.80. 1 1000 sample Straw Hat worth $1 to $2l for. .25f) SHOES Men $7 .Shoes for $3.45 We took over the entire shoe depart ment of the Colorado' Clothing com pany's two stores at our 19-cents-on-the-' dollar purchase, and In the stock we find feet apparel valued all the way from $9.60 to $8.00. But It will be observed that we are not selling those shoes at these prlcea -Here are our figures: . .w , f 1.95 for the Colorado company's $3.60 to $4 .iand-sewed Press Shoes, In all makes of leather :;V SJid ' sliapeev. , ft 2.95 for the Colorado Clothing company's $4.60 'to $0 hand-made custom Shoea There Is aa ; v endless assortment of leathers and styles of toe ' and shapes of Shoes in this consignment, : , -r f 3.45 for your pick of the' Colorado . Clothing - company's . custom bench-made $$ and $7 fine. Dmbs Shoes, in tans, Oxfords, patent leathers, ,'oromo, rlci kid and calf, new toes, arched Instep i and patent heels.' i f t We are selling these Shoes as we always sell our : footwear under a positive guarantee of satisfac v tlon or a new pair frea a . . i - : Elegant Suit Cases ' 'ft 1.50 for a leather Suit. Case that the Colorado Clothing company sold as a leader at $2.60, , - i f2.S0 for a fine alligator Suit Case that Is well . worth $6, and the Colorado people sold it for - that money. . " ' 4S4.25 for a good $10 solid leather Suit Case. Coats arid Vests We have 829 odd Coat and. Vest, delightful gar ment, from the Colorado Clothing company's 1 stock belonging to suits that sold for $20 to $4Q,, ; and we seU 'em at $8. That is fa for coat anr rVest, tot $5 .for each garment. - . ' f 1.00 fbryour pick of BOO all wool Vests in an slies. Cost $1.76 to sew, ... , ' 1 v fS.SO for odd Coats in every shapa The union workmanship-. on these coats alone cost $S a .-.piece.. ' ,.,,''' . - f 5.00 for $76 odd Coats and Vests from the Colo rado Clothing company's finest Suits that that company sold for $20 to $40;: sack and frock., v. , 160 White Vests In the $2 to $ values for., .f 1.00 20 Duck Suits, suitable "for the Seaside, $16 values' i for ..;. . . . . 4 , .... . ..... .......... ... t Remember this Is the cream of the Colorado Pants stock. . V . ,,HXtitMW T Men's Trousers J ; FOR ' ALMOST NOTHINO . ' 'A' ' - Ws have these garments In every variety,' style and make of cloth at prlcea less than It cost 'to sew them together after they . had left the' hands of the cutter. In verification of this statement read these prices: s v , , ,t, , - ( m: $2.50 for your pick of the Colorado Clothing; - company's finest $6 and$8 all wool an iff worsted tailor-made Trousera , " 1 1' f 3.50 for your choice of 1,888 pairs of the Colo . : rado 'Clothing company finest all wool tallor- made Dress Trousers, regular $7 to $9 values, ' f4.00 for the Colorado Clothing company's gllt- : edge $12 to $14 Trousers. The- richest man on earth wears no better garments. $15 Top Coats at $5.00 Every man In Colorado : wears a Top Coat morn ;1ng and evening, some, of court e, more stylish than h . other. One make sold by the 'Colorado . Clothing company at $12.60 and $16 are offered by us at this :. sale at $6 each. They are ' admirable garments, ,. too. - $20Top Coats at $7.50 We have 800 of , these1 : garment, very stylish, up to the second In make and cut, all wool, sewed with silk and button holes made byhand. - r , , $25 Top Coats for $10 - ..Thara-ar-enly-4-iii4hlsloC-Tbey,.are. the, .celebrated Klrchbaum. ; Ballyho prCse tops; every on warranted, and money back If not satisfied. These coats are fit for a king. Don't miss this grand chance to dress well for little money. . $40 top Coats for $(5 ' i Every one of them silk; and satin lined, light, medium and dark colors, the very pinks of fashion. These are the same garments worn, by the swell club men of New Tork and other eastern cities, and never thought of at a price Jess than $40 to, $60. Our Portland gentlemen may have them at $16, and in selling at this figure we are, actually making each, purchaser' present of $28."T . , r In may seein a little out of place- to advertise winter Overcoats In June, just when summer Is In Its bloom,; but ; we cannot help mentioning1 these bargains In case some fora-slghted person might; desire- to provide himself -with a $50 Overcoat at; $12.60. Every one of the 1,000 taUor-made gar ments re worth' every cent of .'the $50 the Colorado' people sold them; for.. 'They came in medium and heavy weights, i chinchilla' meltoh; S beaver and vl cunas, lined , with silk, satin and the finest sergea' Winter will come along after a whUe and a man' provided with one of these splendid Overcoats need not dread Its approaching storms. : J " ' - v ',W have another qualltyot ,' genuine Priestly Cravenettes that are sold right along In Portland during the fall and winter months, at $20 and $26. We sell this kind at $10. There are only 1 46 of them, so 1 If Vou want-one don't wait.. You may miss this great bargain if you do. . ' WHENEVER A BARGAIN IS TO BE HAD IN CLOTHING AT AW TIME IN PORTLAND IT WILL BE FOUND AT STRAIN'S. It fcas taKen us considerable time to establish this reputation. It is worth nicney to us. It Is worth moreto patrons cf the store